#Amy Rain
ratrrriot · 1 year
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little comic based on that one line Sonic might say when it rains in Frontiers. (you know the one).
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scarlet-flowers · 2 years
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The Owl House - Gallery Nucleus 
See more images here.  Links to some of the full pieces here, here, and here.
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PINK is the new black ► 🎀👚🩰🌸🍷💗 Rock and Metal Ladies edition (#MetalMonday)
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omegasunburst · 10 months
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isabelleneville · 1 year
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Day Three: Favourite Costume Design - Becoming Elizabeth (designed by Bartholomew Cariss)
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gettheglambulance · 4 months
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Commission for @fredfredmountain
Amy Gaga and Neo Metal Grande fell through a cun+y portal and have been teleported to Planet Chromatica! I wonder if they'll be able to stomp their ways back to Mobius in those big platforms 🤔
I meant to post this like a month ago, but I've been so busy that I totally forgot! I've been using any free time that I DO HAVE to play the Apollo Ace Attorney Trilogy remake; just started AA5! (why did they have to make Phoenix's 3D model so cute)
Anyway, this was a lot of fun to work on! I love Metal Sonic (best character) and Amy together. The commissioner for this piece was also very nice and clear with what they wanted; it was great working with them.
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keysmanydudes · 7 months
found this in my notes when did I get this funny
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bonus amy
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ninebaalart · 5 months
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Amy and Surge
two very different goals for two very different girls
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hiya-itsamber · 1 year
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siryyeet · 1 month
Deutschland ohne Bayern
Ist ein Witz den ich jetzt zur eigenen Belustigung auf Landkarten übertrage:
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Na ja also ich find den Umriss von Deutschland jetzt echt scheiße (Österreich hat jetzt n Hut :3) :\ Aber wieso auch Franken und Schwaben gleich mitverurteilen?
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Wir trennen die ab und dann schenken wir Österreich, Bayern. Österreich sieht jetzt aus wie n betrunkener Vogel der gegen ne Laterne geflogen ist D: Jetzt ne Frage nur...
Wenn ich mehrer Umfragen in einem Post machen könnte, würde ich direkt fragen, was da die Hauptstadt wäre :D
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Hello, I like the stories you create, especially the one about Bloodbound. Can you create a story about Adrian Raines, MC, and Zuri again? Thank you!
Hi darling! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm truly happy you enjoy them! And... Omg, it's like you read my mind! I just finished this piece of them and let me tell you, be ready for an overdose of cuteness! lol (Or at least that it's how it felt while writing it!) I just love them together! Here hoping you enjoy it!
First birthday
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Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC x OC Zuri (their daughter)
Warning: Just a tiny bit of angst but fluff fluff fluff!
Words: 1.133
As always, tagging in the reblog!
Amy turned around on the bed, surprised to see the absence of Adrian's arm around her and his side of the bed empty. She hadn't heard the baby monitor go off so she knew Zuri hadn't disturbed his sleep. She stood up and walked towards the baby's room first. When she pushed open the ajar door, a little smile blossomed on her face, watching Adrian attentively looking at their little girl. She tip-toed up to him and hugged his waist from behind, kissing his nape.
"Is she okay? I didn't hear her cry." Amy whispered as he turned, holding her back and kissing her forehead.
"She's fine, love. I woke up and took the opportunity to check on her." 
"And you? Do you feel alright?" 
"Everything is just perfect." She studied him for a bit before gently cupping his cheek, making him look at her. Zuri's first birthday would be in a couple of days and Amy was pretty sure what was going on in his mind.
"We are okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to her. Or me." Adrian paused for a moment with a serious expression, before sighing, his shoulders slumped a little and his brows knitting together. 
"It scares me to think that history repeats itself. To lose everything I love again."
"It won't." She knew that he had lost his son just a few days after his first birthday.
 "I will mentally torture anyone that even tries to touch her." His hands squeezed her involuntarily. "They can ask Gaius how that feels." He quietly chuckled, a bit of tension smoking away from him. "I promised you, when I woke up, that you will never lose me again. Let me add something to that promise." Their eyes fixed to each other, intensely and profoundly. "You are not going to lose her either, Adrian."
"It just… You two are everything to me." His voice was low but filled with emotion, directing his gaze back at Zuri, still asleep in her crib. "My whole world." 
"Do you trust me?" He turned to her, surprised at the question.
"You know I trust you more than anyone or anything, Amy." 
"Then trust me when I say that nothing bad is going to happen." 
"I'll try, my love." She brushed his cheek with her lips before detangling from his hold. "But it's not easy…"
"Of course it's not. But you have to try." Slowly and tenderly, she lifted Zuri from the crib, careful to not wake her, leaning her on her shoulder. Her little arms rested on her chest, her mouth slightly open while Amy gently patted her back. "You deserved to enjoy every second with her, to not be worried or scared." He kissed Zuri's small head.
"Believe me, I am." Careful to not disturb the baby, he sweetly took Amy's lips with his. "I love you, my eternity."
"Almost eleven years together and you still sound as cheesy as the first time." She said with a little smirk as he silently chuckled and leaned his head against hers. "I love you too, handsome."
"As if you don't like it." Adrian winked at her.
"Of course I do. I mean, there's a reason I married you." Zuri moved against her causing Amy to tighten her hold a little more. "Let's go back to bed. This lady can sleep with us for a few days." She moved to the door, quietly walking to their bedroom, Adrian turned off the dim light and followed her. Carefully, she lowered Zuri's tiny frame onto the bed, laying her down in the space between them. Amy smiled at her as she caressed her cheek with the back of her finger, getting comfortable beside her. "Having her in our lives still amazes me sometimes.”
"I know the feeling. She's positively extraordinary." He gently and protectively rested his hand on her belly, his thumb stroking her tummy below the soft light pink onesie with the print of a joystick and the quote 'Player 3 has joined the game' that Lily had given her. Amy moved her finger, leading it inside the tiny loose fist, holding her hand, and kissed the side of her head until she fell asleep once more, her face almost touching Zuri's. 
Adrian stood awake a long time, simply observing them, hearing their steady heartbeats and the soothing rhythm of their breathing. He knew Amy was right, after all it had been years since something dangerous had happened to them but no matter how hard he tried, the uneasiness was still there. Zuri gave a little kick with her right leg and he smiled at her. When they had decided to start the adoption process, he knew he would love them no matter what but he hadn't expected it would be this much. At that time, he had noticed how worried Amy had been for him, trying not to make him feel they were replacing his first family. And he loved her for that, even more than he already did.
Zuri's cry called his attention. He picked her up, activating the bottle warmer with the remote, going to the kitchen so Amy could keep sleeping. He checked her diaper just in case but it was completely clean. 
"Sh sh, beautiful. It's almost done." He rocked her a bit, waiting the last two minutes until the bottle was ready, kissing her forehead. He took the bottle, offering it to her, smiling when she vigorously drank it, her bright eyes glued at him. "You and your mom are equally enthusiastic about food." Her gulps continued like that for a little while, becoming gradual until it finally stopped. Adrian left the almost empty bottle in the sink and gently leaned her over his shoulder, clapping her back softly, waiting for her burp. The little belch echoed in the kitchen, making him smile, and wiped her mouth with the towel he was holding. He gently lay her over his arm, calmly passing around, until her eyelids flushered, beginning to close again. "Time for bed, little angel." He returned to the bedroom, grinning at Amy profoundly asleep. By the time he sat her down on the mattress, her cute snores had begun again. He took the hem of the cover and pulled it up, making sure that neither of them were cold. As he looked at them he thought of all the years of darkness and pain, all the times that he had felt empty or lost. Of course he would never forget those years but… If it meant being this incredibly happy again, he would definitely go through all that again. Because they are definitely worth it. As his own eyelids started to close, a smile curved his lips up, noticing how Amy's finger, somehow, was in Zuri's grasp again.
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mothcpu · 1 year
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scans (now with natural slugcat flavor)
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burnttoawst · 11 months
doodles i cant function today
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im not done with raine yet
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thosehallowedhalls · 2 months
The Sock Giveaway
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Book: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x Amy O'Connell (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: 407
Summary: When Adrian finds Amy wearing her comfort socks, he knows she's in need of comforting.
A/N: For @lovealexhunt, who gave me the prompt mountain, cookie, socks. Day nine of my 30 days of drabbles.
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When he walks into the apartment, he sees that she’s wearing her comfort socks.
He’s instantly alarmed. Amy only breaks out this particular pair (thick, fuzzy, bright pink) when something has gone awry. A quick glance at the coffee table increases his concern: she’s also broken out her emergency cookie stash and whipped up a cup of hot chocolate.
“Oh no. What happened?”
From her position on the couch, she gives him a lazy wave. “Hey babe.”
He walks to her and sits on the floor facing her, his suit be damned. “Talk to me.”
She sighs and looks away. “My interview was today.”
“Did it go badly?”
“They were nice about it, but… I could tell it was a formality.”
“No, I know the signs.” She laughs, a hollow sound that makes Adrian’s heart ache. “I’ve seen them often enough by now.”
“You know Raines Corporation would be happy to…”
“No.” Her eyes take on the stubborn sheen he knows so well. “I never should have stayed on as long as I did. I can’t date you and work for you.”
“You’ll find a new job in no time. You’re the vampire who took down Rheya Apostoulos. I’m surprised nobody has snapped you up yet.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not applying for a job slaying 3000-year-old vampires. I’m applying for an assistant job, and everyone knows I’m dating my last boss. Employers don’t exactly trust the veracity of my references.” She tugs at a loose thread on her blanket. “I think some people wonder if the reason I’m not still working for you is that you fired me.”
“If that’s truly the case, they’re idiots. You don’t want to work for an idiot.”
“At this point, I think I want to work for anyone who’ll have me. I knew finding a new job might be hard, but not climbing-a-mountain hard.”
“Amy, I hate seeing you like this.”
“Eh, I’ll get over it. But.” She raises her chin. “I get to wallow today.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
He knows she’s feeling better when the mischievous sparkle he adores leaps to her eyes. “Weeeelllll…”
“Oh no. I know that tone. You want me to…”
“Watch Pride and Prejudice with me?”
Adrian groans. “I walked right into that one, didn’t I? Fine. But no commentary on how I’m 'a total Mr. Darcy’, whatever that means.”
Amy grins. “No promises.”
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cvasquez · 5 months
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Some of my favorite ladies of Metal/Rock 1. Amy Lee (Evanescence) 2. Maria Brink (In This Moment) 3. Lena Scissorhands (Infected Rain) 4. Lzzy Hale (Halestorm) 5. Slymenstra Hymen (GWAR) 6. Reba Meyers (Code Orange) 7. Ash Costello (New Years Day) 8. Morgan Lander (Kittie)
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jichulichu · 6 months
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assorted fandom doodles
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