#African crested porcupine
aticketplz · 2 years
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arthistoryanimalia · 10 months
#WorldCoatiDay: a South American Coati in Louis XIV’s royal menagerie!
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1. Pieter Boel (Flemish, 1622-1674), Fouine et Coati, c.1669-71, oil on canvas
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2. Detail of the same coati (with African Crested Porcupine) in a tapestry: The Months or the Royal Houses, July, Vincennes; Charles Le Brun (designer) and Gobelins Factory (manufacturer), France, c.1676-80 (Boel’s studies were used as models for the animals in these tapestries)
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yanoharuhito · 1 year
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hey. don't cry. porcupettes
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polarwooly · 2 years
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Thistle and Rancor in Hell, 2022, colorized
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authoramalgam · 6 months
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For some reason my brain won't actually let me do a full Artificer idea, but heres a thing I guess
All I know, is I want to make her big and spikey
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a-book-of-creatures · 11 months
Trick or treat! c:
You have collected one (1) African crested porcupine
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spacefinch · 7 months
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A collage I made a few years ago, or some of my favorite animals featured in Wild Kratts.
I love the animation for this show, all the animals have so much personality while still looking pretty dang accurate.
Animals in this collage:
Chinese pangolins (accidentally put that picture in there twice)
Black-footed ferrets
Secretary bird
Antelope jackrabbit
Peregrine falcon and chicks
American pine marten
American kestrel
Burrowing owl
Canada lynx
Golden-tailed sapphire (hummingbird)
Streaked tenrec
Loggerhead shrike
Elf owl
Fire salamander
Purple martin
Superb bird-of-paradise
Hawksbill sea turtle
Black-capped chickadee
Great emerald pondhawk (dragonfly)
Emerald-chinned hummingbird
Great blue heron
Arctic wolf
African crested porcupine
Pileated woodpecker
European hedgehog
Blue jay
Dyeing poison dart frog
Bald eagle
Nile crocodile
American robin
Manta ray
Bat-eared fox
African wildcat
Red panda
Golden bamboo lemur
Tokay gecko
Thomson’s gazelle
Wandering glider/globe skimmer (dragonfly)
Green heron
Spotted eagle-owl
Gray wolves
Prairie falcon
Green-breasted mango (hummingbird)
Husky dog
Three-toed sloth
Eastern screech-owl
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Ten of Wands. Art by Taylor Hultquist-Todd, from Terra Arcanae.
Ten is tangled up in the quills of an African crested porcupine
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animaginaryartblog · 9 months
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[Image ID:
A digital drawing of redesigned Sonic the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat.
Blaze is in the forefront, standing with her arms raised and fingers curled like she's preparing for a fight. She has her hair down and her yellow eyes narrowed in a glare. Her ears are tufted and dark purple. She has a streak of dark purple down her forehead, where it meets with two purple patches, one on each eyebrow. Dark purple marks run across her muzzle, starting below her eyes and reaching down to her chin. She wears a dark purple crop top and purple pants with a pink band around the waste. She has white gloves with pink cuffs and pink and white high heels with white cuffs.
Behind and to the left is Sonic. He has a pointed muzzle and large pointed ears. He is primarily light blue, with dark brown on his face, underbelly, and the undersides of his arms and legs. His long, slender quills are dark blue. He has one leg extended and the other bent like he's mid step. He and Blaze are nearly back to back, and he looks towards her with a smirk. /end ID]
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of a redesigned Blaze the Cat. She stands with her arms raised and fingers curled like she's preparing for a fight. She has her hair down and her yellow eyes narrowed in a glare. Her ears are tufted and dark purple. She has a streak of dark purple down her forehead, where it meets with two purple patches, one on each eyebrow. Dark purple marks run across her muzzle, starting below her eyes and reaching down to her chin. Her muzzle and underbelly are white, as her paws and the underside of her lower legs. The tip of her tail is dark purple. /end ID]
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[Image ID: Black-and-white digital sketches of a Silver the Hedgehog redesign. Photos of African crested porcupines are off to the side, with handwritten notes labeling how their appearance translates to Silver's new design. He has a short, blunt muzzle with a sloped forehead. His ears are round and very small, usually covered by his quills. His quills look like those of a porcupines: numerous, long, thin, and banded. He has a spiked tail as well. There is fluff on his cheeks and his neck. A handwritten note points out his comparatively big eyes and dilated pupils as "Temporan". /end ID]
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[Image ID:
A digital drawing of Blaze, Sonic, and Silver, all sporting the previously described redesigns. Blaze stands on the left, leaning slightly to the side with one hand clenched in a fist and the other hanging at her side. She glances at Sonic with a skeptical expression. Sonic stands in the center, fists on his hip as he holds up a finger, grinning proudly. On the far right, Silver stands with his left hand raised as if to use his powers. He glances over at Sonic, annoyed.
A few adjustments have been made to Blaze's design. Her white markings are now dark brown, a slightly yellower shade than Sonic's rich red-brown. She wears her usual canon outfit, a purple tailcoat with white leggings.
Sonic, meanwhile, wears a sleeveless white vest with red trim and long red pants with white lines down the insides. He also wears a red scarf, red fingerless gloves with white cuffs, and his usual red and white shoes, though the cuffs are not bunched up.
Finally, Silver retains the blunted muzzle and small ears of the previous drawing. His head quills are more defined and no longer banded; his back quills still have some bands. His fur is a pale greenish-white, while his quills are a desaturated dark green. His muzzle, ears, and lower limbs are black. His eyes are bright blue. He wears a tattered white poncho and torn up black pants. His gloves are unchanged, but his boots have been simplified to white socks, metal soles and toes in a sandal-like configuration, and gold ankle bands that match those on his wrists. /end ID]
still working on those Gaia AU redesigns. Sonic's pretty much finalized, he's really just here for comparison. Blaze I'm pretty happy with, I've redesigned her so many times before it isn't hard to figure out what I want with her. Silver... Silver will probably need more work. we'll see.
bonus sketches and some additional color schemes below because I still haven't decided
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[Image ID: the same drawing of Blaze, Sonic, and Silver as before, but now with changed color palettes. The first gives Silver lighter quills and Blaze a white muzzle. The second keeps the white muzzle on BLaze and makes the rest of her fur paler, while making Silver's darker and giving him a lighter muzzle. The third switches the colors of Silver's quills and fur and gives him a lighter muzzle. The fourth makes Blaze's fur darker, keeping the white muzzle, while Silver's fur is lighter. /end ID]
aaaand some shape language, or an attempt at it
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[Image ID: The uncolored sketch for the previous Blaze, Sonic, and Silver drawing. Colored lines have been used to highlight the shapes used to build each character. Blaze is made up of triangles and squares, Sonic is made up of triangles and circles, and Silver is made up of squares and circles. /end ID]
aaaand sketches :) featuring some IDW refs
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[Image ID: several black-and-white sketches of the redesigned Blaze, Sonic, and Silver from before, with different expressions and poses. /end ID]
you can tell who I'm already used to drawing
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aticketplz · 2 years
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sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a light brown userbox with a brown border and brown text that reads “this user is a porcupine.” on the left is an image of an african crested porcupine. /end id]
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yanoharuhito · 1 year
i feel like talking about porcupines again...
so, crested porcupines are a lot of the time deemed dangerous animals by people who dont know a lot about them, but they're actually huge sweethearts. they're just nervous about new things a lot of the time.
all porcupines are reactive creatures, so they're docile when they're not being messed with. there are no porcupine attacks, just defenses. if you get quilled, it's 9 times out 10 your fault. but when they feel safe, they're really sweet animals! crested porcupines are quite social and like to cuddle and groom each other. some porcupines even like to be picked up and held! though it depends on their personality. in the wild, crested porcupines live in family groups and have one mate for their whole life. a lot of them respond to being petted by someone they trust by licking your hand, for example. it's like their way of petting you back (my cat does this!)
porcupines are also very food motivated. when given a snack, they'll hold it on the ground between their paws and munch on it. if you get too close to them while they're chowing down, they might raise their quills and turn away as if to say "back off, this is my food!"
sometimes when a porcupine is mad/nervous/unsure, they'll raise their quills and stomp their feet (i find this particularly cute.) the stomping thing is probably similar to a warning, like "i'm really going to do it! if you don't quit messing with me i'm really going to make you regret it!" though their little feet stomps are more cute than anything. they're throwing little hissy fits.
as babies, or porcupettes, crested porcupines are little balls of energy. they need to eat and run around a lot. there are videos online of porcupettes running around and 'popcorning' to expend energy. they just can't sit still, unless they're eating or napping.
as for touching a crested porcupine, it's actually much safer to pet them than most other porcupines in the world! unlike the prehensile-tailed porcupine (the ones with the pig noses,) crested porcupines actually have about an even split of quills and regular fur, so it's okay for you to rub their heads, sides, bellies, limbs, and chests without getting a quill or two! even if you do pet the quilly areas, as long as you go with the grain of their quills you won't get hurt. honestly, the tail quills are the ones you should worry most about.
in case you couldn't tell, i really love porcupines...
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cloysterbell · 1 year
I am cackling that you gave Duke a ferret but unironically, you wouldn't happen to have ideas for Dwight, Gloria, the Teagues, etc, would you....?👀👀
Yeah but you can't tell me that the visual of Duke swaggering around the Rouge with a mink wrapped around his neck isn't a good one
Dwight: African wild dog or spotted hyena Gloria: crested porcupine Dave: fancy rat Vince: eastern gray squirrel
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piscesbxnny · 5 months
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feeling loved 💕 in the past seven days we…
- ate breakfast together a lot
- watched the eclipse together
- shared a 50oz cherry margarita at our favorite mexican restaurant (then went to do inventory out our restaurant…i took a nap on our couch in the front once we closed lol)
- bought a couple more plants someone stop us
- repotted two plants!
- took photos at Lowe’s and used them for a class project. the teacher asked if she could use them for the example pictures for future classes :)
- began messing with the podcasting equipment 💃🏻 it’s almost time for me to release an episode!
- we got to pet an african crested porcupine and then i got to interview the Tanganyika employee after!
- i have three printed articles this week :D
- he helped me deliver the newspapers at 5:30 this morning and does every thursday 🥰 🗞️
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Crested porcupine.
Fact from the African Wildlife Foundation: The word porcupine means “quill pig” in Latin; however, porcupines are large rodents and have no relation to pigs. Porcupines are the largest and heaviest of all African rodents. The head is roundish and rather domed, with a blunt muzzle and small eyes and ears. The legs are short and sturdy, and each foot has five toes, all equipped with powerful claws. Their most recognizable feature is, of course, its quills. Quill length varies on different parts of the body, ranging from 2.5 to 30.5 centimeters (1 to 12 inches). Usually, the quills lie flat against the body, but if danger threatens, they raise and spread them. Scales on quill tips lodge in the skin like fishhooks and are difficult to pull out. New quills grow in to replace lost ones.
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rodentcompetition · 1 year
Rodent Competition 2023
Round 1
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full list below!
Long-tailed chinchilla / Southern viscacha
Common degu / Horned gopher
Common gundi / Guinea pig
Josephoartigasia monesi / Pacarana
Patagonian mara / South African springhare
Spix's yellow-toothed cavy / Capybara
Central american agouti / Lowland paca
Laotian rock rat / Dassie rat
Least chipmunk / Eastern chipmunk
Thirteen-lined ground squirrel / California ground squirrel
Japanese dwarf flying squirrel / Tufted pygmy squirrel
Calabrian black squirrel / Red squirrel
Indian giant squirrel / Red and white giant flying squirrel
Yellow-bellied marmot / Groundhog
Cape mole-rat / Cape dune mole-rat
Naked mole rat / Big headed African mole rat
House mouse / Mongolian gerbil
Black rat / Brown rat
Rakali / Gambian pouched rat
Northern Luzon giant cloud rat / Maned rat
Cairo spiny mouse / Eurasian harvest mouse
Hungarian birch mouse / Striped grass mouse
Great jerboa / Baluchistan pygmy jerboa
Hazel dormouse / Kangaroo rat
Grasshopper mouse / Winter white dwarf hamster
Hatt's vesper rat / Syrian hamster
Norway lemming / Florida Mouse
European water vole / Townsend’s vole
Northern mole vole / Muskrat
Bristle-spined rat / Mountain beaver
North American beaver / Palaeocastor
Crested porcupine / North American porcupine
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