#Allan Lloyd-smith
clovergrass00 · 1 year
American/Midwestern Gothic and Alice Isn’t Dead
(*I wrote the following essay for a college class in April 2023, but in doing so discovered to my disappointment that there wasn’t much writing on Alice Isn’t Dead! So I'd like to contribute this.)
Tracing the Gothic to New Mediums & Subgenres – a case for Alice Isn’t Dead
The Proposal:
“America has weird things in it. It has so many miles, so much space to put the weirdness in.” - Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 1: Chapter 10
One of the strengths of [this course*] is in how it traces gothic tropes from its historic roots to contemporary variations, like Parasite being called “Neo-Gothic” or Get Out “Post-Racial Gothic”: in doing so, the course argues for the relevance and importance of the genre’s history, lineage, and permutations, which also facilitates a discussion of what factors contribute to such differences. I propose tracing yet another modern branch of the genre to that of “American gothic,” or specifically “midwestern gothic,” which would enable a focus on how the gothic genre was adapted to address regional-specific settings, histories, and anxieties, such as the different facets of the American experience. Allan Lloyd-Smith writes in American Gothic Fiction: An Introduction about how the “frontier experience, with its inherent solitude and potential violence” especially shaped the midwestern iteration of American gothic; this framework still holds for modern stories confronting endless flatness, nowhere towns, the destructive force of capitalism on communities (4). The medium of audio drama also provides new ways to think about framing, point of view, and immersive storytelling.
Alice Isn’t Dead is an audio fiction podcast which follows a Black lesbian truck driver, Keisha, as she drives across America in search of her missing wife, Alice, whom she had long presumed dead. On her harrowing road trip, she deals with grief, anxiety, and depression, comments on aspects of American culture she encounters on his travels, and encounters supernatural phenomenon and larger conspiracies—such as regarding a group of dangerous creatures called the “Thistle Men,” a factory owner who ages a whole lifetime before her eyes, a day in which her straight drive passes through the same town over and over, and billboards that seem to speak to her directly, to name some examples from the first episodes.
The series, written by Joseph Fink and voice acted by Jasika Nicole, is composed of 30 episodes total of about 25 minutes each. The show’s format is that Keisha makes audio recordings on the road, either as a diary of her thoughts, speaking directly to Alice, recording live events, or recounting events after they happened.
(More) Key Terms:
The style often “intercuts” a longer, dramatic narrative of what has just happened to Keisha (more plot-focused sections) with shorter observations or memories she speaks aloud in the present (more thematic). Intercutting, or cross-cutting, is a narrative technique used in Alice Isn’t Dead to build tension by cutting between scenes with differing intensity levels or stakes, highlight connections between seemingly unrelated characters or events, or help maintain narrative momentum (Chen).
Liminal: “characterized by being on a boundary or threshold, esp. by being transitional or intermediate between two states, situations, etc.” (OED). We see liminality in Alice’s status between being “dead” and being “found,” in the road between towns, in the towns that themselves are only a bathroom stop on the way to the next destination, the destinations that themselves are only one of many stops.
Rationality and Irrationality: Although we also see Jonathan Harker’s attempts to rationalize events through his journals in Dracula, Lloyd-Smith writes in particular about the influence of Enlightenment era thinking on American literature in the idea of trying to rationalize the irrational, which is amplified by Keisha’s contemporary first-person narration in trying to comprehend the seemingly impossible things she witnesses (95). In episode 10, Keisha prefaces her story with: “I can’t drive while I tell this. Too much to say. I’m going to tell it all Alice. Even the parts you know. I’m going to describe the shape of the monster that is devouring me” (Fink).
Lloyd-Smith describes “frontier gothic” or “gothic nature” as “a terror of the land itself, its emptiness, its implacability; simply a sense of its vast, lonely, and possibly hostile space” (93). In the Part 1 finale, one of the Thistle Men says: “America. A country defined as much by distance as culture. America embraces its distances. Empty spaces and road trips, but there is always a price. We are that price. We are creatures of the road. We feed on distance, on road trips, on emptiness, bodies by the side of the highway” (Fink).
Uncanny refers to an unsettling kind of strange or mysterious, which is a perfect way to describe the revulsion one feels from the odd behavior of the Thistle Men, even without directly witnessing their acts of violence. “Every one of them was like the Thistle man. All of them. Loose skinned, odd movements…none of them spoke, although sometimes one would laugh, long and loud, and then return to monastic silence” (Fink). Getting at the German root of the word, “unheimlich,” Lloyd-Smith elaborates: “it can be understood as equivalent to the ‘domestic terror’ which so aptly describes much of the work of American Gothicists… The house, not the castle, becomes the site of trauma” (75). When Keisha temporarily gives up on her journey, overwhelmed by all she has been through, the Thistle Men follow her home and cause intense paranoia, which ultimately drives her to flee her house and take to the road again.
Works Cited
Chen, Jeff. “Intercut: Everything You Need to Know.” NFI, 14 Mar. 2021, https://www.nfi.edu/intercut/.
Fink, Joseph. Alice Isn’t Dead.
"liminal, adj." OED Online, Oxford University Press, March 2023, www.oed.com/view/Entry/108471. Accessed 19 April 2023.
Lloyd Smith, Allan. American Gothic Fiction: An Introduction. Continuum, 2004.
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horrorwomen · 1 month
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As Victor Sage and Allan Lloyd Smith suggest, ‘[t]he Gothic is the perfect anonymous language for the peculiar unwillingness of the past to go away.’ Such a quality perfectly fits the interactive medium and the survival horror genre, with its reliance on storytelling, yet problematic relationship with narrative’s temporal dimensions. The Silent Hill games are organized around a traumatic event which continues to poison the present, viscerally depicted through the dark and disturbing Otherworld.
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Lying comatose in Alchemilla Hospital basement following her mother’s attempt to destroy her, Alessa Gillespie transmits grotesque expressions of her torment. Twisted images of rusted wheelchairs, soiled mattresses, faceless doctors and nurses which populate the parallel universe Alessa generates suggest the terrible crime taking place years before the first game’s events.
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A sense of the past invading the present is central to Savoy’s analysis of tensions within American Gothic, expressing ‘the attraction and repulsion of a monstrous history, the desire to “know” the traumatic Real of American being and yet the flight from that unbearable and remote knowledge.’
Kirkland, Ewan. (2012). Gothic Videogames, Survival Horror, and the Silent Hill Series. Gothic Studies. 14. 106-122. 10.7227/GS.14.2.8.
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nem0c · 2 years
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Vietnam War - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, June 1968
Sourced from: http://natsmusic.net/articles_galaxy_magazine_viet_nam_war.htm
Transcript Below
We the undersigned believe the United States must remain in Vietnam to fulfill its responsibilities to the people of that country.
Karen K. Anderson, Poul Anderson, Harry Bates, Lloyd Biggle Jr., J. F. Bone, Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Mario Brand, R. Bretnor, Frederic Brown, Doris Pitkin Buck, William R. Burkett Jr., Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby, John W. Campbell, Louis Charbonneau, Hal Clement, Compton Crook, Hank Davis, L. Sprague de Camp, Charles V. de Vet, William B. Ellern, Richard H. Eney, T. R. Fehrenbach, R. C. FitzPatrick, Daniel F. Galouye, Raymond Z. Gallun, Robert M. Green Jr., Frances T. Hall, Edmond Hamilton, Robert A. Heinlein, Joe L. Hensley, Paul G. Herkart, Dean C. Ing, Jay Kay Klein, David A. Kyle, R. A. Lafferty, Robert J. Leman, C. C. MacApp, Robert Mason, D. M. Melton, Norman Metcalf, P. Schuyler Miller, Sam Moskowitz, John Myers Myers, Larry Niven, Alan Nourse, Stuart Palmer, Gerald W. Page, Rachel Cosgrove Payes, Lawrence A. Perkins, Jerry E. Pournelle, Joe Poyer, E. Hoffmann Price, George W. Price, Alva Rogers, Fred Saberhagen, George O. Smith, W. E. Sprague, G. Harry Stine (Lee Correy), Dwight V. Swain, Thomas Burnett Swann, Albert Teichner, Theodore L. Thomas, Rena M. Vale, Jack Vance, Harl Vincent, Don Walsh Jr., Robert Moore Williams, Jack Williamson, Rosco E. Wright, Karl Würf.
We oppose the participation of the United States in the war in Vietnam.
Forrest J. Ackerman, Isaac Asimov, Peter S. Beagle, Jerome Bixby, James Blish, Anthony Boucher, Lyle G. Boyd, Ray Bradbury, Jonathan Brand, Stuart J. Byrne, Terry Carr, Carroll J. Clem, Ed M. Clinton, Theodore R. Cogswell, Arthur Jean Cox, Allan Danzig, Jon DeCles, Miriam Allen deFord, Samuel R. Delany, Lester del Rey, Philip K. Dick, Thomas M. Disch, Sonya Dorman, Larry Eisenberg, Harlan Ellison, Carol Emshwiller, Philip José Farmer, David E. Fisher, Ron Goulart, Joseph Green, Jim Harmon, Harry Harrison, H. H. Hollis, J. Hunter Holly, James D. Houston, Edward Jesby, Leo P. Kelley, Daniel Keyes, Virginia Kidd, Damon Knight, Allen Lang, March Laumer, Ursula K. LeGuin, Fritz Leiber, Irwin Lewis, A. M. Lightner, Robert A. W. Lowndes, Katherine MacLean, Barry Malzberg, Robert E. Margroff, Anne Marple, Ardrey Marshall, Bruce McAllister, Judith Merril, Robert P. Mills, Howard L. Morris, Kris Neville, Alexei Panshin, Emil Petaja, J. R. Pierce, Arthur Porges, Mack Reynolds, Gene Roddenberry, Joanna Russ, James Sallis, William Sambrot, Hans Stefan Santesson, J. W. Schutz, Robin Scott, Larry T. Shaw, John Shepley, T. L. Sherred, Robert Silverberg, Henry Slesar, Jerry Sohl, Norman Spinrad, Margaret St. Clair, Jacob Transue, Thurlow Weed, Kate Wilhelm, Richard Wilson, Donald A. Wollheim.
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Forrest Frey - TheKarpa Jeyne Arryn - Espeon Alicent Hightower - Scar Baela Targaryen - Scar Benjicot Blackwood - Bloody Ben Alysanne Blackwood - Niña Indigo Aemond Targaryen - Phantom Jacaerys Velaryon - Simba Tyland Lannister - Simba Aegon Targaryen - Grey Daemon Targaryen - CanciónNoEsTwitter Kermit Tully - CanciónNoEsTwitter Otto Hightower - Loyalty Elmo Tully - Muppet Jason Lannister - Narciso Rhaena Targaryen - PanConMermelada Brandon Stark - DeusVult Cregan Stark - Lobo Dalton Greyjoy - StrongBoi Floris Baratheon - Maple Helaena Targaryen - Sargent Maris Baratheon - Alyanna Coryanne Martell - Halo Aliandra Martell - Exel Rhaenys Targaryen - Meleys Lucerys Velaryon - SoloOtroRolero Daeron Targaryen - EtherealStar Steffon Connington - EtherealStar Cassandra Baratheon - Medialunita Ormund Hightower - Gerris William Royce - Gerris Borros Baratheon - Arctic Rhaenyra Targaryen - Yuna Sara Nieve - borealnyx Criston Cole - Harlan Hunter Joffrey Velaryon - Ardillaloca Qyle Martell - borealnyx Sabitha Vypren - Alesbosamente Garlan Tyrell - Enoee Margaery Tyrell - Bear Desmond Manderly - StrongBoi Benjen Stark - Showstopper Byron Swann - Muppet Erwin Lannister - CojoHermoso Qoren Martell - Caraxes Martyn Tyrell - LaRosa Corlys Velaryon - Elquenollegó Oscar Tully - Espada Cerelle Lannister - Briska Tyshara Lannister - Edith Finch Royce Caron - elViejoTio Jeyne Bulwer - Faith
Karstark - Niña Indigo Mormont - Bear Peake - StrongBoi Dalt - VhagarNoo Redwyne - Briska Yronwood - MagicRules Celtigar - Exel Umber - Ishadriel Darklyn - Señor de la Plaga Rowan - Edith Finch Vance - Harlan Hunter Dondarrion - CojoHermoso Tarth - Misifú María Eugenia Dayne - Medialunita Farman - TheQueen Lannister de Lannisport - Pandora Bolton - Bolifacio Reyne - Elquenollegó Mooton - Bruma Oakheart - Rae Rogare* - Amanda Tarly - Phantom Ambrose - Hécate Fell - Lilacandviolet Drumm - Neurona Florent - Midnight Mallister - Woodswood Estermont - Halo Ashford - Bluemoon Largent* - PocholoTargaryen Mertyns - Norteña Wylde - TheKarpa Plumm - UnViserysPlumm Cerwyn - Freya Harte - Ponyo Farwynd - Gyda Reed - Roilys
Adam Driver - TheKarpa Katie McGrath - Espeon Skandar Keynes - bloody ben Emma Appleton - Niña Indigo Ewan Mitchell - Phantom Thimothée Chalamet - Simba Ben Barnes - Grey Tom Glynn-Carney - Grey Adelaide Kane - Scar Olivia Cooke - Scar Matt Smith - CanciónNoEsTwitter Cameron Monaghan- CanciónNoEsTwitter Elissa Bibaud- Bear Morgan freeman - Suco Rhys Ifans - Loyalty Michael Fassbender - Muppet Nick Slater - narciso Alex Hogh Andersen - DeusVult Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Lobo Leo Suter - StrongBoi Santiago Cabrera - VhagarNoo Charlie Vickens - VhagarNoo Kylie Bunbury - VhagarNoo Elle Fanning - Sargent Marta Gastini - Alyanna Morfydd Clark - Magic Rules Natalie Dormer - MagicRules Kaia Gerber - Halo Bruna Marquezin - Woodswood Jordan Patrick Smith - Ishadriel Sophie Turner - Edith Finch Jodie Comer - Edith Finch Hugh Jackman - Harlan Hunter Christian Bale - Harlan Hunter Chris Hemsworth - CojoHermoso Elliot Grihoult - SoloOtroRolero Dominik Sadoch - EtherealStar Alex Storm - EtherealStar Harry Lloyd - Fatbelly Tom Hiddleston - Fatbelly Sai Bennet - Rae Sadie Sink - Vma Jessica Chastain - Misifú María Eugenia Blance Soler - Medialunita Alexandra Daddario - Pandora Nicholas Galitzine - Bolifacio Thea Sofie Loch Næss - Bolifacio Jeanne Goursaud - Bolifacio Emilia Clarke - Dracarys Engin Ozturk- Apolo Charlie Hunnam - CojoHermoso Henry Cavill - Lilacandviolet Katheryn Winnick - Eris Millie Brady - Remedios Jonathan Rhys Meyer - Elquenollegó Kaya Scodelario - TheQueen Alexander Dreymon - Pandemonium Dayana Crunk - Brienne Anton Closmain - Ardillaloca Freya Allan - TheQueen Anya Chalotra - Niña Indigo Dove Cameron - Bruma Elizabeht Debicki - Amanda Luke Evans - PocholoTargaryen Lily James - Rae Daria Milk - Bear Tom Hardy - Phantom Eva Green - Carmilla Vanja Jagnic - Misifú María Eugenia Florence Pugh - Hécate Farah Zeynep Abdullah - TresPerlas Bradley James - Ishadriel Victoria Justice - Exel Peyton List - Exel Jannis Niewöhner - Showstopper Anne Hathaway - Ponyo Lucky Blue Smith - Mushroom Jarred Blakiston - Mushroom Lea Seydoux - Mushroom Matteo Martari - DeusVult Harry Gilby - DeusVult David Gandy - Caraxes Sam Heughan - Caraxes Michiel Huisman - Caraxes Zach McGowan - Neurona Clive Standen - ReyBuitre Meryem Uzerli - Midnight William Moseley - CojoHermoso Eve Best - Meleys Theo James - Bluemoon Alice Pagani - Halo Alexander Ludwing - Bluemoon Jason Isaacs - Elquenollegó Deva Cassel - Halo Karl Urban - TheKarpa Vika Bronova - Maple Jensen Ackles - Harlan Hunter Kennedy Walsh - PanConMermelada Sean Harris - PocholoTargaryen Alexandra Dowling - Norteña Leele Sonosekisk - Norteña Ruby Hartley - Norteña Mads Mikkelsen - TheKarpa Ruairi O'Connor* - Espada Scarlett Johansson - Wendy Travis Fimmel - Argon Hayden Christensen - UnViserysPlumm Frida Gustavsson - Freya Katya Miro - Medialunita Alina KovalenkoFreya Lili Johanson - Briska Katya Chertykova - Briska Angelina Michelle - Briska Anastasia Tsilimpiou - Edith Finch Abigail Cowen - Colorada Graham McTavish - elViejoTio Imogen Potts - Gyda Daneil Sharman - Roilys George Blagden - Roilys Felicity Jones - Faith Daisy Ridley - Magic Rules
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Veteran catcher Crash Davis is brought to the minor league Durham Bulls to help their up and coming pitching prospect, “Nuke” Laloosh. Their relationship gets off to a rocky start and is further complicated when baseball groupie Annie Savoy sets her sights on the two men. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Crash Davis: Kevin Costner Annie Savoy: Susan Sarandon Ebby Calvin ‘Nuke’ LaLoosh: Tim Robbins Skip: Trey Wilson Larry: Robert Wuhl Jimmy: William O’Leary Bobby: David Neidorf Deke: Danny Gans Tony: Tom Silardi Millie: Jenny Robertson Jose: Rick Marzan Nuke’s Father: George Buck Mickey: Lloyd T. Williams Self: Max Patkin Doc: Gregory Avellone Teddy (Radio Announcer): Garland Bunting Whitey: Robert Dickman Ed: Timothy Kirk Scared Batter: Don Davis Umpire: Stephen Ware Bat Boy: Tobi Eshelman Mayor: C.K. Bibby Sandy: Henry G. Sanders Ballpark Announcer: Antoinette Forsyth Cocktail Waitress: Shirley Anne Ritter Minister: Pete Bock Chu Chu: Alan Mejia Core Baseball Player: Sid Aikens Core Baseball Player: Craig Brown Core Baseball Player: Wes Currin Core Baseball Player: Butch Davis Core Baseball Player: Paul Devlin Core Baseball Player: Jeff Greene Core Baseball Player: Kelly Heath Core Baseball Player: Mo Johnson Core Baseball Player: Tim Kirk Core Baseball Player: Todd Kopeznski Core Baseball Player: John Lovingood Core Baseball Player: Eddie Matthews Core Baseball Player: Alan Paternoster Core Baseball Player: Bill Robinson Core Baseball Player: Dean Robinson Core Baseball Player: Tom Schultz Core Baseball Player: Sam Veraldi Core Baseball Player: ElChico Williams Film Crew: Editor: Adam Weiss Producer: Thom Mount Set Decoration: Kris Boxell Writer: Ron Shelton Executive Producer: David V. Lester Editor: Robert Leighton Original Music Composer: Michael Convertino Costume Design: Louise Frogley Producer: Mark Burg Casting: Bonnie Timmermann Production Design: Armin Ganz Art Direction: David Lubin Director of Photography: Bobby Byrne Stunt Coordinator: Webster Whinery Construction Coordinator: Jim Hill Makeup Artist: Cynthia Barr Music Supervisor: Danny Bramson Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Bob Minkler Sound Recordist: Steven B. Cohen Script Supervisor: Karen Golden Camera Operator: Richard Craig Meinardus Foley Artist: Paul Holzborn Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Thirlwell First Assistant Camera: Robert Allan Guernsey Additional Photography: Charles Minsky Gaffer: John Ferguson Supervising Sound Editor: Larry Kemp Camera Operator: Eric Engler Sound Recordist: Larry Boudry Still Photographer: Joel David Warren Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert W. Glass Jr. Hairstylist: Leslie Ann Anderson Costume Supervisor: Deborah Latham Scenic Artist: John A. Kelly Music Editor: Ellen Segal Supervising Sound Editor: Lon Bender Title Designer: Dan Perri Poem: Walt Whitman Associate Producer: Charles Hirschhorn First Assistant Director: Ric Kidney Second Assistant Director: Nina K. Noble Key Dresser: Dwain Wilson Set Dresser: Polar Bear Shaw Set Dresser: Kim McClees Set Dresser: Robert Beck Set Dresser: Ron Servicky Second Assistant Camera: Perry Adleman Costumer: Alonzo Wilson Costumer: Robin Hill Seamstress: Selma F. Hill Assistant Makeup Artist: Doreen Van Tyne Assistant Editor: Steven Nevius Assistant Editor: Margaret Goodspeed Assistant Editor: Celeste Beard Production Coordinator: Janice F. Sperling Second Second Assistant Director: Donald J. Lee Jr. Sound Mixer: Kirk Francis Boom Operator: Mychal D. Smith Special Effects Technician: Vern Hyde Special Effects Technician: Jeff Hyde Local Casting: Karen Standard Sound Recordist: Michael Boudry Sound Editor: Neal Burger Sound Editor: Kevin Hearst Sound Editor: Lou Kleinman Sound Editor: Dan M. Rich Sound Editor: Jeff Watts Sound Editor: Lorna Anderson Sound Editor: Wylie Stateman ADR Supervisor: Devon Heffley Curry ADR Editor: Stan Gilbert ADR Editor: Frank Smathers Assistant Sound Editor: William Dotson Assistant Sound Editor: Scott Warner Foley Recordist: David W. Alstadter Foley Recordist: Steve Cohen ADR Mixer: Alan Holly Foley Mixer: Richard L. Morrison Foley Mixer:...
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westeroslive · 3 months
hello, may i reserve the prince of summerhall for REDACTED FOR MUN PRIVACY and also get some fc suggestions? <3
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absolutely  honeybee!  jannik   schümann,   dominic   sherwood,   jeremy   allan   white,   jamie   campbell   bower,   austin   butler,   matt   smith,   luke   thompson,   josh   o'connor,   mike   faist,   boyd   holbrook,   max   lloyd   jones,   freddie   fox,   jack   lowden,   johnny   flynn,   josh   dylan,   max   parker,   alvaro   cervantes,   sam   claflin,   brandon  sklenar,   glen   powell
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rose-tinted-juls · 3 years
juliana's fav tv shows updated: 26.07.2021.
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la casa de papel / money heist (2017-) nationality: spanish created by: álex pina main actors: úrsula corberó, álvaro morte, itziar ituño, pedro alonso, miguel herrán, jaime lorente, esther acebo, alba flores short summary (imdb): "an unusual group of robbers attempt to carry out the most perfect robbery in spanish history - stealing 2.4 billion euros from the royal mint of spain." seasons: 4 - (season 5 is coming in september + december 2021) why i love it (in a few words): it's thrilling, all the characters are perfectly written, i love listening to spanish speech, the actors are awesome, SO INCREDIBLE PLOT, uncountable twists, i got attached so fast, i binge watched it, it never feels forced
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band of brothers (2001) nationality: american created by: tom hanks, steven spielberg main actors: damian lewis, ron livingston, ross mccall, rick gomez, james madio, kirk acevedo, neal mcdonough, scott grimes, dexter fletcher, donnie wahlberg short summary (imdb): "the story of easy company of the u.s. army 101st airborne division, and their mission in world war ii europe, from operation overlord, through v-j day." - based on the book band of brothers by stephen e. ambrose seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): it's ww2 and i'm a huge ww2 enthusiast, i love hbo war, it shows the good and the bad, we follow the whole journey of these soldiers and it's amazing, the actors are absolutely incredible, their friendships are 100/10, the cinematography is beautiful, it's based on a true story
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downton abbey (2010-) nationality: english created by: julian fellowes main actors: hugh bonneville, maggie smith, michelle dockery, dan stevens, robert james-collier, allen leech, penelope wilton, matthew goode, lily james short summary (imdb): "a chronicle of the lives of the british aristocratic crawley family and their servants in the early twentieth century." seasons: 6 + 1 movie (the second movie comes in december 2021) why i love it (in a few words): it has phenomenal actors, the plot is exciting-thrilling, there are twists you don't expect, so many love stories and i love them, fantastic characters, it's often so funny i can't stop laughing, dame maggie smith and her performance as the dowager is just incredible and i love her, costumes on point, tom branson o.o
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broadchurch (2013-2017) nationality: british created by: chris chibnall main actors: david tennant, olivia colman, jodie whittaker, arthur darvill short summary (imdb): "the murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart." seasons: 3 why i love it (in a few words): david tennant, his scottish accent i can't-, olivia colman, their duo oh my god these two together are something extraordinary, it's such a thrilling show wow, SO MANY PLOT TWISTS, cinematography is phenomenal and gorgeous, it's so funny at times oh lord (especially david), it's impossible to stop watching
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the pacific (2010) nationality: american created by: tom hanks, steven spielberg main actors: joe mazzello, jon seda, james badge dale, rami malek, ashton holmes short summary (imdb): "the pacific theatre of world war ii, as seen through the eyes of several young marines." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): hbo war, it's ww2 and i'm such an enthusiast of it, joe mazzello is incredible oh my, it's a bit graphic (for some people it's too graphic and i can see why) but i love it, it makes you feel you're there fighting and like wow, actually all the actors are amazing in it, we see three different story lines so we get to know different aspects of the whole thing
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the crown (2016-) nationality: british created by: peter morgan main actors: claire foy, matt smith, olivia colman, tobias menzies, vanessa kirby, helena bonham carter, josh o'connor, emma corrin short summary (imdb): "follows the political rivalries and romance of queen elizabeth ii's reign and the events that shaped the second half of the twentieth century." seasons: 4 - (season 5 and 6 are in the making) why i love it (in a few words): i've always been interested in queen elizabeth's life, this is a look inside the royal family that you don't often have, the actors are SO AMAZING, honestly sometimes it's so funny and then the next minute it's heartbreaking, it teaches me more about them than anything else, i guess it gives you their point of view so you can understand them a lil bit better, as a child i loved the british royal family so baby me is happy inside when i watch it
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the falcon and the winter soldier (2021) nationality: american created by: malcolm spellman - stan lee main actors: anthony mackie, sebastian stan, wyatt russell, daniel brühl short summary (imdb): "following the events of 'avengers: endgame', sam wilson / falcon and bucky barnes / winter soldier team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities - and their patience." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): i'm a huge marvel fan, my fav characters are sam and bucky, SEBASTIAN STAN, it's funny (honestly which marvel movie/series isn't?), the cinematography is gorgeous, the plot is great, fight scenes on point
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biohackers (2020-) nationality: german created by: christian ditter main actors: luna wedler, jessica schwarz, adrian julius tillmann short summary (imdb): "a fast-paced thriller following medical student mia akerlund who discovers the use of highly advanced biohacking technology in her university town." seasons: 2 why i love it (in a few words): exciting, plays in a city i know, plot twists, the cinematography is amazing, a beautiful show honestly, the plot is interesting and one of a kind imo, the actors are pretty great
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the mandalorian (2019-) nationality: american created by: jon favreau main actors: pedro pascal short summary (imdb): "the travels of a lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the new republic." seasons: 2 - (season 3 is coming) why i love it (in a few words): i love star wars and the star wars universe, pedro pascal is amazing, honestly i fell in love with pedro just by his voice literally without even knowing his face, BABY YODA, the character development, exciting plot, pretty awesome fight scenes, great actors
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the queen's gambit (2020) nationality: american created by: scott frank, allan scott main actors: anya taylor joy, thomas brodie-sangster, harry melling, jacob fortune-lloyd short summary (imdb): "orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert beth harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s usa. but child stardom comes at a price." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): cinematography is beautiful, anya taylor joy is gorgeous, and she's such a talent oh my, i love chess, the plot, TBS is in it, it's a show you can't not binge watch it just pulls you in
( +1 )
peaky blinders (2013-) nationality: british created by: steven knight main actors: cillian murphy, paul anderson, helen mccrory, joe cole, finn cole short summary (imdb): "a gangster family epic set in 1900s england, centering on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss tommy shelby." seasons: 5 - (season 6 is coming) why i love it (in a few words): i love mob stuff in general, so amazing actors oh my, cillian murphy, helen mccrory, it's so dark i love it, plot plot plot, the soundtrack is phenomenal (especially when it's arctic monkeys shhh), it's british (yay)
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The National Garden should be composed of statues, including statues of Ansel Adams, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Muhammad Ali, Luis Walter Alvarez, Susan B. Anthony, Hannah Arendt, Louis Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, Crispus Attucks, John James Audubon, Lauren Bacall, Clara Barton, Todd Beamer, Alexander Graham Bell, Roy Benavidez, Ingrid Bergman, Irving Berlin, Humphrey Bogart, Daniel Boone, Norman Borlaug, William Bradford, Herb Brooks, Kobe Bryant, William F. Buckley, Jr., Sitting Bull, Frank Capra, Andrew Carnegie, Charles Carroll, John Carroll, George Washington Carver, Johnny Cash, Joshua Chamberlain, Whittaker Chambers, Johnny “Appleseed” Chapman, Ray Charles, Julia Child, Gordon Chung-Hoon, William Clark, Henry Clay, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Roberto Clemente, Grover Cleveland, Red Cloud, William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody, Nat King Cole, Samuel Colt, Christopher Columbus, Calvin Coolidge, James Fenimore Cooper, Davy Crockett, Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., Miles Davis, Dorothy Day, Joseph H. De Castro, Emily Dickinson, Walt Disney, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Jimmy Doolittle, Desmond Doss, Frederick Douglass, Herbert Henry Dow, Katharine Drexel, Peter Drucker, Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison, Jonathan Edwards, Albert Einstein, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Duke Ellington, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Medgar Evers, David Farragut, the Marquis de La Fayette, Mary Fields, Henry Ford, George Fox, Aretha Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Milton Friedman, Robert Frost, Gabby Gabreski, Bernardo de Gálvez, Lou Gehrig, Theodor Seuss Geisel, Cass Gilbert, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Glenn, Barry Goldwater, Samuel Gompers, Alexander Goode, Carl Gorman, Billy Graham, Ulysses S. Grant, Nellie Gray, Nathanael Greene, Woody Guthrie, Nathan Hale, William Frederick “Bull” Halsey, Jr., Alexander Hamilton, Ira Hayes, Hans Christian Heg, Ernest Hemingway, Patrick Henry, Charlton Heston, Alfred Hitchcock, Billie Holiday, Bob Hope, Johns Hopkins, Grace Hopper, Sam Houston, Whitney Houston, Julia Ward Howe, Edwin Hubble, Daniel Inouye, Andrew Jackson, Robert H. Jackson, Mary Jackson, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, Katherine Johnson, Barbara Jordan, Chief Joseph, Elia Kazan, Helen Keller, John F. Kennedy, Francis Scott Key, Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King, Jr., Russell Kirk, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Henry Knox, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Harper Lee, Pierre Charles L’Enfant, Meriwether Lewis, Abraham Lincoln, Vince Lombardi, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Clare Boothe Luce, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, George Marshall, Thurgood Marshall, William Mayo, Christa McAuliffe, William McKinley, Louise McManus, Herman Melville, Thomas Merton, George P. Mitchell, Maria Mitchell, William “Billy” Mitchell, Samuel Morse, Lucretia Mott, John Muir, Audie Murphy, Edward Murrow, John Neumann, Annie Oakley, Jesse Owens, Rosa Parks, George S. Patton, Jr., Charles Willson Peale, William Penn, Oliver Hazard Perry, John J. Pershing, Edgar Allan Poe, Clark Poling, John Russell Pope, Elvis Presley, Jeannette Rankin, Ronald Reagan, Walter Reed, William Rehnquist, Paul Revere, Henry Hobson Richardson, Hyman Rickover, Sally Ride, Matthew Ridgway, Jackie Robinson, Norman Rockwell, Caesar Rodney, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Betsy Ross, Babe Ruth, Sacagawea, Jonas Salk, John Singer Sargent, Antonin Scalia, Norman Schwarzkopf, Junípero Serra, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Robert Gould Shaw, Fulton Sheen, Alan Shepard, Frank Sinatra, Margaret Chase Smith, Bessie Smith, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jimmy Stewart, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gilbert Stuart, Anne Sullivan, William Howard Taft, Maria Tallchief, Maxwell Taylor, Tecumseh, Kateri Tekakwitha, Shirley Temple, Nikola Tesla, Jefferson Thomas, Henry David Thoreau, Jim Thorpe, Augustus Tolton, Alex Trebek, Harry S. Truman, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Dorothy Vaughan, C. T. Vivian, John von Neumann, Thomas Ustick Walter, Sam Walton, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, John Washington, John Wayne, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Phillis Wheatley, Walt Whitman, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Roger Williams, John Winthrop, Frank Lloyd Wright, Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright, Alvin C. York, Cy Young, and Lorenzo de Zavala.”
donald trump ki kicsodája az amerikai történelemben
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Short Story Collections: Horror edition
In the Shadow of Frankenstein: Tales of the Modern Prometheus by Stephen Jones, Neil Gaiman
Frankenstein... His very name conjures up images of plundered graves, secret laboratories, electrical experiments, and reviving the dead.
Within these pages, the maddest doctor of them all and his demented disciples once again delve into the Secrets of Life, as science fiction meets horror when the world's most famous creature lives again.
Here are collected together for the first time twenty-four electrifying tales of cursed creation that are guaranteed to spark your interest—with classics from the pulp magazines by Robert Bloch and Manly Wade Wellman, modern masterpieces from Ramsey Campbell, Dennis Etchison, Karl Edward Wagner, David J. Schow, and R. Chetwynd-Hayes, and new contributions from Graham Masterton, Basil Copper, John Brunner, Guy N. Smith, Kim Newman, Paul J. McAuley, Roberta Lannes, Michael Marshall Smith, Daniel Fox, Adrian Cole, Nancy Kilpatrick, Brian Mooney and Lisa Morton.
Plus, you're sure to get a charge from three complete novels: The Hound of Frankenstein by Peter Tremayne, The Dead End by David Case, and Mary W. Shelley's original masterpiece Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.
As an electrical storm rages overhead, the generators are charged up, and beneath the sheet a cold form awaits its miraculous rebirth. Now it's time to throw that switch and discover all that Man Was Never Meant to Know.
She Said Destroy by Nadia Bulkin
A dictator craves love--and horrifying sacrifice--from his subjects; a mother raised in a decaying warren fights to reclaim her stolen daughter; a ghost haunts a luxury hotel in a bloodstained land; a new babysitter uncovers a family curse; a final girl confronts a broken-winged monster... Word Horde presents the debut collection from critically-acclaimed Weird Fiction author Nadia Bulkin. Dreamlike, poignant, and unabashedly socio-political, She Said Destroy includes three stories nominated for the Shirley Jackson Award, four included in Year's Best anthologies, and one original tale, with an Introduction by Paul Tremblay.
His Hideous Heart by Dahlia Adler, Kendare Blake, Rin Chupeco, Lamar Giles, Tessa Gratton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Stephanie Kuehn, Amanda Lovelace, Marieke Nijkamp, Emily Lloyd-Jones, Hillary Monahan, Caleb Roehrig, Fran Wilde
Thirteen of YA’s most celebrated names reimagine Edgar Allan Poe’s most surprising, unsettling, and popular tales for a new generation.
Edgar Allan Poe may be a hundred and fifty years beyond this world, but the themes of his beloved works have much in common with modern young adult fiction. Whether the stories are familiar to readers or discovered for the first time, readers will revel in Edgar Allan Poe’s classic tales, and how they’ve been brought to life in 13 unique and unforgettable ways.
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror by Joyce Carol Oates
From one of our most important contemporary writers, The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror is a bold, haunting collection of six stories.
In the title story, a young boy becomes obsessed with his cousin’s doll after she tragically passes away from leukemia. As he grows older, he begins to collect “found dolls” from the surrounding neighborhoods and stores his treasures in the abandoned carriage house on his family's estate. But just what kind of dolls are they? In “Gun Accident,” a teenage girl is thrilled when her favorite teacher asks her to house-sit, even on short notice. But when an intruder forces his way into the house while the girl is there, the fate of more than one life is changed forever. In “Equatorial,” set in the exotic Galapagos, an affluent American wife experiences disorienting assaults upon her sense of who her charismatic husband really is, and what his plans may be for her.
In The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror, Joyce Carol Oates evokes the “fascination of the abomination” that is at the core of the most profound, the most unsettling, and the most memorable of dark mystery fiction.
Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King
"I believe there is another man inside every man, a stranger..." writes Wilfred Leland James in the early pages of the riveting confession that makes up "1922." the first in this pitch-black quartet of mesmerizing tales from Stephen King. For James, that stranger is awakened when his wife, Arlette, proposes selling off the family homestead and moving to Omaha, setting in motion a gruesome train of murder and madness.
In "Big Driver," a cozy-mystery writer named Tess encounters the stranger along a back road in Massachusetts when she takes a shortcut home after a book-club engagement. Violated and left for dead, Tess plots a revenge that will bring her face-to-face with another stranger: the one inside herself.
"Fair Extension," the shortest of these tales, is perhaps the nastiest and certainly the funniest. Making a deal with the devil not only saves Dave Streeter from a fatal cancer but provides rich recompense for a lifetime of resentment.
When her husband of more than twenty years is away on one of his business trips, Darcy Anderson looks for batteries in the garage. Her toe knocks up against a box under a worktable and she discovers the stranger inside her husband. It's a horrifying discovery, rendered with bristling intensity, and it definitely ends a good marriage.
Like Different Seasons and Four Past Midnight, which generated such enduring films as The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me, Full Dark, No Stars proves Stephen King a master of the long story form.
The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories by Jeff VanderMeer, Ann VanderMeer, George R.R. Martin, Bob Leman, Haruki Murakami, Mervyn Peake, Michael Chabon, Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, Franz Kafka, Stephen King, Kelly Link
From Lovecraft to Borges to Gaiman, a century of intrepid literary experimentation has created a corpus of dark and strange stories that transcend all known genre boundaries. Together these stories form The Weird, and its practitioners include some of the greatest names in twentieth and twenty-first century literature.
Exotic and esoteric, The Weird plunges you into dark domains and brings you face to face with surreal monstrosities. You won't find any elves or wizards here...but you will find the biggest, boldest, and downright most peculiar stories from the last hundred years bound together in the biggest Weird collection ever assembled. The Weird features 110 stories by an all-star cast, from literary legends to international bestsellers to Booker Prize winners: including William Gibson, George R. R. Martin, Stephen King, Angela Carter, Kelly Link, Franz Kafka, China Miéville, Clive Barker, Haruki Murakami, M. R. James, Neil Gaiman, Mervyn Peake, and Michael Chabon.
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strasticsocial-blog · 5 years
The 5 best midcentury modern homes for sale right now
In our House of the Day column, we cover a plethora of gorgeous homes, from elegant Gilded Age mansions to show-stopping new builds. But time and time again, some of our favorite homes for sale are of the midcentury variety.
They range in style and authenticity; some homes built in the 1950s and 1960s have been tastefully updated, while others are time capsules for the midcentury purist. We also write about midcentury modern homes from around the country—not just in ultra-hip epicenters like Palm Springs—and at all price points. Whether you’re on the hunt for a new pad or just like to window shop, here are five swoon-worthy midcentury homes on the market to check out right now.
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Guests are welcomed to the Sarasota School home through an interior courtyard with pond. Photo by Glenn Johnson of Coastal Photography
Restored midcentury gem near the beach
Price: $1,695,000
Details: One of the latest Sarasota School houses to catch our eye is this three-bedroom, three-bath home in Sandy Hook, a private beachfront neighborhood on the island of Siesta Key. Siesta Key is packed with gorgeous midcentury architecture by Paul Rudolph, Victor Lundy, and Frank Folsom Smith, but this 2,550-square-foot home was designed by Siebert Architects—Sarasota’s oldest architecture firm.
The 1962 home has all the midcentury details we love, like long horizontal lines, glass walls, clerestory windows, and terrazzo floors. A covered interior courtyard features a pond, skylights, and a large dining table for entertaining, and exposed beams throughout the house contrast with the bright, airy windows. See more, over here.
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Designed and built in 1965 by architect Allan Gelbin, the home follows Frank Lloyd Wright’s theories on organic architecture. Photos by Austin Eterno
A Connecticut home by a Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice
Price: $625,000
Details: This five-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath home in Weston, Connecticut, was designed and built in 1965 by architect Allan Gelbin. Gelbin was an apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin East in Spring Green, Wisconsin, from 1949 to 1953, before establishing his own practice in 1957 in Connecticut.
The focal point of the design is an expansive living room and dining room that features a stone fireplace. Clerestory windows let in light, while wooden ceiling panels and built-in bookshelves add coziness. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows showcase a wraparound deck and views of the 2.25-acre property, and the master suite also offers panoramic views and access to a terrace. You can see more photos, this way.
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The A-frame style living room features walls of glass, a fireplace, exposed beams, and amazing ocean views. Photo by Marc Weisberg
Oceanfront home by Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice
Price: $14,900,000
Details: Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice Frederick Liebhardt in 1958, this four-bedroom, eight-bath oceanfront home is located above Windansea beach, an iconic surf spot made famous in the 1960s in Tom Wolfe’s nonfiction collection The Pump House Gang.
Liebhardt designed the home as a personal residence for his mother, and the house has seen two subsequent renovations—one remodel by midcentury modern architect Henry Hester and a more recent one by Hill Construction and NYC designer Eddie Lee. The house is now 6,338 square feet with a stunning A-frame living room. Huge walls of glass provide unobstructed ocean views, and the way the home is situated on its one acre lot means that you can’t see your neighbors. Find more photos, over here.
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This Swiss Miss home in Pennsylvania was designed in 1958 by noted midcentury architect Jules Gregory. Michael Hirsch for Kurfiss Sotheby’s International Realty
Dazzling A-frame in Pennsylvania
Price: $3,495,000
Details: Midcentury modern homes might be known for their butterfly roofs, but the style also popularized the Swiss Miss A-frame. And while you might expect A-frames in mountain towns or midcentury hotbeds like California, check out this three-bedroom, four-bath home in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Built in 1958 by noted midcentury architect Jules Gregory, the low-lying home is bifurcated by a steep, dramatic A-frame roof that rises straight from the ground.
Inside, the A-frame creates a dramatic double-height living room with floor-to-ceiling windows that look out onto the 1.42-acre property. Recent renovations brought a more contemporary feel to the space; gloss-black hardwood floors contrast with white walls, beams, and counters. Other perks include a 16-foot kitchen island, large closets, and a rear patio with bar, BBQ, fire pit, and pool. See the interiors, over here.
The living room features floor-to-ceiling windows—a Sarasota School trademark—and an Ocala brick wall. Photo by Glenn Johnson, Coastal Photography
Beachfront midcentury time capsule
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Price: $1,900,000
Details: This four-bedroom, four-bath rarely seen home was the writer’s studio of Walter Farley—author of the Black Stallion book series—and was designed by Sarasota architecture icons Ralph Twitchell and Jack West. It’s a time capsule in the truest form, with original details like Ocala block construction, clerestory windows, and mahogany louvers that let in the ocean breeze.
 Reference -  https://www.curbed.com/2020/2/14/21136376/midcentury-modern-best-homes-for-sale
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( allan lloyd in vintage paperbacks )
Three poems from Dynasty of Dust.
"I will find you, even if I have to dig up the earth. I will find you, even if I have to climb up the sky. I will find you, even if I have to cross the River of Death. I will find you, even if I have to destroy the whole world." --@gods_txt
Hats in Clint Eastwood's Westerns. [The one i remember is the Bolero.]
"Amor Autumnalis
My love is the flame of an unfading autumn, It is the flare of unconsuming leaves In an ecstasy of halcyonian space and light; It is the lingering of tall, untended flowers And winds that bear the balsams of flown summer In a valley-land, oblivious and secluded, Where you shall come and wander tranquilly, Forgetful of the roseless gardens-- In a quiet valley-land Where vine to sanguine-colored vine shall lead you on, Where golden woods and hills shall fold you in, And you shall peer on pools of lucid bronze And of black opal-- On vistas of the climbing pine, And amber willows burning Against the dreamful mauve of mountains floating vaguely Within the skies' faint fringes."
--Clark Ashton Smith
A terrifying glimpse of the future.
"My point is not that everything is bad, but that everything is dangerous, which is not exactly the same as bad. If everything is dangerous, then we always have something to do."
-—Michel Foucault, On the Genealogy of Ethics: An Overview of a Work in Progress
Another glimpse.
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Tina @ Aldwych Theatre 2018 (#157)
Title: Tina
Venue: Aldwych Theatre
Year: 2018
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Condition: Creasing
Author: Book by Katori Hall with Frank Ketelaar and Kees Prins
Director: Phyllida Lloyd
Choreographer: Anthony Van Laast
Cast: Adrienne Warren, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Madeline Appiah, Jenny Fitzpatrick, Lorna Gayle, Tom Godwin, Francesca Jackson, Aisha Jawando, Natey Jones, Gerard McCarthy, Ryan O'Donnell, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Perola Congo, Keisher Downie, Kit Esuruoso, Jammy Kasongo, Sia Kiwa, Jason Langley, Kayleigh McKnight, Baker Mukasa, Derek Aidoo, Gavin Alex, Edward Bourne, Candace Fubert, Hannah Jay-Allan, Rodney Vubya, Athea Andi, Rohan Beckford, Reya-Nyomi Brown, Nicole Dube, Arianna Duffus, Caelan Edie, Claudia Elie, Serena Mukuna, Khylan St Paul Mark
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outoftowninac · 3 years
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Broadway is a play written and directed by George Abbott and Philip Dunning. It was Abbott's first big hit on his way to becoming "the most famous play doctor of all time" after he reworked Dunning's play. The crime drama used "contemporary street slang and a hard-boiled, realistic atmosphere" to depict the New York City underworld during Prohibition. It opened on September 16, 1926, at the Broadhurst Theatre and was one of the venue's greatest hits, running for 603 performances.
Paul Porcasi as Nick Verdis
Lee Tracy as Roy Lane
Clare Woodbury as Lil Rice
Ann Preston Bridgers as Katie
Joseph Calleia as Joe
Mildred Wall as Mazie Smith
Edith Van Cleve as Ruby
Eloise Stream as Pearl
Molly Ricardel as Grace
Constance Brown as Ann
Sylvia Field as Billie Moore
Robert Gleckler as Steve Crandall
Henry Sherwood as Dolph
William Foran as Porky Thompson
John Wray as Scar Edwards
Thomas Jackson as Dan McCorn
Frank Verigun as Benny
Millard Mitchell as Larry
Roy R. Lloyd as Mike
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Carl Laemmle paid $225,000 for the film rights in 1927, a sum that set a record. Universal Pictures released Broadway on September 15, 1929.
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It was filmed again in 1942 starring George Raft. 
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It opened in London at the Adelphi Theatre in 1927. 
A one-hour adaptation of Broadway starring Joseph Cotten and Piper Laurie aired May 4, 1955, on the CBS TV series The Best of Broadway.
The story was also the first episode of the TV series “The Jazz Age” in September 1968. 
A 1978 Broadway-bound revival of Broadway, directed by Robert Allan Ackerman and musical staging by Dennis Grimaldi closed during its Boston tryout.
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In 1987, Abbott himself (then 100 years old) directed a revival on Broadway that closed after just four performances. 
ATLANTIC CITY - July 7, 1926
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~ from “Art, Glitter, and Glitz: Mainstream Playwrights and Popular Theatre in 1920s America” edited by Arthur Gewirtz and James J. Kolb
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~ from “Blood on the Stage, 1925-1950: Milestone Plays of Crime, Mystery, and Detection” by Amnon Kabatchnik
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After leaving Atlantic City, Broadway made a few more stops on the Jersey Coast, at the Savoy Theatre in Asbury Park and the Broadway Theatre in Long Branch. 
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madamlaydebug · 7 years
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Committee of300 Abdullah II King of Jordan Roman Abramovich Josef Ackermann Edward Adeane Marcus Agius Martti Ahtisaari Daniel Akerson Albert II King of Belgium Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia Giuliano Amato Carl A. Anderson Giulio Andreotti Andrew Duke of York Anne Princess Royal Nick Anstee Timothy Garton Ash William Waldorf Astor Pyotr Aven Jan Peter Balkenende Steve Ballmer Ed Balls Jose Manuel Barroso Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands Marek Belka C. Fred Bergsten Silvio Berlusconi Ben Bernanke Nils Bernstein Donald Berwick Carl Bildt Sir Winfried Bischoff Tony Blair Lloyd Blankfein Leonard Blavatnik Michael Bloomberg Frits Bolkestein Hassanal Bolkiah Michael C Bonello Emma Bonino David L. Boren Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg  Charles Bronfman Edgar Jr. Bronfman John Bruton Zbigniew Brzezinski Robin Budenberg Warren Buffett George HW Bush David Cameron Camilla Duchess of Cornwall Fernando Henrique Cardoso Peter Carington Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden Carlos Duke of Parma Mark Carney Cynthia Carroll Jaime Caruana Sir William Castell Anson Chan Margaret Chan Norman Chan Charles Prince of Wales Richard Chartres Stefano Delle Chiaie Dr John Chipman Patokh Chodiev Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein Fabrizio Cicchitto Wesley Clark Kenneth Clarke Nick Clegg Bill Clinton Abby Joseph Cohen Ronald Cohen Gary Cohn Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands Constantine II King of Greece David Cooksey Brian Cowen Sir John Craven Andrew Crockett Uri Dadush Tony D'Aloisio Alistair Darling Sir Howard Davies Etienne Davignon David Davis Benjamin de Rothschild David Rene de Rothschild Evelyn de Rothschild Leopold de Rothschild Joseph Deiss Oleg Deripaska Michael Dobson Mario Draghi Jan Du Plessis William C. Dudley Wim Duisenberg Edward Duke of Kent Edward Earl of Wessex Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom John Elkann Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples Ernst August Prince of Hanover Martin Feldstein Matthew Festing François Fillon Heinz Fischer Joschka Fischer Stanley Fischer Niall FitzGerald Franz Duke of Bavaria Mikhail Fridman Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau Bill Gates Christopher Geidt Timothy Geithner Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia Dr Chris Gibson-Smith Mikhail Gorbachev Al Gore Allan Gotlieb Stephen Green Alan Greenspan Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster Jose Angel Gurria William Hague Sir Philip Hampton Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein Harald V King of Norway Stephen Harper François Heisbourg Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg Philipp Hildebrand Carla Anderson Hills Richard Holbrooke Patrick Honohan Alan Howard Alijan Ibragimov Stefan Ingves Walter Isaacson Juan Carlos King of Spain Kenneth M. Jacobs DeAnne Julius Jean-Claude Juncker Peter Kenen John Kerry Mervyn King Glenys Kinnock Henry Kissinger Malcolm Knight William H. Koon II Paul Krugman John Kufuor Giovanni Lajolo Anthony Lake Richard Lambert Pascal Lamy Jean-Pierre Landau Timothy Laurence   Arthur Levitt Michael Levy Joe Lieberman Ian Livingston Lee Hsien Loong Lorenz of Belgium Glenys Kinnock Henry Kissinger Malcolm Knight William H. Koon II Paul Krugman John Kufuor Giovanni Lajolo Anthony Lake Richard Lambert Pascal Lamy Jean-Pierre Landau Timothy Laurence James Leigh-Pemberton Leka Crown Prince of Albania Mark Leonard Peter Levene Lev Leviev Arthur Levitt Michael Levy Joe Lieberman Ian Livingston Lee Hsien Loong Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou Gerard Louis-Dreyfus Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau Peter Mandelson Sir David Manning Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este Margrethe II Queen of Denmark Guillermo Ortiz Martinez Alexander Mashkevitch Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano William Joseph McDonough Mack McLarty Yves Mersch Michael Prince of Kent Michael King of Romania David Miliband Ed Miliband Lakshmi Mittal Glen Moreno Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Rupert Murdoch Charles Napoleon Jacques Nasser Robin Niblett Vincent Nichols Adolfo Nicolas Christian Noyer Sammy Ofer Alexandra Ogilvy Lady Ogilvy David Ogilvy 13th Earl of Airlie Jorma Ollila Nicky Oppenheimer George Osborne Frederic Oudea Sir John Parker Chris Patten Michel Pebereau Gareth Penny Shimon Peres Philip Duke of Edinburgh Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza Karl Otto Pohl Colin Powell Mikhail Prokhorov Guy Quaden Anders Fogh Rasmussen Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) David Reuben Simon Reuben William R. Rhodes Susan Rice Richard Duke of Gloucester Sir Malcolm Rifkind Sir John Ritblat Stephen S. Roach Mary Robinson David Rockefeller Jr. David Rockefeller Sr. Nicholas Rockefeller Javier Echevarria Rodriguez Kenneth Rogoff Jean-Pierre Roth Jacob Rothschild David Rubenstein Robert Rubin Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri Joseph Safra Moises Safra Peter Sands Nicolas Sarkozy Isaac Sassoon James Sassoon Sir Robert John Sawers Marjorie Scardino Klaus Schwab Karel Schwarzenberg Stephen A. Schwarzman Sidney Shapiro Nigel Sheinwald Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany Archduke of Austria Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Olympia Snowe Sofia Queen of Spain George Soros Arlen Specter Ernest Stern Dennis Stevenson Tom Steyer Joseph Stiglitz Dominique Strauss-Kahn Jack Straw Peter Sutherland Mary Tanner Ettore Gotti Tedeschi Mark Thompson Dr. James Thomson  Hans Tietmeyer Jean-Claude Trichet Paul Tucker Herman Van Rompuy Alvaro Uribe Velez Alfons Verplaetse Kaspar Villiger Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia Paul Volcker Otto von Habsburg Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan of Brunei Sir David Walker Jacob Wallenberg John Walsh Max Warburg Axel Alfred Weber Michael David Weill Nout Wellink Marina von Neumann Whitman Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange William Prince of Wales Dr Rowan Williams Shirley Williams David Wilson James Wolfensohn Neal S. Wolin Harry Woolf R. James Jr. Woolsey Sir Robert Worcester Sarah Wu Robert Zoellick Most of the names listed above are of Jewish lineage 
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
The story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress, who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Florence Foster Jenkins: Meryl Streep St. Clair Bayfield: Hugh Grant Cosmé McMoon: Simon Helberg Kathleen Weatherley: Rebecca Ferguson Agnes Stark: Nina Arianda Phineas Stark: Stanley Townsend John Totten: Allan Corduner Earl Wilson: Christian McKay Carlo Edwards: David Haig Dr. Hermann: John Sessions Kitty: Brid Brennan Arturo Toscanini: John Kavanagh Mrs Vanderbilt: Pat Starr Mrs. James O’Flaherty: Maggie Steed Mrs Oscar Garmunder: Thelma Barlow Mrs EE Patterson: Liza Ross Baroness Le Feyre: Paola Dionisotti Mrs Patsy Snow: Rhoda Lewis Lily Pons: Aida Garifullina Augustus Corbin: David Mills Carlton Smith: David Menkin Cpl. Jones: Sid Phoenix Pvt. Smith: Tunji Kasim Orlando Adams: Carl Davis Microphone Engineer: Lloyd Hutchinson Elevator Operator: Richard Kilgour Ernest Ziegler: Jonathan Plowright Donaghy: Josh O’Connor Tallulah Bankhead: Nat Luurtsema Colonel: Ewan Stewart Gino: Cameron Cuffe News Vendor: John Guerrasio Edgar Booth Cunningham Jr: Elliot Levey Clifford B. Thornton III: Danny Mahoney Cole Porter: Mark Arnold Film Crew: Writer: Stephen Frears Director of Photography: Danny Cohen Screenplay: Nicholas Martin Producer: Michael Kuhn Producer: Tracey Seaward Editor: Valerio Bonelli Casting: Kathleen Chopin Casting: Leo Davis Casting: Lissy Holm Art Direction: Gareth Cousins Art Direction: Christopher Wyatt Production Design: Alan MacDonald Costume Design: Consolata Boyle Supervising Art Director: Patrick Rolfe Script Supervisor: Sue Hills Music Director: Terry Davies Music Editor: Stuart Morton Music Supervisor: Karen Elliott Assistant Costume Designer: Rosie Grant Costume Supervisor: Marion Weise Camera Operator: Iain Mackay Gaffer: Paul McGeachan Camera Operator: Lucy Bristow First Assistant Camera: Andrew Banwell First Assistant Camera: Iain Struthers Additional Camera: Jason Ewart Special Effects Supervisor: Manex Efrem Visual Effects Coordinator: Jenny King Visual Effects Producer: Noga Alon Stein Visual Effects Supervisor: Adam Gascoyne Visual Effects Editor: Edd Gamlin Sound Effects Editor: Phil Lee Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Dafydd Archard Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mike Dowson Supervising Sound Editor: Becki Ponting Supervising Sound Editor: Ian Wilson Makeup Artist: J. Roy Helland Hairstylist: Anita Burger Hairstylist: Andrea Cracknell Hairstylist: Beverley Binda Makeup Designer: Daniel Phillips Makeup Artist: Karen Cohen Makeup Artist: Tahira Herold Wigmaker: Ray Marston Digital Intermediate: Rob Farris Digital Intermediate: Patrick Malone Digital Intermediate: Gemma McKeon First Assistant Editor: Karenjit Sahota Stunt Coordinator: Eunice Huthart Stunt Coordinator: Jo McLaren Assistant Art Director: Aoife Warren Original Music Composer: Alexandre Desplat Foley Artist: Andrea King Conceptual Design: Elo Soode Carpenter: Josh Wood Movie Reviews: Reno: **Nothing is greater than to have a supportive life partner by side.** I follow closely what films are announced and what are getting released. Sometimes its common that some films comes out without my knowledge, particularly non-Hollywood English language films. This British film was about a wealthy couple from the New York, especially the husband who tries his best to fulfill his seriously ill wife’s dream to be an opera singer. The problem is she’s not any good. Not just him, but everybody who is close to them and once laughed at her, try to understand them and give their support. But not all the occasion seems to remain the same. So on one such a big event, the disaster strikes and how it affects the couple is the rest of the tale to disclose. A very surprising film. I thought it was just a comedy like it brings small smiles on our face, but I laughed out loud on many occasions. This is definitely a right time, because I felt like it was a music and cinematic version of the American presidential candidate Don Trump. Yep, there not much difference, but still this ...
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Ten cricket documentaries on YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime to keep you hooked during the lockdown
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/ten-cricket-documentaries-on-youtube-netflix-and-amazon-prime-to-keep-you-hooked-during-the-lockdown/
Ten cricket documentaries on YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime to keep you hooked during the lockdown
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Missing live cricket? There’s a plethora of cricket documentaries on various streaming platforms to help kill the boredom at home. In our list — drawn out in no particular order — there’s plenty of Caribbean flair, IPL action and rare behind-the-scenes footage of various dressing rooms.
Cricket Fever: Mumbai Indians
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Cricket Fever: Mumbai Indians  
Streaming on: Netflix
Starved of IPL action? This eight-part Netflix series, released last year, follows the fortunes of the IPL’s most successful and wealthiest franchise, Mumbai Indians, during their 2018 season. Starting from the auction that preceded it, a television crew is given a rare pass to the dressing room of the then defending champions. As you relive the tournament, you get to ride the emotions of the players and fans during an unusually difficult season. Watch the players grapple with issues of form, expectations from fans, media commitments and more. What stands out is the snippets of players re-visiting their homes and grounds where they fell in love with the game.
Branded a Rebel
Streaming on: YouTube
The most political documentary in this list. In the midst of their two-decade long sporting isolation due to apartheid, South Africa secretly held talks in the early 1980s with the world’s top cricketers to play a series of unofficial games in the country, known as “Rebel Tours”. With the world vehemently opposed to the brutal apartheid regime, it was always a tough call for cricketers to tour there. “Branded a Rebel” focuses on the most controversial of those tours, by the West Indies players in 1983.
The money was tempting, but while many of their top stars declined, those who took the bait were made to regret their decision till this day. “Mercenaries” at home, “honorary whites” in another country, the West Indies players who made the trip, including Colin Croft, Lawrence Rowe and Alvin Kallicharran, returned home to lifetime bans by the West Indies cricket board. Many of the players, like David Murray, succumbed to a life of drugs and isolation.
The Test: A new era for Australia’s Team
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Still from ‘The Test’  
Streaming on: Amazon Prime Video
This newly released eight-part documentary follows the Australian men’s team over 18 months following the Sandapapergate controversy in 2018 that led to bans for two of their best batsmen Steve Smith and David Warner, and the team’s reputation in tatters. A film crew gets unprecedented access to an Australian dressing room that reveals vulnerabilities and extreme moods of the players and coaches as they pull on through a difficult period. Head coach Justin Langer gets generous airtime as he talks us through the team’s image rebuilding exercise. The producers got the script they wanted, with Australia retaining The 2019 Ashes and winning (back) some admirers along the way.
  Crossing the Line
Streaming on: YouTube
Now let’s rewind to what really happened during Sandpapergate. “Crossing the Line” is a one episode documentary on Australia’s Test tour of South Africa in 2017-18, arguably one of the ugliest series in recent memory for its controversies. Before even getting to the ball-tampering scandal, we had the staircase altercation between David Warner and Quinton de Kock, Kagiso Rabada shoulder barging Steve Smith, Warner’s mouthy send off to AB de Villiers, and more. When the host broadcasters caught the Australians using sandpaper to alter the condition of the ball, the muck had hit the fan. The documentary, though interviews with leading commentators, focuses on the Australian team’s toxic culture, and their win-at-all-costs approach that cost them dear.
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16-21 Apr 1994: Sir Gary Sobers of the West Indies congratulates Brian Lara also of the West Indies for his record 375 runs during the Fifth Test match against England at the Recreation Ground in St John’s, Antigua   | Photo Credit: Ben Radford
Streaming on: YouTube
Brian Lara’s 1994 began with his car being stolen in his native Trinidad, and ended with him breaking the world records for the highest Test score (375), highest first-class score (501) and with the world wanting a piece of him (small mercy that selfies didn’t exist then). This one-part British production follows Lara’s movements from the home series against England in 1994 where he broke the Test record, his prolific county season with Warwickshire where he scored centuries for fun, and also when the going wasn’t as much fun with whirlwind media commitments, endorsements, other commercial obligations and the hectic traveling. The crew also visits his village near Santa Cruz and a coaching stint with underprivileged black kids in Soweto shortly after apartheid was lifted in South Africa.
India vs Pakistan: A Bat and Ball War
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The Chennai crowd giving a standing ovation to Pakistani players as they go on a victory lap after beating India in the first test match at Chepauk Stadium on January 31, 1999   | Photo Credit: N_BALAJI
Streaming on: YouTube
From pitch vandalism to snakes, the Pakistan team had all sorts of security threats thrown at them when they arrived in India in 1999, for their first Test tour of the country since 1987.This one-part documentary goes behind the scenes of the thrilling two-Test series, starting with the cliffhanger in Chennai, remembered for Pakistan’s jailbreak, followed by a standing ovation. Only a foreign film crew could have waded through the hair-splitting bureaucracy to get access to the visitors’ dressing room and private parties. This series, unlike previous tours, was anything but dull and nor is this documentary.
Fire in Babylon
Streaming on: YouTube
Here we go again. Another one on West Indies? It’s because they were just so bloody good at one time. If you are the type always looking back wistfully at the time they were world beaters, this feel-good documentary is for you. Fire in Babylon begins as a socio-political history of West Indies cricket, set against the backdrop of black oppression in the 1970s. After a horrific tour of Australia in 1975-76 – the racial abuse from the crowds adding insults to several injuries – Clive Lloyd scouts the islands for the most terrifying fast bowlers and for 15 years, West Indies never lose a Test series. Several West Indian legends talk us through what made them near invincible for close to 20 years, and answer the uncomfortable question whether their intimidatory tactics fell within the spirit of the game.
Botham: The Legend of ‘81
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20 Jul 1981: Ian Botham of England hooks Geoff Lawson of Australia for four on his way to 149 not out during the third Test match at Headingley in Leeds, England   | Photo Credit: Adrian Murrell
Streaming on: YouTube
This BBC one-part show goes behind the cult of Ian Botham, with the focus on his single-handed control over the 1981 Ashes series at home. In less than five years since his debut for England, Botham’s career had come a full circle. Captaincy was a nightmare for him and when his form slumped, he was relieved of the leadership midway through the 1981 series. That launched the beginning of “Botham’s Ashes” with his Headingley miracle, he was the toast of England all over again. Celebrities and politicians feature here, including John Major, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Stephen Fry. The programme also goes behind the scenes on how his stardom got to him, put a strain on his family and how he gave back to society with his fund-raising walks towards leukaemia research.
Viv Richards: King of Cricket
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Viv Richards  
Streaming on: YouTube
You can never get too tired of watching the swagger of Viv Richards, with or without the bat. This Channel 4 1985 documentary was released when King Viv was at his peak, having recently taken over the West Indies captaincy from Clive Lloyd. Alongwith rare footage of international cricket in the Caribbean in the 1980s, you also get to see Richards going back to his beach cricket roots in Antigua, driving down the highways in England when playing for Somerset, bonding with one of his best mates Ian Botham at social gatherings.
Cricket in the 80s: Rookies, Rebels, Renaissance
Streaming on: YouTube
The Australians set the gold standard of cricket coverage in the 1970s thanks to Kerry Packer’s World Series Cricket. Some of the best archival footage of cricket comes from that country so you can expect high standards from their documentaries too. Rookies, Rebels… follows Australian cricket’s most tumultuous decade, where they suffered their most prolonged form slump in history, due to the sudden exodus of greats like Greg Chappell and Dennis Lillee to retirement and a host of fringe players to a Rebel Tour of South Africa, captained by Kim Hughes, for which they served bans. Captain Allan Border and coach Bob Simpson steer the young side through choppy waters and as the decade winds down, they lift the 1987 World Cup and thrash England 4-0 in the 1989 Ashes.
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