#Alessandro De Francesco
marcogiovenale · 28 days
aug 29th, 'encounters at the end of the book': alessandro de francesco and craig dworkin, an online conversation
Alessandro De Francesco and Craig Dworkin in conversation at Encounters at the End of the Book August 29th, 2024 10am MT / 11am GMT-5 / 6pm CET  online, hosted by punctum books Subscribe and join HERE August 29th at 11am CT / 6pm GMT+1 time for an Encounters at the End of the Book event between punctum authors Alessandro De Francesco and Craig Dworkin. Register…
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sh0w--t1m3 · 9 months
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Sighs I love men....
Francesco is partially blind and the scars on his face were from a car accident. Priests technically have to have good mental and physical health... and none of these guys have good mental health... (their all fucking insane)
The cathedral they work at is a VERY nice and strict one, so they require that all there Priests and Nuns have to be in very good health and have a clean background.
Fun fact! Enzo was the first trans priest to be accepted into the cathedral!
Also, Belvedere De Santis is Carmelina's boyfriend (I love sillies)
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Published a few days ago: "La ricezione dell’ultimo Alessandro. Mirabilia e violenza al di qua e al di là dell’Indo" by Francesca Piccioni , Elisabetta Poddighe and Tiziana Pontillo (eds)
Good morning everyone, I’m Elena and thanks for being on Alessandro III di Macedonia – Alexander the Great and Hellenism. Today I want to bring to your attention a book came out at the beginning of this month and promises to be extremely interesting: La ricezione dell’ultimo Alessandro. Mirabilia e violenza al di qua e al di là dell’Indo by Francesca Piccioni , Elisabetta Poddighe and Tiziana…
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elmartillosinmetre · 1 year
Mi crítica del concierto de la OBS esta noche en el Espacio Turina.
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Let's talk about FC Inter Milan for a moment 🖤💙
Honestly I didn't put directly Barella and Lukaku because I don't think they're really constant right now but you can say them if you want with comments, reblog, tags
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Recensione: "Limes 8/22 Il mare italiano e la guerra"
Recensione: “Limes 8/22 Il mare italiano e la guerra”
Buongiorno a tutti, sono Elena e vi ringrazio di essere su Life Is Like a Wave Who Rises Iland Falls! Oggi vi parlo della mia ultima lettura: Limes 8/22 Il mare italiano e la guerra Il Sommario Sapore di sale – Editoriale (in appendice la scheda “Ṭarṭūs, la testa di ponte russa in Siria” di Lorenzo Trombetta) Parte 1 – Il nostro mare è caldoLo stallo russo e il senso di Putin per il mare –…
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The participating authors for the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament: the general list + a google form to add other proposals
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Podesti Francesco - Torquato Tasso reading Jerusalem Delivered to the Estensi court
The start of the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament (first edition) is getting closer, but first I want to post the general list of the authors partecipants.
The principal issue is that every literary canon is constantly changing, with more critical studies over the years. I've thought about it, read and searched, and the solution I found has two parts:
I will take the principal authors from this list, which in turn is based from the studies of Gianfranco Contini and Asor Rosa. The list is too long and many names are only chronicles and essayists, so I'll chose the principal ones, trying to balance between north/south Italy and male/female authors (taking into account that many authors that we study are men). As you will see below under the cut, the list is already pretty long, doing some math the challenge will be 2/3 months long.
Still, I recognise that this isn't 100% unbiased and fair, so I opened a free and quick google form when you can add a maximum of two authors that you don't see in the list. This considerable limit is to avoid having too many names - if in some answers I see more than 2 names, I'll take into account only the first 2 listed.
After much thoughts, I also chose to don't include living authors or authors death only recently (before January 2023). The reason is simply to avoid potential issues in the community, like bashing between fandom or admirers of some specific author, or going too far like offending some people near the author still alive or recently deceased. Maybe if this tournament will end well, a second edition could be made next year and maybe with the addition of living authors! (I'm already thinking to do an italian or european cinema tournament in the future but this is still in the draft).
Under the cut, you will find the list of the authors already part of the challenge, name-surname with the surname in alphabetical order. If you don't see a name that you want to see, use the form to add it!
edit: I added the ones from the surbey so far, all in italics. There are names that have been sent but already on the list.
Dante Alighieri
Sibilla Aleramo
Vittorio Alfieri
Cecco Angiolieri
Pietro Aretino
Ludovico Ariosto
Matteo Bandello
Anna Banti
Giambattista Basile
Giorgio Bassani
Cesare Beccaria
Maria Bellonci
Pietro Bembo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giordano Bruno
Dino Buzzati
Italo Calvino
Andrea Camilleri
Giosuè Carducci
Guido Cavalcanti
Carlo Collodi
Vittoria Colonna
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Giacomo da Lentini
Caterina da Siena
Alba de Céspedes
Cielo (Ciullo) d'Alcamo
Edoardo De Filippo
Federico de Roberto
Grazia Deledda
Umberto Eco
Beppe Fenoglio
Marsilio Ficino
Dario Fo
Ugo Foscolo
Veronica Franco
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Natalia Ginzburg
Carlo Goldoni
Antonio Gramsci
Francesco Guicciardini
Tommaso Landolfi
Giacomo Leopardi
Carlo Levi
Primo Levi
Carla Lonzi
Niccolò Machiavelli
Alessandro Manzoni
Giovanbattista Marino
Giovanni Meli
Pietro Metastasio
Eugenio Montale
Elsa Morante
Alberto Moravia
Anna Maria Ortese
Giuseppe Parini
Goffredo Parise
Giovanni Pascoli
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Cesare Pavese
Francesco Petrarca
Luigi Pirandello
Angelo Poliziano
Luigi Pulci
Salvator Quasimodo
Gianni Rodari
Lalla Romano
Amelia Rosselli
Umberto Saba
Emilio Salgari
Jacopo Sannazaro
Goliarda Sapienza
Leonardo Sciascia
Matilde Serao
Gaspara Stampa
Mario Rigoni Stern
Italo Svevo
Antonio Tabucchi
Torquato Tasso
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Giovanni Verga
Giambattista Vico
Renata Viganò
Elio Vittorini
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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upennmanuscripts · 11 months
LJS 48 contains notarial copies of decrees and grants relating to Giovanni Faella of Verona and his family, mostly written by imperial notary Francesco di Andrea Ruffo in 1504, with a long addition by imperial notary Alessandro di Nicolo Medico dated 1530.
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Paolo Mottura (goated)
Francesco D’Ippolito (goated), Lucio De Giuseppe (very likely D’Ippolito’s inker)
Lorenzo Pastrovicchio (could also be Alessandro but I doubt it) (goated btw)
Vitale Mangiatordi (incredibly goated)
Giada Perissinitto (goated)
Consonni? I’m so sorry I have no clue who that is.
Included on this cover is a terrible pun. I will not comment on if this is a good or a bad thing.
But that’s exciting! And what a huge amount of artists! That must mean that the story will be very lo-WHAT THE FUCK
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So like im really hoping that 58 pages is not including Bear Mountain. Because that would be the length of a Topolino gag story.
But assuming 58 pages of new comic, that’s still not much. We have 6 different artists. Maybe the different art styles will be used to signify traveling through the multiverse and the majority will be drawn by just one person? (Pastro I’m assuming then, because he drew the main cover) Because like. 58 pages. Every artist then drew less than 10 pages if we spread it out evenly. That sounds a bit goofy, and will probably be kinda jarring for new audiences. Especially with these specific artists. Maybe D’Ippolito and Mangiatordi look a bit similar since art director Freccero, but everyone else has such a distinctive style. Oh well, we’ll find out soon.
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marcogiovenale · 7 months
ix edizione del premio di poesia elio pagliarani: le opere ammesse alla partecipazione
NONA  EDIZIONE DEL PREMIO NAZIONALE ELIO PAGLIARANI 2024 Cerimonia di premiazione al  Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma il 25 maggio 2024 Il Premio Nazionale Elio Pagliarani, giunto alla sua nona edizione, è lieto di comunicare l’elenco delle raccolte ammesse a partecipare alla nona edizione 2024. Il Premio alla carriera è stato attribuito, su proposta della Presidente, a Giovanni Fontana che…
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sh0w--t1m3 · 8 months
Corrupting Faith info (I am losing braincells)
Cw! Suicide, overdose, and drug use
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On the night of December 1st, 1994, Enzo packed his bags and told Andrea he was leaving. This resulted in a horrible argument between the two. Andrea ended up throwing a broken bottle at Enzo, which is how he got the scar on his face.
Enzo then went to an ER and got his wound patched up. After that, he got on his train to move away to a different part of Italy that was further away from his family.
Andrea fell into a dark place and started using heavier drugs for the next few months.
The reason why Enzo left is because his parents were shitty people, and he didn't see a future for himself if he stayed with them. He wanted to but couldn't bring Andrea because he couldn't guarantee that he would have a safe place for Andrea, so he decided that Andrea would be better off with their parents till he worked out a better plan. He still had planned on coming back to get Andrea when he had a safe place for the both of them.
Andrea had met Davide Aiutante a few months after Enzo left. Davide helped Andrea out of his drug addiction, and the two only used lighter and less dangerous drugs with each other.
Enzo was able to get a job at Delle Stelle Cathedral with the help of his friend Alessandro. He had already attended a religious school back when he still had to live with his
On December 1st at 6 am, Andrea received a call from Enzo. Enzo was trying to explain that he was almost financially stable enough to afford an apartment for Andrea. But Andrea was still absolutely livid that Enzo had left and refused his help. He hung up the phone before even letting Enzo fully explain.
After the phone call, Andrea relapsed and used Heroin later that night. Because he hadn't used it in years, he didn't know how low his tolerance now was, so he ended up using way too much. Andrea called Davide, and he immediately arrived at Andrea's place. Davide had immediately called 911, but they didn't make it in time. Andrea's last words were “Davide, what's happening?”
Davide's dead body was found by his mother on January 30th at 5:08 pm.
Enzo officially becomes a priest at Delle Stelle Cathedral. This is when the dreams about Morpheus started. he dreams were causing him to struggle to sleep.
Enzo meets both Dalilah and Alesha, and the three become close friends. Enzo begins training the two and helping them learn. At this time, Enzo also becomes close friends with the bishop Vino. The bishop was training Enzo to follow in his footsteps.
Enzo discovers Vino the bishop has also been having horrific nightmares about Morpheus.
Vino has a Psychotic episode where he shot his close friend Alesha then himself. Enzo tried to stop Vino, only to have to witness Vino kill himself.
Shortly after that, Enzo became the Bishop, and the nightmares with Morpheus only worsened.
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libriaco · 4 months
Nel nome dei Padri
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Il Presidente De Nicola firma la Costituzione. Alla sinistra dell'immagine: De Gasperi, alla destra: Terracini.
Qui sotto l'elenco dei membri della Commissione per la Costituzione (o Commissione dei 75).
Gruppo democristiano (26 membri)
Gaspare Ambrosini
Giuseppe Maria Bettiol (sostituisce dal 10 aprile 1947 Giacinto Froggio, dimissionario, che il 6 febbraio 1947 aveva sostituito Ezio Vanoni, divenuto ministro)
Pietro Bulloni
Giuseppe Cappi
Giuseppe Caronia (sostituisce dal 22 febbraio 1947 Giuseppe Togni, divenuto sottosegretario di stato)
Giuseppe Codacci Pisanelli
Camillo Corsanego
Luigi De Michele
Francesco Dominedò
Giuseppe Dossetti
Maria Federici
Giacinto Froggio (sostituisce dal 2 luglio 1947 Umberto Tupini, divenuto ministro)
Giuseppe Fuschini
Angela Gotelli (sostituisce dal 6 febbraio 1947 Carmelo Caristia, dimissionario)
Giorgio La Pira
Giovanni Leone
Salvatore Mannironi
Giuseppe Micheli (sostituisce dal 22 febbraio 1947 Umberto Merlin, divenuto sottosegretario di stato)
Aldo Moro
Costantino Mortati
Attilio Piccioni
Giuseppe Rapelli
Ferdinando Storchi (sostituisce dal 2 luglio 1947 Amintore Fanfani, divenuto ministro)
Emilio Paolo Taviani
Egidio Tosato
Giovanni Uberti (sostituisce dal 24 luglio 1946 Giovanni Ponti, dimissionario)
Gruppo comunista (13 membri)
Giuseppe Di Vittorio (sostituisce dal 10 dicembre 1946 Mario Assennato, dimissionario, che il 24 settembre 1946 aveva sostituito lo stesso Di Vittorio, dimissionario)
Edoardo D'Onofrio (sostituisce dal 27 febbraio 1947 Umberto Terracini)
Antonio Giolitti (sostituisce dal 29 maggio 1947 Riccardo Ravagnan, dimissionario)
Ruggero Grieco (Vice Presidente)
Nilde Iotti
Vincenzo La Rocca
Renzo Laconi (sostituisce dal 19 settembre 1946 Fabrizio Maffi, dimissionario)
Concetto Marchesi
Guido Molinelli (sostituisce dal 30 maggio 1947 Carlo Farini, dimissionario, che il 19 settembre aveva sostituito Giorgio Amendola, dimissionario)
Umberto Nobile
Teresa Noce
Antonio Pesenti (sostituisce dal 10 dicembre 1946 Bruno Corbi, dimissionario, che il 24 settembre 1946 aveva sostituito lo stesso Pesenti, dimissionario)
Palmiro Togliatti
Partito Socialista Italiano (7 membri)
Leonetto Amadei (sostituisce dal 10 dicembre 1946 Giovanni Lombardi, deceduto, che il 25 luglio 1946 aveva sostituito Alessandro Pertini, dimissionario)
Lelio Basso
Michele Giua
Ivan Matteo Lombardo
Pietro Mancini
Angelina Merlin
Ferdinando Targetti
Partito Socialista Lavoratori Italiani (6 membri)
Alessandro Bocconi
Emilio Canevari
Eduardo Di Giovanni (sostituisce dall'11 settembre 1946 Alberto Simonini, dimissionario)
Gustavo Ghidini (Vice Presidente)
Edgardo Lami Starnuti
Paolo Rossi
Gruppo Repubblicano (4 membri)
Giovanni Conti
Francesco De Vita (decaduto perché sottosegretario dal 22 dicembre 1947)
Tomaso Perassi (Segretario)
Oliviero Zuccarini
Unione Democratica Nazionale (4 membri)
Aldo Bozzi
Giuseppe Paratore
Giovanni Porzio
Vito Reale (sostituisce dal 16 giugno 1947 Giuseppe Grassi, divenuto ministro)
Gruppo Autonomista (3 membri)
Giulio Bordon
Piero Calamandrei
Emilio Lussu
Fronte liberale democratico dell'Uomo Qualunque (3 membri)
Francesco Colitto
Francesco Marinaro (Segretario)
Ottavio Mastrojanni
Gruppo Liberale (3 membri)
Bartolomeo Cannizzo (sostituisce dal 14 dicembre 1946 Gennaro Patricolo, dimissionario, che il 24 luglio 1946 aveva sostituito Ottavia Penna Buscemi, dimissionaria)
Orazio Condorelli (sostituisce dal 17 ottobre 1947 Roberto Lucifero d'Aprigliano, dimissionario)
Guido Cortese (sostituisce dal 27 giugno 1947 Luigi Einaudi, divenuto ministro)
Gruppo Misto (3 membri)
Gustavo Fabbri
Andrea Finocchiaro Aprile
Meuccio Ruini (Presidente)
Democrazia del Lavoro (2 membri)
Mario Cevolotto
Enrico Molé
Unione Nazionale (1 membro)
Pietro Castiglia
Fonte: Wikipedia.
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Opera on YouTube 3
Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville)
Mario Lanfrachi studio film, 1965 (Sesto Bruscantini, Valeria Mariconda, Ugo Benelli; conducted by Alberto Zedda; no subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1974 (Hermann Prey, Teresa Berganza, Luigi Alva; conducted by Claudio Abbado; English subtitles)
New York City Opera, 1976 (Alan Titus, Beverly Sills, Henry Price; conducted by Sarah Caldwell; English subtitles)
Arena Sferisterio, 1980 (Leo Nucci, Marilyn Horne, Ernesto Palacio; conducted by Nicola Rescingo; no subtitles)
Teatro Real de Madrid, 2005 (Pietro Spagnoli, Maria Bayo, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Gianluigi Gelmetti; Arabic subtitles)
Teatro la Fenice, 2008 (Roberto Frontali, Rinat Shaham, Francesco Meli; conducted by Antonino Fogliani; Italian subtitles)
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 2009 (Pietro Spagnoli, Joyce DiDonato, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Antonio Pappano; English subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 2019 (Rafael Fingerlos, Margarita Gritskova, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Evelino Pidó; English subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2022 (Leo Nucci, Nino Machaidze, Dmitry Korchak; conducted by Daniel Oren; English subtitles)
Garsington Opera, 2023 (Johannes Kamler, Katie Bray, Andrew Stenson; conducted by Douglas Boyd; English subtitles)
Wolfgang Nagel studio film, 1977 (Rolando Panerai, Franco Bonisolli, Margherita Rinaldi; conducted by Francesco Molinari-Pradelli; Japanese subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1977 (Cornell MacNeil, Plácido Domingo, Ileana Cotrubas; conducted by James Levine; no subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1981 (Cornell MacNeil, Luciano Pavarotti, Christiane Eda-Pierre; conducted by James Levine; no subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle film, 1982 (Ingvar Wixell, Luciano Pavarotti, Edita Gruberova; conducted by Riccardo Chailly, English subtitles)
English National Opera, 1982 (John Rawnsley, Arthur Davies, Marie McLaughlin; conducted by Mark Elder, sung in English)
La Monnaie, Brussels, 1999 (Anthony Michaels-Moore, Marcelo Álvarez, Elizabeth Futral; conducted by Vladimir Jurowski; no subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2001 (Leo Nucci, Aquiles Machado, Inva Mula; conducted by Marcello Viotti; Italian subtitles)
Zürich Opera house, 2006 (Leo Nucci, Piotr Beczala, Elena Mosuc; conducted by Nello Santi; no subtitles)
Paris Opera, 2016 (Quinn Kelsey, Michael Fabiano, Olga Peretyatko; conducted by Nicola Luisotti; English subtitles)
Teatro Massimo, 2018 (George Petean, Ivan Ayon Rivas, Grazia Schiavo; conducted by Stefano Ranzani; English subtitles)
Così Fan Tutte
Vaclav Kaslik studio film, 1969 (Gundula Janowitz, Christa Ludwig, Luigi Alva, Hermann Prey; conducted by Karl Böhm; English subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1988 (Edita Gruberova, Delores Ziegler, Luis Lima, Ferruccio Furlanetto; conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt; English subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Teatro alla Scala, 1989 (Daniela Dessì, Delores Ziegler, Josef Kundlak, Alessandro Corbelli; conducted by Riccardo Muti; Italian subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Théâtre du Châtelet, 1992 (Amanda Roocroft, Rosa Mannion, Rainer Trost, Rodney Gilfry; conducted by John Eliot Gardiner; English subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 1996 (Barbara Frittoli, Angelika Kirschlager, Michael Schade, Bo Skovhus; conducted by Riccardo Muti; English and Italian subtitles)
Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, 2000 (Melanie Diener, Anna Caterina Antonacci, Charles Workman, Nicola Ulivieri; conducted by Claudio Abbado; no subtitles)
Zürich Opera House, 2000 (Cecilia Bartoli, Liliana Nikiteanu, Roberto Saccá, Oliver Widmer; conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt; no subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Opera Lyon, 2007 (Maria Bengtsson, Tove Dahlberg, Daniel Behle, Vito Priante; conducted by Stefano Montanari; French subtitles)
Salzburg Festival, 2009 (Miah Persson, Isabel Leonard, Topi Lehtipuu, Florian Boesch; conducted by Adam Fischer; English subtitles)
Zürich Opera House, 2009 (Malin Hartelius, Anna Bonitatibus, Javier Camarena, Ruben Drole; conducted by Frans Welser-Möst; English subtitles)
San Francisco Opera, 1981 (Margaret Price, Luciano Pavarotti; conducted by Luis Garcia Navarro; no subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1985 (Leontyne Price, James McCracken; conducted by James Levine; English subtitles) – Act I, Act II, Act III, Act IV
Teatro alla Scala, 1986 (Maria Chiara, Luciano Pavarotti; conducted by Lorin Maazel; English subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1989 (Aprile Millo, Plácido Domingo; conducted by James Levine; English subtitles)
Teatro Comunale di Busseto, 2001 (Adina Aaron, Scott Piper; conducted by Massimiliano Stefaneli; Italian subtitles)
St. Margarethen Opera Festival, 2004 (Eszter Szümegi, Konstantin Andreev; conducted by Ernst Marzendorfer; English subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 2012 (Liudmyla Monastyrska, Roberto Alagna; conducted by Fabio Luisi; Russian subtitles)
Tbisili State Opera, 2017 (Maqvala Aspanidze, Franco Tenelli; conducted by Marco Boemi; Russian subtitles)
Teatro Colón, 2018 (Latonia Moore, Riccardo Massi; conducted by Carlos Vieu; Spanish subtitles)
Teatro la Fenice, 2019 (Roberta Mantegna, Francesco Meli; conducted by Riccardo Frizza; French subtitles)
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garland-on-thy-brow · 6 months
Highlights of the week.
Went for walks.
Realised I need a double-end punching bag at home.
Roleplayed about fate and curses.
Visited a new place.
Cooked a new soup.
Ate bananas in chocolate and other treats.
Read the libretto and listened to La buona figliuola.
Listened to Alessandro by Gian Francesco de Majo.
Started reading a new book.
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mchoyonee-d · 1 month
Come feci per le Olimpiadi di Tokyo 3 anni fa, arriva il riassuntone delle medaglie conquistate dalla spedizione italiana.
Ma prima, un po' di "menzioni speciali": mai come quest'anno, infatti, ci sono stati così tanti piazzamenti al quarto posto per gli atleti italiani...
4️⃣ Giovanni Abagnale (canottaggio 4 con)
4️⃣ Domenico Acerenza (nuoto di fondo 10km)
4️⃣ Fabio Balaso (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Elisa Balsamo (inseguimento squadre)
4️⃣ Elena Bertocchi (tuffi 3m sincro donne)
4️⃣ Mattia Bottolo (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Alessandro Alberto Bovolenta (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Luca Braidot (MTB corsa)
4️⃣ Tammaro Cassandro (skeet)
4️⃣ Martina Fidanza (inseguimento squadre)
4️⃣ Gianluca Galassi (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Simone Giannelli (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Larissa Iapichino (salto in lungo)
4️⃣ Lamont Marcell Jacobs (atletica 4x100m uomini)
4️⃣ Nicholas Kohl (canottaggio 4 con)
4️⃣ Daniele Lavia (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Matteo Lodo (canottaggio 4 con)
4️⃣ Lorenzo Marsaglia (tuffi 3m sincro uomini)
4️⃣ Matteo Melluzzo (atletica 4x100m uomini)
4️⃣ Alessandro Michieletto (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Letizia Paternoster (inseguimento squadre)
4️⃣ Lorenzo Patta (atletica 4x100m uomini)
4️⃣4️⃣ Chiara Pellacani (tuffi 3m sincro donne, tuffi 3m trampolino)
4️⃣ Riccardo Pianosi (vela kite)
4️⃣ Benedetta Pilato (100m rana)
4️⃣ Luca Porro (pallavolo)
4️⃣4️⃣ Simona Quadarella (800m stile, 1500m stile)
4️⃣ Yuri Romano (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Roberto Russo (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Giovanni Sanguinetti (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Riccardo Sbertoli (pallavolo)
4️⃣ Stefano Sottile (salto in alto)
4️⃣ Massimo Stano (marcia 20km)
4️⃣ Giovanni Tocci (tuffi 3m sincro uomini)
4️⃣ Filippo Tortu (atletica 4x100m uomini)
4️⃣ Giuseppe Vicino (canottaggio 4 con)
E adesso, l'elenco delle medaglie (e di altri quarti posti...) come da protocollo:
🥈 Angela Andreoli (artistica squadre)
🥇 Ekaterina Antropova (pallavolo)
🥇 Diana Bacosi (skeet squadre miste)
🥇 Caterina Marianna Banti (multiscafo misto)
🥈4️⃣ Nadia Battocletti (atletica 10000m, atletica 5000m)
🥇 Alice Bellandi (judo -78kg)
🥈 Guillaume Bianchi (fioretto squadre)
🥇 Caterina Chiara Bosetti (pallavolo)
🥇 Carlotta Cambi (pallavolo)
🥈 Gabriele Casadei (canoa sprint doppio 500m)
🥇🥉 Thomas Ceccon (100m dorso, 4x100m stile uomini)
🥉 Martina Centofanti (ritmica all-around squadre)
🥈 Luca Chiumento (canottaggio 4 di coppia)
🥇4️⃣ Chiara Consonni (madison, inseguimento squadre)
🥈🥉 Simone Consonni (madison, inseguimento squadre)
🥉 Paolo Conte Bonin (4x100m stile uomini)
🥇🥈4️⃣ Alice D'Amato (artistica trave, artistica squadre, artistica all-around)
🥇 Anna Danesi (pallavolo)
🥇 Giovanni De Gennaro (kayak singolo)
🥇 Monica De Gennaro (pallavolo)
🥉 Andy Diaz Hernandez (salto triplo)
🥉 Agnese Duranti (ritmica all-around squadre)
🥇 Paola Ogechi Egonu (pallavolo)
🥇 Sara Errani (tennis doppio donne)
🥈 Arianna Errigo (fioretto squadre)
🥈🥉 Manila Esposito (artistica squadre, artistica trave)
🥇 Sarah Luisa Fahr (pallavolo)
🥈 Martina Favaretto (fioretto squadre)
🥇 Rossella Fiamingo (spada squadre)
🥉 Manuel Frigo (4x100m stile uomini)
🥈 Alessio Foconi (fioretto squadre)
🥉 Mattia Furlani (salto in lungo)
🥈🥉 Filippo Ganna (ciclismo cronometro individuale, inseguimento squadre)
🥈 Giacomo Gentili (canottaggio 4 di coppia)
🥇 Gaia Giovannini (pallavolo)
🥇4️⃣ Vittoria Guazzini (madison, inseguimento squadre)
🥈 Elisa Iorio (artistica squadre)
🥉 Francesco Lamon (inseguimento squadre)
🥇 Marina Lubian (pallavolo)
🥈🥈 Filippo Macchi (fioretto individuale, fioretto squadre)
🥇 Marta Maggetti (windsurf)
🥉 Giorgio Malan (pentathlon moderno)
🥉 Alessia Maurelli (ritmica all-around squadre)
🥈 Federico Nilo Maldini (pistola 10m)
🥈 Tommaso Marini (fioretto squadre)
🥇 Nicolò Martinenghi (100m rana)
🥉 Jonathan Milan (inseguimento squadre)
🥉 Alessandro Miressi (4x100m stile uomini)
🥉 Daniela Mogurean (ritmica all-around squadre)
🥉 Paolo Monna (pistola 10m)
🥉 Lorenzo Musetti (tennis singolo)
🥇 Mara Navarria (spada squadre)
🥇 Oghosasere Loveth Omoruyi (pallavolo)
🥈 Stefano Oppo (canottaggio 2 di coppia)
🥇 Alessia Orro (pallavolo)
🥈🥉 Gregorio Paltrinieri (1500m stile, 800m stile)
🥈 Francesca Palumbo (fioretto squadre)
🥈 Andrea Panizza (canottaggio 4 di coppia)
🥇 Jasmine Paolini (tennis doppio donne)
🥉 Laura Paris (ritmica all-around squadre)
🥉 Antonino Pizzolato (sollevamento pesi 89kg)
🥉 Sofia Raffaeli (ritmica all-around individuale)
🥈 Luca Rambaldi (canottaggio 4 di coppia)
🥇 Giulia Rizzi (spada squadre)
🥇 Gabriele Rossetti (skeet squadre miste)
🥉 Luigi Samele (sciabola individuale)
🥇 Alberta Santuccio (spada squadre)
🥉 Alessio Simone (taekwondo -80kg)
🥈 Gabriel Soares (canottaggio 2 di coppia)
🥈 Silvana Maria Stanco (trap)
🥇 Myriam Fatime Sylla (pallavolo)
🥈 Carlo Tacchini (canoa sprint doppio 500m)
🥉 Ginevra Taddeucci (nuoto di fondo 10km)
🥇 Ruggero Tita (multiscafo misto)
🥈 Giorgia Villa (artistica squadre)
🥈 Elia Viviani (madison)
🥈4️⃣ Alice Volpi (fioretto squadre, fioretto individuale)
Anche stavolta, la grande domanda: di loro, di tutti loro, ve ne ricorderete a lungo... O già questo sabato sarete ad imprecare contro lo streaming che non funziona per vedere altri "sportivi"?
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The participating authors for the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament: the general list WITH the new ADDITIONS + the link to the google form to add the last proposals
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John William Waterhouse - The Decameron
The Italian 🔥Lit(erature) Tournament is approaching and new names have been submitted in addition to the ones from the original list! This post is only to remember that the google form will remail open for a while to add the last proposals, plus other few details 👇
You can find the first part of the rules here and link to the survey to add new names here!
Under the cut you'll find the usual list but with the addition of the names from the survey so far, all in italics. Other names that have been submitted but already present on the first list remain in a regular font.
There are 13 new names, of the 18 submitted (5 of them already present as written above).
Dante Alighieri
Sibilla Aleramo
Vittorio Alfieri
Cecco Angiolieri
Pietro Aretino
Ludovico Ariosto
Matteo Bandello
Anna Banti
Giambattista Basile
Giorgio Bassani
Cesare Beccaria
Maria Bellonci
Pietro Bembo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giordano Bruno
Dino Buzzati
Italo Calvino
Andrea Camilleri
Giosuè Carducci
Guido Cavalcanti
Carlo Collodi
Vittoria Colonna
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Giacomo da Lentini
Caterina da Siena
Alba de Céspedes
Cielo (Ciullo) d'Alcamo
Edoardo De Filippo
Federico de Roberto
Grazia Deledda
Umberto Eco
Beppe Fenoglio
Marsilio Ficino
Dario Fo
Ugo Foscolo
Veronica Franco
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Natalia Ginzburg
Carlo Goldoni
Antonio Gramsci
Francesco Guicciardini
Tommaso Landolfi
Giacomo Leopardi
Carlo Levi
Primo Levi
Carla Lonzi
Niccolò Machiavelli
Alessandro Manzoni
Giovanbattista Marino
Giovanni Meli
Pietro Metastasio
Eugenio Montale
Elsa Morante
Alberto Moravia
Anna Maria Ortese
Giuseppe Parini
Goffredo Parise
Giovanni Pascoli
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Cesare Pavese
Francesco Petrarca
Luigi Pirandello
Angelo Poliziano
Luigi Pulci
Salvator Quasimodo
Gianni Rodari
Lalla Romano
Amelia Rosselli
Umberto Saba
Emilio Salgari
Jacopo Sannazaro
Goliarda Sapienza
Leonardo Sciascia
Matilde Serao
Gaspara Stampa
Mario Rigoni Stern
Italo Svevo
Antonio Tabucchi
Torquato Tasso
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Giovanni Verga
Giambattista Vico
Renata Viganò
Elio Vittorini
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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