#Also because Soap keeps staring at him and Ghost can't figure out why
martuzzio · 2 years
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"Is this the first time you've visited the Capitol, Ghost? You can't stop staring at everything." "First time I've seen it from this angle." "What— like seeing it from the castle? I seriously doubt that. There's no way you've never snuck in here before." "Never had time to stop and appreciate the view, Johnny." "Don't let Price hear that. The old man's stressed enough. He doesn't need to know how often assassins like you break into his home."
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 5 months
Wait until i got you in my hands (or in this case under my jaw 🦈)
Anyway since you're asking fluff for Simon (and i hope you don't twist it in the end because I'll trust you for this once and you're not Chucky), what about Simon having cuteness aggression, everybody? Mmhm you have chubby face and it's undeniable fact that they sometimes look like dumpling or steamed buns. Just Simon can't keep his hands from touching or pinching your cheeks, and even better if he also bit them.
mercy plss sharkieeee 🦈 as always ty for the ideas tho 💖 happy to see u again!!!
Simon loves your chubby and adorable face
“What Simon? Why you keep staring at me?”
“what dumplings?”
“your cheeks.”
You two are lying on your shared bed. You’re facing him and scrolling your phone, too concentrated on the fanfic you’re reading that you haven’t notice Simon’s gaze on your face.
“...” you expression’s same as straight face emoji when your lover abruptly pinches your cheeks.
“sorry.” he says without any apology in his tone while kneading your cheeks.
“My face isn’t mochi, Simon.”
“I know.”
“Then can you stop rubbing them like they are?”
A nice Sunday morning, peaceful, and you leisurely walk to the living room, expecting seeing Simon there as usual.
“Good morning, baby.” You greet him immediately when you see his figure, his back’s facing you, seeming busy doing something.
“Hey, love.” He gives you a kiss on your cheek like he always do, but he sounds a bit of excited today.
“What do we have for breakfast?”
“I make a you.”
“What does that mean?”
You lean closer to him when he hands you the plate.
“This is you.”
You don’t even want to argue when you see two little buns are placing at each side of a smiling face egg that’s grinning at you.
Simon gets kicked out to buy the groceries after the breakfast.
“He better remember to buy some ice cream for me” You mumble.
Well, he does keep that in mind when he comes back an hour later.
“Got you some ice creams.” Simon tells you while fishing them out under your expecting eyes.
“New brand?” You pick up the carton when you can’t recognize the brand of it.
“It looks like you, it’s cute.” He doesn’t forget to give your cheeks a few pokes whilst you staring at the rabbit mascot on the box with two obviously chubby cheeks.
(later, Simon texting)
Ghost: Soap, how to apologize to your partner
Soap: what did you do to them LT.?
Ghost: I just showed my love to their cheeks
Soap: Not you anger them with same reason again
Soap: Send some cute pictures to them and buy them some snacks?
Ghost: Can I send this?
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Soap: I guess you just want to die, LT.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
alternatively to that weed ask,: soap acts like he’s not affected when he most definitely is. Denies it whenever you try to say otherwise. Soap tense, eyes jumping from corner to corner of the room- as if he’s watching something. Meanwhile you’re just sobbing in his arms, entirely incoherent, and only stopping when soap squishes your cheeks whenever you get too loud. makes you whine in confusion when he does.
Ghost is… concerned to say the least. He keeps watch of you both to make sure that neither of you do anything stupid. Has to stop you from eating another brownie because you forget that they’re full of weed. Also has to drop you from cooking because you’re hungry, does not trust you to be around knives. (Soap happens to be a good deterrent with tje way he’s holding you)
Soap is just quiet, very quiet. It’s like you two have switched places, you’re just very chatty, chatting about everything that comes to mind. You tell them about when you accidentally joined a cult in college thinking it was a self-help group. It was not Also tells them when you placed a bunch of bugs into some guys shoes who ended up going through a window- just really unhinged shit. All while you’re playing with ghosts hand, twisting it this way and that, comparing sizes and staring at it like it holds the answers to the universe.
Ghost files these tidbits of information away, deciding to process that later meanwhile he’s holding a hand against Soaps neck, squeezing it whenever he gets pent up, too restless. (staring at a specific corner now btw)
you get curious and ask Soap what he’s staring at. He just drops the bomb that he’s been staring at an apparition for the past half hour in the corner of the room. You do not deal with this well. Simon is exasperated
ghost coming home and just being like ??? because he can't for the life of him figure out why you two are acting weird has me dying. it's not like the house smells like weed, you just had some brownies.
also... you fiddling with his hand and rambling on endlessly with weird stories about yourself to ghost while he keeps one hand locked on johnny's neck so he doesn't wander off has me dying lmfao. he's splitting his attention between you two and he just keeps jerking back over to you like "you did what in college???" and giving johnny an opportunity so slip away
and you're sooooo clingy. ghost steps away for a second to grab johnny and you whine real loudly, get all teary and make grabby hands at simon because :( why is he leaving :( and ghost is glad you finally want snuggles but oh my god johnny is literally trying to fight the air he will be right back
and johnny isn't clingy for like the first time ever. simon tries to wrap him around you to keep you two in the same spot and johnny is all noooooo and trying to fumble away and wander off toward whatever the hell he's seeing. makes simon get a little strict like he usually would, but then johnny is also all teary and ghost is about to tear his hair out
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captain-mj · 2 years
How about graves over hearing ghost telling price that he could do better with hurt comfort or what ever ending you want
I was hoping someone would ask for this
Price sat with Simon, a bit away from everyone else. He took another drink of the whiskey. It burned all the way down.
"Is Soap still angry at me?"
"A little, but he's coming around." Simon was smiling behind the mask. Price could tell. "So how are you and your boytoy?"
"You really should stop calling him that." Price was laughing though. "He's part of the team now. And has a name."
"Yeah, whatever. Now that you've got him on board and he can't really leave... Are you going to continue... this?" Simon must've been more drunk than Price thought. The question stung a little, but he supposed it was fair.
"That was the plan, yes. I like him."
"You could do better." Simon winced right after he said it, seeming to realize his mistake when Price glared at him. "I mean if the little asshole makes you happy."
Price just sighed. "Look, I know you guys are still hurt by it, okay? I really do get it. If it was anyone else, I'd still be mad but..."
"But you're soft on him. Don't get why." Simon was teasing. "I've been nice to him, don't worry."
"Yeah. He says you keep glaring a hole into him."
"I am just staring like normal. He shouldn't be so sensitive." Price knew he should correct him, but Ghost was drunk and... well Ghost. He may be willing to do a lot, but he wasn't going to switch up over night. He'd need patience just like everyone else. Ghost was just nice enough to pretend to be on his side.
Price looked up, noticing Graves was gone. He pulled away to get a better view and wondered when he lost track of him. Graves had mainly stuck around the bar and Price felt bad for letting himself get dragged into a conversation so long.
He glanced at his team, but most of them had drunk themselves under the table. Soap was still hanging on, but just so he could stare at Ghost.
So where was Graves?
Price sighed, realizing he must’ve went home to the base. He pulled his jacket on and left Ghost on babysitting duty for his drunk team members.
He walked outside, checking around to see if his sweetheart would appear out of nowhere. The guy really was nothing but a shadow at times. 
But no luck. So Price started heading home. He went straight to his room, Graves technically had his own but it was just on paper. No one ever used it. 
Graves was in his bed, looking over reports. He looked shockingly sober considering how long they had been at the bar. Price leaned over and kissed his hair, giving in to the urge to lay on him. 
“Don’t just leave like that. Got nervous.”
“Think I was going to disappear?” It wasn’t said accusingly. It sounded like a genuine question. Price didn’t like it regardless.
“Worried something would happen to you.”
“Don’t get why.” Graves hadn’t paused his work. He barely gave Price a glance.
“I know you can handle yourself.” Price frowned, running his hands through Graves hair.
“You misunderstand. I don’t get why you bother. Ghost is right. You could do a lot better than a disgraced mercenary.” Graves sounded like he was informing Price they had run out of tea. He sounded completely unaffected.
Price knew that wasn’t true and the alcohol in his blood made him more willing to call him out on it. It also made him a lot clumsier with his words. “Well, I like my disgraced mercenary.” 
Graves snorted and shook his head. “Why would Ghost ask you if you planned to stay with me, Price? Why would he think you’d stop... entertaining me now that I’ve agreed to work with you?”
Price felt guilty, because he knew exactly why. He had never had sex with the people he wanted to recruit, but he had paid special attention to them. He mostly tried to be their friend or in Gaz’s case, more of parental figure he supposed. It meant they’d join more willingly. Also meant it hurt more when they died, but that was Price’s business. 
“I’ve never done this before if that’s what you’re asking.” Price finally answered. 
“You could do better. Get a nice british person. Someone who drinks tea how you do and knows how to apologize and isn’t a fucking war criminal.” Graves was biting the inside of his cheek, Price could tell. “I’m not worth the strain on your crew. Definitely not the problems I’m causing in your relationships with them. It would be easier if I left.”
“I’d miss you.” God that sounded stupid. Price grimaced. But Graves finally looked at him, softening. 
“When you envisioned the person you’d fall in love with, did it fit me at all?”
“No.” Price said softly. “You’re definitely different. But when I envision them now, I only see you.” He leaned forward, touching him gently. He wanted him closer, wanted to close this stupid gap between them.
“John. You could do better.” It sounded like a plea. Graves was cracking. Guilt and grief and self depreciation showing along the seams. 
“But I want you. And you want me. And doesn’t that make us both good enough?” He moved closer, wanting them to kiss. To meet in the middle.
Graves tried to turn away but Price cupped his face to prevent it. 
“John... Promise you won’t regret me?”
“I promise, sweetheart. I’d never regret you.”
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
Give me more SW throuple Ghoag (the name is hideous yes but idk what else to call GhostxSoapxReg
aight, gonna start with just small fun facts >:D
Ghost really likes showing off for his partners. we know that motherfucker is confident, but he likes it even more when he physically lifts his sparring opponent up to slam him into the ground while Soap and Reg watch in the sidelines going ‘yeah. that beautiful and terrifying man? that’s ours’. Soap has wolf whistled at several points and Ghost will throw him a middle finger but he really enjoys the confirmation. 
Reg and Soap have also experimented on how to make Ghost flustered. The best one yet was that they simply told him that they love him and want to do mundane things with him, like cooking and laundry and wanna wake up in the morning and see his face and beautiful eyes. he got very quiet and tried to walk away but was stopped by an also flustered Reg hugging him close while he hid his face and going ‘No no no no no, Cyare, pls, no, that was so adorable :’)’. Soap, meanwhile, almost died of laughter before covering him with kisses.
Soap really enjoys small routines. they have firmly set movie nights and will try to get together, even if it’s only over their coms, and they all try to catch each other to at least say good night and the like. it’s as much a confirmation that they’re all still kicking as it is a simple comfort. Johnny worries the most about the other two, which is ridiculous because he, as Reg has pointed out, has fought a fuckin tank with a goddamn rifle. 
he won, but still. 
Reg and Soap are the one that do the whole ‘let’s go on dates!’ thing and Reg specifically enjoys trying out new things. they love when Ghost comes along, but understand if he wouldn’t want to. He always does, though he had moments of slight awkwardness because both Soap and Reg decided to pick out outfits and be a bit fancy while this motherfucker pulled up in his military fatigues and a hoodie. both told him that is absolutely fine, they love him very much, now let’s go and get some ice cream. it’s kinda hilarious to see Ghost be out of his depth. he’s since made it a point to always keep a clean pair of boots around at least.
i’m putting more on the history side under the cut because jesus, this got long-
the whole thing started between Ghost and Reg to be honest. For all that she’s a pretty awkward person off the field, her anger is absolutely blistering and terrifying. she and Ghost had a, lets say, disagreement that became physical and then Physical. It evolved into muted discussions at night and on balconies where they smoked and spoke of a past neither could ever return to. It was a weirdly solemn thing, both people of grays and misty mornings. Which is why they both returned to Johnny. It didn’t take them long to figure out how much he means to them and the other, or how much he just fuckin brightens everything. It took them one very drunken night where Reg stared at him in awe while talking bout how pretty his eyes are while Ghost just rested his head on Johnny’s shoulder as he pulled him closer. It got the message across. He, very much in the know that those two had something going on, kept quiet bout it but in that self-sacrificing way and tried to convince himself that he just wants them to be happy before those two completely blind-sided him that night.
It honestly just kinda went on from then.
now, because how they married was spectacularly dramatic. And Ghost was the one that proposed. in a way. Reg, to make this understandable, is a mando in star wars.
Reg and Soap were cornered on a mission and it looked bad. like, ‘i dont think we’re going to make it’ bad. they were on the channel with Ghost the whole time, who was very frantically trying to get to them aka fucking mowing down people and it’s the most panicked anyone’s ever heard them. 
And he screamed something along the lines of ‘don’t you fucking dare die here! you’re coming home, we’re all coming home! i love you two and i want you in my life forever, i can’t do this again!’ and Soap, in all his glory asked if he just fucking proposed to which a very frantic Ghost screamed ‘bloody fucking hell, YES!’ and then Reg kinda went. ‘ok, we could do that right now.’ and then they did. Both Reg and Soap ended up in the hospital for a few days, knocked out for a good part of it, while Ghost stayed by their side the whole time. When they all finally woke up, they immediately squished together into one bed with Simon in the middle who just started silently weeping into which the other two joined in. they spent the rest of the day just lying together and cuddling and making plans on how to go about stuff now. very little and everything changed that day
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