#Aiko Nagai
aramajapan · 3 years
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Oricon Flashback: Week of 7/12
We’re back with this week’s edition of Oricon Flashback. This is where we look back on what topped the charts this week 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years ago. Think of it as a way to reminisce and learn about the past of Japanese music.
Read more on aramajapan.com
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inframince-inc · 8 years
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otk 002 – "Shinro Ohtake: Okusoku - Velocity of Memory" Special Edition –
現在、展覧中の秋山伸 [edition.nord] : ブルノ国際グラフィックデザイン・ビエンナーレ2016 帰国展の構成要素としても特徴的なedition.nordのアイテムより順次ご案内します。
2013年夏に瀬戸内の高松市美術館で開催された『大竹伸朗展 憶速』展のカタログの特別版。
DVDには新作の映像作品「宇和島」(2013 / 撮影1987-89)を収録。
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図版冊子 1:遠景の記憶
図版冊子 2:残像─内的露光
図版冊子 3:アフリカ─反響する記憶
図版冊子 4:日本景─内と外に見る景
図版冊子 5:貼─既にそこにあるものと記憶の層
図版冊子 6:手製本─身体と本
図版冊子 7:スケッチブック─日常の風景
ポスター:Works in Setouchi, 1994-2013:B4/特色2P/二つ折り
DVD:「宇和島」/2013/DVD-Video/ALL Region/NTSC/21分/COLOR/SILENT
Authored by Shinro Ohtake
Edited by Yoshitsugu Mohri [Shionoe Museum of Art, Takamatsu], Yuji Makino / Noe Kifuji / Sayaka Midori [Takamatsu City Museum of Art]
Written by Shinro Ohtake / Yoshitsugu Mohri
Translated by Christopher Stevens
Reviewed by Jiro Iio / Andrew Maerkle
Photographed by Kei Okano / Masataka Nakano / Kuniko Hirano / Kazuo Fukunaga / Shintaro Miyawaki
Video edited by Shinro Ohtake / Kazunao Kashio
Special Thanks to Take Ninagawa, Tokyo
Designed by Shin Akiyama + Wataru Kobara + Naoki Ise + Aiko Nagai + Takashi Honda / edition.nord
Printed, bound and assembled by Sun M Color
© 2013
Shinro Ohtake
Takamatsu City Museum of Art
All rights reserved.
Made in Japan
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andrewlloydwebber · 4 years
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The Phantom of the Opera in Tokyo, Japan, 2020. (Although, some photos might be from earlier productions).
Shiki (the producer) never labels the actors in their photos, apparently they want to make the show the star and not the individual actors. The only one I’m 99% confident in labeling is Susumu Kato, I believe he’s Raoul in all the photos.
The overall cast is...
Christine Daaé:  Sai Yamamoto / Chiaki Kainuma / Asami Iwashiro The Phantom of the Opera: Masayuki Sano / Yuta Iwaki / Yosuke Iida Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny: Susumu Kato / Kenichi Mitsuda Carlotta Giudicelli: Aya Kawamura / Yoko Takai Monsieur Andre: Morito Masuda / Yusuke Kitazawa Monsieur Firmin: Koichi Taira / Toshihide Mura Madame Giry:  Aiko Toda / Jihye Hwang Meg Giry: Yu Matsuo / Mariko Gosho Ubaldo Piangi:  Yasunobu Yamaguchi / Atsuto Yamada / Takata Nagai Monsieur Reyer: Ura Makotonori Auctioneer / Monsieur Lefevre: * Kaname Shimura Joseph Buquet: Yuichi Mitsuke / Nobuhiro Kawahara Don Attilio / Passarino: Osamu Takai
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osomanga · 5 years
GK 231: Childbirth(出産)
Huci has been a midwife since she was 19 and she even delivered Asirpa!
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Ikoinkarmat [イコインカラマッ] = ikoinkar [イコインカラ ] = Ainu words for midwife. [src 1; 2; 3]
The word more commonly used for Ainu midwife became ikoinkar owing to its use in a prominent book. Another term is  ikoinkarkur[イコインカラクル] and this literally means ‘it that which see persons’. [4]
(Term in Japanese:  [取上げ] = [とりあげ女] = toriage onna = midwife)
One of the most known accounts of Ainu midwife practices were from Aoki Aiko (青木愛子; 1914-1995), an Ainu seer and midwife. Often, midwives were also shamans by tradition.
Her accounts on childbirth practices are as appear in the chapter. 
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[link to Aoki Aiko’s story in english: pgs 63 to 82]
Aiko first delivered a baby on her own as a midwife at the age of 19. She used to assist her mother till then. From the time she was a young girl, Aoki Aiko used to help her mother Ukochatek[ウコチャテク] who was a famed midwife. As was her huci Haynure[ハイネレ]. The practices were passed down generation to generation and Aiko recounted, were possibly learned from those of foreign land(Phillippines) or the mainland. 
She grew renowned for being very skilled. Having assisted and been trained since she was very young, she had a knack for being able to tell by feeling the belly with her hands if the child was a boy or girl. She could also realize if there was anything wrong. Another manner of doing this is by ueinkar(’clairvoyance’) by using the left hand. She also received the ability of tekeinu(’healing hand’).
Also, as the practice goes- once the baby is born, it is inspected especially along the spine for problems and birth defects. Aiko was well-versed in the art of spine-correction and traditional physiotherapy. She retired from being a midwife in 1975 owing to her health reasons.
Aoki Aiko gave interviews and instructions describing in detail the methods and also traditions in midwifery that had been passed down to her through four generations in detail to Nagai Hiroshi and Nagai Etsuko. Most of this was compiled in the book [Ainu Osan-bachan no Upashikuma (An old Ainu midwife's words of wisdom) ]. Some were even published as articles. 
She’d also recount her observations on the differences and similarities in practices of Ainu midwife practices and Sisam’s traditions that she observed over the years as a midwife or an assistant. Midwives did not differentiate between Ainu or Sisam, aiding childbirth and other issues region-wise. 
The journalist-author Katsuichi Honda also used Aoki Aoi’s accounts as a midwife in his novel Harukor.
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The required materials:-
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Noyaham [ノヤハム]: Sagebrush/Mugwort Cotton [ヨモギの葉....綿]
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Rasupa kap [ラスパカプ]: Hydrangea bark [サビタの樹皮, sebita no jubi]
Tar [タラ]: Carrying rope Nuwap Tar [ヌワプタラ]: Birthing rope゚
Sometimes the practice of holding onto rope while sitting during childbirth was harmful if not done right but an experienced midwives knew what is the best way. Similar to the Ainu practice of holding onto the tar, many other cultures had the practice of holding onto a rope hung from the roof for support including in Korea, Japan, American indigenous, India, etc. Most such childbirth techniques are still practised the world over even in modern times as traditional methods.
In one edition of Tezuka Osamu’s Shumari too, the girl(a young wajin) gave birth holding onto a roof-rope(only the situation was different). It is a rather bizarre manga which also included the Ainu and a hidden treasure issue but was set in earlier Meiji period in Hokkaido and has many similarities to Golden Kamuy.  
Nisu Horipire [ニス ホリピリ]
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Uwari Kamuy [ウワリカムイ] : The Ainu Goddess of Childbirth
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Prayers are offered to her before childbirth.
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Also:- [src]In an assissted birth, the midwife would also hold with foot/heel the perineum(area between vulva and anus) especially since it could prevent laceration.
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Kekomaikru [ケコマキル]: Traditional Ainu midwives(as well as in few other parts of the world) had techniques, especially using massage, to turn the baby from anterior to posterior position. An experienced midwife also had the know-how of effective way of dealing with breech birth.
Anterior and Posterior Position(non-breech birth- head is down): Normally, when the baby's head is towards the mother's back it is called anterior. And when the baby's head faces away from the back(and towards the stomach) it is posterior.
Giving birth when by one self- Proper posture: kemaha pirkano mono a [ケマハ ピリカノ モノ ア] :- 
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And heres the little bundle of joy:-
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It’s so ugly-cute like new babies are!!
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I’m going to kill the ed-note-itor!! 
END Note:
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1.  マタギ父になった。Matagi chichi ni natta.
The Matagi’s become a dad!
2. インカㇻマッ頑張って !! (Inkarmat ganbatte!!)
Hang in there Inkarmat!!
Oiiii…..don’t give me a heart attack, you..!! I don’t trust Noda. Sigh...
You just mean “You did your best Inkarmat”, don’t you? Don’t you?
And what do you mean “You did well” in the nano-scale END note, eh??
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See that? 
Our girl deserved a larger END note!!
Since there is no next week mentioned, this END note is just this week’s childbirthing-ness and them telling her she did well. 
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kimonobeat · 5 years
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aiko bon: Official “Natsufuku” liner notes
aiko’s 3rd album, released under Pony Canyon on June 20, 2001. The album includes two of her biggest hits and went on to sell over a million copies.
Hikouki (飛行機; Airplane)
be master of life
Rosie (ロージー)
Hisoka na Sayonara no Shikata (密かなさよならの仕方; The Subtle Way to Goodbye)
Owaranai Hibi (Endless Days)
Kokoro Biyori (心日和; Weather of My Heart)
Ame Fumu Overall (雨踏むオーバーオール; Overalls Stepping in the Rain)
Aspara (アスパラ; Asparagus)
Boyfriend (ボーイフレンド)
Hatsukoi (初恋; First Love)
Natsufuku (夏服; Summer Clothes)
(Thank you parasmichael for the commission!)
☑ The album as a whole
Oh! I’m eating tulips on the cover. I cut my hair outside just before doing the photo shoot at this one tulip place. Where’d we go for this again? Kobuchisawa? We rented out a bed and breakfast and did a little photo shoot in some flower garden-looking place. Has it really only been 3 years since then? It feels like a long time ago. It’d only been 3 years since I’d made my debut but everyone had stopped calling me a ‘newcomer’ by then. I was feeling sort of unsure of myself at the time. I developed nodules on my vocal cords during the tour I did after this album was released. Looking back on it now, though, I feel like there were early symptoms of it during recording. I was so hellbent on making it that I just barrelled on ahead anyway. And because of that, I feel like making this album in spite all of that got me back to looking on the bright side of things again.
☑ Hikouki
Such a dramatic song. I wrote this song on Day 1 of my Gb column. I got lost trying to make my way to the place where we were doing the shoot. The plan was to go to the Metropolitan Building but my manager and I got lost trying to go there by car. Then my manager went outside to make a phone call so I just sat in the car, staring blankly out the window. It was Sunday, so there was no one around. I looked at the sky and saw a plane flying way, way up there, and wrote this song while looking at it. I was feeling the teeniest tiniest bit lonely coming to Tokyo on my own. “I’m ALL ALONE,” I kept thinking to myself. I think that’s where the chorus came from. I worked hard to get to Tokyo and yet I also felt like there was this part of me that’d been left behind. I wrote the song by combining those feelings with emotions you feel when you’re in love. I wanted the arrangement of the song to have a bittersweet feel to it as well so I told them something that made no sense. I was like, “I want you to make it sound like [the comedy duo] Kamaitachi.” (laughs) But the strings sound very ‘Kamaitachi’ to me. We also shot a music video for this song. Both my manager and Nagai are in that music video, by the way. (laughs) Everyone looks so young! I have a lot of good memories from this music video. I feel pretty embarrassed seeing myself smoke in the MV, though. (laughs)
☑ be master of life
This is the one song that features my fans’ voices. I used the voices of everyone who came to see me at a fan club concert. We recorded it and then included it on the track. There was a microphone hanging down above the audience and I went, “On the count of three: one, two, three!” The crowd gets really worked up over this song at concertsーyou just can’t sit still to this song, pretty much as soon as the intro starts. It’s a love song, but my friend from Osaka was the one who inspired it. She’s a really nice person who’s almost like, too scared to come into contact with others in case she accidentally hurts their feelings. But she really is a nice person who’s helped me out a lot. I was trying to think of something I could do to help her out when this song came to mind. It was on the same demo tape as “Hatsukoi,” “Hisoka na Sayonara no Shikata”, “Ame Fumu Overalls”, “Hikouki”, “Owaranai Hibi” and “Kokoro Biyori”. A lot of the songs on this album were made around the same time.
☑ Rosie See ‘Rosie’ single liner notes
☑ Hisoka na Sayonara no Shikata See ‘Boyfriend’ single liner notes
☑ Owaranai Hibi
This is my mom’s favorite song. (laughs) She told me she liked it. I really think it has this sort of ‘one-on-one’ feeling when I sing it. When you take the chords, the overall atmosphere of the song, the melody, the lyrics, and put them all together, it almost feels like I’m just chatting away. In the song I’m saying, “I’m going to say what’s on my mind. I’m a normal girl too. There’s no such thing as a person who is innocent, completely pure of heart, and has never once lied in their entire life. I lie sometimes, and I don’t think that’s such a bad thing. And even though I do, I like you. Is that okay?” I really like how thick the instrumental gets after the chorus.
☑ Kokoro Biyori
I pictured this as a rock song in the very beginning when I wrote it, but then the finished version Shimayan did had a completely different arrangement. Sometimes Shimayan takes me completely by surprise with his arrangements. This song was like a sucker punch to the heart. I said, “Wow, I like this better!!” The strings come in over top of that opening bass lick, and that rhythm! I get so excited about it. I got so carried away that I came up with a dance for it in the studio. Doing a dance escalated to me appearing on stage in a kigurumi. I wrote the lyrics by finding similarities between the weather and my state of mind. One of my friends is a free spiritーshe’s a total mystery, that one. I’m only just now starting to talk about some things with her even though I’ve known her for over 10 years at this point, but she’s a total mystery to me. (laughs) Like, just when I think she’s showed up randomly to see me, she’s gone. I was surprised to hear that she’d been feeling pretty lonely for a while. You could say I ended up modeling it after her. “‘Kokoro Biyori’ is great! I love it!” she told me not too long ago. “I really love ‘Kokoro Biyori’!” (laughs) I was glad to hear that but didn’t tell her she was the person I modeled the song after.
☑ September
I love this song. I mean, I like them allーthey’re my songs, after all. (laughs) This song was created on the radio. When I was on “All Night Nippon” I did this special feature called “The Big Single Campaign” where I’d play 2 or 3 of my singles on the piano. Someone said to make a song about September because it was September so I started singing. Then the mixing guy Kawabeーwho was always dead silentーsaid, “That was great, aiko!” I was so excited that Kawabe said that he liked it, I wrote this song. You could say I decided to make it into a song because of that. So thank you, Kawabe! (laughs) It’s sort of an ‘answer song’. I mean, it’s got the words ‘cry baby’ in it. I sorta have, like, really strong feelings about this song. One time I sang this song just as the sun was setting during a concert I did in Enoshima or someplace like that. It was lovely. This song brought out a whole new side of me, in a lot of different ways. Like, “Hanabi” allowed me to be on TV nationwide and release an album, but the public image of me being this super cheerful girl with a bob cut who wore used jeans stuck. People were always saying that it didn’t seem like I ever had any troubles. I thought it was a pretty good thing to be seen that way. In my mind, if I was making people smile, then maybe that was just fine; I was lucky. But I do worry, and cry, and get mad, and sometimes I feel sad. I feel like I was able to express that in this song. Writing the line “Don’t ever think that I’m always cheerful” instantly made things so much easier for me. I wanted to be closer to the girls who’ve had this happen to them too. I personally feel that writing that one phrase, and then including the song on the album, is what made “Natsufuku” complete. I can’t thank Kawabe enough, seriously. I’ve told him ‘thank you’ a million times and it’s still not enough. I wonder how he’s doing?
☑ Ame Fumu Overall
I love overalls. Really, I do. I’m pretty much as small as they come and can never find my size though, so they’re always big on me. I used to love dressing in super baggy clothes, which meant the hems got wet any time it rained. That’s what got me to write this song. It was already kinda cold out and I was feeling down because I had just had my heart broken. Like, “Ahh… I wish I could just disappear…” I wrote this song in Shounai out in Toyonaka, Osaka after something really terrible had happened to me. The song features a key change in the chorus after the B melody. “Bold choice, there,” people said to me in the beginning. I never like, calculate where I’m going with a song when I do key changes though, so I didn’t really know what to say when people asked why I added in a key change there. I would just say, “Hm, why indeed.” (laughs)
☑ Aspara See ‘Hatsukoi’ single liner notes
☑ Boyfriend See ‘Boyfriend’ single liner notes
☑ Hatsukoi See ‘Hatsukoi’ single liner notes
☑ Natsufuku
I wrote this song while we were recording, on the piano in the second studio at Hitokuchizaka. I told them I’d written a song I wanted them to listen to and they said it sounded good, but we were in the final stages of recording. “We’ve already got enough,” they told me. “Then let’s make it a bonus track!” I said. I almost always write my songs at home. I’ve never really written songs anywhere else, but I always manage to write a song any time I play the piano during my free time at Hitokuchizaka Studio. Oftentimes I’m able to come up with a completely different kind of song because I’m in a different environment. For this one, I wrote the entire lyrics and melody in the studio on the grand piano in this tiny little room at Hitokuchizaka. I wrote it all in one goーit came together super quickly. I don’t think I spent more than maybe 15 or 20 minutes on it tops. When I come up with a song, I’m able to write it super quick. The title of the song was set in stone as “Natsufuku”, but still hadn’t decided what to call the album then. I said, “Alright, I know we made it a bonus track, but why not go with ‘Natsufuku’?” They wouldn’t play the title track on the radio if it were a bonus track though, and that wouldn’t work for a title track. You know how there’s a specific day in school for changing the uniform? It always felt a little bittersweet to me, seeing the guy I liked change into the summer uniform or the winter uniform. It felt like I was seeing a part of them I never knew about. It always would make me feel like I’d been left behind. The same went for my friends, too. Seeing everyone changing while I was still wearing the old uniform was an extremely lonely thing to experience. I wanted to express that sort of sadness you feel when you’re in love, too. The turning point from winter clothes to summer clothes in particular really brings out that feeling of heartbreak in me. Really, it doesーthe words ‘winter clothes’ and ‘summer clothes’ make me so sad. I guess it just… reminds me of being in school. It really breaks my heart to see my crush wearing a scarf, ‘cause I feel like I’ve seen something about them I didn’t know. I get really wistful. I’m the one playing the piano on this track, right after “Bob”. I get nervous doing that because of how excited I get. We also placed the microphone so that it’s taking in everything all at once: one microphone in the middle of the grand piano, capturing everything on a single mic rather than setting out a mic for vocals. We went out of our way to record it like that because I wanted it to sound like I was playing by myself in a little room.
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8047: Super Sentai 101-200
Row 1 - Carranger (Yellow, Pink and Blue) [Yellow Racer: Natsumi Shinohara (Yuka Motohashi), Pink Racer: Yoko Yagami (Atsuko Kurusu) and Extra Hero (Blue): Signalman (Yoshinori Okamoto and Kenji Takechi in some episodes, voiced by Hochu Otsuka)], Megaranger [Mega Red: Kenta Date (Hayato Oshiba), Mega Black: Kouichirou Endou (Atsushi Ehara), Mega Blue: Shun Namaki (Masaya Matsukaze), Mega Yellow: Chisato Jougasaki (Eri Tanaka), Mega Pink: Miku Imamura (Mami Higshiyama) and Mega Silver: Yuusaku Hayakawa (Shigeru Kanai)] and Gingaman (Red) [Ginga Red: Ryouma (Kazuki Maehara)]
Row 2 - Gingaman (Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and Black) [Ginga Green: Hayate (Koji Sueyoshi), Ginga Blue: Gouki (Shoei), Ginga Yellow: Hikaru (Nobuaki Takahashi), Ginga Pink: Saya (Juri Miyazawa) and Black Knight: Hyuuga (Teruaki Ogawa)] and GoGoV [Go Red: Matoi Tatsumi (Ryuichiro Nishioka), Go Blue: Nagare Tatsumi (Kenji Taniguchi), Go Green: Shou Tatsumi (Atsushi Harada), Go Yellow: Daimon Tatsumi (Kenji Shibata) and Go Pink: Matsuri Tatsumi (Kayoko Shibata)]
Row 3 - Timeranger [Time Red: Tatsuya Asami (Masaru Nagai), Time Pink: Yuri (Mika Katsumura), Time Blue: Ayame (Yuji Kido), Time Yellow: Domon (Shuhei Izumi), Time Green: Sion (Masahiro Kuranuki) and Time Fire: Naoto Takizawa (Shinji Kasahara)] and Gaoranger (Red, Yellow, Blue and Black) [Gao Red: Kakeru Shishi (Noboru Kaneko), Gao Yellow: Gaku Washio (Kei Horie), Gao Blue: Kai Samezu (Takeru Shibaki) and Gao Black: Soutaru Ushigome (Kazuyoshi Sakai)]
Row 4 - Gaoranger (White and Silver) [Gao White: Sae Taiga (Mio Takeuchi) and Gao Silver: Tsukumaro Ogami (Tetsuji Tamayama)], Hurricaneger [Hurricane Red: Yousuke Shiina (Shun Shiyoa), Hurricane Blue: Nanami Nono (Nao Nagasawa) and Hurricane Yellow: Kouta Bitou (Kohei Yamamoto)], Gouraiger [Kabuto Raiger (Crimson): Ikkou Kasumi (Yujiro Shirakawa) and Kuwaga Raiger (Navy): Isshu Kasumi (Nobuo Kyo)], Hurricanger (Green) [Shurikenger (Green): Asuka Kagura (Koji Kimura, voiced by Taiki Matsuno in suit, hence Matsuno's pic represents what Asuka would've looked like prior to renouncing his name and face, which forced him to remain in his costumed form permanently)] and Abaranger (Red and Blue) [Aba Red: Ryouga Hakua (Koichiro Nishi) and Abare Blue: Yukito Sanjyou (Shou Tomita)]
Row 5 - Abaranger (Yellow, Black and White) [Abare Yellow: Ranru Itsuki (Aiko Ito), Abare Black: Asuka (Kaoru Abe) and Abare Killer (White): Mikoto Nakadai (Kotaro Tanaka)] and Dekaranger (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, White and Black) [Deka Red: Banban Akaza (Ryuji Sainei), Deka Blue: Houji Tomasu (Tsuyoshi Hayashi), Deka Green: Sen'ichi Enari (Yousuke Itou), Deka Yellow: Marika Reimon (Ayumi Kinoshida), Deka Pink: Koume Kodou (Mika Kikuchi), Deka Break (White): Tekkan Aira (Tomozaku Yoshida) and Deka Master (Black): Doggie Kruger (Hideaki Kusaka, voiced by Tetsu Inada)]
Row 6 - Dekaranger (Orange/White) [Deka Swan (Orange/White): Swan Shiratori (Mako Ishino)], Magiranger [Magi Red: Kai Ozu (Atsushi Hashimoto), Magi Yellow: Tsubasa Ozu (Hiroya Matsumoto), Magi Blue: Urara Ozu (Asami Kai), Magi Pink: Houka Ozu (Ayumi Beppu), Magi Green: Makito Ozu (Yuuki Ito), Magi Shine (Gold): Hikaru / Sungel (Yousuke Ichikawa), Magi Mother (White): Miyuki Ozu (Azusa Watanabe) and Wolzard Fire: Isamu Ozu / Blagel (Tsutomu Isobe)] and Boukenger (Red) [Bouken Red: Satoru Akashi (Mitsuomi Takahashi)]
Row 7 - Boukenger (Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Silver and Gold) [Bouken Black: Masumi Ino (Yasuka Saitou), Bouken Blue: Souta Mogami (Masahi Mikami), Bouken Yellow: Natsuki Mamiya (Chise Nakamura), Bouken Pink: Sakura Nishihori (Haruka Suenaga), Bouken Silver: Eiji Takaoka (Masayuki Deai) and Extra Hero (Gold): Zubaan (Riichi Seike, voiced by Hideyuki Hori)], Super Sentai Generations [Aka Red (Keizo Yabe, voiced by Toru Furuya)] and Gekiranger (Red, Yellow and Blue) [Geki Red: Jan Kandou (Hiroki Suzuki), Geki Yellow: Ran Uzaki (Mina Fukui) and Geki Blue: Retsu Fukami (Manpei Tagaki)]
Row 8 - Gekiranger (Violet, White, Black and Green) [Geki Violet: Gou Fukami (Riki Miura), Geki Chopper (White): Ken Hisatsu (Sotaro Yasuda), Black Lion: Rio (Hirofumi Araki) and Green Chameleon: Mele (Yuka Hirata)] and Go-onger (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black and Gold) [Go-on Red: Sosuke Esumi (Yasuhisa Furuhara), Go-on Blue: Renn Kousaka (Shinwa Kataoka), Go-on Yellow: Saki Rouyama (Rina Aizawa), Go-on Green: Hant Jou (Masahiro Usui), Go-on Black: Gunpei Ishihara (Kenji Ebisawa) and Go-on Gold: Hiroto Sutou (Hidenoki Tokuyama)]
Row 9 - Go-onger (Silver) [Go-on Silver: Miu Sutou (Yumi Sugimoto)] and Shinkenger [Shinken Red: Takeru Shiba (Tori Matsuzaka), Shinken Blue: Ryunosuke Ikenami (Hiroki Aiba), Shinken Pink: Mako Shiraishi (Rin Takanashi), Shinken Green: Chiaki Tani (Shogo Suzuki), Shinken Yellow: Kotoha Hanaori (Suzuka Morita), Shinken Gold: Genta Umemori (Keisuke Sohma) and Princess Shinken Red: Kaoru Shiba (Runa Natsui)] and Goseiger (Red and Pink) [Gosei Red: Alata (Yudai Chiba) and Gosei Pink: Eri (Rika Satoh)]
Row 10 - Goseiger (Black, Yellow, Blue and Silver) [Gosei Black: Agri (Kyousuke Hamao), Gosei Yellow: Moune (Mikiho Niwa), Gosei Blue: Hyde (Kento Ono) and Gosei Knight (Silver): Groundion (Jiro Okamoto, voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi)] and Gokaiger [Gokai Red: Captain Marvelous (Ryota Ozawa), Gokai Blue: Joe Gibken (Yuki Yamada), Gokai Yellow: Luka Millfy (Mao Ichimichi), Gokai Green: Don Dogoier (Kazuki Shimizu), Gokai Pink: Ahim de Famille (Yui Koike) and Gokai Silver: Gai Ikari (Junya Ikeda)]
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fortunateld-blog · 6 years
Aiko Nagai - Nikubenki Ikuseijyo Abikyoukan Jikken (DreamRoom Productions) [uncen] HD 720p
Aiko Nagai - Nikubenki Ikuseijyo Abikyoukan Jikken (DreamRoom Productions) [uncen] HD 720p
0 notes
sexynatacha · 5 years
Aiko Nagai busty sucks two dicks before riding them and gets cumRecommended
https://just-porno.com/?p=17952&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Aiko Nagai busty sucks two dicks before riding them and gets cumRecommended - https://just-porno.com/?p=17952&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr .fluid_ad_playing { padding:3px 2px !important; top: 2px !important; left: 2px !important; font-size: 10px !important; } var testVideo = fluidPlayer( 'my-video', { layoutControls: { //posterImage: 'https://thumbs.hotclips24.com/media/thumbs/5/b/2/0/a/5b20a7474a49d.mp4/5b20a7474a49d.mp4-8b.jpg', controlBar: { autoHide: true, autoHideTimeout: 3, animated: true }, posterImage: 'https://thumbs.hotclips24.com/media/thumbs/5/b/2/0/a/5b20a7474a49d.mp4/5b20a7474a49d.mp4-8b.jpg' }, vastOptions: { adList: [ { roll: 'preRoll', vastTag: 'https://syndication.exosrv.com/splash.php?idzone=2961034' } ], adText: 'Advertising' } } ); //var videojsPlayer = videojs('thisPlayer'); var defFile = 'https://media3.hotclips24.com/media/videos/5/b/2/0/a/5b20a7474a49d.mp4'; #playerOverlay { background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); width: 302px; height: 265px; position:absolute; text-align: center; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding-top: 2px; margin-left: -320px; z-index: 3; } #playerClose { display: inline-block; margin-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; background: #3498db; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3498db, #2980b9); -webkit-border-radius: 28; -moz-border-radius: 28; border-radius: 28px; font-family: Arial; color: #ffffff; font-size: 14px; padding: 5px 20px 5px 20px; text-decoration: none; } Advertising var ad_idzone = "2525119", ad_width = "300", ad_height = "250"; (function () { var myEl = {el: null}; var event = new CustomEvent('getexoloader', {"detail": myEl}); window.document.dispatchEvent(event); var ExoLoader = myEl.el || window['ExoLoader']; ExoLoader.addZone({"idzone":"2525119"}); })(); var myPlayer = document.getElementById('my-video'); myPlayer.onplay = function() {$('#playerOverlay').hide(); }; myPlayer.onpause = function() {$('#playerOverlay').show(); }; Advertising (function () { var myEl = {el: null}; var event = new CustomEvent('getexoloader', {"detail": myEl}); window.document.dispatchEvent(event); var ExoLoader = myEl.el || window['ExoLoader']; ExoLoader.addZone({"idzone":"2891726"}); })();
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Naked body of Japanese teen is worshiped by several studs
Asian beauty Aiko Nagai is surrounded by strange guys who carefully touch and lick her tight body. Such fun makes her gently moan as perverted partners thrust hungry tongues between her pussy lips.
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japanese aiko nagai gets nailed by many guys uncensored
japanese aiko nagai gets nailed by many guys uncensored
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Submissive Aiko Nagai gets her ass and pussy toyed ha - Vídeos porno Gratis para todos Videoporncontent.es
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kimonobeat · 5 years
aiko Lyrics: Rengebatake (れんげ畑; Lotus Fields)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
The thing that made me miss you all of a sudden was the power lines running down a huge mountain Lotus fields outside my window, purple, purple Are you watching them as they go by too? Long footpaths through the fields, a sky that never darkens Lotus fields outside my window, purple, purple
The “once every two days” princess sipped some honey and braided a crown
Love is the greatest thing Love is the sweetest thing I hope that he turn out to be someone to watch over me
The randoseru that counted my steps, huge buildings that change color The lotus fields where I found my cat, purple, purple Do you pass by this spot too? On the other side of the sunset I made a wish on The lotus fields wave in the distance, purple, purple
It’s just, I spent some very precious and thrilling days with you underneath the moon
Love is the greatest thing Love is the sweetest thing I hope that he turn out to be someone to watch over me
Love is the greatest thing Love is the sweetest thing I hope that he turn out to be someone to watch over me
kyuu ni aitaku natta no wa ooki na yama ni nagareru densen mado no soto ni rengebatake murasaki murasaki anata mo toote mite’ru kana? nagai azemichi kurenai sora mado no soto no rengebatake murasaki murasaki
futsuka ni ichido no ohimesama wa mitsu wo sutte kanmuri yutta
Love is the greatest thing Love is the sweetest thing I hope that he turn out to be someone to watch over me
hosuu kazoeta randoseru iro wo kaete’ku ooki na biru neko wo hirotta rengebatake murasaki murasaki anata mo koko wo tooru kana? negai wo kometa yuuhi no mukou tooku te wo furu rengebatake murasaki murasaki
tada anata to otsukisama no shita tokimeita itooshii hibi wo
Love is the greatest thing Love is the sweetest thing I hope that he turn out to be someone to watch over me
Love is the greatest thing Love is the sweetest thing I hope that he turn out to be someone to watch over me
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shinixran-blog · 8 years
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phimloanluanmienphi · 8 years
Địt không che với em gái nhật bản Nanase Rina
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Sung sướng một lần được đưa chị gái Aimoto Miki lên giường Hấp dẫn ấn tượng từ cách diễn chính cô gái xinh đẹp này đã và đang tự mình đưa tên mình đến gần hơn với những bạn khán giả , không chỉ đáng yêu mà người ta c...
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sexynatacha · 5 years
Aiko Nagai in latex puts dong in chains, sucks and fucks it Recommended
https://just-porno.com/?p=17949&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Aiko Nagai in latex puts dong in chains, sucks and fucks it Recommended - https://just-porno.com/?p=17949&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr .fluid_ad_playing { padding:3px 2px !important; top: 2px !important; left: 2px !important; font-size: 10px !important; } var testVideo = fluidPlayer( 'my-video', { layoutControls: { //posterImage: 'https://thumbs.hotclips24.com/media/thumbs/5/b/2/0/a/5b20a5a43bbb8.mp4/5b20a5a43bbb8.mp4-8b.jpg', controlBar: { autoHide: true, autoHideTimeout: 3, animated: true }, posterImage: 'https://thumbs.hotclips24.com/media/thumbs/5/b/2/0/a/5b20a5a43bbb8.mp4/5b20a5a43bbb8.mp4-8b.jpg' }, vastOptions: { adList: [ { roll: 'preRoll', vastTag: 'https://syndication.exosrv.com/splash.php?idzone=2961034' } ], adText: 'Advertising' } } ); //var videojsPlayer = videojs('thisPlayer'); var defFile = 'https://media5.hotclips24.com/media/videos/5/b/2/0/a/5b20a5a43bbb8.mp4'; #playerOverlay { background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); width: 302px; height: 265px; position:absolute; text-align: center; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding-top: 2px; margin-left: -320px; z-index: 3; } #playerClose { display: inline-block; margin-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; background: #3498db; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #3498db, #2980b9); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3498db, #2980b9); -webkit-border-radius: 28; -moz-border-radius: 28; border-radius: 28px; font-family: Arial; color: #ffffff; font-size: 14px; padding: 5px 20px 5px 20px; text-decoration: none; } Advertising var ad_idzone = "2525119", ad_width = "300", ad_height = "250"; (function () { var myEl = {el: null}; var event = new CustomEvent('getexoloader', {"detail": myEl}); window.document.dispatchEvent(event); var ExoLoader = myEl.el || window['ExoLoader']; ExoLoader.addZone({"idzone":"2525119"}); })(); var myPlayer = document.getElementById('my-video'); myPlayer.onplay = function() {$('#playerOverlay').hide(); }; myPlayer.onpause = function() {$('#playerOverlay').show(); }; Advertising (function () { var myEl = {el: null}; var event = new CustomEvent('getexoloader', {"detail": myEl}); window.document.dispatchEvent(event); var ExoLoader = myEl.el || window['ExoLoader']; ExoLoader.addZone({"idzone":"2891726"}); })();
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