#Akira Hyogo
mybeingthere · 8 months
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Kazuo Shiraga 白髪一雄 (1924 - 2008,Japan)
Kazuo Shiraga was born in Amagasaki, Japan in 1924. He studied traditional painting at the Kyoto Municipal School of Painting and the Kyoto City University of Arts. Graduating in 1948, he went to the City Art Centre in Osaka to study oil painting.
In 1953, working on basis that ‘art should be created from zero, nothing’, Shiraga, alongside fellow artists Akira Kanayama and Saburo Murakami, founded the Zero group. In 1955, this group of artists merged with the more prestigious Gutaï group – amongst whose stated aims were to prove their spirits were free. Together this new group of radical artists pioneered unique series of art forms.
At the first Gutaï show, in Tokyo in 1955, Shiraga staged a piece called Challenge to Mud in which he hurled himself into a pile of clay and wrestled it into sculptural shapes. Although Shiraga insisted only ‘performance’ mattered and any physical remnants were mere ‘residue’, he was careful to preserve these body-sculptures. The second Gutaï show, in May 1957, was called Art Using the Stage. Shiraga, dressed in a red Pinocchio suit and suspended by a rope from the ceiling of the gallery in Osaka, began to kick oil paint across a piece of paper on the floor. This second performance piece, called Sambaso Super-Modern, excited significant critical acclaim and encouraged Shiraga to work exclusively on canvas.
Subsequently hanging from a rope in his own studio rather than in front of an audience, he found he could achieve a striking effect in a short space of time using large quantities of paint. Following Shiraga’s meeting with French art critic Michel Tapié, the sixth Gutaï exhibition took place at the Martha Jackson Gallery in New York. The work Shiraga showed in America was far more solid and thought-through than previously. Its sophistication marked an end to the spontaneity that had characterised the Gutaï experiment. But by the end of the Sixties, Gutaï’s work had become stale and repetitive. In 1971 Shiraga entered the Buddhist priesthood at the Enryaku Monastery on Mount Hiei, near Kyoto. In 1972 the Gutaï group quietly disbanded. Under his monk’s name, Sodo, Shiraga continued to paint until the end of his life. In 1987 Shiraga was awarded the Hyogo Prefectural Cultural Prize and in 1999 the Distinguished Service Medal for Culture. A show of his late works, held in 2001 at the Annely Juda gallery in London, showed an energy undiminished by age. He died in Amagasaki, Japan in 2008.
Shiraga’s performative painting practice was undoubtedly influenced by the American abstract expressionism. Similar in style to Jackson Pollock’s ‘drip’ method, Shiraga’s technique was more textured, with paint applied more liberally than Pollock’s painterly swirls.
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takeo-tsunamoto · 5 months
かもがわ出版「工場は生きている ものづくり探訪」(2011)宣伝用に自主制作したプロモーション映像。本文使用のイラストにアニメーションパートを加えて制作。
We have created a promotional video for a book called "Living Factories -- Exploring How Things are Made" published from Kamogawa Shuppan in 2011. We would like to establish the mood of the book through this video.
工場は生きている(かもがわ出版・刊 ISBN:978-4-7803-0460-2 C0050)
文��加藤正文 / Text : Masafumi Kato 絵:綱本武雄 / Illusration : Takeo Tsunamoto
映像版制作スタッフ / Trailer Staff 編集:富田哲良 / Editer : Akira Tomita
絵コンテ・動画:綱本武雄 / Storyboard/Animator : Takeo Tsunamoto
動画制作協力:吉田大輔 / Production support : Daisuke Yoshida
音楽 / music "Collecting Space" Performed by Steven Wilson (Snapper Music plc)
協力 / Special thanks 三田圭志 Keiji Mita 瀧本のぞみ Nozomi Takimoto Andy Leff(Kscope)
Subtitle's translation (0:35) A Mixture of old and new craftsmanship resides in Hyogo prefecture. A newspaper reporter and an illustrative artist have decided to step into these manufacturing sites for an interview.
(0:45) Shipbuilder, steel manufacturer, sake brewery in Nada, abacus manufacturer and quarry operator, these two have covered approximately 70 manufacturing sites.
(0:56) The spectacular sight took their breath away. The two have approached artisans who strive to bring their craftsmanship to the highest level.
(1:49) "Even though the product itself is not unique, the process of making it is definitely unique." Tomohiro Koseki, writer, previously a lathe worker
(2:56) "Factory is a living art." Katsuto Uchibashi, Economic Commentator
(4:09) "Living Factories -- Exploring How Things are Made"
(5) 工場は生きているPV / The Living Factories Trailer - YouTube
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storytimewithnova · 9 months
Cherry Kiss
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Once upon a time in the bustling city of Hyogo, there lived a family with an extraordinary love for volleyball. Shona Akaashi was the youngest of the Akaashi siblings, the only daughter in the family. She had two twin brothers, Keiji and Hajime, and an older brother named Seijiro. They were all passionate about the sport, and their lives revolved around it.
Shona was particularly close to her twin brothers, Keiji and Hajime. They spent countless hours practicing together and sharing their dreams of becoming professional volleyball players. However, Shona's role in the world of volleyball was slightly different. She was the dedicated manager for the Inairzaki High School volleyball team.
Inairzaki had a practice match scheduled against Aoba Johsai, one of their formidable rivals, just before heading to their first official training camp of the season. The scores were neck-and-neck, and the game had reached a level of intensity that had everyone on edge.
During a crucial timeout called by the coaches to discuss their strategy, Shona and the other managers rushed onto the court to distribute water bottles to the players, a task they had performed countless times before. As Shona handed out the bottles, she couldn't help but notice the exhaustion on the face of one of the Aoba Johsai players, Akira Kunimi.
Kunimi, appearing half-asleep, stumbled forward just as Shona was offering him a water bottle. In a bizarre twist of fate, their lips met in a brief, accidental kiss. Time seemed to stand still as their eyes widened in shock. The silence of the gymnasium was broken only by the sound of their startled breaths.
Realizing the unusual predicament they found themselves in, Kunimi quickly pulled back, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He managed to mumble an apology before hastily retreating to rejoin his team on the court. As he rejoined the game, he couldn't help but lick his lips, his senses tingling with an unexpected taste of cherry.
Shona, still stunned by the unexpected encounter, watched Kunimi as he ran back to his team, a perplexed look in her eyes. She, too, had noticed the faint taste of cherry that lingered on her lips, a tantalizing reminder of the unexpected kiss.
Kunimi, on the other hand, couldn't shake the curiosity that had ignited within him. Who was this girl, and why did her lips taste like cherries, even if it was just a brief accident? As the match continued, his thoughts kept drifting back to Shona, the Inairzaki team's manager.
Little did they know that this accidental encounter would mark the beginning of a unique connection between two individuals from rival teams. The taste of cherry would become a symbol of their intriguing, unexpected bond, and it was a flavor neither of them would forget. As the intense volleyball match between Inairzaki and Aoba Johsai continued, Akira Kunimi couldn't shake the lingering sensation of cherry on his lips. It was a subtle, almost hypnotic reminder of the accidental kiss he had shared with the Inairzaki team's manager, Shona Akaashi.
Throughout the game, Kunimi found himself frequently licking his lips, unable to forget the taste that had taken him by surprise. His thoughts kept drifting back to Shona, and the incident played over and over in his mind like a persistent TikTok video, but unlike those annoying videos his little sister would send him, this was a welcome distraction.
Kunimi was determined to learn more about Shona, not just the intriguing hint of cherry that clung to her lips. He felt an unexplainable connection to her, a magnetic pull that he couldn't ignore. He couldn't help but notice how even his team captain, Tooru Oikawa, seemed captivated by her presence.
As the match came to a thrilling conclusion, Aoba Johsai emerged victorious, but Kunimi's mind was elsewhere. He made a silent vow to himself that he would find a way to get closer to Shona, to learn more about her, and to make her his. He felt possessive over her, an unfamiliar but powerful emotion that he couldn't ignore. He wasn't going to let anyone, not even his own captain, have a chance with the girl who had left a sweet taste of cherry on his lips and a lasting impression in his heart.
Little did Kunimi know that this determination would set off a series of events that would not only bring him closer to Shona but also test his loyalty to his team and captain. The world of volleyball was about to become even more complicated as emotions and rivalries tangled on and off the court.
Akira Kunimi, determined to learn more about the mysterious girl whose lips still tasted of cherry, decided to seek the help of someone who could provide him with the answers he needed. He approached Osamu Miya, the faux gray-haired twin from the Aoba Johsai team, hoping he could reveal the name of the Inairzaki team's manager.
Kunimi: "Excuse me, Osamu-san, can you tell me the name of your manager?"
Osamu: "You mean Shona?"
Kunimi: "Yes, Shona. It's a pretty name for a pretty girl."
Osamu: "Why do you want to know our manager's name?"
Kunimi: "Well, after our little moment earlier, I kind of want to get to know her more."
Osamu: "I don't know why you're asking me when her brother is on your team."
Kunimi: "Her brother?"
Osamu: "Yep, Hajime Akaashi."
Kunimi: "Akaashi? He said it was Iwaizumi."
Osamu's words took Kunimi by surprise. He had assumed that Shona's brother was on his own team, but now he knew that Hajime Akaashi was a part of I Aoba Johsai not Inairzaki . The revelation left Kunimi with mixed emotions, as he realized that his desire to get closer to Shona might complicate things between the two rival teams.
With this new information, Kunimi had a starting point. He knew Hajime Akaashi was Shona's brother, and he would have to find a way to approach him and, hopefully, get to know more about the intriguing girl who had left such a lasting impression on him. The game of volleyball had just become even more complex, as Kunimi navigated the challenges of rivalry, desire, and the pursuit of the enigmatic Shona Akaashi.
Osamu's revelation left Akira Kunimi in a state of shock. He had just learned that Shona Akaashi had a twin brother named Keiji Akaashi, who happened to be the setter for Fukurodani Academy. It was a revelation that felt like a bombshell, and Kunimi couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always thought it was just a joke when he heard rumors and theories in the first-year group chat about secret twins among some of the players, including Hajime and Keiji, along with Suga and Eita.
Kunimi's mind raced with questions and curiosity. If Keiji Akaashi was Shona's twin brother, then he might be the key to getting to know more about the girl who had captured his attention. However, Kunimi also realized that approaching Keiji wouldn't be easy, given their teams' rivalry and the secrets that might be involved.
Determined to find a way to learn more about Shona, Kunimi decided to gather his courage and seek out Keiji Akaashi. He knew it would be a delicate situation, but his desire to know the intriguing girl with the cherry-flavored kiss outweighed any apprehension he felt about the potential complications.
With determination in his heart, Kunimi set off to find Keiji, prepared to navigate the complexities of volleyball rivalries and the mystery surrounding the Akaashi twins. Little did he know that this quest for answers would lead him down a path of unexpected twists and turns, challenging not only his volleyball skills but also his understanding of the bonds that connected the players both on and off the court.
Kunimi took a deep breath and decided to confront the situation head-on. He approached his senpai and vice-captain, Hajime Akaashi, bowed respectfully, and began speaking with a sense of sincerity.
Kunimi: "Hajime Senpai, I know you saw what happened earlier, and I want to apologize. Furthermore, I've taken an interest in Shona."
Oikawa, always quick to interject, couldn't resist butting in.
Oikawa: "Why are you talking to Iwa-chan like that?"
Hajime, however, silenced Oikawa with a stern look and gestured for Kunimi to continue.
Kunimi: "Hajime Akaashi-san, I would like to ask permission to court your sister, Shona Akaashi."
Suddenly, the entire team erupted in surprise.
Team: "Akaashi?!"
The confusion was palpable as the team members exchanged baffled glances. The name "Iwaizumi" had been thrown around earlier, and now the revelation of "Akaashi" left them bewildered.
Hajime, maintaining his composure, offered an explanation.
Hajime: "I stole it from an anime. It's not like the school was going to do a background check. And Kunimi, you may court my sister, but I'm warning you: hurt her, and I will hurt you just as bad."
Kunimi nodded in understanding, realizing the gravity of the situation. He had secured Hajime Akaashi's reluctant permission to pursue Shona, but now he was faced with the challenge of courting her and navigating the complexities of a budding relationship while keeping the rivalry between their teams at bay.
As the Aoba Johsai team continued their practice and preparation for future matches, Kunimi's thoughts were consumed by Shona Akaashi and the uncharted territory of their budding romance. Little did he know that this journey would test his dedication, loyalty, and love for both volleyball and the enigmatic girl who had left a hint of cherry on his lips and captured his heart.
Kunimi was determined to make their date truly special, with cherries as the central theme. He had done his research and discovered that cherries were Shona's favorite fruit. He wanted every detail of the date to revolve around cherries, making it an unforgettable experience for her.
Their date began with Kunimi surprising Shona with a picnic at a picturesque cherry orchard on the outskirts of Hyogo. The cherry trees were in full bloom, their branches heavy with ripe, red cherries. As they spread out a blanket beneath the shade of a cherry tree, Shona's eyes lit up with delight.
Shona: "Kunimi-san, this place is amazing! I love cherries!"
Kunimi: "I'm glad you like it, Shona-san. I thought it would be the perfect place to start our cherry-themed date."
They spent the afternoon picking cherries together, their laughter filling the air as they reached for the juiciest and sweetest fruits. Kunimi couldn't help but steal glances at Shona, admiring how the sunlight played on her hair, making it shine like cherry blossoms.
For their picnic, Kunimi had prepared a delicious spread of cherry-themed snacks. There were cherry-filled pastries, cherry-flavored soda, and a cherry pie for dessert. Shona was delighted by the effort Kunimi had put into the menu.
Shona: "You really went all out with the cherries, Kunimi-san. I love it!"
Kunimi: "I wanted everything to be perfect for you, Shona-san."
As they enjoyed their cherry-themed feast, Kunimi noticed that Shona's eyes sparkled with happiness. It was exactly the reaction he had hoped for.
After their picnic, they took a leisurely walk through the orchard, the scent of cherry blossoms in the air. Kunimi had even brought a small bottle of cherry-scented perfume for Shona, knowing how much she loved the fragrance. She sprayed a little on her wrist and smiled.
Shona: "You really thought of everything, Kunimi-san."
Kunimi: "I wanted this date to be as sweet and memorable as cherries themselves."
As the sun began to set, they found a quiet spot under a cherry tree. Kunimi had one final surprise for Shona. He had arranged for a lantern-lit path leading to a secluded gazebo where they could stargaze. The lanterns were adorned with cherry-themed decorations, casting a warm, romantic glow.
Shona: "Kunimi-san, this is incredible. I've never had a date like this before."
Kunimi: "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Shona-san."
They sat in the gazebo, holding hands, and gazing up at the starry sky. Kunimi had one last surprise hidden in his pocket, a small box with a cherry blossom necklace.
Kunimi: "Shona-san, I have one more cherry-themed gift for you."
Shona's eyes widened in surprise as he presented the necklace to her. It was a delicate silver chain with a cherry blossom pendant that had a tiny hidden compartment. When she opened it, she found a tiny cherry charm inside.
Shona: "Kunimi-san, it's beautiful. Thank you."
Kunimi: "I wanted you to have something to remember this special day."
As they kissed under the cherry blossoms and gazed at the stars, Kunimi knew that their cherry-themed date had been a success. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and cherries, and he hoped that their love would continue to blossom and grow, just like the cherry trees around them.
Kunimi chuckled at Shona's response, relieved that she seemed to be taking his possessiveness and playful advances in stride. He had a growing affection for her, and he couldn't resist teasing her, even if they weren't officially a couple yet.
Kunimi: "Well, you do have a point about Oikawa-san. But still, I don't like the way he looks at you."
Shona: "You're cute when you're jealous, Akira."
Kunimi couldn't help but smile at her words. He loved hearing her call him by his first name. It felt like a small step toward something more meaningful between them.
Kunimi: "So, about us being official, Cherry Blossom..."
Shona: "Akira, we're taking it slow, remember?"
Kunimi: "Right, right. But I can't help but imagine how great it would be to officially be your boyfriend."
Shona: "You're quite the dreamer, aren't you?"
Kunimi: "Only when it comes to you."
Shona: "Well, you should know something about me too."
Kunimi looked at her attentively, eager to hear more about the girl he was falling for.
Shona: "I love being called 'Cherry Blossom.' It's a nickname my brothers came up with when I was little, and it's stuck with me ever since. So, you can keep calling me that."
Kunimi: "I'll gladly keep calling you Cherry Blossom, then."
Their playful banter continued as they enjoyed the cherry-themed date, and Kunimi couldn't help but feel that they were making progress in their budding relationship. As they watched the stars together, he knew that whatever the future held for them, he was willing to wait and work for it.
Their connection, like the stars above, was something beautiful and full of potential, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead them.
As they shared another passionate kiss under the moonlight, Kunimi's heart swelled with emotion. He had fallen for Shona, his Cherry Blossom, and he was willing to wait for her no matter how many first kisses , no matter how long it took. The taste of cherry on her lips was a sweet reminder of their connection, and he knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
When they finally pulled away, Shona smiled at him, her eyes filled with warmth and affection.
Shona: "I love you too, Akira."
Kunimi felt like his heart might burst with happiness. They had taken their time, but now they had finally confessed their feelings for each other. It was a moment they would cherish forever.
As they sat together by the river, hand in hand, they knew that their love story was just beginning. The moonlight bathed them in its gentle glow, and the night seemed to whisper promises of a future filled with love, laughter, and, of course, the sweet taste of cherry.
Weeks turned into months, and Akira Kunimi and Shona Akaashi's love continued to blossom. They enjoyed more cherry-themed dates, shared countless kisses under the moonlight, and grew even closer. However, they knew it was time to face a crucial step in their relationship: announcing to their respective teams and Shona's brothers that they were officially a couple.
They decided to gather both the Aoba Johsai and Inairzaki teams for a special practice match, followed by a picnic in the same cherry orchard where their journey had begun. Shona's brothers, Hajime, Keiji, and Seijiro, along with Kunimi's team captain, Tooru Oikawa, were all present.
After a thrilling practice match, the teams gathered around the picnic blankets. Shona took a deep breath, her hand intertwined with Kunimi's. She knew it was time to share their news.
Shona: "Everyone, we have something to tell you."
All eyes turned to Shona and Kunimi, their curiosity piqued.
Kunimi: "Shona and I... we've been dating."
Hajime and Keiji exchanged a knowing glance, but it was Seijiro, the eldest brother, who looked the most concerned. He opened his mouth as if to protest, but then he saw the happiness radiating from his baby sister's eyes. He remembered the time he had tried to interfere in her life and had seen her stop talking to him for weeks. He didn't want to risk losing that connection with her again.
Seijiro: "Well, as long as my little sister is happy..."
Shona beamed at her brother's response, her heart filled with gratitude for his understanding.
Tooru Oikawa, the Aoba Johsai captain, who had been secretly dating Hajime, couldn't resist a mischievous grin.
Oikawa: "Well, well, it seems love is in the air. Congratulations, you two."
Kunimi and Shona blushed but smiled at the support they received from their friends and teammates.
The teams continued their picnic, and the day was filled with laughter and camaraderie. Kunimi and Shona were relieved that their announcement had been met with acceptance and even happiness from those who mattered most to them.
As the sun set behind the cherry trees, casting a warm, golden glow over the scene, Kunimi and Shona exchanged a glance that spoke volumes. They knew that their love story had overcome challenges, and they were excited to continue writing its pages together.
Under the cherry blossoms, in the company of their friends and family, Akira Kunimi and Shona Akaashi celebrated their love, cherishing the sweet taste of cherry that had brought them together in the first place.
And so, the love story of Akira Kunimi and Shona Akaashi continued to flourish. Their relationship blossomed like the cherry trees they had grown to associate with their love, and it was a testament to the strength of their connection.
They faced many challenges together, both on and off the volleyball court, but their love remained unwavering. As they grew older, they supported each other's dreams and aspirations, always mindful of the promise they had made to put their love first, even in the face of rivalry.
Years passed, and they reached new heights in their volleyball careers, but their love remained constant. They shared their victories and consoled each other in defeat. Their bond only grew stronger with time.
Eventually, Akira Kunimi and Shona Akaashi decided to take the next step in their relationship. In a picturesque cherry blossom garden, surrounded by the soft petals of their favorite flowers, Kunimi dropped to one knee and asked Shona the most important question of his life.
Kunimi: "Shona Akaashi, will you marry me?"
Shona's eyes welled up with tears of joy as she nodded enthusiastically.
Shona: "Yes, Akira Kunimi, a thousand times yes!"
Their wedding was a celebration of love, unity, and the cherry-flavored kiss that had started it all. They exchanged vows under a breathtaking cherry blossom arch, promising to be each other's constant support and strength.
As they shared their first kiss as a married couple, the taste of cherry on their lips brought back a flood of memories, from their first accidental kiss to all the sweet moments they had shared. It was a taste that would forever be a part of their love story.
Akira Kunimi and Shona Akaashi lived a life filled with love, laughter, and the sweet reminder of cherries. Their love story had transcended the boundaries of rivalry, and together, they created a beautiful and enduring legacy of love, just like the cherry blossoms that adorned their wedding day.
And so, their love story continued, a tale of two souls who had found their for
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Suzuki Akira, mais conhecido como AK, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ele parece tanto com o Yoshinori Kanemoto/Yoshi! Ele nasceu em 15/05/2000 na cidade de Hyogo, Japão e atualmente tem 22 anos. Ele trabalha como integrante do BURST na SENSE Entertainment, deve ser muito talentoso… Ah, você quer seguir ele? Procura por @uv_akira e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: japonês.
Personalidade: Akira é animado, um pouco atrapalhado e usa a desculpa de ser estrangeiro para se livrar de certas ocasiões, e figir não esta entendendo.É um considerado um prodigio, mas na verdade ele apenas se dedica e se entrega com vontade ao que se propõe a fazer, ambicioso, extrovertido e corajoso; seus defeitos é ser alguém ansioso, cabeça - dura e facilmente influenciável, ingênuo.
Certamente os pais de akira compraram sua vaga, ele possue condiçoes para isso.
Akira foi visto em uma casa noturna durante sua fase de treinamento, quase perdendo sua chance de debutar.
O rapper da nova geração, podem abrir as portas que Suzuki Akira chegou.
Akira vai ser o novo representante da chanel.
Akira sempre compõe suas linhas, até mesmo para o esperado debut, seu nome estava creditado nas letras.
TW: bulliyng, xenofobia.
Suzuki Akira sempre se interessou por música, tudo graças a sua criação, passava horas de seu tempo consumindo o conteúdo ,era um jovem animado, espirituoso, inteligente e dedicado, seu defeito era ser tímido e um pouco pavio curto, sempre foi o menor da turma, o que rendia algumas brincadeiras nem tão divertidas assim, por ser o representante de sua classe tentava ao máximo manter calmo e ignorar tais provocações, mas ainda sim muito querido. Sua reputação na escola era impecável, afinal seus pais possuíam uma imagem pública, sua mãe ( Minatozaki Haru )uma conhecida escritora de novels, seu pai (Suzuki Iori ) um guitarrista famoso no japão, fez parte de uma banda de J-rock bem conhecidcida, se conheceram por meio de trabalhos que fizeram juntos. Sua criação foi regada de muita atenção e liberdade, seus pais sempre o apoiaram em suas conquistas, principalmente na exploração da arte, poderia ser triunfo de filho único.
Sua vida era confortável na adolescência, período em que sua atenção mudou completamente, foi apresentado para os grupos de KPOP e pulando de cabeça na onda Hallyu. Seus pais sempre o incentivaram a fazer o'que gostava, e era por isso que possuíam uma boa ligação, por conta desse gosto acabou construindo um sonho de debutar em um grupo, e então fazendo parte de grupo cover de KPOP, começou a praticar dança se matriculando em uma escola conhecida no Japão. Foi em um dia desses que um olheiro ficou interessado e o convite para uma audição surgiu, ele não iria perder essa oportunidade, parecia uma loucura mas Akira tinha esse sonho.
O primeiro teste foi no Japão mesmo, por lá ele descobriu que a ARR Labels estava com um projeto a longo prazo, e estavam a fim de expandir os horizontes a procura de trainees, Akira ainda tinha muito o que aprender.A vida de trainee não era aquela maravilha, sabia que não seria fácil, mas ao mesmo tempo parecia ser impossível, várias vezes se pegou pensando em desistir, duvidando de seu próprio desenvolvimento ou até mesmo o sucesso em finalmente debutar, estava quase alcançando 5 anos longe de casa e longe de seu sonho, será se esse sacrifício todo valeu algo? Amadurecimento com toda certeza, suas habilidades e pontos fortes cresceram durante esse período, depois de um ano quando se acostumou com o novo idioma foi adicionado a rap line, onde começou a se destacar.
Agora os pontos negativos? Por onde começar, Akira sofreu com distância, sofreu com a dificuldade de comunicação, coreano era complicado e ainda precisava dividir seu tempo entre escola e treinos, sofreu por ser diferente, sempre houve essa competitividade e rivalidade que não conseguia entender, até os próprios instrutores instigando esse “ódio”. Por isso um lado novo seu surgiu, sua nova versão, passou a adquirir vícios, Akira não entendia o porquê de sempre estarem um contra os outros, se o sonho ali era o mesmo, claramente existia um preconceito enraizado em alguns.
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January 13
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[1334] Henry II of Castile, King of Castile and León (1369-79), born in Seville, Spain.
[1505] Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg (1535-71), born in Cölln, Germany.
[1610] Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Electress of Bavaria by marriage to Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, born in Graz, Duchy of Styria.
[1865] Princess Marie of Orléans, French Princess by birth and Danish Princess by marriage to Prince Valdemar, born in Ham, London, England.
[1938] Tord Grip, Swedish football player and manager, born in Ytterhogdal, Sweden.
[1939] Jacek Gmoch, Polish football player, trainer and manager, born in Pruszków, Poland.
[1947] Carles Rexach, Spanish-Catalan football winger and manager, born in Pedralbes, Barcelona, Spain.
[1960] Takis Lemonis, Greek footballer and manager, born in Colonus, Athens, Greece.
[1962] Trace Adkins, American country singer and actor, born in Sarepta, Louisiana, United States.
[1966] Patrick Dempsey, American actor, born in Lewiston, Maine, United States.
[1968] Mike Whitlow, English football defender and coach (U-18 at League Two club Mansfield Town), born in Northwich, England.
[1970] Frank Kooiman, Dutch football goalkeeper, born in Vlaardingen, Netherlands.
[1977] Orlando Bloom, English actor, born in Canterbury, England.
[1980] Akira Kaji, Japanese football defender, born in Minamiawaji, Hyogo, Japan.
[1980] Nils-Eric Johansson, Swedish football defender, born in Stockholm, Sweden.
[1989] Bryan Arguez, American soccer defensive midfielder, born in in Miami, Florida, United States.
[1990] Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor, born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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[703 AD] Empress Jitō, the 41st monarch of Japan, dies.
[858 AD] Æthelwulf, King of Wessex (839-858), dies.
[888 AD] Charles III, the Fat (Charles Le Gros) Emperor of the Carolingian Empire from 881-888, dies at about 49.
[1330] Frederick I (III), the Fair, Duke of Austria and Styria (from 1308) as well as the anti-King of Germany (1314-1325) and then the co-King until his death.
[1363] Meinhard III, Count of Gorizia-Tyrol, dies.
[1735] Princess Polyxena of Hesse-Rheinfels-Rotenburg, second wife of Charles Emmanuel, Prince of Piedmont, Queen of Sardinia (1730-35), dies at 28.
[1797] Duchess Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern, Queen of Prussia and Electress of Brandenburg as the wife of Frederik II the Great, dies at 81.
[1879] Henry the Navigator, Prince of the Netherlands, 3rd son of King William II of the Netherlands, dies at 58.
[1932] Sophia of Prussia, Queen Consort of the Hellenes (1913-17) and (1920-22) as the wife of Constantine I of Greece, dies at 61.
[2004] Harold Shipman (Doctor Death), British GP and prolific serial killer, commits suicide by hanging himself in his cell at HM Prison Wakefield at 57.
[2014] Bobby Collins, Scottish football midfielder and manager, dies at 82.
[2017] Antony Armstrong-Jones, Lord Snowdon, British photographer and ex-husband of Princess Margaret, dies at 86.
0 notes
BJW results for May 18, 2018
BJW results for May 18, 2018
BJW “Takamatsu Death Island 2018”, 5/18/2018 [Fri] 18:30 @ Takamatsu Symbol Tower Exhibition Hall in Kagawa
(1) Takuho Kato vs. Akira Hyogo ◆Winner: Kato (6:34) with a Boston Crab. (2) Kazuki Hashimoto & Yuki Morihiro vs. Kankuro Hoshino & Yuki Ishikawa ◆Winner: Kazuki (10:23) with a Death Valley Bomb Hold on Ishikawa. (3) Tatsuhiko Yoshino & Kota Sekifuda vs. Brahman Shu & Brahman Kei ◆Winner:…
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
100Koi+ 4th Anniversary Party Room (Part 2)
➡️ Part 1
💟 Since 2014
Be My Princess Season 2
The prince 50 years later is also here!
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Hayden A. Spencer | Kuon J. Casiraghi | Sieg Lieben | Oliver Button | Ivan Chernenkov | Aslan Mafdir | Kevin A. Alford | Maximillion Levaincois
Enchanted in the Moonlight
Youkai also came to the venue...!
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Miyabi | Chikage | Shinra | Kyoga | Yukinojo | Samon | Kiryu
In Your Arms Tonight Season 2
Today everyone here...!
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Takeru Ashida | Shinichiro Ogiwara | Shu Mishima | Fumitaka Nishi | Kazuya Seta | Ryosuke Sakura
Finally, in Love Again
Today everyone here...!
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Aki Fujishima | Shuichiro Momoi | Sosuke Kikuchi | Yoh Kobayakawa | Yuto Tsuruya | Kazuki Serizawa | Kanata Tachibana
True Love Sweet Lies
We invited detectives today!
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Kiyoharu Nanahoshi | Sakuya Nanahoshi | Rui Wakaba | Naomasa Sakura | Nozomu Fuse
Her Love in the Force
All the public security detectives are now in the match!
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Seiji Goto | Hyogo Kaga | Hideki Ishigami | Shusuke Soma | Ayumu Shinonome | Jin Namba | Toru Kurosawa | Takaomi Tsugaru
Star-Cossed Myth
The god of the constellations also came...!
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Leon | Scorpio | Teorus | Dui | Huedhaut | Ichthys | Karno | Zyglavis | Aigonorus | Krioff | Tauxolouve | Partheno
Scandal in the Spotlight
There were also national idols...!
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Kyohei Rikudoh | Iori Enjo | Kota Igarashi | Nagito Aoshima | Takashi Ninagawa | Ryo Chibana | Ritsuto Ena | Fumito Ena
My Wedding and 7 Rings
All of Sanno Shoji are here!
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Asahi Kakyouin | Yamato Kougami | Junta Nikaido | Hiroto Chitose | Ren Shibasaki | Kai Fujisawa | Seiichirou Hayami
💟 Since 2015
My Last First Kiss
Today are my childhood friends...!
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Ayato Hidaka | Ichiya Misono | Makoto Morimachi | Takamune Kitami | Riku Morimachi | Hiroki Eniwa | Rin Yakumo
Butler Until Midnight
There were also butlers...!
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Yuma Akagi | Aoi Shirafuji | Tomoki Matsuba | Kyo Aizawa | Itsuki Matsuba
After School Affairs
Everyone at Kiyoharu High School is now available!
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Shinichi Kagari | Kiyonori Taishi | Rikiya Mononobe | Hidetaka Sera | Kenzo Yasukawa | Chiharu Utsumi 
Bad Boys Do it Better!
Today, everyone from Shinran High School is here!
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Ryoji Ryukai | Rei Todo | Yu Agatsuma | Akira Sakaki | Keiichiro Minase | Yuki Saejima
Era of Samurai: Code of Love
Over time from the end of the Edo period...!
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Toshizo Hijikata | Soji Okita | Sanosuke Harada | Hajime Saito | Isami Kondo | Shinsaku Takasugi
💟 Since 2016
Dangerous Seduction
We invited all of you today!
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Masaharu Ryuzaki | Yasumi Arimura | Haruma Fujioka | Asuka Hino | Kentaro Inui
Irresistible Mistakes
Pheromen are also available here!
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Shunichiro Tachibana | Toshiaki Kijima | Toma Kiriya | Taku Hayama | Go Okubo | Natsume Asaoka | Yukihisa Maki | Keita Miura | Rei Kamiki | Jun Araki
Love Brings You Home
Everyone here is here today!
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Taiyo Inami | Arata Yuki | Liam Kurusu | Hazuki Tojo | Yoshiro Fukumoto
💟 Since 2017
When Destiny Comes Knocking
There were also regulars of Jesus!
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Nozomu Kaneko | Rheo Usami | Seiya Fushimi | Wataru Toge | Shintaro Ando
Rose in the Embers 
You came from the imperial capital of the Taisho era!
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Kyosuke Takatsukasa | Takahisa Togo | Misao Higuchi | Tsukumo Kobayakawa | Atsuro Shibusawa
Our Private Homeroom
There were also teachers from Shirogaoka High School...!
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Ryota Mochizuki | Yohji Furuya | Shuya Komaki
Kings of Paradise
The best men are now available...!
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Taki Kozaki | Kiyohito Shirakami | Shun Randoh | Yosuke Sagara | Kaisei Kuon | Hayachika Ryutsubaki | Blood Moon / Sakuto Amatsuka
💟 Since 2018
A World With(out) You
Tonight, these guys also came to see you again.
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Kotaro Kamiyama | Saku Fukazawa | Kento Miyoshi | Kiyohiro Amemiya
Masquerade Kiss
Today, these people have a slightly dangerous scent...!
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Kazuomi Shido | Yuzuru Shiba | Kei Soejima | Boss / Seiichi Setoyanagi
Romance MD: Always on Call
There were also members of the Seikai University Hospital and the Special Lifesaving Department...!
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Munechika Takado | Tetsuya Hosho | Kyogoku Sentaro | Matsunaga Eiichi | Toshiki Kasumi | Kaede Ekuni
💟 Since 2019
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
All of these people, who are rarely gathered together, are all together today!
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Rei Rindoh | Araya Kuze | Takane Momochi | Ryogo Saikusa | Haruma Tosaka | Yuri Kazumoto
Love's Hella Punk
He rushed to see you today!
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Tengoku Shima | Tatsunoshin Utsuki | Daiki Hazeki | Akira Kousaka
💟 Since 2020
Professional Boyfriend
These two are also the same...!
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Banri Saki | Ikki Tatsumi
💟 Since 2021
Oops, I Said Yes?!
The last is...! These people came from Miyoshi Kukansha Co., Ltd.!
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Kunihiro Kasai | Kiba Kuranosuke | Shu Hasunuma | Eiji Takao | Sengawa Ukyo
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: <3 thanks for all the support so far
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Thirteen
“Kuroo-San I’m very flattered but in reality I’m seeing someone.” You chuckled awkwardly as you both walked to the lounge after today’s game. “Really?! Since when! About a month ago during the black Jackals game you just said you were a single mom!” He exclaimed. “Well..in reality..I’m trying to make amends with the father of my children. We were both dumb and immature but now since we’re older, we can have a decent conversation. And I still have feelings for him in a way and he’s already confessed..so...” you scratched the back on your head. “Have you accepted his confession..?” He asked. “Well..I mean I kind of changed the subject..” you replied awkwardly. “Poor guy..” he put his hand on his chest as if he felt the pain. “Well it’s not right to pressure someone into going on a date with them so I’m sorry. I was out of line. And I hope everything goes well between you and Rintarou.” He said with a soft smile. He patted your head and walked away down the other hall, you just stood there dumbfounded. How does he know Rin is the dad..?
You haven’t checked social media or sports news so you’re not sure if people already know. You made you way into the lounge and opened your small locker. You took out your purse and walked to your car, you tried walking as fast as possible to avoid talking to people and when you were in the comfort of your car you took out your phone.
Your eyes widened at the amount of phone calls and messages Rin sent. You didn’t even have a chance to read the messages since you decided to call back Rin and wonder what is going on. “It’s about time you answer.” He immediately gritted, he obviously sounded pissed. “Excuse me?” You immediately said with such confusion.
Does he seriously think he can get away with talking to you like that?
“I said it’s about time you fucking answered. Why weren’t you answering my calls or messages?” He asked. “I was obviously working.” You said in a duh tone. “Is something wrong?” You asked. “YES something is wrong! My son almost died and I didn’t know what to do!”
Your heart dropped. He almost...died..? “W-wait—“ you shook your head. “What do you mean he almost died?” You asked. “He had an allergy attack and I had to use an epipen. I didn’t know what to do at the hospital. I rarely had any information. You never told me if the kids had insurance or anything.” “Is Rini okay?” You immediately asked. “Yes he’s fine. But you didn—“
“I’m on my way. For the next eight hours, think before you speak, okay? Don’t say anything you’ll regret.” You warned. “Whatever.” He muttered and hung up. Immediately your heart clenched and you threw your phone at the passenger seat. You rubbed your face and leaned forward and gripped the steering wheel.
“What the fuck.” You sighed. Throughout the drive back to Hyogo your hands began shaking thinking about your kids and Rin. The kids went through something traumatic, and you weren’t there to help them or to protect them. What kind of mother are you? You wanted to slap yourself so hard, jump off a cliff. Receive some sort of punishment for being such a stupid mother and trusting Rin with your children.
After a few hours, your makeup needed a touch up, your hair was a mess for running your hands through your hair hoping your son is okay. Your eyes felt droopy. You’ve only slept a good six hours between drives and it’s way past midnight. The sun began to rise and you finally passed the billboard welcoming you to the hyogo prefecture. You went to the hospital Rin said they were at and you quickly parked and made your way inside.
The poor lady in the office seemed startled at your appearance, your clothes were wrinkled, and your shirt was untucked and unbuttoned from the top, you had bags under your eyes, you were a whole mess. When she gave the room number you slipped off your heels and began jogging to your location. The door was opened so you peeked in and saw your daughter playing with her fox plush on the uncomfortable couch chair.
It was like she sensed you so she looked up and you made eye contact with your little girl. Her eyes immediately watered and she hopped off the chair crying. “Mommy!” She sobbed and you immediately bent down to pick her up. You held her close and her grip tightened around your shoulders. “Rini doesn’t feel good..” she mumbled in your ear. “I know baby, I know.” You answered and dropped your heels by the entrance.
You made you way inside and saw Rin hunched over on the bed sleeping. He was holding Rini’s hand who was also asleep. He looked alright and you sighed in relief. “Have you slept, Akira?” You asked and she nodded. “I slept with Rini, but grandma wanted me to go back home with her. But Rini needed me. He’s my twin.” She wiped her eyes and slightly pulled away. You neared the other side of the bed and pulled the lounge chair closer so you can sit. Akira was on your left thigh with her head still on your shoulder. You looked at Rini sleeping and you brushed some hair out of his face. He slowly opened his eyes and he smiled lazily, “I missed you momma..” he mumbled. “I missed you too. I came as fast as I could.” You assured. “I was so scared.” He admitted. “I know..and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you.” Your eyes began to water. “Don’t cry mommy.... then I’ll cry..” Rini held your hand with his free hand.
Your wiped under your eyes with the sleeve of your blazer to stop the tears from falling and you smiled again. “Okay I won’t cry.” You said and released a breath. “Can you sing me a song?” Akira asked in your neck, “Yeah I want a song too, please.” Rini pouted and you nodded. They had a favorite song from a certain show that they enjoyed the most. You began to sing softly and Rini squeezed your hand and Akira began to fall asleep again.
I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special
You saw as Rini’s eyes began to close so he could fall back to sleep, you heard snoring right in your ear and realized Akira knocked out as well. “You have a beautiful voice.” Rin said softly as he rested his head on the side of his arm. “Sorry that I woke you up.” You quickly apologized. “No it’s fine..” he yawned and slowly sat up. He winced slightly, “Damn I need to see a chiropractor.” He muttered and you released a small chuckle. “Me too.” You said.
“So is Rini okay? What happened?” You asked and he sighed and looked into your eyes. “My mom got some burgers from a restaurant where peanut oil is used. She didn’t know Rini was allergic and I didn’t check the bag.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You raised your voice and his eyes widened. “Your mom almost killed our son and you blame me for leaving you without any information?” You asked and he looked down guilty. “She didn’t kn—“
“Of course she doesn’t know because all day she was acting like a conceited bitch instead of being a grandmother to her grandkids. She even called me a whore—“
“No she didn’t.” He immediately interrupted. “She didn’t because you stopped her. But that’s what she thinks right? I model for Hana’s company to support her and to build up my self esteem and now I’m a whore? And you had the audacity to talk to me so rudely when I didn’t do anything. If you’re going to be treating me like that then there’s the fucking door. You understand? Never again will I be disrespected by a man.” You said and he had no words.
“You make it seem like I did it on purpose. I was sleep deprived and scared. I felt like I was going to throw up.” Rin squinted his narrow eyes.
“Do you have any idea what I felt when I got a call eight hours away that my son almost died? Imagine how I feel when he calls out to me and I’m not there. I feel like I failed them as a mom, my chest hurts and I’ve always been there. Always. And now I leave them in your hands and something happens and I can’t get there soon? I almost had a panic attack on the drive!” You exclaimed and he stayed silent. He didn’t want to continue fighting. He’s sure the kids are awake and listening to everything.
“I’m sorry.” He said and looked at his hands. He felt defeated and disappointed. You shouldn’t be so hard on him, it’s been less than a month since he took on this role. “Hey look at me.” You called softly, he looked up and you made eye contact once more. “I’m sorry for going off on you like this, I’m just as upset and afraid as you are and I’m sure you haven’t slept much.”
“I could say the same for you, you look like shit.” He cracked a tiny smile and you rolled your eyes with a giggle. “So did your mom eventually decide to be a grandma or she still hates me so she’s not getting close?” You asked. “She went back home to bring some clothes and then to get us some breakfast. I sent her a screenshot of my notes.” He said and you nodded. You obviously still felt uneasy with her, but they deserve a grandma and if she’s being civil you have no reason to take them away from her.
There was a knock at the door and you and Rin immediately turned your heads. “Oh you must be mom..” the doctor said. “Yeah I’m mom.” You said. She explained that Rini stayed longer than usual because he is a child. After a severe allergic reaction there can be aftershocks hours after the person receives treatment and that can lead to a seizure. She praised Rin for quick thinking and following proper steps to insure his child’s safety.
When the doctor left, Rin’s mom waltzes in and she freezes when she sees you. You take a deep breath and release and decide that it’s best to keep quiet. You wouldn’t want a clique animosity between you and your maybe future mother in law.
“I brought Rini some spare clothes.” She said as she opened Rin’s old gym bag. “He doesn’t own that jacket.” You pointed out. Her face flushed slightly, “I know..but this was Rintarou’s favorite jacket when he was his age..I thought it would be nice to wear. I have a lot of Rin’s old baby and child clothes.” She admitted softly, almost scared that you would snap any minute. And you would, so she was wise to walk on eggshells.
“Okay that’s fine.” You gave in. You helped Rini get dressed while Rin was talking to the doctor and getting ready to check out. You walked barefoot down the hall with your pink heels in your right hand, while Akira held your left hand. Rini was holding hands with Suna and Rin’s mom was holding their stuffed animals. She trailed behind you four and saw how you and Rin swung akira with you arms, her little giggles filled the hall releasing serotonin to the patients and nurses nearby.
“Momma aren’t you gonna put your shoes on?” Rini asked, “My feet hurt and I don’t feel like falling.” “But it’s hot outside, you can burn your feet.” Rin spoke up, “I think I’ll be fine.” You assured. He rolled his eyes and let go of the kids. You were about to step on the asphalt of the parking lot after checking both sides and all of a sudden you’re being knocked back from your legs and carried bridal style. “RINTAROU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT.”
The kids giggled at their parents funny behavior, you kicked the air and squirmed but his grip tightened. “Do you really wanna get down?” He asked and you said yes. He pretended to drop you and you gripped onto his shirt for dear life and he started laughing. “I swear to God I am going to kick you where the sun doesn’t shine.” You muttered. He finally put you down but you were so distracted you were already at your car.
Karin took the kids to her car since the car seats are in there, so now it’s just you and Rin. “You give me a headache.” You told him. “But you love this headache—“ both your eyes widened and he stopped, “—sorry.” He immediately apologized.
You turned away to yawn and you muttered an it’s okay. He opened the car door for you just like old times, much to your dismay and he closed it when you entered. You put on your seatbelt and he fixed the seat and complained at how tiny you were. He was expecting you to fight back and bicker but you were already asleep.
He leaned forward and fixed your head so you wouldn’t hurt your neck. He started the car and began driving back home. He saw the two empty cups of coffee and some energy bar wrappers on the floor. The phone wasn’t playing any music but the volume was up to 20. You must have been so tired driving all last night and the night before for nine straight hours. No wonder you blasted music to keep you up and drank coffee.
He soon made it home and tried waking you up, but you didn’t budge. Not even shaking you work. You were a muttering unconscious mess when he helped you out and carried you bridal style once again. His mom let him in and he told Akira to unroll the futon in the living room since he couldn’t take you upstairs. He successfully placed you down and helped take of your blazer, he thanked god you were wearing an undershirt thanks to akira checking (no somnophilia shit here atm) and he helped unbutton your dress shirt so you wouldn’t feel hot. He put a light blanket over you. “Can’t believe I have to get you ready for bed like a child.” He muttered with a shake of his head. “Silence bottom, it’s mimi’s time.” You said in your sleep.
The kids ate their breakfast in the car as well as Karin. They were already awake and playing with Chewy outside again. “Mom.” He called, “Yes?” She asked from the kitchen. “Can I borrow your makeup wipes?” He asked. She smiled softly, looking out the window to check on the kids. “Yeah go ahead, they’re in the bathroom.”
Rin came back with the wipes and began wiping the makeup off your face. He didn’t want to press too hard to hurt you. But damn, this makeup was hard to take off. Finally you slept comfortably without makeup, without any interruptions. “Sweet dreams, love.” He smiled and moved the hair away from your face.
He stood up and grabbed the bag with all the kids school stuff and sat in the picnic table outside. “Alright you rascals time for school!” He yelled and the kids yelled an okay and went to join their dad.
“Hey dad..” Rini said. “What’s up?” Rin looked at his son, “I love you a lot. To infinity and beyond. Mama says that’s called unconditional love.” He said and Rin smiled with a nod. “Exactly, and I love you two unconditionally as well.” He said and Akira peered up from her work sheet. “Do you love mom unconditionally?” She asked Rintarou.
“Yeah. Yeah I do.”
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Fun facts:
Someone asked me to do fun facts and if I had any for future chapters so here I go
The song YN sang is love like you from Steven universe but this is my fav version.
‘Mimi’s’ means sleeping time, Akira didn’t know how to say sleeping when she was a toddler so she would say Mimi’s cuz uncle Oikawa would say “es tiempo de dormir.” Which means ‘it’s time to sleep’. So MIMIS is taken for the ‘mir’ in dormir. (Sorry that was a long explanation) (if you live in a Mexican household then u might usually hear this)
YN drives a Black Honda CR-V (nice mom van) ☺️ while Rin has a White Nissan GT-R but he’s thinking of trading it in for a four door sports car to take the kids and yn along
Rin still has his old black mustang in a garage rental back in Tokyo where he would drive with YN everywhere. He wants to fix it up and gift it to one of his kids when they’re older 🥺
Idk why I’m talking about cars
Rin was a blushing mess when he was getting yn ready for bed and his heart stopped when she snuggled into him
After he admitted he loved YN unconditionally, Akira called him a simp
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @atsumusdomain @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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pockyxx · 4 years
« i lysol you » sakusa x reader smau
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summary: the miya twins younger sister leaves for tokyo in order to join the junoir national gymnastics team while also studying at itachiyama institute .
three | four | five
you’d been woken up by your room mates early that morning as you groaned, just a few extra minutes of sleep would’ve been perfect but you needed to meet the ambassador the welcoming committee had sent.
pulling out the school uniform from your suitcase, you got dressed in a rush—someone was already waiting for you outside your door.
“hi there, you must be our new student! I’m eguchi akira, class 2-5. but please just call me akira!” Her peppy tone match the smile on her face. you bowed slightly at the upperclassmen.
“miya y/n, but I’d prefer you just call me y/n.” you mentioned and she nodded. “class 1-6.”
akira didn’t point out it was an honours class, instead scanning you up and down.
“miya eh? that name sounds familiar.” the raven haired girl squinted her eyes, not very convinced when you simply brushed it off as a simple common last name.
there was a reason you haltered from mentioning the fame and popularity of your brothers. all your life it was living under an over baring shadow and despite your clear talent and success, people could only recognize the freak brother-duo.
“oh well, i’ll show you to the dinning room and then i can walk you to your first class.” akira seemed nice, that was probably why she was on the welcoming committee. it would be odd though for you to request a friendship considering she was only really with you for the extra credit the club provided.
the dinning hall was just as you expected from a very prestigious private school in tokyo; modern, curved architecture, fitting with futuristic shapes chairs. it almost reminded you of a food court back in one of the bigger shopping centres in hyogo.
akira nudged you, starting the morning grace. “thank you for the food.” the student body chanted before starting their breakfast.
you knew it was safe to text osamu that he needn’t worry about the menu, it was a heavenly breakfast and you doubted the two other meals would be any less mouth watering.
“is that sakusa-san, his hair got much longer than last year.” akira had muttered, just talking to herself but you couldn’t help but overhead and add in your two-sense.
“oh you know sakusa-san? he brought me back from the bus terminal when i arrived in tokyo yesterday.” the statement had no ill intent but akira’s head snapped towards you.
“he really went into such a crowded place? that seems a bit out of character, he can be a bit of a germaphobe.” it was almost as if akira didn’t believe you. at first glance she was nice, you realized, but peering into her eyes you could feel jealously eminating off of her.
shrugging, you simply pulled out your phone and sent a text to your brother, trying to keep the reflection of the phone out of akira’s glance.
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akira didn’t try to make any small talk with you after breakfast, only showing you to your class and where the women’s bathrooms were.
after a long day, you made it back to your dorm, laying on your bed and slyly adding sakusa’s contact into your phone.
looking next to you, an unpacked suitcase was calling out for you. sighing, you quietly finished unpacking before starting on your homework.
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tomokonagai102 · 3 years
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The main visual of "Rokko Meets Art 2021" has been released!! 🏔✨
I made the main visual work.
The title is “ The Little House ” 🏠🌳🌲
"Rokko Meets Art 2021" is an exhibition of modern art held on the summit of Mt. Rokko located in the port city of Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture.
Art work : Tomoko Nagai《 小さな家 The Little House 》2021 @ Tomoko Nagai, Courtesy of Tomio Koyawa Gallery / photography : Akira Yamaguchi / Design : Akihiro Hama(KOBE DESIGN CENTER)
"Rokko Meets Art 2021"
September 11th (Sta) ~ November 23th (Tue)
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talesofedo · 3 years
Question of the Day: How could you leave the Shinsengumi?
The situation: you’ve joined the Shinsengumi, but after only a few weeks that seems like it was a really bad decision. Why didn’t anyone talk you out of it? 
Maybe you’re just not that good with a sword. Maybe your philosophical outlook on the bakufu has changed. Maybe that position as fourth food taster that your father will retire from (soon, he claims) is starting to look like a pretty cushy job by comparison. Maybe all the snoring in the group quarters has kept you awake every single damn night since you joined.
Whatever the reason, you’d really prefer to un-join, but there’s that little clause in the 局中法度 (kyokuchou hatto, the Shinsengumi’s code) that says once you join, you can’t leave.
What’s a poor samurai to do?
Good news: leaving is an actual option.
Let’s get the important part out of the way first: the iron code of the Shinsengumi that’s so often cited in books and movies? That’s from Shimozawa Kan’s novel.
Although the Shinsengumi had many rules designed to maintain order and discipline, and leaving was certainly frowned upon (more about that later), the rules were not quite as black-and-white as popular media would have us believe.
One available option was requesting a discharge. This was a bit of a process because you had to give a reason for wanting to leave, and it was subject to approval (or disapproval) by the commanders, but it was certainly an option nonetheless.
For example:
Shiba Ryosaku asked to be discharged because he planned to travel to a foreign country aboard a ship and his application to do so had been accepted.
Fujisawa Takejo, who was assigned to the clerks, asked to be discharged because he didn’t get to use his martial arts (and, apparently, he really didn’t want to be a clerk).
Both of their requests were approved.
In some instances, discharges were nearly always approved, or might even be recommended by the commanders: for example, if the person was ill or injured. 
For example:
Ozeki Yashiro, who was in poor health due to heart disease, had been assigned to an easy duty (recruiting) in 1865, but was discharged later that year when his health continued to decline. He died in his hometown at the end of the year.
If you requested a discharge but it was denied, you weren’t left with many options: you could either remain in the Shinsengumi (and perhaps hope to pick up a bad case of the flu or some not-too-terrible injury that would allow you to ask for a discharge on grounds of illness or injury), or you could take your chances by deserting.
Desertion (some translations use “escape” instead) has always been forbidden in the Shinsengumi and was harshly punished: by death.
Death would come in the form of either seppuku or beheading if the person had been captured and returned to headquarters, or in the form of being killed where they were found, if they chose to put up a fight or refused to go back.
Perhaps this is where Shimozawa Kan took a bit of artistic license by turning “it’s forbidden to desert” into “it’s forbidden to leave.”
However, of all known deserters, few were ever caught and killed.
Most notably among them is Sannan (Yamanami) Keisuke, who was returned from Otsu by Okita Soji and committed seppuku back at headquarters. (Probably. That will be the subject for an entirely different post at some point.)
Another example is Sakai Hyogo, one of the Shinsengumi's accountants, who deserted after he was put on a detail burying bodies, which apparently freaked him out and made him question his life choices. He was cut down by Okita Soji. 
Some information from Kikuchi Akira’s book 新選組謎解き散歩 (Shinsengumi nazotoki sanpo).
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
5. Thank Some Gods
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You end up in Hyogo for a real hot minute over your winter break, thanks to your cousins Akira and Akari who decided to drag you along when they were forced to visit with their mom and older brother. Being a year older then them and already a seasoned solo traveller, the parents all thought you'd be a great chaperone. Woohoo, yay you.
Truth be told, you love spending time with them and you're really happy to be able to see your aunt and other cousin, their brother Kazuya, that you'd missed over the summer, as well. Although you did have to apologize to Tobio and his family because when you'd promised you would stay with them next, you should have specified you meant next time you were in Miyagi. Not Japan in general. You think they were just taking the piss though.
Oh right, your vulgar new phrases are courtesy of Akira, thank her very much. Spend a few minutes in the twins' company and you end up talking like them, or whatever their west coast academy friends are currently teaching them, at least. Akari has a valley girl phase going and you think Akira is gearing up for a Tarantino-inspired life. Can't see how your family is let that going to happen, but it's not your job to tell him that.
"Y/nnn, did you try this dango!" Akira runs right into you, appearing from the crowd of people on the festive street of the shopping district you're in, and locks her free arm around yours while waving a stick with round balls on it in other other hand.
"No, but I waited 10 minutes standing still in the cold and crowd so you can bet that I will. Half of that is already mine."
"Hmph," She scoffs, "No one told you to stand still and wait around, silly."
You give her an exasperated look, "You literally said, 'stay there a minute, I'm grabbing us some sweets!' and bounced off."
"Okay, okay, chill your roll, girl."
"Not sure that's a saying, girl."
"Maybe not at the snooty east side preps."
"Yo." Akira appears on your other side. "Half that's mine."
"A third. Or none at all." Akari sticks her tongue out at her twin.
He looks over at you and you nod, twisting quickly so you can grab and hold her occupied arm still while he plucks the dango from her hand.
"Hey! Looks like it's none at all!"
"No. Looks like it's half mine, half Y/n's." He bites off one of the chewy balls (okay, we all know how that sounds.. slow your roll, girl) before holding the stick in front of your face so you can grab one too. Oh wow. It is good. Why did you wait so long to try it? So many years wasted without enjoying this sweet texture.
You can see your third cousin approaching, holding onto a tray of steaming drinks, as you chew over your thoughts on the delicious dessert (see what you did there?).
"I got your coffee", he holds the tray between us so I can grab one of the cups with my free hand, but like.. Kazuya, which one is it?
"Kazuuu, they're bullying me!" Akari pouts for sympathy only for Akira to fire back almost before she reaches the last word.
"She bullied me first!"
Instead of responding to either, he rolls his eyes at their bickering but they're only having fun. You've never met siblings that have each other's backs more than these two. You think Kazuya misses it too, having decided to study in Japan and live with his mom who consequently chose to work here, while the other two live with their dad - but really at a boarding school - back on the American west coast.
"Whatever, are you grabbing your drinks or what?"
Akari only smiles at her older brother's deadpan expression, "Which one is my hot chocolate, niichan?"
"Please don't call me that."
"Why not?"
But it's Akira who answers with a snicker, "Because you don't even go here, brat. It's cringy coming from you."
"Shut up, ugly clone."
"That's literally impossible unless you're calling yourself ugly too."
Okay, you're just going to go for the cup closest to you on your left. You pick it up and sip slowly... success. The sweet, warm flavour of your white chocolate mocha slides down your throat.
Kazu is giving you an arch look now, he knows how much you live for coffee but he's still going to say something about it, right? "You know it's already dark out, I don't know how you can drink this stuff so late. Don't you want to get some sleep tonight?"
"Bold of you to assume I need sleep." You smirk at him over the rim of your cup while Akari makes an attempt at snatching the remaining dango back from her brother around you. Please don't make me spill.
"Nah, I just assume you're a robot and this is your regular maintenance or something."
You consider his words before shrugging, nothing too mean that you can call him out on, you guess. "Down the hatch then."
"Sure thing, but I'm not staying up late bingeing your crappy shows with you when you're wired."
"But you'll binge a non-crappy show?"
Another smile for your favourite cousin of the minute. He did get you coffee, you know. Akari's managed to grab the third sweet off the stick with her mouth like some rabid animal, but it makes sense because the hand not still holding onto you is holding back Akari's arm. They're going to smac-
And they hit the tray that Kazu was only just holding. He somehow manages to grab one of the drinks you assume is his out of it's spot while avoiding the wreckage spill of the other two cups. He didn't even try to hold on to it, which is partly why you're laughing as both twins start simultaneously apologizing and complaining about their spilled drinks.
Kazuya's deadpan expression is actually pretty communicative for the the moment, "I'm not going back for another, this is on you guys."
"Kazu, do you like being mean to us?" They actually ask this at the same time but Kazu's not even phased.
"Yes, I want you to suffer." He's dry as ever.
You chuckle but they're so sweet, most of the time, so you'll make it up for them, "I passed a stall selling hot chocolate, since we don't need to replace my specialty coffee, I can go there to get you some."
"Me too?" Akira asks hopefully.
"Yes, you too, puppy."
He rolls his eyes, trying to adjust his expression back into an uncaring one. It's more natural on his brother currently, but you can definitely see him grow into a more serious demeanour someday.
"I'll come with you while these two stay put." Kazu gives his younger siblings a stern look.
"No need," You wave him off, grabbing the stick with the last piece of dango and handing it to him, "Enjoy this as repayment from us all for making you go all the way back into the mall for our drinks. In the meantime, I'll be right back."
"Hold on, you're going to the one next to the onigiri stand, right?"
"Okay, straight there and back in fifteen minutes or I'll come find you. And if I have to worry, I won't be happy."
"Okay niisan." You roll your eyes with your sarcastic tone. Older brothers. No wonder he and your brother Raiden get along so well, they're under some misassumption that their younger siblings just can't help getting into trouble, as if you all only live to annoy them. And he was doing so well as your favourite cousin for the time being.
You stroll away from the benches you were waiting at by the end of the street where the outdoor stalls meet the main street shopping mall and melt back into the crowd. This festival really is something, so brightly lit with pretty twinkling lights strung up everywhere and curled around any available post like glowing, warm yellow vines. You absolutely love the vibe but you know you're on a time crunch.
You notice the onigiri stand just ahead of the drink stall and debate for a quick second before stopping in the surprisingly short line up. A piece each of sweet dessert does not a stomach fill. Unfortunately, just as you take a sip of your coffee, someone bumps into you from behind, causing it to spill over your lips and dribble down your chin but you adjust enough in time, holding the cup out and away from you, so that you're not covered in any more than that and the little bit on your hand.
You hate wet clothing with a passion, especially when it's cold outside and it clings to you with that awful chilly, sticky feel. Not so bad when it's on your coat, but on principle, that's just as unpleasant if you run the cuff of your sleeve over it or it get on the collar and then you have the tiniest bit of discomfort right by sensitive skin and that makes it all the more glaring.
You realize the person who bumped into you also reached out to steady you at the same time and is now speaking, "Shit, I'm so sorry."
It's a little quiet but you make out his apology through his thick dialect. Hm, you think that's where the odd changes in Kazu and his mom's speech are coming from, a regional osmosis of accents?
"No worries, it's pretty crowded." You only half turn while you search your pockets for a tissue or napkin, spotting a flash of grey in your peripherals. Then an arm covered in that grey reaches out to hold a napkin in your field of view and you finally look up to see who it belongs too.
And now you're just staring. Hi there, I'd like hear your voice more. Preferably while you stare at his mouth move on his beautiful face. You can't believe he just had his hand on your waist, even if it was just for a split second and over layers of clothes, and you didn't get to appreciate it.
"It's not dirty." He shakes the napkin, you're assuming because he thankfully thought you were thinking that over instead of ogling him.
You chuckle, thinking how you definitely need to send thanks to some divine power on the new year for all the interactions with some serious eye candy these past six months, but out loud you say, "I really need to thank some gods out there, huh?"
He gives you a confused look but you catch yourself and, before he can respond and question your sanity, quickly follow up with, "Or just you. For this. Thank you for the napkin."
"S'alright. Wasn't a big favour, really, just makin' up for my fault bumpin' into ya." You're not sorry he did, though? You can't tell what he's thinking, this guy is a closed book, folks. It's kind of jarring, since you consider yourself exceptional at reading people and acclimating to them.
You finally actually accept the napkin and wipe at your mouth and chin first, then your hand, responding, "At least you didn't make me drop the coffee or we would have had a real problem."
You think he realizes you're teasing because the corner of his mouth actually inches up the tiniest bit. You're not imagining, you swear it on your mocha!
"Coffee this late?"
"It's 11am somewhere."
"Ya wake up at 11am?" What an interesting thought process he has.
"Are you not on winter break? Or do you just assume your typical hours in every conversation no matter what day of the year it is?"
"Huh." You think he sounds thoughtful? Or was it just the word and you're associating it with how you use it..
"That's not an answer, but I'll take that to mean you go the typical route." You smile again because like you said, he's unreadable and you really don't want him to think you're being bitchy. You're really grateful for the napkin. And that face. So... yeah.
You're moving up, thankfully, because you thought you were blessed but this is just turning into what feels like an awkward encounter.
"I like sleepin' in, but sometimes I get too hungry so I'm up when my stomach is."
You look back at him in surprise, obviously because he bothered to continue a seemingly closed conversation, but that quickly turns into amusement and commiseration, "Oh I know! It's mostly coffee for me because not a lot of people bother to make breakfast in my house, but if I smell something delicious cooking, I forget I'm not a morning person."
He does smile fully then and it's beautiful. "Me too, but I'm usually the one doing the cookin'."
"Oh wow, that's dedication. I can respect but never reach that ideal." You hold your hand to your heart in a silly salute but also because he's still smiling and you're trying to tell your unreliable organ to be still. Not too still though, you're enjoying the moment and want to keep living it.
"Eh, I'm used to it."
"Well then, for once, let someone else take care of your food. I'll get your order for you."
"Seriously? It was just a napkin and my fault too.."
"Yeah, no, don't worry about it! Consider it a gift in essence of the festival!"
He doesn't say anything for a moment before, "I was going to try the different flavours. That's a lot."
"No way, that's awesome! I'll do that too, I don't even know what they have available, I just stopped here on a whim on my way there." You indicate the stand next to the one you're almost to the front of with a wave of your hand.
"Ahh.. if ya like, I can suggest some?"
You happily smile at him as you accept, "That would be great, thank you so much."
The two of you step up to the counter together and you listen while he orders. While you both wait for them to place each of your requests, he explains some of the fillings and why they work best depending on personal taste and even situation. You tell him about having just tried dango, sad about having realized you missed out so long, and he actually smiles widely at your exaggerated pained expression but also recommends some other desserts, including which shops to stop at in the city.
It's starting to snow as you two talk, which is not rare but still unusual for this region, but thankfully it's not much longer before you're each handed your containers and move aside. You look over to him and laugh when you realize this guy is already munching on one of the onigiris, your breath puffing out in a small cloud before you. "Which one is it?"
"Fatty tuna." He talks around it with his own little puffy cloud and it's pretty cute actually, instead of the usual cringe when people talk with their mouths full. Oh, the benefits of being good looking. Also, he's tilted his head down ever so slightly so it's almost polite in a perfected way.
"I'm just going to go ahead and assuming you're enjoying it."
He nods while swallowing and then makes some pretty intense eye contact while speaking way too seriously, "Thank you. This is amazing."
You smile, feeling like in the minutes the two of you were conversing, you've gotten a little more comfortable with the minute changes in his expressions. "You're welcome. I'm going to head over to the drink stall now, but it was nice to meet you!"
With a laugh as you walk away, you also add, "And thank you for sharing your knowledge with me, at least I'll know where to feed myself when I'm craving different things this week."
You're turning away as he seems to stand there watching you with some hesitation, but you can't do all the heavy lifting in a conversation when you're on a time limit, so you'll chalk this up to another fun run-in with a cute guy for the books.
You're lucky there's no line up, you're really short on your deadline and your fingers are getting pretty cold along with your coffee, so you pay for the hot chocolate, they pour, and you're back off towards the end of the street where your cousins are waiting.
You can't move too fast given the bag dangling from the wrist of the hand that's also carefully holding the tray of four hot chocolates, but the crowd is also thinning out a little now with the snow. Hopefully, if you're a couple minutes behind the expected time, the diverse and sheer amount of onigiri you have in the bag you're now holding, as well as the new round of warm drinks, will bring you forgiveness.
You finish up the last, cool dregs of your coffee just as you pass by a trash can, making the split decision to quickly reverse so you can toss your cup and free up a hand. As you execute your smooth move and then turn back, you unsurprisingly bump into someone yet again. Not so smooth then, you think, looking up.
It's deja vu and for a split second, you consider that he might actually be a weirdo and followed you, because stopping in your path as an apology drops from your lips is the guy you were only just talking to, same face, same dark hair, even same height... but with a different jacket on.
It takes you all of one more second to notice the small differences like the eye colour, the way the hair naturally parts, and the slightest difference in size, not to mention the more obvious difference in openness and personality literally exuding from this one. He's actually smiling wide right away with no provocation. So not a weirdo who changed his jacket and followed you.
Also, have you ever considered the odds of multiple sets of twins being in pretty much the same place at the same time?
"Oh, there's another one of you, huh?" You're talking again before he even has a chance to respond to your apology, but you guess you feel familiar thanks to your brief encounter with his twin. "That's unfair, don't you think?"
You step around him calling out, "Anyways, sorry about that. Enjoy your night." and walk away, back towards your own set of twins.
Ugh, Kazu's going to kill you. You won't be making it in time, for sure.
Miya Atsumu's POV
Atsumu turns to follow the stunning girl's progress as she moves around him and away, catching her last words but still more interested in her previous statement. 'There's another one of you, huh?'.
People have been confusing him and his twin for as long as they've been alive and only those that know them really well can only sometimes make out the difference.
It's no longer amusing, and actually irritating enough that he and 'Samu have been considering a little aesthetic change some time next year, maybe before their first year of high school.
'Tsumu knows it's his brother without looking when someone walks up to his left side from behind him. What he's surprised by is his first words, "She think you were me? I was talkin' to her a bit at the stall."
When he glances over, he notices 'Samu staring after her as well, with a lot more interest than simple, piqued curiosity. Does he know her?
"No.." He contemplates her words again before sharing with his brother, "She said 'There's another one of you, huh? That's unfair, don't you think?' and then walked away."
He can feel 'Samu looking over at him curiously, "Did ya talk to her?"
Why is he asking? He hasn't even picked up a new onigiri from the open box in his hand. "I just bumped into her. Didn't even say a word. Do ya know her?"
"Like I said, I only just met her." Pausing, 'Samu seems to think it over before adding, "We only talked a few minutes, maybe."
The twins are silent for another couple moments, while the snow continues to drift around them. The girl is long gone, swallowed up by the crowd at this point, but they keep staring at where they last saw her retreating figure, each in their own intrigued thoughts.
Finally, 'Samu's the one who breaks the silence, "Do ya believe in coincidences, 'Tsumu?"
"No, 'Samu, ya know I don't."
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Behind The Scenes!
-Tee was called out in the first thread because he doesn't use emojis often, especially not the half assed ones he used for a scenario like that so... caught slipping lmao (aw he does care about Y/n <3 Maybe more than he should?)
-Y/n was NOT expecting to get called out like that for saying she likes Oikawa when she'd literally just called him her friend... Iwa, you slick wingman ;) <3 He might bully the shit out of Oikawa (to keep him in check though) but he really is his best friend :')
-Ushi says what he means and means what he says lol, yeah, he wasn't really surprised
-Y/n's friends aren't all necessarily happy about this development; they've been aware of her various interactions as they usually are (some more than others) but... they're getting older and, well, all not sharing as much with each other as they once did
-But they're still going to call her out and roast her because they're her best friends lmao who else will? They have to keep her in check too loool
-Oikawa's last reply... <33 Take it how you will :D
-And Shin just dropping in to screenshot his cousin's embarrassing moments, hoping for a dirty delete so he can roast her all over again for the same crime lmao, probably shouldn't have warned her though... whoops
-I HC the Miyas' hair dyeing happening at/around their first year of HS, anyone know any different? It was only Osamu's jacket that was grey in Y/n's peripherals, just a little tease for us all ;)
A/N: Guys, I'm really, really sorry about the Miyas' 'accent'... you might see a couple different attempts in there but I had to edit a lot of what I tried out because it sounded just awful however I was originally trying to write it earlier. If you guys do have any suggestions, I'm very much all hears (and eyes lol - heart eyes specifically because I've seen some write them incredibly well!).
That aside, I hope you all enjoyed this one, I loved writing it so much, it just flowed once I started and I love the Miya twins, each in their own way <33 I've been dying to introduce them and the other 'main' characters but there's definitely going to be a difference in the weight of interactions Y/n has for a while. It's not favoritism, I promise; Y/n's time spent with various characters is just going to be uneven at various points due to the natural progression of her story :') but I plan for it all to even out as we move along the years (:
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot
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miyaoniku · 4 years
haikyuu but a mafia au
hyogo prefecture - inarizaki:
the miya twins both run a secret casino
their coverup for it is an onigiri shop 
 the name of the shop is 狐 (fox in japanese)
head bookmarker: kita shinsuke (tired always of twins fighting, loves rice, looks innocent but dead af) 
bookmarker helper: ojiro aran (does the same thing except he keeps everything in check and running smoothly including processing bets, money transfer, collecting debts, manning phonelines, breaking up the twins fights)
debt collectors/intimidators: akagi michinari and oomimi ren
cashier: suna rintarou
chef: miya osamu
connections guy: miya atsumu (makes connections and invites them to the casino)
how it works:
when your order your onigiri, you say the magic words: “neko atsumu”
when you receive your order, the onigiri chef, osamu, slips instructions underneath the onigiri wrapper and tells you to “eat carefully”
the instructions tell you the location of the casino and how to enter
miyagi prefecture -
ushijima wakatoshi is def the stern, serious police officer
his partner is tendou satori (aka the guess monster), famous for his guessing skills and quick instincts on casework, will probably drive you insane 
goshiki tsutomu is their adopted rookie officer who looks up to ushijima
shirabu kenjirou is his mentor along with kawanishi taichi. 
semi eita is the team mom/lieutenant who’s that one person who keeps an extra resignation letter in his drawer because he’s so done with this team
aoba johsai (seijoh):
oikawa tooru is the group’s boss. the underboss has to keep tabs on him constantly, but he does he job well when he has to. good at analyzing the enemy and assessing the situation at hand.
iwaizumii hajime is the underboss (second in command), and constantly has to watch over oikawa. basically has equal power to him. keeps mad dog in check.
kyotani kentaro, aka mad dog, is the main fighter of the group. excels at hand-to-hand combat.
yahaba shigeru is the group's sniper. the only other person who can keep mad dog in check.
hanamaki takahiro handles the connections with other people and groups. he’s the one who bribes to keep people quiet.    
matsukawa issei, aka mattsun, is the main drug dealer (look at him)
kindaichi yutaro is a new recruit. former police academy trainee with kunimi and kageyama prior to being recruited.
kunimi akira is a new recruit. former police academy trainee with kindaichi and kageyama. the hacker and mattsun’s apprentice.
sawamura daichi - the team captain. basically the dad of the group. presents general game plans on how their missions play out. has a headache almost always 
sugawara koushi - the team lieutenant. basically the mom of the group. gathers evidence at crime scenes to use for investigations later.
azumane asahi - the sergeant. people see him as intimidating but he’s really a huge softie. feels empathy when he arrests people. probably has a bible on his person at all times.
nishinoya yuu - basically the group’s personal trainer. he teaches the newbies the techniques he uses to get out of tight situations while doing field work. his favorite is called “rolling thunder.” always ready for action. 
tanaka ryuunosuke - the one brought in for intimidation during questioning. also always ready for action on the field. 
ennoshita chikara - forensic pathologist, the one brought in to control tanaka from charging at perps, looks up to daichi a lot    
kageyama tobio - newbie officer, under suga’s wing, is well known for the scandal during his police trainee years which resulted in the accidental expulsion of kunimi and kindaichi   
hinata shoyo - newbie officer. He decided to become a cop on a whim and got in after applying and failing 7 times. He’s very eager to prove himself, leading him to get hyper/careless.  
tsukishima kei - the new strategist. he devises plans to capture criminals. is quick-witted and good at reading people. with his wits and judgement, he is able to come up with reliable plans.
yamaguchi tadashi - kei’s moral support, also a new strategist. offers additional assistance in devising plans. works with sugawara to find evidence.
tokyo - 
kuroo tetsurou - the leader of the gang. he calls the shots, and helps to keep the group together. oversees plans with kenma to make sure the plan flows as smooth as possible. an exceptional fighter. argues with yaku at times but works well with him when needed.
kai nobuyuki - the peacemaker of the group. Whenever kuroo and yaku argue, he’s the one to stop them. always comes up with a logical plan whenever they’re in a tough spot.
yaku morisuke - the one who nurses everyone back to top condition when they get injured. butts heads with kuroo a lot but works well with him when the time comes.
yamamoto taketora - the guy who always takes on the super dangerous missions and still somehow comes back without scratches. kuroo thinks he’s dumb as hell but trusts him to get the job done.
kozume kenma - a freelance hacker and kuroo’s longtime friend. creates the plans to infiltrate and destroy the gangs that are dangerous to the public. 
fukunaga shohei - the sniper. doesn’t talk much, but is always analyzing the situation at hand. good at staying unfazed. also threatens yamamoto and kenma with a bucket of water whenever they’re about to fight.
inouka sou - the newbie of the group. Very eager to help his seniors out and earn his place in the group
haiba lev - the child to the group and the other newbie to the scene. currently learning the ropes from kuroo.
bokuto koutarou - kingpin, was born into syndicate, greatly feared by all due to his extreme and unstable changes in mood. looks intimidating but actually isn’t 
akaashi keiji - sniper, he’s not second in command but does all the paperwork bokuto abandons, former highly sought after hitman but joined fukurodani after bokuto saved him in an ambush/shoot out. quick at reading people and figuring out weaknesses. 
konoha akinori - also born into the syndicate and grew up with bokuto, he’s infamous for being versatile, hence his nickname, “jack of all trades” 
seijoh works closely with inarizaki. seijoh provides the customers while inarizaki provides the funds.
oikawa used to butt heads with ushijima a lot when he was still a police officer
nekoma and karasuno work together to help maintain peace in the area. kenma and hinata are the main connection between the two groups.
the police recently have noticed the increasing interactions between inarizaki & seijoh but their leads keep coming up cold and their witnesses either keep disappearing or pretending they lied about what they saw .
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
hey alice! i’m the *new suna stan* from before lol
thanks so much for the hcs!!! i enjoyed them a lot ❤️❤️❤️ i was also wondering, what would be manager’s dynamics with the rest EJP Raijin? Would it be the same as her dynamics with Inarizaki? i’m super into this world that you built in hyogo i cant even hahahah i also imagine what kind of friends manager has in uni and basically her whole journey to healing from her past 😊 i hc that sunarin probs gets jealous of some uni guy friend of manager for some reason or wtvr because jealous suna is *screeches*
do u have 🥨 anon already? if not, may i be ur pretzel anon 💕💕💕
awwww, pretzel anon it is! hello and welcome~
Honestly, those stories were half-made and half based on the real-life experiences of family, friends, or students of mine.
Soooo her relationships:
Since it was a new town, she definitely took time to get to know people. However, a few people remembered her from her days as 'Inarizaki's Fox Keeper' players, ex-managers, and fans. She made a group.
However, her constant remains: Inarizaki seniors, Miya twins, and her family.
Also, her therapist's child just happened to be a senior at her university so they became friends. It was through him that she heard of an on-the-job-training/internship with EJP Raijin.
Some clubs tried to ask her to be their manager, but she kindly declined, wanting to focus on her studies first. She was, however, a consultant.
She befriended a few of her neighbors - each, from differing colleges and interesting backgrounds.
Suna doesn't have to worry much about her friends, because that one friend is Asexual, and the rest are in relationships.
EJP Raijin
The first person she befriended was Murase-san. Actually, her full name is Akira Murase, 7 years older than her, and was really good with PR. However, she's heard of Reader's reputation and was happy that she actually considered doing her internship with them.
When she added that she can speak 3 languages: English, Japanese, and her native language, that's when Murase-san decided then and there that she'd be her favorite person.
EJP Raijin team is....hmmm, I would say a mix between Kamomedai and Itachiyama. I'm saying this because I'm trying to recall my experience teaching students there (an actual school btw, or was it a university)
Also, as of writing I'm looking at the Wiki page of JT Thunder and wow, since I'm basing the team off them, the inspiration team is pretty reputable.
Anyway, they're all generally nice, competitive, passionate, and abnormally tall.
The team are nice enough and warmly welcomed her, taking an immediate liking to her after sharing her analysis on the team's play and points they could improve on.
Some of the players are family men, so they treat her like a daughter. Some are single men, who tried to hit on her, only to receive her poker face and cold stare. And some are foreign nationals trying to fit in and adjust, who usually cling to her almost immediately because of how she can understand them (think back to the scene with Aone).
Suna gets jealous at that, sending them cold stares and blocking them so hard during plays to the point that it was frustrating. But the rest of the team get a laugh out of it.
When she graduated university, it was honestly her own decision to work for EJP Raijin. And how could she not? The pay was good, as was the environment (after two years of interning with them), and she loved the thrill of the game. Also, she was dating one of their players.
The owner of the club has also taken a liking to Reader, which is why they got a discount when she and Suna were buying a car.
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haikyuuandhogwarts · 4 years
The Four Houses
For those of you who may not be familiar with the house system - or maybe you are, but you’d like a refresher, here’s an:
Overview of the Four Houses
Since the 1850s, we have adopted a “house” system, though it’s nothing like that we hear rumors of, at schools such as Hogwarts or Ilvermorny. This is more similar to the typical Japanese class sorting. Of course, it has its own twist. There are four “houses” in the Hyogo Academy of Magic, though it really just combines all three grades of Class A students, Class B, Class C, and Class D.
Here is everything that you need to know about the Houses and Classes before we proceed!
Focus Classes: Every house will have three focus classes in their schedule. These are three classes which will be at a more advanced and in-depth level than the rest of your courses. Consider these, a career path of sorts. It will build upon your existing goals, values, and talents to prepare you for what you hope to do in your adult life.
Values: At the core of each house, there are certain values. Unlike a school such as Hogwarts, our houses do not seek to single students out who are alike and hope for the best. We want to take into account the values you would like to build and nourish over the next three years.
Can someone change their house? Yes. People are not static. If you find that you do not feel well-suited to your initial house, you may apply to change your house. It is a relatively simple process, and as long as there is room in another house, there should not be any problems with it.
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House A: House of the Fox
Head of House: Nekomata Yasufumi
House Ghost: Oomi Tarou
House Color: Jade
Hello, and welcome to House A! This group of students will include Classes 1-A, 2-A, and 3-A. As the A classes, they will be the most intensive, accelerated courses. The courses will be college prep and beyond. We hope to nurture any young wizards looking to take on the challenge.
Here in House A, the values we seek to nourish are ambition, time management, insight, and intuition. With a heavier course load that the rest of your peers, learning effective time management will be the key to your success over the next three years. You will need your ambition to motivate you. When we push you to think deeper about the subjects you take, you need to be able to give feedback, to develop your own thoughts about the content. If that sounds like something that’s important to you, then you may belong in House A!
Our focus classes are Potions, Herbology, and Transfiguration. The A classes are a focus on science! Many an alchemist has been known to come from our house. There have also been many advances in magic and technology from our graduates. If these classes sound like the right focus, then you may belong in House A!
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House B: House of the Crane
Head of House: Mizoguchi Sadayuki
House Ghost: Irihata Nobuteru
House Color: Blueberry
Hello, and welcome to House B! This group of students includes Classes 1-B, 2-B, and 3-B. Very much like the A classes, the B classes are intensive, higher level courses. While not as accelerated as in House A, these courses will still require a higher level of thinking and prepare you for any endeavors in higher education.
The values we seek to nourish in House B are intelligence, flexibility, quick thinking, and problem solving. Here at the Hyogo Academy of Magic, we understand that there’s not always one answer to a question, and there’s almost always more than one way to reach that answer. For this reason, we want to encourage you to be creative, to learn and seek your answers in a way that fits you best. It is essential to be able to think on your feet, and adapt to any unexpected obstacles thrown your way. Trust your knowledge, and trust your insight.
Our focus classes are History of Magic, Potions, and Astronomy. Practical learning, and learning from books, we need you to have a flexible mind to tackle multiple techniques. From these classes, and this house, it is not uncommon to see honorable professions arise, such as professors, civil servants, authors, and many other truth-seekers.
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House C: House of the Tanuki
Head of House: Saito Akira
House Ghost: Aaron Murphy
House Color: Yellow
Hello, and welcome to House C! This group of students includes Classes 1-C, 2-C, and 3-C. While these may not be college-prep classes, the standard-level course material is taught at a more intensive and accelerated pace than the typical course load. If you think that you can thrive in that setting, this may be the house for you!
Here in the C house, we seek to nourish and build the values of hard work, adaptability, cooperation, and practical solutions. It’s important to work for what you want to accomplish, and not everything will come naturally or easily for you. By working with others, and adapting to new and unfamiliar situations, we believe that you can do anything! And what you can’t do, that’s alright. We want to be practical, solution-focused. If you can’t do something, someone else can. That’s the value in a team!
Our focus classes are Astronomy, Herbology, and Charms. While the quiet sciences rarely receive accolades like those of alchemists and others, the skills you will learn will help you to succeed in the discoveries and advances that keep the magic society growing and thriving. If this sounds like something you would thrive in, perhaps House C is for you!
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House D: House of the Macaque
Head of House: Takeda Ittetsu
House Ghost: Yamaji Takeyuki
House Color: Rose
Hello, and welcome to House D! This group of students includes Classes 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D. Just because the course loads are “average” doesn’t mean that you won’t be challenged and pushed in a way that suits you the best! Not to mention, our house is known for its success in sports and tactical knowledge!
House D seeks to nourish the values of resilience, motivation, confidence, and determination. Despite struggles and setbacks, it is essential that you press on. You will need to believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Self-motivation will be more important than aligning yourself to deadlines; it’s important to do because you know you should, and not just because you might get a Howler from your parents if you don’t. Even if you come into this house, feeling as though you are lacking in some of these qualities, that’s alright. You have three years to learn.
Our focus classes are Transfiguration, Charms, and History of Magic. You will be learning about where we came from, and the practical skills to continue to protect our way of life, in whatever way that means to you. From House D come teachers, police officials, and many who use practical magic to further themselves and society.
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Update] ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』髭切膝丸 双騎出陣2020 ~SOGA~ (musical touken ranbu higekiri hizamaru souki shutsujin 2020 ~soga~)
the show will be running from August 29th, 2020 to September 6th, 2020 (Hyogo) @ あましんアルカイックホール (Amashin Archaic Hall) & September 27th, 2020 to October 11th, 2020 (Chiba) @ 舞浜アンフィシアター (Maihama Amphitheater)
Miura Hiroki as Higekiri (髭切) Takano Akira as Hizamaru (膝丸)
Marukawa Takayuki Kanou Yukikazu
homepage twitter natalie
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