#And 'Nabe is up next!
skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
can i request relationship hcs with the avisos boys? i really liked the ones u did for the hades demons even though i dont like any of them that much after chapter 5 lmao 😭
Do I see our favourite family? 👀 Here we go! The scenario will be similar, but we will change the topic a bit. Hades had a ball, and here let's welcome a new fluffy member of the family.
This turned out to be longer than I planned, I hope you don't mind. I just love these guys too much-
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Bael circled his own Bermuda Triangle - kitchen, office, bedroom. You knew his daily schedule perfectly, you knew when he woke up, when he fell asleep at his desk, and when to get out of his way so as not to fall victim to his legendary cookies.
You quietly opened the door to his bedroom, the first rays of sunlight falling on the dug-out bedding. Bael looked so peaceful. He was sleeping deeply, his broad shoulders rising and falling with his breath, the muscles on his chiseled back twitching as he dreamed something. Despite his tight uniform, you rarely had this view as his back was covered by his cape and the chair. You came closer and combed blond hair which was scattered on the pillow.
“You know I hate waking you up.” You whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear. Just as you were getting up, you felt a firm grip on your waist.
“I'm awake…”
“Mm. Of course." He looked so adorably sleepy that you crouched down next to him and tapped him on the nose. “You should rest some more. Avisos can handle itself for an hour or two.”
He lifted an eyelid as if he was thinking about what you said. You tried to leave again, but he pulled you towards him. Despite being sleepy, he had a strong grip. You landed on his bare chest, radiating warmth and the smell of fresh bedding.
“This isn't sleeping.”
"It is." He wrapped his arms around you tightly, murmuring into your hair. “I have to be sure that I will get up soon... and that my alarm clock won’t run away.”
“I can sneak out as silently as a cat!”
“You probably haven't seen Hell’s cats.”
He kissed the top of your head, and before you could respond properly, you felt his breathing slow down. He was sleeping, so you kissed him on the lips for good dreams. Avisos can handle itself, and you in your boredom came up with a brilliant idea.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Naberius looked at you like you were crazy when you told him what was on your mind. You were walking down the aisles of the pet store, right between toys shaped like angel wings or fetch pitchforks. You put into his basket one by one what looked the least poisonous and suspicious to you.
“Did I understand correctly… Do you want to adopt a cat?”
“Not me, us.” You made it clear. “He will live with you in the palace.”
He didn't look happy.
You reached out and scratched his chin. He tried to be strong, but then he leaned his head back and his lips twitched happily from the petting.
“Yes, kitten. Because I already have the best puppy in the world here, with me. You will take care of him, right?”
“Maybe… He will have to be brought up so that he does not disturb Bael at work.” 
He tried to be strong, but you knew he couldn't say no to you. And in addition to the cat food (at least you hoped it was cat food), you discreetly added a collar that would go well with the black glasses and red horns.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Amon helped you put out the pet shopping and arrange the room so that it would be ready for a new little roommate. He sat cross-legged in the corner, between the cat lounger and the food bowl, and read the instructions for the small water fountain you had just assembled. He clicked a few buttons and water began gushing from above and pouring down to the lower levels.
“Did you know it's a bird fountain?”
“It's also suitable for a cat.” 
His legs looked so comfortable. You couldn't resist. You brazenly placed yourself on his lap and wrapped your arms around his narrow waist, completely distracting him from the instructions. He hugged you tightly and started purring like a kitten himself.
“Nabe said he would help me raise her, but you all will be definitely switching places. After all, if you have patrols, you won't always be in the castle.”
Amon stroked your cheek. He completely forgot about shopping, and water from the waterer he turned on was spilling onto the floor. You tried to turn it off, but it splashed you in the face. As you snorted water, he quickly corrected the wobbly structure.
"Be careful, love, that's not how it's done. Come on, I'll help you.” He cooed, wiping your wet face gently. “Maybe I should fix it?”
“That's probably a better idea.”
You agreed, but when he leaned towards you with his love-struck smile, you wanted to forget about the waterer and pull him down to the carpet with you in a deep kiss.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Stolas was your companion whom you took to the shelter. Despite your excitement, you tried to remain calm. You just didn't know why he kept boasting about how he would defeat any beast you chose, but everything became clear when you arrived. The enclosure where the animals roamed looked more like a coliseum full of wild beasts than a meadow with cute kittens. The smallest of them made Earth's lions look like meerkats.
“Just show me who to beat for you!” Stolas rubbed his hands together with aggressive excitement. “Who makes you sad?”
You sighed in resignation.
“I thought they were smaller. When I was shopping with Amon, all the things we bought… were smaller.”
“So it's Amon's fault? I knew. I'll kill him!"
"Wait!" You placed your hands on his chest as he was already turning around to find another devil. “I thought I could have a cat in the palace… but I see they are too big.”
He looked closely at your disappointed face, then pursed his lips.
“If you like animals, I can take you to an owl cafe.”
If he wanted to cheer you up, he made it. You tilted your head with interest.
“Will you turn into an owl yourself?”
You hoped he was lying. You needed a fluffy ball to cuddle up to. Either way, your mood improved significantly as you left the coliseum filled with beasts for a cozy cafe full of cooing birds.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
You were sitting at your desk, finishing writing down financial reports you wanted to help the Baels with. You've almost come to terms with the fact that you won't have a kitten when Beelzebub stormed into your room without warning. You stared at him with question marks on your face.
"I have something for you!"
His presence hadn't even dawned on you yet, and there was already a cardboard box on the table. He handled it surprisingly gently. Put it down slowly, as if there were porcelain tableware inside, even though it looked solid. It was a strange box, making sounds through tiny holes on the sides.
Beelzebub stood behind you, resting his elbows on your shoulders and folding his arms over your chest.
“Go ahead, you should check it out, I'm sure you'll like it…” He trailed off when, instead of reaching into the box, you took his hands.
“I'd rather have you than welcome gifts, you know?”
He fell silent for a moment. You couldn't see his face, but his voice had softened noticeably.
“You'll like this one. I promise. Open up, don't make her wait.”
You had a feeling you knew what you would find, and it makes you ticklish inside. When you lifted the lid, a pair of coal-black eyes stared at you from a fluffy muzzle. Kitten. A small, striped, earthly kitten. Your voice stuck in your throat as you squeezed Beel's hands tighter.
"How did you know…!"
“I'm everywhere and hear everything, baby.” He reached out and grabbed the kitten by the nape, just like its mother would. Little pet started meowing.
“Gentler!” You smacked him and took the fluffy ball in both hands. “Is this how you treat your new daughter?”
“My daughter?”
"Yes. Now that you have a baby, you have to visit us more often, you know?”
He leaned down and nuzzled his nose into your shoulder.
“As soon as this is all over.” He promised in a whisper so quiet it might as well have been your imagination. “I will never leave you again. I promise.”
You held the purring kitten to your chest with one hand and stroked Beel's soft hair with the other. Despite his giddiness, you felt that these were not idle words. Your heart sank at the thought that he missed you too. Whatever was going to end, let it end quickly, because all you wanted was to go to sleep next to him, knowing that you wouldn't wake up in an empty bed.
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mooncleaver · 2 years
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・✶ 。゚’"fushiguro... you never told me your mom was so hot!"'
pairings: fushiguro megumi x mother!reader
warnings: MILF reader and yūji being the best boy
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Zzzt zzt..
Megumi's phone buzzed as he and Yūji were walking back to their respective rooms, exhausted after fulfilling yet another one of Gojō's (deceiving) missions. Taking the device out of his pocket, Megumi opens the awaiting texts.
Mom Gumi honey, I'm cooking dinner tonight. Will you come home? 17:15
Mom Heh actually, I'm already on my way to pick you up! Love you ❤️ 17:20
Megumi sighs but a small smile is glowing on his face. Despite your spontaneity and craziness sometimes, you were the best woman he'd ever had the chance to know, to be loved and cared by; Megumi wouldn't change it for the world. Thinking about it again, there really was no downside to this. (maybe except now, he'll probably have to tell Itadori about it. sigh) He gets to bask in the familiar comfort of his home and eat home cooked meals—one from his mother no less. Everyone knows you don't refuse food from your mother.
Ok mom, I'll be waiting in front of the dorms. Itadori is also with me. Love you too :) 17:23
A curious voice made its presence known right next to his ears, eyes peering just a little bit too close for comfort. "Who're you talking to, Fushiguro?" Yūji asked.
"My mom. She'll be coming here soon." Megumi doesn't give a chance for Yūji to reply, already walking to their destination.
Yūji paused, freezing in his spot for a second as his friend's words settles. He tries to dig up any memories of Megumi mentioning his mother but.. his mind goes blank. Huh. Seems like this is really the first introduction of you. He's left pondering much about you, leisurely with his hands in his pockets as a thousand thoughts passed his head; is she also grumpy like Megumi? is she a sorceress too? what does she look like? His question was answered as he watched a figure walking towards the compound, Megumi taking that as a cue to approach you from where he and Itadori were standing. Truth be told, Yūji could just walk into his room since it was quite literally next to the shikigami user's, but he was admittedly pretty curious about the grumpy boy's mother. Plus, Megumi didn't make any comments when Yūji chose to wait with him, so he took that as a silent invitation.
Walking up to the familiar stairs, you bask in the absolute nostalgia you're getting. You remember years ago when you attended jujutsu high. It was rigorous and draining, but you made several good friends and honed your technique over the years, so that makes up for it.
You weren't completely estranged from the world either. You just opted to move into your own place after getting pregnant with Megumi, figuring that it'd be better to raise him away from the action. It allowed you to focus on your baby and how to sustain the both of your living outside of fighting curses. Fortunately, you received financial support for the most part—enough for the first few years of going solo. You owed Yaga your life for convincing the elders to provide you with support so you and little Megs could live comfortably. Nowadays, you choose to accept a few missions when there were shortages of sorcerers—which was honestly a lot more than you would've liked, but you still enjoyed traveling and the thrill of it. Who's to say you weren't powerful yourself?
The moment you stepped two meters from his vision, Itadori Yūji was absolutely bewitched. Not only were you practically glowing under the violet-laden afternoon sky, but he saw so much of Megumi inside of you. From the gentle slope of your nose to the pronounced planes of your cheeks, to even the smile that was rarely on the boy's face; there were countless traces of your features that were practically replicated onto your son's face. Now that you were standing next to each other—ruffling the said teenager's hair—it was clear as day that the woman in front of him was the one who bore his spikey-haired friend.
"Fushiguro... you never told me your mom was so hot!" He not-so-discreetly whispers, eliciting an enchanting laugh from you. Megumi sharply turns to Yūji's face and promptly smacks the back of his head, a menacing scowl on his face.
"You must be Itadori Yūji. You're so cute!" You exclaim and move to squish his cheeks like those sweet old ladies who’s just seen a little toddler, flattered by his.. honest words.
"T-thank you Fushiguro-san.." He lets out, rubbing the back of his head in hopes to relieve the minuscule throb. (and to hide the blush on his cheeks, but no one needs to know about his frankly obvious display of adoration)
"You know I'd love to talk more, but we better get going now. Time doesn't wait for anyone! Itadori-kun, you're welcome to come over for dinner. Megumi won't mind, would he?" You turned to face you son nestled under your arms, squeezing his shoulders lightly to urge him to say yes.
It made you very happy to see that he made somewhat of a friend in the jujutsu world. Call it a mother instinct, but you could tell that they would be the best of friends some day. You saw the way he seemed to warm up to Yūji despite his initial distrust or the way Megumi was already protective of Yūji. There was something about how they stood like the sun and the moon, never faltering to revolve around each other regardless of their opposite nature. Their brewing friendship was like a spark of hope to you that later in the future when you are no longer walking amongst the living, your son would have someone else to rely on. It might take a long time for them to reach that bond, but that was what his teen years were for; you were sure Megumi would find a fine and true brother in Yūji.
The mentioned boy just sighs, nodding his head at the slight threat. He already predicted this the moment he mentioned having Itadori with him over text. It truly wasn't so bad to invite the energetic vessel over, and at this point, he probably should start getting used to Yūji's company.
"Ah really?! As long as Gojo-sensei doesn't make me do more of cursed energy training.. I'll go! Thank you, Fushiguro-san." He bows deeply and looks up, stars sparkling in his slackened eyes. To be honest, he's thankful for the gracious offer, because Yaga's cursed doll gives him chills..
When they arrived from the chatter-filled car ride (mostly of him talking his ear of while you listened attentively and answered back in equal enthusiasm), Yūji took his time to observe the Fushiguro residence. It was a quaint home littered with lumber and cypress palisades, pops of earthy and deep-toned furniture decorating the area while milky, transparent sheets adorned the blinds and light covers. Entering the genkan, it felt as if he was walking through somebody's life in the blink of an eye. Photos of Megumi as a child and remnants of a young woman brightly smiling were framed everywhere, mixed and matched all over the walls as if they were mosaics of happiness. There was just an inexplicably joyous and uncannily familiar essence radiating from this place.
After putting their shoes aside, you had urged them to go upstairs or wait in the living room while you cooked. Instinctively, the teenagers had declined and declared that they would help you cook, but after you told them it would be fine and that this was supposed to be a 'special treat' for their hard work they reluctantly ventured to Megumi's room.
About 30 minutes after the two sorcerers hung out in Megumi's room—which consisted mostly of Yūji screaming about the action figures, dog plushies and pictures inside the childhood room, resulting in Megumi scowling and slapping the pinkettes' hands away from the (precious) items—they heard a loud call from you, quickly running down the stairs to answer.
"Boys, could you help me set up the table please? Dinner should be ready in a few minutes." You requested, receiving a positive 'ok!' and a 'sure mom'  from the other end.
Yūji had decided that this place was a real life heaven. While he was helping to put down the utensils, absentmindedly placing the silverware and only moving on after he heard a crisp 'clink' from them, he smelled what could be described as ambrosia from the kitchen. There were so many of them all at once, spices, sweets, earth and soil; his senses were in overdrive the closer he got to the kitchen. So as one does, he trailed over to the source of the wafting nectar like a little mouse and sheepishly stood near you as he peered over the isles.
"So Fushiguro-san.. what are you cooking?" He eagerly questions. Whatever the answer was going to be, he truly did not mind what kind of food it was at all because Yūji would really ravish anything served to him. (especially one that's free!)
"I'm making hōtō, dear." You answer, plating the remaining side courses while the dashi broth was boiling in a pot. It was quiet for a millisecond and you assumed the conversation was over until a sharp, flabbergasted gasp flooded your ears, instinctually whipping your head behind you.
"—NASHI PREFECTURE!" You complete together, now standing with your legs and eyes wide open, pointing the ladle in your hand at the boy who was standing identically in front of you.
There was an underlying tone of deep respect and true admiration as he spoke his next words and you almost thought he was exaggerating, but the expression on his face proved otherwise. "Wow, you're.. you're a goddess Fushiguro-san."
"I haven't had that dish in years!" The boy practically had stars in his eyes, shining so brightly at the thought of eating such nostalgic food.
"Aish.. you flatter me too much Yūji-kun." You couldn't help the sheepish chuckle that escaped your lips as you scratched the back of your neck. "I actually went back to Yamanashi recently! I learned a recipe for the udon, but it definitely doesn't compare to local-made hōtō; a godsend dish if you ask me." You declare while you tapped the pads of your fingers onto your chin, mind flooded with thoughts of that soup. Yūji looks up too, mirroring your actions as he wholeheartedly agrees, bopping his head with utmost seriousness.
Megumi just sighs where he's standing for the up tenth time, continuing to set up the plates and cutlery.
Dinner being delicious would be a criminal understatement. It was divine. The noodles were absolutely delectable and the kabocha was so tenderly cooked, it added a nice, sweet and nutty flavor. The myriads of vegetables decorating the dish added a beautiful touch to its presentation, woven with deep sage-green webs and plumed heads of delicate mushrooms on its surface; they could tell each bowl served to them was handcrafted with much care and most importantly: love. That's what made eating this meal so special to them, the fact that they could taste the effort that you made it with. Not to mention the broth was seasoned to perfection—a classic, mouthwatering miso-based soup. The moment it touched the tip of their tongues it was like magic, all of it a welcomed firework of flavor and textures settling in their mouths. One tentative taste and the two boys were already chomping down the food in mere minutes.
Having the warm concoction flowing down his throat, Yūji felt as if he was home. Whenever or wherever it may be, he finds that eating soulful, homecooked food transports him to a place where he could feel the sun skirting his skin, offering a tentative embrace while the cool breeze brought the scents of cherry blossom and cardamom that has him closing his eyes. And every time he did there’d be this familiar laughter surrounding him,—maybe it was of a man?..or a woman! he could never tell—teasing as it whispered around his ears, almost like it was playing a game of catch when he’d open his eyes and they disappeared. Whoever the sweet sounds belonged to.. it always brought him a sense of comfort in his heart—like he was finally there where he belonged.
With the short time of knowing you, Yūji already felt a connection with you. You were so genial and welcoming, not treating him any differently after knowing that he had a doomsday-demon contained inside of him. Yūji would not forget your kindness as you put more food into his bowl or the way you only chuckled with those beautiful lines surrounding your eyes when he accidentally spilled some of his soup on the table. Despite his mistakes, his clumsiness and his flaws, you treated him as if he was your own son. You were like the mother he never knew.
After asking for seconds (Yūji asked for thirds, actually, but he was on the verge of passing out from being too full despite the words coming out of his mouth) and cleaning their plates, they headed over to the living room to repose their filled stomachs following a rewarding dinner.
Though not even a moment later they heard you exclaim something from the kitchen in slight urgency, "I almost forgot! There's manju and mochi in the fridge boys, please eat them well."
A barely-there excited glint lit up in Megumi's eyes (he was a sweet tooth at heart, really) and Yūji almost screams in joy, enthralled that you kept feeding him with all these piquant foods.
From that day on, he refers to you as the 'food goddess' every time you crossed paths.
The next day, Yūji got a neatly wrapped metal container from a passing Megumi. Yet again, he didn't have the chance to even ask what it was. The shikigami user already disappeared as if he was never there, leaving Yūji to stand there with one of his hands outstretched and mouth opened like a fool. At first, the boy had stared at the warm item in his hands, confused as to what it could be. He didn't think he'd ordered anything recently.. but to his absolute delight, it was filled to the brim with left over hōtō from his impromptu dinner invite.
If it were possible, the twice-cooked dish tasted even better. It was stronger and starchier, the soup and its fillings perfectly saturated with potent flavor. After reminding himself to thank you in the future (and to deliver a thanks and an apology to Megumi after he was practically groveling at the boy's feet on the way back to the dorms for him to bring more of your food) he totally devoured the meal, leaving not an inch of the container covered in leftover soup. When he finally got up from his seat, he noticed a small note attached to the bag, swiftly picking it up and reading the contents of the patterned paper.
Hi Yūji-kun :D
I hope you received the hōtō in time, I thought you might want it again since you almost fainted when you tasted it yesterday hehe~ And please, you're always welcome here if you want to eat or just to visit. It's always a joy to have another kid around the house :D also, do me a favor to remind Megumi to eat his breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thank you!
— Fushiguro Y/N
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for a second there i felt such a deep surge of love and sympathy for yuji.. i think u can probably tell when it was
im so happy that my last mamaguro fic got positive responses! thank you for reading :D i think next i'll post a toji-centric one :)
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blimgus · 6 months
Okay since i don't have any funny arts ready yet i would want to rant a little about whb.
First of all, I kinda found out that there is a visible pattern connecting the affiliation to the diffrent parts of Hell of the demons and their types of roles in the battle:
Gehenna- we have typical long range marksmen with Astaroth, Leraye, Paimon and Belial using rifles and Satan and Ppyong using some sort of bazookas(?) The only exception from this rule is Sitri with his Iron Maiden, but that is explained by him being away studying in Hades (correct me if im wrong)
Hades - we have our beloved coffin summoners here as medium range marksmen. Leviathan,Barbietoes, Glasya, Foras and Orias are all coffin users and summoning beasts seeems to be unique to the demons of Hades( God I have to read the orias event bc i forgor to)
Tartaros - Classic defense characters aka tanks. Lower power more health,shielding,becoming invincible for a while, some characters have stalling if i remember??? Every characters design here mostly follows these rules, even though the have diffrent weapons yknow Bimet has the skulls, Valefor a sword and shield, Mammon has the pillars and hands, and eligos has uhmmmmmm
His cuteness. Ok next
Avisos- well here it starts to get interesting. I belive that the demons here are close-ranged attackers? Amon, Nabe and Stolas have their little weapon arsenals and Bael and Bell have their whips However some characters have a really big range for close range attackers ( bloodshed bell) so im not entirely sure about that
Abaddon- Phenix, Dantalian and Ronovè are all close range attackers, but their main role in game is supporting/buffing other characters (ronove/phenix combo carried me through most of main story). I guess we can assume that Asmodeus (bro i cant wait for him in game im gonna become his biggest simp) will have a simmilar role as a buffer/support.What if prettybusy makes him like the equivalence of Bennett from Genshin??
Nilfheim- the most problematic when it came to assigning the certain role until i looked up the characters. Both Gusion and Andrealphus can stun the enemies with their attacks, while Bathin can decrease the speed of enemies.That makes the Nilfheim crew being debuffers,stunners (if I remember mammon can also stun the enemies with his ult?? But he seems to be the only non-nilfheim character to do that)
Paradise Lost- healers my beloved... Buer, Morax and Marbas are all healers so Lucifer will most likely be one too. Gamigin also can revive a character, which is absolutely great when you try to keep your lower levelled characters alive. Really solid characters, i love using them in battle.
I really like that PB made each role in battle unique to residents of specific countries of Hell
Welp thats all for now, next time im making a little rant about the whole hell and the New event
Bye for now!
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wisteria-cherry · 10 months
forty days and forty nights (day thirty-seven!) (part two!)
(you thought i forgot didn’t you)
"fine. now answer the goddamn question or starve." katsuki grunted, sifting through the bags. he glanced at the pot of water you had for the ramen and turned the heat up before taking out miso, chicken, and a variety of vegetables.
"I'm doing okay." you answer, studying his movements carefully. "what're you making?"
"chanko nabe." a classic comfort dish. he knew exactly what he was doing, the bastard.
"don't you have patrol today?" you ask, albeit somewhat reluctantly. part of you immediately regretted asking, because what if he had patrol right this minute and had to leave?
"no." katsuki said shortly.
it was silent for a good few minutes. katsuki continued to work on prepping different ingredients— mushrooms, carrot, tofu— and you opted to sit and watch, since clearly he disapproved of your cooking.
"took off 'cuz i wanted to check on ya." katsuki mumbled finally.
“you took off for me?” you repeat, dumbfounded. katsuki clicked his tongue in annoyance.
“isn’t that what i just said?” katsuki snapped. “idiot.”
“thanks.” you smile. “can i help you cook?”
“no way in hell, instant ramen freak.” katsuki snorted. “sit your ass down, i’m cooking.” your face instantly snaps into an indignant state, highly offended at katsuki’s accusation.
“that’s not all i eat! it was just tonight!” you protest.
“you had so many goddamn ramen packets in your cabinet that you coulda fed my entire agency!” katsuki barked back. “i’m cookin’, that’s that.”
“fine.” you huff, sinking into one of the counter stools. “jerk.”
the chanko nabe was ready fairly quick, and, as an added bonus, made your newly-cleaned apartment smell heavenly. it was nice to be pampered.
“eat.” katsuki grunted, sliding a bowl to you across the countertop. he turned back around and began on the dishes.
“oh, katsuki, i’ll do the—“
“siddown.” katsuki interrupted, instantly glaring at you from over his shoulder. “no the fuck you’re not.
“ok.” you didn’t bother arguing because, again, he did make you food, and he did make your apartment smell good. you ate in silence as katsuki did dishes. it was amazing— salty and flavorful and delicious. it wasn’t until katsuki broke the silence that you bothered taking a breath from your food to breathe.
“you got a plan for after this?” he grumbled, almost reluctantly. you shrug.
“just… keep going with life, i guess.” you could tell your answer didn’t please katsuki, because he tensed, giving you quite a wonderful outline of his back muscles through his tight black t shirt (did he wear that everywhere?).
“the fuck you mean?” katsuki narrowed his eyes as he turned around, drying a knife off with a hand towel as he did so.
“well, what am i supposed to do?” you point out.
“go to therapy and that shit.”
“i don’t need therapy.”
“you haven’t addressed the damn thing once. bet my money you haven’t talked with pinky or shitty hair either.” katsuki set the knife down, focusing his attention on you, which, given the current subject, made you just a tiny bit uncomfortable.
“i didn’t need to,” you answer hesitantly. right? i’m fine.
“you gotta talk to someone.” katsuki rolled his eyes. “no one goes through that kinda shit and gets out unscathed.”
“oh.” you frown. “well, i’ll think about it, i guess.”
“tch. you better do more than just think about it.” katsuki scowled, before getting himself some chanko nabe and plopping down next to you. “you doin’ anything tomorrow?”
“working.” you reply. “just like usual. it feels weird not working today.”
“i meant after that, dumbass.” katsuki’s voice suddenly got a little quieter, a little less grumbly, but just a little more defensive. he stared at his chanko nabe.
“oh. i don’t think so.” you ponder. “why?” katsuki didn’t answer for a good few minutes.
“because—“ katsuki hesitated for just a nanosecond, trying to gather his words. “—because we’re going somewhere.”
“we are?” you blink, confused.
“if you fuckin’ want to, or whatever.” katsuki snapped.
“like…” you stop. do you dare presume? “like a date?”
“yeah.” katsuki glanced over at you, glaring. the tips of his ears were red, and his cheeks were dusted with pink. cute. “‘s a hike.”
“okay.” you said, smiling, probably responding quicker than necessary, but you didn’t care.
you had a date with katsuki.
“you gotta talk to someone. no one goes through that shit and gets out unscathed.”
(feel free to comment + leave ur thoughts :)
tags: @k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity @stevenknightmarc @failingstudents-blog @jazzafayesworld @faerikitty @deathsmajestysworld
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kunikinnie · 5 months
a/n: sorry this took SO long but here it is! super excited for the next part! tw: mentions of violence, blood
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Nabe Part 3 - Whirlwind
Your long vacation was a well-deserved and restful one. Weeks to yourself without having to think about the slightest bit about work was all you needed to recharge mentally and emotionally.
However, today’s events undid that whole respite in a single tug.
First, a woman whose body was nearly totally severed from the head was sprawled in an absolute mess of a room. You’ve never seen that much or violence before, let alone that much blood – a little blood your ass - and the smell – oh God the smell! Thinking about it wanted to make you vomit.
Then this kid of Fukuzawa’s that was extremely remarkable in intelligence and arrogance… was he the reason your neighbor’s hair seemed to have paled even further? It’s a miracle there wasn’t a second murder earlier given how furious the superintendent was.
“It’s not my fault that he was wrong!”
“But it’s your fault for bringing up his ex-wife,” you exasperatedly repeated. “No one will listen to you if you keep being rude like that.”
He only grunted in reply. Did it finally get in his head? Well, whatever. As long as somehow things managed to settle down then that was more than enough for you.
Police men and the like were still scurrying about the crime scene, taking their last bits of photographic evidence before cleaning up. The culprit, exposed by Ranpo, had already confessed on the spot, and although you’d consider this case fully closed and high time to return home, Ranpo’s payment had yet to be handed over. Anything that goes through protocol always seemed to take forever, you thought.   
Now that you two were sitting idly beside each other, the questions behind this kid’s origins and his exact relationship to your neighbor began to unearth themselves from the recesses of your mind.
Was he his biological son? Nothing about Ranpo’s behavior nor appearance could be linked to Fukuzawa. Whatever energy one had was completely absent in the other, and whatever mood one was possessed with was the complete opposite of the other’s. The only thing they had in common was their lack of social skills although for different reasons. Other than that there was no resemblance at all.
Then could he be the biological son of whomever he’s seeing now? Truth be told that was the first thing that came to mind after Fukuzawa’s hesitant response, but if he did have a girlfriend then you wouldn’t even be here. Well, it didn’t seem like he was capable of charming any woman given his conversational skills in the first place, so-
You suddenly slapped both of your cheeks. How could you even think that?
“You didn’t have to come here if you didn’t want to,” Ranpo muttered as he continued to swing his legs back and forth.
“I-It’s not like that!”
Why did you even volunteer to be here? You weren’t close with either of the pair and you owed nothing to them, yet the moment you saw how the usually steely eyes were shaken with worry, you couldn’t help but feel compelled to do something about it.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” A breathless young officer carrying two thick letter envelopes stopped in front of you. He handed one to Ranpo and the other, for some reason, to you.
“This is for all your trouble, ma’am,” he replied in earnest. “We’re extremely grateful to you for keeping your son in check.”
Son? Wait, when did- Oh. You completely forgot.
Your mouth was slightly open, ready to counter but Ranpo spoke up first. “No one will listen to you if you keep being inconsistent like that,” he said with a smirk, more than pleased that he was able to use your own words against you. Cheeky kid.
At least there was financial compensation for your headache today. Not a huge sum, but far from meager. Yet it wasn’t enough to fill in the guilt that remained in your heart.
As you were walking away from the station, Ranpo was dull and quiet: far from the impression you had of him yesterday. Had your agitation gotten the better of you? If that were the case, then what a failure of an adult you were, letting a child be affected by your own emotions.
“Ranpo-kun,” you began, trying to break the silence. “I-I’m sorry if I was too harsh with you.”
“…it’s okay,” he meekly replied. He also mumbled an apology, and although you barely heard it it was good enough for you. The tension had at least subsided.
Yet Ranpo was still sluggish. Concerned, you gently pat his shoulder. “Why the long face? You did well earlier, right?”
He only continued to sulk further – the true cause, something you would never figure out until much later. Without any ideas left, you decided to go with the one and only go-to solution you knew.
“Then let me treat you somewhere nice.” He finally seemed to perk up. “Wherever you want. On me. What do you say?”
A big grin suddenly appeared as if a switch had been turned on. But just as quickly did it disappear – or at least it tried to. “W-well, they say it’s rude not to accept, right?”
You chuckled at his attempt at being a bit more cordial. Despite his… rowdiness, you certainly preferred it to his silence. “You deserve it anyway. You were amazing back there.”
“Of course. It’s thanks to my special ability.” There’s that special ability he mentioned earlier. “I can see through the truth easily, like a true great detective!” He put on his glasses again as he struck a pose, emphasizing the last two words.
“Although I really don’t get adults sometimes,” he suddenly added. “She knew he had a record but she still became his girlfriend.”
“It’s a complicated thing. Sometimes people are compassionate to a fault and think that they can fix people, especially through a romantic relationship. Sometimes they’re just blind to reality. But sometimes, they simply have no way of getting out…”
The thought of the same thing happening to you sent a shiver down your spine. 
“But I’ll make sure I won’t make the same mistake. I’ll never fall for someone whose hands are forever stained.”
Perhaps you were misreading his expression, but you were sure his face darkened for a fraction of a second. “Yeah,” was all he replied to that. It would’ve bothered you for a bit longer if not for his usual behavior bothering you once again.
“Anyway!” He exclaimed. “Can we ride a taxi now? I’m super tired and super hungry. All this walking is turning my legs to jelly…”
When he opened his eyes, the room was completely dark and silent. How long has he been out? If the outside of the window was that dark, that would mean he slept the entire day. How surprising - perhaps he had neglected himself more than he thought.
“You’re up now!”
Fukuzawa expected a sharp headache upon hearing Ranpo’s yelling, but fortunately none came.
“I’ll just heat up L/N-san’s soup so you can get strong again,” he continued on, although hardly any of what he said entered the older man’s brain. He was more concerned with the case. Were you and he able to handle it?
“Don’t worry about the case. We ended it cleanly – no loose ends and stuff.”
Fukuzawa let go a long sigh of relief. That’s good to hear. Hopefully he didn’t trouble you too much. “We’ll have to buy L/N-san some fruits as a thank you gift for today.” Although I’m not really sure how to thank her properly without explaining much, he thought, and without difficulty Ranpo read right through him.
“Nah, it’s fine. I told her everything.”   
…everything? What did he mean by everything?
“Like how you adopted me, how I ended up solving cases, how poor we are-“
As much as Fukuzawa wanted to correct the first and last statements, he was far too worried about something more important. “Don’t tell me you told her about-“ 
“O-of course not!”
The fury and anxiety that seized Fukuzawa whenever his previous occupation was brought up had returned, leaving the boy half stunned. Fortunately, it subsided just as quickly. He cleared his throat. It was wrong of him to get so worked up again. “Good, then. But don’t say ‘everything’ so casually.”
Within moments, Ranpo was back to his usual self, yapping on about the case as well as the entire conversation you had at his favorite fried chicken joint to the moment you two arrived back.
Perhaps just a single basket of mandarins wouldn’t be enough this time…
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lady-byleth · 1 year
A thing that strikes me every time I watch Ace of Diamond is how Miyuki is both an extremely insightful and caring person but at the same time too socially awkward to make use of that
Like, yes, he's an absolute raccoon and gremlin but he plays that up so hard that most people around him think that that's all he is. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
While he's extremely bad at reading people in general and doesn't really understand emotions he is observant enough to recognise behavioral patterns and connect them to what he knows of people's personalities and experiences to draw correct conclusions. And that kind of observation and analysis is not possible if you don't care deeply
And while he will absolutely use this ability for his own amusement he typically utilises it simply to compensate for his own shortcomings in interpersonal relationships. He doesn't know how to comfort or motivate so he redirects instead.
His constant needling, annoying and insulting is his way of channeling his pitchers' nervous energy into their frustration with him and that way they focus on shutting him up instead of worrying about the situation.
But when he notices an actual problem that behaviour disappears immediately and he notifies someone else who can deal with it better.
He was the first to realise Furuya's slacking off was fatigue exacerbated by the summer heat and instantly connected it to having moved to Tokyo from Hokkaido only recently.
He was also the first to recognise Sawamura's crumbling performance as yips and instantly isolated the cause for it too.
But the next step would be seeking conversation and working on a solution, which involves addressing emotions, and that's where he freezes up every time. Because emotions and understanding them as well as seeing what's written between the lines is Kuramochi's thing, not Miyuki's. So he relegates to the coach or Chris instead.
You can also see that he always knows when his usual tactic of pissing someone off won't work and that he always tries to find another way when relegating isn't possible. But because dealing with emotions is his greatest weakness it always ends up either super awkward or straight up backfiring
Even his fight with Zono stemmed from Miyuki being too socially awkward to even remotely understand why Nabe came to him in the first place. It takes Kuramochi pointing out that someone who wanted to quit wouldn't make such an effort taking notes for him to realize he missed something again. And it's that part that makes him the most upset, not Zono arguing with him. And him being upset with himself make the fight only get worse because being as emotionally challenged as he is he doesn't know how to back down either
He's been fully aware of and bothered by this even before the start of the series so his answer was to remove his own brain to mouth filter instead...until this was no longer an option.
When he becomes captain it's suddenly not just about him and the pitchers anymore but the entire team that's looking to him for guidance and his own shortcomings end up affecting everyone
So he starts making the effort to be more open and understanding, tries to connect with the team on a different level and not always rely on his sharp tongue.
And going back from Act 2 to the start of the series you can really see what an emotional journey this all is for him and how much he grows with it. Because first he allows himself to care so much that he puts his own health at risk for the team until he learns to balance this deep caring with his responsibility as captain and becomes the reliable pillar of strength that keeps Seido going straight while Sawamura takes on the role of emotional center
Of course, he's not even close to being done growing and he still messes up but hey, he's only 17 years old by Act 2 and the growth he undergoes in just that one year we experience with him is already impressive
Anyway, this sports manga/anime has better character development than most media that claim to be "character driven" and I'm in love with it
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soraarchives · 1 month
yukimura x reader
you find him cooking
0.7k words
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You know how Yukimura is. He and tact never go along together. What can be expected of Yukimura is bare minimum in everyday life, lots of training and strong survival instincts. Yet when you found him in the kitchen it came across as a shock to you.
"You made this?"
"What, you don't believe me?" The evidence spoke for itself. Vegetable scraps, a knife on the countertop, some pots which he also cleaned after using and no one else in sight. It's clear as day he was the one who made it.
"No, it's just that... You and cooking isn't something I can imagine."
"Feel free not to have it then," he takes on a sulky tone at your hopelessness of him. He starts walking with a food tray in his hand, his dish sitting on top.
"No, wait. I want to have it." There's a hurry in your voice, afraid he may take his dish away because you're sceptical of his cooking. You start following him and end up at your shared room where he has set up the tray and is ready to have his meal. You settle down beside him taking a good look at him and then his creation.
It isn't gourmet-style cooking. Doesn't seem basic as well. Home cook level? Yeah, that's the way to put it.
You take the chopsticks and pick up the first bite slowly lifting it towards your mouth, your eyes analyzing the bite. Yukimura's gaze, too, is on you. Though you notice neither his stare nor the intensity with which he's staring.
He had made houtou nabe. Various vegetables sat along with flat noodles in a miso flavoured broth. If it were anyone else, they would've taken the effort to plate the vegetables in a more presentable or appetizing way, placed the spring onions in the centre, and the radishes, carrots and such in an array. It seemed as if he added the cooked vegetables blindly to the soup and noodles.
Enough with how it looks. A better job could've been done with the plating but it didn't look so bad. It looked as if someone had made it in a hurry, or without a care in Yuki's case, and that is fine.
With the first bite came the aroma of the stewed vegetables, the broth, and other condiments which he had used for flavouring. You take the first bite and immediately acknowledge how good it is. A hum escapes you along with a nod and Yuki knows that you love it.
"Not that bad, is it now?" He says with a smirk now but you know he was anxious about what would you say of his skills.
"How did you manage to cook something so good?" Not only are you surprised he made something you're more so surprised it tastes so good. It isn't as good as something Masamune would make but it is delicious.
"Don't talk as if it was a fluke I made something tasty." He heaved a sigh. "I know how to cook."
"You indeed do." You take another bite of his nabe smiling at how good it is.
"I've never seen you cook though. When did you learn to cook?" Your curiosity tumbles out of you.
"It was long back. It's a necessary skill to have during wars. You have to look out for yourself and all that." That's a typical Yukimura answer you're satisfied with it.
You almost spoke while the bite was still in your mouth. "And how did you decide on making something today?"
"Figured we could have something special once in a while."
Your face lights up at that. "Does that mean you'll cook often?"
"Look at you so impressed by my cooking. And here I thought you were sceptical of me being in the kitchen. Want me to cook for you from now on?" He has a smirk playing along on his lips. He is getting back to you for all your questions from before.
"I'm not impressed or anything." You suppress the blush on your face. The idea of him cooking for you has butterflies flying in your stomach.
He swiftly takes your chopsticks from you before diving in for a bite of his own. His actions catch you off guard. "Is that the reason why half of this bowl is empty?"
Damn him for noticing. You think he's gonna take the next bite for himself but he ends up feeding it you. That suppressed blush has furiously made its way back now. He sees his victory in that and offers his smile.
"No need to be shy. I won't mind cooking for you."
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a/n: it was a spur of the moment kind of thing that i started writing this. i don't remember whether it was someone's route or a bonus story where yuki and mitsunari are cooking together and yuki gets in charge because mitsunari is clumsy. it was mentioned then that yuki can cook and personally i was surprised at that. i'm happy with how this turned out
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miceysfandomcreations · 9 months
Meet Cute - Ogata Reader Insert, 1k words
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Ogata Hyakunosuke Being Ogata Hyakunosuke, Ogata Hyakunosuke Has Emotions, Reader-Insert, you get to bully him a bit, can be read as gen or ship, he's a mess, ogata's fallen from corrupting flagbearers to random nurses he has no relation to
“I killed my mother. Put poison in her nabe. She never noticed anything was wrong, even though she made it every day. First time I killed a human. I was young.”
There the patient went again. Next, he would talk of how he killed his brother, and then his father. Sometimes, he’d add anecdotes of his other crimes. He shot a bound and helpless Russian war prisoner. He tried to kill a young girl after killing her father. The details sometimes changed. He had to strew his father’s intestines across the floor. His father’s intestines spilled out by themselves. His brother marched forward a few steps after getting shot in the head. His brother stood still and looked back when he died.
Otherwise, even after his condition stabilized, he was unresponsive, lips chapped, body prone, one glassy eye blinking up at the hospital ceiling.
No matter how the story went, he was an injured man (the aconite poisoning, broken bones, bullet wound, periods of unconsciousness, and lingering fevers were not pretty), and you were supposed to help injured men. This was not your first time hearing a damning hospital bed confession, and your senior coworkers had heard even more. Every time you were assigned to his room, you kept your head down, did your duties as a nurse, sterilized his room, and spoon-fed him his meals (he refused to eat at first, was threatened with an enema infusion, and relented).
“You’re a nurse. Would setting a murderer out in the world help you sleep at night?” He spoke something other than his macabre confessions.
You stayed silent and prepared his meal, an action that had become a habit that didn’t require much pondering. You’ve gotten rather good at not reacting to anything he said. Maybe that’s why your coworkers tended to leave him, the only patient in his ward in the sparse hospital, to you. He was a solder. 7th Division. The Defenders of Hokkaido. A few members of his division were also in this hospital, scattered among the civilian patients. Soldiers of the 7th have been found scattered in hospitals all over Hokkaido. Rumors of conspiracy abound. Officials may have been bribed, but nothing stopped the curiosity of off-duty nurses. Something about a train and a bear and not being all together in the same place? None of that was your business. You had better things to worry about.
You thought of your grandmother when you fed the soldier soup. She had lost a tooth yesterday. She pulled on it lightly, and it came off. At her death, you would be alone in the world. Could you possibly move into a boarding house? Living in one should be cheaper in the long-term if you did your math right. You would miss your neighbors, but they were getting old. They would likely die right after your grandmother. Would saving up for fake teeth be a viable option? Were fake teeth reusable? You would have to double-check your nursing textbook after your shift.
The soldier grabbed your arm with surprising strength for a man whose entire rib cage poked out against his skin (he could use his arms the entire time? What were you doing spoon-feeding him, then?). “You want me to shut up, don’t you? Feel like grabbing your scissors, and cutting out my vocal cords?” His voice was in that same low, goading tone, but his eyes were lit by a manic glint.
You respond with an unshaken voice. “My responsibilities are to help people, not harm them. I would not do that to you.”
The private considered your words. “Responsibilities as a nurse. Let me ask you this. If I am released, and I kill more people, would you feel guilt that you followed your duties?” His lone eye stared up at you. Soup dribbled down the side of his mouth, threatening to stain the sheets you had spent so much effort changing.
Soldiers. They all thought their stories were unique. He must not know the hospital planned to turn him over to the police after he got better. Asking if you feel guilt, questioning if you feel emotions thanks to your frozen face, you were reminded of your childhood bullies, many of whom had joined the army. You wiped the soup from his face with a napkin and leaned down.
You open your mouth. “What I feel outside the hospital is not under a Private First Class’s purview, sir. I would have already done my duty to help you live. What you do after is your business.”
He frowned. “Superior Private.” He released your arm. His arm flopped back to his side and didn’t move.
“That’s not what your uniform said.” Everything the hospital knew about him was from his uniform. The soldier had kept tight-lipped about himself during the periods he was awake enough for questioning. “The nurses are taking bets on what your name is.”
The soldier stayed silent. You guessed that if you kept talking, he wouldn’t launch into his speech again.
“They have to call you something. There are soldiers downstairs too. Masao’s been a popular guess. So is Ichiro, Tadashi, Hajime–“
“It’s a common name.” You shrugged.
“You nurses are chatty.”
“Many of them had served in the Russo-Japanese war. I imagine to them, this hospital is a slow workplace.” You had great admiration for your senior coworkers, who talk of the most grotesque afflictions and conditions with the casualness of unimportant gossip. “Are you going to ask if they feel guilt for gossiping?” You adjusted your nurse’s cap. The fit felt good around your head.
“What about you?” He asked.
“Are you asking about my guess for your name?”
The soldier stared at you, eyebrows lowered. 
“I will answer as if you asked me for my guess about your name. I don’t know. I didn’t bother to speculate. But none of the guesses seem to fit you.” You studied his cold features, sharp from the hospital stay. You wondered what you would name a child if they had his aloof face. “If I had to guess, your name would be lofty, unwieldy, something that asks people to look away from you.”
Something that the people on the street could hear and receive the expectation that they could not be in the same realm as him. Perhaps you were being too cruel. Children could not choose their names. Perhaps his name was an anchor around his neck as he grew up. But what did you know. You had fake teeth to worry about.
The soldier stayed silent. You finish feeding him as well as the rest of your duties. While you updated his patient chart, the soldier muttered something. “My name…”
He paused. His eye wandered around the ceiling; mouth slightly open. “My name…it’s Yamanoue Yoshizo.”
That was obviously not his real name. You raised and eyebrow and made sure he saw it. Still, he gave you a manner of referral, and you would use it.
“Alright Yamanoue, sir. I’ll be seeing you at the same time tomorrow.” You looked forward to sharing the name with your coworkers.
You left the ward and continued with your day, rolling the fake name on your tongue.
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rose-void-789 · 9 months
Man Soriel is so queer. Fandom wise what queer relationship isn't like weirdly hated when anyone does any little analysis on them being potentially cannon. Get it's a really popular ship that people got tired of but man it's the funniest shit so many loved this ship so then people came up with an essay on why they could and would never be a thing and in fact was unhealthy and weird. It's so much funnier to with a good canonical friendship. Like I'm in the mha bakudeku space, it's crazy going from that where stuff is a lot more nuance but still see less people being upset with it then Soriel it's insane. I feel like I'm a time traveler in the trenches day after the war.
People insisting they are just friends and that a relationship will ruin them as if relationships can't just be very good friends who happen to sometimes go on dates sometimes is such a queer ship argument to have. Toby apparently confirmed Sans as AroAce even apparently Toby then said to not use his tweets for this but hey if true this is an actual queer relationship. And honestly, I'm sure after everything with Asgore Toriel is also not that keen on all that.
But can we talk about that because man I stumbled across a post that made me realize these bitches are so queerplatonic. They remind me so much of one of my friend's relationships. They just talking for ages doing flirting through puns to pull each other up. Like yes this is cannon Soriel. The first time they talked though that door they would have been there till the next day if Paps didn't need a night story. On the surface if the post pacifist interactions are anything to go by I'm sure they nabed a house together. Maybe everyone living together but in every ending where Toriel is alive, he always seems to live with her. There such good friends in the surface these two would totally be joking flrting that might turn to actual flirting but no one not even they know yet I don't think they'll go for anyone else. Toriel certainly isn't going after Asgore any time soon and Sans isn't going to go find someone when he's content. They'll be content on the couch watching some shitty comedy joking around cuddling even. They'll go to Grilbys or some random place once a week for some reason and people will just assume that date night for them. They'll see something in the store and buy it for a prank and cause it reminds it of them. They'll get married as a bit or only because of the tax benefit. If Frisk stays with her you know he's secondary guardian on school stuff. These two are just pure fluff with angsty talks they can only understand sprinkled in. Yeah maybe they won't be an a traditional relationship but honestly these two will definitely be in some weird romantic platonic limbo.
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chuck-snowbug · 7 months
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Picture 1-3: Jikon(Japanese Sake/而今 純米吟醸 三重山田錦 生) & Duck Nabe - February 2024
Picture 4: Ojiya Using Up The Leftover Soup feat. Felto the 1st, Next Day - February 2024
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skyeslittlecorner · 8 months
Tails for all! - Avisos edition
Other parts: Kings | Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Nilfheim | Abaddon | Paradise Lost
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No one has any idea what his real tail looks like. They say he either doesn't have it, hides it like Leviathan or the prosthesis is built directly around his own. Of course, the visible part is a prosthesis that looks exactly like Beel's tail.
The most common rumor is that he lost his tail while protecting Beel. When you asked Amon about it, he didn't answer. Beelzebub said he didn't remember, but something in his expression tells you he knows much more than he’s willing to tell you.
It's just the mechanical equivalent of a real tail. Stiffer, less agile than Beel, uncomfortable to sit with. Its appearance is perfectly reproduced, even poisonous, but Bael hates it and intends to get rid of it along with the crown and glasses as soon as Beel returns.
Sensitiveness 0/10. 
At the base it has four metal plates that are used to screw and hold this tail. You also saw that for a moment there was only the upper part of the prosthesis next to the body, that the tail base is larger than Beel, and at the bottom there was a small gap with a black soft… material? 
When you touched it, Bael jumped back and almost ripped your arm away. He was as scared as you were. So, maybe the real sensitivity is 10/10?
Suddenly you're even more motivated to put Beelzebub's ass in the office.
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 A snake's tail, gray and thick as three fingers. Three tails to be precise, although it's easy to get confused because he usually keeps them all braided together.
Dark gray, very similar to his horn. Black thin stripe on the back. Supposedly he can slide blades out of it like his king, but no one has seen it yet.
They are so flexible and agile that he can braid them and use the three ends like three fingers or a gripper. Interestingly, each of them can handle a pistol alone. 
However, he can't hold a pen or documents. At all. Nuh-uh. Suddenly limp. 
He only unbraids his tails when he has the opportunity to mess up. Pull Stolas by the coat, steal Nabe's glasses. Reason? Who knows, he's probably bored.
When Bael shouts at him, he wraps two of his tails around his legs, pretending that he's so sorry, and with the third one, he tease Bael’s tail because he's just his friend, not the king.
Sensitiveness 6/10. If you manage to wake up this lazy devil, you can count on miracles in bed. He will hold your arms and legs, cover eyes, put ends in your mouth, explore under your clothes, and overall will be very creative.
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 If you were expecting a dog's tail, you almost got it. His brown tail actually resembles his own three Cerberus tails, but it is longer and fluffier, as if all three had to fit into one.
An ankle-length cascade of soft fur, a little more flexible than a dog's, but just as enthusiastically flapping when he's happy. What a good boy!
He usually keeps it curled up like a Shiba. It also has similar lighter fur underneath and a black tip.
Even though it looks like a dog at first glance, its tail is prehensile enough to handle a gun. However, he prefers the bazooka. It is larger and more handy. As you can see, his tail is quite strong underneath that cute fur.
Stolas says that when Nabe gets angry, his tail fluffs up like a duster.
The reason for this anger is usually Amon.
Sensitiveness 7/10. He will let you play with it, but only when you are alone. You can pet him, hug him and kiss him as much as you want. It is fluffy and warm.
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Feathered bird tails are very rare, and Stolas has a beautiful owl tail. He's not too happy about this, totally would prefer a weapon-type tail like Beelzebub's.
This tail is not large, only half-thigh long. When he folds it, it's barely visible. He wanted the same prosthesis as Bael, but he was banned from doing so by Beel himself.
To sweeten what Stolas considers a shortcoming, Beel gave him a special piercing at the base of his tail. But it's even harder to show than the one on the chest.
He sometimes bet on tail feathers instead of money. Due to how rare these tails are, it is believed that their feathers bring good luck and clothes or jewelry with such elements have magical properties.
If Avisos has some business in Tartaros, Bael sends Stolas there because Bimet has a soft spot for him (or rather his precious tail). Or at least that's what they did until the stolas started a fight in the street. And because once he came back plucked.
Nabe says that when Stolas gets angry, his tail fluffs up like an angry chicken's.
The reason for this anger is usually Amon.
Sensitiveness 4/10. His feathers are mostly ticklish, but he likes to be scratched at the base.
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mihotose · 2 months
hasu + snow
kaho: didn't get to play outside much as a kid, so she looks forward to playing in the snow and making snowmen and snow flowers, and her favourite, snow rabbits. on days with too much snow, she reads
kozue: listens to her favourite music under a blanket with a cup of tea. she recently got her phone to record a video of the snow falling. next time she wants to try slow motion video
sayaka: she's strong so she's good at shoveling snow. she'll play in it if invited, but she'll probably be more worried about other people, like if kaho asks her to make nabe, or making sure tsuzuri isnt having a nap somewhere cold
tsuzuri: likes lying down and listening to the snow fall. when it piles up, everything goes quiet and she can hear her heartbeat, but she can also hear other people's footsteps. she likes the sound of those too, they're warm
ruri: has a habit of zoning out while watching the snow fall. even better if she has a kotatsu, tea, and megu-chan. kaho sometimes invites her to play too. when she was in elementary school she used to have snowball fights in short sleeves and shorts, but now she wears thicker clothes
megumi: has a matcha latte she made with store bought matcha doughnuts and plays games and streams. if she feels like it she'll make two matcha lattes and barges in uninvited on kozue to give it to her
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hurpdurpburps · 14 days
Life doesn't get much better than a great scotch and an even better book on a quiet Saturday night.
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I was recommended this novella called This Is How You Lose The Time War, and I simply have no words to describe the profound shock and awe that permeated every cell of my being as I devoured line after line of caustic rivalry-turned-saccharine yearning and THE CRAZIEST TIME LOOP EVER cleverly and delicately spun into existence like some literary artisanal cashmere cardigan.
"Writing is a craft" has never felt truer.
I played Aimer softy in the background as I read start-to-finish in the span of three hours and the experience was simply indescribable.
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ALSO, since this was also my first weekend off in 6 weeks with absolutely nothing on my to-do list, I grabbed the opportunity to go Full Cooking Mama.
Got some off cuts for real cheap at the Japanese supermarket next to my office (yay for working in Japantown).
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Amazing how $30 kept me fed for three full days.
Started the weekend with a pork jowl and kimchi stir-fry, along with kimbap my sister made the day before that I didn't get to eat since work was being ridiculous as always.
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Had a friend come over for dinner in the evening so I made beef fat fried rice and salmon tofu miso soup. I'd kept the rendered lard from the pork jowl earlier in the day to fry the eggs as well. So I guess it's pork and beef fat fried rice lol.
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Started Sunday with some thinly-sliced beef tongue lightly grilled with sesame oil and salt over rice, and the last of the salmon tofu miso soup.
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Monday lunch was some kinda quasi-kasu udon-esque random invention. I cut up the last of the beef into small pieces, then gently sautéed them in a dry pan until the fat rendered and sinew turned soft, lightly seasoned with white pepper, salt and shichimi. Then I added a chanko nabe dashi capsule, water, and frozen sanuki udon that I'd softened on the side with boiling water. Finished with a lightly poached egg on top.
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Was SO GOOD. I had both sanuki and inaniwa udon in my freezer and I'm glad I went with the former. Since sanuki udon was thick and chewy, I thought it could stand up to the robustness of the broth and the simmering. I was right.
NGL this might become a staple in my diet. One of the things I miss most about living in Japan is getting to eat kasu udon whenever I want, and for some unfortunate reason it seems like no one outside of Northeast Asia has come to realise the beauty that is fried beef tripe.
The sweet scent of roasted beef fat and the slight chewiness of the simmered sinew was close enough to trigger fond memories of chowing down on midnight kasu udon in my tiny Tokyo studio that I'd tucked away in some distant corner of my lizard brain.
Too bad I didn't take a photo of the finished product since I was too hungry. Maybe next time.
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southkoreaandjapan · 1 year
Hello Japan
June 28, 2023.
Today was a travel day - but it was a short travel day, relatively speaking with a 2 hour flight to Japan - and just like that we were closer to home.
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Japan is a LOT bigger than South Korea but Seoul with 25 million people is a lot bigger than Tokyo with 12 million. Both of those cities have more people than live in the entire state of Michigan since we have under 10 million. PHEW!!
Take a look at Japan transposed on Michigan. If you were to start in at the Mackinac Bridge and start driving you would be in Mexico before you got to the end of Japan territory. Surprised? So Japan is 51% bigger in land mass that Michigan but they has 144 MILLION more people that Michigan.
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The first day we were here we just moved into our hotel in downtown Tokyo and had a lovely dinner to get to know our new guide, Ken-san. Tokyo feels different than Seoul and is not an vertical.
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It is vertical - don't get me wrong - but there are more old "high rise" buildings of 10 - 15 stories and more old with the new. But this is really just a first impression.
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Day 2 - June 29, 2023
Today we visited a Suma Wrestling facility. This is NOT a sport that I would EVER seek out - but now that I know more - I have to confess, I am kind of interested. - although NOT even close enough to attend an event. NO EVEN CLOSE!!! We spent an hour with Bungonishiki while he showed us some of his exercises.
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He is retired and now trying to keep the sport alive working with youth. He was willing to help us understand this ancient sport. He was a very nice man.
The average match is 7 second - FYI! The wrestlers live in a dorm like setting and eat an enormous amount of calories every day while training several hours.
The top 70 wrestlers earn an very good living and the top make a VERY good living - I'm talking FOUR million dollars a year.
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We watched a couple of videos of matches including one with a guy who weighed 600 lbs and I am still trying to figure out how to "UNSEE" that. OMG!!! Later we went to see a Sumo ring. Before your match you fling a little salt to honor the gods. Who is the god of Sumo? you ask. No flipping idea.
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This sport is old - it is kinda' like the jousting idiocy for Japan. Each kingdom or shogunate (this might not be the right word) had a bunch of the guys and they would challenge the group from another kingdom./shogunate. Now these guys have sponsors - like McDonalds - and I am not kidding. The grand champion (also not the right word) was sponsored by a Russian yogurt company. The skirt below (again - not the right word ) was the company that sponsored our friend.
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On to lunch... We went to this delightful place where we had to remove our shoes - VERY COMMON PRACTICE - and then each of us had a little cast iron pot filled with broth, vegetable and chicken., called "nabe." or "hot pot." The flame will last long enough to cook everything in the pot. I thought the process was pretty cool and the food was delicious. Our little group of 11 were in two different rooms.
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Next we took a walk and ended up in a pachinko parlor. I read the book "Pachinko" but I never actually understood what the parlor looked like nor how the game was played. But now I do.
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The book was about WAY more than the Pachinko parlor however and we asked Ken-san about the current treatment of Korean heritage people living in Japan and he said it was much better now than before, I'm not sure what "before" covered but during "before" this people - no matter how many generations of their family had lived in Japan had no nationality. They were not permitted to have employment in high esteemed professions and had no voting or passport rights. A Pachinko parlor - because it is a gambling establishment - was considered "dirty" or "unworthy" (probably not the right word but you get the picture.). The Korean heritage people were permitted to work in Pachinko parlors. And although the gambling and the establishments are "dirty" they are used by everyone regardless of heritage.
We wanted to give it a try so Anson tried it and SURPRISE lost my money.
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It may have had something to do with not having a clue what he was doing - but let's face it the house always wins.
From there we headed to a Bonsai shop. That entire process is remarkable!
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My biggest  surprise was to discover that these trees grow this way "in the wild" on different mountains.  My second surprise was that these tiny and beautiful trees go through the entire season cycle.  For example if you have a bonsai weeping cherry in the spring it will bloom, just like the one in my front yard.  A flowering crabapple will bloom and produce teeny tiny apples.  
Anyway one of the apprentices, who work 6 years, 7 days a week, 12 to 15 hours a day for room, board and training took us on a little tour of the place and showed us some of the techniques used by the gardeners to keep these trees looking beautiful.  
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The apprentice referred many times to “my Master” and it creeped me out.  We got to meet his Master and he signed a book about Bonsai that Shannon and Jim purchased.
We discovered that these trees either flow left or right and owner needs to know that so that it can be placed correctly.  If not - a person can ruin the feng shui of the entire home, business or organization. The tree below flows left.
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It turns out that the gardener actually “freezes” (again - wrong word) the growth.  An example is that tree that is 800 years old.
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See the white wood.  That is dead - but no more of the tree with die provided the caretaker knows what they are doing. Let in it natural habitat the tree would continue to di. These trees are beautiful and very, very pricey.  Not to mention that you better have enough money to hire a gardener to take care of it.  Check out the pic below - clearly they are flowing right. (I'm a quick study!)
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We headed back to the hotel but before we knew it it was time to eat - AGAIN.  This time we took a taxi.
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Ken-san has told me that he feared this particular meal would be a little “wheat -heavy” so he had purchased a lovely salad for me while everyone else enjoyed the “gluten-FULL” meal.  While it all looked good to me - I can say I did love the salad.
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We opted for the subway on the way home and it was a delightful trip - with the exception that many of the stations are not very assessable.  Mark and Jay are both using a cane and have become great buddies scoping out benches together.  They are also both troopers but an escalator or an elevator would be nice.  The subway stations and cars  - like everything here - are immaculate. 
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We have a station right by our hotel - so super easy peasy. See...
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Still loving Tokyo....
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kunikinnie · 2 years
*knocks knocks* tao poooo
request are open, so! and I love Yukichi sm guess we're both a Fukuzawa simping blog
may I ask of Yukichi and how he would deal with his s/o's ex-boyfriend/lover 🤔 (like giving signs of wanting to get them back but of course we're not interested we won't replace Yukichi)
a/n: galing ng prompt mo alavet HAHA hope this is ok! was writing the next part of Nabe and this is giving me ideas oop
dealing with your ex
featuring: Fukuzawa x GN!Reader
Your ex was trying to initiate contact with you a little more frequently than they should. You didn't think much of it, but right from the get go, Fukuzawa's suspicious. Of course he is - how could he not be? But it's not like there was reason to act on that hunch... at least not yet.
Because of how busy he is, he didn't even dwell on their presence at first. Every moment he spent with you was singularly for you and you only.
It was when their name and perhaps your slight discomfort became a regular occurrence that Fukuzawa decided to not ignore the issue any further.
Being your partner gave him the right to assert himself if needed - that much is undeniable. Yet at the back of his mind, he's worried that you might have lingering feelings for them. What should he do, then? The thought causes a certain pang in his chest that he dispels any speculation before asking you first.
Thankfully, you had the same thoughts as he did.
"Maybe I'm just overthinking things," you added after rambling your feelings on the matter. "It's not like they'll do anything, right?"
"Nothing will happen as long as I'm here," Fukuzawa replied with a firm but gentle voice, determined to fulfill that promise.
Now as protective as he may be, he's not the type to confront anyone less absolutely necessary. The most he'll do during this period is walk and accompany you more often (if possible) and to spend more time with you in general.
Most likely, it is the ex who'll confront him first.
"I still love Y/N," they say without shame. "Let me take a chance with them again, please." The audacity-
"It is their decision to make," Fukuzawa said calmly. Internally, however, he's already thrown him onto the speeding traffic. "And it's theirs alone."
If that wasn't clear enough, then God grant him patience. It wouldn't end well if he was granted more strength. Fortunately, leaving the rest to you was more that enough.
Your ex never showed up again since you talked to him. Fukuzawa would like to claim that during the period in between those incidents, he remained as stoic as ever. You knew that wasn't the truth, however.
If there's one thing you've learned from being with him all this time, it's that what your lover couldn't say in words he said through his eyes. The long and frequent stares at you when he thought you weren't looking spoke volumes about his true emotions.
"There's no need to get jealous, Yukichi."
The cough that followed nearly choked him. "I-I'm just worried he won't take it well."
"You said nothing will happen, right? As long as you're here, it'll be fine."
It's strange how the tables turned easily like that, he mused at the time. But once it had all passed, he could only be relieved that all that was promised remained unbroken.
taglist: @irethepotato, @kisara-16reblogs, @dazaee, @menshusband, @celestair, @bloobewy
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msookyspooky · 1 year
Blessed with an update again!! I finally had a spare moment to read the update. Everything is coming together!!
Those kids need to watch their mouths! I just wanted to smack'em lol!! Also, Randy is always and forever RIGHT!! No ifs ands or buts!! Gale being Gale is very refreshing for me lol I just love her!! :)
I loved this update so much!! It's phenomenal!! Your writing always lifts me when I'm in a bad mood!! Thanks you and I love you!! I hope you have a beautiful day/night!! -Finny <3
Finny!!! Thank you ily and ur reviews as always nabe omg!! 💘💘💘 You're such an angel I srsly have the biggest grin reading this 🥰💞
No but fr I'm 26 and I already have these interactions with 15-17 year olds 🥴🥴🥴 I know Ray being told he's too old for Stab-a-Thon would canonly have him through the roof
Exactly Gale is forever Gale I hate to love her but wow do I love her
Ik shits heating up and I lowkey dread it bc there's going to be some bad shit happening within the next 2 or 3 chapters and I don't like it 🥲
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