tlwebb · 1 year
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strangeoctober · 2 years
The Library and the Box of Mists
It has now been a full year since we began our mission to rebuild this noble and storied institution and while it has not been easy, or without cost, we are proud to announce the grand reopening of The Library!
We here at the Library are as dedicated as as our forebears to the collection, protection and, most importantly, sharing of awakened literature, artifacts and wonders of all kinds. Particularly those that would otherwise be at risk from destruction, fading or misuse by malicious forces.
In the spirit of sharing what we protect here at the Library, we are releasing a series of dispatches detailing a little of the history and particular qualities of some of the more interesting items in our collection. The Library staff thank you for your support and hope you find these dispatches both informative and educational.
The Senior Librarians
The Box of Mists
Our first item in this series is a small, unassuming olive wood box. It is measured at 6 inches by 5 and is covered on all sides with the most beautiful and intricate arabesque carvings. It has a lid secured by a silver hinge and latch that, when opened, reveals an interior that is lined with soft, black velvet that seems to absorb all light.
While one might assume that this a simple jewellery box or mantle decoration, it is in fact a sophisticated protective or obfuscatory tool. When used properly, this Box of Mists can ward abstract ideas and concepts, making them difficult to even conceive of. All one needs to do is to write a clear and concise description of what is to be warded, along with any exceptions or specifics, by hand on fine paper stock. Then place that letter, carefully folded into the box.
This is a very powerful magickal effect, but it does have it’s limits. The box can only ward one concept at a time and the magick will fade if not renewed regularly. Also, the ward is stronger when applied to specific ideas and weakens with more general and abstract concepts. For instance, when using the box to ensure a calm meeting between feuding factions “Do not draw or use weapons at this meeting.” would ensure no one would even consider drawing a gun but “Do not employ aggressive means to achieve your aims.” might falter in the face of the strongest wills.
The story of the creation of this wondrous item and that of whoever enchanted it has sadly been lost to time. But the Box of Mists has been employed by masters of the Taftani craft for at least four centuries. Over the years it has been used to confound enemies by hiding allied movements, to bolster friends by obscuring thoughts of failure, and even to broker peace by smothering thoughts of war under it’s heavy conceptual blanket!
The Box of Mists is currently on loan to The Library as part of an agreement between Master Shadid of the Taftani and Sihing Kao of the Akashayana. Please note that the Box of Mists is unavailable for use by visitors and any requests of this nature should be addressed to Master Shadid.
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tlwebb · 9 months
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tlwebb · 19 days
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tlwebb · 6 months
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tlwebb · 6 months
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tlwebb · 11 months
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