#Amy Siemetz
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scifipinups · 2 years
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Amy Siemetz as Kris in “Upstream Color”, 2013
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academiaipromise · 11 months
stop saying the idol’s episode count got cut down i am sick and tired of this. you can hate the show (i do) and not spread misinformation.
the series had a six episode order from hbo when amy siemetz was showrunner. it was cut to five in 2022 (in production! a year ago!) when siemetz was ousted and sam levinson came in. none of the idol is what was initially ordered/conceived by amy siemetz. 
hate the show accurately good lord. 
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Wild Nights With Emily
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I will go out of my way to see almost anything with lesbians in it, but when I saw the pedigree of this film - Molly Shannon! Bert Gelman! Emily Dickinson doing gay shit! - I was even more excited than Normal Lesbian Level. Wild Nights With Emily is a frame narrative set in 1880 Amherst, MA, after Emily Dickinson’s death. Family friend (and mistress of Emily’s brother) Mabel Loomis Todd (Amy Seimetz) is detailing the life of Dickinson (Molly Shannon) and reading some of her poems which she and Emily’s brother put together and published after her death - with some major omissions. Namely, that Emily and her sister-in-law, Susan (Susan Ziegler) were lovers for virtually their entire lives, from their early teen years until Emily’s death. Was this the gay feminist English major wet dream I was hoping for? Well...
Essentially, yes. Both Dickinson and her poems are treated with tender care, shown in all their brilliant, tempestuous, difficult, passionate glory. 
Some thoughts:
Young Emily and Susan are so sweet and tender together.
“A plain woman can be loved by a fire victim” might be my favorite laugh line from a comedy all year. 
No man would want to marry a woman who is more clever than he - the more things change, the more they stay the same. Ugh.
The movie only works because of Molly Shannon and Susan Ziegler’s incredible and moving performances at the center. It’s not all cuddling and whispered professions of love. They know each other inside and out, and I love the way Susan calls Emily out when she’s being kind of a pill. Their relationship feels like the best kind of marriage, one of give and take and unspoken understanding and a thousand silent shorthands and gestures that mean “this is my person.” 
Honestly, sister-in-law is definitely the most incredible old-timey lesbian loophole I’ve ever heard of. 
Also, for an English major nerd, this movie is catnip - the Ralph Waldo Emerson bit had me rolling. 
At first I wasn’t wild about the frame narrative, but as the movie goes on, the device becomes more and more effective. Everything about any of our lives becomes conjecture the moment the words hit paper and go into the world. The “real” story here is put together from the narrative we impose on the un-meddled-with versions of Emily’s own writings. Even with the accounts from Emily’s living relatives after her passing, her love affair with Susan went dismissed and undiscovered until roughly 1998 when a New York Times article was published and revealed the censorship of Dickinson’s poems by Mabel Loomis Todd and Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
People don’t know what to make of Emily - brilliant, ambitious, tempestuous, stubborn, demanding, passionate Emily. I can’t state enough how captivating Molly Shannon is in the role, and her dynamic, quick-thinking Emily is the perfect counterpoint to the “eccentric loner spinster” story told about her. 
Lavinia (Jackie Monahan) is so weird, and I love her? 
The scene of Mabel literally using a pencil eraser to remove Susan’s name from Emily’s poems just underscores how often queer women’s experiences are erased from history - the myth that Emily Dickinson was a “half-cracked unloved recluse” is the cruelest thing I can imagine as the legacy of a woman who was SO LOVED by Susan. 
Did I Cry? Yes, as Susan washed Emily’s body after her death and had to say goodbye to the love of her life. 
I can think of no better way to celebrate Pride month than to give this love story a watch, not only for the performances but for a glimpse into a love story that inspired one of the greatest artists of this or any century. 
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viktorjerner · 4 years
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She Dies Tomorrow (2020) “Allt är ändligt. Döden kommer och tar oss alla, oavsett om vi vill det eller inte. Det är obevekliga faktum som vi alla bär med oss någonstans i bakhuvudet när vi rör oss genom livet som om det inte vore sanning. Vissa tvingas av en eller annan anledning se sin egen mortalitet i vitögat redan i ung ålder medan andra tar sig hela vägen fram till pensionsåldern innan de på riktigt förstår att det kommer en dag då allt tar slut. Oavsett så är det som kommer efter livet ett lika obegripligt som fascinerande tillstånd och reflektioner över det leder till lika delar ångest som tröst för mig personligen. Amy Siemetz omfamnar den paradoxen helt och hållet i sin experimentella "She Dies Tomorrow", vars unika berättelse öppnar upp för tankeväckande perspektiv kring frågan. I de inledande scenerna möter vi Amy (Kate Lyn Sheil) som tycks befinna sig mitt i någon form av mentalt sammanbrott. När hennes oroliga vän Jane (Jane Adams) dyker upp vid hennes dörr får både hon och vi i publiken reda på att Amy är totalt övertygad om att hon kommer dö under den efterföljande dagen. Likt ett virus har den otäcka tanken spridit sig genom hela hennes kropp och själ och totalt tagit över, till den grad att hon knappt är en fungerande person längre. Likt ett virus är tanken också smittsam och det dröjer inte länge innan samma intensiva dödsångest slår till med full kraft även för Jane.” Läs hela recensionen här på MovieZine.se 
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themoviewaffler · 4 years
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First Trailer and Poster for Amy Siemetz’s SHE DIES TOMORROW
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c86 · 4 years
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She Dies Tomorrow, 2020
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