#Agents of Shield Season 1
agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 1 edition)
- while filming the scene where skye gets sh*t by ian quinn in 1x13 [T.R.A.C.K.S], they took hours to film not only because the scene was so intense, but because there was a christmas parade happening nearby that was so loud it kept interrupting the shot.
- another shot interruption occurred in 1x16 when filming scenes at the race track. they couldn’t shut down the track entirely during filming so halfway through a scene a horse would charge past in the background and they would have to reshoot the scene.
- chloe had such a bad driving reputation back in season one that she was banned from driving all golf carts on the lot. she also accidentally stalled a car while rehearsing a scene and everyone panicked.
- they only had 15 days to film 1x01. FIFTEEN DAYS TO FILM EVERYTHING.
- in the end of episode 1x12 [Seeds], there’s a moment where coulson is voicing over and says “the world is full of evil and lies.” during this moment, the camera is on ward. this is one of the first main references of ward secretly being hydra.
- there were three-ish main sets for backgrounds during season one. set 16 was their “labyrinth set” with random sets like the abandoned race track, parts of Providence, john Garrett’s “layer” and a small set for the Freezer.
- clark gregg was so adamant about the casting for the cellist that he actually called audrey nathan personally and told her she was perfect for the role.
- on the day the cast was to meet to discuss filming the last two episodes of the season, a 4.4 earthquake hit los angles which the cast though was foreshadowing the darker episodes to come.
- to represent coulson coming back after what happened to him during the avengers, the wardrobe department tailored his suits differently to give coulson a “new feel”. they really said “let’s mix this shit up and give him a slicker [yes, that’s the word they used] suit.”
- also, coulson never wears black suits after his death due to loki. he only wears shades of grey, never plain black as it reminds him of death.
- the only direction the wardrobe department was given on ward’s outfits was that he needed to look sexy. that’s it.
- as the season progresses, skye wears darker clothes to represent her loss of innocence as the situations get darker.
should i do one for season 2? this was fun and i was bored :)
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
Spoilers for AoS 1x17, 3x22, 5x14, 4x15
The twists on Agents of Shield hit SO HARD omg, and one of the main reasons for that is the diversions they utilize.
Like I never in a million years would’ve seen that Ward twist coming, (most people didn’t) especially after how betrayed he seemed when it was revealed that Skye was still in communication with the rising tide. They make it seem like “oh yeah, that’s the twist, Skye is the one who’s most likely to secretly work against everyone for a little while, but she’s not doing that anymore so that’s solved” and then Grant kills Hand and stabs everyone in the back and it’s insane.
I thought that the whole Necklace Of Death storyline was leading up to Yo-Yo’s death, and that passing it around and different people wearing the jacket was just another huge diversion to make us think that it was going to be someone besides her. It was her necklace. I was absolutely certain it would be her. I NEVER would’ve thought it would be LINCOLN.
We thought it was an evil fear-dimension doppelgänger of Fitz, only to find out he was never there and it was all Fitz. They really make you think it has something to do with the fear dimension, because that’s the main conflict, right? No.
AND OF COURSE WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT SELF CONTROL. OMG. Maybe other people saw this part coming, but I never considered that one of Fitzsimmons would also be an LMD. I got literal chills when they discovered that their friends were replaced. That’s what I was focused on. And then they reveal that one of them was replaced. (Also, I just have to say the acting in that episode is absolutely phenomenal)
The writers are just so good at distracting you with other elements of the story, just so that they can completely catch you off guard with new, even more insane twists.
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tvandfilmarvel · 11 months
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AGENTS OF SHIELD (2013) Nothing Personal - 1x20 dir. Billy Gierhart
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trapezequeen · 1 year
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Happy 31st Birthday Chloe Bennet (April 18, 1992)
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evilou · 28 days
This evening after work I'll be watching Agents of Shield S1:E19, The Only Light in the Darkness! I'm nearing the end of season 1. Will be done by the end of the weekend. I'm excited!!
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happygirl2oo2 · 1 year
Was just reading some parts of the AoS pilot episode script for reasons when something caught my eye so I immediately played the scene to make sure it was real and it was.
In the first ever scene that introduces a/o mentions Fitzsimmons, before we get to actually see and meet them later in the episode, when Dr. Streiten tells Maria Hill and Coulson that the chosen memebers for the team are medically fit and approved for the job, he also says that "Fitz-Simmons is not clear for combat" - not 'are', 'is'.
I didn't even notice that the first time I watched that episode, 'cause honestly why would I at the time, but looking at it now knowing, it just again reinforces what Coulson put into words so well in the s6ep6 flashback - "Fitz-Simmons, yes. You know, when I first heard about you, I thought you were one person. That's how everyone talks about you.", and idk I guess I just think that's a nice detail
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ioveobi · 9 months
although I found out Ward was Hydra a few episodes into S1 (through tumblr because I like to look at posts about the shows & movies I watch 🧎🏾‍♀️) actually seeing how it happened and everything go down wasn’t really the problem for me. what broke me was seeing Fitz breakdown after finding out someone he cared for betrayed him in such a deceiving way.
I just thought back to season 1 episode 7 and how they protected each other during their mission and it’s almost (almost!) like it was all for nothing :’) I get Ward still cares for all of them in some way, but he was so caught up in pleasing and following Garrett around that he broke real relationships.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
Sky, on the bus: Everyone loves a bad boy!
Ward, under his breath: This is your chance 
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claudia1829things · 2 years
The Day S.H.I.E.L.D. Fell
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Below is a video on what I believe is the best story arc from the MCU:
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inhuman084 · 2 years
I’m re-watching Agents of SHIELD from the beginning again and I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it but you know damn well I’m pretending like I’ve never seen it.
~~Season 1 spoilers ahead~~
“John Garrett is the clairvoyant!? *gasp* Never would have guessed!”
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amelia-mariee · 5 months
Pretty convenient that all the insane time travel and Deke stuff happens when Fitz and Simmons are in a (relatively) stable relationship. It’s the future. Theoretically, they could’ve been sucked into the future earlier, they just weren’t.
Things might’ve been crazy in season 5, but imagine how much crazier it would’ve been if Fitz and Simmons met their grandson at the beginning of season 3. Simmons is still dealing with the aftermath of Maveth and her feelings for Will and she finds out she and Fitz have a literal grandson.
Imagine if they met him sometime in season 2, where Simmons isn’t even sure what she’s feeling about Fitz and all that he said at the bottom of the ocean, and everything is complicated and strange.
Imagine if Fitz and Simmons met Deke in season 1. Two best friends. One might have feelings for the other. They meet their grandson.
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tvandfilmarvel · 11 months
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AGENTS OF SHIELD (2013) Beginning of the End - 1x22 dir. David Straiton.
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trapezequeen · 1 year
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Leo Fitz in 0-8-4 (1x2)
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realityuniverse · 9 months
Reality: Skye, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Skye, naked in Reality's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Reality, already taking off his clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
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backgroundagent3 · 2 months
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Later that day...
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hgstuff · 2 months
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