#Also nsft bc of this next tag lmao
prettyblondguys · 1 year
hiiii😊 pretend I didn't randomly dip without warning lmao
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marzzthehuman · 7 months
this is info about me+my blog!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FOLLOW!!!!!!!!1
☆~(ゝ。∂) current favorite thing: Young Sheldon --- Important!!: During the week of June 24-28, I will be inactive! this is because I will be at camp and we are not allowed to bring our devices. I know I am not usually very active, but I try to at least check notifications or post something. During next week, I will NOT be online at all, but please do not worry!! (This does NOT mean to 'do not interact', but keep in mind I might not see it until a few days later) Can't wait to see y'all again after!!^^
Please call me Marzz! (the amount of Z's do not matter!! it changes every time i type it.)
i go by she/they pronouns! (AFAB) and I am on the aro/ace spectrum! (also looking into genderqueer bc I think that might fit me but idkkkkdkk lol)
I AM A MINOR!! (teenager)
DNI!! if you are: racist, homophobic/transphobic, an NSFW account, ableist, pedo, proship, Zionist, etc. also if you support Wilbur Soot please go away
(more, less important, info is located under the cut!! trying not the make the post TOO big!!)
If i EVER offend you in any way or say something wrong/make you uncomfy, PLEASE TELL ME!! I am never trying to be mean or disrespectful on purpose and if i have been rude to you, PLEASE inform me so i can apologize and improve my actions!!
mutuals: please tell me if you want anything tagged and I will try my best to do so!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 for me, please tag things like nsfw/nsft (not counting on it being a common occurrence, but just in case, because some things can fall into that category!) and child injury, thanks!
PLEASE refrain from saying things like "this isn't real" or "you're dreaming" because it makes me upset. thank you! :)
my asks are always open, so feel free to send me an ask!!!
About me!!
I can be energetic and am a positive and optimistic person!!! Along with that, please remember I have bad days sometimes, too!!
I love getting to know people and learning fun facts about them while also sharing fun facts about myself!!
the fandoms i am most active in are: Project Sekai. that's about it. i also like other things too! I also really like Lemon Demon, Doctor Who, and The Muppets (as in any Jim Henson production)!! (I am also into TBHK and Warrior Cats, though I wouldnt consider myself in the fandom)
I write fanfiction sometimes!! You can find me on Ao3 as MarzzzzTheHuman !!
yap posts will (hopefully) be tagged with: #marzzz's yappy yap yaps ! yap posts will include either me talking about pjsk, some sort of rant, or just sharing random things. (probably most things will be tagged with this. I'm bored and have a lot of thoughts.)
just random text posts or other stuff (just random stuff basically) will be tagged with #marmalade is here
Trust me I know how to spell it's just keyboards are hard. yk what. words are hard.
'marzz, how can I talk to you?' tags of posts, (I love seeing the little messages in tags!!) asks, or DM!! I love talking to people!! 'can I call you a nickname?' Mutuals, yes!! but please run it by me first! >.< 'can I use your art?' Yes, but please ask first! I will allow my art to be used as pfps or banners (with credit) and for personal use like wallpapers. DO NOT repost my art on other sites, don't steal, and don't feed it to AI, please!
I'm just here to have fun, honestly! I mainly post art and reblog things but when i have access to my computer for an extended period of time i just say random things. If I want to. :D
this post should update somewhat regularly, but who knows!!! (I am aware this post needs serious reformatting.. and its currently under construction. kind of. I miiigghhtt make a 'meet the artist' thing but who knows lmao)
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breakingblorbos · 2 months
Pinned Post/Blog Info!
Hiya!! Welcome to my BrBa & BCS focused blog! 👋🏼😊 The primary purpose of this pinned post is to give some info about me, my blog, and what you can expect to find on it. Everything below the cut is not required reading to follow or interact; merely just additional info if you are interested, or if you want to make requests. The only thing I require you to read is the following disclaimer:
This is an 18+ blog ran by an adult. You will find NSFT art/fic, dark and potentially upsetting themes, as is common for the BrBa/BCS universe. And I make very thirsty comments & posts about my blorbos, so just keep that in mind. However!! I am not going to restrict anyone from following/interacting with my blog. Use your own discretion and awareness. That's your responsibility, not mine. Anything that needs a content warning will be tagged appropriately, of course.
🌌About Me!🪐
Basic info - You can call me either Orion or Riley! I'm 25, neurodivergent, trans masc & nonbinary, and bisexual. Pronouns are he/him and they/them. I do also live in New Mexico (born and raised babyy!), which makes the shows that much more special to me!! I'm very friendly and open, but also very shy, so I tend to not reach out to folks even when I want to talk to them (which, honestly, is most of y'all. Oops.) If you ever do feel compelled to chat with me, please don't hesitate! I'm super excited to talk about BrBa/BCS with literally anybody!
I'm a writer, but I struggle hard with getting anything actually published on here or AO3. I try to write but it's not nearly consistent enough to ever expect anything from me. I'm working towards getting better at this! My main hurdle to overcome is my perfectionism and my fear of rejection (RSD).
I have a lot of interests, being autistic, so the only important one to list here is obviously Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You can certainly ask about my other interests, and I'll be happy to tell you more! I like to keep my special interests all separate on their own dedicated blogs, so that was the main motivation behind creating this one. Which leads me to the next section:
☣️About This Blog!⚗️
Most of the content is gonna be reblogs from others: fanart, fics, writings, memes, shitposts, etc. I myself am not an artist and cannot contribute with art even though I wish I could, but I may sometimes write little drabbles, oneshots, and universe willing, fic chapters for my ships/blorbos (more info on that below ↓). If you want to see something in particular, you're more than welcome to submit a request! I think I have a lot more motivation to write when I get specifically asked to write something, perhaps?
My main blorbos: (red shows the character currently occupying my braincell the most rn)
🥊Tuco Salamanca
🐍Nacho Varga (and by extension, Vaas Montenegro. I simply love MM.)
💀Marco & Leonel Salamanca
❤️‍🩹Jesse Pinkman
🎭Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Of course, I adore all the characters (except Walt ofc) and they're all very special to me!! But these seven men listed above have an absolute chokehold on my brain at any given time lmao, so they will be featured prominently in this blog.
My fave ships:
Default ship is character x reader
Vaacho (Vaas x Nacho)
Lacho (Nacho x Lalo)
Beef Sandwich (Nacho x Twins) I fucking love this ship name holy shit
Tucho (Tuco x Nacho)
McWexler (Kim x Jimmy)
Jesse x Jane
Jesse x Andrea
Jesse x happiness (this is a joke, but also not. Man deserves it.)
My asks are always open for questions, requests, or really anything! I love sending/receiving asks and interacting with this fandom! If you're interested in requesting a writing from me, first read this list of what I will and won't write before you submit your request:
Yes, no problem!
Vast majority of ships
Reader Inserts
Gender Swaps
Toxic Relationship
Most Kinks & Fetishes
Please ask first!
Fandom Crossovers (mostly just to ensure I know the fandom)
Consensual Noncon (depends on character)
No, I will not!
In/ce/st Ships (i.e. twincest, cousins)
Explicit content involving underage characters
Ageplay (calling a character daddy doesn't count lol)
Extreme Kinks, such as s/ca/t, v/or/e, n/ecr/o, etc.
Keep in mind that I reserve the right to deny your request for any reason, including no reason at all! 9 times out of 10 this won't be necessary, but if you're rude or demanding non-jokingly, I won't write for you! Just be chill and it'll be Saul Goodman! :)
Also I don't have a Masterlist to link here, because I've never posted anything ever! It's all just vibing in my Google Docs while I polish and tweak until the end of time! Fun! :D /s
So, yeah, I suppose that's the long and the short of it. I didn't expect for this to be so long, but I have a tendency to just keep adding details to things! Good for writing; not great for writing a blog intro. I'll edit as needed over time, though. Thanks for reading if you got this far! Seriously, props to you. Here's a cookie mwah 🤲🏼🍪
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ohbaby-obeyme · 3 years
You: Being the subbest sub. | Me, a dom: I see the hunger never ends. [0beyme]
the hunger never ends. i am surrounded by enablers who want to see me suffer and/or live vicariously through my barely-filtered explicit hornyposting, and i am more than happy to oblige ♥️♥️
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