#Alternate Muse Verse
dinrelsanddragons · 3 months
(Here comes a shitload of lore and stuff I MADE UP. Very non-canon. But since when do I give a shit for canon?)
In the darkness of the ruins of Thyphlo, there slumbered a fifth divine beast. It was no easy task to unearth, and some time after this monsters crept into the darkness and drove the Hyruleans out. The abilities of this divine beast remain largely unknown, though it was restored to functionality before the monsters forced the researchers to abandon it. Bearing the shape of a feline, it was called Vah Pazim.
When King Rhoam lamented Hyrule's plight and sought champions to pilot the five divine beasts, he could not find anyone suitable for Vah Pazim. Although Impa of the Shiekah appeared somewhat suitable as a champion, she was ever busy with her work as an aide to Princess Zelda.
After King Rhoam had succeeded in finding pilots for Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh, and Vah Naboris, a fifth champion stepped forth to pilot Vah Pazim.
A clan of Shiekah outlaws and rogues known as the Blackscales saw the nearby Deplian badlands as their ancestral home. They knew of Vah Pazim, and plotted their way back into society. Though they had not taken a side with the monsters, these outlaws were nonetheless wanted for various crimes across Hyrule, individually and as an organization. Their leader, Raithyon Blackscale, brandished an idea that would tilt the war in his family's favor.
King Rhoam received a report of a small but unknown force making their way to Vah Pazim– a force consisting not of monsters, but people. He commanded the four champions already assembled, along with Princess Zelda and the swordsman Link, to investigate and stop this force if necessary.
Fighting the monsters surrounding the divine beast was difficult as they were many in number, but the princess's force stopped upon reaching the Thyphlo ruins. Utter and complete darkness barred their progress– the soldier who could fight without seeing was rare indeed. But it was not the threat of fighting blindly alone that halted their progress, but the sounds of movement from Divine Beast Vah Pazim.
Vah Pazim moved quickly to destroy the monster encampments in the dark ruins, controlled by some expert hand. Even monsters such as Gleeoks were as though child's play to the Divine Beast, swatted out of the sky with nimble movement and destroyed by shadowy energy. After all the monsters were felled, the Divine Beast approached Zelda's group, but stopped even as her force grimly made ready to battle it. One individual stepped into view atop what one might have called Vah Pazim's head.
Raithyon Blackscale wore a long sable robe over an otherwise bare chest, a violet mask over his mouth, and traditional Shiekah stealth garb in violet for leggings. His white hair remained bound in a low ponytail, and his red eyes stared down at Zelda's group not with malice, but confidence that the upper hand was his.
After this appearance, others came out of hiding as well, at what might be termed Vah Pazim's feet. These were the rest of the Blackscale clan, garbed largely in stealth wear of their own personal styles– those whom Raithyon called family, if not all by blood. Though each one carried their own weapons of choice, not one brandished any to fight.
Raithyon's skills in vertical movement became clear as he slid down Vah Pazim to join his clan and lead their forward motion to Zelda's group. Though the two blades on either hip swung with each of his steps, he did not lay a hand on either sword's hilt. At this, Zelda commanded her forces to stand down for the moment, knowing a gesture to negotiate when she saw one.
"Ah, the princess herself," Raithyon spoke, his confidence palpable in his voice. "Just whom I was looking for. Perhaps we can parley. On equal footing, of course." He rested an arm atop a sword hilt and tilted his head up, though his eyes remained fixed on her.
The entire ploy became clear to Zelda at once. This outlaw had seized control of Vah Pazim and demonstrated skill in piloting it for one purpose– to gain a foothold, and a good one at that, in negotiation for pardons for he and his clan. The princess could not deny that this man had something Hyrule required for its own salvation; Vah Pazim had no suitable pilot until this man's ploy came into play.
The man approached farther still, offering the hand not resting on a sword hilt to Zelda. "Raithyon Blackscale, and I'm sure you see my family behind me... my sister Sekkala, and my daughters Lambda and Reownha." Behind him in the group, a woman of similar age to him pressed a hand to her forehead while two teenager girls waved; one with white Shiekah hair and the other of honeyed blonde Hylian hair. "Brilliant work, wasn't it? Not to brag too hard, but I don't think you'll find someone else who can do what I just did to those monsters with Vah Pazim too easily."
It was no situation Zelda enjoyed, to be sure; to know that the most suitable pilot for this or any divine beast was an outlaw was unsettling. This maverick of a swashbuckler would be difficult to control, even knowing what it was that he wished in exchange for his services. There was not much she could do. Knowing this, Zelda still took Raithyon's proffered hand and shook it, knowing better than to neglect manners for her discomfort. "You know that I am Zelda, daughter of King Rhoam of Hyrule. If you wish to negotiate, then it must be with my father. I can escort you to Hyrule Castle to parley and vouch that you will not be harmed or arrested in doing this." Best to place the ball in her father's court, Zelda suspected, as she herself did not have the power to pardon a single outlaw, much less an entire group of them.
It was nonetheless a risky move to make, for the both of them; Raithyon had every reason to distrust the princess's word for their safety, but it played into his confidence that he had the upper hand in this. Raithyon's smile widened. "Agreed, princess. I'll come to Hyrule Castle with you–"
"And we'll come with!" Interjected the blonde Lambda, pulling her sister with her as she jumped forth. "Pops, you can't just go without me and Reownha, you need backup!"
Raithyon did well in concealing his chagrin at this decision; he had wanted to go alone, that the rest of his family might be safe from whatever treachery could be in store, but he could not backpedal now. His smile did not fade, his posture did not change; he even nodded in agreement. "I can hardly say no to my little girls. I hope your castle can accommodate a pair of extra guests, Princess Zelda."
So it was. Zelda's force escorted these three Blackscales, the rest remaining behind in relative safety should the negotiations go ill. Reownha largely kept to herself, observing without comment; Raithyon attempted conversation with the champions Urbosa and Daruk; Lambda succeeded in speaking with Mipha and connecting over the ability to heal wounds. No monsters attacked further on the way from the Thyphlo ruins to Hyrule Castle, to the relief of all, making for a quiet march, almost uncomfortably so.
In the sanctum of Hyrule Castle, King Rhoam stood before his throne to better observe the three Blackscales presented to him– Raithyon, all but lounging in his stance and regarding the king confidently; Reownha, standing straight but staring steadily at him; and Lambda, looking about with the wonder of seeing such grandeur. Though the guards of the room remained wary at the presence of these outlaws, they did not come close to them.
It was not difficult for Rhoam to figure what had occurred in the Thyphlo ruins and why Raithyon was brought before him. Zelda's report told him much, leaving one thing to learn: the true measure of the Blackscales before him.
Rhoam measured the amount of disrespect in his tone with the smallest of instruments; though he felt no admiration for the man, he did not wish to alienate he or his clan, nor any of the Shiekah that Rhoam had so carefully rebuilt bridges with after they were razed ten thousand years ago. "Raithyon Blackscale. Your actions are beyond the pale. Your trespasses of Hyrulean law cannot be ignored so easily."
Though the gravity of the situation was not lost on Raithyon, boldness remained in his tone. "Can they, if we have something substantial to offer to the effort against the Calamity?" He pointed at the king, daring to toe the lines of respect and diplomacy. "You need a pilot for Vah Pazim. I'm not the obedient puppet that you might have wished for, but I'm beyond qualified." He lowered his arm then, and gestured to his daughters, standing at his sides. "Even those of us who live outside the law will fall if the Calamity isn't quelled– and I knew I had no chance of parley with you unless I did something. Just think: If I work with you, my family will as well– an entire clan of experienced rogues at your disposal. Even my daughters are very skilled for their youth."
Rhoam's gaze moved from Raithyon, to the observant (if mistrustful) Reownha, then to Lambda, whose gaze wandered with wonder. Deciding it best to address she who was not on guard, he spoke again. "Lambda, daughter of the Blackscales. Do you hold your father's word as true and trustworthy?"
From the very moment her name was spoken by such an unfamiliar (but highly authoritative) voice, Lambda jumped and turned her entire body to regard the king, her eyebrows raised and eyes wide with surprise. She spoke quickly and bluntly, no thought or filter. "Pops doesn't lie and neither do I! We're all very sneaky-like, but we don't break our promises." Lambda even smiled at the king, a smile speaking of deep affection for her father that mildly surprised Rhoam, behind his royal facade.
He did not like being surprised, nor did he did not like the options before him– to arrest Raithyon and his daughters (risking the carefully restored balance between Hyrule and the Shiekah) or to allow this outlaw– whom Rhoam was not sure how to control– to pilot the divine beast, Vah Pazim. Glancing back at Raithyon, Rhoam could see a mote of pride hidden in his gaze, now directed at Lambda. Pride in his daughter.
Rhoam could not help but think of Zelda and the pressures upon her shoulders.
He made his decision then. "Very well, Raithyon of the Blackscale." Raithyon's eyes flicked back to the king, showing him his full attention. "You shall be the pilot of divine beast Vah Pazim. But know that should you and your family turn against Hyrule, each who raises a blade against the kingdom shall be condemned."
"But if we don't..." A smirk tugged at the corner of Raithyon's mouth, unbidden.
"Then, should you and your clan prove that you can live and lawful citizens of the kingdom, I will consider your pardons." Rhoam did not enjoy this part of the agreement; it would spread the concept that any lawless rogue could win their freedom with enough audacity. However, he had to offer it– Hyrule could ill afford to pick and choose who fought in the name of its salvation.
"I'll sign that contract," Raithyon agreed.
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immortalmuses · 5 months
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I just love Phoenix Logan, look at him.
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sonxofxgondor · 1 month
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@rangers-arecool asked: Leaving a sleeping Boromir in the dead of night was not something that the quiet Ranger wanted to do. But he had spent much of the afternoon and evening dealing with his father, leaving him worn out when he'd finally gone to bed. She pressed a light kiss to the corner of his mouth and slipped out of the room, just as silently as she had arrived.
A chain made of black obsidian rock, usually found around her neck, and a note explaining she'd been asked by Denethor to go scout out the plains near the Black Gate were the only items left of her presence. At the bottom of the note and written in a very hesitant hand, were the words, 'I love you.' // 💜
Scarred in three points, the span of flesh on torso and chest, the proof that survival and resolve bested Orcish powers, tainted weapon and blackened hearts. Awry and tired, turned more ugly in matters of body, the concerns of the skin, Boromir was, nevertheless, glad to be home. Marble stone and concrete - pillars that reached to the skies above, glistening in pikes and peaks of pearl and silver - banners caught in the breeze, blues and whites swayed. Returned to his people, the ones most loved, those for whom sanity had been lost for. Good friends who smiled so bright; their embraces most welcomed, so needed, the gentle touch of kisses upon cheeks. Hands clasped in firm grip, the feeling of fingers wrapped around and refused to let go, the warmth of Faramir when the chance to be alone graced. Dressed in their garb but as far from warriors as could be had, brothers together again with the happiest of tears, the sensation of wetness dripped down. Onto the jawline, throughout beard and stubble-hairs, until there seemed to be no more cries left.
Ever a loyal and proud son, Boromir relished in the reunion of he and his father. Denethor enthusiastic - within the grand throne room, sunlight brought against window and opened curtain - thin lipped smiles sweeter than the previous scowl, eyes all but colored in a familiar radiance, what had once been but could never be anymore. Accompanied by Pippin and Gandalf, worries for the war melted from the afternoon into the night, the change of bold sun into vibrant stars. Diplomacy married well with obligation of family, the unknown and the understood made into one, a ranger cloaked in her regalia, ever there but quiet. Never beyond the glance of Boromir, Hal and he were inseparable. Since the day that Orcs dared to poison, their brutal force pernicious, an effort to kill committed without pause. An attempt that went not beyond the woods where it started. Finished there, Denethor hid little of his unease about her, always a look of disdain for dear Hal. A soldier of small regard to he; a thorn in his side, an object of undoubted distraction meant for his eldest, the apparent keeper to a gentle heart.
A phantom affection, the kiss that Hal gave to Boromir lingered still. A mysterious possessor's token. Past the hours since she was last within his bedchambers, sheets not slept in and hardly tossed around an exhausted body. Clothed despite, never gone through the process of undress, the letter and chain that dangled in his hands were heavy, sleep-placed haze slowly lifted from Boromir once he removed himself from the bed, wandered and walked the space of his room. She loved him. Hal loved him. Cared for he and adored, gone off to the Black Gates, the request of Denethor but for more reason than the obvious. Overwhelmed but not unhappy, with her chain around his neck did he follow her path, the way that was asked of her, onward to the entrance of Mordor. Surely reckless, a death unneeded would have come for poor Hal. Captured, tortured, used against the intentions of good; Boromir could not stand to think of it, his locks uncombed and his person unbathed, dirty from the prior journey but unable to care.
Run across hill and valley on foot, shield and Arphendil in hand, favored sharped blade, Boromir only stopped once he saw her. Crouched low nearest a mound of soil and weeds, Hal with her hood drawn over the head, focus shifted from one enemy to another. Fixed to the situations of her surroundings; clever, the greatest of her kin, bound to know it was he who followed. Grand tries made in the effort, Boromir had yet to trick, to conceal or to remain unnoticed. Hal was marvelous.
"Did you really believe a letter would be enough?"
Boromir asked, sank low in his stance, a captain within the bounds of cover, baritone stern but not in threat or anger, rather blanketed in sadness and the tremble of fear.
"Forgive me, Hal, for approaching you so boldly, but I must have my say. After all the moments spent together, fighting the foes of Mordor, of which we stand before now, you left me. Parted from me with but a kiss - a kiss that I know for certain was of your lips - a letter, and a chain of black obsidian. Under the command of my father, I understand, but nonetheless, you left. You left, and did not allow me the chance to return my affection. You were gone from me, and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye."
Gray irises brushed glossy, the delicate gathering of tears, Boromir cleared his throat in rough cough, muffled by the back of his hand.
"How could you come here alone? Your strengths are beyond measure, your capabilities unable to be compared, but Hal, can you not see? Never mind the wants of my father! Gods forbid, had the evils that lurked here taken you, stolen you from your friends and family... can you not see how great my heart would break? That my dreams would be filled with nothing but torment? That my happiness, all that I have come to know of it, would disappear, be forever gone? Hal, you left behind a letter, but so, too, have you taken my heart. It came unexpected, but I do not deny what has come over me. Never for the sake of my father, never toward myself."
"I love you. With all my body and of all my soul, I love you. Try not to discourage me from this place, for I will go where ever you do. You'll not be alone - not as long as I live. Scold me later, if you must, but promise me that you will give me time to repay your devotion, to make right what I have wronged. Because, my darling Hal, I am desperate for another chance at your kisses. Their touch has not abandoned me - I feel for you still."
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curiosityshop · 5 months
Gonna put some more muses on the muse page today, I think!
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universestreasures · 3 months
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Ryutaro Isono / Roland Ingram, from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, has been added as a Plotting-Dependent muse. Heavily headcanon based due to us not having much on him, but Kaiba Corp's MVP is here for both manga and anime storylines! His full backstory can be found here!
(Once again I was indirectly enabled and I'm fine with it. Time to write the goat of Kaiba Corp LOL)
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radicheart · 4 months
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He misses his son.
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h-a-unted · 4 months
Would it be cool if I added more verses for Tamara? Like maybe a FFXVI one for my 16 peeps and so and so? Anyone would the girlie in other verses? Let me know!
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deputygonebye · 7 months
@wexarethewalkingxdead || Continued from here.
Red brick stairs run up two steps at a time, comparable to great leaps rather than actual sprints, into the house did Shane burst into, almost knocked the door off of its hinges due to the force. Destroyed what history hadn't already done so to Hershel's beloved family home, careless in how he searched and hollered and screamed. Silence was no more considered golden - the Walkers who grew closer and closer to the farm stole the chance. Disrupted the happiness that the group had pleasantly started to believe for themselves; the possibility that, just maybe, the nightmare that they lived would be soon overtaken by a better future. One not so full of death and the loss of friends, warm meals and a roof overhead that didn't leak and pool rainwater. Comforts beyond that of tents and canned beans, a sense of home within a world created new.
Through every room, from the living room to the kitchen, from the bedrooms to the bathrooms, Shane called for all who were left in Hershel's old place. A soon to be graveyard crafted from block and timber. Carol, Lori, Beth, Andrea, Patricia; the women of the household, the only ones that could be found amongst the cries, the family portraits and the hanging keepsakes. Out from the front doors, opened air blown into their faces, crisp winds coupled with the heat that radiated from the barn on fire, Shane did his best to direct. Ushered them all onto a path that seemed most safe, the fork in the road that he didn't travel down himself. A patch of grass that hadn't appeared to be so infested. Free, as much as land could be when the undead limped onward in the direction, nevertheless dangerous. Dreadful - barely several feet parted from them when Shane heard the agonized shriek - Patricia was bitten.
A faceless end, for he didn't have the strength to gaze upon her as she was torn, as Lori encouraged Beth into the car and away from Patricia and the Geeks who feasted, so, too, did Shane distance. Approached the barn as it was engulfed in flame, the gates of Hell, the inferno. Wandered around the big doors, watched as the loft flickered in explosions of orange, hand tight around the handle of the knife that he wielded. Eyes locked onto every Walker that came nearer; one, two, five, six, nine, ten...
"Rick!" Shane yelled over the blaze, the echo of Hershel's shotgun, the groans of the reanimated. "Rick, come on, brother! Time's up! We gotta move!"
Backing up as far as he could, what the undead and the farmland would allow, Shane growled in frustration, teeth clenched until jawbone almost snapped. "Shit. Rick! Let's go!"
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queenharumiura · 6 months
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Does this flower among the flowers have thorns? Only the brave would reach out to learn for themselves.
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog.
Fiore Rossi is my OC for the Primo Generation Vongola
Artist is Ginso23 from dA
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shadowgamed · 7 months
thinking about shizuka............... kind of want a (platonic) dynamic for her with seto?? solely because i like pairing together characters who rarely interact/who you would't expect to see interact and i happen to like them both a lot. that's literally the only reason AKSFJDSFKHS
also i've been brainrotting over a certain persona 3 character (redacted for spoilers) lately and now i'm thinking like. what about a concept where shizuka learns she's not actually human??? maybe she's a reaper or some sort of personified concept, or something else, i haven't decided yet. i just think... it'd be neat...
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dinrelsanddragons · 6 months
(Applicable to: Every muse except Alexander, Elise, Felicity, Fennec, and Noel. See each individual muse.)
Armok: Red dragon of Goldoa but bears a gray color scheme due to prevalent white dragon heritage. Left Goldoa many years ago and has learned to fight with Beorc weapons so as to conceal his draconic nature.
Bryn: Powerful mercenary commander in Daein during the Mad King's War, defects to Crimea after seeing Petrine order the floodgates of Talrega open.
Delphine: Isekai sent to Crimea a few years ago. Part of Greil's mercenary band, skilled thunder mage.
Erdan: Raven laguz who fled Kilvas with his husband before the blood contract took effect. Lives in Crimea, flees Melior when he sees the Daein invasion beginning the Mad King's War.
Gateni: Former commander of Daein, with a conscience, who turned on her superior and fled afterwards. Living on the run until after the Mad King's War, then seeks asylum in Crimea.
Gwyn: Former Crimean spy, long since left the court. Married to Raven. Still picks up information now and then.
Halcyon: wolf FOX laguz of Hatari, comes with Queen Nailah, Volug, and Rafiel to Tellius, but splits off at the sight of treasure.
Hubert: Knight of Crimea, fights alongside Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian to free Crimea of Daein during the Mad King's War. Unrelated to Delphine in this verse.
Isaac: Soldier of Crimea, gains some respect and renown for his abilities during the Mad King's War. Encountered in Canteus Castle along with Nephenee, Kieran, and Brom.
Lambda: Heron laguz branded like Micaiah, but not nearly as much legend is tied to her. She's a light mage as well and very skilled in healing, though she requires a staff.
Leonard: Knight of Crimea, fights alongside Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian to free Crimea of Daein during the Mad King's War.
Lita: Red dragon laguz. Left Goldoa because fuck their stance.
Thorn: Branded. Knight of Crimea, fights alongside Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian to free Crimea of Daein during the Mad King's War. His father was a knight of Daein who fled to Crimea after falling in love with a cat laguz.
Raithyon: Black dragon branded, runs a band of thieves who steal from the wealthy wherever they go, typically in Beorc countries (Begnion, Daein, Crimea). Daughters are Lambda (Adopted) and Reownha (blood). Occasionally stay in that one desert in Begnion for safety.
Raven: High-ranking knight of Crimea. Married to Gwyn. Managed to elude capture by the Daeins in the Mad King's War, fights alongside Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian.
Reownha: Black dragon branded like her father, Raithyon. Adores her slightly older adoptive sister Lambda.
Rhoam: Lion laguz of Gallia. Almost as old as Caineghis, but not related to the lion king. Might be termed a knight of Gallia, to translate to Beorc ideas.
Sandalio: Knight of Crimea, fights alongside Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian to free Crimea of Daein during the Mad King's War.
Shanz: Isekai sent to Crimea. Meets Greil during the Mad King's War. Turned into a red dragon laguz in the crossing of worlds.
Taunch: White dragon laguz. Leaves Goldoa during the war between the Laguz Alliance and Begnion, seeking to aid the Laguz Alliance after Deghinsea grudgingly allows them passage through Goldoa.
Vair: Red dragon laguz. Was part of the platoon sent to find Princess Almedha, eluded capture by the Daeins by pretending to be a Beorc for years. Was captured shortly before the Crimean army arrived in Daein Keep and was going to be sent to Crimea to be turned into a Feral One, but he was liberated just in time.
Wulf: White dragon laguz. Left Goldoa because he always follows his sister.
Wynne: Knight of Crimea, fights alongside Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian to free Crimea of Daein during the Mad King's War.
Zehka: White dragon branded. He has no idea what he is, but he's a prodigy with wind magic.
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steavia · 1 year
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HELLO beloved mutuals. it’s time for a starter call. like this and i will deliver to you one (1) lydia rodarte-quayle <3
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vaticanx · 10 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ VATICANX . .
an  INDEPENDANT,  MUTUALLY-EXCLUSIVE, Low Activity, and lightly selective:  Faith: The Unholy Trinity multimuse and ask blog . prayed  for  by  ant/toni, 20  who  can  also  be  found at @slaughtest .  OC, Multiverse, Multi-ship, Duplicate friendly. minors dni. personals are welcome here, but will not be followed back.
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A MASSIVE WARNING for extremely trigger heavy subjects, such as the following; religious heavy themes, religious trauma, arachnophobia, exorcisms, demonic possession, child endangerment, extreme body horror, emotional manipulation, satanic rituals, the occult, large cult practices, mutilation, unreality, delusions, medical malpractice, mentions of the end of the world, heavy demonic themes, and downright disgusting topics that mun will be attempting to portray properly.
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A STUDY IN: making deals with the devil, overcoming your past, reliving your trauma, the misconduct of the catholic church, priesthood, trying to run away from the inevitable, hacking and slashing evil demons, risking your life to save your loved ones, becoming an entirely new person.
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. . . below you will find the base tags. you can curate the blog's content by putting the tag in the search bar, and adding ;insert character name . just to note, gary/astaroth uses quite a lot of petnames, so let me know in ims if you are uncomfortable with that. wondering where the dossiers are? i refer you to the faith: the unholy trinity wiki for character information.
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jadebone · 6 months
anyway . . too lazy to update my carrd but available verses that u can absolutely ask about for plots / dynamics
all crime no magic (default no magic verse)
succession-esque (alternative no magic verse)
generic high fantasy / low magic (good for got/hotd/lotr/etc)
d&d / baldur's gate (high fantasy / high magic yes i have subclasses for all of them)
superpowers (based on villains ve schwab, can work w/ marvel/dc but i don't know anything sawry)
insert your favorite apocalyptic scenario here...
star wars (except i have no recollection of the media other than lightsaber go woosh)
pacific rim / mecha (except i get to into this one my bad)
canon divergences (... ask)
insert favorite espionage scenario here
ocean's 11 (or insert favorite heist / caper crew scenario here)
omniscient reader's viewpoint (so niche i am unapologetic about it though)
formula 1 (yeah uh … sorry)
idk. ask if there's something u want to do i will make it happen. i will spend hours on wikia researching if i must.
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universestreasures · 8 months
Extension / Spinoff Of This Thread With @shacchou
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The vibration from his pager in his pocket was sudden and out of nowhere, but he reacts to it as effortlessly as he did anything. Tasuku, along with Jack who was back in his card form, both move away from the other members of the Buddy Police that had gathered to arrest the criminal they both apprehended. His face shifts to one of concern as he presses the button in the center, immediately connecting the human to the youngest of the two Kaiba Brothers.
"Mokuba, are you okay?! Are you hurt at all?! What's your status?!"
"Tasuku...I'm...I'm okay. I'm not in danger or anything. I just...didn't want to contact you through...normal means."
"Oh..." He can feel his heart rate slow with that confirmation, but he still remains on edge. "Well, I'm glad you're not hurt. Didn't expect you to use the pager for a non-emergency, but that's no matter. It's clear you called me for a reason through these means. So, please. Say what you want to say. You...don't sound like yourself."
"Y-Yeah...I...I kinda have a big favor to ask of you."
"I see... Well, all you need to do is ask me, Mokuba. I'll do my best to help you in anyway I can. I promised you that the day we met, and that offer still stands now."
"Thanks, Tasuku."
The officer can hear Mokuba taking in a deep breath next. It was clear as day something was up. The way he was speaking now reminded him of how he was during the period his older brother was in a coma, when he was in agony over his brother's condition despite what Seto Kaiba had done to him. He was a caring and loving soul, Tasuku knew that much to be true.
"I...I wanted to ask if I could...stay with you for a while? I...I need some time away from my house, away from...away from..."
"You don't need to say it. I already can understand what probably happened. In any case, you're more than welcome to stay at my place for as long as you need. It's no trouble at all."
"A-Are you sure? I wouldn't...be burdening you at all? I know how busy you are with your work."
"Of course not. Friends and family are never burdens." He makes sure to emphasize that for him before continuing. "And while I'm an important part of the Buddy Police, I'm not the only officer on duty. Besides, Mr.Takihara was going to have me go on forced vacation for a few weeks now that the Rare Hunter situation is handled anyway. So, it really is no trouble at all."
Ruby hues widen once the sounds of sobbing reach his ears. The sounds of crying where among his least favorite noises, but not because he found it irritating. Crying often was a signal someone was in pain. Pain was a form of suffering, and as someone who wanted to rid the world, especially children, of suffering, hearing it made his heart ache and his ranger towards his assumed source of it grow.
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"How...How dare he..."
The thoughts echo in his mind as he clenches his free hand, it shaking in his righteous anger. Seto Kaiba was already someone he didn't exactly like for several reasons, but to think he'd do something again to hurt his brother after the stunt he pulled at Death-T? Did he really learn nothing after almost losing everything?
Whenever he runs into that bastard again, he's going to give him a personal taste of Tasuku's own brand of justice. No one, no matter who you are or what the circumstances, should treat the only family they cherish in such a horrible way. He didn't even need to know the full details to know just how bad the situation was. Mokuba's tears he can hear through the speaker spoke volumes.
"It's going to be alright, Mokuba. I'm going to help you get through whatever it is that's troubling you. Just stay strong until I see you, okay? Know you're not alone."
"...T-Thank...T-Thank you...C-Can we meet at...the park?"
"Sure, no problem. Jack and I will meet you there. He can carry you back to my place. You did say you always wanted to fly on a dragon, right?" Jack normally wouldn't be too comfortable carrying someone on his back, but considering the circumstances, even Tasuku knows his Buddy wouldn't turn this down. The dragon cared for the young boy just as he did, after all.
"Mhmm. S-See you soon."
"See you soon. Be careful."
The transmission ends and his hand falls to his side. His teeth gritt in frustration, his breaths almost sounding like a dragon's growl. Despite his politeness and warm smile he tried to maintain as a part of his professionalism, he was still a rather emotional person. He felt thing so intensely, so deeply, that they threatened to consume his actions. And his emotions right now were screaming at him to go down to the Kaiba Mansion and personally give Seto Kaiba a piece of his mind.
It's at that moment when he feels a warmth and sees a glow coming from his chest. Tasuku knows right away it was his Buddy calling out to him, no doubt sensing his emotions. He puts his hand over the pocket where Jack's card was stored, closing his eyes as he moves to communicate with him telepathically.
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"Tasuku... I understand your feelings toward the situation. You are not wrong to feel how you do. Your righteous heart of justice always cries out at the suffering of others, especially those you are close to. However, if you wish to truly help your friend with the emotional troubles he is facing, then you must calm yourself first. If you are consumed by your anger, then you won't be able to help anyone. Your friend is counting on you right now. Do you understand what I am saying?"
In situations like this, Jack really acted like his own consciousness. Everything he was saying was absolutely correct. Getting upset now would not help the situation. It would probably make it worse than anything. Mokuba was his priority right now, not his brother. All his focus should be put into making sure the younger Kaiba was safe and taken care of. In a way, he's to assume the role of an older brother for the time being, the role at this very moment Tasuku thought Seto Kaiba didn't deserve at this moment. And it's a role he will not fail at for the sake of his friend who reached out to him desperately, a friend who needed him and wanted his aid.
He would not fail.
"I...I understand, Jack. I know what must be done." He takes a deep breath then, trying to steel himself before he makes his next move. Tasuku reaches into his pocket to remove his Buddy's cards, holding it up into the air as he prepares for their departure. "Let's go to work."
With that, Jack's card glows, the dragon manifesting in his mini-form before the human. Tasuku grabs his deckcase, the Star Pulsar, from his pocket and shows it to the other. The red gem in the yellow case's center resonates with a golden glow of Jack's eyes, the deckcase eventually transforming into its true form, that of a yellow drone with four points sticking out of it.
The technological voice from his device is soon followed by a light burst of wind as Jack's Buddy Skill makes itself known. Two green rings appear at the boy's heels, their power causing him to start floating in the air. Once airborne, he wastes no time flying straight into the clouds towards his destination, with Jack soaring at his side.
It is during this flight that he informs his legal guardian of the situation. Mr.Takihara, being the kind of person he was, had a soft spot for children. So, of course he was okay with the idea. Tasuku had his own apartment joined with his, anyway. It was up to him how he managed the one-bedroom space. He gave the boy that kind of trust as if he were an adult.
Within minutes, the pair made it to the park. They sit on a nearby bench as they wait for the younger Kaiba to appear, Tasuku getting anxious as the minutes pass. Would he get there safely? Should he have just gotten him? What if he got mugged on the way here? All these thoughts rushed through his mind, and he was debating about going, until he hears footsteps approach and Mokuba comes into view at long last.
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"Hey, Mokuba. Glad you got here safe."
He offers the young boy a warm smile he hopes will offer him some comfort and relief. Ruby hues observe the other's response, Mokuba providing only a small nod. The bag he was carrying with him was quickly noticed as well. Seems he brought things with him. Good. It be difficult to be away from home without some of your personal items, after all.
"Got everything you-"
Mokuba then approaches the Buddy Police Boy Wonder, Tasuku remaining still as he watches on. It is then that Mokuba slowly moves up his hands until they find themselves wrapped around the older boy's waist, the other's head resting on his shoulder pad. Before he can make a response, he freezes in place at the all too painful sound of crying reaching his ears for the second time tonight.
Tasuku responds soon enough, wrapping his own arms around the boy and providing gentle pats on his back. This is not his first go around comforting a crying child. It was something he, unfortunately, had plenty of experience with, considering his line of work. Children were often targets of game-related crimes, but that was part of why he did what he did, to protect those who could not protect themselves. It was his life's mission and one he continues to get stronger for.
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"Mokuba...Don't worry. It's all going to be alright. Have faith in me, Jack, and your friends to help you. We'll be right there by your side to help you through this. I promise."
His grip on the boy tightens slightly then, a physical confirmation of his promise. He was going to care for Mokuba as if he were his brother, just as he would do for Gao or any of his friends should they need it. The selfless boy who was too desperate to become an adult would always shoulder the burden of those around him, being their rock when they needed it most...even at the cost of himself.
"Now, let's get going. You must be exhausted after everything." The Buddy Police officer speaks up once he hears the sound of the sobbing decrease, gently letting go of Mokuba and directing him towards Jack who was now in his true form. He lowers his body to the ground, allowing Mokuba to climb on his back safely. Tasuku will be sure to thank Jack for allowing this to happen, considering he was not a fan of being ridden.
Once secured, the three then soar into the air and into the clouds, leaving the town of Domino behind for the neighboring city of Cho-Tokyo, a place where Seto Kaiba had no power in. Hopefully, this change of scenery would help his friend recover from the emotional wounds inflicted on him, wounds that he should have never been inflicted on one so young, so innocent...like Mokuba Kaiba.
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sonxofxgondor · 1 year
@rangers-are-cool \\ Taken from here.
For a moment, Hal wasn't completely sure who Boromir was talking to. Having a high pain tolerance tended to work against her, for it meant she didn't notice injuries unless it was either pointed out or bleeding. In this case, his question made her do a check and a inhale made where she was hurting obvious. "Right side, just below my ribs. I can't tell how bad it is as I can't feel the pain."
They were friends of Aragorn. United under the same banner, bled for the same cause, forever to be as one in name and creed. Never had Boromir seen such a group as they, so loyal and true. Not since before the dark days that rotted the lands once beautiful. Comparable almost to the knights and noble people of Gondor, passionate and proud even when the odds seemed most unlikely, the Gray Company were goodness and greatness come to life. No mere tale were they, the stories found in the pages of children's books and old nursery rhymes. There they stood on the vast hills on the outside boarders of Minas Tirith. Statues of men, granite and unafraid, no one member less respected or honored than the next. Boromir was thankful for them all. Aragorn and the whole band, Hal and her ways of wonder, too.
Hal was a most unexpected participant in the whole scheme. Silence that did not use the hand of trickery, a friend who spoke little but did much in action and purpose. She could rival Legolas in the game of arrows. Nearly outsmarted Boromir in the play of strength, a dagger proved just as powerful as the sword, smaller but not so weak. None from the other side could have suspected her talents. Orcs unaware just as much as their masters, she was the hidden key that the entire Fellowship depended upon. Would be reason for Frodo and Sam to make it as far as they could in their journey - defense that was needed in every way - calmness that would prevent further storms. Always was she several steps ahead of everyone else. Thinking beyond what was before them all, taking the extra miles needed, adventuring into the unknown even when there was none beside her.
And that was just what she did shortly after the breakfast meal had commenced. Gone off into the woods in search - alone but not so - Boromir's shadow just a few paces behind hers. When the minutes passed into almost an hour of time, Hal not returned to the group's basecamp when she was most expected to. Boromir had to go and find her. And found her he did, tangled in roots and leaves and the green of trees, wounded and hurt.
"Hal!" Boromir cried as he knelt next to her, the food in his belly still warm and barely savored on his tongue. "What happened? Has someone done this to you?"
Fingertips pressed against her side, into the blood and the bone, Boromir inspected all that could be seen, fear a horrible mask upon his face. "Don't worry, I am here. I will help you. Come, friend. Stand on your feet, if you are able. I will carry you back to camp. You'll be okay. I'll let no further harm come to you, I promise!"
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