#Also this turned out more cracky than whumpy but oh well
a-canceled-stamp · 10 months
Whumptober 2023 - dialogue
Day 1. Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Characters; pairings: Tim, Jason; Tim & Jason
Setting: the manor. In my mind it’s a “Tim is adopted early” AU but can be read differently.
“Hey, hold up!”
“Leave me alone, Jason.”
“What the hell? You can’t just walk away from this!”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big—you passed out!”
“…only a little.”
“Are you kidding? You were out. Like, fully. Lights out, nobody’s home, the whole shebang. I swear, you even stopped breathing at one point.”
“Okay, that’s an exaggeration. You’re being dramatic.”
“Dude, I had to catch you. If anyone’s being dramatic, it’s you. Literally swooning into my arms.”
“Listen, I’m just stating the facts. And the facts are, you gotta start taking more care of yourself.”
“I do!”
“Oh really? When was the last time you ate?”
“…you know what, I don’t have to answer any do you questions if I don’t want to.”
“Aha! See? Wait, come on, stop trying to walk away from this, man.”
“Come on, why can’t you just—“
“No. We need to get some nutrients in you, stat. Maybe some gatorade just to get your blood sugar up. Or maybe water first?”
“Jason, I don’t—”
“No, don’t you get it? I’ve had enough of this, alright? Now stand there and don’t move. If you try to run I swear to god I will burn your Tony Hawk poster.”
“Yeah, I ain’t fucking around. Now, Alfred’s gotta have some bars or shakes around here somewhere. If not I’ll make you a goddamn omelet if I have to. Seriously, Tim, this is ridiculous.”
“Uh, Jason? I think I—“
“Shut your yap. ‘It’s not a big deal’ my ass. News flash: passing out while walking up the stairs is not normal.”
“Jason, I, I think I might—“
“God, what the hell is Bruce even doing. World’s greatest detective and can’t even notice that his own kid is—hey what are you—oh shit.”
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