jun-hyungs · 2 years
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onwards to new horizons
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the-tea-table · 2 years
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they mean the world to me
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nobrashfestivity · 6 months
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Aijiro Wakita, New Music Media,1974
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yeonban · 2 months
Guys. If your muse was at an all-time low, who would they go to for support and/or help? It could be either a canon chara from their franchise or a muse they've met through rp btw, anyone goes
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datesoma · 1 year
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Orient + flat colors.
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Okita Souji and his subordinates
Workplace relationships are important.
Bosses and subordinates, in particular, can have stressful relationships if things don't work out. I think this was no different in the past than it is in today.
What kind of subordinates did Okita Souji, the Captain of the First Squad, work with?
Here's a summary.
Around the Twelfth Month of Bunkyu 3
Okita Souji: Born Tenpo 13
Sasaki Aijiro (佐々木愛次郎): Born Kouka 2. One of the "Five beautiful men of the Shinsengumi". He was killed by Saeki when he eloped with a woman in August of that year, but his name remained on the roster until December.
Shinozuka Minezo (篠塚峯蔵): Birth year unknown. After participating in the Ikedaya Incident, he was requested by the lord of Miyazu, his former domain, to return home, and left the Shinsengumi amicably.
Mishina Ichiro (三品一郎): Born Tenpo 12. Also known as Mishina Chuji (三品仲司). He participated in Ikedaya. After the Meiji Restoration, he belonged to the Shizuoka domain (Numazu Kinban, 沼津勤番) and worked with his younger brother Jiro to establish the prestige of Kondo and Hijikata.
The number of subordinates is small because the Shinsengumi had only been formed for a short time, but they are quite good members who didn't cause problems later on. Shinozuka Minezo is unknown, but the others are close in age so they probably communicated easily.
Among them, Sasaki Aijiro was so skilled that he demonstrated jiujitsu moves in front of Matsudaira Katamori, and he was also one of the "Five Beautiful Men of the Shinsengumi".
However, it's said that he was killed four months before this list was compiled.
In the "Shinsengumi Shimatsuki," there is an episode in which Sasaki, who was about to have his girlfriend taken as a mistress by Serizawa, was tricked by Saeki Matasaburo and others into deserting his unit, and was then slain.
In this story told by Yagi Tamesaburo, after the incident, Okita said, "It was all Serizawa's plan (あれはすべて芹沢の指図だった)".
I wondered how Okita knew that, but I guess he was trying to find out the cause because Sasaki was his own subordinate.
However, if Sasaki was enrolled at the time of this roster, that episode might be fictional.
Yet it seems to be true that Sasaki disappeared from the Shinsengumi after that, and that Okita Souji was talking about something that happened to Sasaki's life.
Around the Twelfth Month of Genji 1
Okita Souji: Born Tenpo 13
Aridoshi Kango (蟻通勘吾): Born Tenpo 10. Participated in the Ikedaya Incident and other incidents. Severely wounded in Aizu and hospitalized at Hakodate Hospital. Died in battle on Mt. Hakodate
Yamano Yasohachi (山野八十八): Birth year unknown. One of the "Five beautiful men of the Shinsengumi". He was Hijikata's retainer in Hakodate. After the surrender, he seems to have been engaged in salt manufacturing in the Shizuoka domain. After that, he returned to Kyoto and worked at an elementary school until 1896.
Tsukamoto Zennosuke (塚本善之助): Birth year unknown. Joined the Shinsengumi after the Ikedaya Incident, but apparently left by the following year.
Muro Takunosuke (室宅之助): Birth year unknown. Joined by the 11th month of Genji 1. It appears that he left the Shinsengumi after the Shogun announced his resignation.
Oishi Kuwajiro (大石鍬次郎): Born Tenpo 9. Sword style: Onoha Itto-ryu and Tennen Rishin-ryu. Son of a vassal of the Hitotsubashi family and student of Kondo. Known as Manslayer Kuwajiro, he killed Itou Kashitaro. After his defeat in Koshu, he went into hiding in Edo, but was arrested by Kano and others and executed for Itou's murder.
They are members who joined after the Ikedaya Incident.
Oishi Kuwajiro, also of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, has joined the group.
Other strong men assigned to the group include Aridoshi Kango and Yamano Yasohachi, who fought all the way to Hakodate.
Did Tsukamoto Zennosuke join the Shinsengumi because of the Ikedaya Incident's fame? Although he admired the Shinsengumi, he probably quit because he couldn't stand the harshness of reality. This is still common today.
Muro Takunosuke remained in the Shinsengumi for three years after this, so it doesn't seem that he didn't fit in with the Shinsengumi. Seeing that he left the Shinsengumi after the Shogun announced his resignation, it's possible that he later leaned toward an ideology of overthrowing the shogunate.
Nevertheless, overall, no one was seen to have conflicting purposes, and the addition of Oishi Kuwajiro must have made things easier for Okita.
Around the Fifth Month of Keio 1
Okita Souji: Born Tenpo 13
Kiyohara Kiyoshi (清原清): Born Tenpo 3. He became a part of the  Goryo-eji. After serving in the Goryo-eji, he was attached to the Satsuma clan and worked with Kano in Itabashi to uncover Kondo's true identity. Killed in battle at Shirakawa. Changed his name to Takekawa Naoe (竹川直枝 or 武川直江).
Tani Mantaro (谷万太郎): Born Tenpo 6. He opened a dojo in Osaka with Tani Sanjuro. Harada Sanosuke, Shimada Kai, and Abe Juro are his spear-fighting pupils. He joined the Shinsengumi one step earlier than his brother, but upon his brother's death, he left the Shinsengumi and devoted himself to running the dojo in Osaka.
Wada Juro (和田重郎): Birth year unknown. Joined the Shinsengumi by the 11th month of Genji 1. Killed in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi.
Oishi Kuwajiro (大石鍬次郎): Born Tenpo 9. Sword style: Onoha Itto-ryu and Tennen Rishin-ryu. Son of a vassal of the Hitotsubashi family and student of Kondo. Known as Manslayer Kuwajiro, he killed Itou Kashitaro. After his defeat in Koshu, he went into hiding in Edo, but was arrested by Kano and others and executed for Itou's murder.
Wado Teizo (輪堂貞三): Birth year unknown. Formerly an investigator for the Aizu Domain. In Keio 1, he was committed to protecting Yano Harumichi (矢野玄道), a scholar of Japanese studies. After escaping, he became a teacher in his hometown of the Saijo domain of the Iyo province (some say that he was released from his assignment from the Aizu Domain) After the Meiji Restoration, changed his name to Ohashi Eikin (大橋英金).
Miyakawa Kazuma (宮川数馬): Birth year unknown. Joined the Shinsengumi by the 11th month of Genji 1. Killed in battle at Yodo Senryo.
Abe Shinjiro (阿部信次郎): Born Tenpo 8. The same person as Abe Juro. Deserted after Serizawa's death. Reinstated once, but left the force in Keio 3 with the Goryo-eji. Plotted revenge for the Abura-no-Koji Incident and shot Kondo. After that, he attached himself to the Satsuma Clan and joined the Sekihotai. Later ran an orchard in Hokkaido.
Kimura Kota (木村広太): Born Kouka 3. Enlisted at Edo in the 4th month of Keio 1. Believed to have left the Shinsengumi by Keio 3.
Fujiwara Wasaburo (藤原和三郎): Born Tenpo 1. Escaped after the defeat in Koshu. Became a merchant in Edo, but was imprisoned in conjunction with other members of the Shinsengumi
Sakuma Nobuto (佐久間登人): Born Kaei 1. Enlisted at Edo in the 4th month of Keio 1. Believed to have left the Shinsengumi by Keio 2.
Miyagawa Nobukichi (宮川信吉): Born Tenpo 14. Tennen Rishin-ryu. Cousin of Kondo Isami. Protected Miura Kyutaro (三浦休太郎) in the Tenmanya Incident and died in battle.
By this time, the Shinsengumi had grown in size, and the number of members had increased considerably. Almost half of the subordinates were new recruits, and training must have been difficult.
Although the number of friends among the Shinsengumi members increased with Miyagawa Nobukichi, a Tennen Rishin-ryu practitioner, there were also those who were inclined towards overthrowing the shogunate, such as Kiyohara Kiyoshi and Abe Juro.
Kiyohara was a problem employee who "advocated righteousness" (義を唱え) in the unit and was hated by his colleagues, so he deserted the following year. He may have been a vocal advocate of the overthrow of the shogunate. He later joined the Goryo-eji.
Abe Juro, as detailed, is an anti-Kondo faction member. He was older than Okita and had some skill, so he was a difficult subordinate for Okita to deal with.
To add to that, Abe Juro deserted from the unit once, so Okita probably didn't trust him very much. It's likely that Abe's many bad comments about Okita in the Meiji era were also due to something that happened at that time.
It's said that 70% of stress in the workplace is caused by the relationship between superiors and subordinates.
Abe must have been stressed, but his boss, Okita, must have been even more stressed.
We don't know how long this group lasted, but considering that Okita became ill in the 2nd month of Keio 3, is it too much to think that this kind of stress may have been a contributing factor?
* The list of names was compiled by referring to and citing 取調日記 and the documents by 伊藤哲也 and 相川司.
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apuppetmuseum · 1 year
my mans is just straight up vibing and waiting for the chaos
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deathfavor · 5 months
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Summer Time Rendering: A sci-fi, summer story filled with suspense set on a small island with Shinpei Aijiro, whose childhood friend Ushio Kofune died. He returns to his hometown for the first time in two years for the funeral. Sou Hishigata, his best friend, suspects something's off with Ushio's death, and that someone can die next. A sinister omen is heard as an entire family next door suddenly disappears the following day. Furthermore, Mio implicates a "shadow" three days before Ushio's death.
The Promised Neverland: Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn—what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.
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nexttrickanvils · 1 year
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OC October Day 1: Home
Sora Natsuki and their little brother, Aijiro look over the place that's going to be their new home for the next year.
Welcome to @oc-tober2023 where I give some love to Shakespearesonas and maybe hopefully this will be the kick in the pants I and my creative partner need to make progress on this thing.
I admit that I traced the buildings but ya know, buildings are hard. ;_;
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ofdraiocht · 1 year
@yeonban (indulgent tropes!) Naotora FINALLY confides in Naoe in a vulnerable moment, about everything that went down after he and the other grand generals were kidnapped by the enemy. From the contents of his own ideal world (and thus his lifelong wish of being acknowledged by Aijiro who, despite having been thought of as deceased for the past fifteen years, is apparently alive and siding with the Obsidian Eight) to the horrors of Shiro's ideal world and how real they had all felt (from the pregnant smells of blood and corpses to the perfect resemblance everyone held to their actual selves).
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"Anata." He breathes out after what feels like hours of listening. The story just got more and more vile the longer Naotora went on. Surprising revelations are made, yes, but he's not going to focus on being let in to certain secrets Naotora's been keeping to himself for years.
They could talk more about everything at length, later. When everything isn't so fresh in Naotora's mind haunting him.
Instead, he's shuffling closer until he could run his fingers through his hair and draw him in close to let his better half rest his head on his shoulder. "I love you." He said softly, cradling Naotora close.
"I'm not going anywhere. Nothing and no one, will take me away from you. I will be with you through this. The entire time. You're not alone."
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jun-hyungs · 2 years
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aiger wants to be held
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the-tea-table · 2 years
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context: my friend made up a soulmate au where 2 or more people have the same mark but it’s mirrored on the other person’s body
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ggmahougenerator · 1 year
Name: "Ariana, The Savior Of Mercy!" Theme Color: Aijiro White Motif: Tarot Cards Appearance: a little tall, diamond-shaped face, bronze skin, missing her left foot Magic Items: a marble and the Medallion of Sunlight Attack: "Light Breaking Camouflage!"
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yeonban · 4 months
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I've been thinking about this since the second the new chapter dropped but I wonder if Naotora will manage to become the first Takeda in history to break off the "Takeda curse" of killing their own fathers... because in his case, Naoe might end up doing it in his stead
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datesoma · 1 year
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Orient: Volume 19, color page.
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