#Amir Tsarfati
jesuslivingwater · 8 months
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signum-mortis · 11 months
"From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" - A call to eliminate Israel and all the Jews in it.
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imintheleaves · 1 year
Paul said this season of our existence where we are forever with the Lord begins in a moment and twinkling of an eye. So as we endure the perilous times in which we live, while we are stunned at evil being called good and good evil, while we watch in disbelief the redefining of truth and replacement of facts with feelings, remember, one day will be the day of our transition into a life of forever being with the Lord. We’ll meet him in the air, we’ll come back when He does to the Mount of Olives, we’ll see Him fight as He fights in the day of battle, we’ll rule with Him for a thousand years, and we’ll live death, tear, sorrow, crying, and pain free forever and ever in a city whose builder and maker is God!
Amir Tsarfati
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aestariiwilderness · 1 month
Jew-Hatred in Canada
Be careful please!
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garymillar · 1 month
There is never a wrong time to pray. Was God faithful? Praise Him through prayer. Realized you've blown it? Pray your heartfelt confession to Him, assured of His forgiveness. Claiming one of His promises? Pray a reminder to Him of His words. You don't do this because you're worried He has forgotten His commitment. Instead, when you pray His words to Him, you are stating your faith in His faithfulness. These prayers can take place anytime and anywhere, by yourself or with anyone joining in.
Amir Tsarfati with Rick Yohn
Discovering Daniel
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heartforchrist · 1 year
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marlyn08 · 1 year
amor es todo 🥰🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗❤
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by Amir Tsarfati | Shalom from beautiful Galilee! There are some weeks when there is not much going on in the world. Then there are others that, when you come to the end of the seven days, you sit back and say, “Whew! What in the world is going on?” That is how I feel as this seven-day cycle coming to a close...
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hiswordsarekisses · 4 months
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Amir Tsarfati posted this on Facebook about Cadillac Ranch. It is a “famous public art installation and sculpture in Amarillo, Texas which is repainted many times. It now has been repainted in support for Israel!”
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fireplaytx · 8 months
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jesuslivingwater · 11 months
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gam3rsuar5sr3x · 4 months
From the telegram page of amir tsarfati. I may be late if I am but still.
Happy birthday and independence day isreal.
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Isreal is gods chosen nation Palestine and Hamas are trying to wipe all Jewish people off the planet, but, they won't succeed, hamas and Palestine will loose big time.
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lordandtiffany · 1 year
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• The Holy Bible is real news, Biblical prophecies are today's news headlines!•  Keep a repentant and sincere heart. 
• Seek the Lord while He may be found. (Isaiah 55:6-7)• Salvation through Jesus Christ is for all people. Jesus Christ loves and died for ALL ethnicities. He does not esteem one ethnic group over another. The Lord looks at the heart, not the outward appearance... · "... For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." -1 Samuel 16:7 · "For there is no respect of persons with God." -Romans 2:11
• I believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) 
• I do not rely on preachers and teachers to spoon-feed me Biblical scripture; I study the Holy Bible/Biblical Scripture for myself ("Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -2 Timothy 2:15). What I've studied and stored in my heart is continuously with me. 
• Although I do not depend on or expect ‘preachers and teachers’ to spoon-feed me God’s Word, I am grateful for and respect Holy Ghost-filled and knowledgeable Christian leaders (e.g. pastors, ministers, teachers, etc.) Specifically: David Wilkerson, Emery Moss, George William Bogle Sr., G. Craige Lewis, George Bogle, Derek Prince, R.D. Henton, Charles Lawson, Dr. Kent Hovind, Amir Tsarfati, Jack Van Impe, Jacob Prasch, John Haller, etc. 
• You need to understand why and what you believe. (*It is ok to ask sincere questions.) 
• Modern-day ‘Pharisees’ do exist. Pharisees are religious judgmental hypocritical individuals; They are NOT real Christians! Too many fake so-called 'Christians' pretend to love the Lord and people but their actions and the way they live their lives are contrary to what they say they believe. 
• Going to church doesn’t automatically make someone a Christian. There are many snakes and wolves that attend church services.
• Seeking Jesus Christ should always be a personal choice.
• Do NOT be lukewarm. (Revelation 3:15-16)
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As long as you are alive you have a chance to repent and seek Jesus. He is the ONLY (and eternal) hope in this lost and dying world. Jesus loves us and wants us all to be right with Him.
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PS.: There is an agenda bigger than being 💉ed or un💉. It is about CONTROL! No matter what political leaders, media or 'influencers' say, freedom of choice is important (those who think otherwise aren't intelligent!).
Life as we know it will never be the same. 'Normal' is never coming back (and it has nothing to do with a pandemic.) The 2020 pandemic was used as a springboard to bring forth a NWO (as described in Biblical scripture).
If you know, you know. If you don't know, I hope you wake up to what is truly occurring.
*TiffNote: This post in its entirety was originally posted circa 2021 via my Facebook page.
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waynecowles · 2 days
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garymillar · 4 months
Daniel and his friends couldn't accomplish their mission lounging in the comfort of the Jerusalem palace. In the same way, there are times when God needs to move us around or shake us up a bit to ensure we are perfectly staged to accomplish His will. Often, we don't understand what God is doing or why. Usually it is only when we look back, in hindsight, that we can make sense of the difficult times.
Amir Tsarfati
Discovering Daniel
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aestariiwilderness · 10 days
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