#Admiral Anderson
ladygwyndolin · 11 months
Mass Effect characters react to you coming out (Part 2)
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Part 1//Part 2//Part 3//Part 4
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katiemakena · 2 months
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“And I worry sometimes she forgets, there's a whole bunch of people who lose sleep over her getting back home.” - David Anderson
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Shepard "I don't know how we'll win this but we will, even if it kills me"
Anderson "well you've already died once and it didn't even slow you down, but let's not tempt fate"
and then they both died 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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pathcrier · 2 years
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Post ME2 with a Renegade Shep be like
[Click for better quality]
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There are so many little details I love about Mass Effect, but one of my favourites has to be when we see the squad boarding the Kodiak or the Normandy after a mission. Each and every time, Commander Shepard is the last one to go. Even if she reaches the ship first, she'll stop and turn, providing covering fire or encouraging the squad to get on board while she waits, because as the Commanding Officer she can't board until her crew is safe, and it's her responsibility to make sure that happens. We see this dynamic on Earth too, at the start of Mass Effect 3. Anderson is planning on staying behind anyway, but unlike all the other times, Shepard doesn't hesitate to board first - she's climbed up and into the Normandy before Anderson even reaches it, because she isn't the highest ranked soldier - this time her responsibility is to get to safety so that her Commanding Officer can follow. Likewise, her squad don't hesitate to board, or wait for her - they know they need to get to safety before Shepherd will follow.
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masseffectgayz · 3 months
I'm Proud of You
“Commander,” Anderson’s voice was deep, gravelly.
Shepard made his way over, body weak.
“We did it,” His own voice was shaky.
The other man gave a rough, pained side smile.
“Yes, we did.,” There was a moment's pause as neither man spoke. A cough came from the older man. “It’s quite a view,”
Shepard had to smile himself, he could feel his hand grow wet, warm. “Ha, best seats in the house,”
Silence stretched for a few seconds.
“God,” Anderson’s voice was tired, so very tired. “Feels like years since I just sat down,”
“I think you earned a rest…” Shepard answered, looking over to the other man when there was no response, no sound. “Anderson?”
A very weak hum was the older man’s response.
Panic weakly gnawed at the Commander, he wanted to reach out to Anderson but his arms were just too weak so he settled on his words. “Stay with me; we’re almost through this,” He tried to reassure.
There was another silent pause.
“You did good son, you did good,” The older man’s words weakened, grew quiet with every syllable. Yet another pause came from the man.
“I’m proud of you.”
Shepard couldn’t even grin. “Thank you, sir…” He tried through a closed throat. He turned to look at the other soldier. Weak, wained anxiety gripped his lungs. “Anderson?...” He choked out, though he already knew there would be no response. 
A fresh wave of panic shot through him, energy suddenly pounding in his ears.
“No… Hey, no, c’mon Anderson,” His tongue felt fat as he tried to talk, his words slowed and slurred. “You can’t… you can’t…”
Shepard swallowed slowly. Metal bit against his throat. “You were here with me from the start; you’ve been by my side since the beginning. Saren, Cerberus, Earth…” His vision blurred; maybe blood loss, maybe tears. “Don’t… Don’t leave me alone. Not now, not when we’re so close… Please, sir, please don’t…” 
His begs fell on silent ears.
Lighting went off behind the Commander; the sound felt comforting. 
“God, how long has this all been? How long have we been fighting?” He asked out loud, hoping Anderson could still hear him. Hoping someone was listening. “It feels like forever; it feels like this is all we’ve been doing, trying to stop this. I…” His throat closed, and tears, he knew it was tears this time, welled in his eyes. “I’m sorry, sir,” He said quietly. “I should have tried harder, been stronger, worked sooner. We could have… I could have…” The words were lost on his tongue. 
The Commander looked over to his friend, stone still. He weakly reached a hand over, gripping the older man’s shoulder.
“You deserved better,” His voice shook, and tears slipped down his face into his scars. “You always deserved better. Better than Udina, better than the Alliance, better than… me,” He gritted his teeth. “I’m sorry, Anderson, I’m so sorry. I… I’m glad I made you proud; I did that, at least,” Shepard took in a shaky, weak breath. “You were… you were like…”
The man’s arm fell away, too weak to even grip Anderson’s still shoulder. For a moment, everything was silent, stone-cold silent. It hurt the Commander’s ears. Then, he tilted his head down, looking at the hand he had covering his wound. Shepard pulled away, he couldn’t help but frown at the blood he saw. When had it become so much? When had all of this become so much? 
All those years ago, when everything had started… He would have never guessed what it would have become. He would have never guessed this. The Commander looked back towards Adnerson, or he tried to.
The man still didn’t move.
“I… I want this to be over, Anderson,” He whispered, just in case anyone else could hear him. “I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m tired, so damn tired,” He let more tears form, more of them fall. A sob passed his lips. “There were times where I wished that beacon on Eden Prime would have…” He trailed off. He didn’t want to say that out loud. Not in front of Anderson. “I need it to be over; I can’t do it anymore. It’s… It’s gotta be over…” 
Shepard forced himself to look fully at Anderson, to place a hand on the man’s arm.
“Be there for me when it is all over. Please, just…”
The Commander squeezed the older man’s arm, letting one last tear fall.
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Anderson's death scene always makes me cry like a baby and I wanted to use that sadness and write angst. Please and thanks.
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monowires · 2 years
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you did good, son. you did good.
i'm... proud of you.
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neb-art-zeke · 2 years
Shepard is just doing something a proud kid would do 😂
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shiara-tsoni · 1 year
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moss-flesh · 2 years
anderson: crazy that it took reapers to bring the whole galaxy together-
garrus: ACTUAlly, SHEPARD! my GIRLFRIEND! did that!
anderson: uh yeah i meant that…
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katlakitty · 10 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 14: Shore
"Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand-- Kalahira, wash the sins from this one, and set him on the distant shore of the infinite spirit."
The sound of the waves filled the air and the water was glistening in the sun, reflecting the light in a way it looked as if the waves were dancing. It was peaceful.
Thane closed his eyes and meditated, praying for those he left behind, praying they would find peace just like he had. He was calm as the sun shone down on his skin, he could breathe again, think and feel. There was no pain, no war, nothing he had to be afraid of.
“Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me.”
The water started whirling and the lights became more erratic. Thane opened his eyes. He welcomed the Salarian that emerged from the water with a warm smile. Mordin looked around for a moment and picked up a shell before he sat down next to him.
"Welcome, old friend," Thane greeted him.
"I always thought I would get to analyze seashells when I retire," Mordin looked at the seashell in his hand.
"You can do whatever you want." Thane closed his eyes again.
"Why are you sitting here then?" Mordin turned the seashell in his hands.
"I am waiting."
“Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide him to where all hunters return, where all storms become still, where all stars show the path. Guide him, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was a father to me.”
The water started to whirl again, causing the lights to dance more aggressively. They both turned their attention towards the water, watching as two men emerged from it. Admiral Anderson and Commander John Shepard walked out of the water. The wounds on John's face and hands were slowly fading as the water dripped off of him into the sand.
Thane stood up and Mordin followed his example as they welcomed their mutual friend with open arms.
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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The last word of a friend. Know that I always salute you Anderson. Always. RIP.
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the first baby in Andromeda....was named for Admiral Anderson.....and he'd been dead from Tim's bullet for 600 years already 😭 why would they do this to me 😭
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
Destiny's Fate - Chapter Update
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Destiny’s Fate is the main story in my ShepShep world. John and Jane Shepard have known one another since they were fifteen years old. Through thick and thin they’ve been friend, lover, and spouse to one another. Destiny has a grand plan for them.
Until Jane dies over Alchera and John finally finds a way to live again. When they meet up again on Horizon, both their worlds are shattered. Harsh words and bitterness ensue, as does a divorce, leaving them on a different sort of battlefield. A personal one.
But Destiny’s grand plan cannot be changed, and as the promised Reaper attack gets underway, they are brought together once more to face the greatest threat all civilization in the galaxy has ever known. Can they set aside their differences enough to partner up and defeat the common enemy? Or will their own personal battles defeat them in the process?
Summary: Once united in all things, Destiny has guided John and Jane Shepard to separate, divergent paths; however, both know the future holds a far greater threat than the rest of the galaxy is willing to acknowledge. Can they join together one last time to complete the mission they started together, or will Fate deal them a final losing hand …
Tags: marriage, divorce, strained relationships, angst, pregnancy (past), loss of pregnancy (past), emotional hurt/comfort, death, descrption of battle, biotics, injury
Chapter: R&R
Word Count: approximately 2500
Pausing in the middle of reading the latest reports out of the Traverse, Kaidan glances over at Specialist Ramirez at one of the nearby terminals.  Things are heating up out there; the war is taking its toll in many ways.  Already limited resources are getting harder to find as more and more colonies are lost each day.  The hesitancy in the specialist’s tone does little to reassure him that whatever the reason for the interruption is good. 
Swallowing back the dread that follows on the heels of that realization, he sets his datapad aside and gives the Specialist his full attention.  “What is it, Ramirez?”
“Sir, Admiral Anderson is on the QEC asking to speak with you.”
Anderson?  That’s…unexpected.  It isn’t a name he expects right now, let alone hear from directly.  The only one on the Normandy who’s been in contact with him is Jane and that’s on a sporadic basis as the situation on Earth allows.  In fact, they’d spoken just a few days ago when Anderson had passed along that he was making his way east across North America.  There wasn’t any reason for another call so soon, was there?
Kaidan shakes his head to free it of negative thoughts trying to push in.  No, if something had happened, he wouldn’t be the one calling let alone asking for me.  This is something else…but, what? 
“Are you sure he doesn’t mean the commander, Ramirez?”
“Yes, major.  He asked specifically for you.  By name.”
Read on AO3 // Read from Beginning // Read Destiny’s Fate:Downtime // Read Series
Thank you all for reading and your comments! Feel free to drop an ask if you have questions about ShepShep or just want to talk about them! :)
Also, for those interested, I've recreated my ShepShep Playlist over on Spotify. It includes songs I've listened to at various times throughout the writing of the Destiny series, not just this story.
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I wish you could have had Anderson in your team during the last segment of Taking Back Earth. Make it kind of like a callback to the tutorial at the start of ME3. It could have worked with the Extended Cut as well. Instead of it being Anderson and the Second Squadmate being extracted, it would be the Second Squadmate and a random Alliance Soldier. Seeing as only one Squadmate gets dialogue in the extraction scene, it would still work, in theory. Alas, it will never be. I just want more Anderson.
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ghostryders · 2 years
even after being dead for 2 years shepard STILL looking to anderson when their spectre status is re-instated for that little ‘go ahead’ nod… get the fuck out of here…
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