#Addie has fallen in love with weddings
samssims · 1 year
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snowblossomreads · 2 years
Mistletoe Miracle
Summary: In where [Y/n] takes her chance in conveying how she really feels. (Prompt 5 Mistletoe and Secrets)
Pairing: Colonel Brandon x FemReader
Warning(s): age gap, one paragraph of angst at the most, and probably terrible old English dialogue but you know :D!
Word Count: 3.4K (How did that happen?)
A/N: Whoop whoop! A new story for Rickmas with the prompt secrets and mistletoe, and a new character that I've never written for! This is my first time writing for the sensitive soul that is Colonel Brandon so I hope this is alright. I also had a ball writing this apparently as the word count shocked me after I got done lol. Anyways happy reading!
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[Y/n] knew that her fixation on a man a decade and a half older than her was foolish and would most definitely lead to heartbreak if she tried to pursue it. Not only that, but what would the gossip in town be like if they were to become something of an item?
Would they paint him as some sort of immoral older man preying on a younger woman and her nativity or her as a money hungry seductress? And what of her dear brother? Frankly, she believed he would have a heart attack knowing his young sister was most infatuated with someone he served with in the East Indies. 
But she couldn’t help it! For heaven’s sake, who wouldn’t fall in love with a man such as Colonel Brandon? Every time he came around to converse with her brother she couldn’t help but try to listen in as his voice was most enchanting. It was low like the faraway rumble of thunder, and so dark sounding for a man that seemed to have such a sensitive soul yet it was so soothing that she couldn’t help but be drawn to him. 
And never would he dismiss her whenever she would intrude to ask him questions ranging from his travels to literature, to how the renovations were progressing at his estate. Instead, he was patient, answering all her questions, feeding into her curiosity about everything and anything that she asked about, never once seeming annoyed by it.
He had even been so kind as to gift her an early edition of a book they had been discussing as a late birthday present when he had come to visit once and found her family celebrating.
“For you Ms.[Y/n], I hope you do not think poorly of me for not giving this to you earlier. Had I known your birthday had been the same day as my visit I would have presented it to you then.”
She was sure she had fallen absolutely and irrevocably in love with him at that moment. And oh how she could just gush all day about him if it wasn’t for the fact that other than her best friend and confidant Adeline, no one else knew of her secret adoration for the colonel. She was much too afraid to admit how she felt, fearful she would be shot down and left in tears. 
But she couldn’t hide this secret for much longer, no. Not when her parents had begun to talk even more about suitors for her as she was well past the age of living with them. So when her family received an invitation from the colonel to come and join him and some friends for an early Christmas celebration at Delaford she had almost burst at the seams.
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“Oh Addie what am I to do!” [Y/n] cried desperately, laying her head on her dear friend's shoulder as they neared closer to their destination of the colonel’s estate.  “If I could simply tell him I truly feel. Even if he rejects me, at least the knowledge of my trying would comfort me if I had to wed another. But to not know, to hold it in, it has become too much I think.”
“Really it would comfort you?” Adeline questioned, her eyebrows lifting up just slightly as if she was feigning surprise before continuing with a stark, “truth be told I think you be quicker brought to tears more than anything with how much you fancy him. I still don’t understand what you see in him though [Y/n] he’s so…old.”
[Y/n] jerked back almost as if her friend had called her old and not the colonel. She felt personally offended at that as she didn’t consider Brandon old, sure he was older but definitely not old!
“He is not old! Just older, and so what? He is so wise and gentle and I bet that is what makes you assume he is old.”
“If that’s what you think.” Adeline shrugged watching as her friend swooned a little before speaking again, this time her tone taking on a much warmer and caring quality. “But truly [Y/n] if you really do adore the colonel as much as you say, which I believe you do. I would cast any caution in the wind, and speak freely, and truthfully about how you feel. You never know,” she grinned, putting a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder and nudging her gently, causing [Y/n] to smile weakly at her. “A Christmas miracle may be in store for you!”
She could hardly know how right her dear Addie would be by the end of the night as they approached their destination. 
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When they had first arrived at the estate, which had been beautifully decorated with wreaths and banners and all sorts of festive things, [Y/n] couldn’t help but admire the majesty of it all as she stepped out of the little carriage they had been in onto the snow-covered ground. The place was abuzz with laughter and chatter  as people made their way inside the home and she along with her family and friend were quick to follow to escape from the cold.
As soon as they had all entered, she immediately became separated from her family, all of whom seemed to go off in different directions to schmooze and talk with the others around. Even Adeline had left her side, saying something about how the long trip there had made her peckish while shooting off to look for whatever food there was.
On her own now, it didn’t take long until [Y/n] found herself bored with the gossiping and chit chat of the party. She had even found herself being drawn into a conversation with an older plumper woman who, as friendly as she seemed, was adamant about finding ‘such a pretty little thing’ a suitable husband by the night was over.
[Y/n] who held no interest in such a match, unless it was with the person who she had funnily enough not seen the entire night, had quickly excused herself from their exchange saying that she heard her friend calling from across the way before taking her leave. Turning heel, she moved past the crowd, wandering further and further away from the main rooms where everyone was in. 
Each step brought her away from the nosy group and further into the stillness that the rest of the home contained. This was the first time she had been in such a grand estate and she couldn’t help but stop and admire just how beautiful everything was. Even the patterns on the wallpapers in the hall were eye-catching in design. 
Curious about what else was around, forgetting that it wasn’t polite to snoop around others' property, [Y/n] couldn’t help but peek into a room whose door was open and the first thing that caught her eyes were the many large and tall bookshelves that lined the walls. From her vantage point, and from the dim light coming from the fireplace she could make out the spines of many books large and small. 
How wonderful and convenient it must be to have such a vast amount of knowledge in one room! Going to take another step inside to get a better look at it, she was suddenly jumping out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. A surprised shriek left her form and her heart felt like it had stopped as she whipped around to face the man who had been missing the entire night. Colonel Brandon. Who also seemed surprised to find the woman wandering about.
“Oh, colonel!” She sputtered out trying to find the right words for her situation of being caught roaming around where she ought not to be. He may have been a kind man but that didn’t mean she had the right to take advantage of it by meddling around where she had not been invited. “I’m so terribly sorry I didn’t mean to intrude. It’s just that I found myself having to escape from a conversation and it led me to wander about and I just couldn’t help but admire how beautiful everything is! And your library colonel it’s so wonderful, incredible really and oh my goodness I’m so sorry what am I saying I shouldn’t-”
She was going off the rails at that point, her words spewing out faster than she could think through what she was saying but before she could continue digging herself into a hole she was stopped by him.
“Ms.[Y/n],” his voice so warm, and low yet able to command her to a stop and bring her to attention. It sent a little shiver down her spine and she was glad for the dim light in hopes he didn’t see her quivering. “It is quite alright,” he murmured kindly, as he gazed at her with a relaxed expression causing her to feel a bit better. “I’m not at all upset with you and am very pleased that you find the renovations to be as wonderful as I think they are. They did take quite some time so I’m happy that there are others who would admire them.”
Giving her a sweet smile, one that had her heart, which had calmed down, begin to speed up again. [Y/n] couldn’t help but return the gesture, delighted that he didn’t seem at all mad about her roaming around. 
“Well I’m certainly glad to hear that colonel I didn’t want to ruin such a joyous night by upsetting our host. Though I,” she stopped herself correcting her word of choice and hoping he didn’t catch the slip up. “We have missed you at the gathering. I hope you haven’t had some urgent business last minute?”
She seemed to have hit the mark though as his face turned a bit apologetic at that.
“Unfortunately yes but thankfully it has been resolved you see,” he started, “I was just about to make my way to everyone in hopes no one would notice my long absence before dinner but I see you did?”
‘Of course I did, you're the reason I’m here to be honest.’
Ignoring her inner monologue as much as possible, she nodded in the affirmative trying to give him the best reassuring look.
“Well of course! I am the ever eagled eye lookout.” Her words teasing as she tried to lift the mood not wanting him to feel bad about his noticed absence. It seemed to do the trick as that gentle smile returned to his face and the little crinkles near his eyes showed up as he looked at her with a softness that had her chest constricting.
He was just so handsome, even in the dim light. And everything about him was just immaculate. Never had she held someone in such high regard. And never did she find someone so…so beautiful that every time she saw him she felt like she couldn’t breathe.
“Yes you are and a very good one at that,” he chuckled, breaking her away from her thoughts about him and offering his arm up to her, “but shall we return to the others? I will make sure to rescue you from any dull conversation to make up for my tardiness. If that is alright?” 
Looking at his offered arm and then up back at him, [Y/n] realized something that she should have thought of much earlier. It was that they were alone. Utterly alone and away from the prying eyes and ears of everyone from the party. Away from her family and from her friend. Alone. 
This had a nervous lump instantly form in her throat as she acknowledged that this may be her one and only chance to talk to him alone about her feelings. About how much she adored him and hoped that maybe, just maybe there could be something more between them. And so shaking her head ‘no’ and seeing the confusion in his eyes, she spoke softly.
“Wait, colonel, just a moment. I would like to share something with you if you would allow me.”
She did her best not to let her voice waver even though she felt as if she could pass out as he dropped his arm and gazed at her puzzled about the situation. Somehow even in his confusion she couldn’t help but think about how thoughtful and gentle he looked.
“Yes of course you are always welcome to speak freely with me [Y/n]. ”
It was now or never. She had to tell him how she felt about him or she would just combust. Never had she been so glad to be alone with someone in her life. At least if he did reject her, it would be tucked away in the shadows for no one else to see. 
Taking in a deep breath, she hesitated no longer.
“Colonel Brandon,” she started clasping her hands together and nervously looking down to avoid his gaze.“ I know this may be too forward and I understand if you may find me silly for it but for these past months, years really. I have found myself to be very fond of you.”
There it was. She couldn’t even bring herself to look up at him too afraid of the expression that he might be wearing. So she didn’t and she continued to spill everything that she had been holding in. From her longing to the quiet affection that she held for him.
“At first I thought it just some sort of passing fancy when you first came to visit my brother,” she continued, not giving him an inch to speak fearing if she didn’t say everything she would hold something back. “I couldn’t take my eyes away from how handsome you were and how gentle you seemed, from the way you spoke to the look in your eyes. Everything in this world seems to interest you and it was such a wonderful feeling when you encouraged my curiosity for things as no one had done such.”  
“Little by little my affection for you has grown and I know that what I feel for you isn’t a passing fancy anymore and it wasn’t until recently when my parents spoke to me about finding a suitor that I knew I couldn’t wait anymore to share with you how I feel. Because..because.” 
Something wet seemed to hit her cheek causing her to pause and lift her hand up to it to wipe it away. As she kept wiping it seemed that her cheeks dampened quicker before she realized tears had been pouring down her face. But she didn’t stop, she just couldn’t and so finally she looked up at him with wet eyes, a tinge of guilt in her stomach at how he must feel being cornered by her.
“Because even if you reject me at least I will have known I was able to tell you and not hide away. So please forgive me if you resent me for putting you in such a position. It was never my intention but I just could no longer hide such a secret.”
If a weight was supposed to be lifted off her chest, or clarity was supposed to suddenly drape over her it didn’t. Somehow she felt worse as she stood quietly under the stunned gaze of the older man who hadn’t said one word. 
‘Of course he didn’t [Y/n] it’s not like you gave him a chance.’
The silence was absolutely deafening and it also felt like there was a silent rejection in it. And so as to not hold either of them hostage to her feelings anymore, and to quickly get away so she could cry in peace somewhere, she just gave him a little apologetic smile that she hoped said ‘I understand’.
“I guess we should be going, right? I’m sure everyone will be wondering.” She laughed awkwardly side stepping him from underneath the door frame trying to escape the soul crushing reality of his rejection.
It shouldn’t have been surprising really. Who did she think she was that such an important person, such a regal, intelligent, and sensitive man like him, would have looked at her with the same affection she held? She should have known better and it shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did, but it did.
And she was ready to run away and had even started to do so, before she felt herself being pulled back and spun around to face him. All of it had happened so quickly that when she had registered what was going on there were already a pair of soft, warm lips upon hers.
His hands were wrapped tightly around her upper body as one of them slid to the base of her neck to stroke the sensitive skin there. He was kissing her. The man who she would wait for to visit just to be in his presence, the man who was just so gentle and patient with her.
The man who she most fervently adored. He was kissing her! And she absolutely melted into his arms. Kissing him back with the passion that had been burning deep inside her for him. They clung to each other tightly, lips pressing against one another over and over until one had to pull away to breathe due to the suffocating passion.
“Forgive me for not saying anything,” he murmured as they parted a little, noses still brushing against either as he went to peck her lips once more before continuing, “you must understand how shocked I was to hear that the person I’ve also been so fond of felt the same that it was hard for me to realize what I was hearing.”
“Christopher my sweet,” he corrected gently, unwinding his hands from around her so that he could stroke her cheek.
“Christopher,” his name rolled off her tongue with such ease and it felt like music to both of their ears as she leaned into his comforting touch. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispered up at him with questioning eyes. “All along I’ve been afraid that you would reject me, yet you also held feelings for me?”
“Because not once did I think I was a suitable match for you,” he confessed which brought a frown to [Y/n]’s face as she couldn’t think of anyone else who was perfect for her. He saw this and could only give her a sad smile as a response before continuing. 
“You have so much of your life ahead of you and I did not want to put you in such an uncomfortable position. Yet just as you, I found it difficult with each visit to not become fond of you, and in time the fondness grew more and more until I could not bear the thought of you being with another.”
Hearing his words, and seeing the sincere look in his eyes only had her swooning more and more. He loved her. He actually loved her and she felt over the moon knowing this. Knowing that such a perfect being like him would adore her as she adored him oh it was so good so wonderful she felt like she could burst with joy!
“Oh Christoper,” she sighed out, finally leaning up to kiss his lips softly and murmuring. “How are you so wonderful? So perfect?” 
He shook his head ‘no’, as they pulled away his warm smile returning as he offered her arm once more, this time with her taking it and beaming back up at him.
“No I am none of those things, but you my sweet, my darling, you are all those and more.” 
‘Goodness gracious can he be any sweeter!’
Her mind was an absolute happy mess at the moment looking up at him and it was only when he asked,
“Shall we rejoin everyone now?”
That she snapped out of it and answered him with a very enthused,
“We shall.”
Before walking away though something swinging above the doorframe of the library caught [Y/n]’s eyes and she turned to give it a look. Noticing her pause the colonel turned with her to look and couldn’t help the soft chuckle that left his lips.
“Mistletoe, how wonderfully placed,” [Y/n] giggled looking back up at her love who looked down at her with an equally warm look.
“Indeed very wonderfully placed,” he spoke before leaning down and pressing the most tender kiss against her lips.
A/N: Yall the way I wrote this last night like it was an essay due at 11:59pm and I had procrastinated 🤣. This is why I can't do events because life keeps smacking me but I'm like I wanna write.
ANYWAYS let me know if you all enjoyed it and of course, thank you for stopping in to read it!!! See you guys on the next prompt I'll write for ( I hope lol?) ❤❤❤🥰
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darklinaforever · 9 months
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So... Beyond obviously reminding me of Darklina, because light and darkness... It reminds me more precisely of Addie & Luc. Like... Laila is a star, and Addie has always been compared to the stars. Darius is a demon associated with darkness, Luc is a demon, literally the darkness between the stars... Like... this trilogy in the making does not have the right to write a tragic ending. It must be the counterpoint sometimes to the open ending (a little missed in my opinion) of Addie & Luc.
Also, Laila & Darius also remind me of Sauron & Galadriel. We find the opposition of light and darkness. Galadriel and Laila are both blonde. Laila is a star, associated with light, Galadriel is called lady of light and offers Frodo the light of Elendil compared to a star. And Sauron is essentially a representation of Lucifer, fallen angel, therefore a demon. And Darius is a demon. Also, there is a war coming between light and darkness in both stories.
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Beyond that, I also think of Dameyra from HOTD / Fire and Blood. A blonde with purple eyes ? And again, light and darkness ? What is Dameyra literally compared to in wedding vows ?
"The vow spoken throught time, of darkness and light"
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Yes. There's no denying I'm going to love this book / future trilogy.
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hockeyboistrash · 4 years
dreams | n.p
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summary: you and nolan are best friends. over the summer it becomes something more.
The sun kissed your skin as you laid on the towel, enjoying the sun and the heat that the summer has blessed you with. You heard the splashing of water and giggling from your friends but you paid no mind to them that was until someone came and stood in front of you, blocking the sun. You didn’t need to open your eyes to know that it was Nolan and that he had a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Don’t even think about it." You warned.
"You look like you need to cool down a bit." You could hear his grin and knew he was up to no good.
"I’m perfectly fine here." You told him but it fell upon deaf ears. You felt a pair of hands hook underneath your legs, picking you up bridal style. "Nolan! I swear-" You exclaimed out of surprise, wrapping your arms around his neck so you wouldn’t fall even though you knew he wouldn’t drop you. "Put me down!"
"Okay." He grinned at you before letting you go into the lake. You tried to glare at him when you came back to the surface but you couldn’t help the smile creep through. You loved Nolan's laugh and you couldn’t deny that the water was nice and cooling.
"Will you help me get out." You huffed, feigning annoyance. The moment he held his hand out for you though you pulled him into the lake, laughing. "I can’t believe you fell for that." You said between giggles earning a splash from Nolan. You retaliated with your own starting a splash fight between you.
Laughter filled the silence around you that going out the lake brought. This is what Nolan liked. The carefreeness that spending the summer with you brought. He didn’t have to think, have to be Nolan Patrick drafted second for the Philadelphia Flyers, he could just relax and be himself around you. You didn’t expect any different from him. You just saw him as your best friend Nolan who you went to school with.
"We should probably go inside and help with dinner." He sighed, noticing your friends have gone inside now. He drew circles where he held your hips, enjoying the quiet moment between you.
"You’re right. We don’t want the place to burn down when we’ve got a few more weeks left here." You giggled, brushing his hair out of the way. "Come on."
Nolan reluctantly let you go, following you out of the water. He stayed close though, his hand brushing yours as you both made your way inside, grabbing a towel along the way.
The hushed whispers stopped when you and Nolan walked in. Addy grinned at the two of you while Dylan went back to attempting to cook. "So you two finally decided to join us." While she didn’t directly say anything, you knew by her tone that she was insinuating that something more happened out there. It didn’t though.
"Someone needs to make sure this place doesn’t burn down." You said, leaning against the bar. Nolan mumbled something about going to get changed which you acknowledged with smile before turning back to your friends who quirked their eyebrow. "What?"
"Nothing, Y/N." Dylan jumped in before his girlfriend had a chance to meddle in yours and Nolan's relationship. You reluctantly accepted that as an answer, knowing that Addy was bursting at the seams wanting to say something. You didn’t press any further, mumbling that you were going to get changed too, disappearing around the corner to your bedroom.
You and Nolan were the first ones up so you decided to start breakfast. The two of you worked seamlessly together, passing each other things that were close to you. It felt very domestic. The humming, the giggles, the conversations about anything; it all felt like something more. It was unspoken though between you, always has been since the spark in high school that Addy never let you live down.
Someone clearing their throat brought you and Nolan out of you little bubble. You both turned around to see your two friends wearing amused grins. "Good morning."
"Morning." You mumbled. "Coffee's already brewed so help yourself." Dylan thanked you, immediately getting himself and Addy a cup before sliding back beside her, holding her hand again.
"We’ve actually got some news." Addy said, smiling at Dylan.
"You’re pregnant?" You gasped, your mind immediately going to that route.
"What? No!" She shook her head. "We’re getting married."
Silence fell between the group, the only thing heard was the 'shit' Nolan mumbled from burning his hand on the toast that had just popped up. You looked at him to make sure he’s okay to find him already looking at you, a surprise look on his face matching yours.
"Congrats, guys!" You said, finally finding your words after realising that neither you or Nolan have actually said anything. "When are you thinking of having the big day?"
"That’s what we actually wanted to talk to you two about." Dylan started. "We were hoping you could help us... this Saturday."
The sip you just took spluttered everywhere. Nolan instinctively rubbed your back to help alleviate the choking. Saturday. That was too soon. You weren’t one to put a timeline on love but less than a week to be engaged and plan a wedding was insane; and you were certain that they haven’t been engaged longer because Addy can’t keep a secret, especially one this big.
"Is everything okay?" Addy asked.
"Yeah just went down the wrong hole." You lied, your voice hoarse from the choking. "This is amazing news and we’d be happy to help." You said which was how you ended up spending the rest of your week with Nolan, wondering the streets of Winnipeg trying to find a last minute cake, flowers, decorations, and things to wear.
You were stood queuing in the flower shop, not that you minded as the air conditioning was welcomed from the heat outside. Various flowers covered the shop, it felt small and welcoming. You picked up your favourite flower giving it a sniff before putting it back, out of habit. "Have you thought about marriage in the future?" You asked Nolan out of nowhere, curious to see what he sees his future entailing.
"Can’t say I’ve really thought about it." He said after pausing for a moment to think about your question. "What about you?"
"Probably. I mean it would depend on if I found the right person, you know?" You answered and Nolan nodded in agreement knowing what you meant. "I’m also fine with not getting married. As long as we are happy and together it doesn’t really matter to me." You felt heat rise to your cheeks seeing that Nolan was looking at you intently, listening to what you have to say.
The moment was interrupted by the little old lady, who ran the shop, clearing her throat to let you know that she was finished with the previous customer. "What can I help you with?" She asked with a welcoming smile.
You began to tell the lady what you were after and the time constraints that came with it while Nolan just stood there. He wasn’t complaining though as he got to spend time with you. She nodded and went to look at what she’s got for you and Nolan. He was glad you weren’t standing too close as you would probably hear his heart rate speed up when you started humming to whatever song was playing on the radio, a smile gracing your lips as you tapped your fingers to the beat.
"So how long have you two been together?" The lady asked, surprising you both with her return from the back room.
"Oh, no- we- we’re just friends." You and Nolan both stuttered out, shaking your heads. You didn’t know why but your stomach dropped when Nolan said that, even though you also said it.
The woman was quick to apologise but the awkwardness had fallen upon the small shop. You excused yourself to take a phone call, for the cake and for a breath of fresh air, leaving Nolan and the owner alone. She smiled at him nodding towards the flowers you had smelt earlier. "You should get them. I think they’d like them." He looked at your favourite flowers and remembered how your face lit up when you saw them. He grabbed a bunch and went to add more cash to the total when she stopped him. "On the house. Go get them."
Nolan thanked her, ignoring her little comment about 'getting you'. He already had you. You’re one of his best friends. He couldn’t imagine his life without you.
"The cake is-" You started, stopping when you saw Nolan holding a bouquet of flowers. "sorted."
"They’re for you. I noticed you liked them and thought you deserved them for putting a wedding together in less than seven days." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness.
"Well thank you, Nols." You thanked him, smiling into the bunch of flowers. "You have to let me buy dinner now though."
"Come on." He grinned at you and you hooked your arm through his walking to your favourite place to eat.
The backyard overlooking the lake was beautiful. Fairy lights were strung up around the trees with flowers intertwined between some of them. Music flowed through the space for Addy's and Dylan’s first dance as husband and wife. The ceremony was simple yet tear jerking, with Nolan having to give you his pocket square. It was just you two as witnesses, your friends not wanting to make a big deal out of there commitment for each other which you got.
Nolan had his jacket off, flung on the nearby fence, with his sleeves rolled up while the two of you swayed to the music. His hands were on your hips while your arms were crossed around the back of his neck. "You look beautiful." He said, heat rising to your cheeks.
"You don’t look too bad yourself." You returned. "I don’t get to see you in a suit. You’re always in them ridiculous shorts."
"Those are great shorts." Nolan grumbled while you giggled.
"I admire them, you know." You said after a moment of silence, looking at the couple laughing together before turning back to Nolan. "They just went for it, didn’t think about the consequences or whether they’ll last as a couple. They love each other right now and that’s what matters. Them two, not the forces around them."
When you finished, it felt like everything shifted. That there was an underlying meaning to what you were saying and maybe there was. Nolan seemed to have picked up on the change as he breathed out your name. You couldn’t look at him though, your thoughts full from all the times in your friendship that was something more than friends.
"We’re going to call it a night, guys." Dylan said, interrupting the two of you. Addy gave you a concerned look, noticing the change between you and Nolan but you just gave her a short shake of the head not wanting to bother her with your problems. "See you at the party tomorrow?" You nodded before following them back into the lake house.
"Y/N..." Nolan called after you. You didn’t turn around though, not wanting to face it, whatever it was, tonight. You were confused and Nolan deserved more than that.
"Okay, spill." Addy said, coming up to you with a new drink in her hand for you. You were moping around the party avoiding everyone. You came to support your friends announcing their marriage to your other friends but that also meant Nolan would be here and you have yet to talk to him since last night. "You’ve been moping all night and so has Nolan. What happened between you two? Everything was okay at the wedding and then it wasn’t."
You played with the cup in your hand thinking about what happened. She placed her hand on top of yours making you look up at her. "We were just talking, well I was, and I said something and now it’s weird between us." Addy didn’t say anything, wanting for you to clarify. "I was saying how I admired you two and how you didn’t think about the consequences of getting married, that you just did it."
"And you were thinking about Nolan while you said it." Addy finished, putting two and two together.
"I didn’t though." You insisted but your friend wasn’t having any of it.
"Look, you and Nolan aren’t stupid. You both know there is something more between you. That there has always been something between you. You’re both scared to do something about it though."
"Tha- that’s not true. We’re just friends." You said, your voice lacking conviction.
"Please, he mumbles all the time except when he’s talking to you. You do the exact same thing. You both look forward to this time of you and you miss him when he’s gone and before you say anything it’s a different kind of missing him then me and Dylan do."
You sighed, no longer able to fight all the feelings you have pushed to the side, knowing Addy was right. Deep down you knew but as with any friends to potential lover situations you were afraid of ruining your friendship, as cliche as it was. "It doesn’t matter anyway. He’s going back to Philly soon."
"And you don’t have a job yet." She simply said. "Just talk to him first. Don’t let this be the last thing that happens between you before he goes."
"Married life made you wise." You joked earning a loud laugh and a playful shove from her. She nodded her head in Nolan's direction telling you to go to him.
You looked at him properly for this first time all night. Like you, he was moping in the corner with an old drink in his hand, sending forced smiles whenever someone came to talk to him. You sent him a text asking if you could talk to him. Nolan looked over to you and nodded, following you to a quieter part of the party.
"I’m sorry for leaving like that yesterday." You started, not giving him a chance to sit down on the bed.
"It’s okay. I’m just confused more than anything. What did I do?" Nolan asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"You didn’t do anything. It was me." You assured him. He wrapped his hand around yours making you look up at him. His expression had softened, something it did when he was around you, you had noticed. "I said those things and it got me thinking..."
"About us." Nolan filled the silence. You gave him a short nod. He thought about what he was about to say. It was something that has been playing on his mind all summer. "I can’t stand the thought of leaving you again. Come with me."
"To Philadelphia? I-I don’t have a job, or a place to stay, and I don’t know anyone." You rambled.
"You can find a job while you’re there and you can stay with me. You know me and the team are really nice." He said, his hands moving to cup your cheeks. "Please come with me. Let’s figure us out together."
Your nose brushed his as you tilted your head up. Moving your entire life to another country for a guy was insane to you only it wasn’t just any guy. It was Nolan. Your best friend and the boy you loved. "Okay."
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izzielizzie · 3 years
Now I’ve Seen You I’ve Seen It All Chapter Three
okay this is actually a really short chapter because a) i haven’t been able to write a lot lately and b) this is kind of an... explanation chapter? idk how to explain it but you’ll see and I promise the next one is going to be good
(chapter one)
(chapter two)
The girls come barreling into the Big Cabin after everyone’s gone to bed, and the counselors look up in confusion. They take in the rain soaked girls and their tattered clothes and the scratches on their arms and legs and jump into action. 
“What did you do this time?” Knox asks as Kris rushes forward to take care of their cuts. 
“Would it kill you two to get along?” Maeve groans as she observes the brouhaha.
Ali pulls out of Addy’s grasp, climbs onto a table, and whistles a sharp, loud whistle. Everyone freezes. Luis, who’s closest to Ali, reaches over and lifts her off the table. 
“Impressive,” he says, placing her on the ground. “Bet you learned that from your dad.”
Cooper kicks his shin.  
“I mean dad what dad?”
Maeve sighs at her husband. “Did you two actually hurt each other?”
Ellen looks affronted. “No! Why would we do that?”
Maeve raises her eyebrows. “Then what is it?”
“Well, Aunt Maeve,” Ellen starts, crossing her arms. Ali crosses to Ellen’s side and mimics her pose. Maeve looks apprehensive. 
Everyone watches in silence. 
“Did you really put us together in a cabin knowing that we were twins and then didn’t tell us we were twins?”
Maeve pauses. “Well when you put it that way… yes.”
The sisters raise their eyebrows and shift their weight in unison, looking remarkably like their mother. 
Maeve falters under their stern gaze. “Well, it’s not my fault your parents had terrible divorce arrangements!” She throws her arms up in defeat.
“Divorce?” Ali asks.
“Yeah, divorce.” Maeve sighs and sits on one edge of a bench, patting the space next to her. Both sisters scramble for her lap. Ali beats her and Ellen doesn’t even try to push her off Maeve’s lap. She simply sits calmly until Luis swings her up and puts her in his lap. 
“Why?” Ellen asks. 
“Well, maybe I should start from the beginning. Okay, so you both know your parents grew up in Bayview, California right?”
Both girls nod.
“Okay, so. Your parents went to the same elementary school: St. Pius. It was this private Catholic school thing. I never went. Anyway that’s beside the point.
“Your mother’s parents, my parents were very… how do I say this?” Maeve pauses. She looks at Luis, who shrugs. No other spectator has a suggestion for what Maeve’s trying to say. “Traditional. They wanted their daughters to get a good education, marry, things like that. Not to say they were awful. They’re not, I love them and I still see them from time to time.
“But they didn’t like that your parents were friends. You see, your father’s mother, your grandmother Ellen - you’re named after her dear - she left when your father was eight. And your grandfather had a drinking problem and couldn’t work. He pulled your father Nate out of school, so your parents’ friendship ended abruptly. Until high school.”
“What happened?” Ali asks. She’s never heard about her grandparents, her father doesn’t talk about them.
“They reconnected in their senior year, and they dated at the end of the year, and continued on and off during college. Your mother went to Yale, which is across the country, so they had a hard time making long distance work. And during this entire time, my parents still didn’t like Bronwyn and Nate together. After graduation, your father proposed, and they didn’t know it at the time, but your mother was pregnant.”
“With who?” Ellen asks.
Ali rolls her eyes as everyone laughs.
“You, silly El,” Luis says, ruffling her hair. 
Maeve smiles and smooths down Ellen’s curls before continuing. “So they eloped, they didn't have a wedding or anything. And when our parents found out… oh boy.”
“They were mad?” Ali asks. She hasn’t spoken in a while, and Maeve thought that she might have fallen asleep. 
“So what happened?”
“They lived in an apartment for a while as your mom tried to study to be a lawyer and eventually… well, not to say that they weren’t happy they were but… your parents were arguing. A lot. I remember your mother calling me at three in the morning crying about how unhappy your father was and how they didn’t fit anymore.”
“Why?” Ellen asks.
“Well…” Maeve pauses. She’s trying to figure out how to proceed without the girls getting the - very incorrect -  impression that they were the reason for the divorce. “Your father didn’t want Bronwyn alienating herself from her parents. Keep in mind that your father didn’t have his parents growing up, not really, so he wanted Bronwyn to have hers. And Bronwyn had big plans for her life that weren’t coming to fruition and it upset her. They were young. And they didn’t know what was best for themselves,” she finishes with a sniff. It’s clear to see that Maeve believes what’s best for Bronwyn and Nate is to not live across the country from each other. 
“So dad left?” Ali asks. 
“No, it was your mom,” Cooper says, reaching forward to run his hand through her hair. 
“She didn’t want your father to be stressed anymore. He had a lot going on, his father was sick. So she let him go,” Kris says.
“Although we all thought she shouldn’t have,” Phoebe adds.
Ali looks like she’s going to cry again. “So they just gave up?”
“I guess so sweetie,” Maeve says, cuddling the girl in her lap - for her comfort or Ali’s she’s not sure. 
“So, Mom went to Connecticut to be with her grandparents with me?” Ellen asks.
“And Dad stayed in California with me?” Ali asks.
Maeve nods. Ali slumps against her. “So why are we here?”
“That’s a good question Maevey why are they here?” Luis asks his wife with a grin.
Maeve smiles a little. “Actually, that was my doing.” 
Ellen tilts her head.
“Well I knew that Bronwyn was bringing you Ellen, and I thought well… Why not bring Ali too? You two are sisters, you’d get along.” Maeve pauses as everyone laughs. “Well, clearly that didn’t happen. But you’re here. That’s what matters right?”
“Right,” Ellen agrees as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. 
Ali snuggles against her aunt. “So… we just spend the rest of our lives knowing we have a twin?”
“I’m sure when you’re older your parents will tell you,” Maeve says. “And speaking of, Ali, did anyone ever tell you I’m your godmother?”
Ali grins up at the woman who changed her life for the better. 
“I love you,” Ali says seriously.
“And I love you dear,” Maeve responds, smiling over her nieces’ heads at her husband, who shakes his head, half exasperated and half in love.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (16/?)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
A/n: If you like, read, kudo, comment, tag flail, reblog, or anything else, I see you, and I appreciate you! Honestly, it’s the coolest thing how many of you are out there, and every time I find out someone else has been reading, my heart grows Grinch style ❤️
We’re off to London in this chapter and the next one! Fun fact: the Yankees and Red Sox really did play a series in London this year! 
AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |15 | 16 | 
Tag list: @xellewoods @galaxyzxstark @eala-captian @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings @thejollyroger-writer
“This is weird,” Will mutters as they walk the unfamiliar hallways of London Stadium on their way out to the field to practice. “I’m not used to being unfamiliar with a place where we’re about to play, and I swear that I’m still jet-lagged. Why did they think we were going to get used to the time change in one day?”
Instinctively, Killian wants to get onto Will about complaining since that’s become his thing as of late, but every point that he’s made is valid. It’s weird to be in a place that he doesn’t know. He’s familiar enough with half of the baseball stadiums in America to be able to give a tour like he made the blue prints for them, but they are decidedly not in America.
They’re in London.
To play the Red Sox.
So. Fucking. Cool.
His job awards him more opportunities than he ever could have dreamed about as a kid from Ohio, and while he’s had the opportunity to travel to Mexico and Canada, he’s never been overseas like this. He meant to go years ago, but then the accident happened and all of his plans went down the drain. He could have gone then too. He had all of the time in the world on his hands, and he squandered it by sitting on his ass and not traveling or doing all of the other things he’s always wanted to do.
He’ll have all the time in the world when he’s retired.
Woah, no. That’s not happening anytime soon, and he is not going down that road when things are going so well right now.
They’re going to kick some Red Sox ass even while in England.
His family didn’t fly all the way over here on vacation just for them to lose. Addy and Lucy would be very disappointed in him if they did because he knows for a fact that they only care about being here for the baseball and Addy’s birthday party tomorrow.
All of the cool kids turn six in London, obviously, and Addison Jones is the coolest of the kids.
It’s all she’s been talking about for weeks now, going on and on about how she was going to have an English birthday party and be English like Peppa Pig and Meghan Markle. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that Peppa Pig is animated and that Meghan Markle was technically American first, but some things kids just don’t have to know. All she knows is that a real-life prince and his wife are going to be at the game today, and she thinks that’s the coolest thing in the world.
It kind of is even if he had to study a protocol list for when he met them earlier in the locker room.
Killian’s life is so goddamn weird, but he loves it.
The fact that Emma got to travel here as well, even if she’s not doing on-camera coverage and is simply here as a print journalist for the team, makes it all the better. He may not get to see her on-field during the game, but he’ll see her afterwards.
They haven’t been here long, but it’s already difficult to find time away from his family to see her, even if it’s only for a moment.
He’d give anything to have those little moments.
“I have no idea,” Killian yawns, finally responding to Will as they push the doors open and walk out to the field. He can tell that the set-up is going to throw him off, the way the stadium is equal on every side, and that the AstroTurf feels odd below his feet. But that’s why they practice. “We’ll suffer through it, and drink lots and lots of coffee.”
“I think they drink tea over here.”
“I believe that they drink coffee too. You want to start in the outfield and work our way back in?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
The two of them are quiet as they take it all in and try to get used to this new place. Music blares over the speakers, and the rest of the team filters in and out as they go through their warm-ups. He’s not sure if he really needs coffee for how hyped up he is to be here and to be playing their biggest rivals, and the crash of caffeine always seems so inevitable. The crash of adrenaline, not so much. Most of the time.
It’s a quick warm-up, one that doesn’t extend too much effort on his part, and his shoulder is feeling loose after the massage Archie gave it. They’ve won each of their series against the Sox so far this season, and he doesn’t plan on that changing now. When they finally travel to Boston next month, sure. But not today.
No part of him should be thinking this, especially with how unreliable his arm can be, but they’re playing so well this season that he can’t imagine them not making the playoffs and then being in the final two.
They could be back-to-back World Series Champions.
But that’s very much counting his chickens before they hatch, and that always leads to disappointment.
He simply can’t go there even if his brain keeps trying to.
“You guys make any wedding plans yet?” he asks Will as they walk back infield to practice a few pitches on the mound.
“We’ve been engaged for exactly a week, so no, we haven’t made any official plans. Belle has all of these ideas, though, and she’s been talking through them with her parents. Honestly, I think we may get married in December or January of this year since she doesn’t want to do it during the season.”
Killian nods his head in agreement as he tucks his chain back into his uniform from where it had fallen out. “That makes sense. It’s always hell trying to plan anything during the season. Even making dinner plans can be difficult.”
“Well,” Will says, clicking his tongue, “it’s not like you have anyone to be going out to dinner with. We don’t count. Neither does Liam.”
A protest is on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t say anything, not yet. He and Emma are going to talk about that after this trip, and even if they do, he’s not sure he’ll be able to tell Will. He should. Will and Robin. And Eric and Ariel. But no one else on the team. It’s just too risky.
That might put a damper in his plan to kiss her before every game.
But the time will come. It has to. And baby steps are fine with him when they mean that steps are happening. He completely and totally understands Emma and her reasons for not wanting their relationship out in the open, and he agrees. It’s better for her, for both of them, and they’ve only been together for two months. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not that long. It doesn’t matter that he fell hard and fast. That doesn’t escalate things.
It just…complicates his feelings.
This thing won’t be hidden away forever, not if they want any kind of future, and while he’d never presume to speak for Emma, he damn well intends to have that future.
“I could be dating,” Killian scoffs at Will who only rolls his eyes in response. “What? I could.”
“Nothing,” Will shrugs, taking position behind home plate. “I’m just saying, for a man who everyone thinks is going home with a new woman every night, you are particularly lacking in the women department.”
His jaw ticks, and he’s not even sure why. He’s never minded talking about his relationships in the past, not to Will, but it’s probably the lie. Of course it’s the lie.
“And what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” Will grunts as he throws the ball back to him, a light thwacking sound hitting his glove. “Do whatever the hell you want. I’m not someone to tell you what to do with your life. I’m just saying, I’m much happier having Belle be a part of my life.”
“Look at you being all sweet.”
“I have my moments.”
“I’m totally giving a speech at your wedding about the night that I kept you from throwing up on her.”
“I would have expected nothing less from you. In fact, I’ve already warned Belle. It was in my proposal speech.”
“Shut up, you asshole.”
“Never. I know you love the sound of my voice.”
“It is rather dreamy.”
“You two are talking too much to be practicing,” Eric huffs as walks toward them with his bat in hand, fiddling with it the slightest bit. “What are we talking about?”
“Killian’s lack of a love life.”
Eric grunts at that, eyes scanning between the two of them. “That sounds like a conversation that I don’t want to be in because Ariel will somehow know and insist we talk about it later. She’ll have you set up on ten blind dates before midnight.”
“It’s in my contract that she can’t meddle in my dating life.”
“Really?” Eric and Will ask at once, their eyes going wide.
“No,” Killian chuckles as he stretches out his shoulder and bends his legs a bit, squatting down to stretch out some more, “but sometimes I wish that it was. Where has she been all day, by the way?”
“She’s helping set up Addison’s birthday party for tomorrow, apparently. She’s somehow gotten them a separate suite here, and they’re doing some sort of tea party during the game. You have even been given express permission to sit with your family instead of in the dugout with us.”
Of course. He could have done that anyways, but leave it to Ariel to make sure that there is no way in hell that he’s missing his niece’s sixth birthday party. She is pure magic, that woman.
“Your wife is something else,” he chuckles, deciding to step closer to them so that he doesn’t have to shout, “but you guys know that Addy is fully going to expect all of you to show up at some point.”
“Her present is in my suitcase.” Will smiles as he says it with a slight shake of his head. “I could never forget my biggest fan since Roland seems to betray me on who his favorite player is every week.”
Killian clicks his tongue. “Eh, just to be clear, I’m Addison’s favorite player. I’m not letting you steal that title from me.”
Killian spots Emma sitting nine rows up behind third base when they’re in the second inning.
She’s wearing a jersey…his jersey, and when he notices it, he nearly pegs Johnson with a ball.
Holy fuck.
It sends blood straight to his groin, and the only thing that stops it is him thinking about Emma making a joke about him having a boner on the mound. She’s so ridiculously funny in her bad jokes, and it brings a smile to his face that he has to control as he focuses on the game. He can’t be losing it when he’s in the middle of a game.
But damn. His girlfriend is wearing his jersey, his name and number printed on the back, and she’s got a baseball cap pulled low over her forehead with her blonde ponytail sticking out behind her. He wouldn’t have recognized her if he didn’t know every inch of her body.
He’ll play in London every day of the week if it means Emma can watch as a semi-spectator without anyone recognizing her.
A bloody siren. That’s what she is.
They win that night.
After the game when Emma walks into the locker room, her phone in hand for questions, she’s not wearing the jersey anymore. It’s been removed, and she’s wearing a black blouse that’s low cut enough that he can see the slightest bit of the cups of her bra. He’d bet that she didn’t think through having to remove his jersey when she got dressed, but he doesn’t mind how she looks.
He never does.
(She wore his fucking jersey.)
Except he can’t do anything about it but smile and answer her questions as well as everyone else’s. It’s a bit odd for her to not have Jeff following her around with the camera, but he knows that this means she’ll be writing an article instead. She’s always loved that.
Once all of the press members ask their questions, most of them British journalists, they filter out of the locker room, leaving everyone to strip out of their uniforms and move to take a shower. He’s taking off his belt when Arthur speaks, and his fingers still over the leather.
“I don’t know how any of us aren’t fucking Emma,” he grumbles, and the words make disgust drip down Killian’s spine. “Have you seen her body? I bet she’s fucking amazing in bed. I’d fuck her in a heartbeat. Damn am I glad women work in baseball now.”
The room goes silent, every man stopping what he’s doing, and Killian has words on the tip of his tongue but can’t say anything because Will is already talking.
“Fuck off, King,” Will curses, throwing his gear down on the ground. “I mean, seriously. What the bloody fuck? How shitty do you have to be to talk about someone like that? I knew you were an ass, but God, that’s next level. First of all, you’re fucking married, and even if you weren’t, that woman is a human being. You don’t get to talk about her like that.”
“Oh, come on, man. We’re all thinking it. Did you see her boobs just now? It’s nothing to get riled up about.”
“Yeah, yeah it is,” Will huffs as he crosses his arms over his chest. “The fact that you don’t realize that is just plain sad. She’s not coming in here to get ogled by you. She’s coming in here to do her job, and she’s damn good at it.”
Arthur rolls his eyes, and Killian’s blood boils even more. “Jones asked her out. How is that not the same thing?”
“Because he didn’t ask her out because he thinks of her as a sex object,” Will spits all the while Killian can barely hear any of this from the way his heart is thumping between his ears, a drum beat that’s louder than anything he’s ever heard.
Arthur darkly chuckles, and it’s that sound that has the drumline stopping so that his eyes snap over across the room. Killian didn’t even realize that he was clenching his fists, but when he looks down, he can see the red imprints of blood from where his nails were digging into his skin.
“Jones,” Arthur yells, “aren’t you going to back me up here? Isn’t she a fine piece of ass?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Killian yells before standing from the seat in his locker, quickly striding across the room until he and Arthur are eye-to-eye and completely lined up. Arthur’s got this disgusting cocky grin on his face, one that makes unpleasant chills run down his spine, and it’s taking everything in him not to punch the ever-loving shit out of the man. “Will is right. You’re an asshole, and you can’t be talking about her that way.”
“Why do you care so much? What, are you fucking her?”
And that’s when his first rises and slams into Arthur’s jaw, a sting spreading through his knuckles and up to his elbow. The drum starts beating in his head again, his heart pumping blood through him faster than normal, and everything is a blur as he moves his head to dodge Arthur’s punch and as someone grabs onto elbows and pulls him back and out of the room all the while a screaming match goes on in the locker room, every word muted to him except for the one name that keeps getting repeated.
“Are you insane?” Robin gasps, and when Killian looks around, he can see that he’s been pulled off to the weight room that they’re using in this stadium. He didn’t even know Robin was in the locker room at the time. “You can’t punch Arthur no matter how big of an asshole he is. You’re going to fuck up your arm, and you can get suspended for weeks.”
“I don’t really care about either of those things right now.”
“Well you should,” Robin huffs, running his hands through his hair as he paces back and forth over the carpeted floor. “He’s an asshole. We all know that, and I wanted to punch him too…but you just can’t, mate. He’ll get his due, and it won’t come at the cost of your career.”
Robin is right. Robin is always right, but how is he supposed to sit there and let Arthur talk about his girlfriend like that? How is he supposed to let him talk about any woman like that? He simply can’t, and even though his knuckles hurt like hell right now and Archie is most definitely going to kill him, he doesn’t regret it. He can’t, and he’d bet that Will doesn’t either.
“Fuck,” Killian mutters, sitting down on a weight bench and burying his face in his hands as he tries to flex some of his fingers out. “Dammit. This isn’t how today was supposed to go. I’m not supposed to be punching our outfielder in a locker room in fucking London. I’m supposed to be enjoying my time and sipping tea at my niece’s birthday party because I’m this good guy that she looks up to when really everyone is a piece of shit.”
“Dramatic much?”
“Shut up.”
“Never,” Robin laughs as the door opens and Al stumbles inside, his long dark hair pushed back behind his ears and his tanned skin painted red in what Killian hopes is a sunburn and not anger.
“What the hell, Jones?” Al screeches, waling right up to him so that the tips of their shoes touch. “You punched King? With your right arm? What is going on in that head of yours?”
Killian groans, already ready to have his ego bruised and his career kicked by a man who is only four years older than him, and he straights his back so that Al isn’t look down at him as much as he should be.
“Are you in here to suspend me?”
Al’s brows furrow together. “What? No. Why would I suspend you?”
“Because I punched Arthur?”
Al waves him away, backing up the slightest bit. “No, I’m not going to suspend you for that. King can be a piece of shit sometimes, and I heard some of the stuff he was saying. He deserved that. My team are not going to be a bunch of sexist assholes who talk about our reporters that way. I can’t guarantee that there won’t be some kind of league suspension, but I doubt King takes it anywhere since then he’s had to explain the stuff he was saying.”
“Then why are you yelling at me?”
“Because you punched someone with your pitching arm, and I can’t have you messing up your arm again. Go see Archie right now, and get some damn ice on the thing.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Killian mock salutes, his head still spinning with everything that’s happened in the past fifteen minutes.
He takes it back. His life isn’t weird. It’s batshit crazy.
Ariel has been yelling at him in his hotel room for the past fifteen minutes. This is after Liam and Elsa yelled at him for twenty minutes, each, and he’s so damn tired of having to listen to this. He’s aware of the fact that he could have messed up part of his season today, but he still doesn’t regret it. He could have made better choices, yes, but Arthur deserved it. And he’s fine. He’ll probably only have a slight bruise. The only significant damage is the fact that their already frayed relationship that only truly exists because they’re teammates and his wife is friends with Ariel is pretty much destroyed now. That’s fine with him. He doesn’t want anything to do with the asshole.
And he has no idea what he’s going to tell Emma about this. His knuckles have cuts and bruises on them already, his fingers aching when he stretches them out, and if she comes to his room tonight, there’s no way in hell she’s not going to notice.
Maybe he should cancel on her.
He doesn’t want to cancel on her.
He wants to spend time with her and simply be in her company, maybe even get to figure out the subway routes (or should he call them the underground here?) and find a secluded place to go out to dinner. But he’s got to explain his hand, and he’s really not sure how lying is going to go here.
Lying to Emma really isn’t his best idea, so he most likely shouldn’t do it.
“Are you even listening to me, KJ?” Ariel huffs, stopping her pacing and placing her hands on her hips. “You look like you’re not listening.”
“I’m not.” She reaches up to slap the back of his hand, but he grabs her wrist to stop her, putting it back by her side. “I’ve heard all of it before, okay? And I’m going to hear it again. I know, I know, I fucking know. It was dumb, but I couldn’t stand by and listen to that. Will couldn’t either, but he’s got enough brains to know better than to punch someone.”
“That is not a sentence I ever thought you would say.”
“Life is funny like that,” Killian chuckles before falling back against his hotel bed. Whoever is booking their hotel rooms this year obviously has no sense of a budget because he hasn’t had a roommate once. It’s glorious. “A, I have no idea why you care about me so much. I’m such a pain in your ass.”
“Yeah,” Ariel sighs, sitting down next to his shoulder on the bed so that she can look over at him, her red hair framing her face, “you are, but I love you, so I don’t mind too much. And you give me something to focus on other than my idiot husband.”
“Please, you and Eric have one fight a year, and it lasts about five minutes.”
“I’ll have you know that we fought just yesterday over what to have for dinner. It was a real battle. I nearly punched him, but I had enough sense to stop myself.”
His eyes roll, but he can feel the smile stretching across his lips as he twists his head to look at Ariel. “I love you too, by the way. You and Elsa and Anna are pretty much the three sisters I never had. And you’re much nicer to me than Liam ever was.”
“Please, Liam is your hero.”
“Yeah, but when I was eight and he was sixteen, I was not his favorite person in the world. I think you guys would have been much nicer to me.”
Ariel’s lips flatten as she nods her head, sarcasm practically penned across the lines on her forehead. “Sure, sweetie. That’s what would have happened. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She simply arches her brow. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just a shitty afternoon. As long as I don’t get yelled at anymore, I think I’ll be perfect and ready to go for Addy’s birthday party tomorrow. Thanks for setting that up, by the way. I think you may actually be magic for how you convince people to do your bidding.”
“I know,” she says, a grin plastered on her lips. “I’m pretty much the best. Do you want to come and get dinner with me and Eric?”
“Raincheck on that one?”
“I’m holding you to that this time,” Ariel sighs, patting his shoulder before she rises from the mattress. “Keep putting ice on your hand, and doing your stretches. We’ve got a long season ahead of us, and you are not allowed to mess it up.”
“Understood, love. Have fun at dinner. Feel free not to yell at me tomorrow even though I know that you will.”
Ariel waves him away before picking up her purse and walking out the door while he stays stretched out on his mattress, wondering if he can convince whoever owns this hotel to send this mattress and these sheets to his apartment because it’s glorious. Maybe it’s not really and it’s simply the fact that he’s still jetlagged and has had an extremely long day, but he doubts it.
This is the best comforter in the world.
And he’s never going to move from it.
So, of course, there’s a knock on his hotel door. Of course.
Groaning, he pulls himself up to rise from the bed, the muscles in his backing aching the slightest bit, and steps over to the door, checking the peephole and finding Emma on the other side. He should have known, and honestly, of all of the people seeking him out tonight, she is his favorite.
Until he opens the door, lets her inside, and the first thing that she does is hit him in the chest.
What the hell?
“What the hell?” Emma fumes, echoing his thoughts. “You punched Arthur King today?”
Bloody hell.
Bloody hell? Is he British now? How long has he been using that phrase and hasn’t even realized it? This is what he gets for hanging out with Robin so much.
“Aye,” he sighs as his unbruised hand immediately goes up to scratch behind his ear. She doesn’t look angry, the same soft smile that’s usually painted on her face still there, but there’s fire behind the green of her eyes. “How do you know about that?”
“Belle told me.”
He arches a brow. “Belle?”
“Yeah, I ran into her when I was leaving the stadium, and we got to talking and she starts telling me all about you and Will getting into a fight with Arthur over me. I mean, seriously, Killian. How could you be so dumb to punch him? You’re lucky you didn’t fuck up your arm and that you aren’t getting sanctions against you.”
He should really start putting money on how many times he can be told that in one night. He’s betting at least once more tonight and then seven times tomorrow.
“Swan, I know, okay? I promise you I’ve already had my head chewed off about this enough times. I get it, but he was being an asshole and deserved it. Will confronted him first going on and on about how he was a sexist pig, and then Arthur brought me into it by asking how him talking about wanting to fuck you was any different than me asking you out on a date. Then I told him to stop, which only escalated into him asking you if I’m defending you because I’m fucking you. And obviously, I am, but that’s not why I was defending you. He doesn’t get to say shit like that about anyone, but especially not you.”
He releases a breath when he finishes his ramble, which is really only an abbreviated version of the events, but he’s going to lose his mind if he has to go through it one more time. Seriously. But the way Emma’s mouth keeps opening and closing, the right words obviously not coming to her, has him rethinking this and starting from the beginning. It’s not pretty, but she deserves to know.
“You, Killian Jones,” she laments, stepping closer to him and wrapping her arms around his waist in an unexpected move so that he can smell the vanilla of her perfume, “are an idiot asshole who I’m still very much mad at for messing with your hand like that, but I’m also thankful that you and Will didn’t let someone talk about me like that. I’ve been through so much like that already, and I’m glad I have you guys on my side.”
“You have everyone else in that locker room on your side, love,” he says as her rubs his hands up and down her back and rests his chin against her temple, twisting his head to the side so that he can press his lips into her hair. “Me most of all. Then Will, I’ve discovered today, and everyone else is somewhere in there, rankings improving as long as I’m always at the top.”
“You’re so stupid,” she laughs into his chest, the vibrations of it running through him.
“I’ve gotten that a lot today, but you obviously like me a little bit since I saw you wearing my jersey.”
Emma pulls back from the hug to look up at him, a bit of red painting her cheeks. “So, you saw that, did you?”
“I did. I have an eagle eye for my biggest fan.”
“I like you a lot, but I don’t think that I’m your biggest fan. Your nieces have me beat. I didn’t know tomorrow was Addy’s birthday.”
“Aye,” he smiles, fingers inching up her back and tugging her closer to him, “she is turning six, and Ariel has arranged for her to have a tea party in one of the suites separate from the team suites. You should come with me.”
“Killian.” The way she says his name has all of his hope deflating, and he immediately dips his head down to run his lips across the apple of her cheek while his thumbs rub circles into her lower back. “I can’t. You know that.”
“You can. You don’t have to come as my girlfriend. You can simply come as part of the team. I’ll say I ran into you in the hallway or something and insisted that you come along. Come on,” he begs, finally kissing her lips, lingering a moment too long for it to be chaste, “come with me. It’ll be a fun time, and you can meet my family without any of the pressure of meeting them as my girlfriend.”
“But I will be meeting them as your girlfriend.”
“They don’t know that.”
“I’m not sure how that makes me feel. I know I want to meet your family and for you to meet mine. It was my idea and all, but now that the reality is in front of me, I think I might need some more time.” She pulls back from him, releasing his waist and trailing her fingers along his arms until Emma’s holding his hands, soft thumb tracing over the rough parts of his knuckles as her brows furrow together. She’s inspecting to him, and nerves rile in his stomach until she looks up at him with a sympathetic smile. “Can I think on it tonight at least? I don’t have a present for Addy.”
Killian shrugs. “We can sneak out and go buy her something, or,” he twines their fingers together and tugs her toward the bed, “we can spend a little time in here with you on your back because it really wouldn’t make sense for you to have a present if you weren’t technically planning on coming to the party.” “Watching TV?”
“Sure. We can keep it on while I fuck you with the image of you wearing nothing but my jersey playing in my mind.”
Emma laughs, something loud and boisterous, and he’s never been quite so thankful for the way that she enjoys his flirting. “I mean, that is the most typical athlete thing I’ve ever heard in my life, but we could always make it a reality.”
“Really now?”
“Mhm,” she hums, backing up into the mattress and sitting down, “but only because I liked the way you looked today when you realized I was wearing it. Plus, you defended me and all like a good human being, and I like good human beings.”
And I love you, he wants to say, but doesn’t, biting his tongue while he leans over her, hovering just above her face so that she blinks several times while looking up at him, her bottom lip tugged between her teeth.
“Well, only if you insist.”
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years
Yandere! Joen x Addy x Overprotective! Nicol (part 3)
(Warning: this story you are going to read will contains trigger and 16+ that involves angsty theme, mental issues, adult vice theme, mild swearing, violence, gore blood and death of the following story. Please respect and advice not to read it if you are uncomfortable of these topics)
Joen's pov
Leaving my dear precious doll peacefully at her bed is such a grace to watch, it makes me feel happy on her safe state. Dying to be on my arms at my home, I started going back to the past where they are still alive.
Father is a great man with a huge popularity of his amusement park, "Great Roger's Madness Play". His reputation is so popular, everyone knows his name and his signature friendliness and kind heart he possessed. He is formally a boy band in his youthful days until She come to his life.
Mother is a famous singer and song writer in any ways. Her beauty stands out every man on their knees and woman and young girls inspired by her feminism and encouraged of young girls to chased their dreams. She work in many business with her family along with her sister who had a son to carry the legacy. Dad slowly fell in love with mom with a reason.
The letter he wrote for me and my brothers to read.
The Roger family has been passing its genes for generations with a twist of truths and secrets of our ancestors. Now that I understand why father loves mother, I guess I'm just like dad with my hair slick back, the perfect arch white rabbit and well.... The reason of loving a mate.
I'm so excited to mark my beloved as mine and mine alone. Well, besides my favorite bunny brother Leon who is the first one to finally mark his lover and soon to be brother in law in the future. Oh~ I wonder what she would look like when we were at the same age as my parents were? Or what dress she would dressed to my imaginable insane wedding that I've dreamed when I was a bunny. Alright I think I would be more then intrigued on what kind of girl if I finally see the true beauty behind all that elegant décor everyday? My guardian angel will take me to heaven to touch her, to feel her, to taste her-
To see how much she loves this Rabbit giving it to me~
Ugh, I losts control now. I needed her, I fucking need to confess my heart out and heal my beloved broken doll to a woman I ever gunna dreamed of. However, I need to be patient once she give in and open her heart for me, patient enough to let me get closer to her. Mother once told me that since she has a strong relationship with father with such love. Addy would be the most happiest girl to finally release those burden chains behind her back and healed all her broken crack porcelain that my pretty little doll possessed.
Now all I needed to do is to get rid of Nicol. I don't care of the peace contract we both had along time ago that I am about to break!
Anything to claim the Doll as my mate! That's what father told me. Finding the right mate to loved would do anything to claim it as mine. I made up my fucking mind to win this. Similar to how my brother Leon would back when we were still at the asylum. I also need to talk to my black rabbit brother for advice before I could finally kick the dog's ass. I'll do it tomorrow to prepared the plan. Nicol the Doberman Dog, our peace allies between our families is off.
Nicol's pov
I heard that Joen left the dog mansion quickly. Why though? I went to check on dollface if she is alright and safe. I think she is now safe.... For now....
You may be wondering why I wanted to protect her at all cost even protecting her from her mission, preventing her from activating her DEaF power eyes she had explained to my training with her, people who dare tried and harm a single hair from her and death multiple times is because of a many reasons;
She and I are no different then everyone else.... We both experience it in a horrible way....
*flashback, Nicol's traumas and Wilderness era*
The Dog brothers are not entirely as brothers who are related honestly. We were all born at the adoption withe and my little brother together until I have a strong friendship with the 4 pups. We were always together as a group because of our connection we are having and how much we grew up together inseparably. My brother will always be beside me and followed me anywhere until we all started performing and show off our created talent. We became young celebrities together until at age 11. Me, my little brother, my soon to be step brothers and my brother's siblings are all adopted by a man.
The man is my new owner, my master, the one who would take care the whole family despite we are not sure why he adopted us? Learning that the man had knew the 5 of us that we are popular of our talent and give us something that we now soon as celebrities as I formed a group of boys as the Dog Brothers. We are so happy to finally made it.... That's is what I thought of.... Right?
"Bad environment, a horrible influence of a owner, a home filled with vices and master showed me and my brothers the most wicked crime that all of us lost our innocence".
I grew aggressive and wild on these stuff. I'm so uncomfortable at first for introduced me such illegal stuff in such a young age myself. I was just 13 years old when master showed me these things. I grew slowly addicted, it is so wrong yet felt high I'm started to get used to master's drugs and alcohol
Age 14 is my start on partying my favorite clubs. My brothers are also got used to these vices as they do the same wilderness and hunting more and more. I like to fight people and greedy on devouring liquor and drugs everyday on clubs, I've earned myself a nickname as the "Wild Dog".
That is until.... The sudden arresting for illegal crimes had made us realized our whole family are in deep cursed. Realizing that we had changed to the worse which we immediately almost broke our strongest relationship that we, the Dog Brothers we once have togehter. We started arguing and fighting out of no where and I blindedly harmed my own little brother multiple times in a heated tension that I gradually said the words that I broke our relationship with my brother for eternity.
"You Bastard! How dare you offended me and my families name! YOUR A DISGRACE TO MY FAMILY!!! I'M NOT A DISGRACE TO MY FAMILY, I NEVER BETRAYED IT BROTHER!!!"
Those words are all a lie, I did betrayed them being blinded with addictions and obsessions which controlled my whole body like I'm a puppet. Crimes that added on my list while the Dog brothers are all working as celebrities as we secretly hidden our vices from public. The family doesn't want the publics eye to know these secrets which would one day torn us completely with shame
Been arrested then releasing again and again as I reached age 17.
*Imprisonment era*
"Here comes the Wild Dog! A Beast! Ooo so scary *mockingly laughs*, the lil old crazy bitch who do drugs and shit. I heard he killed a man before. He is the guy that we heard from those rumors outside, stay away from him. Such a psychopath, no loved for you and more fuck torture for you to performed. Disgusting disgrace of a family. Are the rumors are true? These rumors are for real!"
Enough! Just fucking stop! Please that wasn't me, that wasn't us!!! I wasn't myself, WE AREN'T OURSELVES!!! Curse you master!!! for making me and my whole family for losing our own innocence and our humanity to this hellhole! Go to hell you asshole!
I'm so broken right now.... I can't take this anymore with the addicting drugs and alcohol, adding crimes is one thing and yet I have almost betrayed the Dog brothers. The public has spreading rumors and news of our crime which shamed our fame and money.
At the end.... We started trying to fix ourselves and our problems to solve as we are officially released after 4 year ago of the Darkest era of celebrity, I'm 18 years old that I have already forgotten who I really am and who my friends are. I have lost my own innocence and humanity on society. Its is time for the Mcgilles Family to rehabilitated our fame, not wanting our fans disappointed and go down on us. They still loved us despite we are in deep burden from the dark time.
*flashback ended, present day. Midnight*
"Nic? Nicol? Nicolas, wake up."
I've suddenly woke up laying on the floor. Was I asleep? And I felt something wet soaking on my cheeks. I look up to see my favorite older brother, Alejandro the Jindo Dog.
"Nic, your crying. And its midnight already. Why aren't you on your bedroom?"
Ah... I think I'm still inside Addy's bedroom floor crying at my sleep as I stand up with the help of Ale.
"Sorry. I'm must have doze off when I got here."
Looking back on Dollface peaceful sleep, still in the same straight sleeping body and her stuffed bunny has dropped beside me when I first fallen asleep beside her bed. I picked up the stuffed bunny with my own hands, looking down to its innocent eyes I cried. I could feel my own body shacking as Alejandro sympathies how broken I am.
"She too innocent back when we were met.... She didn't deserve it brother.... She is as broken as I am, you and our family too."
"I know brother, I know...."
Putting back beside the owner of this stuffed white bunny to the sleeping doll as I gave a one last longing look of pity to the girl then left. I felt tired with my eyes almost shut, unfortunately.... Something tighten my chest that danger is going near. This is a bad sign.
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thecontentedreader · 7 years
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Wow! I can’t believe today is the last day of 2017. Is it just me or did this year just fly by? 
As a book lover, I find that with each passing year the book selections for the young adult genre just get better and better over time. There are so many books to look forward to in 2018 and I’ve rounded up a few books in particular that I can’t wait to get my hands on! 
My most anticipated books of 2018 are under the cut! 
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Book: Say You’ll Remember Me | Author: Katie McGarry | Publisher: Harlequin Teen | Pages: 400 | Release Date: January 30th
When Driz was convicted of a crime - one he didn’t commit - he thought his life was over. But opportunity came with the new Second Chance Program, the governor’s newest pet project to get delinquents off the streets, rehabilitated and back into society. Drix knows this is his chance to get his life back on track, even if it means being paraded in front of reporters for a while. 
Elle knows she lives a life of privilege. As the governor’s daughter, she can open doors with her name alone. But the expectations and pressure to be someone she isn’t may be too much to handle. She wants to follower her own path, whatever that means. 
When Drix and Elle meet, their connection is immediate, but so are their problems. Drix is not the type of boy Elle’s parents have in mind for her, and Elle is not the kind of girl who can understand Drix’s messy life. 
But sometimes love can breach all barriers. 
Fighting against a society that can’t imagine them together, Drix and Elle must push themselves - Drix to confront the truth of the robbery, and Elle to assert her independence - and each other to finally get what they deserve. 
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Book: The Upside of Falling Down | Author: Rebekah Crane | Publisher: Skyscape | Pages: 252 | Release Date: January 30th
For Clementine Haas, finding herself is more than a nice idea. Ever since she woke up in an Irish hospital with complete amnesia, self-discovery has become her mission. 
They tell her she’s the lone survivor of a plane crash. They tell her she’s lucky to be alive. But she doesn’t feel lucky. She feels ... lost. 
With the relentless Irish press bearing down on her, and a father she may not even recognize on his way from America to take her home, Clementine assumes a new identity and enlists a blue-eyed Irish stranger, Kieran O’Connell, to help her escape her forgotten life ... and start a new one. 
Hiding out in the sleepy town of Waterville, Ireland, Clementine discovers there’s an upside to a life that’s fallen apart. But as her lies grow, so does her affection for Kieran, and the truth about her identity becomes harder and harder to reveal, forcing Clementine to decide: Can she leave her past behind for a new love she’ll never forget?
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Book: Tempest and Slaughter | Author: Tamora Pierce | Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers | Pages: 480 | Release Date: February 6th
Arram. Varice. Ozorne. In the first book in the Numair Chronicles, three student mages are bound by fate ... fated for trouble. 
Arram Draper is a boy on the path to becoming one of the realm’s most powerful mages. The youngest student in his class at the Imperial University of Carthak, he has a Gift with unlimited potential for greatness - and for attracting danger. At his side are his two best friends: Varice, a clever girl with an often-overlooked talent, and Ozorne, the ‘leftover prince’ with secret ambitions. Together, these three friends forge a bond that will one day shape kingdoms. And as Ozorne gets closer to the thorne and Varice gets closer to Arram’s heart, Arram begins to realize that one day soon he will have to decide where his loyalties truly lie. 
In the Numair Chronicles, readers will be rewarded with the never-before-told story of how Numair Salmalin came to Tortall. Newcomers will discover an unforgettable fantasy adventure where a kindom’s future-rests on the shoulders of a talented young man with a knack for making vicious enemies. 
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Book: Tess of the Road | Author: Rachel Hartman | Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers | Pages: 544 | Release Date: February 27th 
In the medieval kingdom of Goredd, women are expected to be ladies, men are their protectors, and dragons get to be whomever they want. Tess, stubbornly, is a troublemaker. You can’t make a scene at your sister’s wedding and break a relative’s nose with one punch (no matter how pompous he is) and not suffer the consequences. As her family plans to send her to a nunnery, Tess yanks on her books and sets out on a journey across the Southlands, alone, and pretending to be a boy. 
Where Tess is headed is a mystery, even to her. So when she runs into an old friend, it’s a stroke of lucky. This friend is a quigutl - a subspecies of dragon - who gives her both a purpose and protection on the road. But Tess is guarding a troubling secret. Her tumultuous past is a heavy burden to carry, and the memories she’s tried to forget threaten to expose her to the world in more ways than one. 
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Book: The Beauty that Remains | Author: Ashley Woodfolk | Publisher: Delacorte Press | Pages: 352 | Release Date: March 6th
Music brought Autumn, Shay, and Logan together. Death wants to tear them apart. 
Autumn always knew exactly who she ways - a talented artist and a loyal friend. Shay was defined by two things: her bond with her twin sister, Sasha, and her love of music. And Logan always turned to writing love songs when his love life was a little less than perfect. 
But when tragedy strikes each of them, somehow music is no longer enough. Now Logan can’t stop watching vlogs of his dead ex-boyfriend. Sahy is a music blogger struggling to keep it together. And Autumn sends messages that she knows can never be answered. 
Each of them wonders: How different would my life be if this hadn’t happened? And now that it has ... what’s next? 
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Book: Lost Crow Conspiracy | Author: Rosalyn Eves | Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers | Pages: 464 | Release Date: March 27th
Sixteen-year old Anna Arden was once just the magically barren girl from an elite Luminate family. Now she has broken the Binding - and Praetheria, the creatures held captive by the spell, wreak havoc across Europe. Lower-class citizens have access to magic for the first time, while other Luminates lose theirs forever. Austria and Hungary are at odds once more. 
Anna Arden did not know breaking the Binding would break the world. 
Anna thought the Praetheria were on her side, content and grateful to be free from the Binding. She thought her cousin Matyas’s blood sacrifice to the disarm the spell would bring peace, equality, justice. She thought her future looked like a society that would let her love a Romani boy, Gabor. 
But with the Monarchy breathing down her neck and the Praetheria intimidating her at every turn, it seems the conspiracies have only just begun. 
As threat of war sweeps the region, Anna quickly discovers she can’t solve everything on her own. Now there’s only one other person who might be able to save the country before war breaks out. The one person Anna was sure she’d never see again. A bandit. A fellow outlaw. A man known as the King of Crows. Matyas. 
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Book: The Fates Divide | Author: Veronica Roth | Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books | Pages: 528 | Release Date: April 10th
In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.
Fate brought them together. Now it will divide them.
The lives of Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates, once determined, are inescapable.
Akos is in love with Cyra, in spite of his fate: He will die in service to Cyra’s family. And when Cyra’s father, Lazmet Noavek - a soulless tyrant, thought to be dead, reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever.
As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For Cyra, that could mean taking the life of the man who may - or may not - be her father. For Akos, it could mean giving his own. In a stunning twist, the two will discover how fate defines their lives in ways most unexpected.
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Book: Love and Luck | Author: Jenna Evans Welch | Publisher: Simon Pulse | Pages: 400 | Release Date: May 1st
Addie is visiting Ireland for her aunt’s over-the-top destination wedding, and hoping she can stop thinking about the one horrible thing she did that left her miserable and heartbroken - and threatens her future. But her brother, Ian, isn’t about to let her forget, and his constant needling leads to arguments and even a fistfight between the two once inseparable siblings. Miserable, Addie can’t wait to visit her friend in Italy and leave her brother - and her problems - behind.
So when Addie discovers an unusual guidebook, Ireland for the Heartbroken, hidden in the dusty shelves of the hotel library, she’s able to finally escape her anxious mind and Ian’s criticism.
And then their travel plans change. Suddenly Addie finds herself on a whirlwind tour of the Emerald Isle, trapped in the world’s smallest vehicle with Ian and his admittedly cute, Irish accented friend Rowan. As the trio journey’s over breathtaking green hills, past countless castles, and through a number of fairy-tale forests, Addie hopes her guidebook will heal not only her broken heart, but also her shattered relationship with her brother.
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Book: War Storm | Author: Victoria Aveyard | Publisher: HarperTeen | Pages: 400 | Release Date: May 15th
Victory comes at a price.
Mare Barrow learned this all to well when Cal’s betrayal nearly destroyed her. Now determined to protect her heart - and secure freedom for Reds and newbloods like her - Mare resolves to overthrow the kingdom of Norta once and for all ... starting with the crown on Maven’s head.
But no battle is won alone, and before the Reds may rise as one, Mare must side with the boy who broke her heart in order to defeat the boy who almost broke her. Cal’s powerful Silver allies, alongside Mare and the Scarlet Guard, prove a formidable force. But Maven is driven by an obsession so deep, he will stop at nothing to have Mare as his own again, even if it means demolishing everything - and everyone - in his path.
War is coming, and all Mare has fought for hangs in the balance. Will victory be enough to topple the Silver kingdoms? Or will the little lightning girl be forever silenced?
In the epic conclusion to Victoria Aveyard’s stunning series, Mare must embrace her fate and summon all her power ... for all will be tested, but not all will survive.
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Book: Legendary | Author: Stephanie Garber | Publisher: Flatiron Books | Pages: 416 | Release Date: May 29th
Stephanie Garber’s limitless imagination takes flight once more in the colourful, mesmerizing, and immersive sequel to the bestselling and breakout debut Caraval, following Scarlett’s younger sister, Tella, on a journey to the empire’s capital to fulfill a mysterious bargain.
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Book: Save the Date | Author: Morgan Matson | Publisher: Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers | Pages: 480 | Release Date: June 5th
Charlie Grant’s older sister is getting married this weekend at their family home, and Charlie can’t wait - for the first time in years, all four of her older siblings will be under one roof. Charlie is desperate for one last perfect weekend, before the house is sold and everything changes. The house will be filled with jokes and games and laughs again. Making decisions about things like what college to attend and reuniting with longstanding crush Jesse Foster - all that can wait. She wants to focus on making the weekend perfect.
The only problem? The weekend is shaping up to be an absolute disaster.
There’s the unexpected dog with a penchant for howling, house alarm that won’t stop going off, and a papergirl with a grudge.
There are the relatives who aren’t speaking, the (awful) girl her favourite brother brought home unannounced, and a missing tuxedo.
Not to mention the neighbour who seems to be bent on sabotage and a storm that is bent on drenching everything. The justice of the peace is missing. The band will only play covers. The guests are all crazy. And the wedding planner’s nephew is unexpectedly, distractingly ... cute.
Over the course of three ridiculously chaotic days, Charlie will learn more than she ever expected about the family she thought she knew by heart. And she’ll realize that sometimes trying to keep everything like it was in the past means missing out on the future.
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Book: My Plain Jane | Author: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows | Publisher: HarperTeen | Pages: 464 | Release Date: June 26th
You may think you know the story. After a miserable childhood, penniless orphan Jane Eyre embarks on a new life as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There, she meets one dark, brooding Mr. Rochester. Despite their significant age gap (!) and his uneven temper (!!), they fall in love - and, Reader, she marries him (!!!)
Or does she?
Prepare for an adventure of Gothic proportions, in which all is not as it seems, a certain gentleman is hiding more than skeletons in his closets, and one orphan Jane Eyre, aspiring author Charlotte Brontë, and supernatural investigator Alexander Blackwood are about to be drawn together on the most epic ghost hunt this side of Wuthering Heights.
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Book: The Towering Sky | Author: Katharine McGee | Publisher: HarperCollins | Pages: 320 | Release Date: August 28th
The final book in Katharine McGee’s epic New York Times bestselling series, The Thousandth Floor.
It’s New York City, 2118.
In Manhattan’s glamorous thousand-story supertower, millions of people are living scandalous lives. Leda, Watt, Rylin, Avery, and Calliope are all struggling to hide the biggest secrets of all, secrets that could destroy everything, and send their perfect worlds toppling over the edge.
Because every rise has a fall.
With all the drama, romance and hidden secrets from The Thousandth Floor and the Dazzling Heights, this explosive finale will not disappoint.
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Book: In Another Time | Author: Caroline Leech | Publisher: HarperTeen | Pages: 320 | Release Date: August 28th
Love is worth the fight.
It’s 1942, and Maisie McCall is in the Scottish Highlands doing her bit for the war effort as a Women’s Timber Corps lumberjill. Maisie relishes her newfound independence and her growing friendships - especially with the enigmatic John Lindsay.
As Maisie and John work side-by-side felling trees, Maisie can’t help but feel like their friendship has the spark of something more to it. And yet every time she gets close to him, John pulls away. It’s not until Maisie rescues John from a terrible logging accident that he begins to open up to her about the truth of his past, and the pain he’s been hiding.
Suddenly everything is more complicated than Maisie expected. And as she helps John untangle his shattered history, she must decide if she’s willing to risk her heart to help heal his. But in a world devastated by war, love might be the only thing left that can begin to heal what’s broken.
Book: The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy | Author: Mackenzi Lee | Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books | Release Date: October 2nd
A sequel to The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, narrated by Felicity and featuring travel, pirates, and a science girl gang.
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Book: Queen of Air and Darkness | Author: Cassandra Clare | Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books | Pages: 720 | Release Date: December 4th
What if damnation is the price of true love?
Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the blight that is destroying the race of warlocks. Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.
So those are my most anticipated books for 2018. Comment on this post or send me a message about your anticipated books for 2018. Are there any that I missed that you think I should check out?  I’d love to hear from you!
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axlhapsburg-blog · 7 years
The German Queen
Adalynn: She felt so nauseous. She hated big things, hated eyes on her like this. It reminded her of being paraded around in front of everyone. Her hands shook as her ladies handed her the bouquet and finished fixing her veil in place. She managed to take a few deep breaths before the Choir began to sing and the doors were swung open wide. She heard the rustling of everyone moving and turning, but her eyes were fixed on Axl. This was about them, becoming his wife, loving him. Each step made her heart beat faster and she could feel the tears of happiness. As she reached him she reached out for his hand, the shaking of hers visible as she met his eyes. "Only a few more steps and then we're alone." She told him, offering him a asmile.
AxlHapsburg: He felt like he had been waiting a lifetime for this, and here it was, finally happening. It felt like he couldn't breathe, he was so nervous and his palms were sweating. He knew the time was coming, unable to tear his eyes away from the door in fear of missing the first glimpse of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in her wedding dress. When the doors open, he could feel tears welling up in his eyes, blowing out a huff of air from his inflated cheeks to keep them from falling from his eyes. She looked like an angel, and she was his. Every step she took felt like it was miles long, and as she finally reached him, all he wanted to do was take her in his arms. Smiling, he wiped his cheek, removing the traitorous tear that had fallen before he spoke in soft tones. "Thank God."
Adalynn: She took his hand, squeezing tightly. "Just keep me grounded." She told him. She walked up the steps with him, trembling at all the people staring at her back. As they stopped and she turned to face him Her smile wide. 'I love you.' She mouthed, as the priest started. "Welcome..." Addie sighed biting her lip as they waited. 'I'm scared' she mouthed, hoping that he understood.
AxlHapsburg: Axl led her up the stairs, shaking his head as she said she was scared, squeezing her hand gently. 'Don't be', he mouthed back to her, and he tiurned toward the priest, listening to him drone on and on. He had wanted a shorter ceremony, but that apparently wasn't going to happen. The priest asked if he took her to be his wife, and without hesitation, Axl nodded his head with a loud "I do" leaving his lips. Soon, it came time for the vows, and Axl turned to Addie, a beaming smile on his face. "Addie, I have loved you since I was old enough to know what love was. Through everything, all of the pain that we've endured apart, I can't believe we have finally reached this point in our lives that we can be with each other freely. You are my heart, my life... You are the air that I breathe and I cannot imagine my life without you in my arms. You will never want for anything, and I will take care of you first and foremost in my life. I love you so much, Adalynn, and I am so happy, and proud, to have you as my Queen."
Adalynn: She nodded when he mouthed that she shouldn't be. It helped some, knowing that she was there with him. She listened to the priest and as he asked her about consenting she faced him, meeting his eyes. "I do." Her voice was firm and strong. As the priest told her she coudl say her vows she handed off her bouquet and lifted her veil. "Axl, you have literally been the one man in my heart. There has never been another that I have loved more than you. We have been through so much, you have loved me even when you shouldn't. Even knowing my background you accept me and you want me and I can never tell you how grateful that makes me. I promise you that I will love you, that you will have my heart and that you will be the only man to have my heart, body and soul from this day forward. You are more than my King, you are the King of my heart and my life. I will be the best wife and Queen that I can be. I love you more than life itself, and I am proud to be your Queen, even if I do mess up."
AxlHapsburg: Her vows made him smile broadly, his hand reaching for hers as the priest said that it was time for the rings. He pulled the ring he had purchased for her out of a pouch hidden in his shirt, listening as the priest spoke, then clearing his throat as he repeated the words to Adalynn. "I give you, whom I love above all others, this ring as a symbol of our love and marriage. You were my yesterday, you are my today, you will be my tomorrow. All that I am I give to you." He meant every word, unable to look away from her beautiful eyes. She would be his wife, and then, her coronation would make her his queen.
Adalynn: Addie couldn't stop the smile on her face. She was giddy, any nerves she had before washing away. She took his ring from her lady, and repeated the words teh priest told her. "I give you, whom I love above all others, this ring as a symbol of our love and marriage. You were my yesterday, you are my today, you will be my tomorrow. All that I am I give to you." As the ring settled on his finger she looked up at him, biting her bottom lip. The priest said a small prayer before " You may kiss yoru bride."
AxlHapsburg: As she placed the ring on his finger, he slid hers on her own took a deep breath, widening his eyes at her to show her just how nervous he had been, a huff of air leaving his lungs. He closed his eyes for the prayer, but he couldn't pay attention to a word the man said, his thoats elsewhere. Finally, the priest said it was time to kiss his girl, and he wrapped his arms around her, his lips meeting hers, but the kiss was over too soon, because anything longer would be inappropriate. Leaning in, he whispered softly in her ear, his lips teasing the lobe as he spoke. "It's about time we got here. I love you, Addie."
Adalynn: The kiss was much to brief for her, but it still meant that she was his. After so many years she was his. She chuckled, "it only took you eight years. I love you too." She teasedhim before the priest was pulling her away for her coronation. She knelt, listening to the prayers and all the words he had to say. She hadn't been groomed to be a queen, she wasn't even sure if this was the right choice for Axl to be making. She was so lost she didn't hear him prompt her the first time and jumped a little when he cleared his throat. "oh! I, Adalynn Siobhan Kinloch, do solemnly swear to be a good Queen to the people of Germany as the Lord, our God commands. I swear to have their best interests at heart and to do as is proper. I swear to take on all teh duties and responsibilites as Queen and to do them to the best of my ability. Amen." The priest spoke again, anointed her forehead, and placed the crown of the Queen of Germany on her head. She could feel her hand shaking as she stood and was guided to Axl. "I present to you King Axl Alaric Hapsburg of Germany and his Queen, Adalynn Eloise Kinloch."
AxlHapsburg: Axl was about to kiss his wife once more, but the priest whisked her away for her coronation much too soon for his liking. It was strange to watch the coronation, because he hadn't been sure he would ever have a queen, but here she was, the woman he had been so in love with for so many years. Once the priest lead her back to him, he linked his fingers with hers and looked toward his people gathered in the room. His Queen. Addie was his Queen.
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ghostpidge · 7 years
92 Truths
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
thanks to my girl @tsukkiies for tagging me! You’re a gem (Sorry this took me forever my internet has been weird the past few days).
LAST… [1] drink: tea [2] phone call: Squids telling me he was coming to pick me up last night [3] text message: Bf’s sister-in-law about going to see their new house [4] song you listened to: I’m Just a Kid- Simple Plan [5] time you cried: Last week????
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: Nope [7] been cheated on: I’m pretty convinced my ex cheated on me even though I don’t know for sure [8] kissed someone and regretted it: I mean I do now [9] lost someone special: My Dziadzio (polish for Grandpa) [10] been depressed: for a period of time yes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: four times...I’m not proud
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] Green [13] Purple [14] Black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: Definitely  [16] fallen out of love: Definitely not, if anything I’m even more in love [17] laughed until you cried: For sure [18] found out someone was talking about you: Probably, I’ve become a bit of a shit disturber hehehe [19] met someone who changed you: A few yeah [20] found out who your true friends are: Yes yes yes [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: Well I have my bf on facebook so yah
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I only add people I know, so that’s like 500 or so? [23] do you have any pets: Currently no but I honestly love my bf’s dog like he’s my own son [24] do you want to change your name: When I was younger yes, I HATED my name, now I love it because its so unique. [25] what did you do for your last birthday: I got drunk the night before with my friends, then went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and then had dinner with my family  [26] what time did you wake up: 8:30 am for work [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to sleep, watched a bit of Yowamushi Pedal and talked with @i-love-michael-jones [28] name something you cannot wait for: This semester of school to be done [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: Last night before I went to bed [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: If anything I want to fast forward to when I have a job, a nice house, and a dog [31] what are you listening to right now: The Phoenix- Fall Out Boy [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: I mean I met Tom Daley because of work and got a picture with him so yes [33] something that is getting on your nerves: my parents bugging me about what I’m doing once I graduate [34] most visited website: Tumblr and Facebook. [35] elementary: I literally went to the smallest grade school in the city, 180 kids, my graduating class had 16 kids [36] high school: I went from a school with 180 kids to 1100 kids. It was a nice school though [37] college: The University in the city, they had the program I wanted to go into so it made sense to stay home instead of moving away. [38] hair colour: Natural brunette but I dye it red [39] long or short hair: Medium length but I’m debating cutting it short [40] do you have a crush on someone: My bf is alright I guess (no I actually love the kid to death) [41] what do you like about yourself? appearance wise I love my eyes, they’re a deep shade of green. Personality wise I’m pretty down to earth. [42] piercings: 9 in total: 8 on my ears and my nose [44] nickname: Addie, Adds [45] relationship status: taken [46] zodiac sign: Libra [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: Friends, Full House, anime wise Haikyuu [49] tattoos: None...but I’m having one drawn up [50] right or left handed: Lefty!
FIRST… [51] surgery: Wisdom teeth [52] piercing: Both ear lobes. [53] best friend: @kissa1995 and @hathus [54] sport: Swimming and dance [55] vacation: I went with my parents to Texas when I was one, but I don’t remember that, the first one I do remember was I went to Ottawa for a wedding when I was five [56] pair of trainers: idk
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: a kit kat bar [58] drinking: nothing [59] i’m about to: probably watch a show or take a nap [60] listening to: All Time Low’s cover of Umbrella by Rihanna [61] waiting for: Squids to go on break at work so I can call him [63] get married: Not now, got too much shit I want to do first, but eventually yes [64] career: Your friendly neighborhood lifeguard/swim instructor
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: kisses [66] lips or eyes: Eyes [67] shorter or taller: Taller [68] older or younger: Older but it’s not a huge deal to me [70] nice arms or nice stomach: neither, I’m more of a back person [71] sensitive or loud: Sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: Relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: neither???????
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? Nope [75] drank hard liquor? HAHAHAHAHA I’m a closeted alcoholic (kidding, but yes I have) [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? Literally almost every day [77] turned someone down: Yep. [78] sex on first date? Nah [79] broken someone’s heart? Probably, but I really don’t care [80] had your own heart broken? Definitely [81] been arrested? Nope [82] cried when someone died? Of course [83] fallen for a friend: probably
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? A bit, but I wish I believed in myself more [85] miracles? Yes. [86] love at first sight? yes. [87] santa claus? No [88] kiss on the first date? yes [89] angels? Yes,
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Kate, Krista, and Alex [91] eye colour: Green [92] favourite movie: Silver Lining’s Playbook (but I honestly don’t watch movies often)
Tagging: @i-love-michael-jones, @iwaizooms, @hathus, @kissa1995 @in-b3tween, @achievemen-thunter and anyone else I’m sorry I suck at tagging people
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whittlebaggett8 · 6 years
‘The Walking Dead’ had a huge opportunity to take a big swing on Sunday’s episode and it chickened out, Defence Online
Were you surprised by the way Sunday’s “The Walking Dead” ended?
Gene Page/AMC
Warning: There are massive spoilers ahead for “The Walking Dead” season nine, episode 15, “The Calm Before.”
In an extended episode, “The Walking Dead” brought a big moment from the comics to life.
During King Ezekiel’s fair, Alpha kidnaps and kills 10 characters. Their heads get displayed on pikes for Daryl, Michonne, and more to find.
Fans expected AMC’s show to deliver “Game of Thrones”-sized deaths. Some even referred to it as “TWD’s” Red Wedding episode.
But when the actual deaths were finally revealed, they were a bit underwhelming. Other than three characters, most of them were background or recurring characters with little-to-no screen time.
Sunday’s “The Walking Dead” finally brought a huge comic moment to life.
After the introduction of the Whisperers on last November’s mid-season finale, comic fans have been waiting to see if and when Alpha may infiltrate King Ezekiel’s fair, pluck a number of unsuspecting fairgoers, behead them, and put their heads on pikes for display.
Sunday’s “The Walking Dead” appeared to check off all of those boxes, making viewers feel fear and dread up until the big reveal thanks to a few clever misdirects that may have thrown off comic fans. But was the reveal at the episode’s end everything you hoped for? Probably not.
Though “The Walking Dead” killed off 10 characters at once, you may have been left underwhelmed by all but three reveals. Let’s discuss.
Expectations: People were comparing Sunday’s “TWD” to an iconic “Game of Thrones” episode.
Carol suffered one of the biggest losses on Sunday night’s “The Walking Dead.”
Usually, big deaths don’t occur on AMC’s zombie drama until a finale, so this moment may have caught some viewers off guard.
Fans were getting so pumped for Sunday’s episode that some started comparing it to an iconic “Game of Thrones” episode, “The Rains of Castamere.” Many were referring to it as “The Walking Dead’s” “Red Wedding” episode by tweeting #RedFair.
The #REDFAIR next week on #TWD Damn man I’m excited
— SpFFA (@ShivamFFA) March 18, 2019
The #RedFair is coming to #TheWalkingDead, are you ready? I’m not! #nervous https://t.co/seRbyehf5u
— Pokémon Trainer Alice (@Sakura__002) March 21, 2019
Shall we use #RedFair for episode 15 ????
— Anu (@AnulovesCarol) March 13, 2019
The Red Wedding is perhaps one of the most shocking events on HBO’s third season of “Game of Thrones.” A number of big characters are ruthlessly murdered. It wasn’t just fans making that comparison.
The “Walking Dead” comic account tweeted out an image from “Game of Thrones,” hinting a Red Wedding-like episode was on the horizon.
Just going to leave this here pic.twitter.com/8g0Rtdxckc
— The Walking Dead (@TheWalkingDead) March 21, 2019
Who “The Walking Dead” chose to kill off and how it strayed from the comic
As the faces of the undead were shown one by one, fans quickly learned the show swapped its comic deaths for others. Instead of King Ezekiel and Rosita, the episodes big deaths were Henry, Tara, and Enid along with seven other recurring and background characters.
Here are the characters killed off on the show in order of their reveal: Ozzy, Alek, D.J., Frankie, Tammy Rose, Rodney, Addy, Enid, Tara, and Henry.
Here are the characters who were killed off in the comic: Olivia, Josh, Doctor Carson, Tammy Rose, Luke, Erin, Ken, Amber, Larry, Oscar, Rosita, and King Ezekiel.
Showrunner Angela Kang told Entertainment Weekly they always planned on killing Tammy Rose. Tara’s death was a sense of retribution since she was seen as the leader of the Hilltop by Alpha.
The problem with who was killed: Who WERE most of those people?
It was like someone stuck a bunch of B-level, recurring, and background characters names in a hat and plucked all but Henry’s out. (Henry was clearly the sure bet to kill after stealing Alpha’s daughter.)
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Other than Henry, most of Sunday’s deaths have little-to-no build up, feel random, and frankly, don’t feel earned.
Also, you may have wondered who some of these people were. Clearly “The Walking Dead” wanted viewers to feel something for each of these deaths, but aside from Henry, Tara, and Enid – these aren’t deaths people are going to cry over. I cried harder over Daryl holding Carol back from seeing her son’s head on a pike than for just about anyone in that lineup. (Except Enid.)
I actually had to pause and slowly unpause the review screener I received because I had no idea who the first two-to-three deaths were initially, and I cover this show week to week. I was also asked by someone else who is very in tune with “TWD” world who the name of the second person in the pike lineup was. (We learn very briefly on the episode his name is Alek and that he was one of the Highwaymen.)
Were you confused over who most of those people were on the pikes?
Let’s walk through these deaths in their order of appearance and see how well you actually know them.
The first two were the Highwaymen, who were just introduced two episodes ago. Unless you Googled them or were really paying attention, you most likely missed their names are Ozzy and Alek.
Alek and Ozzy tried to swoop in and save everyone. Instead, they became Whisperer victims.
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Then, we have former Savior D.J. You may remember him as that one really attractive Savior who worked for Negan with really white teeth. He’s actually credited on seven of this season’s other episodes, but you may not remember seeing much of him because he wasn’t front and center when there are about two dozen other cast members.
D.J. was the Savior with the whitest teeth.
Gene Page/AMC
We have seen Frankie once on season nine and that was very briefly on last Sunday’s episode, “Scars.” She was one of Negan’s many former wives who became friends with Eugene during his time at the Sanctuary.
Frankie was one of Negan’s many wives who Eugene befriended during his time at the Sanctuary.
Gene Page/AMC
Tammy Rose was the mother who lost her child on the season nine premiere and always had something to complain to Tara or Jesus about. Her death was the only one on Sunday’s episode that actually occurred in the comics. So this one felt right. It also made sense on the show for her to get a pike death since Alpha spied her with the stolen Whisperer baby. As a mother who was trying to get back her own missing daughter, that probably didn’t fly with her.
Tammy Rose was voted as one of the characters people wanted to see killed off the show in a recent poll conducted by INSIDER.
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
No one cared about the teens Rodney and Addy, sorry. The two were a part of a meddlesome group of Hilltop teens who tried to get Henry to drink and made fun of him before leaving him for dead in a pit with a walker. Addy was actually the one person in the group who was nice to Henry, but we never spent enough time with either of these characters for them to feel three dimensional. She had a minor crush on Henry that went unrequited.
Do you really even remember Addy and Rodney?
Jace Downs/AMC
Enid’s death actually felt like the first real surprise on the pikes, and the one that felt most shocking. On the show since season five, we’ve watched Enid lose her family and her original love, Carl. She was just getting things together as a doctor and was starting off a new relationship with Alden.
Enid’s death was one of the few that hit us in the feels.
Gene Page/AMC
Tara’s death was also a slight shock. Up until her very reveal, the show does a good job of misdirecting the viewer to believe Rosita was getting her comic death. With Maggie MIA and Jesus dead, it looked like Tara was going to take over as leader of the Hilltop community.
Were you expecting to see Tara get Rosita’s comic death?
Gene Page/AMC
Henry was the final face revealed on the pikes, but it felt like the most obvious one to be up there. Henry is the reason Alpha went after anyone in the first place because he convinced her daughter, Lydia, there was more to life than being a Whisperer. Alpha didn’t like that and Lydia’s boyfriend had to go.
Alpha didn’t like Lydia getting mixed up with Henry.
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
It felt like Alpha dropped the ball a bit here. If she really is as heartless as the show makes her come off, why didn’t she kill both Henry and King Ezekiel? We certainly know she has no problem killing husbands. She killed her own!
You’re telling me a woman who was clever enough to eavesdrop during the fair to learn Michonne’s name couldn’t pick up on which characters were really important and mattered to others?
Gene Page/AMC
Alpha’s ruthless. She had a great plan. I’m just questioning her execution a bit. Tammy Rose? I get it. She took that Whisperer baby. Overall, Alpha probably should have spent some more time at the fair to gather intel on which characters people actually cared about.
Why a lot of these deaths felt pointless: The season’s focus hasn’t been on the majority of these characters outside of Henry
In swapping out the comic deaths, “The Walking Dead” killed off a bunch of characters fans don’t even care for that much outside of a few.
Gene Page/AMC
New showrunner Angela Kang has done such a great job of refocusing the show on its A-level stars and their interactions – Michonne, Daryl, Carol, King Ezekiel, Judith, Negan, Father Gabriel, Rosita, Siddiq, and now Alpha and Beta, while also balancing the introduction of another group of five (Magna, Yumiko, Luke, Connie, and Kelly). However, in the process, some of these other characters, who were killed on Sunday’s episode, like Tara, have kind of fallen by the wayside.
That’s A LOT of main characters. And none of them died.
Gene Page/AMC
Tara’s big thing this season was holding a grudge against Michonne for protecting the life of her unborn child from feral children and running the Hilltop while Jesus died and Maggie went somewhere unannounced. Katelyn Nacon, who plays Enid, told INSIDER her character’s storyline kind of just fell into the background on the back half of season nine as she was shoehorned into another relationship.
Read more: ‘The Walking Dead’s’ Katelyn Nacon was ‘bummed out’ her character was pushed into another love interest role
In the end, when the big deaths were revealed, none of them felt truly impactful except for maybe Enid, who I found the most shocking since her character has lived by the motto “Just Survive Somehow.” She has never come across as a character who is going to get easily lured away or kidnapped. It seemed more likely her new beau, Alden (Callan McAuliffe), or at the very least, someone from Magna’s group was going to get the pike.
You can argue that the show handled misdirects really well and that they just didn’t want to do what people were expecting from the comics. The episode certainly plants seeds to make you nervous about several characters throughtout the extended episode. While Alpha’s at the fair she lays her eyes on Eugene and Rosita. She even has an ominous conversation with Ezekiel. You were practically expecting to see one, if not all of them on pikes by the episode’s end.
How worried for Ezekiel were you during this scene?
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
And then they weren’t on the pikes. And that’s fine. But if you’re not going to have the comic deaths on the show then add in a few more big characters who have been getting a lot of screen time. That’s who people are going to get really upset over.
INSIDER recently conducted a poll asking 788 self-proclaimed “Walking Dead” fans which characters they would be devastated to see killed off the show. No fans voted they would be most upset if Alpha, Earl, Tammy Rose, Cyndie, or Yumiko were killed off the series. Henry, Tara, and Tammy Rose were voted among the top characters fans wanted to see die the most in our poll.
I cried more for Carol’s reaction to learning her son was killed than I did for any one individual person on those pikes. I don’t think that’s the reaction AMC and the “Walking Dead” crew probably wants fans to have.
Who should have been killed: One of the A-listers.
Will “The Walking Dead” regret not killing off Khary Payton’s character if he winds up leaving next season?
Gene Page/AMC
It seemed like the show wanted to shake up what happens in the comics, something it’s done in the past, but if AMC was trying to make a big “Game of Thrones” statement, it should have killed off a lead or a fan favorite. Maybe both. King Ezekiel would have been the obvious choice, not only because this is his big comic death, but also because there have been reports that next season may be his last.
Danai Gurira is also supposed to leave the show next season, as reported by INSIDER.
The problem with killing off one of the show’s big stars: “The Walking Dead” is running out of them
Andrew Lincoln (right) left the show this season and Danai Gurira is set to leave next season.
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
The main reason we probably didn’t see one of the main characters go? They’re becoming far and few. AMC probably knows viewers keep tuning in for Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Negan, and Ezekiel before any of the other characters. The show has already been dipping in the ratings. Yes, the show has had some better ratings week to week recently, thanks to some very strong episodes, including “Scars,” but the trend season over season has been downward.
Maybe if Maggie, Heath, Jesus, and more didn’t leave the show for other opportunities, they would have been pretty good pike candidates. (Not that I would have wanted to see any of these characters piked.)
Also, where was Aaron (Ross Marquand)? He has barely appeared on this season and easily would have made for a shocking pike death. Father Gabriel has long outlived his comic death on the show. He could have been another viable candidate. Do we really need all three men who are in love with Rosita still alive to help her raise her child?
Even the actors were surprised the deaths weren’t larger.
Katelyn Nacon told INSIDER Christian Serratos and Khary Payton thought they may be getting killed off the show.
Gene Page/AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/INSIDER
During a phone interview Friday, Katelyn Nacon told INSIDER she thought there were going to be more big actors audiences were familiar with on the pikes.
“Honestly, I was surprised that it wasn’t anymore series regulars other than me and Alanna [Masterson],” Katelyn Nacon told INSIDER of her reaction to learning of the characters killed on Sunday’s episode.
“When we first discussed it in the beginning of the season, it had sounded like there was going to be a lot of big people with their heads on pikes, but I was honestly kind of surprised that it was just me and her out of all the series regulars. I thought there was going to be more,” said Nacon.
And it wasn’t just Nacon who was surprised. The actress, who has played Enid on the show since season five told INSIDER Khary Payton, who plays Ezekiel, and Christian Serratos, who plays Rosita, thought they were also going to receive their comic deaths.
“Even Khary [Payton] and Christian [Serratos], they thought that it was going to be them up until the episode came out for all of us to read,” said Nacon. “They kind of really went the entire year, too, just wondering whether they were going to die or not until they actually got the episode and saw it wasn’t them.”
What did you think of Sunday’s big reveal? Were you shocked by the amount of characters killed off and upset or did you feel underwhelmed and let down by the iconic comic moment come to life?
You can follow along with our “Walking Dead” coverage here.
The post ‘The Walking Dead’ had a huge opportunity to take a big swing on Sunday’s episode and it chickened out, Defence Online appeared first on Defence Online.
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smkkbert · 5 years
Time for a story - Protective instinct
Tumblr media
Enjoying the silence, Oliver rubbed his thumb over Felicity’s engagement ring and wedding band slowly. She looked beautiful in the low light of the electric porches that were spending them some light in the dark of the night. The smile on her face, though it showed exhaustion and tiredness, was content.
Oliver watched Felicity grabbing her glass of white wine and taking some sips. A quiet sigh fell from her lips when she leaned forward and put the glass back to the table. Resting her head back against the headrest of her chair, Felicity turned her head to look at Oliver, and the smile on her lips grew even more content.
“Do you have everything planned for your trip to Gotham?”
In all the years, Oliver had never grown used to the feeling of being separated from Felicity overnight. Just knowing that she was going to leave the city for a couple of days to go to Gotham made his heart feel heavy. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to find any peaceful sleep while she was gone, and he’d feel like he wasn’t whole until she was back with him.
For Felicity, these business trips were important though. She had to discuss some things with Bruce as they were celebrating the latest breakthrough in their development of their bio-stimulant. They had to plan the next steps they would have to take to make their product available for everyone. So far, one of the biggest issues with the bio-stimulant was that producing and implementing it was still way too expensive.
“I will leave in the morning of July 10,” Felicity replied. “Bruce is going to pick me up at the airport. We are going to work our asses off night and day, so I can come back by July 13.”
Oliver frowned slightly. “You said you’d stay a week.”
“I changed my mind.”
Felicity’s voice was soft when she said that. There was no reproach and no hint of a hidden meaning in it. Still, Oliver knew better than to think that Felicity had just realized that she wouldn’t need that much time in Gotham. There were still too many things had needed to be improved about the bio-stimulant before it could go into mass production.
A smile was tugging at his lips when Oliver lowered his eyes to their linked fingers. His thumb was still rubbing back and forth on Felicity’s rings. He loved feeling the platinum that was warm from her skin against his fingers. It was comforting to know that Felicity was alive, his and right here with him.
“You shouldn’t shorten your business trip because of me,” Oliver said with quiet voice. “What you are working on is very important. If you need time to discuss things with Bruce in Gotham, you have to take that time. I’ll be fine.”
“Well, believe it or not,” Felicity said and squeezed his hand, “but I am actually shortening my trip to Gotham because of I know how much I will miss you and our kids. I want to come back because I know I will need to come back as soon as possible.”
Oliver didn’t quite believe her. He didn’t doubt that Felicity would miss all of them. She wouldn’t sleep as peacefully as she was sleeping when she was home with him, and she would certainly call several times a day to make sure they were alright.  Still, she would get along without them for a week because she would be focused on her work and driven to be the beacon of hope she had always wanted to be.
There was a part of Oliver that considered arguing with her and convincing her that she needed to take her time there. He knew that Felicity made her own decisions based on the facts she had at hand. If she really needed to stay longer, she’d do so.
Maybe there was a little bit of selfishness in deciding to leave it like that, but that was something Oliver would have to live with. He wasn’t going to convince Felicity to stay longer if she assured him that she was the one who had made this decision.
“Are you going to stay at Bruce’s mansion?” Oliver asked instead. “I remember that, when I came back from the island, Thea showed me some lifestyle article about Bruce and his home. The reporters didn’t get any look inside, but there were a lot of rumors about fifty guest rooms.”
“Bruce’s mansion does look like a castle.” Felicity chuckled. “I think he has only twenty guest rooms though.”
Oliver snorted, shaking his head. He knew that he and Bruce were quite similar. They had both been through the trauma of seeing their parents die in front of their eyes. They had both chosen to make their cities a safer place by fighting crime in unique ways. They were both much more closed off than other people. They were both in love with the same incredibly smart woman.
When it came to their lifestyle, they had quite different taste though. Maybe it was because Oliver was with that one woman that they both loved and had kids with her. Having Felicity in his life and starting a family with her had changed a lot about his life. She and their kids had changed everything for him. Being a husband and a father was what determined his life now, not that trauma that had started the moment the Gambit had gone down.
Since Oliver had realized that Bruce was in love with Felicity, he had wondered what his life would look like now if Felicity hadn’t chosen him. If she had fallen in love with Bruce, Oliver guessed that Bruce would be living in a suburban home and raising a handful of kids now, while he would be living in some modern, monstrous home made of glass, wood, steal and concrete. He’d still be brooding a lot, and he’d have little to no contacts.
“I am going to stay at a hotel though,” Felicity interrupted his train of thoughts. “I booked a nice room in a really good hotel. You can relax.”
For a second, Oliver considered telling Felicity that he’d feel a lot safer if she was staying at Bruce’s mansion, but he decided to stay quite instead. He knew that, no matter where Felicity would stay those few nights, Bruce would always have an eye on her.
He trusted Felicity to be faithful to him, and he trusted Bruce to keep his feelings for Felicity in check. He didn’t exactly trust the villains of Gotham to keep their fingers off Felicity, who was not only married to a wealthy and influential man but actually quite wealthy and influential herself.
Gotham just wasn’t Starling.
“Do you-“
Oliver interrupted himself when he felt a tingling in the back of his neck that told him that he and Felicity were not alone anymore. There had been a time that he would have switched into fighting mode immediately. As a father of five, he had been sneaked up to a couple too times too much to think of any crisis.
Indeed, it was just Addie whose presence he had felt. The two-year-old was standing in the terrace door with her stuffed donkey clutched to her chest and her cheek snuggled into the fabric. She was looking at her parents with the big, blue eyes.
“Hi, Addie,” Oliver said softly, “what are you doing here?”
From the corner of his eyes, he could see Felicity turning her head. He could almost pinpoint the second she remembered that they had stopped using a baby monitor for their youngest last week. If they had still used one, they would have probably noticed that Addie had escaped her bed and had been on the way downstairs.
“Can’t sleep.”
In all the years, Oliver had never stopped feeling fascinated by the kids’ need to come downstairs and tell their parents that they couldn’t sleep like they had some magical fix for that. He guessed he had always done the same thing as a child, thinking their parents could solve it.
Spreading his arms, Oliver beckoned for Addie to come to him. She didn’t have to be asked twice. She came running towards him, let him lift her into his arms and pull her against his chest. With a content sigh, she snuggled as close to him as possible, and Oliver pressed his lips to the top of her head as he cradled it protectively.
Cuddle times with the kids were still the best thing to happen to him. He loved having his kids this close where he could protect them. He was grateful for every day that he got to spend with them because there had been too many hours that he had spent thinking he’d never get to see his kids growing up.
Felicity placed her hand over his. He opened his eyes to look at her over the top of Addie’s head, and he could see in her eyes that she knew what had been going on inside of him. She always knew what was going on inside of him, and he was grateful for it because it made everything easier.
“Come here, Addie,” Felicity prompted with soft voice. “Mommy’s going to take you back to bed now.”
Addie turned in Oliver’s arms and reached out her hands for her mother. Felicity pulled her towards her and kissed her cheek before setting her down on the floor. When Addie kept a hand held out for Felicity, she wrapped her fingers around her daughter’s hand before getting up from the couch.
“I guess I will get us another glass of wine in the meantime,” Oliver said. “Or do you want to go to bed?”
Felicity glanced at her watch before she turned her head back over her shoulder and smiled at Oliver. “No, I think I’d like another glass of wine.”
Oliver smiled. “Good.”
Stretching his arms far over his head for a moment to wake up his sleepy muscles, Oliver moved to the edge of the couch. He got up with a low groan and was about to grab the wine glasses from the table when he noticed the way Felicity was looking at him.
“What?” he asked. “Why are you looking at me like that.”
The grin was tugging at the corners of Felicity’s lips, making them twitch slightly, before it spread there. A sparkle of amusement was visible in her eyes.
“I guess if your advanced age is making it so hard for you to stay awake, we can also go to bed,” she told him. “I don’t want to keep an old man away from his bed for too long.”
Oliver pressed his lips together slightly. He knew how much Felicity loved to tease him about his age, especially now that he had crossed the forty-year mark. Even more amused by his reaction, Felicity grinned at him innocently.
“You go and take Addie to bed,” Oliver told her and slapped her butt playfully. “After that I will-“
Addie’s voice was loud and firm when she stepped in front of her mother. Holding her palm high towards him in a clear stop gesture, she frowned at him angrily.
“No hitting people!” Addie demanded firmly before Oliver could ask the question. “No hitting people!”
At first, Oliver frowned. He didn’t know what was going on or what had caused this. He had never seen Addie like this. She had never been this angry.
Once Oliver figured that his playful slap on Felicity’s butt had caused Addie’s reaction, his frown was pushed away by a warm smile though. Of course his daughter was protecting her mother from anything and everyone.
“I guess someone has inherited her father’s protective instinct.”
Felicity’s mumble made Oliver lift his eyes towards Felicity briefly. She was smiling softly, warmth and love shining in them as she looked at two of her most loved people in the world.
When Oliver looked back at Addie, his smile widened even more. He put his hand to his heart and vowed, “No more hitting. I promise.”
Addie watched Oliver for a long moment, unsure if she should believe him. When Oliver just continued looking at her with open honesty, she nodded her head with a dramatic sigh though.
“Okay.” Addie reached out her arms. “And now hug.”
Oliver chuckled and lifted Addie into his arms. She kissed his lips before she rested her head on his shoulder and released a sleepy sigh. Smiling, Oliver stroked his hand over the back of her head and rocked her from side to side slowly.
“I will put you to bed now, okay?”
Felicity stepped closer to them and placed a kiss to the back of Addie’s head, whispering a goodnight into her ear. She smiled at him before letting him go upstairs, so he could take their little protector to bed. 
* * *
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smkkbert · 6 years
Time for a story - Nosy kids
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“Honestly, if back when we were juveniles, someone had told me that this would be the kind of gatherings that we’d do on a Friday night, I would have probably punched them in the face.”
Chuckling, Oliver turned his head to where Tommy was sitting next to him with his eyes closed so Emmy could apply some glittering eyeshadow to his lid. When the little girl turned to the other lid, Tommy blinked at Oliver through one eye. A wide grin spread on his lips before he closed his eyes again, so Emmy could continue with her work.
Oliver was sure that this hadn’t been what Tommy had imagined when he had invited him over to watch the baseball game with him. It hadn’t been Oliver’s plan to have Emmy and Millie do a make-up party with them either. Since Felicity had been needed at Queen Consolidated and neither of the kids had been willing to go to bed, their baseball game had needed to take a back burner.
“That nail polish really is gorgeous, Millie.”
Millie smiled at her father at the compliment before she turned back to coloring his fingernails. She was actually applying more of the nail polish to his skin than she was applying to his fingernails. She wasn’t even three years old, so she wasn’t nearly old enough for nail polish. As soon as she had seen her sister starting to get out the beauty box, she had wanted to do something too though, and she really was completely focused on her task.
Oliver turned his eyes to his son Tommy, who was kneeling on the floor and working on his puzzle. Like so often, the little boy had chosen to rather do something for himself instead of joining in on the fun of the others. He seemed to be completely content with solving the puzzle all on his own while his family was gathered around him.
All of a sudden, Tommy lifted his gaze from his puzzle almost like he had sensed his father’s eyes on him. He was looking at Oliver with his big blue eyes, not saying a word. Oliver smiled encouragingly.
“What’s up, Buddy?”
“When’s mommy coming home?”
Oliver wasn’t the least bit surprised about his son’s question. Tommy was still more found of his mother than he ever had been on Oliver. He loved him with all of his heart, but he just loved his mommy and tiny little bit more. Oliver couldn’t hold it against him. He and Tommy were a lot alike with their rather quiet and solitary manner. They could use Felicity’s warmth and lightness.
“Soon,” Oliver replied with a smile. “She’s going to kiss you guys goodnight when she comes home.”
“I’ll stay up until she’s home.”
Oliver pursed his lips, not answering to that. His hope that he’d get the kids to go to bed before Felicity was back home. They were using his weakness for her against him because they knew exactly that Oliver wouldn’t go to bed without a kiss from Felicity either.
Releasing a low sigh, Oliver turned his head and watched Addie. She was holding her stuffed donkey under her ear, following the robot vacuum slowly. Her steps were insecure, proving that she was tired and actually needed to go to bed. Oliver knew that the moment he’d lift her into his arms, she’d start released high-pitched screams. Just like her siblings, she just really didn’t want to go to bed.
Oliver looked at Millie briefly, seeing her holding out her hand to put his fingers into it. Smiling, Oliver did so. At the same time, he watched over the top of Millie’s head how Addie was sitting down on the robot vacuum to ride it. She was smiling widely behind her pacifier, squealing loudly and wiggling her arms.
Addie was a little adventurer. She loved exploring everything around her, and she loved taking risks to gain new experience. Sometimes, it seemed like Addie wasn’t afraid of anything.
Smiling, Oliver looked around his four youngest kids. He knew that most people just saw four hyped kids. They wouldn’t be able to see much of a difference between them. For Oliver, each of his kid was completely different from the others though. There were similarities between the kids, stronger ones between some than between others.
Emmy was the smart one. She was always trying to solve problems, no matter how hard they were. She even had the same deep focus that allowed her to spend days on the same problem without ever giving up. What she couldn’t solve with her intelligence, she was trying to work at with her warmth and empathy. She was the kid what probably took the most after Felicity which explained why she was the one who favored him the most.
Tommy was the grumpy one. He loved doing things that he could so all by himself like puzzles or watching the stars. He didn’t like talking much. He didn’t mind having people around him, but he didn’t necessarily need them. He’d probably be happy living in a small bubble with just the people closest to him. It only proved more that he was just so similar to Oliver.
Millie was the easy one. Having Millie around, no matter where they were, was always easy. The little girl could busy herself on her own for hours. She was always seemed content and rarely ever demanded anything more than she was given. She was easy to please and probably the most lovable person in the world.
Addie was the adventurer. She never grew tired of exploring her surroundings. She loved getting to know new things though she didn’t just do it for herself. She loved getting attention for what she was doing. She was always striving the most when she had people watching her every move and encouraging her.
With a proud smile on her lips, Emmy stepped away from Tommy with a proud smile. Oliver turned his head to look at his friend and did his best not to burst out in laughter. With all the hair clips and the thick makeup, Tommy looked like a mixture of a run-down drag queen and psychotic clown.
From the amused smile on her lips, Oliver assumed that it might have been exactly Emmy’s intention. After Tommy hadn’t been able to recognize the horse she had drawn as a horse, Oliver guessed she had wanted a little bit of revenge.
“Okay, so makeup time is over now.”
Oliver nodded for Emmy to find something else to play with and Emmy didn’t lose a second. She just ran over to probably grab Felicity’s tablet or something. Oliver knew he should probably say something about that since Felicity didn’t like if the kids were playing with her tech. Instead of saying anything, he just let her go and looked at his friend.
“The game and a beer?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Tommy replied with playfully high voice and fluttered his eyelids. “Maybe we should rather watch Downton Abby and drink a glass of champagne.”
Oliver chuckled, punching his friend’s shoulder teasingly. Tommy just laughed in response and nodded his head. He went ahead to the couch, sitting down their and switching on the TV. Meanwhile, Oliver got his friend a bottle of beer. He himself chose a coke as Dr. Rosario still coerced him to limit his alcohol consume to a minimum, and Oliver saved those few moments that he did drink alcohol for an occasional glass of wine with Felicity.
When Oliver sat down in the cushions next to Tommy, he handed him his bottle of beer. They clinked their drinks without looking at each other and took some gulps. They sat like that in silence, not saying a word to one another. They just watched the game and enjoyed each other’s company.
With a low sigh, Oliver rested his bare feet on the couch table. He knew Felicity would rant with him for it as she didn’t like him to put his feet on the table. He didn’t mind though. Whenever she used her loud voice on him, it usually led to a hot reunion.
“This is much more how I thought we were going to spend our evenings,” Tommy said eventually, picking up on what he had said before. “Well, to be honest, I thought we were going to spend our nights partying and picking up girls.”
A slight crease formed between Oliver’s eyebrow as he heard those words. Back when they had been juveniles, he had been in relationships too. Though he had always imagined that it would lead to a marriage and a family someday, he had never seen his life change even the slightest bit because of that. Back then, he hadn’t been the marriage kind of guy.
Smiling, Oliver looked at the wedding band at his left ring finger. He had needed to find Felicity to see the wonderfulness of a life like this.
“Wanna hear something even weirder?” Oliver asked Tommy, looking back and forth between his kids. “Sometimes I can’t even remember what my life has been like before them. I mean I have those memories, but they don’t feel like they are mine. Do you know what I mean?”
Only now Oliver looked at Tommy. His friend was smiling slightly, nodding his head.
“Actually, I can.”
Oliver looked at Tommy for a moment longer before he turned his gaze back to the TV. They had both been through a lot, and they had both changed a lot. Neither of them had probably been able to foresee the kind of lives they were living now. In a lot of ways, it only made it more special though.
There were a lot of things that had led Oliver to become the man he was today. The shipwreck and those five years in hell that had followed as well as all the consequences it had had for his life were probably a huge part of it. Still, Oliver wanted to believe that even if the Gambit had never sunken and he had never experienced all that trauma and all that loss, he would have still grown into a somewhat good husband and father.
Deep in his heart, Oliver really believed that all he had ever needed to grow into a better man had been Felicity. She harnessed the light that had always been inside of him. She brought out the best in him.
That she would have probably never fallen in love with the guy he had used to be was a problem that he doubted he’d ever be able to solve in his head, but it didn’t matter. She had already fallen in love with him in their reality.
He let his gaze drift over Tommy, Millie and Addie, feeling even more grateful for the fact that Felicity really had fallen in love with him. They had fought through so much to get together, and they had fought through so much to stay together. If it wasn’t for their mutual love and understanding, they would have never made it so far.
When Emmy came into the living room with a deep frown on her forehead and Felicity’s tablet clutched to her chest, Oliver perked up his eyebrows.
“What’s up, Sweetie?” he asked and lifted his coke to his lips. “Did you crash mommy’s tablet?”
“Dad, what’s an orgasm?”
Oliver was so surprised by the question that he almost choked on his drink. He barely managed to swallow down the gulp before he coughed so hard that his head felt like it was going to explode from the heat that spread on his face.
It felt like forever until Tommy finally started clapping Oliver’s back until his breathing was back to normal again. With the heat that still covered his face, Oliver still felt terribly uncomfortable though. That Tommy was trying to hold back a burst of laughter didn’t make it any easier either.
“What did you just ask?” Oliver asked Emmy once he was able to form a coherent sentence again. “What’s a what?”
“An orgasm,” Emmy replied with firm voice. “What’s an orgasm, Dad?”
Oliver nodded his head slowly. He had no idea where Emmy had heard that word. While it probably didn’t matter it seemed like his first and only chance to buy some more time for him to give a childproof answer.
“Where did you even hear that word?”
“I read it on mom’s tablet,” Emmy replied and handed him the tablet. “She googled Orgasm during first time a- ana- anal. Dad, what’s anal?”
Oliver grabbed the tablet from Emmy’s hand quickly and found that she was right. Felicity had googled that, probably in preparation for their plan to try anal. Hawk had gotten in the way of it.
“Yeah, what does even mean, Oliver?” Tommy asked.
Even from the corner of his eye, Oliver could see his friend grinning widely. He wasn’t even trying to hide his amusement about this uncomfortable situation. He was reveling in Oliver’s feeling of embarrassing.
“I have no idea what that means,” Oliver replied between clenched teeth. “Maybe you should ask mommy that question. I am sure it’s something about her computers and-“
When Oliver heard the keys turning in the lock of the front door, he released a sigh of relief. He knew it wasn’t fair to put this on Felicity, but she was at least as responsible for Emmy finding about that word as Oliver was.
“And luckily, mommy just came home,” he said.
As if he had spoken some magic spell that had released the kids, they dropped whatever they had been doing and ran towards the door where Felicity was just stepping into the living room.
His heart warmed as he watched the kids welcoming Felicity home like she had been away for a decade. They were wrapping their arms around her legs, making it hard for her to move, and they all talked at the same time. Felicity didn’t seem to mind though. She was chuckling, trying to give every child the attention they needed.
“Mommy, I have an important question for you.”
At the sound of Emmy’s voice, Oliver pricked up his ears.
“If it’s why are you all still up so late,” Felicity replied loud enough for Oliver to hear, “it’s a good question because I was wondering about the same.”
“No,” Emmy replied with a chuckle. “What’s an orgasm? And what’s anal?”
When Felicity shot an angry glance in his and Tommy’s direction, he simply lifted her tablet and waved with it. Felicity’s eyes widened in shock when she realized that she herself had been the one teaching their daughter that word.
“Uhm… that’s… those… uhm…”
Only know that he watched Felicity struggle to answer their daughter’s questions, Oliver understood Tommy’s amusement. There really was something funny about watching someone to find a childproof answer to that question.
Unlike Oliver, who still had no idea how he would have answered if he hadn’t been able to put this responsibility onto her, Felicity straightened her shoulders soon though. She smiled and leaned down a little until her face was almost on the level of their kids’.
“Wanna know a secret?” she whispered to them and waited until all of them nodded. “Mommy has some of the really good chocolate hidden in the top drawer of her desk in her home office. It’s all yours.”
There was a beat of silence, and Oliver even doubted that this would work. Before that doubt could spread in his chest, the kids were already running off in excitement. Those unfamiliar words were all forgotten. ´
Felicity released a breath of relief that made Oliver chuckle. She turned her head towards him at the sound and went over to him.
“Hi,” she whispered softly and leaned over the back of the couch to brush her lips to his in a gentle kiss. “That was close.”
“You should have closed that window and erased your search history.”
“You shouldn’t have let Emmy play with my tablet.”
“Touché,” Oliver admitted and stole another kiss from her lips. “I am glad you are home.”
“I am glad I found a way to distract them.”
“I am glad that I got to witness this moment,” Tommy chimed into the conversation lightly, “though it would have been even more fun if you hadn’t wiggled your way out of it so easily.”
Felicity slapped his chest playfully. Once she looked at his face, she frowned though. Her gaze drifted to Oliver’s face and his fingernails briefly before she looked back at Tommy and grinned.
“For someone who looks like a failed Disney Princess on crack, I am not sure you should talk.”
Tommy stroked his hand through his hair dramatically. “Lady, I am beautiful.” 
@fannaz @promiseyoullbepatientwithme @bytemegeekette @felicity-said-just-in-case @phanseptiic @orangeisorange @mspotatohead14 @whentheheavenfades @emmaamelia95 @smoakingskye @seaolicity @ourwritinginvein @1022bridgetp @felicityqueenforever @leagueofolicity17 @yryssss @myhauntedblacksoul @muslimsmoak @sherlock44 @sinceriouslybea @arrowsalways @olivyflavescentdeer @olicitys-castle @ofnothingcharming @vaelisamaza @smoakedandcharmed @alexisa1206 @mysaudadespt2 @florence-bubbles @addictiontelly @queens-of-arrows @memcjo @hysterical-for-joshifer @oswinelevenforever @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310 @mymusiclove101 @lynslogic @scarletqueen23 @olicityshipper19 @alex-wesley @arrows-4ever @unabashedlynerdypatrol @louehmysoul @ligiapimenta @chattyyana @charlie-leau @coal000 @samcrowleys @ishippolivia @julianegomesqueen @malafle @miriam1779 @charlinert @melaux @ontheolicityship @myshipperlife @wrightainsley @lexi9515 @ladygreenwood @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @morinamel @mje-thomas @kebarry @canadianheartgirl @nannett2307 @almondblossomme @paarti12 @kathrynelizabeth89 @imdfabulous @cutearrowgirl @mrt2501 @mecha1330 @arsipaci14 @mzminx @salasvia @brandis91 @cainc3 @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl @iamisalima @nessafra @jonhdiggle @niki-is-amazing @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior @senoritaswiftie @bellemmie @green-arrows-of-karamel @iheartarrow @olicityovereverything @oliverfel4 @navyaarsha @fandoms-breathe-life @simone4mcswarek @olicity-in-the-heart @fullychippedcreation @geemarie @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld @tjmartinez @pleasantfanandstudent @itsmagnoliagirl @j69confessional2 @scentedcolorpirate @icanica74 @javinancupil @tjmartinez98 @certainmentalityface @tatianadamaceno @ryelew @wildwillowzepplin @missafairy @letsplaymurde-r @lipizette @positivepiper @nuttymilkshakehologram @laksagirl @turnupthemusicandscream @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity @1106angel @jaspertown @fadinglands @morganashimi83 @mochababychristy @omglovechrissie @mariejr88-blog @thetaufactor @onceuponanolicity @speakandseethetruth @bri206 @aglasgo @thats0klaroline @geemarie @pineprincess @nerdgirljen @peterpanslostgirl666 @eternal-olicity14 @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay @lovelycssefan @tsseract @flowerandsunshine @dcnmarvelgamergeek @blondeeoneexox @monetsmark @soaring-cities @bb-olicity @mashamarty @rulerofsilence @erika-amber @felicity087 @i-claim-only-emily @pattid1 @westallenandolicityshipper @babyolicityandwestallen @nothingmorethanmyotps @kayleenyc @tonto16 @olicityfluv @olicitea1990 @olicity5ever @haahaaa2408 @pattid1 @faegal04
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smkkbert · 6 years
Time for a story - A look into the future
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“I can’t remember when I have just taken a walk like this the last time.”
With a comforting smile on her lips, Felicity cast Tommy a brief glance. She watched him taking in a deep breath with his eyes closed. The contentment on his face showed how much good this walk was really doing to him. She was sure that the cold air was clearing his head from whatever had been going on in there when she had found him sitting on the steps to his house with his head lowered and a distant expression in his eyes.
The moment Felicity had seen him from her kitchen window, she had known that there had been something going on with him. She knew that absent expression from Oliver. She had seen it in his face uncountable times already and through all the years she had known him, she had found just as many ways to distract him from his brooding.
“Oliver wasn’t used to it either,” Felicity explained with quiet voice. “When I first suggested that we take a walk together, we have only been together for a couple of days. He looked at me with an incredulous look on his face. I doubt that he saw any good in taking a walk.”
There was a long moment of silence. Tommy watched the kids, who had run a little ahead. Emmy was carrying Hawk’s leash in her hand and a proud look on her face at the responsibility of taking care of the dog. Tommy was meanwhile attracting Hawk’s attention by showing him the treats in his hand. Millie was walking a little behind them, probably dreaming to herself as she did so often.
Only Addie was with Felicity and Tommy, sleeping in her baby buggy. Like so often when the Queen Family had wanted to go out for a walk lately, she had thrown a temper tantrum when Felicity had gotten the baby buggy outside. It had taken Felicity almost ten minutes to calm Addie down enough to make her understand that she was just taking the buggy with her for the case Addie was getting tired. By that time, Addie’s temper tantrum had cost the little girl so much energy that she had sat down in the buggy voluntarily and fallen asleep only thirty minutes later.
“When you are only used to run,” Tommy said, pushed his hands into the pockets of his jacket and released a sigh, “walking is a hard thing to do.��
“I know,” Felicity replied with a comforting smile. “No matter how long you are back or how long Oliver is back, there will always be moments that you have to remind yourself to slowdown. There is no reason for you to run anymore. You are not on the run, and you are not on the hunt.”
Tommy nodded his head and released another sigh. “Yeah, you are probably right.”
“I am certainly right.”
When Addie released a low sound, Felicity looked around the buggy and took a closer look at her youngest daughter. The little girl was still sleeping soundly with her donkey in her arms. The blanket had moved a little lower though, so Felicity tugged it back into place.
At the end of February, it was still impossibly cold. Hopefully, it would get warmer soon. Felicity had enough of the cold weather.
“Do you do this often?”
“You mean taking a walk?” Felicity asked and cast Tommy a brief look to see him nod his head. She shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, kind of. I mean with five kids and a dog you have to go out inside sometimes, and a walk is a good occasion to force yourself to go outside too.”
“Makes sense.” Tommy nodded his head and started chuckling. “Sometimes it still baffles me that Ollie has five kids. And when I say sometimes, I basically mean every time.”
Felicity chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. “I guess he never really pictured that for himself either until it happened. Now he can’t imagine his life to be any different.”
“He said the same thing when I talked about it with him a couple of weeks ago. He said knowing you just changed his entire life.”
Smiling, Felicity lowered her gaze. No matter how often she heard it, it never stopped amazing her. She doubted that would ever change either.
“Uncle Tommy?” Emmy called out for him. “Did knowing Aunt Laurel change your entire life too?”
Felicity chuckled, cocking her head at her daughter. “Since when do you have such good ears, Sweetie?”
“From what I have experienced at home lately those ears aren’t always that good.”
Tommy smiled at her briefly before he replied to Emmy, “Of course it did. She is the most important person in my life.”
Emmy took in a deep breath to probably ask something more. As soon as she noticed her mother’s gaze that was telling her to come closer if she wanted to talk to them, Emmy thrusted Hawk’s leash into Tommy’s hand and came running towards them. Her cheeks were flushed red whether from the cold or from running.
“Uncle Tommy?”
“Yes?” Tommy asked. “What’s up?”
“If knowing Aunt Laurel changed your life in the way knowing mom changed dad’s life,” she said slowly like she really needed to focus to say it right, “does that mean you and Aunt Laurel will get married and have a lot of babies too?”
“I don’t think I will ever be able to take five kids.”
“Probably not either.”
“Sounds difficult.”
Tommy chuckled and tousled Emmy’s blond hair. She chuckled amusedly and leaned into his side.
“You are nosy today.”
“I am always nosy.”
Tommy sighed and combed Emmy’s curls with his fingers now until every strand of hair seemed to be back in its place. He rested his hand on her shoulder then.
“I love Aunt Laurel very much,” he explained, “but we both agreed to take things slow. You know, we’ve been together before and it didn’t work out back then. We are taking our time this time around.”
“But you’ve been together for a long time now and you still haven’t gotten married.”
“We haven’t been together that long yet.”
“Dad proposed after a much shorter time.”
Tommy chuckled. “Well, your dad and your mom really hurried up with everything. Compared to them, we really move like snail.”
“So, are you planning to ever get married to Aunt Laurel?”
Tommy was visibly trying to find a way to get out of this conversation without saying something he might regret one day. Though Felicity had to say that it was a little amusing to see Tommy starting to sweat because of an eight-year-old, she did take a heart.
“Okay, Emmy, the interrogation is over here,” she said firmly and nodded towards where Tommy, Millie and Hawk were walking ahead. “Go back to your siblings now please.”
Emmy hesitated briefly, an amused grin on her face, but she followed her mother’s suggestion and ran back to her siblings. Felicity shook her head slightly, but she couldn’t bite back a chuckle of her own. If her daughter didn’t share the same love for tech she did, she was sure that she would become a detective like her grandpa one day.
“Do you think Laurel asked her to question me about this?” Tommy asked, leaning closer to Felicity. “Because I just got the impression that she didn’t ask this for herself.”
“I doubt it’s Laurel,” Felicity replied, shaking her head. “Laurel too direct for that. She would ask you about it if she wanted to know. Maybe Quentin asked. You know, I think he would love to get to see his daughter getting married one day. I doubt he actually ordered Emmy to bug you about it though. She probably made it her mission to find out.”
“Hey, he’s to your wedding, right?”
“To two of them actually,” Felicity replied, nodding her head with a smile. “I think it’s still different if Laurel is getting married. She’s the baby girl he raised, you know?”
Tommy sucked in a deep breath and nodded his head. He looked away for a long moment. Felicity could see that there were a thousand thoughts going through his head. She didn’t ask him about it though, and she didn’t have to.
“I do think about proposing to Laurel sometimes, you know?” Tommy asked. “It’s just that-“
“You don’t have to justify yourself to me,” Felicity interrupted him quietly, shaking her head. “Whether or not you and Laurel ever want to get married or if you two are ready for that step is a thing between you and her.”
“I know,” Tommy replied, nodding his head slowly. “I know that. I just… I think you are one of the few people who can really understand what me. I mean you’ve been with Oliver, who has been through a similar experience as I have. You got married to him.”
Felicity smiled, nodding her head. “Yes, I have.”
“You never regretted it, right?” Tommy frowned. “Despite his nightmares and his insecurities and the kind of life he pulled you in, you never regretted getting married to him, did you?”
Felicity didn’t really need time to think about her answer, but she stayed silent for a moment nonetheless. She knew that Tommy didn’t want a light answer, and she didn’t want him to think she was taking his question lightly because she wasn’t.
“Never,” Felicity replied eventually. “Not for a single second.”
Tommy smiled. “Oliver really is lucky to have you.”
“No.” Felicity shook her head and sighed. “We are lucky to have each other.”
There was no doubt in Felicity’s voice because there was no doubt in her heart. She was just as lucky to have Oliver in her life as he was to have her in his. Felicity had shown Oliver what it meant to love and be loved in returned. She had given him the safety of a stable home full of joy and love. Oliver had shown Felicity what it meant to be desired. He had given her the feeling of being loved unconditionally, and he had shown her that not every man left his family.
“Don’t you feel that way about Laurel? That you are lucky to have each other?”
“I know I am certainly lucky to have her,” Tommy replied, shrugging his shoulders. “But what can I really offer her? I mean I do have a somewhat famous name around here and I did get Green Doors to run with the help of Roy, but apart from that?”
“Apart from that you offer love and faithfulness.” Felicity smiled softly. “And I think that is all Laurel really wants and need in a life partner.”
Tommy sighed. “I just don’t know, Felicity.”
Oliver hadn’t known either. Felicity had needed a long time to convince him that he had been able to offer the one thing she had needed in a man, love. He had loved her, and she had loved him. That had been all she had wanted and needed. Once Oliver had accepted that and given into his feelings for her, everything between them had developed so very fast.
“Look, Tommy,” Felicity said with a sigh, “the only person who can decide whether you are able to take this step is you. I am sure that Laurel is lucky to have you in your life and that she knows that too. Whether or not you will see that and respect that is up to you. Maybe one day something like this will be your life too.”
Tommy sucked in a deep breath and nodded.
“I guess you are right,” he said. Before Felicity could reply, he quickly corrected, “No, I know you are right.”
Felicity chuckled. “Absolutely.” 
@fannaz @promiseyoullbepatientwithme @bytemegeekette @felicity-said-just-in-case @phanseptiic @orangeisorange @mspotatohead14 @whentheheavenfades @emmaamelia95 @smoakingskye @seaolicity @ourwritinginvein @1022bridgetp @felicityqueenforever @leagueofolicity17 @yryssss @myhauntedblacksoul @muslimsmoak @sherlock44 @sinceriouslybea @arrowsalways @olivyflavescentdeer @olicitys-castle @ofnothingcharming @vaelisamaza @smoakedandcharmed @alexisa1206 @mysaudadespt2 @florence-bubbles @addictiontelly @queens-of-arrows @memcjo @hysterical-for-joshifer @oswinelevenforever @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310 @mymusiclove101 @lynslogic @scarletqueen23 @olicityshipper19 @alex-wesley @arrows-4ever @unabashedlynerdypatrol @louehmysoul @ligiapimenta @chattyyana @charlie-leau @coal000 @samcrowleys @ishippolivia @julianegomesqueen @malafle @miriam1779 @charlinert @melaux @ontheolicityship @myshipperlife @wrightainsley @lexi9515 @ladygreenwood @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @morinamel @mje-thomas @kebarry @canadianheartgirl @nannett2307 @almondblossomme @paarti12 @kathrynelizabeth89 @imdfabulous @cutearrowgirl @mrt2501 @mecha1330 @arsipaci14 @mzminx @salasvia @brandis91 @cainc3 @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl @iamisalima @nessafra @jonhdiggle @niki-is-amazing @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior @senoritaswiftie @bellemmie @green-arrows-of-karamel @iheartarrow @olicityovereverything @oliverfel4 @navyaarsha @fandoms-breathe-life @simone4mcswarek @olicity-in-the-heart @fullychippedcreation @geemarie @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld @tjmartinez @pleasantfanandstudent @itsmagnoliagirl @j69confessional2 @scentedcolorpirate @icanica74 @javinancupil @tjmartinez98 @certainmentalityface @tatianadamaceno @ryelew @wildwillowzepplin @missafairy @letsplaymurde-r @lipizette @positivepiper @nuttymilkshakehologram @laksagirl @turnupthemusicandscream @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity @1106angel @jaspertown @fadinglands @morganashimi83 @mochababychristy @omglovechrissie @mariejr88-blog @thetaufactor @onceuponanolicity @speakandseethetruth @bri206 @aglasgo @thats0klaroline @geemarie @pineprincess @nerdgirljen @peterpanslostgirl666 @eternal-olicity14 @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay @lovelycssefan @tsseract @flowerandsunshine @dcnmarvelgamergeek @blondeeoneexox @monetsmark @soaring-cities @bb-olicity @mashamarty @rulerofsilence @erika-amber @felicity087 @i-claim-only-emily @pattid1 @westallenandolicityshipper @babyolicityandwestallen @nothingmorethanmyotps @kayleenyc @tonto16 @olicityfluv @olicitea1990 @olicity5ever @haahaaa2408 @pattid1 @faegal04 @24karatgem
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