#Might post these on Ao3 but we’ll see
a-canceled-stamp · 10 months
Whumptober 2023 - dialogue
Day 1. Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Characters; pairings: Tim, Jason; Tim & Jason
Setting: the manor. In my mind it’s a “Tim is adopted early” AU but can be read differently.
“Hey, hold up!”
“Leave me alone, Jason.”
“What the hell? You can’t just walk away from this!”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big—you passed out!”
“…only a little.”
“Are you kidding? You were out. Like, fully. Lights out, nobody’s home, the whole shebang. I swear, you even stopped breathing at one point.”
“Okay, that’s an exaggeration. You’re being dramatic.”
“Dude, I had to catch you. If anyone’s being dramatic, it’s you. Literally swooning into my arms.”
“Listen, I’m just stating the facts. And the facts are, you gotta start taking more care of yourself.”
“I do!”
“Oh really? When was the last time you ate?”
“…you know what, I don’t have to answer any do you questions if I don’t want to.”
“Aha! See? Wait, come on, stop trying to walk away from this, man.”
“Come on, why can’t you just—“
“No. We need to get some nutrients in you, stat. Maybe some gatorade just to get your blood sugar up. Or maybe water first?”
“Jason, I don’t—”
“No, don’t you get it? I’ve had enough of this, alright? Now stand there and don’t move. If you try to run I swear to god I will burn your Tony Hawk poster.”
“Yeah, I ain’t fucking around. Now, Alfred’s gotta have some bars or shakes around here somewhere. If not I’ll make you a goddamn omelet if I have to. Seriously, Tim, this is ridiculous.”
“Uh, Jason? I think I—“
“Shut your yap. ‘It’s not a big deal’ my ass. News flash: passing out while walking up the stairs is not normal.”
“Jason, I, I think I might—“
“God, what the hell is Bruce even doing. World’s greatest detective and can’t even notice that his own kid is—hey what are you—oh shit.”
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odestasocean · 1 month
odesta week day one: modern au
summary: singer and songwriter annie cresta hopes to enjoy some peace and quiet at her favorite spot on the beach to watch the sunset, but instead she ends up finding a camera whose owner appears to be nowhere in sight. until she spots him and discovers that he is not what she had expected.
Annie’s favorite time of the day is exactly 4:52 in the morning.
And her favorite activity at this hour is taking a stroll on the shoreline.
The summer air is just crisp enough that she’s able to wear one of her favorite knitted sweaters, but not cold enough that she needs to bring a jacket. The beach is just crowded enough that she doesn’t feel lonely, but not busy enough that she has to dodge kids running from every direction. 
The sun doesn’t rise for another hour or so, enticing her to find her usual sunrise-watching spot. It’s a twenty-three-minute walk from her apartment complex, yet it seems like no one knows of its existence apart from her. 
Annie’s only lived in her current apartment for six months. She moved out of her parent’s house three days after she graduated high school, and she hasn’t regretted it for a single second. She loved the small town of Auburn that she grew up in, but ever since she was little, she craved a life away from the mountains and toward the sea. The mountains were an endless cascade of enmeshment, enveloping her in their depths. No matter how far up she looked, she could never see the top of the mountains surrounding her. She felt trapped and alone which was a vast difference as to how she felt at the beach: limitless and complete. 
In her youth, she and her family had made frequent visits to the ocean-side town that was several hours away and those were her favorite memories growing up. She learned to associate the ocean with nothing but peace and belonging and happiness and early carefree mornings and picnics on the sand and late-night ice cream cones and laughter ringing in her ears. No other place could ever amount to it. 
So, in her later teenage years, she worked endlessly to save up enough money to afford rent for an apartment split between three roommates and herself. And that’s how she ended up in Carpinteria. It was a seven-hour drive from her hometown, but her road trip playlist combined with the ocean view fading into the sights of mountains always made it feel much shorter. She saw her family twice a year– once every other season– and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She adored her parents and her two older sisters, of course, but spending anything longer than a week with them at a time could only be equated to the backstory of any starving artist: judged for your passion, ridiculed for not pursuing an “actual job”, and constantly being worried about your family thinking you’re even less capable than they already believed to be true. 
See, Annie is an aspiring singer and songwriter. 
She has been determined to make this dream her reality since she was seven years old and has put in the work to do just that. Music has always been her safe place, just like the ocean. She knows that there is nothing she’d rather do with her life than create songs, but it’s not the most attainable dream to have. So, she works at a local cafe during the day and performs at a neighboring bar during the night. The money isn’t all that great, but she has ears that are willing to listen so it’s enough for now. She’s only nineteen (as of two weeks ago) after all, so she has plenty of time for her big break. And no matter what her parents and sisters say, she does not need a college education to get somewhere in life. 
4:52 AM is her favorite time of the day because that just so happens to also be the hour in which she feels the most inspired. Her favorite sunrise-watching spot is far away from any possible distractions so it feels as if there is nothing in the world except for the lapping waves and the words and rhythms forming in her mind as she takes a seat on a rock overlooking the ocean below her. 
Annie is just about to open her notebook to a fresh page so she can begin crafting her newest song when she sees something out of the corner of her eye. She turns to her right and spots a camera rooted in the sand.
It’s a shade of gray and adorned with a metallic blue strap that rests loosely beside it. Annie tilts her head curiously before looking around to see if she can spot its owner, but there’s not a living creature in a twenty-foot radius apart from herself and a seagull flying above her. So she closes her notebook, puts it back in her bag, and picks up the camera. 
Its display screen is still illuminated so whoever it belongs to must have dropped it just minutes before she arrived. She intends to immediately rise from her seat and begin searching for this mysterious photographer when the photo on the screen catches her eye. It’s a gorgeous shot of the ocean with the sun peeking out from the horizon and a dolphin jumping from the depths of the waves. 
“Wow,” Annie murmurs to herself as she admires it. She looks up again and finds that she and the seagull aren’t actually alone. She must have managed to miss the potential photographer in her search because he’s walking down the array of rocks and toward the sand. His back is to her so she can’t make out much of his appearance apart from the fact that his hair is blonde and his shirt is almost the same shade as the camera strap. 
Annie quickly stands and gathers her belongings with the camera in hand so that she can reach the man before he gets much further. She maintains her balance as she travels down the rocky path before trying to catch his attention, “Hey, you!” she shouts once she figures he’s within earshot. The man turns around, not seeing her at first, so an expression of confusion takes over his face. Once he meets her eyes, Annie holds up the camera and adds, “Is this yours?!” 
His confusion turns to recognition almost immediately as he jogs in her direction. As he fills in the distance between them, Annie’s able to get a better look at him. It turns out that his hair is more golden than it is blonde and his eyes are a shade of green unlike anything she’s ever seen before. He’s taller than she initially thought and his shirt is barely buttoned. She’s fairly certain that he’s the most beautiful man she’s ever laid eyes on. 
“Yeah, it is. Thank you so much,” he says with a relieved sigh. “I can’t believe I forgot it.”
Annie clears her throat and hands him the camera. “No problem.” 
He shoots her a smile in return and places the strap over his neck. “I guess I lucked out that someone else was in this area. I’ve never seen anyone visit this spot before.”
Annie returns his grin and says, “That’s funny because I thought I had this spot all to myself at this hour.”
“Ah, that would make sense then. I’m here an hour and a half earlier than I usually am,” he replies.
“Well, there you go,” Annie says with a slight nod. “I’m probably starting my shift at the cafe by the time you step foot on these rocks.”
Another flicker of recognition spreads across his face. “Is that cafe called Carpinteria’s Coastal Cafe by any chance?”
All of the self-defense TikToks that Annie’s seen on her for you page start appearing in her mind, reminding her that she shouldn’t tell a random man she’s never met before her place of work, especially when they are the only two people currently on this beach. But something in his kind eyes and easygoing smile makes her feel like he’s not a psychopath who’s going to kidnap her at any given second.
Still, she’s not going to just idly let herself end up on a Netflix true crime documentary. “And why would I tell you that, random-man-who-I’ve-never-seen-before?” she answers while crossing her arms over her chest. 
The recognition on his face immediately flares into embarrassment, a shade of red appearing on his cheeks. “Right. Sorry. I’m now realizing how that sounded so you definitely do not have to answer that. It’s just that my best friend, Johanna Mason is an assistant manager over there so I was curious if you knew her.” He holds up his camera before adding, “Thank you for finding this. I’ll leave you alone now.”
Oh, she certainly does know Johanna Mason. She should just let him leave because she knows for a fact that his best friend does not like her one bit and has surely said some rather crude remarks about her skill level as a cashier. 
But as he’s turning away, she can’t help herself. She doesn’t know what it is about him that’s making her not want their conversation to end. So, Annie stops him by saying, “Don’t you want to know the name of your camera’s rescuer?”
He turns back around and smiles softly in her direction. “I’d be honored.”
“Annie,” she says while holding out her hand for him to shake.
“Finnick,” he answers. “So you’re the cashier who wrecked the ice machine a few months ago?”
Annie bows her head in embarrassment. “She hates me, doesn’t she?”
Finnick laughs. “Jo hates most people, don’t take it personally. I’ve known her for ten years and have just barely managed to remain on her good side.”
“Okay, well, in my defense, that incident happened my very first week and I have learned my lesson since then,” Annie adds.
“No more ice machine casualties?”
“My record is clean,” she answers. “Apart from the one.”
Finnick grins and she can’t help but grin right back. 
“The picture you took is stunning by the way. I love the composition,” she says while pointing to his camera. 
“Oh, thank you,” he replies. 
“Are you a professional photographer?” 
“I wish,” he scoffs. “It’s just something I enjoy doing in my free time. Which lately, only seems to be this early in the morning, unfortunately.” Annie chuckles as he continues, “I’m a college student.”
“Oh, cool,” she says with a nod. “What’s your major?”
“Marine biology.”
“What about you?”
“No college for me,” Annie replies. “I’m more of the starving artist type.”
“Let me guess,” Finnick answers. “A poet?” Annie shakes her head. “A painter?” Another shake. “An actress?” Another. “A singer?”
“And songwriter,” she adds.
“Very cool,” he says with an easy smile. “Would I have heard any of your stuff?”
“No, I just sing at local venues around town whenever there’s an opening. Just waiting for my chance to make it big, I guess,” she answers.  
“Well, I’m certain you’re extremely talented, Annie,” he compliments. “I bet your chance is right around the corner.”
Annie smiles again as Finnick’s phone starts to ring.
He pulls his phone from his pocket and scoffs. “Speak of the devil. Literally.” When he holds it up, a picture of Johanna flipping the camera off illuminates the screen. “Hey, Jo,” he says once he answers it. 
Annie puts her hands in her back pockets and nudges a loose rock with her shoe. She is not eavesdropping. She’s only picking up pieces of Johanna’s garbled phrases and Finnick’s replies and attempting to piece them together.
“Yeah, I’m free,” he says. There’s a pause and then either hat or cat is said. “You want me to watch Fluffy for an entire weekend?” Cat, she decides. Another pause and then a strained laugh. “I think you need to remember that that devil spawn ripped apart my favorite sweater the last time I watched him. Also, I think I need to remind you that one, your roommate hates me as much as that cat does and two, my landlord doesn’t allow pets.” Several moments pass and then Finnick sighs. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you soon.”
“Fluffy?” Annie questions as Finnick’s phone is returned to his pocket. 
“Yep. But don’t assume he’s a cat who’s actually fluffy and also adorable. This one is hairless and cruel,” he answers. 
“Yeah. Jo has a weird sense of humor. And an odd soft spot for cats. Especially old ones who were left on the side of the road five years ago.”
“Hm. I never would’ve gotten that impression from her,” Annie replies with a tilt of her head. 
“Well, unfortunately I owe her one and despite my nonexistent bond with Fluffy and having a pet in my apartment being against the rules, I will be watching him this weekend apparently,” he explains. 
“Bummer. Gotta admit though, I’m partial to cats so I think I’m on Fluffy’s side for this one,” she answers.
Finnick laughs. “Damn, I was hoping my ridiculously amazing first impression would’ve swayed you.”
“Nope, I gotta go with this rumored ‘hairless and cruel’ feline, sorry,” Annie says with a chuckle. 
This time, Finnick is the one smiling when a phone interrupts them. 
A text message chimes and Annie checks her home screen. “Well speak of the devil, yet again. Johanna wants me to come in early.”
“You’re kidding,” he says through a scoff.
“Guess she’s decided to unknowingly take out her devilish shenanigans on us both today,” Annie replies as she adjusts her bag on her shoulder. 
“Yeah, well, she actually wanted me to meet her at the cafe to pick up Fluffy because her roommate supposedly– and I quote– ‘cannot be left alone for one goddamn second with him or else something horribly catastrophic is bound to happen’,” Finnick explains.
“I’m very intrigued to see if he’s as awful as you and her roommate are making him out to be,” Annie remarks. 
“Oh, he is. I promise you.”
Annie grins and gestures outwards. “Shall we then?”
Finnick appears to be slightly taken aback for only a moment before a flirty expression washes over his face as he winks and says, “So my ridiculously amazing first impression did work after all?”
Annie rolls her eyes and starts making her way toward the sidewalk as he follows. She attempts to fight back a smile the entire walk toward the cafe.
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lonelylesbian2 · 8 months
A while back I started writing a bsd fanfic of like the au that atsushi is a cannibal and I ended up dropping it and orphaning it bcz I didn’t have the plot planned out and icba to do all that. but I’m considering like re-writing the chapters and picking the project back up. Idk the theory and au has been like in my mind again so yeah.
My ao3’s on my blogs bio but also like the name of the fic I won’t give even tho u could find it if u searched the right tags…. Purely bcz it’s not my best work and I don’t like the pacing of it. 😭😭
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
the urge to revive my fanfic.net account just to write a 2012 tmnt trolls band together AU with raph as branch and my oc isabelle as poppy… the urge…
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
There’s one truly unhinged fic idea I have and…….. it may never see the light of day. Am I gonna write it ? Yes. Will it just sit in my Google docs with all my WIPS ? Likely.
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i’m actually gonna re-write bride of discord this time guys i tried in 2021 and never got past the prologue but this time i will do it
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magicicephoenix · 1 year
Machine - The Ink Demonth 2023 (#6)
I hit artblock, so here’s a bit of writing for y’all! Some NJAD angst crumbs, as a treat. :]
The feeling was stronger than usual today. Bendy’s ink ached, like he’d been scraped clean with sharp claws from the inside out. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and he barely managed to sink into the closest ink-stained wall before the brunt of emotion came to wash him away.
The darkness around him was heavier than it should’ve been. Compressing. Almost like he couldn’t breathe, like nonexistent lungs were being pushed in on all sides.
This ain’t fair, he thought distantly, but there was no one to hear him.
Bendy let the ink guide him, sending him flowing through the puddles as he tried to stamp down the feeling in his chest. It’d been long enough. He’d had forever to let the pain pass by. So why did he still feel so raw?
The darkness whispered to him, and he felt his form waver. Distant voices, growing more familiar as they layered over each other, filled his head—
When can we go home?
I’m still here!
Sheep, sheep, sheep, it’s time for sleep…
Another one for the table. Working alone isn’t nearly as thrilling as when—
No! No, stop. He couldn’t- he wouldn’t drift off. He wouldn’t listen to them. Not right now. It was too much. He needed- he couldn’t be here right now.
He pulled away, and the darkness protested, reaching out for his trembling form. But he was firm, and the ink relented. Bendy emerged from its clutches, though not without a few more whispers that he clenched his teeth in an effort to ignore.
The room he stepped out into was big. Wooden, like everything else. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust, and another few for him to process what he was seeing.
The Machine hung from aged chains. Ever-present, ever-working, it thumped quietly, like a mechanical heartbeat. It might as well have been so, with the ink being the lifeblood of this place. The lifeblood of everyone within its walls.
Bendy stepped up to the railing overlooking the lower area, resting his elbows against it. The abyss below the Machine seemed to churn with unease, and the restless feeling in him grew ever-stronger. He tried to ignore it, tried to pretend that it was just another day, another hour, another minute, and he’s just waiting for the time to pass.
And then the voice came again, and whatever thin peace Bendy had managed to gather shattered into pieces.
Why do you seem so glum, pal? Your face ain’t made for frowning.
Bendy squashed down his whimper, and it came out as a groan instead. “I don’ wanna talk ta ya,” he mumbled.
Come on, now. You know you can tell me anything.
“Yer not him. Ya can stop pretendin’.”
Silence. And then a faint sense of disbelief, then frustration. No more words came, but the meaning was all too clear to him anyway.
Bendy felt his tail twitch in annoyance. “Yer not sneaky. I ain’t an idiot, ya know.”
Discontent, pleading.
“I said I don’ wanna talk ta ya.”
A sharp pang of desperation. It sent a jolt through Bendy, and he shivered, a chill in his ink.
“Stop dat. Ya know I don’ like dat.”
Remorse, apologetic.
Bendy sighed, brow furrowing. “Yer a real pain, ya know? I know ya ain’t nothin’, not really.”
Bitterness, scoffed offense.
“It’s true,” Bendy snapped, suddenly feeling too brittle for another talk with this… thing. “Yer actin’ like ya feel sorry fer me, but I know ya just wanna take me away when I’m not thinkin’ right.”
No response. Bendy huffed. “Honestly, it’s like ya think ya know me. An’ don’ get all hissy ‘bout dat, cuz it’s true. Ya don’t know me. Ya don’t.”
A challenge, like hissed, venomous words. He felt his eye twitch, and before he could second-guess himself he was already vaulting over the railing to the dropoff below, landing with a heavy thump.
“If ya think yer oh-so-clever, how ‘bout ya just come out an’ show me, huh?” he growled, stalking right up to the edge of the abyss. “Dat’s right, ya can’t! Cuz ya ain’t real! A-an’ ya never will be, cuz yer just some sick joke ya like ta make up ta make me feel worse! An’ ya know what? I ain’t buyin’ it! S-so how ‘bout ya just shut up an’ GO AWAY!” He squeezed his eyes shut and furiously rubbed his face with his arm, trying to ignore the wetness clinging to his cheeks.
The presence in the back of his mind retreated, sufficiently scolded. Not that it made him feel better. If anything, it made him feel worse. And wasn’t that an annoying thought?
Bendy sighed, long and heavy, lowering his arm and opening his eyes. Stars, why did everything go wrong? Why did it keep going wrong?
“This ain’t fair,” Bendy said aloud this time, and the words just echoed in the too-big space. Empty, meaningless.
Bendy shoved down the tears and looked up at the looming presence of the Machine. It hung too patiently for a stupid hunk of metal, yet too simple for the source of a miracle.
“Didja know?” he asked the Machine, even though he knew that no one was listening. “Way back when. Didja know it’d end like dis? Didja know…”—his voice cracked, but he forced himself to continue—“didja know I’d be alone?”
He wished he got a response. But the Machine remained silent and imposing, just as a miracle hunk of metal should.
Bendy lowered his gaze and slinked away, tail swaying behind him. The ink welcomed him as he went, leaving the room in stagnant yearning.
Silence reigned.
You’re not alone, a voiceless desire deep within the ink and walls and machinery wanted to murmur. But even if it could be heard, Bendy was already gone.
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leafdrake-haven · 7 months
Reblogging some old creative shtuff to see if it inspires me to do more tomorrow :3
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Griddlehark AND friendship snippet prompt: Palamedes and Harrow deleted scene! Either a conversation about the (at that point still hypothetical) lyctoral megatheorem, or when Harrow goes to Palamedes for help after the avulsion trial.
Why was Palamedes so certain Harrow wouldn't hurt Gideon, even to become a lyctor?
I adore Pal and Harrow’s friendship and I had lots of fun with this, so thank you for the request!
I wasn’t originally going to do the Avulsion thing because technically I already wrote a fic about Avulsion from Harrow’s POV that features Palamedes and Camilla, but I thought, hm, that could be an interesting scene to do from Pal’s POV and it ended up spiraling into… a whole fic instead of a snippet, so oops. It’s not actually compliant with the other Avulsion fic which is on brand for me, honestly.
Harrow gets a little too emotional for that point in the story, I think, but that was interesting to play around with in a scenario where she’s (understandably) fairly distressed.
CW for brief mentions of suicidal ideation and death.
Putting most of this under the cut because it’s so long. Requests are still open if anyone’s interested!
Palamedes had been in the middle of figuring out the mechanics behind the winnowing trial—Camilla was remarkable, as always, but with the construct’s regeneration, her skills were achieving little except tiring her out—when his concentration was effectively pulverized by a series of rapid knocks on the imaging door. He jumped, as anyone would in a House where there had, very recently, been two deaths.
“Cam? Change of plans. We have a visitor,” he said over the speakers. He’d wondered if this might startle the intruder, but the knocking just got more obtrusive after this.
“Sextus, I know you’re in there,” the person finally said, and the relief was immediate. “Forget the trial. I have something of much greater importance to discuss with you.”
The person greeting him might have been dressed in all black, face obscured, but it most definitely wasn’t an assassin.
“Reverend Daughter.” If Harrow had wanted him dead, she would have killed him ages ago.
“Warden.” Harrow gave him a nod. “Enough with the pleasantries. We do not have time for this.”
Upon closer inspection, the Reverend Daughter didn’t quite look like herself. Her paint was messy and had melted off in parts, her hair was shorn significantly shorter—this seemed like a strange moment for a haircut—and her whole stance made her appear thoroughly frazzled. Even uncovering the bodies on the previous day hadn’t managed to set her in a state like this. Harrow worked one hand along her wrist, in a way he’d seen her do before. All of these things combined set Palamedes right back into a state of alarm.
“What happened? Were there any more deaths? Is Lady Septimus-”
“She’s fine, Sextus,” Harrow hissed, obviously unnerved, and he felt like he could breathe again. “It’s not her I’m worried about.”
Camilla silently moved to join them not a moment later, rapier promptly sheathed when she realized it was just Harrow. Palamedes pressed a filled water bottle into his cavalier’s hand before she had the chance to protest. She rolled her eyes, but took it before giving Harrow her full attention.
“Thought Gideon had learned not to leave you to your own devices after you fainted in the basement,” Camilla huffed, and Harrow outright winced. It was the most emotion Palamedes had ever seen her convey.
He mentally chided himself for not even noticing Gideon’s absence. He’d gotten so used to seeing them apart that it hadn’t even struck him as an oddity, despite the fact that Gideon hadn’t left Harrow’s side since the basement incident.
“Is your cavalier alright?”
“No.” Harrow looked away. “Her absence is no fault of hers. She… Septimus made the same suggestion to us that she made to you. Gideon insisted on offering herself up.”
Palamedes grew increasingly more horrified with each word.
“And you let her?” he all but yelled. Camilla’s eyebrows climbed all the way up to her hairline at the tone.
“There are things at stake here that you couldn’t even begin to understand,” Harrow hissed, working her fingers up her wrist again. “But I’m well aware this was a mistake. I will not risk her life or health again.”
“Considering how the trial works, I’d be surprised if you even got the opportunity to. She should be dead. Severely brain damaged, at the very least. And you let it happen.”
“Warden,” his cavalier tried, but he’d gotten too worked up over the matter to just calm himself back down.
Nothing got him quite as upset as the thought of harm coming to Dulcinea or Camilla. Even the slightest risk of permanent damage to his cavalier’s brain or other body parts would have been enough to make Palamedes back away from nearly anything, regardless of protests on her part. And the risk here hadn’t been slight.
“Necromancer and cavalier are supposed to protect each other, Nonagesimus. I know you did the calculations in advance. Why would you do that to Gideon, knowing the risks?!”
“Well, maybe I fucking miscalculated!” Harrow exploded, hands clenched into shaking fists. “Is that what you want me to say? That I’m an utter fool who underestimated a threat and overestimated her own capability to take care of it? That I’m undeserving of my cavalier?”
“I wasn’t trying to say-”
“The one thing I need you to understand,” Harrow interrupted him, teeth clenched and voice like ice, “the only thing that matters, is that I would kill myself before letting Gideon die for my benefit. Even at her insistence, I wouldn’t have done the trial if I hadn’t thought I could-” She took a deep breath, and looked upset enough that Palamedes briefly worried she might cry. “I am the greatest necromancer of my generation, and all I seem to manage is failing people.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did,” Palamedes said, at a loss for what else to say. That Harrow’s relationship with Gideon wasn’t the same as that between him and his own cavalier didn’t mean Harrow didn’t care. It had been an unfair assumption to make. Seeing her now, showcasing the most emotion she had in their entire stay at Canaan House, it was blatantly obvious that Gideon mattered to the Reverend Daughter—maybe more than anything else did.
He knew he’d trust Harrow with his life, then.
“I don’t care about apologies. Just promise you will help her.”
“Of course I will help Gideon. I’m honestly offended that was ever in question.”
“You did just blow up at Nonagesimus,” Camilla commented dryly, one eyebrow still raised.
Palamedes crossed his arms. “I’m not the kind of person who abandon a patient, especially not a friend, over a squabble. You know this.”
His cavalier just shrugged. “She doesn’t.”
“I suppose I owe you an apology, too,” Harrow said quietly. “My outburst was inappropriate and uncalled for. I should have a better handle on my emotions than this.”
“There’s nothing wrong with showing you care,” Palamedes tried, because as much as he would have liked to spend a therapy session or twenty going over why Harrow believed emotions were a weakness to be avoided at all costs, they unfortunately did not have the time right now.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s fetch the medical equipment and see what we can do for her,” Camilla said, and started walking back in the direction of the hatch before anyone else had the chance to say anything.
“She’s right, you know. We should-”
“I’m not coming,” Harrow said, and before Palamedes could protest—which he had been planning to do, and vehemently so—she added, “I can’t bear to face her. Not after I nearly got her killed.”
“You will have to, eventually.”
“I know.” Ashamed as she looked, the Reverend Daughter almost seemed like a child.
With how mature she acted—with the severity of someone who had to carry the world on their shoulders at all times—it was easy to forget how young Harrow still was. She was Palamedes' equal—maybe even his superior—in many ways, but she was still a teen, under tons of pressure and with an amount of responsibility on her head that should by all means have been reserved for an adult twice her age.
“Be there for her as soon as you’re able to. She needs you just as much as you need her, even when she won’t admit it.” Palamedes glanced over at Camilla before turning his full attention back to Harrow. “And, Reverend Daughter?”
“Our ongoing debate about which one of us is the better necromancer aside, I truly don’t believe that all you do is fail people. Not everyone is able to ask for help when they need it. Pride is a nasty thing. You made a mistake, but you’re able to own up to it and do better in the future. That’s an admirable trait. Academic rivalry or not, I’m glad to have you as my friend.”
“We’re not friends,” Harrow insisted, because of course she would.
“Sure we’re not,” he said, and very nearly laughed.
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prefixsstars · 2 years
𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥
This is the first fic i’ve ever written I hope you all enjoy! This is for you @starstune
If Toya could describe Nene in one word it would be lovely. 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 in the way she gets excited about a new game. 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 in the way she shines on stage with her voice touching his soul. In the way that despite her bluntness her tone with him is always so sweet. 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 because the palms of her hands are so soft, but the tips of her fingers are calloused from video games and theater work. The way her Iris colored eyes seem to shine in the limelight. She’s 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 to Toya because she chose to love him with all her heart.
If Nene could describe Toya in one word it would be 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥. ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 in the way he makes sure she’s comfortable in crowds by holding her hand. ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 when he compliments her and she can feel her face getting warmer. ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 with the way his hugs make her feel so happy. The way he kisses her with so much 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 she feels like she’s under those dazzling lights of the stage. When he performs on stage with his group while his voice vertebrates within her soul. Nene loves Toya because he’s so 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 with everything he does.
𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖·𝕝𝕪: 𝕖𝕩𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝
𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥·𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥: (𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟) 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕖; 𝕕𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕪 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥.
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feedthefandomfest · 3 months
Comment Bingo: Old Fic Edition
Very simple rules: connect 5 squares in a line by commenting on fics that suit the task in each square
Very simple goals: encourage readers to comment on older fics; encourage fandom writers to KEEP WRITING
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Download Bingo Card HERE (png) or HERE (jpg) or HERE (pdf)
Complete the tasks on the card, marking off each as you go, until you've completed 5 in a line (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal; NO double-dipping; center ♥️ is a free space)
POST your winning card (or list your filled squares) and tag @feedthefandomfest! Glory in your victory.
This card requires some familiarity with AO3's search filters. Once you've narrowed your results according to fandom/ship/additional tags, certain squares require you to sort the results by Date Updated, which is the default. Other squares require you to search for fics posted within a certain range of years, which you can do by scrolling on the search menu to More Options:
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Note that to enter a date range, you must format the date as shown.
✨ victory badges ✨
New badge for this card, but here are examples from previous cards:
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Tag me when you earn a bingo (or double, triple, quadruple... FULL CARD bingo) and I'll reblog a shiny badge with your name on it to commemorate the win.
Can I comment on tumblr or only on AO3?
Either one is great! This card especially is more designed with AO3 in mind, but some can be adjusted to suit tumblr as well, so I say go for it. Tumblr fics deserve love, too.
Can one comment count toward multiple squares if the fic fits more than one category?
Since the goal is for as many fics to receive comments as possible, try to comment on a different fic for each square.
Is there a time limit?
Nope! Take your time or set your own deadline, whatever works for you. This blog is still in its early experimental stage, so feedback welcome. Play around and let me know what you like and what might be added/changed—including ideas for squares on future cards!
Do I have to record progress on the actual card?
Nope! If it’s easier to keep track in a different way, that’s fine. This is all very honor system, so if you say you earned a Bingo, we’ll call it a win 🎉
Some people have been tracking not just completed tasks, but the fics they read along the way, so that when they post a bingo, they can also promote the fics/authors in a little rec list. Not required, but definitely cool to see!
Can I adjust the task in a particular square to suit my comfort level?
Of course! If you deliver something in the spirit of the task, then it’s all good. Use your best judgement in constructing a comment that will make the author smile, and you can consider it a job well done.
In general, so long as each square has produced at least one comment, you’re golden and I salute you 🫡
Happy commenting!!
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
I feel like if you're following an account like yours, you know there is gonna be some R rated content involved and should be okay with that. I am following you and it didn't show up, nor did the reblogs? I was actively searching for it and had no idea Tumblr was sensoring content. No warning or anything. Is it standard practice for fic authors to do this or not? Honestly if I was you I wouldn't bother...
i think some fic authors throw the community label on because users are able to “suggest” them anyway. like, if i hadn’t, you can click on the three dots and suggest my post use the sexual content label and tumblr will “flag” it and put it on themselves. so it’s kind of inevitable if someone reports it.
i slapped it on bc i know how… uh. let’s say “funny”? people can be about mxm content and pegging. so i totally understand if people don’t want to see it!! or nsfw content in general bc i know fanfiction in general is another touchy subject! but just use the regular tag filtering system and block what you don’t want 🥲
i don’t think i’ll use the labels in the future. like i said, at this point getting flagged is worth it in the name of actual engagement.
but yeah, if you don’t have the sexual content label “allowed,” tumblr blocks the main post and any reblogs, so you won’t see any of it.
0 notes
fishbonedotcom · 2 years
Hello dsmp fandom are we still on abt the smp as a play?
Imagine a stage extension over the middle of the audience, probably six feet out. (Im envisioning a proscenium stage bc thats what my theater is lmao) Very much like a run style stage.
Our Newly elected cabinet stands on a low platform (With podium) USC, Tommy and Wilbur stand at the beginning of the extension.
The lights go out one at a time as Schlatt talks, first on Niki + Fundy (Ext SL, Wil + Tom take a step back), then on the cabinet (Ext SR, Wil + Tom take a step back)
Leaving Schlatt in a pool of light by himself USC from Tommy + Wilbur.
Tommy and Wilbur very specifically have there whole backs to the audience from there place at the end of the extension. Standing in a equal point of light to Schlatt.
Schlatt says his whole bit: Exile of Wilbur Soot! And Tommy Innit!
Schlatts light goes out.
Schlatt: Get um out of here!
Wil and Tom spin towards the audience. Black out, music starts up
0 notes
bridgetotheskyyy · 6 months
Filthy Clean
cw: You and Levi have a clean rivalry lmaoo. levi x f! reader, smut, 18+, shower sex, fingering, face slapping, slight cum play, mild dubcon, praise kink, cum swallowing, creampie. I HATE posting fics on tumblr with a passionnnn but I thought you guys would enjoy this one. I posted this to ao3 a while ago but I'm still in my levi era lmaoo. wc 6.9k.
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Men were disgusting.
The dirt the younger cadets trudged into the barracks and lounging areas did not discriminate, but the filth the male cadets managed to accumulate was truly unmatched. Beds unmade, toilets unflushed, and had none of them heard of a fucking coaster? 
Or a napkin?
You leaned farther so your swiping hand might reach the table’s full breadth. You wiped in wide, angry circles. You’d be here for ages trying to get the grime off the table, gathering the courage needed to tackle the bathrooms. 
“Ugh.” Your washcloth came across something unidentifiably sticky. “Fucking gross …”
So consumed were you with your task you did not see the hand come to meet yours until it was too late, and your pinkies met.
You blinked.
You looked up to see a dark-haired man fixing you with a glare, the majority of his face obscured by a handkerchief.
“What are you doing?” 
You frowned. “Cleaning this table.”
The man straightened. “Well” — he snatched your washcloth from your grasp — “you’re doing a shitty job.”
“Just let me do it.”
“It’s my job.”
“Hah?” A brow raised in question your way. “Someone’s paying you to do such a shitty job?”
“I’m not!” You were truly flustered now. “I’m doing as good of a job as I can with how filthy people are here!”
“Tch.”  The man’s sharp eyes cast down to the table. “That we can agree on.”
“And” — you grabbed your cloth — “you shouldn’t take what isn’t yours.”
You ignored the heat of the man’s appraisal. He can stare at my ass all he likes. You hummed. “Who are you anyway?” You asked, layering the wooden table with more solution. 
His eyes widened. “How do you not …?”
“I don’t keep tabs on everybody in this infernal regiment.” You scrubbed angrily at the sticky table — was it fucking gum or something? “So, I wouldn’t know if  you were famous.”
You looked up in time to see the man undo his handkerchief to reveal —
You froze.
Levi. Ackerman.
The Levi Ackerman.
Captain Levi Ackerman.
… Fuck.
“Oh my god …” You straightened, suddenly feeling foolish with the supplies in your hands. “Captain …”
“How the hell do you not know who I am?”
“You —“ You stammered. What should you do? Should you put down the cloth? Should you leave? Fuckfuckfuck. “I — You had that …” You gestured to the handkerchief. “That thing on your face!”
“The handkerchief doesn’t cover up my voice.”
You gobbed like a fish, face flushed from embarrassment. “I —“
“Tch, it’s fine,” he waved you off. “Just let me tackle this room — or stay; you might learn something.”
The humiliation was almost too much. Almost.
“Sir.” You cleared your throat, arm akimbo. “I’m very sure I know what I’m doing.”
Another inquisitive eyebrow. “That so?”
You recognized the challenge in his voice and stretched the cloth — flack — with a tilt of your head. “Yeah,” You said, the edge of your mouth twitching to add, “sir.”
Levi straightened himself again to his full height (which wasn’t much) and took three intimidating steps toward you. You stood your ground as he reared on you, looking you dead in the eye: 
“We’ll see about that.”
After that, you were sure you’d be fired. 
You’d been fired by (figuratively) smaller men for far less. The others cleaning girls were in a tizzy that, somehow, you had squared off with Humanity’s Strongest and were ravenous for developments as soon as you had something to tell. You weren’t sure you’d last that long. Surely you’d be getting canned any moment now.
But instead something far more bizarre was happening: it seemed you were now in a cleaning war with the squad captain of the Special Operations Squad. 
Everywhere you went, the work was already done. Walls scrubbed. Floorboards wiped. Curtains dusted. Limestone’s ass kicked. Even the heinous bathrooms had been tackled by a brave, meticulous set of hands — and you had an inkling those hands were calloused and attached to a pipsqueak.
Your suspicions were only confirmed when a tale of the captain scrubbing one of the barracks had reached you. Apparently, Levi’d done a stunning job — until he noticed a fucking boot print on his flawless floor. All the trembling cadets were rounded up to find a boot match like a scene from some fairy tale, and eventually the print was proven to belong to none other than Eren Jaeger. 
Why was it always fucking Eren Jeager.
By the end of the second week of this cleanathon, you were sprinting to the currently unused dining hall, slamming the doors opened: 
Tables glistened, floors polished … You turned your head to the windows … windows you could use as  fucking mirrors — 
“Son of a bitch!” You shot arms to your sides before storming out, two cadets making way for you. 
Sunday evening, the horse stables were all you had left; you shuffled hay and tended to the equine beauties as best you could, spurred on now by a newfound enthusiasm for your job. By sundown, the hay was stacked, the floors were wiped, the cedar like brand new. 
“Ha! Could be someone’s living quarters.” You turned, satisfied, to the horses with hands at your hips. “Not too shabby, huh?”
One of them huffed at you, blowing hair from your face.
“You must be his,” You scoffed before exiting the stables.
You were proud, but you were tired. The showers were empty by the time you stepped into one to use, pleasantly ignoring the suspicious sheen with which everything glistened as you wheeled the knob to hot. You sighed as water fit to rival hellfire rained down on your aching muscles. You lathered and rinsed, fit to remove the day’s grime. 
Another labored sigh. Finally, some time to — 
The door burst open. You shrieked, spun, covering yourself.
“Get out —!”
“Relax.” Levi, of all people, stepped into view. “It’s just me.”
“My order still stands! Get outwhatthehellareyoudoing —“
“I give the orders.”
Realizing he wouldn’t leave, you scoffed, spinning back toward the shower head. “Can’t believe this,” you murmured. “I can’t wait to report this and let everyone know the captain is a perv —“
“I said relax,” Levi said, not a step out of place (beyond the obvious). “I won’t do anything.”
“Oh, what a comfort …”
“… You did a good job today.”
You blinked, forearms still crisscrossed over your chest. Was that a compliment? You tilted your head, as disturbed as you were intrigued. “Come again?”
“You do have some skills when it comes to cleaning, I’ll give you that,” Levi droned from behind. “Peroxide with a hint of lemon? Definitely more than a rookie.”
Fuck. Even his compliments were nestled in insults. “And this couldn’t wait until after I took a shower?”
Soft rustling; you could only imagine him crossing his arms, staring at your naked back. “I wanna to see if you keep it up.”
What did that mean? You looked down at the nest of suds cradled in your cleavage. And you understood: he wanted to watch you clean yourself. 
“You’re a weirdo.” You shook your head. But, understanding he wouldn’t leave, hardened yourself to this new challenge. You wouldn’t be intimidated. You carried on as though no one were watching, finishing what you had started. 
“You’re doing it wrong,” he spoke up as you bent down to lather a leg.
“Shut —“ You froze, sucking your lips into your mouth. “Sir …” You couldn’t abuse him … he was still a captain … Why did that matter he was fucking watching you take a shower — 
“Tch.” There was that odd sound from him again, but was it just you or was it now tinged with amusement. “Think we’re beyond formalities now, don’t you think?”
You didn’t answer. Your face grew hot as you rose to full height, allowing the shower water to wash the accumulated suds away. You didn’t know what you thought; you were mildly dizzy, the heat and situation doing something to you. Why were you letting this happen, letting a man watch you shower?
… Why were you liking it?
You were about to turn and face Levi to get out when he clicked his teeth:
“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
You saw Levi grasp your shoulder. You gasped, nearly slipping as you turned, at last, to face him. 
“Wait,” You said as your back hit the wall. 
But he was there, fully clothed, the shower water getting his hair and uniform wet.
“You’re …” You watched him get drenched. “You’re all wet now.”
Levi’s eyes flickered to yours. “So are you.”
Your lips parted but no words came. Dark strands clung to his face now, and you refused to admit how good he looked. His hands were on you — hands much softer than they should’ve been. He swiped the washcloth from you, threw it away. Levi took the soap from you and treated your skin to a thorough lathering with his bare hands. Calloused hands that should’ve been rough and harsh caressed your neck.
“People always forget their neck,” Levi murmured.
Lines of foam ran down the valley of your breasts, to your stomach. Suds nestled in your belly button as Levi’s hands came to your sides and tugged, motioning for you to turn over.
You made to protest — didn’t. Wordlessly, you turned around for him. His hands cleansed you of the sweat accumulated in your crevices. He massaged into your back, caressed the tension from your shoulders. Levi’s thumb dipped in the small of your back and you suppressed a sound, whatever it had turned into unknown to you and him both. Your trembling hands pressed to the wall when you sensed him bend forward to knead into the skin of your thigh. You squirmed, biting your lip at the moan his meticulous hands fought to elicit. Levi’s hand reached forward and grazed the pert skin of your nipple. At an honest to god moan you couldn’t repress, Levi paused. 
“I …” You kept still under his gaze. 
It was a relief when seconds later Levi resumed his ministrations. 
“Want you fucking spotless,” he said, and you believed him. His hands worked in tandem with the hot water to cleanse you. Levi worked your breasts, cupping them from behind, offering them to the water to be dowsed of suds. Fingers you knew were purposeful grazed at your excited nubs in the process. A hand, once gripped firm at your waist, breached the gap of your legs, a finger sliding over the slit of your vulva. 
You gasped through the moan. “I — I thought you said you wouldn’t do anything.”
“That was before I saw how lackluster your methods were.”
“My meth —“ You bit your lip as Levi’s finger grazed your clit. “I — I hardly see how this is supposed to help me get clean, captain.”
At the title, Levi groaned in your ear, lips brushing against your shoulder.
You ignored the thrum of pleasure in your cunt. “Why would I need to be — ah — clean from the inside?”
“Quiet.” His finger threatened to slip into your moist entrance, your natural slick assisting in this endeavor. “If you knew what you were doing, you wouldn’t be asking that.”
“I don’t think —“
“If you had a problem, you wouldn’t be fucking drenched, either.”
“Ah …” Your forehead thudded against the wall, your skin hot. Everything hot. You couldn’t argue; even the shower water couldn’t wash away evidence of your want. 
“And now you’re gonna make an even bigger fucking mess, aren’t you?”
Despite the haranguing, Levi only pressed closer, the fabric of his jacket adding friction to your damp skin. His finger teased the ring of your entrance, teasing, daring.
You moaned when Levi abandoned your hole to concentrate on teasing your clit. He tended to it with the slightest touch, so removed you began to think his touch only imagined. 
“I — I’m too achy to —“
“Do you ever shut up?” Levi snapped. “I’ve already told you.” His lips were at your ear now, his chin sitting in the crook of your neck. “Not asking for you to reciprocate. Just let me do it …”
You gripped Levi’s forearms as his finger slipped past the ring of your entrance with shameful ease. You bent forward, squeezing your legs around his hand. Your lips parted with a shuddering moan when his fingertips brushed the roof of your g-spot growing ever jagged.
“Didn’t think it would be this easy,” he spoke into your ear. “Just letting me in, hm? Fucking freak …”
You looked over your shoulder to Levi already staring at you. You did not need this. You did not need Levi, wet and close and hair dangling in his gorgeous face, mocking you.
Another finger slid in to meet the first. You clawed at the shower wall, growing feral.  
Levi withdrew them.
“Wait,” You murmured. “What?”
His brows furrowed. “Do you want this?”
You scoffed. “Really?” 
He studied your face. “Wanted to be sure,” he murmured, his arms caging you in.
You turned to face him. You pressed into him, your forehead meeting his. After all this, now he asked? But a part of you was endeared by his asking. Despite his foul mouth and gruff disposition, you didn’t fear him. 
You found his hand and guided it back to your wanting cunt. “Yes.”
Not needing to be told twice, Levi hand roped to your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. You weren’t caught by surprise; you opened your mouth for him to explore while his two fingers returned to their mission of exploring you. His groan caught in your mouth and went straight to your cunt, inciting a new layer of slick to coat Levi’s fingers.
“Thought so,” he muttered into your mouth. He abandoned your mouth just as he invited a third finger into your weeping hole, his lips traversing the length of your jaw. 
You were a moaning, sobbing mess, grinding against his fingers. You couldn’t take all this stroking, probing, stretching. The shower water pebbled your skin, the incessant dribble sensitizing your heated skin. Levi was driving his fingers into you now, assaulting the tender spot within to drive you feral. You entwined a leg around his with a whimper, your head falling against the wall to widen the expanse of skin Levi’s lips could torment. His thumb tweaked randomly at your clit, the uncertainty of when he would reward the nub with attention only driving you further toward the edge of the cliff. He nibbled, bit into your neck and you all but jumped into his arms, all dignity forgotten.
“Go ahead,” he said when you squeezed his digits, your breathing heavy on his shoulder, “bet you look pretty when you come.”
His voice, as though your climax was the most predictable thing in the world, sent you over the edge. With an onset of broken moans you came, nearly ripping the arms from Levi’s jacket as he finger-fucked you through your orgasm. You drenched his fingers, saw through vision bleared by water and steam and drowse, how they had turned pruney playing in your snatch once Levi at last pulled them out of you. He held you up with a hand, your legs turned boneless and useless under your lasting throes. 
Levi inspected his fingers as you caught your breath. He bent down to retrieve your abandoned washcloth and wiped his fingers clean. 
“Levi …” You murmured as he did it, your senses returning slowly but surely. “What …?”
He turned back to you, fixing your back against the wall again as he captured your mouth in another kiss, not as rough as the first, but affirmative. A statement. He withdrew and you, eyes closed, followed him until you realized he was truly through with the kiss and opened your eyes. 
He wiggled his fingers, almost to taunt you. “I was right,” he said, a flicker of a smirk there. “Fucking pretty.”
You’d lost all control over your life. 
Afterwards, you often found yourself frequenting the same spaces with Levi, places you were meant to be cleaning but would end up as sanctuaries so Levi might fuck you into oblivion inside them.
More than once you’d cried out as he crashed you into the wall, arms wrapped around each other, passion overcoming dull reason always.
“Keep it down!” he would hiss in your ear before nibbling the lobe attached. “Want the whole headquarters to hear us fucking?”
And then you would clean. Thoroughly. Meticulously. There were never any traces of your sudden trysts, you both made sure of that.
What was happening? You weren’t sure. It wasn’t as if you were suddenly the captain’s girlfriend or something. Right?
… Right?
“Are you the captain’s girlfriend?”
You startled away from Potato Girl, who had somehow materialized by your side, nearly falling off the step you sat on in the process. 
“Sasha!” Jean Kirstein reprimanded. He graced you with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about her.” To Sasha: “You can’t just sneak up on people you don’t know and ask them —“
“But it’s clear something’s going on, isn’t it?” Sasha said. “I heard Mike say the other day that —!”
“No!” You cried. Do these fuckers do anything but gossip? You were reminded of your grandmother, who had once said the military was nothing but death and gossip. “No, you — you don’t understand. The captain and I — we’re just friends. We like cleaning, that’s all.”
Jean’s blush belied his nod toward you. “You don’t have to explain anything.”
“Aw, c’mon!” Sasha said. “Captain Levi would fall head over heels for a girl who can clean as well as you!”
Jean ran a hand over his face. “Sasha …” Exasperation made his voice heavy.
“It’s okay,” You assured him before turning to Sasha with a smile, your voice fit for addressing a child when you said, “The truth is, I don’t know why Captain Levi’s taken such a liking to me. I’m just happy to make him proud. But I promise: nothing untoward has ever occurred between the captain and myself.”
How well you could lie through your teeth. Should you be proud or ashamed? Untoward … Levi’s fingers sank into your cunt; his cockhead twitching on your cervix; a mouth full of —
Boy, could you lie.
Sasha scrutinized your face. Seemingly satisfied, she said, with a disappointed dip in her voice, “All right. But tell us if that changes! We want the best for the captain and only want him to be happy!”
Strangely heartwarmed by her comment, you nodded to the both of them. “You got it!” 
And you’d thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn’t; you were doomed to have a couple more run-ins with members of the Special Operations: a few cadets once eyed you surreptitiously in the hallway. And on the last day of the week while on your way to dust the shelves of the library, a little blonde boy caught sight of you and promptly scurried away, a book tucked in his armpit, leaving the library hilariously bare.
“Oh, come on!” You said, the lack of people affording you moxy. “If I was really fucking a captain, don’t you think I’d have gotten a raise by now? Hello?!”
“You wanted to see me, Commander?”
Levi shut the door. The moment Levi walked into the Commander’s office, he knew what he was in for. Erwin wasn’t alone; Hange was ready to bounce off the walls. Mike looked like he was suppressing some laughs. Levi let himself in; eyes made of ice appraised his every step.
“Have a seat, Levi,” was all Erwin said, and once he did the man knitted his fingers together. “I’ve heard rumors.”
“Tch, didn’t think you were the type to listen to shitty gossip.”
“More than rumors, I would say.”
Levi raised his brows to encourage elaboration.
“There have been complaints.”
“You and some cleaning girl hooking up!” Hange cried out — happily. 
Without a beat, Levi tilted his head: “What?”
“There has been a shortage in cleaning supplies,” Erwin said. “Some cadets have complained about headaches. Some have reported breathing issues. Some have fainted.”
Levi glared. “They’re allergic to everything except filth, then?”
“I’m told chemicals from the cleaning solutions are the cause,” Erwin continued, leafing through what could only be reports from this very issue.
“The morons can always open a fucking window.”
“Still, there’s such a thing as too clean, Levi,” Erwin said. “Some have begun to speculate why there’s been such an uptick in cleanliness. It seems … suspicious.”
Erwin’s eyes flicked upward expectantly. “I’ve not heard you deny anything.”
“There’s nothing to deny.” Levi crossed his legs. “I help her clean when I have the time, that’s it.”
Hange squealed. “Oh, this is fascinating —!”
“ — You’d think so,” Levi shifted his glare toward her.
“A friendship forged from alcohol!” Hange chirped. “I’m such a fool; I should’ve predicted something like this would happen!”
“Nothing’s happened, you fucking weirdo,” Levi said.
Mike had failed to comment thus far, sticking to his corner of the room, but his shoulders rumbled with hushed laughs. Fucking prick.
“Hm?” Hange stood. “Oh really? Tell me, then: If you’re just cleaning, why are there reports of moving furniture?” 
“We have to move furniture to get to spots people forget to clean, moron,” Levi said pointedly, crossing arms now. “If these idiots spent as much time training as they did gossiping, fewer of them would be eaten every expedition.”
“Nevertheless, we can’t have you and this girl making hazardous gases in your attempts to clean headquarters,” Erwin said. “Be more discriminate with how you use your supplies. I don’t want to hear any more complaints about this, am I understood?”
A curt nod from Levi. 
A snort from Mike. “I bet she’s cute.”
“I bet you’d look better without a nose, Mike,” Levi said, standing. “And, Commander, I think you should address some of the rumors concerning yourself.”
It was Erwin’s turn to raise his fatass eyebrows. “Pardon?”
“I don’t know.” Levi was already striding toward the door. “Something about you and some nurse.” He turned back to Erwin, hand on the knob. “Can’t be true, can it?”
Hange gasped. Mike choked. Erwin himself, surprising no one, moved not an inch, only dug knives into Levi’s disappearing back as he considered himself excused and shut the door behind him.
He wouldn’t give in. He couldn’t lose his cleaning fuck buddy. Not now. Not ever. No one had understood his desire to eradicate filth as well as you.
He would just have to have a little conversation with you.
“You make too much noise.” 
Hardly the statement you were looking forward to. Where was you feel so good? Your precious good girl?
You broke the kiss, subtracting your tongue from inside Levi’s mouth, to stare at him crookedly. 
“Come again?” 
“S’you,” Levi said, the flush coloring his face as conspicuous as day. “People are talking around these shitty barracks. We’ll have to cool it if you can’t keep your fucking mouth shut.”
You snorted while resuming your task: unbuttoning Levi’s shirt. You dipped forward to snatch one button between your teeth where it waited to be chewed off. You broke away to nibble at the skin beyond it once it snapped open. “Shut me up then.”
“Fuck …” Levi said in response to your slutty hips swinging into his, your teeth leaving love bites over his protruding collar. “Do you have to make everything so difficult?”
“This is your fault, you know?” You ground your hips into Levi’s obvious erection and was promptly rewarded with a delicious groan. His hand came around to grip the fat of your ass. You licked a wet strip onto his neck before nibbling the skin there. “If you didn’t” — another swing of your hips, another groan from Levi — “fuck me so good, my volume wouldn’t be such a problem.” 
“Not apologizing.” 
You leveled your face with his. “Then we’re at an impasse.” And you kissed him, slotting your tongue back into place above his. 
Levi stole air from your mouth when your hand slotted between the two of you, found the heavy imprint of his cock and gave it a firm squeeze. Levi pressed you closer to him, a firm grip on your ass. He swiped up at your tongue before nibbling on your lower lip and repeating the action with its twin. 
“You really want your slutty mouth exposing us to the world?” Levi grumbled, no doubt begrudgingly aware of how his cock twitched in your hold. 
“I really don’t care,” You said. “But I guess I don’t have as much to lose, right, Captain?” 
He jerked you away by the back of your head, hand fisted in your hair. “You’re out of line.”
A grumble in his throat at the sight of your tongue running over your lip. 
“Says the man who walked in on me showering.”
Levi’s eyes narrowed, as if to say touche.
“Maybe you’re right.” He met your eye, fixing his face neutral. “Maybe I need to shut you up.”
“Oh.” You wiggled your brows. “Levi.”
“On your knees.”
You giggled — stifled it when Levi tapped your cheek with barely any force but enough to threaten a harder hand in the future. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself, brat.” 
And so you sank, remaining eye contact as you sat on your knees and fiddled with the buckle of Levi’s pants. You freed his cock, was rewarded with a soft grunt from him — and one slightly louder when you fed his cock into your mouth, wiggling your eyebrows at him again. 
“Even with your mouth stuffed with my cock, you’re still giving me attitude?” Levi huffed, but there was no bite to it.
The edge of your mouth quirked before focusing on your task. You gave Levi a hard, fruitful suck before releasing him with a loud, wet pop! to run the flat of your tongue down the underside of his cock. From base to tip. Base to tip. You swallowed him again, hollowing your cheeks to work his cock. Excitement flushed your cunt as Levi’s grunts filled the air, and your fingers itched to sneak down and play with your juicing folds. 
A groan from Levi. An encouraging hand met the back of your head. “Fuck, good, little brat …” His hanging his head back sent your cunt clenching at nothing.
You released him, curled stroking fingers around his shaft. “Who’s the loud one now?” You teased with a smirk — 
You gasped when Levi’s hand swatted your cheek. Harder than before. A tepid warning.
“Finish what you started.”
You opened your mouth to get smart with him, only for the hand straddling the back of your head to pull you forward; Levi’s cock tumbled back into your mouth. 
Your eyes fluttered closed. Your hands stroked the end of his shaft, pubic hair tickling your pinkie, as your mouth lay preoccupied with the rest. Levi’s sounds impelled you to move faster. You didn’t care about the aching pain in your jaw or your screaming knees on the wooden floor. You sucked for those sounds, for the power you held over him in that moment. 
“This is a better look for you anyway,” Levi said — hissed as one hand came to cling to his naked thighs, the other thumbing at his ball sack. “Fuck, clean my cock, brat.”
You weren’t his brat. Nor were you one of his cadets he ordered around, but your cunt fluttered around the words all the same. The way he was so determined to playfully shame you, when he was the one to jump you and sink his fingers into your cunt? 
Levi assisted in your head bobbing, his fingers nestled in your hair. “Give it a spit shine, show me how fucking good you are at your job, cumdump.”
You parted with his cock to obey, to spit on the veiny shaft. You thinned out the spit with your palm before introducing him back into your mouth. You moaned around Levi’s cock, the vibrations around his member causing him to do the same. 
Fuck. You couldn’t take it; you led a hand between your thighs, startled at how sensitive you were to your own touch when your fingers circled against the damp clutch of your panties. 
“Playing with yourself while you suck me off …” He hissed when you sank forward, his cockhead tickling, threatening the sanctity of your uvula. “Depraved little slut.”
Levi clutched your head firmer to steady you and started thoroughly fucking your mouth. You gasped, choked, the rapid tousling of your head clouding your senses. Your eyes pebbled with tears. You ran a fingertip down your clothed slit, the seam of your panties wet from your want. You moaned as Levi did. Your lips tightened around the span of him. You raised to the challenge, sucking harshly as he bucked into your willing mouth. 
“Ah, fuck,” he hissed. You cracked an eye open to see Levi’s hips stutter, his other hand bracing against the table.
“Mmm!” You were so hot. You worked your clit harder before realizing you didn’t have to cheat yourself slid a hand past the elastic of your panties, slipping fingers through your folds. 
“Don’t you dare flake on me,” Levi said. “We just cleaned these floors; take every last drop.”
You didn’t need him to tell you what to do; you knew your role now. Levi slowed his pace to allow you to take over. You rose on your knees, gripped one of his ass cheeks to hold him close. A soft gasp from Levi as you ran your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock, coaxing him to coming. You felt it twitch, excited and abused in your hot, wet mouth. 
“Fuck, fuck —“ Levi growled, gripped the side of the table. “Every drop, you little cumcatcher —!”
Levi fisted your hand as he spilled into your mouth. You closed your eyes to it, clinging to his shaft to pull him back and allow your mouth much needed space. Levi fed you his pants, his hurried breaths quickening your heart. His cockhead sat on the flat of your tongue while ropes of cum ran down the length of it. You obeyed his command, swallowing every drop, letting him use you as the little cum dispenser he wanted you to be. You wanted to be for him.
Your jaw screamed with relief when Levi left your mouth. A bridge of saliva connected you to his spent member and you promptly wiped it away before it could threaten the sanctity of Levi’s perfectly polished floors.
He looked down at you, his stoicism softened by fondness. He stroked the cheek he’d previously abused. “Good girl.”
You purred. “Only for you.”
You stood and pecked him inches above his ever-scowling eyebrow. “That’s all you have to say? After all that huffing and puffing you —?”
Levi’s hand met the back of your neck and pulled you close, glaring right into your eyes. “You’re running your shitty fucking mouth before I can even reward you.”
Your brow raised in interest. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Levi jerked his head toward his bedroom. “Let’s finish this.”
You gaped in surprise. “But we just cleaned the sheets!”
“And you’re not about to get them dirty again. Right?” Levi stared pointedly at you before leaning into your throat, giving it a soft but prompt nibble. He pulled away as you hummed. “Right?”
You ran your tongue over your lip, batting intrigued eyes at him for a second. He really was an eccentric weirdo. You wordlessly complied, strolling into the bedroom to get into place for him. Levi followed, pulling you toward him. One hand yanked you to him by your shirt, dragging you into a kiss. You gasped at the sudden action. His force pressed the bed into the back of your knees and you clumsily sat. Levi worked your shirt away before hooking a hand down the elastic of both your trousers and panties. 
He peered down at your lower half, mildly amused. “Bet you’re already dripping after playing with yourself while sucking me off, fucking freak …”
You giggled, your rebuttal your raised, pruney fingers. 
Levi gripped your wrist. “Filthy …” He brought your fingers to his mouth — jerked the two articles of clothing fisted in his grip to hook at the back of your knees. The tiniest smirk tugged at the corner of his lips at your widened eyes, your tiny gasp.
Levi tossed away your clothes. He slotted into the new space between your legs. You ran your fingers over his plump lower lip as he fished for his cock, and pride flared in you to feel he was already hard again, your teasing sufficient enough to make him stand at attention.
“We — ahh …” You furrowed your brows at the feel of Levi’s cock sheathing inside you. You sighed. Tried again. “We’re going to make a mess for sure.”
“We’re not going to make a mess,” Levi corrected before inserting himself fully, thrusting to the hilt and, over your moan, “You’re going to take it.”
You didn’t wonder because you didn’t need to; his tacit answer, coming in the form of another pointed look up at you, had been enough for understanding to flourish like moss on stone. He was going to fill you up, leave you so full of his cum he would surely pull out of you squeaky clean, every precaution you might’ve taken against pregnancy be damned. The insinuation sent flutters to your cunt you were sure Levi could feel around his cock, were sure he could feel the effect he had on you. Your final confirmation being that he was still fully clothed, as though confident you would not sully him even as he ruined you.  
Levi quickened his pace in such a way you were forced to grab ahold to his shoulders. “Fu — Is that so? Mm!”
“Yeah — fuck,” Levi muttered in your ear. “As you said, we just fucking cleaned these sheets, and there’s no way they’re getting dirty again just because you can’t control your disgusting sobbing snatch.”
You wanted to slap him — wanted to throw his insults and his eager cock in his face — and your hand itched to do so, but as he found his rhythm you couldn’t; he fucked you hard into the mattress, barely breaking a sweat as he barreled into you. A hand flew to constrict your throat, sinking you down further and thus making it easier for him to bully into you. Levi brought his face close to yours as his hips went wild, giving you a taste of that Ackerman strength you had heard so much about.
“Ah — uh —!” You moaned, your eyes falling closed as your mouth slacked wide. “Levi — Levi!” 
You cracked eyes open to see Levi’s face strained from his efforts above you. Another flutter down below struck to see how much of an effect you were having on him. You loved him like this; the sarcastic, stoic know-it-all you’d come to know melting away until he was just a man enthralled with your pussy. You looped arms around his, bracing your hands at his back. A hand grazed your mons pubic and three fingers at your clit had you choking a moan. 
“Come on,” You urged. “Oh.” You shuddered when Levi flicked at your clit every which way in response. “I’ll be such a good girl for you and take it, mm …”
“Fucking noisy brat, nrgh!” The hand Levi had roped over your throat tightened. “Using my own words against me …”
First your arms then your legs wrapped around him — only to aid in flipping him on his back. The world whirled around you as you came out on top. Levi choked back a sound of surprise as you mounted him. You looked down at him with a smirk.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” He said, an aimless hand groping at your tit.
“Being a good girl.” You let yourself down on him, basked in the triumph coming in the form of Levi’s relieved groan beneath you. “I wanna show you how good I can take it.”
Levi’s face contorted in an almost-glare he soon realized he had not the energy for when you planted hands on his chest, rebellious fingers discreetly tweaking his nipples through his uniform as you found purchase, and began to bounce on him. His eyes shut, brows furrowed as the round of your ass routinely slapped against his thighs. 
“Fuuuck.” Nails left crescent moons of your thighs. “Feels good, ugh …!” 
“Anything for you, Captain —“
“Don’t call me that.” Levi grasped harder at the junction between your thigh and ass. 
“Why?” You paused, sitting on him, opting to squeeze around him as you did so. Levi grunted, bucked up in response. “It doesn’t have an effect, does it?” 
“Fuck, read the room —“ Levi’s eyes trained on where you two met in the middle, your sopping snatch routinely coming to devour him. “Clearly, I’m not your captain, otherwise — urgh!” 
You kept fucking against him, surprised by both the agility and stamina you seemed to have in this moment. Levi’s cock split you open so good, so completely. It was growing increasingly hard to tease him as you felt yourself getting close. So close. Levi slapped your ass before taking a handful and tugging you forward. You fell onto him.
“Otherwise — oh — what?” You asked, your faces now so close as to have your noses rubbing. “You won’t let me drain your cock of every last drop?” 
Levi’s knuckles had to be white from how tight his hold now was on you. He groaned, biting down on his lip as his forehead met yours. 
“I don’t care about the rules,” You said, voice sounding more desperate than was your intent due to your cresting release. “You’re my captain, so I’m gonna — oh! — be a good girl and fuck my captain until he’s fucked dry from my cunt —“
A sound of utter frustration from Levi and his hands were bruising your hips. Hard. He fucked up into you, slamming you down onto him, and every time he met you half way. Now you held onto his shoulders for fear of falling off, too hazed from lust and pleasure to register that as a foolish notion; like Levi would ever let you fall. Like he would ever let you go.
You fisted one hand into the sheets, meeting Levi’s upward thrusts however you could. Teasing words devolved into endless grunts and moans. You exchanged breaths before you remembered you could kiss him and did, kissing him hard as your last threads of sanity snapped and you clenched wildly down onto him. 
You moaned into Levi’s mouth as you came. You gripped his cock with your cunt again, again, and felt Levi come undone underneath you only seconds later. Warm, thick ropes of cum spilled into you and you stilled on top of him, sitting flat, then grinding your hips, your clit rocking into his abdomen rug-burned by his pubic hair. The sensation added another shock of pleasure as you came undone. 
Levi was determined to fuck you through it. With strength you didn’t think he still had, he flipped you over and proceeded to fuck his come into you, the length of his shaft coated white with your juices and his. Another thrust and he slammed into you without retreating, holding there. 
“Levi …” You moaned out. You felt him move and whined; you weren’t ready for him to leave you, to be empty. 
But the second Levi pulled out, he replaced what you’d lost with his fingers, ensuring his spent be left inside.
“Oh, fuck, Le …!” You shuddered, too overstimulated to submit to Levi’s fingers rubbing up against your spot.
“Quiet,” he murmured. “You’re a good girl, remember? Don’t wanna hear it …”
You bit your lip, nearly ripped the sheets from their corners as he stimulated you from inside. Finally, he withdrew his fingers, certain his spent had taken with you.
“Phew.” Eyes closed, you fell back into the pillow, too blissed out to articulate much more. 
The mattress depressed at your side and you knew Levi was there, trailing kisses up your arm. Once in the crook of your neck, “Good girl.”
You hummed as Levi relaxed beside you. Despite his claims, you knew there was no way the sheets hadn’t been tainted — by sweat, by juice if not by his cum — and Levi would have you rip the sheets from their corners and wash them. He’d watch to see what kind of detergent you would choose, testing to see if your skills were up to par with his. And perhaps he would fuck you in the laundry room while the sheets dried. Maybe he would fuck into you from behind while you made the bed. Whatever it was, you were game. Always. When and if it was with him.
While your mind swam with sordid thoughts, Levi spoke up:
“What do you want?”
You propped up on an elbow, facing him. “Hm?”
“Us.” He turned to you, stoic expression having returned, but his eyes ever watchful. “What do you want out of this?”
You smiled. “I … want a partner. Someone to share things with.” You sought out his hand to entwine your fingers with his and, to your surprise, he reciprocated the gesture after a second or two. “But it doesn’t have to be serious. Or public.”
“Hm.” Levi nodded. You always got the sense he was testing you, somehow, both in and out of bed. The romantic in you wanted to believe it was because he feared hurting you, feared pushing you beyond your limits. “I think that would be best for now.” 
Fuck buddies it is.
“We should work on these sheets,” Levi said. “It’s not too late. We could have them dried before midnight.” He eyed you with challenge. “If you’re not too tired?”
You thought of your previous fantasies. Perhaps you would be the one to initiate this time?
You smirked. “You’re on.” 
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polaroidpascal · 7 months
paradise city || joel miller
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pairing : guitarist!joel x f!reader
summary : when you and your friends go out to a bar to see a local band gig, you can’t help but notice how the guitarist’s eyes somehow keep finding you in the crowd.
tags : M-18+, no use of y/n, no outbreak AU, i imagine joel is in his early 40s, no age gap mentioned, mention of reader’s breakup, mentions of alcohol consumption, joel starts off a little shy but truly there ain’t nothing shy about this man, size kink (kinda?? a little bit??) oral (f! and m! receiving), unprotected p in v sex, dom!joel, joel gets a little possessive (you’ll see what i mean…), praise kink, squirting, multiple orgasms, creampie, aftercare ofc
fic playlist : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0afpHjoOFylI01OTbV5jol
(picture joel playing during the guitar solos in every single one of these songs 😁)
WC : 7.9k… (no one look at me. not a single soul.)
a/n : 100 FOLLOWER SPECIAL !! i apologize in advance for all the song lyrics i’ve scattered in this fic… i opted to make a playlist of the songs i think joel’s band would play but there were just too many good ones to pass up and i was losing it a little bit 🫠 also, shoutout to @joelsdagger for constantly yapping with me about this idea and letting me tease her about this absolute menace of a man and also @haileymorelikestupid for beta reading for me 🥹😭 it feels extremely fitting to post a joel fic on international women’s day where he fucks you so good, so i hope y’all enjoy !! <3
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You and your friends have had a week. 
Deciding you all needed a night to let loose and have fun together, your friend Erica found out about this place hosting a local rock cover band called Fetters Whiskey and thought it might be nice to come see them.
Earlier, you had all piled into the Uber and were headed out, a low girly chatter filling the car. The three in the back harped on about their spouses and all the little things that annoyed them. 
“He left the dishes in the drying rack!” “She helped me clean a little too well and used all the cleaner, now we’re all out!”
The complaining did help them destress a bit.
You and Erica were in the second row captain’s chairs of the car, the three in the back doing their pregame de-stressing. “Makes you rethink the whole marriage fantasy, huh?” she jokes, looking over at you playing with the rings on your fingers. 
You look up and breathe a laugh. “Yeah, I guess so,” you say with a weak smile.
“Well… have you had any luck finding anyone?” she asks sweetly, sincerely. Genuinely hoping someone has caught your eye.
You had a pretty nasty breakup a while ago, probably about eight months by now. You two had been dating for a while and the breakup honestly seemed to come out of nowhere, like some switch flipped one day and nothing was really the same. Your friends stuck by you through every up and down you had. You felt really lucky to have them.
“No. not yet,” you tell her.
“Well, maybe tonight’s your night,” she says with a friendly smile. “You deserve to unwind and let loose a little, y’know what I mean?” You breathe another laugh. “You do!” she exclaims, hitting your shoulder.
“Yeah, well, I guess we’ll see,” you say, the rest of the car ride seeming to fly by, a part of you kinda hoping she’s right.
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The bar is crowded. 
You walk in, snaking the group between the crowd and making your way near the stage towards the back of the bar, men and women alike all brushing bodies the closer you get to the stage, drinks in hand, friends chattering away, everyone waiting for the show. 
Two of your coworkers disappear to fetch everyone a drink while you and the others stake claim on a little area near the stage. A couple of guys are on the stage setting up the instruments and making sure everything is plugged in right, the lights dimmed enough to not really draw much attention to them. It’s not long before the others join them on stage and start playing. The girls return just in time, handing out the drinks as the music starts.
The band is pretty good (you’re not sure what you were expecting, but you’re more than pleased with how good they sound). They play some fan favorites like Wanted Dead or Alive and I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll, and they mix in some random fun songs like Play That Funky Music. 
The drummer is clearly in his own world, head moving at a velocity you would think could give him whiplash. And he’s absolutely killing it, hitting every beat with fervor. You can feel the strikes of the sticks on his drums in the center of your chest. 
Another guy seems to be the swiss army knife musician: pretty good at almost everything, filling in wherever he’s needed depending on the song. One minute, he’s playing his keyboard and the next, he’s busting out a trumpet, and the next, he’s busting out a guitar. And no matter what he’s playing, he’s playing it with passion. 
The lead singer clearly loves all of the attention he gets. He’s feeding off the crowd’s energy like a cat lounging in the sunlight, basking in every cheer and whistle and fist pumping in the air from the crowd. He practically lives at the edge of the stage, crouching down to sing with the girls but backing up to sing and dance with his bandmates too, bringing them in on some of the harmonies and tying the whole show together.
But by far the unsung hero of this group is the lead guitarist. He hides off to the corner, leg posted up on his amp with the body of his guitar resting slightly on his thigh. He looks down at the instrument carefully watching his fingers strum each cord perfectly, furrowing his brow in concentration during his solos and lifting his head up to the sky. He looks like he feels every note in his blood, expressing it through the expert strum of his fingertips on the strings. He doesn’t have a mic and the singer doesn’t make him sing alongside him very much, but you catch him mouthing all the words and getting into the singing as well. 
He’s a particularly pretty man and your eyes linger on him more than the others, always finding their way back to him, and always during the more raunchy lines of the different songs…
Well, I am imagining // A dark lit place // Or your place on my place
I’ma paint his town red // Then paint his wife white
But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears // By now, no doubt we’re heading south // I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
…but who can blame you when he has such a reserved, cool vibe. Plus, did you mention that he’s really pretty too?
And maybe it’s the couple of drinks getting to you more than you thought, or maybe you’re just crazy, but it seems like every time you look at him, he’s looking away from you. Like he’d been staring and you caught him. You swear he starts to look ever so slightly more flushed, but it’s practically impossible to see with the colored lights flooding the scene. No, you think, that’s crazy. You’re standing in a crowd of people, there’s no way he—
“Hey, I think the guy on lead guitar keeps checking you out!” Erica exclaims over the loud music and singing crowd.
You turn and look at her, eyebrows raised before you turn back to the stage. He does it again, averting his gaze the second he sees you look and you feel a flutter in your chest. He really is checking me out, huh?
You keep staring at him, waiting for him to look back in hopes that you’re looking away. When he lets his eyes wander back to you, you’re still staring. This time, though, he doesn’t look away. His eyes won’t let him now that you’ve caught his attention — like a fly in a spider web.
He turns his body ever so slightly, facing your direction more than anyone else as he plays the rest of the song. The lights focus on him, colorful spotlights of red and blue illuminating his face as he positively shreds his guitar solo. His fingers expertly tap dance across the neck of his guitar, his other hand working double time to strum on beat and hit every single note. You watch in a complete daze as he finishes, sealing off his musical escapade with the smuggest wink right to you.
He put on a show. All just for you.
Something stirs in your belly, a low heat kindling as the band continues to play. Their next song — god, their next song… — really puts the icing on the cake.
The jack of all trades band member busts out a sound board, the sampled sound of a snare drum filling the space, a warped, funky-sounding instrumental following.
You let me violate you // You let me desecrate you // You let me penetrate you // You let me complicate you
The guitarist shares a mic with the guy on the sound board, offering back-up vocals for the song. He’s getting a little bold now, you think.
I broke apart my insides // (Help me) I’ve got no soul to sell // (Help me) the only thing that works for me // Help me get away from myself
He’s locked eyes with you the whole time, changing the tides of who is winning this staring battle for dominance. Each second his gaze stays on you, you feel smaller and smaller, completely at his mercy. He backs away from the mic, preparing to play and licking his lips in a manner obviously made to make you even dizzier than you already are.
I wanna fuck you like an animal  // I wanna feel you from the inside  // I wanna fuck you like an animal // My whole existence is flawed // You get me closer to God
He glances back at you from his guitar, a smirk decorating his face before he turns to keep playing the song. You’re in a complete daze. He’s clearly won this battle, and you don’t even know what to do with yourself anymore.
You have to have this man.
Erica caught a some of his little show for you, watching him wink at you and the way your features fell to a focused stare at him. “Girl, get a room next time!” she teases and all you can do is smile back.
When the set is over, you and your friends walk back towards the bar, not wanting to leave just yet. You claim a few of the tiny standing tables, again gathered with Erica at one while the other girls try to cluster around another.
“So…” she starts, giving you a look of anticipation.
“What the hell was going on between you and that guitarist?” she asks, her tone of voice high with excitement.
You laugh, looking down and shrugging your shoulders. “I honestly have no idea,” you say, shaking your head and blushing a little thinking about his little performance. “I thought I was crazy until you said something.”
“Well, whatever it was, you should go for him!” she encourages.
“Please,” you scoff and laugh, “you’re ridiculous.”
“No, I’m serious! While you were having your little… whatever you were having, I was watching the whole band, and the other guys weren’t doing what he did. And he didn’t look at anyone else the way he looked at you.”
You stare at her, a blush creeping up on your cheeks and that small fire in your belly growing a little bigger, a little hotter.
Erica looks up over your shoulder, “Oh my gosh, there they are!”
As if on cue, the band walks through one of the back doors. Having just put away their instruments and whatever other equipment they brought. They saunter in, hair wet from the sweat of performing and lifting all their stuff back into their van. Trailing behind the rest is that damn guitarist. He scans the crowd before he sees you, his expression opening with a bit of an urgency as he quickly finds the bar to grab a beer.
You turn back to Erica, mouth dry and nervous. “Please, you have to go talk to him,” she practically begs.
“No, I- I can’t. I don’t even know what to say,” you plead. “I’m so out of practice.”
“Oh, quit it. I saw you looking at him first. You had him going before he got bold with you. You still have game, go get that man!” she says.
“I don’t know, Erica—” you start, but youre quickly caught off by a tap to your shoulder. You turn around and it’s him.
“Hi,” you say, desperately trying to hide the nerves threatening your vocal chords and smile genuinely at him.
“Hi there,” he says. God, his voice is so deep. You couldn’t hear it in all of its beauty before, but it has a bass to it that rumbles in your bones.
You stare blankly at him for a second before you finally pipe up, “Um, that was a good set you guys played.”
“Thank you,” he chuckles, looking down at his beer and leaning against the edge of the table.
Erica watches with wide eyes before announcing, “Well, I’m empty. I’m gonna go get a refill, okay?” She winks as she walks away leaving you and this mysterious guitarist alone together.
You turn your gaze back to him and fully take in his features now. His eyes have their own glow to them that persists even with the dim stage lights littered around this bar. His hair is patchy from sweat but still sits pretty. His strong features demand your eyes and you’re unable to look anywhere but him.
He extends his hand out to you, “Name’s Joel.”
“Hi, Joel,” you say, shaking his hand and telling him your name. He echoes it and it sounds beautiful off his tongue. “Listen, I--”
“Y’know, you’ve got one of those faces that stands out in a crowd, anyone ever told you that?”
You shake your head, “No, not necessarily.”
“Well trust me, we’ve played our share of shows and none of them had a pretty girl like you in the audience catchin’ my eye every two seconds.”
You blush, starting to gather your mind back from the sudden thrust into a conversation with who you think might be the prettiest man you’ve ever seen in your life now that you’ve had time to really study his features up close. “You’re no different yourself,” you offer.
“How so?”
“I’m just saying, you’d think the prettiest member would be the one front and center, not tucked in a corner by an amp.”
His eyes bounce back and forth between your own not breaking contact as he takes another sip of his beer. “I don’t want just anyone lookin’ my way, I guess. You gotta work to see this pretty face.”
“Pretty, indeed,” you agree, stepping ever so slightly closer to him. “You put on quite a show up there.”
He leans down just a bit, closing the gap between the two of you even more, “Well, I did have quite the eager audience, didn’t I?” he asks.
You stare at each other for a moment before Joel starts, never breaking eye contact, “Listen, I don’t really do this… but I also don’t get distracted like I did tonight…”
You inch closer to him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah… your friends bring you here?” he asks and you glance at the other table where Erica lingers around your other friends and they’re all looking your way, trying not to be obvious and failing miserably.
“No, we took an Uber.”
“Well, what do you say to savin’ that money you’d pay for an Uber and lettin’ me take you home instead?”
Am I really gonna do this?, you think. Call it a gut feeling or whatever you may want, but the way Joel is looking at you, the way he put on a show just for you, how he spotted you in the crowd to strike up a conversation… Erica did say I need to unwind and let loose…
You grin back at him, “Whose home are we talking about?” you ask.
“I think you know, darlin’,” his tone drops low and deep.
A shiver runs up your spine, that ever-growing fire in your belly burning hotter and hotter. “Come on,” he says, taking your hand in his, making it look miniscule in comparison, and walks you towards the back door he came through earlier. You glance back to the bar, the girls still watching and Erica flashing you a smile and a thumb’s up.
Joel leads you to his truck, opening the passenger door for you. You see the backseat loaded with what must be his personal equipment before his door creaks open and he sits inside, the whole truck bobbing from the sheer size of this man.
He pulls you closer across the bench seat until your legs are touching, his hand snaking around your waist as you relax against his figure and his hands trace your sides.
“I meant what I said, y’know. That you stand out in a crowd.”
You turn to look at him as he quickly glances at you and you slowly bring your arms up, one landing behind his neck while the other cups his face. You slowly, softly, tenderly kiss the spot where his jaw meets his neck leaving open mouth kisses all over. He tilts his head to the side just a little, humming at the feeling and settling his hand right at the swell of your hip, pulling you even closer into his side and squeezing just a bit.
The drive isn’t long at all. He pulls into a parking spot lining the side of the road and once the car is safely in park, he grabs your face with both hands, kissing you deeply. You hum into his mouth, not expecting the sudden movement, and melt into his lips. His soft, warm lips. Your hands trace his body, the two of you unable to get where you want to be from sitting in this truck.
You pull away from him. “Take me inside.”
He immediately leaves the truck urging you to hop out on his side, offering a hand to help you out but not letting go even typing the code for his apartment and after you walk through the door.
You giggle as he pulls you up the stairs of his complex, the two of you itching to have your hands all over one another. You reach the top and he twirls you around in his grip, grabbing you with one hand by the hip and the other cradling the back of your head. He kisses you with an insatiable hunger, like his life absolutely depends on it, as he backs you up until you’re pinned to the door with his entire body pressed against you. 
He fumbles with his keys for the lock to his apartment door, lips locked onto you, eyes closed, lost in the soft sweetness of your lips. He snakes a hand behind the curve of your back to brace you as the door swings open and he pushes you inside.
Your hands tangle in his hair grabbing the soft, damp strands unable to pull him any closer but wanting every inch of him in your mouth, on your lips, practically in your skin. You bite his lower lip making him moan a little into your mouth and your hands reach around to his face, wanting to stay lost in the ocean of his tongue and cheeks forever.
He pulls you back and you whine, already missing the warmth and taste of his tongue, but your disappointment is short lived. “God, darlin’… Need to have you.” he says, voice low and completely feral as he grabs you under the swell of your ass and you jump into his embrace. Your hands wander back up to his hair, pulling and grabbing as he trails his kisses down your chin, your jaw, your neck, soft sounds escaping his lips with every tug and whimper you give him.
His legs mindlessly take him to his bedroom, knowing the pathway instinctively. His mouth leaves your body for just a moment when plops you down at the edge of the bed, but he’s right back on you in an instant, reaching down to the hem of your top. You lift your arms for him to pull it off and he removes it in one fluid motion. He moves his hands to the clasp of your bra next. “This okay?”
Your chest aches with these little moments of tender sweetness from him and you nod, letting him remove your bra and he does so with skill, not fumbling for even a second as he tosses it to the floor.
His eyes immediately dart down, taking you in. He’s all but drooling, his gaze burning hot against your skin. He sinks to his knees taking one tit in his mouth and sucking on your nipple. Your hands immediately run through his hair holding him onto you and humming at the feel of his mouth on you. His other hand grabs your other tit, massaging it and thumbing your growing bud before redirecting his mouth to the other side too.
His hands drop to your sides and run up along your ribcage trailing towards your back, closing you in and burying his face into your neck peppering kisses and licks and nips there. 
“I gotta have you, baby…” he mutters into your neck. “Lay back on my pillows up there.”
You do as you’re told, lounging against his pillows and the headboard of the bed as he pulls his shirt off over his head and crawls up to meet you, hooking his hands in the belt loops of your jeans. He looks up, his gaze silently asking for permission and you nod. He pulls them down along with your panties in one smooth motion.  
You didn’t think about how worked up you had gotten until your hot core, slick with your arousal, meets the cool air of the room sending a chill across your skin. You watch as Joel’s eyes widen slightly at the sight of you, subconsciously licking his lips and softly grunting at the thought of diving in.
You open your legs wider, inviting him in and he settles between your legs, his arms hooking under your thighs locking you right where he wants you, all spread and open for him.
He immediately gets to work, unable to hold back anymore and expertly licks through your folds. His warm, wet tongue feels amazing on you as it dances across every nerve ending down there, each one sending fireworks across your skin. You whine and lean back, lifting your hips up to meet his mouth and squirming under his face.
His hands gently rub your thighs while he drinks you down, his nose occasionally hitting your clit making you whine. He draws flattened circles with his tongue, the surface area hitting you just right. 
“Yes… fuck yes, that feels so good…” you moan.
He moans back, unwilling to leave you for even a moment and he keeps going. One hand falls from your thigh and you keep yourself open for him as best as you can when you feel his thick, calloused fingers teasing your entrance. He slides his middle finger in easily, so he adds his ring finger too, curling up and finding the softest parts of you. But God, are his fingers huge.
Your walls constrict squeezing his fingers and you leak more slick all over his palm. His other fingers flay across your lips and ass, gripping you slightly and he’s got you locked down. 
His tongue continues at your clit while his fingers pump in and out of you, the tips curling up and stroking you perfectly. 
“Right there, Joel… right there… don’t stop… please, don’t stop…” You feel yourself getting closer and closer, the flame burning in your belly all night erupting into a wildfire and igniting every inch of your skin. You feel a tightness start to grow in your belly, inching down your insides as he keeps going, and going, and going, never letting up and reveling in each twitch of your body.
You look up and see him lying flat, his hips subconsciously moving against his boxers and jeans and sheets, getting himself off just from your taste. Finally, he opens his eyes, dark with lust and locks his gaze with you with one especially deep push and curl of his fingers and another wink. That fucking wink. 
“Fuck… fuck…!” It sends you over the edge. The coil snaps and a warm flood fills your body spilling out onto Joel’s hand and into his waiting mouth. He grunts and whines, his tongue never stopping, not even for a second, as he drinks every ounce of your slick getting drunk on your juices.
He only pulls away when you pull him off by his hair, a single line if your arousal still connecting him to you and a groan leaving his lips as he lets you go. You fall back onto the pillow, legs collapsing from their own weight and twitching from your orgasm, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath.
Joel sits up licking his palm and bringing his fingers up to your mouth, jaw slacked and panting. Your mouth closes around his fingers and he groans, “That’s it, good girl,” he coos and you hum around his digits.
When you fully come back down to Earth, you can’t help but chuckle in the afterglow of your orgasm. Joel rests on his heels gently stroking your knees and you cover your eyes with your forearm, one big sigh leaving your lips. “I guess I should have expected a guitar player to have some skilled fingers,” you joke and Joel chuckles. “That was so fucking good.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not done with you just yet, pretty girl,” Joel teases, holding out his hand to help you sit up. You do and he meets you with a sweet kiss, his hands cupping almost all of your face as he kisses you sweetly.
When he pulls away and you open your eyes, you notice another amp sitting in the corner of the room. This one looks old, unused, and the cable management could use some work, to say the least.
Joel follows your eyeline. “Whatcha lookin’ at?”
“That’s a lot of cables for a little speaker like that,” you say, following the tangled mess of wires scattered on the floor. “Why don’t you use that one?”
“Jus’ got old. Bought a new one and I didnt need it anymore.”
A depraved idea pops in your head and the question leaves your lips before you can even fully think it through. “Those wires… how strong do you think they are?”
Joel looks back at your face, eyebrow cocked up slightly, “What d'ya mean?”
Your bashfulness catches up quick, a shy blush pricking your cheeks. “I mean… just the outside looks braided, almost… it kinda looks like… I don’t know, kinda like a rope…”
His face softens, a look of intrigue spreading across his gaze. “Go on,” he says, his voice dropping impossibly low, dripping with sultry tease.
You look up through your lashes feeling more vulnerable that you have to ask specifically (he seems to love it, though). “Well… I guess, how well do you think they’d hold a knot…?”
He bites back a smirk but can’t quite hide his excitement. “Kinky…” he says with a little nod. “I like it.”
He rises from the bed but he doesn’t turn to grab the wires. Instead, he reaches for his belt, the buckle clinking against itself. “But you gotta earn it first, sweet girl.” He pulls his belt out of the loops of his jeans and tosses it to the side. 
He pauses a second before reaching for the button and zipper, enough time for you to crawl to the foot of the bed and rest your hands on his. You slowly move them away and take over, undoing his button and slowly zipping his pants apart. 
You reach under his groin cupping his covered balls in your hand and he hums. He barely fits in your palm and you salivate at what could be beneath those boxers of his. You look up at him with another gentle squeeze before pulling both down, his cock springing out and up against his lower tummy as he steps out of his pants, the tip already red and leaking.
Your eyes widen when you really take in his size and you salivate. You wrap your hand around him and very slowly pump his length, getting a feel for his size and weight and staring at him the whole time.
He looks down at you, eyes still dark and mouth slightly open. “Go ‘head, baby. Kiss it.”
You feel a flutter in your belly again already and you do as he says, kissing the slit before taking the whole head into your mouth and circling your tongue around it. His eyes roll back and he lifts his head up to the ceiling with a groan, his hand tangling in the hair at the back of your head.
You slowly take him inch by inch making him slick with your spit and using your hand to pump whatever you cant reach. Your other hand gently squeezes his balls and you feel his grip on your hair tighten a bit.
“That’s it, baby… Mouth feels so good f’me…” He starts to slowly push you down his length, taking him deeper and deeper and being careful not to get ahead of himself. 
But then you moan around his length sending lightning up his spine and it feels so fucking good… A guttural groan booms from his chest and he starts to slip, pushing you a little too far a little too fast and you gag, pulling off until it just rests on your bottom lip, spit gathering at his tip and spilling over the corners of your mouth. 
Tears prick the sides of your eyes and his hand reaches down to wipe them away. “Shit— I’m sorry… are you alright?”
You cough and catch your breath, something new and hot burning through your veins. Something about the way he lost all control… “It’s okay, I’m okay,” you say when you pull yourself together a little bit. You wipe the corners of your mouth and reach up to slowly pump his length again. “Let me try again.”
“You sure, darlin’?”
“I’m sure,” you say, looking up through your tear-soaked lashes, a small smile ghosting your lips as you nod. 
He nods back and you take him in your mouth again, closing your eyes and breathing through it, trying to focus on taking as much of him down your throat as you can.
His hands find the back of your head again, not pushing anymore but tangling through your hair as you work.
He looks down and sees your eyes closed, brow furrowed in concentration and taking him so well. He drops a hand back down to your jaw, “Eyes on me, gorgeous.”
You carefully open your eyes to look up at him and when you do, his brows furrow with desperation, unable to look away from you as you bob up and down his length, hands once again pumping the length you can’t reach and massaging his balls.
“Shit, baby… that’s it…” he moans, watching the way your cheeks hollow and lips flush red from taking him. He’s twitching in your mouth and you think you’ve got him, flattening your tongue when he touches the back of your throat and swirling up his length as you pull back.
His abs start to tighten and you taste the slightly salty precum leaking from his tip. You work up the nerve to suppress your gag reflex as best you can, taking a few deep breathes before pushing yourself all the way down, taking his cock up to the hilt.
You stay there, letting your protesting throat constrict around him and he whines, his hand in your hair tightening and making you moan, another bolt of lightning taking over his entire being. His cock jumps in your throat and you think he’s a goner for sure—
He pulls you off his length completely and you gasp for air while he catches his breath too. “Nuh uh, baby. It can’t be over yet,” he says breathlessly.
You pout up at him, your doe eyes almost black from how blown your pupils are.
“Get back on the bed,” he demands.
So you do, rising a little wobbly from your knees and crawling back up onto the bed. Joel walks to the corner of the room and unplugs some of the cords plugged into the old amp. 
He digs around in his nightstand and pulls out a condom before walking back over to the bed where you’re kneeling on the mattress. He sees you eyeing the little packet pinched between his fingers. “What’s th’ matter?”
You look at him, a blush forming on your face. “Oh, I…” Your mouth goes dry and you clear your throat. “…um, you don’t— I mean, I’m on the pill so, um… If you don’t wanna…” you ramble, trying to find your words but failing in your shyness.
He smiles smugly, tossing the condom to the side. “’S okay. I hear you loud and clear.”
You take a relieved breath and watch him stand there as he starts separating the wires. He twirls his finger in the air and you turn your body to face away from him.
“Gimme your hands, darling,” he says, firmly but gently.
You obey, reaching your hands behind your back. His giant hand easily fits both in one grip and he wraps one cable around your wrists.
You can’t help but smile to yourself, facing away from Joel so he can’t see, but you’re sure it’s audibly obvious when you ask “So this must be where the band name came from then, hm?” as he ties a comfortable knot around your wrists.
“What d’ya mean?”
“Fetters. Like restraints. Usually they’re on the ankles but I guess it’s the same principle.”
He breathes a laugh. “I mean, I didn’t help with the name all that much, but I guess ya’ really do learn somethin’ new every day,” he says just as he tightens the loose, but still restrictive, knot around your wrists.
You shimmy in them a little, surprised at how well they hold together. His hands are still there, rubbing over the covering of the cords and brushing against the warmth of your skin.
“These look real pretty on you, y’know,” he mutters from behind you.
You chuckle and ask, “You tell all the groupies that?”
He grabs your chin to face him, eyes scanning over your face for a second and planting a kiss to your lips before a positively devious smirk spreads across his face. Before you know it, he puts his hand on your back gently pushing down so your chest hits the bed. 
“No, I don’t,” he says and you hear his footsteps fade. You sit there, face pressed against the mattress and ass in the air, desperately trying to crane your neck to see where in the world he’s going leaving you like this, all out in the open and exposed.
He treads back into the room and climbs back onto the bed right behind you, calves brushing up against the inside of your own as he grabs your hips to straighten them.
“I don’t tell the groupies nothin’,” he starts. “Usually jus’ ask if they want an autograph.”
The unmistakable click of a Sharpie cap rings in your ears and you feel the cold tip of the pen dragging along the skin right below the small of your back. You gasp, surprised at the unexpected feeling, completely shocked at the sheer audacity of this man, and you can’t help the butterflies it gives you, the way you mewl so quietly at the thought of him marking you with his name — his signature, no less — in such an intimate place.
You need to find a way to keep this man.
The pen trails off at the end and he recaps the marker, tossing it somewhere to the side before you feel his hands smoothing over your hips. He lets out a low toned, one-note whistle at you, staring at the dark ink branding your lower back. “Now, what a pretty view I have,” he says, a tantalizing, saccharine sweet tone lacing his words.
You can’t hold back the whimper that falls from your mouth at his teasing, his big warm hands rubbing big circles over each cheek. 
He sees you clenching around nothing. “Want me to fuck you now, sweet girl?”
“Yes, please,” you whine, earning you a light tap on your ass.
He pulls on the cords and wraps an arm around your torso, bringing you up flush to his torso and reaching a hand to your mouth. “Gimme some help.”
You spit into his hand and he hums in content. “Atta girl,” he says, gently laying you back down and pumping his length with the wetness. You feel the tip of his cock rub against your folds and you squirm. He grabs your hip with his free hand as he lines himself up to notch right at your entrance. He slowly pushes just the tip in, the pressure making you moan.
“I gotcha, baby. Jus’ relax f’me,” he coos, pushing inch by inch into you letting you adjust to his size. Your walls twitch at the intrusion and your breathing gets heavier, soft sounds escaping your lips. Eventually, he’s up to the hilt and you swear you can feel him in your lungs. You subconsciously swirl your hips, the movement inside making you whine.
“Shit, baby… so fuckin’ tight…” Joel breathes, squeezing your hips and trying not to lose his cool too quickly. His cock bounces and he grunts, taking a minute before slowly pulling out of you as you whine at the loss. It’s short lived, though, because he’s immediately pushing back into you, the stretch and burn pulling a desperate groan from your throat. 
“Fuck yeah, baby. You like how that feels?” he moans, picking up the pace slightly with each thrust. 
“Yes— fuck, feels so good…” you moan. The way his cock drags along your walls makes your belly burn hot. His grip on your hips tight and threatening to bruise if he squeezes any harder, but you couldn’t care less. Just another way for him to mark you as his.
“Squeezin’ my cock so good… she’s achin’, baby…” He’s very talkative, you think and decide to play into it. 
“She’s all yours, Joel. Pussy belongs to you,” you say as you squeeze him again, the pressure in your belly growing with each gentle kiss to your cervix that his tip gives you. 
You feel his pace falter for a second, his grip tightening at that. “Yeah? Say it again. Who’s she belong to?” he says, pounding into you now, unable to keep control of his pace anymore.
You whine loudly with one of his thrusts when he drags up a bit hitting something new inside of you, something your ex surely hadn’t ever found before. Something you definitely had on your own but never this deep…
“Theeere it is,” he coos, pressing your torso down some more to get the angle just right and he’s hitting that soft, spongy part of you with every snap of his hips. You can barely form the words to tell him how fucking good it feels, nonsense whimpers leaving your mouth instead.
“Answer me, baby… Belongs to who?” His pace doesn’t let up and you can’t get the words out. “C’mon, you can do it, gorgeous… tell me…” he insists, slowly rubbing his hand across his own signature that’s been staring back at him.
“Sh… fuck, oh my god… she belongs to you, Joel…”
“That’s my good girl,” he says, leaning down and planting kisses down your spine, snaking a hand around to your front and circling your clit.
You cry out in pleasure, all the sensations getting to be too much. A flood of wetness spills out with a twitch of your insides making Joel’s cock slippery, letting him push in and pull out easier than before. He picks up his pace again with ease, rapidly hurdling you towards the edge.
My good girl…
That one little word finally hits you after a minute. 
His unrelenting fingers on your clit… the way his tip hits your cervix with every snap of his hips… my good girl… it’s all too much. “Fuck… fuck… fuck, ‘mgonnacome…” you mumble in a high pitched whine.
“Fuck yes, baby… come all over my cock, that’s it… feels so fuckin’ good, darlin’…” he moans from behind you, the grip on your hips definitely bruising now as he keeps pounding into you. Your back arches and your whole body writhes as your walls squeeze him impossibly tight. Your vision blurs and you have no control over the downright pornographic sounds escaping your mouth. All you feel is warmth everywhere.
“Holy shit—” you hear Joel but he sounds far away, your head still spinning with pleasure. “Fuckin’ hell, baby…” When you feel like you can finally see again, you see a wet spot on the bed and your eyes go wide, quickly craning your head around as best you can and see Joel’s thighs soaked from you.
“Oh, shit— I-I’m sorry, oh my fucking god, I didn’t meant—” you stop mid sentence when Joel plows into you again bottoming out completely, your words trailing off into a wailing moan.
He drags out slowly but quickly regains his momentum. “Fuck, baby… Chokin’ my dick so good… So. Fucking. Hot,” he says, punctuating his words with the slap of his hips on your ass.
Your legs start to give out under you and it’s like Joel already knows you’re almost too gone to take anymore as he unties the knot at your wrists, your arms falling to the bed. He flips you over, managing to stay inside, and lays you on your back. Your hair lays messily on the pillow and Joel leans down to fix it, tracing his fingers along the side of your face and kissing you deeply.
When he pulls away, he stares at your fucked-out eyes, his own completely taken over by his pupils so much that you can barely tell what color they actually are anymore. “Baby, you gotta give me one more…” he begs.
You raise your eyebrows worriedly, unsure if you can actually take anymore. You whine at his ask and he gives you another quick kiss, resting his forehead against your own when he pulls away, your lips barely touching. He’s moving in and out of you at a snail’s pace, so close to his own orgasm that any extra movement would cause him to snap. “Please, baby, I know you can do it. Doin’ so good for me already, just one more…”
You nod weakly and stare through hooded eyes. “Thank you, angel,” he sighs, gently fucking into you a little quicker and peppering kisses at the corners of your mouth. Your hands trail up to his shoulders rubbing up and down on his soft skin. Forehead pressed to yours again, you feel him panting, small moans and whimpers filling your ears.
“Feel so good…” you use all your strength to whimper out, barely above a whisper. His eyes open, brows furrowed in desperation. You feel him twitching hard now, so close to his own orgasm but not wanting this to end.
“S’good, Joel… so big…” He whimpers at your words, his hips moving erratically, unpredictably. He’s close, you think. And it eggs you on.
“Want you to come for me… Please…”
“Yeah? You want it?” he breathes. 
“Please…” you say again in a whimper, grabbing his face in your hands.
“Where, baby? Want it inside?”
“Yes, inside… please, please, please…” you beg.
“Come with me baby… wanna feel you squeezin’ me… fuck— c-can you do that?”
You whine and nod, having been teetering on the edge of overstimulation with another orgasm growing in your belly. You roll your hips slightly into him, the extra movement sending shivers down your spine.
“So close, baby, I can feel it… ‘s right there, she’s chokin’ me…” he grunts out, painfully holding back his own until you come undone under him again.
Which doesn’t take long, a flutter of your heart and one big wave of arousal covering you from head to toe making you see stars. Your mouth opens in a silent moan, unable to even make a sound as you come on his length all over again.
“Fuck… fuck… good girl, ‘m gonna come—”
Joel’s breathing quickens, becoming ragged and broken as he grunts and whines and spills inside of you. His lips press to your forehead suppressing his noises with kisses there as he empties himself inside of you, filling you up completely.
Your hands scrape his back at his shoulders, your senses all blurring into one another. Joel’s weight falls on top of you as he moves his kisses down from your forehead to your nose and finally to your lips, his tongue licking into you as you feel his cock finally stop twitching. He sits back to pull out of you watching as his cum leaks out of you. You whine at the loss feeling empty but still so full from him, shivering as you feel it dripping down your body.
Joel wipes his sweat-ridden brow and sighs with a goofy smile as he looks down at you. Your body is still jolting from your last orgasm. Any more and you would have been overstimulated beyond belief.
“Now that I definitely don’t do with the groupies, sweetheart,” he teases.
You give him a playful glare and chuckle at him. “What about all that autograph nonsense, then?”
“Well, you got the first of its kind. Never signed anyone there before.”
You blush and stretch a little, suddenly feeling that damp spot from earlier. You sit up in panic and sit back leaning against his pillows again. “Shit, Joel. I’m so sorry. That’s never happened before, I—”
“Stop,” he cuts you off. “Ain’t nothin’ to be sorry for. Sheets can be washed.”
“But I made a mess—”
“C’mere, baby,” he says, extending a hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you towards him, both of you on your knees facing each other as his arm snakes around your torso pulling you even closer into him. “‘M gonna get you cleaned up, ‘kay? Got a spare bedroom we can use anyway.”
You stare into his eyes, his words bouncing around in your head. We can use. “We?” you ask.
He scrunches his eyebrows, raising one at you. “What, you wanna run away already? Was it that bad?” he jokes.
“Oh, quit,” you say, playfully hitting his shoulder.
“Okay, okay,” he laughs, standing up at the end of the bed and holding his arms out to you. “C’mon, pretty girl, how’s a warm bath sound, hm?”
“Sounds amazing, actually.” You grab his hands and stand up, taking a second to get your balance before following Joel to the bathroom.
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When you’re all cleaned up, you walk into his living room wearing one of his t-shirts, a pair of his boxers, and some very oversized socks that he left in the bathroom for you to change into, towel drying the rest of your hair so it's not dripping everywhere. He sits on his couch, fresh pajamas on and dampened hair from the shower he took in the other smaller bathroom.
He taps the space next to him inviting you to sit, TV on and low, playing some random movie he found to fill the silence around him while waiting for you. You curl up into him, you warm from your bath and him warm from relaxing. He squeezes you close, planting a kiss to the top of your head.
Erica was right. You really did need this. Maybe it's stupid that you're growing so fond of this guy and you've known him for just a night, but there really is something about him. Something you can't quite explain...
You spend the rest of the night curled up next to Joel, your entire being content and you can only think one thing:
You’re not letting this one go easily. This one’s gonna be yours.
All yours.
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a/n : thank y'all again so much for 100 followers, it means so much seriously 💜🫶🥹 and thank you for reading this fic that absolutely got away from me in the end, this idea tortured me for weeks and hopefully letting him out into the world will give me some peace finally 😭 but really, thank you guys so much and i hope everyone enjoys !!
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597 notes · View notes
nerdallwritey · 2 months
Cheeks All Flushed (Part 1)
***IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ: Unfortunately this chapter was longer than tumblr wanted, so I've split it into two posts. The smut is in the other part if you'd rather skip shenanigans and Get To Business. And that's valid! Part 2 is here and also linked down below. Apologies! It IS all in one place on AO3 if you'd prefer that!
Summary: You looked at him thoughtfully. “Hang on, weren’t you and Karlach trying to get drunk?” Astarion giggled stupidly. “Yes.” You snorted. “How’d that go?” “Fine,” he sighed. “Takes me a lot longer to get drunk. What with the dead liver and all.” You furrowed your brow. “Wouldn’t lacking a working liver make you drunk immediately?” Astarion whined, “I don’t know, but Karlach is completely inebriated and I only have a buzz I can already feel fading. OR It's time for the Tielfing party! Antics ensue.
Pairing: Astarion x f!reader Rating: 18+ Word count: 23.1k (This particular part is 18.5k) CW: smut, reader is new to sex, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of Astarion's past trauma, soft Astarion, porn with feelings, consumption of alcohol, reader is an idiot (and a bard), so is Astarion (not a bard, just an idiot), the other companions are also idiots, reader likes kids, shenanigans amongst friends, general party antics Spoilers: Spoilers for Act 1 (in-game dialogue, plot points, etc.) Also posted to: AO3 FAIR WARNING: This is PART 3 in my series, "Beauty and the Bard." Find Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Find the masterlist here.
a/n: Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who's read the first two parts!! It means so much to me that you guys are enjoying my writing and silliness. This chapter is much more slice-of-life than the last two parts, in that it's mostly fun at the Tiefling party with less smut. It's also the longest part so far! Apologies to those of you here for vampire penis, it'll show up again in the future surely, but tonight is more about tipsy/soft Astarion. I hope you all enjoy :) (Thank you once again to @kermitwazowski for beta reading!) As a reminder of where Part 2 ended, you and Astarion just entered camp after dallying, even though Shadowheart told you not to. Rest in peace, you will be missed.
Taglist: @a66-1, @khaleesiofthewolves, @khywren, @lollipopsandlandmines,
@minestrones, @mizuki-nautilus
It was Wyll who spotted you first. He’d been wandering close to the treeline, gathering extra kindling for the fire, but something told you he’d also been keeping an eye out for you.
“You two are in heaps of trouble,” he muttered, ushering you behind Karlach’s currently vacant tent. “You’re lucky it was me who saw you first.”
“How is she?” you whispered, looking around to see if you could spot Shadowheart.
“I think seeing you might calm her down,” Wyll said, “but be prepared for an earful.”
“Oh please,” Astarion scoffed. “I’ve dealt with worse than an affronted cleric of Shar-'' He stepped out from behind Karlach’s tent and was met face to face with the cleric in question.  
“What was that?” Shadowheart’s hands were on her hips.
Astarion retreated, shielding half of his body behind you. “Hello, Shadowheart,” he waved his fingers delicately and smiled awkwardly. 
You leaned over to Wyll. “Save yourself,” you muttered. “We’ll be fine.”
Wyll gave you a sympathetic look and nodded. “Coming, Karlach!” he called, to which Karlach responded, “What?”
Shadowheart stood before you, looking frustrated and tapping her foot. You adjusted the pile of blankets in your arms. 
“Got the blankets,” you said sheepishly. Astarion raised his pile up a little higher in agreement.
“What was the one thing I said?” Shadowheart ignored the blankets.
You sighed. “‘Don’t dally.’”
“Mhm. And what did you do?”
“Astarion?” Shadowheart turned to the vampire. 
He let out a reluctant whining sound. “We dallied.”
Shadowheart looked pleased by his admission. “Whose idea was it?”
You and Astarion shared a look. 
“Don’t tell me, I already know it was Astarion’s,” Shadowheart rolled her eyes.
Astarion scoffed. “You don’t know that!”
Shadowheart raised a doubtful eyebrow and looked at you. You avoided her gaze. She looked back at Astarion. “Yes I do.” 
“Darling,” Astarion hissed at you.
“I didn’t say anything!” you hissed back.
Suddenly Shadowheart grabbed Astarion’s left ear and your right ear and pulled you both out from behind Karlach’s tent. You and Astarion protested as you went.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!”
“Ah! Watch the hair, you heathen!”
Shadowheart flung her arms forward, releasing both of you and sending you stumbling forward towards the roaring fire. You caught yourselves before crashing into the flames. 
“You could have KILLED us just now!” Astarion exclaimed.
Shadowheart ignored him. “Look who’s finally back,” she addressed the rest of camp. 
Lae’zel scoffed, pausing the loud sharpening of her greatsword. “I must give you credit, Astarion, you last longer than I would have thought.”
Astarion straightened. “Thank you, I- hey.”
Lae’zel rolled her eyes and returned to her blade. 
“Sorry, everyone,” you said, feeling your cheeks heat up. “We lost track of time, that’s all.” You adjusted the blankets still in your arms.
“We have nothing to apologize for,” Astarion said, moving close to you and going to kiss your cheek, but thinking better of it when he saw steam pouring from Shadowheart’s ears. “Sorry,” he said to her softly. 
Shadowheart pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head disapprovingly. She clapped her hands together before she spoke. “Okay,” she said and turned to face you, “go wash those blankets and hang them to dry.” You nodded and she turned to Astarion. “Once you help carry those blankets to the lake, you are to help Lae’zel hunt for tonight’s dinner.”
Astarion made to argue. “But-”
“‘But’ nothing. I want the two of you as far away from each other as possible until everything is prepared for tonight’s festivities.”
“Here, here,” Gale agreed from over by the cookware. 
“Oof, tough break,” Karlach smirked. 
Astarion sniffed. “Just because some of us aren’t getting laid, doesn’t mean all of us should suffer the same fate.”
You hid your face in the laundry you were holding and groaned loudly. 
“Watch it, Fangs,” Karlach warned.
Shadowheart took you by the shoulders and turned you towards the lakeshore. “Go,” she said, a bit of a bite to the word. 
“Yes ma’am,” you sighed and started making your way to the waters gently lapping the sand by Withers. 
“You too, Astarion,” you heard Shadowheart behind you. 
“I’m going,” Astarion spat. His footsteps caught up with yours. 
You dropped the blankets by the waterline and grabbed the bucket and soap that you kept nearby for laundry duty, one of your commonly assigned chores. Astarion’s pile of blankets joined your own, then his arms came around your waist from behind, and his chin came to rest on your shoulder.
“Sorry, love,” he murmured, kissing your cheek. 
“At least we’re not dead,” you leaned into his caress. 
“You are so incredibly out in the open it’s unbelievable,” Shadowheart called from a few yards away. 
“GIVE US A MOMENT,” Astarion snapped back in her direction. He turned to look at you, his frustration turning into fondness. “I’ll see you soon.” He kissed the crown of your head just as Lae’zel began to complain. 
“Let’s go, vampire. Before someone else steals what is rightfully ours.”
“I’m not anyone’s!” you complained to the sky above you.
“Is it truly so hard to believe that she actually likes me?” Astarion asked as he made his way to his tent to prepare for the hunt.
“You are handsome but weak,” Lae’zel informed. “Far from the optimal pleasure partner.”
“I could make you eat those words,” Astarion teased.
“You would not last a single minute with me,” Lae’zel said and then returned to her own tent to prepare. 
You sighed, embarrassed but not surprised by the camp’s reaction to your delayed arrival with Astarion. There was no talking your way out of it, especially with Astarion’s line about getting laid. The bastard. He could be so annoying sometimes.
At least you didn’t have to dance around it. Even though less than twenty-four hours ago you would have insisted that there was nothing going on between you and the Astarion, now you smiled to yourself, happy that that was no longer the case. 
“Thou hast now a bosom companion-”
“MISTRESS OF REVEL,” you yelped, clutching a hand to your chest to slow the pounding of your heart. You exhaled and turned to see Withers looking more or less unbothered. “You scared me, Withers.”
“Take care that thou are not distracted on thy quest, seeking the comforts of the flesh.” 
You stared at him. “Gods, you sleep with a guy ONE time.”
Withers stared back.
“Okay, two times.”
The stare continued.
“Okay, so he made me cum, like, five times total, is that what you want to hear?”
Withers said nothing. 
You groaned and picked up a blanket, hiking your pants up your legs. “Whatever, stop looking at me.” You waded out into the water, blanket in one hand, soap and bucket in the other. 
“Recall that in time, all becomes dust and bone.”
“All becomes dust and bone,” you mocked quietly. “You’re a pretty morbid guy, you know that?”
You looked over at him and swore you could see a small smile before his expression faded into one of cool indifference as usual. 
It had taken nearly all afternoon to finish washing and hanging all the blankets to dry on  the makeshift clothesline you’d erected lining the water’s edge, but you’d done it. Shadowheart had been kind enough to cast Lesser Restoration on you to combat the fatigue of blood loss and to help fade the marks still leftover on your neck. As a result, all you’d suffered from washing was some mild back pain from constantly bending to dunk and soap the blankets and standing back up to hang them. Laundry out here wasn’t the easiest task, especially without the proper tools you’d usually find in the city, but you enjoyed the peace that came from the still waters of the lake. Today, you’d been extra thorough in your work and you were pretty sure the blankets were cleaner now than they had been when Astarion had nicked them from your companions in the first place. 
Speaking of your companions, Shadowheart was doing her best to keep Astarion away from you for as long as possible. When he’d come back from hunting with Lae’zel, she’d made him help Gale prepare the meat.
“Even though I can’t partake in the meal,” he’d protested, “I have to help prepare it? Really?”
“Ah, relax,” Gale smacked him a little too hard on the back, “you can drain it dry first. Much easier if you go to town on the creature rather than letting me exsanguinate it myself with a blade.”
“I’m not some personal predator,” Astarion crossed his arms. A beat. “But fine, I suppose I can help this one time.”
After he’d drained tonight’s meal, a large wild boar, Shadowheart had sent him and Wyll to scavenge for more wine at the Blighted Village. He’d complained about the long trek and the poor quality of the wine they’d probably find, but Wyll had been able to drag him off after a bit of flattery and the batting of eyes. The man was too easy sometimes. 
By then, the sun hung low in the sky and you’d asked Karlach to come stand by the blankets and act as a heater to speed up the drying process. 
“Do you miss him already?” she teased.
“Who?” you teased back, adjusting another blanket.
“Do you loooove him?”
You sputtered. “What?! No! I mean- I don’t know! This is new for me, and new for him and we’re figuring things out, we’ve barely talked about it and-”
She laughed at your word vomit. “Was it good?”
You paused. “Was what good?”
Karlach rolled her eyes. “You know what.”
You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart begin to pound. “Can we not talk about this?”
Karlach groaned. “Come on Soldier, I’m so pent up it’s criminal! I know I’d ride him to the Feywild and back if I had the chance.”
“Karlach!” You whisper shouted. Luckily the others were too busy with their assigned preparation tasks to pay attention to the two of you huddled behind the damp blankets. 
She didn’t say anything, but raised her eyebrows at you to encourage you to talk.
You sighed and avoided eye contact. “It was really good,” you muttered, hoping she might not hear you.
A smug smile graced her lips. “I knew it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved her off, wringing the water out of one of the blankets on the end of the clothesline. 
“He seems like the type who’d know his way around.”
“Yeah, well.”
“And how does he compare? Best you’ve ever had?”
“Um…” You pursed your lips.
“Wait, but you just said it was really good?”
“It was!”
“There is no but! He was really good!”
“You’re hiding something, Soldier, I can tell. He wasn’t the best you’ve ever had?”
“It’s just that… there haven’t been… others… to compare it to.”
Karlach stared at you. “WHAT?!” Her flames erupted to the point where you had to take a few steps back. 
“Shh! Quiet!” You listened for your other companions but heard nothing. 
“Don’t tell me Astarion was your first?!”
“And so what if he was!”
“The smug bastard,” Karlach muttered. Her face grew serious. “If he so much as looks at you wrong, tell me, and I’ll kill him.”
You laughed. “Shadowheart’s first in line to kill him, but don’t worry, I’ll have you waiting in the wings.”
“I’m serious. I’ll kill the pointy freak before he can hurt you, mark my words.”
You laughed again, moving closer to her now that her flames were calming. “Astarion and I are both adults. I’ll be fine.” Your voice went soft, “And I think he truly cares for me.”
Karlach huffed in disbelief. “Gross little vampire probably smelled your virgin blood and couldn’t keep away.” 
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Don’t be ridiculous. He likes me.”
“We all like you,” Karlach sighed. “You’re a lot of fun.”
“Thank you.”
“But none of us would want to see you get hurt by the leech.”
“You know, I think he’s more sensitive than you all realize.”
“Astarion.” It was more of a statement of disbelief than a question. She raised a skeptical eyebrow. 
“Mr. ‘Tell Me How You’d Like to Die?’ Mr. ‘Describe How I Look in the Mirror and Tell Me I’m Beautiful?’ Mr. ‘I Have A Troubling Relationship with Power Over Others?’” She looked at you pointedly. “Mr.-”
“Alright,” you cut her off. 
“No wait, I've got another.” Karlach held up her finger like she was about to say something. “Nope. Lost it. Damn, it felt like a good one, too.”
“We all have our quirks,” you said, steering the conversion back on track. “Astarion, I think, has a few more than one might deem acceptable, but I trust him. He’s been true to his word about everything so far.” Your voice got small, “And I really like him.”
Karlach blew out a breath of resignation. “I know you do, Soldier.” Her hesitance turned into thoughtfulness. “And he did look pretty smitten when I found you both this morning.”
Your face went red at the memory. “Gods, that was so embarrassing. I still can’t believe we fell asleep out there.” Your brain took a second to process what she’d said. You turned to look at her, a small smile forming. “‘Smitten?’ Do you really think so?”
Karlach rolled her eyes affectionately. “Yes, he couldn’t take his eyes off you.”
Your small smile grew into a smirk of satisfaction. You grew giddy. “You should have heard him, Karlach! He was so sweet, and gentle, and he kept checking in with me, and didn’t make me feel awkward or bad, and his body, oh my GODS, his body! When I say he’s unfairly beautiful, it truly is unfair because, how in the Nine Hells do you get abs like that and-”
Karlach was watching you with a fond smile on her face. She grinned and lifted a hand to stop you. “Okay, okay, I believe you. He took care of you.”
You sighed happily. “He did.”
“I’m glad.” After a moment, she sighed dramatically. “Okay, so maybe he didn’t just fuck you in some sort of weird vampire power play because you’re a virgin.”
“Karlach!” You furrowed your brows. “Seriously?”
“Oh, sorry,” she amended, “you were a virgin.”
You scrunched your nose at her. “You’re so lucky you’re a walking inferno, otherwise I’d punch you so hard right now.”
“You don’t have the guts,” she teased. “You’re too soft, Soldier.”
“I am,” you sighed in agreement. 
The two of you stood in a pleasant silence while Karlach paced back and forth to dry the blankets evenly. 
“I’d hug you if I could, you know,” she said quietly. “I am happy for you. And if anyone is getting laid around here, I’m glad it’s you.”
“Thanks?” you laughed. 
“But if he gives you any trouble, you come find Mama K, yeah?”
You saluted her playfully and she mirrored you.
“Your guests dost approach from the east.”
“WITHERS,” you stomped your foot, pretending to be upset, but smiling over at him. “We need to put a bell on you to remind us that you’re still alive.”
“I am not still of this realm of existence,” Withers corrected.
“You know what she means, skelly boy,” Karlach grinned over at him and then at you. “Come on soldier, let’s go greet our adoring fans.”
Karlach led the way to the center of camp where sure enough, Halsin and the tieflings of the Emerald Grove were emerging through the brush. Halsin caught your eye and waved affably. You waved back, happy to see him looking so well after the rescue from the goblin camp. 
Behind him, he tugged a cart meant for an ox, filled to the brim with food and booze and the eight troublesome kids who’d been kind enough to show you their hideout hidden beneath the Grove. Mol hopped out first, followed by Arabella and Mattis and the others who looked around briefly before zeroing in on the abandoned little temple past the waterfall in the corner of camp. They made their way over to it and disappeared inside.
Noted. You’d have to check on them later.
Suddenly a flash of blue and pink was launching itself at you and you stumbled backwards as it wrapped you in a tight hug.
“Alfira!” you wheezed, returning her hug.
She pulled away, grinning. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day!” She was positively giddy and her mood was infectious. “I need to get some wine in me first, but we must play something together!”
Your smile faltered a little. “I’d love to, but my lute’s a little worse for wear.” You led her over to your tent and gathered a few pieces of the shattered instrument from your bag.
“Oh, you weren’t kidding.” Alfira took the pieces and examined them closely. 
Lakrissa found her way over to you. “Is this one causing trouble?” she asked, playfully slinging an arm around Alfira’s shoulders. “She was buzzing all afternoon about this shindig.”
“Hi Lakrissa,” you greeted happily. “No, I was actually just showing her the state of my lute.” You pulled a loose string out of your bag to emphasize your point. 
“I’ve seen this before,” Alfira took the string from you and inspected it along with the few shards of wood you’d already handed her. “The music overtook you during a particularly powerful song and your trusty instrument suffered the consequences. Did you bash it into a rock in a fit of musical liberation? Been there.”
You gritted your teeth sheepishly. “I wish it was in a fit of musical liberation. No, I kind of got backed into a corner protecting Astarion from a bugbear attack.”
“The mouthy one?” Lakrissa asked.
“You’ve met a mouthy bugbear?”
“No, Alfie, I mean their mouthy friend. The one with the hair?” She lifted her hand up to her own head to try and emphasize the height of his hair. 
“Oh yeah! Hard to keep track of you all,” Alfira shrugged.
You laughed, “Think about how we feel! There’s a billion of you!” You gestured around to the tieflings that were now acclimating to your spruced up camp.
Shadowheart had done a great job of tidying the clearing of fallen branches and mischievous weeds and had gone around making sure that everybody’s tents were in order. With the help of Lae’zel and Karlach, the three had managed to move a large log into the center of camp that was acting as a table that currently housed the booze your party had gathered, along with the food Gale had been preparing all afternoon. 
Gale, as soon as he’d declared the meal to be sufficient, had gone around hanging colorful banners throughout the camp with a few magic words and the snap of his fingers. You’d offered to help him in his effort but he politely declined, citing Shadowheart’s wrath. 
Now Halsin, Zevlor, and a few of the other adult tieflings were unloading the cattle cart and adding their hoard of food and drink to the table. Shadowheart and Gale were already filling goblets with wine and Lae’zel was chatting with (or maybe threatening) a tiefling that you recognized as one of the guards at the gate to the Grove. Karlach waved over at you from where she was talking with Dammon and you returned it happily.
You turned back to Alfira and Lakrissa. “Sorry Alfira, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to play with you tonight.”
“Nonsense!” She took you by the hand and led you and Lakrissa to the cattle cart. She pulled out two lutes and held one out to you. “One’s my teacher’s. I’ll play hers and you can borrow mine for tonight.”
You took the instrument she offered carefully, testing its weight in your hands. It was lovingly worn and smooth to the touch. You gave an experimental pluck at one of the strings. Perfectly in tune. You strummed a chord and minor illusioned Gale’s robes to go from deep purple to a loud, obnoxious orange. 
Gale paused in his pouring of wine as Shadowheart snorted. He looked down at his robes then looked over at you smirking at him. “Hey…” He scolded with no ice behind his words. He addressed Alfira and Lakrissa who were holding back giggles, “You realize you’ve just given her a literal instrument to channel the weave more potently, and now she can make tonight extremely irritating for us all?”
“You missed my illusions,” you teased, strumming again and returning his robes to their royal purple hue.
“On the contrary, we were only gifted about twelve blissful hours without you tormenting us with your tomfoolery.” 
You pouted at him teasingly. “How sad.” You poised your hands, ready to strum another chord. “I could make things so much worse,” you threatened, your voice lowered to a stupid octave.
“Behave,” Shadowheart raised her eyebrows at you, but you could see the amusement that played at her features.
“Fine,” you groaned and turned back to Alfira. “Thank you for this, I promise not to attack another bugbear with it for the sake of the mouthy one.”
A voice sounded from behind you. “The mouthy one?”
Astarion came to stand beside you, his hands clasped behind his back and skin speckled with blood spatter. For some reason, he absolutely stank. 
“Oh gods,” you said, scrunching your nose and turning away. “Did you and Wyll wander into a stinking cloud or something?”
“Hello, dearest,” he purred, pulling you to him and puckering his lips for a playful kiss, but you pushed his face away, avoiding his mouth at all costs.
“Get away from me, freak,” you laughed as he was able to plant a kiss on your cheek with a loud “MWAH.” He looked very pleased with himself. 
Alfira and Lakrissa, meanwhile, watched this display politely with their noses plugged.
Lakrissa gestured between the two of you. “When did this happen?” Her voice was nasally. 
“He’s always been a jackass,” you said.
“She means, love, when did you finally pluck up the courage to confess your undying love for me?” The flamboyant lilt in Astarion’s voice made you smile. 
“This just happened, actually,” you said, pointing from you to Astarion. “The stink is extra new.” 
“Do you like it, darling? A gift from one of the goblins at that Blighted Village. They weren’t pleased we came for their wine, stink bombs were thrown, blood was spilled, a tale as old as time.”
“Did you get to murder a bunch of goblins?” Despite the topic, you spoke to him as if he were a child. 
“I did,” he said, his voice gravelly, his face twisted in a wicked smirk. 
“Good for you. Now get the hells away from us.” You pointed in the direction of his tent. “I don’t know why you haven’t already scrubbed your skin raw to get rid of that smell. You hate things of a vile nature.” You adjusted your accent to sound like him as you said the last bit. “Though you do love gore.”
“I had to share this delightful experience with you first, my sweet. Obviously.”
“Obviously.” You gave him a teasingly sour expression and pushed him off in the direction of his tent. “Get fresh clothes and go jump in the lake or something! Then burn that armor!”
Astarion grabbed your arm and pulled you closer again, much to your dismay and protest. He brought his mouth to your ear. “Care to join me?”
You met his gaze, which flickered down to your lips for a moment, only for a roguish grin to spread across his face. You grew flustered and looked away.
“Maybe later.”
He chuckled, “Can’t wait.” Then he spun on his heel and headed off to his tent.
“Sorry about that,” you said, turning back to Alfira and Lakrissa, only to discover that they’d already walked away. You spotted them pouring themselves some wine a little ways off and sighed. 
“They left ages ago,” Astarion called over his shoulder.
“And you’re still here?” you called back, smiling. 
He laughed and you settled Alfira’s lute safely within your tent before you meandered your way over to Rolan and his siblings who were seated not far off. Rolan was bent over, his eyes closed in concentration. 
“Evening, folks,” you greeted and were met with joyful hellos from Lia and Cal.
“You’re just in time for Rolan’s extremely cool magic trick.” Lia teased.
“That is, if he’d hurry up and do it already,” Cal added.
“Patience,” Rolan said. “Have you no respect for showmanship?” He cracked his knuckles enthusiastically. 
Cal leaned forward and whispered loud enough for all of you to hear, “Having performance issues, Rolan?”
“Hush, you,” Rolan rolled his eyes.
“I, for one, love a good bout of showmanship,” you settled in next to Cal. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Rolan gestured to you, vindicated. “Thank you,” he said through gritted teeth as he looked at his siblings. He took a deep breath. “And…”
A burst of colorful light erupted from his hands as he lifted them into the air.
“...behold!” He exclaimed as the colors faded into tiny bursts of light, dissipating like fireworks.
You clapped excitedly. “Beautiful!”
Rolan looked over at you, clearly pleased. “Adoring applause? You’re too kind.” He bowed dramatically, making a show of his gratitude. 
Lia turned to Cal. “Remember when he could barely cast that?”
Cal nodded. “They grow up so fast.”
Something caught your attention from a ways off. Peeking out from behind the large cluster of rocks you found yourself facing was Silfy; the younger sister of Mattis, the tiefling child who tried to sell you a “lucky ring.” Astarion had halted your hand when you went to give him a coin, shaking his head and explaining that you were being scammed. 
Now, however, Silfy seemed alone. You remembered how upset she’d been when you caught her trying to rifle through your pockets. 
“Never have I met such troglodytes,” you heard Rolan laugh. “Now, pass the wine.”
“I have to take care of something,” you said as you stood up. “I’m sure I’ll see you again before the party’s over,” you smiled and waved, making your way over to Silfy’s hiding spot. 
You saw her see you and duck behind the rock. 
“Hello,” you coaxed gently, bending on your knee to level your height with hers. Silfy poked her head out but looked nervous. “It’s okay,” you encouraged. “You’re Silfy, right?”
She came out slowly and nodded. 
“That was a pretty cool show just now, huh?” You said, referencing Rolan’s trick which she’d no doubt seen. 
She nodded again and looked at her feet.
“What are you doing over here all alone?”
She sniffled. “Mattis was mean to me.”
You tilted your head. “What did he say?”
Silfy looked up at you. “He said Mol would never let me in her Guild in the city because I’m no good at pick-pocketing.” Her voice wobbled and you could tell she was trying not to cry.
You hid a smile. The things siblings fought about… And this particular fight was extra unusual. “Should we go talk to him?” you asked.
“Okay,” she said and watched as you stood. 
“Come on,” you said and took her hand.
Together, you and Silfy walked around the length of camp, passing people as you went. You tossed out polite greetings and a few kind words, but eventually made it to the waterfall and the slippery log that connected your camp to the little temple where you knew the other kids were hanging out. You held tight to Silfy as you crossed the log.
Mol stood by the entrance. “Silfy!” she exclaimed, clearly happy to see her. “There you are.”
Silfy let go of your hand and approached Mol. “Sorry I’m no good at pick-pocketing,” her voice barely audible above the roar of the waterfall a few feet away. 
“Is that what Mattis said that made you run away? Ah, don’t listen to him. You’ll get plenty of practice before we reach the Gate.” 
Silfy stood up a little straighter and looked pleased. 
Mol cocked her head towards the temple entrance. “Get in there,” she smiled.
Silfy smiled back and ran inside. Mol turned to face you. 
“Thanks for that,” she said. 
“Happy to help,” you said, attempting to subtly peer into the temple and see what the others were up to.
“You came through for us. That’s a change from most adults I know.” 
You shifted a little to try and get a better angle. It was too dark.
“What are you guys doing way over here?” you asked absently.
“Watching a bunch of old folks get dumber by the dram-full. And when they run dry… I’ve got a few bottles tucked away to keep things flowing.” She grinned at her own ingenuity. “For a price, of course,” she added. 
“Smart,” you nodded and crossed your arms. An idea had struck you earlier in the evening when you saw the kids slink over here. You readjusted your feet, trying to look like an authority figure but knowing Mol was probably immune to the act. “How would you guys like to get a little practice in, this evening?”
Mol looked at you curiously. “Practice what?”
“Scamming. Scheming. Stealing.”
“I’m listening.”
“One of the men I travel with, the one with the hair-”
“-long or floofy?”
“Floofy, for sure,” you answered almost immediately.
“Right. I know him.”
“Well he considers himself to be an expert at sleight of hand.”
Mol scoffed.
“I know,” you agreed. “I think you should all prove you’re better than him.”
“Easy,” Mol crossed her arms. “How?”
“Here’s my proposal: You each try to take something from his tent or off his person without getting caught. If you get caught, you’re out.”
“And if we don’t get caught?” 
“Depending on what it is you took, I might let you keep it.”
Mol scoffed again. “What’s the point of stealing off him if there’s a chance we won’t be able to keep our spoils?”
You pursed your lips in agreement. “Honestly, I really want to prank him and I think it would be hilarious if you guys took his stuff. He loves his stuff.”
“I do love a good con…” Mol pondered for a moment. “Alright, counteroffer.”
“Lay it on me.”
“Since you happened to catch me in a good mood; we do this for you and we have your sworn loyalty once we establish ourselves as the best Guild in the Gate.” She thought for another moment. “Also two hundred gold.”
You sucked in a breath. “You drive a hard bargain, Mol.” You held out your hand for her to shake. “But you’ve got a deal.”
“Hang on, you’re not gonna try to talk us out of it? Not gonna haggle?”
“I already tried to talk you out of it back at the Grove,” you shrugged. “But you’re all way too clever for your own good and I know there’s no changing your minds. Besides, it’ll be nice to have some friends waiting for us in the city.” You smiled at her, your hand still outstretched. 
She returned your smile and took your hand, shaking it firmly. “Deal.”
“A pleasure doing business with you,” you bowed dramatically and Mol snickered.
Mol made her way to the open door of the temple. She looked back at you. “I expect to see that two hundred gold before the night is through.”
“I’ll go get it right now,” you said pointing back towards camp.
Mol nodded, satisfied, then entered the temple. You heard her shout as you were leaving: “Alright, listen up! We’ve got a job.”
You smiled to yourself. You didn’t know what had come over you, and you knew that it was dangerous to be negotiating deals with con artists in the making, but you couldn’t help yourself. Especially after Astarion had crowded you in the aftermath of the stink bomb he’d been hit with. You loved watching him squirm and this was a great opportunity to do so. Mol and her gang of tiefling troublemakers were harmless as they were right now. They’d managed to take odds and ends from around the Grove, minus Arabella’s attempt to take the idol from the druids’ ritual. There was nothing currently at camp that couldn’t be replaced on the road. After all, you’d all crashed onto the same beach with nothing but the clothes on your backs. Well, except maybe the artifact Shadowheart concealed on her person, but you had just sicced the kids in the opposite direction towards the vampire. 
You made your way back into camp, stopping to chat with Zevlor and Halsin. 
“Gentlemen,” you acknowledged, trying not to seem guilty after conspiring with the leader of the child criminals a few yards away. “A pleasure to see you both.” You noticed Zevlor was enjoying a goblet of wine, but Halsin was not. “Not partaking in the revelry, Halsin?” 
He chuckled. “I assume you mean my lack of a goblet of wine or a cask of ale?”
You nodded.
“In truth, I rarely imbibe. The stuff goes right to my head. Before you know it, I’d be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person I laid eyes on.”
“Oh, ho, ho.” You and Zevlor made amused eye contact. “You sure you’re not a bard, archdruid?” You elbowed Halsin playfully and he chuckled again. 
“You’ve never heard me singing. Which makes you very fortunate.”
Zevlor laughed. “Yes, the singing we could probably do without. It feels so good to see these people smiling, let’s not ruin it. ”
“Then I shall not keep your ear any longer,” Halsin said, holding up his hands in playful surrender. He nodded to you. “There are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you. Go enjoy yourself. Seek out some wine before it runs dry; there are a lot of thirsty people around here.”
Zevlor raised his goblet to you. “Here, here.” You mimed raising your own cup to clink with his. You exchanged goodbyes and the men resumed whatever conversation they’d been having before you walked by. 
Your tent wasn’t far off and you knew you had plenty of gold in your bag to spare for your hired thieves. You exchanged a few more hellos before making it over to your tent. You lit a single candle to help you search your bag in the dim light of your tent and tried to not draw attention to yourself. You started digging through your bag for your coin pouch. 
Just as you’d counted out the last of the gold, you heard Astarion behind you. 
“Here’s my little treat,” he purred.
You stood up quickly, miscalculating where you were located in space and hitting your head against the top of your tent.
“Agh!” you yelped, turning around to face Astarion and ducking to properly exit. You looked away from him, hoping he wouldn’t ask what you were up to.
He looked you up and down. “With their cheeks all flushed.” 
“Hi,” you said, not knowing how to respond. 
“Hello,” he smiled, drawing closer. “You’ll notice a distinct lack of blood stains and horrid stench to me.” He held out his arms and spun to show off his fresh, clean appearance. “It’s crazy what a little water and perfume can accomplish.”
“Well done,” you teased. “You’ve mastered basic hygiene.” 
He moved even closer. “Go on,” he said, leaning towards you, “give me a sniff.”
“And smell more rotten eggs? I’ll pass.”
“Come on,” he said, rolling his eyes.
You looked at him skeptically, then leaned in a little and inhaled. 
He smelled just as good as he had this morning, perhaps even better given that he’d just reapplied whatever it was he used to scent himself. You leaned in closer to his throat and inhaled again. It was a clean scent; one that was mature and distinctly male. It was delicious.
“What is that?” you asked, not pulling away.
Astarion chuckled lowly. “You like it?”
You finally pulled back and nodded. 
“Just a little scent profile I concocted to mask the unfortunate smell of death that comes from being, well, dead.”
“Do tell,” you probed, just as you noticed Mattis and Silfy sneaking around, a little ways off, clearly on their way to you and Astarion. You did your best to hide your stare, but Astarion noticed when your eyes shifted back a little too quickly and he looked behind himself. Mattis and Silfy quickly ducked behind a nearby tent. He turned back to face you.
“Thought I saw something. It was nothing.” It was a bad excuse, was what it was.
Astarion narrowed his eyes but continued, excited to talk about his scent mixture. “Mind you, my undead smell is very faint, but it’s nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hit of aged brandy can’t hide. It’s the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse.”
“Sounds like you missed your calling as a perfumer,” you said, genuinely interested in what he was saying but noticing Mattis and Silfy out of the corner of your eye. 
“I did, didn’t I?”
It was then that Mattis and Silfy approached you both.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Mattis said, the picture of innocence. “Silfy and I just wanted to thank you again for finding her earlier.”
Silfy nodded.
“Oh!” you said, doing your best to sound shocked. You bent to get on eye level with her again. “I’m glad you’re okay, Silfy.”
Silfy sniffled and threw her arms around your neck. “Oh, thank you, Miss Hero!”
“Aw, this is too much,” you said, rubbing her back and making eye contact with Mattis. “I’m always happy to help.”
Mattis came around behind you and hugged you as well. 
“Thank you for reuniting me with my baby sister.”
You felt his hand reach for your own and grab the pouch containing the two hundred gold for Mol. He concealed it expertly. 
Both he and Silfy pulled away from you at the same time. “Well, guess we better head back to the others. It was so nice meeting you.” Mattis turned to leave but Silfy lingered.
“Come find us in Baldur’s Gate!”
You smiled at her. “We definitely will,” you squeezed her hands before she shuffled off to join Mattis walking back towards the temple. 
You stood up, dusting off the front of your pants. 
Astarion looked at you with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.
You pointed with your thumb over your shoulder in the direction the kids were headed. “That was weird.”
“Why’d you give them a coin purse?”
You sputtered. “Why did I-? Whaaaaat? I didn’t-”
Astarion placed his hands on his hips. 
You sighed and looked at your feet. “Okay, I didn’t want to tell you this, but Silfy was upset because Mattis said she wasn’t good at pick-pocketing, so I went to the kids and said Silfy could practice on me.” You smiled lamely.
“So why did the brother pocket it?” He was onto you.
“I uh… think it was a round one type of thing. So next time it’ll just be Silfy.”
“Uh huh.” Astarion didn’t look convinced. “I’m going to assume you lost some sort of bet with Mol and her fleet of child criminals and that those two are the ones who came to collect.”
“Ah!” you exclaimed. “You caught me! I said I could beat Arabella in a staring contest and lost big time. Like, double or nothing lost.”
Astarion tsked and stepped forward, wrapping his arms around your waist. “You really must stop picking fights with children that you cannot win.”
“I can win,” you got defensive, even though you were lying through your teeth. 
Astarion tilted his head in disbelief. 
“I can!” You doubled down. 
“Mhm.” Astarion leaned forward and kissed you deeply, tilting you back a bit and bringing his hand to your cheek. 
He pulled away and you blinked back at him, dazed. 
“I missed you,” he murmured, resting his forehead against yours. “You and your weird soft spot for those urchins.” He pretended to gag, as if admitting such things was making him sick.
“Aw, shucks.” 
He groaned. “I’m going to have to insist that you remove ‘aw shucks’ from your vocabulary immediately.” 
“Or what? You’ll kill me?” Your eyes went to his mouth.
He flashed his fangs. “Don’t tempt me, darling.” He bent forward to kiss your neck and you tilted your head to give him better access.
“Astarion,” you half protested, “people can see us.”
“Let them,” he hummed against your throat. He moved his mouth so it was beside your ear. “Come to my bed tonight.”
A pleasant chill ran through your body. “I’ve seen your bed,” you sighed, thinking of the wooden pallet in his tent that was often covered with jars of half-drunk animal blood. “Come to mine instead.” 
Astarion growled from the back of his throat and kissed your neck again. 
“Yo, Astarion!” Karlach’s voice called from the food table. 
He pulled back slowly and turned to her, his arms still resting around your waist. “I’m a smidge busy here, Karlach.”
Karlach held up her hands innocently. She made eye contact with you and winked. “I just wanted to know if you’d seen all the wine the tieflings brought.”
“Of course I’ve seen the wine, I procured half of- wait, the tieflings brought wine?” He immediately pulled away from you and marched over to the table, examining the copious bottles of liquor. “So I got a stink bomb thrown at me and it was for nothing?!”
Karlach sucked in a breath. “Seems like it. Sorry, mate.”
Astarion turned back to look at you, clearly distraught by this discovery. You withheld a laugh.
He turned back and picked up a bottle and goblet. “Well, we’ll see who’s the better sommelier: me or the half-fiends.”
Karlach turned quickly and whipped him with her tail.
“Hey!” He stumbled a little, but caught himself. 
“Whoops! Sorry, you can never trust us half-fiends.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh,” Astarion backtracked. “Apologies, Karlach. I didn’t mean that.”
“Mmm,” Karlach crossed her arms. Then she smiled. “Wanna get drunk?”
“Gods, yes,” he sighed and uncorked a bottle, grabbing two goblets. He turned back towards you, still standing at your tent. “Care to partake?”
You smiled and shook your head. “I’m going to continue with my rounds,” you said, pointing vaguely towards the party at large.
Astarion shrugged and turned back to Karlach.
“Your loss, Soldier!”
“Save me a glass of the best stuff,” you called before walking in the direction of Gale’s tent. 
“No promises,” Astarion sang as you rounded the corner and found Gale at his tent, a goblet of wine in his hand and a half eaten plate of food set off to the side. 
“And how’s my favorite wizard enjoying the evening’s festivities?” you asked upon arrival.
“Ah,” he smiled, “come to turn my robes yellow this time?”
You held up your hands. “No lute. Sorry about earlier.”
“All in good fun,” he reassured. “I did miss your tomfoolery.”
“I knew you did,” you elbowed him playfully and he laughed.
“A beautiful night, don’t you think?” He looked up at the stars. 
Your gaze followed his. “That it is.”
“Nothing like a brush with destruction to make one appreciate the majesty of the celestial canvas.”
“Yes, destruction by cleric would have been a tough way to go.”
“Indeed,” he chuckled and looked back up at the stars. “This is a view I once might have shared with my companion. Though definitely unaccompanied by such revelry.” He gestured over to Danis and Bex, drunkenly giggling with each other not far off. 
He turned back to you. “She preferred it when we were alone, curled up before a crackling hearth with some ancient, esoteric tome between us, ink glinting by the firelight…”
You smiled at the wistful look on his face. “I hope you’re referring to your cat and not Mystra.”
“By Ahghairon’s lost nose- no!” His voice cracked a little as he exclaimed. “Tara is not any cat. She’s a tressym. And given your confusion, I’m guessing you’ve never met one.”
“Guilty,” you said, smiling sheepishly.
“They’re brilliant creatures; fine company for any self-respecting wizard. She’d be most impressed by our efforts saving these tieflings. Proud, even. And I’ve given her little to be proud of recently.” 
“Not true! Gale, you have so much to be proud of.” 
“You’re very kind,” he sighed. “She’s the one who discovered that the orb’s fury could be quelled with magically-infused items, you know.”
“You’re kidding! How’d she figure that out?”
“A lot of trial and error,” Gale laughed, holding a hand to his chest where the orb laid quiet for now. “I can still feel the phantom torment of her claws prodding me. Regardless, after so long being cared for by someone else, it feels good to repay the favor. Not directly to Tara, but these poor tieflings. I’m sure she would approve.”
You placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I know she would.”
He smiled at you, then looked away. “So… you and Astarion.”
“Me and Astarion,” you bobbed back and forth on your feet.
“He has a certain charm about him, Astarion,” he nodded. “Then again, so does a tiger when it purrs.” He took a swig of his wine.
“Gale, if I did something that led you to think-”
“Nonsense,” he interrupted before you could finish the thought. “You did nothing of the sort. I think I’m just too deep in my cups.” He looked down into his goblet and sighed before looking back at you. “I’m glad you found each other. And better I have this revelation now than farther into our journey.”
“You’ll always be my favorite wizard,” you said, punching his bicep in playful camaraderie. “I hope this doesn’t change things between us. I value our friendship too much.”
He chuckled softly, his hand ghosting over where yours had just made contact. “This changes nothing.” A reassuring smile graced his features. 
Movement to your left on the beach caught your attention.
“Is that Wyll?” you asked.
Gale followed your eyes over to his right. “Ah, yes I believe he’s been pensively staring at the water for a majority of the evening.”
“And you didn’t check on him?”
“I did, but he insisted on being alone. Though I’m sure he would much rather welcome your company than that of a babbling wizard.” He nudged you with his elbow. “But after that, go indulge in the frivolities! They’re good for the heart. And mine will be lighter, to see you enjoying yourself.”
You surged forward and hugged him. He held you tightly while still clutching his goblet. When you pulled away you pointed at him. “You still need to teach me lanceboard.”
“And you need to stop enchanting the pieces to attack each other.”
“I will when it stops making you laugh.” You grinned at him, then waved and headed towards Wyll.
Just as Gale had said, Wyll was standing alone by the water’s edge, past the drying blankets that swayed subtly in the evening air. 
“Thought I smelled you over here,” you said, sliding down some rocks and making him noticeably flinch.
“Oh gods, do I still stink?” He raised his arm to his nose and inhaled deeply. “I fear I’ll never be fully rid of it.”
“I was teasing,” you came to stand beside him and looked at the lake. “Though, Astarion seems to have a promising career ahead of himself as a perfumer if you need his help.”
Wyll chuckled. “Good to know that your new beau smells as good as he looks.”
“Indeed he does,” you smiled at him and he smiled back. 
After a moment, Wyll sighed. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice I was gone.”
“It’s no party without the Blade of Frontiers.”
“Really? I’m honored.” He turned back to face the water. “In truth, I don’t feel in a festive mood. And I didn’t want to cast a grey cloud over the night.”
“What? Why?” It concerned you deeply that one of your beloved companions was feeling down and you hadn’t even noticed. “What brought this on?”
“I’m a devil,” Wyll scowled. “I love the people from the Grove, but I unsettle them deep down. As I seem to unsettle everyone nowadays. You don’t want a devil at your party.”
You were surprised he felt that way. Mizora had so kindly gifted him his devilish features not long after Karlach officially joined your team well over a tenday ago, and the people of the Grove had long since come to terms with the Blade’s new horns. He was still Wyll; kind, fiercely protective, and above all, a good man. Those who couldn’t see that were fools.
“Claws will pop the balloons, you see,” Wyll teased, trying to lift the mood. “And the sweetcakes don’t taste half as good as raw eggs with this blasted forked tongue.” 
You smiled sadly. “You don’t unsettle me. Or any of us. You know that.”
Wyll laughed humorlessly. “If only half the world had half the heart you do.” A small smile tugged at his lips. “But off with you. This is your day! Have a dance. Enjoy the music.”
“I suspect you’re the best dancer among us, Mr. Upper City. I’d love to dance with you sometime.”
Wyll laughed. “In truth, I always enjoyed a bit of pomp.”
“You seem like the type,” you laughed.
“I once beat the Baldurian record for the most sarabandes dances in a single evening. Much to the exhaustion of the good ladies and gentlemen of the Gate.” 
“I can see it now,” you said wistfully.
“I had years of lessons, but honestly, it’s all about your partner.” 
You took a step back and bowed dramatically. “Well I hope one of these evenings I might be a proper partner to stumble along with.”
Wyll smirked and bowed back to you. “One of these evenings,” he agreed. He inhaled deeply and turned back to the lake. “I just need some time alone beneath the stars, and I’ll be back to my old self. Promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you said, walking forward and hugging him. He returned it and you squeezed him tightly. 
“Okay,” he jokingly wheezed, “you have my word.”
“Good,” you pulled away. “You know where to find me,” you said, nodding your head in the direction of the party. 
“I do,” Wyll nodded, looking at you fondly. 
You turned and called down the beach, “Keep an eye on him, Withers!”
Withers simply stared at you from his spot by the boats. 
You placed your hands on your hips. “One of these days I will crack him.”
Wyll laughed and waved you off. “Good luck with that.”
As you reemerged into the party, you saw Zaki run past you holding a tin of one of Astarion’s hair products. You snorted and looked around to make sure Astarion hadn’t seen. 
No, he and Karlach were still busy downing goblets of wine and comparing them to each other. 
“Bitter!” Astarion exclaimed, sticking out his tongue and pulling the goblet away from his mouth as if it had bitten him.
“Ah, you’ve got no taste, Astarion!” Karlach clapped him on the back. “This one’s better than the crap you served three cups ago.”
Astarion scoffed. “That was a classic vintage! Gods, it’s like you know nothing of fine wines.”
Karlach rolled her eyes. “Um, hello? Ten years in Avernus, mate. Didn’t get much drinking in while enslaved. Anything’s better than fire wine.”
“Tragic,” was all he said in response.
Suddenly Alfira was running over to you. “There you are!” The sweet scent of alcohol wafted off of her and she held a goblet in one hand and her teacher’s lute in the other. “Now, this might be the wine talking, but I’m feeling inspired. Thinking of writing my next song… about you.” 
“Me?” you asked, placing your hands on your chest and batting your eyes. “I’m flattered.”
Alfira nodded. “But I need an angle. Any ideas?”
You thought for a moment, then made your voice pompous. “Let it be only as truthful as true poetry would permit.”
Alfira grinned and matched your tone, “But of course.” Then she became serious, “You achieved something beyond mere fact by helping all of us. That deserves to be remembered.” She shut her eyes for a moment, regaining her thoughts. “Buuuut, like I said, I need more wine before I truly start waxing poetic. Shall we play a song together now?”
“Great idea,” you grinned and started making your way to your tent to retrieve her lute. 
As you passed by Astarion and Karlach, you watched Arabella reach into Astarion’s back pocket and come away with what looked like a few coins. She made eye contact with you and smirked before running off.
Karlach clearly saw this occur and held in a laugh. She looked past Astarion at you and you held a finger up to your mouth, signaling for her not to say anything. She snorted.
“What’s so funny?” Astarion asked.
“Nothing, you just look so stupid when you sniff wine like that.”
“I do not!” he protested. A beat. “Do I?”
You shook your head to yourself as you made it to your tent and grabbed the lute, walking with Alfira to the center of camp by the fire. 
“What shall we play?” she asked. 
“How about a classic?” you suggested, strumming the opening chords to “Bard Dance.”
Alfira grinned and nodded, immediately picking up the harmonies to the song while you took the melody. A sudden whistling caught your ear and you turned to see Volo performing the song with just as much gusto as the two of you. Had he been here the whole time?
Around you, the tieflings and your companions gathered around to hear you both play. They were stiff at first, merely listening and swaying to the familiar tune they’d no doubt heard many times. It wasn’t long before Danis bowed to Bex, who curtsied back, and the two began dancing merrily around the clearing. 
With the ice broken, others coupled off to dance together, and others formed groups of three or four. 
Shadowheart clapped along to the beat as Gale approached her and twirled her around happily. Karlach joined the fray, swinging her hips and waving her arms, but was careful not to hit anyone by mistake. Even Halsin joined in on the fun, awkwardly marching back and forth to the beat and encouraging shy tieflings to join him. Lae’zel and Astarion remained on the edge of the crowd, but you could see Lae’zel tapping her foot to the beat despite her best efforts to remain unaffected by the merriment. 
As your fingers danced over the strings, you sent off a few minor illusions of fireworks to add some dazzle to the performance. Alfira added her own dancing lights to swirl around the audience.
You made eye contact with Astarion who was smirking at you. He made to raise his goblet to you in a toast, but his hand was empty. He looked around himself to see if he’d misplaced it, but movement farther back in camp let you know that it was Meli who had absconded with the cup. You smiled widely at Astarion and shrugged. He shrugged back, smiling and reaching for a new cup. 
As the jovial song came to an end, the audience clapped and a few members approached you and Alfira, thanking you for the music and placing a few coins in your palms. 
“Such fun!”
“Alfira, you simply must play for us on our journey to the Gate!”
“No praise for the wizard, Volo?” Volo complained to an unhearing crowd. He humphed and returned to scribbling in a notebook closeby.
You and Alfira thanked everyone before you handed Alfira her lute back.
“Thank you for this,” you said. “I’d love to play again with you some time.”
Alfira took the instrument from you and nodded. “Oh, yes please!” She looked at her lute for a moment, then held it back out to you. “You should keep this one.” 
“Oh, no, I couldn’t,” you shook your head. “You’ve clearly had it for a long time. It must hold sentimental value to you. I don’t want you to part with it, I’ll have a new lute in no time.”
“Please,” Alfira insisted, still holding it out. “You play so beautifully.”
“Don’t go inflating her ego now,” Astarion said as he approached carrying two goblets of wine. “She’s annoying enough as it is.” 
Behind him you saw Mirkon run by with a set of thieves' tools.
Astarion handed you one of the goblets of wine and smiled at you. “Hello, my sweet.”
“Hi,” you said shyly, still not used to his full attention but enjoying it nonetheless.
“Oh, stop teasing her,” Alfira said, rolling her eyes. “Tell her how well she did and make her take my lute.” She held it out again.
“While yes, she did play wonderfully-”
You looked at Astarion, a little shocked. You weren’t sure he’d ever complimented your music before.
“-she won’t be needing the lute.”
“See,” you said to Alfira before pausing for a moment and turning back to Astarion. “I won’t?”
He shook his head at you. “It’s taken care of already,” he said to Alfira. 
She understood what he was saying and nodded. “How very kind of you,” she said, smiling. She reached forward and squeezed your hand. “I’ll make sure to see you again before we leave.” 
You nodded and smiled as she left to rejoin Lakrissa at the wine table.
You turned to Astarion who looked smug. He turned to face you and grinned.
“What was that?” you asked.
“What was what, darling?”
“With Alfira. ‘It’s taken care of already.’ Did you steal me a lute or something?”
Astarion brought his goblet to his lips, ignoring you.
You gasped, your mouth open in faux horror. “You did not.”
“And if I did?”
He groaned. “Enough questions. Come enjoy a drink with me.”
He took your hand and led you over to his tent. When you arrived, he dropped your hand and held up his cup for you to clink with his. He took a sip. 
“You know, I never pictured myself as a hero.”
You snorted. “Bold of you to assume that’s what you are.”
He rolled his eyes and continued. “Never thought I’d be the one they toast for saving so many lives. And now that I’m here…”
He held you in suspense as he took another drink of his wine. 
When he pulled the cup away, he scowled. “I hate it. This is awful.” 
“Aw,” you said, walking forward and wrapping your arms around his neck before pulling back a little. “Is this okay?” you asked softly.
He nodded.
You continued. “It’s not that bad. Think of all the goblins you killed.”
“True,” he agreed. “That was fun. Still, I would have liked more than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.” 
You raised your eyebrows. “I’m sorry, weren’t you the one who curated the wine?”
“Yes, but it’s not like I had much variety to choose from. Plus the tieflings didn’t bring anything to write home about.” He cocked his hip to the side, then nodded to you. “Go ahead, give it a taste.”
You stepped back and swirled the wine in the goblet that Astarion had provided for you. You took a tentative sip of the heavy, rich red. It was dry and sharp. To be honest, it tasted like most other reds you’d had before.
Astarion leaned forward a bit to gauge your reaction. “See what I mean? Awful.”
You rolled your eyes fondly. “Why didn’t you pick a better one, then?”
“Darling, this is the best they had.” 
“How sad,” you sighed, clearly not as upset as he hoped you’d be.
He held up a hand and turned away from you. “None of you have any taste.” 
“I’m sorry, my love,” you brushed some hair out of his face. “You’ll have to share once you find something you actually like. That way I’ll know what to look for.”
He sighed heavily. “What would be the point? You probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”
“Rude,” you scoffed, “but fair.” You looked at him thoughtfully. “Hang on, weren’t you and Karlach trying to get drunk?”
Astarion giggled stupidly. “Yes.”
You snorted. “How’d that go?”
“Fine,” he sighed. “Takes me a lot longer to get drunk. What with the dead liver and all.”
You furrowed your brow. “Wouldn’t lacking a working liver make you drunk immediately?”
Astarion whined, “I don’t know, but Karlach is completely inebriated and I only have a buzz I can already feel fading.”
You looked over to Karlach who was still dancing despite the fact that you and Alfira had finished your performance several minutes ago. She was trying to get Dammon and Zevlor to join her but both looked like they were searching for escape routes. 
You laughed. “Shame there’s no music to accompany her,” you said, half joking.
“An excellent point, my dear.” He turned to bend down, wobbling, but catching himself. He started rifling through his possessions. “Odd,” he mumbled, “I swore it was here.”
“What are you looking for?” you asked.
“Hmm?” He was clearly lost in thought. “Oh nothing, darling. But, um, do me a favor and go somewhere else for a minute.” He waved you away without looking at you.
You smirked. “Okay,” you said, pretty sure he was looking for the lute he’d snatched for you. As you were about to step away, you paused, remembering the gang of young thieves actively stealing from Astarion. “I-” you shook your head. “Nevermind, keep looking.”
“I will, now go away.” He got up to look behind his tent. 
You held in a laugh and made your way over to Shadowheart, who you just witnessed pour herself a fresh glass of wine. 
“Hello,” you said, joining her at the refreshments table and popping a grape into your mouth. The crisp snap of the grape reminded you how hungry you were and you began to fill a plate with food. 
“Hungry?” Shadowheart laughed.
“I haven’t eaten all day,” you said through a mouthful of mashed potatoes. “I missed bread and cheese this afternoon.”
“Uh huh,” Shadowheart rolled her eyes. “And whose fault was that?”
You slowed your chewing and slouched. “Mine.”
“Uh huh,” she took a swig of wine and smiled at you. “I think it’s safe to say you learned your lesson.”
You nodded as you took a large bite off a bread roll. 
Shadowheart took a step back to rest against the table. She surveyed the party at large. 
“Everyone seems to be in high spirits.”
You swallowed heavily and willed yourself not to choke, clearing your throat instead. “You put together a great party, Shadowheart.”
“I know,” she smiled. She shimmied closer to you and nodded over to Astarion’s tent where the man was still searching around, looking deeply confused. “I saw you and Astarion have been reunited.”
You lifted your gaze to Astarion’s tent, your expression melting into one of pure adoration. He was such an idiot. Even though you knew you were the cause of his ignorance. You shook your head, snapping out of it.
“Sorry again.”
Shadowheart blew out a puff of air. “Far be it from me to keep you two apart any longer. Besides,” she nudged you playfully, “blood must still be running hot. After everything.”
This time you did choke. Shadowheart’s eyes widened and she smacked you on the back.
“I’m fine!” you insisted. You cleared your throat and took a sip of wine. 
Shadowheart laughed. “It’s fun getting you flustered.”
“I’m sure Astarion would say the same,” you agreed.
She sighed happily next to you and returned to looking into the party.
“You know who I never thought I’d find myself caring for?”
You stuffed your mouth with a hunk of cheese on a cracker to the point where you could barely get out the word, “Me?”
Shadowheart looked at you and laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I mean, desperate people… like these refugees. Never gave them much of a thought. Certainly not this bunch from the Grove. Yet we came through for them. We saved their lives. Odd.”
You nudged her with your shoulder. “I hate to say it Shadowheart, but you’re a good person. Though given your sentimentality, it sounds like the wine is talking,” you teased.
“It’s not talking enough for my liking.” She turned and grabbed the bottle you’d seen her pouring from moments ago. “Share a bottle with me?” 
You looked at her skeptically. “Just a bottle? You’re not trying to poison me for disobeying you earlier, are you?”
She rolled her eyes. “Just a bottle of poison free wine. You’ve suffered enough. Besides, I think you have other plans afterwards. Wouldn’t want to keep you.” She kicked her foot out towards Astarion’s tent which was now vacant, minus Doni slinking away with a hairbrush.
Before you could give her an answer, she was filling your goblet to the brim, despite the fact that you hadn’t finished the wine that was already there. She poured the rest into her own goblet, shaking the bottle to get out the last few drops.
“There,” she said. “Liquid courage.”
She tapped the brim of her goblet against yours and took a long sip. You joined her. Mixing the two wines hadn’t been a bad idea after all. There was a pleasant fruity aftertaste that you enjoyed. You went back in for another sip. 
She watched you as you drank. “Do try to get some rest tonight if you can. Tomorrow’s another day.”
“Yes, mom.”
She smacked your arm. “How dare you! I’m nobody’s mother.” She took another swig of her wine just as Lae’zel approached with her greatsword. 
“Are you aware that the child thieves are taking our belongings from camp?”
Shadowheart choked a little. “Excuse me?” She patted herself down and was relieved when her hand made contact with the artifact still on her person. She didn’t dare pull it out in front of everyone and instead looked at you.
“Oh, that,” you said smiling. “I told them they could.”
“And why would you tell them that?” Lae’zel narrowed her eyes. 
“Don’t worry,” you sat up straighter. “I told them they could only take from Astarion.”
Shadowheart snorted. “What?”
“Yeah, I thought it would be funny if the rogue got robbed by a bunch of kids.”
“Chk,” Lae’zel scoffed. “He is failing miserably at what he claims to be very good at.” She eased her stance and loosened her grip on her greatsword.
You laughed. “I think it’s partially Karlach’s fault. She suggested they both get drunk.”
“That’ll do it,” Shadowheart nodded, taking another sip of wine. 
“Hang on, Lae’zel, were you planning on attacking the kids?” You pointed at her sword.
Lae’zel eyed the weapon, then looked at you. “All children should know how to defend themselves from enemy attacks. I had already killed two of my cousins by the time I was their age.”
You nodded slowly. “Killing isn’t as much of a priority when you’re a kid here.”
“You make that blatantly obvious everyday with your oafish battle stance and shoddy swordsmanship.”
You scoffed and Shadowheart laughed. “I’m a lot better at fighting now, thanks,” you smiled at her, not actually offended. You knew she’d been raised on an entirely different plane, and who were you to judge their customs? At this point in your adventure, you knew not to take her harsh words personally. Even though she was usually right.
Lae’zel looked you up and down. “Perhaps so. I have seen the kith’raki tear a screaming neogi’s legs from its belly to fashion into blades.”
“Ew,” Shadowheart scowled. 
Lae’zel kept her eyes trained on you. “Yet, they could not match your nerve at the goblin camp. It was enough to drive me to madness.”
“Oh,” you said, a bit taken aback. “Thanks?”
“I smell their blood on you still. I smell your sweat.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh gods, I thought I washed that all off-”
Shadowheart set a hand on your shoulder and shook her head. You turned your focus back on Lae’zel. 
“I meant to taste that sweat. Pity for us you’ve already promised your body to Astarion.” She crossed her arms, annoyed.
“Ah,” you nodded, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Lae’zel, I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” 
“Chk,” Laezel rolled her eyes. “It is your loss. Come morning you will wonder. You will wonder how my lips might have tasted. How my fingers on your skin might have felt.”
You looked down at the ground, feeling guilty for not picking up on her intentions sooner. Shadowheart laid a comforting hand on your back.
“Enough, Lae’zel,” she said. “She was bound to make a choice sooner or later. Let’s respect her decision.”
“And what a foolish decision it was. Astarion can’t even handle a few children. I would skewer them the moment they touched one of my belongings.” She thrusted her greatsword forward as if to demonstrate. 
You swallowed. “Then let’s be glad they aren’t after your belongings.” 
Lae’zel looked down her nose at you. “Let us hope that continues.” 
“Hope what continues?” Astarion approached the three of you and grabbed another bottle of wine, not bothering to pour it into his goblet and instead opting to drink directly from the source.
You shook your head, feigning annoyance. “Are you following me?”
“Darling,” he purred, sidling up next to you, “didn’t I tell you last night that I wasn’t going to leave you alone anymore, especially after we-”
Lae’zel groaned loudly. “I’m going to keep a vigilant watch for any of those whelps stepping out of line.” She turned on her heel and headed back to her tent, but not before intimidating a few unfortunate tieflings milling about nearby. 
Astarion took another swig from his bottle and winced, not enjoying the taste. “What’s with her? Apart from her usual Lae’zel…ness?”
“Don’t worry about it,” you said, sipping your own wine and feeling warmth spread through your chest.
Shadowheart leaned over to look at the vampire. “Enjoying yourself, Astarion?”
Astarion did a double take, apparently having not noticed her when he first walked up. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around you protectively.
“Ooohh no,” he said, “you’re not sending me out on another long errand to keep me away from her.” He sounded whiney, likely from the buzz he was still nursing with the wine.
You and Shadowheart laughed.
“It’s okay, dearest,” you teased, poking his nose. “We’ve made peace with Shadowheart.”
Astarion looked from you to Shadowheart skeptically. “No more errands?”
Shadowheart smirked. “Don’t dally again and we won’t have to find out, will we?”
That answer seemed to satisfy Astarion, who pulled away from you and continued to drink from his bottle. “I suppose that’s fair. But to answer your question, yes, surprisingly I’m having a delightful time.”
You scrunched your nose. “What happened to hating all the attention and the bad wine?”
Astarion rolled his eyes. “Must you always question the details, darling?”
You laughed. “Yes, evidently I must.”
Astarion waved his hand in the air, ignoring your answer and continuing to address Shadowheart. “It’s been centuries since I’ve been able to really let loose at a soiree such as this without being told what to do or hunting for something.” He wrapped you in his arms again. “Not when I already have my prey for the evening right here.”
Your eyes widened at Shadowheart and you avoided eye contact with her, flustered.
“Astarion,” you muttered as he kissed your shoulder from behind.
Surprisingly, when you looked back at her, Shadowheart had a small smile on her face.  
She addressed you when she spoke. “Seems like you’ve really captured this one under your spell.” She nodded her head towards Astarion who had his nose pressed against your neck. 
He pulled back and looked shocked. “Is that what this is? Have you cursed me? Vile witch!” He smiled at you like a dope. He snapped his fingers at Shadowheart. “Remove this curse, cleric!”
Shadowheart grabbed his hand and set it back at his side. “What you’re not going to do is snap at me as if I were a dog.” She looked at you. “Who knew liquor would make him even more insufferable?”
“We should have accounted for this,” you agreed. 
“I am right here,” Astarion pouted.
You reached for one of his hands wrapped around you and squeezed it. “We know, dummy.”
His slightly unfocused eyes went gooey. He looked at Shadowheart. “You know, Shadowheart, we were each others’ firsts.”
You went rigid under his touch and Shadowheart inhaled her wine by accident, coughing briefly.
“That can’t be true,” she said looking between the two of you.
“Astarion,” you elbowed him.
Astarion scowled. “Oh, perish the thought, she was the first thinking creature I ever drank from.”
Shadowheart nodded slowly. “Congratulations?” She looked at you. “You didn’t drink… his blood too, did you?”
You shook your head and Astarion laughed. 
“No dear, I took her virginity.”
You elbowed Astarion with a good amount of force. 
“I will kill you,” you muttered exasperatedly.
“You will not,” he wheezed.
“I will not,” you sighed, looking up at Shadowheart, whose eyes had gone wide. 
Her expression morphed from one of shock to one of anger. She stood and walked over to Astarion. Her hand glowed with the makings of a guiding bolt. You stood quickly and stepped in front of Astarion, shielding him.
“Shadowheart!” you exclaimed. “It’s alright!”
“He’s a vampiric freak,” she said loudly, drawing the attention of a few party goers. “He’s using you for your blood and your innocence!”
Astarion scoffed and stood, stepping to the side, rendering your body shield useless. 
“How dare you,” he said, stomping his foot. “While, yes, that does sound like me, and was my intention originally,” Shadowheart raised her glowing hand and you held up your arms to stop her, “I did not make passionate love to her for no reason!”
You brought your hands to your face and ran them down your features slowly. This was mortifying.
“Can we keep it down?” you asked quietly.
Shadowheart rolled her eyes and dropped the prepped guiding bolt. She crossed her arms and looked at Astarion expectantly. “And what was the reason?”
He groaned dramatically. “Gods, I only brought it up as a joke for a laugh, do we have to keep it up?”
“Astarion,” both you and Shadowheart warned.
“Fine,” he avoided looking at you. “I like her, alright? More than like her, she’s- well, I don’t know what she is.” He took your hand in both of his own. “But isn’t it nice not to know?”
You looked at each other for a moment, his face soft, but a little concerned. You smiled and brought the back of his hand to your mouth for a kiss.
“So you didn’t bed her for the sake of gaining power from her virginity or something?”
That snapped Astarion out of his focus on you. “What? No, of course not! I’m a spawn anyway, so even if I wanted to I couldn’t.” He smiled at you. “But I didn’t want to!” He added quickly. 
“Nice save,” you teased, ruffling his hair, then thinking better of it and moving it back into place. “Let’s keep our sex lives to ourselves from now on, okay?”
“Gods below, if I’d known she’d react like that-” Astarion looked up at Shadowheart who was crossing her arms and looking at him as if daring him to finish the sentence. He cleared his throat. “Noted.”
Shadowheart shook her head and rolled her eyes before perching on the refreshments table once again.
“If he hurts you, I’m going to kill him and not revive him. And I’ll pay Withers for him to stay dead.”
You patted her shoulder. “I know. Thank you.”
Astarion leaned over to look at her. “To be clear, I don’t plan on hurting her.”
Shadowheart changed the subject. “What were you looking for over there?” She nodded her head towards Astarion’s tent. 
“Hmm?” he looked confused as to what she was referring to, then caught on and perched on the refreshment table again beside you. “Oh, just a little something for our beautiful bard here.” He started playing with the ends of your hair.
Shadowheart returned to her wine. “Couldn’t find it?”
“You know, it’s the strangest thing, I’ve been misplacing things all evening. Must be because of this delicious buzz I’ve got.” Astarion remembered the bottle he’d set down mere moments ago and returned to it.
Shadowheart lifted her eyebrows at you over her goblet. “Strange,” she said with an air of “We know exactly what’s happening and Astarion doesn't.”
You sighed, thinking he’d suffered enough at the hands of the kids. You took his free hand and hauled him up from the table. 
He eyed you curiously but made sure to take the wine bottle up with him. “What is it, darling?”
“Come on,” you started leading him towards the temple. 
“Oh ho,” he chuckled, stumbling a bit behind you, “wanted to get me alone, did you?” He sped up a little and gently bit the tip of your ear. 
You gasped at the sensation and he pulled back to smirk at you. You blinked and shook your head. “Trust me, you’re not going to want to ravish me in there,” you nodded ahead to the temple. 
Astarion caught you by the waist and lifted you a little, forcing you to stop moving. You yelped and he pulled you back so that he could whisper in your ear. “I can take you wherever I damn well please,” he growled. 
You shivered as he set you back down. “As sexy as you are, my love, you’ll see what I mean momentarily.”
You grabbed his hand again and led him across the log bridge and into the temple.
Only to find it empty.
Your stomach dropped. Uh oh.
Astarion sighed. “I don’t see what the problem is, dear.”
He took advantage of his grip on your hand and pulled you back to him, then spun you around so that your back was against the damp stone wall of the now truly abandoned temple. 
His knee came between your legs and he pinned your hands above your head. 
You were too shocked to say anything.
He grinned, and leaned into your ear again. “I could take you right here and right now,” he bent to kiss your throat and moved his thigh to rub deliciously against you. When you let out a small noise of satisfaction, he pulled back to look at you, his voice low, “If that’s what you want.” 
“Astarion,” you whined, closing your eyes and rolling your hips. 
“Yes, sweet girl?” he smirked at the pathetic look on your face.
“Kids, Astarion,” you exhaled shakily as he adjusted his thigh to give you a better angle. 
He paused. “Kids?” Then he chuckled. “I don’t think you need to worry about that, darling.”
You opened your eyes and gave him a confused look. 
He gave you an equally confused look. “I’m dead,” he said slowly, “I don’t think it’s possible?” He raked his eyes over your body and rested on your stomach. “Is it?”
You gently whacked the side of his head. “No, idiot, I’m talking about the tiefling kids.”
“Oh!” Astarion let out a relieved laugh. “What about them? You didn’t lose our entire camp over a game of hopscotch, did you?”
You rolled your eyes and pushed off the wall, looking around for any sign of the kids. It was dark and you couldn’t make out a thing. You groaned loudly up at the ceiling and ran your hands down your face. 
“I shouldn’t have trusted them…” you muttered.
“What did you do?” Astarion asked, sounding prematurely annoyed. 
You ignored him and opted to march out of the temple and up the log back into camp. 
A small laugh rang out from behind Gale’s vacant tent a ways off.
It sounded distinctly childish. 
You huffed some hair out of your face and marched up to Volo who was near Wyll’s tent, still writing in his journal. 
He lit up as you approached. “Aha! There you are! Come now, settle in. I do hope you have partaken in something bracing? This may well take up all night.”
You grabbed him by the arm. “No time.”
He protested as you dragged him towards the edge of camp. “I say! Unhand me! I’d hate to see your name slandered in an upcoming tale of your heroic escapades!” 
You ignored him and spun him to face you. “How loud can you whistle?”
Volo puffed his chest proudly. “I’m surprised you have to ask, given my accompaniment to your performance earlier this evening.” He cleared his throat and stood up straighter. “As loud and as lively as necessary.”
“Great. I’m going to need one sharp, loud whistle on my say so.”
He leaned in conspiratorially. “Ah, drawing attention, are we? Giving a rousing speech? Toasting to your fine accomplishments?”
“Neither.” You cupped your hands up to your mouth. “MOL AND COMPANY.”
The party grew silent.
Volo tilted his head. “Oh. Interesting choice of audience. But, children are the future-”
You elbowed him. “Do it now.”
“Right.” As instructed, Volo lifted his fingers to his mouth and blew harshly, emitting a loud, high pitched whistle.
You saw heads turn to you, as well as the figures of the kids clamoring to look at you from behind Gale’s tent.
“TO ME,” you called firmly, making eye contact with Mol and motioning for her and the others to come to you. 
As the children filed towards you, Volo shrunk back. “Do you need-”
“You can go.” 
“Thank heavens. Good evening.” He tipped his hat to you, then scurried off back to his post by Wyll’s tent. 
Mol came to a stop in front of you, crossing her arms and scowling at you. “What do you want now?”
You looked down at all eight of the hired thieves. Most avoided eye contact but Mol and Arabella, who smiled at you. You crossed your arms.
“It’s time to go over your spoils.”
“What, in front of him?” Meli asked, pointing behind you at Astarion, who lingered behind you looking rather in awe of what was occuring. 
“It’s been long enough,” you confirmed. “You all did very well and I’m very pleased with your efforts.”
You watched as the kids grew smug and shared excited looks with each other. 
Mattis spoke up. “What do we get in return for doing so good?”
“So well,” Astarion corrected.
“Didn’t ask you, did I mate?” Mattis snarled. 
Astarion flashed his fangs in retaliation and Mattis shut his mouth.
You placed your hands on your hips. “Well let’s see what you gathered, huh? Then we can determine.”
Mol clicked her tongue. “I already told ya’s, we have her support when we get to the Gate.”
“Lame!” Zaki exclaimed. “We should get some kind of physical prize or something.”
Doni made a noise of agreement. 
Mirkon shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s nice that we have the support of the hero of the Grove to help us.”
Arabella smirked. “I kind of want to see what else she has to offer.”
You did your best to stay stoic in front of them all, but you were too endeared by their curiosity and felt a smile tugging at your lips.
“Alright cretins,” you teased loudly, “show me where you buried the loot.”
Silfy giggled. “We didn’t bury it, silly!”
“Silfy,” Mattis hissed.
She grew quiet. “Sorry.”
“Be nice,” you warned, resting your hands on your hips. You took a deep breath, thinking about how to proceed. “Alright, first one to show me where you hid the loot gets their prize first.”
“Prize?!” Zaki gasped and Meli was already running across camp.
The other seven raced off after him.
You sighed fondly, choosing to walk after them at a leisurely pace.
Astarion caught up and strolled beside you. “Am I to understand that you had the urchins steal my belongings this evening?”
You clasped your hands behind your back and looked straight ahead. “Perhaps.”
Astarion chuckled. “I’d kill you if I didn’t desperately want to kiss you right now. Seeing your command over those children was really something.”
You cleared your throat. “Later. We need to get your stuff back first.”
He nodded, his brows furrowing. “You seem to like kids. Not just those brats.”
“I do,” you smiled. “They can be the best audience. Plus they’re hilarious in their own ways without even trying most of the time.”
Astarion nodded. “A collective of child criminals is rather funny from an objective point of view.”
“They’re pretty good, too,” you bumped his hip. “Got past our master rogue all evening.”
Astarion tsked. “I blame the wine, darling.”
“I think you’re getting sloppy.”
“Would you STOP FLIRTING and GET OVER HERE?” Mattis yelled from the boats near Withers.
Arabella leaned against the boat closest to the living corpse. “Bone Man here said we could hide our stuff in the boats.”
“Withers!” you exclaimed with no actual anger in the cry. 
“I did no such thing,” he denied, as stoic as ever. 
“Uh huh,” you said, then leaned in conspiratorially to the kids. “He hides our stuff all the time.”
The kids snickered, looking from you to Withers.
“I do not,” he said, his tone holding the same inflection as always. “I hast no need of thine earthly possessions.”
You clicked your tongue. “And yet you require compensation from us whenever we need something from you. Where’s the money going, Withers?”
Silfy giggled.
Withers didn’t budge.
You turned back to the kids. “He absolutely hides our stuff.” 
They snickered again. 
You moved closer to the boat to peer inside. Doni stepped in front of you, blocking your view.
“Alright, alright,” you laughed, taking a step back, “who wants to show me what they took first.”
“So you really are going to reward them for this behavior?” Astarion crossed his arms and you ignored him. 
“I got here first,” Meli said, stepping forward with his hands behind his back, “just so we’re clear.”
“You did not,” Zaki protested, “Doni got here before any of us.”
“Doni doesn’t count! He’s the best sneak of all of us!”
“He does count and that’s why he won!”
“Quiet, you two,” Mol said with a bit of an edge to her tone. “Doni did win fair and square.”
“Told you!” Zaki stuck out his tongue.
Meli rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He stepped forward and addressed you. “May I present…” he pulled his hands out from behind his back, revealing Astarion’s wine goblet from earlier.
“You little whelp,” Astarion hissed but you held up a hand to silence him.
Meli smirked at the vampire. “You’ll notice,” he tipped the goblet forward so you could look inside, “not a drop wasted.”
Sure enough, the goblet still contained a hefty portion of deep red liquid. 
You applauded his effort and a few of the other kids joined in. “Well done, Meli. But, uh, you didn’t drink any, did you?”
Meli scowled. “Yuck, no thanks. I don’t know why adults like this stuff.”
Astarion bent forward. “I’ll be taking that,” he swiped the goblet back, “thank you.” He took a long, deep sip, then wiped a drop that rolled down the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Who’s next?” you asked.
Silfy reached into the boat and pulled out a small brooch, covered in rubies and emeralds. “I got this from his tent.”
You got down on your knees in front of her again. “Oh Silfy!” you said, in awe of the craftsmanship. “This is lovely! Good job.” You turned to show Astarion.
He looked uninterested. “That was my mother’s.”
You stiffened briefly, then relaxed. “No, it wasn’t.”
He snorted. “Of course it wasn’t. I swiped it off some dead-” You made a face at him and nodded towards the kids, reminding him that young ears were listening, “-teddy… bear?”
“People die,” Mattis said flatly. “We’re not idiots.”
“I’m missing a gods damn eye,” Mol pointed to the bandage around her head.
You sighed. “I don’t know why I’m even trying, you guys are way too smart.” You turned and handed the brooch back to Astarion who pocketed it without question. 
“The smartest,” Mol grinned, looking around at the other seven.
Mirkon stepped forward. “Me next!” he reached into the boat and pulled something out, concealing it behind his back. He looked very pleased with himself when he revealed a set of thieves' tools. 
Astarion laughed once, humorlessly. “I have a million of those.”
Mirkon smirked. “Yes, but only one on your person.”
Astarion’s face fell and he patted himself down. His mouth raised into the smallest smile. “Not bad.” 
Mirkon tried to look cool, but he burst into a grin and stepped back to rejoin the others. You handed the tools to Astarion who hid them on his person once again and took another sip of his wine.
Zaki reached into the boat. “Here’s what I got.” He held out an unmarked tin but one that you recognized as one of Astarion’s beloved hair products.
Astarion spat a bit of his wine. “Give that here,” he held out his hand and Zaki clutched the tin closer to his chest. 
“Why should I?”
“Um, Zaki?” You made eye contact with him and shook your head. 
Zaki sighed and handed it over to Astarion reluctantly. “Tasted terrible anyway.”
You laughed and Astarion sputtered. “This is NOT to be ingested, you twerp.”
“Weirdo man!” Zaki exclaimed in response.
“Oof,” you turned to Astarion, “that’s gotta hurt.”
The kids laughed. Astarion narrowed his eyes. 
He examined the contents of the tin to see how much was left. When he saw that not much had been sacrificed, he sighed in relief. “This is a fine hair product from a particular salon in the Upper City that I was able to snatch while on the road. I only have the one container, if you must know.”
You turned back to Zaki. “Well done,” you clapped for him. “It’s like you stole his baby.”
Zaki blushed and smiled before Doni stepped forward.
He made a small noise and held out a hairbrush. 
Astarion gasped and snatched it from Doni quickly. “This was actually on my person during the Nautiloid crash.” He held it close to his chest. “I had it hidden away, how’d you find it?”
Doni responded with another unintelligible noise.
Astarion looked at the other kids.
Arabella shrugged. “We try not to question his methods.”
You patted Doni’s arm. “Great job, Doni.”
He smiled and Arabella took his place. 
She held out a small coin purse. “Tah dah!”
Astarion bent forward to examine it closer. “Sorry darling, that’s not mine.”
Arabella smiled. “I know.” She loosened the string to the purse and emptied the contents into her hand. A substantial amount of coins fell into her palm. “But these are.”
Astarion gasped and felt around his person again. You and Mol laughed at the look on his face. “Har har, I’d like those back now, please.”
Arabella handed the coins back a little too eagerly.
Astarion rolled his eyes. “All of it.”
Arabella’s shoulders slumped and she reached into the pocket of her skirt, handing him another handful of gold. 
“Work on your poker face, darling.” 
Arabella pursed her lips but nodded. 
“Mattis,” Mol said, motioning for him to step forward. 
Mattis nodded and looked between you and Astarion with a smirk. 
He extended his arms, revealing a dagger in each hand. “Whoa,” you said cautiously, motioning for the other kids to step away. 
Astarion laughed. “Be careful with those, kid.” He knelt next to you, looking Mattis in the eye. He elbowed the tiefling gently in the ribs, but it was enough to shock him into loosening his grip. Astarion caught one of the daggers and expertly grabbed the other one by the hilt and yanked it from Mattis’ hand. 
Before Mattis could even register what happened, Astarion was back on his feet, sheathing the daggers through his belt.
You looked at him with a shocked expression. He raised an eyebrow.
“What? Oh please, I didn’t hurt the child, and now he’s no longer armed. You’re welcome.”
You turned to Mattis. “You okay, Mattis?”
Mattis rubbed his chest and nodded. He looked up at Astarion in awe. “You have got to teach me that.”
The other kids agreed and crowded the vampire. 
He laughed uncomfortably. “There are… so many of you.” He looked to you for help.
“Alright guys, let’s give floofy hair some space.”
“Floofy?” Astarion brought a hand up to his hair as the kids dispersed. 
Mol stretched her arms over her head. “Best for last, I suppose.”
She went to reach into the boat for what you had to assume was the lute Astarion had hidden away for you. What she pulled out made you audibly gasp.
You’d expected something tattered, nothing special. Something plucked from the road by someone who didn’t understand the intricacies and nuances of musical instruments, but you knew you’d be content to make due with it because someone you deeply cared for had taken the time to pick it up and take it home to you.
Instead Mol presented you with a lute that looked like it hadn’t even been played yet. It was crafted from rosewood, giving it a pinkish hue and its surface shined as if it were just polished. Delicate roses were carved into the face and the strings were coiled tightly along the neck. 
“Oh,” you breathed out.
Mol raised an eyebrow. “Okay there, hero?”
You shook your head to break the spell. “I- yes.”
Mol turned to Astarion. “And what does this one mean to you? You had it stowed away so carefully with all those pillows and rags. Must be pretty special.”
Astarion cleared his throat. “It’s um… a gift.”
Mirkon giggled. “For who?”
Arabella crossed her arms. “It’s a lute. Clearly it’s for the bard.” She gestured to you with a nod of her head. 
Mattis blew out an unimpressed breath. “I saw her already carrying one around the Grove. Some gift.”
“So what?” Mirkon argued. “I think it’s nice.”
“So do I,” you confirmed, looking at Astarion, who caught your eye then turned away sheepishly. You turned back to the kids. “Want to know something funny?”
The kids looked intrigued and nodded, a few of them giving “yeah’s.”
You leaned in to whisper loudly and placed a hand next to your mouth as if telling a secret. “He broke my other lute,” you pointed your thumb over your shoulder at Astarion.
He scoffed. “I did not!”
You tilted your head at him disapprovingly. “It’s your fault it broke.”
“I-” he tried to dispute you, but came up short and shut his mouth.
Mol laughed. “No wonder she wanted us to swipe your stuff. Although, seems kinda pointless now.” She handed you the lute.
It was a comfortable weight in your hands and you tested the sound. It would need a bit of tuning, but it was good enough for you to cast a minor illusion of fireworks around the kids, who all looked up in awe. You flipped the face of it up towards you and ran your fingers over one of the rose etchings. 
You turned to Astarion who was avoiding eye contact by drawing shapes in the dirt with the tip of his shoe. “Where did you find this?”
He looked at you and perked up, gaining an air of confidence that you usually saw when he was showing off in battle. “Found it on the Risen Road. Some poor soul perished with it hidden away in their belongings under a bunch of useless junk.” He examined his nails, feigning disinterest. “It was from the same horde where I found my hair product. I suspect some Upper City patriar accidentally stumbled into a pack of hungry gnolls on their way back to Baldur’s Gate. One can only imagine why they were all the way out here. But their loss was our gain.” He laughed airily. 
You stood and held your breath. “You’ve held onto this for that long?” 
Astarion deflated a little, caught. “I… may have been saving it for a special occasion.” He saw you move towards him. “Don’t be weird about this,” he warned, holding up a finger. “If you really annoyed me I was planning to give it to you and then destroy it. The look on your face would have been priceless.” He laughed again.
You ignored his deflection and took one of his hands in your own. “You’ve had this since before we-” you paused. “Since before last night.”
Astarion smiled softly. “I told you I liked you.” He looked away again when he asked, “But you like it?”
You bent forward to kiss his cheek. “It’s gorgeous. I love it. Thank you.”
“Gross,” Mattis moaned. “Can we just get our prizes now?”
You turned away from Astarion to face the kids again. “Right.” You clapped your hands together. “GALE!” You shouted, not bothering to turn your body in his direction, knowing he’d hear you anyway. 
Not even a second later, he misty stepped beside you. “Yes?” he asked. “How can I help?”
“Gale,” you said, your tone implying that you needed him to play along, “the kids did a great job of stealing from Astarion tonight.”
Gale furrowed his brow in confusion, but sensed the kind of answer you wanted. “Oh, that is most excellent news.”
You nodded and placed your hands on your hips. “I think we need to discuss their reward.”
“Absolutely,” Gale agreed. He motioned over to a patch of grass a little ways away, “Shall we?”
“Be right back,” you said. 
As you and Gale walked, you heard the kids talking to Astarion.
“So why do you have fangs? You some kind of demon?”
“My father was a bat.”
“Cool, can you fly?”
Gale spun on his heel to face you. “So,” he started, “what’s going on?”
“Fair question. I wanted the kids to rob Astarion.”
“Sure,” Gale nodded. “Why?”
You shrugged. “Thought it would be funny. Didn’t think that far ahead.”
Gale nodded again. “Let me guess, you didn’t want them to actually keep the loot and now you need to satiate their desire for spoils of some kind.”
“You got it,” you confirmed.
He held a finger to his chin, lost in thought for a moment. “Alright. Play along.”
“Can do,” you said and followed after Gale back towards the kids.
“Why would I need echolocation if I’m not blind?” Astarion asked, exasperated.
“I don’t know!” Zaki shouted in the same tone. “You’re the one who’s half bat!”
“Tell me you can screech at least?” Meli asked.
Gale cleared his throat and the kids turned to face you.
“I don’t see no prizes,” Mol said, crossing her arms.
“An astute observation, Mol,” Gale agreed. “That’s because I’m going to summon your prizes from the Astral Plane.” Gale raised his eyebrows at you, talking out of his ass.
“Ooohhh,” you gushed, making what he said seem really impressive. 
“You’ve been to the Astral Plane?” Mirkon asked excitedly.
“Of course,” Gale lied.
Arabella cut in. “How do we know you’ve actually been?”
Gale chuckled. “How do you think we met our Githyanki friend?” He pointed to Lae’zel over his shoulder who was in the process of skewering watermelons with her greatsword as a few others watched.
The kids looked back at Gale, seeming to accept his reasoning.
Astarion rolled his eyes.
Gale rubbed his hands together, his fingers sparking with the purple glow of the weave. Something you suspected he was doing to try to further impress and convince the children.
“Who’s first?” he asked.
Meli was about to step forward, but Arabella stopped him.
“Doni got here first, he gets his prize first.”
Meli groaned. “I’m next, then.”
Gale smiled at the boy before him. “Well Doni, it’s Githyanki tradition that their most skilled warriors receive Crowns of Valor.”
You placed a hand on your heart, further playing along. “Gale! You can’t mean-”
“Oh, that’s right,” Gale nodded. “These young, intrepid adventurers deserve the highest of honors.”
You looked at the kids and raised your eyebrows. “That’s amazing!”
The kids shared excited glances and giggles as Astarion leaned in to you.
“To be clear,” he whispered, “Crowns of Valor don’t exist, right?”
“Correct,” you said through an unmoving smile. 
“And I knew that,” Astarion said unconvincingly.
Gale spun his hands through the air, the purple glow of the weave glowing brighter and brighter until a small, Doni sized crown appeared in Gale’s hands. It was of simple construction, made of tin with pointed peaks at the top, like the paper crowns you would make as a child. Then, Gale moved his hands some more and the crown molded itself into something similar to Lae’zel’s armor that you’d first met her in; polished silver with delicately raised patterns throughout, adorned with shining red jewels. 
“Whoa,” you said, genuinely impressed. 
Gale smirked and lifted the crown above Doni’s head. “I now bestow unto you the Githyanki Crown of Valor. Well done, lad.” He placed the crown on Doni’s head, who smiled widely and stepped back for the other kids to observe. 
They ooh’d and ah’d, a few even reaching to touch it, but Doni brought his hands up to the crown to keep it on his head.
Meli excitedly jumped forward. “Me next!”
One by one, the kids stepped up to receive their incredibly real and not conjured on the spot Crowns of Valor from Gale. 
“Thank you for the lute,” you said quietly to Astarion as the two of you watched the parade of children marching up to the wizard.
Astarion clicked his tongue. “I’m not sure you even deserve to keep it, given that you hired a bunch of children to steal it for you.”
You sighed loudly. “Just admit you were bested tonight and move on. I won’t think any less of you for it.”
He hummed in acknowledgement. “Don’t use this one as a club.”
“No promises,” you lifted the lute to mime hitting another imaginary bugbear. 
When Mol received her crown, the last of the kids to do so, Gale stood.
“Oof, the knees,” he muttered before rubbing his hands together to convey that his work here was finished. “Well then! I believe everyone has been thoroughly rewarded for their hard work.” He looked at you and winked. You mouthed a thank you.
Mol took off her crown and inspected it. “Hypothetically, how much could a Githyanki Crown of Valor sell for?”
You and Gale gasped dramatically.
“Why would you want to do that?” you asked, scandalized.
Mol rolled her eyes. “Oh please. Just tell us how much coin we’d get.”
Gale thought for a moment. “Hypothetically, if it were to be appraised, maybe about-” You elbowed him. “-a lot. Despite the absolutely priceless nature of the objects, you’d probably get a lot of coin.” He sounded pained to be saying such things.
“Excellent.” Mol said, examining her crown and then placing it back on her head. “Now,” she said, placing a hand on her hip, “do you need anything else from us? Or can we go? There are drunk adults to swindle.”
“Charming,” Astarion said flatly. 
You straightened. “Yes, you’ve all done an excellent job tonight and are free to go.” 
As the kids were about to leave, you stepped in front of them, blocking their path. 
“No more stealing tonight-” you said and a few of them groaned, “-but it’s fair game again when we see you next. Which will be in Baldur’s Gate when you’re members of a highly respected new guild.” You smiled at Mol who looked at you smugly and nodded. 
“Damn right!” she said proudly. 
The others buzzed with agreement and started dispersing after saying their goodbyes. You hugged Silfy, Arabella, and Mirkon, and waved to the others who promised they’d be careful on their journey to the city. 
You stood back and watched them go, flanked on either side by Astarion and Gale. 
Astarion examined his nails. “Those weren’t worth anything, were they?”
Gale shook his head. “Not unless transmuted tin suddenly gains a lot of value amongst merchants and traders. I’ve been gathering different alchemical items and ingredients all throughout our journey, and that tin that I used was actually from-”
“Ugh, stop talking,” Astarion interrupted. “I merely asked if they were worth anything in case I needed to nick one of them off one of the little roaches before they leave and we never see them again.”
“Astarion,” you whacked his arm lightly. “They’re just kids. And I’m sure we’ll see them again.”
“Whatever you say, darling,” he sighed.
“You could also just ask Gale to make you one if you want.”
“I’d be happy to-”
Astarion held up a hand. “And ruin this hair? I don’t think so.”
You looped your arm through his and watched as a few of the kids retreated into their makeshift headquarters for the evening, while a few others made a point of walking by Lae’zel’s tent first. It was clear they were trying to show off in front of her, but Lae’zel paid them no mind and focused instead on cleaning her greatsword of watermelon chunks. After a moment of them pacing back and forth in front of her, she leered at them and the kids quickly ran back to the temple, terrified she might stab them. Scratch and the owlbear cub chased after them.
You turned to Gale. “Thank you for coming to the rescue. I owe you one.”
Gale smirked. “Is it really a party if one isn’t rescuing their friend from the clutches of their own antics?”
Astarion snorted. “What kind of parties have you attended?”
“Well, I thank you for your quick thinking and skill with the weave.”
Gale puffed his chest. “I am rather excellent at magic, as I’ve said many times over. Though I fear what will happen once those miscreants try to pawn off those fraudulent crowns.”
You shrugged. “That’s a problem for future us.”
Astarion tsked. “Assuming they can catch us.”
You and Gale laughed. 
“I suppose that’s one way of looking at it,” Gale agreed. “I’ll leave you two to your evening. Let me know if you find yourself in any more trouble.” He nodded his head to you. “Good night.”
“Good night Gale,” you smiled as he walked back towards the excitement of the party where Karlach and Rolan were partaking in a loud drinking contest.
Astarion pulled you closer to him and squeezed your hip. “I still can’t believe you did that. After everything I’ve done for you.”
You smiled at him. “Ah yes, thank you for deciding not to kill me every day since you’ve met me.”
He pulled you into a kiss. “You’re welcome,” he said, muffled against your mouth. Unsurprisingly, he tasted of wine.
You pulled away and inclined your head towards Withers, still standing stoically nearby.
Astarion rolled his eyes. “I’m not even entirely sure he’s paying attention half the time, what with his distant stare and lack of meaningful conversation.”
“He called you my ‘bosom companion’ earlier.”
“He did what?” Astarion looked past you at the skeleton who made no move to acknowledge either of you. “I’ve barely had any time with her bosom yet, thank you.”
When Withers didn’t respond, you laughed and bent down to get a better grasp on your new lute. Astarion joined you, picking up his recently returned items and turning to face you. 
“Care to join me on a walk?” he asked.
You smirked. “This isn’t part of another plan to bed me, is it?”
Astarion laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He made his voice low and gravelly.
Your face went red. “Aren’t you drunk?” you asked, deflecting his advances as the two of you started making your way towards Astarion’s tent.
“Ah, ah,” Astarion tutted, “I was only ever tipsy. And to be honest, I believe the last of it burned off when the one person I stupidly trust most for some reason, betrayed my trust and stole my things.”
“We got them back!” you argued. 
“Hmm,” Astarion hummed. “Perhaps we should break up.”
You gasped loudly. “How dare you!”
He smirked. “I suppose you’ll have to make it up to me.”
“Am I going to regret asking what you have in mind?”
“I can think of a few options,” he said as you reached his tent and he knelt to return his items to their proper places. 
You yawned. “Oh yeah?”
Astarion rose back up and looked at you softly. “Tired, darling?” 
You mentally surveyed how you were feeling. “I suppose I am.”
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around your waist. “A side effect of playing hero for dozens of tieflings. Told you it wasn’t worth it.”
You rested your arms over his shoulders. “And it surely has nothing to do with my lack of sleep last night, does it?”
“I don’t know what you’re implying,” Astarion teased, kissing your forehead. “Go say your good nights.” He nodded towards the heart of the party where Karlach and Rolan were drunkenly singing an old dwarven drinking song. 
You looked at him curiously. “What about you?” 
“Trust me, my sweet, none of them are here to see me.” He tucked some hair behind your ear. “Even though I’m world-endingly beautiful.”
“I think you’ve mentioned that,” you teased. 
“They should count themselves lucky they even caught a glimpse.”
“I mean, look at me.”
“I got it,” you laughed and pulled away from him, lifting your new lute one last time. “Will I see you later?”
Astarion furrowed his brow. “Do you truly think so little of me?”
You smiled shyly. “I don’t know, I’m still new at all of this.”
His expression grew soft. “As am I. We’ll get the hang of it.” His voice became flamboyant again when he said, “We are the most impressive pair in Faerûn after all.” Then he laughed brightly.
You laughed and turned to make your way to your tent to drop off your lute. “I’ll see you soon.”
“I await on baited breath, my love.”
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Unfortunately tumblr thought this piece was too long (fair) so I had to split it into two parts. The second part can be found here.
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