#Also I have to write about Acht now too…
t1meslayer · 1 month
I beat Side Order 🥳🎉
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sailorsplatoon · 2 months
so how would four's family react to her and acht dating
Oh this is going to force me to decide what Four’s family looks like. After giving it some thought (daydreaming about it while brushing my teeth), I’ve concluded that they are an only child, but have an absurd amount of cousins that they see almost every day and are very close with. They were raised by their two moms who had a tough time trying to be good parents and really stressed out about it. They really just want for Four to have a happy and successful life.
I imagine Four’s family would be very worried and suspicious at first but, upon seeing how happy Four is with Acht, would be alright with it.
It would be difficult for Four to initially explain that their partner is sanitized and the whole tartar scenario, and even more difficult to explain how they themself were greyscaled. Especially since they’d have to bring up being a part of the New Squidbeak Splatoon which, while their family knew about it, they showed clearly that they didn’t support it. They thought it was too dangerous and this would prove them right.
At first their family is worried about them because they were mind controlled by an AI. They forbid them from doing any other agent work, which Four is extremely upset about. Their family also soon becomes worried about their relationship with Acht for fear that it is just a trauma response when Four was in a vulnerable state and needed someone to latch on to. At first they don’t really trust Acht simply because they want to protect Four (they’ve been through enough already and don’t need any relationship drama).
Eventually, Four suffers from a severe bout of flashbacks about being greyscaled (which happens fairly frequently for them). Their family sees how well Acht is able to comfort them through it and they realize just how much Acht has helped Four. Four is genuinely happy with Acht, and their family only sees that now.
Their family begins to grow closer with Acht, and eventually they grow worried for them as well, now understanding what they went through with the sanitization.
After growing closer with Acht and understanding the situation Four and Acht are in, they allow Four to return to agent work (though the never stopped, they just didn’t tell them). Essentially Four’s family becomes extremely over protective of the both of them.
But I can’t talk about Four’s family without at least mention Acht’s, which leads me to Paul. Acht is not mentally healthy at all (obviously), so they will often just avoid something that they know will cause them a lot of emotions that they don’t want to feel. Seeking out Paul was out of the question for them, until Four insisted on it. Acht had met their family, now they wanted to meet Acht’s. While they were reluctant at first, Acht eventually got excited to finally see their brother again.
Maybe someday I’ll write out a full scene for an Acht and Paul reunion, but to sum it up there was a lot of tears and a lot of hugging. Paul is so happy that Four pushed Acht to find him. Paul and Four quickly became best friends.
Acht and Paul were raised by their dad and are both very close with him. He was extremely disorganized, which led to Acht having to take on most of the chores and responsibilities around the house from a young age, but he cared deeply for the both of them and showed it as often as he could. Him and Paul were the first things Acht remembered after starting to heal from the sanitization.
It took some time for Acht to find their dad because Paul hadn’t been searching either. Shortly after Acht was reported missing, he ran away from home hoping that maybe he could find them in Inkopolis and couldn’t bring himself to see his dad again after leaving. The two looked for him extensively (with the help of Four of course) and eventually found that he had been living in Splatsville for a few months now. He thought that maybe if he followed the trend of kids moving to Splatsville, he’d find his children. Yet another tearful reunion ensued. Acht and Paul’s dad immidetly took a liking to Agent 4. They did help bring his children back after all.
Ohhhh wow I wrote way more for this than I had initially intended to, it just sort of happened. If you actually read all of this then thank you for listening to my rambling about these goofballs.
This ask was a fun one! I hadn’t really thought about it before, so it really got my creativity going! (Though I did already have some on Acht’s family. I’ll just casually slide this in right here.) Thank you so much for the ask!
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01turnkill · 2 months
2024 Media Post Time - Master
5. Splatoon 3: Side Order DLC
Side Order! Like everyone else, I'll be comparing this to Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion DLC..
I loved Octo Expansion a lot, I even 100% completed it (every stage with every weapon) and I intend to do that for this DLC too. I've finished it with every palette so far but I haven't maxed all my chips yet.
I'm a big roguelike fan. Love Hades, Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, Darkest Dungeon. They're fun to play and a lot of fun to watch. Before Side Order, I haven't played a proper 3D shooter roguelike before so it was a fun experience. Well... Side Order is a roguelite so a lot of these elements but not completely random, since the levels you play are from a set.
Side Order is a lot of fun for me. It definitely feels closest to Hades of all the roguelikes I mentioned. With the different weapon selection, selecting from 3 upgrades at the end of each level, the same few bosses, Marina's hacking shop is JUST like Nyx's darkness. Some of the upgrades are similar too and the Danger floors are like Chaos' upgrades with a benefit but a sacrifice for a limited amount of time. I played a round of SO with dualies, and damage whenever I dodge rolled and it felt exactly like some of the dash boons in Hades.
This isn't a bad thing and it's still unique being 3D, the different tower and zone modes, limited colour chip palette. Maybe other stuff.
To be honest, Octo Expansion trumps Side Order lorewise.. And gameplay wise too it was more diverse.. though not replayable the same way. I 100 percented it, every level every weapon and it was pretty fun. but I didn't go back. The story is quite simple and not too dark, and for some reason with the trailers I thought the tower would be MASSIVE. Near 60-100 floors, PMD feelings here. Especially since we get told the "danger" levels will be more common if we go a while without playing one.. Maybe true but they're also completely avoidable. I was also really surprised to see that we get Marina with us immediately after the tutorial part of everything and she's just there the whole time like, cool but I thought it would be deeper than that.
The levels definitely get repetitive and I end up mastering them very quickly. My first time on Cruel_Sisyphean_Eight-Shaped.Floor for instance, took me over 12 minutes on a casual run. Now, even without hacks I can do it in a couple minutes (not tryharding). Then theres On-the-Run(Circles)_Eternally-Hunted.Floor. It's a grind but this one I had in the bag easily after probable my second time and those were probably the only levels I had trouble with first time at all. Some levels stayed fresh every time I played them, especially with low hacks, but not those two even though they were challenging and stood out to me at first.
At least the colour chips and palettes can make each run crazy different. My first run with brush was insane, I regained ink fast enough that I never needed to recover in swim form. Just endlessly attacking. I didn't have too much difficulty with any weapon except for the Octoshot of course as it limits the amount of chips and hacks you can have at once... and I'm not sure if it was because of the low hacks but I failed it a TON, especially on the smollusk fight which was annoying. Most of the palettes were a first time win for me and if not it was on my 2nd try and I only added hacks when it came to my last few palettes so I don't know if I was just fumbling or what but I eventually did it with one hack for damage resistance and one for life I think... can't remember. I tried a couple things.
Smollusk is kind of cool once you finish visiting them and I feel like there is more to think about and potential with their circumstances, I'd like to see more. I just crave suffering you know how I am. I'd like to see it more painful and conflicting. There's some reading between the lines to be done also with Acht and the Marina dev logs and the way octolings are as a whole. Might write my thoughts on them later.
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infizero · 2 months
initial side order thoughts/screenshots i needed to get out of my system (i have taken way too many screenshots) (SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY)
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literally had to take a whole moment after reading this I AM GOING TO SOB. STOP THIS MADNESS. "a quiet spot together" WE GET ITTTTT YOU TWO ARE MARRIED IM GOING TO GO DIG A HOLE TO BURY MYSELF IN
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dedf1sh/acht they/them moments HOORAY!!
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my lesbian mothers shaking me awake after i ate 50 flintstone gummy
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pearl is so unfazed too she already knows this is what her laptop looks like LMFAO. they are genuinely married
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STOP BEING GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i am just so obsessed with how she looks here. my office manager queen
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2) this entire conversation is so fucking good. of course cuttlefish introduced them to four and pearl has no memory of who they are LOLLLLL
3) after getting stuff like marina's diary and a cool nametag, marina just casually telling us we got a piece of agent 4's FUCKING SOUL was so funny to me. ARE THEY OK?
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the noise i let out when i saw this was disgusting
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she is so pearl trash #1 core. this is insane. also the emojis and keysmashing I LOVE HERRRRRR. this entire thing with the diary entries being formatted like a social media story is soooooo cute. also reading "over 4 years ago" gave me psychic damage
ANYWAYS. its past midnight and ive got class bright and early so unfortunately ive got to stop for now. but IM HAVING SOOOOO MUCH FUN I KEEP HAVING TO STOP MYSELF FROM SQUEALING AT EVERY LITTLE THING. AND TAKING 5 BILLION SCREENSHOTS. as soon as i am out that building i am making a beeline back to my dorm and getting right back into this
also writing that made me realize like. good god. the attachment i have to these guys, off the hook in particular, is insane. one of my EARLIEST POSTS ON THIS BLOG was my thoughts on their reveal in one of the splatoon 2 trailers. which i made when i was in MIDDLE SCHOOL. guys i was literally 12 fucking years old when i first saw these two and now i am 19 and seeing them again and heavily involved in story stuff again has made me so unbelievably insane. THOSE TWO MEAN SO SO MUCH TO MEEEEE
even just walking around the virtual inkopolis square made me so nostalgic for splatoon 2 😭 i played the first game a good bit when i was younger but 2 was really where my deep love for the game came from. so going around the familiar layout of everything was. whew.
i am fucking loving this shit so far i am not logging onto twitter until i finish this i will NOT let myself be spoiled. if that mfing all bosses no damage mf tries to snipe me on youtube i will just not let it. simple as that. anyways I NEED TO GO TO BED GOODBYEE
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rokutouxei · 4 years
speaking your language
part 5 of atelier heart
ikemen vampire: temptation in the dark theo van gogh/mc, vincent | T |  2506 | [ao3 in bio]
spoiler warning: key plot points mentioned in chapter 10 and 15 are used in this fic, with the vaguest hint of chapter 24 at the tail end.
also: my deepest apologies to people who actually speak dutch, i’m taking all of your con/crit with an open heart.
The first Dutch word you’d ever learned was hondje.
Dog, you’d learned. Or puppy. Not the worst first word to learn in a new language, but definitely up there if one considers the fact that it was meant to refer to you. It’s not that bad, though, and puppies are pretty cute, so it was easy to let it slide.
Then, knabbeltje. A snack, a little nibble. Not that Theo has any interest in taking any bite at you. He’s made that clear from the first night. For someone who’s so good at smooth talking his clients, that was a weird word to use for you, you’d thought. But, Theo has his reasons, you supposed.
Which is exactly what makes you so keen into learning the language.
You’ve learned that a little bribery can get you a long way when it comes to Theo—as in, get him invested and you’re good to go—so that morning, you take the extra effort. You rise earlier than you’ve ever done to prepare pancakes for him, whipping the egg whites with as much vigor as you can muster to ensure that the pancakes are as fluffy as humanly possible. You make sure every portion is peak jiggly, and they are, because you can’t help but tap them contentedly on the plate as they cooled, watching them wobble. Then, like a cherry on top, you take out the special pancake syrup you’d bought the day before, having come with Sebastian to buy groceries, the one you’d chosen specifically for Theo. (And oh, only for Theo, because no other mansion resident with the right mind about sugar would dare try it.)
You try to keep it a secret as long as you can, presenting the plate of sweet goodness to Theo once he’s come down from his room. The both of you are alone at the dining table, because it’s still way too early. He’s already dressed and ready to go, even if it’s just six-thirty a.m., and if he has a comment about you being already up when you usually aren’t, he holds it back.
Good choice—you want him to focus on the pancakes, and a smile erupts on both of your faces when he begins to munch happily away on the syrup-drenched disaster of a plate. The sigh he makes goes straight under your skin.
But you can’t let your guard down, because you still have a mission, and that is: to convince him.
When his shoulders relax, you finally pop the question.
“Won’t you please teach me some Dutch?”
Theo’s fork hovers in front of his mouth. “What?”
Over the past week, you’d learned two basic Dutch phrases from Theo, in the notes he’d written for you. Tot ziens, which he said meant goodbye for now, and Dank je, thank you. That makes four total things you can now say in Dutch. Not much, but clearly already much more than what you started with. You belatedly realize you don’t actually have a reason you can dare tell him as to why you want to learn Dutch, but never mind that.
“I said, won’t you teach me some Dutch, sometime?” you repeat. “I still have three weeks to spend out here, and while my French and English are pretty fine, I can’t really keep up with your Dutch. I thought it wouldn’t be so bad to learn, especially since you’re bringing me along to work anyway.”
Cringe. That wasn’t a good reason, you were sure. But maybe the pancakes will make Theo’s steel heart a little more malleable for your favor.
What other reasons do you have? Well, maybe he’ll be able to better explain to you certain things about art and their work if he reverts to his mother tongue, right? There are certain things translations miss, after all, and maybe if you learned the language, it’ll be much easier on the both of you? Oh, wait, but does that mean you’ll be intruding on the shared, perhaps too-personal language he shares with his brother? Oh, no, that wasn’t what you meant. Maybe—
“Dutch syllables are very different from English and French,” Theo says, instead, after a long moment, a not-really yes or no.
You narrow your eyes with his response, but quickly realize maybe he’s just testing your will to do it. You are motivated. Learning languages are fun. “That’s fine, nothing practice won’t conquer. It’s really not cute that all I know how to say is stuff like dog and snack.” He snorts. “I mean, if you’re not up to it…”
Theo sighs. A sigh of defeat. “Okay, but you’ll have to work hard for it.”
You grin. That morning, you learn pannenkoek and siroop.
The learning curve for languages always differ according to the person, their own mother tongue, the language itself, and of course the work one puts into studying it, but one factor that really ups the vocabulary and grammar retention is being able to hear the language being spoken, rather regularly. This is how you end up having Vincent help you out with your little adventure in learning Dutch.
Having gotten used to conversing in French to each other, the brothers take time to adjust switching to their mother tongue for you. But when you’re looking at them with amazement exchanging words you can barely say, much less understand, there’s little they can’t do.
(Theo is mortified to have to surrender to it, but when he’s transparent to his brother, does he have any other choice?)
All of this happens just in time for the preparation for the exhibit to begin. The three of you spend much time together, selecting paintings, planning the exhibit orders, looking for themes. The two decide that this isn’t just a good opportunity to learn, it might also be in your best interests if they team-teach you the language.
Counting the paintings, Vincent teaches you the basics, hauling canvas after canvas going—een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien. With the chosen paintings laid out on the floor, you point out colors and he teaches you their names—rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw, paars, roze. He teaches you how to introduce yourself, say your name, teaches you greetings, basic nouns, the kind you will learn in introductory Dutch classes in universities if you were back in the 21st century. Vincent is gentle and kind and claps when you get the words right. (It makes you feel like a child. The word is kind.)
Theo, on the other hand, focuses on teaching you things related to the work at hand: een gallerij, een tentoonstelling, een schilderij—of course, a gallery, an exhibit, a painting. Teaches you words to describe the things you see, like mooi, for beautiful, and interessant, for interesting. He corrects your grammar, teaches you how to say, “let’s go home” or “I’m hungry, let’s eat”. When you don’t get the phrase right, he gives you a look, completely ignoring what you’d just said until you finally say it right. He corrects your pronunciation to the best of both your abilities.
He’s also found great joy in teaching you phrases before telling you what it means, and that’s how you’ve practiced saying misschien ben ik een hond die een jurk draagt as if you were a dog wearing a dress.
But you hear his laughter and it doesn’t matter as much.
Theo buys you a notebook to compile the words you’ve learned. In only a few days, you’ve amassed a wide range of words you now sprinkle throughout your sentences like a playful multilingual. You’ve gotten odd stares, sure, but it’s always better to keep using the words you’ve learned, because that’s how you make it seem natural.
So far, though, for the ones you’ve learned, it’s the Dutch verbs that are trickier than you expected. The conjugations keep tripping you up. They seem simple, and in fact a lot of them sound pretty close to their English counterparts, but Theo’s stares and (im)patient waiting for you to correct what you’ve said betray your misuse of them over and over again.
So at night, you practice. Staan for stand. Zeggen for say. Helpen for help. Leren, for learn.
Blijven, for stay.
Sorting Vincent’s paintings at the gallery Marquis Vollard had lent you, you bump shoulders with Theo and ask, “How do I say, ‘I love this’, in Dutch?” as you pull out a canvas from the stack.
“Ik hou hiervan.”
“Hmm.” You put aside the painting and pull out your notebook and pen. “So hou means love?”
“Houden, means to hold,” Theo says. “Like a hand, or a book. Hou van is what’s used for love.”
“So it’s ik hou van…?”
“Ik hou van jou,” he answers, without a thought.
A long moment, before the realization hits.
He turns away from you, and you’re thankful because of how hot your face feels.
“You use the same for other things,” Theo says. His voice is as even as always, and it makes your heart fall a little. “Like paintings, and art.”
“I see,” you say, before dropping the topic altogether.
You’re getting good at this keeping your heart tucked away thing, so you write ik hou van jou in looping letters on your notebook before returning to work.
All the while thinking: to love means to hold.
So you hold him.
After the fire.
After wheatfields.
After Gauguin.
Even when it hurts to hold.
Even when it’s him that’s let you go.
Even after you’ve heard the gunshot.
You hold on to him, even if you’re not sure if the both of you are speaking the same language anymore, if you’ll still ever be able to understand the other.
You hold on even if there’s blood everywhere.
Blijven means to stay.
And herstellen… means to recover.
The hospital is rather cozy. Quite similar to the ones in the 21st century, but still different from the sterile whiteness of it. You sit next to Theo on the bed, waiting for him to speak. You are alone for the first time since he’d said goodbye.
You hadn’t left him yet.
That night, he presses the words please forgive me into your lips, praying it’s the last time he’ll ever have to hurt you that way. You cradle his face in your palms and hold his love in your hands gently, as you exchange promises that it will no longer break.
You learn a lot of words after that, too.
Like wheatfields, tarwevelden. And forever, voor altijd. Each word learned is linked to a memory, making them hard to forget. Like katje, the day a kitten spooks Theo in the garden. Lekker, once you’ve made him a delicious batch of syrupy pancakes once again. Schat, treasure, and schatje—that is, you.
You’re still years of practice away from being fluent in Dutch, but at this point you’re fluent in Theo, and that’s really what matters.
And one night, Theo’s got you in a kiss when the both of you enter the room. You push at him just enough so that he sees the look on your face. “Teach me Dutch,” you say, half-teasing, and he laughs as he joins you in stripping off your clothes.
There’s no easier way to remember vocabulary than to learn it viscerally, carve it against your skin into a memory, and Dutch is no exception. You both fall into the bed in an entanglement of limbs, righting yourselves up just to catch each other in another kiss.
You cup both his cheeks, and he teaches you, “gezicht.” Face.
You kiss his forehead, and he says, “voorhoofd.”
You gently run your thumbs under his eyes, and he says, “ogen.”
“Kus,” he says, “is like this,” pulling you toward him in a kiss. You sigh into the word without much grace.
Pressing his lips against your throat, he teaches you, “hals.”
Grazing a fang onto your shoulder, “schouder.”
He sucks a bruise onto your collarbone and says, “sleutelbeen.”
The sensation makes your hand fly onto his hair, and with a chuckle he teaches, “haar.”
He takes your hand in his, presses a kiss onto your wrist. “pols.”
You cup Theo’s face in your hand and scour his body for more words, like a dictionary made of flesh. Your free hand grazes the scar on his back and with a sigh he teaches you “litteken.” You wonder if the same word applies to those found in his heart.
“Rug,” he teaches you, the vast expanse of his back.
Your hand goes down to his waist and he says, “taille.” You touch his hip and he says “heup.”
He gives you a mischievous look, one that suited his boyish features so much, your heart nearly stops. “Where is je favoriet?” he asks you, teasing. A phrase you’d learnt earlier. Your face flushes at the connotation but you refuse to give him the answer he wants, tapping his nose (“neus”) with a finger.
“You are mijn favoriet,” you respond, and you know when he steals your lips even more deeply than earlier is only because you’ve made him flustered. You laugh into the kiss and he growls.
Never one to be outdone, Theo pushes you backward onto the bed. The two of you share a short moment of intimacy, staring at each other’s eyes with the kind of searing fondness that always leaves you breathless, before he’s on his way down again to teach you.
“Dij,” he mouths against your thigh; lifts your leg up toward him, pressing kisses all the way down. “Knie. Kalf. Voet.” You nearly kick him when he kisses your foot but he holds you still. “Enkel.”
“But I haven’t taught you the most important one,” he says. Crawling back upward, he cups the apex of your thighs and grins. “Paradijs,” he says, and you hit him on the shoulder, covering your mouth with one hand. The laugh that rolls out of him makes your embarrassment worth it.
You pull him upward to take another kiss from him, and while you could have at it tonight, you just want to bask in his presence. You whisper “omhelzing?” hoping to get the pronunciation right or else he’ll ignore your plea to cuddle, thankful that he pulls you up to switch position.
He rests his head on your chest and says, “hoofdkussen,” with a sigh, and you’re not an expert yet, but you’re pretty sure that’s not what it should be.
You push him off with a groan (“you’re heavy!”) and the two of you switch to your usual cuddling position, Theo holding you in his arms and your head on his chest.
You don’t realize your hand has hovered over the spot on his chest right over his heart until he places his hand on yours.
Whispers into the listening night air:
“Voor altijd van jou.”
in the atelier: The Kiss by Gustav Klimt 
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also in the atelier, hidden somewhere hard to find, is Gustave Courbet's L'Origine du monde. (and because it is hidden, you’ll have to find it on your own. do be careful when you look it up though.) that painting singlehandedly inspired the paradijs bit, so it has to be mentioned.
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esabri · 4 years
German in English wie as ich I seine his dass that er he war was für for auf on sind are mit with sie they sein be bei at ein one haben have dies this aus from durch by heiß hot Wort word aber but was what einige some ist is es it Sie you oder or hatte had die the von of zu to und and ein a bei in wir we können can aus out andere other waren were die which tun do ihre their Zeit time wenn if werden will wie how sagte said ein an jeder each sagen tell tut does Satz set drei three wollen want Luft air gut well auch also spielen play klein small Ende end setzen put Zuhause home lesen read seits hand Hafen port groß large buchstabieren spell hinzufügen add auch even Lande land hier here muss must groß big hoch high so such folgen follow Akt act warum why fragen ask Männer men Veränderung change ging went Licht light Art kind aus off müssen need Haus house Bild picture versuchen try uns us wieder again Tier animal Punkt point Mutter mother Welt world in der Nähe von near bauen build selbst self Erde earth Vater father jeder any neu new Arbeit work Teil part nehmen take erhalten get Ort place gemacht made leben live wo where nach after zurück back wenig little nur only Runde round Mann man Jahr year kam came zeigen show jeder every gut good mir me geben give unsere our unter under Name name sehr very durch through nur just Formular form Satz sentence groß great denken think sagen say Hilfe help niedrig low Linie line abweichen differ wiederum turn Ursache cause viel much bedeuten mean vor before Umzug move Recht right Junge boy alt old zu too gleich same sie she alle all da there wenn when nach oben up Verwendung use Ihre your Weg way über about viele many dann then sie them schreiben write würde would wie like so so diese these sie her lange long machen make Sache thing sehen see ihm him zwei two hat has suchen look mehr more Tag day könnte could gehen go kommen come tat did Anzahl number klingen sound nicht no am meisten most Menschen people meine my über over wissen know Wasser water als than Anruf call erste first die who können may nach unten down Seite side gewesen been jetzt now finden find Kopf head stehen stand besitzen own Seite page sollte should Land country gefunden found Antwort answer Schule school wachsen grow Studie study noch still lernen learn Anlage plant Abdeckung cover Lebensmittel food Sonne sun vier four zwischen between Zustand state halten keep Auge eye nie never letzte last lassen let Gedanken thought Stadt city Baum tree überqueren cross Bauernhof farm schwer hard Beginn start Macht might Geschichte story Säge saw weit far Meer sea ziehen draw links left spät late laufen run unterlassen Sie don’t während while Presse press Schließen close Nacht night realen real Leben life wenige few Norden north Buch book tragen carry nahm took Wissenschaft science essen eat Zimmer room Freund friend begann began Idee idea Fisch fish berg mountain Stopp stop einmal once Basis base hören hear Pferd horse Schnitt cut sicher sure beobachten watch Farbe color Gesicht face Holz wood Haupt- main geöffnet open scheinen seem zusammen together nächste next weiß white Kinder children Start begin bekam got gehen walk Beispiel example erleichtern ease Papier paper Gruppe group immer always Musik music diejenigen those beide both Marke mark oft often Schreiben letter bis until Meile mile Fluss river Auto car Füße feet Pflege care zweite second genug enough Ebene plain Mädchen girl üblich usual jung young bereit ready oben above je ever rot red Liste list obwohl though fühlen feel Vortrag talk Vogel bird bald soon Körper body Hund dog Familie family direkt direct Pose pose verlassen leave Lied song messen measure Tür door Produkt product schwarz black kurz short Zahl numeral Klasse class Wind wind Frage question passieren happen vollständig complete Schiff ship Bereich area Hälfte half Stein rock bestellen order Feuer fire Süden south Problem problem Stück piece sagte told wusste knew passieren pass seit since obere top ganze whole König king Straße street Zoll inch multiplizieren multiply nichts nothing Kurs course bleiben stay Rad wheel voll full Kraft force blau blue Objekt object entscheiden decide Oberfläche surface tief deep Mond moon Insel island Fuß foot System system beschäftigt busy Prüfung test Rekord record Boot boat gemeinsam common goldenen gold möglich possible Flugzeug plane statt stead trocken dry Wunder wonder Lachen laugh tausend thousand vor ago lief ran überprüfen check Spiel game Form shape gleichsetzen equate heiß hot Fehl miss gebracht brought Wärme heat Schnee snow Reifen tire bringen bring ja yes entfernt distant füllen fill Osten east malen paint Sprache language unter among Einheit unit Macht power Stadt town fein fine sicher certain fliegen fly fallen fall führen lead Schrei cry dunkel dark Maschine machine note note warten wait Plan plan Abbildung figure Stern star Kasten box Nomen noun Feld field Rest rest richtig correct fähig able Pfund pound getan done Schönheit beauty Antriebs drive stand stood enthalten contain Front front lehren teach Woche week Finale final gab gave grün green oh oh schnell quick entwickeln develop Ozean ocean warme warm kostenlos free Minute minute stark strong besondere special Geist mind hinter behind klar clear Schwanz tail produzieren produce Tatsache fact Raum space gehört heard beste best Stunde hour besser better wahr true während during hundert hundred fünf five merken remember Schritt step früh early halten hold Westen west Boden ground Interesse interest erreichen reach schnell fast Verbum verb singen sing hören listen sechs six Tabelle table Reise travel weniger less Morgen morning zehn ten einfach simple mehrere several Vokal vowel auf toward Krieg war legen lay gegen against Muster pattern schleppend slow Zentrum center Liebe love Person person Geld money dienen serve erscheinen appear Straße road Karte map regen rain Regel rule regieren govern ziehen pull Kälte cold Hinweis notice Stimme voice Energie energy Jagd hunt wahrscheinlich probable Bett bed Bruder brother Ei egg Fahrt ride Zelle cell glauben believe vielleicht perhaps pflücken pick plötzlich sudden zählen count Platz square Grund reason Dauer length vertreten represent Kunst art Thema subject Region region Größe size variieren vary regeln settle sprechen speak Gewicht weight allgemein general Eis ice Materie matter Kreis circle Paar pair umfassen include Kluft divide Silbe syllable Filz felt groß grand Kugel ball noch yet Welle wave fallen drop Herz heart Uhr am vorhanden present schwer heavy Tanz dance Motor engine Position position Arm arm breit wide Segel sail Material material Fraktion fraction Wald forest sitzen sit Rennen race Fenster window Speicher store Sommer summer Zug train Schlaf sleep beweisen prove einsam lone Bein leg Übung exercise Wand wall Fang catch Berg mount wünschen wish Himmel sky Board board Freude joy Winter winter sa sat geschrieben written wilden wild Instrument instrument gehalten kept Glas glass Gras grass Kuh cow Arbeit job Rand edge Zeichen sign Besuch visit Vergangenheit past weich soft Spaß fun hell bright Gases gas Wetter weather Monat month Million million tragen bear Finish finish glücklich happy hoffen hope blume flower kleiden clothe seltsam strange Vorbei gone Handel trade Melodie melody Reise trip Büro office empfangen receive Reihe row Mund mouth genau exact Zeichen symbol sterben die am wenigsten least Ärger trouble Schrei shout außer except schrieb wrote Samen seed Ton tone beitreten join vorschlagen suggest sauber clean Pause break Dame lady Hof yard steigen rise schlecht bad Schlag blow Öl oil Blut blood berühren touch wuchs grew Cent cent mischen mix Mannschaft team Draht wire Kosten cost verloren lost braun brown tragen wear Garten garden gleich equal gesendet sent wählen choose fiel fell passen fit fließen flow Messe fair Bank bank sammeln collect sparen save Kontrolle control dezimal decimal Ohr ear sonst else ganz quite pleite broke Fall case Mitte middle töten kill Sohn son See lake Moment moment Maßstab scale laut loud Frühling spring beobachten observe Kind child gerade straight Konsonant consonant Nation nation Wörterbuch dictionary milch milk Geschwindigkeit speed Verfahren method Orgel organ zahlen pay Alter age Abschnitt section Kleid dress Wolke cloud Überraschung surprise ruhig quiet Stein stone winzig tiny Aufstieg climb kühlen cool Entwurf design arm poor Menge lot Versuch experiment Boden bottom Schlüssel key Eisen iron Einzel single Stick stick Wohnung flat zwanzig twenty Haut skin Lächeln smile Falte crease Loch hole springen jump Kind baby acht eight Dorf village treffen meet Wurzel root kaufen buy erhöhen raise lösen solve Metall metal ob whether drücken push sieben seven Absatz paragraph dritte third wird shall Hand held Haar hair beschreiben describe Koch cook Boden floor entweder either Ergebnis result brennen burn Hügel hill sicher safe Katze cat Jahrhundert century betrachten consider Typ type Gesetz law Bit bit Küste coast Kopie copy Ausdruck phrase still silent hoch tall Sand sand Boden soil Rolle roll Temperatur temperature Finger finger Industrie industry Wert value Kampf fight Lüge lie schlagen beat begeistern excite natürlich natural Blick view Sinn sense Hauptstadt capital wird nicht won’t Stuhl chair Achtung danger Obst fruit reich rich dick thick Soldat soldier Prozess process betreiben operate Praxis practice trennen separate schwierig difficult Arzt doctor Bitte please schützen protect Mittag noon Ernte crop modernen modern Elementes element treffen hit Schüler student Ecke corner Partei party Versorgung supply deren whose lokalisieren locate Rings ring Charakter character insekt insect gefangen caught Zeit period zeigen indicate Funk radio Speiche spoke Atom atom Mensch human Geschichte history Wirkung effect elektrisch electric erwarten expect Knochen bone Schiene rail vorstellen imagine bieten provide zustimmen agree so thus sanft gentle Frau woman Kapitän captain erraten guess erforderlich necessary scharf sharp Flügel wing schaffen create Nachbar neighbor Wasch wash Fledermaus bat eher rather Menge crowd mais corn vergleichen compare Gedicht poem Schnur string Glocke bell abhängen depend Fleisch meat einreiben rub Rohr tube berühmt famous Dollar dollar Strom stream Angst fear Blick sight dünn thin Dreieck triangle Erde planet Eile hurry Chef chief Kolonie colony Uhr clock Mine mine Krawatte tie eingeben enter Dur major frisch fresh Suche search senden send gelb yellow Pistole gun erlauben allow Druck print tot dead Stelle spot Wüste desert Anzug suit Strom current Aufzug lift stiegen rose ankommen arrive Stamm master Spur track Elternteil parent Ufer shore Teilung division Blatt sheet Substanz substance begünstigen favor verbinden connect nach post verbringen spend Akkord chord Fett fat froh glad Original original Aktie share Station station Papa dad Brot bread aufladen charge richtig proper Leiste bar Angebot offer Segment segment Sklave slave ente duck Augenblick instant Markt market Grad degree besiedeln populate küken chick liebe dear Feind enemy antworten reply Getränk drink auftreten occur Unterstützung support Rede speech Natur nature Angebot range Dampf steam Bewegung motion Weg path Flüssigkeit liquid protokollieren log gemeint meant Quotient quotient Gebiss teeth Schale shell Hals neck Sauerstoff oxygen Zucker sugar Tod death ziemlich pretty Geschicklichkeit skill Frauen women Saison season Lösung solution Magnet magnet Silber silver danken thank Zweig branch Spiel match Suffix suffix insbesondere especially Feige fig ängstlich afraid riesig huge Schwester sister Stahl steel diskutieren discuss vorwärts forward ähnlich similar führen guide Erfahrung experience Partitur score apfel apple gekauft bought geführt led Tonhöhe pitch Mantel coat Masse mass Karte card Band band Seil rope Rutsch slip gewinnen win träumen dream Abend evening Zustand condition Futtermittel feed Werkzeug tool gesamt total Basis basic Geruch smell Tal valley noch nor doppelt double Sitz seat fortsetzen continue Block block Tabelle chart Hut hat verkaufen sell Erfolg success Firma company subtrahieren subtract Veranstaltung event besondere particular viel deal schwimmen swim Begriff term Gegenteil opposite Frau wife Schuh shoe Schulter shoulder Verbreitung spread arrangieren arrange Lager camp erfinden invent Baumwolle cotton geboren born bestimmen determine Quart quart neun nine Lastwagen truck Lärm noise Ebene level Chance chance sammeln gather Geschäft shop Stretch stretch werfen throw Glanz shine Immobilien property Spalte column Molekül molecule wählen select falsch wrong grau gray Wiederholung repeat erfordern require breit broad vorbereiten prepare Salz salt Nase nose mehreren plural Zorn anger Anspruch claim Kontinent continent
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asokatanos · 6 years
yo tell us more about force sensitive finn and rey force-skyping (and luke loves them both but also is maybe a lil Tired of the Constant Communication,,)
“You’re not doing this. The effort would kill you,” he says, strangely lacking malice but lacking every other human emotion too. Rey immediately pushes him out of her mind, severing the connection she does not want.
She realizes then that this thing - this connection across the Force that is clearer and realer than any holo call - is something that a person could do on purpose. She has never allowed a man to dictate what she can and cannot do, and she is not going to let that change now. The effort alone might kill Kylo Ren, but she is determined and it will not kill her. She taught herself to fly and to speak multiple languages. Surely she can teach herself this, too.
So she sits on the bluffs, eyes closed and reaching out with her senses, feeling the Force ebb and flow around her and through her. She focuses on the island itself, until she can feel each blade of grass ringing softly with the light of the Force. It begins to rain, the wind lashing the drops sideways and upwards into her eyes and nose, and she is forced to retire for the night. Only when she stands does she notice her exhaustion and hunger. She wobbles back to her little hut and resolves to bring food with her the next day.
She continues this cycle, willful, until she can feel the entire planet under and around her. Acht-To is beautiful, and her mind, so expanded, draws in every sensation. She reins some of this energy in towards herself and tries to replicate the feeling she had when the connection had opened. In some sense, it is like channeling the Force in a slightly altered way - like bypassing a compressor bonded to a hyperdrive. She leans into it, and sees the land more clearly. On the other side of the island, Chewie is fishing, growling halfheartedly at the porgs who draw too near in their curiosity. There is one nesting on his head. Unbidden, a laugh tumbles from Rey, and Chewie looks up, directly at her.
 [I see you but you have no scent,] he says.
Rey leaps up from her seat on the cliffs on the other side of the island and whoops with joy. The connection breaks along with her concentration, but she is too happy to care, a grin stretching across her face. Thrilled, she sits back down and reaches out towards Luke, who is sitting with the Caretakers, whittling something out of the damp wood in his hands.
There is a fire in front of him, and she focuses on the heat of the flames; he has hidden himself from the Force and she cannot focus on his signature. She concentrates, trying to imagine the heat warming her skin as she stands in front of it. The fire has no force presence either, as it does not live, but she knows it is there and must be warm. Her eyes slide shut as she draws the Force around her, and for long moments there is nothing. And then a clatter, and she opens her eyes in time to see a startled Caretaker fall right over, dropping the basket in her hands.
Rey is looking sheepishly at her in apology when Luke stands, regarding her with something between admiration and suspicion. “You’re Force-projecting,” he says. Then, “you shouldn’t be able to do that. Who taught you?”
Rey frowns. She does not want to tell him that she had been connected to his murderous nephew. “I taught myself, Master Luke.” She tilts her head, and dares, “as I wish you would teach me.” She holds his stare, unwilling to back down, but her expression is earnest, even hopeful. Luke is suddenly, strangely, reminded of Obi Wan Kenobi smiling at him after his first success with the training droid on the Falcon so many years ago, and he is more surprised still when he hears himself agree, finally, to train her.
The connection drops as she comes to hug him in person.
Training is difficult, but a decade and a half of living on her own on a planet as unforgiving as Jakku made her physically strong and even stronger willed so she learns quickly. Despite her ferociousness in fights (born out of need and survival,) she is grounded, already deeply attuned to the Force (valuable parts always sang to her back on Jakku, and she realizes that she had been using the Force to be as good a scavenger as she had been).
In the evenings, she reaches out beyond Acht-To with her senses. There is one person she wishes to see above all, but it is difficult, across the vast reaches of space. She concentrates on her binary beacon, trying to follow its signal using the Force, but its partner is so far away. She then holds the lightsaber in her hands, feeling its memory of the first hands to wield it in decades.
Suddenly, she is warm. She opens her eyes and finds herself in a dark room. Finn is asleep, blankets pushed down and tangled around his legs in the warmth of the room, his hand curled loosely near his face. “Finn!” She whispers, delighted to see him safe and free of the bacta pod.
He sits upright fast - too fast - and hits his head. “Rey? Oh. Am I dreaming? I’m dreaming,” he says while rubbing his head.
“No, Finn, I’m here! Well no, I’m still with Master Luke and Chewie, but I can use the Force to visit you!”
“The Force,” he says dubiously, but he is not groggy in the way that only soldiers seem manage.
She reaches out to touch his shoulder, and they both jump at the contact, which feels both real and not real. But Finn can suddenly see where Rey sits on the floor of her hut on Acht-To, and he exclaims in surprise.
“Is this where you really are right now? Did Luke Skywalker teach you how to do this?”
“I taught myself. But Master Luke finally agreed to train me! I don’t know what it has to do with being a Jedi yet, but I’ve gotten really good at standing on my hands!” She moves to demonstrate, and the connection drops, Finn suddenly no longer sitting in front of her.
She tries reaching out again, but finds she is exhausted, and drifts off to sleep even as she focuses her mind.
She finds Finn often in the days that follow, as he goes through the paces of physical therapy, bored, she tells him about her increasingly strenuous training drills with Luke. Soon, she takes to chattering with Finn at most moments in which she is neither training nor sleeping, and Luke takes to giving her wry and dry looks.
Finally, he says, “Kid, just bring him here so I can train you both together.”
“Train us both?”
He hesitates a moment, then sighs, pushing his hair out of his face where the wind had blown it askance. “I wished sometimes that old Ben had taught Leia too. It is not easy, being the only Jedi. And the two of you already have a strong bond. Together, you might have a chance at saving this galaxy from the Dark Side.”
Rey hugs him, and then bows more formally in the Jedi way. “Master Luke, we will not fail you.“
send me your headcanons/prompts/ideas anon or not! let’s write together!
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exkoenigin · 6 years
About me Tag
Thank you for tagging me @jiinkookie honestly this means alot!
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
@feralheartedalien @innerkpoppeace @theshortkidwiththelongbraid @pass-the-teapot @wind-staerke-acht @differentbutpsycho @yoloedits @twinkperry
APPEARANCE: I am 5’10 (178 cm for my european friends), I have short green-ish hair, and a very pale face (gotta hate the ginger genes) but im planning to redye my hair to a kind of red Jin once had.
My eyes are a mix between green and brown and actually only cool when the sunlight shines right into them creating a magical green color. I like to dress in a way to feel good. So i mostly wear oversized shirts, black skinny jeans and sneakers. (Jins street style is kinda me) i mostly wear black tho. There is my emo side lol
PERSONALITY: I usually act very cold but have my soft emotinal moments (s/o Yoongi lol) Sometimes the right words can make me soft, talkative and reachable but i usually like to be cold and untouchable. My attitude’s like fuck everything most of the time and i’m trying my best at just being the happiest i can. I don’t judge people and i don’t like being judged although i like to provoke lol. I love it when people talk about things they love/are passionate about, i love the way their eyes light up when they get into those topics.
also i hate nazis and every form of discrimination.
Besides i am a hardcore clean freak so no one is allowed to touch me because to me everyone is ‘not clean’. even i am dirty to myself most of the time. I wash my hands too much and in winter i always have cracked skin due to that. so just DONT TOUCH MY FACEU (s/o hobi)
Another thing which i have never told anyone but one person is that i may identify as non-binary but i am literally so not sure about what i feel like i am. I also dont know if im bi or not but actually idfc i love who i love. i stan who i stan
I am currently in High School and trying my best to finish in order to go to Uni after that if it ever works out even though i have no idea what to study. Probably languages.
ABILITY: I dont know i’m not very good at anything. I like the idea of education in general but education systems simply suck so i dont know. but i find languages really really interesting and as i said would like to study some in the future. (i speak 3 fluently rn) also i mean i made it to highschool i cant be totally stupid lol. But yeah no special ability here.
HOBBIES: MUSIC AND SPORTS even though i dont practise any of this myself okay listen i am crazy like i can go from watching a basketball match to watching cute bts english speakeu videos, as well as go from scremo bands to classic music so i basically stan everything. also i just love when people have something in common, something they love, and then gather for that reason, no matter whether its a concert or a sports game, they gather and have fun together and that proves that there is still love in this world,
other than that i love reading and then highlighting special paragraphs/lines. But sadly i just dont have the time for it. i also really love drawing lyrics and hangining it on my wall and ofc listening to music.
i used to enjoy writing short stories/poetry and it helped me alot too, but i just havent had a single idea for like a year now. sucks how creativity just left me.
(a really weird fact is that i love cleaning the kitchen/house because in the end i get to see a result and everything is clean and ahhhh)
RELATIONSHIPS: lol what you talking bout. im in multiple fandoms, my life’s 70% spent home/on the internet 30% social so hell yeahhhh. i have loved the same guy for easily 3 years and still get them butterflies whenever i see him. ofc i had crushes on other guys (2 of them my friends lol) but never got loved back lmaoo fun. i am currently 17 years old and never been in any kind of romantic relationship. it makes me sad yes it does but i also think i wouldnt have time to have a partner right now. apart from that who wanna date a short haired not even a lil bit girly not even kinda cute fandom obsessed messed up girl?
Also i dont really have friends anymore. like, of course i do but those friendships are either fake or just not very close. one of them is kinda toxic too. i lost two of my best friends recently because either them or i changed alot. but it still hurts. i dont feel like i am important to anyone at all anymore. it doesnt feel like they need me. everybody has somebody else.
RANDOM STUFF: i sleep whenever and whereever i can.
I have a thing for bands.
i am trying to spread love peace and positivity the best and whenever i can even though i still carry alot of hate within me. but i am giving my best to be better everyday. and i think we all should. so if you have bad days or whatever please dont hesitate to hit me up.
my favorite non alcoholic drink is ice tea.
i fall asleep hugging a pillow most of the time.
music means more than anything to me.
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vileart · 7 years
The Recovery Dramaturgy: Ilona Munro @ Edfringe 2017
Bright Productions 
The Recovery Version
Hogmanay in the Highlands.  Three generations of men.  Traditions, banter, song.  The whisky should probably stay in the cupboard. 
Out of Glencoe comes a lovingly, dysfunctional, all-male tale of lost dreams, long held hurts and father-son ties, told with a very Scottish voice and new songs.  The kind of songs sung at a New Year’s party.
The Recovery Version by Bright Productions
Venue:  Sweet Grassmarket (2)                       Tickets: £8 (£6)
Dates:   4th-20th August                                  Box Office:  0131 243 3596
Time: 13:40 (ends 15:00)                                  Venue website: www.sweetvenues.com
What was the inspiration for this performance?
I became a single parent when my kids were only age one and five.  I stayed single and worked full time for several years and during that time I fretted about my son having no good male role models.  Although we maintained what we could with his father, it was unfortunate that his grampa wasn't around ( though he has an amazing granny)  I needn't have worried, lots of male friends, family and teachers were in his life, as well as good women.   Alongside this is an ongoing joy of living in a Highland community (after time in London and Russia) and of the characters that make living here so good.  I was also often wondering about men, and where they were at in the Highlands.  Alcohol and lack of decent jobs with decent pay can take it's toll, but creativity, kindness and an incredible thing - split up families that still talk exist too - hec sometimes they even go their ex partners weddings! 
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
Absolutely!  Although Lochaber is 2000 sq miles, it doesn't have a dedicated arts centre or cinema, so performance has to be in village halls, schools and found spaces.  With the demise of promoters budgets and small scale touring it can be hard to access professional performance without going 200 miles round trip, but when professional companies come here, they are greatly appreciated.  Community, youth and school theatre are well attended.  We also find that it is a myth that young people need everything crash bang wallop now ( she says as her son who is now 14 plays his Xbox)  We have been part of many educational theatre projects and they can really reach out, where other projects can't.  EG our last tour of "Stigma" and "HomeBrew" resulted in self referrals to help ( we always work in partnerships)  Interestingly enough, it was a Lochaber Common Weel who hosted "Faslane".  This is a social-political group, not a promoter or venue, and they had new audience engaging because of Scottish issues in the content.
How did you become interested in making performance?
Cliche alert!  I loved theatre and ballet from totdom.  Went to wee Co-op drama clubs in manky crumbling halls in Perth.  For some reason I studied Russian at uni -but this then took me to Siberia where I saw children's drama in summer camps.  And the Kirov for £4.  I studied Drama for a year in London and the college were so supportive that they gave me £150 quid and said "go do Edinburgh" So I wrote a play in 1994 and did.  I carried on doing this.  As I neared my thirties I became Eden Court's Drama Worker in Lochaber - and that taught me so very much.  Then came writing commissions, and three years ago I set up Bright Productions ( alongside a not for profit group called Dramafish to support arts in Lochaber) and continued teaching, writing, directing, stapling, packing cars, pitching, scrabbling for cash....  We got into Luminate Festival and started working in Abbeyfield Care Home too.
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
Not a particular approach as such, but we are very keen on Generations Working Together projects.  Population is so tiny in the Highlands that it often makes sense to include all ages.  The Recovery Version has a young lad in it, so we have cast three teenagers, two girls and a boy ( my son!) alongside the professional adults.  We also have young men helping build the set with Graeme Martin, our set designer, and a few more interested in theatre process, street performance/marketing.  We will make opportunities for these young people to come to Edinburgh and experience the sheer wonderful, lively, bonkers thing that is the fringe.
We have also had development days and meals together to make sure that in advance of rehearsals ( which don't start til Monday 17th July - eek!) that we all start to feel a team bond.  Parents are included and are brilliantly supportive.  As I said, community is great here, as is Kinlochleven High School.  Add to this our two musicians from Ballachulish working on our sound and songs.  Working with Chaz Stewart (ex Guitarist with the Donnie Munro Band, and our Photographer) and Paul Hornby Battrick, is often a crucial part of our development.
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
I am not sure that we have a "usual" production.  Our performances often depend on who commissions us, or who wants to work in partnership with us.  That said, I guess there is always a rather Scottish heart to it all and since I have been living in Kinlochleven for nearly twenty years now, a specifically Highland one.  
It doesn't preclude us looking around the globe for inspiration - one of our favourite shows is about the Russian Revolution, and we are very interested in learning more puppetry.  We are also working on shows for cafes along the west coast railway line and on a loch boat.  I suppose we are quite Highland in outlook..."acht will see what happens, mibbes aye and mibbes naw!"  It's really about relationships and partnerships for us.  But The Recovery Version is just because we wanted to - and because I haven't taken a show to Edinburgh for 17 years.  Oh and humour, we love a good laugh.  Even in the serious issues.
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
Firstly, we simply hope folk enjoy it!  Above that, we hope that the audience will connect with the characters, and that they will recognise that build to Hogmanay, and the slide down the others side into the new year.  It would make our wee hearts sing if folk laughed and tapped their toes to the Hogmanay party.  I think we also feel that there is something to be said for men, about men, while a huge focus is currently on women.  Lastly, we would like the audience to come away going  "ocht that's great that theatre can come out a wee village near Glencoe"
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
We did toy with having it interactive - ie the audience drank with us, ate cheesy pineapples on a stick with us, sang with us. They can sing, and we may have nibbles out, but in the end we felt it was about taking folks into that period after Christmas before the New Year, and we thought for this show that allowing the audience to sit back and enjoy and to choose whether they tap toes was best. It's the Highland way "acht whatever!" 
But we will be having mini Hogmanay parties on the Mile, and around Edinburgh, so folks can get wee treats and learn Gaelic singing (Hogmanay style) and be as interactive as they like. We will also be performing previews in Ballachulish Village Hall and The Ben Nevis Distillery, where we will have post show discussions, and this will inform any changes needed to improve things.
Jonny had a minor hit once, but no one would know.  Especially since those five homogenised wee bams have covered his song and made it a major Christmas hit.   John is Jonny’s son.  John blames his Dad a lot for his failing life.   And then there is Jack.  John’s wee lad who is suddenly coming to stay for New Year.  John hasn’t seen Jack for some time.  Just as well Fisher is around to keep spirits bright.  But then strong spirits were always the problem.
Although this is Bright Production’s first time at the fringe, writer/director Ilona Munro is well known in Lochaber for her highly varied theatre projects and thoughtful mental health TIE work across Highland.  Working with local professionals and up and coming young theatre makers, Bright has a great reputation in Lochaber for making people laugh and engaging the community in “generations working together” workshops and plays.
17 Hogmanays have passed since Ilona last took a show to the fringe. 
     from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2tTlLWK
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sailorsplatoon · 13 days
info dump about the solver au:
So obviously Four is taking the role of Uzi, having inherited the solver from one of their moms. We’ve previously developed their storyline a little bit.
I’m thinking that I am going to go with Acht being the equivalent of Cyn even though that means that my gays won’t get to be together in this au. I can handle one au where they’re not in love. Probably. 
Okay, what if all worker drones were inklings and all disassembly drones were octolings? Then the octo army can function similarly to Elliott Manor.
I feel like Eight would be a good stand in for N. We can say that him and Acht were in the same squadron in the octo army and so they have a similar relationship as N does with Cyn. Also because shipping-wise Agent 32 is another one of my favorites so I don’t have to be too sad that I didn’t get dedfour because at least I can make Eight and Four kiss.
Marina can be V, having been in the same squadron as Eight and Acht. This is where the story is going to differ significantly from the storyline of MD. Marina defects from the army far before Eight or Acht enter the Metro, not wanting to fight the inklings anymore. She meets Pearl and lives her life relatively normally. At least, for a while. 
What if Neo was J? I’m starting to run out of Octolings but I think it can work. 
Jumping back to Acht for a minute so that I can give them backstory! After Marina defects, Acht begins to work less and less, not really caring after their friend was gone. Because of this, they get sent to the Deepsea Metro in hopes of disposing of them. There, they meet Tartar, who sanitizes them. However, during their sanitization something goes wrong, which results in the absolute solver being created. 
That’s all I have for now. I have no idea how the timeline for this is going to work at all. I also don’t know how Four’s mom is going to get infected with the solver, but I’ll find a way. There’s also a ton of characters who don’t have roles yet, and large chunks of the story that are missing, so I’m going to work on that as well.
Thank you for the ask!!! It has dawned on me that this au is going to require me to kill off characters. That is one of my weakness when it comes to writing, I can never bring myself to kill anyone off. I’ll try my best.
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sailorsplatoon · 22 days
since you wrote a scenario about four stealing acht's glasses can you write a scenario where acht steal's four's boots or sweater?
Sure thing! 
(I went for a scenario where Acht’s steals Four’s sweater, but I could totally make one where they steal Four’s boots as well if you would like!)
Four stood out on the balcony, soaking in the early morning sun. The breeze weaved in between their tentacles, cooling their face. Acht always liked to sleep in, but Four would rather wake up with the sunrise. They took a long sip of coffee, if it could even be called that after all the sugar they’d added.
As Four watched the colors dance along the sky, they shivered slightly. It was getting a little too cold out, even for them. Was that a flake of snow that they just saw? In April??? They’d have to get their hoodie if they wanted to stay outside much longer. 
Four made their way back inside and over to the closet where they kept all their gear. Their hero hoodie should be in there somewhere. They dug around, searching. They were sure they’d left it on a hook right in the middle so that they wouldn’t lose amongst the piles of t-shirts and tank tops. They couldn’t find it anywhere. Maybe they were too tired last night and threw it on the bedroom floor again.
As Four tiptoed into the bedroom so as not to wake Acht, they searched the floor for any sign of their clothing. It didn’t seem to be there either. Their boots and headphones were, which meant they must have left it nearby. 
Just as Four was beginning to wonder if it was possible for a hoodie to grow legs and walk away, Acht rolled over in their sleep, their arm, wrapped in a fluorescent yellow sleeve, fell over the side of the bed. Acht had put on Four’s hoodie and fallen asleep in it. 
Acht must have found it on the floor and decided to try it on. They had to have liked it, because they fell right to sleep.
“Who’s the thief now?” Four muttered, feeling triumphant after having lost their battle for Acht’s glasses the night prior. Four smiled and left the room, deciding it was time they started working on breakfast.
Acht was roused by the smell of freshly made waffles. They slowly made their way out of bed and into the kitchen.
“Good morning, gorgeous. I see you felt like being a criminal last night.” Four greeted them, placing a stack of waffles on the table .
“What do you mean?” Acht asked, still half asleep. Four just pointed to the hoodie they were wearing. “Oh right. Sorry about that. I got cold while you were in the bathroom taking a shower and your hoodie was really warm and also it smelled like you so fell asleep wearing it.” Their words gradually got quieter as they spoke.
“You can wear it whenever you want.”
“You’re sure? I don’t want to take it from you.”
“Alas, my fair maiden, for you have already taken my heart.” Four bowed dramatically as if they were in a medieval play.
“You’re such a nerd.” Acht shoveled a large peice of waffle into their mouth. 
“I know!”
“I love you for it.”
“I love you too.”
Thank you for the ask! I honestly just really wanted to write Four watching the sunrise, I had fun with the descpritions.
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