#Alanna Cook
fruityheffalump · 2 years
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This game was.... somethin
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Uh. I am feeling some sort of way about the fierceness in this video. I ... Look, I am not a step on me person generally but I would let more than one of these ladies and non-binary folk step on me?
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arnau16 · 2 years
Así llega el USWNT a la Concacaf 2022
Estados Unidos quiere seguir imponiendo su dominio en la Concacaf ¿qué jugadoras lucharán por devolver al USWNT a la cima? (more…)
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aus-wnt · 1 month
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mackenziearnold | Suns out girlys out 🍸
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copperbadge · 2 months
Europeans, I have some questions.
Do you know what ambrosia salad is?
If so, is the version you know of a) a normal salad or b) a "dessert" salad?
Do you know what Dirt Cake is?
If so, is that common knowledge in your region?
(What country/region do you live in, other context you wish to add, etc)
I'm working on the new Shivadh novel and I underestimated the comedic potential of Simon, a classically trained French chef who has been cooking for European nobility for thirty years, trying to set a menu for a graduation party with Noah, your average American teenaged garbage disposal, and Eddie, who is literally based on Guy Fieri. Reminds me of the bit in Infinite Jes where Michaelis mentions that Eddie and Gerald had him judge a debate about Hot Pockets and then confesses he doesn't actually know what they are.
(Context for the end of the snippet -- Hugo and Gwen are Simon's brother and sister-in-law, Claude is his young nephew.)
"Huh, okay, so are we doing like a salad theme?" 
"How do you mean?" Noah asked.
"Oh, just, you've got a potato salad and a pasta salad. I'd suggest a Jello salad for dessert but..." Eddie broke off at Alanna's horrified look. "That is what you will see on everyone's face," he said to Noah, pointing at Alanna. 
"Not so, I could do an aspic," Simon protested. "Sweet or savory, very traditional -- not this nonsense from American cookbooks from sixty years ago."
"American nonsense is kinda my brand," Noah pointed out. "Uh, I don't think we realized we were building a giant salad course but I am into that, actually. I'd like to discuss the Jello Salad," he said, and Eddie crowed delightedly while Alanna blanched, so Simon had to mediate a good-natured but extensive debate about gelatin in sweet dessert salads. 
It was an education; when he showed Hugo and Gwen what Americans thought ambrosia salad was, later, their horror was gratifying. It was a fitting prelude to his next exhibit, the Dirt Cake pudding cup, which made Hugo pretend to faint but -- even better -- fascinated little Claude so much that he insisted he wanted them instead of a cake for his next birthday. 
"He'll forget by the time the birthday arrives," Simon assured Hugo, who pretended to mop a sweaty brow. "And if he doesn't, I can elevate this. A light coffee mousse with chocolate biscuits -- drizzle with a sweet wine reduction -- jellied candy flavored with dragonfruit and blackcurrant."
"Can we put bones in the dirt?" Claude asked, already exploring his terrible American dessert options on his tablet. 
"Not human," Gwen said hurriedly. "That's a bridge too far for a birthday party, my darling," she told Claude. 
"Dinosaur bones?" Claude asked hopefully. Gwen and Hugo both looked at Simon. 
"Meringue, or marzipan," Simon pronounced. "Yes, that could be done. Well, my little gravedigger, we will see," he told Claude, tousling his hair.
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maxsimagination · 3 months
can you make a Alanna Kennedy fic ?
𝙬𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙞𝙩 - 𝙖.𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙮
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warnings: none
it was that time of the year again.
while most would think of christmas, as a footballer, your first thought is national team call ups.
i wasn’t old by any means, only 21 years old, but i still hadn’t had my first cap.
most of my teammates at manchester knew, especially alanna. both of us were australian, the only difference being that she’d been playing for the matilda’s years longer than i had.
it was a training day today, an early start so i was driving down to my favourite coffee shop before reaching the fields.
i heard a familiar voice shout after i’d hopped out of my car in the parking lot.
i knew it was the blonde waiting for me at the entrance, just like she did every morning.
we walked in together, joining the rest of the girls before the coaches called us all out onto the pitch to start training. it was a solid session today, most of the team sweating profusely at the end. gareth had us running drills for at least two hours before we had another hour rest then back in the gym for weights.
finally we were finished and all the girls walked out, so ready to head home. i was walking to my car when alanna sauntered up behind me and jumped into my car with me.
“lani why are you in my car? you have your own car and house.”
i laughed at her antics but she simply grinned at me.
“well, my dear yn. i don’t have my car here today, mary drove me in. and i want to go to your house, it has a cat.”
i should’ve known she wanted to come to see marley. i’d adopted her a year ago when i signed for city and moved to england to play. alanna was the first person i met and had helped me move into my apartment.
marley had taken an instant liking to the tall blonde defender, which had surprised me and alanna. she usually wasn’t keen on people and lani was usually a dog person.
but every time she got the chance lani would tag along to see marley, never missing the chance to see her favourite feline. and she brought cat treats with her.
when we reached my place, marley was right there waiting at the door when we got in. alanna reached down to pick her up, cradling the purring cat to her chest. i laughed at the two, they were the cutest thing i had to get a picture.
the three of us spent that afternoon and evening doing some cleaning, cooking some dinner and watching netflix. and by we i mean me, while the other two sat on the couch and waited for me to finish so they could watch the netflix too.
it was roughly 07:00 pm when my phone rang. i answered, not thinking much of it.
“yn? this is tony gustavsson. how are you?”
i froze for a second, my brain not believing what my ears were hearing.
“yea hi tony i’m good, what can i do for you?”
“well, as you know it’s almost international break, and i’ve yet to select the team for the matilda’s. i would like to personally offer you a place on the squad.”
i sat in silence for a solid minute before i remembered i had to respond.
“you’re joking.”
“i can assure you i’m not.”
tony could tell i was astounded, laughing at how unbelieving i was.
“you want me to play for the matilda’s?”
“oh my god. thankyou.”
“thankyou, yn. i’ll let that sink in for you. have a good night.”
he hung up the call, thank goodness, because i was stunned into a statue. alanna had been comfortably sitting on the couch with marley the whole time when she noticed how shocked i was.
“are you okay?”
i nodded, just needing a bit longer to process things.
“i got the call up.”
alanna snapped her head up.
“no. please don’t tell me you’re joking.”
“i’m not joking. tony just called me.”
it was then that we both broke into squeals and laughter. i was so excited and ecstatic, i couldn’t believe i was getting my first ever national team call up.
“you did it.”
“we did it, lani.
couldn’t have done it without you.”
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esterzach · 8 months
The price of the small pleasures
Alanna's character feels like a needed contrast that helps shape the perception of Moiraine's character. There is this whole episode where it's all about family and home. Alanna comes back home with a huge family, the kids are having fun, laughing, and playing with her Warders, it's warm, sunny, and cozy, a beautiful nature around, with lots of food as usual. Alanna is open, speaking with everyone, and making jokes. Life is good and people seem happy. Alanna is never alone and it looks like she is often home, where she is accepted and loved. And then there is Moiraine. Oh, boy... It's almost hilarious if it wasn't so fucking depressing.
This one comes back to her huge house, dark and gloomy even during the day, and revisits her memories, but it doesn't seem happy. It looks like a museum of someone long dead. Her things are covered, someone is keeping her room, all her things, but she is never home. She barely says two words to her sister and immediately they have a fight. And I get it - Moiraine is not exactly pleasant in her behaviour, even though she has her reasons. But she refuses tea. TEA! Alanna is cooking, having full meals, and enjoying life, and Moiraine refuses even that small pleasure. And tea is one of the few things Moiraine loves. It's almost as if she deprives herself of every pleasure. And it's not like she can't spend 20 minutes with her sister and say at least a few nice words.
Moiraine doesn't eat. They make a point with that one. We never see her eat. Lan eats, Nynaeve eats, Alanna( almost all the time - she is green, after all), her warders, Lan, Thomas, Verin, and Adeleas is all about LET ME enjoy my meal and wine ( half of the time she is completely out and doesn't know what happens around her and the rest of the time she is horny (now that is not exactly true, but that is for later). Perin even eats. Egwene drinks with Elayne. Everyone at some point is shown to eat. Never Moiraine.
Food is not just necessary for survival. Food is also a pleasure. It should be a pleasure if done correctly. Meals also mean connection with other people. If and when Moiraine ever eats, she eats alone. She refuses to join the others in Verin's house, her sister, and she refuses the sandwiches of her nephew. They make yet another point of showing how isolated she is, even from people, who genuinely care about her.
The first time her sister is actually nice to her, her first reaction is to get defensive and snarky and, after a couple more words, Moiraine literally crumbles and starts to cry. This is the first time in months, after The Eye she shows emotion in front of someone. And it's almost forced, she is exhausted, and hasn't slept in... a while and someone basically reads her and finds exactly her weakness and confronts her about it. That is just for a moment and she composes herself immediately. Seconds later she gets help and she shows emotion again. It sort of seems like showing vulnerability and weakness, and asking for help is something that she has no right to do, or... I don't know.
The one time we saw her doing some for her own pleasure was Tar Valon. The tea and the spa. And Siuan. And this was it. Now it sort of feels like she is avoiding that on purpose. Either she thinks she doesn't deserve it or thinks that this is a distraction.
Her baths in Verin's house are more self-punishment than pleasure. She doesn't have to carry water alone, but she does it anyway. And something tells me that this well is probably not the only one around that house. Both women are Aes Sedai, which means they can use The One Power for ... a lot of things. They have a garden and a bunch of flowers in the house, that look pretty fresh and green for the Mediterranean climate, considering the grass around is dry. Usually, every house has a well or some source of water close by. Yet, milady goes to a well, that is so far from the house, that is practically useless. Good luck bringing enough water from there for all the needs in this house, but anyway. Even with nothing to carry, in this heat, a walk like that is, to put it mildly very unpleasant. With something that heavy to carry up that hill... I don't know.
The other thing is - small pleasures are distractions. The only time she actually sits in the company of the others in S2 is when they are on their way to Tar Valon. And that is because she doesn't have a choice. And something happens there, that I think she thinks is a mistake. A moment of distraction, a small weakness, that threatens to ruin her plan. She is having a conversation. That scene is brilliant! Subtle, well-written, and perfect and I watched it like probably 30 times so far but I was focused on the wrong thing. The night when Lan and Moiraine travel to Tar Valon, everyone is around the campfire. Moiraine is again standing at a distance, isolated from everyone else until Verin goes to her, reveals what she knows and basically tells her "You know what I am not promising anything, you just have to trust me." They cut to other things and when are back again Moiraine folds and decides to sit with them. What could go wrong? Adeleas is drunk again, floating on a pink cloud, imagining romantic stories, speaking of sex life, and trying to make Lan talk. She asks how Lan and Moiraine met. What follows in uncomfortable silence! None of them speaks, Lan seems uneasy, and Moiraine glares annoyed. She continues to avoid his eyes. Verin tries to help, by saying that it's late and they have to go to bed. Adeleas ignores her, in her drunken haze and blabbing some imagined overly sexualized story, which gets on Moiraine's nerves. She quickly interrupts Adeleas's idiotic monologue with the true story of their first meeting. Whether it is because she is already annoyed with Adeleas' behaviour toward Lan, or wants to save him from an uncomfortable moment, is irrelevant. Lan is surprised. Moiraine speaks! But what was meant to be just a way to make Adeleas shut up, turns into a sweet moment. Because this memory is precious for both of them. Lan smiles and joins the explanation, they look at each other, and she smiles too throughout the whole time she tells the story. It turns into a banter between two very close people. Bond, no Bond, at this moment it doesn't matter - they are in synch again. This is beyond sweet. They joke! hell, Moiraine jokes! This is what they look like. This is them. For one very small moment. Everyone laughs. And then, all of a sudden, with a serious voice, a laser-sharp focus, and a very sober-looking expression, Adeleas says her great line. "And that's when you knew. Any old Warder can save you from Trollocks, that right one can save you from yourself." Adeleas wasn't drunk at all. You can pretend to be drunk when you are sober, you can't act sober when you are drunk. It was a setup for Moiraine, to open up, to speak, and she knew exactly how to make her drop her defenses and finally speak to him. An attempt to make her get close to Lan again maybe? Lan was happy for sure. Moiraine though... is on the verge of tears.
She knows what her goal is with him. She knows what the plan is and that little moment was a failure. The small pleasure of this moment would probably cost her. In order for her plan to work, she has to be awful to Lan. One small distraction, and she falls back into her normal self. A tiny moment of happiness, a shared memory, and the old, cold, and sour Aes Sedai is a normal woman with feelings. The danger - Lan sees through her and never wants to leave her side which eventually will lead to his death. That's how much a moment of weakness might cost.
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the-starkindler · 20 days
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So here are my takes on what some of the ScarVi kiddos will look like as they grow up and go about their careers. Headcanons below, as developed with @kourabiedes in our many ramblings together.
Carmine - I tried the crossed bangs, but she just looked too young with them. I opted for a slightly more mature sideswept bang and an elegantly tied back coiffe for her duties as eventual Caretaker of Mossui Town, and by extension, Kitakami Hall. Koura has a lot more nuanced headcanons for this one, so I'd best let her tell you all about those... Kieran - Like, his sister, I ditched the fuckass bangs. He is pretty, but unlike his sister, he doesn't really know or flaunt it. Over the course of his friendship with Alanna (who is a Galarian native and former Champion Challenge semi-finalist), he has become quite curious of the region and has decided to take on the challenge for himself. He begins his journey at a familiar dojo... Penny - So Koura and I both agree that Penn is very Trans coded. So we leaned hard into it and I went hardcore femme with her adult design. We though for a long time about what she'd do career-wise, and it dawned on me very suddenly that she'd be a perfect fit as the new Director for Naruva Academy. She is very professional and put-together in her business life, but is absolutely still a cave gremlin when she gets home with her vee-vees. We also have some very very specific speculation about her parentage that we'll share, but her design elements will be a hint for the very astute among you. Arven - A chef rarely leaves their hair down when in the kitchen (it is actually against the rules in a professional setting if you don't know lol). Arven has gone for a more practical ponytail, but still keeps his luscious locks. He does gain renown for his efforts in nutrition and cooking, but not in the way that someone like Kofu or Katie does. He is more interested in the health benefits of his meals, and shares some lab space with Alanna when developing and testing new recipes. Alanna - She is my half of the "Juliana" in this situation. Koura and I have kind of split her into two halves; one for my trainer Alanna and one for her trainer, Robin. Alanna is sharp, competitive, put together, and very social. Robin is much more the "gremlin" archetype. She explores every possible ravine, mountain, and cave. She doesn't really do people. Alanna finds and trains Miraidon, who is the central 'raidon in the story, whilst Robin finds a full-strength Koraidon from the get-go. Alanna eventually becomes a professor of what she dubs True Evolution; as in evolution in the way we know it in the real world. Not only that, but how the crater and Terastal energy affects living forms. This latter subject has been a collaborative effort with long time friend and mentor, Briar. Alanna takes after both of her parents pretty equally. Her mother is my Galar trainer, Blair, and Raihan b/c I like him. He's fun. We don't need no Florian. Mostly because we just straight up didn't think about it, oops. Screencaps of Robin and Alanna in our gameplay at BB
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moralesmilesanhour · 7 months
'cold turkey' but i rewrote it - part two!
summary: the festivities have begun! but you forgot the drinks. whoops. wc: 2k+ a/n: I almost cut this short at like a thousand words but I knew in my SPIRIIITT that I wanted to add more twists and turns to this thing. It's a bit rushed but let's just say I'm very glad I did! if you feel like it: comment your favorite holiday-related dishes :) part one part two
“Traffic was nuts today,” your older sister Alanna sighed as she hauled a carton full of cans of soda over to the kitchen. She looked up and saw Miles, who smiled and gave her a quick wave. “Oh my god, Miles?”
“One and only,” he replied. “Been a minute, ain’t it?”
The woman set the carton down on the floor. “When did you get so big? You're taller than me!”
Miles shrugged. “Growth spurt.”
“Alright then, nice seeing you,” Alanna turned and joined you on the couch with that glint in her eye and smirk that appeared only when she was scheming. “He’s mad cute now, right?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, “ ‘Lana, no. Not happening.”
“Come on, I’ve seen the niggas you been with and he’s literally your type–”
“Can you lower your voice? He’s right there!” you yell-whispered. 
You craned your neck to see if Miles was listening. His head was down, all focus seemingly directed towards cooking beans. 
You turned back towards Alanna. “Anyway, he’s Jeff’s kid. I don’t want beef with Jeff or his mama if we break up. They literally live around the corner, do you know how awkward that’s gonna be?”
“So pessimistic,” Alanna’s lips were upturned into a pout. “How you just met him and you already imagining the breakup?”
“I’m being realisti–”
“The beans are done!” Miles’ voice interrupted. 
You called out, “That’s great, thank you so much! I’ll see you later this evening?”
He emerged from the kitchen and began to put on his sneakers. “Yup, lookin’ forward to it,” he stood up and made direct eye contact with you as he smiled. “Good luck with med school.”
With that, Miles grabbed his jacket off of the hook by the entrance, and left.
Your sister watched the door shut behind him with a satisfied grin. “He likes you.”
“No he don’t,” you retorted, keeping your eyes glued to your socks. “You want him to like me.”
The image of fluttering lashes and the scar on his cheek returned to you. How Alanna could tell even without her knowing about that little encounter was a mystery.
“Well, either way, do what you want,” she rose from the couch with a sigh of resignation. “I’m just saying he seems sweet. Now, help me decorate, and I’ll let you make the playlist after.”
You perked up at the thought of having DJ privileges and hopped to your feet. “You got it!”
Only half an hour had passed since relatives and family friends began trickling in, but you were already exhausted. One more inescapable hug and barrage of questioning, and you swore you’d have a breakdown. 
Ding dong!
“I’ll get it!” you announced, narrowly escaping being accosted by one of your aunts as you made a beeline for the door.
It was Miles again, this time with company.
“Welcome back,” you greeted Miles and stepped back to open the door wider. “Hey Mr. and Mrs. Morales!”
“Y/N! It’s been so long, tú eres tan guapa!” Rio Morales briefly took both of your hands in hers before entering, tugging Miles along with her.
Jefferson Morales was the last to go inside. His warm smile was a stark contrast to his wide, imposing frame. “I see Miles didn’t burn your kitchen down,” he laughed heartily. “He wasn’t too much trouble?”
Not in the way you were expecting.
You shook her head politely, “No, not at all! He even helped me finish dinner.”
Jefferson’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Well, that’s good to hear. We really appreciate the invite.”
“No problem,” you nodded as you shut the door.
“Y/N!” Alanna rushed up to you not a moment later, looking mildly panicked. “Do you remember where you put the drinks? The alcoholic ones, I mean.”
Your eyes widened. “Fuck, I think I forgot to buy them.”
“...Now, your mother was going to nursing school at the time, so she had to…”
Jefferson’s deep voice carried over the music, catching Alanna’s attention. He stood near the tin of mac and cheese telling a story that–judging by the look on Miles’ face–he had told several times before.
That same smirk from before spread across her lips. ‘Do what you want’, sure, but a little helpful push wouldn’t hurt.
“Miles, do you wanna help out Y/N again? She forgot to go out and buy drinks.”
He perked up, relief written all over his face. “Yeah, it’s no problem! I’ll drive her.”
You narrowed your eyes at your sister, but didn’t push back. “That’s cool with me. I’ll go get my sweater.”
You squeezed your fingers nervously as Miles turned the key and brought the car roaring to life. 
What could you possibly say to him? ‘Hey, so we almost kissed earlier. Thoughts on that?’ 
“What kinda drinks y’all need?” his voice ripped you away from your thoughts as he pulled onto the road. 
You didn’t answer, your eyes fixated on the motion of his hands spinning the wheel.
You blinked.
“What kind of drinks are we looking for?”
“Oh, um, wine and cider and shit,” you waved a hand in the air, “Stuff that goes with turkey.”
The ride was quiet, largely because you were busy racking your brain trying to think of something–anything–to fill the silence with. You’d already asked about school, and you knew Miles’ parents. But what about him?
He stopped at a red light, drumming his fingers on the wheel.
“So what do you do, like, outside of school?”
You winced. Small talk was not your forte.
Miles didn’t seem to mind though, appearing deep in thought before he answered, “I draw, when I got the time. Sing a little on the side.”
“I believe you. You look like you have a nice voice.”
An impish smile played on his lips. “Is that your way of saying I’m cute?”
“I…” the words were trapped in your throat. Part of you didn’t want to tell him the truth outright, but he was smiling at you and the sparkle in his eyes made you feel funny. 
“Maybe. Don’t get your hopes up, though.”
He raised an eyebrow. “So there’s a low, but non-zero chance.”
You snorted, “Alright, physics major. The light’s green.”
“Oh, shit. Thanks.” Miles focused his attention back onto the road and continued driving.
You didn’t say anything more for the remainder of the ride, but he caught you staring at him every now and then through the rear view mirror, curiosity written on your face.
Soon enough, he pulled over in front of the supermarket.
“Think you’ll find ‘stuff that goes with turkey’ in here?”
“I hope so,” you laughed, unbuckling your seat belt, “My sister’s gonna put me in the dirt if I don’t.”
“Well, good luck!”
Miles unlocked the door, and you set out on your mission.
Luckily, it only took you about twenty minutes to locate a bottle of moscato and some hard apple cider. Just as he saw you emerge from the double doors, though, a familiar buzzing in the back of his head tipped him off.
Really? On Thanksgiving?
A man wearing an inconspicuous black ski mask and hoodie stood waiting by the entrance, ready to strike. 
“Yo, empty your pocke–”
Miles swung into action the moment he spotted the gleam of a firearm.
You yelped as a string of white web shot out from seemingly nowhere and yanked the gun from your assailant’s hands. 
“It’s the holidays! C’mon, man!” 
“Spider-Man?” Your jaw dropped at the sight of the masked hero. 
He was perched on top of a low building right next to the supermarket, only his white eyes and the bright red streaks lining his suit visible in the pitch-black of night.
“At your service, ma’am!” 
With a quick salute, he was gone as suddenly as he’d appeared. Like, literally gone. You didn’t see him leave.
You let out a deep exhale and made your way back to Miles’ car, but you couldn’t see him in the window. A pit began to form in your stomach, until a voice made you jump.
“Hey, you alright?”
It was Miles, who had somehow appeared at your side without a sound. He was out of breath, leaning his elbow on the side of the vehicle for support.
Your eyes narrowed. “I’m…fine. Are you okay? Where’d you go?”
“Bathroom,” he lied. He pointed towards the bags you were holding. “Need help with those?”
You handed them over without a second thought. “Definitely. You know this nigga almost robbed me outside the store just now? Then, right as he’s about to pull a gun on me, guess who shows up?”
Miles grinned knowingly. “Spider-Man?”
“Showed up quick as hell! Even on Thanksgiving, can you imagine?”
He opened the door to the passenger’s side for you to get in. 
Miles did a slight bow, allowing you to catch a flash of red and black peeking out from beneath his jacket. You had assumed that he was wearing a turtleneck at first, but upon closer inspection–
“At your service,” he said with a grin before making his way over to the driver’s seat.
As you shut the door, Spider-Man’s voice returned to you.
At your service, ma’am.
The rest of the way home, you replayed both sentences in your head, alternating between the two and replaying the night’s events.
Miles had just so happened to reappear mere seconds after Spider-Man had said the words. They even shared an accent. You considered the absurd possibility for a moment; the police chief’s son being the masked vigilante would make quite the headline, almost poetic in its irony. 
Too poetic.
But just as you were about to let it go, Miles went over a speedbump, causing a jolt that made something begin to slip out from his jacket’s right pocket.
Black, red and white.
You pondered how to broach the subject once he pulled up in front of your house, when a lightbulb went off in your head.
Reaching over to the red button that released your seatbelt, you pressed it halfway, over and over again.
“Miles, I think my seatbelt’s stuck. Help me out?”
Miles removed his own with a click. “Sure, lemme see.”
He leaned over and reached the passenger’s seat with ease. His breath hit the side of your neck as he moved closer, making your heart rate quicken, but you maintained focus.
What mattered was that he was in close quarters. You had to see the suit.
“Got it,” Miles said once he released your not-actually-stuck seatbelt. “You’re free–”
Before he could move any further, you grabbed the collar of his jacket and unzipped it halfway.
“I knew it!”
The look of sheer terror on Miles’ face sealed the deal. Here was Spider-Man, in all of his glory.
“Are you…gonna…tell anyone?” 
His voice was hushed as he spoke. Almost small. You looked into those round, glassy eyes and felt a wave of guilt. 
“I–no, of course not,” you shook your head. “I just…I needed to be sure.”
He relaxed, some of the humor returning to his face. “And now that you’re sure?”
A cheeky grin spread across your lips.
“I guess I should thank you.”
You tugged at his collar one more time and brought his lips crashing against yours.
After getting over the initial surprise, Miles brought a hand up to caress one side of your face and deepen the kiss. Your other hand reached up and brushed the cold metal of one of his stud earrings before you snaked your arm around his neck.
Miles was the first to pull away, zipping his jacket back up.
“I don’t think I can stay in this position for that long,” he smiled. “We gotta get back inside with these drinks.”
You sighed, head still pounding with adrenaline. “You’re right, let’s get outta here.”
By the time you made it up the steps, Alanna was already holding the door open. She gave your face a good once-over and stifled a laugh.
“Did you two have fun on your little adventure?”
You took one of the bags from Miles and held it up like a trophy. “Yup, mission accomplished.”
“That’s not what I meant, baby,” she gestured towards her lips and mouthed “your lip gloss.”
Your eyes widened as she snickered, and let the two of you in. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll fix it in the bathroom. Hurry up!”
A few makeup wipes and a liner touch-up later, you emerged from the bathroom just in time for dinner.
Out of all the chairs strewn about the living room, you ended up seated between Miles and Jefferson. The former kept quiet, save for the occasional joke or wink thrown in your direction. Jefferson kept inquiring about your studies, which would then bounce back to Miles’ studies, which Miles then would somehow deflect back to you. Any and all conversation with Jeff became awkward, considering you had just made out with his son.
The party ending felt like a weight lifted off of your shoulders.
You stood at the entrance, waving goodbye to the steady stream of guests as their conversations stretched on, even from their cars. The Morales family were the last to leave.
After his parents went down the steps, Miles stopped in front of the door.
“Hey,” he smiled and tilted his head.
“Hey. You ready to go? I’m not letting you stay the night,” you teased.
“Wasn’t planning to, I promise. I just wanted to ask…” 
He shoved his hands into his pockets. “When are you goin’ back to campus?”
Miles winced, “Damn.”
“I know, I literally gotta start packing to-night! It’s a nightmare!”
“In that case,” he took out his phone, and held it out to you gingerly. “Can we keep in touch?”
You accepted the offer, rapidly entering your digits and saving them under your name. “Worried about me spilling your secret identity?”
“Absolutely. I gotta keep an eye on you from now on. Like witness protection, but backwards–”
“Miles, vamos!” Rio called out from a distance.
“I’m coming, mami!” he replied before turning back to you. “See you winter break?”
You planted a kiss on his cheek. “Maybe. Non-zero chance.”
"I'll take it."
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ladylingua · 8 months
Look, maybe Alanna and her warders were going to stop by her family’s place before the white tower already, but personally I like to believe Alanna, Ihvon, and Maksim did that for Lan.
Ihvon was like “Look at him, we can’t take him back to the white tower like this. There’s too many memories there- we’re going to find him in her room wearing her bathrobe and crying into her pillowcases. We gotta do a pick-me-up detour, let’s go visit your cousins. It’ll keep Lan’s spirits up, they’re a lively group, the kids are cute, the food is good-”
Maksim: “Well, depending on who’s cooking”
Alanna: *death glare*
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
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Maple Spinner
Parent's Story: Mother Holle (Frau Holle)
Powerful Qualities: Creative, Integrous, Optimistic
Roommate: Mildred Goldstraw
Secret Heart’s Desire: I would love to open my own bakery one day. I love baking bread and other sweets.
My “Magic” Touch: I can always tell when something is ready to be taken out of an oven. I know it doesn’t sound very cool, but it has saved a few loaves from being overbaked.
Storybook Romance Status: Marcel Prince is really sweet, but Ian Lear,… OH! You know what! Nevermind! It’s not important!
“Oh Curses!” Moment: I tend to say “Yes” even when I should “No.” I can’t help it! When someone asks for help, I have to help them!
Favorite Subject: Cooking Class-ic. I love learning new recipes!
Least Favorite Subject: Dance Class-ic. I have two left feet.
Best Friends Forever After: My sister Birch, Alanna Dale, Ivy Eden, and Ginger Breadhouse.
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hooked-on-elvis · 3 months
"The first requirement of acting: to believe in what you’re doing"
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It was an odd role in which to make his screen debut, but Elvis gave it his all and tried not to be intimidated by his costars, who included the fine character actress Mildred Dunnock, twice nominated for an Academy Award, as his mother. Critics would pan the novice actor — he was, after all, an easy target — but Dunnock was surprised at his solid performance. “When I came back from making the picture, my friends saw it and said, ‘Why Millie, this boy can act!’ This rather threw me, because I said I had spent twenty-five years trying to learn how to act, and Elvis Presley hadn’t spent twenty-five minutes. So I do not in any way depreciate his value as an actor.”
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The truth was, Dunnock, a fellow southerner, had taken a shine to Elvis, and when he confessed to her that he didn’t really know what to do, how to make the lines ring true, she took it upon herself to coach him. First the former schoolteacher had to educate him in the art of theatrical projection.
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“Elvis would have a line like, ‘Can’t do it, Maw, can’t do it.’ And he would say [it] really pleasant and nice. But I’d tell him to say it like he really meant it. And after a certain number of tries he would finally say [with strong emphasis], ‘I can’t do it, Maw, I can’t do it!’ And Mr. Webb would say, ‘Shoot.’ ” In one of the film’s most crucial scenes, the family was led to believe that the Yankees had killed Clint’s brother. “He really hadn’t been killed,” Dunnock remembered, “but my baby Elvis was upstairs, and I was in the kitchen cooking. There was only one line of dialogue in this scene, and it was mine. All the rest was plain action. I was going to say it firmly, so I rehearsed it and rehearsed it. The lighting men decided what they were going to do, and we sat down and drank Coca-Colas and waited for about two hours.” As Dunnock told the story, the director finally said, “Everything seems ready, so let’s rehearse it one time.” Elvis said, “Yes, sir, Mr. Webb.” Then the director took Elvis through it, saying, “In this scene, the Yankees come by horse up into the backyard, which you can see from your window upstairs. You come down and go to the window and see those Yankees kill your brother. You go to the sideboard, open the drawer, and pull out a gun. You start across that floor to go meet those damn Yankees, and end of scene.” “Yes, sir,” Elvis said confidently. “The Yankees are going to rap on the door,” Webb continued. “I’ll go, ‘Ready, lights, shoot,’ then I’ll make a knocking sound, and that’s your cue to come down those stairs. Understand?” “Yes, sir.” Webb called for action, and rapped out the knock. In Dunnock’s retelling, “Elvis came down those stairs, went to that sideboard, took out that gun, and when I said my line, ‘Put that gun down, son!,’ well, he dropped it right away. Mr. Webb said, ‘Cut! Cut! Oh, my God, what are you doing? You’re supposed to keep on going!’ Elvis said, ‘She told me to put it down.’ ” Most actresses of Dunnock’s caliber would have held her head, livid at having to put up with so inexperienced an actor. But Elvis had gotten to the real mother in her, and she chose to frame his blunder as an asset. “You see, for the first time he heard me. Before, he was just thinking about what he was doing and how he was going about it. It’s a funny story, [but] I also think it’s a story about a beginner who had the first requirement of acting, which is to believe in what you’re doing.”
Excerpt from book "Baby, Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him" (2010) by Alanna Nash
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Elvis and Mildred Dunnock. Love Me Tender (1956)
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futfemfantasies · 11 months
Prompt List:
Hey everyone! 
I have some ideas and who they are for but I want to see which ones you all want. If you want to suggest anyone else or make a change to the prompt, I’m happy for that! Or even if you have a prompt not on the list, send it through :)
Request the number and player and I’ll write it as soon as I can :)
1. “I see us in front of an altar one day”  Lucy Bronze
2. Y/N dedicates a song to _______ at her concert after just coming out  Sam Kerr
3. Asking for permission to kiss Alex Morgan
4. Casual intimacy - baths, washing each others hair, soft kisses Leah Williamson
5. Prohibited kisses - hands in hair and others on waist, lower bodies pressing into each other Patri Guijarro
6. “Can you repeat that? My brain hasn’t woken up yet”
7. “They’re just a friend, I swear”
8. “You’re my best friend! We shouldn’t, I shouldn’t be feeling like this. Fuck!” Alanna Kennedy
9. “Come to bed”
10. “Go home _____” “I’m already home”
11. Flower crown making on a picnic date Christen Press
12. World Cup proposal. Reader plays for England or USA and is dating _____ Sam Kerr
13. “I didn’t know who to call” Reader gets broken up with and seeks comfort in _______
14. Reader not healing from her mother’s death (Christen Press’ younger sister). ________
15. Barcelona team go to a Chinese restaurant and readers fortune cookie reads ‘Don’t let the one good thing in your life slip away’. _______ reads ‘your true love is around you’. At the hotel, reader and ______ link pinkies behind the group and share a kiss when they wait for a new elevator since the team filled them all up.
16. Reader joined Barca in 2017 and grew close to ________. Ended up being together for lockdown. Reader goes to Australia for national team camp and gets teased by Sam, Macca, Caitlin and Steph etc. Reader and ______ talk about coming out / what photos to use. _____ posts first then reader follows. Teasing by the team starts again after photos are posted. Mapi Leon
17. Reader is injured and she knows __________ wants to surf when she’s home so she re-waxes her surfboard as a surprise
18. Reader is quarantining with _________ when Australia wins the World Cup in 2020. It’s early in the morning and reader yells and screams, waking up ______.
19. Reader is going on a ‘date’ but knows _______ is in love with them. ________ helps pick out an outfit for the ‘date’ but reader wears it on their first date.
20. Alex Morgan little sister (5 years younger) - dating ________. Alex finds you two making out after a national team friendly - USA vs _________. Alex ‘threatens’ _________.
21. Reader singing One Less Lonely Girl to _________ on the bus on a long trip from a game to announce their relationship. Lucy Bronze
22. _________ surprising reader (Leah’s older sister) at Arsenal. Reader scores in the 90+5 minute, sending Arsenal to the Champions league final.
23. I Wish - One direction (sad fic) Leah Williamson
24. All Of The Girls You’ve Loved Before - Taylor Swift (reader dedicates this to __________ at their concert) - reader’s first time saying they’ve fallen for _______. 
25. Reader cooking for _______ for the first time and it’s really good.
26. “I could kiss you right now” “You’re very welcome to do it”  Reader scores an important goal in an important game.
27. “I haven’t felt like this in a long time and I’m scared”
28. “I think you’re parents may like me even more than you”  _________ meets readers parents for the first time due to covid.
29. “I didn’t want to tell you like this, but I have no choice”
30. “I miss you” “It’s just temporary” 
31. “They all reminded me of different parts of you so I got one of each” Reader can’t decide on one type of flower so the florist makes a bouquet with all different flowers from around the shop.
32. “Was that your way of asking me to marry you?” Reader is a singer and writes ‘That Part by Lauren Spencer Smith’.  Leah Williamson // Millie Bright
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aus-wnt · 4 months
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mackenziearnold | Birthday week spent in 4 different countries but finished off with my favourite people all in one place. Thank you to my family and friends for making it so special and to Kirsty for making turning 30 more than I could have ever imagined 🤍
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tooneys-russo · 6 months
Previous Parts: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Summary: Alessia and her UNC coach Willa have a bit too much chemistry. Only downside is that Willa has a girlfriend.
Warning: Smut 18+
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When the team arrived at the hotel they immediately all went to their separate rooms, Willa laid back on her bed and looked through Instagram. There was a post by Jennifer, it was her and Alanna kissing on a beach confirming their relationship. Willa sighed and put her phone down, it was exactly what she needed. Alessia saw the picture on Instagram and showed Lotte. “Bloody hell she moves on quick.” Alessia just nodded in acknowledgement. The team met in the hotel dining room for dinner, Willa sat on the coaches table with her laptop out and her notebook. She was taking notes on the opposition players ready for their film session the following afternoon. Alessia kept looking over at Willa, noticing she was completely focused on her work. Alessia tried to get involved with the conversation, when she looked back at Willa she was gone. Willa had left to go on a walk by herself, she stopped at a bench in a small park. Her head was a mess, she wanted to just go home and watch a football game with Alessia, or watch Alessia play. Both of which were impossible right now. Willa covered her face trying to hold back the tears, her ex was right she was a hasbeen who was never going to make it. Alessia would move on from her as soon as she got the chance. Alessia made her way into the park seeing Willa’s figure on the park bench, she sat next to the girl and rubbed her back. No words were spoken for a time as they just sat there together. 
After an hour Willa finally spoke. “Alessia, I am so sorry.” Alessia sighed. “Shut up Willa. Just tell me what is going on.” She rubbed her coach’s back. “Jen has moved on, which to be honest I don’t give a shit about. It is just that she's right. This could never work even if we wanted it to. You are going to go onto amazing things Alessia and I am just going to be the girl who couldn’t make it.” Alessia put her hand on Willa’s thigh. “Willa, you might not be on the field right now but you are easily one of the best coaches I have ever seen. You are phenomenal in what you do. You are 22 and have an incredible football mind. Kind of happy you aren’t on the field, otherwise I wouldn’t have you here. You would be in the NWSL.” Willa laughed coldly. “I wouldn’t want to play in the U.S. Standards are slipping here. Europe is the best place to play, you watch in a couple years the WSL will be one of the best leagues.” Alessia rolled her eyes with a smile. “Shut up Willa.” She bumped the brunette gently. “Thank you Alessia.” Willa said softly. “Can you stop calling me Alessia please, call me Less or something. It’s too formal and weird hearing you say it. Now get up.” Alessia stood, being helped by her crutches. Willa stood and hugged Alessia tightly. Alessia held Willa close against her body, being able to smell her perfume and feeling Willa’s face bury into her neck. It felt like they had been wrapped up together for hours, when they pulled apart their eyes locked. “We always end up like this, don't we?” Alessia said as she finally gave into her desire. Their lips crashed together, Willa holding Alessia’s hips to steady her. They moved in perfect sync, Willa pulled back and put her forehead against Alessia’s while they caught their breath. “Can we maybe get dinner sometime?” Alessia nodded at Willa’s request. “I would love that. Maybe you could cook for me?” Alessia touched the hem of Willa’s shirt. Their lips met again gently, “Let’s go inside.” Alessia smiled wide as they both headed back into the hotel. 
That night they set up a viewing room where they analysed the opposition’s tactics, Willa sat up the back as per usual and this time Alessia sat next to her. Willa quietly told Alessia what tactics she would need if she faced them next season. Alessia listened intently and asked questions as the video played. Lotte and Lois whispered about the pair, noting that they did look adorable together. At the end of the session Alessia waited behind until everyone left, kissing Willa once they were alone. Willa placed her hands on Alessia’s bum and lifted her easily making the blonde wrap her legs around Willa’s waist, the moonboot that Alessia was sporting on her broken leg made it a little awkward but she didn’t care. Their encounter started to get more heated as Alessia tangled her fingers in Willa’s hair, small moans escaping both their mouths. “Want to come up to my room?” Willa said breathlessly, Alessia could only respond with a nod. Their exchange was just as heated when the door to Willa’s room closed. Willa laid Alessia on her bed and pressed her body on top, Alessia gripped onto the back of Willa’s neck pulling her closer. Willa kissed Alessia's neck and slid her hand up the blonde’s shirt, her back arched into Willa’s touch. Willa sat up and took off her shirt showing off body and Alessia let out a laugh. Willa stopped and Alessia grabbed Willa’s hand to stop her getting off her. “Baby what the fuck are those tattoos?!” Willa looked down at the UCLA Bruin Logo that she had tattooed underneath the Newcastle United Logo. “Hey these are the best damn logos you have seen.” Alessia’s fingers traced over the tattoos, goosebumps rose where Alessia’s fingers touched her skin. “I mean they aren’t horrendous, just not my taste.” Willa leant down and silenced Alessia’s criticism with her mouth. Alessia’s phone rang and both girls groaned, “Apparently its lights out soon and I have to get to my assigned room.” Alessia’s finger went down the middle of Willa’s chest to the hem of her pants. “I would hate to be caught out of bed by any of my coaches.” Willa watched Alessia’s finger. “I don’t want to punish you.” Willa leant in for another kiss and Alessia pushed her off. “Bye coach.” Alessia smirked and headed back to her room. Willa was laying back on her bed watching the blonde walk out, completely shocked that Alessia would be able to control her like that. 
The following morning Alessia sat with Lotte and Lois, filling them in on her afternoon and night with Willa. They were a bit hesitant about supporting the two, Alessia trying to assure them that it was a good call. Willa walked into the room trying to get Alessia’s attention which she succeeded in getting. She had her UNC polo on, that showed off her tanned arms, black skinny jeans that stopped at the ankles and her black and white Nike Jordans. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she wore her RayBan sunglasses to cover her eyes. Alessia’s mouth fell open as she stared at Willa, a few of the other girls had the same expression as they look at their coach. Willa looked over at Alessia and smirked seeing the girl almost drooling looking at her. Willa smugly walked over and leant over to talk to Sydney who was next to Alessia, her arm was leaning on the table having her muscles on full display. Alessia could smell Willa’s perfume, her hand gently touched the back of Willa’s leg making the older girl’s leg buckle a little. Willa cleared her throat and walked back to the coaches table where she kept glancing at the blonde who returned her looks. 
As the team got ready for the game Willa and Alessia stole a moment to themselves, Alessia pulled Willa against her body and kissed the brunette desperately. “I hate you so much.” Alessia moaned into Willa’s mouth. “Why princess?” Willa moved her kisses down Alessia’s neck. “Look what you are wearing. How the hell can I focus on anything?” Willa smirked against Alessia’s neck. “Baby you don’t need to focus on anything but me.” Willa pulled back and left Alessia to catch her breath against the wall staring angrily at the brunette. “After the game tonight, come to my room.” She winked as she left, Alessia took a moment to gather herself before walking out to meet the team to watch warm up. Willa spoke to a few players and Alessia kept her eyes on her coach, admiring the way she connected with the players and her enthusiasm for coaching. It was nice to see someone who cared. During the game Alessia sat next to Willa, it was complete professionalism during the game with Willa talking through different plays with Alessia. They both bounced off each other chatting about the game and different tactics. Once the game was over the girls were celebrating their 3-0 win as they ate in the hotel dining room. Willa chatted with the coaching staff, Alessia and the team were making plans on how to celebrate, they couldn’t do much considering they had another game the following day but they did want to sit and watch a movie at the minimum. They all headed up to one of the girl’s rooms, only about 8 were willing to watch The Conjuring, Alessia left soon into the movie saying she was scared which to her credit wasn’t really a lie. 
She headed straight to Willa’s room and knocked on the door, the brunette opened the door wearing boxer shorts and a tank top. She immediately picked up the giggling blonde and carried her inside. “Well hello there gorgeous.” Willa said as she carefully laid Alessia down on her bed. Their lips connected and they moaned into each other's mouths, they missed each other considering they had only been apart for about an hour or two. Alessia pulled Willa’s top off and then her own, their bodies were pressed hard against each other. Willa moved down Alessia’s body leaving kisses as she went, she looked up at the blonde as she reached her pants, Alessia nodded in acceptance as Willa relieved her of her pants. Alessia took off her bra so she was only left in her underwear watching Willa’s movements. Kisses were left on the inner of Alessia’s thighs, her legs shaking with anticipation as finally Willa gave her what she wanted. Willa pulled Alessia’s underwear off while keeping eye contact, she leant in and licked Alessia slowly, the girl moaning under her. Willa smirked at the blonde’s response, she licked Alessia’s clit a bit faster, she pressed herself against Willa’s mouth harder. “Fuck baby yes.” Alessia moaned. Willa was spurred on by Alessia’s moans and sucked on her clit and fingered her harder. It wasn’t long before Alessia could feel a building feeling in the pit of her stomach, it was slowly spreading with every single thrust of Willa’s fingers. Willa thrusted her fingers and curled them into Alessia’s spot, making her fall over the edge and her orgasm taking over her body. Alessia pulled up Willa and kissed her deeply, her hand snaking down the coach’s body to her pussy. Alessia’s finger circled around Willa’s clit making the older girl moan. “Oh oh my god Alessia.” She gripped onto the sheets either side of Alessia’s head. The blonde smirked as she watched Willa’s reaction, the girl straddling her lap making it easy for Alessia to push a finger inside the gorgeous girl above her. Willa’s head fell onto Alessia’s shoulder as she pushed back on her fingers wanting her deeper. Alessia added a second finger inside Willa and moaning at the addition. She slowly began riding, wanting more from the blonde, in response Alessia curled her fingers and Willa’s stopped letting out a loud moan from her lips. “Fuck Alessia!” Alessia sped up her movements inside Willa until the older girl collapsed on her as she came on her fingers. Alessia wrapped her arms around Willa and kissed her head gently. 
The next morning the two woke up to Willa’s alarm, they saw the time and quickly got up. “Be careful of your leg baby.” Willa grabbed onto Alessia as she got up. They showered, with only quick touches making sure they didn’t go too far and get caught up in each other. Willa grabbed some of her extra clothes for Alessia including UNC track pants, training shirt and hoodie. Alessia smiled wide as they headed to breakfast, before entering the dining hall Willa placed a chaste kiss on Alessia’s lips. They walked in separately, Alessia sitting with Lotte and Willa sitting with Anson. “We will probably need to have a meeting once we get back to Chapel Hill, just about you and Alessia.” Willa nodded and looked at her plate.
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velvet-cupcake-games · 7 months
Okay I saw this asked on another blog and it was hilarious so I have to ask here what do you think characters beige flags are (weird/quirky or questionable things they do that give you pause but overall have no real effect on the relationship)?
Marion: She is very particular about book time. Do not interrupt her while reading. Do not read over her shoulder. DO NOT try to distract her by initiating romantic contact.
Robin: His habit of using silly, outdated phrases and sayings in everyday speech. I turned the "goofy Medieval" dial to max several times when writing him.
John: He cheats liberally at board and card games (only if money is NOT involved) and is absolutely unrepentant about it.
Will: He affects an air of laconic ennui, but if you watch closely, he's always in motion somehow. Most frequently, it's his hands that are always busy doing something.
Meissa: They love to cook and it's delicious, but it usually looks very questionable somehow. Just close your eyes and take a bite.
Alanna: She claims that her extensive vocabulary of colourful insults is part of her Stennish heritage, but you're pretty sure she's making most of them up.
Geoffrey: His idea of interior decorating is to not. Decorate. At all.
Gui: Has a tendency to make direct eye contact with you at all times when you have his attention. Does not care if this makes it awkward.
Layton: Has so many red flags I honestly don't know what the beige ones might be.
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The flag you'll need to wave if you interrupt Marion's book time.
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