#Alix Shepard
Miraculous Sonic
(Listen, I have had a DAY, so I’m going to relate a discussion I had with my 4-year-old Nephew about this, cause honestly, It’s pretty funny)
premise: What animals would the Miraculous Ladybug characters be, if they got dropped into the Sonic World?
First, my nephew had to make me understand that just because a character had a certain miraculous, it didn’t mean they were that animal in Sonic. Because Sonic is a Hedgehog, but he would ABSOLUTELY have either the Monkey or the Black Cat, you see. The reasoning is OBVIOUS, apparently, because he did not feel the need to explain.
(Again, keep in mind - my nephew is 4)
Marinette - a mouse. Nephew’s argument was that she reminded him of the mice in Disney’s Cinderella (animated). This is his favourite movie. 
Sabine & Tom - Sabine is also a mouse, but Tom is a rat, apparently. Because they are bigger, you see.
Adrien - this was very divided. He’s either a golden retriever, or a cat. Specifically, nephew’s best friend’s cat, Caramel (basically a blonde tabby, with gray-green eyes, and a few brown spots), only with “an actual tail” (Caramel’s tail had to be half-docked at some point). He also argued that, if he’s a cat, Adrien should be declawed, because Gabriel wouldn’t let him keep his claws (Jesus, kid). If he’s a dog, nephew said Gabriel would put him in a fancy prong-collar, or possibly a shock one (JESUS, KID).
Emilie & Gabriel - Emilie is a dog, a very fancy, sleek golden retriever/poodle mix. Gabe is apparently a Sphinx cat. I pointed out they wouldn’t be able to have a kid together. He argued that since Adrien is a Senti, this did not matter.
Amelie & Felix - Amelie is the same as Emilie, because they are twins, but Felix is apparently a grey cat.
Nathalie - a German Shepard. He refused to elaborate.
Alya - Alya is apparently an African Grey Parrot. Because she wants to be a reporter, so she “parrots” things she sees and hears (he didn’t know the exact pun, but that was the gist).
Nino - Gecko. Species unspecified, but he showed me a picture of a brown-striped gecko with tiny headphones, so I assume that’s where that came from.
Alix - “you know the snakes with legs? The speedy one! She’s that!” He refers to several lizards as “snakes with legs”, but based on context, I assume he means the basilisk lizard, which is very fast and can run on water. He occasionally calls it “Scaly Jesus”, cause that’s what his uncle calls them, to the disapproval of the grandparents, and the laughter of the rest of us.
Kim - Kim is a tiger, because they like swimming. But a smaller tiger.
Rose - He kept saying she was the “real bouncy hamster” I think he meant Chinchilla? This one was less clear, but I THINK Chinchilla was what he was talking about? It might also have been gerbil, but he doesn’t like gerbils, so I think Chinchilla is a safe bet.
Max - Raven, because ravens and crows are smart.
Juleka & Luka - wolves, or wolf-dogs. Cause they howl, “and that’s BASICALLY singing.”
Mylene - This one was a bird. Not sure, again, but I THINK he meant a bird of paradise? Love bird? “One of the small, rainbow ones. With ‘tenna.”
Ivan - a bear. He also felt no reason to explain this one.
Nathaniel - monkey. One with a “Looooooooooooong tail” apparently. He once saw a small monkey with orange fur, and he loves that one in particular.
Marc - a raccoon. Because they have thumbs (???).
Chloé - a hummingbird. Specifically, the bumblebee hummingbird, because they are his favourite. (“It would fit in my mouth! But I don’t one in my mouth! But it could fit!”)
Sabrina - otter, because that’s his Auntie Sabrina’s favourite animal, so that means ML!Sabrina is an otter.
Lila - ferret/weasel, they are interchangeable to him. 
Anarka - also a wolf. He spent a while drawing what I’m fairly certain was a wolf with a pirate’s hat.
Jagged Stone - is a crocodile, because he has Fang. I asked what that would make Fang, in this universe. Fang is apparently, to quote, “the safety guy. And they have kisses”, so Sonic version of Fang is apparently Jagged’s bodyguard/boyfriend?
André - a very big toad. Nephew said all his political rivals would be flies (o…k?).
Audrey - praying mantis, cause they scare him.
Fu - a tortoise, cause he’s been alive FOREVER.
These are absolutely perfect and I love them.
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felassan · 10 months
if you missed the live N7 Day 2023 cast reunion panel, the rewatch link is here.
here are some notes on trivia and other bits of particular interest from the panel, under a cut due to length –
An audition D.C. Douglas did for Legion can be listened to here. he said it's quite different to what you may expect. He also mentioned an audition for Legion where he was given a eulogy to read and the voice direction from BioWare was that they were looking for something like HAL 9000 but with a little more emotion.
D.C. said on Legion's death scene[s], "it's the innocent emotion coming through" "but with the intellectual understanding of the macro".
Alix Wilton Regan originally auditioned for EDI, didn't get it and then was called back for Sam. BioWare were like "[Sam]'s really London"; AWR was like "I'm from London, I got this, I can do London". months later she was recording for Sam, saw lines for EDI coming up and wondered "who was the woman that got the role of EDI?" when she heard EDI's voice, she was like "omg, she's so hot, yeah I totally get it, I had a real life crush on her in the booth playing Sam, who had a crush on her in the game. I was like 'ohh.. now I get it, I hear it, I see what went on in casting'".
some of the earliest stuff Mark Meer did in ME was a lot of demo stuff, like figuring out how various alien species would sound. BioWare brought him in very early on, during the concept art stages. this is what he was working on for BioWare and then they 'basically upgraded him'. He did a presentation for BioWare demoing how a typical salarian could sound, how a typical krogan would sound, etc, and during this presentation BW had him do some scratch dialogue as a salarian bartender. there was a scene where the bartender was talking to Shepard, who Mark was also voicing during the scene, so he was basically talking to himself. during this process BioWare said that they would like him to audition for the role of m Shepard. "After call backs etc, the rest is history". when BW told Mark, oh btw, f Shepard is played by Jennifer Hale, Mark was super thrilled. "It was like being told the other person in the dual role was Meryl Streep or something".
when Ali Hillis got the role of Liara, at that time she was with her first voiceover agent. Liara's voice in the games is pretty similar to the voice Ali first came up with for her for the audition. they also gave Liara a bit of a mid-Atlantic accent in the first game.
Ash Sroka auditioned for the roles of Liara, Tali and one other character. for the Tali read, she was given a long monologue about Tali's Pilgrimage. she left the booth thinking that if she didn't get the part it was okay, because she'd gotten to read this beautiful monologue and really feel that character. she felt an instant alignment with Tali.
for Grunt's audition, Steve Blum pitched his voice as deep as he could. BioWare said to him that they were going to be pitching Grunt's voice down in post-processing, so he didn't have to do that, but he couldn't help himself and did it anyway. he said that Grunt is a "half-ton child" and self-described as a half-ton child, so things worked out really well. he also mentioned that "it helped me personally, because I'm emotionally under-developed and Grunt is a baby so it was some nice free paid therapy for me, and the fact that people actually responded to it was a bonus, it's kind of amazing".
William Salyers didn't realize he was being brought in to take over the role of Mordin in ME3. he'd been sent audio references and knew that this was a species found throughout the game, and thought that the character he'd be doing was going to be like an assistant or something. the first day in the booth, BW asked him "do you think you can do the match [match the ME2 voice]?" and he was like "I don't know what you're talking about but yes". William was in ME2 as 'Incidental voices' and felt rly fortunate to 'graduate' to Mordin in ME3. when recording Mordin's death-redemption scene in ME3, he & the voice director were both in tears.
for the voice direction in ME1, BW wanted it to feel like an episode of 24 - they didn't want dialogue lines being like screamed or yelled out like they were in a lot of games from around that time. it was supposed to be much more realistic and human in feel.
when developing Kaidan's voice, BW asked Raphael Sbarge to speak to a stickie note on the wall, because they wanted it to feel like there's a sort of sense of the military, that cadence that comes from really speaking to someone else in a directed way.
Shepard and ME have a very special place in Jennifer Hale's heart
a submitted question from the community asked Mark and Jennifer how their perception of Shepard evolved throughout the trilogy. Mark said that the way it was explained to him by BW was that, as they went, they had a little more leeway in Shepard in showing the toll the war was taking on them. "We also got to watch Shepard develop these relationships with the characters in the games. These were their closest friends, their true companions through all of this." this made it possible to sort of humanize Shepard more and more as the series progressed. Shep starts out very by the books regardless of paragon/renegade etc, they're very military, an officer, they're used to giving orders and used to being under pressure. and especially by the time they got to ME3, it was now like, "now you can show a little bit more vulnerability, now you can show a crack in the shell a little bit, especially after the events of ME2 where Shepard literally dies and was resurrected, what does that do to a person?" Mark mentioned that he thinks this is common to all versions of Shepard. by the time you get to ME3 there's a real sense of getting "past the armor, emotionally and spiritually". Jennifer agreed and added that the way voice acting was done in video games also developed over the years from ME1-ME3. by ME3 it was more done in the way like how you would shoot a film, that kind of acting.
Jennifer mentioned that both she and Shep are really freakin stubborn
on Next Mass Effect:
a submitted comment from the community said "Hopefully we get to see or hear you again taking part in the continuation of the Mass Effect story in any way." Jennifer replied "yes, I vote yes to all that".
Ali talked about the moment she discovered Liara was going to be in the next ME. "I have a couple of friends who are close friends and really big ME fans. Usually they're the first ones to alert me of anything ME before I ever see it in the trades, online, on socials etc". she clicked on the link to the trailer she was sent "and I was like.. wait.. what? I think I was just looking at the link and then had to play it again, and then probably like a lot of you I tried to zoom in on it and look at it, like is that...?"
here D.C. said "Um, asking as the voice of an entire species [the geth], do you, you didn't know anything?" Ali said "No, I had no idea, do we ever? I think as we all know, seeing something like that is no guarantee of anything. I was like, is that Liara? Liara's daughter? Liara's mother? is that back in time, is that forward in time? I know as much as anyone, but it was really shocking. like when you were a kid on your birthday and there's a big wrapped present from your parents and you don't know what it is. I know as much as you guys, your guess is as good as mine."
Mark: "As far as what I'm looking forward to, there are endless possibilities. Again as Ali said we, we know about as much as you know, so it could go anywhere. past, future, who can say? Are we gonna see, is this gonna be the First Contact War? is this gonna be far in the far future? where could we go? The Codex is very big as those who have spent ingame time reading it know and that's a very well thought out and fleshed out universe, so the possibilities are endless".
Jennifer: "Just to add to that, what I always tell everybody in the community is email [BioWare] and tell them what you want. they don't know if you don't tell them. telling us doesn't, we appreciate it so much but it actually won't get anything done."
Raphael: "If you feel strongly, we would encourage you to speak up [on that]".
a submitted question from the community asked the cast what they're most excited to see in the next game. AWR: "We're most excited to to see us in the next game, right [winking theatrically]". the cast were all like 'yeah' and nodding and AWR said "emails, emails, emails".
D.C: "The poster, the teaser poster that they put out for Mass Effect 5 shows what looks to be a crater and the outline of Legion and it looks like there's a little dead geth in that poster, so all I know is, and I am the voice of all geth, so."
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slyakoch13 · 5 months
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HELLO internet users, you are now looking at my blog where i have come to burden you with my art pieces and funnies.
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🔊Call me slyakoch or slkch
🌐English is not my native language so it is often difficult for me to understand or answer, forgive me if I make stupid mistakes. 🎨my art is under #my art tag 📨YOU CAN ASK ME THINGS -> here 💸COMMISSIONS INFO -> there 🍊https://boosty.to/slkch13
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Got here only in February but already in love with this game. All characters are fucking amazing and cool. But i think my heart especially belongs to Ferryman and Minos!
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I love this crazy fandom. There is no one particular mercenary that o like, they are all cool and deserve love. Favorite ships: Bloody Suite, Boots & Bombs, and Science Party. By the way, I hate speedingbullet, please don't touch me with speedingbullet. I draw a lot SniperSpy, everything can be found under tags here on the blog!! I also used to play a lot tf2 sice summer 2023. Now I main Scout and Sniper.
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WoW has been my obsession for several years now, and now I'm not so interested in the new expansions, but I just love the old Warcraft before SL. Alliance? Horde? WHO NEEDS THEM WHEN THERE ARE THE FORSAKEN! I love them. And basically all the undead. Of the characters, I really love Jaina and Vanessa Vancleef. And also i'm biggest Sylvanas/Nathanos apologist. My favourite fucked up couple.
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I LOVE MARIA SILENT HILL TWO I LIVE FOR HER I CRY OVER HER CHARACTER and I think her character is very underrated! Otherwise, I also really love Heather (I cosplayed her!), Lisa and Walter. I'm a fan of the "classics" of all 4 silent hill games. This rusty, old, tense, frightening, depressing, meaty horror is just what I've always been missing.
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It’s worth saying briefly - I adore the entire universe of half-life and the portal. These are great games, I love everything about them. They changed me and my perception of video games a lot. My favorites of the series are Adrian Shepard and Alix. I'm a fan of HEKU in general, they're funny guys. Probably the only military characters in video games that don't make me uncomfortable.
other fandoms that i was to lazy to make banner for, or they are smaller: OUTLAST, Garten of BanBan, Poppy Playtime(shitty mascot horror yay), Gloomwood, Faith:The unholy trinity.
these banners are made by me, and yeah they are fre to use(ijust pls credit me if you do)
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unusualindigo · 22 hours
My (Hopeful) Kinktober 2024 Plans
Edging (Mikoto/Tatara)
Dehumanization (Unomaru/Ripper)
Crossdressing (Rachel/Carl)
Impact (Weiss/Jaune)
Fisting (Efterar/Aelit)
Kidnapping (Tregear/Taro)
Daddy Kink (Midna/Link)
Belly Bulge (Xie Lian/Feng Xin)
Praise Kink (Irene/Strahd)
Tentacles (Tobirama/Izuna)
Blow Jobs (Jack/Shepard)
Temperature Play (Jin/Taro)
Branding (Griffith/Guts)
Breath Play (Erina/Jonathan)
Double Penetration (Fugo/Haze/Giorno)
Object insertion (Kagura/Hibiki)
Spanking (Asuka/Lily)
Cock Warming (Reynauld/Blanche)
Knife Play (Terumi/Azrael)
Honeymoon (Elvira/Shanalotte)
Hate sex (Joey/Siegfried)
Size Difference (Tatsumaki/Saitama)
Dominance (Yuria/Daniel)
Pegging (Aqua/Kazuma)
Crying (Luo Binghe/Shang Qinghua)
Surrender (Gwyndolin/Getsumei)
Face Sitting (Miquella/Camden)
Fear Kink (Ashiok/Garruk)
Cervix Penetration (Lothric/Willbur)
Monster Fucking (Gehrman/Alix)
Pet Play (Misaki/Saruhiko)
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sassylavellen · 2 years
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Portraits of characters from games Ive played
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chloethegamer · 4 years
Samantha Traynor Ringtone
Any Shaynor fans out there wanna have Traynor notify that you have messages? Here is a download for two versions Alix Wilton Regan did during her Instagram Live (IGTV) 
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sky-ham · 4 years
Mass Effect Cast Reunion hosted by Ash Sevilla (NerdAppropriate) - starts at around 5:00
Mark Meer (MShep) (sadly Mark had to leave early for a D&D game) Jennifer Hale (FShep) Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan) Kimberly Brooks (Ashley) Ali Hillis (Liara) Courtenay Taylor (Jack) Alix Wilton Regan (Traynor)
They’re also doing something for N7 Day!
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kibagib · 4 years
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ME Cast Reunion
We have a date 🥳💃😍
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caeric-arclight · 5 years
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roguelioness · 6 years
RoLo’s playing Mass Effect!
You heard that right. Me, the world’s greatest person at sucking at shooting games, is playing a game where the combat involves guns.
What’s more-
I love it.
Pretty much adore the characters and the story, and I’m only very sad that I can’t romance Garrus because that turian caught my eye the first moment I saw him in the Citadel. Sigh.
Here’s Reina Alix Shepard, Earthborn War Hero:
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(I love her already)
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critter-of-habit · 3 years
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Alix Wilton Regan / Traynor Courtenay Taylor / Jack Jen Hale / Shepard
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felassan · 2 years
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On N7 Day this year there will be an N7 Day Mass Effect cast reunion panel (7th November, at 12 noon PT), streamed live on Jennifer Hale's YouTube Channel. As part of this there will be a Q&A. Questions and comments for the cast can be submitted here [source, source two].
The current cast and crew members scheduled to attend are: Jennifer Hale (Commander Shepard), Mark Meer (Commander Shepard), Ali Hillis (Liara), Alix Wilton Regan (Traynor), Courtenay Taylor (Jack), Keythe Farley (Thane), Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan), and Ash Sroka (Tali) (perhaps with some additional folks joining as well) [source].
Some examples of previous N7 day cast/cast & crew reunions like these can be re-watched here and here.
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Sabrina: Why does Chloe look angry?
Alix: Because-
Chloe: That German Shepard called me an asshole! The nerve!
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veshialles · 3 years
Hey Rae do you wanna... tell me a lil bit 'bout Miss Aveline Shepherd 😳😳
Haha not cause I think she's hot or anything that would be ridiculous
Yeah!! Okay, so, Aveline was my first Shepard when I got into the series back in like, 2016?? (this was about a year before I got into Dragon Age, so the name is a coincidence, shoutout to fantasynamegenerators.com though!)
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She was a spacer growing up, lived most of her life on starships and space stations. I feel like she is slightly agoraphobic because of this maybe idk, or at least being planetside always feels slightly disorienting to her and takes some getting used to. Long-term friendships are kind of an alien concept to her due to her upbringing as well
Aveline is quite skilled when it comes to working with tech, a fascination she shared with her father. Initially she joined the Alliance as a combat mechanic, tinkering with shuttles and calibrating mechs. These skills eventually allowed Aveline to branch out and train as an Infiltrator at the Interplanetary Combatives Academy, where after years of dedicated service she graduated from the N7 Program.
A short while after this, Aveline and her unit were dispatched to investigate a loss of contact with the Akuze colonization project, where nearly every soldier lost their life when in a Thresher Maw ambush. Aveline's survival was in part due to luck, but her training played a factor in it as well, as her training in long-range combat placed her furthest away from the attack, leaving her with only a few scratches while the rest of the unit was devoured and torn to shreds. Every subsequent encounter with Thresher Maws tends to bring out a really vicious side in her that not many get to see (aside from the occasional unfortunate merc, corrupt politician, or reaper construct)
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After being brought back to life by Cerberus, Aveline struggles with chronic pain and often self-medicates to alleviate it, but that one damn shoulder in particular always seems to ache no matter what (possibly from enduring years of abuse due to sniper rifle recoil prior to this, on top of the fact that it is now at least partly made of metal). As well, she undergoes a bit of an identity crisis, in terms of her morals, finding herself quicker to anger than before and having far less patience when dealing with difficult situations, but she still tries her best to be kind at heart and give people the benefit of the doubt.
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After the destruction of the Alpha Relay, Aveline holds a lot of guilt, because she couldn't save the Batarian colony. You might be thinking "why? batarians hate everyone and are very bigoted?" to which she would answer "because they are still people and they didn't deserve to get obliterated." She knows that there wasn't any other way it could have played out, and that her actions delayed the Reaper invasion by several months, but seeing Cannibal husks for the first time in Vancouver and realizing they had Batarian faces shook her to her core, because it meant that they had all died for nothing.
Oh and like most of my OCs she is a flirty Bi Disaster™, and had a budding romance with Kaidan Alenko before his demise on Virmire, later ending up with Liara, and then Garrus, and then Liara again, and very possibly I might commit to making the same choices and have her romance Samantha Traynor again (mostly because Alix Wilton Reagan's voice is so... so.... very good and definitely doesn't send me into gay panic at all)
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sassylavellen · 2 years
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A portrait of me and characters from games I’ve played for YouTube/Twitch
Leliana - Dragon Age: Origins
Aloy - Horizon: Forbidden West
Cat - Stray
Sora - Kingdom Hearts
Nathan Drake - Uncharted
Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Luigi - (Mario Bros but specifically this is the one time I played as him in Death Road to Canada)
Peter Parker - Spider-Man PS4
Cal Kestis and BD-1 - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Jesse Faden - Control
Sonic - Sonic Adventure
Alix Shepard - Mass Effect
Princess Daisy - Mario Bros
Sophie Douglas - The Sims 4
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
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(Am I crazy doing this? Yes I am. Definitely)
So I will make a comparision on how the character sounds like from their voice claim and how he would sound like if I used their face claim as voice claim.
Archer Hawke / Female Archer - Nicholas Boulton - Christina Rosato / Colin O’Donoghue - Katie McGrath Cyrion Hawke - Thor Edgell / Jason Momoa Dreag Hawke - James A. Woods / Tom Riley Lia Tabris - Susannah Fielding / Katherine McNamara Than Mahariel - Mark Bazeley / James McAvoy Sethius Amladaris - David Sterne / Robert Carlisle Elgan Lavellan - Alix Wilton Regan / Eleanor Tomlinson Diran Lavellan - Michael Yurchak / Nicole Beharie Hjarrandr O Bearhold - Jamieson Price / Timothy Onmundson Lucius Veridio - Stephen Beckett / Tom Ellis Etienne DeLechanger - Nolan North / Aidan Gillen Nicolas Belmond - Michael Antonakos / Pedro Pascal Malcolm Hawke - Nicholas Boulton / Oded Fehr Tomey Surana - Laura Bailey / Isabel Lucas Lyon Amell - Robin Atkin Downes / Michiel Huisman Solona Amell - Kate Kennedy / Jessica De Gouw Talar Adaar - John Curry / Howard Charles Jarida Adaar - Sumalee Monato / Gugu Mbatha Raw Jerker - Andrew Greenough / Michael Fassbender Kieran - Dan Jeanotte / Bob Morley Eric Vanhallen - Paul Amos / Henry Cavill Ishal Cyprias - Dan Donohue / Sam Claflin Lorenzo Calcagnini - Keith Silverstein / Ken Watanabe Armadiel Mahariel - Michael Gough / Luke Pasqualino Fergus Cousland - Shaun Dingwall / Liam Garrigan Irius Sparatus - Alastair Duncan / Jeffrey Dean Morgan Karnesh - Rory McCann / Hugh Laurie Clavius Tarxis - Sean Browning / Benedict Cumberbatch Renius Sparatus - Charles Dance / Oscar Isaac Torana Sparatus - Claudia Black / Aja Naomi King Jurdon Madadh - Steven Hartley / Travis Fimmel Ganar Drealav - Anthony Skordi / Rory McCann Raik Cagar - Denise Gough / Lupita Nyong’o Haral Nyras - Antohny Howell / Andrew Lincoln Oswin Shepard - Jennifer Hale / Chyler Leigh Noah Shepard - Mark Meer / Karl Urban Maron Hinom - Antonia Bernath / Iwan Rheon Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay - Eve Myles / Ksenia Solo Lorik Qui’in - Peter Jessop / David Giuntoli Marius Nyras - Craig Sechler / JR Bourne Andrew Ryder - Tom Taylorson / Dominic Sherwood Tayus Draxas - Michael Maloney / Jude Law Tachyus Nyras - Paul Thornley / Torrance Coombs Macen Barro - Daniel Riordan / Richard Armitage Yaora V’Loar - Moira Quirk / Astrid Berges Frisbey SAM - Alexia Traverse-Hailey / Will Tudor Yandra Nyras - Elle Newlands / Alexandra Daddario Quentius Zuris - Steve Pirot / Hugh Dancy Urdnot Wreav - Jim Cummings / Joe Manganiello Adrien Victus - Daniel Riordan / Hugh Jackman Sidoria Arterius - Bianna White / Saoirse Ronan Steven Hackett - Lance Henriksen / Donald Sutherland Septimus Oraka - Fred Tatasciore / Chiwetel Eijofor Iorveth - Mark Frost / Bryan Dechart Moony / Reaper Form - Claudia Ann Christian / Paul Nakauchi / Erza Scarlet Danny Fernandez - Roger Craig Smith / Keanu Reeves Belle Instance - Myanna Buring / Famke Janssen Pamina Siemens - Courtney Hope / Kaya Scodelario Fenrir Greyback - Christopher Judge / Tom Hardy Amelia Fernandez - Britt Baron / Jennifer Connelly Sharleen Siemens - Eiry Hughes / Olivia Wilde Eleasar Cohen - Peter Egan / William Fichtner Connor Montgomery / French Connor - Jim Pirri / Arnaud Leonard / Julian McMahon Ben Chaplin - Brent Skagford / Dylan O’Brien Vortula Portocalos - Melissanthi Mahut / Eva Green Lesley Woodstock - Erica Lindbeck / Vanessa Hudgens Carlisle Eastwood - Anthony Byrne / Aaron Johnson Lewis Watson - Noah Watts / Martin Freeman Deidre Mikealson - Zora Bishop / Lucy Griffiths Daniel Speedman - Oliver Milburn / Daniel Craig Richard Holmes - Steven Piovesan / Robert Downey Jr Carolus - Ryan Alosio / Toby Stephens Yarntar Loreian - Jon Root / Lee Pace
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