#Aired 6 September 2014
brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Gif: @tonoelwithlove
S01E05 Rent • 6 September 2014 Transcript
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
I don't like the sound of that cough. — Claire
Well, I get feel pungled this stretch of the road. It happens every year... — Ned
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Gif: @outlanderfraser
Favourite Line
Well... maybe Angus hates you, but he hates everyone. — Jamie
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Favourite Image
It felt as if Dougal could read my mind like he was daring me to run. — Claire, narrator
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Remember… the Stuarts would never unseat the protestant King George II, but how could I tell them that, these proud, passionate men who lived and breathed for a flag of blue and white? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 — Claire Fraser, narrator
5th of 75 • Friday, 7 April 2023
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In response to the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, Operation Enduring Freedom officially began 7 October 2001 with American and British bombing strikes against al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in Afghanistan. Initially, the Taliban was removed from power and al-Qaeda was seriously crippled, but forces continually dealt with a stubborn Taliban insurgency, infrastructure rebuilding, and corruption among the Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police, and Afghan Border Police.
On 2 May 2011, U.S. Navy SEALS (Sea, Air, Land) launched a raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, during Operation Neptune Spear, killing the al-Qaeda leader and mastermind of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Operation Enduring Freedom officially ended on 28 December 2014, although coalition forces remained on the ground to assist with training Afghan security forces. The United States Armed Forces completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001-2021 war.
Walz and the mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul said Saturday morning that the vast majority of those who were arrested Friday night were outside agitators who were not from the Twin Cities region. Walz called those people a group "bent on adapting their tactics to make it as difficult as possible" to maintain order. "Let's be very clear: The situation in Minneapolis is no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd. It is about attacking civil society, instilling fear and disrupting our great cities," Walz said. He said he had mobilized more than 700 National Guard soldiers on Friday night, and that after television cameras found large gatherings of protesters with no police presence at all, he was authorizing the head of the state's National Guard to fully mobilize on Saturday.
Contrary to activists’ calls to defund the police, the bill provides over $3 million in new funding for these initiatives and extends an existing $6 million in annual training funds until 2024.
[...]Dropped from the bill were DFL provisions that would have turned over prosecutions involving deadly force to the attorney general’s office and restored voting rights to some felons.
[...]Civil rights lawyer, activist and former Minneapolis mayoral candidate Nekima Levy Armstrong called the bill “watered-down legislation” and “a slap in the face, especially to Black residents in the state of Minnesota.” Activists weren’t the only ones disheartened. Andy Skoogman, executive director of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he wanted to see greater changes to arbitration as well. And Julia Decker, police director for the ACLU of Minnesota, told the Star Tribune that she was disappointed the bill didn’t require an independent prosecutor like the attorney general to handle cases like Floyd’s.
Did you know that the Minnesota State Board of Investments holds around 10,000 shares, worth a whopping $1.2 million, in Israel’s largest weapons company, Elbit Systems — the world’s largest exporter of drones?
Elbit has been involved in all of the major Israeli assaults in Gaza, contracts with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for, among other things, a virtual surveillance wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, and markets its equipment to governments around the world as “battle-tested” (on the Palestinian civilians). Elbit drones constantly fly over Gaza, providing surveillance targeting for military assaults and Israeli snipers that hit peaceful protestors.
What are the odds that the drones over Minneapolis were Elbit drones, especially given that Metropolitan State University, located in the Minneapolis–St. Paul, metropolitan area, partners with Elbit on a state of the art cybersecurity training facility? A number of Democrats in Congress have written to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf expressing “grave concern” over the use of drones over Minneapolis on May 29th to “surveil and intimidate” protestors.
Pro-Palestine protesters have been demanding that the state of Minnesota divest its financial stakes in Israeli companies and bonds, which they say are worth around $119m. Activists have also for years been urging the state to repeal its anti-boycott legislation, which forces state contractors to sign a pledge that they will not engage in a boycott of Israel. The law was first passed in 2017, prior to Walz becoming governor. However, he has made no moves to try to repeal the law. In December, a group of 1,000 Palestinian solidarity activists in Minnesota disrupted Walz's Christmas party, demanding the governor commit to divesting from Israel. “Governor Walz has ignored our calls for the divestment of taxpayer dollars and public pension funds from Israeli apartheid. But he will never stop hearing from us or seeing us until he finally ends Minnesota's complacency in genocide,” Christine Hauschildt of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee said back in December.
"I don't know of a single educator who wants our money invested in weapons companies, and in bombing school buildings in racist wars,” Drake Myers, a member of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee who is also active in the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, told the panel. Max Vash, who has a Palestinian son, spoke out against the state’s holdings in Elbit Systems, an international defense and aerospace contractor based in Israel. “You have the power and the responsibility to ensure that neither my son, nor any other Palestinian person experiences these horrors,” Vash said. Lucia Wilkes Smith, a longtime member of Mothers Against Military Madness, said the BDS movement — Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — shouldn’t be written off as antisemitic. Mike McDonald of Veterans for Peace didn’t address Israel directly but said the Board of Investment shouldn’t have money in defense contractors that are arming nations across the planet. He asserted the state has $800 million in holdings in companies that make weapons of warfare. It’s not the first time the investment board has heard from people calling for divestment from Israel. In 2015, activists unsuccessfully pressed the board to sell off its Israeli government bonds. This time around, activists look to build support based on outrage over thousands of Palestinian civilian casualties in Gaza in the war between Israel and the Hamas militant group. That fighting was sparked by a series of coordinated surprise attacks by Hamas on Israel Oct. 7, in which 1,200 Israelis and foreigners were slain and 250 others were taken hostage. Since the war began, the Gaza Health Ministry has reported more than 13,300 Palestinians have been killed, roughly two-thirds of them women and minors. The board members — Walz, Simon, and Blaha — listened and took notes, but didn’t take any action in response to the request.
.....gonna wait to hear more but I'm not super impressed thus far.
I don't give a shit what your domestic policy is when you're actively making money off of a genocide started by the "war on terror" you personally helped start.
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If you’re wanting to watch Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Masters of the Air in chronological order with BoB 1st Currahee episode split up in the dates on screen I made a list
(Updated: April 12, 2014 7:58pm pst)
July, 10 1942 Easy Company Trains in Camp Tocca (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee 2001) August 7, 1942, Allied forces land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 1 Guadalcanal/Leckie 2010) September 18, 1942, 7th Marines Land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 2 Basilone 2010) December 1942 The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal is relieved (The Pacific Ep. 3 Melbourne 2010) *June 23, 1943, Easy Company Trains in Camp Mackall N.C. (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee) * June 25, 1943, 100th Bomb Group flew its first 8th Air Force combat mission (Master of the Air Ep. 1 2024)
July 16, 1943 the 100th Bomb Group bombed U-Boats in Tronbhdim (Masters of the Air Ep.2 2024) August 17, 1943 the 4th Bomb Wing of the 100th Bomb Group bombed Regenberg (Masters of the Air Ep. 3 2024) *September 6, 1943, Easy Company Boards transport ship in Brooklyn Naval Yard (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* September 16, 1943, William Quinn and Charles Bailey leave Belgium (Masters of the Air Ep.4 2024) September 18, 1943 -*East Company trains in Aldbourne, England (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* -John 'Bucky' Egan returns from leave to join the mission to bomb Munster (Master of the Air Ep.5 2024) October 14, 1943, John ‘Bucky’ Egan interrogated at Dulag Lut, Frankfurt Germany (Masters of the Air Ep. 6 2024) December 26, 1943, 1st Marine Division lands on Cape Gloucester (The Pacific Ep. 4 Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika 2010) March 7, 1944, Stalag Luft III Sagan, Germany, Germans find the concealed radio Bucky was using to learn news of the War (Master of the Air Ep.7 2024) *June 4, 1944, D-Day Invasion postponed (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* *June 5, 1944 Easy Company Boards air transport planes bound for Normandy (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* June 6, 1944, 00:48 & 01:40 First airborne troops begin to land on Normandy (Band of Brothers Ep. 2 Day of Days 2001)
June, 7 1944 Easy Company Takes Carentan (Band of Brothers 3x10 Carentan)
August 12, 1944, The 332nd Fighter Group attack Radar stations in Southern France (Masters of the Air Ep.8 2024)

September 15, 1944 U.S. Marines landed on Peleliu at 08:32, on September 15, 1944 (the Pacific Part Five: Peleliu Landing)
September 16, 1944 Marines take Peleliu airfield (the Pacific Part Six: Airfield)
September, 17 1944 Operation Market Garden -(Band of Brothers 4x10 Replacements)
October 22/23, 1944, 2100 – 0200 Operation Pegasus (Band of Brothers 5x10 Crossroads)
October, 1944 Battle of Peleliu continues (the Pacific Part Seven: Peleliu Hills)
December 16, 1944 Battle of the Bulge (Band of Brothers 6x10 Bastogne)

January, 1945 Battle of Foy (Band of Brothers 7x10 The Breaking Point)

February 14, 1945 David Webb rejoins the 506th in Haguenau (Band of Brothers 8x10 The Last Patrol)
April 5, 1945 506th Finds abandoned Concentration Camp
(Band of Brothers 9x10 Why We Fight 2001)
April 1-June 22, 1945 Battle of Okinawa (The Pacific Part Nine: Okinawa)

May 7, 1945, Germany Surrenders V-E Day - (Master of the Air Ep. 9 2024) - (Band of Brothers 10x10 Points 2001)
August 15 The Empire of Japan surrenders end of the War (The Pacific Part Ten: Home)
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techramonic · 4 months
A Comprehensive Analysis on Eric Harris, 4.
Disclaimer: This analysis/psychoanalysis is limited only to analysis as a means to reflect and understand the people involved. It is strictly informative. Just like all of my posts, I am detached from the media I write about and solely focus on the people to understand their psychology, for others to gain insight. There is no room for me to romanticize or glorify anything I write because I am only here to explain. I understand and research, but I do not condone. Thank you.
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Childhood 1.1: The Impacts of Frequent Relocation During Primary Years
In a span of 12 years, Eric had moved to over 8 schools due to his father’s occupation. Wayne Harris, his father, was a U.S. Air Force Pilot with a job that had a nature which led him to move from state to state until their family decided to settle in Littleton, Colorado during the year 1993. The emotional and social development of a child may be significantly impacted by frequent relocation; in Eric's case, there’s a clear portrait of how the situation paints itself into a larger manifestation of challenge in a child’s life. 
“What are the impacts and manifestations of constant environmental relocation on a child?”
As children grow, they start to observe and engage with their surroundings. A stable environment provides the necessities needed to develop the comfort they should have in themself  - if this environment fosters positive growth, that is. However, an abrupt change can have harmful effects on their well-being if not managed with adequate care. Though some children experience positive effects from relocation, there is the presence of stress that can affect the child’s situation and ways of coping.
1 : Sense of Control and Security
According to an article under the Institute for Family Studies, a child’s sense of control can be stunted by the pressure of repetitive transitions. Parents may also feel the obligation to be stricter in imposing control over their children as a sense of security (Sutherland, 2014). This can be observed in Eric’s answer regarding his court hearing after being convicted for attempting to steal a vehicle with Dylan, where he mentions that his curfew is, “6 on the weekdays, and 10 on the weekends.” Furthermore, his father had kept a 60-page spiral journal titled, “Eric” which contains documentation of Eric’s troubles and neighborly allegations regarding his behavior. Toward the end of it, he writes that he had to impose additional rules over his son, specifically regarding his sleep and study routines. With this, he had restricted his limit to his devices.
Furthermore, in an assignment submitted by Eric on September 21, 1998, titled "When it was Bad to be Good," he wrote about having to surrender all of his stockpiled weapons to his parents. He explained, "It was bad not because I might use the weapons, but because I paid good money or spent a lot of time making them. It made me feel that all that time and money was wasted. But since weapons are dangerous and my parents didn’t trust me, I suppose it was for the better." This demonstrates how Eric feels a lack of control over his actions, and sometimes even himself. As a result, he tries to exert control over other things to gain the satisfaction of the illusion that he has full control over everything he desires.
The yearning for control, when one is deprived specifically by primary figures, can be seen as a coping mechanism in response to unresolved conflicts and unmet needs during early developmental stages. When a child experiences overbearing or neglectful parenting, they may feel powerless and seek to regain a sense of control to compensate for this deprivation. This can manifest in adulthood as a compulsive need to dominate the environment and individuals in it. Seeking to exert authority or fixate on themself and their actions very carefully to neutralize the feelings of vulnerability and establish an image of stability in their life.
2 : Learned Helplessness
Learned helplessness is born out of the feeling of lack of control. According to psychology, it is the coping process where a person gradually loses the ability or motivation to avoid recurrent exposure to negative stimuli, or painful events. The individual feels hopeless since they have learnt from past experiences that they have no control over their circumstances, so they just accept. This phenomenon can impact one’s motivation, thought processes, and mental health, allowing them to feel as though their actions have no control over the consequences they encounter.
Learned helplessness illustrates that past experiences, especially negative ones, can influence one’s passive behavior in accepting negative situations, even if they can be fled from or if it is detrimental. In short, children can be conditioned to accept their situation because they find their feelings to be insignificant in changing it, even if they have the power to do so by changing their mindset. This crucial aspect can harshly affect one’s future decision-making.
 3 : Social Adjustment and Self-esteem
A change in environment may lead to the exhibition of a child’s anxiety, detachment, and loneliness. This can delay a child’s social skills, which are severely impacted by their ability to cope with the sudden change and their self-esteem. The impacts can be considered minuscule but have the chance to develop into larger-scale issues. During his time at Plattsburg around the years 1992 to 1993, 12-year-old Eric Harris was in 6th grade and playing in the school’s baseball team. According to his former teammates, he had issues communicating and was considered the “shyest” and most reserved in the team, opposite from his brother who was outgoing and a varsity player in the school’s baseball league. His former teammates draw their conclusions on his membership being a parental decision rather than his own, circling back to the lack of control. 
Due to the absence of stability in one’s surroundings, because it is unfamiliar to them, a child may feel ostracized with their surroundings because they have no lingering familiarity and connection with the place that they are in. The absence of connection and meaningful interaction with one's environment is significantly tied to one's self-esteem. When a child is unfamiliar with or disconnected from it, they lack a support system that provides validation and a sense of belonging. 
This means that they do not receive the positive reinforcement crucial to developing a healthy concept of identity. As a result, the child may struggle to find meaning or purpose in their surroundings and eventually themself as well, because of the feeling that they are underappreciated and insignificant, which impacts their self-esteem negatively and heightens their feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Since their concept of self is connected to their environment and circumstances, they are a reflection or manifestation of its effects.
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4  :  Attachment
As seen above, Eric had written a parting letter addressed to one of his friends in his school at Plattsburg 1993, Adam Patsy, because his family was forced to move away. Eric was recalled to be a friendly and sweet child during his time there, with no indications of violence and hatred present inside him. One of his former classmates even stated, “I think that… He’s just turn into something that he wouldn’t have turn into if he just stayed here.”  
There's a sense of hopelessness tied to one's feeling of being separated from those who they are attached to. In this case, it’s Eric’s friends. Letting go becomes especially challenging under these circumstances because of the fear of uncertainty and abandonment. For a child, this separation can stunt their social development, making it difficult to interact with peers. It feels like starting from scratch, as they must navigate the exhausting process of stepping outside their comfort zone to form new friendships again just to escape the wrath of isolation and the circumstances in their tragic situation.
This was also seen in one of the clips in "The Basement Tapes", where Eric abruptly cries after reflecting the "inevitable" situation of his death. He recounts his past memories and his old friends, wishing he should have re-visited Michigan and "old friends". This recall present his clear attachment to the people of his past that he held dear and the community or environment he was involved and connected to back then. Eric was in Oscoda, Michigan during grades 3 to 4, in the years 1989 to 1992.
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ateez-himari · 1 year
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Stage Name: Himari (히마리) Birth Name: Min Himari (민 히마리) Korean Name: Min Ha-Yun (민 하윤) Nicknames: Sunshine, KQ's Princess, The Siren, Korea's Angel, White Swan, Hima/Hime, The Holy Maknae, God's Touch, Hand of Midas (w/ Yoongi)
Representative Animal: Tiger 🐯 MBTI Type: INFP Position(s): Lead vocalist, Sub-rapper, Producer, Maknae
Date of Birth: November 23, 2001 Birth Place: Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Japan Association: Yeoheung Min Clan & Fujiwara Clan (Hokke) Family: Min Won-Shik (father, 1965-2012), Konoe Asuka (mother, 1970-2012), Min Hanzo (older brother), Adoptive Mother, Adoptive Father, Min Geum-Jae (adoptive older brother), Min Yoongi (adoptive older brother)
Blood Type: O Height: 157cm (5'2")
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・As of September 2024, Himari has 199 KOMCA credits
・Was the first 4th generation artist promoted to a full Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) membership in 2022
・Established as an official producer for SHINee member, Taemin, following the release of 'Never Gonna Dance Again : Act 1'.
・Joined JYPE in late 2014 to be part of girl group Twice but was deemed too young to debut after 10 months of training
・Was the first trainee to join Hongjoong at KQ Entertainment and the last to join ATEEZ - following survival show 'Last Qing'
・Became a producer during 'TREASURE EP.1: All to Zero' with credits on 'Stay', 'Twilight', 'Treasure' and 'My Way'
・Officially a part of ATEEZ's 'Demon Line' alongside Hongjoong, Seonghwa and San
・Made a special appearance on the 6th episode of MNet's show 'Good Girl', aired June 18 2020, to perform a cover of Dreamcatcher's 'Red Sun' against the cast.
・Made her acting debut in the K-Drama 'Hellbound' where she played the role of Jin Hee-Jeong. She then obtained the lead role in 'Where We Fall' alongside Yunho in September of 2023.
・She sang the OST 'Suzume' for the animated movie 'Suzume no Tojimari', 'Long Black Night' for K-Drama 'The Glory', 'Rewrite Me' for 'Where We Fall' and 'Blue' for 'The Killing Vote'
・Her fans are called 'Hirangies' which is a play on her representative animal called '호랑이' in Korean as well as her own name and '사랑' which means love.
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・Her hobbies are traditional ink painting as well as photography and she enjoys leaning how to reform clothes from Hongjoong.
・Loves Studio Ghibli movies, her favorite being Grave of the Fireflies, and K-Dramas, her favorites being Death's Game, The Glory & My Name.
・Aside from the many groups whose fandoms she is a part of, there are quite a few soloists she tends to fangirl over, those being: Gemini, Penomeco, DPR Live, Han Seung Woo, Woodz, pH-1 and Zico. During her room tour in a recent live several albums of B.A.P could be seen resting on a shelf and she admitted to being a BABY whose bias is rapper/leader & soloist Bang Yongguk, whose albums were also spotted in her room. She calls herself a lucky fangirl as she has filmed the 'Bouncy' challenge with him as well as Woodz and Penomeco.
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・Was diagnosed with anxiety around 6 months following the group's debut, then a major depressive episode in the beginning of 2021.
・Suffers from hearing loss on her right side following a car collision costing the life of her biological parents - subsequently leaving scars on that side of her body.
・Has stress induced nightmares, though not as frequent as earlier in her career.
・Fractured her left ribs during a rehearsal for the first stage of 'Kingdom: Legendary War' in February of 2021, then again during the shooting of the 'Guerilla' music video in 2022. She received surgery in April 2024 following Coachella due to the risk of irreparable damage following several health complications.
・Since contracting COVID during the quarantine period she has had breathing problems which have permanently weakened her cardio and cause frequent needs for an oxygen mask especially when fatigued. The condition still remains unknown.
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・Her favorite color is white because she feels like it is elegant, which is why she chose it as her microphone color.
・Her birth name means 'Sun' and her Korean name means 'Beautiful Summer' , chosen because the sun symbolizes hope
・The youngest of her brothers, Hanzo, is the National South Korean Soccer Team's captain and currently contracted with the PSG after leaving the Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors at the end of 2023
・When speaking quickly or passionately about something she tends to slip back into satoori (Daegu dialect)
・A palm reader stated that it was both her and Seonghwa's first life, which is why they approach things with such excitement.
・She can play the Koto (Japanese stringed instrument).
・The members tend to refer to her as '우리 Hime' which means 'Our Princess' using the Japanese word for the title and is also a play on words with Himari's shortened name.
・While other members claim that Halazia has one of the easiest choreographies, she finds it to be one of the hardest songs to perform as she has to sing background vocals through nearly the entire song while keeping up with the steps.
・Loves to cook but often tends to be careless when it comes to the amount of spice she puts in. In addition to this, she loves beef and hates any seafood that has a shell.
・Her ideal type is someone warm hearted with a sense of humor and who can accept her care when they need it.
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woowonjaeaomg · 6 months
GRAY, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi and GooseBumps Leave AOMG
Update: Simon Dominic Left AOMG in Feb.2024
Update 2: Code Kunst Leaves AOMG
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[Note: Details on all the artists that have left or currently staying are noted in the timeline below this announcement message. And all AOMG announcements regarding the artists are more or less the same as the one stated below.]
“Hello, this is AOMG.
We would like to inform you that the exclusive contracts with our artists Gray, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi, and GooseBumps have expired.
Thank you for the interest and love you have shown so far, and we ask for your continued love in the future.
AOMG will support Gray, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi, and GooseBumps on their new challenges.
Thank you.”
Translation cr.
Original text:
“안녕하세요, AOMG입니다.
소속 아티스트 그레이, 우원재, 이하이, 구스범스의 전속계약이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다.
그동안 여러분의 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드리며, 앞으로도 변함없는 큰 사랑 부탁드립니다. AOMG는 그레이, 우원재, 이하이, 구스범스의 새로운 도전을 응원합니다.
- Late September, 2013: Jay Park founded AOMG. Signed artists - singer and producer GRAY, composer Jun Goon, and producer Cha Cha Malone
- October 10, 2013: AOMG launch party
- Artists Elo, Loco, Ugly Duck, DJ Wegun, DJ Pumkin, and Hoody joined AOMG over the next two years
- March 9, 2014: Months after leaving Amoeba Culture, Simon Dominic joins AOMG as Co-CEO
- January 6, 2016: CJ E&M media company announced that it had formed a partnership with AOMG. This news comes a few months after CJ E&Ms acquisition of Paloalto's Hi-Lite Records label. Jay Park also took the news to Twitter to reassure fans that it would not affect AOMG and its artists in any way, referring to it as a strategic partnership through investment in shares
- June 5, 2017: H1GHR Music label is founded by Jay Park alongside producer Cha Cha Malone. Signed artists - Yultron, Sik-K, pH-1, Woodie GoChild. Producers Woogie, GroovyRoom, DJ SMMT. The following Seattle artists were also signed - Avatar Darko, Raz Simone, Phe Reds, Jarv Dee
- June 8, 2017: Golden (formerly known as G.Soul) signed with H1GHR Music following his contract expiration with JYP Entertainment
- October 30, 2017: Woo Won Jae joins AOMG
- 2018: Ted Park joins H1GHR Music
- April 2018: HAON joins H1GHR Music, soon after winning the show “High School Rapper 2”
- May 10, 2018: AOMG signs management contract with UFC fighter "Korean Zombie" Jung Chan Sung
- June 11, 2018: Producer Code Kunst joins AOMG
- July 25, 2018: Simon Dominic resigns as co-CEO of AOMG with his song "Me No Jay Park". Soon after, DJ Pumkin becomes co-CEO of AOMG alongside Jay Park
- 2019: BIG Naughty joins H1GHR Music
- March 3, 2019: Mokyo joins H1GHR Music
- August 2019: AOMG's first hip-hop audition show “Signhere” began airing on MBN
- November 1, 2019: After winning in the audition show “Signhere” Sogumm joins AOMG
- November 6, 2019: Punchnello joins AOMG
- Late 2019: Jarv Dee leaves H1HGR Music
- April 8, 2020: DeVita joins AOMG
- June, 2020: Mokyo leaves H1GHR Music after contract expired
- July 20, 2020: Trade L joins H1GHR Music
- July 24, 2020: Lee Hi joins AOMG after her departure from YG Entertainment
- September 4, 2020: Producer GooseBumps joins AOMG
- January 9, 2021: Golden (G.Soul) leaves H1GHR Music following his contract expiration
- February 18, 2021: Yugyeom, a member of South Korean boy group Got7, joins AOMG following his departure from JYP Entertainment in January 2021. Fellow member JAY B joins H1GHR Music in May of the same year
- March 2021: GroovyRoom launches new label called AREA, in partnership with the H1GHR Music label
- December 31, 2021: Jay Park announced his resignation as the Co-CEO of AOMG
- January 25, 2022: Coogie joins AOMG
- March 3, 2022: Jay Park established a new label called “More Vision”. Currently signed artists are Honey J, Jessi and Chung Ha
- July 25, 2022: JAY B and Sik-K leave H1GHR Music after their contracts had expired
- October 24, 2022: Jvcki Wai joins AOMG
- February 14, 2023: As her contract expired, Sogumm departs from the label
- April 1, 2023: Cartoonist Kian84 joins AOMG. Unclear if this is a management or artist contract but all sources confirm that he has joined AOMG
- April 24, 2023: AOMG established sublabel Solabeam Records that consists of DJs and producers
- May 8, 2023: HAON leaves H1GHR Music and joins Sik-K’s agency “KC”
- November 9, 2023: Meenoi joins AOMG
- February 27, 2024: GooseBumps announces that he’s leaving AOMG
- February 2024: Simon Dominic and the music label came to a mutual agreement to terminate his contract. The contract is still effective and both sides will continue with activities while sorting contract termination matters out. Details here
- March 6, 2024: The controversy surrounding Meenoi, AOMG, and her advertising contract with a cosmetic brand company escalates. Dispatch gets involved. Details here
- March 13, 2024: DJ Pumkin resigns as CEO of AOMG. He has reportedly thought of resigning for some time. Yoo Deok Geon is the new CEO of AOMG. Yoo Deok Geon is an old manager of Jay Park and the current CEO of H1GHR Music
- March 28, 2024: After their contracts had expired, GRAY, Woo Won Jae, and Lee Hi all announce that they are leaving AOMG. [Official Announcement]
- April 10, 2024: AOMG makes an apology statement regarding the Meenoi controversy. [Official Announcement]
- April 22, 2024: An AOMG official confirms that Simon Dominic terminated his contract back in February 2024
- April 25, 2024: The contract between Code Kunst and AOMG has ended. AOMG announced that they have parted ways with the artist. [Official Announcement]
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charlotte-of-wales · 3 months
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Happy 42nd birthday to William, the Prince of Wales!
Born on June 21 1982, William Arthur Philip Louis is the heir apparent to the British throne as the the elder son of King Charles Ill and Diana, Princess of Wales.
Born in London, William was educated at Wetherby School, Ludgrove School and Eton College. He earned a Master of Arts degree in geography at the University of St Andrews where he met his future spouse, Catherine Middleton. William then trained at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst prior to serving with the Blues and Royals. In April 2008, William graduated from Royal Air Force College Cranwell, joining the RAF Search and Rescue Force in early 2009. He served as a full-time pilot with the East Anglian Air Ambulance for two years, starting in July 2015.
William holds patronage with over 30 charitable and military organisations, including the Tusk Trust, Centrepoint, The Passage, Wales Air Ambulance and London's Air Ambulance Charity. He undertakes projects through The Royal Foundation, with his charity work revolving around mental health, conservation, and emergency workers. In December 2014, he founded the "United for Wildlife" initiative, which aims to reduce worldwide illegal wildlife trade. In October 2020, William announced the launch of the Earthshot Prize, a £50 million initiative to incentivise environmental solutions over the next decade.
William was made Duke of Cambridge prior to his wedding to Catherine Middleton in April 2011. He became Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay following his father's accession to the throne on 8 September 2022. The following day he was made Prince of Wales.
William proposed to Catherine Middleton with his mother's engagement ring while on holiday in Kenya; the engagement was announced on 16 November 2010. The wedding took place in Westminster Abbey on 29 April 2011. The couple has three children: Prince George (10), Princess Charlotte (9) and Prince Louis (6). The family currently resides in Adelaide Cottage, in Windsor.
19 notes · View notes
felipeandletizia · 11 months
October 25, 2023: Casa Real released new pictures of Princess Leonor ahead of her 18th birthday on October 31st.
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November 7, 2005: A new picture of the photosession taken to mark Leonor's birth
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May 4, 2007: Leonor at the steps of the Pabellón del Príncipe on the day the family brought little sister Sofia home
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September 7, 2007: Leonor starts daycare at the Real Guarderia
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July 2, 2012: Received members of Spain’s victorious UEFA EURO 2012 football squad at la Zarzuela (1, 2)
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August 6, 2012: Summer photosession in Port de Soller (1, 2)
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May 2, 2014: Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the graduation of lieutenant to the 41st Class (Felipe’s class) of the General Academy of the Air in Murcia (1, 2)
44 notes · View notes
lemonidae · 1 month
Book Series by K.J. Charles
WEBSITE | X: @kj_charles | Goodreads
A Charm of Magpies
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A Charm of Magpies #0.5: The Smuggler and the Warlord
Free read is available here
A Charm of Magpies #1: The Magpie Lord FREE EBOOK
A lord in danger. A magician in turmoil. A snowball in hell. Exiled to China for twenty years, Lucien Vaudrey never planned to return to England. But with the mysterious deaths of his father and brother, it seems the new Lord Crane has inherited an earldom. He’s also inherited his family’s enemies. He needs magical assistance, fast. He doesn't expect it to turn up angry. Magician Stephen Day has good reason to hate Crane’s family. Unfortunately, it’s his job to deal with supernatural threats. Besides, the earl is unlike any aristocrat he’s ever met, with the tattoos, the attitude… and the way Crane seems determined to get him into bed. That’s definitely unusual. Soon Stephen is falling hard for the worst possible man, at the worst possible time. But Crane’s dangerous appeal isn't the only thing rendering Stephen powerless. Evil pervades the house, a web of plots is closing round Crane, and if Stephen can’t find a way through it—they’re both going to die.
Paperback: 271 pages
Audiobook: 6,5 hrs.
ISBN13: 9781999784614
ISBN10: 1999784618
ASIN: 0995799024
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other (it's free!)
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, M/M, Magic, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Published: September 3, 2013
A Charm of Magpies #2: A Case of Possession
Magic in the blood. Danger in the streets. Lord Crane has never had a lover quite as elusive as Stephen Day. He knows Stephen’s job as justiciar requires secrecy, but the magician is doing his disappearing act more than seems reasonable—especially since Crane will soon return to his home in China. When a blackmailer threatens to expose their illicit relationship, there's only one thing stopping Crane from leaving the country he Stephen. Stephen has problems of his own. As he investigates a plague of giant rats sweeping London, his sudden increase in power, boosted by his blood-and-sex bond with Crane, is rousing suspicion that he’s turned warlock. With all eyes on him, the threat of exposure grows. Stephen could lose his friends, his job and his liberty over his relationship with Crane. He’s not sure if he can take that risk much longer. Crane isn’t sure if he can ask him to. The rats are closing in, and something has to give…
Paperback: 194 pages
Audiobook: 6 hrs.
ISBN10: 0995799032
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, M/M, Magic, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Published: January 6, 2014
A Charm of Magpies #3: Flight of Magpies
Danger in the air. Lovers on the brink. With the justiciary understaffed, a series of horrifying occult murders to be investigated, and a young student flying off the rails, magical law enforcer Stephen Day is under increasing stress. And the strain is starting to show in his relationship with his aristocratic lover, Lord Crane. Crane chafes at the restrictions of England’s laws, and there’s a worrying development in the blood-and-sex bond he shares with Stephen. A development that makes a sensible man question if they should be together at all. Then a devastating loss brings the people he most loves into bitter conflict. Old enemies, new enemies, and unexpected enemies are painting Stephen and Crane into a corner, and the pressure threatens to tear them apart…
Paperback: 210 pages
Audiobook: 6,5 hrs.
ISBN10: 0995799040
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, M/M, Magic, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Published: October 28, 2014
A Charm of Magpies: Jackdaw SPINOFF
(takes place after Flight of Magpies)
If you stop running, you fall. Jonah Pastern is a magician, a liar, a windwalker, a professional thief…and for six months, he was the love of police constable Ben Spenser’s life. His betrayal left Ben jailed, ruined, alone, and looking for revenge. Ben is determined to make Jonah pay. But he can’t seem to forget what they once shared, and Jonah refuses to let him. Soon Ben is entangled in Jonah’s chaotic existence all over again, and they’re running together—from the police, the justiciary, and some dangerous people with a lethal grudge against them. Threatened on all sides by betrayals, secrets, and the laws of the land, the policeman and the thief must find a way to live and love before the past catches up with them...
Paperback: 222 pages
Audiobook: 6,5 hrs.
ISBN10: 0995799059
ISBN: 9780995799059
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, M/M, Magic, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Published: February 13, 2015
A Charm of Magpies: A Queer Trade SPINOFF
(takes place at the same time as A Case of Possession)
Apprentice magician Crispin Tredarloe returns to London to find his master dead, and his papers sold. Papers with secrets that could spell death. Crispin needs to get them back before anyone finds out what he's been doing, or what his magic can do. Crispin tracks his quarry down to waste paper dealer Ned Hall. He needs help, and Ned can’t resist Crispin’s pleading—and appealing—looks. But can the waste-man and the magician prevent a disaster and save Crispin’s skin?
Paperback: 59 pages
ISBN: 9781311652409
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, M/M, Magic, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Published: February 2, 2016
A Charm of Magpies: Rag and Bone SPINOFF
(takes place at the same time as Jackdaw)
It’s amazing what people throw away… Crispin Tredarloe never meant to become a warlock. Freed from his treacherous master, he’s learning how to use his magical powers the right way. But it’s brutally hard work. Not everyone believes he’s a reformed character, and the strain is putting unbearable pressure on his secret relationship with waste-man Ned Hall. Ned’s sick of magic. Sick of the trouble it brings, sick of its dangerous grip on Crispin and the miserable look it puts in his eyes, and sick of being afraid that a gentleman magician won’t want a street paper-seller forever—or even for much longer. But something is stirring among London’s forgotten discards. An ancient evil is waking up and seeking its freedom. And when wild magic hits the rag-and-bottle shop where Ned lives, a panicking Crispin falls back onto bad habits. The embattled lovers must find a way to work together—or London could go up in flames.
Paperback: 202 pages
Audiobook: 5,5 hrs.
ISBN: 9780995799066
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, M/M, Magic, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Published: March 1, 2016
A Charm of Magpies: Five for Heaven EPILOGUE
The gang are in Japan and Jenny Saint is in labour. Free read is available here
The Will Darling Adventures
A m/m romance trilogy in the spirit of Golden Age pulp fiction. It’s the 1920s and tensions are rising along with hemlines. Soldier-turned-bookseller Will Darling finds himself tangled up in spies and secret formulas, clubs and conspiracies, Bolsheviks, blackmail, and Bright Young Things. And dubious aristocrat Lord Arthur ‘Kim’ Secretan is right in the middle of it all:  enigmatic, unreliable, and utterly irresistible.
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The Will Darling Adventures #1: Slippery Creatures
Will Darling came back from the Great War with a few scars, a lot of medals, and no idea what to do next. Inheriting his uncle’s chaotic second-hand bookshop is a blessing...until strange visitors start making threats. First a criminal gang, then the War Office, both telling Will to give them the information they want, or else. Will has no idea what that information is, and nobody to turn to, until Kim Secretan—charming, cultured, oddly attractive—steps in to offer help. As Kim and Will try to find answers and outrun trouble, mutual desire grows along with the danger. And then Will discovers the truth about Kim. His identity, his past, his real intentions. Enraged and betrayed, Will never wants to see him again. But Will possesses knowledge that could cost thousands of lives. Enemies are closing in on him from all sides—and Kim is the only man who can help.
Paperback: 265 pages
Audiobook: 7 hrs.
ISBN: 9781912688159
ISBN10: 1912688158
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Mystery, M/M, Adult, Crime, Mystey, Suspense
Published: May 13, 2020
The Will Darling Adventures #2: The Sugared Game
It's been two months since Will Darling saw Kim Secretan, and he doesn't expect to see him again. What do a rough and ready soldier-turned-bookseller and a disgraced shady aristocrat have to do with each other anyway? But when Will encounters a face from the past in a disreputable nightclub, Kim turns up, as shifty, unreliable, and irresistible as ever. And before Will knows it, he's been dragged back into Kim's shadowy world of secrets, criminal conspiracies, and underhand dealings. This time, though, things are underhanded even by Kim standards. This time, the danger is too close to home. And if Will and Kim can't find common ground against unseen enemies, they risk losing everything.
Paperback: 288 pages
Audiobook: 7,75 hrs.
ISBN10: 1912688174
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Mystery, M/M, Adult, Crime, Mystey, Suspense
Published: August 23, 2020
The Will Darling Adventures #2.5: To Trust Man on His Oath
A heart-to-heart in the small hours leads to a crucial promise. Free read is available here
The Will Darling Adventures #3: Subtle Blood
Will Darling is all right. His business is doing well, and so is his illicit relationship with Kim Secretan--disgraced aristocrat, ex-spy, amateur book-dealer. It’s starting to feel like he’s got his life under control. And then a brutal murder in a gentleman’s club plunges them back into the shadow world of crime, deception, and the power of privilege. Worse, it brings them up against Kim’s noble, hostile family, and his upper-class life where Will can never belong. With old and new enemies against them, and secrets on every side, Will and Kim have to fight for each other harder than ever—or be torn apart for good.
Paperback: 290 pages
Audiobook: 8,5 hrs.
ISBN: 9781912688197
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Mystery, M/M, Adult, Crime, Mystey, Suspense
Published: June 23, 2021
The Will Darling Adventures: This Lord’s Father EPILOGUE
Will has a nice chat with the Marquess of Flitby. No, really. Free read is available here
Think of England / Will Darling Adventures : How Goes the World? EPILOGUE
Archie attends a house party. Will goes to a club. Free read is available here
-------------------------------------- Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune
Very lightly linked books set in a lighthearted Regency world.
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting features Robin Loxleigh; A Thief in the Night stars Robin’s brother and Toby Real Last Name Unknown. The Duke at Hazard isn’t linked directly to either book but features cameos; there’s no need to read anything first.
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Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune #1: The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting
Robin Loxleigh and his sister Marianne are the hit of the Season, so attractive and delightful that nobody looks behind their pretty faces. Until Robin sets his sights on Sir John Hartlebury's heiress niece. The notoriously graceless baronet isn't impressed by good looks or fooled by false charm. He's sure Robin is a liar, a fortune hunter, and a heartless, greedy fraud - and he'll protect his niece, whatever it takes. Then, just when Hart thinks he has Robin at his mercy, things take a sharp left turn. And as the grumpy baronet and the glib fortune hunter start to understand each other, they also find themselves starting to care - more than either of them thought possible. But Robin's cheated and lied and let people down for money. Can a professional rogue earn an honest happy ever after?
Paperback: 311 pages
Audiobook: 8hrs.
ISBN: 9781398715752
ISBN10: 1398715751
ASIN: B094TC4F93
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Romance, M/M, Adult
Published: February 24, 2021
Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune #2: A Thief in the Night
Toby never meant to be a highway robber, but needs must. He didn’t plan to impersonate a top London valet either, but when the chance comes to present himself as the earl of Arvon’s new gentleman’s gentleman, he grabs it. Unfortunately, the earl is the man he seduced and robbed on the road to get here. Oops. Miles, Lord Arvon, is not impressed. But he’s faced with a tumbledown home and lost family fortune, and desperate times call for desperate measures. Toby—shameless, practical, and definitely desperate—may be just the man he needs. To steal back a priceless bracelet, that is. What else were you thinking?
Paperback: 76 pages
Audiobook: 2,75 hrs.
ISBN10: 1912688239
ISBN: 9781912688234
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Romance, M/M, Adult
Published: October 13, 2022
Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune #2.5: A Rose By Any Name EPILOGUE
The reunion scene! Brothers Toby and Robinmeet again, with help from Hart and Miles. Free read is available here
Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune #3: The Duke At Hazard
The Duke of Severn is one of the greatest men in Britain. He’s also short, quiet, and unimpressive. And now he’s been robbed, after indulging in one rash night with a strange man who stole the heirloom Severn ring from his finger. The Duke has to get it back, and he can’t let anyone know how he lost it. So when his cousin bets that he couldn’t survive without his privilege and title, the Duke grasps the opportunity to hunt down his ring-incognito. Life as an ordinary person is terrifying…until the anonymous Duke meets Daizell Charnage, a disgraced gentleman, and hires him to help. Racing across the country in search of the thief, the Duke and Daizell fall into scrapes, into trouble-and in love. Daizell has been excluded from polite society, his name tainted by his father’s crimes and his own misbehaviour. Now he dares to dream of a life somewhere out of sight with the quiet gentleman who’s stolen his heart. He doesn’t know that his lover is a hugely rich public figure with half a dozen titles. And when he finds out, it will risk everything they have…
Paperback: 336 pages
Audiobook: 10 hrs.
ISBN10: 1398715794
ISBN: 9781398715790
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, Romance, M/M, Adult,
Published: July 18, 2024
-------------------------------------- The Doomsday Books
Romney Marsh, Kent, in the early 1800s. A remote part of England, thinly populated, misty…and perfect for smugglers. The Doomsday clan run the free trade across the Dymchurch area of Romney Marsh. But two of them are about to get mixed up in crime, conspiracy, murder—and unexpected love.
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The Doomsday Books #1: The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen
Abandoned by his father as a small child, Sir Gareth Inglis has grown up prickly, cold, and well-used to disappointment. Even so, he longs for a connection, falling headfirst into a passionate anonymous affair that's over almost as quickly as it began. Bitter at the sudden rejection, Gareth has little time to lick his wounds: his father has died, leaving him the family title, a rambling manor on the remote Romney Marsh…and the den of cutthroats and thieves that make its intricate waterways their home. Joss Doomsday has run the Doomsday smuggling clan since he was a boy. His family is his life…which is why when the all-too-familiar new baronet testifies against Joss's sister for a hanging offense, Joss acts fast, blackmailing Gareth with the secret of their relationship to force him to recant. Their reunion is anything but happy and the path forward everything but smooth, yet after the dust settles, neither can stay away. It's a long road from there—full of danger and mysteries to be solved—yet somehow, along the way, this well-mannered gentleman may at last find true love with the least likely of scoundrels.
Paperback: 331 pages
Audiobook: 11,25 hrs.
ISBN10: 1728255856
ISBN: 9781728255859
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, M/M, Adult, Mystery
Published: March 7, 2023
The Doomsday Books #1.5: If He Had His Legs, We’d Be In So Much Trouble EPILOGUE
Gareth goes for his long-promised meeting with Granda Doomsday, and discusses Luke's future. Free read is available in PDF and EPUB
The Doomsday Books #2: A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel
Major Rufus d'Aumesty has unexpectedly become the Earl of Oxney, master of a remote Norman manor on the edge of the infamous Romney Marsh. There he's beset on all sides, his position contested both by his greedy uncle and by Luke Doomsday, son of a notorious smuggling clan. The earl and the smuggler should be natural enemies, but cocksure, enragingly competent Luke is a trained secretary and expert schemer—exactly the sort of man Rufus needs by his side. Before long, Luke becomes an unexpected ally…and the lover Rufus had never hoped to find. But Luke came to Stone Manor with an ulterior motive, one he's desperate to keep hidden even from the lord he can't resist. As the lies accumulate and family secrets threaten to destroy everything they hold dear, master and man find themselves forced to decide whose side they're really on…and what they're willing to do for love.
Paperback: 336 pages
Audiobook: 10,5 hrs.
ISBN10: 1728255902
ISBN: 9781728255903
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, M/M, Adult, Mystery
Published: September 19, 2023
-------------------------------------- Society of Gentlemen
Society of Gentlemen is set at a time of incredible privilege for the few and social turmoil for the many. Regency England is torn by war, poverty and social unrest, ruled by a draconian government. People are starving, rioting, rebelling. But the aristocrats dance on, in their glittering existence of balls, gambling, silks and scandal…
The trilogy covers three couples between autumn 1819 and spring 1820.
A young Radical discovers his noble birth and is catapulted into a world of privilege, fashion and murder with a dandy as his guide.
A government official and a revolutionary seditionist find common ground in their unconventional desires, under the threat of the gallows.
And a lord in love with his valet struggles to find a way across the social abyss that divides them.
Each book is a standalone romance but the plots are linked.
Characters and reading order
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Society of Gentlemen #0.5: The Ruin of Gabriel Ashleigh
The youngest son and the blackest sheep in his family, Lord Gabriel Ashleigh never imagined he could sink so low. Though he’s a notoriously bad gambler, he takes on the formidable but strangely alluring Francis Webster, only to lose everything: all his money, the lovely estate he inherited from his aunt, and any hope of future happiness. So it’s a shock when Webster summons him to a private game for a chance to win back his possessions. The stake? If he fails, Ash must surrender his body. Francis has been waiting years for this moment. At Eton, Ash’s elder brother harassed him relentlessly. Now, consumed by lust and rage, Francis is only too happy to exploit Ash’s foolish indiscretions. But as Francis strips the magnificently built youth—first of his family assets, then his clothes—he begins to wonder whether he’s been plotting revenge . . . or exquisite seduction.
Paperback: 32 pages
IISBN-13: 9781101968680
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, M/M, Short Story, Regency
Published: October 27, 2015
Society of Gentlemen #1: A Fashionable Indulgence
When he learns that he could be the heir to an unexpected fortune, Harry Vane rejects his past as a Radical fighting for government reform and sets about wooing his lovely cousin. But his heart is captured instead by the most beautiful, chic man he’s ever met: the dandy tasked with instructing him in the manners and style of the ton. Harry’s new station demands conformity—and yet the one thing he desires is a taste of the wrong pair of lips. After witnessing firsthand the horrors of Waterloo, Julius Norreys sought refuge behind the luxurious facade of the upper crust. Now he concerns himself exclusively with the cut of his coat and the quality of his boots. And yet his protégé is so unblemished by cynicism that he inspires the first flare of genuine desire Julius has felt in years. He cannot protect Harry from the worst excesses of society. But together they can withstand the high price of passion.
Paperback: 264 pages
Audiobook: 8,75 hrs.
ISBN10: 1101886021
ISBN: 9781101886021
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, M/M, Regency
Published: August 11, 2015
Society of Gentlemen #2: A Seditious Affair
Silas Mason has no illusions about himself. He’s not lovable, or even likable. He’s an overbearing idealist, a Radical bookseller and pamphleteer who lives for revolution . . . and for Wednesday nights. Every week he meets anonymously with the same man, in whom Silas has discovered the ideal meld of intellectual companionship and absolute obedience to his sexual commands. But unbeknownst to Silas, his closest friend is also his greatest enemy, with the power to see him hanged—or spare his life.   A loyal, well-born gentleman official, Dominic Frey is torn apart by his affair with Silas. By the light of day, he cannot fathom the intoxicating lust that drives him to meet with the Radical week after week. In the bedroom, everything else falls away. Their needs match, and they are united by sympathy for each other’s deepest vulnerabilities. But when Silas’s politics earn him a death sentence, desire clashes with duty, and Dominic finds himself doing everything he can to save the man who stole his heart.
Paperback: 251 pages
Audiobook: 7.5 hrs.
ISBN10: 1101886064
ISBN: 9781101886069
ASIN: ‎ ‎ B00V2AYYF4
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, M/M, Regency, BDSM
Published: December 15, 2015
Society of Gentlemen #2.5: A Confidential Problem
Cyprian and Silas bonding. Free read is available here
Society of Gentlemen #3: A Gentleman's Position
Among his eccentric though strictly principled group of friends, Lord Richard Vane is the confidant on whom everyone depends for advice, moral rectitude, and discreet assistance. Yet when Richard has a problem, he turns to his valet, a fixer of unparalleled genius—and the object of Richard’s deepest desires. If there is one rule a gentleman must follow, it is never to dally with servants. But when David is close enough to touch, the rules of class collide with the basest sort of animal instinct: overpowering lust.   For David Cyprian, burglary and blackmail are as much in a day’s work as bootblacking—anything for the man he’s devoted to. But the one thing he wants for himself is the one thing Richard refuses to give: his heart. With the tension between them growing to be unbearable, David’s seemingly incorruptible master has left him no choice. Putting his finely honed skills of seduction and manipulation to good use, he will convince Richard to forget all about his well-meaning objections and give in to sweet, sinful temptation.
Paperback: 246 pages
Audiobook: 8 hrs.
ISBN10: 1101886072
ISBN: 9781101886076
Buy on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Other
Genres: Romance, Historical Fiction, M/M, Regency, BDSM
Published: April 5, 2016
Society of Gentlemen: A Private Miscellany EPILOGUE
In which letters fly all over Europe, and Silas keeps a promise to his newly knighted lover. Free read is available here
-------------------------------------- England World
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England World #1: Proper English
England, 1902. A shooting party at the Earl of Witton’s remote country house is a high treat for champion shot Patricia Merton—until unexpected guests turn the social atmosphere dangerously sour. That’s not Pat’s biggest problem. She’s visiting her old friend, the Earl’s heir Jimmy Yoxall—but she wants to spend a lot more time with Jimmy’s fiancée. The irrepressible Miss Fenella Carruth, with her laughing eyes and lush curves, is the most glorious woman Pat’s ever met, and it quickly becomes impossible to remember why she needs to stay at arm’s length. But while the women’s attraction grows, the tensions at Rodington Court get worse. Affairs, secrets, betrayals, and blackmail come to light. And when a body is discovered with a knife between the shoulderblades, it’s going to take Pat and Fen’s combined talents to prevent the murderer destroying all their lives.
England World #2: Think of England
England, 1904. Two years ago, Captain Archie Curtis lost his friends, fingers, and future to a terrible military accident. Alone, purposeless and angry, Curtis is determined to discover if he and his comrades were the victims of fate, or of sabotage. Curtis’s search takes him to an isolated, ultra-modern country house, where he meets and instantly clashes with fellow guest Daniel da Silva. Effete, decadent, foreign, and all-too-obviously queer, the sophisticated poet is everything the straightforward British officer fears and distrusts. As events unfold, Curtis realizes that Daniel has his own secret intentions. And there’s something else they share—a mounting sexual tension that leaves Curtis reeling. As the house party’s elegant facade cracks to reveal treachery, blackmail and murder, Curtis finds himself needing clever, dark-eyed Daniel as he has never needed a man before…
England World #2.5: Song for a Viking
The last chapter or so of Think of England from Daniel’s point of view. Free read is available here
England World/ Will Darling Adventures : How Goes the World? EPILOGUE
Archie attends a house party. Will goes to a club. Free read is available here
-------------------------------------- Lilywhite Boys
London 1895. Jerry Crozier and Templeton Lane are the Lilywhite Boys: a pair of jewel thieves with a knack for infiltrating high society and getting away clean. They’re ruthless, shameless, and incredibly slippery. Nobody has ever managed to pin down the Lilywhite Boys.
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Lilywhite Boys #0.5: The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter
Music-hall singer Miss Christiana is in serious debt, and serious trouble. She owes more than she can pay to a notorious criminal, and now he plans to make an example of her. There’s no way out. But Christiana has an admirer. Stan Kamarzyn has watched her sing for a year and he doesn’t want to see her get hurt. Stan’s nobody special–just a dodgy bloke from Bethnal Green–but he’s got useful friends. Friends who can get a girl out of trouble, for a price. Christiana’s not sure what it will cost her… The two slowly reach an understanding. But Christiana is no criminal, and she can’t risk getting mixed up with the law. What will happen when Stan’s life as the fence for the notorious Lilywhite Boys brings trouble to his doorstep?
Lilywhite Boys #1: Any Old Diamonds
Lord Alexander Pyne-ffoulkes is the younger son of the Duke of Ilvar, with a bitter grudge against his wealthy father. The Duke intends to give his Duchess a priceless diamond parure on their wedding anniversary—so Alec hires a pair of jewel thieves to steal it. The Duke’s remote castle is a difficult target, and Alec needs a way to get the thieves in. Soldier-turned-criminal Jerry Crozier has the answer: he’ll pose as a Society gentleman and become Alec’s new best friend. But Jerry is a dangerous man: controlling, remote, and devastating. He effortlessly teases out the lonely young nobleman’s most secret desires, and soon he’s got Alec in his bed—and the palm of his hand. Or maybe not. Because as the plot thickens, betrayals, secrets, new loves, and old evils come to light. Now the jewel thief and the aristocrat must keep up the pretence, find their way through a maze of privilege and deceit, and confront the truth of what’s between them…all without getting caught.
Lilywhite Boys #2: Gilded Cage
Once upon a time a boy from a noble family fell in love with a girl from the gutter. It went as badly as you’d expect. Seventeen years later, Susan Lazarus is a renowned detective, and Templeton Lane is a jewel thief. She’s tried to arrest him, and she’s tried to shoot him. They’ve never tried to talk. Then Templeton is accused of a vicious double murder. Now there’s a manhunt out for him, the ports are watched, and even his best friends have turned their backs. If he can’t clear his name, he’ll hang. There’s only one person in England who might help Templeton now…assuming she doesn’t want to kill him herself.
Lilywhite Boys #3: Masters In This Hall SPINOFF
John Garland was in love: now he’s in disgrace. He’s jobless, alone, and determined to avenge himself on the thief who ruined his life. All he wants for Christmas is to see Barnaby Littimer in gaol. Barnaby has secured a job running the extravagant traditional Christmas at a rich man’s country house. John intends to thwart whatever he’s up to. But amid the festivity, the halls are decked with unexpected dangers. And John will need to decide if he can trust Barnaby one more time…
Lilywhite Boys #3.5: White Wedding EPILOGUE
Susan is getting married; Alec and Barnaby are bonding, or at least drinking. Free read is available in PDF or Epub
-------------------------------------- Sins of the Cities
Sins of the Cities is written in the spirit of the Victorian sensation novel (plots, shenanigans, murder, mystery, fog, secrets and scandals). It’s London 1873. As one of the worst fogs of the nineteenth century closes in on the city, long-buried secrets are crawling into the light, and dragging all sorts of trouble with them.
The trilogy centres on a group of friends who meet at the Jack and Knave, a club for ladies and gentlemen of unconventional persuasion.
Clem Talleyfer is an unassuming lodging-house keeper who just wants a quiet life; Nathaniel Roy is a lawyer turned journalist who likes nothing more than a crusade; Mark Braglewicz is a private enquiry agent and a bit of a tough nut. And all three are about to find themselves dragged into a long-simmering family secret that turns deadly.
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Sins of the Cities #1: An Unseen Attraction
Lodging-house keeper Clem Talleyfer prefers a quiet life. He’s happy with his hobbies, his work—and especially with his lodger Rowley Green, who becomes a friend over long fireside evenings together. If only neat, precise, irresistible Mr. Green were interested in more than friendship... Rowley just wants to be left alone—at least until he meets Clem, with his odd, charming ways and his glorious eyes. Two quiet men, lodging in the same house, coming to an understanding . . . it could be perfect. Then the brutally murdered corpse of another lodger is dumped on their doorstep and their peaceful life is shattered. Now Clem and Rowley find themselves caught up in a mystery, threatened on all sides by violent men, with a deadly London fog closing in on them. If they’re to see their way through, the pair must learn to share their secrets—and their hearts.
Sins of the Cities #2: An Unnatural Vice
In the sordid streets of Victorian London, unwanted desire flares between two bitter enemies. Crusading journalist Nathaniel Roy is determined to expose spiritualists who exploit the grief of bereaved and vulnerable people. First on his list is the so-called Seer of London, Justin Lazarus. Nathaniel expects him to be a cheap, heartless fraud. He doesn’t expect to meet a man with a sinful smile and the eyes of a fallen angel—or that a shameless swindler will spark his desires for the first time in years. Justin feels no remorse for the lies he spins during his séances. His gullible clients simply bore him. Hostile, disbelieving, utterly irresistible Nathaniel is a fascinating challenge. And as their battle of wills and wits heats up, Justin finds he can’t stop thinking about the man who’s determined to ruin him. But Justin and Nathaniel are linked by more than their fast-growing obsession with one another. They are both caught up in an aristocratic family’s secrets, and Justin holds information that could be lethal. As killers, fanatics, and fog close in, Nathaniel is the only man Justin can trust—and, perhaps, the only man he could love.
Sins of the Cities #3: An Unsuitable Heir
On the trail of an aristocrat’s secret son, enquiry agent Mark Braglewicz finds his quarry in a music hall, performing as a trapeze artist with his twin sister. Graceful, beautiful, elusive, and strong, Pen Starling is like nobody Mark’s ever met—and everything he’s ever wanted. But the long-haired acrobat has an earldom and a fortune to claim. Pen doesn’t want to live as any sort of man, least of all a nobleman. The thought of being wealthy, titled, and always in the public eye is horrifying. He likes his life now—his days on the trapeze, his nights with Mark. And he won’t be pushed into taking a title that would destroy his soul. But there’s a killer stalking London’s foggy streets, and more lives than just Pen’s are at risk. Mark decides he must force the reluctant heir from music hall to manor house, to save Pen’s neck. Betrayed by the one man he thought he could trust, Pen never wants to see his lover again. But when the killer comes after him, Pen must find a way to forgive—or he might not live long enough for Mark to make amends.
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myths-n-legends · 1 year
The black eyed children.
Hi, umm.. well let's forget about me being inactive and continue as if I didn't vanish for months (^.^;
I'm not a social person and doesn't really go on social media, expect of youtube for funny videos and cartoon episodes that don't air on the t.v as much :p It's a bit childish, yes, but cartoons are much better that the shows that air nowadays ‾\_(ッ)_/‾ anyways enjoy reading about this legend.
Black eyed children or black eyed kids are an American comtemporay legend of parnormal creatures that resemble children between ages 6 and 16 with pales skin and black eyes, who are reportedly seen hichhiking or begging or are encounted on doorsteps of residential homes.
While tabloid coverage of these creatures has claimed that tales of the blackeyed children have existed since the 1980s, most sources indicate that the legend originated from 1996 posting written by taxes reporter Brian Bethel on a ghost-related mailing list, relating two alleged encounters with "black-eyed kids".
Bethel describes encountering two such children in Abilene, Texas in 1996 and claims that a second person had a similar and related encounter in Portland, Oreagon. Bethel's stories have become regarded as classic examples of creepypasta, and gained such the urban legend.
In 2012 Brian Bethel tumhe stories on reality t.v series "Monsters and Mysteries in America". He wrote a fellow-up article for the Abilene Reporter News, describing his experience and maintaining his belief that it was legitimate.
In 2012 the horror film "Black eyed kids" produced with Kickstarter funding, it's director commented that the creepy children were "an urban Legend that's been floating around on the internet for years now, I always thought it was fascinating."
A 2013 episode of MSN's weekly strange that features reports of black eyed children is thought to have helped spread the legends on the internet. During one week in September 2014 the British tabloid daily star Run three sensationalistic front page storees about allege sightings of the Black Eyed children, connected to the sale of a supposed haunted pub in Staffordshire. The paper claimed a "shock rise in sightings around the world".
Alleged sightings are taking seriously by ghost hunters some of whom believe black eyed children to be extraterrestrials, vampires or ghosts.
Science writer Sharon A. Hill was unable to find any documentation of Black Eye child encounters, considering that the tales are passed on as "friend of a friend" ghost stories. Hill consider the legend to resemble "typical spooky forklore stories" but as the Phantom black dog where the subject is not Supernatural and there may never have been an actual original encounter.
Snopes rates Tales of Black Eyed children as a legend and cities and inquisitr article that advice dresses to"(f)ile black eye children under the same heading as "bigfoot".
Believe it if you like but realiz that there is no evidence of these existence, just subjective testimony that ranges from reasonable to suspicious fame-whoring.
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*This is how they should look like (the eyes I mean.)
A/n: Disclamer! picture is from google don't come after me for it, Owner of the picture if you want me to take the picture off just let me know.
And well that all for today, Hope you enjoyed reading it.
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compressednerve · 2 months
thank you anaon for the ask 😎🌻🌞🌆 <- emoji spell of "sun" for the anon
📺 - Favourite show? a few to list:.
Mr. Robot
Kill la Kill
White Collar
Trailer Park Boys
Breaking Bad but I was watching it as it aired and I never finished Season 5 because by that point they'd killed all my favorite characters >:(
this list was going to be longer but I realized as I was typing it, I don't actually like that much TV. I spent most of my time in the Virtual World mainly playing video games and listening to music, and drawing yaoi. I don't really have the patience for TV... the episodes take too long, the camera work is usually very boring or agitating/flashy which causes seizures, the sound/dialogue does not captivate me... and not to sound too much like a wimp, but as I've gotten older and become more in touch with all parts of my self and my past, I realize that most subject matter on television shows is purposefully graphic for the sake of shock value, and indeed most forms of violence triggers me into panic attacks. It's not to say that I'm incapable of watching hardcore movies or shows, but at the end of the day... I guess I'm more of a movies person, if I want to watch anything at all... orrrr? extremely niche interest youtube videos, though my interest in watching youtube severely went down somewhere in 2014, when The Great Monetization Wave was really rolling,. Anyways. Most of the TV shows I do like have been shown to me by @parasitefun over the past 7 years, with great patience on its' part because I can't tolerate a lot of stuff. I'm a very sensitive boy :(
🤓 - How did you get your name? My current online name "Osman" comes from my full system member's name "Osman the Magician", who is an introject of the real life occultist, Austin Osman Spare. This alter formed around September 2022 when the Fiend Folio mod for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance dropped the fucking smash hit Scarred Womb boss, Cacophobia. Her many statue forms of endured abuse resonated with my greatly, and one of her forms/statues is of her in a "Death Posture". Learning about this terminology intrigued me deeply, as it's a concept of meditation that was discovered by Austin Osman Spare. The idea of putting yourself into a stress position, and purposefully causing pain, is something that many doctors, therapists, and other health professionals have talked about for forms of recovering from cPTSD... and it's no wonder that it would overlap with Occultism, as well, as all forms of spirituality can be crossed over with scientific interpretation of the world.
I found Austin's body of work and life as a laborer, an artist, and eventually a cripple who relied on other people to take care of him and sponser him so he could continue his passion, to be very inspiring, and from there, an alter formed. How could it not, with myself a cripple, relying on Parasite to take care of my every need for the past 6 years and indeed for the rest of my life? I actually go by a few different names in my IRL, none of which are featured on my blog, because a combination of my trauma, complex DID, and ASPD all combine into a severe allergy of "sticking to one single identity"
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bobbie-robron · 8 months
Classic ED - 2005 Debuts, Departures & Robert Sugden FINAL Monthly Appearance Counts
Classic ED begins airing the 2005 episodes around the week of 05-Feb-2024 (week 6) barring preemptions. Below are the key character arrivals/departures.
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03-Jan - Max King (Charlie Kemp)
30-Mar - Kayleigh Gibbs (Lily Jane Stead)
05-May - Ivan Jones (Daniel Brocklebank)
13-May - Adam Forsythe (Richard Shelton)
06-Jun - Sarah Sugden, Jr. born
30-Jun - Jasmine Thomas (Jenna-Louise Coleman)
15-Jul - Delilah Dingle (Hayley Tamaddon)
26-Jul - Hari Prasad (John Nayagam)
26-Aug - Jo Stiles (Roxanne Pallett)
06-Nov - Sandy Thomas (Freddie Jones)
07-Nov - Tonicha Daggert (Kerry Stacey)
05-Mar - Charity Tate (Emma Atkins) returned Oct 2009
17-Mar - Shelly Williams (Carolyn Pickles)
25-Mar - Chloe Atkinson (Amy Nuttall)
22-Sep - Callum Rennie (Andrew Whipp)
22-Sep - Jean Tate (Megan Pearson)
22-Sep - Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell)
02-Oct - Max King (Charlie Kemp)
02-Oct - Robert Jacob Sugden (Karl Davies)
19-Oct - Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper)
04-Dec - Jarvis Skelton (Richard Moore)
Limited time returnees for Seth’s wake:
28-Oct, 30-Oct, 31-Oct, 01-Nov - Kathy Brookman (Malandra Burrows)
01-Nov - Biff Fowler (Stuart Wade)
Robert Sugden Total Appearances: 97 (29th overall episode count)
January 5, February 1, March 13
April 13, May 16, June 9
July 14, August 7, September 17
October 2 - Goodbye Robert until October 2014
Previous arrivals and departures by year:
1999 - 2004
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thnxforknowingme · 1 year
The S5-S6 Time Vortex
As referenced earlier, I tried to figure out what happened when between the end of Season 5 and the start of Season 6 (for my purposes, specifically focusing on Blaine). In case this is useful to anyone else out there, I've summarized my findings below. Also shout out to this post by @spaceorphan18 for providing an excellent starting point (and just being useful for all kinds of post-S4 information).
Relevant Plot Points and References to Time:
S5E20: March 2014
Kurt, Rachel, Blaine, Sam, Mercedes, Artie and Brittany stand on a street corner in New York, and Rachel proposes they all make a promise to meet right back there in six months.
Rachel gets a call from the TV network saying that her show will film a pilot.
S6E01: September 2014
After her show was received so terribly, Rachel went into hiding, then eventually returned to Lima.
In the Lima Bean, Blaine says to Rachel, “No one has heard from you in months.”
Blaine then breaks the news that, after she went into hiding, he and Kurt broke up. He adds that “I got super depressed after we broke up and uh, my schoolwork sort of started to slip and I got cut from NYADA.”
In Kurt’s voiceover he says, “I’ll admit it, it’s been a rough few months.”
During the flashback to Kurt and Blaine’s breakup, Blaine announces that The Mercer Kitchen is “totally available on Labor Day for our wedding.”
At Scandals, when Kurt asks how Blaine and Karofsky started dating, Blaine says that they met “a few months ago”
S6E02: October 2014
In the opening voiceover, Blaine lays out the following series of events: “When Kurt and I broke up, I was devastated. I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him and then suddenly he was gone. My therapist told me I should concentrate on the thing I love most: music. And then, I couldn’t even do that. But then I started coaching the Warblers, and I was totally reinvigorated. I know I stepped out of the box when I started dating Dave, but honestly I thought I needed to shake things up even more. I mean, everyone’s always saying change is a good thing, right? So I stopped gelling my hair, I even stopped wearing bow ties." [queue concerning/racist reactions to Blaine's wardrobe change] "It was that moment when I realized that I didn’t need to change it up. I had to get back to where I once belonged. And that’s Dalton Academy, where no matter what happens, you can always count on the fact that nothing’s ever gonna change.”
Based on the above information, here is the necessary order of events:
That’s So Rachel airs
Rachel gets fired and goes into hiding
Kurt and Blaine break up
Blaine is cut from NYADA and moves home (a typical college semester would end in May. NYADA might be on a quarter system, though – that would actually make the dates align better with canon, and in S5E14 Kurt refers to being in a “winter master class,” so probably they’re in the winter quarter instead of Jan term. I looked up a bunch of different schools on the quarter system, and it seems like the spring quarter would typically end in mid-late June. Assumedly, Blaine would need enough time between the breakup and the end of the academic school year for his grades to slip and him to be disenrolled.)
Blaine meets and starts dating Karofsky
Blaine starts working at Dalton (I assume that school would have begun in mid-late August, although since Dalton is a private school there could be some flexibility there)
Rachel returns to Lima
I’m not sure what the fastest is that That’s So Rachel could have aired, but Glee has never cared about realism when it comes to putting on a show, so let’s say that Rachel moved to LA, rehearsed and filmed a pilot that was immediately panned, and the show got cancelled all within a month or so. She goes into hiding by the end of April.
Kurt and Blaine move back in together, and apparently their relationship devolves extremely quickly (although S5b was great at showing the fault lines there). Let’s say they break up sometime in May, which would allow ample time for Blaine to crash and burn academically before the spring quarter was over. By the end of June, Blaine is back in Ohio.
If Blaine says in Loser Like Me that he and Karofsky met at Scandals “a few months ago,” and LLM is taking place in late September, that means that their reunion must have happened pretty dang quickly after he got back to Lima. Even if we generously assumed that “a few” is being used colloquially as “more than one,” it seems like they probably had to have started dating by the end of July.
Let’s guess that Dalton began classes in mid-August, and Blaine started coaching the Warblers right at the start of the school year. This means that by LLM, he’s been coach for just over a month. The one weird contradiction here is that in Blaine's S6E02 voiceover the writing seems like the order of events is "came home after breakup > couldn't focus on music > started dating Dave > started trying out other new things > realized new things in general were bad, went back to comforting familiarity of Dalton." However, one of the scenes of people reacting negatively to his un-gelled hair is at Dalton, so I guess the experimentation actually happened after he got the job.
Meanwhile, Rachel had been in hiding for 4-5 months. At least, that’s my estimation of the most realistic timeline, with the info we’re given (I can’t believe I just wrote the word “realistic” here).
Other fun little facts I found in the process of this:
I took a screenshot of the magazines in Lee Paulblatt’s car to see if they included any dates that would give hints to the timeline. One of them did have a date: August 1999. So if that’s canon, Glee really takes place in a time vortex.
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I also looked up the Mercer Kitchen out of curiosity. It was a restaurant in the Mercer hotel, on the corner of Mercer and Prince Street in Lower Manhattan. It apparently shut down in 2022. I assume Blaine was referring to it as either a reception venue or a catering option for the wedding? I don’t know a ton about wedding planning, but it seems kind of rushed to be nailing that down four-ish months before your planned wedding date.
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 10.29 (after 1950)
1953 – BCPA Flight 304 DC-6 crashes near San Francisco. 1955 – The Soviet battleship Novorossiysk strikes a World War II mine in the harbor at Sevastopol. 1956 – Suez Crisis begins: Israeli forces invade the Sinai Peninsula and push Egyptian forces back toward the Suez Canal. 1957 – Israel's prime minister David Ben-Gurion and five of his ministers are injured when Moshe Dwek throws a grenade into the Knesset. 1960 – An airplane carrying the Cal Poly football team crashes on takeoff in Toledo, Ohio. 1964 – The United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar is renamed to the United Republic of Tanzania. 1964 – Biggest jewel heist; involving the Star of India (gem) in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City by Murph the Surf and gang. 1967 – Montreal's World Fair, Expo 67, closes with over 50 million visitors. 1969 – The first-ever computer-to-computer link is established on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet. 1972 – The three surviving perpetrators of the Munich massacre are released from prison in exchange for the hostages of the hijacked Lufthansa Flight 615. 1980 – Demonstration flight of a secretly modified C-130 for an Iran hostage crisis rescue attempt ends in a crash landing at Eglin Air Force Base's Duke Field, Florida, leading to the cancellation of Operation Credible Sport. 1985 – Major General Samuel K. Doe is announced as the winner of the first multi-party election in Liberia. 1986 – British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher opens the last stretch of the M25 motorway. 1991 – The American Galileo spacecraft makes its closest approach to 951 Gaspra, becoming the first probe to visit an asteroid. 1994 – Francisco Martin Duran fires over two dozen shots at the White House; he is later convicted of trying to kill U.S. President Bill Clinton. 1998 – In South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presents its report, which condemns both sides for committing atrocities. 1998 – Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off on STS-95 with 77-year-old John Glenn on board, making him the oldest person to go into space at that time. 1998 – ATSC HDTV broadcasting in the United States is inaugurated with the launch of the STS-95 space shuttle mission. 1998 – While en route from Adana to Ankara, a Turkish Airlines flight with a crew of six and 33 passengers is hijacked by a Kurdish militant who orders the pilot to fly to Switzerland. The plane instead lands in Ankara after the pilot tricked the hijacker into thinking that he is landing in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia to refuel. 1998 – Hurricane Mitch, the second deadliest Atlantic hurricane in history, makes landfall in Honduras. 1998 – The Gothenburg discothèque fire in Sweden kills 63 and injures 200. 1999 – A large cyclone devastates Odisha, India. 2002 – A fire destroys a luxurious department store in Ho Chi Minh City, where 1,500 people are shopping. More than 60 people die and over 100 are unaccounted for in the deadliest peacetime disaster in Vietnam. 2004 – The Arabic-language news network Al Jazeera broadcasts an excerpt from a 2004 Osama bin Laden video in which the terrorist leader first admits direct responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks and references the 2004 U.S. presidential election. 2005 – Bombings in Delhi, India kill more than 60. 2008 – Delta Air Lines merges with Northwest Airlines, creating the world's largest airline and reducing the number of US legacy carriers to five. 2008 – A pair of deadly earthquakes hits Baluchistan, Pakistan, killing 215. 2012 – Hurricane Sandy hits the east coast of the United States, killing 148 directly and 138 indirectly, while leaving nearly $70 billion in damages and causing major power outages. 2014 – A mud slide; the 2014 Badulla landslide, in south-central Sri Lanka, kills at least 16 people, and leaves hundreds of people missing. 2015 – China announces the end of its one-child policy after 35 years. 2018 – A Boeing 737 MAX plane crashes after taking off from Jakarta, Indonesia killing 189 people on board.
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taylors-husband · 1 year
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Taylor Swift Headlining Tours List.
Concert Tours.
Fearless Tour: 23 April, 2009 - 10 July, 2010.
Speak Now World Tour: 9 February, 2011 - 18 March, 2012.
The Red Tour: 13 March, 2013 - 12 June, 2014.
The 1989 World Tour: 5 May, 2015 - 12 December, 2015.
Reputation Stadium Tour: 8 May, 2018 - 21 November, 2018.
Lover Fest: 5 April, 2020 - 1 August, 2020. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
The Eras Tour: 17 March, 2023 - 23 November, 2024.
Total number of concerts: 572.
Total number of postponed concerts: 8
Total number of cancelled concerts: 18.
Argentina (3).
Buenos Aires (3).
9 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
10 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
11 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
Australia (34).
New South Wales (12).
Newcastle (1).
8 February, 2010 - Newcastle Entertainment Centre.
Sydney (11).
6 February, 2010 - Acer Arena.
7 February, 2010 - Acer Arena.
9 March, 2012 - Allphones Arena.
10 March, 2012 - Allphones Arena.
4 December, 2013 - Allianz Stadium.
28 November, 2015 - ANZ Stadium.
2 November, 2018 - ANZ Stadium.
23 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
24 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
25 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
26 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
Queensland (7).
Brisbane (7).
4 February, 2010 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
6 March, 2012 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
7 March, 2012 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
7 December, 2013 - Suncorp Stadium.
5 December, 2015 - Brisbane, Queensland (Australia) - Suncorp Stadium.
6 November, 2018 - The Gabba.
South Australia (4).
Adelaide (4).
12 February, 2010 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
4 March, 2012 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
7 December, 2015 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
8 December, 2015 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
Victoria (12).
Melbourne (12).
10 February, 2010 - Rod Laver Arena.
11 February, 2010 - Rod Laver Arena.
12 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
13 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
14 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
14 December, 2013 - Etihad Stadium.
10 December, 2015 - AAMI Park.
11 December, 2015 - AAMI Park.
26 October, 2018 - Marvel Stadium.
16 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
17 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
18 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
Western Australia (3).
Perth (3).
2 March, 2012 - Burswood Dome.
11 December, 2013 - nib Stadium.
19 October, 2018 - Optus Stadium.
Austria (3).
Vienna (3).
8 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
9 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
10 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
The Bahamas (1).
Paradise Island (1).
19 June, 2010 - Imperial Ballroom.
Brazil (6, 2 cancelled).
Rio de Janiero (3).
17 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
18 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
19 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
Sao Paulo (3, 2 cancelled).
18 July, 2020 - Allianz Parque. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
19 July, 2020 - Allianz Parque. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
24 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
25 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
26 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
Belgium (1, 1 cancelled).
Brussels (1).
6 March, 2011 - Forest National.
Werchter (1 cancelled).
20 June, 2020 - Werchter Boutique (Festivalpark). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Canada (36).
Alberta (8).
Calgary (1).
8 July, 2009 - Pengrowth Saddledome.
Edmonton (7).
9 July, 2009 - Commonwealth Country (Commonwealth Stadium).
18 August, 2011 - Rexall Place.
19 August, 2011 - Rexall Place.
25 June, 2013 - Rexall Place.
26 June, 2013 - Rexall Place.
4 August, 2015 - Rexall Place.
5 August, 2015 - Rexall Place.
British Columbia (4).
Vancouver (4).
10 September, 2011 - Rogers Arena.
11 September, 2011 - Rogers Arena.
29 June, 2013 - BC Place Stadium.
1 August, 2015 - BC Place Stadium.
Manitoba (2).
Winnipeg (2).
11 July, 2009 - MTS Centre.
22 June, 2013 - Investors Group Field.
Ontario (18).
Ottawa (2).
20 May, 2010 - Scotiabank Place.
6 July, 2015 - Canadian Tire Centre.
Toronto (10).
21 May, 2010 - Air Canada Center.
22 May, 2010 - Air Canada Center.
15 July, 2011 - Rogers Centre.
16 July, 2011 - Rogers Centre.
14 June, 2013 - Rogers Centre.
15 June, 2013 - Rogers Centre.
2 October, 2015 - Rogers Centre.
3 October, 2015 - Rogers Centre.
3 August, 2018 - Rogers Centre.
4 August, 2018 - Rogers Centre.
14 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
15 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
16 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
21 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
22 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
23 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
Prince Edward Island (1).
Cavendish (1).
10 July, 2010 - Cavendish Beach Music Festival 2010 (Cavendish Beach Festival Grounds).
Quebec (2).
Montreal (2).
14 July, 2011 - Bell Centre.
7 July, 2015 - Bell Centre.
Saskatchewan (1).
Craven (1).
10 July, 2009 - Craven Country Jamboree (Big Valley Park).
China (4).
Shanghai (4).
30 May, 2014 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
10 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
11 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
12 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
Denmark (1 cancelled).
Roskilde (1 cancelled).
1 July, 2020 - Roskilde Festival (Roskilde Fairgrounds). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
England (29, 2 cancelled).
Birmingham (1).
22 March, 2011 - LG Arena.
Chelmsford (1).
22 August, 2009 - V Festival (Hylands Park).
13 June, 2024 - Anfield.
14 June, 2024 - Anfield.
15 June, 2024 - Anfield.
London (12, 1 cancelled).
6 May, 2009 - Shepherd’s Bush Empire.
7 May, 2009 - Shepherd’s Bush Empire.
23 November, 2009 - Wembley Arena.
30 March, 2011 - The O2 Arena.
1 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
2 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
4 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
10 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
11 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
27 June, 2015 - British Summertime (Hyde Park).
22 June, 2018 - Wembley Stadium.
23 June, 2018 - Wembley Stadium.
11 July, 2020 - British Summer Time (Hyde Park). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
21 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
22 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
23 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
15 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
16 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
17 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
Manchester (5).
24 November, 2009 - Manchester Evening News Arena.
29 March, 2011 - Manchester Evening News Arena.
24 June, 2015 - Phones 4u Arena Manchester.
8 June, 2018 - Etihad Stadium.
9 June, 2018 - Etihad Stadium.
Pilton (1 cancelled).
28 June, 2020 - Glastonbury Festival (Worthy Farm). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Staffordshire (1).
23 August, 2009 - V Festival (Weston Park).
France (7, 1 cancelled).
Lyon (2).
2 June, 2024 - Groupama Stadium.
3 June, 2024 - Groupama Stadium.
Nîmes (1 cancelled).
5 July, 2020 - Festival de Nîmes (Arena of Nîmes). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Paris (5).
17 March, 2011 - Le Zénith.
9 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
10 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
11 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
12 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
Germany (11, 2 cancelled)
Berlin (1, 1 cancelled).
7 February, 2014 - O2 World.
24 June, 2020 - The Waldbühne. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Cologne (2).
19 June, 2015 - Lanxess Arena.
20 June, 2015 - Lanxess Arena.
Gelsenkirchen (3).
17 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
18 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
19 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
Hamburg (2).
23 July, 2024 - Volksparkstadion.
24 July, 2024 - Volksparkstadion.
Munich (2, 1 cancelled).
14 March, 2011 - Olympiahalle. (Cancelled due to overlapping of promotional activities. When this concert was cancelled, ticketholders were given the opportunity to attend the Oberhausen concert).
27 July, 2024 - Olympiastadion.
28 July, 2024 - Olympiastadion.
Oberhausen (1).
12 March, 2011 - Konig-Pilsener Arena.
Hong Kong (1).
21 February, 2011 - AsiaWorld-Arena.
Indonesia (1).
Jakarta (1).
4 June, 2014 - Mata Elang International Stadium.
Italy (3).
Milan (3).
15 March, 2011 - Mediolabum Forum.
13 July, 2024 - San Siro Stadium.
14 July, 2024 - San Siro Stadium.
Ireland (8).
Dublin (8).
27 March, 2011 - The O2.
29 June, 2015 - 3Arena.
30 June, 2015 - 3Arena.
15 June, 2018 - Croke Park.
16 June, 2018 - Croke Park.
28 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
29 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
30 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
Japan (13).
Osaka (1).
13 February, 2011 - Osaka-Jo Hall.
Tokyo (12).
17 February, 2010 - Zepp Tokyo.
16 February, 2011 - Nippon Budokan.
17 February, 2011 - Nippon Budokan.
1 June, 2014 - Saitama Super Arena.
5 May, 2015 - TokyoDome.
6 May, 2015 - TokyoDome.
20 November, 2018 - TokyoDome.
21 November, 2018 - TokyoDome.
7 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
8 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
9 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
10 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
Malaysia (1).
Kuala Lumpur.
11 June, 2014 - Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.
Mexico (4).
Mexico City (4).
24 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
25 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
26 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
27 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
Netherlands (6).
Amsterdam (4).
21 June, 2015 - Ziggo Dome.
4 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
5 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
6 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
Rotterdam (1).
7 March, 2011 - Ahoy.
New Zealand (7).
Auckland (7).
16 March, 2012- Vector Arena.
17 March, 2012 - Vector Arena.
18 March, 2012 - Vector Arena.
29 November, 2013 - Vector Arena.
30 November, 2013 - Vector Arena.
1 December, 2013 - Vector Arena.
9 November, 2018 - Mt. Smart Stadium.
Northern Ireland (1).
Belfast (1).
25 March, 2011 - Odyssey Arena.
Norway (1, 1 cancelled).
Oslo (1, 1 cancelled).
9 March, 2011 - Oslo Spektrum.
26 June, 2020 - Oslo Sommertid (Voldøkka). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Philippines (2).
Manila (2).
19 February, 2011 - Smart Araneta Coliseum.
6 June, 2014 - Mall of Asia Arena.
Poland (3, 1 cancelled).
Gdynia (1 cancelled).
3 July, 2020 - Open’er Festival (Babie Doly Airport). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
1 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
2 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
3 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
Portugal (2, 1 cancelled).
Lisbon (2).
24 May, 2024 - Estádio da Luz.
25 May, 2024 - Estádio da Luz.
Oerias (1 cancelled).
9 July, 2020 - Nos Festival (Passeio Marítimo de Algés). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Scotland (4).
Edinburgh (3).
7 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium
8 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium.
9 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium.
Glasgow (1).
23 June, 2015 - SSE Hydro.
Singapore (11).
9 February, 2011 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
9 June, 2014 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
12 June, 2014 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
7 November, 2015 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
8 November, 2015 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
2 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
3 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
4 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
7 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
8 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
9 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
South Korea (1).
Seoul (1).
11 February, 2011 - Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena.
Spain (2, 1 cancelled).
Madrid (2, 1 cancelled).
19 March, 2011 - Palacio de los Deportes.
8 July, 2020 - Mad Cool Festival (IFEMA). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
30 May, 2024 - Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.
Sweden (3).
Stockholm (3).
17 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
18 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
19 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
Switzerland (2).
Zürich (2).
9 July, 2024 - Stadion Letzigrund Zürich.
10 July, 2024 - Stadion Letzigrund Zürich.
Thailand (1 cancelled).
Bangkok (1 cancelled).
9 June, 2014 - Impact Arena. (Cancelled and moved to Singapore due to the 2014 Thai coup d’etat.
Ticketholders for the Bangkok concert were given the opportunity to attend the Singapore concert.
United States (362, 8 postponed, 4 cancelled).
Alabama (2).
Birmingham (1).
11 September, 2009 - BJCC Arena.
Enterprise (1).
4 June, 2009 - BamaJam Farms.
Arizona (10).
Phoenix/Glendale (10).
21 May, 2009 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
21 October, 2011 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
22 October, 2011 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
28 May, 2013 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
29 May, 2013 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
17 August, 2015 - Gila River Arena.
18 August, 2015 - Gila River Arena.
8 May, 2018 - University Of Phoenix Stadium.
17 March, 2023 - State Farm Stadium.
18 March, 2023 - State Farm Stadium.
Arkansas (3).
Jonesboro (1).
24 April, 2009 - ASU Convocation Center.
Little Rock (2).
26 September, 2009 - Verizon Arena.
4 October, 2011 - Verizon Arena.
California (38, 4 cancelled).
Fresno (1).
10 April, 2010 - Save Mart Center at Fresno State.
Inglewood/Los Angeles/Pasadena (23, 2 cancelled).
22 May, 2009 - Staples Center.
15 April, 2010 - Staples Center.
16 April, 2010 - Staples Center.
23 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
24 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
27 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
28 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
19 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
20 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
23 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
24 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
21 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
22 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
25 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
26 August, 2015 – Staples Center.
18 May, 2018 - Rose Bowl.
19 May, 2018 - Rose Bowl.
25 July, 2020 - Lover Fest West (Sofi Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
26 July, 2020 - Lover Fest West (Sofi Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
3 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
4 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
5 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
7 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
8 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
9 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
Sacramento (2).
3 September, 2011 - Power Balance Pavilion.
27 August, 2013 - Sleep Train Arena.
San Diego (4).
24 May, 2009 - San Diego Sports Arena.
20 October, 2011 - Valley View Casino Center.
15 August, 2013 - Valley View Casino Center.
29 August, 2015 - PETCO Park.
San Jose/Santa Clara (8).
11 April, 2010 - HP Pavilion.
1 September, 2011 - HP Pavilion.
2 September, 2011 - HP Pavilion.
15 August, 2015 - Levi’s Stadium.
11 May, 2018 - Levi’s Stadium.
12 May, 2018 - Levi’s Stadium.
28 July, 2023 - Levi’s Stadium.
29 July, 2023 - Levi’s Stadium.
Colorado (9).
Denver (9).
6 April, 2010 - Pepsi Center.
7 April, 2010 - Pepsi Center.
27 September, 2011 - Pepsi Center.
2 June, 2013 - Pepsi Center.
5 September, 2015 - Pepsi Center.
6 September, 2015 - Pepsi Center.
25 May, 2018 - Sports Authority Field At Mile High.
14 July, 2023 - Empower Field at Mile High.
15 July, 2023 - Empower Field at Mile High.
Connecticut (2).
Hartford (1).
22 June, 2011 - XL Center.
Uncasville (1).
28 August, 2009 - Mohegan Sun Arena.
Florida (24).
Ft. Lauderdale (3).
7 March, 2010 - BankAtlantic Center.
2 June, 2011 - BankAtlantic Center.
3 June, 2011 - BankAtlantic Arena.
Jacksonville (2).
1 May, 2009 - Veterans Memorial Arena.
11 November, 2011 - Veterans Memorial Arena.
Miami (7).
13 November, 2011 - American Airlines Arena.
10 April, 2013 - American Airlines Arena.
27 October, 2015 - American Airlines Arena.
18 August, 2018 - Hard Rock Stadium.
18 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
19 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
20 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
Orlando (4).
5 March, 2010 - Amway Arena.
4 June, 2011 - Amway Center.
11 April, 2013 - Amway Center.
12 April, 2013 - Amway Center.
Tampa (8).
4 March, 2010 - St. Pete Times Forum.
12 November, 2011 - St. Pete Times Forum.
20 April, 2013 - Tampa Bay Times Forum.
31 October, 2015 - Raymond James Stadium.
14 August, 2018 - Raymond James Stadium.
13 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
14 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
15 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
Georgia (10).
Atlanta (10, 2 postponed, 1 cancelled).
9 July, 2011 - Phillips Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
10 July, 2011 - Phillips Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
1 October, 2011 - Phillips Arena.
2 October, 2011 - Phillips Arena.
18 April, 2013 - Phillips Arena.
19 April, 2013 - Phillips Arena.
24 October, 2015 - Georgia Dome.
10 August, 2018 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
11 August, 2018 - Mercedes Benz Stadium.
5 April, 2020 - Capital One Jam Fest (Centenial Olympic Park). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
28 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
29 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
30 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Idaho (1).
Boise (1).
17 May, 2009 - Idaho Center.
Illinois (13).
Chicago (12).
9 October, 2009 - Allstate Arena.
10 October, 2009 - Allstate Arena.
9 August, 2011 - Allstate Arena.
10 August, 2011 - Allstate Arena.
10 August, 2013 - Soldier Field.
18 July, 2015 - Soldier Field.
19 July, 2015 - Soldier Field.
1 June, 2018 - Soldier Field.
2 June, 2018 - Soldier Field.
2 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
3 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
4 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
Moline (1).
8 May, 2010 - i Wireless Center.
Indiana (9).
Indianapolis (8).
8 October, 2009 - Conseco Fieldhouse.
29 July, 2011 - Conseco Fieldhouse.
26 April, 2013 - Bankers Life Arena.
16 September, 2015 - Bankers Life Fieldhouse.
15 September, 2018 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
1 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
2 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
3 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
Evansville (1).
23 April, 2009 - Roberts Municipal Stadium.
Iowa (4).
Des Moines (4).
6 May, 2010 - Wells Fargo Arena.
29 May, 2011 - Wells Fargo Arena.
1 August, 2013 - Wells Fargo Arena.
8 October, 2015 - Wells Fargo Arena.
Kansas (2).
Wichita (2).
1 April, 2010 - Intrust Bank Arena.
6 August, 2013 - Intrust Bank Arena.
Kentucky (9, 1 postponed).
Lexington (4).
29 April, 2010 - Rupp Arena.
29 October, 2011 - Rupp Arena.
27 April, 2013 - Rupp Arena.
20 October, 2015 - Rupp Arena.
Louisville (5, 1 postponed).
30 August, 2009 - Kentucky State Fair (Freedom Hall).
2 July, 2011 - KFC Yum! Center. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
11 October, 2011 - KFC Yum! Center.
7 May, 2013 - KFC Yum! Center.
2 June, 2015 - KFC Yum! Center.
30 June, 2018 - Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium.
Louisiana (13).
Baton Rouge (2).
29 May, 2010 - Bayou Country Superfest (LSU Tiger Stadium).
22 May, 2015 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana (United States) - LSU Tiger Stadium.
Bossier City (3).
10 September, 2009 - CenturyTel Center.
20 September, 2011 - CenturyLink Center.
20 May, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
Lafayette (1).
9 September, 2009 - Cajundome.
New Orleans (5).
5 October, 2011 - New Orleans Arena.
22 September, 2018 - Mercedes-Benz Superdome.
25 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
26 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
27 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
Maryland (3).
Baltimore (1).
11 June, 2009 - Merriweather Post Pavillion.
Landover (2).
10 July, 2018 - FedEx Field.
11 July, 2018 - FedEx Field.
Massachusetts (13, 2 cancelled).
Foxborough (13, 2 cancelled).
5 June, 2010 - Gillette Stadium.
25 June, 2011 - Gillette Stadium.
26 June, 2011 - Gillette Stadium.
26 July, 2013 - Gillette Stadium.
27 July, 2013 - Gillette Stadium.
24 July, 2015 - Gillette Stadium.
25 July, 2015 - Gillette Stadium.
26 July, 2018 - Gilette Stadium.
27 July, 2018 - Gillette Stadium.
28 July, 2018 - Gillette Stadium.
31 July, 2020 - Lover Fest East (Gilette Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
1 August, 2020 - Lover Fest East (Gilette Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
19 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium.
20 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium
21 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium.
Michigan (10).
Detroit (8).
26 March, 2010 - The Palace of Auburn Hills.
27 March, 2010 - The Palace of Auburn Hills.
11 June, 2011 - Ford Field.
4 May, 2013 - Ford Field.
30 May, 2015 - Ford Field.
28 August, 2018 - Ford Field.
9 June, 2023 - Ford Field.
10 June, 2023 - Ford Field.
Grand Rapids (2).
2 October, 2009 - Van Andel Arena.
28 July, 2011 - Van Andel Arena.
Minnesota (15).
Detroit Lakes (1).
7 August, 2009 - WE Fest (Soo Pass Ranch).
Duluth (1).
3 September, 2009 - Arena at Gwinett Center.
Minneapolis/St. Paul (13).
11 October, 2009 - Target Center.
7 May, 2010 - Xcel Energy Center.
14 June, 2011 - Xcel Energy Center.
15 June, 2011 - Xcel Energy Center.
7 September, 2013 - Xcel Energy Center.
8 September, 2013 - Xcel Energy Center.
11 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
12 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
13 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
31 August, 2018 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
1 September, 2018 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
23 June, 2023 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
24 June, 2023 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
Mississippi (1).
Biloxi (1).
2 May, 2009 - Mississippi Coast Coliseum.
Missouri (17, 2 postponed).
Kansas City (9).
2 April, 2010 - Sprint Center.
24 September, 2011 - Arrowhead Stadium.
2 August, 2013 - Sprint Center.
3 August, 2013 - Sprint Center.
21 September, 2015 - Sprint Center.
22 September, 2015 - Sprint Center.
8 September, 2018 - Arrowhead Stadium.
7 July, 2023 - GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.
8 July, 2023 - GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.
St. Louis (8, 2 postponed).
25 April, 2009 - Scottrade Center.
13 August, 2011 - Scottrade Center.
14 August, 2011 - Scottrade Center.
18 March, 2013 - Scottrade Center.
19 March, 2013 - Scottrade Center.
28 September, 2015 - Scottrade Center.
29 September, 2015 - Scottrade Center.
13 October, 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri (United States) - Scottrade Center. Postponed and moved forward by a month after Houston was added to the schedule.
Originally, the St. Louis shows downsized from two to one after Houston was added but the second show was added again due to overwhelming demand.
14 October, 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri (United States) - Scottrade Center. Postponed and moved forward by a month after Houston was added to the schedule.
Originally, the St. Louis shows downsized from two to one after Houston was added but the second show was added again due to overwhelming demand.
18 September, 2018 - The Dome of America’s Center.
Nebraska (7).
Omaha (7).
9 August, 2009 - Qwest Center.
27 May, 2011 - Qwest Center.
28 May, 2011 - Qwest Center.
13 March, 2013 - CenturyLink Center.
14 March, 2013 - CenturyLink Center.
9 October, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
10 October, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
Nevada (4).
Las Vegas (4).
23 May, 2009 - Mandalay Bay Events Center.
15 May, 2015 - Rock In Rio (Las Vegas Festival Grounds).
24 March, 2023 - Allegiant Stadium.
25 March, 2023 - Allegiant Stadium.
New Jersey (18).
East Rutherford (9).
13 July, 2013 - MetLife Stadium.
10 July, 2015 - Metlife Stadium.
11 July, 2015 - MetLife Stadium.
20 July, 2018 - Metlife Stadium.
21 July, 2018 - MetLife Stadium.
22 July, 2018 - MetLife Stadium.
26 May, 2023 - Metlife Stadium.
27 May, 2023 - Metlife Stadium.
28 May, 2023 - MetLife Stadium.
Newark (9).
12 May, 2010 - Prudential Center.
13 May, 2010 - Prudential Center.
19 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
20 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
23 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
24 July, 2011- Prudential Center.
27 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
28 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
29 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
New York (6).
Buffalo (1).
21 June, 2011 - HSBC Arena.
New York City (3).
27 August, 2009 - Madison Square Garden.
21 November, 2011 - Madison Square Garden.
22 November, 2011 - Madison Square Garden.
Uniondale (2).
14 May, 2010 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
15 May, 2010 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
North Carolina (10, 1 postponed).
Charlotte (3, 1 postponed).
5 September, 2009 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
8 July, 2011 - Time Warner Cable Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
16 November, 2011 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
22 March, 2013 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
Raleigh (2).
13 September, 2013 - PNC Arena.
9 June, 2015 - PNC Arena.
Greensboro (5).
12 June, 2009 - Greensboro Coliseum.
30 June, 2011 - Greensboro Coliseum.
12 September, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum.
13 September, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum.
21 October, 2015 - Greensboro Coliseum.
North Charleston (1).
30 April, 2009 - North Charleston Coliseum.
Raleigh (2).
1 May, 2010 - RBC Center.
17 November, 2011 - RBC Center.
North Dakota (3).
Fargo (2, 1 postponed).
6 September, 2013 - Fargodome.
9 September, 2015 - Fargodome. This concert was postponed and swapped with the concert in Houston in case the MLB team the Houston Astros needed Minute Maid Park for the 2015 baseball post season.
12 October, 2015 - Fargodome.
Minot (1).
25 July, 2009 - North Dakota State Fair (North Dakota State Fair Grandstand).
Ohio (14).
Cincinatti (3).
28 March, 2010 - U.S. Bank Arena.
30 June, 2023 - Paycor Stadium.
1 July, 2023 - Paycor Stadium.
Cleveland (5).
3 October, 2009 - Quicken Loans Arena.
30 July, 2011 - Quicken Loans Arena.
25 April, 2013 - Quicken Loans Arena.
3 June, 2015 - Quicken Loans Arena.
17 July, 2018 - Cleveland, Ohio (United States) - First Energy Stadium.
Columbus (6).
17 July, 2009 - Value City Arena.
7 June, 2011 - Nationwide Arena.
8 May, 2013 - Nationwide Arena.
17 September, 2015 - Nationwide Arena.
18 September, 2015 - Nationwide Arena.
7 July, 2018 - Ohio Stadium.
Oklahoma (5).
Oklahoma City (2).
31 March, 2010 - Ford Center.
15 October, 2011 - Chesapeake Arena.
Tulsa (3).
27 September, 2009 - BOK Center.
21 September, 2011 - BOK Center.
7 August, 2013 - BOK Center.
Oregon (3).
Portland (3).
16 May, 2009 - Rose Garden Arena.
6 September, 2011 - Rose Garden Arena.
30 August, 2013 - Moda Center.
Pennsylvania (20).
Philadelphia (12).
18 March, 2010 - Wachovia Center.
19 March, 2010 - Wachovia Center.
6 August, 2011 - Lincoln Financial Field.
19 July, 2013 - Lincoln Financial Field.
20 July, 2013 - Lincoln Financial Field.
12 June, 2015 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 June, 2015 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 July, 2018 - Lincoln Financial Field,
14 July, 2018 - Lincoln Financial Field.
12 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
14 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
Pittsburgh (7).
1 October, 2009 - Mellon Arena.
18 June, 2011 - Heinz Field.
6 July, 2013 - Heinz Field.
6 June, 2015 - Heinz Field.
7 August, 2018 - Heinz Field.
16 June, 2023 - Acrisure Stadium.
17 June, 2023 - Acrisure Stadium.
University Park (1).
29 August, 2009 - Bryce Jordan Center.
South Carolina (4).
Columbia (3).
30 April, 2010 - Colonial Life Arena.
18 November, 2011 - Colonial Life Arena.
23 March, 2013 - Colonial Life Arena.
Greenville (1).
4 September, 2009 - BI-LO Center.
South Dakota (1).
Rapid City (1).
24 July, 2009 - Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.
Tennessee (14).
Knoxville (1).
1 July, 2011 - Thompson-BolingArena.
Memphis (1).
30 October, 2011 - FedEx Forum.
Nashville (12).
12 September, 2009 - Sommet Center.
16 September, 2011 - Bridgestone Arena.
17 September, 2011 - Bridgestone Arena.
19 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
20 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
21 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
25 September, 2015 - Bridgestone Arena.
26 September, 2015 - Bridgestone Arena.
25 August, 2018 - Nissan Stadium.
5 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
6 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
7 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
Texas (26, 1 postponed).
Arlington/Dallas (10).
25 September, 2009 - American Airlines Center.
11 March, 2010 - American Airlines Center.
8 October, 2011 - Cowboys Stadium.
25 May, 2013 - Cowboys Stadium.
17 October, 2015 - AT&T Stadium.
5 October, 2018 - AT&T Stadium.
6 October, 2018 - AT&T Stadium.
31 March, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
1 April, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
2 April, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
Austin (3).
10 March, 2010 - Frank Erwin Center.
26 October, 2011 - Frank Erwin Center.
21 May, 2013 - Frank Erwin Center.
Corpus Christi (1).
12 March, 2010 - American Bank Center Arena.
Houston (9).
25 May, 2010 - Toyota Center.
26 May, 2010 - Toyota Center.
5 November, 2011 - Minute Maid Park.
16 May, 2013 - Toyota Center.
9 September, 2015 - Minute Maid Park.
12 October, 2015 - Minute Maid Park. This concert was postponed and swapped with the concert in Fargo in case the MLB team the Houston Astros needed Minute Maid Park for the 2015 baseball post season.
29 September, 2018 - NRG Stadium.
21 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
23 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
22 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
Lubbock (1).
14 October, 2011 - United Spirit Arena.
San Antonio (2).
25 October, 2011 - AT&T Center.
22 May, 2013 - AT&T Center.
Utah (4).
Salt Lake City (4).
26 May, 2009 - EnergySolutions Arena.
28 September, 2011 - EnergySolutions Arena.
1 June, 2013 - EnergySolutions Arena.
4 September, 2015 - EnergySolutions Arena.
Virginia (2).
20 March, 2010 - John Paul Jones Arena.
14 September, 2013 - John Paul Jones Arena
Washington (8).
Seattle/Tacoma (7).
15 May, 2009 - KeyArena.
7 September, 2011 - Tacoma Dome.
31 August, 2013 - Tacoma Dome.
8 August, 2015 - CenturyLink Field.
22 May, 2018 - CenturyLink Field.
22 July, 2023 - Lumen Field.
23 May, 2023 - Lumen Field.
Spokane (1).
14 May, 2009 - Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena.
Washington, DC (8).
1 June, 2010 - Verizon Center.
2 June, 2010 - Verizon Center.
2 August, 2011 - Verizon Center.
3 August, 2011 - Verizon Center.
11 May, 2013 - Verizon Center.
12 May, 2013 - Verizon Center.
13 July, 2015 - Nationals Park.
14 July, 2015 - Nationals Park.
West Virginia (1).
Charleston (1).
18 July, 2009 - Charleston Civic Center.
Wisconsin (4).
Cadott (1).
25 June, 2009 - Country Fest 2009 (Chippewa Valley Festival Grounds).
Milwaukee (1).
8 June, 2011 - Bradley Center.
Oshkosh (1).
24 June, 2009 - Country USA Festival (Ford Festival Park).
Twin Lakes (1).
16 July, 2009 - Country Thunder Festival (Shadow Hill Ranch).
Wyoming (1).
Cheyenne (1).
23 July, 2009 - Cheyenne Frontier Days Arena.
Wales (1).
Cardiff (1).
18 June, 2024 - Principality Stadium.
5 notes · View notes
techniktagebuch · 1 year
Anfang September 2023
Braves Brausen Bringt's (vielleicht)
Alles fängt damit an, dass der (inzwischen zweite) Akku in meinem 15" Macbook von 2014 schlappmacht. Erst schaltet es aus, wenn man ein Video anschaut, dann bereits ein paar Sekunden, nachdem man den Strom abstöpselt. (Der originale Akku hat übrigens deutlich länger gehalten als der zweite in (angeblich) Erstausrüsterqualität, aber das ist ein anderes Thema.)
Jedenfalls krame ich für mobile Anwendungen (z. B. am Frühstückstisch) erst mal mein noch ��lteres 11,6" Macbook Air heraus. Das fühlt sich mit dem ohnehin nicht mehr updatebaren Mac OS-X reichlich überfordert, so dass ich Linux (Ubuntu) darauf installiere. Als erstes lade ich Firefox als Browser herunter, weil ich denke, das macht man so. Leider läuft Firefox alles andere als stabil. Der nächste Browser soll Chrome sein, der auf allen meinen anderen Rechnern installiert ist. Ob es stimmt, weiß ich nicht, aber ich habe Chrome als ressourcenhungrig abgespeichert, also vielleicht nicht die beste Idee für das altersschwache Macbook Air. Denn auch mit Linux tut es sich schwer.
Ich recherchiere, dass es einen neuen "schlanken" Browser namens "Brave" gibt. Den installiere ich also in der Linux-Version als nächstes, und es gelingt mir sogar, alle Bookmarks und Tabs zu importieren. Da auch alle Addons wie mit Zauberhand wieder da sind, ahne ich, dass ich vielleicht technisch gar nicht so weit von Chrome entfernt bin. Egal. Der Browser läuft trotz "beta" rund. Was will man mehr? Alles fühlt sich so an wie vorher, nur zum Suchen wird irgendwie nicht standardmäßig "Google" verwendet, sondern "brave search", eventuell eine Google-Suche ohne Übersendung von Daten, die man für persönliche Nutzerprofile verwenden kann? Wer weiß. Eigentlich ist mir das ja egal. Eigentlich.
Denn als Nächstes weckt ein Blogbeitrag, den ich leider vor dem Bookmarken weggeklickt habe, meine kleine Daten-Paranoia, die eigentlich sonst nicht so ausgeprägt ist. Jedenfalls wird mal wieder vor Chrome als dAtenKrAKe gewarnt. Was mir aber auch zu schaffen macht, sind Meldungen auf meinem 15"-Macbook, dass ich keine neuen Chrome-Updates bekommen werde, weil mein Betriebssystem zu alt ist. Das wiederum lässt sich nicht ändern, weil mit neueren Versionen als Mac OS Mojave Lightroom 6 nicht mehr läuft. Gnagnagna.
Also switche ich auch hier zu "Brave" – und handle mir auch dort prompt die Meldung ein, dass ich keine Updates bekomme. Das hat ja super geklappt. Aber der Browser läuft rund, und darum lasse ich es auch so. Vielleicht ist er ja wirklich ressourcenschonender. Dann soll es mir recht sein – bis ich vermutlich in nicht all zu ferner Zukunft den Abschied von Apple-Laptop-Geräten einläuten werden. Bei der Preisentwicklung kann und will ich nicht mithalten – und selbst auf dem neuesten Windows-Betriebssystem kann ich Lightroom 6 installieren.
(Markus Winninghoff)
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