#Also don't hate people for their negative opinions. You CAN scroll away
nightshadow2518 · 1 year
I know this is unpopular to say but I love when you guys point out flaws, say your opinions or hot takes. As long as it's not getting into a heated war, respective criticism and writing out your thoughts are completely fine. I like hearing them. Good or bad. To me, This Arc was 50/50 and only one episode lack luster for me (despite so many things that it had good) I feel this arc in some of its negative aspects ruined a lot of characters (Manabu, Ryugu bros, TELL) and was a completely rushed plot. However we saw great things like a whole new word, got to see ALL the aliens together (even if some should have appeared earlier) This Arc didn't end strong but there was a lot to unpack and theorize about. Who knows, these things will be explained (or not...) Hopefully for this next arc, we actually see the Go Rush a bit more and it's original characters. As for the next episode, I'm actually happy to see the Kamijo gear company as it was often talked about within a group of mine so this will give us something exciting
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angelsdean · 8 months
a lot of issues in the fandom stem from the fact that there are various different types of fans and viewers here. and we're all lumped together into this space and we cross paths but many of us are not doing the same things or engaging with the show and characters in the same way.
you have the people who do serious meta and analysis, who delve into canon and do frequent rewatches and are really familiar with the source material. then you have your more casual viewers, people who haven't rewatched much and their recollection is hazy. they forget details, fill things in with fanon. then there's the spn fandom-fandom people, people who aren't all that interested in the show, maybe haven't even seen it, they're just here for the fandom. maybe they read fics, but most of their knowledge of the characters comes secondhand. then there's people who don't even really LIKE the show (some of them are fandom-fandom people), who are just here for shitposts. some flavors of these fans also come with weird parasocial actor-hate that then bleeds into their perceptions of the characters. and of course then you have the different x-girl factions, the rabid deancrits who can't stand that most of the general audience and fans love dean. all these people, all in one place, all making posts abt the same show but coming from wildly different ways of experiencing the show and these characters.
so then you end up with people in headcanon land coming onto posts from the analyzing-canon people and arguing abt stuff that is Real To Them bc they're experiencing the show in a different way, maybe not even watching it. and they feel righteous that their headcanon / interpretation is correct, but the canon analysis people are gonna go "wtf is this nonsense? that never happened! those claims are unsupported. i'm not incorporating this headcanon into my beliefs about this character." and headcanon people get mad bc they're so married to this idea of the character they've created in their minds. and then we all go round and round arguing abt it.
like, people need to accept that their headcanon may not be shared by others. your interpretation is not my interpretation, especially if you made it up! i'm under no obligation to believe that.
people can play in their sandbox forever, headcanon what they like, but there's a real problem with some people going onto other people's posts / inboxes (usually when someone is discussing canon) to argue their headcanon, often in a negative way. and then these same people get mad when the person they went to with their argument responds negatively. and then there are some people who take things too far, who send threats and harassment to others for simply having a different opinion abt fictional characters. that's not a normal response to have. yet somehow it's the people responding to the hate / negativity they get that are called "bullies."
anyways, people need to accept that others are not living in their head, sharing their headcanons and we're all experiencing this show differently. some posts aren't for everyone. sometimes you can just scroll away when you disagree with something instead of making an addition or being negative abt the post in the tags. we're all here to have fun, at the end of the day.
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chuuya-fan-page · 9 months
Regarding E’s post about Taylor Swift...
No offense, but who are you to say that? Like, let people have their fun. Who are they hurting by adding Taylor Swift to their soukoku playlists and posting about her songs/lyrics in relation to them? If it annoys you—don’t interact with it. Scroll past, press not interested/dismiss depending on the platform you’re on, filter tags/key words, block people (Blocking was made to allow people to curate their timelines and not see content they don’t want, it doesn’t mean the blocker has some sort of agenda against the person they blocked, like many people love to pretend). All these alternatives are a million times better than being mean about it. As a placeholder for blocking, you can also filter out someone’s username on Tumblr and it’ll hide all their posts from your dash the same way filtering a tag would. There are so many ways to avoid this without posting about it and spreading negativity.
If you disagree with someone in regard to a song fitting a ship (or anything fandom related, really), that’s completely okay. That’s your opinion, and you are entitled to it. What you’re not entitled to is shaming the person for it and telling them what they are and aren’t allowed to do.
Some Taylor songs genuinely fit them very well, in my opinion. Yes, also in my opinion, not all the songs people claim do actually fit them. But in their opinion the songs do, and who am I to tell them they’re wrong? My opinion isn’t in any way superior to theirs. And I’m not about to tell people what to think, or how they can interpret relationships, or what songs they’re allowed/not allowed to have in their relationship playlists. It’s not my place to. It’s not anybody’s place to.
It’s the same way the problem with the Chuuya hate page isn’t that they hate Chuuya, but instead that they’re unnecessarily loud and mean about it. Of course, I’m not trying to say that you’re “the same” or anything, because what the Chuuya hate page is doing is a thousand times worse than this, but this is the beginning of what evolves to be posts like theirs.
Not to mention that this whole mindset of “Stop making everything about X”/“Stop throwing X at everything” is rooted in ableism. What if an autistic person has Taylor as their special interest and they can’t help make everything about her? Heck, what if they have soukoku and Taylor Swift as special interests simultaneously and combining the two brings them unrestrained joy? Why should that bother you?
As an autistic person, I’m really tired of people telling me to stop making everything about my special interests. It’s genuinely out of my control, and I don’t understand why my happiness annoys them so much.
Please don’t take this as hate. The whole reason I sent this is because I like this blog, and I like to believe you’re mature enough to understand what I’m saying and where I’m coming from. Thank you for taking the time to read this <3
Hey I'm sorry that my post was read as being mean, I didn't mean for it to come across as anti-Taylor Swift. I do have my own issues with her but her music is good and I don't have a problem with people thinking a few of her songs fit whoever.
And also I'm not talking about actually explaining why you think a song fits them, that's cool as fuck. Analysis is great I love character analysis, especially if you talk about songs that represent the character and why.
Now respectfully, I think you are reading into a post too much but you did send me a well formatted ask so i'll by paragraph.
Who am I to say that? It's a take, I can have those and I wasn't shaming anyone. I said Taylor Swift makes good music but it doesn't fit everything. Which is true.
Please do not compare me to the Chuuya Hate Page as what she does is entirely different and my saying not everything works with Taylor Swift is so far away from being a bigoted shithead.
I'm not going to say much on the ablism but do know that I am also autistic. I understand where you are coming from but you also have to understand that sometimes special interests can clash. I said what I did because most of the "this Taylor Swift song fits them so well!!" is full of mischaracterization and it pisses me off because bsd is my special interest.
So, I'm not telling anyone specifically to stop doing what makes them happy, I made a very short post where I didn't even say anyone was doing anything bad. I said Taylor Swift doesn't need to be for everything.
Having said all that I do appreciate that you took the time to explain why exactly that post upset you and that's valid, however I am allowed to post whatever takes I want and you don't have to agree with me.
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kitkinnie · 1 year
⁺ ˚⋆°✩₊ ᓚᘏᗢ ₊✩°⋆˚ ⁺
hullo my name's wingdings but you can call me wd or widdy for short (i also go by kit and bug but that's reserved for friends/mutuals)
my main is @wiingdings
i'm 20, queer (agender, aroace) and autistic. mentally ill/disabled as well but that's less of a positive thing. i am also religious(christian) but i have nothing in common with those that are hateful
this is my mecore blog, i reblog things like art, stimboards, posts, anything that feels like "me" , my aesthetic and my gender and my identity are kind of all the same thing.
here are all my kintypes:
aliens (space aesthetic, being "othered"/not from here)
birds (mostly for their wings and flying. seabirds like seagulls especially because of that sky+water combo)
cats (of all kinds but especially black cats and cheetahs)
cryptids (general category but im fond of mothman)
dragons (again a broad category. dragons that can fly and swim are the ones i relate to most)
leviathans (what i call fish-people, like mermaids but they have legs. mermaids feel a bit less accurate but are still good)
robots/AIs (tech, sentient robots. again not feeling human. also relates to my autism)
sphinxs (very similar to moekkas. cats with humanoid features and wings)
werewolves (humanoid animals/beast/cryptid vibe, the feeling that you're kind of "hiding" amongst humans)
and moekkas! moekkas are a personal species i created that have a lot of the traits i feel. they are humanoid cat-like beings with wings that can shift their bodies to a limited degree and can travel between worlds. you can read more about them here but please do not make your own moekka oc as they're extremely personal to me.
also here's my pinterest board that is Also a collection of mecore shit
queerphobes, haters in general. if you have a problem with me then scroll away. satanists and deity/godkin (im sorry im sure yall are nice im just not comfy with it). not interested in most niche identity drama or listing out every opinion i have just don't be a dick to other people if it's not hurting anybody
see you :・゚✧:・゚
wd.txt - talking tag
ask.txt - ask tag
wd.png - art tag
oritag - anything mentioning my pet cat ori
aesthetic - usually stim/moodboards or collections of images
locations - images or art of places or scenery
comfort character, comfort media - self explanatory
alien, autism, cat, caution signs, cheetah, cryptid, gender, glitch, glowwave, leviathan, mecore, maladaptive daydreaming, moekka, plushie, queer, space, tech, therian, werewolf, wings, water - sorting tags
hope - positivity, hope, joy, love
unhope - negativity, aggression, vents
poetry - anything that i feel qualifies as a poem
silly - jokes, lighthearted, just.. silly stuff
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signoraviolettavalery · 4 months
hello. im a lurker but i love your blog and have your post notifications on just to see what you post and have to say. sad to see you go but don't let negative comments get you down. you matter.
As you can see, I'm still here, nonnie. Thank you for your sweet words. I guess I just couldn't stay away from reblogging pretty pictures of the boys and mindless scrolling.
I just want to make it clear, though: it's not just negative comments. It is people in this fandom - whom I've tried to block and otherwise avoid for my wellbeing - who have made it clear, explicitly and sometimes to my face, that certain groups of people are not welcome and generally suspect - in this fandom, at Joker Out concerts, or anywhere, really -on the basis of their national origin, native language, or other aspects of their identity. I do not want to be part of or consider myself part of this fandom. All those posts about how "welcoming" and wonderful this fandom is are, in my opinion, bullshit. I'm going to be reblogging pretty pictures and chatting with the, like, 3 people who tolerate my existence, but that's about it. I may be posting some fic, but I'm also not particularly motivated to write anything for the consumption of people who hate me on the basis of where I was born.
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Hello, I hope it is fine for me to ask you about this. I would like your opinion on something. I have just gotten into the steve/bucky community and looking through some blogs that seemed a good starting point to get fic recommendations. Yours is one of them but it seems to me, that there is less drama here, if you know what I mean. The question I have is about two series that I have seen discussed really controversial, people only seem to hate them. One is "Not Easily Conquered" and one is "What I'm Looking For". I appreciate that you seem to be more levelheaded about these things, so would you say it is worth it? And do you know more blogs like yours that aren't so hateful? I trust your judgement, thank you in advance.
Hey anon,
What a message! I don’t even know where to start with this one. Well, first of all, welcome to Stuckyhell™—I hope you enjoy crying about two centenarian super soldiers because you’ll be doing that a lot! I have to say that my experience in the community has been overwhelmingly positive so far. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, but I feel that if you don’t go looking for drama and realize early on that occasionally the best course of action is to privately roll your eyes and simply keep on scrolling, you’ll do just fine and it’s a pretty chill experience overall.
Now as to your fic-related questions. I'm honestly a bit surprised. Where did you see all that hateful talk about these two series? I think I can count on one hand the number of people who have ever dared to utter even so much as a mildly critical opinion on NEC? And I’ve never heard a negative word about WILF at all? Hm.
But you asked my opinion so here we go:
Okay, so. NEC. There's a reason why you won't find any mention of it on my blog. Honestly, I had kind of hoped that I could get away with never having to publicly speak about my, ahem, complicated feelings about this series. Guess not.
Let's just rip off the bandaid: I'm not a fan. Now, it’s not a *bad* fic by any means, not at all. The letters in particular are exquisitely written, and I can see why people go feral over them, but almost everything else about this series leaves me somewhere between cold, uncomfortable, or mildly infuriated. That’s all I’ll say about it outside of DMs because (1) I’m not interested in creating any drama here, (2) trying to understand the excessive popularity of this series just leads to me being frustrated and baffled all over again, and (3) I know that a lot of people—among them some of my most beloved mutuals and fandom friends—really, really love this series and I think it’s mean and frankly bad form to talk negatively about something that they love with all their heart, in a space where they are very likely to see it. I probably already said too much, but you asked, and this is my honest answer.
(And btw, this is also a big part of creating a chill fandom experience for yourself: Just accept that some things simply aren’t for you and you will never understand why everybody is so into it. But publicly & repeatedly railing against it in great detail is very unlikely to change anyone’s mind.  You’re just going to make them feel bad about a thing they love and they won’t thank you for it. Also, people can like different things and still be friends. I know—what a concept!)
So back to your question: should you read NEC? I mean, yeah, go for it. So many people adore it, maybe you'll end up being one of them. Just because I personally don't love it, doesn't mean you won't either. If nothing else, you'll at least know what people are talking about when they praise it or, apparently, hate on it, and you'll be able to form your own opinions.
The other series you mentioned, What I'm Looking For, I absolutely recommend. If you're in the mood for a long, sprawling series that stays very close to canon while also trying to make sense of its often faulty narrative logic and inconsistent characterization, this will certainly do it for you! However, keep in mind that this is a veeeeery slow burn series, so if you want to read something that rather quickly gives you all the fuzzy happy romantic Stucky feels, then perhaps you better pick something else.
As for other blogs that do rec posts. @voylitscope makes fantastic themed rec lists. @burberrycanary occasionally makes rec posts with the added bonus of beautiful "fake" book covers. @sparkagrace and @xoxobuckybarnes put together monthly reading lists, and @hazel-wand and @msilverstar often post individual fic recs. I'm sure there are many more!
And of course, you can always send me an ask if you're looking for fics that feature certain tropes/genres/time periods/etc.
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bunchacrunchcake · 9 months
I got off the internet, mostly, and it's been great. Here are some reasons.
Social media companies keep you on their sites by showing addictive content. They sometimes trigger fight or flight. They often trigger social anxiety. They are literally modeled after slot machines (low risk, variable reward) You will constantly crave dopamine, never get enough, feel awful, and never know why.
Staring at the ceiling or reading a book isn't hard anymore. It took about a month, but... if I can't figure out something to do for this very second, I just kind of look around until I figure something out. Sometimes it's boring, that's okay. Being bored just isn't the psychic torture it used to be. It's pretty mundane.
I do all my chores. I used to have to block time out to do this or that. Then force myself to stop what I was doing (which was often using multiple apps and websites as well as watching a movie or playing a game,) to go do something incredibly boring. I don't have to combat that level of inertia anymore. If I'm microwaving or cooking something, I just do a few dishes here or there, or do some sweeping for a couple minutes. It all adds up and my house is cleaner and more organized. What I used to do while my food was cooking was scroll through reels until I could break away to keep cooking.
I consume less, but retain more information. Let's be honest, you've gone by probably 100 posts today. What was the last one about? Okay, what about 10 posts ago? I can read half a book in a day if I want to (don't always want to,) because I can just sit down and read. I'm not constantly fighting the urge to go do something more interesting. And I can make up my mind about whether I like it or not, the plot, character development, etc. My attention span is long enough to read 100 pages in the afternoon, go make tea, and mush it all around in my head while the kettle is boiling. I also don't waste my time watching or reading things I don't like. I used to look at youtube and be like "I have to watch something, what am I going to watch?" Now I go, "Is there anything interesting in my feed?" The question is different, and I've learned that often there is not. I used to watch and watch and watch just to fill time. Now that I don't have to, so much less of it is actually interesting. Reels and TikTok are actually painfully boring. They're huge huge dopamine hits, but about 1 in 50 are actually interesting and even less of them really add much to my life. I used to binge watch them for hours.
I worry less about what other people think. Top comments are always someone arguing. Comment replies on reddit and almost every other platform are arguing. If they're not picking apart a thought you casually came up with on an evening off, they're actively throwing hate at you. You might get adoration too. But none of it is really constructive. It doesn't really help you develop your thoughts or grow as a person. Plus, not everyone is going to like what you do or who you are. Part of growth is not trying to avoid negativity, but understanding where it comes from and whether you think it's a legitimate thing to work on or not. Social media just hurls unconstructive negativity at you 24/7. The amount of times I think about whether someone else would like what I'm doing in the current moment is dialed down from a 10/10 to a 1 or 2. Yes it's okay that you were a jerk to the cashier because you were having a bad day. It's not a good thing. Please learn from it and try to figure out how to not do it in the future, but you're not irredeemable. The internet tends to throw the baby out with the bathwater as far as personalities and people go. It's hard to walk around in life trying to be morally perfect when everyone's opinion of what that is is so drastically different.
In short, I am patient, I don't second guess myself, and I'm happy. It didn't happen immediately and it might not to you, but it was my experience and I am not sure I will be a regular social media user any time soon.
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I fully believe that you should be able to have whatever options you want but I think that hating on another ship on the internet is a little bit low
Nothing comes out of building things out of hate instead of love
if you love prongsfoot, then make a prongsfoot blog, or just talk about it, share fanart/fanfic, or something like that. Focus on the fact that you love prongsfoot, and love James, rather than the fact that you hate wolfstar and hate Remus.
You're allowed to not like ships, but just because you don't like something (that's not problematic) doesn't mean you have to hate on it and potentially make other people feel bad
Thank you for reading :)
Hi anon!
Thanks for the ask.
First of all, absolutely respect your opinion because I don't hating isn't a very good thing.
That said, the reason I created this blog was because of the overwhelming WS or Jegulus fans that would say platonic PF or hate of PF fans (a lot of whom were to nice to say stuff back) and so you could almost say that the purpose was so that people who were being hated on had a kind of support (essentially a respond to that hate asks thay'd get bc they didn't want to start drama [but I very much don't mind debating with people])
Also, I believe in taking the negative emotions I had out.
And when I joined tumblr, it was hard to meet people who liked similar things to me because like I didn't know about ship names and stuff. And even after a while, I couldn't find people, who, for example hated/disliked Dumbledore, Lily, Remus etc etc so this was a way of kinda finding people to be able to talk to.
Lastly, I am a too organised person (at least very much as far as online is concerned), and making a separate blog for this seemed better than putting these things in my blog.
Also, it isn't as much an anti WS blog as much as it to just get like feelings away. I ramble on HP in general (like that post on Muggle!AUs if I remember right is on here) but I guess it turned into a bit more of an anti-character/ship blog on the way
I do have a PF blog, but when I j have to ramble about stuff I come here. Tumblr itself is like a mini mind map of certain parts of me, which is why I don't really think this blog is leaving anytime soon.
I do hope WS fans have blocked the anti-WS tag, bc if they don't they will get anti WS things from my blog and beyond. Same goes to anyone really.
The only ani tags I haven't blocked are the kind that Ik will make it to posts absolutely unrelated to them, but I don't mostly interact with posts that believe otherwise.
TL;DR, respect your opinion, have a PF blog, this blog isn't going anywhere, people who don't agree can scroll/block/don't interact, because I interact with those who interact with me.
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quetzalizing · 24 days
My morals lie in such an odd place. I have no clue where it truly lies (as things inside my brain switch every moment it can; it could be neutral or some chaotic type). But to put it in action, let's give ourselves some example/s.
Pro-shipping, I think, might be a big example. In actual terminologies (not the butchered definition some site uses it for), pro-shipping explains that one is capable of shipping something without transferring the same concepts/traits of the ship into real life. Fantasy ≠ reality, to put it simply. And I'm using that analogy, really loosely.
Now, where is my stance on this? I, generally, do not mind what people like or do online. If it starts hurting other people directly, then you're an ass and should stop doing so. The keyword here is "DIRECTLY".
Say for example, you saw a ship of 2 characters you do not agree with. The general consensus is to scroll, block, leave it as is, tell someone that this person shouldn't be followed cause you know they don't like this ship yadda yadda- the non-active way of showing you don't agree, yes? Not directly negative to YOU specifically, but due to preferences. On the other hand, there are others who ARE active about this distaste to their preference. In this case, they actively comment in negatives, inform others to BLOCK, UN-FOLLOW, REPORT! And I see where they're coming from. I understand that there are people who have been affected by these similar traits of the ships to their real-life experiences, hence they'd get heavily affected by such when seen in online parallels.
But that's where internet etiquette and internet safety comes into play. Internet safety also takes into account that you should know how to filter out what you see. Filters in social media have been better than before, and continue to try their best to work. Granted, it isn't always the best, but it's worth a shot. If you don't like a specific ship, an artist, an entire topic, blocks and such exist in most (if not all) sites.
So, back to the topic at hand. What's my stance on "Pro-shipping"? I don't think it could be explained simply by a "I'm against it" or an "I'm all for it".
In the simplest way possible, I don't care what media you like. You shouldn't care what media I like. Not in a personal attack sort of way, at least. If you like things I don't, I would simply look away (or exclaim something in person, THEN look away), block or click the "I'm not interested in this post" option, or anything else that I know would limit the probability of me seeing the post. If it's anything morally (by social standards [e.g., age gap, femboy, twink x jock, sexualizing etc.]) wrong but doesn't really affect me, I brush it off and just wonder what goes on in that person's head.
I don't condone anything 'bad' (using that loosely because that term is subjective) to happen to people or for people to experience bad things when they see pro-shipping. I don't want you to feel forced to like it or feel forced to hate it. I'm stating that I do not have a solid opinion on it. I have ships I like that I know people would ask "Why do you like this?" in a negative or concerning way. I have ships I like that people would say "OH THIS IS GOOD, YEAH!". Both are things that can co-exist. I don't necessarily talk about them all the time, because I just do not want to if I think it's not necessary or good enough to share.
This specific blog has no specific idea in mind. I just wanted to share my stance on the whole "what are your views on x?" thing that people expect a simple YES or NO answer to. At the end of the day, I really couldn't tell you where my morals align with those stuff. I will, however, proceed to give you examples and a very complex explanation as to what I view about it.
But, 'till the next morn. queltz
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lynaerith · 1 year
Not sure what you came across to write a post like that, but as fans we are allowed to say what we dislike about the manga. We are also allowed to question its "validity to exist" as long as there's no mindless hatred for the authors. Or hatred for those who enjoy it instead. If you don't enjoy reading negative opinions, you can just keep scrolling. If you find a troubling, hatred driven opinion, you can address it specifically. As someone who dislikes what the manga has become, I felt like you grouped me and all the people who dislike it on the same level, and that's not fair. I used to love ons, now I think it's extremely tedious and confusing and badly written, but I never spread hate and the same goes for many other ex fans. Also (but this is a different topic) I think it's easier to like the manga when you're Mika Yuu fan. Imagine not being one and having to bear the over presence of those two while all the other amazing characters are forgotten for months. Sometimes it feels like they could very well not be in the story at all and that's so frustrating. We all get to choose how to use that 'energy' so if somebody chooses to use it to write a bad review or a rant post, why wouldn't they? All that matters is that it's done respectfully, in my opinion
It wasn’t my intention to come off rudely. I apologize if it came off that way—personally, I was calling out harsh and unnecessary comments made by people who dispute any sort of positivity from fans.
People who have gone out of their way to be negative despite never picking up the manga at all. I do mention briefly that yes, I also believe the manga has problems, but to blatantly be so rude to readers and say things like “who is even reading this lol”—that’s what I was addressing as unnecessary commentary: those are not comments coming from fans.
I don’t disagree we should all critique the manga, but there should be separation between critique and straight up being rude. My text post (and by extension, myself) encourages commentary and analysis! If you check the comments and reblogs, I have replied to anyone who has made comments and engaged in discussion, as well as sent private messages to others to discuss more in depth.
I feel you took animosity towards my comment when that wasn’t my intention, so I apologize. But if you’d like to further discuss this, I would love to hear what you have to say. At the end of the day, what I enjoy is hearing what all readers have to say: I like gleaning in on what everyone has taken from the story and seeing what they disagree and agree with narratively.
What I am not interested in, is people who blatantly do not care about the manga, never bother to pick it up, and still hate on it for no reason other than to seem “cool” for disliking something. That sort of bandwagon behavior doesn’t fly with me—you’re better off spending your time on something you like as opposed to spewing hate.
That being said—I will say the manga is very mikayuu oriented right now: but honestly, that was kind of bound to happen regardless. They are and always were the center of the story.
My favorite characters are mahiru, ashera, and crowley. you can imagine I feel similarly about their narrative arcs being essentially side-stepped and forgotten. I have my gripes and critiques of the story. Those of us who do have our concerns and criticisms are not the people I was calling out.
Sorry if this wasn’t very concise or very?? well constructed. basically—take away: I apologize you felt lumped in with those I was mentioning as being distasteful, not my intention.
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Are there really new users coming to tumblr👀
That would be so cool if the community here extended some more :D Fill the fandoms and the tags and make the discussions more lively!
Tumblr is unique social media platform. Look at all the pluses:
Unlimited lenght of posts
Any media allowed in a post, from gifs to video to audio and graphics
You can find content by tags! By interest in a topic you just scroll down the tag and connect with everyone who posts something about it!
Users don't depend on popularity to have their content seen. If you post things with relevant tags, your audience will find you
Filtering tags! You can totally choose your experience and what you don't wish to see!
Unfollowing is anonymous, when people don't like your content they just leave and you won't notice right away
The anonymity. No pressure to post pictures and names and give your location through gps and maps and mark where you work or where you have been or what not
Most users don't use their names but made up nicknames that already tell you a lot about their preferences and blog focus!
The info you publish about yourself is totally up to you! You don't have to full any occupation and age areas or whatever
Easy to block users
Many ways to interact in causual and gradual ways! You have asks and tagging people in posts, ask games and DMs when you want to get more private and intense
Ideal format for writers. Discussions. Long posts. Bloggers with daily posts and blogs with the various fonts and formattings of posts for those who play with the codes want to customize their blog in their own style
But also easy to use and overview if you don't care about that stuff and just want to post things without a worry
Links and tags that let you keep your posts nicely organized
So many nische blogs and topics! Nothing is out of question (just tag it right). Books, writers, anime, games, artists, whump, studying, various languages, reviews, politics, fanfics, self-insert stories, metas, personality tests,...
You can use popular tags to be found and seen or personal ones only you and your friends know to track
No limited characters like in twitter. No demanding of content type like pictures on instagram or videos on tiktok. Allows for graphics, but more text focused.
Sure the anonymity sometimes makes people act out, there is hate and trolling like anywhere else, interaction can be low if the fandom/nische isn't popular, stealing work can be a problem, it's a site known for having lots of political agenda/various oppression fighting goals, lgbtq and mental illness focus and majorly socialist/collectivist/anti-capitalistic opinions - but it also contains generally more inspired, considerate, polite, introspective, positive, cheerful, sensitive and tolerant people as result.
Anyway, I wish I had known these negatives so I could have handled them better. There are great ways to avoid topics/content/blogs you disagree with or that don't interest you, if you know it's just the people you follow and not the majority opinion/some kind of condition to stay in these spaces. You make your own space, there is no obligation whatsoever to follow people or to be followed and liked by everyone. You are anonymous, you curate your own experience, you make the content you feel like making (don't let anybody tell you otherwise! You don't own anybody anything).
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faelicy · 4 years
Miss Faelicy I would love to get your opinion on Bingqiu.
I see people posting things like how they are "problematic" and how they don't really love each other and SQQ only feels sympathy etc. Obviously there were struggles between them as there should be (considering all that happened) and just because sqq wasn't very open and super obvious about his feelings doesn't mean they are not there..this is how I interpreted it. I would love to know your opinion
Hello! This also covers part 2 of the previous ask.
First, massive spoilers for the end of the novel. Second, a disclaimer: I despise shipwars, which I think are behind most of those comments. I hate them because it's usually all in bad faith: everyone's already committed to their interpretation of the ships, and any discussion is just a guise for justifying their preferences.
So to any readers: I don't want anything here to be used as shipwar fuel. This post is about Bingqiu's canon arc and themes. Basically, I don't know or care if Bingqiu is a good ship, but I do think it's a well-written one.
I'll start by saying directly: for most of the novel, Bingqiu is neither healthy nor romantic. And that this is not bad writing, but on purpose.
A relationship that drives one party to mental breakdown isn't healthy. A relationship where that party says it's okay to hurt or kill them can't possibly be healthy. That happened because there was something deeply wrong with their relationship, something that can't be reduced to Xin Mo, miscommunication, or LBH throwing a tropey yandere fit.
And out of all three MXTX novels, only SV lacks a love confession from the MC to the ML. Again, I don't think it's an oversight, or just because SQQ's face is too thin. There are plenty of ways MXTX could have worked a subtle one in if she really wanted to.
In my opinion, Bingqiu's narrative can be split up into four arcs: Qing Jing Peak (ch 1-27), Jin Lan City (28-43), Post-revival (29-55), and Reconciliation (56-81). Other than the first arc, where their relationship is pretty straightforward, Bingqiu spend most of the rest in direct conflict.
I'll give an overview of the arcs here, but what I truly want to say about Bingqiu starts in arc 4, so if you're impatient you can scroll down. But the overview might help add context.
Jin Lan City arc is about LBH's anger at being brutally betrayed by the one person he thought he could trust. Here he tries to force answers out of SQQ, who he believes both hates him and is a hypocrite. He's driven by a desire to return to the past, but his rage and love makes his actions contradictory: on one hand he tries to win SQQ's approval constructively, by climbing to the top of Huan Hua Palace and performing good deeds, on the other hand his belief that SQQ doesn't care about him so it's all futile anyway (reinforced by SQQ's own actions) causes him to lash out destructively, going as far as to hurt and imprison SQQ.
LBH's bitterness is portrayed very negatively, because all it does is instill despair into SQQ, until SQQ ends up believing that he's only been a blight on LBH's life, and that he must make up for it by killing himself. Whereupon LBH breaks down, regressing into a childlike state. Some might ask, why does LBH never bring up the Abyss again afterwards? It's because he gives up here. This entire arc is about getting LBH to let go of past wrongs and to stop seeking answers, whether the reader believes it's fair to him or not. Because SQQ's life is more important.
Post-revival arc then is about SQQ trying to come to terms with a blackened LBH who also loves him. Interestingly, despite SQQ's horror at realizing LBH was romantically interested in him all along, SQQ actually has a very subtle but telling secondary reaction. To explain, let's back up to the first arc.
Starting around ch 9, probably as a sign of his growing affection, SQQ begins addressing LBH as 这孩子, or "this child," in his internal monologue, instead of LBH's name. He does it once each in ch 9, 12, 17, 21, 25. However, once Jin Lan City arc starts, SQQ drops the address entirely. LBH and "child" are never brought up together except for one snarky comment on LBH's tantrum being disgracefully childish in ch 38.
At first glance this doesn't look noteworthy because LBH by this point is no longer a kid. But when LBH kisses him in ch 49, SQQ changes again: right away he returns to using "child" on LBH, and the "this child" address starts popping up at a much higher frequency. By the end of SV SQQ has referred to LBH as a child in some manner at least 35 times (yes I went and counted), with the vast majority after ch 49, and he continues to do so right into the last extra.
Why was SQQ unwilling to use this address of affection for over 20 chapters? Perhaps because he too thought LBH hated him, and couldn't bear to think about him so intimately knowing that. So SQQ immediately falling back into it the moment he learns LBH loves him is a sign of his relief. He's still dismayed at the romantic part, but though SQQ likes to deflect from his real emotions (this is the guy who focused on bad naming sense after being fatally poisoned, who cavalierly commented only after it was all over that he'd expected to die), the fact that LBH loves and doesn't hate him, means a lot.
Here SQQ's feelings towards LBH are at their most complicated. He still assumes the worst of him like in Jin Lan City, but now because of the above, also sees a lonely child whenever LBH is unhappy and lost. It's like he has two filters actively interfering with each other, "crazed criminal" and "pitiful child," and so he flip-flops between pushing LBH away and comforting him. But when LBH drags CQMS into it, and even seemingly takes advantage of SQQ's love for him, SQQ's negative image and frustration with him only grows, until he finally snaps and tells LBH to never come near him again.
At this point SQQ still believes that LBH is the same black-hearted, invincible, devil incarnate that og!LBH was portrayed to be. The Reconciliation arc starts by chipping away at this filter that's been plaguing SQQ for so long. First the revelation that TLJ/ZZL was behind the sowers, thus clearing LBH's name at Jin Lan City. Then we see how unloved he is by his own father; we see him injured and helpless and unconscious. Meng Mo yells at SQQ, reinforcing that image of a vulnerable, terrified child. So by ch 62 SQQ has thrown away the "crazed criminal" filter completely, and in that same chapter they cling to each other and finally make up. Because while it's true that the current LBH is misanthropic, antisocial, and mercurial, SQQ has also finally accepted that he's still the same LBH he'd raised and doted on, back on Qing Jing Peak.
Now I'm going to talk about what I see as the most important part of Bingqiu. Yes, despite the wall of text already.
A common sentiment of Bingqiu shippers about their issues seems to be, "SQQ is dumb and oblivious; he can't figure out what LBH needs even though he loves him because he sees LBH as a novel character," but I think the problem is far more complicated and insidious than that. If that was everything, why give SQQ the epiphany that he misunderstood LBH so early? Why have him think in ch 66 that "truthfully, he'd never really trusted Luo Binghe, and that's why he kept accidentally hurting him?" If he's already realized that he shouldn't treat LBH like og!LBH (he even meets og!LBH in ch 71 to rub it in further), why do we go another 13 chapters believing their relationship is good and well, even giving us a sweet, happy moment in ch 75, only to show LBH having the worst breakdown of the novel just 4 chapters later? Was it all just padding to demonstrate the danger of Xin Mo?
Or is there something else beneath the surface?
In ch 66, the same chapter where SQQ implies he doesn't want to accidentally hurt LBH anymore, he says something telling. When LQG is skeptical that LBH can be trusted, SQQ thinks, 家里孩子不懂事,大人不容易做, or "when your child doesn't know any better, as the adult you don't have it easy." The child here of course refers to LBH, and the adult is SQQ, who's complaining about smoothing over LBH's messes. But what is SQQ implying here?
Doesn't know any better? That's what you say about a toddler who can't think for themselves, not a grown man. LBH is 25 and SQQ thinks he doesn't know better. Doesn't know better about what? LBH's wants, his needs? His feelings? Or even what's good for him?
And then you realize that's exactly how SQQ's always treated him, like a helpless child who can't make his own choices.
It's SQQ who chooses to throw LBH down into the Abyss without trying to talk to him. It's SQQ who decides that keeping silent is the best choice. It's SQQ who believes self-destructing in front of LBH will help, who thinks that breaking off their relationship is for the better. And it's SQQ who scolds LBH into tolerating CQMS, even though they hate each other and CQMS is hostile towards him. Who forces him to leave first at Zhao Hua Temple despite LBH's pleas otherwise, who shoos him out the window when CQMS walks in on them.
Every single one of these decisions, SQQ made believing it was for the best (repair LBH's relationship with his family, help him avoid arrest, not wanting to make excuses, wanting LBH to be free of his hatred), and every single one of them only damaged LBH further. Because SQQ's never listened to him, even once. Never consulted him or considered his feelings.
(And LBH did try to bring up his feelings on one of the matters in ch 75. He insinuates to SQQ that he doesn't like LQG calling him "little beast" or "ingrate." And SQQ's response is to dismiss them entirely, saying that LQG's "not wrong.")
SQQ has always loved LBH, but he's never once respected LBH's agency or personhood. Because LBH doesn't know better and SQQ does, so SQQ must make all his decisions for him.
And this, amplified by Xin Mo, is what finally drives LBH mad in ch 79.
To LBH, the important part isn't whether SQQ loves him, which I think he knew after ch 43 (it's why he can be so daring and pushy with SQQ's boundaries). What's important is that the moment SQQ believes abandoning LBH is justified for whatever reason again, SQQ absolutely will.
Ch 80's two-way noncon (since LBH was basically unconscious and couldn't consent) tends to draw most of the attention, but I actually think that what happens afterwards is one of the most important scenes for Bingqiu. There SQQ tries to sacrifice himself a second time for LBH, drawing Xin Mo's demonic qi into his body. Yet the novel claims that SQQ's actions here are completely different than in ch 43. SQQ himself says that this time he's doing it for LBH, while last time he was doing it for himself. But can the reader see a functional difference?
There is one, in fact: it's SQQ's response to LBH's choice afterwards. LBH decides to follow SQQ in death, even though this would void the point of SQQ's sacrifice. But instead of insisting otherwise, SQQ just accepts it. Because he finally understands that whether LBH's life is worth living, whether LBH will be better off, is for LBH and only LBH to decide.
It's the first time he respects LBH's agency. And this is the only reason why he and LBH can finally begin building a healthy relationship on the mess they've had up to now.
So that's what I see as the true beauty behind Bingqiu. It's about communication and mistaken assumptions, yes, but it's also about the nature of love between parent and child. The romantic developments were left to the extras, I believe, because this was the main story MXTX wanted to tell with them. Their relationship as lovers only starts afterwards, hence why SV ends with, "the story between you and I, has only just begun." It was never meant to be a whirlwind romance where they fall in love cleanly. It might not to be to everyone's tastes, but an incredible amount of thought was put into the narrative, and that's what amazed me when I first finished this novel.
(This post went on way too long and I ended up cutting off a huge chunk of tangential stuff and how SQQ came to his realization in ch 79: he didn't do it alone. It took him seeing the LBH in TLJ and the himself in YQY for him to understand. In fact, YQY and og!SQQ's relationship has a similar parent-and-child dynamic. I've touched on it before on twitter; if there's interest I might try writing that up here too.)
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blazethecheeto · 3 years
navigating the garbage can ★ updated ★
hiii any new followers or old mutuals that want to reread this for some odd reason!! this blog is mostly made up of countless reblogs and a new obsession every few days. here's a little navigation tool when stalking it so it doesn't seem so random :D it's quite rare people actually find my profile, so i'm copy pasting it here!!
hey! i´m blaze, and before you dive into the hellhole that is my blog, here is a guide about me! i am very open to anyone asking me anything or just talking to me, i love making new mutuals!
current fandoms
i have a ton more that i'm in, but these are my current one that i actively post about :D
the arrowverse (when will. this obsession. go away.)
stranger things (CURRENT HYPERFIXATION!!!)
grishaverse (best book series, outstanding show, and the crows <33)
sanders sides (i am a HUGE fan, what an incredible series)
the osemanverse (heartstopper, radio silence, etc- i love these silly queer kids)
the magnus archives (i am, albeit slowly, getting into the podcast! i'm on s2 rn!)
cartoon disney trinity (amphibia, the owl house, and gravity falls <33 totally carried the past few years for me)
my WIPS- phantasm, stalkers of shadow, etc, etc. (ask me about them you’ll never hear me shut up)
poetry (just writing in general, i am always writing something)
some personal stuff
i am a minor, and currently high school
eh, i’m one of them canadians.
i have a cat and make it my whole personality. his name is tiger!!
i get into a new fandom every month or week- you have to deal with it.
i barely make original posts and just reblog shit.
i am part of the alphabet mafia- i am a demiboy and bisexual.
i write stuff sometimes (all the time)
check out my linktree for my Ao3, Storium, and Spotify. https://linktr.ee/BlazeTheCheeto
check out my writeblr too! @ghostblazewrites
click below to navigate my blog with some tags :)
my incorrect quotes- what i'm most known for, if i'm known for anything. here are all my incorrect quotes for different fandoms, also known as things <insert fandom>  characters absolutely have said.
my memes- they're just memes. they're silly. they probably don't make sense. they're fun.
my ships- expose me. it'll be interesting.
my faves- favourite posts or characters!
art posts- most of these are not mine bc i'm not that talented to make art but they're SO GOOD (i stalk this tag on my blog the most)
my hilarious posts- i cackled and i wheezed when looking at these posts and you will too. that's an order.
mine- all my original posts lmaoo
fandom rant- lots of ranting about my fandoms here- some controversial opinions that i probably changed my mind on from a year ago but uhh ignore that
comic post- mostly moringmark if we're being honest but there's some gems here!
cute animal posts- wholesome animals doing wholesome things
there's specific tags for each fandom i'm in or characters, which is great! have fun with this dumpster fire. also i hate negativity/mean posts or comments so just like. if you nothing nice to say or disagree with my opinions. just scroll past them!
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anzcty · 3 years
Analysing Episode 6 Sylvie - her actions, her choice and a whole bunch of theories (Spoilers!)
After watching the Loki finale, I have been scrolling through Tumblr for quite a long time. I already knew that people's opinions were gonna be incredibly different but I definitely did not expect this much negative backlash. Especially when it comes to two specific topics - the Sylvie and Loki kiss and Sylvie's betrayal (/choice/actions). I'm gonna be talking about the latter, for it is another time I'll talk a lot about Sylki's relationship. (Beware that this post is also really long though)
First of all, everyone has different opinions and I respect that. I absolutely adore movies, books, TV-shows and videogames because despite what's happening within the story, each viewer has the opportunity to see something else in what they are shown (besides the obvious canon). What I mean is that everyone interprets certain scenes differently and gains the opportunity to make up theories. Therefore I want to clarify that I do, by no means, want to force my views upon others. It's nice to see people talk about the Loki Series (as long as it doesn't get too negative and hateful, iykwim) because every viewer can share their specific experiences with it :)
I'm gonna analyse Sylvie's character a bit ( because, well, I'm bored and I kinda wanna protect my beloved character that I've only had for a few weeks >:^0 AND the only thing I could think about the past day was this episode) and try to explain her actions in the finale (keep in mind: not justifying them, but explaining them).
I'm terribly bad at concentrating on one single topic point so I kinda made a 'list' with questions and whatnot that I wanted to dive deeper into. Your thoughts are also more than welcome!
I already want to apologise for grammatical mistakes, for I am not a native english speaker.
Sylvie's reason for being taken away by the TVA is still kinda unknown
You know, I've heard quite a few theories about Sylvie's nexus event by now. Some people say that she got taken away because she was playing with her toys in a way that indicates her having a good heart (playing as a Valkyrie and wanting to save someone, another hint may also be the reaction she showed towards someone else who got kidnapped by the TVA, yelling at the soldiers to "help them out"). Another theory is that she already knew she was adopted, unlike Loki who found out way later than her. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but we never got to hear the actual reason why Sylvie got kidnapped. Even Renslayer didn't say a word about it.
Now I'm gonna come up with yet another theory. What if Sylvie didn't really have a nexus event in the first place how we know it? In the final episode, Kang has said that he has planned out everything beforehand so both Loki and Sylvie would end up right in front of him. Did Kang's plan also possibly involve him getting killed by Sylvie? Hear me out: We don't actually know if the Kang we saw in episode 6 is the actual 'nice' Kang and not one of his evil variants. He has already talked about 'reincarnation', so who says that after ending the first universial war, Kang didn't reincarnate into someone with an unpure heart (aka, one of his evil variants)? That'd mean that the real Kang would have been killed and the Kang we've seen in the finale is actually an evil version that simply lied to both Loki and Sylvie. Besides that, we also don't know if Kang actually had that 'point' where he didn't know what would happen next. The show revolves a whole lot around trust, not only regarding the characters, but also the viewers. Who's to say that Kang said the truth? Maybe he planned it all out: He created the TVA, let Sylvie get kidnapped and therefore give her a reason to hunt after Kang, who in return could reincarnate if he got killed OR get killed and therefore give his other variants a possibility to conquer the universes yet again. Don't you think that it was kinda suspicious that Sylvie escaped so easily out of Renslayer's hands? The one person who's probably closest to Kang? (Even though, yes, she doesn't know who he is but Renslayer seems to play a very important role in his plan). What if the Kang we saw was the nice Kang though? Would he plan everything up to a point where another universial war would break out because he might know that there is indeed something/someone out there who could end it and therefore, possibly end Kang as a whole or create a new kind of system revolving around the universe? And therefore, get rid of the possibility of another universial war happening? Who knows. I am definitely overthinking and reaching at this point. One more thing that stood out to me while thinking about the episode again today (which kinda weighs more into my theory of Sylvie being a keypoint (or rather a puppet) in this plan): Kang has talked about his Tempad and that he knew that he would need it to have enough energy. But for what? Yes, his initial idea was to give it to Loki and Sylvie to rule over the TVA, but what if it was supposed to be used for another reason? Sylvie used it to transport Loki back to the TVA (though I kinda think he was accidentally transported to another timeline, hence the reactions of both Mobius and Hunter B-15) and therefore get rid of the only thing that could prevent Sylvie from killing Kang. The Tempad was used to secure Sylvie's path and therefore eradicated Kang's only option of safety. You can see the Tempad loosing it's glow after Kang was killed, possibly due to Kang himself being the origin of it's energy. But maybe, it only had enough energy for one specific action: getting rid of Kang's protection. I do think that Sylvie is now stuck at this place and somehow has to find a way back to Loki's reality. The Tempad clearly doesn't work anymore (at least in my opinion) and there was quite a long shot showing the Tempad up close, which is kinda suspicious tbh. Also, something regarding Sylvie's unanswered nexus event feels kinda odd to me, too.
My theory in conclusion: Sylvie (and Loki) are unconciously helping Kang with his plan (a big, big, BIG plan). They're his puppets, especially Sylvie, because she's the one who created the Multiverse to begin with. Think about Loki, who was said to be manipulated by Thanos in Avengers? It's basically the same train of thoughts.
Sylvie does not take Kang's offer into consideration
To be honest, this was something to be absolutely expected of her. Sylvie was kidnapped as a child, taken away from her home and family, and had to grow up in countless apocalypses where she could never form a real bond with anybody because she knew that those people were all going to die anyway. (Please don't judge me if I got that wrong, maybe I understood the next thing wrong? Idk, if so, I'm very sorry) She revealed that she was kidnapped way before Loki was even born (something I have to think about, too, because, if Loki is the actual Loki the other variants are based off, why did he exist after Sylvie? Wouldn't that make him a variant of Sylvie instead? Idk timelines and parallel universes are hard to understand for me :') I'm kinda stoopid ), therefore she must've had spent several decades of her life running away. She had no life at all. Her only goal was to bring down the TVA and whoever is behind it, driven by pure rage, seeking out revenge for stealing her life and basically forbidding her existence. And now that she has found said person, the only thing that'd be right for her character would be to go for the kill. As immoral as it may sound, it is the only thing that makes sense. And I am actually very happy that Sylvie's goals didn't change besides the fact that she did indeed soften up a little and has gotten someone really close to her. In contrary, it makes sense for Loki to do the exact opposite. His goals have changed. He does not act the way he did in Thor or Avengers anymore. He has found another goal for himself: to make Sylvie feel alright. He has had immense character growth and didn't take a chance to change his goals back in the Thor movies or in Avengers, (....maybe later in Thor: Ragnarok, kinda). This is exactly what I think might happen to Sylvie, too. She is at the beginning of her character arc. She doesn't take the chance to change her goal, but goes for her original goal instead. Said goal does not really have positive consequences (though, maybe it might have some? We're about to find out), which results in a so called 'negative character development', which Loki has already gone through. I think that Sylvie is gonna grow as a character in season 2 and get a positive character development in addition, just like Loki did. I highly doubt that she's gonna become the antagonist, it does not make sense at this point.
Why does she not take Kang's offer (besides her very obvious intention ofc)? That leads straight (or not so straight, pun intended) to the next thing I wanna talk about. Sylvie's distrust in everything and everyone. Besides not wanting to let other people go through what she has been gone through and wanting to let people have a free will, she also does not trust Kang with his offer of 'ruling' the timeline. And it might be because she also does not trust the one she'd be ruling with: Loki.
Why does Sylvie not trust Loki?
I don't even have a specific answer to that, except that Sylvie has an incredibly thick wall built up around her. Loki has always been portrayed as the one you should not trust because he's known for backstabbing people. Loki could have thought the same about Sylvie, but he didn't. Due to his character arc, he himself has learned to trust other people and tries to redeem himself with making himself a person others can trust (He may project that onto Sylvie, meaning that he puts his trust into a Loki variant and therefore in himself, too). You can connect that fact with both Sylvie and Mobius. They're both people who are incredibly important to Loki. He wants them to trust him. He openly told Sylvie about his mistakes and tells her that he's not that person anymore. Sylvie on the other hand does not trust that easily and is - in my opinion - a very important key regarding Loki's character development. It is incredibly hard for Sylvie to trust others (probably due to her trauma) and it therefore creates a very difficult situation for Loki, where he has to 'prove' himself as trustworthy. It's basically about 'trusting yourself' if you put it that way. It's something Loki has to learn about himself: not betraying the trust of others. Sylvie might have to learn something like this, too: learning to trust someone else. It's kinda like a two sided coin - one side is about putting trust in others, whereas the other is about gaining trust from others (and what you do with it). (Good) Relationships in general are always based off trust and honesty. So in order for them to be able to have healthy relationships with others and themselves, they have to learn about trust within themselves (I hope you understand my point, I got carried away, sorry). Loki started to trust Sylvie very easily (maybe because of love? Maybe because of something else? There are still a lot of unanswered questions) whereas Sylvie doesn't trust Loki very easily. Sylvie's character arc might (hopefully) carry on with this topic in the next season.
Was that kiss initiated due to emotional or practical reasons?
Kinda both, somehow. I do think that Sylvie used the kiss to her advantage but you can also clearly see how moved she is while hearing Loki's words. Facial expressions are insanely important when it comes to acting and both Tom and Sophia delivered perfectly. You might've already heard of the quote "The eyes tell more than words could ever say". Look at Sylvie's face when Loki tells her that he wants her to be okay. She is teary eyed, sighs even. She is indeed touched by his words and I strongly think that Sylvie also has non-platonic feelings for Loki, despite barely showing anything.
Here's a snippet out of an interview with Sophia:
Tumblr media
Both Sylvie and Loki are said to be people who can not trust others. They both have a vulnerable side though. Loki clearly showed that several times when with Sylvie (singing to her, the blanket scene, the comfort scene in the room of the timekeepers, the confession of wanting her to be okay) and is also shown incredibly vulnerable at the end of episode 6: there are several shots showing him, crying. Sure, we have already seen Loki cry a few times beforehand but this time, it's different. He cries because the one person he is the most vulnerable with doesn't trust him, and that does hurt like hell. By the way, if you look at the close-up shot of Sylvie after she yeeted Loki back into the TVA, you can see pain in her eyes, too. But that pain quickly shifts into rage and determination. Something that I have to admit was incredibly well executed by Sophia and the people who directed this shot. Sylvie does show her vulnerable side for a brief moment before putting up her walls again and reaching for her goal.
In conclusion: I think Sylvie initiated the kiss as an emotional response to Loki's words but also used it to distract him to be able to kick him back into the TVA at the same time. Keep in mind that it was because he was in her way of fullfilling her goal. She didn't want to kill or hurt him, so she sent him away instead. So, yes, I think the kiss had both emotional and practical intentions.
Did Sylvie betray Loki?
Even though it really felt like she betrayed him, she didn't. Let me tell you why:
Loki knew exactly what Sylvie was gonna do after reaching the person behind the TVA. Loki supported her all the way up until Kang suggested a deal to them, that's where Loki's and Sylvie's paths divided. Loki is a very smart character, he outsmarts a lot of Marvel characters and therefore I think it's very in character for him to consider one part of the deal and outweigh the pros and cons. Not because he wants the throne, no, but because he wants Sylvie to be okay. A universial war could lead to countless casualties - possibly those people close around him, so of course he would want to keep her safe through that decision. Making them both rulers over the TVA and the sacred timeline would probably guarantee a strong protection from several threats. Also, maybe he thought about the possibility of Sylvie regretting her decision (which she clearly did in the end) and wanted to protect her from even more emotional pain. But as we know, Sylvie's intention has always been laid out in front of her and it didn't change. Loki knew what choice she was going to make and merely tried to change her way - without being successfull.
I don't really know what to think about this scene though. To me, it doesn't meet the requirements of a 'betrayal' but at the same time it does feel like one. It's very difficult to explain :'D
Also, I've seen some people asking themselves how or if Loki will ever be able to forgive Sylvie for making her decision. Let me assure you one thing: he will forgive her. He has said it himself: "I know what you're feeling, I know what you're going through". He has been at Sylvie's point, too. Not only once, but several times already. He seems to have learned from his mistakes, Sylvie has yet to do so. ("I betrayed everyone I've ever loved" is a line to keep in mind now, too. Maybe it could even be projected onto Sylvie this time, because Loki is indeed very dear to her) If there's someone out there who can empathise with Sylvie the most, it is Loki.
Why would Sylvie straight up cause another Universial War?
As I already said. Sylvie's arc is a negative character arc. It does not end well and causes a lot of chaos. Think about Peter Quill in Infinity War and his rage moment on Titan. They could have had the infinity gauntlet way before but Peter got emotional (understandable) and therefore destroyed the chance of an early good ending. The same happened with Sylvie. Her decision was mostly emotional, but also practical on the other hand (giving people free will and freedom). She will face the consequences and I'm pretty sure she's gonna redeem herself and tries to help fix the big mess she has caused.
Sylvie's breakdown
Another scene that was absolutely brilliant was the scene after Sylvie has killed Kang. She backs off slowly and then slumps to the ground, breathing heavily (now that I think about it, I think she even started to cry). She has waited for this moment her whole life, but now that it's done, it kinda feels like she didn't exactly get what she needed. Hunter B-15 has already mentioned it before that Sylvie needs to hunt the person behind the TVA down, unlike Renslayer, who only wants to find out who it really is. Although Sylvie might have recognized that this wasn't everything she needed at this point. We already got to know that she didn't have a clue what to do after she's done with the TVA. She didn't have a goal beyond that. And now that she has reached the point where she is clueless, she might have recognized what she really needed beyond finishing her goal: friends, a life, literally anything that doesn't make her feel alone. And she literally just kicked that one thing away from her. Loki, the one person who has been closest to her and gave her the feeling of not being alone anymore, the feeling of having a friend (or someone more than a friend), has been pushed away by herself. I think that in this exact moment where she sinks to the ground she recognizes that not trusting Loki was a mistake this time and that revenge isn't enough to satisfy her forever.
But maybe that one thing that will satisfy her for a long time is something she's returning back to in season 2. I am so excited to see her again and find out more about Sylvie's character!
Thank you so much for reading this! If you want to add something to this list or correct something or anything, feel free to do so. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Sylvie's character in the finale and what you think might happen with her in season 2 :) see y'all, stay safe and have a nice day/night!
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 3 years
Little venting here since you've encountered the person, I too can't stand ThePaganSun and their constant complaints on how Ducktales (and now apparently Mickey Mouse Funhouse) got Donald wrong. I mean I get wanting Donald to have more focus, but saying him not wanting to scare kids in Trickening is OOC (even though it'd be weird for him to do so in the context of this series) or wanting special treatment for being first is getting a little too annoying.
Ugh I'm sorry you've dealt with them too. It is very frustrating. Like, I fully get having gripes with the show and its portrayals of things. I certainly have my own. But if I don't like something, like for a great example, the finale. I still am super frustrated with the finale and I don't enjoy it especially the twist with Webby. But. I don't go onto people who did enjoy the finale's posts. I don't attack them for enjoying something I hate or shame them for liking the twist even though I feel insulted by how bad it is. You know what I mean? I make my own posts if I got something to say or join in on posts that are already in similar opinions as to mine. I also try to avoid being rude. I try to speak my mind but also not attack the crew or anyone who enjoyed certain things that I didn't. Meanwhile there are others in the fandom that unfortunately don't have that same etiquette.
And then the negativity against fellow fans is just even more frustrating. Like I get it, in fandom you won't always love or agree with things people make. And you know what? It takes way less effort to scroll away or click off the page than it does to leave a critical comment about how much you don't like someone else's creation. Make your own shit instead of endlessly being rude, you know? Which, oddly enough, the Pagan sun has left me some nice comments on TA&TA but there's ALWAYS that additional criticism that I'm not making Donald badass enough...like dude....at this point, you need to grasp that this isn't what you're looking for then. Yes I appreciate feedback and I can handle criticism but this weirdly determined push to try to get everyone to make things exactly how that frustrating person wants things to be......no. stop that. Just. Stop. Make your own things instead. Fucking please.
Praying that this person learns some god damn fandom etiquette.
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
So, after a long conversation with super-powerful-queen-slaynna, whom you can thank for me sending this message, so like... if you like it good, if you don't blame them, I do want to apologize for assuming you were saying people can't talk about Destiel, its shippers and how much they dislike it in their group chats. That's what the post came off to me, as if you were policing what people could and couldn't say in these GC about Destiel. Slaynna made me realiza that you meant your post as a 1/2
warning to Destiel shippers who might wander into them. I understand this, because whenever a Destiel shipper follows me, I make it a point to warn them my blog might not be a positive space for them precisely to avoid this sort of unplesant interactions. It also came off as you were invalidating and dismissing the bad experiences people might have had with misbehaving Destiel shippers, which I'm sure you're nice enough NOT to do. My beef is really not with you, or Tink, or any other Destiel 2/?
meta writer, my beef is with shippers who are genuinely hateful and do hateful things. You simply came off as you didn't believe there are Destiel shippers who do these things at all. That say, I won't apologize for venting to like-minded people about my utter dislike for the ship, because we do in fact do that. But I don't think it's fair you walked in on us at that point and extrapolated that's all we do. BTW there is in fact an Anti-Destiel GC and the irony is, if you had walked into that 3/4
one 24hrs earlier, you would have in fact found people gushing about Megstiel and Sastiel, LMAO. 4/4
Okay, I’ll give you pointers for being bold enough to come explain this in my ask box, and I commend @super-powerful-queen-slayyna for reaching out to try to calm the stormy seas. I am most likely not going to make any further comments on that post anyway because it has blown out of control and has escalated into a full blown ship war post which I never wanted when I sent it. It’s now Destiel shippers and my friends trying to defend me or people blatantly calling me names and using unnecessary language which I am not even going to acknowledge or give the time of day as I don’t go in for that sort of childish name calling (unless you count my use of the word bronly but some things I think even we can agree are a necessary evil).
My post was a response to my own hurt and irritation at coming across two GCs, one for Sastiel, and one for Megstiel, which were both recommended to me by Tumblr, which were not tagged as anti-Destiel that I could see, that appeared on the surface to simply be places for people to discuss and squee over those ships. In both GCs I saw nothing but hate and lies and other upsetting comments about Destiel and Destiel shippers. It was extremely disheartening to see that in what on the surface appeared to be safe spaces. Because here’s the thing, these shipper GCs should be safe spaces. I have friends that are multishippers, that like Sastiel (and even the odd few who like Megstiel even though admittedly I don’t anymore.) There are plenty of other people out there in fandom that might like all three ships (I’d imagine those people simply want Cas to have all the love in which case SAME). 
To get one point very clear, I don’t actually care if people hate Destiel. I’m not going to preach to anyone about Destiel unless someone comes to me directly or comes scrolling my blog. I always tag Destiel so anyone who uses Tumblr blacklist should be able to avoid my blog completely. I would never intentionally go looking in an anti Destiel chat group. I’ve seen it all before anyway and it’s the same old arguments that really don’t affect my shipping preferences or my beliefs. 
What annoyed me was that those GCs were not anti Destiel chats. They were Megstiel and Sastiel chats. They were places where impressionable young Megstiel and Sastiel shippers could come across, who have zero feelings towards Destiel, and find themselves being told a bunch of lies and nasty crap about Destiel shippers and the ship. They are places where Destiel shippers who like to ship those other ships too might come across and suddenly find themselves isolated and alienated, which only perpetuates retaliation from those Destiel shippers and potentially causes the hate that you stress is so virulent among Destiel shippers to begin with.
My post was a warning for multishippers who are also Destiel shippers or at least Destiel friendly, that those GCs were being used to spread hate about Destiel. It was also an FYI to the people in those GCs that their hatred was very much public, in case they weren’t aware. I tagged the ships because I wanted people who ship Megstiel and Sastiel to see it, especially if they are Destiel friendly, because yeah, I’d want them to avoid those GCs.
Yes I then got snarky. I claimed that this does kinda prove a point because no Destiel GC that I’ve seen includes a bunch of hate and nastiness aimed at other ships. Sure, there is a high chance that there are hateful Destiel shippers out there. There are certainly a lot of bitter people on Twitter who piss me off when they scream queerbaiting at the writers so yes, of course there are bad eggs. I was shocked that from what I saw, there was no squee or shared theories or excitement about the ships, just page after page of hate aimed at Destiel shippers. So yes, perhaps I happened upon both convos right when those topics cropped up (which would be rather coincidental) and perhaps I had just missed the topics that I was interested in checking out - the theories, the meta, the spec... That’s what I was interested in. Since these GCs are a way to keep a finger on the pulse of what the fandom might be thinking in terms of the show and shipping and I was curious. Believe it or not I actually like to keep an open mind even though Megstiel is something that gives me a bad taste in my mouth ever since I sat myself down and truly thought about it. 
I generalised. I know I shouldn’t have done that, but those GC convos pissed me off. I don’t know a single Destiel shipper who would spend hours of their day just ranting about how awful Megstiel shippers are and how much they hate the pairing. I HAVE debated with friends about the suspected infiltration of the Megstiel ship by Bronlies who are using Meg to get Cas out of the way and to be spiteful towards Destiel shippers. This IS something that has been happening in recent years and I think even you admitted that in one of your replies to my post.
I also wasn’t trying to invalidate your experience with hate. I would never do that. The one thing I will say about anon hate in particular is that you don’t know who it is coming from. I occasionally get anon hate but I certainly don’t immediately assume it’s a w*ncest shipper just because I can’t stand w*ncest. Getting a message in your ask box that says “go kill yourself” is horrible, believe me, I know. But if that’s all it is, you can’t assume the sender was a shipper at all. Unless the message was “I ship Destiel and you can go kill yourself” you just can’t assume. If you have had actual Destiel shippers come and attack and threaten you and send you those messages directly then 1. I am so so sorry because no one deserves that kind of abuse, and 2. I hope you exposed them if you could. Because if there is one thing I have learnt about the Destiel shippers in MY circles, it’s that we find that kind of behaviour completely unacceptable and we WILL call it out from our own side if we see it. 
The reason I have such a high opinion of Destiel shippers being the “nice” people in fandom is simply because I have never seen that kind of behaviour from them. I interact with a lot of people. I have seen Destiel shippers get overly passionate, I have seen them get upset and angry when people lash out at them. I have seen them turn bitter and negative and go off on rants about the show. I have seen them dog pile on an anti’s post to provide evidence against a false claim “Kripke said he’s straight” and I thought it was a bit much... but it wasn’t hate. It was a reaction to years and years and years of being laughed at, called delusional, mocked and ridiculed by all other sides within the fandom. Destiel shippers are desperate for validation. They are desperate to disprove the lies. If people actually listened to us, or read the countless posts that have been written clearly providing evidence and sources to disprove every lie and false claim against Destiel perhaps we wouldn’t be so defensive. That’s what happens when you’ve been gaslighted for 11 years. 
But regardless, I’m not here to get involved in shipping wars. You’ll continue going on hating Destiel, and I will continue going on and, well, not hating, but very much disliking Megstiel in canon (though I have read some very sweet Destiel fics where Meg is Cas’s best friend and enjoyed the characterisations there.) 
My post was never to gatekeep and stop you from ranting about Destiel. Rant away to your hearts content. As I said above I really don’t care if people hate it. All I ask, is that you keep that kind of content in places that are clearly labelled as anti Destiel. So that should a Destiel shipper want to check out a Sastiel or a Megstiel GC, they can do, without feeling completely unwelcome and hated on just for enjoying Dean and Cas’s relationship as well. I really don’t think that’s too much to ask. All it takes is one tag right? Create your Megstiel GC and by all means rant about Destiel in it, but please just tag it as Anti Destiel.
Thank you for reaching out to me and explaining your side of things. I do appreciate it. 
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