#And I think that basketball is probably Jamil’s only ‘safe’ outlet
poisoned-pearls · 8 months
Azul who is just obsessed with being Jamil’s biggest fan. He goes to every game puts Jamil’s number on EVERYTHING buys him twenty different compression sleeves all of it. Most supportive bf ever. He knows Jamil’s game schedule before he does
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usaginotwst · 3 years
the entire angst category for the emoji ask but for ... 👀 jamil and azul
oh hey now!! 👀👀👀
pain train incoming
💔— What could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
🚪— What would kill their trust in their partner/close them off? Could this ever be amended?
(these two go together in my opinion)
If Azul got the courage up to show his partner his cecaelia form and they reacted negatively, he would be heartbroken. There's a reason he still hates the way he looks and he thought that they were going to be accepting. Maybe they just aren't the one...
If Jamil's significant other confessed that they actually had feelings for Kalim instead it would cause irreparable damage to his heart. If it had been anyone else it would have stung, but to hear Kalim's name come out of their mouth was just solid proof that he would never get out from underneath that idiot's shadow.
🥀— How well would they handle a break up?
I think that Azul would compartmentalize things and take it relatively well, actually. He would handle it like a business deal, asking you where he went wrong in a way that made it sound like he was asking for his year-end review. Once you part ways he continues on like nothing happened for a couple days. However, there's only so long a person can go without feeling their feelings, and only so much room for work before you reach a breaking point. He will sob at his desk when he reaches this point and then misses class for a week before the twins drag him out.
Jamil would also compartmentalize and focus on work to distract himself, however I think that he would deny the breakup at first, not understanding what you're talking about. How could he be getting broken up with? You were in love, or so he thought. He was only a teen, but Jamil's mind had created scenarios of married life with you, far away from the Al-Asims and The Land of The Hot Sands entirely. You were his escape, his life, his love. He might get indignant about the whole thing, refusing to understand what you're talking about.
But when it finally hits him, he shuts down. He doesn't speak to anyone, but continues on like normal. He pretends you never existed. It was easier this way, easier to move on, he told himself. But the worried looks Kalim and the basketball club gave him in passing made him think twice. It wasn't until he looked at his reflection, gaunt and lifeless, that he realizes that he needs to take time for himself and process things.
⛈— How often do they get emotional? Are they open with their partner about it?
☔️— What are they like when they’re emotional? How quickly do they recover?
(i'm covering these guys together!!)
Once Azul trusts you completely he'll be more forthcoming with his emotions, though it took ages for you to get past his posturing showman's exterior. It's difficult to allow yourself to be emotional when your genuine distress was dismissed as you being dramatic or a crybaby during childhood, so when you finally seen his tears, it's a breaking point of emotional exhaustion. You see, despite no one at NRC doubting his power and reach, Azul works tirelessly to prove himself. Though it seems he's trying his hardest to live up to some unattainable standard he's set for himself rather than proving himself to others.
This kind of stress can lead to him leaning on your shoulder in private, sighing deeply before he finds himself soaking your shoulder with his tears. Never again will he allow others to tease him about being a crybaby so you're the only one that can see him like this.
I feel like Azul also has the potential to be a sap when he's down bad for someone, so if you kiss him in intimate places like his pulse points, he melts. His eyes soften, his brows knit together, and if you look close enough, you can see his bottom lip tremble slightly as the feelings of love become a bit too much for him to process.
Once he's had his cry and the worst is over, he sighs and then falls asleep for a good nap. Once he wakes up, it's like nothing ever happened.
Jamil is a different story. From a young age, Jamil realized that whatever he felt didn't really matter because his needs would always come second to Kalim. He wasn't a slave, but with the way his family operated and idolizes the Al-Asims, Jamil was placed in a position much lower than others in matters of importance. So for all intents and purposes, Jamil shut off his emotions. He became reserved and got his frustrations out through other outlets - cooking, dancing, and (in my opinion) working out.
Jamil was hesitant to allow himself to get into a relationship in the first place. Relationships were a liability should he get the ideas of autonomy, and to be frank, if he loved you, he wouldn't want you to to be subjected to his fate. However, you got through. Bit by bit, you made your way through his defenses and slowly, he let you see the broken and damaged bits he hid away.
All at once you saw the resentment of a childhood taken away, the anger boiling under the surface, and as time passed you could start to tell what his mood what just by the glint in his charcoal eyes.
Once he trusts you completely and you're alone together, he rants and complains and punches pillows, showing you his anger. When you place a gentle hand on his arm, he flinches, takes a breath and apologizes for forgetting himself. But you assure him that you don't mind and that's the first time you see him cry. He cries out of thanks, out of love, and out of necessity - it's been too long. As long as you're patient with him, he will be able to work on expressing his emotions in a healthy manner.
Master of squashing his emotions, Jamil can turn them off like a light switch. He can feel his anger rising and then suddenly he's calm again. After having a long cry, he gets embarrassed and flustered, but he feels better. Will probably also go take a nap.
🔪— How would they react to injury/misfortune befalling their partner? Do they feel at fault?
Azul will regret not having been with you when something happens, but he quickly rectifies the situation by having the twins do a little recon work. If they figure out what, or who, caused the issue, he will have them taken care of without letting you in on the plan, so as not to upset you.
If it wasn't a situation that could be fixed with Floyd's brute strength, then Azul might fluster a bit. He can't keep you under surveillance to keep you safe and he's already blackmailed everyone in charge to be sure that every building was in accordance with Twisted Wonderland's version of OSHA regulations.
He would get anxious to the point of an upset stomach at the thought that maybe he truly was powerless if he couldn't keep you safe and unharmed. The thoughts would plague him.
Jamil would react one of two ways. 1) if it was a non-threatening issue that simply upset you or gave you some scrapes, he would poke fun at you for being clumsy or careless. Or 2) if it was something on a grander scale, say a broken bone, he would chastise you to an almost insulting degree before he begrudgingly takes you to the nurse. He would feel guilty afterward for being rude to you, but it was his first response to the panic that gripped his heart. He would apologize with a hearty meal and by listening to whatever boring story you wanted to tell him that he would normally drift off during.
Scratch that, there's a third way. If it wasn't injury that befell you, but hard times financially with your family or what-have-you, then he would truly panic. He family was okay by their standards, but he wasn't in a position to help you. He would become irritated and would pace around his room, tossing ideas around. If it were severe enough, he would consider sucking up his pride and asking Kalim, who he knew adored you and would do anything for you. But the idea left a bitter taste in his mouth.
💧— Random angst headcanon
Jamil breaks up with you before graduating because he doesn't want you to be sucked into his lifestyle until he can create a better situation for you. But when he finds you again, you've already moved on. It's for the better, he tells himself.
Azul is consistently worried that you secretly think that he's slimy and gross, whether physically or personality-wise. Sometimes he gets bitchy because it makes him so anxious.
that was a lot, but if you want to send in an ask, here's the prompt list!
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