#Affordable Life Insurance
bimastreet · 1 month
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Secure Your Future with Affordable Life Insurance from Bimastreet
Discover peace of mind with Bimastreet's affordable life insurance plans. Our user-friendly platform makes selecting the perfect coverage easy and hassle-free. Whether you're securing your family's future or planning for the unexpected, we've got you covered. Experience prompt and reliable support when you need it most, with our dedicated customer service team. Choose Bimastreet for affordable life insurance that prioritizes your needs. Visit our website today to get started on securing your future!
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Group Health Insurance Plan in Austin
The Lambert Insurance Agency in Austin offers a comprehensive Group Health Insurance Plan, ensuring quality coverage for businesses. Tailored solutions promoting employee well-being and financial security with expert guidance. Visit our website to know more about our services and plans!
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bequestmutual · 1 year
Group Life Insurance
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Group life insurance is a type of life insurance in which a single agreement covers a whole group of people. If you want to know about life insurance, you can log on to our website.
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Florida Medicare Expert
7918 Parsons Pine Dr Boynton Beach, FL 33437 561-665-7752 https://flmedicareexpert.com/
Florida Medicare Expert has been helping Florida residents obtain Medicare coverage to fit their needs for nearly two decades. With a highly experienced team of insurance professionals, we provide help with Medicare and Medicare supplemental plans. By working with multiple top insurance carriers, we can find the best possible policy for your circumstances. We serve as your one-stop solution for healthcare needs large and small.
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Whether you’re self-employed, an independent contractor, or an employee at a small business, it can be difficult (and time-consuming!) to sift through the Medicare policy options available to you. How will you know that you’re getting the best possible coverage at the most affordable price? For this dilemma, enlisting the help of the team at Florida Medicare Expert is the most effective and convenient solution.
Michelle Tunis is proud to represent Florida Medicare Expert as the leading Medicare Specialist in Florida. Originally a Physician, practicing for many years as a Licensed Acupuncturist, Michelle shifted gears and found even more satisfaction helping those who need Medicare, Medicare Supplements, and individual/health insurance. Her patient approach and superior customer service shows in the hundreds of five-star reviews and many recommendations from pleased clients.
Your health is your greatest investment – never leave it to chance! With the right Medicare plan, you can protect your health and wellbeing in the long-term. Call us today!
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detentiontrack · 21 days
A fun fact about me is that I was unofficially diagnosed with autism several times between the ages 3-7 and my mom just never bothered to tell me until I came to her when I was 14 and was like “I think I might be autistic”
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
ADHD here, please tell me, teach me, write instruction to how brush and floss your teeth three times a day.
Do you set alarm clocks? Do you have apps that reminds you? T_T
And no, wisdom teeth ARE NOT easy.
I gotchu
Nope no apps or alarms. It's all less about a schedule, and more just working it into your eating routine. Making flossing and brushing part of your eating process is the easiest way rather than just relying on memory or "oop it's 1pm, gotta brush!" when you may not even eat lunch until 2, you get me?
Here's my process:
1. Brush before you eat breakfast. If you feel a bit nauseous in the mornings, try and sip some water to settle it down, but whatever you do, do not eat or drink anything other than water before your first brush. Why?
Eating softens the enamel! Acidic drinks (coffee, juice, etc) softens the enamel! If you eat/drink and then brush, you are quite literally brushing away your teefie's lil coat of armor!
2. Brush yo damn tongue. I know it sucks. I know you'll gag. It's hell. Do it anyway. I'm suffering with you ✊
3. Don't just go crazy everywhere in there. If you're zigzagging around your mouth like it's Mario kart, you're missing spots. I brush in sections to guarentee coverage. Top right molars - front, bottom, back, back edge. Bottom right molars - front, top, back, back edge. Etc. In total, six sections each brushed exactly the same.
I'm fully aware written down it sounds OCD levels of bullshit, but I promise, it's the same 2-3 minutes spent brushing as usual, just organized and effective rather than pure chaos and a prayer of plaque removal 🥴
Also, don't brush too hard. If your bristles are bent and smooshed, ease up my god you're brushing away the enamel by force 😳
4. After you brush and spit - Do. Not. Rinse.
Put the water down.
If at most you have to refresh the tongue from feeling weirdly coated, take a tiny sip of water and gurgle only on the back of the tongue and spit.
I say this because the longer the toothpaste stays on your teeth, the better. You want that flouride and whatnot doing its thing on your enamel and gum line as long as possible, so give it as much time as you can and let your mouth naturally clean it out. It will.
5. Floss after every meal. Every one. It will become a habit and you'll start to hate the feeling of not flossing after. Floss after snacks!!! If it's solid food, floss. Period. Flossers can and will become your best friend because they are so convenient. I love them, I just keep a few in the zipper part of my wallet and whenever I'm out, I can (and do) floss on the go.
Side note, there is a right and wrong way to floss. So, be mindful of that.
6. Other than morning time, brush after meals when you can, HOWEVER!!!! WAIT AT LEAST 20 MINUTES (see part 1.) In those 20 minutes after you finish eating, drink water and thoroughly swish it around your mouth to help dilute the acid sitting on your teeth. Floss during this time as well to get the crud out from between your teeth so it's not just sitting there. If you're out in public or at a job where you can't brush after lunch, brush as soon as you get home. Literally take off your shoes, hang up your coat, kiss your pet (or spouse or... idk houseplant) hello, and then go brush.
8. After your final brushing of the day, eat or drink nothing else but water. Nothing.
Look at me
Nothing else ಠ_ಠ
If you do want to eat or drink again, gonna have to wait 20 min and brush again 🤷‍♀️
So you see, it's less about a schedule and more just working the act of brushing and flossing into your normal eating routine. Make the two synonymous. Make it part of your meal process. Eat. Floss. Rinse with water. Wait, then brush.
For those who have days when they cannot mentally or physically make themselves brush, listen to me. I understand. It's ok. Believe me, I do know more than I ever say on here. But don't do nothing. If that is you, keep a small bottle of listerine next to your bed/chair so you can swish and spit. Buy a bag of flossers and keep those near you to at least floss. Buy those little one use brusher sticks/a clean rag and toothpaste and use those. If that's the best you can do, there's no shame in that. I promise your future self will be so, so grateful for these little things, because even a little is better than nothing. And in the end you deserve to have your mouth feel fresh, even when you yourself don't have the spoons to do much else.
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yet-another-heathen · 10 months
🦽 Too weak to walk, for Henry <333
(@whumpvp kiss kiss)
Content Warning | Post-op wooziness, Henry being pliant and helpless, Fluff
This was about as routine a heart surgery as they came. The battery in Henry's ICD had run low, and so for the sixth time in his life he'd gone under to have it replaced. Both of them were familiar with the process, and they'd had more than a month to prepare. But it didn't stop Wesley from nearly melting with relief when he first laid eyes on him again. Exhausted and pale and drugged, but still aware and still in one piece.
Wes filled out the paperwork. Collected the post-op meds, thanked the nurses one last time. Then he took the handles of Henry's wheelchair, and started them toward home.
Wes had seen him like this a few times before, but it was never going to stop making his heart ache. Henry's eyes were glassy and vacant, watching the floor tiles go by without seeming to follow them. He was still holding his hospital pillow close to his chest, looking every bit like he'd crumble apart without it.
Henry winced as they went over the threshold, knuckles going white on the pillow. Wes was even more careful about the next little bump, and then they were out to the lane where the valet was waiting with the Audi. The sound of traffic going by, the murmur of other waiting patients, the smell of heat and asphalt hit like a wave.
Henry seemed to stir a little, recognizing his car. And then he started looking around, brows furrowed until he found what he was looking for. Wesley.
"Hey," Wes said gently. He leaned down and locked the wheels on either side, making eye contact with one of the nurses and nodding for them to come over. He squatted down next to Henry, giving his arm a squeeze. "We're gonna help you into your seat. Then we're headed home to rest, okay?"
Henry's eyes were on him, blinking too slowly as he tried to focus. But eventually he inclined his head in what was probably a nod, and turned his eyes back to the car as if figuring out how to try to get in there.
Wes almost didn't catch it when Henry shifted his weight forward in an attempt to stand, only to nearly collapse into the car door. "Hey- hey—not yet." He caught him, and the other nurse jogged over to close the distance. They each took Henry under his arm, steadying him. "Let us do the work. Just put your foot here....and the other....there you go. Now on three. One, two..."
They hefted him the rest of the way out of the chair, and helped him transfer to the car. Wes caught his head just before it hit the roof, and let out a breath of relief as Henry sunk down into the seat. It took a few more moments of helping him adjust his legs and get buckled. Wes made sure he was able to keep the pillow between his seat belt and the incision site, and Henry went back to hugging it just as closely as before.
Wes thanked the nurse, then closed the passenger door. Once they were both in the silence and familiarity of the Audi, Henry's eyelids drooped. He looked exhausted, and his breathing was coming slow and a little labored. Wes buckled in, then reached over to give his leg a squeeze. He got a little sound of acknowledgement. He knew he was there.
The drive home was a quiet one. He took a longer route home, one that would avoid as many stops signs and potholes as possible to avoid jostling Henry any more than necessary. And when they finally pulled up to the steps of their rowhouse, Wes let the car idle for another minute as he coaxed Henry back to awareness.
"I'm gonna come around to get you. And we're going to take the steps really slow, alright? It doesn't matter how long it takes to get us there."
Henry made a mumble that sounded like an acknowledgement. They'd talked about this before his surgery, and somewhere in there he still knew the plan. Handrail on one side, Wes on the other. Slow and steady.
Wes gave a nod, and then came around to open his door. He helped him unbuckle, and murmured, "We're gonna leave the pillow here for now, but I promise I'll give it back when we're inside." He still saw Henry hold it even tighter for a moment, before that little bit of resistance caught up with common sense. He let Wes take it, fingers still clinging loosely as it was pulled away. The longing on Henry's face made his heart ache, but he knew it would be forgotten by the time he got it back.
Getting him to his feet was no small feat. Getting him to the base of the steps wasn't either. Henry wasn't exactly a light man, especially when he was swaying as they went. He kept tripping on his own shoes as though he couldn't remember quite how to place them. But with Wes' help they made it to the hand rail, and from there Henry finally seemed to remember his balance.
There were only ten steps up to the door, and every one of them was taken carefully and clumsily. Wes helped him lean up against the doorway as he got it unlocked, feeling Henry's whole frame trembling with exhaustion against his side.
And then they were home. He tossed the keys onto the counter, and helped Henry up the last step. Henry started hanging back just inside the doorway, looking down at his feet. It took Wes a moment to realize he was trying to toe off his shoes.
The sight tugged at him. Even drugged halfway to hell, routine was still such a powerful thing.
"It's alright, love. Let's get you sitting first. I'll help you out of them once we're in the bedroom."
"Yeah. Promise it'll make it a lot easier."
He coaxed him along. They went past the couch and to the bedroom, where blankets and pillows and water were already set up and waiting. He eased Henry down onto the bed, and bent over to help him pull off his shoes.
He was gentle getting him undressed. Careful to make sure he didn't try to lift his arms, steadying him when he started to sway. He helped him settle back against the pillows. Henry's skin was clammy to the touch, but he still leaned into him when Wes pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'm gonna be right back. I just need to go get the rest of our things."
Henry was almost asleep again by the time he returned. He roused him just enough to offer him his pillow. And when he saw it, the look of relief on his face said everything. He curled around it like a long lost friend, tucking his knees up and burying his cheek against it with a sigh. It didn't seem to matter that he was surrounded by other, arguably much better pillows. This was the only one he had eyes for.
Wes sat down beside him and combed fingers back through his hair. And with that, in moments, Henry was asleep.
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famewolf · 2 months
it's been over a decade since I've been able to get a same-week doctor appointment. idk what's changed or how my mom was managing it when we were kids, but it's super rough being any sort of unwell in america lmao
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knivestothroats · 4 months
hm i was able to write out a bullet list outline of an itws sequel but have no desire to write it. life is like that sometimes.
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boyslit · 6 months
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can I ask non-americans not to do this please? a majority of u.s. citizens support a single payer/nationalized health care system and yet our representatives keep screwing us over and the insurance companies keep getting worse, demanding more money for less coverage and nothing is done. meanwhile people are dying without access to life saving meds, treatment and surgeries and ffs United health group is using a goddamn ai to approve or deny claims so how do you think that's going
you can criticize us for refusing to learn another language and insisting English is the best. you can criticize us for clinging to guns like a security blanket because our gun culture is fucked to hell. you can definitely criticize us for whining about our propaganda-drenched schooling never teaching us things that are obvious to the rest of the world while we have the Internet at our fingertips to find out we were taught wrong.
but maybe don't make fun of us for being crushed and killed by an evil system designed to juice as much cash out of our sickened bodies as possible? just a thought, for people who are interested in practicing compassion.
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Affordable Life Insurance Near Me
The Lambert Agency brings you Affordable Life Insurance solutions right in your neighborhood. We understand your budget concerns and provide plans that offer peace of mind. Contact us at 512-308-9319 or visit our website.
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bequestmutual · 1 year
Life Insurance Agency
If you are looking for a life insurance agency in the USA, then you are at the right place. Bequest Mutual is the best life insurance agency in Norwalk, CT, United States. Join our team and get detailed information by visiting our website.
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quemirabobo · 1 month
I just realized that I've been putting too much on my plate lately and instead of getting some of that shit done all I end up with is feeling sick every week and things keep accumulating and I stress myself ten times more and I end up doing nothing, reading something to distract myself of the fucking titanic quest I put my ass on
#i want to graduate so fucking much but i need to take so many finals for that and i need a good job because i can't afford my almost 200k#meds without a good medical insurance and i need to take as many finals i can while i have this more chill job but I'm taking 2 classes that#just require time but i also have to deal with it's deadlines and i have 2 investigation projects going on and i want to make a paper with#my friend and it would fit so perfectly with the Complutense meeting we want to be part of but it's deadline is the day after my final so i#have to give it a shape before that so our professor can gave it a look and tell us if it's ok BUT I'm feeling like shit and I'm on bed s#since yesterday because my ovary might have some cyst going on and it's painful like shit but my lab it's going to be ready next monday#so i have to wait until then and i need to call my insurance to talk about money because the only gynecologist who treat me like a human#doesn't work with my insurance anymore so i have to pay for her but i want to know how much they'll cover and then i have to make an#appointment with her AND I also feel tired and have slight fever that comes and goes and i might have some autoimmune shit going on too#and those lab are ready for the 16 and I've been calling all afternoon to make another tests but no one does it and i should be studying and#reading for the paper#and my room looks like a storm broke in and i need to clean it so i can use my fucking desk to study‚ read and search for fucking jobs#I'm at my fucking limit#not to mention how i go onboard of any project or volunteer work i come across#chronicles of Yu's life
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talentforlying · 8 months
sometimes the meta in my drafts are long machiavellian treatises on the nature of constantine's villains reflecting parts of himself like twisted mirrors and other times it's just a single sentence of me realizing that nbc constantine is in america with no fucking health insurance.
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thecryptidbard · 18 days
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