#darius x laila
darklinaforever · 9 months
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So... Beyond obviously reminding me of Darklina, because light and darkness... It reminds me more precisely of Addie & Luc. Like... Laila is a star, and Addie has always been compared to the stars. Darius is a demon associated with darkness, Luc is a demon, literally the darkness between the stars... Like... this trilogy in the making does not have the right to write a tragic ending. It must be the counterpoint sometimes to the open ending (a little missed in my opinion) of Addie & Luc.
Also, Laila & Darius also remind me of Sauron & Galadriel. We find the opposition of light and darkness. Galadriel and Laila are both blonde. Laila is a star, associated with light, Galadriel is called lady of light and offers Frodo the light of Elendil compared to a star. And Sauron is essentially a representation of Lucifer, fallen angel, therefore a demon. And Darius is a demon. Also, there is a war coming between light and darkness in both stories.
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Beyond that, I also think of Dameyra from HOTD / Fire and Blood. A blonde with purple eyes ? And again, light and darkness ? What is Dameyra literally compared to in wedding vows ?
"The vow spoken throught time, of darkness and light"
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Yes. There's no denying I'm going to love this book / future trilogy.
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laufire · 2 years
I was tagged by @blairwaldcrf to do this (ty!)
Pick any five OTPs and choose just one song you associate with each.
I’m just going to choose a few ships that have been on my mind. Also, tbh, the song choices are heavily influenced by a.) what I’ve been listening to recently; b.) a very sui generis sense of humour. I’m not sorry.
-Eleanor Guthrie & Max from Black Sails. Mirel Wagner’s “What Love Looks Like” was the first that came to mind. PERFECT for their breakup, IMO (“this pain I breath / has poisoned me / dreamt a dream / now I’m spitting bitter tears”). But. I won’t lie. Immediately afterwards I thought of Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls” , which I’ve been listening to on a loop this week. Err. Take it as a pre-show established relationship thingy that highlights a messed up, rarely talked about aspect of their relationship? (“hey mister, have you got a dime / mister, do you want to spend some time, oh yeah / I got what you want, you got what I need / I’ll be your baby, come and spend it one me”).
-Lyra Silvertongue & Will Parry from His Dark Materials. I’m going to pick Hozier & Karen Crowley’s “In A Week”, Because (“we’ll lay here for years or for hours / thrown here or found, to freeze or to thaw / so long, we’d become the flowers / two corpses we were, two corpses I saw / and they’d find us in a week / when the weather gets hot / after the insects have made their claim / I’d be home with you, I’d be home with you”).
-Caroline Forbes & Klaus Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries. I’m specifying that one show, and focusing on the early days, because TO had a progression that definitely doesn’t fit the song that came to mind LOL: Alanis Morissette’s “Uninvited” (“like anyone would be / I am flattered by your fascination with me / like any hot blooded woman / I have simply wanted an object to crave / but you, you’re not allowed / you’re uninvited / an unfortunate slight“)... yeah xDD
-Bela Talbot & Dean Winchester from Supernatural. I keep thinking of them thanks to, of all things, this gifset of Lilah and Wesley in Angel (which is also making me want to rewatch the season 4 finale and cry about it, btw). I’m faaaar better at coming up with solo Bela songs than with Deanbela songs, I can’t lie xD (some of them work for both of them since the similarities are there, but not exactly for their dynamic iykwim). But, I mean. I don’t think I can’t resist picking Siouxsie and the Banshee’s “Face to Face”. It’s the Batcat song! ( “another life, another time / we’re siamese twins writhing intertwined / face to face, no telling lies / the masks slide to reveal a new disguise / [...] / and you’ll never know / you’ll never know / you’ll never know”).
-Laila Rose & Darius Calantis from The Essence of the Equinox (see rec post here!). Florence & The Machine’s “What Kind of Man” popped into my head immediately. Although, in my mind, it’s Darius singing it <333 (“and with one kiss / you inspired a fire of devotion / that lasted twenty years / what kind of man loves like this / to let me dangle at a cruel angle / my feet don’t touch the floor / somethings you’re half in and then you’re half out / but you never close the door”).
I’m tagging... @missbrunettebarbie @equusgirl @nectargrapes @grapecaseschoices @bellamygate @homosexualslug @peresephones and whoever else feels up for it!
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You said you'd take wip ships so Laila/Darius
I think the moment when I started shipping Laila/Darius was when she more or less barged into his room and stole his work, while Darius was like: "Hearteyes, motherf*cker"
I love this kind of dynamics where the characters are free with wach other. They don't censor themsleves or worry about what will happen in their relationship if they do X things. And I feel like Laila/Darius fits this to a T.
The Romeo and Juliet parallels were also pretty nice, ngl. The difference in their cultures is a constant source of tension and I like that. My fave part is the way they both want power and don't want to give it up just to be with each other. Plus, I think they complement each other nicely, while still being defferent characters with unique voices, so kudos to you for this amazing characterization!
(And I said it once, but the history between Laila and Dominus somehow makes me like the ship even more. You are kinda a miracle worker as far as love triangles go, imo)
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laufire · 2 months
I was tagged by @blairwaldcrf a little while ago (ty!). The gist is to list 10 ships where at least one member is a character of colour.
1. Alana and Marko (Saga comics).
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2. Anissa Pierce and Grace Choi (DC Comics).
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3. Anthony Ceccoli and Priya Tsetsang (Dollhouse).
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4. Baroness Tuya and Maika Halfwolf (Monstress).
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5. Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights).
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6. Eleanor Guthrie and Max (Black Sails).
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7. Emori and John Murphy (The 100)
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8. Laila Rose and Darius Calantis (The Essence of the Equinox)
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9. Michael Bishop and Nikita Mears (CW's Nikita).
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10. Noah and Rosalee (Underground).
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tagging: @nightingalesighs @missbrunettebarbie @claudiasjessies @iamnotawomanimagod and whoever else feels up to it (no pressure)
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