#Affiliate disclosure
marketingprofitmedia · 6 months
Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is the Best Way to Make Money Online
Amazon Affiliate Marketing offers a high potential for earning with a vast product range. It enables easy monetization of content for creators and publishers.
Venturing into the world of online earning, Amazon Affiliate Marketing stands out as a promising avenue. Known for its straightforward program, it allows website owners and bloggers to earn commissions by promoting products from Amazon. com. Participants simply share links to Amazon products, and when a shopper makes a purchase through one of these links, the affiliate earns a commission.
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Introduction To Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Have you ever dreamt of earning money while you sleep? Amazon Affiliate Marketing might just be the golden ticket to your dreams! You don’t need a warehouse full of products. All you need is a website or social media presence. Let’s dive into the world of affiliate marketing and discover why Amazon is king!
The Basics Of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is all about earning commissions. You promote products and get money when people buy through your links. It’s a win-win situation! Here’s a simple breakdown:
Choose a product you love.
Create content to promote it.
Share your affiliate link within this content.
When people click and buy, you earn cash!
Why Amazon Stands Out
Amazon is a powerhouse with a massive inventory. This means endless options for you to promote.
Amazon’s AdvantagesTrusted worldwideHigh conversion ratesCommission on full cartEasy to use affiliate program
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Credit: www.amazon.com
Ease Of Getting Started
The Ease of Getting Started with Amazon Affiliate Marketing sets it apart from other online money-making strategies. Joining is straightforward, and you don’t need a physical product inventory. Let’s uncover the simple steps you can take to jump into the world of affiliate marketing through Amazon.
Setting Up An Amazon Affiliate Account
Starting your affiliate journey with Amazon is a breeze. The process is simple:
Visit the Amazon Associates homepage.
Create your Amazon Associates account by signing up.
Enter basic personal and website details.
Choose your preferred payment method.
Start promoting products with your affiliate links.
You can begin earning commissions once your account is active. Amazon offers a wealth of tools and support to help affiliates succeed.
No Inventory Management Required
Unlike traditional retail, affiliate marketing on Amazon eliminates the need for inventory. You won’t deal with:
Product sourcing — no need to find or buy products.
Storage issues — no space needed for inventory.
Shipping logistics — Amazon handles delivery.
Customer service — Amazon manages customer queries.
This hassle-free approach allows you to focus on growing your online presence and maximizing your revenue through affiliate marketing.
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Wide Array Of Products
The Amazon Affiliate Program unlocks a sea of products for marketers. This platform stands unrivaled for those eager to dive into affiliate marketing. Why? The sheer volume and diversity of items at your disposal. With Amazon’s vast inventory, affiliate marketers can easily find products that resonate with their audience.
Diverse Niches And Selections
Every niche imaginable finds a place on Amazon. From books to tech, beauty products to home goods, the list is endless. Marketers can select products that are not just popular but also align with specific, niche interests. This means affiliates have the unique advantage of promoting items that are tailored to a highly specific audience, ensuring higher relevance and potential conversion rates.
Vast categories ensure you never run out of options.
Select items that reflect emerging trends.
Access to exclusive products found only on Amazon.
Opportunities For Targeted Marketing
A diverse product lineup enables laser-focused marketing. Affiliate marketers can create content tailored to very specific segments of the market. This is key in attracting and retaining a devoted audience. Targeted marketing also increases the chances of clicks and purchases, thus boosting potential earnings.
Use Amazon’s data to identify hot sellers.
Match products with the right audience based on their interests.
Improve click-through rates with highly relevant offers.
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Credit: www.amazon.com
Trust And Reliability
In the world of online earning, trust and reliability stand tall. They are the pillars that support the bridge between a customer and a marketer. Amazon’s affiliate program offers just that — a trustworthy and reliable path to making money online. Let’s explore why these factors make Amazon Affiliate Marketing your go-to strategy.
Leveraging Amazon’s Reputation
Amazon is a household name. People know it, use it, and trust it daily. When you become an Amazon Affiliate, you tap into this powerful trust factor. Here’s how leveraging Amazon’s reputation helps:
Instant Credibility: Your affiliate store benefits from Amazon’s long-standing reputation for quality and service.
Less Effort in Convincing: With trust already built, your energy focuses on driving traffic, not building credibility.
Better Conversion Rates: Trust leads to clicks, and clicks lead to purchases. Amazon’s name converts window-shoppers into buyers.
High Customer Loyalty
Amazon’s customer base is massive and loyal. The customers return to the platform looking for products that they can rely on. Here’s what high customer loyalty means for affiliate marketers:
Repeated Purchases: Loyal Amazon customers are more likely to buy products you recommend not just once, but repeatedly.
Customer Trust: Happy Amazon customers bring in a sense of security and reliability, which reflects on your affiliate offerings.
Increased Earnings: With returning customers, your potential to earn commissions grows. Every repeat purchase links back to your affiliate efforts.
Attractive Commission Structure
Imagine a world where your earnings grow while you sleep. This is the promise of Amazon Affiliate Marketing. Their commission structure stands out in the digital landscape. You can earn up to 10% in affiliate fees. The secret lies in understanding the ins and outs of Amazon’s rate card, and selecting the right products to promote. With strategy and insight, your profit potential is vast.
Understanding Amazon’s Commission Rates
The commissions vary by product category. Each sale you drive to Amazon puts money in your pocket. Amazon’s fee schedule is public and clear. You will know exactly what to expect from each item sold.
Add more rows as needed
Product CategoryCommission PercentageLuxury Beauty, Amazon Coins10%Furniture, Home, Home Improvement8%Headphones, Beauty, Musical Instruments, Business & Industrial Supplies6%
Maximizing Earnings With Smart Product Selection
Not all products are created equal. To maximize earnings, choose products wisely. It’s all about finding the perfect balance between popularity and commission rates.
Analyze market trends.
Consider seasonality and demand.
Spot products with less competition but high commission rates.
Focus on high-ticket items or those with repeat purchase potential.
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Credit: optinmonster.com
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Tools And Support For Affiliates
Imagine earning cash while you sleep. This is the dream for many wanting to make money online. Welcome to Amazon Affiliate Marketing, where dreams turn to reality. With top-tier tools and support, it’s no wonder affiliates gravitate towards Amazon.
Amazon’s Affiliate Marketing Resources
Amazon provides a wealth of resources to help affiliates succeed. Here’s a glimpse:
Amazon Associates Central: A dashboard packed with tools.
Product Linking: Find and share countless products.
Banners: Ready-to-use graphics to grab attention.
APIs: For tech-savvy folks to build custom solutions.
Tracking And Analyzing Performance
Knowing your numbers is key to growth. Amazon’s platform comes with robust tracking features:
FeatureDescriptionReports:View detailed stats on clicks and earnings.Click-Through Rates:Identify which links get more traffic.Conversion Rates:Understand what drives purchases.Earnings Overview:See your financial success at a glance.
These tools enable you to adjust your strategies and maximize earnings. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, Amazon supports your affiliate journey.
Success Stories And Strategy
Exploring the riveting world of Amazon Affiliate Marketing unfolds countless success tales. These triumphs aren’t just inspiring — they’re educational. They show strategies that can turn clicks into income. Let’s dive into some eye-opening success stories and strategic moves that can pave your road to affiliate prosperity.
Case Studies Of Successful Affiliates
Many have found a goldmine in Amazon’s Affiliate Program. Real people, real results — a closer look can reveal the potential lying within this opportunity. Here are a few compelling case studies:
Case Study 1: A tech blogger began a simple review site. With consistent, quality content and SEO, they now earn over $10,000 a month.
Case Study 2: A DIY enthusiast created tutorial videos linked with Amazon products. This creative approach resulted in a six-figure annual income.
Case Study 3: A niche site focused on outdoor gear. With targeted content and affiliate links, they scaled their earnings to $120,000 per year.
These stories show diverse strategies leading to success. They began with a clear niche and built a content-rich platform, integrating affiliate links smartly.
Key Strategies For Affiliate Marketing Growth
Building a thriving affiliate site involves several proven strategies. Committing to these approaches can make a significant difference:
StrategyAction StepsCreate Valuable ContentIdentify audience needs and provide solutions with articles, guides, and reviews.Optimize for SEOConduct keyword research and optimize posts to improve search engine rankings.Build TrustOffer honest reviews and build a community around your niche for credibility.Utilize DataAnalyze data for insights on what works. Adjust strategies based on performance.
To put these strategies into action, start with in-depth research. Understand your chosen niche. Create content that adds value. Respond to questions your audience may have about products. Focus on SEO to attract organic traffic. Engage with your readers to build a loyal following. Trust is crucial — never compromise on giving fair and helpful product insights. Leverage analytics to refine your strategy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing?
Amazon Affiliate Marketing is a program where affiliates earn commissions by promoting Amazon products and driving sales.
Q. How Does Amazon Affiliate Payout?
Affiliates receive payouts from Amazon through direct deposit, check, or Amazon gift cards, typically within 60 days of the end of the month.
Q. Why Choose Amazon For Affiliate Marketing?
Amazon’s vast product range, trusted brand, and user-friendly affiliate tools make it an appealing platform for affiliate marketing.
Q. Can Beginners Succeed With Amazon Affiliates?
Yes, beginners can succeed by creating quality content and effectively promoting Amazon products to the right audience.
Q. What Are Amazon Affiliate’s Commission Rates?
Commission rates for Amazon Affiliates vary by product category, ranging from 1% to 10%, with frequent updates from Amazon.
Embracing Amazon’s affiliate program paves the way for substantial online earnings. It taps into a vast product selection and a trusted brand. The system is user-friendly, offering reliable tracking and payouts. Start your journey towards financial freedom; Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your key to successful online income.
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Thanks for reading my article on Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is the Best Way to Make Money Online, hope it will help!
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This post contains affiliate links, which lets me make a little profit at no extra cost if you buy anything. We earn affiliate money for reviews and promotions on this post, but we always provide honest thoughts, user experiences, and product or service perspectives. We want to assist readers make the greatest purchases, but our testimonials and views are ours. Before buying, check claims, outcomes, and metrics. You should assume we get affiliate compensation for clicking links or buying anything mentioned in this post. We evaluate intriguing items and services. We may get a commission from our partners If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is the Best Way to Make Money Online
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madhukumarc · 1 year
[Disclosing Affiliate Links] - Is it Really Necessary?
Disclosure of affiliate links is an important aspect of ethical online marketing.
As an affiliate marketer, content creator, or digital marketer, it is crucial to be transparent with your audience about any affiliate partnerships you may have.
This not only builds trust with your readers but also ensures compliance with legal regulations.
So, what exactly are affiliate links?
Affiliate links are special URLs that contain a unique code assigned to you by the affiliate program you are a part of.
When someone clicks on this link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. It's a win-win situation for both you and the company you are promoting.
Now, let's discuss the significance of disclosing affiliate links.
Do you know? - “Success in affiliate marketing relies on understanding your audience, delivering authentic recommendations, and adapting to industry trends” – The DailyZoo Newsletter
Disclosing Affiliate Links:
1. Transparency is key to building a strong relationship with your audience.
By openly disclosing your affiliate partnerships, you are letting your readers know that you may receive compensation if they make a purchase through your link.
This builds trust and credibility, as it shows that you prioritize their best interests over making a quick buck.
2. Moreover, disclosing affiliate links is not just about ethics and trust-building; it is also a legal requirement in many countries.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States, for example, mandates such requirements and has detailed guidelines on such aspects.
For influencers and content creators, they need to clearly disclose any material connections they have with brands or companies.
Failure to do so can lead to hefty fines and damage to your reputation.
3. So, how should you disclose affiliate links? The approach can vary depending on the platform you are using.
On your website or blog, it is best practice to include a clear and conspicuous disclosure statement on each page where affiliate links are present.
This statement should be easily noticeable by your readers and explicitly mention that you may earn a commission from their purchases.
For some reason, if you find it impractical to include disclosure statements in every individual place, page, or post, ensure that these disclosures are prominently accessible in the header [fixed view even pages scrolled] for easy reader visibility.
Additionally, provide readers the option to access more detailed disclosures on any linked page should they wish to explore further information, or at the footer of the website or blog [fixed view even pages scrolled] in legible fonts.
You can also observe what others are doing for inspiration and implement similar on your platform or site.
The key point is to ensure that your audience or readers are informed about these affiliate disclosure relationships.
4. On social media platforms, where character limits are restricted, it is essential to include clear disclosure hashtags such as #ad, #affiliate, #affiliatelink #afflink, #paid, or #sponsored as relevant in your post, captions, or video descriptions.
These hashtags signal to your audience that the content they are consuming contains affiliate links.
However, make sure that they can be seen easily, are not hidden, and are not even stated in the comments, as that is unacceptable.
5. Remember, transparency is the key to maintaining a positive relationship with your audience.
Don't try to hide or disguise your affiliate links. Instead, embrace them and be proud of the products or services you promote.
By being honest and upfront, you will not only comply with legal requirements but also strengthen the trust and loyalty of your audience.
“Nobody becomes a successful affiliate overnight, so don’t expect this to happen in your case. You will fail at first. If you give up too early, you may just miss out on a life-changing adventure” – STM Forum
In conclusion, disclosing affiliate links is not only an ethical responsibility but also a legal requirement in many countries.
By being transparent about your affiliate partnerships, you can build trust with your audience and ensure compliance with regulations.
So, don't shy away from disclosing your affiliate links - embrace them as a valuable part of your online marketing strategy.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Most Profitable Affiliate Niches
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miguel5219 · 1 year
How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners https://cutt.ly/f5TMeER
In this video, I'm going to show you how to start affiliate marketing for beginners. This is the perfect video for anyone who wants to learn how to start an online business and make money from home. I'll show you all the steps you need to take to get started with affiliate marketing, from finding a niche market to setting up your affiliate marketing account. By the end of this video, you'll have everything you need to start making money from your first affiliate sales!
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gravitasmalfunction · 6 months
Spending the Ides of March researching the candidates for the local government elections tomorrow
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louzit · 9 months
Navigating the World of Travel: A Comprehensive Look at Orbitz.com
In the ever-evolving realm of travel, finding the right platform to curate your adventures is paramount. Among the multitude of options, Orbitz.com stands tall as a reliable and user-friendly hub for travel enthusiasts worldwide. Unveiling the Essence of Orbitz.com Orbitz.com, established in 2001, has carved a niche for itself in the competitive landscape of online travel agencies. Its seamless…
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mardally · 1 year
Best Practices for Disclosure and Ethical Considerations in Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing, when done ethically, can be a legitimate and lucrative way of monetizing online content. However, like all forms of marketing, there are best practices that should be adhered to, ensuring transparency, trustworthiness, and compliance with various regulations. Here are the best practices for disclosure and ethical considerations in affiliate marketing: 1. Clear and…
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successartistry · 1 year
Affiliate Marketing: The Unexpected Path to Financial Freedom
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Are you interested in finding a way to achieve financial freedom? Look no further than affiliate marketing! In this blog post, we will explore how affiliate marketing can provide you with a lucrative income stream and the opportunity to be your own boss. 
By promoting other people's products and earning a commission, you can leverage the power of online marketing to reach a global audience and generate passive income. This means you don't have to create your own product to start earning money. 
Affiliate marketing allows you to tap into the vast potential of the internet and make money while you sleep. With the right strategies and dedication, you can build a sustainable online business that brings in steady income. 
So, if you're ready to embark on an unexpected path to financial freedom, keep reading. We'll delve into the various benefits and strategies of affiliate marketing that can help you achieve the financial independence you desire.
Section 1: No Need to Create Your Own Product
One of the most attractive aspects of affiliate marketing is that you don't need to create your own product. Instead, you can focus on promoting existing products or services that align with your interests and passions. By leveraging other people's products, you can bypass the time-consuming process of product development and jump straight into earning commissions. 
This approach allows you to get started quickly, which is especially beneficial if you're looking for a way to generate income sooner rather than later. Additionally, by promoting established products, you can reduce the financial risks associated with launching your own product. The costs and uncertainties of product development, manufacturing, and inventory become someone else's responsibility, leaving you free to concentrate on marketing and driving sales.
Whether you're passionate about fitness, technology, or home decor, there's likely an affiliate program available to suit your interests. With the opportunity to earn income from products you genuinely believe in, affiliate marketing provides a flexible and rewarding path towards financial freedom.
Section 2: The Power of Online Marketing
Harness the power of online marketing to tap into a global audience and expand your income potential. With the rise of digital platforms, reaching customers from different parts of the world has become easier than ever before. Through affiliate marketing, you can utilize various online channels such as websites, social media, and email marketing to promote your affiliate links. This opens up opportunities to earn income while you sleep, as your marketing efforts work continuously in the digital realm.
Online marketing allows you to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring that your promotions reach the right audience. By leveraging the power of search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase your website's visibility and attract organic traffic. Additionally, social media platforms provide a vast network of potential customers who are actively engaged and ready to discover new products or services.
Email marketing is another effective tool in your online marketing arsenal. By building an email list of interested subscribers, you can regularly communicate with them, share valuable content, and promote your affiliate links. This direct line of communication helps you establish trust and credibility with your audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
In the digital age, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the power of online marketing to reach a global audience, expand your income potential, and achieve financial freedom.
Section 3: Be Your Own Boss
Imagine the freedom of being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and working from anywhere in the world. As an affiliate marketer, you have the autonomy to choose your niche, select the products you want to promote, and define your marketing strategies. This flexibility allows you to pursue your passions and build a business that aligns with your interests. Say goodbye to the constraints of traditional employment and embrace the freedom that affiliate marketing offers.
Being your own boss means you have the power to make decisions that directly impact your success. You have the freedom to experiment with different marketing techniques, explore new opportunities, and adapt your strategies as needed. No longer will you have to answer to a supervisor or adhere to someone else's vision. Instead, you can take charge of your own destiny and create a business that reflects your unique strengths and aspirations.
In the world of affiliate marketing, you are in control. You have the ability to set your own goals, determine your own income, and shape your own future. Whether you want to work part-time or build a full-time business, the choice is yours. So, take the leap, embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, and become your own boss in the exciting world of affiliate marketing.
Section 4: Diversify Your Income Streams
Affiliate marketing provides an opportunity to diversify your income streams and reduce financial risks. By promoting products across different niches, you can ensure that you are not solely reliant on a single income source. This diversification not only brings stability but also allows you to tap into various markets and adapt to changing trends. 
Imagine having multiple streams of income flowing in from different sources. If one niche experiences fluctuations, you can rely on the others to keep generating revenue. This flexibility is crucial in the ever-changing world of online business. 
Utilising your skills and passions, you can explore different niches and find products that align with your interests. This way, you can enjoy what you do while earning money. As you expand your affiliate portfolio, you can create a reliable and sustainable income stream that continues to generate even when one niche experiences fluctuations. 
Diversifying your income streams through affiliate marketing is a smart move that can lead you on the path to financial freedom.
Section 5: Utilise Your Skills and Passions
Finding the perfect affiliate niche is not just about earning commissions, but also about utilising your existing skills and passions. Take some time to evaluate your interests and expertise. What topics or industries excite you? By focusing on areas that align with your skills and passions, you can build credibility and create content that resonates with your target audience. 
When you are passionate about a subject, it shines through in your work. Your enthusiasm will captivate your audience and make them more likely to trust your recommendations. Plus, your existing knowledge and skills will give you a competitive edge in your chosen niche. 
For example, if you have a background in finance, you could explore affiliate programs in the personal finance or investment industry. Your expertise will allow you to provide valuable insights and advice to your audience, establishing yourself as a trusted authority.
Remember, affiliate marketing is not just about making money; it's about sharing your passion and expertise with others. So, leverage your skills and passions to create content that not only drives sales but also brings you joy and fulfillment along the way.
Section 6: Develop Valuable Relationships
In the world of affiliate marketing, building relationships is crucial for long-term success. Connecting with top performers and industry players allows you to gain insights, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. By networking within the affiliate marketing community, you open doors to valuable partnerships, joint ventures, and mentorship opportunities. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals accelerates your growth and allows you to learn from those who have already achieved financial freedom through affiliate marketing.
To develop valuable relationships, start by attending industry conferences and events. These gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to meet influential people in the field. Additionally, join online forums and communities where you can engage with fellow affiliate marketers, ask questions, and share your experiences. Actively participate in discussions and offer help whenever possible.
Remember, relationships are built on trust and mutual support. Be genuine, provide value, and be willing to help others. By nurturing these connections, you'll create a strong network that can propel your affiliate marketing journey to new heights.
Section 7: Embrace the Digital Age
In today's digital age, e-commerce is thriving, and affiliate marketing is at the forefront of this boom. By embracing the digital landscape, you can tap into the enormous potential of the online market. The convenience of online shopping and the increasing number of internet users provide affiliate marketers with a vast pool of potential customers. Putting your marketing efforts in the digital space allows you to capitalise on this growing trend and maximise your earning potential.
With the rise of social media platforms, search engines, and online advertising, reaching your target audience has never been easier. You can leverage these digital tools to create engaging content, build a strong online presence, and attract customers to your affiliate products or services. Additionally, the ability to track and analyse data in real-time enables you to optimise your marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions.
Embracing the digital age opens up a world of opportunities for affiliate marketers. It allows you to reach a global audience, scale your business, and stay ahead of the competition. So, don't hesitate to dive into the digital realm and unlock the full potential of affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing offers a unique and unexpected path to financial freedom. With no need to create your own product, the power of online marketing, the flexibility of being your own boss, and the opportunity to diversify your income streams, affiliate marketing provides endless possibilities. 
By utilising your skills and passions, developing valuable relationships, and embracing the digital age, you can embark on a journey towards financial independence. Imagine having the freedom to work from anywhere, set your own schedule, and earn passive income while you sleep. 
So, what are you waiting for? Start your affiliate marketing business today and unlock the door to a life of freedom and financial success. With determination, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, you can turn your dreams into reality. Take the leap and embrace the unexpected path to financial freedom through affiliate marketing. Your future awaits!
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wptechniques · 2 years
How To Find Hot Selling Products to Sell
To discover merchandise that promotes online, we want to apprehend what humans already want to buy. Finding a perfect choice of concept or product is always observed by way of interfacing with the demand for the product in the contemporary marketplace and the level of opposition or marketplace proportion that the product might be having in the end. What needs to I sell?  What merchandise is warm…
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
BTW, Bookshop.org is doing free shipping, and 15% off some purchases, all weekend.
If you aren’t aware, Bookshop.org is an online bookstore that is meant to support independent bookstores; it allows you to pick which store the profits from your purchase go to help, and if you don’t pick one, the money goes into a shared pool that helps all independent bookstores! (This post does a great job explaining how it works.)
(Full disclosure, I do have an affiliate link but it means little.)
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Dion J. Pierre
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Monday filed a complaint with the US Federal Election Commission (FEC) accusing the political fundraising arm of Jewish Voice for Peace of misrepresenting its spending and receiving unlawful donations from corporate entities, citing “discrepancies” in the organization’s income and expense reports.
The complaint lodges a slew of charges against Jewish Voice for Peace’s political action committee (JVP PAC), including spending almost no money on candidates running for office — a political action committee’s main purpose.
From 2020-2023, JVP PAC reported spending $82,956, but just a small fraction of that sum — $1,775, just over 2 percent — was spent on candidates, according to the complaint. The money went elsewhere, being paid out in one case for “legal services” provided by a company which “doesn’t appear to practice law” and other expenses.
The ADL described such spending as “unusual” and said that full disclosure of JVP PAC’s spending is necessary for assurance of its compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act.
“Simply put, JVP PAC’s numbers do not add up, and despite repeated warnings from the FEC, the PAC has failed to correct the record,” ADL chief legal officer Steven Sheinberg said in a statement. “Moreover, while JVP PAC holds itself out to the public as a mechanism for supporting candidates for federal elected office, a significant majority of the PAC’s spending did not go to candidates or have any apparent direct connection to a federal campaign. The public deserves to know where this money is going, and the FEC must hold JVP accountable for violations of the law.”
The ADL also accused JVP PAC of amassing enormous in-kind contributions from its affiliate, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which is registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a social welfare organization. While the group has reported compensating JVP for services it provided, there is evidence that the cash value of those services far exceed any amount JVP PAC has actually paid.
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marketingprofitmedia · 6 months
Take Your Online Business to the Next Level With Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Elevate your online business by integrating Amazon’s Affiliate Marketing program. This strategy offers a commission-based earning potential through product referrals.
Amazon Affiliate Marketing presents a lucrative channel to enhance your online business’s revenue without the complexities of inventory management. By leveraging the vast product range available on Amazon, entrepreneurs and content creators can seamlessly connect their audience with relevant products.
By simply including affiliate links in your content, you enable a seamless shopping experience for your readers while earning a commission on each successful referral. This symbiotic relationship benefits both your business and your audience, providing value through recommendations and an opportunity to monetize your digital presence. Initiating your journey with Amazon Affiliate Marketing involves a straightforward signup process, strategic placement of affiliate links, and understanding your audience’s needs to facilitate sales, ensuring your venture’s growth in the competitive digital marketplace.
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The Rise Of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has soared in popularity, transforming into a must-have for online businesses. It creates win-win situations. Businesses gain exposure while affiliates earn commission. This growth stems from its effectiveness. It’s a low-risk investment with a potentially high reward.
Affiliate Marketing Basics
Affiliate marketing is a tactic where you promote others’ products. You earn a commission when someone buys through your link. Let’s break it down:
Choose a product to promote from a business
Create content to advertise the products
Share your unique affiliate link
Earn a percentage of sales made through your link
Why Amazon Affiliate Program Stands Out
The Amazon Affiliate Program, also known as Amazon Associates, captures attention. It’s popular for many reasons:
FeatureBenefitVast Product RangeMany options to choose fromUser TrustAmazon is a trusted brandEasy IntegrationSimple link placement on any platformAnalyticsTrack your success with detailed reportsCommission RatesCompetitive payouts
Become an Amazon affiliate, promote products, and watch your business grow. It’s a step towards greater online success!
Setting Up Your Amazon Affiliate Account
Are you ready to dive into Amazon Affiliate Marketing? A crucial first step is setting up your Amazon Affiliate account properly. This guide ensures a seamless start to your Amazon Affiliate journey.
Step-by-step Account Creation
Launching your Amazon Affiliate program begins with creating your account. Follow these simplified steps:
Visit the Amazon Associates homepage and click on the “Join Now for Free” button.
Sign in with your existing Amazon account or create a new one.
Enter your account information, including your name, address, and phone number.
Provide your website or app details that will host Amazon Affiliate links.
Construct your profile, inform Amazon about your websites, your promotional methods, and choose your preferred store ID.
Explain how you drive traffic to your sites, how you utilize your website or apps to generate income, and your link-building practices.
Once complete, confirm your payment and tax information to ensure you’re ready to earn commissions.
Review and accept the Terms of Service to finalize your account setup.
With these steps, your Amazon Affiliate account will be up and running in no time.
Understanding The Operating Agreement
It’s vital to grasp Amazon’s Operating Agreement to avoid any pitfalls. Here’s a simple breakdown:
Familiarize yourself with the rules to maintain a healthy affiliate relationship with Amazon.
Pay attention to the dos and don’ts concerning the promotional methods.
Understand the commission structure to set realistic earnings expectations.
Monitor changes to the agreement, as Amazon may update its terms periodically.
Comprehending these guidelines will position you for success as an Amazon Affiliate.
Creating Content That Converts
The cornerstone of any successful Amazon Affiliate Marketing strategy is content that engages and motivates your audience to take action. Delivering top-notch material tailored to your audience’s needs and interests can transform clicks into commissions. Let’s delve into how to craft content that not only captures attention but also drives sales.
Identifying Your Niche
Selecting the right niche is pivotal for conversion. A well-defined niche helps you produce relevant and specialized content that resonates with a specific audience. When you solve problems or fulfill needs for a targeted group, your content becomes invaluable.
Analyze your interests: Passion drives persistence and authenticity.
Research market demand: Utilize tools to find what’s popular and profitable.
Examine competition: Find gaps in the market to stand out.
Principles Of High-converting Content
Understanding the principles of content that converts is essential. High-converting content should captivate your audience and prompt action seamlessly. Here are the core principles.
PrincipleExplanationClarityBe clear and concise. Avoid jargon or complicated language.RelevanceTailor content to match users’ search intent and interest.ValueProvide useful information that solves problems.TrustworthinessUse facts and experiences to build credibility.EngagementEncourage user interaction with questions and calls to action.
Incorporate these principles to watch your content’s conversion power soar. Craft each piece strategically, starting with a clear and attention-grabbing headline. Make navigation effortless with subheadings and bullet points. Include high-quality images or videos to complement text. Lastly, end with a strong call to action that guides readers to the next step.
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Strategies For Driving Traffic
Ready to elevate your online business with Amazon Affiliate Marketing? Mastering traffic strategies is key to success. This section delves into proven methods designed to boost your visitor numbers and, in turn, your affiliate earnings.
Seo For Affiliate Marketing
To start, understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential. SEO helps your content rank higher in search results. Here’s what to focus on:
Keyword Research: Find what your audience searches for.
On-Page SEO: Optimize titles, headings, and meta descriptions.
Quality Content: Write helpful, comprehensive reviews and guides.
Backlinks: Earn links from credible sources to boost authority.
Leveraging Social Media
Next, harness the power of social media. It’s a great way to connect with potential customers.
Here are the best practices:
Establish a presence on platforms where your audience hangs out.
Create shareable content such as infographics or quick tips.
Engage with followers through comments and messages.
Use targeted ads to reach specific demographics.
Remember, consistency is key. Regular posts keep your audience engaged and drive traffic back to your site.
Maximizing Earnings
Maximizing Earnings with Amazon Affiliate Marketing is about smart moves and strategies. By tapping into the potential of high commission rates and promoting products in demand, your online business can experience significant growth. Let’s dive into how you can optimize your efforts for better profits.
Optimizing For Higher Commissions
To boost your earnings, focus on categories that offer more. Amazon rewards affiliates differently based on product types. You want to spot those with higher commission percentages. For example, luxury beauty items may earn more compared to home essentials.
Study the commission structure regularly, as Amazon updates it over time.
Spotlight luxury items or niche categories that might have fewer competitors but higher rewards.
Bundle lower commission items within content aimed at higher-paying categories, to balance volume with value.
Promoting High-demand Products
Selecting items that customers crave can surge your affiliate income. Seasonal trends, holidays, and new tech launches create opportunities to target what’s hot.
Here’s how to capitalize on these trends:
Keep an eye on Amazon’s bestseller lists to understand what’s trending.
Use keyword tools for search trends to foresee demand spikes.
Write detailed reviews and guides for top products to draw in potential buyers.
Remember, promoting the right product at the right time is key. Align your content marketing efforts with customer interest, and watch your profits rise!
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Tracking And Analyzing Performance
Mastering Amazon Affiliate Marketing requires keen attention to data. Numbers tell a story about what works and what doesn’t. To enhance your online business through this platform, you need robust tracking and analysis. This means diving deep into performance metrics to understand your affiliate link’s success. Ready to decipher your data for success? Let’s explore the key performance indicators and how to use Amazon’s Affiliate Reports.
Key Performance Indicators
Knowing what to measure makes all the difference. Set your sights on these metrics:
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Shares how often people click your links.
Conversion Rate: Shows the percentage of clicks that buy.
Ordered Items: Counts products bought through your links.
Earnings Per Click (EPC): Calculates earnings from each click.
Adjust your strategies based on these numbers. Aim to boost clicks and conversions.
Using Amazon’s Affiliate Reports
Amazon provides detailed reports for affiliates. Here is how to use them:
Log into your Amazon Affiliate account.
Click on the Reports tab to view your statistics.
Study the Overview Report for a snapshot of performance.
Dive into the Detailed Reports for specific insights.
Examine the Earnings Report to track your income.
Detect trends and optimize accordingly. Use these insights to tweak your content and marketing approach.
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Legal And Ethical Considerations
Legal and Ethical Considerations are vital for maintaining a successful Amazon Affiliate business. Not only do they help you stay in good standing with Amazon, but they also build trust with your audience. Understanding and adhering to Amazon’s regulations and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines ensures your venture thrives within the bounds of the law.
Compliance With Amazon Policies
Amazon sets clear policies for its Affiliate program. Neglecting these can result in account suspension or termination. Key policies include:
Proper link use: Always use Affiliate links provided by Amazon.
No misleading claims: Only truthful product descriptions.
Price promotions: Avoid promoting price-based incentives unless updated by Amazon.
Disclosure Requirements
Transparency with your audience is both a legal requirement and an ethical practice. The FTC mandates that affiliate marketers disclose their relationships with retailers. This means:
Visible disclosures: Placing clear statements near affiliate links.
Language: Using simple language that everyone understands.
Placement: Disclosures should be conspicuous, not hidden in footers or links.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing?
Amazon Affiliate Marketing is a program that allows website owners and bloggers to earn commissions by promoting Amazon products on their sites.
Q. How Do You Join The Amazon Affiliate Program?
To join the Amazon Affiliate program, apply on their website, await approval, and then incorporate affiliate links into your content.
Q. Can You Make Money With Amazon Affiliates?
Yes, you can earn money through Amazon Affiliates by generating sales via your unique affiliate links.
Q. What Are The Best Strategies For Amazon Affiliates?
Effective strategies include SEO-rich content creation, careful product selection, and leveraging social media to drive traffic.
Q. How To Optimize Your Site For Amazon Affiliate Marketing?
For optimal results, ensure your site has valuable content, utilizes relevant keywords, and provides a seamless user experience.
Embracing Amazon Affiliate Marketing can elevate your digital storefront. By leveraging the platform’s vast audience, your brand gains visibility and potential revenue growth. Start crafting strategic affiliate links, offer genuine value, and watch your online business thrive. Ready to scale up?
Amazon’s affiliate program awaits your move. Let’s grow together.
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Thanks for reading my article on Take Your Online Business to the Next Level With Amazon Affiliate Marketing, hope it will help!
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This post contains affiliate links, which lets me make a little profit at no extra cost if you buy anything. We earn affiliate money for reviews and promotions on this post, but we always provide honest thoughts, user experiences, and product or service perspectives. We want to assist readers make the greatest purchases, but our testimonials and views are ours. Before buying, check claims, outcomes, and metrics. You should assume we get affiliate compensation for clicking links or buying anything mentioned in this post. We evaluate intriguing items and services. We may get a commission from our partners If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Take Your Online Business to the Next Level With Amazon Affiliate Marketing
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talonabraxas · 9 days
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Brahman Sat-Chit-Ananda (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss) Talon Abraxas
At the core of yogic philosophy lies the concept of Brahman—the ultimate reality and the source of all existence. The transcendent goal of yoga is to experience the oneness of Brahman—the ultimate reality, the absolute and eternal truth that underlies the universe and all of existence. Exploring the multifaceted meaning of Brahman provides an opportunity to delve into the deep philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, contemplate the mysteries of the universe, deepen your spiritual practice, and connect with something greater than yourself.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Your kind support helps us create more mindful articles!
What is Brahman?
In Indian philosophy, Brahman is the ultimate reality, the supreme, unchanging, and eternal essence of the universe. The term “Brahman” is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “to swell, expand, grow, enlarge.” Brahman is beyond human comprehension as it is beyond the limitations of time, space, and individual identity. It is considered to be the absolute, formless, and all-pervading cosmic power that is the source and sustainer of all existence. It is described as the essence of truth, consciousness, and bliss that remains unchanged, yet serves as the cause of all changes in existence.
As the supreme reality, it is recognized as the source of all existence in the entire universe. The unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality forms the divine ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond your experience. It is the origin and the end of all things, the very fabric of reality, and the fundamental principle that sustains the cosmos. Every entity and phenomenon in the universe, whether material or spiritual, emanates from this Brahman, exists within it, and ultimately merges into it.
In the Chandogya Upanishad, one of the oldest yogic texts, uses the metaphor of a clay pot to explain the concept of Brahman. Just as clay is used to make many different types, forms and shapes of pots, Brahman is the substrate that manifests in various forms and shapes in the universe. The clay (Brahman) remains constant and unchanging, while the pots (the various forms in the universe) are impermanent and transient.
Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman
Brahman can be conceptualized in two different ways. Nirguna Brahman refers to the formless, attribute less aspect of Brahman, while Saguna Brahman refers to the aspect of Brahman that is imbued with qualities and attributes.
Nirguna Brahman is often associated with the concept of Advaita Vedanta, a philosophical school that emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality, asserting that Brahman is the only true reality and that all distinctions are ultimately illusory. It is pure consciousness, beyond the realm of dualities such as good and bad, right and wrong.
Saguna Brahman is the personal aspect of the supreme cosmic principle that manifests in the world with attributes and qualities. It is often associated with the concept of Bhakti Yoga, a spiritual path that emphasizes devotion to a personal deity or form of the divine. In this aspect, Brahman is seen as taking on various forms and qualities in order to interact with devotees on a more personal level. While Saguna Brahman includes attributes and is perceivable by human senses, it should not be mistaken for a deity in the traditional sense. Instead, it represents a human conception of the Infinite, a way for the human mind to comprehend the incomprehensible.
Both Nirguna and Saguna Brahman are considered valid conceptualizations of the supreme cosmic principle within Indian philosophy, with different schools of thought emphasizing one aspect over the other. The ultimate goal of understanding Brahman is to realize its true nature, which transcends all dualities and distinctions. By contemplating both the formless, attribute less nature of Nirguna Brahman and the personal, manifest aspect of Saguna Brahman, individuals can deepen their understanding of the divine and its role in the universe.
The Connection Between Atman and Brahman
The Atman-Brahman relationship is one of the fundamental tenets of yogic philosophy. Atman, interpreted as the individual soul or self, is seen as the microcosmic reflection of Brahman. According to Vedanta philosophy, Atman is not separate from Brahman, but an extension or manifestation of it. The individual self, or Atman, is often described using the analogy of a drop of water from the ocean – distinct in its individuality yet inherently connected to the vast expanse of the ocean itself.
Advaita Vedanta posits that Atman and Brahman are identical – the personal and universal selves are the same. This non-dualistic perspective, encapsulated in the Mahavakya (great saying) “Tat Tvam Asi” (That Thou Art), suggests that the individual soul is not separate from the Absolute Reality. Instead, it is Brahman itself, cloaked by ignorance or Maya. Realizing this profound oneness, transcending the illusion of duality, leads to Moksha or liberation, an essential goal in the path of yoga.
This non-dualistic concept is eloquently captured in the profound Vedic statement “Aham Brahmasmi,” meaning “I am Brahman.” The individual soul is seen as a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic absolute, suggesting that your true identity is not the transient physical form but the eternal, unchanging Brahman. This realization paves the way to liberation and union with the divine.
Brahman as Sat-cit-ananda (truth-consciousness-bliss)
While Nirguna Brahman is attribute less, it is often described using the attributes Sat (Truth), Chit (Consciousness), and Ananda (Bliss). Sat represents the aspect of Brahman that underlies all existence, the eternal and unchanging reality that transcends the temporal and illusory nature of the world. Cit signifies the pure consciousness that pervades all beings and is the source of all awareness and intelligence. Ananda points to the intrinsic joy and bliss that is inherent in the realization of Brahman, the ultimate goal of spiritual seekers.
These are not attributes in the conventional sense, but pointers to the indescribable nature of the Absolute Reality. Understanding these three attributes helps seekers comprehend the essence of Brahman and its implications for individual spiritual growth and enlightenment. By meditating on these attributes, practitioners aim to transcend the illusion of the material world and experience the ultimate reality of Brahman.
Brahman hidden by Maya (Illusion)
Maya is the cosmic illusion or veil that obscures the true nature of Brahman, causing individuals to become attached to the material world and ignorant of their true spiritual nature. This illusion fosters the misconception of duality, making you believe that you are separate entities existing independently in the physical universe. This false perception, akin to confusing a rope for a snake, results from spiritual ignorance (Avidya).
To overcome Maya and Avidya and realize the true nature of Brahman, one must cultivate self-awareness, spiritual knowledge, and detachment from the transient aspects of existence. By transcending the limitations of the ego and recognizing the unity of all creation, one can experience the divine essence of Brahman within themselves and in all beings. This realization brings liberation (moksha) from the cycle of samsara and leads to ultimate enlightenment and union with Brahman.
Moksha: Liberation from Samsara
Moksha signifies the Atman’s liberation from the cycle of Samsara and the realization of its oneness with Brahman. It is the ultimate goal of yoga, the state of absolute bliss and peace. Moksha is attained when the individual soul sheds its illusion of separateness, incited by Maya, and realizes its true nature, Brahman. This realization is not intellectual but experiential, a state of being where one experiences the truth of the Mahavakya, “Aham Brahmasmi,” meaning “I am Brahman.” Upon achieving Moksha, the individual soul merges with the supreme reality, Brahman, marking the end of the cycle of birth and rebirth. The soul, free from all limitations, resides in eternal bliss and peace.
Yoga practices to experience the oneness of Brahman
To experience the oneness of Brahman, one can engage in various yoga practices that help in transcending the limitations of the individual self and connecting with the universal consciousness. Through these practices, one can quiet the mind, purify the body, and cultivate a deeper awareness of the true nature of reality. Through dedicated practice and devotion, one can awaken the divine spark within and realize their true nature as a manifestation of Brahman. Choose a path that resonates with your inner being and commit yourself fully to the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
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miguel5219 · 1 year
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kp777 · 3 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
June 26, 2024
Jamaal and our movement were such a threat to right-wing power, to GOP megadonors, and to AIPAC's influence in Congress that they had to spend $15 million to defeat us," said one progressive organizer.
Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman lost his reelection bid in New York's 16th Congressional District on Tuesday to an establishment-backed county official whose campaign was propelled by nearly $15 million in spending by AIPAC's Republican-funded super PAC.
The United Democracy Project's (UDP) spending made the Democratic primary contest the most expensive House race in U.S. history. According to a Sludgeanalysis of independent election expenditures dating back to 2001, UDP's $14.5 million onslaught to oust Bowman was "more than any other group besides those affiliated with a political party has ever spent on a House election."
The investment paid off, with Westchester County Executive George Latimer leading Bowman by a margin of 58% to 42% with close to 90% of the vote counted in the 16th District, which was redrawn ahead of the 2022 midterms to include more of suburban Westchester County and less of the Bronx.
Bowman, a former Bronx middle school principal who won his House seat in 2020 by defeating AIPAC favorite Eliot Engel, said in his concession speech late Tuesday that "we should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn't true."
"When we say 'Free Palestine,' it is not antisemitic," said Bowman, one of the House's most vocal critics of Israel's assault on Gaza. A majority of Democratic voters in the U.S. believe Israel is committing genocide in the Palestinian enclave, according to a recent survey.
"I would like to make a public apology for sometimes using foul language," he added, referring to remarks he made during a rally over the weekend. "But we should not be well-adjusted to a sick society."
"If you stand by while far-right groups try to buy elections, you further alienate and disillusion the young voters and voters of color you need to reelect Joe Biden this November."
Alexandra Rojas of Justice Democrats, the progressive group that recruited Bowman for the 2020 contest against Engel, said late Tuesday that "Jamaal and our movement were such a threat to right-wing power, to GOP megadonors, and to AIPAC's influence in Congress that they had to spend $15 million to defeat us."
"This demonstrates the power of our people-funded movement, the strength that any single progressive with the moral clarity to stand up to far-right interests has, and just how on defense AIPAC really is," said Rojas. "AIPAC knows the future is not on their side, so they have no choice but to overwhelm, confuse, and depress voters with a flood of dark money to generate support for their candidates. That's exactly why they pledged to spend an unprecedented $100 million to unseat the Squad this year."
Rojas said her organization is now turning its attention to Rep. Cori Bush's (D-Mo.) August 6 primary against St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, whose campaign is backed by AIPAC and Republican donors—including a billionaire CEO from St. Louis.
"We cannot give in to hopelessness or cynicism—we must fight back, NOW," said Rojas. "Let's come together in this difficult moment and do what it takes to stop AIPAC from unseating another one of our progressive champions this summer."
While Bowman fell to Latimer, another Squad member—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)—cruised to victory in her primary, winning more than 80% of the vote against investment banker Marty Dolan. AIPAC's super PAC did not spend in the race, according to available disclosures.
"Wall Street came for us again, and the people prevailed," Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter following her victory. "Thank you to the Bronx and Queens for choosing me to be your congresswoman."
Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.), another Squad member, also fended off a primary challenge earlier this year, overcoming a torrent of right-wing dark money. AIPAC sat out this year's race after failing to defeat Lee in 2022.
But Emgage, a PAC that works to turn out Muslim American voters, said Tuesday that Bowman's defeat at the hands of a candidate loaded with UDP cash "sets a dangerous precedent for groups like AIPAC to influence local elections and crush people-led politics."
"It should sound the alarm for Democrats and Americans across the country who believe in collective organizing to advance positive change for communities that are often sidelined in American politics," the group said. Axiosreported Wednesday that some House Democrats are quietly "grumbling" about AIPAC's massive spending to defeat Bowman.
"The number is gross... I don't like it," one unnamed Democratic lawmaker told the outlet.
Aru Shiney-Ajay, executive director of the youth-led Sunrise Movement, echoed Emgage's message, saying in a statement that "Democrats should see this race as a massive warning for November."
"If you stand by while far-right groups try to buy elections, you further alienate and disillusion the young voters and voters of color you need to reelect Joe Biden this November," said Shiney-Ajay. "Here's my warning to Democratic leadership: reject AIPAC, or risk losing your own base."
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monocotyledons · 8 months
Soobin's MBTI and what it actually means
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So Soobin went live today and retook the MBTI test, and he's an ISFP-A! Since he took the test live we actually have a record of his MBTI trait percentages, his responses, and even his thoughts on some of his responses. I thought it would be fun to do a little breakdown of his results and what they really mean from a personality psychology perspective! (Full disclosure: I am a research psychologist-in-training so I'll be applying what I know from my irl experiences.)
DISCLAIMERS: I don't know Soobin personally so all of my analyses will be based on his answers to the test as well as how he presents himself in public, such as lives, interviews, variety show appearances, etc. Also I am not affiliated with 16Personalities so I can't say with 100% certainty which test items are linked to which traits, and I don't know how their scoring system works, but I can make informed guesses based on my experiences with other personality tests.
Let's begin!
Prologue: The 16Personalities Franken-MBTI
For this case it's important that we talk about the version of the MBTI that Soobin took and how it works. He took the 16Personalities test, which is not the official version of the MBTI; that would be run by the Myers-Briggs Company (whose website is down as of this writing). The model of personality used by 16Personalities, called the NERIS model, is actually Frankenstein-ed from two different personality models - something they admit themselves in the theory section of their website:
With our NERIS® model, we’ve combined the best of both worlds. We use the acronym format introduced by Myers-Briggs for its simplicity and convenience, with an extra letter to accommodate five rather than four scales. However, unlike Myers-Briggs or other theories based on the Jungian model, we have not incorporated Jungian concepts such as cognitive functions, or their prioritization. Jungian concepts are very difficult to measure and validate scientifically, so we’ve instead chosen to rework and rebalance the dimensions of personality called the Big Five personality traits, a model that dominates modern psychological and social research.
Let's break down the two models used here.
The first is, of course, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, developed by Katharine Cook Briggs & Isabel Briggs Myers based on the work of Carl Jung. Classical MBTI is not based on personality traits but on cognitive functions, which are different ways of processing information around us: for example, the thinking function refers to the use of logical reasoning, while the feeling function refers to the use of value judgments. The goal of classical MBTI testing is to figure out which cognitive functions you use: which you default to, which helps your default, etc. This collection of cognitive functions is called a "stack," and your four-letter type tells you what the stack is made of.
The problem with cognitive functions is that they're virtually impossible to validate scientifically (even typologists can't agree on what a cognitive function is exactly), which is why they've fallen out of favor within mainstream research psychology. I don't know if the official MBTI test uses them (since their website is down I can't check), but plenty of unofficial MBTI tests don't, instead preferring the trait approach we're all familiar with. Are you introverted or extraverted? Are you a thinker or a feeler? etc.
This approach has its own issues (which I touch on a bit here), but it's the approach that 16Personalities also uses. Which brings me to the second model they use...
While the 16P test looks like MBTI, its content is actually based on the Five-Factor model, also known as the Big Five. The Big Five is actually a really good model with lots of scientific research to back it up, and (full disclosure!) it's my preferred model of personality. The premise behind the Big Five is that even though there are hundreds or even thousands of ways to describe human personality - just open a dictionary and look at how many words can be used to describe people - there are underlying patterns in our descriptions. For example, a person who is honest will most likely also be trustworthy. A person who is gregarious will most likely also be friendly. And so on.
By collecting real-world data from people in different cultures and using some special statistical techniques, researchers like Paul Costa & Robert McCrae were able to uncover these patterns as five personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. (More on those later.)
I want to emphasize here that none of these personality traits are inherently good or bad. They can be bad in extremes, but the vast majority of people don't fall on those extremes anyway, and being high or low in a certain trait has its advantages and disadvantages. Your score in a trait can be good for some things, but not for others.
In the 16P NERIS model, each letter in your type corresponds not to a classical MBTI function, but to a Big Five personality trait. To make up for the fact that the Big Five has (duh) five traits and MBTI only has four, a fifth letter in the type was added. The resulting test from this is what Soobin took today.
Soobin's results, a Big Five perspective
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Here I'll be looking at Soobin's results for each of the 16P traits and discussing what they mean. I'll support this with his responses to the test items (credits to translatingTXT on twitter for saving all of them), as well as things he's done or said publicly in the past.
In classical MBTI typology, introversion/extraversion actually refers to your orientation when processing information: an extraverted orientation uses the external world (such as real-world rules and norms) as a frame of reference, while an introverted orientation uses the internal world (such as your personal beliefs and interpretations). But in the modern sense - including in the Big Five - this trait refers to the kind of energy you seek in the environment. This includes sociability - the social environment that you seek - but it also includes how stimulating your environment is overall. Extraverts are generally energetic and like stimulating environments, and are also more prone to positive emotions like joy and excitement.
Soobin scored 74% Introverted, and he's an introvert through and through; he likes being by himself and doing his own thing, and he finds social situations exhausting. But I also think that he's a great example of personality traits being different from skills. Sure, Soobin's an introvert, but he's got really good social skills; his personality probably means that these skills don't come as naturally to him, but he's still capable of learning them. He probably learned a lot during his time as Music Bank MC, and he's not afraid to go up to people and talk to them for life advice. And even though leadership isn't something he prefers especially compared to an extravert (see his answer below), it's clear that the members respect him as a leader and seek him out for help.
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Observant/Intuitive (Openness to Experience)
In classical MBTI, this aspect of personality is called Sensing vs. Intuition, and refers to your use of two different cognitive functions: sensing refers to reliance on the five senses for information, while intuition refers to reliance on inner meanings and hidden symbols. The NERIS model reworks this into Observant vs. Intuitive (neither of which start with S or N, I know) to better fit the Big Five trait that their version is based on: openness to experience.
The trait of openness reflects a person's attitude towards things that aren't necessarily grounded in day-to-day reality - the abstract, the unconventional, the creative. People high in openness enjoy abstract ideas and intellectual pursuits, are often creative and imaginative, and don't mind ambiguity. People low in openness prefer things that are conventional and concrete, want things to have straightforward utility and a clear message.
Soobin's score is 64% Observant ("observant" here meaning low openness) - generally he prefers conventional, but I think he's close enough to a 50% average to say that he isn't purely a practical guy. He is, after all, an idol - people high in openness are often drawn to artistic pursuits, which includes music and performance. He has mentioned being interested in artistic things, like wanting to play the electric guitar.
But while Soobin definitely has a level of artistic interest, he seems more content in enjoying what he knows rather than expanding, and he's pretty secure in what he likes and dislikes - and I think this is where his Observant score comes in. Like, this is a guy whose favorite song in his own discography was Our Summer for the longest time before it was dethroned by Skipping Stones. He's also mentioned that he only participates in songwriting when the topic interests him, but isn't necessarily invested in it as a craft:
"I participate in writing the lyrics if the theme interests me. The tracks in this album [Temptation] all have interesting themes, you'll see when you get the album and see the lyrics too. They all have topics that I personally think and imagine about my life, so I participated in the lyric writing this time." (The Name Chapter: Temptation Recording Behind the Scenes)
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Thinking/Feeling (Agreeableness)
I struggle with interpreting this one because I'm not exactly sure what the NERIS version of this trait is trying to measure. In classical MBTI (as mentioned above), the thinking function is about processing the objective content of information (logic, truth value), while the feeling function is about processing its subjective content (e.g. how well it conforms to certain values). The version of T/F commonly seen in pop-psych is "head or heart" - do you make decisions based on just the facts or on your feelings? But psychological research shows that this is a false dichotomy - we rely on our emotions to help think through things, and they often provide us with useful information. Happiness tells us things are going well, fear and anxiety tell us something is threatening us, and so on.
Nevertheless, NERIS tries to incorporate elements of this together with the Big Five trait it's drawing from, agreeableness. While extraversion is about how well you fit into social situations, agreeableness is about how you treat people in them. People high in agreeableness try to live in social harmony by getting along with others and practicing virtues that make things easier for them. People low in agreeableness might come across as abrasive, but they're also less sensitive to hate from others and more willing to take actions that might be unpopular.
Soobin's score is a 54% Feeling ("feeling" here meaning high agreeableness), and here we see the limitations of trait-style MBTI. The dichotomous nature of a trait hides what's going on; Soobin uses Feeling on paper, but in reality he's in the middle. This should be more apparent when we look at his responses and how he acts around others.
His agreeable side seems to come out more often when it comes to his circle of loved ones: his friends and family, the members, and MOAs. He's not afraid to show kindness and gratitude towards them and is touched when they do the same for him. One of his motivations for being an idol is wanting to give love to fans and appreciate the love they give back, and he clearly treats the idol-fan relationship as a special one.
On the other hand, Soobin has no problem brushing off or even standing up to haters, and he's said that he has no intentions of trying to please people who dislike him. A person higher in agreeableness (or Feeling, in this case) would be a bit more concerned about trying to appease them.
This in-the-middle mix of agreeableness is, honestly, a pretty good thing to have in a leader or an idol. You need a healthy amount of it to express love for your members, your staff, and your fans. But you also need a thick skin to withstand unfounded criticism, as well as a tolerance for conflict even when it's socially unpleasant.
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Judging/Prospecting (Conscientiousness)
In classical MBTI, this dimension is called Judging/Perceiving. It's not a pair of functions but instead a reference to help you figure out the functions in your stack: thinking and feeling are judging functions, sensing and intuition are perceiving functions. Like with S/N, NERIS renames this into Judging/Prospecting to better fit the Big Five trait it's drawing from, conscientiousness.
The trait of conscientiousness refers to one's ability to get things done and follow things through. People high in conscientiousness like to plan things in detail, are organized and goal-oriented, and generally finish what they start. People low in conscientiousness are more spontaneous and adaptable, dislike routine, and prefer to go with the flow.
Soobin's score is 86% Prospecting ("prospecting" here meaning low conscientiousness). I feel like this trait is harder to see for idols because they're always on company-mandated schedules of activities, but a really good example of this trait in action is his vacation in Japan vlog. Planning an itinerary doesn't come naturally to him, and he's okay with not following a strict sightseeing schedule so that he can relax more. For example, Soobin and his friend plan to go straight to an onsen on the second day of their trip, but they oversleep and have no problems changing their plans to just shopping and eating. They do get to the onsen eventually, but they're in no rush to. At one point in the video he even mentions his P trait as why planning is so hard for him (his score at the time was 96% P).
"This is my first time planning a trip abroad by myself. I boarded the plane myself, moved around, booked the hotel and planned everything myself. [...] Whenever I take an MBTI test I get like a 96% P, I didn't realize traveling was so hard." (15:47 - 16:39 of video)
This Weverse magazine quote also captures his spontaneous approach towards activities pretty well:
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Assertive/Turbulent (Neuroticism)
This trait is exclusive to the NERIS model and was added to the four existing letters of MBTI to accommodate the additional trait of the Big Five. My biggest criticism of the NERIS model is that it treats A/T as an accessory to the other four traits instead of a trait of its own; ISFP-A and an ISFJ-A are treated as different types, but ISFP-A and ISFP-T are variations of the same type. It's not uncommon for people to leave out their A/T score when they talk about their 16Personalities results.
A/T is based on the Big Five trait of neuroticism, which is just as important as the other four - it predicts depression and anxiety disorders, for example. This trait reflects how we handle negative and stress-inducing events; people high in neuroticism feel stress easily, are prone to negative emotions like sadness and anxiety, and are more likely to self-criticize. People low in neuroticism might feel stress less, but might have a harder time registering risks and threats.
Soobin's score here is 65% assertive ("assertive" here meaning low neuroticism), again close to the average but with a leaning towards the low side. Again, this isn't an easy trait to observe in idols because a lot of the processes and actions associated with it are private and internal. But it does crop up from time to time, usually in per-performance nerves and jitters, but Soobin has mentioned that he's not the type who gets nervous easily. His answer here on how he handles stress also reflects this trait:
"I'm optimistic if you put it nicely, or some could say I'm shallow. So even if I get mad, I forget it quickly and easily. I believe that time will solve everything. So it's either the case gets resolved or my emotions die out, making me struggle less. I just think like that." (11:44 - 12:04 in video)
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He's also not too critical of himself, which is pretty valuable in a profession where you're subjected to constant criticism as early are your trainee period. Not that Soobin is blind to his flaws; rather, he's not the type to get too worked up about them.
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Final Thoughts
The major flaw of personality systems based on type (like classical MBTI and NERIS) is that the nuances of one's behavior are often lost in an easy-to-remember acronym that puts people into strict categories. The Big Five in its original form refers to the traits as continuums - you can be low, average, or high in a trait, often reflected as a percentile ranking based on how you compare to other test-takers - but even then, you don't see things like context or learned skills that may or may not match up with one's personality.
I've tried to untangle Soobin's personality here not just based on a catchy acronym type, but based on what those traits actually mean, how high or low they actually are, and on how they appear in context. I hope this little analysis will give a bit more insight not just on Soobin himself but also on how personality works!
tags for those interested: @goldennika @starburstfloat @mazeinthemoon @huenation
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