#Alcor  mabel pines gravity falls
alcorian-wizard · 11 months
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Follow up to this post!
Someone in the tags said that they're gaslighting the entire town and im screaming it's literally the funniest thing
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alviearts · 4 months
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if mabel is your wife, then dipper is also your wife
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Happy New Year!!!🌟🌟🌟
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Put some women in suits and men in dresses
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More mermaid AU!
At first I was going to give the mermaids some kinds of aquatic-made clothes, or ones that had been found from humans, but I changed my mind when I got to Mabel, and now she’s the only one here wearing actual clothes.
Henry is apple-tree themed, with coral for antlers, and Dipper is based on an angler fish! (I might’ve gone overboard with the stars on him tho)
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that-ghosts-art · 11 months
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Everyone go read @biplet ‘s Portal Fantasy :3 end of statement
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onlyplatonicirl · 9 months
For Your Safety - TAU Fic (pt 1)
Hello! This is a quick deviation from my normal utmv posting but uhhh Gravity Falls transcendence AU my beloved. This fic specifically focuses on the Drift AU, (Mabel can't see Dipper).
main blog for info about the AU is here: @transcendence-au
AO3 Link
Read below the cut: I hope you enjoy!
“…story tonight covers a breaking tragedy at the Michigan State Department of Demonology and the Supernatural regarding famed demon most commonly addressed as Alcor the Dreambender. As of now 167 have been identified as dead, however some of the bodies are mangled too far to be recognized and identified as individuals. The estimated death count sits at around 340. No survivors have been discovered currently. Developments are currently being made so stay tuned for…”
“Grunkle Ford, can you turn that off please?”
Stanford Pines exhaled heavily in response, slinking further in his chair. “I’m sorry, but this is extremely important to me. I’ve studied these creatures all my life, and yet now…”
The woman on the TV kept talking.
“…in an attempt to bind the creature with a variety of binding circles and other holy paraphernalia. Experts from across the country had been brought in, in an attempt to cage the demon for good. The project was initially classified and was worked on for months before eventually summoning the creature, but evidently it was not enough to keep it contained. All of the details have not yet come in about what exactly happened during the incident, but the resulting scene was gruesome. The demon Alcor has gained a reputation for being impossible to contain or bind, with very few limits regarding ability and power. It has been labeled as a double S class demon, the highest ranking in regards to magical capability, although many experts claim it meets the qualifications of a god. Some argue it could even be beyond that. Any attempts at summoning or researching this demon is highly advised against, as all movements and actions are unknown and severely dangerous, and there is nothing you can do to guarantee yourself protection from it. Stay away from-“
“It just shouldn’t be possible,” he muttered to himself. “Demons shouldn’t be able to do things like that - their link with the physical world and blessed objects are usually massive obstacles and limiters on ability and-“
“Grunkle Ford.”
“…Alright.” Ford shut off the television, the woman’s voice dying as the picture compressed itself into a thin line, eventually swallowed by the blackness of the empty screen.
“I’m sorry Mabel, I know you don’t like that stuff being put on the TV.”
“I don’t,” Mabel replied. “There’s a new tragedy every day, you can tune in tomorrow when I’m gone. But not today, Grunkle.”
“I know. Have you decided on the flowers yet?”
“No. I was trying to research flower symbolism last night but I gave up halfway through. I might just go with something blue.”
Mabel rubbed at both of her eyes and took her half-eaten bowl of cereal to the sink, washing it out as she spoke. “I have a movie date with all the girls tonight and I’m going to spend the night at Pacifica’s place, it’s not too far of a drive. Will Grunkle Stan and all the others meet us at the cemetery at noon?”
“Nothing would stop Stanley from being there, you know that. Did you make arrangements with your parents? Are they going to make the drive up here?”
The wiping motions came to a slow. Mabel gently set the bowl down. “I don’t think they’re coming this year.”
Ford leaned forward to stare at her. 
“I think they’re still sore from last year, and the argument with Grunkle Stan. Mom called me this morning. They might come later on their own time.”
There was a grandfather clock in the adjacent room, ticking loudly. Taking up the silence.
“I see,” said Ford. He settled back into his recliner, trying to ignore the rise of unidentifiable emotions in his chest. Either that or an oncoming heart attack. At this age he couldn’t tell.
Mabel stood hunched over the kitchen sink, her hands gripping tight against the countertop. Long strands of hair fell in front of her face as she inhaled raggedly. Ford said nothing.
Ford stared blankly at his reflection on the television screen, observing his surroundings mirrored back at him, yet difficult to distinguish through the black. His copy stared back at him, eyes wide and searching for something to pretend to look at.
Eventually Mabel straightened herself out, brushing a sleeve against her eyes before turning around. She met her great uncle’s gaze.
“Happy birthday, Mabel,” is all he can say to her.
She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “The number that I’m supposed to be celebrating right now is twenty years, but the only one I can bother to count is eight.”
“Eight years since…?”
“…I’m going to go upstairs,” she muttered. “We’ll all say happy birthday to Dipper when we see him.”
Ford nodded. She didn’t see it. 
Everyone showed up to the cemetery. They always did.
Except her parents. This year, at least. They had gotten into a massive blowout last year with Stanley, blaming him for the incident and for the death of their son. It got ugly pretty fast. 
Wendy, Soos, Melody, Stan and Ford, Robbie, and many others who were close with the family had been present. Mabel was hugged tightly by every single one of them, and she could feel Wendy’s tears soak through her sweater. It was a private affair; They didn’t want it made to be a spectacle for the public. They had all changed since that summer, some more dramatically than others. Soos still ran the shack alongside Melody and Stan, but it was slowly being converted into an informational center (Because who would care to see a taxidermied monkey sown to a fish when droves of real mermaids would show up at the beach?) while Wendy had taken up demon hunting. Gone were her long locks of fiery red hair, chopped off for ease and convenience in combat. Despite only having been serious about it for around five years, she had already racked up an impressive kill count, along with a name in supernatural defense. It didn’t take a genius to figure out her inspiration for going into that field.
The gravestone they crowded around was wreathed in flowers, with a beautiful bouquet of baby blue roses in the center, set by Mabel. Bushels of half-wilted blossoms and cards had been there long before Mabel and the others had arrived, however. The entire town had gone to visit the gravestone just a few days earlier. To honor the hero that had killed Bill Cipher, and in the process changed the entire world.
But Mabel didn’t like celebrating the day of her brother’s death. 
Not when his birthday had been so close.
To put emphasis on his death would kill the part of him that lived within them. He deserved to be wished a happy birthday, to have existed for twenty years. Because he may have died when he was 12, but he lived on in their memories.
He would forever. ----------~*~*~----------
The visit had been nice. Everyone had gone around, recounting their adventures to the tombstone, and telling it how badly they missed him. It was a bittersweet day - people cried while they laughed. But eventually, after an hour, it was time to leave. Those not a close part of the Pines family wished them well and departed, knowing most of them would see Mabel later that night, but the rest of the Pines (plus Wendy) stayed together, electing to get Mabel a birthday lunch at Greasy’s Diner - as per tradition.
The diner was sleepy, but Lazy Susan was overjoyed to see Wendy back in town again. She ushered all four of them over to a booth, wishing Mabel a happy birthday and letting them have all of their food on the house. Both Stans got a stack of pancakes that went up to their necks. Mabel wasn’t very hungry, and instead tried to strike up some conversation.
“How have you been these days, Wendy?”
The redhead shrugged, stuffing a sausage in her mouth. “Eh, things have been slow. Most of the stuff I’ve been called in for is for out-of-control sprites or other annoying pests. There was a case with a rogue angel a few weeks ago which was cool - I had to use completely different equipment and tactics but I enjoyed the challenge.”
“Did you win?” Asked Ford.
Wendy snorted “‘Course I did, dude. That thing was glitter by the time I was done. Opened up a lot of sick job opportunities.”
“Incredible…” Ford put his chin in his palm, and Stanley rolled his eyes, ready for his brother to launch into a tangent. “The dichotomy between angels and demons as they are in the real world is obviously different from the way they’ve been portrayed in a decent amount of religions when it comes to multiple factors, yet what does remain consistent is their alignment with good and evil. From what I’ve observed angels are set on order and will take any measures to achieve it which results in the occasional incidents we hear of, however demons are naturally aligned with chaos and maleficence, and thrive upon sowing chaos.”
“I think you mostly got it right,” Wendy said, waving her fork in Ford’s direction through a mouthful of eggs. “But there’s also the fact that angels are rarely summoned and don’t bother much with mortals. When they do is when we get problems. Demons, on the other hand-“
“Demons bite at the bit to interact with humans. It’s their source of power.” Ford finished.
Stan scratched at his stubble and rolled his eyes. There was definitely syrup on his shirt. “Eugh. You two should get a room or somethin’. Better yet, talk about your demon baloney someplace else. I don’t think Mabel wants to hear about any of this right now.”
With a mention of her name, Mabel finally tuned into the conversation, blinking in surprise. She put down the fork she had just been mindlessly passing over her fingers. Had she been this sweaty when she first sat down? “Uh, no it’s fine, don’t worry about it. I asked about Wendy. Wendy hunts demons for a living. That’s kind of - her thing!” She gave her Grunkle a big smile, but it didn’t seem to convince him.
“I know sweetie but today-”
“Today is mine and Dipper’s birthday. What killed him is long dead, so I don’t care if you want to talk about demons.”
Ford shared a glance with his brother. “This morning, you told me-”
“That was about a mass tragedy , Grunkle Ford! That wasn’t just some report on an imp getting loose from a binding and eating a cat like usual, this was over 300 people dead trying to bind a demon that has transcended all known limitations.” She could feel herself starting to get worked up. A small part of her mind warned her about raising her volume too high but she paid it almost no mind as she rambled over all of her own thoughts. “It wasn’t just any demon it was the demon with the most connections to the transcendence and its origin, it's the demon who’s been making nonstop headlines globally, talking about its latest massacre. It-”
She stopped midway through speaking, the words dying in her throat as she looked at Wendy’s crestfallen expression. 
“Alcor,” she said. Mabel nodded.
Wendy looked pained. “You saw the news this morning then?”
“...Grunkle Ford was watching it on the TV this morning.”
“I figured. My phone’s been blowing up about it nonstop since this morning. After I finish visiting here I’m probably going to make arrangements to try and head to the wreckage and take a look at what I can. Whatever I can learn about Alcor the better for when I finally confront him with the intent to kill.”
“You can’t possibly be thinking of going after the Dreambender. That’s just… that’s suicide, Wendy!” Ford’s glasses began to slip off his nose. “He cannot be bound, he cannot be wounded, there has been observably no limitations to his power - Wendy I’ve been looking into him as much as you have since the transcendence occurred and the supernatural went widespread, and I know you know there’s something off about this one. He’s not just powerful, he may be at a level that even Cipher wasn’t.”
“You think I don’t know all of this already, old man? I’ve seen him personally, I’ve stared him in the eyes. His touch burns and freezes your skin all at once. He’s stolen kills from me, I’ve watched him grin at me with a mouth of fangs and bits of a heart of the demon I was commissioned to kill stuck between his teeth. He laughed at me, told me that an “ice bag” such as myself ought to stay away from the heat. Do you know what color the fire that comes from his hand is, Ford?”
Ford clearly knew the answer. He said nothing, staring at her with wide eyes. Stan and Mabel were both dead silent. Mabel felt a horrid wave of nausea wash over her . “He called you…?!?”
“You were right when you said the Dreambender has connections to the transcendence, Mabel. I hate to say it, but I don’t think Bill Cipher is dead.”
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
Mabel, I’m sorry. I know everything that happened after the Transcendence wasn’t my fault, but I’m still sorry.
I’m sorry for what I became, and pulling you and the rest of our family into my demonic mess. It was Bill’s fault that I ended up like this, yeah, but if I hadn’t made that idiotic deal with him at the Sock Opera, none of this would have happened.
I’m sorry that I dragged you into so many dangerous situations. I know you don’t see it that way and actually wanted to go with me, but I still feel bad for partially being the reason you were in danger.
I’m sorry for scaring you, Hank, and the triplets in my more demonic and dangerous moments. I wanted to be a good uncle and brother-in-law; seems like a dream demon isn’t the best at that though, huh?
I’m sorry for California. I’m so, so fucking sorry for California.
But most of all, I’m sorry I’m not able to forgive myself and move on. Thousands of years and a lot of universe hopping later, and I’m still not able to move past your death. I know you wanted me to keep living my immortal life and try to be happy, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t be truly happy without my Twin Star.
I guess you were right that I’m still Dipper, deep down under all the demonic stuff, heh…
I hope your soul is still living on bright, Mizar. Whatever form your current reincarnation is taking. Maybe we’ll meet again some day, or we already have. Who knows? Just keep shining the same way you always have.
-Alcor the Dreambender/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls Transcendence AU, #🌲⚠️💫, tag as fictive please MPC)
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seiya234 · 2 years
dream girl evil
look is it my fault that florence delivered an album that is entirely about TAU? no. no it is not. anyway more fee fees expressed through songfic.
Sometimes, it felt like she hadn’t existed until that summer, was not alive until she burst out of someone’s forehead and onto a bus that was pulling into Gravity Falls.
Logically, Mabel knew that was silly, that it felt like that because the world literally ended that summer and was reborn again, that she saw her brother die in front of her and then become born anew, to say nothing of the resulting familial estrangement.
And she was twelve. Then thirteen. And most people never really remembered their childhoods anyway.
But she was never “most people.” If only because most people hadn’t been extensively scrapbooking from the age they could use safety scissors. 
(make me perfect, make me your fantasy)
At first being Mizar was cool. 
And when Twin Souls came out? Ick factor of the premise aside, it was AMAZING to see people doing fan art of her! Of her! Mabel Anna Pines, getting drawn by the best, second best, and artists who just needed a few years of practice, all the time!
(of course she skipped anything with Mizar AND Alcor in it because ew, but Mabel had not spent three years reading Sev’Ral Timez RPF on wattpad to be freaked out by the Twin Souls phenomenon) 
But then people began getting like, really invested in Mizar. Like, really really. 
Like, really really really. 
Like not just the nascent folklore and getting referenced in tandem with Alcor by demonologists and politicians and policy makers or seeing her name spray-
(no that is not her name)
-seeing spray painted on walls things like “Only Mizar can save us now” or “Mizar help us” 
No what finally made Mizar taste like spoiled milk in her mouth was when she was pregnant and Dipper taking her aside one day and gently breaking to her that uh, there may be a slight religion forming around you Mabel-
(i am nobody’s moral center)
and she didn’t want to hear it, didn’t want to hear Dipper explain that the prayers and summons that were aimed her way ended up just bouncing off of him in his email box, didn’t want to hear the undercurrent of fear that she would become like him, mixed up even more horribly with the undercurrent of hope that she would become like him actually-
She nodded along until she couldn’t take any more and then excused herself to have a pregnancy puke which was really an existential panic puke.
She didn’t want this, not at all.
(the center, it cannot hold) 
They didn’t talk a lot about After-
-which honestly suited both of them fine. Dipper because of the reminder of how he would have to live without her, and Mabel because she didn’t like to think about Dipper being sad, or at the very least how insufferable he would be after she left-
-but they thought about it all the time. Maybe Dipper more than her but 
he was going to live so long. And memories were a funny thing.
What would he remember about her, as he went into the long dark future ahead of him? 
(you like me better in your head) 
Would he forget the arguments, the time they tried to share a room BEFORE Gravity Falls and it ended with a moldy mini fridge and a broken lego set? Would he forget that he couldn’t stand it when she made beep borp noises at him to wake him up for class for all of fourth grade, or the insistence that he come to dinner totally clean of blood no matter how much it ‘added to the food’?
Mabel now had leaky hard boobs because she was trying to wean the kids, Henry’s sweatpants that were both too tight around her midriff but too long in her leg, greasy hair done in a crappy braid since she was tired and Hank interrupted her shower, and constant farts from the gas station burrito Stan had brought home for her. 
Would he remember this Mabel? Or would he remember the shiny Mabel, the one who always had on the perfect sweater with matching nails, who was clean and shiny and fearless and free?
(At least you'll sanctify me when I'm dead)
Sometimes, it felt like the whole world was going to collapse on her, the weight of everything that she was experiencing.
Like nothing was real.
But of course the problem was, that it all was real. That there were consequences, deserved and more so undeserved, and that they would be dealing with them for the rest of their lives....wait, no.
(take it out on me) 
The problem was that everyone expected everything of her, and the Mabel from before would have been thrilled at that but the Mabel of now? 
(did I disappoint you?)
It was crushing.
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gnomewithalaptop · 3 months
Ok, finally getting to those other Asks I wanted to do. So the TAU blog reblog of ur "The last time I saw you (you were so young)" fic post, u said this: "'LISTEN I know I’m meant to be working on that one longfic but my mother told me a story about my deceased grandmother & then I just blacked out and wrote this idk what to tell you", I thought for a sec, u were talking about: "The Man Who Knew the Future You" (I love the idea of Alcor meeting a past Mizar; prob. so weird for both, lol), 2/?.
(Continuing on from my Last Ask(s)): , but then I realized u were prob. talking about "Cue the Sun" instead actually, which I found out from the Ask from toothpastecanyon asking: "What is cue the sun? 👀" (having trouble linking links), & now, I am obsessed w/ that idea/it. Like, a civil war, a R!Ford Mom having a R!Gideon (of all people) Troubled teen of all people (it's also cool to see more Ford & Gideon stuff in TAU & R's of them too), trying to find something to win the civil war 3?/?.
(Continued from Last Ask(s) again, sorry for how many Asks): , but then them finding like a 2016 (I think it was 2016) Gravity Falls and meeting a skeptical and/or sus. Stan (Stan meeting reincarnations of his brother and enemy and/or past enemy, man, oh man) and the OG Mystery Twins (Dipper and Mabel, right? Awesome. That/This should be very fun), and they all think it is 2016, and not, 7098 (man, the year differences is gonna be strange &/or confusing for everyone), &/or etc. 4?/?
(Continued from my Last Ask(s) again): Like, sign me up for "Cue the Sun"! And it is gonna be a longfic (probably)? Like, even if it wasn't, I would still be interested in it, but it being a longifc is even better (as a Gravity Falls, TAU, and/or etc. fan even more esp.). The map(s) u did for "Cue the Sun", & the thought u are putting into "Cue the Sun" is amazing. 4 or 5?/?. The next 1 should hopefully be my Last Ask. I didn't realize the/my Asks would get this many.
(Continued from my Other Asks. Just 1 more after this): Is there any more "Cue the Sun" posts besides that Ask I mentioned in my other Ask(s)? When I try searching up "cue the sun" on ur blog, this is all I get "Sorry, no results for cue the sun". I didn't even get that Ask I talked about, that literally has "cue the sun" in the Ask. Tumblr's Search can be so bad sometimes. Anyways, really excited for "Cue the Sun", whenever that is. & I love ur other TAU fics and posts too! 5 or 6?/?.
(original cue the sun post)
Oh dude. Dude. Never apologize for sending too many asks -- getting this in my inbox literally made my day. To your first question: yes! The longfic in question is Cue the Sun -- I'm still working through it rn, and I'm hoping to start publishing sometime this summer/fall -- woot woot graduation time! Right now, it's looking to be about 6-7 long-ish chapters? Which is def a longfic in my book lol (I'm trying to get it all written out before I start posting -- that way I can keep with a consistent update schedule)
I am SUPER excited about it though -- I've been having a blast working through the twists and turns of it all and making sure all the pieces fit together (and dropping Easter Eggs to as many other pieces of TAU lore as possible lmao)
But yes! OG Mystery Twins are 16-17 y/o Mabel and Dipper Pines, Stan is extremely sus (but lbr that's par the course for him), and Olya and Fatima (r!Gideon and r!Ford) are about to have the worst week of their lives.
Featuring: dead sisters who haunt the narrative, utopian society models gone wrong, weapons of mass destruction, the long-term effects of magical radiation (i.e. what happens when you stick a Chernobyl disaster inside Gravity Falls), and narratively significant golf carts
FINALLY: you can find all my writing posts under #this-is-gnomes-writing-tag, but since you're the second person to express interest in this fic, I'll start tagging Cue the Sun stuff with #cue the sun. Right now there isn't really much there (read: it is a barren wasteland) bc I tend to just vague post about things, but I'll make sure to tag any future excerpts/asks/milestones
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TAU Transdimentional Arc pt 2.
“what” Toby said, wide eyed, “ what did you say”
“Huh? Welcome?” Dipper responded.
“no no no.. After that”
“uhhhh Gravity Falls?” Dipper said. A look of confusion on his face.
“yeah I think I went back in time...” Toby breathed out. 
The wide eyed, and bewildered Toby was met with a few minutes of silence. 
“...o-ok....um we still need to get to the shack” Dipper said shakily.
“yeah. Yeah we should...” 
Dipper slowly turned and made his way through the forest. And Toby, not wanting to be devoured by whatever unholy creatures lurk here, kept a steady pace just a few feet behind Dipper.
The silence was deafening. Toby’s mind wandered.
 If this truly is the past, then what’s Tyrone doing here? Maybe this was when he was human? Wait if he messes up here, will the future change?? Oh no what if he disappears?? What if I disappear!? I can’t disappear!! Oh shit Alcor’s gonna be very mad oh fu- 
“hey are you ok?” Dipper asked with concern, “you look you’re gonna barf”
“y-yes.I mean no I’m not gonna barf I’m just-” 
“just relax. We’re nearly there.”
Toby soon noticed a small house...? Wait no. It’s an obvious tourist trap. It looked vaguely like the Stanley Memorial Library (or what he saw from books). This further added to the Time Travel theory that Toby now is almost convinced it to be true.
Dipper must have noticed his curiosity (or at least his gaze), and beckoned him to the front door. Upon further inspection, Toby noticed claw marks on the surrounding trees, big paw prints that do NOT LOOK NORMAL HOLY SHI-
“Yeah it doesn’t look much but it’s home ya know. And don’t mind the um...the blood. We haven’t cleaned that yet.”
Toby looked down and lifted his shoe. A black sticky...whatever had clung to his soles.
“This is...blood?” Toby asked with skepticism.
“well demon blood.”
“I thought demons bled Gold Ichor.” Toby mumbled.
Dipper merely raised his eyebrow at Toby’s remark and headed to the porch to offer him a doormat.
“you should probably wipe that off”
As Toby passed through the front porch he felt a force that pushed against him. It felt like it was pushing away his soul. Nonetheless, he still managed to pass. As he gasped for air, he looked up and saw a barrier covering the entire shack. It rippled and showed various symbols. It looked akin to a bubble covered in shifting colors.
“What was that” Toby gasped.
“That was an anti demon barrier” Dipper said proudly, “I helped put it up.”
“Ok then why did it do that?” Toby said still a bit shaken from feeling his soul move.
“uh..I don’t know. We should probably ask Great Uncle Ford.”
Just when Toby was about to ask who Ford is, the door slammed open and revealed a girl sporting a very very very bright sweater.
“DIPPER YOU’RE BACK!!” The girl said giddily. “Oh and who’s this fellow” She purred while striking a pose.
“Mabel meet Toby. Toby meet my clone” Dipper introduced.
“Hey you’re the clone!” Mabel argued, “I was born first!”
“Yeah, well I have-”
“Excuse me?” Toby interrupted. “Can I please have some water?”
The twins stared at him, and immediately invited their guest in.They led him into the kitchen where several other people were. There was a red haired teen, a hillbilly, an overgrown baby with a pompadour, and
“Is that a Minotaur??” Toby pointed.
“It’s MANotaur boy! MANotaur!!” The beast boomed while flexing his muscles.
“o-ok..” Toby hurriedly accepted the glass of water Mabel was handing him, and drank it in one gulp. This proved to be a mistake because soon Toby was choking on ...glitter??
“Why *cough* IS tH *chough* GLITTER-”
“sorry about that, Mabel just does that” Dipper said apologetically
“Now you can be beautiful in the inside!!” Mabel said enthusiastically 
While Toby was hacking and coughing, the front door swung open,hitting the Pompadoured child. Two men (twins) stepped inside. The other held a gun, while the other a bat pierced with nails.
“EVERYONE DON’T MOVE” The one with the gun said. “The barrier was disturbed”
“The hell does that mean” The sentient Pompadour demanded, running his butt.
“It means there’s a demon in here.”
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alcorian-wizard · 11 months
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idk if there's a fanfiction for this but man i think it'd be neat or interesting if in transdim arc alcor is just passed of as another one of their siblings and like, no one questions it (too much)
like for sure this is after the part where dipper and mabel freak out abt him being a demon and now they're just vibing with him (albeit reluctantly in dipper's case)
and it's like, oh where'd this extra kid come from? i thought there were only 2?? and they're like no, he just came on a diff bus cos of complications lol
and stan's just like,,,, damn i guess the dementia is finally getting to me 💀💀💀
but like srsly alcor would 10/10 jump at the opportunity to join in on some fun mystery twin adventures as a plus one (and as much as he may put up a front that it's only so no one questions his presence, he feels comfortable being just a 12 year old kid again)
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feferipeixes · 2 years
You don’t know when it happened, but at some point, you forgot to continue being human.
Your sister is waving at you from across the room. A blink, and now she’s standing over you, snapping to break you out of your thousand-yard stare. There’s a pounding in your head -- in the walls, in the air, in the thoughts and feelings of everyone in the house. You shake your head before giving her a toothy smile.
“Sure, I can <do the dishes> <fix the sink> <unclog the toilet>. For a price.”
It started as a joke, but now it feels too good to give up. It’s a thrill, and she doesn’t mind. She knows what you are now. Maybe even better than you do. Because while you’re sitting there pretending, she’s putting on a brave face for the both of you.
There comes a day when you stop getting up to do the dishes by hand. There comes a day when you simply snap your fingers, and the sink is fixed. You can’t be bothered to get the toilet plunger out when she asks, because that kind of stuff isn’t as fun as it used to be. Now your interests lie in something bigger.
It crawls across your consciousness like a bug ready to be squashed. There are people out there calling your name, and for some reason you want to answer. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd of voices because they’re all saying the same thing: we need you, you’re important, you can do things that we can’t -- and it’s incredible because it’s true. You’ve always been like this, right? More powerful. More important. Bigger.
She can see this happening, and she says she doesn’t mind, but when your laughter dies out one beat faster than hers, when you forget for a minute how to hold a dinner knife, when you’re late for your shared birthday party, it lingers. The thought that’s been growing ever since that fateful day in August.
Any day now, the human blood in you will run stale, and the scariest thing is that you won’t even notice.
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moonfoxgazer · 3 years
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Just some Gravity Falls/ @transcendence-au work doodles.
Practicing some different styles and expressions and the Pines kiddos came up along with our favorite demon.
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alcorian · 3 years
Don't mind me, just loving how TAU is, in a way, antithesis yet parallel to the theme of Gravity Falls.
How the original theme of growing up & leaving that summer behind while still loving and appreciating the memories there is not possible for Dipper.
How he's a million years old and eldritch and a demon, and yet he's also twelve and afraid of himself.
Mabel grows up, gets married, has kids, and eventually dies--and of course, she never leaves Dipper behind in all this, not if she can help it--but Dipper doesn't get that luxury. He may change his form to match hers over the years, but when she dies, it melts away and shows what he really is; a child. Even as everything moves on, Dipper is, in a way, trapped in that summer of 2012; trapped in the same mindset and unable to truly move on.
Poetic, isn't it?
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Some Messy doodles of @alcorian-wizard ‘s mystery triplets arc! Some have Tyrone as a cat, some as his usual mischievous self, and a few of him at the northwest gala with Pacifica. I don’t draw canon Dipper very often, so he might look a little bit off.
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