#And I don't mean that in a derogatory way like Oh look at his Wasted potential - just that he's a coiled spring! A held-high object!
sysig · 2 years
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Predator and Prey (Patreon)
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Here's a Thought About Harry Potter...
Okay, so you have bigoted Wizarding children who look down on muggles and muggleborns and put big emphasis on wizarding lineage and whatnot. Big example in canon was Draco and his open use of the derogatory word "Mudblood".
So let's ignore the blatant favoritism where he and others are free to bully and be overtly cruel with no punishment or consequence.
Let's also pretend the teachers actually do their jobs and issue appropriate punishment.
What would happen if one of said teachers decides that the best way to curb Draco's blatant discrimination would be to have him learn about muggles?
So Draco ends up transferred to Muggle Studies.
Draco: This is a waste of time! Name one thing muggles have accomplished that Wizards haven't. Go ahead. I'll wait— Teacher: They've been to the moon. Draco: Wait—what? Teacher: Six times. Draco: WHAT?!
Where he is forced to...(shudder) learn about how muggles live!
Oh nooooooooo.
So he learns about muggle inventions.
Muggle Student1: So there's this square device called a "cell phone" that's compact enough that we can carry around in our pockets. We can also use it to send messages within seconds, chat with people across the world, play games, and look at pictures of cats. Draco: Don't think you can fool me! Like I would fall for something so insane! Muggle Student2: (Sarcastically) Oh no, he caught us.
Muggle contraptions.
Draco: What do you mean they don't use quills? How do they write? Teacher: With pens. Draco: Where do they get the ink from? Teacher: It's IN the pen. Draco: (Stares) …how?
Muggle hobbies.
Malfoy: What is "internet"? Muggleborn Student1: ….oh you sweet summer child. Muggleborn Student2: Don't tell him. I don't think his brain could handle it.
He also ends up falling into the muggleborn black market.
Which comes with the revelation that there IS, in fact, a muggleborn black market at Hogwarts. Because I'm hard pressed to believe that kids in the modern era would just abandon their modern comforts completely.
Muggleborn Student1: Hey, just because electronics don't work at Hogwarts doesn't mean we have to leave everything behind. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have a new stock of Cadbury chocolates, KitKat bars, and Fruit Pastilles. Muggleborn Student1: YES! Draco: (Scoff) There's nothing here I would want. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have one set of "Slytherin" gel pens in black, silver, and bright green. One set of glitter gel pens. And a spiral notebook with a holographic cover. Draco: (Slams money on the counter) GIMME!
And Draco ends up learning a lot.
After all, a Slytherin is supposed to be cunning and ambitious.
It would be remiss of him to not take advantage of such opportunity as it presents itself.
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kwillow · 2 years
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Ambroys basking in his cache of gifts and sweet words from secret admirers. Gotta be careful, though. If his ego is inflated any more, he'll pop.
(I wanted to doodle something to accompany a post answering some messages regarding this candy-colored cad but got a bit carried away. :P Well regardless, asks under the cut!)
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Why thank you! He would drunkenly insult people, though he tends to be more passive-aggressive and backhanded rather than outright insulting - well, most of the time, anyway. He thinks he's a lot more subtle in his derogatory comments than he actually is.
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Aaaw, this is too sweet!
Older Ambroys is much more reserved about seeking and accepting physical affection than his younger self, for myriad reasons (that one day I will expound upon in more detail, fate willing). He still enjoys it, though.
He's still proud of the stars on his cheeks and the gold in his hair and all that, but the signs of age are something he is not at peace with. For some, like the wrinkles, they're a sign that his time on this earth is finite - and death terrifies him. For others, like his paunch, it's more just embarrassing to him in a more mundane and vain "I was voted Prom King in high school and I was on the Varsity track team now look at me I'm an old man boo hoo hoo" type of way (though he's actually more physically adept in his older age than he was when he was younger for Magical Heritage Bullshit reasons, the sentiment remains).
As for your question, it's totally fine with me for Ambroys to be portrayed as non-heterosexual in fanfic or fanart or one's secret imaginings. Even though all of his "canon" love interests are women, I wouldn't rule out of the possibility of him developing affections for someone who isn't a woman. Chase your bliss!
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Haha well both furry and aasimar Ambroys would bask in the attention, though poor aasimar Ambroys' jealousy is not going to be helped!
No shame on being a furry though. I didn't consider myself one either but I feel like it's harder to make the argument that I'm not given the sheer number of ponies I've drawn by now...
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He would accept this, so long as you don't mess up his hair.
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He would say: "good!" I would say "don't waste your life on him!"
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Oh he would be pleased to be so distracting, I'm sure.
And sometimes we can't help but to have a type... I know I seem to have a thing for rich effete douchebags with buck teeth and big pointy noses... not quite sure what's up with that.
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Yessss... yesssssssss... or perhaps I should say "I'm sorry."
I didn't mean to make him this way... I guess I underestimated the power of a brushable mane.
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Ambroys DOES like being worshipped (way too much and way too literally, as you might be able to tell) but he wants to have his imperfections hidden if he can!
He's just horribly, horribly vain and unwilling to let go of his youth... even though he got to enjoy being youthful for three times as long as a mortal would.
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YES that song is on his playlist (which I have for all my main characters because I'm a dork). It's just too perfect. One of the many ideas on my miles-long to do list has to do with depicting a scene from that song. The trouble is that it has to do with dancing, and boy am I not very good at drawing dancing poses. xD Oh well, gotta try for the boy!
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Heh well I think we could agree that a normal horse probably couldn't pull off the breeches he wears quite so well... I'm flattered that you think of him when you see horsies in the flesh! Huzzah, I've ruined one of the Earth's beautiful creatures for you! >:)
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Oh wow, my guy is stepping out of my brain and into other people's subconsciouses... I need to put a leash on him. :P But this was a fun read!
It's very in character Ambroys to try to undercut a rival's self-esteem by framing it as something OTHER people say, but oh no, he'd NEVER say something like that, of course. Mean girl behavior. He does have friends that don't actually like him - and he doesn't like them either. But one needs to have friends for appearance's sake - just one more accessory, really!
OKAY, I think that's everything! Or at least enough for this post, ahah.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words on my not-so-kind character.
Unlike him, I'm really humbled and grateful by the positive reception he's received. I deeply appreciate your kind messages... even when it takes me eons to reply to them, gah.
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insomniackae · 2 years
-Sugary sweet-
(Modern!Childe x gn(?) reader)
Ok tbh this is very bad since I made this a LONG LONG time ago, when my writing era just started. But when I was scrolling through my notepad I saw this fic and I was like, "Omg did I actually wrote this? (derogatory) " BUT. I was too lazy to write something else at the moment but I felt bad for not posting so I figured I should try and share this old terrible work of mine. I sincerely apologize if you don't like this fic.
Warning: cringe obvi, short like my sleep hours, mention of sugar daddy, word crimes, slightly suggestive, maybe a little bit ooc, not proofread, event take place in the modern world.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
It was a sunny day. Just like yesterday. And the day before. And the day before. There's nothing interesting happening these days.
Well, today you decided to stop by the newly opened cafe near your office. I mean- why not? Sweets are your thing. You practically survive off sweets.
You got a few (a lot) of pastries and a cup of coffee. You were walking home cheerfully, eager to eat your pastries once you got home. That is until you bumped onto a tall figure, spilling your coffee everywhere. Even your box full of pastries fell to the ground. Before you could even do anything, the flock of birds nearby already surrounded it.
"Oh my, are you alright? " The soothing voice made you cocked your head up to look at the person.
You malfunctioned for awhile. How could a man like him exist? His ginger hair paired with beautifuly unique blue eyes. He's wearing a suit. And oh archons, his hand is so beautiful. His glove shaped itself around his fingers perfectly, complimenting his already stunning image. You were practically staring.
"Umm... Hello...? Miss? " You broke out of your fantasy upon hearing his voice once again. Archons, did I just openly stared at him? Embarrassing.
"Oh! Yea-yeah. Im sorry for bumping into you" You apologized.
"No! It supposed to be me who apologize. Because of me your food has gone to waste" Oh. You actually forgot about your pastries. Ok, now you're a bit mad. Though, you can't blame him.
"How about I compesate you? I'll buy you your pastries back" He offered.
You tried your best to turn down his offer but he keeps on insisting. At last, you accepted it anyway. Oh how could you resist when a handsome rich man with attractive hands practically begging to pay you back.
"My name is [name]." You introduced yourself while shaking his beautiful covered hand.
You exchanged your number with him. He said that although he would be more glad to go with you today, he has some jobs to do.
"I'll text you whenever I'm free. Nice to meet you, Miss [name]. I'm Ajax, by the way"
After all that, you went home. You lay in bed after taking a nice fresh cold shower.
"Ajax huh... "
You closed your eyes, slowly sailing so sleep. You were way too exhausted to think about anything anymore. Alot has happened today and you don't want anymore thought floods your mind after todays event.
You may not realized it, but you were waiting for his text.
𝘼 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧.
You've finally gotten his text. So he didn't forget after all?
And here you are. Sitting infront of him, in a cafe waiting for your orders.
He got the casual look today. With a gray long sleeved turtleneck and black pants. He's not wearing gloves today. Archons. His hands really is beautiful. You can't help but stare at it.
"Are you done staring? "
You blushes madly. Archons, I did it again. You apologized, while still wearing that flustered expression all over your face.
"Ahaha... It's alright. I can't blame you for thinking that I'm attractive" He claimed proudly.
"My, you have quite the pride, Mr. Ajax. Though, I would too if I'm a person as handsome as you." He seems to be quite amused by your statement. It's bold, just like how he like it
And that's how you met Ajax. You've gradually became closer to him to the point that you knew everything about him and he knew everything about you too. Before you knew it, you both started flirting with each other.
One day, he asked you to accompany him to a certain place to discuss some "business" with you. You gladly accepted.
Your jaws opened wide when he took you to the fanciest hotel you've ever seen. You knew he is rich but wow...
You sat on the bed with satin bedsheet. If there is one word that could describe the moment, it would be "Fancy". Your heart races with anticipation as Ajax dimmed the light and sat next to you.
"I have... a job for you, my dear. It is quite beneficial for you, if I must say so. That is if you accept it, of course. " He stated.
You were interested with the sound of it since you were fired from your company not too long ago. A job is exactly what you needed.
"And may I know what job is it?" You asked.
He chuckled and started to get closer to you. His blue eyes fixated on you.
"You just need to love me. Satisfy me. And since... you seem to really love sweet things, how about I became your sweet sugar daddy? You'll just have to be by my side whenever i need you to. How does that sound angel? "
You were honestly surprised, but you would be lying to yourself if you say that you don't want him to say that.
"Well, the job does sound irresistible. I accept it. I'm truly grateful to have an employer such as you are~" You said seductively. Your answer was given, consent was established, now there's only one thing to do
He pulls you onto his lap, He close the distance between your faces and pulls you into a heated make out session. It went on for quite a while.
He broke off the kiss, letting you to take your breath. "I think... We shouldn't rush this. Let's take it slow. " He said as he brushed his hand softly on you cheek. Caressing it.
"And since you love this finger of mine so much... " He whispered softly to your ear.
He shoved his index and his middle finger in your mouth, touching the back of your tongue with the his finger pads.
"Why don't you suck it for me, darling~"
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kym2020 · 3 years
Shuffle × The Numbing Noir Neige
La Mort chapter 7
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Nagisa Ran: ...I'll repeat the strategy again, Mayoi-kun,
I and you will go to ask Sakuma-kun about the current situation. At the same time, Kohaku-kun goes to Ritsu-kun's room to hear his current feelings.
…… After that, we bring back each other's stories and search for clues to the solution. We're looking for a good direction for the 『Shuffle Unit』.
...Are you ready?
Mayoi Ayase
Wa, wa, hi...dadada, but it's okay.
[T/N: Mayoi-kun are you alright?(´-ω-`)]
Nagisa Ran
…Instead, look at my face deep down
...I'll do something if something goes wrong.  Mayoi-kun will be relieved to watch behind me.
...then let's knock.
...excuse me
Mayoi Ayase
Oh, sorry to bother you
Rei Sakuma
Oh. Isn't it Ayase-kun and Ran-kun?
Tenshoin-kun and Shiratori-kun are outside the office, but I don't think they are the one you need.
Isn't there something for me about the 『shuffle project』?
Nagisa Ran
I agree. It was a little difficult to talk with Eichi-kun. I was saved without him.
...I have a story about 『Shuffle Project』, especially with you and your younger brother.
Rei Sakuma
Hmm. I expected it to be this. If I and Ritsu made the air in the field worse, do you think that's what you see?
Mayoi Ayase
W-w-well, that's not the case!
Nagisa Ran
Mayoi-kun, you don't have to forcibly talk to each other.
...Anyway. You know the current situation, but you can't put a cover in there
...Why did you do that when you're pretty smart? Can you tell me.
…If you profess your reason, we can be convinced.
…But unless we reveal our true intentions, we will continue to shoot with suspicion.
...I wonder if this kind of thing is the so-called "I guess".
…I'm not very good, but we are a fateful community If possible, could you tell me what's happening in words?
Rei Sakuma
Kukuku. Isn't it a pretty derogatory term, to use the word "I guess"?
I also want to explain the reasons. But I'm not at the stage of telling the facts yet.
Ritsu is the only younger brother for me, he's so cute that it doesn't hurt in my eyes.
However, it is also necessary to make the heart a demon. Please understand.
I don't mind being despised for the sake of Ritsu.
Nagisa Ran
…Even if that choice disrupts the 『shuffle unit』?
Rei Sakuma
Nagisa Ran
I'm disappointed at you. Sakuma-kun
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<On the other hand, at the same time. In the dormitory room of Ritsu and Mika>
Mika Kagehira
Koha-ku~n♪ I got you some tea~♪
Kohaku Oukawa
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have my seniors fetch me tea, but...
Mika Kagehira
No, I don't care because I like it and I want to do it♪
Honestly, what happened? It's okay that the audience is very lively these days, but do you want to talk to Ritsu because of the work in the movie?
Kohaku Oukawa
*Seyane/You're right. I had a consultation about 『shuffle planning』, but I can't help it if the person who is the main point is not here.
[T/N: Seyane a kansai dialect of You're right]
It's bad to have a waterfall to the tea, but if I drink this, don't let me go home
[T/N: wait what, I don't quite understand kansai dialect so it's hard to understand but I guess he means it's a waste of time for him if he goes home? Huh?! I messed up this time]
Mika Kagehira
Eh~. You've come all the way to us, and can I talk to you until Ritsu-kun returns?
Kohaku Oukawa
I'm troubling the person I'm talking to, and Kohaku-kun is always welcome♪
I'm relieved. It's bad for Mika-han, but can you just pass my words to him?
Mika Kagehira
Sure, sure
Ritsu Sakuma
Fufufu. It looks delicious♪ Can you give me a tea?
Mika Kagehira
Hmm, Ritsu
I'm glad you're here now♪
Ritsu Sakuma
Ahaha. You can see that by looking at it
Did you come after the shooting because there is something for me?
Kohaku Oukawa
Oh yeah. The message is quick and it helps
It's about the shooting of 【La Mort】. *ぬし/Nushi-han, Rei-han.
[T/N: ぬし was written as Nushi meaning head or leader]
Brothers quarrel also like dogs. Early on, *why don't you bow your head and put it back in its original scabbard?
[T/N: literal meaning just apologise]
Ritsu Sakuma
Yeah, that kind of thing
But I refuse. Why do I have to do it? Anjia will never speak until his brother bows and apologizes
Only while the camera is spinning, he and I will exchanges lines as the role of 『Eternal Reaper』. Isn't this enough?
Kohaku Oukawa
Hah. It's hard to break his border and talk about the anger of Ritsu-han.
Ritsu Sakuma
Originally it was impossible. I didn't expect to play with Anija.
When Anija and I work, it seems that we bring in too much personality.
Ah. If this happens, I would have declined from the beginning...?
Kohaku Oukawa
Most of the time, I don't like it Ritsu-han
As long as you accept it, you can't 『wait』.  Don't you know how many people are involved in this 『shuffle project』?
Ritsu Sakuma
It's okay. I'm in energy saving mode, but I'm always doing my job properly.
Of course, I don't neglect a fixed job, and I do well with Anija in the field. We'll keep a distance from each other and be moderate...
There's nothing more you want from me. I think you can understand it because it's a relative of Su-chan.
[T/N: If you don't know who Su-chan is it's Tsukasa Suou]
The outfield is given to the family's problems from a superior position.
From the start it has been same problem as what 『King』 made into another weak 『unit』.
Kohaku Oukawa
......It may be true.
Even though it's the same 『unit』, after all, 『Shuffle Unit』 and Ritsu-han think so.
I just lost it because I was worried. Wouldn't it be nice if the two brothers did whatever they wanted?
If it's a story that you can do anything, even in a fight, and get a good job. We can't say anything.
It wasn't like that at all
Ritsu Sakuma
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beckykai · 5 years
Friends Don’t
words: 5746 
a/n: this is my first post, and I’m dedicating it to tyrus week! i wrote this awhile ago and never got around to posting it, but i’m really excited to show you guys my work! i’ve got a few other one shots to share, but also send in requests and i’ll see what i can do! 
They don't cancel other plans
“Yo, Cyrus!” 
The brunette turned from his previous conversation with his best friends in the hallway of their middle school with a smile at the familiar voice. 
“Teej!” he exclaimed, returning the bro hug offered to him with glee. 
“There’s a new exhibit opening in the Natural History Museum this weekend if you wanted to go? It’s featuring a new fossil they discovered just a few miles outside of Shadyside!” the blonde looked ecstatic, sending Cyrus’s heart whirling. 
“Dinosaurs and history? Sounds like fun for both of us - I’m in!” he responded with a wide smile. 
TJ beamed. “Great! I’ll text you the details tonight! See ya! Andi, Buffy.” he nodded in acknowledgement before walking to his next class, leaving the trio to their previous conversation. 
“Cyrus!” Andi hissed. 
“What?” the boy asked in confusion. 
“We were supposed to go to the art gallery with Walker and Jonah this Saturday?” Buffy raised an eyebrow. 
Cyrus sighed. “I know, I know, but-” 
“It’s TJ. We get it, Cy.” Andi smiled mischievously, sharing a knowing look with the other girl. 
“Wait,” he shook his head, “I don’t think you girls do. Put those looks away - those are the weird looks we give Jonah when he and Walker are together.” 
“We know.” Buffy smirked, closing her locker. “We’ll see ya at lunch, lovebird.” 
Cyrus rolled his eyes. “We’re just friends, nothing more.” 
“Yeah, whatever.” Andi hooked her arm with Buffy’s and they walked off to their next class together, leaving the brunette stuttering excuses under his breath.  
Have conversations with nothing but their eyes 
“Dude, that’s gay.” 
Buffy’s eyes shot up to find the voice that had just pierced her ears, ready to give someone an earful for using the word in such a derogatory way. 
“Shut up, man. You’re gay.” another voice responded, Andi now joining in on Buffy’s searching. 
“Who the hell is that?” TJ asked, looking around the booths at The Spoon. 
“I don’t know,” Buffy huffed, “but whoever it is is about to get their ass kicked-” 
“Buff,” Cyrus’s meek voice said, “don’t. It’s not worth it.” 
His friends softened immediately, taking in the solemn look painting his face. 
“People suck, man.” Jonah said in an attempt to comfort the teenager. 
“You got that right.” Cyrus breathed, fidgeting with the straw in his milkshake. TJ unsuccessfully tried to catch his gaze and read his eyes. He grabbed a baby tater from their shared large basket in the middle of the table and dipped it in Cyrus’s chocolate milkshake, making the smaller boy look up at him. 
“Hey! You have the same flavor, dude!” Cyrus whined playfully. 
“But yours tastes better.” TJ smirked, plopping the baby tater into his mouth. Cyrus offered him a smile, but his eyes didn’t match the glow they usually had. Instead, his eyebrows furrowed anxiously at the blonde and his orbs spoke words that didn’t need to be said between the two. 
“So then I told Bex-” Andi was interrupted by TJ answering his phone, making a scene of saying hello. 
“Hey, mom. Yeah, sure - of course. You want him to come, too? Yeah, I’ll ask. See you soon, love you.” he shoved his phone in his pocket and looked up at Cyrus. “My mom needs me to help with the garden in the backyard. She remembered how much you liked it and asked if you wanted to help?” 
Cyrus nodded eagerly. “Sounds awesome! You guys don’t mind?” he turned to the rest of his friends, who only smiled and shook their heads at them. 
The pair said their goodbyes as they waved at the group and left the diner, shoulder to shoulder. 
“Okay,” Cyrus said once he was for sure they were a far enough distance from The Spoon, “I know for a fact that your mom works the day shift on Saturdays. Thank you for that, Teej.” 
TJ flushed, hiding it with a shrug. “Of course. I know it can be overwhelming in that situation. You looked like you needed an out. Swings?” 
The smaller boy nodded, his heart beat rushing as TJ slung his arm over his shoulders and guided them to their favorite spot. 
They don't hear each other's names and forget to concentrate
Hits a nerve and lights you up like dynamite
“You guys would not believe what just happened.” Marty said with a laugh as he joined their regular group of friends at their table in the Jefferson High cafeteria. 
“What, Mr. The Party?” Buffy teased, nudging his shoulder with her own. 
“So I have biology with TJ right? And we were like-” 
Cyrus couldn’t hear anything after the mention of the boy who lit up his heart. A heat flowed from his chest to his neck, ending in his cheeks, and the tips of his nose and ears. He had to bite back a smile at his rushing heart, feeling it warm at solely the mention of the boy’s name. 
He didn’t realize he had dazed out until his entire group of friends busted out with laughter so suddenly that it made Cyrus jump. 
“Yo, Cy, wasn’t that hilarious?” Marty asked, furrowing his eyes at him at his lack of laughter. 
“Oh!” the brunette squeaked. “Um, sorry, I kinda dazed out.” 
“It’s ‘cause you said TJ.” Andi teased, smirking at Cyrus from across the table. 
Cyrus scoffed. “No! I just had a hard quiz in French, that’s all.” 
“Why would he be distracted by TJ?” Jonah asked obviously. 
The friend group collectively sighed.  
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night
Couldn't even tell you why
They just felt like saying "hi"
Cyrus groaned, dropping his head into the pile of worksheets and open textbooks laid out across his desk with a ‘thud.’ The amount of homework teachers gave high school students was absurd. He was only in 9th grade and he had two essays, three worksheets, and a presentation due the next day. He wanted to pull his hair out. 
His phone started to vibrate harshly against the table, causing the boy to jump in surprise. He looked at the alarm clock situated on the nightstand next to his bed. 1:59. Who the hell was calling him at two in the morning? 
“Hello?” Cyrus said, not bothering to check the name on his phone. 
“Hey, Underdog.” 
“TJ? The hell are you doing up right now?” Cyrus asked with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” the athlete answered, and Cyrus swore he could hear him shrug his shoulders on the other side of the line. 
“Is something bothering you? Do you want to talk about it?” the brunette asked in worry. 
TJ’s laugh calmed his thoughts. “No, everything’s fine.” 
“Then why’d you call at two in the morning?” 
There was a beat of silence. “I- I’m not sure. I guess I just wanted to talk to you, say hi.” 
Cyrus’s heart swelled. He spun around in his chair, biting his lip. “Well, then, hi.” he giggled. 
“Hi, Cy.” 
Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys
Finding reasons not to leave
Trying to hide the chemistry 
“So, how was your first drive with your new chauffeur?” TJ asked as he pulled up to the Goodman’s doorstep, Cyrus smiling gently in the passenger seat. 
“A little bumpy, I may take some dollars off your tip for that.” The smaller boy teased, making the blonde scoff in fake disbelief. 
“I am offended, Mr. Goodman.” TJ said as he dramatically placed his hand over his heart, clutching at his shirt. “I guess you’re going to have to find a new person to drive you places.” 
“That’s alright, I’ll have Reed be my new chauffeur.” Cyrus shrugged, a knowing smirk playing at his lips as he crossed his arms. 
“Wha-” TJ let out an offended gasp. “You’re going to replace me with Reed? Out of literally anyone?” 
Cyrus laughed at the shock in his voice. “I’m just kidding, Teej. No one could replace you.” TJ caught his gaze and smiled widely, the smile he seemed to only reserve for the boy in front of him. Cyrus blamed the tiredness in his eyes when he saw a blush spread across the boy’s face. 
“I should get inside.” he said quietly, not wanting to break the soft silence that had blossomed between them. It was gentle, welcoming. 
“I’ll walk you to the door.” TJ said, hopping out of the driver’s side to meet Cyrus at the passenger’s. Cyrus met him with a smile, closing the car door gently. 
“You don’t have to.” Cyrus wanted him to. 
“I want to.” He wanted to, too. 
“Wow, you really aren’t a scary basketball guy anymore, huh?” the brunette teased as they walked agonizingly slow. 
TJ chuckled. “Thanks to you.” 
“No, that was all you.” 
“But you made me want to be better. Thank you, Cyrus.” TJ turned to face him on his porch, a soft look crossing over his gentle face. 
Cyrus blushed, hoping to hide the red tint in his cheeks by looking at his shoes. “Um, yeah, of course. Thanks for the ride, and for walking me to the door.” 
“Anytime, Underdog.” TJ pulled the smaller boy into a hug, his arms straining themselves as they hugged Cyrus’s waist tightly. Cyrus was taken back for a moment at how close TJ held him, but he didn’t want to waste the moment he was given so he quickly returned the hug by wrapping his arms around TJ’s neck, squeezing him just as tight as the taller boy was holding him. It fit. This fit. Why didn’t they do this more often? 
“And I really mean anytime,” TJ said as he pulled away, his hand lingering on his hip long enough for Cyrus’s heart to leap into his throat, “I have my license now!” 
“You’re my go-to guy!” Cyrus smiled, a chuckle hiding behind his lips. “Goodnight, TJ.” 
“Goodnight, Cy.” 
Drive a little too slow, take the long way home
Get a little too close
We do, but friends don't 
“Chill with the bumps, Amber!” TJ whisper-yelled to his sister, who was driving his pickup truck back to Cyrus’s house to drop him off after a movie night with their friends. He sat in the back seat with Cyrus lying against his chest, soft breaths coming out of his nose as he slept against the blonde, arm draped across his waist. TJ had an arm wrapped around him, pulling his body closer to relish in the warmth and keep the bumpy roads from waking the tired teenager. 
“If you wanted your boyfriend to fall asleep on you why didn’t you just invite him over?” the blonde girl teased her younger brother, a smirk playing on her lips. 
“First of all, he’s not my boyfriend.” TJ ignored the heat coursing into his cheeks. “Second of all, I have a morning shift at the gym tomorrow. I would’ve invited him if I could’ve.” 
He looked down at the boy tucked underneath his arm and smiled softly, the world seemingly melting around him. ��Hey Ambs? Could you maybe take the long way to his house?” he asked quietly, eyes not trailing from the boy’s sleeping state. 
Amber caught one glimpse of her brother’s love struck state and a genuine smile peeled at her lips. “Yeah, sure.” 
They don't almost say "I love you"
When they're downtown somewhere, just a little drunk
“TJ, what the hell?” Cyrus asked the boy as he stumbled into his house. He thanked the universe that his parents were gone at some shrink convention this weekend. “Are you drunk?” 
TJ flopped onto his couch, facing the ceiling with a dopey grin on his face. “Only a bit, I can still comprehend thoughts.” 
“Honest drunk then?” Cyrus sighed, closing his front door. “I’ll get you some water.” 
TJ only hummed, playing with his fingers as he waited for his best friend. 
“Did you go to a party?” the brunette asked, handing him a glass filled with water. 
TJ took a long drink before answering. “No. I snuck wine from my mom’s cabinet.” he giggled. 
“What?” Cyrus exclaimed. “Why would you do that, Teej?” 
“My dad died five years ago today.” TJ deadpanned, seemingly numb to the world. 
Oh. Oh. 
TJ never talked about his dad, and Cyrus never pushed the subject. He knew that he and Amber lived with just their mom, but he had never felt obligated to ask why. He never needed to because he knew it was most likely a touchy subject for the boy. Cyrus made a mental note of the date to remember next year.  
“I’m so sorry, Teej.” Cyrus took a seat next to his best friend, linking their arms together and resting his head on the boy’s shoulder in comfort. He was too short to pull him into a hug, so he settled for the next best thing. 
TJ molded into Cyrus’s hold immediately, relaxing at the boy’s gentle grip on his arm. He held his hand gently and rested his head on top of Cyrus’s, nuzzling into his hair. He took a deep breath. “My mom says I took just like he did when they met in high school. They were together a long time. I’m too scared to look at pictures of him still.” 
“That’s alright, Teej.” Cyrus dragged his thumb across the older boy’s knuckles. “You can take the next step when you’re ready. These kind of things are always really hard. But I’m here for you.” 
“I know, Cy. That’s why I came to you.” TJ paused. “I hope he’s proud of me.” 
The brunette picked his head up. “I know for a fact that he’s proud of you. He’s proud of the friends you’ve made, he’s proud of the letter man jacket you got freshman year, he’s proud that you’re captain of the varsity basketball team, he’s proud of how well you’re doing in math, he’s proud of how you care for your mom and Amber, and he’s proud of how strong you are. He’s proud of you, TJ.” Cyrus gripped his hand, noticing the tears dripping down the blonde’s cheeks. 
TJ smiled gratefully. “I lo-uh, I’m-I’m really lucky to have you, Underdog.” 
“I’m lucky to have you, too.” Cyrus laid his head back down on TJ’s shoulder and TJ resumed his position of resting his head on his shoulder with a content smile. 
They stayed there until TJ couldn’t hold his shoulders up anymore. 
They don't talk about the future and put each other in it 
“Ugh!” Cyrus grumbled, taking puffs of his hair in his hand and yanking at the strands. He sat on his bed, his laptop lying on his lap. He slammed it shut and tossed it to the other side in frustration. 
“A penny for your thoughts?” TJ asked, standing up from the chair at Cyrus’s desk. He sat next to the brunette with a small and encouraging smile. 
“Now that we’re juniors all I hear about is college this, college that! It’s stressing me out, dude.” Cyrus ranted quickly, resting his head on the back of his wall. 
“I thought you were excited about joining an Ivy League school?” TJ raised an eyebrow. 
“I mean, yeah, that’d be great - but now that we’re older, there’s a lot more going into my decision than how smart I’ll look on resumes.” 
“Like what?” 
“Well, I don’t want to be far from Shadyside, because this is where I grew up! Everything’s here, and I want my whole life to stay in this little town.” Cyrus started, closing his eyes. 
“Really?” TJ asked. “I figured you’d want to start your own business or become president or something.” 
“That was 12 year old Cyrus that took Shadyside for granted. I’ve basically fallen in love with the place now.” 
“Okay,” TJ nodded, “what else?” 
“I’m not sure about my majors yet. I’m thinking English and Film Making, but I might change the second one for Screenwriting.” 
“You can always change majors while in college, dude.” 
“I know, but that’s a lot of work. Besides, I need to have steady jobs ready for when I graduate.” 
“Alright. Anything else stressing you out about college?” 
“Yeah. Leaving you. Leaving my family. Leaving our friends. I don’t know how I’ll be able to do that.” Cyrus breathed shakily. 
“Oh.” TJ looked at his best friend, who surprisingly had tears building up in his eyes. 
“I’m so used to having all of you right here. We grew up together! How am I supposed to let that all go?” Cyrus sat up quickly, blinking quickly to try and dry his eyes. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about me, Underdog. I’m going to the University of Utah on a basketball scholarship and then coming back here to coach.” TJ said, unsure of how it would comfort his friend. 
“Really?” Cyrus looked at him with wide eyes. “You’ve got everything planned out, Teej.” he chuckled. “At least I know I’ll see a familiar face after college.” 
“Are you assuming that we’ll lose touch during college?” TJ asked, scooting a bit closer to the boy. “‘Cause there’s no way I’m letting that happen, Cy. We’re gonna face time every other night and visit during the summer and text at like three in the morning like we do now. It’ll be alright.” 
“Really? I mean, I hoped we’d still do that stuff, but like, you won’t drop me?” Cyrus whispered. 
“Why on earth would I?” 
Cyrus shrugged. “College, distance, all that stuff.” 
“Never, Underdog. I’ll always be right here.” 
They shared a soft smile before returning to their previous tasks, this time with Cyrus leaning against TJ’s side in contentment. 
And get chills with every accidental touch
“We’re doing this, Cy. It’s on your list!” TJ exclaimed, holding out a basketball for his friend to take. 
“One of us is going to end with a black eye or a broken rib.” Cyrus deadpanned, staring at the ball as if it had a disease. “I think I’ll be fine with not crossing this one off.” 
“Ah! You’re not getting out of this one.” TJ said, dragging Cyrus to the court by his shoulders. 
The brunette groaned but didn’t fight him, letting his best friend drag him in front of the basket. 
“All you gotta do is make a free throw. Not hard.” TJ said, dribbling the ball casually. 
“Not hard for you, Mr. Captain of the Varsity Basketball Team.” Cyrus rolled his eyes. “But I am called Mr. Trips Over His Shoes at Least Four Times a Day.” 
“You don’t have to move for this!” 
“I should also inform you that I am called Mr. Lack of Hand-Eye Coordination.” 
“You’re being too hard on yourself. Try it.” TJ handed him the ball. Cyrus shot. And missed. By a long shot. 
“Okay, let’s try actually teaching you this time.” TJ said as he retrieved the ball from the grass nearby. He positioned himself behind Cyrus, wrapping his arms around the boy to correct his stance. He tried to ignore the flares of electricity that were ignited in each place they touched. 
“Hold the ball like this, yeah! Do that! And your legs, yeah, bend them like that-” TJ instructed, smiling as Cyrus caught on. “Now, shoot!” TJ used his own arms to help Cyrus aim, and sure enough, the ball flew into the hoop. 
“Yes! See? You can do it.” TJ smiled, now standing in front of Cyrus. 
“That was basically all you, Blondie.” Cyrus rolled his eyes. 
“Try it by yourself this time, then.” TJ smiled encouragingly. 
It took eleven almost baskets and three complete misses until Cyrus took a groundbreaking shot. 
The ball flew through the air and swished through the net, not hitting the backboard or rim. 
“Yes!” TJ screamed, throwing his hands into the air with pride welling in his chest. “Yes, Underdog! You did it!” 
Cyrus stared at the net, which swayed gently because of the ball that had just passed through it. He turned to TJ and let out a surprised laugh, a smile erupting on his face. “I did it.” he breathed. He ran towards the boy and jumped into his arms instinctively, laughing out of joy and pride as TJ spun him a few times. “I did it!” 
TJ put him down and smiled at the smaller boy. “I knew you could.” 
“Thank you, TJ.” 
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night
Couldn't even tell you why
They just felt like saying "hi" 
“TJ, it’s like two thirty in the morning, you gotta stop calling me so late.” Cyrus mumbled into his phone, snuggling back into his covers after being woken up by his best friend’s call. 
“Tristan James.” his voice was thick and full of sleep, but TJ’s words woke Cyrus up completely. The brunette shot up in his bed, eyes wide. 
“What?” he breathed. 
“That’s my name.” TJ paused for a moment. “Tristan James Kippen.” 
Cyrus stared at the end of his bed for what felt like ages, taking in the information. Suddenly, a smile spread across his face, stretching his chapped lips upwards. “Y-Your name?” he laughed softly, a warm feeling enveloping his entire body. 
“Yeah.” TJ shared the same light-hearted laugh, breathing the word into the phone. 
Cyrus was in shock. No one besides his mom, grandparents, and Amber knew his real name.  Not his cousins, not his aunts or uncles, not his childhood friends. He’d always been TJ to everyone except for four people. Four people. Now five. 
“Tristan James.” Cyrus said, and it felt like silk flowing off his tongue. The name felt so natural in his mouth and it made his heart soar. He smiled wider. “Tristan James.” 
“Yeah.” TJ laughed again, pure joy and adoration seeping from the vibrations in his throat. “I wanted to tell you.” 
“Alright.” Cyrus breathed. “Tristan.” 
Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys
Finding reasons not to leave
Trying to hide the chemistry
“Hey, Cy!” TJ called, grabbing Cyrus’s attention as he closed his locker. He smiled at the blonde and met him at the end of the hall to head to the gym for his basketball practice. 
“What’s up, Teej?” the brunette knocked shoulders with the taller, wearing the hoodie TJ had left over at his house that Saturday. TJ had pretended not to notice it when he had left for work that morning. 
“Nice hoodie. It looks good on you.” the blonde smirked, enjoying the blush that encompassed Cyrus’s face as they walked. 
“What? This old thing?” Cyrus looked down, ignoring the heat in his face. “I just found it lying around.” 
TJ chuckled, taking his turn to blush. “Anyways, Andi invited us to The Spoon after Buffy, Marty, and I are done with practice after school. You in?” 
“Of course, dude. I haven’t had baby taters and a milkshake in forever.” Cyrus said excitedly. 
“We went like last week?” TJ raised an eyebrow. 
“Exactly - that’s too long to be deprived of such goodness.” the brunette said dramatically. He stopped in front of the gym doors, waiting for TJ to head inside. Instead, the blonde just fiddled with the car keys in his pocket and blushed as he looked at Cyrus. 
“I should leave more hoodies at your house. I like you wearing them a lot.” he said sheepishly. 
Cyrus turned redder than the shirt TJ was wearing, heat flowing from his cheeks and into his neck as the blonde flashed a smile at him. He shifted his weight and coughed awkwardly, a smile tugging at his lips. He looked at his feet nervously, hugging the strap of his backpack into his chest. “T-Thanks, Trist.” 
TJ threw him one last smile before joining the boys and girls teams in their daily practice, leaving Cyrus with his heart thudding so hard against his chest he was afraid there’d be a bruise. 
Drive a little too slow, take the long way home
Get a little too close
We do, but friends don't 
“The movie’s over, Cy.” TJ whispered to the boy lying on his chest in the back of his pickup truck. 
Cyrus turned to face the blonde and smiled. “I know. The credits are rolling, silly.” 
“I thought you were asleep.” TJ chuckled. “You were so still.” 
“Nah, just comfortable.” The brunette resumed his place in TJ’s side, cuddling closer to the teenager with a content smile on his face. 
TJ tightened his grip around the smaller boy, tracing the lines of the sleeve that adorned Cyrus’s shirt with his fingers. “Me too.” He smiled, leaning his head back on the back of his truck. 
They stayed there until the credits ended and the screen fell black, only a few cars left in the drive in theater. 
“We gotta go, Underdog.” TJ said gently, rubbing his hand up and down Cyrus’s arm comfortingly. 
Cyrus groaned and buried his face into TJ’s neck. “I don’t wanna.” 
The blonde chuckled at his adorable antics. “C’mon, we’ll take the long way back to your house.” 
Cyrus smiled and slowly picked his head up, following TJ as he helped him out of the trunk. They hopped in the front and sped off, turning left instead of right with their pinkies linked together. 
“What time is it?” Cyrus asked. 
“11:30.” TJ raised an eyebrow, catching on to his best friend’s words.
“I don’t have to be home for another hour and a half.” he smiled knowingly. 
TJ returned the smile immediately. “Wanna teach me some new constellations?” 
Half an hour later they found themselves in the same position they had been watching the movie in: Cyrus tucked into TJ’s side with the blonde’s arm wrapped around him tightly, Cyrus’s arm draped over his waist every time he wasn’t pointing out a collection of stars to the taller boy. 
“Which one’s your favorite?” TJ asked softly, his head leaning against Cyrus’s naturally. 
“The Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. It’s the jewels of the crown the Cretan princess Ariadne wore to her wedding. She was abandoned on an island and found by a man who fell head over heels in love with her, and she did the same for him. They were married and afterwards she threw the crown into the sky, the jewels turning into stars that symbolize their love.” Cyrus answered naturally, spewing the story as if it was his fondest memory. 
“Wow.” TJ breathed, looking down at the smaller. Cyrus met his gaze, his lips parted. “You’re such a sap.” TJ whispered, making the other boy laugh and slap his chest playfully. 
“Oh shut up. It’s beautiful.” 
“Yeah,” TJ looked back down to his best friend, who had returned his gaze back to the stars glimmering beneath them, “it is.” 
I keep telling myself this might be nothing
But one look in your eyes and, God, there's something 
“I thought there were no secret presents?” Cyrus asked with a smile as TJ handed him a small box wrapped with a green bow. “That was the whole point of doing Secret Santa even though I’m Jewish, right?” 
TJ blushed, ducking his head with a chuckle. “Yeah, but, come on, Underdog. It’s you.” 
Cyrus smiled, his heart beating rapidly. “In that case,” he reached into his bag and pulled out a carefully wrapped rectangle, handing it to the boy in front of him, “I secretly got you something, too.” 
The blonde laughed as they traded gifts. “Of course you did.” 
“On three?” Cyrus nodded. “One, two, three-” 
They tore into their gifts, each pausing to admire the objects in their hands. 
“TJ, I-” Cyrus studied the small key chain in his hands, watching the sunlight reflect off the constellation engraved onto the front. “It’s The Corona Borealis.” 
“The Northern Crown.” TJ nodded, holding his own gift into his chest. “A sketch book?” 
Cyrus nodded. “You have all of those drawings tapped around your desk, and I thought it’d be cool to see what you can do with a larger piece of paper. I want to see you create amazing things.” 
The world seemed to still around them as they smiled gently at each other, no words needed to be spoken to express their gratitude for each other. Cyrus practically melted at the look in TJ’s eyes. Kindness? Love? Adoration? Was that it? He wasn’t sure exactly, but he knew he didn’t want him to ever look away. 
“Thank you, Cyrus.” TJ breathed. It was on rare occasion that TJ used Cyrus’s full name, usually casually replacing it with a nickname on a normal day. But one look in the blonde’s eyes told the brunette that it was most definitely not a normal day. 
“Of course. Thank you, Trist.” 
TJ looked down and flushed, the same way he always did when Cyrus used that nickname. 
He didn’t need to be told that they weren’t friends. They both already knew they were so much more than that. 
You can lie to me and say you don't
But I know you do, and I love you too 
“To Mr. and Mrs. Mack, my mom and dad.” Andi finished her speech with a light rim of tears in her eyes but an unmistakably bright smile on her face. She turned towards her parents and hugged them tightly, whispered ‘I love you’s flowing between the tight knit family. 
Bex and Bowie finally tied the knot in the spring of Andi’s junior year. It was a small but light hearted wedding, one where a passersby could feel the love radiating from the backyard. Only their direct family was invited, meaning CeCe, Pops, Bowie’s mother, Andi, Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah and their plus ones, along with Bowie’s band and other friends they had from high school and work. 
No choice about it, Cyrus had brought TJ as his plus one. And as he watched him talk to Bex from across the dance floor, he was so glad that he had. 
He wore a dark blue shirt and a light blue button up, his tie matching his suit jacket. It reminded him a lot of the suit he wore to Cyrus’s Bar Mitzvah, only with less gel packed into his hair and a taller figure for the suit to fill. His green eyes popped with the dark blue and his skin glowed in the soft glow of the dance floor, leaving Cyrus in a puddle. 
Bex tilted her head towards the Jewish boy, urging TJ to turn towards him as well. Cyrus blushed, realizing they were most likely discussing him in that moment, but nevertheless waved, receiving Bex’s excited smile and TJ’s nervous one in return. The pair turned back to each other and Cyrus turned back to his phone screen, trying to fight off the blush littering his face. 
The song switched from an up beat pop tune to a slower song, the first one played since the bride and groom had their first dance. Cyrus looked up to find several couples leaning against each other already, including Buffy and Marty and Jonah and Walker. He wondered if Andi would pluck up the courage to ask Amber to dance. 
“Hey Underdog,” TJ said suddenly from above him, “you wanna dance?” 
Cyrus opened his mouth to answer, staring blankly at TJ’s outstretched hand. They’d danced together before, but never during a slow song that was meant to shape a romantic moment for couples. Never that close together. It was nerve-wracking and exhilarating all at once. 
Cyrus took his hand and laced their fingers together with a shy smile. “I would love to.” 
The blonde lead them to the dance floor, pulling Cyrus into his chest without a second thought. He held one hand on his waist gently and kept the other hand occupied with holding Cyrus’s hand into his chest tightly, gripping his fingers as he ran his thumb across his knuckles. Cyrus wrapped his left arm around TJ’s neck, his right hand gripping onto TJ’s just as tightly. He rested his head in the athlete’s chest, swaying along with him as the music continued. 
He could hear TJ’s heartbeat through his suit and it almost perfectly matched his. Baboombaboombaboombaboom. 
“We’re not friends, are we?” Cyrus asked suddenly, surprising even himself as he picked his head up to meet TJ’s eyes. 
“What? Of course we are, Cyrus.” TJ’s eyes bulged out of his head, hands tightening on the boy in his arms. 
“No, no, sorry - I should’ve worded that better.” Cyrus chuckled nervously and looked at his feet. “I mean,” he looked up at TJ through his eyelashes, “we’re a lot more than friends, aren’t we?” 
TJ stopped swaying for a moment as a smile spread across his face, chuckling before starting to sway Cyrus once again. He nodded softly. “Yeah, Cy. We are.” 
The brunette smiled uncontrollably. “Thank god.” 
TJ laughed loudly and pulled the boy closer. “I’ve already given up on convincing my mom and Amber that we’re not dating.” 
Cyrus laughed this time, biting his lip as he looked at the boy who made his heart do somersaults in his chest. “I think it’s amazing.” 
“Yeah, well, they were so insistent so I just kinda-” 
“No, not that.” Cyrus said softly. “I meant falling in love with my best friend.” 
TJ stopped completely, eyes searching Cyrus’s face with an unreadable expression. The blonde smiled wider than Cyrus had ever seen. “I-I, god, I’m so fucking in love with you Cyrus.” 
He leaned down and captured his lips in a powerful kiss, letting go of Cyrus’s hand only to wrap his other arm around the boy’s waist tightly as Cyrus buried his hand in TJ’s hair as the other stayed wrapped around his neck. They kissed with the unsaid emotions of their years together, puzzle pieces fitting together like clockwork as they held on another. 
Cyrus pulled away first, hands still gripping TJ’s hair. “I’m in love with you too, Tristan James.” 
TJ smiled so hard he laughed and pulled the brunette into a hug before spinning him around a few times due to the pure adoration seeping from his heart. Cyrus laughed in his ear and he thanked the stars above them for putting such a remarkably amazing boy in his arms. 
“I guess we know who’s getting married next.” Bex’s voice interrupted as TJ placed Cyrus down. They turned their attention to the small crowd of their friends that had gathered and blushed, Cyrus hiding his face in TJ’s chest. 
Everyone laughed and TJ pulled the boy impossibly closer. 
He wouldn’t mind being next.  
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