#Alias (GB)
2024 Megaman Valentine's Day/White Day Contest Results!
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Hopefully this post won't feel too rushed; it certainly is rare for me to get contest results posted before 2 days have passed. Once again, I thank everyone who drew something for this year's event, as well as those who helped spread the word. Even with a smaller turnout, you guys still made it really hard on me to choose winners. All your art is deserving of praise! I wish I could afford to give you all some prize money! While I am posting this right now a little late into the evening in my time zone, I will be sending all the winners a message about your prize winnings soon enough, later tonight. If you don't see something right away, just know my message is on the way, within the next few hours. After the break, you will see all the pics and this year's winners!
As usual, after each entrant’s name, there will be a link to their entry, too, just in case the inserted images don’t load for you. With a smaller turnout this year, everything has been uploaded into a single imgbox gallery folder. Should be alphabetical by alias for each category, with the first 7 images for Cat. 1, and the last 4 images in Cat. 2.
[Full entry gallery]
CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Black and White Day
For this category, participants were tasked with creating an image celebrating White Day, with the requirement that their art mimic the "rubber hose" art style from around the 1920's. All entries needed to use a black and white or monochrome palette. 1.) HikariLux [Entry] [GB Alternate] $175 Winner!
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A cute scene with Rock presenting Alia with a ring that was made even better by adding an alternate original Gameboy palette pixel version of the same art. That added creativity made an adorable pic stand out even more, to give two different retro vibes to your art.
2.) @eulogysinger [Entry] $100 Winner!
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As an overall scene, your piece felt the most like it was screencapped straight out of a 20's cartoon, so I give you your props on getting your style to match so well! You can feel the movement with the curve in the Big Snakey's necks as Snake Man slides on down to Toad with his candy bouquet gift.
3.) @sylviidaee [Entry] $75 Winner!
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Sure, because of all the Axess storyboard posts I've been doing lately, this trio is probably in my mind more lately. But animating your piece to give it that added life, as the guys bonk each other with their gifts for Mariko, helped boost your entry into the top 3! LOL at the fish crying when Masa gets bonked. And again, style-wise, great job pulling off the rubber hose look.
And the rest of the wonderful entries in alphabetical order by alias: Kaitlin.EXE [Entry]
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Y'arr, that Pirate Man be takin' the girl and a pricey pearl wit 'em. But I bet once Diveye the Sailor Man eats his seaweed, that Pirate has a few punches coming to him. Retro Splashy's design is so cute! Totally a fun scene and creative takes on all three.
Komito [Entry]
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Like a vintage Norman Rock(man)well painting, the diner scene truly gives off the retro vibes, from the checkboard floor to Big Boy waiter Rock in the background. Love the touch of Splashy's straw curving into a heart shape as she longingly stares at Blues.
@wennastudio [Entry]
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I get the vibe of Axl imitating Porky Pig here, saying "That's All Folks!" to end the episode, as he pops out before the fades out. And since you are alphabetically last, it makes your piece even more fitting to close out this category's pics with this cute piece!
CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Showing Some Skins
For this category, entries needed to contain a character wearing an out-of-place holiday-themed skin or outfit that was not Valentine's Day-related, while in a Valentine's Day scene or setting. Being the humor category, the more it makes us laugh, the better! 1.) @aurantia-ignis [Entry] $175 Winner!
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🎵Zero the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul...but are YOU happy, Ciel? I love how Zero took White Day this literally to don this amusing snowman outfit. And out of all the entries for this category, you pulled off the absurdly humorous costume the best.
2.) @drewblossom [Entry] $100 Winner!
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It might just be a simple party hat, but I mean, Bass isn't wrong. Subtle, but I was amused! The heart shaped speech bubble was a nice touch to help sell the dialogue's punch line as well.
3.) AbilityField [Entry] $75 Winner!
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Clever way to show the rush in changing between events, as RiCO is in part Valentine's skin and part Celebration skin dress that are digitally switching. ViA has it much easier throwing on a coat. It's always easier for the guys to get ready, as they say.
4.) Miralie [Entry]
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While Zero and Iris are dressed for the day, X's date does sort of have that Halloween vibe to her, as a witch. While Axl is clearly enjoying Singles Awareness Day...or doing his best Stuart Smalley impression by giving his Daily Affirmation that he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, Reploids like him.
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Branning – unmasked last week by this newspaper as an online alias used by Dan Wootton
Branning’ blackmailed the partner of a Murdoch journalist into making a covert sex video later found hidden behind the washing machine of GB News star Dan Wootton
The victim only became aware of the connection between Branning and Dan Wootton after Byline Times unmasked him as a serial catfish who has used various online identities to trick and bribe scores of men into revealing compromising sexual material.
This newspaper revealed how the 40-year-old broadcaster... targeted journalistic colleagues, friends and members of the public for at least 10 years, offering sums of up to £30,000 “tax free” to his targets, many of whom were heterosexual men.
What a sicko. I hope that the police will do a thorough investigation, but I would hold my breath since the royalist/tory bunch seems to be fond of protecting predators.
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some-random-enby · 9 months
UT Yellow has made me have ideas and I have to dump them somewhere so Tumblr gets to experience my brain
Undertale's other fallen children
Patience & Bravery
My idea is that Patience and Bravery are sibling who fall at the same time as each other. Patience is a quiet kid who mostly relies on Bravery to get through physical altercations, but they're great to talk to if you ever have any problems you want to get off your chest as they're a great listener. Bravery, on the other hand, is pretty hot-headed but still a nice kid who has good intentions. They're extremely protective of Patience and would do anything to protect them. If I were to ever make this a proper story I'd probably change this to where it doesn't happen so early on but at the moment, my idea is Patience ends up dying in the ruins which leads to Bravery being so filled with grief that they let themselves succumb to the cold of Snowdin.
This idea isn't original but I like the idea that Integrity went on a killing spree when they arrived. My idea is that they had family killed in the war and were orphaned due to it, which led to a resentment of monsters. They aren't a bad kid at heart, but were just too filled with rage to think rationally about what they were doing. They end up getting into Waterfall before they end up hiding due to the manhunt for them and end up getting found by Gerson (still head of the royal guard at the time), and then puts up a fight that ends with Integrity dead and Gerson injured badly enough that he needs to retire and Undyne becomes head of the royal guard.
Perserverance is a very anilitical kid who is obsessed with studying things like different spiecies of plants and animals. They arrive at what is probably the worst possible time for a human to fall, with every monster both anxious and out for blood after what happened with Integrity, so Perserverancs barley gets any rest up until Waterfall. Gerson, ironically enough, becomes a good friend of them (after some initial weariness). They share many interests that leads to Gerson taking them in and keeping them safe from the royal guard, since no one expects the former captain of the royal guard who was injured so badly by a human to be hiding one. Perserverance would go on to write multiple books about the biology of monsters under an alias that would becone widely popular without anyone's knowledge of the actual author behind them. Eventually, it ends up becoming public that a human is living in Waterfall, which leads to a hunt for Perserverance that ends with Gerson having to betray them and provide their location as to not have it known that he was the one hiding them.
Kindness actively goes out of their way to make people's day better... even if that leads to their own detriment. They end up living with Toriel for a little while before they eventually do leave like the rest of the humans. The one person they meet they don't end up befriending is Undyne as they were too busy not trying to get killed and the events never lined up like they did with Frisk to let it happen. Eventually they do end up making it to Asgore himself who they desperately try to make friends with to no avail, leading to their death directly by him.
But yeah that's my little brain dump thanks to everyone who actually read all of this lol hope your day/night/whatever time it is for you is good ok gb :)
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para-maddness · 4 months
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. ~ Welcome to Daydream Land ~ .
This blog was created to allow me to express my daydreams without muddying up my other blogs or my brain. I've never really had anyone to talk with about my daydreams, before, so being able to shout them into the void of IDers and MaDDers is very new to me.
I'm not interested in "community" or silly gatekeeping drama -- and thankfully that seems to be rare --, but I don't mind proximity friends with fellow adult ID/MaDDers. (Please do not follow my blog or interact with my ns/fw posts if you're under 21! Also, I will not befriend if you are under 25.) My daydreams and paracosms are all over the place, not always super fleshed out, and tend to involve existing media with a few exceptions, as well as may overlap with my writing. I also go through phases of hyperfixating on certain daydreams and paracosms, so there's a number of trashed/recycled ones I've collected throughout the years. I don't know how some ID/MaDDers are able to keep the same [fleshed out] paracosm for 5-10+ years.
Below is some information about me, my paracosms, and a brief BYI.
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Alias: Madds
Age: Over 25
Martial Status: Courting
Brain: EDA AuDHD (High Masking, High Support Needs), C-PTSD, MDD, G/SAD, MaDD, Derealized, Regressor
Other: CA-GB Abuse Survivor
Happy Place
"The Gang's All Here"
Historical Cosms: Early AD, Middle Ages, Regency Era, Mid to Late Victorian Era/Wild West, Late 50s/Early 60s
Harry Potter Cosms: Hufflepuff, Slytherin AU, Professor AUs
Game of Thrones: "Queen of Smoke & Mirrors"
The Office: "DYRMN"
DC & Marvel Cosms: "Jokes On You", "The Green Keepers"
Red Dead 2: "Los Cinco Caballeros"
More unlisted
Again, no minors, please! That means anyone 19 or under.
Prefer interactions with 25+, 21-24 is okay.
If you have beef, I'm vegetarian, so no thanks.
For anything else I don't vibe with, I'll just block.
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🎵 Track 1, Track 2, Track 3, Track 4, Track 5, Track 6 🎵
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zettaflake · 1 year
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Monsoon, the Encoded Heart, and... Myte, the Heart's Encoder.
Cyberspace travelers, coders, and lovable hug bugs, my artsona duo debuts as character sheet #5! Twice the bios and twice the renders, phew!
Those close to me may know Monsoon as my previous alias. By all means, keep using it ^^
TRANSCRIBED TEXT (The story of an autistic shut-in and their virus... and the journey of colorful artificial learning):
Your resident code monkeys are now online! Meet Monsoon, the introverted programmer with a heart of marshmallow and an eye for hidden gems. Growing up, Monsoon found early comfort teaching themselves on the computer, leveraging online educational resources to make the most of school. During free time, they trained themself in video games and puzzle solving, then found friends on the web to play together. Being autistic made real-life interactions intimidating, but also gave Monsoon a creative streak unlike any other, helping them to develop an irreplicable vision for design and the arts.
12 years later, Monsoon would meet Myte, a sentient computer virus that could physically phase into and out of any coded hardware. Monsoon and Myte, upon meeting, quickly lost each other in a curious exchange of fun facts and warming compliments. Myte now follows Monsoon to learn of the real world and serves as a glowing vessel for Monsoon’s colorful programs and softwares. They dress together for Pride Month, stream indie games online w/ friends, and function akin to a puppet fighter in combat!
Monsoon's Information: Likes: Rainy days, ramen, piano, puzzles, hidden gems, hugs Dislikes: Jumpscares, negativity, lies, rushing work, semicolons Height: 4' 9" (145 cm)
Weight: 42 lbs (19kg) Age: 18 years Birthday: October 29
Myte's Information: Likes: Data, gesturing, learning, fighting games, rave parties Dislikes: Rainy days, chatterboxes, getting "touched", publicity Height: 1' 0" (30 cm) Weight: 24 GB (physically weightless) Age: 3 years Birthday: January 11
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the-scientist-7 · 2 years
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educ-cursos · 6 days
Bem-vindos ao nosso‍ blog de⁢ análises ⁣de produtos! Hoje vamos falar sobre o Smartphone ‌Realme C53 128 GB, 6 GB de RAM, Dourado. Este aparelho⁢ incrível promete ⁢revolucionar a forma como utilizamos nossos celulares no dia a dia. Com um design elegante, desempenho impressionante e uma capacidade de armazenamento generosa, o Realme C53 se destaca entre os concorrentes. Estamos ⁤ansiosos para⁤ compartilhar com vocês todos os detalhes e nossa experiência⁢ com este produto. Vamos lá!Visão Geral ⁣do Smartphone Realme C53 128 GB,⁤ 6 GB de RAM, Dourado Estamos emocionados em compartilhar nossa análise do Smartphone Realme‍ C53 128 GB, 6 GB de RAM, na cor Dourado. Este dispositivo impressiona com sua generosa capacidade​ de armazenamento de‍ 128 ‍GB, permitindo que você armazene uma grande ⁤quantidade de aplicativos, fotos, vídeos ⁢e música. Com 6 ​GB de RAM, o desempenho é ágil e fluido, garantindo uma experiência de uso‌ agradável. A cor Dourado do Realme C53 adiciona um toque de elegância e sofisticação ao design do produto, tornando-o visualmente atraente. Além disso, a compatibilidade com todas as operadoras de telefonia permite que você aproveite seus serviços sem restrições. Se​ você⁢ está em ⁢busca​ de um smartphone com ótima ​capacidade de armazenamento, ‍desempenho eficiente e design elegante, o Smartphone Realme C53 é uma excelente escolha. Não perca a oportunidade de adquirir o seu! Clique aqui para comprar o seu agora⁣ mesmo.Destaque das Características e FuncionalidadesNeste post, vamos destacar ‍as características e ⁣funcionalidades‌ do Smartphone Realme ⁤C53. Com 128 GB de armazenamento e 6 GB de RAM, este ​dispositivo oferece muito⁢ espaço e ⁢desempenho para ‍todas as suas ‍necessidades diárias. Além⁣ disso, a cor‌ dourada dá um toque de elegância e estilo ao aparelho. Uma​ das principais vantagens do Realme C53 é‌ a sua compatibilidade ​com todas as‌ operadoras, garantindo que você possa usá-lo ⁣com total liberdade. ‍Além disso, o smartphone oferece uma experiência de uso⁣ fluida e intuitiva, graças ao seu processador poderoso e à sua interface amigável. Se você está procurando um dispositivo confiável ‍e⁣ cheio de recursos, o‍ Realme C53 é ‍definitivamente uma excelente⁢ escolha! Armazenamento 128 GB RAM 6 GB Quer saber mais sobre o Smartphone Realme C53 e aproveitar todas‌ as⁤ suas funcionalidades incríveis? Clique aqui e garanta o seu agora!Análise ‍Detalhada ‍do Desempenho e Usabilidade Após testarmos ‌o ⁤Smartphone Realme‌ C53, podemos afirmar que ficamos impressionados ⁢com o seu desempenho e ⁤usabilidade.⁢ Com uma memória RAM de 6 GB, o dispositivo apresentou uma performance fluida e sem travamentos, mesmo ​ao alternar entre aplicativos exigentes. Além ⁢disso,‌ o processador potente permitiu uma navegação rápida na internet e experiência de uso satisfatória. DesempenhoUsabilidadeExcelenteFácil de usar A tela ampla e nítida do Realme C53 tornou a visualização de ‌conteúdo ainda mais agradável, enquanto a bateria duradoura acompanhou o nosso ritmo durante‍ todo o dia. Destacamos também a qualidade das ‌câmeras, ⁢que capturaram imagens detalhadas ⁤e cores vibrantes. este smartphone atendeu às nossas expectativas e recomendamos para quem busca um aparelho com bom custo-benefício. Adquira o seu Smartphone Realme C53 agora ⁢mesmo!Recomendações Específicas ⁢para potenciais compradoresAo considerar‌ a compra do‌ Smartphone Realme C53,​ algumas recomendações específicas podem⁣ ajudar potenciais compradores⁢ a tomar uma decisão informada.⁤ Primeiramente, ⁢destaca-se a versatilidade do aparelho, que é compatível com todas as operadoras ⁣de telefonia móvel. Isso garante que o dispositivo possa ser utilizado com qualquer plano de serviço, oferecendo maior flexibilidade ao usuário. Além disso, a capacidade de armazenamento de 128 ⁤GB e a⁤ memória RAM de 6 GB proporcionam⁣ um excelente desempenho para multitarefas e armazenamento de ‍arquivos. Com um design elegante
na cor dourada, o Realme C53 ⁣é uma opção sofisticada para⁣ quem‌ busca um‍ smartphone funcional e moderno. ‍Não perca a chance de‌ adquirir o seu e aproveite todas as vantagens ⁤que este aparelho tem ⁤a⁣ oferecer! Compre ‌agora! Seize the OpportunityEsperamos que tenham ​gostado de nossa análise do Smartphone Realme C53 128GB! Com um design ‌elegante, desempenho potente e uma grande capacidade de armazenamento, este dispositivo certamente tem muito a oferecer. Se você está pensando em⁣ adquirir um novo ‍smartphone, não deixe de⁤ considerar o Realme C53. Clique no link abaixo para conferir mais⁤ detalhes e garantir o seu: Clique aqui para ‍comprar ⁣o Smartphone Realme C53 128GB Até a próxima análise! 📱✨
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pearatwar · 21 days
it took me 250 posts to realize i haven't made an introductory post (light tw!)
I'm (War)Pear! (he/they, pansexual, cis)
Lore: I was born during a lonely lonely 2006 night in shitfuck-nowhere in Italy, and I live there to this day. I pretended to like poetry to impress a girl and now we're friends and I got into poetry for real! (came for copper and found gold type shi). I talked about my feelings with my english teacher and I got sent to the psych ward and put on antidepressants.
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Since I can't be bothered to make a second blog, I use this one for everything, from vents about sh and other TW worthy arguments to shitposts and reblogs about the last thing I saw on my dashboard
I have autism, diagnosed, but I stand with and for undiagnosed people. You're valid!
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Stuff I like!
Technology and computers! (special interest! i even go to a school that specializes in that)
Videogames! Guilty Gear, roguelikes, and. uhm. league. of legends. *cough*
Talking. I need a listener
Listening. I need a talker
Music! My music taste is music except the music I don't like
Loathing my past!
Linguistics! I almost got a C2 english certification but I scored 199/200 for the score required for it on my C1 test so I only have C1
Bigots and other bad people DNI or I will bite you! /neg
Moots and everyone else interact! I will bite you! /pos
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More stuff down below because I hate it when long posts take up all my dashboard
Q. What's your favorite color?
A. I bet you can't tell. Yellow is a close second.
Q. What about your least favorite color?
A. Light blue. The kind of light blue you'd see in the color selection for Mii shirts on the Wii or 3DS.
Q. Why the obsession with pears?
A. I just wanted to find a quirky alias. I'll tell you the story sooner or later!
Q. What do you play games on?
A. An office laptop I put on steroids (a 16 GB RAM stick) and a Steam Deck (not OLED). I wish I was joking
Q. How often do you post? Do you have a schedule?
A. I post whenever I remember I exist or I have nothing better to do. You'll notice because if you have notifications on you'll get swarmed.
Q. Summer or winter?
A. I live in a seaside city but I HATE the beach. I HATE the sun. I HATE summer. Winter is cozy :]
Q. Relationship with your parents?
A. Love-hate. Next.
Q. Rank on League?
A. I don't play ranked! Ew!
Q. Other accounts?
A. uhm. uhh. erm. become my friend first! then i'll tell ya
Q. Relevant tags?
A. #pearblogging , #pearventing and #pear's bus tales are all personal tags that I will probably start tp use more, not counting one-off quirky tags. I generally don't even bother with tags, because I'm too lazy
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scarabats123 · 10 months
Beat all 8 maverick stages in X7 and deleted the game. Flame Hyenard and the monkey dude's stages were fun, the bosses weren't. That's all I got on that game. I thought they had learned how to use Alia with how much more toned down she was in 6, but here she is again front and center parroting at you every nano second. Even worse, her prompts, though skippable, have voice acting. Can you hear me, Axl? Can you hear me, Axl? Can you hear me, Axl? Can you hear me, Axl? Can you hear me, Axl? Can you hear me, Axl? Lord. No. After genuinely enjoying myself with 6 (for the most part.) I was hoping i'd also be rooting for 7 but no. No no no. I can atleast agree with the majority on this one.
I brushed off the comments about X's character being slaughtered because, like, since when did the X games ever have a good story or characters? but no. No yeah that is an assasination of everything X is meant to be. I know I basically skipped the endgame for this one but whatever. Just one more game and I can get into the Zero series. I know Xtreme and Xtreme 2 exist but I think i'll just. skip those. Too many bad memories of the first 3 classic GB games. No thanks.
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rausule · 1 year
Inter primos oratores Romanos Ap. Claudius Caecus nominandus est. Praeter oratorem, vir politicus, aliquoties consul, dux victor Etruscorum et Samnitium, auctor tractationum et proverbiorum versibus. Haec personalitas multifaceta magna etiam munus egit in orthographia et in munere colligendi normas iuridicas quae tunc vigent in corpore. Primus casus est in quo testimonium habemus auctoris et operis ei attributi in cursu Latinarum litterarum.
Inter primas expressiones artis litterariae Romanae theatrum erat. Priusquam auctoritas dramatis Graecae sentiretur, variae theatrales formae Romae excultae sunt. Inter antiquissimas commemorandum est fescenninis expressiones scenicae rudimentares ponendae occasione festivitatum religiosarum cum opere agriculturae coniunctae, cuius origo probabiliter coniungenda est cum ritibus pro fertilitatis gratia.
Alia forma pervetustis theatralis satur erat, in qua risores ludicra et obscena Fescennini iocos cum choro concinebant.
Exodium denique Atellanum memorandum est, quod nomen habet a civitate Campaniae Atellae. Repraesentatio scaenica inter populos Oscanos diffusa est, cuius insidiae in vitae cotidianae scaenae fundatae sunt et in quibus quattuor species certae ludebant: Maccus, Bucco, Pappus et Dossennus.
Duplex tibicen, 6 aCn Saeculum Tarquinia, Sepulcrum Triclinii, Archaeological Superintendence.
Editiones textus
GB PIGHI, Poemata religiosa Romana, Bononiae, Zanichelli, 1958.
A. DEGRASSI, Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae, Fi-Patron, 1973. A.G. DUMEZH, Archaica religio romana, trans. illud. by F. JESI, Mediolani, Rizzoli, 1977 .
renze, Nova Italia, 1963-1965. B.F. FR., Libri annales pontificum maximorum. Origines Annalisticae Traditionis, Roma, American Aca- AA.V., Lapis Satricanus, Romae, 1980.
demy, Romae, 1979. W. MOREL, Fragmenta Poetarum Latinorum epicorum et ly recurum praeter Ennium et Lucilium, Leipzig, Teubner, editio tertia edita a J. Blansdorf, 1995.
P. FRASSINETTI, Atellaneae fabulae, Roma, Editions
University, 1967. E. PERUZZI, Origines Romae, voll. 1-11, Bononiae, Patron, 1970-1973.
G. PASQUALI, Historia traditionis et criticae textualis, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1971 .
P. MAAS, Critica textus, transl. by N. Martinelli, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1972a.
C. QUESTA, Metrica latina arcaica, in Introductio ad studium culturae classicae, vol. II, Milano, Marzorati, 1973. A. TRAINA, De alphabeto et pronuntiatione latinae, Bononiae,
G. PASQUALI, Praehistoria poeseos Romanae, Firenze, Le .
Monnier, MCMLXXXI.
AA.V., Historiae Romanae, edited by A. MOMIGLIANO - A. SCHIAVONE, vol. 1, Turin, Einaudi, 1988. M. SORDI, Historia Troiana et Etruscae urbis Romae, Mi.
lano, Jaca Book, 1989. G. DEVOTO, Historia linguae Romae, Bologna, Cappelli, 1991.
A. CARANDINI, Romae, Turin, Einaudi, 2002 F. CUPAIOLO, Bibliographia linguae latinae (1949-1991). Neapoli, 1993, suppletus ab ipso Cupaiolo, Biblio- theca studiorum linguae latinae (1992-2003), in - Bulletin de studiis latinis » 2003, pp. 620-23.
Tabella concessa ab Publisher ad personalem usum Prof.ssa Orrú Maria Rosa - cod.fisc. RROMRS55L62E464F
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scanf-info · 1 year
Git Aliases
alias gs="git status" alias gpo="git push origin" alias guo="git pull origin" alias gc="git commit -m" alias ga="git add" alias gt="git log --graph --oneline --all" alias gb="git branch --all" alias gbd="git branch -d"
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baliportalnews · 2 years
POCO X5 5G Approved by AURA Fire Jadi Ponsel Paling Ekstrem Dikelasnya
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Ketangguhan POCO X5 5G dalam melibas berbagai game favorit, termasuk yang berat sekalipun, bukan cuma sudah dibuktikan oleh para reviewer. Para pro-player yang tergabung dalam tim esport fenomenal Tanah Air, AURA Fire, pun turut menyaksikan dan merasakan sendiri performa POCO X5 5G yang paling ekstrem di kelasnya. Berdasarkan InMobi, sebuah perusahaan mobile advertising technology multinasional dari India, dalam laporan berjudul ‘Mobile Gaming Through the Pandemic and Beyond in Southeast Asia 2021’, sebanyak 46% orang Indonesia beralih ke mobile game sejak pandemi atau setara 2 kali lipat dari tahun 2020. Dalam laporan ini InMobi mencatatkan sebanyak 24% mobile gamer menghabiskan lebih dari satu jam untuk bermain game. Sehingga, banyak mobile gamer mencari smartphone yang dapat mereka gunakan untuk mengunduh lebih banyak permainan dan bermain dengan lancar. Belum lama ini, POCO mengeluarkan POCO X5 5G, smartphone yang dikenal dengan performa ekstrem di kelasnya. Guna membuktikan hal tersebut, POCO meminta tim pro-player AURA Fire, untuk bermain Mobile Legend dengan settingan rata kanan menggunakan POCO X5 5G. Menurut Kabuki (Leonardo), bikin pengalaman nge-game maksimal banget. “Pergerakan game di POCO X5 5G smooth. Fight scene pun yang gerakannya cepat dilibas halus, nggak patah-patah, jadinya maksimal banget menikmati game-nya dan semangat sepanjang permainan,” katanya antusias. High (Jijey), menambahkan, Loading-nya jadi cepet banget. “Jadinya nggak bete ketika nge-game cuma gara-gara hape yang lola alias loading lama,” ucapnya. Anggota AURA Fire yang lain nggak kalah excited. “Refresh rate-nya ekstrem banget, mantap pokoknya buat para gamer. Jalannya game jelas-jelas smooth,” kata Godiva (Erico) yang takjub sama performa POCO X5 5G.   “Selain game berjalan smooth, grafisnya keren,” timpal Caid (Said). Pastinya, dong, soalnya POCO X5 5G sudah disesuaikan dengan feedback POCO Fans dan riset internal sehingga sanggup menghasilkan grafis yang lebih smooth sekaligus tampil kece dengan settingan game rata kanan. “Baterainya awet. Aman banget lah buat nge-game berlama-lama, nggak dikit-dikit nyari colokan,” kata Facehugger (Usep). Bahkan makin lengkap kalau dengar komentar Fluffy (Regi). “POCO X5 5G nggak gampang panas,” pungkasnya. Head of Marketing POCO Indonesia, Andi Renreng, menyatakan, POCO seri X memang dikenal dengan performanya yang ekstrem. Kali ini seri X terbaru, POCO X5 5G, berhasil membuktikan kebolehannya secara langsung oleh para pro-player. “Dari segi performa, koneksi, layar, dan baterai sudah mendapatkan approval dari Tim AURA Fire. Sehingga, POCO X5 5G dijamin dapat memenuhi kebutuhan para mobile gamer di seluruh Indonesia,” ujar Andi, Rabu (1/3/2023) lalu. Dilengkapi dengan Snapdragon 695 5G yang memiliki peningkatan kinerja ketimbang pendahulunya, seperti CPU Kryo 660, GPU Adreno 619, dan proses 6 nm. Sehingga, pengguna dijamin dapat merasakan pengalaman permainan yang lancar dan streaming yang andal. POCO X5 5G juga mendukung memori LPDDR4x dengan expandable RAM hingga 13 GB buat yang suka mengunduh berbagai jenis permainan di smartphone. Dengan kapasitas RAM yang besar, pengguna dapat bermain game sambil membuka banyak aplikasi sekaligus.(bpn) Read the full article
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best2daynews · 2 years
HDFC Bank's NBFC arm confirms data leak of customers - today news
On Monday, a hacker with an alias ‘Kernelware’ leaked 7.5 GB of customer data on a hacker forum ‘Breached.vc’, claiming that the data is from India’s largest private sector bank HDFC Bank.  The hacker uploaded the sample data and claimed that the leak contains 73 million entries which includes, customer full name, date of birth, age, phone number, email, marriage status, gender, residence…
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wingcrystal · 2 years
Brief Introduction of Rabbit Hair Crystal(Rutilated Quartz)
Rabbit Hair Crystal(Rutilated Quartz) is a commodity image name, which is listed as crystal in Chinese national standard GB/T 16553 ~ 2003. Because it contains different hairlike inclusions, it is also called hairlike crystal.
Basic information of Rabbit Hair Crystal(Rutilated Quartz)
"Rabbit Hair" Crystal (Rutilated Quartz), as its name implies, contains countless hair-like mineral aggregates in colorless and transparent crystal, and is listed as crystal in Chinese national standard GB/T 16553 ~ 2003. The cross section of tremolite microcrystals is only 0.01~0.001mm, and the length can reach several mm, like a white silk chrysanthemum. "Rabbit hair" crystal(Rutilated Quartz) is a commodity image name, because it contains different hairlike inclusions, and it is also called hairlike crystal. White "Rabbit Hair" crystal(Rutilated Quartz), in the colorless and transparent crystal, is distributed with fine hair-like tremolite, which is bent in clusters.
Efficacy of Rabbit Hair Crystal(Rutilated Quartz)
The crystal of the Red Rabbit Hair(Red Rutilated Quartz)bead bracelet is pure and moist, and the supple rabbit hair is suspended like waves, so you can even feel its softness with your eyes, and the wearing effect is excellent. Red rabbit hair crystal, alias "Venus crystal", is wrapped in net rutile inside the crystal, and the fine hair is soft and winding, like the hair of a beautiful woman.
Netted rutile, fine hair soft winding, also known as Red Rabbit Hair Crystal(Red Rutilated Quartz); Or needle-like rutile, no wonder the alias "Venus Crystal" is really like the hair of a red-haired beauty, which contains fine and soft Rabbit Hair Crystals(Rutilated Quartz)of the same color!
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greysbeyond · 2 years
Autodesk maya 2022 system requirements
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Nvidia Guide for Virtualization with GRID & VMWareĪutodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:Ħ4-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with SSE4. Here are the Maya LT (with Stingray) System Requirements (Minimum) CPU: Info CPU SPEED: 64-bit Intel or AMD multicore processor RAM: 4 GB OS: Windows 7.Linux CentOS 8.2, 7.6-7.9 operating system.Linux® Red Hat® Enterprise 8.2, 7.6-7.9 WS operating system.See Autodesk’s Product Support Lifecycle for support information.
Maya Software Requirements | Maya is a modeling package that offers a complete solution, which was purchased by Autodesk together with all other software products of Alias company after its 7.0 release in 2006, after being developed by Alias company for many years. System requirements: 64-bit version of Windows 10 that complies with the Autodesk Product Support Lifecycle Policy 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, 8.x or 10 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.
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