kazunari-0321 · 11 months
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2023.07.24(mon) out
今作は、AMEBA BLOGおよびlivedoor Blogにて公開しております。お好きな媒体でお楽しみください。
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amethystpenguin · 2 months
Prince's Ramble - Just me rambling bout stuff
Amelist - My lists of stuff, like characters or stories
Ameblog - My reblogs!
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annaratna · 5 years
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ryohaice-blog · 6 years
Speaking of Summer
2018-08-05 21:53:11
I’m SKE48 Team S Leader Kitagawa Ryouha, 19 years old, who loves ice cream very much.
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Yay, I got to wear it. Me in Yukata💓
It looks mature It’s my favorite one、、、♪
Yesterday I got to participate in SAKAE Nouryou Bon Odori Festival!! It’s my first time danced at Bon Odori Festival! It’s fun as I got to dance together with everyone. If there’s one next year, I would love to join again😋💓 I put my hair in a braids💇‍♀️ What do you think?
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And today I got to perform at TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2018 !!! 💓 Every year the weather is hot, but the fans are very passionate Best time ever 😋😋😋 I felt it’s different compare to our usual concert, those fans who came to it are not the usual faces too It feels a little bit unique. And it’s fun~~~😊🍉
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Took a photo with SatoKaho😊💓 She’s cute
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I felt very hot after the performance. I swept back my hair and hang around.. hehe I can do it because my fringe is long. It’s fine since I like it💓💓
You all should try it too And tomorrow it’s the Mihama Kaiyuusai which I have been waiting for a long time!!! Finally, it’s here!!!(^O^) Without Mihama Kaiyuusai , it doesn’t feel like summer at all!!
Compare to the past years, this year is very hot. Everyone, please make sure you are well prepared for the heat!! Promise me!!! Your health is the most important. Your health is the most important thing😋😋💓
For those who didn’t get the ticket, you can watch it from outside of the venue too Please bring your friends along and come to the performance!!!
When it’s getting closer to sunset, the penlights will shine brighter and I like it very much 😊💙💜 It’s really beautiful✨
This year, I hope I can see a scenery that shine brighter than last year!!!
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SKE48 Team S Leader Kitagawa Ryouha
P.S. What kind of hairstyle should I go for tomorrow? What’s your suggestion ?
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yuzuyuzuyuzuho · 6 years
Shop visiting & Surprise
2018-11-28 20:27:11
I’m SKE48 Team KII’s Hidaka Yuzuki. Thanks for your likes and comments😊 Today I was running for a lot of activities since morning🎶 After the recording was over, we went to visit various shops😊✨
This time, we went to Tower Records Aeon Laketown branch,
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Tsutaya Aeon Laketown brach,
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Tower Records Akihabara branch,
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Softmap AKIBA branch No.1
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These 4 shops.
We signed on the posters and took polaroid. Please check it out 👀💗 As we get to visit the shop who always take care of us very well, I can feel the warmth from them☺️ They handmade Pop sticker for us, Decorated our corner beautifully, And a lot of other things too. We will do our best too and hope they will continue to support us from now on too✨
And yesterday, the surprise announcement! I only know about it today too! Freaky big surprise!! (LOL)
Abema TV Yagu Fest Live which will happen on December 2nd, I will be performing at the second slot of the special dance stage!!! The surprise came so sudden! I was lost too for a sec But I’m very happy about it. Given such fantastic opportunity, I will do my best⭐️ Makiko-san will be there too right?! That’s very reassuring!! The lineup of artists who will be performing on the same stage is quite awesome too I think it will become a fantastic stage!! Everyone, I will be happy if you all be kind with us😊 I have to polish my dance skill further… I will do my best🔥 !!
Seems like Yagu Fest this year is going to be a fun one too🤤💓 I’m not saying that I’m going to enjoy it personally too ya know?? My favourite Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu-chan A member of Lyrical school-san who I’m close with… I don’t want to….No I want to watch their performance😭😭😭
SKE48 who will be performing at the 2nd slot, on the stage with SKE48 colors, Please look forward to it🎶
This post is getting lengthy. I shall stop here today. Thanks for reading my blog 😊🎀
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aonodreamland · 7 years
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Musical CHaCK-UP~Episode 0~ !!
Yamato looks sleepy XD
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From TERUs blog: Lots of photos from 10th Anniversary live at Toyosu PIT (23th June) Part 2
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kankan-mikan · 7 years
AnchanBlog 2015.08.07 (´꒳`) All my fantastic partners from Teekyuu. Part 1
Date,08.07 【Bonus chapter! “The strongest! A block of impact”】
Hi everyone, how are you |ω`)。 Inami Anju here.
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The other day, we successfully completed the last day of Stage Play Edition “Teekyu”.
And so, today, I’ll be blogging about my off-shots with everyone else and a bit about what we talked about. Yup (∩´∀`)∩
(I’ll be splitting it into about 3 parts and I’ll update them as and when)
I’ve got lots of thoughts about the play! And…we’ll be starting! Zundokoberoncho!!*
(TL Note: As far as I can find, what Anchan wrote ( ずんどこぉーべろーんちょッッ ) is the title of a TV drama that was aired as part of the TV show, “Yonimo kimyou na monogatari” in 1990 and recently re-aired. As far as I know, the title doesn’t mean anything. If I made a huge mistake here in missing any cultural references, please do let me know ;_;)
First we have this person here!
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Everyone’s favourite mum, Honami Yuki-san, acting as “Bandou Moriko”!
She always checks on my dance movements and explains in a simple and polite way, and whenever she’s by my side, it always feels sooo much more enjoyable and cheerful. She’s also taught me a bunch of things via trial and error. I look forward to the next time we’re able to perform in a play or anything else together (*ノωノ)
Moving on…!
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Being able to make an impact just by appearing on stage! Hehe. We have Tadashi-san, acting as Yucatan!
Ahh well, I love her so much because she’s so interesting, lol If you ask her to “please do a short comedy skit”, she’d actually do it for our laughs! (Tadashi-san would often support me by cooling me down using her hand fan during the brief periods that Yuri would go backstage. I’m really thankful.) She’s a really nice person, just like Yucatan.
Next up--!
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This has a certain significance. The strongest combo - Yuuki-san acting as Mouke Taizou and Chuune-san acting as the Assistant! I learnt a lot from Mouke-san about the feeling of being disgusted. Lol.
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Yup! Yuuki-san is also another person who’d fire a salvo of gags at you…I’ll give him 3 points for that!! Lol
Chuune-san of course is acting as the Assistant, but is also acting as another character at the same time. Even under normal circumstances, there would be many things to be uneasy and worried about when playing an original character, He was able to quickly change characters extremely well, and successfully accomplish it! I really liked the tsukkomi line, “Don’t you think it’s an experience as unbelievable as sleep paralysis?”. Lol
Well, finally….
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As the name itself suggests, it’s someone who’s really impactful!!  Maririn acting as Sakai Gonzaburou!
She’s really something, she’s really awesome in all kinds of ways. Even though she looks so cute in this photo, when Maririn fuses with Sakai-kun, she’s the strongest! Our viewpoints are very similar, so we shared much laughter together, heh
I’m laughing so much just recalling all these things (´ω`*) Somehow, it’s making me really cheerful.
Truly, I’d like to thank everyone for all your help!!!
I wonder what I should feature next time… Please look forward to it!!
Tags: ~ActoGraph~ Stage Plays
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absolutebearings · 6 years
When he sees her for the first time, Kaidan almost doesn't recognize the woman he loves beneath the tubes and plaster binding together her broken bones. The respirator beeps weakly at her side; brief pulses of light that flash across the monitor marking her stubborn heart's refusal to quit, and he might have taken comfort in that had he not seen what her stubbornness is capable of. Her thin chest does not seem capable of capturing breath. How brittle her bones look, in this sterile, airless place.
He pulls up a chair so that his knees press against the bed and takes her freezing hand in his own. Had they always been so small? He remembers those hands as they were in her last life, clutched around the barrel of a pistol, steady and sure as stone. He remembers how strong her voice was, booming across the battlefield, loud enough to be heard even above the Reapers. That is the woman he knows, not this broken creature bound together from incongruous pieces, slivers of what he remembers battling with what he sees.
It's funny how fear sharpens love into something feral.
The doctors fill the air around them with meaningless words: 'touch and go' 'could go either way' 'not out of the woods yet.' But when he leans over her, his hands reaching to brush away her hair before remembering that it's been burned away, he marvels that there is still a place on her body untouched by burns and lacerations, by brokenness.
When he whispers "Shepard," he almost convinces himself that the monitor beside her pauses, as if listening. As if waiting for him to speak again.
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maltdrawings · 6 years
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Life and death decisions
Many years after the end of the war Dan is always feeling guilty for his friends who have lost their life during the war. He thinks that he’s the only responsible for this.
I hope you’ll like it and have a nice day :D
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kazunari-0321 · 11 months
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★★★ Information ★★★
2023.07.24(mon) out
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inquartata30 · 6 years
I wrote a thing!
Original Asari Character/Lexi T’Perro fic inspired by this prompt from @g-ameblog
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isayoldbean · 7 years
Evangeline A.K McDowell
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | she’s trapped in a 10 year old body i’m not rating her hotness level (her yukihime form in uq holder is a 10/10 tho. and i’m normally not even attracted to blondes.)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (i’m saying this because of all her speeches about the importance of ambition but i’m actually not 100% sold on this, so like. if anybody wants to discuss it i’m up for it.)best quality: the fact that she’s one of the most powerful people in the negima-verse, that she got cursed to be stuck repeating middle school for the rest of her life because it was the worst punishment nagi could think of at the time, the fact that she takes herself so seriously and has such a high opinion of herself that she leaves herself wide open for humiliation by a bunch of school children on a regular basis, the fact that she acts like she hates everybody but she Really Cares about them in her own 600 year old immortal way. like... basically everything tbh?worst quality: she’s a shitwagon (i mean. that’s actually one of my favorite things about her but still)ship them with: i don’t like actually actually ship her with anybody because of the weird age thing she has going on but she has really great chemistry with both asuna and setsuna tbh. also that whole The Only One I Respect Is Satsuki Yotsuba speech lmao, i’m for itbrotp them with: i like the way her relationship with chachamaru develops into an almost motherly one. it’s cute, and it also highlights the fact that she’s older than she looks.needs to stay away from: chasing after the springfield dick has never worked out well for her she probably should Cool It tbhmisc. thoughts: she was the first character i fell in love with in the manga, and her arc was the one where i sat up and said ‘oh, this is still kinda gross fanservicey harem stuff but i’m really starting to see the potential of where this could go,’ so. thanks eva for convincing me to hang in there and see it through. you’re the reason i wound up reading this whole incredible manga and letting it change my life.
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ryohaice-blog · 6 years
Special Blog
2018-07-30 21:18:57
I’m SKE48 Team KII’s Takeuchi Saki (´-`*) I will present you a special blog features Ryouha 🐰💗
Today I drank Tapioka with Ryouha.
We had a date.
We were joking around~~~
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We ate some delicious foods too
After we went back…
We were getting hyped while talking about this topic 💗
Extra note: The topic she talked about was “ if they were to be reborn, they want to become Tapioka -_- And what kind of Tapioka they want to become...”
By the way, we are going to enjoy ourselves after this😘
Ah! Right! Lately, a lot of people asked us “If we are a couple, who is the boyfriend and who is the girlfriend?”
If we ARE dating each other, most likely I’m the boyfriend and Ryouha is the girlfriend 💗
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aonodreamland · 7 years
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CHaCK-UP and CHaCK-UP Friends! in Nagoya
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suwabe-is-king · 3 years
Hola, tengo una pequeña duda sobre Suwade-san, he leído un aviso en su blog sobre el re-postear fotos. ¿Aplica también para su material subido a redes sociales? Quiero de ir ¿ÉL alguna vez ha dicho que le moleste o que no se deba, porque en todo caso les pone marca de agua.
Hello, I am replying in English because I don’t speak Spanish. I used Google Translate to understand your message, so I might have misunderstood some things on accident. ‘^^
The post you mention is specifically about Suwabe-san’s Twitter and AmeBlog posts, but I think it is best to apply it to all of his own social media. Even though there is a watermark on him, he does not want it reposted. So it is best to use a link to his own post. (posts by other accounts that feature him should be okay to repost, I think)
The post is very old however, and I have not been active on this blog nor in following Suwabe-san’s social media in a few years now. So this information might be outdated. It is probably still safer to just post links instead of reuploading though. I hope that answered your question!
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