soramystic · 2 years
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Fuck it. Some original stuff.
(If you were wondering why the Aurora fanarts had no bgs; it’s bc I spent all my energy for bgs on that one =3=)
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adhamabbas · 8 days
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السفر مجرد حُجّة، أنا واقع في غرام الطريق!
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nizariat · 1 year
This is my last letter to you
هذه آخر رسائلي إليكِ
And I had never expected to one day sit down to write you a last one
ولم أكن أتوقع أن أجلس يوماً لأكتبَ لكِ رسالة أخيرة
I wanted you for ever after but, this is life, sweetling
لقد أردتكِ للعمر كله ولكنها الحياة يا حلوة
I fought honourably to get you, but the honourable lose their battles too
قاتلتُ بشرفٍ لتكوني لي ولكن الشرفاء أيضاً يخسرون معاركهم!
I leave you now like a defeated army, that has nothing left to fight for
أترككِ الآن وأمضي كجيشٍ مهزوم لم يعد لديه شيء يقاتل من أجله
Adham Sharkawi - أدهم الشرقاوي - (حديث الصباح)
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de-de-ashore · 12 days
‏"اللهمَّ لا يأتي يوم عرفة إلا وغزة
عالية راضية منصورة مجبورة
مفتوح عليها بركات من السماء والأرض"☁️💙
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
people keep fucking adding their ttrpg OCs to the AWOIAF list of characters page its driving me insane
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fiercynn · 8 months
"When I found out that I would be exiled to Gaza, I had the most heartbreaking day of my life," Nasser Elshqirat said. Elshqirat explained that he had been kidnapped by Israeli forces twice. The first time was in 1990, and he was released from prison in 1992. In 1993, he was arrested again by Israeli occupation forces and sentenced to 82 years in prison for his involvement in resistance activities. Elshqirat was watching a terrestrial broadcast on the Al-Aqsa TV channel with other prisoners when he heard his name listed among the prisoners who would be released in the 2011 Wafa al-Ahrar prisoner exchange deal. He was shocked to find out that he was included among those exiled to Gaza. "It was the hardest feeling I have ever experienced in my life. I wept and thought deeply about staying inside the prison because I wanted to return to the arms of my family and my hometown of Jabal Al-Mukaber in Jerusalem. In addition to that, my cousin's son was with me in the same room, and his name was not on the list of prisoners released," Elshqirat said, choking back tears. He added, "All the prisoners know that the Israeli occupation exiled us to Gaza because they want to prevent us from continuing the path of freedom fighting. They transferred us to a bigger prison." [x]
- basma adham albayed for scalawag magazine on june 27, 2023
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vyorei · 8 months
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A story from Ahmed Nehad and Adham Mousa, Palestinian immigrants in the UK and US respectively
Full article:
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virtual-boy · 9 months
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{☠️}{☠️}{☠️} {🕯️}{🕯️} {⛓️}{⛓️}{⛓️}
adham o'kelly from the epoch exemplars stimboard with purple, candles, skulls, bandages and scythes!
[requested by @gracebeth3604, tysm for requesting !!]
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beljar · 2 years
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Fahmi (1900) by Adham Wanly
Woman and Wall
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khaistes · 3 months
fareeda’s need to be inauthentic. fareeda who only shows what she wants other people to see of her. fareeda who simply must have control over every part of herself. fareeda who would rather look crazy and say incoherent things to people than have anyone get to who she is and what she cares about and see the people she loves get harmed because of her. fareeda’s prophetic sayings being nothing more than a wall to hide behind. do you even get it
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oldsardens · 7 months
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Adham Wanly - Untitled
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nizariat · 1 year
You said one : "You won't get away!"
قلتِ لي يوماً : لن تُفلتَ مني
And here I come today to do just that
وها أنا اليوم جئتُ لأفلت
Don't go thinking that by this I'm winning the battle
لا تحسبي أني بهذا أربح المعركة
What good is a victory where you are not? Any victory without you is a defeat, no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise
ماذا سأفعل بنصرٍ لستِ فيه كل نصرٍ لستِ فيه هزيمة مهما حاولتُ أن أقنع نفسي أنه ليس كذلك
Some victories taste like defeats, sweetling
بعضُ الانتصارات لها طعم الهزائم يا حلوة
That is how love battles are!
هكذا هي معارك الحب !
We both lose
كلانا خاسر
And none but God could make mine a win for you
وليس غير الله يجعل خسارتي لكِ نصراً
Adham Sharkawi - أدهم الشرقاوي - (حديث الصباح)
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the-annoying-moth · 1 year
🔏 Arturo
Nunca tuvo muchas dificultades,creció con bastante normalidad,padres que lo amaban y hermanos que lo apreciaban y adoraban
Llegó a la secundaria y ahí la conoció a ella,su primer amor,una chica bastante hermosa a sus ojos Arturo le comenzó a hablar bastante entusiasmado pues le gustaba mucho y al final las cosas entre los dos chicos se dieron bastante bien
Sin embargo no todo era felicidad y la chica comenzó a tener conductas muy tóxicas con él como apartarlo de su familia,alejarlo de sus amigos empeorando aún más vio a su novia con otro chico y burlandose de Arturo a sus espaldas,esto fue suficiente para que él la dejase
Fue a terapia por un tiempo y se recuperó,después de esto su vida era bastante normal hasta que buscando a su hermana conoció a un chico que lo haría cambiar de perspectiva sobre muchas cosas,terminando por gustarle e iniciar una relación con dicho chico
Adham es de usted 👉👈
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sardens · 1 year
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Adham Wanly - Untitled
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tenaciousbananabird · 11 days
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thedepressedpelican · 15 days
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Black Velvet by Adham Abou
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