#Admin Clerical jobs
sad--tree · 9 months
keep saying i don't want 2 work another retail xmas but canNOT 4 the life of me make myself finish my goddamn fucking job applications !!!!!! death & dying & despair etc. etc.
#i dont dislike the application process for gc jobs on principle BUT#it does not mesh well w/ my difficulties re: starting & finishing tasks#but like i understand why u cant just send in a resume n hit done#NOT that there are many IT listings up atm...... and ill apply 4 clerical/admin stuff too#but an IT-1 STARTS a good $10k a year higher than a CR-5 soooooo :///#which is whatever its fine money isnt everything!! ill gladly make less if it means not hating my job!!!#but i also wanna. u know. LIVE. move out of my parents house. buy brand name snacks occasionally. maybe -gasp- go on a vacation#(not 2 say i dont make an attempt at travel now but thats with very finite savings that are def only going down not up)#also extremely frustrating 2 me the emphasis put on having a degree that completely locks me out of certain job categories#like. yes. there are for sure some where having the bg knowledge is important eg. an AU (auditor/accountant) or MA (methodologist)#and there are certain skills a degree (in theory) provides eg critical thinking research etc.#but not all of us have $40k+ to get tge fancy piece of paper saying we have those things. and u can have those skills w/o a degree#and smth like an EC which needs a degree in economics sociology or statistics is so arbitrary#and maybe not necessarily actually based in the majority of work done by the majority of positions in that category#ANYWAYS not me being bitter abt education standards YET AGAIN lol#idek if i could go to uni even if i could afford it. even tho i have 2 college diplomas id probably have 2 redo my grade 12 english 😶‍🌫️#also if money were no object id probably go for like. film studies or smth lol not sociology#tho. ngl. if i had the willpower and determination 4 smth so rigorous (i 100% dont) accounting does seem. interesting asdffhkkfdghh#ANYWAYS pt. 2 all this 2 say this is why i instead spent $10k+ on the only possible 2 yr diploma#that can still get u in2 the higher paying public service jobs. even tho ive discovered i Dont Particularly Care for programming. :(#thats an understatement actually i was actively in hell for like 80% of that program and the remaining 20% mostly wasnt coding
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landofgay · 10 months
just want to play persona all day. but I have """responsibilities""" 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
The Clergy’s Eye employees/monsters ranked on how much I’d trust them to watch my cat Emma! I apologize if I misspell names or if I forget someone
For context: I wouldn’t be the Admin, and personality wise Emma is sorta like a dog. She actually likes playing in water, and she follows me around a lot. She is a hunter though
TLDR to start off
NO: Vinnel, Magus+Glauk, Krulu, Sybastian, Hellion
Its not that I don’t trust them, it’s that I don’t trust her: Morrel, Patches, The Bobbles (excluding Agner), The Cleric, Colmei, Gallon
Sure, why not?: Agner, Santi, Pebbles, Nebul
The best options: Fank-E, Grimbly, Belo
Now for specific reasonings!
Vinnel: Whether or not Vinnel is good at it, doesn’t matter (though I doubt he’d be great) I’m sorry Pinnie, I just hate Vinnel and want to spend as little time around him as possible
Magus and Glauk: Do I even need to explain? I mean she likes water but come on. I’d be better off leaving her to fend for herself
Krulu: He’d likely thing the task “beneath him” Unlike the previous ranking, though, I would consider him if he was the only option.
Sybastian: Sorta between “NO” and “Not that I don’t trust them, I don’t trust her” in that I don’t think he’d be all that good at caring for her needs, but also she might try and hunt the mimiclings which NOBODY wants to see the aftermath of.
Hellion: Yeah no I just don’t trust him
Morrel: I think he’d have enough self control to not do anything bad to her, but Emma? Listen she’s not a very bitey cat but you can never be too sure. And she is MUCH more likely to break skin than a human. Even if she doesn’t bite him and get poisoned, she’d still mess with the bobbles and knock over stuff in the kitchen and steal food. I care about Emma too much and I respect Morrel too much to put her in his care.
Patches: She’d just get in the way. Best case scenario she’d be sleeping in a spare pumpkin but let’s be honest she’s probably tormenting the bobbles.
Speaking of Bobbles..: No. She’d try and kill them.
The Cleric: They have bigger things to focus on. Plus she’d probably get tangled in the strings soo..
Colmei: If it weren’t for the bees, he’d go in the “Sure, why not?” category. But Emma HAS stuck her paw down a hornet nest before. Don’t trust her.
Gallon: She’d be a menace. Knocking over bottles, getting cat hair everywhere, stealing sips from drinks, getting caught in the goop a couple times. Not a fun experience and I respect Gallon too much for that.
Agner: Nothing notable to say! I think he’d do a decent job.
Santi: As long as he’d not feeding (don’t want to traumatize her or have him and whoever he’s fucking get stared at by a cat) I think he could do a good job!
Pebbles: Nothing notable to say, once again. I think it’d be cute though.
Nebul: Long as he can keep her chill and away from the products, I think it’d turn out well. Maybe he’d had to tell Purpur to be careful with her though. Give the “pets for sale” a little serotonin to brighten their day.
Fank-E: Omg I would get SO MANY cute silly pictures by the end of it!!! Probably make like ten more viral memes with her, get her internet famous. I would have to make sure he doesn’t dye her pink or something though.
Grimbly: I think he would LOVE her, as long as he’s on break. Pretty bows and glitter galore. Just uh, try not to get TOO much glitter on her, don’t want her to get sick. Maybe make it edible glitter for when she grooms her fur.
Belo: The best of the best and my first choice! I mean, cuddling with an angel already has to be an amazing experience, but a FLUFFY ANGEL? I think he would be determined to take good care of her too! Plus, they say cats can sense vibes, and I mean, considering everyone else Belo probably would have half decent vibes.
So that’s my ranking! Signing off
- Spooky Anon 🕸️
To be fair, I agree with most of these too.
Except Pebble and Fank-e, for similar reasons.
Pebble is too nervous. Animals sense that nervous energy and they generally don't like it. I think your cat may react aggressively or negatively in general based on that. And, at the first hint of aggression, Pebble is putting distance between himself and the feline. He might even lose her.
Fank-e is an animal repellent. He's very LOUD, makes odd sounds, probably smells like all sorts of artificial products that are awful to a cat's nose, and he's hyper. He'd love to spend time with your cat, but to her, he's probably the equivalent of a blaring alarm on two legs.
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girlwithfish · 13 days
I have a short meeting w this person for a job on Sunday. idk if I want the job but the hrs seem nice its not a typical 9-6 so that's cool like a 9-6 wld kill ne I hated when I worked those hours full time b4. but i wish it was full time tho I think I'd feel guilty it's not a fill time job so I'd feel like I don't have a real job but I'd be making abt the same or more than I do now so it's not like worse ig nd bc id have mornings very free most days i cld get another job or do smth on the side i suppose :/ but id get admin and clerical experience which would be good for me I think since it's been impossible to get any admin roles or office jobs bc ive never worked in an office setting b4. lol
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tepkunset · 1 year
How did you become a hospice worker, and are you like a hospice nurse, or more in admin? Were you a healthcare major, or did you get into it through other means? I'm an English major, but if my plan to work in education doesn't work, I think healthcare (but like in admin) would work for me
I'm a Medical Office Administrator, which means I basically make sure everything in the service runs as smoothly as possible.
Things I do include but are not limited to:
Creating and updating forms and other patient documentation
Creating and updating patient information like brochures, pamphlets, etc.
Working with Admissions to make sure visits are entered in the province's digital health records
Patient database and chart work - keeping things organized and up to date, making sure reports get to the correct nurse, dismantling charts after patients die to send to health records, etc.
Organizing training/education for our team and for the public
General clerical tasks like keeping track of and ordering supplies for both office and nursing needs, assembling PPE kits (for when patients have COVID and the nurses need to be decked out in full gowns/masks/visors/etc.), taking minutes at team meetings, etc.
Helping with the Intake Triage program - answering patient/public calls, paperwork to set up new admissions, assembling new charts, database entry, booking appointments, etc.
When the hospital unit actually opens (right now we have no doctor for it so it's not, we just see people in the community) I'll likely be responsible for more stuff, like patient/family arrangements, helping with transfers, etc.
As far as schooling goes:
I went to NSCC and took Office Administration, then ended up continuing on to take specifically Medical Office Administration. So, 2 years total for me, but you are able to skip OA and jump right into MOA if you want, I know plenty who have done so
MOA is typically a 1-2 year program
Courses are a mixture of office-related and healthcare related - so for example, I studied things like Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Terminology, as well as Spreadsheets lol
There's actually a ton of different healthcare jobs you can get with an MOA certificate, because every single program needs at least one, you know? You could work in a lab, you could work in a doctor's office, you could work in hospital admissions, you could work in the ER, you could work in a clinic somewhere... the list goes on and on
How I ended up with my job specifically:
NSCC has a workplace practicum program, where they place you somewhere in your field for a month and you gain hands on experience. What happened with me is I got placed with Hospice-Palliative Care, and they liked me so much that I got hired right out of college! So I really lucked out with my job. If not, I probably would've pursued working in a lab somewhere; that was my original goal until I did my practicum and fell in love with the hospice field
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wrinkleintime · 4 months
the thing is like idk if I even want to be in an administration/clerical role moving forward. I’ve been doing that for 11 years and with all the changes that have happened I kinda just want to do Something Else for a while. maybe I’ll hate it and want to go back to an office job but for right now I just need a different pace. and what sucks is business contacts from my last job keep finding out I left and then they want to hire me to be their secretary/receptionist/bookkeeper etc etc and I feel soooooo bad telling people no im not interested. it feels wrong to turn down good job offers like that, I know jobs are hard to come by, but I just truly don’t think I want that kind of admin position right now. I almost cried earlier today telling someone no over a fucking voicemail because they didn’t answer their phone. it’s just so hard to explain to people when im not even sure how to explain it to myself. it’s not that I don’t like/want responsibility, I can handle that fine, it’s just that I’ve BEEN handling so much for the last decade, I want a job where I can clock in and clock out and not worry whether the company as a whole can function without me. and im not trying to be like, self inflating and say everything depended on me at my last job except that is literally what my boss has told people because honestly!! it is kinda true!!! I was underpaid and overworked and in charge of too much and I didn’t hate my job while I was doing it but I just want something simple for a while to reset myself.
anyway. that’s a lot of incoherent rambling. I’m trying so hard to enjoy having a few weeks off but the ~anxieties~ will Not allow it.
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i need a new job that doesn't make me bored or sad, which is maybe impossible in the U.S.A.
it's just. healthcare has always been a bleak industry, but since i am good at the admin/clerical/insurance appeal side of things, it was easy to shield myself from some of the misery. distance myself from patients.
but that's impossible now. there's so much chronic illness and death, either as a direct consequence of the pandemic, or an indirect one. it is wearing away at my mind and soul and i just can't do it any more.
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autumnslance · 2 years
sorry if you've been asked before, but how did you initially get into roleplaying and learn how to improve at it and be comfortable rping? it seems like something difficult to learn, especially rping in video games, so i'm always interested in how exactly people adjust to it
OK, let me preface by saying I am old enough to remember the Satanic Panic of the ‘80s and actually read Chick Tracts that were at places I went to with my parents. Including the infamous one about Dungeons & Dragons. They were real dumb; even as a church-going kid I knew Christian media was by and large…very There in quality often, so much of it being overtly about morals and messaging (the best really is more subtle or flat-out silly about it, letting the characters and events speak for themselves with only just a little requisite shoehorning to appease their publishing house requirements). And Chick was…something with those hyperbolic comic stories.
So I didn’t get to RP at all until I was an adult (19ish years old), and in the army away from home and was introduced to it via an entirely different gaming system and world I’d never heard of before, the World of Darkness specifically, second edition, and I was a kid who loved supernatural things like werewolves and other shifters a lot. My first RP character ever for a game that only ran once was a Metis Fianna Galliard.
Bless White Wolf, they tried. The old editions have some serious Problems in various ways looking back now with what I’ve learned since, but they Tried.
I went to my first Vampire LARP in Augusta, Georgia while in job training—this was back in the fall/winter of ‘98 and ‘99–and when I got to Kansas I met up with the guys in my unit who RPed Palladium game systems (Rifts, Palladium, Robotech, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc). My first Vampire: The Masquerade char was a Toreador (artiste vampire). My first Palladium fantasy char was a bardic demigod. Then I settled into a I think half-elf druid in Rifts and was the only one interacting with the GM’s attempts at story while the other guys talked about minmaxing their megadamage and waited for me/my character to point them at things. At the local independent LARP in Kansas I swapped the Toreador for a young Tremere named Lynell Marsden.
My buddy and eventual roommate, the LARP GM, introduced me to a RPG-themed webcomic whose premise made it ripe for online roleplay, which the readership did initially on the old forums in play-by-post, and then also in IRC chat in a series of rooms we had. My main characters were an Amberite soldier-princess and a drow cleric/bard of Eilistraee I brought in from a D&D game after a few years, as I expanded to many, many other gaming systems, like D&D and Shadowrun, and so many others I can’t remember them all. I ended up helping narrate and do admin work for the LARP and the World of Darkness games we ran in our own town as well as at a small local convention we attended for several years.
And dear Anon, I sucked at RP in my 20s.
Cuz I was new and learning. What appealed to Young Me, once properly explained by a peer and seeing the game rule books, was that Roleplay is collaborative improv storytelling. It’s playing pretend—which I’ve always loved to do!—but with an actual ruleset and boundaries. As a writer, it sounded so neat to sit around creating characters and telling stories with friends. The rules were there as randomizer but also to help balance and make sure everyone could contribute (well, once one stopped playing freakin’ Rifts…).
In free form play-by-post, and in the IRC chat, there weren’t really rules like you’d find in a gaming book for at the table; you had whatever rules for the forum or chatroom the mods made, usually about being courteous and communicating, but the characters varied wildly. Each thread or room GM had their own ways to run their stories. Communication was key. Letting others get time in the spotlight. Making attempts, working things out, not being afraid to fail on purpose (even if your character was trying) cuz sometimes that was more interesting. We had some random commands for dice we sometimes used in the chat, but it could depend on who was running that particular session or storyarc.
It took practice. And mistakes I still look back on and wince at myself about, more for the times I hurt others or made things less fun for them, than my own creative errors that weren’t good for my characters (and I made bad choices for my characters aplenty). OK, and also for the times I spent staying up way too late roleplaying, plotting, chatting, when I should have been responsible and sleeping due to work and/or class in the mornings…But I also don’t entirely regret all those lost sleep hours.
LynMars, my common internet handle, comes from that Tremere I played for a few years in my friend’s LARP, before retiring her to play other characters. I made many Baby RPer mistakes on Lynell, she was a learning character, and while I messed her and her story up badly, I still love her as one of my firsts and ended up using her name as a handy online identity and also a reminder to myself.
You don’t have to do or be everything, especially on one character; everyone has specialties and limits, it’s what helps with the collaborative parts and team play. Learn and know your own boundaries. Respect others’ boundaries. Learn OOC doesn’t equal IC but also doesn’t give rein to be a jackass IC in a collaborative setting. Communicate. Be willing to collaborate and compromise. Be willing to lose as often as you win, sometimes the better story comes out of it. Build your characters with some grounding as people; give them flaws (sometimes their virtues taken too far can also count!), let them make mistakes, let them have their own stories so when they interact with other characters, you’re actually improv acting that person, not yourself in a funny hat.
I reconnected with my old webcomic-based group over the pandemic and people still talk fondly of my old characters and stories, and I have some good memories of theirs. A lot of things we all look back at 21-to-13-ish years later now and cringe and laugh at ourselves about, but the memories of those times are still mostly good and about the fun we had together back then, despite the clunky nature of our storytelling, our mishandled character concepts, the wank and stressors, the few bad apples we did have in the old community, the mistakes we made. We still remember the cool stuff and how it made us feel and why we sought each other out again to just say Hi. And in some cases, ended up playing games together again.
My experiences in forum and chatroom RP made the jump into MMO RP in WoW (back in Classic!) fairly easy, honestly. It was pretty much the same thing, only we had actual avatars and environments and in-built emotes as well as whatever gestures or settings we described for when the game didn’t have something. I wrote stories of my characters, many of them still up on my alt blogs, and collaborated on a few stories and RPs with friends.
After several years, some people had weird ideas I was “popular” and “established” and “good” so stirred up wank and jealousy that hit me out of the blue, especially since we were on a small server whose RP community was dying off as folks migrated away (from the server or WoW in general) and we were just among the last RP groups to still hang around out of inertia. They wanted to be a Big Fish in our drying-out pond, and didn’t like that I told them that it takes time and effort to build a story and a group with the reputation they sought, that one has to make time to run events on a regular basis and be there for it even if turn out isn’t great. I hope they’ve figured out what they want to do and better ways to do it since then.
Cuz even after 13ish years of WoW RP on top of all my tabletop and LARP and chatroom experiences, I still made some mistakes. I still sometimes ran and played in some mediocre to bad RP. For my characters and their stories, and in interactions with other RPers.
It’s OK. Learn from those errors, talk it out with your pals and others, keep IC and OOC knowledge and feelings separate, be willing to bend (not break; compromise means all involved parties have to give and get a little) for collaboration and interaction, know who you can only interact with in public RP events with a polite nod and small talk and otherwise not engage with—kinda like in real life, when you have to be tolerant or nice to those irritating classmates or coworkers but otherwise don’t deal with them more than you must.
It’s simply being social, with imagination thrown in. Remembering the stories are pretend, but there are real people behind those words and characters. The nuts and bolts of how to do emotes, which tense to use, whether to use /random or other dice commands…that’s just variable detail that can change as needed. Being a decent person OOC to make an enjoyable story—“good” or “bad”—IC with others is what’s important.
I don’t really RP online now, as I just don’t have the time or energy I used to—especially for the inevitable wank, as Roleplayers are by and large a dramatic bunch with our own hangups, awkwardness, and miscommunications galore (so many callout posts I’ve seen where I’ve wondered if the grievances were IC and came from lack of OOC communication about expectations, boundaries, and blurring the lines between characters and players. So many). These days I stick to my silly nonsense fanfics and some tabletop RP with friends—though due to us being scattered across the continent, we usually end up playing via Roll20 or similar programs to mimic it in an online environment, and even my local group’s had to do that during the pandemic and now with two players moving away soon, on top of the usual trials of being adults making time for games together. I could likely get into FFXIV RP easily enough, here on Tumblr and in game, if I were so inclined.
But it takes time. And constant learning. Figuring out the community norms and methods, which ones work for you, and which don’t. Giving yourself a bit of grace. Knowing your boundaries and respecting others’. Being social and willing to communicate, not being afraid of it, or making assumptions, giving benefit of the doubt—to yourself as much as to others. Patience. And just focusing on the fun and the good and who cares if it’s a bit cringey and weird and silly and dumb with outrageous characters so long as folks are feeling included, treated fairly, and having a good time.
That’s really what’s important.
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cobrakiin · 2 years
Me: I worked in the [COMPANY] Back Office, primarily did admin/clerical and data entry, and coordinated a back office team for 6 years.
Potential Employer: Oh, so you did customer service and spoke to customers on the phone in a call center?
Like... no???? What part of "Back Office", "clerical", and "coordinator" is lost on you????????
Anyways job hunting is a scam.
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Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Bankside Recruitment Agency
●   Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands
●   Name of agent: Becky [1] ……………..
●   Phone number: 07866 510333
●   Best to call her in the [2] ……………
Typical jobs
●   Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry
●   Must have good [3] ……………… skills
●   Jobs are usually for at least one [4] ………………..
●   Pay is usually [5] £…………….. per hour
Registration process
●   Wear a [6] ………………. to the interview
●   Must bring your [7]……………….. to the interview
●   They will ask questions about each applicant’s [8] ……………….
Advantages of using an agency
●   The [9] ………………. you receive at interview will benefit you
●   Will get access to vacancies which are not advertised
●   Less [10] ……………… is involved in applying for jobs
AMBER:               Hello William. This is Amber – you said to phone if I wanted to get more information about the job agency you mentioned. Is now a good time?
WILLIAM:            Oh, hi Amber. Yes. Fine. So the agency I was talking about is called Bankside – they’re based in Docklands – I can tell you the address now – 497 Eastside.
AMBER:               OK, thanks. So is there anyone in particular I should speak to there?
WILLIAM:            The agent I always deal with is called Becky Jamieson.
AMBER:               Let me write that down – Becky …
WILLIAM:            Jamieson (Q1) J-A-M-I-E-S-O-N.
AMBER:               Do you have her direct line?
WILLIAM:            Yes, it’s in my contacts somewhere – right, here we are: 078 double 6, 510 triple 3. I wouldn’t call her until the afternoon (Q2) if I were you – she’s always really busy in the morning trying to fill last-minute vacancies. She’s really helpful and friendly so I’m sure it would be worth getting in touch with her for an informal chat.
AMBER:               It’s mainly clerical and admin jobs they deal with, isn’t it?
WILLIAM:            That’s right. I know you’re hoping to find a full-time job in the media eventually – but Becky mostly recruits temporary staff for the finance sector – which will look good on your CV – and generally pays better too.
AMBER:               Yeah – I’m just a bit worried because I don’t have much office experience.
WILLIAM:            I wouldn’t worry. They’ll probably start you as a receptionist, or something like that. So what’s important for that kind of job isn’t so much having business skills or knowing lots of different computer systems – it’s communication (Q3) that really matters – so you’d be fine there. And you’ll pick up office skills really quickly on the job. It’s not that complicated.
AMBER:               OK good. So how long do people generally need temporary staff for? It would be great if I could get something lasting at least a month.
WILLIAM:            That shouldn’t be too difficult. But you’re more likely to be offered something for a week (Q4) at first, which might get extended. It’s unusual to be sent somewhere for just a day or two.
AMBER:               Right, I’ve heard the pay isn’t too bad – better than working in a shop or a restaurant.
WILLIAM:            Oh yes – definitely. The hourly rate is about £10 (Q5), 11 if you’re lucky.
AMBER:               That’s pretty good. I was only expecting to get eight or nine pounds an hour.
WILLIAM:            Do you want me to tell you anything about the registration process?
AMBER:               Yes, please. I know you have to have an interview.
WILLIAM:            The interview usually takes about an hour and you should arrange that about a week in advance.
AMBER:               I suppose I should dress smartly if it’s for office work – I can probably borrow a suit (Q6) from Mum.
WILLIAM:            Good idea. It’s better to look too smart than too casual.
AMBER:               Will I need to bring copies of my exam certificates or anything like that?
WILLIAM:            No – they don’t need to see those, I don’t think.
AMBER:               What about my passport? (Q7)
WILLIAM:            Oh yes – they will ask to see that.
AMBER:               OK.
WILLIAM:            I wouldn’t get stressed about the interview though. It’s just a chance for them to build a relationship with you – so they can try and match you to a job which you’ll like. So there are questions about personality (Q8) that they always ask candidates – fairly basic ones. And they probably won’t ask anything too difficult like what your plans are for the future.
AMBER:               Hope not.
WILLIAM:            Anyway, there are lots of benefits to using an agency – for example, the interview will be useful because they’ll give you feedback (Q9) on your performance so you can improve next time.
AMBER:               And they’ll have access to jobs which aren’t advertised.
WILLIAM:            Exactly – most temporary jobs aren’t advertised.
AMBER:               And I expect finding a temporary job this way takes a lot less time (Q10) – it’s much easier than ringing up individual companies.
WILLIAM:            Yes indeed. Well I think …
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tlprecruitment · 2 months
Navigating the World of Office Recruitment Agencies: Strategies for Success
In today’s dynamic job market, office recruitment agencies play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between talented professionals and potential employers. These agencies specialize in sourcing and placing candidates in various office and administrative roles, ensuring that businesses acquire the right talent to drive their operations forward. Understanding how these agencies operate and how to effectively utilize their services can greatly enhance your hiring strategy or job search. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating the world of office recruitment agencies.
The Role of Office Recruitment Agencies
Office recruitment agencies are specialized firms that help companies fill administrative, clerical, and managerial positions. Unlike generalist recruiters, these agencies focus on specific sectors, which means they have a deeper understanding of the job roles and industry nuances. This expertise allows them to screen candidates more effectively and match them with suitable job opportunities.
For businesses, these agencies can significantly reduce the time and resources spent on the recruitment process. They handle everything from advertising job openings and sifting through applications to conducting preliminary interviews and performing background checks. For job seekers, they provide access to a wider range of job opportunities, some of which may not be publicly advertised.
Benefits of Using Office Recruitment Agencies
Expertise and Specialization: Agencies have specialized knowledge of the office job market. They understand the skills and qualifications that are in demand and know how to attract the right candidates.
Access to a Larger Talent Pool: Recruitment agencies maintain extensive databases of job seekers and can quickly identify candidates who meet specific job requirements, speeding up the hiring process.
Cost-Effectiveness: By outsourcing the recruitment process to a specialized agency, companies can save on the costs associated with staffing such as advertising, screening, and interviewing.
Risk Mitigation: Many agencies offer guarantee periods, which means they provide a replacement candidate at no additional cost if the initially placed candidate does not work out.
Choosing the Right Office Recruitment Agency
When selecting an office recruitment agency, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Track Record: Look for agencies with positive testimonials and a strong track record in your industry.
Specialization: Choose an agency that specializes in office and administrative roles to ensure they understand the complexities of the positions you need to fill.
Candidate Vetting Process: Inquire about how the agency screens its candidates. A thorough vetting process ensures higher quality candidates.
Terms and Conditions: Understand the terms of engagement, fees, and any guarantee periods offered by the agency.
Tips for Job Seekers and Employers
For Job Seekers:
Prepare a Professional Resume: Your resume should highlight your skills and experiences that are relevant to the office roles you are applying for.
Be Open to Opportunities: Recruitment agencies often have access to jobs that aren't advertised elsewhere. Be open to discussing various roles with your recruiter.
For Employers:
Clear Job Descriptions: Provide clear and detailed job descriptions to your recruitment agency. This helps them find candidates who are an exact match for your needs.
Feedback and Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with your agency. Timely feedback about the candidates they provide will help refine the search process.
For more info:-
Logistic Recruitment
Admin Recruitment
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findlyjobs · 3 months
NUML Islamabad Jobs 2024 | Download Form – www.numl.edu.pk
NUML University Islamabad Jobs 2024 have been announced and are seeking interested, dynamic, experienced, and talented candidates to fill various positions with attractive salary packages and allowances as per department policies. Both male and female candidates from all across the country are welcome to apply through the complete application procedure.
If you are interested in NUML Jobs 2024 in Pakistan, you're in the right place. This page has been designed to provide high-quality information about NUML Jobs announced for all campuses in Pakistan. But before delving into that, let's discuss what NUML is and the types of jobs it offers to Pakistani nationals.
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NUML University Islamabad Jobs 2024
The National University of Modern Languages was established in 1969 with the aim of providing quality education in modern languages. Initially, it primarily catered to language training for Armed Forces Personnel and other government servants. However, in May 2000, it was upgraded from an institution to a federal charter university.
Keywords: Fresh / Recent / New / Latest NUML Islamabad Jobs March 2024 at the National University of Modern Languages Advertisement in Daily Express & The News Newspaper on Saturday, March 16, 2024 Government of Pakistan, Public Sector University Graduate / Postgraduate / Bachelor's / Master's Degree Fields include Law, Business Administration Qualifications: B.A. / B.Sc. / BBA / B.Com. / M.A. / M.Sc. / MBA / M.Com. Also open to F.A. / F.Sc. / Intermediate / Inter - Pass candidates Positions for Law Graduates, Admin Managers, Clerical Staff, and more National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad Jobs March 2024
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
General TCE lore masterlist
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There are multiple narratives at once, different "you"s are different people
Is The Clergy's Eye building sapient enough to fuck? (No)
What I picture the place's music genre would be
The Clergy's appearance + minor lore
How do humans ends up there as products?
Stripping entertainment
Your job as Administrator
Why Admin is okay with humans being products
A human child gets lost in The Clergy
Is there human food in the establishment?
The bobble manual
Are bobbles edible?
What the staff thinks about Admin
What do Siadar think of The Clergy
Can you survive disguised as a monster?
Closing hours and hobbies
Would the staff kill Admin?
Non-organics are immune to The Clergy's illusions
Why Santi is the only lust demon in The Clergy
Where are humans kept inside the establishment?
The Garden - Flora and fauna
The gargoyles
Can you get fired from The Clergy?
The Princes
Some of the staff's wishes
TCE lore/management questions
The AU where you have a harem (originally how it was meant to be)
More on bobble hybridism
More on The Cleric - 2
TCE and languages
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findjobseasy · 3 months
[ad_1] Job title: Clinic Clerical Assistant - Medical Clinics/AIM Clinic Company: Trillium Health Partners Job description: Job Description Position: Clinic Clerical Assistant Job ID: 2024-36629 Status: Temporary Full-Time (approx. 9... months) Department: Medical Clinics/AIM Program: Out-Patient Medicine Role Level: Admin/Clerical (AC03... Expected salary: Location: Mississauga, ON Job date: Sat, 02 Mar 2024 00:29:21 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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toplevelbook · 4 months
MGES Jobs: Multan Garrison Education System Teaching Staff Jobs 2024
Multan Garrison Education System has announced over 20 job vacancies for the positions of principal and teacher (all subjects SSC and HSSC). Those interested can apply for the latest Multan Garrison Education System Job Vacancies 2024 before February 26, 2024. The Multan Garrison Education System seeks qualified, highly talented, and self-motivated Pakistani nationals to apply for these latest job opportunities. Detailed information and eligibility criteria for the MGES School Multan Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024 Online Application are below. The online application deadline for MGES School Multan Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024 is February 26, 2024. What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Multan Garrison Education System Teaching Staff Jobs - Candidates from Pakistan can apply for the latest Multan Garrison Education System job vacancies in 2024. - Applicants must possess relevant educational qualifications and experience as specified for each post. - The online application deadline for MGES School Multan Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024 is February 26, 2024. Required Documents For Multan Garrison - CNIC Copy - Domicile - 2 Recent Photographs - Educational Certificate - Any Other Supporting Documents Multan Garrison Education System Job Post Detail - DIRECTOR ACADEMIC - SANITARY WORKER - CLERICAL STAFF - SECURITY GUARD - ADMIN JCO - ADMINISTRATOR - NURSING ASSISTANT - DRIVER - LECTURER - PT INSTRUCTOR AND REGIONAL DIRECTOR APSACS Read the full article
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racke7 · 7 months
Me vs FF14
So, this weekend I finally picked up FF14, and I'm... confused?
Like, I get that there's likely to be feature-bloat and whatever, so "following a guide" isn't a bad idea to combat the learning-curve.
I'm a bit weirded out by the game literally having a hotkey for opening a guide on a browser, but alright, maybe people have just been complaining massively about some confusing stuff and they put it in to make sure that the admins don't have to answer so many FAQs.
I'm a bit more confused about like... everything else?
A "conjurer" in most games: Summons monsters and uses them as battle-partners
A "conjurer" in FF14: A cleric.
Like... why? Even if it's "accurately translated (words)" it's also clearly "wrongly translated (association)"? And that's kind of dumb.
Also, why is "rogue" only available as a second class (hidden away in a starting area that you have to look up in order to find)? What's the point in that?
I mean, I feel like I'm being generous with this game because I don't know things, so there's probably a lot that I'm missing. (Like, I couldn't figure out how the carbuncle is relevant at all, if it's neither a tank nor a DPS for your caster-type character, but is instead some kind of "focus for casting specific spells"? But I'm low-level so what do I know?)
But also, I feel like I'm staring at some of the choices this game has made and going "why".
"Yes, we put these lvl 50 hostile creatures in a zone for lvl 10 monsters. We think that this is a good way to encourage new players by getting them insta-gibbed upon rounding a corner."
"Yes, you'll be spending 80% of your time running back and forth across several different maps, instead of slowly moving through the world as your level progresses."
"Yes, this lvl 25 quest has you bullrushing through an encampment of easily-aggrod lvl 28 monsters, in order to perform a task that requires you not to be interrupted by enemy-attacks."
"Yes, you can't actually decline any of these job-quests or at least hide them on the map, so they'll always be flashing the 'available quest'-icon at you forever."
"Yes, you're supposed to be able to win against this creature at your level, but we added a second creature right next to it, just in case lots of people desperately wanted to fight this very specific and aggressive quest-monster that gives no XP."
Like... this is effectively a AAA-level MMO, and yet it seems to fail at several conventions and basic game-mechanics that tiny-ass MMOs from like 2005 could juggle without any issues.
And that's weird? To me?
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