#Alberta Lake Properties
campizon · 2 years
RV Lots for Sale | Lake Lots For Sale
Alberta Lake Properties For Sale With Full Municipal Services
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The Ontario and Alberta campgrounds offer a stunning place for camping outdoors.
Campizon facilitates the best of RV lots for sale to book and enjoy long-term camping experience. Browse online today!
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March 25, 2022
The Acting Chair: Okay. We’ll go to questions. Any members of the panel here? Mr. Getson, I just kind of took it for granted that you might have a couple.
Mr. Getson: Well, you know, I’ve been writing like the dickens here.
0 notes
allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
Alberta RCMP say a man died in custody this week after being shot at with a stun gun during his arrest. Slave Lake RCMP say they were dispatched to a local business Thursday afternoon for complaints of a man acting erratically and damaging property. The Mounties say officers tried to arrest the suspect but he resisted, leading to an altercation and use of a conductive energy weapon.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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crushribbons · 3 months
summary: Poppy Sweeting is a little naïve in all the right ways.
cw: 4.2k words, fluff, friends to lovers (i have a problem), smut (18+ ONLY), f/f sex, oral sex, i used a second-person POV bc there would be a lot of shes and hers getting mixed up LOL, fem reader
a/n: i may have a thing for girls who ramble and care about stuff :') also i know panties weren't invented yet shut up she's sexy! happy pride month xx laney
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The early September sunshine was warm on your neck as you raced down the Hogwarts lawn to the lake. Steep downward steps carried your legs faster than your body, and you fell flat on your face when your shoe caught on a loose stone hidden on the bottom step. “Ack!” Your arms flailed wildly, attempting to break the fall. Your face got there first.
“Are you alright?” squealed the girl you were in such a hurry to meet. Poppy Sweeting hopped up from her position lounging by the side of the lake and ran over to check on you.
You stood and brushed off your robes nonchalantly. “I actually needed that. Nurse Blainey told me to add more gravel to my diet.” While you cleaned the dirt from your forehead and hoped the bruise you could feel blossoming around your nose wasn’t too horrible, you searched around for the leather traveling bag you’d been holding. It remained unscathed on the bottom step where you’d dropped it. Poppy giggled.
“There’s less dangerous ways to go about that, you know.” Her voice–Merlin. It had a light rasp and a musical quality that sounded like the windchimes that hung outside the Beasts classroom–coincidentally the first place you’d laid eyes on the most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. 
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“I brought you something,” you began, trying to open the clasp of the bag without sustaining another injury in front of her. “She made me work for her.” You reached inside the bag and rummaged around for a moment before your hand magically summoned a little squeaking ball of fur into itself. “Ah, here we are.”
You held out the pink and purple puffskein to Poppy, whose face transformed into a ray of sunlight. “You DIDN’T! Look at her coloring! Oh, thank you, she’s so beautiful, I love her, I love her, I love her!” she cried in pure delight as she held the disoriented puffball to her cheek and spun around with her. 
One hundred thousand, you decided in that instant. You would catch approximately one hundred thousand puffskeins if it meant you got even a tenth of that reaction from her in the future. She looked happy enough to burst into one of her spirited rants about the properties of puffskein fur and how a well-cared for Puff could actually be used for levitating properties if you overfed it just the right amount, and God, you hoped she would. 
The two of you walked over to the secluded spot that Poppy had laid out a pale blue blanket over. The grass was soft beneath your knees as you knelt next to her and watched her fuss over her new pet and the air smelled like honeysuckle. Or was it…
“You smell so good,” you breathed, forgetting yourself entirely. “I mean, is that a new soap or..?” You prayed that your lecherous remark had come off as a friendly compliment, but Poppy wasn’t paying attention yet.
“How about Alberta? Hm? What do you think?” she asked the puffskein, tickling it’s belly with her pinky finger. “Is that your name?” 
You could have watched her for hours. The clear day offered a breeze that was wafting her short black hair around her shoulders and occasionally causing pieces to get stuck in her mouth. She spit them out without ever turning her attention from the beast, making an adorable “pthhbt!” noise when she did so. You realized you should probably be looking at and thinking about something other than your best friend. 
“So,” you grinned, as Poppy finally set Alberta down in her lap to stroke her coat. “Anything amazing happen over your summer? I can’t believe it’s our last year already.” A bitter lilt had found its way into your last words. 
Graduation. Sure, it meant the beginning of the rest of your lives, but would it also mean the end of seeing Poppy? You were friends, of course, but friends met up once or twice a year in Hogsmeade to rehash old school days then went back to their separate lives. You were excited for what the future and adulthood held. You were terrified they wouldn’t hold her.
Poppy shrugged. “Nothing spectacular! Gran’s doing well, and I got to see–OH.” 
Her story slamming to a dead halt made you look up, and you saw that her mouth was open in a perfect “O” and her eyes were glittering like the surface of the lake as it rippled and undulated in the wake of the giant squid swimming laps. “You will never guess who asked me to go get a butterbeer with them. The second I walked through the castle doors today, no less.”
Your stomach twisted into a Celtic knot of green, writhing, jealousy. It wasn’t as if you could get upset; you’d had two years now to do the same as whatever Lothario she seemed bursting with excitement over. The only thing stopping you was, well…
“Who?” you asked through a tight-lipped smile, trying to pretend you were interested in this juicy bit of gossip. 
If the giant squid had suddenly risen up out of the water and performed the climax to Carmen, you doubted you would have been more stunned. “Wh-uh, well, uh…huh, I, uh. Hm.” You searched the empty expanse of your mind for a single word. “Wow.”
“I know!” Poppy giggled again, placing her hand over her full lips as she did so. “Who would have thought she was so soft for me, deep down.” 
Hearing the words “soft for me” fall from precious, pure, and innocent Poppy Sweeting’s lips made your head spin like a top. You inwardly bemoaned your filth-ridden mind and tried to shake it straight as you made sense of the whole situation playing out in front of you. “So…” you started, slowly, not trusting the words to come out of you in the correct order, or frankly, language. “Are you going to go with her?” Poppy’s expression fell a bit, and she looked down at the grass.
“I dunno,” she said. She started ripping up chunks of grass and casting the blades into the breeze so they floated away. A nervous habit of hers, you knew. “I mean, well. She’s a girl.”
And there it was. Your heart was a blackened lump as it sunk to the bottom of your feet. “Sure.”
Poppy was sweet. Poppy was kind. Poppy rambled when she got excited, and Poppy was the only person you’d ever pictured being by your side after you left Hogwarts. Doing what, it didn’t matter in the slightest to you. As long as she was there and she was happy, you would be happy. But Poppy had been raised by a witch with traditional values, and part of her values included explaining to Poppy that one day she would meet a wonderful wizard and fall in love, and that was the only possible happy ending for her storybook. Gran wasn’t hateful, if anything quite the opposite, but she hadn’t taken the time away from her beasts to explain the more delicate natures of love and sex.
You could still remember the time in fifth year Poppy had found you in the library studying and pulled a chair up, dropping down in it to announce somewhat loudly and without a trace of shame, “Did you know that two witches could technically have sex without a wizard being involved?” Her expression had been completely serious. You had glanced down at the book you had been reading to see if it happened to contain the correct thing to say in this instance. Potions and their Properties had stared blankly back at you. 
“I mean, I suppose she’s pretty,” Poppy was musing, jerking you back to the present. “I like her enough, but she’s a bit mean sometimes.” Her brow furrowed and she looked up at you. “Plus, I’m not sure if I could kiss another girl. I don’t know if I’d enjoy it.”
Your gaze was fixed on Gryffindor tower. You were almost certain it was tall enough for the fall to kill you. 
“Have you ever kissed one?”
Blood rushed into your cheeks and you struggled to find words. Or rather, you struggled with the idea of telling the truth or not. The truth was that no, you hadn’t kissed another witch; the only kiss you had experienced was a reluctant and simpering one with Leander at a New Year’s celebration in the Three Broomsticks as the clock struck midnight. It wasn’t nice for anyone involved. But you were absolutely sure you would enjoy it if you got to kiss the girl you dreamed about nightly. However, if you told her that you hadn’t, the conversation would most likely be tabled in favor of discussing Alberta’s family backstory (Poppy had to assign a fictitious past to all her pets) and you’d lose the opportunity to execute the horrible plan that had just formed in your mind.
You were awful. Awful. If you opened your mouth and said what you were going to say, it would be a gigantic breach of Poppy’s trust, and her naïveté was something delicate that you never wanted to take advantage of. If you did this, it would be unforgivable.
“Yes,” you said and shrugged. It was surprising how easily the lie wormed its way out of you. “Once. I fooled around with an older Hufflepuff up in the Astronomy tower after a party. She was lovely and the firewhiskey made it seem like a wonderful idea.” Oh, you absolute wretch. Adding elaborate detail to the lie now.
Poppy’s eyes were wide as a mooncalf’s. “Really?” she breathed. She was studying you with rapt devotion, like you were a creature that she’d never encountered before. If you hadn’t been betraying her trust completely, you would have been swooning.
“Mmhmm.” You decided to cut it there and hope that this conveniently graduated Hufflepuff girl never got brought up again. “So, who knows? I say give Imelda a chance.” Poppy chewed her bottom lip, its pinkness giving way to white as she contemplated your idiotic suggestion. Give her a chance? You’d just blown the perfect opportunity to help your dear friend with a tough situation by snogging her senseless. As friends do.
“Maybe I will…” She seemed to have more to say, but she trailed off and looked out over the lake once more. Hogwarts loomed over the both of you, and it suddenly felt like the end of your seventh year couldn’t come fast enough. If Poppy did enjoy her little date with Imelda, you’d have to watch the two of them walking to breakfast together, watch Imelda tuck the strands of Poppy’s hair that always distracted her during Charms class behind her ear for her. The thought made you want to be sick all over the blanket you both sat on.
Poppy cleared her throat, once more rousing you from your sullen fantasies. “What if…if it’s not too strange…” Your heart plummeted backwards up from your feet to your throat and started hammering there. Was she really going to suggest…? 
It was her turn to blush now as she yanked three more handfuls of grass out. “Come on,” she muttered, too embarrassed to meet your eyes. “What if we tried it?”
You tried your absolute best to not jump up and start doing Garreth Weasley’s Quidditch victory dance, which involved a lot of gyrating and hip thrusting. You smiled. “Well, alright, Pop, anything for you. It’s fine with me. It could be useful, right?” Alright, calm down, your brain hushed. You’ve sold it, now shut up and kiss her.
“Alright,” she agreed, starting to look excited. “Maybe this will be fun!” It wasn’t the exact conditions that you’d one day hoped to kiss her under, but it maybe being fun was as good a reason as any for you. 
You cleared your throat a little and scooted across the blanket until your knees were touching. The sun, which had been high in the sky when you met up with her, now hung lazily around the three o’clock position, and shadows were being thrown across Poppy’s face by the oak tree you sat beneath. They speckled across her nose like the freckles you spent hours daydreaming of.
“Just a friendly kiss, right?” Poppy asked, and she leaned forward until your noses were touching.
How was this happening, especially so soon after you’d put your entire foot in your mouth with that Hufflepuff girl nonsense. “Of course,” you murmured. Your eyes fell from her ash blue ones to her lips, pink and perfect and then they were pressed against yours. 
You couldn’t help it. A soft moan tumbled from your mouth to hers as you brought your hands up to her hair and wove your fingers against her head. Her lips tasted like every delicious summer fruit you could think of, and you confirmed that the wonderful honeysuckle smell was indeed her hair. The two of you kissed and twisted your heads to slot lips closer for several seconds before Poppy pulled away and her huge eyes stared back at you. You could tell you were panting, but nothing in the world mattered to you anymore. Only kissing her did.
“Oh…wow,” she said. You opened your mouth to brush the entire ordeal off as a nice neighborly favor and hopefully save whatever of your dignity you hadn’t left in her mouth when she launched herself forward and kissed you again, much harder this time. You rocked back on your heels as your hands steadied her by the waist. What? What was happening? Your brain chased answers while your tongue chased hers and you felt her thin frame quiver under your fingertips. “Wow,” she moaned again, breaking just for a second to catch air. You whined at the loss of her lips. “You kiss wonderfully.” A hysterical little laugh bubbled up from her chest and you tugged her back to your mouth. As long as she wasn’t actively shoving you away, you were going to spend the rest of your days kissing this woman. 
It was her turn to thread her hands into your hair, and she actually pulled the locks with a sharp tug. “Pop!” You shrieked in indignation, but she just giggled herself giddy and moved her kisses to your jawline. You wanted to remain indignant, but truth be told, the hair tug had sent a shockwave to your core and you felt wetness pooling between your legs. “Poppy,” you panted again, trying to break her concentration, but she was determined to kiss the entire length of your neck, it appeared, and you lost the will to even try and stop her. But decency won out, and you pulled her by her chin back to eye-level and said, “Do you want to keep doing this? I mean, are we going to talk ab–”
“No,” she huffed, cutting you off with several small pecks. “No, let’s just…Merlin! I enjoy kissing girls!” The statement was just sweet enough and just funny enough and just Poppy enough to make the both of you dissolve into laughter. You laughed for several seconds before you sobered up from the high of her body pressed into yours and you wondered if you should keep at this. Your hands were still holding her waist, and hers were wrapped lightly around your neck. “I know kissing Imelda won’t be like this. This, this is…” She grabbed your bottom lip in her teeth and pulled it, relinquishing it with a pop! Gods, was this the same Poppy Sweeting who asked Sebastian Sallow what he meant by saying he’d like to take her for a ride on his broomstick, because “Sebastian, we’re in Hogsmeade. We can’t fly here!”?
You nodded. You’d agree to signing up for NEWT level Arithmancy at this point. Anything to keep her in your arms.
“Lay down,” you whispered, and she complied instantly, pulling you down with her into a mind-decimating snog that had you instinctively shedding your house robes and swinging your leg over her waist to hover above her. Frenzied lust was making the decisions for you at this point. Poppy wasn’t protesting, or pointing out the fact that this was still technically her first girl kiss; on the contrary, she was unclasping her own robes and shimmying them out from under her, then yanking you back down. 
“Hey, Pop?” Poppy replied with an unintelligible string of “mmmm”s that, judging by the way she was moving her hands down your back to your backside, seemed more like moans.
“Did you know two witches can have sex without a wizard even–”
“Shut it!” she cried, her voice raising in adorable anger. You’d teased her lightly in the wake of that question years ago, and how could you not bring it up in such a perfect moment as this? She ran her fingers down the back of your skirt, then, using her fingernails in a delicious scrape that made every nerve in your body dance, and pulled it up over your ass. Her nails dug into the soft flesh there and you groaned before moving your knee in between her legs. 
“Aaah!” Poppy gasped in sheer delight as her core bumped against your knee and she realized that you were pleasuring her. Your kisses grew sloppier as she began shamelessly grinding on your leg. Her thigh-length skirt was impeding the process, so you flipped it up as she had done yours and saw…You closed your eyes and said a quick prayer of thanksgiving. Merlin, she was wearing white lace panties. And–
“Fuuuuck,” you whined, your finger ghosting over the embroidered poppy at the top of them. “You’re so fucking sweet, Sweeting!” 
But Poppy had devolved into a needy mess by now. She was barely holding onto her composure as she demanded, “Please, please! Show me how to do this, I want this, puh-leeease, I want this!” You’d never seen Poppy demand anything in her life, let alone sex. You couldn’t have imagined the sight being as perfect as it was. Her cheeks flushed, hair splayed out behind her on the blanket, her chest rising and falling rapidly as a dark, wet spot on her panties rubbed against your leg. Then her words really registered in your lust-addled mind. 
Show me how to do this.
The last thing on Earth you wanted was for this to end, but the one remaining shred of decency that hadn’t escaped when her underwear was exposed forced you to choke out, “Ok, wait.” Poppy wanted to do nothing of the sort.
“Talk later, do this now,” she breathed, attempting to pull you back into a kiss, but you climbed off her fully and sat back on your heels. She pulled herself to a half-sitting position and pouted with swollen lips, “What? What’s wrong?” 
You swallowed. Your throat was dry as sand as you attempted to get the words out. Everything had been going so well, like a dream you never wanted to wake up from. But your idiotic lie had come back to bite you, and you had to come clean now.
“I’ve, uh…I’m sorry, Pop. I lied.” You couldn’t meet her eyes and looked instead at the bald patches of grass where she’d earlier done her gardening work. “I’ve never done this before. I’m so, so sorry, but when you asked, I thought maybe–and I’ve wanted this for ages, to be honest, so I made up that stupid story about the older girl and—when really, I only wanted to kiss you but now I’ve gone and–well, you never want to see me again, I’m sure of it, so I’ll keep out of your way, and again, I’m so sorry, I–”
Poppy’s laugh went from a low chuckle to ultrasonic. It was so intense and so overwhelming, no sound was issuing forth from her mouth. She clambered onto all fours and promptly fell over again, doubled over from the apparent hilarity of it all. Your brow furrowed.
She was still beside herself, her normal giggle replaced with a raucous hysterical belly-laugh that was shaking her entire body. “You thought–” She gasped between breaths, but then laughter overtook her once more. If you hadn’t been so dreadfully nervous that you were about to lose the love and the great friend of your life, you would have almost been annoyed. 
When she finally managed to sit up and form a few sentences, they were, “You colossal git! Oh, really, there was not actually a suave older witch who showed you how to explore a woman’s body?” Poppy clasped her hands on either side of her head in mock shock. “I can’t believe this. You’ve utterly betrayed my trust.”
You sputtered. “What? Well, haven’t I?” Poppy descended into laughter again.
“Of COURSE not! Come now, you bellend! I knew you were lying the second you opened your mouth! As if I wouldn’t have heard about this little Astronomy tower encounter the second after it happened? Please. I had to hear about Leander Prewett missing your lips entirely for a month after it happened.” You gaped at her. 
“Then why–?”
“Because!” Poppy threw her hands in the air and smiled at you, prettier than a sunset. “I wanted this, too. I didn’t know what to say.” She reached for one of your hands and took it in her own. “You are everything to me, darling. You’re my best friend and confidant, and you make me feel strong and beautiful, and like I can do anything.”
“Well, you can do anything,” you whispered, smiling now too. She waved off your sentiment and continued,
“Not to mention, my God. Your ass is downright heavenly!” Your jaw dropped at precious little Poppy Sweeting’s words. All this time, you’d been being ogled, even as you were ogling?
It seemed you were an oblivious pair, well-suited to each other.
A thought occurred to you. “So, Imelda…?” 
Poppy blushed, bashful at the extent of her own deception. “Er, no. She did not ask me to get a butterbeer.” She leaned forward and kissed the tip of your nose, twisting a strand of your hair around her finger at the same time. “But you get jealous easily.”
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“Fucking hell, Poppy!” You were writhing under your best friend, whose second and third fingers were currently sunk knuckle-deep inside you, curling up into a spot that made your view of the top of Poppy’s four-poster swim. You clutched the sheets beneath you until your knuckles were white, her fingers pushing in and out in the most perfect way you could imagine. 
“Am I doing alright?” She purred, knowing full well the answer. 
After the feelings between you were confessed, you’d been unable to stop from stripping one another bare and fucking repeatedly behind the gigantic oak tree at the edge of the lake. Her body was everything you’d dreamed and more. Small but perky breasts that you were addicted to kissing, grabbing, and biting at every available opportunity, long legs that kept pulling you in for a snog when you were trying to finger her, and her tongue…fuck, that tongue. When she’d first dropped herself between your legs and looked at your drenched cunt, she’d murmured, “Well, here we go!” and bumped her nose against your clit, causing a twisted cry to fly from your throat. 
You’d both quickly figured out the pros and cons of two witches having sex; one of the pros was that Poppy was a tease of a top, on the rare occasion she did not feel like fulfilling her duties as resident princess of the pillows. They were precisely no cons. You ate her out a minimum of once a day, sometimes twice if you could manage to pull her away from the beast paddock long enough. Her taste was sweeter than anything at Honeydukes, and you were surely addicted to it. Even after two months, you couldn’t get enough.
You two were currently wrapped up and sweating in her bedsheets and praying that no one would notice a lock charm on the Hufflepuff girl dormitories in the middle of an unseasonably warm November afternoon. 
“Come for me, baby,” she giggled. She fucked her fingers in and out three times in rapid succession then slowed her pace greatly, causing you to thrash and whine with want. 
“T-tease!” You choked out.
“Only a tease if I don’t make you come,” she reprimanded, and as she continued moving her fingers, brought the heel of her hand up to rub against your clit. Stars sparked in your eyes and you screamed, pleading with her for release. She bumped and ground against your clit repeatedly until–
“Shit, baby, Poppyyy, I’m–!” Your orgasm crashed over you. A tidal wave would have been gentler. Poppy kept moving her fingers gently, a self-satisfied smile that she always wore when she got you to scream playing across her lips.
She collapsed next to you, watching your chest heave with the effort of catching your breath and coming back to Earth. Gods, this woman was so much more of a minx than she had ever seemed to be. “Hey,” she said softly as you panted. “My gran wants to know if I’m coming home for Christmas.” You sat up on one elbow. “Oh? Are you?”
Poppy chewed her lip, and you could tell she wished she had a handful of grass to rip up right about now. “I’d like to,” she began, “but I really only want to go if–”
“I’d love to, Pop.” And her face broke into that honeysuckle-sweet beaming smile that made you want to keep it in place forever.
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After about a decade of building up my crystal collection, I can no longer close my eyes to what I've been supporting. Far from the good vibes that crystals are purported to have, I need to be honest that their trade funds the same human rights abuses and environmental destruction that I've spent most of my life decrying. I need to address this cognitive dissonance within myself, and can no longer endorse buying mass-market crystals anymore. I call myself an earth-worshipper, or nature-worshipper, yet I'm contributing to the destruction of the Earth and her people. This no longer sits right with me. Yes, there are likely minerals in my phone that were mined using less-than-ethical practices, however a cell phone in this day and age is kind of a necessity. Decorative crystals and fossils, though, are more difficult to justify in this way.
I'm still going to keep the ones I have for now, because, welp, the damage has already been done, and getting rid of them now won't undo what I've been endorsing with my dollar. I still have a box of gems that I bought to make wire-wrapped jewelery with, and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with those, so they're tucked away until I can decide.
If there's interest, I may make some pieces with them and put them up for sale as a Crystal Clearout sale, since I did spend a lot of money on those supplies. Or I might wear or gift them. We will see.
Back to my spiritual practice. What am I going to use instead?
River rocks!
Or lake rocks. Park rocks. Parking lot rocks. Farm rocks. Forest Rocks. Anything except store-bought is fine. Look at these cool rocks I've found in my city so far! These are geologically tied to the place I live, they carry the history on the land I'm on, which is not mine to live on. It is Treaty 6 territory—the traditional and ancestral territory of the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux and Nakota Sioux. This territory is home to the Métis Settlements and the Métis Nation of Alberta, Regions 2, 3 and 4 within the historical Northwest Métis Homeland.
These stones carry the memory of the people who were here before me, and that of a not-so-distant history I need to address time and time again, examine my own biases, and do what I can to address inequalities right here, right now. They are a connection to this land, and those who live on it.
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These stones can also hold my own memories, for instance this petrified wood reminds me of a day a friend and I went rock-hunting by the river, and on a trip to Ontario with this same friend, we found some jade (I think). Which brings me to another point. I am not a geologist. I plan to learn about minerals local to me, but I'll never have the assurance of some shopkeeper (whatever that's worth) that what I'm holding is 100% a piece of pure amethyst, and here is a list of its properties. Instead, I'll be able to find my own meaning in the stones, feathers and flowers I find while walking in the world, and use them in my practices the way I feel intuitively guided to.
In spiritual practices, what we are working with is energy and intention. The rest are simply tools, symbols for our brain to understand what we are channeling towards or away from. The most important quality you can develop as a witch, a pagan, a yogi, a spiritualist, whatever you wish to call yourself, is self-trust. Trust that you are enough. Trust that this stone made its way to you so that you would find it exactly when you did. Trust that the herbs you lovingly grew, watered, bundled and dried are sufficient for clearing any stale energies. Learn from those who came before you, but at a certain point, you have to free yourself from reliance on corporations, merchants, readers, authors, course creators, and anyone else looking to make a buck off your lack of experience and confidence.
When you have a true need, harken not to others' greed. (the Wiccan Rede)
Consumerism has its hooks in us to such a point where we feel like we have to buy our way out of all of our real or perceived inadequacies.
Feeling down? Buy this sun lamp!
Tummy hurts? It's this scary new syndrome I just made up! Peer review, what's that? Nevermind. Buy this supplement!
Want to feel really cool and attractive? Buy this new outfit!
Want to make friends? Learn a new hobby! Oh, but this hobby requires you to buy all this gear before anyone thinks you're serious about it! And make sure you buy a t-shirt that says you're into this hobby while you're at it, so you can talk about it to everyone!
McSpirituality works the same way. Feel like you don't belong? It's definitely a past life thing, buy a reading with me to find out! Looking for love? Make sure you buy a rose quartz to send a lover your way within 24 hours. Hmm, it didn't work? It must not be big enough. Make sure you buy this one instead! Trying to get into meditation? You'll need to buy a zafu, some mala beads, and a buddha head with some very questionable history Are you broke after all these purchases? You can just buy this abundance generating spell kit, and this $10K course (I have seen this price point, it's not hyperbole) on dissolving your subconscious blocks to abundance!
It's not your fault, it's the system we all live in. I was, and still am, immersed in it too. If you're in a tough place, it can be so easy to be swept up by the promise of a quick fix, because spiritual work is hard. You'll have to confront yourself in some tough ways, work through traumatic experiences and spend years building discipline and focus.
It's a lot easier to just walk into a crystal shop and pick the one you like, isn't it? But I want to remind myself that life doesn't work that way.
Do you just walk into a store and pick out the partner, the job, the house, the experiences, the circumstances that look prettiest?
Okay, maybe some of you do if you're very lucky or have certain privileges, but these choices aren't always the ones that guarantee long-term compatibility or happiness.
In real life, it's a lot more like walking down a riverbank with a friend, catching up on life, and showing each other the cool thing you found, maybe deliberating on what it might be. Your rock might look different than hers, but you found it and it feels good to you. Maybe the shape feels satisfying and built just for your hand. You feel like it was waiting for you all this time.
Or maybe it's like walking home after a difficult day, and seeing the little sparkle of something glimmering in the sunlight. Maybe this represents hope and silver linings. Maybe a bird eyes you as you examine your rock, offering you company and understanding in a way that words fail to.
That feeling certainly isn't for sale in stores, or online. If I find it at a garage sale, I'll let you know.
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woodstoneb-b · 5 months
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Welcome back to Woodstone B&B where stunning sunrises welcome you each day!
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As well as stunning surprises I guess, because as I discovered after last entry, the Lady of the Manor and the ghost that has no pants have a...thing going on.
Flower: Oh yeah, they're all over each other like jellyfish!
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The Woodstone property is pretty massive and one of the nicest spots is our very own lake!
Thor: Thor is jealous of pixel self, it has been half a century since Thor was able to fish for that greatest of all foods...cod.
Alberta: Oh lord, don't get him started.
Trevor: Can we fish in the lake in real life, Jay?
Ahem...unfortunately after consultation with the EPA, we've been advised that the level of heavy metals in the water is slightly too high so in the interests of our guests, fishing is off limits.
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Now here's something of interest, here at Woodstone we have a secret underground vault! It was constructed in the 1890s by Elias Woodstone, no doubt to hold all the Woodstone family riches.
Hetty: Which he didn't get the chance to use, instead he ended up locked inside it by the builder. Which is where cuckolding will get you, so take note.
I assure all prospective guests that the skeleton in the ACTUAL basement is fake, I mean, obviously we wouldn't leave a real skeleton on the premises!
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Er, Pete, what the Hell are you doing?
Pete: I appreciate worksmanship, and this is fine workmanship! It looks almost real!
Yep, definitely a fake skeleton.
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Thor: Why would there be rain in this mythical space? Thor cannot fish in such weather! The cod I could be catching -
Alberta: I told you not to get him started.
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In the meantime, rain and even a lack of pants doesn't deter some of the ghosts.
Trevor: A fudgiscle! Man, what I wouldn't give for one of those...
Sass: This game is making me hungry....hey, Sam, can we have a pizza to smell tonight?
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Thor: Seems game is not always correct...Trevor never wins 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' in real life.
Trevor: I swear, it makes no damn sense. How do you always know.
Thor: That is secret.
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Is this more accurate?
Thor: Hahaha, small man would never dare such move against Thor.
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Um, Alberta? That's uh...not safe.
Alberta: This ain't real, Jay, and these microwaves...damn, you modern people don't know how good you got it!
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Alberta: I mean, look at this convenience! In my time it would have taken like half a day to get a dinner like this!
Well, I'll pass on your compliments to Swanson's.
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Oh God, what are you planning now, No Pants?
Trevor: Wouldn't you like to know?
I don't think I do, to be honest...
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Flower: Eee buttefly chasing! My favourite thing!!
Thor: And Flower doesn't even need to worry about boundary now.
Flower: I'm supposed to worry about a boundary?
Thor *groan*
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Trevor: Cool, horses!
Looks like the feeling isn't mutual.
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Trevor: Wow, you've been fishing all day, Big Guy?
Thor: A whole day is nothing to Thor, Thor once spent two days fishing for a much spoken of and legendary cod, it is all colours of the rainbow and is longer than -
Alberta: Just walk away, Jay and come back in an hour or two...he should be finished by then.
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Trevor: Broooooo!
Thor: Broooooo!
Well, that's something you don't see every day...a Viking and a Wall Street broker doing shakkas at each other.
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Alberta: Jay, you nailed it! Here I am lookin' ready to paint the town red! Starting with a drink at this speakeasy!
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Isaac: sigh I am feeling isolated and unfulfilled, there's no Samantha in this game to write my story.
Well, you know, you can write your own story in this.
Isaac: What? Why didn't you say so?! Fetch me a quill and all the parchment you can afford!
Yeah, that's really not necessary, you just need a typewriter or a computer.
Isaac: Right! Lead me to it!
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Trevor: Hey nothing to see here..
Isaac: What are you talking about, you've got one of those typewriters!
Trevor: Yeah, but...this is a secret room....which you guys don't know about.
Isaac: I have never actually seen that room before, what do you do in there?
Hetty: Never you mind.
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Here's an interesting development, Sass's simself rolled a want to be a sculptor so here we go.
Sass: You know, I wanted to be a storyteller...but being able to create art that will last for eons...sounds good to me!
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Thor: Meanwhile, Thor has decided to keep cod and other fish to admire. Also eat if famine occur.
Righty-oh, good thinking.
On that note, we'll leave our ghostly pals for now. What hijinks will they get up to next time? Stay tuned!
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So, Sam's great aunt had at least 3 separate people die on her property when she owned it. The kids went to get her for Pete's death and Flower's death was at least recorded well enough that the Dumb Deaths people knew about it and came to the property.
It sounds like she didn't live at Woodstone when Trevor died and her son probably never heard about it anyway since they threw his body in the lake, but she probably still technically owned it.
And if she was 95 when she died then she may have been born by the time Alberta died.
That's just SO MANY people to die on private property during one person's life. And only like 5% of people become ghosts so either a hugely disproportionate number of people became ghosts on the Woodstone property after 1900 or 90+ other people died there in various ways.
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eusuchia · 1 year
where would you move to if not toronto? i feel all my friends have toronto as the ideal living place (bonkers rent aside) but also we are literally all from small town northern ontario lol
I get why people move here! I mean I literally am here. it was fine. it is fine. it has all the amenities you want in a big city, like some semblance of public infrastructure, non white people, queer people, communists, certain health services, arts, food, weird niche scenes and stores and whatever. BUT,
now that I've been here for a decade, the rent that was astronomically expensive to me (coming from montreal 2014, where we had an old but comfy 2br for $750/mo total. $325/mo each) when I first got here now seems laughably cheap. it's miserable, yet competitive, and a lot of people get locked into shitty living situations out of fear of the nightmare of finding a new place to live. people often remark about the chill vibes montreal has (or had, depends who you ask), and ultimately a lot of it came down to: not having to hustle your ass off because you could have a beautiful walk-up in a nice medium-density neighbourhood for <$500, and being able to get good microbrews and wine at your corner store, lmao. QC tuition is also cheap for QC residents, and still cheaper than most places for out-of-province, so it really is/was The Place to be a student.
but back to hating toronto: the sprawl is sickening! you get a reprieve in certain neighbourhoods but it's just concrete on concrete on concrete mostly. I feel claustrophobic and trapped here. it takes over an hour IN A CAR to leave the city, or more like two hours if you get unlucky on the 401. if you don't drive? lmao. the commutes that people treat as 'normal' here are unbelievable and inhumane. if I want to be 'in nature' i have to make a whole trip out of it, like that's my entire day. and even then it involves shielding your eyes from the city and pretending it's not there while you look at the lake, or high park, or whatever. I never appreciated this enough about edmonton as a kid/teen but now when I think too hard about the river valley at home I get nauseatingly homesick. (ofc the sprawl in the prairies is horrific as well; I grew up in the small area of downtown edmonton well-serviced by public transport and by the river).
this is to say nothing of the big chunks of 'toronto proper' that I avoid entirely because they're full of the people toronto really wants to cater to, i.e. bay st business guys and lawyers who are the ones buying up all the new developments as investment properties. everything cool here gets torn down for these assholes and turned into luxury condos and people clap and cheer because it's 'more housing!' and you look over and doug ford is getting handed a big novelty check from the Corrupt Personal Friends of Ford Family and Property Developers Foundation.
ANYWAY. I don't know. I had my sights set on halifax for a long time, I love a smaller city and I LOVE the atlantic. it's marginally more affordable than here. it's very white but not as scary white as like, tbh, small town ontario/alberta, I think largely due to being a city and a big student population. but the more I think about it the more it seems kind of stupid to move myself so far away from all my friends, family, networks, etc... again. my fourth province? god. if I do it, I should do it earlier rather than later I guess? but the logistics are nightmarish.
hamilton is on my mind lately. it's more affordable, smaller, less insane as a move, would be close enough to family for my partner to be more comfortable and it's MUCH easier to 'go outside'. I have friends there so I wouldn't be starting completely over again, I even have clients who come to me from there so my work transition wouldn't be crazy. and I could still commute to toronto with bike + GO train. BUT THEN I WOULD STILL BE IN THIS FUCKING PROVINCE.
idk dude sorry for going on and on but this is literally all I've been thinking about for the last few months and I had a minor crisis about it all last week. godspeed getting out of small town ontario anyway. I guess my thesis is... if you speak french, consider montreal?
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hauptrealty · 5 days
Acreages For Sale Alberta: Scenic Beauty And Outdoor Activities
Among the main reasons an acreage is so desirable is that it offers a large area to do your thing. Whether you are into farming, gardening, or simply enjoying the outdoors, the land an acreage provides affords you the space and the required solitude for your activities. Large lots ensure neighbors are at a distance comfortable enough to provide a peaceful living environment. In this writing piece, you can learn everything about the trusted realtor Edmonton.
From breathtaking landscapes, acreages offer front-row seats to the most beautiful views that Alberta offers in natural beauty. The variety includes rolling hills, dense forests, serene lakes, and rivers. Other recreations like hiking, horseback riding, fishing, and wildlife watching are well catered to with an acreage.
Customization and Development Potential
Having an acreage gives you the freedom to work on your property to suit your taste of living. Be it building a dream home, creating a hobby farm, or having areas for recreational activities—nothing seems impossible. Acreages are flexible and can be developed according to one's preference and need.
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An experienced and trustworthy Edmonton real estate professional will deliver authentic, really priceless expertise and local knowledge in your acreage search. They literally know every nook and corner regarding the rural real estate market, property value, zoning restrictions, and hidden problems. The type of expertise that will help you make informed decisions for an acreage that fits your criteria.
Access to Exclusive Listings
The trusted realtor Edmonton will often have access to exclusive listings and off-market properties, which may not be advertised to the public. This helps you to have an edge on unique and desirable acreages before they are even advertised to everyone. The realtors may link you with some property that fits your profile of choice, saving you time and effort.
Professional realtors give all-inclusive services, taking you through all the processes involved in buying an acreage. From the initial search and viewings to negotiation and closing, they handle the details of the transaction. Their experience ensures a smooth, hassle-free experience that allows you to focus on finding that perfect acreage.
Acreages in Alberta offer expansive space with scenic beauty and quality tranquil living. Partner with a trusted Edmonton realtor who will assist and educate you in the process of rural real estate. With interests from hobby farms to custom home sites or a simple retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life, let a professional realtor find your ideal acreages for sale Alberta.
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realpropertypros · 10 days
Sell Leduc Homes and Explore Leduc County Acreages for Sale
Leduc, a thriving city in Alberta, is known for its vibrant community, family-friendly environment, and strategic location just south of Edmonton. With its excellent amenities, strong job market, and proximity to major transportation routes, Leduc is an attractive destination for homebuyers. If you're considering Sell Leduc Homes or exploring Leduc County acreages for sale, the real estate market offers various opportunities for both buyers and sellers.
Why Sell Your Leduc Home?
Selling your Leduc home can be a rewarding experience, especially in today's market. The demand for homes in Leduc has steadily increased due to its growing population, economic opportunities, and quality of life. Whether you're moving to a different part of Alberta or simply upgrading to a larger home, selling in Leduc comes with several advantages:
Strong Real Estate Market: Leduc's real estate market remains stable, with a healthy demand for homes. The city's close proximity to Edmonton and its booming industries, including oil, gas, and manufacturing, make it a desirable location for professionals and families.
Appealing Community: Leduc offers a range of amenities, including schools, parks, shopping centers, and recreational facilities, which attract potential buyers. Families, in particular, are drawn to the excellent education system and safe neighborhoods.
Transportation Hub: With quick access to major highways like the Queen Elizabeth II Highway and proximity to the Edmonton International Airport, Leduc is ideal for commuters and frequent travelers. This convenience makes homes in Leduc attractive to buyers looking for both suburban living and city accessibility.
Opportunity to Upgrade: Selling your current home in Leduc provides the chance to upgrade to a larger property, whether within the city or in the surrounding rural areas, such as Leduc County acreages.
Leduc County Acreages for Sale
For those seeking a more rural lifestyle, Leduc County offers stunning acreages that combine tranquility with proximity to urban centers. Leduc County acreages for sale provide a perfect balance of open space, privacy, and easy access to amenities. Whether you're a family looking for more land or someone seeking a peaceful retreat, these properties are worth considering.
Spacious Properties: Acreages in Leduc County come with generous plots of land, often spanning several acres. These properties are ideal for those interested in farming, gardening, or simply enjoying more outdoor space.
Custom-Built Homes: Many acreages feature custom-built homes designed to maximize comfort and luxury. From modern architectural styles to charming country homes, there's a wide range of options for buyers.
Proximity to Nature: Leduc County is known for its picturesque landscapes, including rolling hills, forests, and lakes. Living on an acreage offers a closer connection to nature, allowing you to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and horseback riding.
Development Potential: Some acreages offer the potential for future development, making them attractive investments. Whether you're looking to build additional structures or start a business, Leduc County acreages provide flexibility for your long-term goals.
Whether you're selling your home in Leduc or exploring the vast acreages in Leduc County, the real estate market in this region is full of possibilities. Leduc's vibrant community and Leduc County's serene landscapes provide a range of options for buyers and sellers alike. With the right guidance and a clear understanding of the local market, you can make informed decisions and achieve your real estate goals in this beautiful part of Alberta.
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parterreproperty · 2 months
Understanding Alberta Property Insurance: What Coverage Do You Need?
As an Alberta property owner or manager, safeguarding your investment is crucial. Alberta property insurance provides essential protection against various risks, ensuring that your assets remain secure. This article delves into the types of coverage you need and the importance of understanding your policy as an Alberta property manager.
Basic Coverage Options
Building Insurance
Building insurance covers the physical structure of your property. This includes protection against damages caused by natural disasters like fires, floods, and storms, as well as vandalism and theft. For Alberta property owners, this is a fundamental coverage, ensuring that the cost of repairs or rebuilding is covered in the event of significant damage.
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is crucial for protecting against claims of injury or property damage caused by your property. As an Alberta property manager, you could be held liable visitor is injured on your premises. This coverage helps cover legal fees and compensation costs, providing peace of mind in managing your property.
Specialized Coverage Options
Flood Insurance
Alberta is prone to flooding, especially in regions near rivers and lakes. Standard property insurance may not cover flood damage, making separate flood insurance a necessary addition. This specialized coverage ensures that you are protected against the financial impact of water damage to your property.
Earthquake Insurance
Though less common, earthquakes can occur in Alberta. Earthquake insurance covers the structural damage caused by seismic activity, providing an extra layer of protection for your investment.
Sewer Backup Insurance
Sewer backups can cause extensive damage to a property. This coverage protects against the costs associated with cleaning and repairing damage caused by sewer or drain backups, which are not typically included in standard property insurance policies.
Understanding Policy Details
When selecting Alberta property insurance, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the policy details. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Policy Limits and Deductibles
Policy limits define the maximum amount your insurance will pay for a covered loss. Ensure that these limits are sufficient to cover the replacement cost of your property and contents. Deductibles are the out-of-pocket expenses you must pay before your insurance coverage kicks in. Balancing affordable premiums with manageable deductibles is key to a suitable policy.
Exclusions are specific situations or damages that your policy does not cover. Common exclusions may include wear and tear, intentional damage, and certain natural disasters. Understanding these exclusions helps in knowing when additional coverage is necessary.
Endorsements or riders are additions to your insurance policy that provide extra coverage. For instance, adding an endorsement for valuable items like jewelry or electronics ensures comprehensive protection. As an Alberta property manager, tailoring endorsements to your property's unique needs is beneficial.
For Alberta property owners and managers, having the right insurance coverage is essential to protect against unforeseen risks. From building and contents insurance to specialized flood and earthquake coverage, understanding your policy options ensures comprehensive protection. By carefully selecting and customizing your insurance policy, you can safeguard your investment and maintain peace of mind as you manage your Alberta property.
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campizon · 2 years
RV Sites for Sale | RV Lots for Sale
Alberta Lake Properties for Sale
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Have you been looking out for RV sites for sale?
Campizon can help you book the nicest destinations for camping experiences outdoors and full hookups.
Check out the latest information online today!
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spoilertv · 5 months
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lovesokhal2003 · 6 months
"Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise" in Alberta, Canada
1. Energy Efficiency: To cut down on energy use and its carbon footprint, the hotel probably invests in energy-efficient technologies like smart thermostats, LED lighting, and energy-efficient appliances.
2. trash Reduction: Reducing landfill trash and fostering a more sustainable operation can be achieved by putting in place a thorough waste management system that includes recycling programs, composting organic waste, and eliminating single-use plastics across the property.
3. Local Sourcing: To boost the local economy, cut down on emissions from long-distance shipping, and introduce visitors to the local way of life and cuisine, the hotel might give preference to sourcing food and goods locally.
4. Water Conservation: In an area like Lake Louise where water conservation is essential, installing low-flow faucets, toilets, and showerheads as well as putting water-saving measures in landscaping and laundry facilities can drastically cut down on water consumption and preserve this priceless resource.
5. Community Engagement: Getting involved in local collaborations, educational efforts, and social responsibility and environmental conservation programs helps to build strong relationships and improves the general well-being of the community. This could include taking part in programs to save animals, giving back to organizations or local schools, or providing visitors with informative tours or courses on sustainability.
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woodstoneb-b · 7 months
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So another day dawns at Woodstone! And here are two of our heroes getting down to the business of reading.
Hetty: Is that sarcasm I detect? As ghosts we're unable to turn pages of books, I am truly jealous of these... pixels?
Alberta: That reminds me...Sam has the new People come in?
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Thor: Thor far prefers the moving picture box, a whole world is contained in there -
Sass: The fact you can't actually read has nothing to do with that -
Thor: Also plenty of attractive people, removing clothes because of increasing temperature.
Sass: Actually...television may be a far better use of one's time...
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Isaac: Well, I for one am far more partial to the written word than the trivial tales of man versus temperature. I imagine I'm reacquainting myself with the plays of Shakespeare or one of the great poets.
It was actually a children's book about rocket.
Isaac: Well, one must start somewhere.
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Hetty: I must say, this is quite a faithfully recreation of my beloved family home.
Thanks, Hetty. By the way, to all our readers if you come to stay at our fine B&B you'll find my discerning eye in all dishes, which are all prepared on site.
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Hetty: Well, once again I'm impressed by the accuracy of these little pixels.. Isaac and I often discuss the nature of death...
Isaac: It's spectre does tend to haunt us...
Right, yeah...haunts you.
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Meanwhile here's No-Pants showing his amazing *heh* dart skills.
Trevor: Hey! I haven't played in 20 years, I'd like to see you do better.
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Flower: Gee, Thor, I didn't think this show of yours was so literal.
Sass: No, Flower, this is Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.
Thor: Thor often have nightmares involving flames...
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Thor: Wait, what is this?! Who is this hairy man that has captured my Flower's attention?! I will rip his head from his body and -
Woooah, OK, let's settle down, it's just a game, Thor.
Flower: Yeah, although...I like the furriness -
No, no, let's move right on.
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Hetty: Hmm, Isaac and I usually have a pondering sessions in the Upstairs Den, but I think this location is far better.
Uh, no, the Library of Woodstone is for use of guests, at least in the daytime.
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Yikes, whoa...what is this all about?
Hetty: I imagine Pixel me is realising that the life of a ghost awaits her and is suitably distressed by this.
Right...uh...well, in the real B&B, there's no screaming in the night.
Alberta: Well, not screaming, but -
There's no disturbing noises at all in this place, I promise you.
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Er, this is an interesting development...No-Pants and the Lady of the House talking?
Trevor: Hey, we've got heaps in common!
Hetty: That's true, we both partook in the magical medicine known as coca-
COCOA, yep, hot cocoa is another speciality here at Woodstone B&B, we purchase it fresh from the local market in the nearby town. You can request it be brought to your room every morning.
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Hetty: Oh, the portable telephone device! I can't believe Pixel Trevor has one of his very own!
Actually, in this game, you all -
Trevor: Shut up and let me have this, bro.
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We also have this fine lake on our property (where there's absolutely nothing like a dead body submerged in it or anything like that)
Thor: But does it have cod? Thor would be very happy to find out!
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Alberta: Well, when I was alive I had to wash my clothing myself, and not with these new-timey automatic washing machines, so I won't even complain about doing it.
Flower: Besides! Washing Machines are fun.
DON'T continue that sentence, please.
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Hahaha this is just hilarious!
Hetty: Excuse me! The Lady of the Manor should not be shown in such manner, even in pixelated form.
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Now, usually the well-stocked and appointed kitchen of Woodstone is the domain of yours truly, but here in the game, our heroes are free to use it.
Alberta: Eating something prepared by Flower? Boy, that could end up very interesting, if you know what I mean.
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Sass: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Alberta, and I'm not going to risk it.
Flower: Come on, guys, I'm not going to slip weed in your food, I mean unless you want me to.
This is something that will not happen at Woodstone, where all state and federal laws are strictly followed.
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Oh geeze, isn't in bad enough you're No-Pants? You want to be No-Shirt too?
Trevor: Hey, if you've got it...flaunt it ;O)
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Isaac: I have to admit, your confidence in yourself is quite something, Trevor. How exactly did you come by it?
Trevor: Well, you know a lot of it is just natural, but you -
Let's move right on from that.
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Thor: Alberta did not actually do final part of cloth-washing process, drying.
Alberta: Why would I do that when we've got a clean-freak like you to do it?
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Hahahaha, did you get sent to the naughty corner, No-Pants?
Trevor: Hey, my favourite colour is green, so I'm just enjoying the ambience here.
Isaac: He was being extremely annoying and when I told him so, he went off to sulk.
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Thor: By the Mighty Fist of Odin! How does so much clothing accumulate in this game?!
Well, there are 8 of you, and you change clothes at least once a day, so do the maths.
Thor: Thor is not good with numbers.
Speaking of numbers...once again we've reached the maximum photos allowed! Stay tuned to see Thor's continual fight with the laundry and No-Pants refusing to even put a shirt on.
Until next time.
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hauptrealty · 8 months
The Importance And Benefits Of Acreages For Sale Parkland County 
Nestled in the scenic beauty of Alberta, Parkland County beckons those seeking a tranquil retreat amidst nature's grandeur. In this blog, you can delve into the enchanting appeal of acreages available for purchase in Parkland County. This exploration provides insight into the expansive landscapes, rural charm, and distinctive lifestyle opportunities that these properties offer.
Expansive Landscapes                     
Acreages for sale Parkland County boasts expansive landscapes, providing homeowners with the luxury of space and privacy. Whether you're envisioning a sprawling estate or a cozy homestead, these properties offer a canvas for turning your rural dreams into reality. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty that defines Parkland County acreages for sale. From rolling hills and lush meadows to serene lakes and wooded areas, each property becomes a sanctuary of serenity, inviting residents to connect with the tranquility of their surroundings.
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For those with a passion for equestrian pursuits or farming, Parkland County acreages for sale provide the perfect setting. Explore properties that cater to horse lovers with spacious barns and riding arenas, or those with arable land for agricultural endeavors. Acreages in Parkland County offer an outdoor enthusiast's paradise. With ample space, residents can indulge in activities like hiking, biking, or creating their private oasis with gardens, ponds, and outdoor amenities.
Engage with local realtors specializing in acreages for sale Parkland County. These experts have an in-depth grasp of the surrounding area, comprehend the complexities of the acreage market, and are adept at helping you uncover a property that aligns seamlessly with your vision and lifestyle. Acreage purchases require thorough due diligence. Realtors can assist in navigating zoning regulations, water rights, and other considerations unique to rural properties, ensuring that your investment aligns with your intended use and future plans.
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As you venture into the available acreages in Parkland County, envision a lifestyle that fully embraces the serenity of rural living. With the assistance of local realtors, the expansive landscapes, inherent natural beauty, and distinctive possibilities serve as the foundation for constructing your idyllic rural retreat. Whether you're in search of a weekend escape, an equestrian sanctuary, or a tranquil homestead, the acreages in Parkland County provide the perfect canvas to actualize the lifestyle you have long envisioned.
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