#Ace Team Software
abyx · 2 years
The Eternal Cylinder
Disfruta en @abyx_es del análisis de The Eternal Cylinder. @abyx_es @EternalCylinder @theACETeam @GoodShepherdEnt #abyx_es €EternalCylinder #theACETeam #GoodShepherdEnt #review #analisis #XboxSeries #PS5
El estudio chileno ACE Team nos propone experimentar con la teoría de la evolución. El equipo que desarrolló esa rareza de Rock of Ages, vuelve a traernos una locura con The Eternal Cylinder. Este es un juego de supervivencia y mundo abierto que nos llevará hasta un mundo alienígena. De esta manera controlaremos a una criatura bastante absurda y extraña en el mundo de los videojuegos. Esta…
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crowsnest-reblogs · 3 months
Ace’s UM :D
Ace gets a signature spell/unique magic called Jack Of All Trades that has its own function in game.
The way that Jack Of All Trades works story-wise is that it kinda requires a supporting person if that makes sense?? Basically, Ace takes magic from a supporting person(s) and it’s used to boost his own magic!! It makes the attack stronger and adds temporary buffs depending on which character(s) is supporting.
It’s kinda like how duo magic works in the sense that it requires two characters, but only one attacks and so on in the og game.
However, there’s a lil problem with this and it comes with the controls…
The way I’ve been trying to think of this “game” is through the lens and software of a desktop. This is fine in of itself, but I don’t want the controls to be overly convoluted and thus harder to remember. When activating Jack Of All Trades, im honestly thinking of having the controls being hold shift and press either A, W or D depending on which character buff the player wants to use in order to solve this tbh.
Speaking of the different character buffs, I was thinking of a limit of three supporting characters, with the default team being Cater, Trey and Jade bc lore purposes. They can be switched out later down the line however.
Plus I also rlly liked the idea of a buddy bonus !! Basically a mechanic where you can have Ace strengthen his bond with different characters which will strengthen the effects of buffs when using his UM with that character ^^
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nixierain · 30 days
ooo I had an idea
Hey @projectcolorcast, what if we made a little like group for music producing like Team 6 x 111? Idk, but like its an idea. We could also have like @ace-was-already-taken on the team... And pretty much whoever we want (if they want to ofc) then we could all help eachother out with music producing... then again we'd all need a thingy for vocaloid, an animating software for music videos and... everything else... But yeah, I was just thinking.
Also, what would we call it?
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ryctone · 1 day
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OC Pokémon Team be upon yee.
I already had a somewhat figured out team for Pumpkin back when I did this fic because they're basically the same AU, now with a few changes (in the original fic I implied Pumpkin had a Fidough, this is no longer canon).
Like the previous post, here's more notes under the cut because I'm having way too much fun with this;
Ceruledge was his first Pokémon, given to him by his mom when he was a child as one of two Charcadet siblings, affectionately nicknamed Ceru. Ceru was more shy and reserved as a Charcadet while his sibling was more up going and free spirited; the other Charcadet ended up going with Madeleine but thanks to Pumpkin's ability to communicate with Pokémon, both he and Ceru ended up forming a strong bond early on. After some years, Madeleine became more and more popular everyday to the point he became recognized as an Ace Trainer at a young age-- jealous of this and being younger himself, ventured out outside the city with his companion to train and become stronger,, not realizing the dangers of going unprepared alone to the forest,,, after being attacked by a wild Pokémon and getting badly injured, Ceru evolved into Ceruledge in order to save him-- carrying the injured Pumpkin back home. He got scolded after he was treated but even after that experience, he still wanted to travel and become a trainer.
He met Bisharp as a Pawniard during his travels; after getting a chip on one of his blades he was exiled from his pack and basically wandered alone for a while before meeting Pumpkin, willingly joining the team after Pumpkin still showed him respect despite his chipped blade. Looks up a lot to Ceruledge and respects him as he would've with a Bisharp/Kingambit even after evolving.
Ninetales was captured by poachers and was about to be sent to a far away region before Pumpkin saved her along with the other poached Pokémon, she stood at his side, following stealthily wherever he went afterwards instead of going her own way and eventually joining after Pumpkin proved his worth by battling; she's is very calm like most Ninetales are, but also a dog with cat software.
Dedenne was actually the second Pokémon Pumpkin ever caught; a bit before he left for his journey he managed to catch Dedenne after this one was found eating away at the electricity cords in his home, his original plan was to release her far away but the lil' mouse got attached to Pumpkin and simply stuck around, never leaving. Very gluttonous despite her size and would often forage for wild berries when Pumpkin takes his team out to eat, train or just relax for a bit. Everyone always underestimate her when Pumpkin chooses her for a battle, but he has come up with complex strategies to make her have the advantage in a lot of scenarios.
Lurantis was a Fomantis when Pumpkin found him injured, bringing it to a Pokémon center nearby and after a bit too much convincing than necessary, joined the team. As a Lurantis, Pumpkin takes good care of his petals
When Pumpkin found a Trapinch hiding on his backpack and eating his food because she was really hungry, how could he say no? Now a Flygon, she not only helps Pumpkin cross great distances by flying, she's also one of his strongest team members with a competitive spirit, but also a sweetheart when she wants pets.
And yes he still wants to kiss Licorice so baaaad but they're rivals and he's so embarrassed about it 😔.
If you saw my previous post for this AU, a lot of these Pokémon are meant to go against Madeleine's team as efficiently as possible (for example; Dedenne is Electric/Fairy, making it 2 times effective against Madeleine's Dragonite who is Dragon/Flying. As well as a Fire Type Ninetales with some Psychic Type moves to go against Madeleine's Lucario as well as Sceptile, and so on), there may be some mistakes bc I always forget the type chart hhhh-
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scarletst0ries · 1 month
Can’t draw, but I can write and wanted to take part in this event.
Zian walked into the Pop Music club room, set her laptop next to Allen and looked around. Deuce was fretting over a schedule, Ace and Floyd were fooling around, Leona was napping, and Epel and Ruggie were brainstorming choreography ideas to some of their already completed songs.
“Sandpiper’s back~!” Floyd grinned and threw a crumpled up paper ball at Ace’s head. Zian walked over and picked it up, opening it up to reveal song lyrics. She quickly scanned them, and sat down next to Allen. She opened her laptop and selected the music producing software she had installed.
“Sooooo…any luck with lyrics Al? I mean these are great, why’d you throw them out?” Zian grinned and started fiddling with her program. “Something’s….missing,” Allen wrote something down and immediately scratched it out. Zian hummed and tapped his shoulder.
“I finished up tweaking the music for our second track. Tried to make it more “90s grunge” like you said,” She hit the space bar and music began to fill the room. After the song was over, she turned to Allen.
“What do you think? Good enough for your lyrics?”
“It’s getting better…but the bridge still needs work. I think it needs to be transposed down a step. It’s supposed to be Leona’s main solo, but the notes barely fit his range,” Allen nodded his head to where Leona was.
“I didn’t think about that. Thanks Allen,” Zian’s smile turned into a cocky smirk, ”You know, with your lyrical prowess and my composing skills, we have a real shot at beating Vil’s team.”
Deuce turned and looked at her with a confused expression.
“You do realize this is supposed to help RAGU scout and for students to see what it’s like in the music industry right?” Deuce asked.
“Yeah that’s what I said Deuce,” She smiled innocently at him. Leona raised an eyebrow at her.
“Don’t make me laugh birdbrain. You just want to rub a victory in Vil’s face. Ya’ aren’t foolin anyone,” Leona stated in a deadpan voice.
Zian just shrugged, “Its an added bonus.”
Sure she was motivated for a different reason than the intended purpose, but she was still trying hard to help the group succeed. She wanted as much as Allen to get her foot in the music industry, the look on Vil’s face when she got recognized and he didn’t was just the cherry on top.
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iconuk01 · 8 months
Doug's first appearance in New Mutants 13 was, fun what with accidentally blowing up a Sentinel, but his second appearance is also worth mentioning.
X-Men 180 is perhaps better known for A) the scene where Kitty and Storm discuss Kitty's issues with Storm adopting a new appearance and attitude (Her leather jacket and mohawk punk phase) and B) The lead in to the X-Men going to be part of the Secret Wars maxi series, but there's
This scene is before Doug was revealed to be a mutant. He was just the kid from Salem Centre Kitty was spending a LOT of her free time with, and what would these two computer nerds be doing in the mid 80's? Yup, going to the mall!
Specifcially, the arcade!!
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That is THE most spaciously laid out arcade I have ever seen, but that's not really the important bit here.
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Though I'm pretty sure you can't actually DO that with arcade games just by scoring too high, I can easily believe these two being the bane of anyone trying to crank out a buck from video game addled teenagers with rolls of quarters!
And this is a slightly earlier version of Doug, since he doesn't know he or Kitty are mutants, he's cockier than we would see him once his inferiority complex kicks into high gear as Cypher. Here, he's Doug Ramsey, computer software genius, nerd and video game ace who is out having fun with the most amazing girl he's ever met before.
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...but first and foremost, he's a good friend. (He'd have to be to deal with this level of emotional baggage infodumping. Good grief Kitty!)
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Awww! These two are so sweet together!
Meanwhile, someone else is brooding, this time over Kitty and Doug... and not in an especially wholesome way
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I should point out that at this point in time, Kitty is fourteen (confirmed in the previous issue where Storm specifically notes that Kitty was not yet fifteen), and Piotr is somewhere in that vague are of late teens/early twenties.
I believe, at the time that it was possible for 14 year olds to marry in the USSR, but it was far from the norm.
I should also add, in the interest of fairness, that during the slightly earlier BroodWar arc, thinking they were both going to die, Kitty asked if Piotr would become her first sexual partner, and Piotr gently turned her down (I know that's a very, VERY low bar to clear, but it should be mentioned)
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This is setting the scene for Piotr falling for someone else during Secret Wars, an alien woman named Zsaji, who is a sort of walking, healing, plot device rather than a character with any agency, who is regretably fridged to give Piotr some angst, and also to confirm the breaking up of Piotr and Kitty as a possible couple and being anything other than team-mates for a great many years. There's an interesting article on Zsaji's story here, if you're interested.
So Piotr does seem to have some resentment towards Doug for taking HIS Katya (Even Wolverine, rarely the world's best agony uncle, tell's him that if that's how he views the situation, he's already lost Kitty and that's definitely for the best)
Later, as Doug has recently been invited to become a student of the Massachussetts Academy, a school the X-Men know is run by Emma Frost of the Hellfire Club, even if she is currently believed to be comatose (long story), the X-Men consider a course of action, and Chuck Xavier once against shows us that to him, "Ethics" is something for other people...
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Now look, if Chuck knows that Doug is a mutant, that's one thing, he has a mutant detecting machine in the basement after all. But to casually "out" someone else was a mutant, without having any intent of ever telling the person themselves, that's just... not cool.
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And yes, it may be a "quiet" power, but I don't think a Sentinel will give a rats ass about that, Doug has just as large a target on his back as anyone else.
Also, this is some years before the World Wide Web was a thing, though Doug was already established as a superbly skilled hacker on the still new and shiny thing called "The internet", thanks to his powers, so you'd have thought SOMEONE on the X-Men would have considered that a viable talent to develop, even if only as a support operative.
Kitty's comment does reference the precsse situation when Doug actually WAS inducted into the wild and wacky world of mutant-dom... When Warlock crashed on Earth, Xavier was out of town and the New Mutants REALLY needed someone to be able to talk to the confused and desperate alien (and ironically, as it turns out, Xavier would have done no good, as Warlock is telepath-proof)
But it does allow me to post these amazing bits from New Mutants #21, as Sam rockets off to break the news to Doug about, well... his entire life... whilst wearing only a towel.
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Whilst allows for Doug's gloriously snarky introduction to X-plots.
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He DOES have a point!
Oh, and as for the resentment towards Doug from Piotr I mentioned earlier? You might be asking if that lingers?
Well, one has to wonder, as in a much later story, Uncanny X-Men Annual #10, where the X-Men are de-aged by Mojo, and the New Mutants have to step up as temporary X-Men, the first time they meet in combat, what's the first thing mini-Colossus does?
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Yup, punches Doug right in the crotch!
Methinks the Russian lad has some unresolved issues about our little omniglot.... LOTS of issues!
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davidjones2 · 4 months
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victoriajohnson2556 · 11 months
Acing Statistics Assignments with Professional Assistance
Hey Everyone! Are you feeling overwhelmed by your statistics assignments? Don't worry, you're not alone! Statistics can be a challenging subject, but I'm here to help you navigate through the complexities. As an expert in the field, I specialize in providing top-notch online statistics assignment help for students just like you.
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robbie89smith-blog · 10 months
Unlock Your Success with Solidworks Assignment Help: Your Gateway to Excellence!
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Are you grappling with the complexities of Solidworks assignments, desperately seeking a guiding hand to navigate through intricate designs and simulations? Look no further! Welcome to SolidworksAssignmentHelp.com - your one-stop solution for conquering the challenges of Solidworks exams and homework. In the ever-evolving landscape of engineering and design, mastering Solidworks is not just an academic requirement; it's a gateway to a successful career. Let us be your compass in this journey, providing unparalleled assistance through our expert Solidworks Assignment Help services to ensure you not only pass your assignments but excel in them.
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nasleendm · 2 months
The Role of AI in Modern Resume Checkers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed the every tool we rely on daily, from virtual assistants like ChatGPT to sophisticated video editing software. This technological shift is now reshaping another crucial area - transforming the job application process, particularly in how we prepare and submit resumes.
However, before we dive into the world of AI-powered resume checkers, it’s important to clear up a common point of confusion: what exactly distinguishes a resume screener from a resume checker? Understanding this difference is key to making the most of these AI tools in your job search.
Resume Screener vs. Resume Checker
Resume Screeners —commonly known as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)—are automated tools used by companies to sort and track resumes. These systems scan for specific keywords from the job description and use AI to rank candidates based on how well their resumes match the requirements. Think of it as a digital filter that helps hiring teams find the most relevant candidates quickly and efficiently.
Resume Checkers, on the other hand, are designed for job seekers to optimize their resumes “before” submission. While screeners evaluate your resume on the employer's side, checkers help you prepare a resume that’s ATS-friendly. These tools scan your resume for format, keyword usage, grammar, and overall structure to ensure you make it past the initial filtering.
How AI-Powered Resume Checkers Work
AI-powered resume checkers are your secret weapon for job search success. Here’s how they work:
1. ATS Compatibility Check: These tools analyse your resume for ATS requirements, ensuring you’re not missing essential keywords or using the wrong format.
2. Job Matching: By comparing your resume with a specific job description, the AI highlights relevant skills and experience that can make your resume stand out.
3. Feedback on Formatting & Content: They scan for common errors like grammar mistakes or incorrect contact information, offering suggestions for improvement.
4. Tailored Suggestions: Resume checkers also provide tailored feedback for different industries, recommending changes based on the job sector you’re targeting.
Ultimately, they score your resume and pinpoint areas to tweak—saving you from potential rejection while boosting your confidence that you’re presenting your best self to employers. A resume score of 75% or higher is often considered ideal for an optimized resume.
Why You Should Use an AI-Powered Resume Checker
Here’s a staggering statistic:
88% of employers, say they’ve missed out on qualified candidates because of poorly optimized resumes.
Nearly43% of resumes fail because they don't contain the right keywords, even if the candidates are qualified.
Even if the content reflects a highly qualified candidate, 25% of resumes are rejected due to formatting issues.
A 2020 survey by CareerBuilder showed that 41% of job seekers were unsure of how ATS systems worked, many qualified candidates don’t even realize they are being disqualified by technology rather than a human recruiter.
 That’s where AI-driven resume checkers can save the day.
Here’s how they can help you:
- Optimize for ATS: Your resume is scanned for the right keywords, structure, and format so that it passes the ATS filter with higher percentage.
- Boost Your Confidence: By receiving actionable feedback, you can feel assured that your resume will impress both the ATS and the human hiring managers.
- Save Time & Energy: With fewer rejections and more chances of moving to the next stage, you can focus on what really matters—acing the interview.
Your Next Step: Try Jobbie…!
If you’re looking to optimize your resume without breaking the bank, check out Jobbie. It’s a one-stop solution for all your resume needs, offering free services like free resume checking, fixing, and even expert proofreading to craft a polished, ATS-friendly resume that shines to both AI screeners and hiring professionals. Jobbie's mission is simple: no qualified candidate should be rejected just because their resume doesn't align with the ATS.
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hssprimefan · 3 months
Unstoppable Lyrics
Anime Club: Is it for real? Are you really running for the Council? It's like all my dreams come true! MC: Can I count on your vote? Anime Club: Well, if anyone can get the district to grant permission for our anime con, it's you. Yearbook: Yeah! The other candidates promised us the design software upgrade, but if you can too, I'd rather vote for you. Varsity: The board would definitely let you bump our basketball team up to a higher league, right? -The Contender
Gotta be everything that I can I might fail If that's the way it's gotta be I'll prove there's more to me than what you see -First Day by Laura Shigihara
Ace: You're honesty will be a challenge -The Contender
Ace: But I'm not afraid of a challenge -said by and about Ace multiple times throughout the arc
MC: If you join our team, we'll be unstoppable Ace: When. When I join you here, we'll be unstoppable -I made this up
All narration and singing is my voice! The harp is from flat (the composing software I use). You can see my sheet music here https://flat.io/score/666d14d5c9e36f7f221965f7-unstoppable?sharingKey=158742ff0939a49bd88f3ed2882fa604a318476dcec0c9230349907e399811b77b4f69e3a59d9544f882dcabd9c5c9ca78f34a09129234015fdc51868013b0eb
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The trucking industry is one of the most regulated in the U.S. and Canada, which means compliance is always a top concern for transportation industries. This is especially true when it comes to cross-border freight. These days, border officials rely on digital documents to make the customs process smoother. Having the right software can make this process easy and reduce the risk of errors. Here are a few ways AVAAL eManifest software can make border crossing easy for your business.
Compliance Made Simple
To run a successful trucking business, compliance always needs to be a top priority. Not following the required customs process or accurately filling out documentation can result in lost time, reduced profits, and even legal consequences. Both Canada and the U.S. require carriers to submit their eManifests one hour prior and send their paperwork to customs brokers two hours prior to a driver’s arrival at the border. With AVAAL’s eManifest software, submitting this has never been easier. Our software is tailor-made to meet all the requirements so that you can cross the border without any hassles and be confident that you’re complying with all regulations.
Easy to Use Platform
Both the U.S. and Canada currently offer their own free eManifest portal. Unfortunately, these are difficult to use and not designed to support carriers that regularly cross the border. These platforms also don’t share data between ACE and ACI, creating issues for cross-border trucking companies. AVAAL eManifest is easy to use and reliable. It’s web-based software, meaning you can submit your manifests at any time and from anywhere. Our software also comes with 24/7 support, so we will be available to help you if any issues arise.
Tailored to Your Business' Needs
Not all trucking companies have the same needs, even when it comes to border-crossing. One thing that sets our eManifest software apart from others is that it can be tailor-fit to meet your company’s needs. Whether you’re a single operator or a multi-national company, we offer the greatest level of flexibility and have an eManifest plan to suit your requirements. We have a team of experts on hand ready to help you with all your businesses’ needs.
PAPS and PARS: How to Speed Up Your Cross-Border Shipments
PAPS (Pre-Arrival Processing System) and PARS (Pre-Arrival Review System) are essential components in cross-border trade between Canada and the United States. Let’s explore what they are and how they facilitate the movement of commercial goods across the Canadian and U.S. borders:
PARS (Pre-Arrival Review System):
Designation: PARS is used by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) to clear commercial goods through customs.
Functionality: It involves bar code labels placed on commercial invoices. CBSA agents scan these labels to determine whether goods need immediate release or further inspection.
Integration: PARS works with the ACI (Advance Commercial Information) electronic manifest system in Canada.
PAPS (Pre-Arrival Processing System):
Designation: PAPS is the U.S. counterpart of PARS.
Functionality: Similar to PARS, it allows U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to process goods as they cross the border.
Integration: PAPS operates within the ACE (Automated Commercial Environment) electronic manifest system in the United States.
Similarities and Differences:
Both PARS and PAPS serve the same purpose: facilitating the movement of goods.
The main difference lies in their geographical scope: PARS for Canada, PAPS for the USA.
Having similar systems streamlines importing and exporting between the two countries.
When Do You Need PARS or PAPS Numbers?
Any commercial shipments entering Canada or the U.S. by truck use PARS or PAPS numbers as the default shipping type.
The PARS/PAPS process involves carriers, shippers, and customs brokers working together to ensure smooth border crossings.
Here’s how it works:
A carrier assigns a PARS or PAPS number to a shipment.
The customs broker uses this number to request the release of the shipment from customs.
The carrier prepares an eManifest listing using ACI (Canada) or ACE (U.S.), referencing the PARS or PAPS number.
Only when both the broker’s entry and the carrier’s eManifest listing are accepted can the goods proceed to the border.
Customs officers verify the PARS or PAPS number to release the goods or refer them for inspection.
In summary, PARS and PAPS play a crucial role in expediting cross-border trade, ensuring compliance, and enhancing efficiency for carriers and importers.
For more information kindly visit – ACE/ACI emanifest Portal
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formulatrash · 2 years
Is FE a spec series?
The answer is: it's complicated.
Formula E has a spec chassis and some spec elements - the front axle MGU in Gen3, for instance, is supplied by Atieva to all teams. But then there's actually a lot of other variation with what's on the inside of the cars.
Manufacturers supply powertrains, which are then used by them and their customer team if they have one. At the moment, a Stellantis powertrain (DS by any other name) is used at DS Penske and Maserati, Nissan supply themselves and McLaren, Jaguar make their powertrain and also sell it to Envision, Porsche have themselves and Andretti and Mahindra are the factory team for ZF, also then supplying to ABT Cupra. NIO 333 still make their own powertrain and don't have a customer team.
Even between the manufacturer and customer team, though, there can be quite a lot of variation because of how they apply software. You often see customer teams, who are totally reliant on simulation in order to correlate track data and turn it into programming for future races and don't have any manufacturer testing days, beating their powertrain supplier in FE. Techeetah did it to Renault, then extremely dominant and Envision did it to Audi. Venturi very nearly did it to Mercedes the last two years, too.
The hardware between manufacturer and customer team will be largely the same but they might have some differences in the way they eg: set up their cooling systems and of course what mappings they are applying for a race weekend. Programming updates in FE are equivalent to aerodynamic development in F1 across a season, so cars can move quite a long way away from each other while ostensibly using the same bits.
And the bits make a real difference, too; having a more efficient inverter - or just one you can manage better - can be a huge advantage in a racing series where you need both regen and rapid supply of power from the battery. (The inverter is the bridge between the battery and the MGU, effectively, turning AC to DC or visa versa, so the lower the resistance in the inverter the less energy you'll lose as heat during that process)
The series has a spec battery, which makes absolute sense because believe me, no car makers are developing their own cell technologies they're just assembling things in partnership with LG or CATL or whoever. Battery development would be a huge cost and complicate things like crash and system testing massively, so it just makes no sense to try to suggest something car makers aren't really doing their own research and development into anyway.
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scrunkly-cherry · 1 year
Grraaaaghh I completely forgot to do this but it's better late then never!! Here's some stuff about Royal and why you should vote for them on @splatoonpolls oc-tourney!!
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• Royal is the 10th agent of the squidbeak splatoon, aswell as an independent musician called '1ND1G0 SH0RE'. His biggest wish is his own musical breakthrough and his music to play during turf. It appears that his main weapon-type is the brush.
My first ever designed-to-be-an-agent-oc! And he evolved alot from being simply created for OC X Canon :'D
Next to his roles more related to actual "canon" Splatoon-content, he's also one of the two guides for the story mode of my au/oc city! (Agent 10 & 9 are mostly considered a "B-Team" when they're alone, along with their designated new recruit!)
• He became part of the Squidbeak Splatoon due to the disappearance of his younger sister Navy, after entering a mysterious sewer. Some very overwhelming (probably deadly) hours of many adventures later, the two siblings reunite and Navy reveals she's been enlisted in the group as so-called "Agent 9", offering the same to her brother. Begrudgingly, he agrees, making him the tenth agent (despite being only a year younger than the first two agents...).
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→ Rather chill and laid-back, 10 doesn't seem to take this whole "agent"-thing as serious as they should, though willing to help the squidbeak when they're in great danger. Despite a lazy and uncaring outlook, Royal has always been open for a piece of advice towards his fellow agents, helpful or not. He's open and friendly, but deep down a reserved perfectionist. Royals strengths are his favorite weapon type, his speed and (sometimes) cleverness, but also his musical talent in musical instruments and his favorite audio editing-software.
→ He likes tableturf, tower control, playing around with his favorite software, stickers, naps and squid-plushies. He has tried regular turf war, but has been bullied out by inkopolis and splatsville kids due to his age.
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Some other Facts!
• Royal is transmasc, aswell as demigender, ace and omniromantic. He's also 23 years old (S3).
• He lives in Flounder Heights and HATES it when it's designated stage is used. A kid almost threw a booyah bomb in his apartment on accident.
• Contrary to his sister, he seems to know Agent 1 & 2's real identity.
• His strained relationship with Agent 2 may be a reference to the strained relationship of charger- and brush mains. (And 2's suspiciousness of 1 & 10s relationship.)
• On the contrary, Agent 1 & 10 seem very close to eachother. Well, to his bad luck obviously still not breaking her and 2's bond.
• Next to his younger sister Navy, he also has an even brother named Skip, a Grizzco-Supervisor. Neither of the siblings seem to have much contact to Skip.
• C-Side Stan, Squid Squad-Hater.
• He has an entire notebook full of tableturf-cards, as well as a loss-streak of 37.
• His biggest fear are birds and floods.
• So far his Splatfest-Teams have been: Grub, Fire, Spicy, Milk Chocolate, Nessie, Power, Strawberry, Fame & Big Man
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That's it! I sadly was very much distracted by school and a following brick of an artblock. Despite that, I hope I'm able to post more about him, art included! The art in here is kinda old but not too outdated :'D
Hope this still counts! I've seen so many cool ocs included in the poll, so good luck everyone!
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wadbot · 2 years
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batman.wad: Batman DOOM MAP02 (-908, 844, 153) Author: ACE Team Software Date: 2004-01-29 Description: Thank you for obtaining Batman DOOM. This is the complete version that replaces almost all the features you can find in DOOM2.
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estalvisadvisor · 3 days
Navigating Amazon’s Interview Process: What to Expect
If you’ve applied for a job at Amazon online, you might be wondering how many interviews you’ll need to go through before landing the job.
Amazon is known for its rigorous and comprehensive hiring process, so let’s break down what to expect and how you can best prepare for each stage. Plus, we'll share why reaching out to Estalvis Advisors can be a game-changer in your job hunt.
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How Many Interviews Does Amazon Typically Conduct?
The number of interviews varies depending on the job role and level. However, candidates can generally expect to go through 3 to 5 interview rounds. Here’s a closer look at what the typical process involves:
Initial Phone Screening: The first interview is often a phone screening with a recruiter or hiring manager. During this stage, the focus is on understanding your background, experience, and fit for the role. You'll likely be asked basic questions about your work history, skills, and why you're interested in working for Amazon.
Technical or Assessment Rounds: For technical roles, like software development, the next step usually involves an online coding assessment or a technical phone interview. You might be asked to solve coding problems or discuss technical concepts relevant to the job. Non-technical roles may include case studies or situational assessments.
Virtual or On-Site Interviews: If you move forward, you’ll have multiple rounds of interviews with Amazon team members. These interviews focus on your problem-solving abilities, technical knowledge (if applicable), and how well you align with Amazon's Leadership Principles. Depending on the role and current circumstances, these interviews might be conducted virtually or on-site.
Final Decision: After all interview rounds are completed, the hiring team reviews the feedback and makes the final decision. This step can take some time, as Amazon thoroughly evaluates each candidate to ensure they’re a great fit.
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Why Choose Estalvis Advisors for Your Job Search?
Amazon's interview process can be challenging and intimidating. This is where Estalvis Advisors, the leading international job consultancy in Kolkata, can help you navigate each stage with confidence. Here’s how Estalvis can enhance your job application journey:
1. Personalized Career Counseling
At Estalvis, we understand that every job seeker is unique. Our career counselors work with you to assess your strengths, identify areas for improvement, and create a tailored strategy to help you prepare for interviews, whether it's with Amazon or any other top employer.
2. Expert Interview Preparation
Our team offers mock interview sessions that simulate Amazon's actual interview process, focusing on technical assessments, problem-solving questions, and behavioral interviews. We help you refine your responses to align with Amazon’s Leadership Principles, ensuring you leave a lasting impression on the interviewers.
3. Access to Insider Knowledge
With years of experience in international recruitment, Estalvis Advisors has insights into what companies like Amazon look for in candidates. We guide you through what to expect at each interview stage, how to craft effective responses, and even how to tackle tricky behavioral questions.
4. Proven Success Stories
Many professionals have successfully landed roles at companies like Amazon with our guidance. For example, one of our clients, a software engineer, secured a position at Amazon after going through our mock technical interviews and personalized feedback sessions. Their success is a testament to our expertise and dedication.
5. End-to-End Support
Our services don’t just stop at interview preparation. We assist with resume building, application processes, and even post-offer support, such as relocation guidance if the job requires it.
Ready to Ace Your Amazon Interview? Contact Estalvis Advisors Today!
Job interviews can be daunting, especially when you’re aiming for a role at a competitive company like Amazon. But with the right preparation, you can turn the process into a stepping stone toward your dream career. Estalvis Advisors is here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to navigate the job market confidently.
Take the first step towards your global career with us. Contact Estalvis Advisors today and let us help you land the job you’ve always dreamed of.
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