#Loudest cheerleader (he has no idea what’s going on)
poisoned-pearls · 11 months
Azul who is just obsessed with being Jamil’s biggest fan. He goes to every game puts Jamil’s number on EVERYTHING buys him twenty different compression sleeves all of it. Most supportive bf ever. He knows Jamil’s game schedule before he does
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milaisreading · 1 year
🌱🩷: Had this idea out of the blue. Don't ask😭
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Masterlist to the Crossdresser AU
'Why are clothes for guys either boring and cheap,or cool, but expensive? This sucks...' (Y/n) sighed and looked away from the shirts and towards the dresses that were a little bit further away from the boy isle.
'Wish I could wear those for one day.' She thought sadly and picked some random hoodies to pay for. It was another period when Ego would let the team breath, so everyone was mostly either at home with their families or out enjoying themselves. (Y/n) decided to be outside the house, since she couldn't really stand being around her adoptive parents for longer than it was needed.
'My son this... my son that. So now they see me. I hate them.' (Y/n) thought to herself when she bumped into someone. The person ended up crying out in shock and dropping the clothes they were holding.
"Oh! I am so sorry for not looking! Here, let me help you." (Y/n) quickly replied and started picking up the various dresses that fell on the floor.
"It's ok! You didn't mean to!" A feminine voice quickly replied and the person started picking up some of the items as well.
'Huh? Wait! I know that voice!' Her eyes slowly widened and she looked at the figure.
"Ah? You are Chigiri-san! Hyoma's older sister, right?"
The red-haired girl blinked and looked over at (Y/n), her eyes slowly widening as well.
"Yes... you are the captain of my brother's team, (L/n) (Y/n). You remember me?" The older asked, surprised that the captain of all remembered her. (Y/n) sent her a sheepish smile and pulled down her mask.
"Well, you and your mom were the loudest cheerleaders." She answered back as they both got up from the ground. The older Chigiri blushing a little at the comment.
"We were both pretty excited to see Hyoma play again, sorry."
"No need to apologize. It was cute seeing it." (Y/n) said truthfully.
'Wish I knew how that feels...' She thought sadly, handing the shorter girl her clothes.
"The dresses look pretty cute."
"You think so?" The redhead asked as she accepted her items, rummaging a little through them.
"Yeah. The pink one looks pretty cute." (Y/n) said, pointing at the floral, pink dress.
"It is! It really is, but... I will have to pass this time." The older said sadly as (Y/n) raised her eyebrow.
"Why? You seem to want it?"
"I already picked some dresses the other day, I just came to look at these today for fun."
Still not seeing the issue, or noticing the embarrassed blush on her face, (Y/n) continued.
"So? There is never enough clothes in my opinion... or my mom's." She chuckled a little. The older Chigiri nodded her head slowly, but frowned right after.
"I used up my budget for the clothes I previously bought. These are way to expensive. Maybe another day I can buy them."
At the redhead's confession, (Y/n) stopped thinking for a moment, then felt like punching herself in the gut.
'Not everyone has as much money as you, idiot! Stupid (Y/n)!' She scolded herself as she looked between the older girl and the clothes she was holding.
"I will just return these and go home. It was nice meeting you, (L/n)-"
"Can... can I look at these dresses for a moment?" (Y/n) interrupted her, and the older Chigiri slowly nodded her head.
"Sure. But what could you possibly want from those dresses-Hey! Where are you going with them?" The girl suddenly asked as she watched (Y/n) walk away from her with the dresses, and to her horror she walked towards the counter.
"What are you doing?" The redhead panicked and ran after (Y/n) as she talked to one of the employees.
"Could you put these dresses on a separate bill from the hoodies? Thank you." She smiled and bowed a little as the woman agreed.
"H-hey, I told you I can't pay for them." The older Chigiri said as she pulled (Y/n) to her level so she could whisper it to her.
"I know."
"And what do you plan on doing now?"
"I will pay for them." (Y/n) blinked a little, thinking her answer was pretty clear.
"What?" The older Chigiri blinked in shock, but before she could say anything, the woman on the counter spoke up.
"The 4 dresses would be 15000 yen."
'15000?!' The redhead looked at the woman in disbelief as (Y/n) nonchalantly nodded her head.
"Do you take credit card?"
At the nod of the woman, (Y/n) took out her credit card from her wallet.
'Is... is that a black credit card?! I only ever saw those in movies!' The older Chigiri thought in shock as she watched (Y/n) quietly pay for their stuff.
"Thank you. Have a great day." (Y/n) called out as she left the shop, the redhead following her close behind.
"You... you are rich? Like, rich rich?" (Y/n) turned to look at the girl and nodded her head, handing her the bag with her items.
"Well, my parents are. But that's not relevant-"
"You literally payed for my clothes! How is that not relevant?!" The girl argued back.
"Or do you do this for anyone you see?"
"Hmm... no. But you are the sister of one of my close friends, so there is no harm in doing so."
The redhead was flabbergasted at his nonchalant behavior, but quickly shook it of.
"Well, then. Let me treat you with some food." The older girl quickly grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist, pulling her towards the food court.
"What? I don't want you to waste-"
"It's not waste. You are my lil bro's captain. We need to keep you well fed for the World Cup." The older Chigiri teased as (Y/n) quickly shook her head and decided to follow her along.
'I could use some food.' She thought, rubbing her abdomen a little.
What neither of them noticed was a small group of high schoolers following the duo ever since they were at the counter of the clothing store, taking pictures of everything.
"They are dating! Told you so! Look how close they are!" A girl said, pouting a little.
"Maan... I wish that was me holding (Y/n)-kun's hand." Another girl added, earning a nod from a boy and a third girl.
"Are you into guys now?" Another boy asked the previous guy.
"Well, you can't blame me. (Y/n)-kun sure has something captivating about himself."
"Shhh! Let's just follow them." The first girl said as she redied her camera for another opportunity to take a picture.
The same evening, (Y/n) was in her room, packing her things for Blue Lock again when her phone rang. She grabbed it and looked at the caller, for a moment, before answering.
"Hello, Reo-"
"Why did you not tell Nagi or I that you are dating?! This is a big mistake, (Y/n)! Football and Blue Lock need to be your priority. Not chasing girls!" Reo yelled as jealousy was seeping through his voice. (Y/n) blinked for a moment, unsure what he was talking about.
"Is it because her hair is red? I can fix mine, (Y/n)." Nagi's voice was heard next. What jarred (Y/n) was the genuine hurt and desperation that was coming out of Nagi.
Meanwhile, Chigiri threw his phone on his bed. He was close to crying as he started pulling on his hair, not believing what he just saw.
"Why my sister, (Y/n)?! Why not me!?" The redhead never felt as riled up as he felt right now.
"Big sister! Why did you have to go after (Y/n)?!" Chigiri yelled, running out of his room and towards his sister's.
Meanwhile, said girl was happily inspecting the dresses she got from (Y/n). A small blush coating her cheeks.
'He did look cute while eating...'
Poor (Y/n), and the rest of Blue Lock, were in for a rude awakening with the main topic on the internet for the next few weeks.
'IS FOOTBALL REALLY THE ONLY THINK ON THE MIND OF JAPAN'S RISING FOOTBALL STAR?! Captain (L/n) spotted with a unknown redhead girl, breaking the hearts of many fans.'
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
I've got an Eddie x cheerleader idea! Kinda fluffy where even though he doesn't give a shit about sports, he starts going to get just to watch his girl. He's so proud when she sticks landings or stunts that she's been struggling with. He's so full of admiration for her. And he *always* has water and snacks for her because she never actually brings enough to get through the games.
I hope this is what you were looking for. It's a little short :)
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If you asked Eddie Munson to go to any type of school game about six months ago- he'd laugh in your face and tell you to shut the fuck up.
But then he met her. The co-captain of the cheerleading squad, next to Chrissy. She was gorgeous, bubbly, smart, and sweet. Eddie met her on the first day of his second senior year. He saw her struggling to open her locker so he offered a hand. Once he saw the standard ponytail and cheerleading outfit, he expected to be told to fuck off. But to his surprise a huge smile appeared on her face.
"If it's not too much trouble, that'd be great."
Her voice was even soft. She talked so delicately.
After he helped her, he figured that is the last he'd talk to her again.
But once again she surprised him. Waving at him excitedly in the halls. Always saying hello when she found him at his locker. Even went as far to sit next to him in a class they shared together.
Eddie didn't like the preps or the jocks. He tended to ignore them the best he could. But this girl was making her way into his life and he wasn't mad about it.
And that is how Eddie Munson found himself front and center on the bleachers for every possible sport event the shitty school put on. He sat on the side where the cheerleaders grouped together, along with the rest of the perverts. He had a real reason to be there- his girlfriend was there.
He cheers the absolute loudest when the girls perform. Many people's eyes looking over to the freak as he stands on his feet clapping loudly.
He smiles even bigger when she looks over and sends him a wink with a smile.
"you two are so gross." Dustin whined, covering his eyes every time Eddie cupped his mouth to scream even louder.
"oh shut up Henderson. If you ever get a girlfriend as hot as that plus in a small skirt, you wouldn't be complaining."
"I do have a girlfriend."
Eddie rolled his eyes, "sure you do."
Dustin huffed and crossed his arms.
Dustin brightened up when Y/N raced over to their seat, sweating and out of breath.
"hello my boys." She said, kissing Eddie quick on the lips and shaking Dustin's head with her hand.
"not the hair." He whined, smacking her hands.
"alright gorgeous, what did you forget this time?" Eddie teased, already opening his backpack filled with every possible snack, drink, and hair ties available.
"water." She smiled shyly, she was known to be the only girl on the squad who didn't show up with water or snacks. Her brain completely forgetting the importance of staying hydrated when she's putting together the routines.
Eddie laughed and pulled out a lunch box, a real one that she made him buy. Something for food, not drugs.
He grabbed out the cold water and handed it over, but before she could grab it he snatched it back.
"now wait. How do you suppose you are paying for this?" He smirked. Dustin gagging next to him
Y/N rolled her eyes and kissed her boyfriend again, he hummed against her lips and tried to deepen the kiss, she pulled away with a laugh.
"we can't make out. I'm still in the middle of a game." She scolded him as she snatched the water. Running back to the court as Chrissy called her over.
"I can't believe you snatched a cheerleader." Mike said, sitting behind them.
"shit Mike, me either but all I have to do is not fuck it up." Eddie sighed.
He watched the rest of her routine with the softest adoration look in his eyes. Still not believing a girl like that chose him.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance
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butdoicaretho · 2 years
Some Baki headcanon/imagine ideas
Ayo to all the Baki lovers, I might be entering the headcanon/imagine scene but I’m putting some ideas out and I need the writers to just run with these ideas 🙏🏽 ❤️
If I can’t contain myself I might make a blog for this
Anyway here’s some pondering thoughts for ya~
Baki boys reaction to their s/o who’s usually chill but gets super hyped when they’re watching them fight, has the energy of the underground arena commentator and is their biggest ( and loudest ) cheerleader in the background.
Baki boys with s/o who use to be a delinquent (Yankii) and has mellowed out/sweetened up some before meeting them, but something or someone pissed off their s/o and they witness a feisty side of their partner they never would’ve guessed was there.
I mean sudden sailor mouth, rude gestures, they have to practically carry/drag s/o away from the situation. 💀
( S/o apologizes once they’ve cooled down and is embarrassed about the contrast of their personality )
Shiba Chiharu reaction to meeting his future s/o who used to be a delinquent (Yankii) and is a fan of Chiharu for his Tokkoutai racing gang and his ledgendary 100 men beatdown status (even after being hit by a motorcycle). Tells him they’ve been inspired by his absolute will, determination, and durability.
( Bonus if s/o tells him they were there for the maximum tournament but was too embarrassed to walk up to him and say hi after his matches but thought he was so cool )
I was thinking s/o would notice him when he was scolding those two guys for fighting with weapons and would approach shortly after the crowd starts to disperse.
Like I think Chiharu would lose his shit ( in a good way ) if he saw someone this cute yet feisty absolutely fanning over him.
Knowing that his influence has resonated with someone in a way like how it was for him and Hanayama. He’d be so proud and honored i’m telling you ✋🏽💜
( Extra Bonus for a Hanayama centered alternate scenario )
Alright Baki lovers, go forth and prosper!
Also if you were inspired please tag me with what you come up with, i’d love to read since i’m starving for more Baki content ✨
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shylittleunicorn15 · 2 years
oh oh!! what about the wubbox :0?
oh! now that is a challenge!😊
im gonna do all of them
-since the wubboxes are pretty big i think they hide near house windows and scare the ever-loving shit out of unsuspecting monsters seriously do you know how loud they are
-air is a pussy when it comes to anything scary name something that is horror related that you think isnt scary he thinks its scary
-each one of the wubbox’s cores is pretty sensitive as it’s the only thing keeping them alive stoowarb was riding in air’s chest one day and out of boredom touched it nearly causing him and air to drop out of the sky(inspired from a story fic i read somewhere) needless to say stoowarb isnt alowed to ride inside of air’s chest peice anymore
-air and earth scream the loudest, common and rare never scream just sing, plant and cold scream in song form
-air has nightmares and almost never gets a good night of sleep so he just wakes up the other wubboxes and just bothers them as a coping mechanism he ends up being dragged back to bed by plant where he is just holding onto the flying robot i helps tho
-plant is the tallest, air is the smollest, the others are medium height
-plant hates the snow but goes out to spend time with the others, cold feels at home when it snows, epic and common have snowball fights it becomes an actual warzone when they do it, water can make the bubbles in his pipes become ice a cool little party trick idea, earth will just stare at the sky enjoying watching the snow as it falls down, air fucking loves snow always dong any snow related activity
-water can sing like a siren he doesnt do it anymore tho the last time he did ended in maggpie almost drowning
-earth tried to sew once he failed
-common and rare argue a lot
-all the wubboxes minus air and plant are ace romantic but when they do show love its scary 
-air is trans ftm
-plant is gay
air: he screams and flies
plant: TREEDEER!!!!🌳🦌
cold: he looks like he is wearing a crown
water: his design i like the fact his head is just pipes with a mouth
common: the design
rare: i have no idea maybe because he is wubbox but cooler
thanks to a fanfic writer i ship air and plant
i think cold and earth would be pretty cute
rare and water probably
maybe common with the pink cheerleading pompom monster
yes im going to go get some food before i do anther request
have a nice day/night and thank you again @toygirly for your request bye!
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kyurilin · 2 years
To finish off my writing posts for the end of the year, here's just a post about my other writing projects I have going on!
Obviously Stray, the erasercloudmic story from my pinned post is being worked on albeit slowly. I have maybe a third of it written (which is still 27k words) and it's done very similarly to Mic's Bullshit Life although it does switch characters up. @shabby-blog can attest that it's a fun read as they've read what I have and are currently my biggest cheerleader in actually getting it done one day
I have. Two entire alternate versions of Crumbled Rooftops. You can blame shabby for these entirely but also me. I feed off of angst and well. These are angst. One of them (called Everything Crumbles) is Crumbled Rooftops but Hizashi dies and Nemuri lives, which after the anime made Shouta almost watch Hizashi get hit by decay became infinitely sadder. It changes the entire dynamic of Oboro coming back by like, a huge degree but hey it's great for when I wanna be REAL sad. The other is All That's Left, and in this one Shouta dies so it's just Hizashi and Oboro having to pick up the pieces. This one was an excuse to push Hizashi to his breaking point and make people scared of his power tbh. Neither of these are likely to be posted and both of them are currently VERY early stages but hey if you ever want to read them and cry hit me up
Also Crumbled Rooftops adjacent, my doc aptly titled Here Be Crumbled Rooftops Angst Snippets which is literally what the title says. Basically it was a place to dump all the little side stuff before the story that lived in my head rent free so I could get it out of my head and somewhere else.
I have a document that STILL is just called AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Which is appropriate for the fact that it's an Erasercloudmic story where Shouta realizes he has a crush on both his friends and doesn't know how to cope, Nemuri teaches him about polyamory, canonly Oboro and Hizashi make out when they're bored and AREN'T dating yet and then try to compete for Shouta's affections only for Shouta to get so flustered he tells them he likes them both. Very early stages but I have IDEAS guys it's gonna be cute and I may keep the screaming title lmao. This one (when I randomly get the desire to start it) will be posted I promise I just have to write it.
I have an entire finished story I wrote this year that won't get posted, I wrote an urban explorers rooftop gang polycule story that is absolutely the dumbest thing I could have written, it reads more like an outline than a story, but I binge watched a bunch of urbex videos in a row and knocked it out in four days. It's lovingly called I Found My Heart in the Abandoned Roller Disco and no. You cannot read it. It's staying in my Google docs. You are allowed to know that Shouta and Oboro have a moment in an abandoned roller skating rink that is the cutest shit. But unless I ever get the urge to rewrite it the way I did the original doc for matching tattoos, urbex rooftop gang polycule is staying buried.
Oh. And one last one. Shouta's adventures through joining the hero course, trying his best to ignore the two loudest idiots on the planet (and failing), becoming friends with the two loudest idiots on the planet (and the class president and an upper class student), losing one of his friends, pushing the rest away, getting tough love from Nemuri Kayama, being occasional jogging buddies with Tensei Iida, and eventually running into Hizashi Yamada again. Lovingly being called Get in the Van Shouta, There's Cats in Here based on a playlist that me and Shabby joked Hizashi would make for Shouta in high school if he and Oboro kidnapped him to give him a better life, this is the prequel to Mic's Bullshit Life from Shouta's perspective. And yes this one is started, yes it will take me a long time to write, but there's so many little Shouta stories I've wanted to write that all have to do with my rooftop gang headcanons and I've been in my feels about Mic's Bullshit Life, so I figured what better way to tie it together by taking the mentioned high school stories from Mic's Bullshit Life and adding them to these other stories I would otherwise write as one-offs.
Anyways yeah I've not written as much as I did last year and I've still yet to start a few ideas I had last year, but at least I've been writing!!!! Can't say I haven't lol.
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acaiasahi · 2 years
✶ their partner's a volleyball player ; treasure reaction.
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synopsis. treasure's reaction to their partner / significant other who plays volleyball and is on a team.
info. fluff, treasure x gn!reader.
warnings. teeth-rotting, foot kicking, writing in your diary, twirling your hair fluff, grammatical errors, lowercase and smaller text intended. not proofread, profanity!
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✶ choi hyunsuk.
[ . . . three words: your biggest cheerleader. like pom poms and ALL! he's so proud of you and has the hugest smile. crinkled eyes-smile lines-all teeth on display-type of smile. doesn't know shit about volleyball but one day he's just like "teach me pls" and you do. surprisingly good at it??? he likes to watch you practice :3 when you have matches, he's quick to bring all the boys along and cheer you and your team. yk how he dresses with lots of accessories? he has a pin of your jersey number on whatever he wears to your games. has it on his beret, or his bag tbh he always has it pinned somewhere wherever he goes :'( tries to make it to every game, always the loudest one. "go y/n! go y/n! go y/n!" "block... y/N blOck!!! BLOCKKKK!!!!" always have to to shush him but he quite literally could care less bc he loves you so much... why wouldn't he cheer the loudest? <3
✶ park jihoon.
[ . . . has somewhat of a clue on what's going on. knows a decent amount of lingo and is super willing to play with you. doesn't go easy on you and is highly competitive 😭 my man never lets you win a game WILLINGLY LMFAOOOO somehow you always beat his ass and he always says shit like "bro. i let you win c'mon now!!! let's go again ಠ╭╮ಠ" sorest loser of all losers bro. down bad for you though, has never missed a match and is always seen front row seats. he'll never let you know but he shows up hella early to always get good seats. screams like an absolute idiot but yk... he's your idiot!!! oh and if he does ever win when you play together... sucka will be sooo cocky about it saying something like "i'm wayyy better than you 😹😹" dawg you literally had to serve 5 times in a row because you kept missing the ball 😭😭
✶ kanemoto yoshinori.
[ . . . screams in extra tiny!!! words aren't enough words to show you how cool he thinks you are. he's somewhat sporty (?) i guess you could say but watching you play and seeing your passion for it has him hittin the dougie straight up bro 😭 he also likes to tag along when you have practice. "y/n... where are you going? :'(" "heading to practice yoshi, wanna come along?" "yEAH!!!!" he likes to clap his hands rather than scream bc he's a little too embarrassed but if you win... bro... he is screaming from the rooftops about it and how much he loves you. brings j-line along and they all scream in tiny together. saw you blocking and was like??? HUH??? and he gets super nervous about your hands and if they hurt. sometimes he'll wrap tape around your fingers to prevent them from getting more injured awww!!! one day you were running a little late bc you couldn't find your knee pads and he... literally... offered... his... to... use... even... though... he... had... practice... the same... day.... </3 how cute aieoqldkoenrfkfopeeo
✶ kim junkyu.
[ . . . as no clue what's going on but he's glad to be there pt. 2 my man has no idea what even volleyball is. okay... he knows obvi you're hitting a ball back and forth... right??? no, kyu, no. sometimes has to wake up early for your matches and is basically a zombie during your whole match but you always make it up to him by buying him food even though you don't need to bc he'll go to every match but hey... it's free food!! doesn't know what do with his hands when he gets excited. he'll clap, clasp them together, wave them in the air, or shake his hands in excitement while watching you play. one day, he watched you spike for the very first time and he was literally like ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ what? so confused but was so fascinated. actually asked you to recreate it but he wanted to try and block it. he failed but did you let him win after that and he was boasting about it? yeah. and did he say that he was a better player than you? yeah. but it's junkyu... he can say wtv he wants because you love him so slay speak your truth!!!
✶ takata mashiho.
[ . . . almost always yelling "go y/n! go y/n! go y/n!", he might as well be wearing pigtails and shaking pom poms T^T though mashi is on the quiet side, whenever he's at your matches, best believe he'll always be yelling. i mean... how could he not for his baby??? tell me why he's the type to be fitted tf down??? everyone's so intimated by him bc why is this man wearing a whole gucci jacket to a... volleyball... game...? always, and i mean, ALWAYS takes you out after for ice cream. no matter if it's morning, midday, or night, it's a necessity after your games. doesn't go to your practices as much but will tag along if either party asks <3 runs up to you, hugs you hella tight, and spins you around like in a romcom movie <3
✶ yoon jaehyuk.
[ . . . smiley. literally smiling the entire time. likes to wear your team's colors either subtly or full on colorblock 😭 loves when you score, you'll point, wink or blow kisses at one another. always nags at you to stretch so you don't get hurt and when you do he's so quick to be by your side and once you heal up, starts the process of nagging all over again. always brings extra water, snacks and finger tape... mans has a whole kit named "y/n's volleyball kit! <3" and brings it to every. single. game. if he sees something outta pocket like the opposing team cheating, he'll always point it out to you whenever you can. why do i feel like y'all have telepathic skills?? jae says some shit in his head like "y/n... player 34 is acting sus" n you be thinking THE EXACT SAME THING 😭
✶ hamada asahi.
[ . . . keeps quiet but is always watching. whenever you score, he always has a "wow my baby is so talented" smile on his face. if you need a more specific visual, it's the absolute dopiest, all teeth on display, sickly sweet laugh!!! i'm actually losing my mind rn thinking abt it he def only has eyes on you instead of the game. sometimes he'll watch you but it's like you're magnetic... his eyes are just drawn to you <3 the type to see the opposing team do something out of pocket and just boo them, thumb facing down and all 😭 doesn't exactly verbalize that he's proud but you can tell by his actions. after your games, he'll cling onto you more, dare i say it... hold your hand if you win!!! cutest baby ever <3
✶ bang yedam.
[ . . . i need to say it... i can't keep it in,,, park jihoon 2.0!!! you score and he's like "ehhhhhh" smirk and all BRO!!! can't help but clap loudly and say "wAHHHHH!!!!!" is so down bad that he's always like "how do i even breath the same air as you..." he's so... in love with you in all aspects but he truly loves watching you play. so starstruck, can't help but watch you with a dropped jaw with sparkles in his eyes <3 wants to learn how to play and when you're game, he's literally on it. bc duh... he's THE BANG YEDAM!!! you're definitely surprised when he spikes and you're left looking like (* ^ ω ^) so proud of him n you hit him with the "that's my bf (´ ∀ ` *)" cue yedam blushing and waving you off.
✶ kim doyoung.
[ . . . you both made a deal to go to each other's practice when you have the time. sometimes your prac schedule overlaps and of doyoung knows that his practice isn't THAT important, he'll skip just to watch you play. when your practice does end, he'll ask your coach if you two can stay behind in the gym to play with one another and the answer's always yes does doyoung use his bunny eyes? yes. and it works every time. not as good as you but is definitely decent enough for you to play an actual game. "yeah... i've watched haikyuu... aren't you a setter?" "no doyoung... i'm literally a middle blocker..." "oh (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)" isn't sure what positions are which but like i said... he's just happy to be there! brings his hyungs along to watch you and they always tease him for how in loveeeee he is with you. "y/n and doyoung sitting in a tre-" "sHUT UP JEONGWOO"
✶ watanabe haruto.
[ . . . literally had to drag him to your game because he's THAT lazy. once he sees how absolutely amazing you are and how you absolutely demolish the court, best believe he'll come along. "hey babe, when's your next game?" "uh... the season's done..." "WHAT??????!!!!!!!" kisses def calm in down. one time, he painted his your nails with your team's colors and behind your back, did his nails to match <3 when you win... dolphin screech for the win man!!! permanently set as ٩(๑`^´๑)۶ when he runs over to you and jumps and down while linking your hands <3
✶ park jeongwoo.
[ . . . comes along willingly, sometimes misses your games bc yk my boi... he's never missed a day of practice in his entire life 😭 for some reason always bring up the fact that he's played basketball. "i literally play volleyball woo... 「(゚ペ)" "nO IK I JUST WANTED TO LYK HAHA (^~^;)ゞ" LIKE BRO WHAT??? pretty lowkey and isn't as hype as the other boys but will always celebrate when you win and makes it a rule to cheer you up if you do lose. he hates seeing you upset about it. def the type to trash talk about the other team. "they literally had the ugliest colors on anyways babe... don't waste your tears on them!!" makes you crack up frfr
✶ so junghwan.
[ . . . little too embarrassed to admit that he loves watching you play but somehow he's always at your games. i don't think he's ever missed a game and you ask him about but he always hits you with the "don't worry bout it sweetheart <( ̄︶ ̄)>" def uses his puppy dog eyes and juts his lip out at hyunsuk asking if he can skip practice and ofc he says yes and it's totally not bc of his soft spot for the tall baby or anything.. hahah.... one time you dove for the ball and he literally screamed because that was the first time he's seen you do that and he thought you fainted and died for a second. everyone looks at him and he gets embarrassed and shuts up for the rest of the game... you on the other hand... literally could not stop laughing 😭 asks why he screamed and he's literally so dramatic about it "i thought you died :'(" you have to hug him to make him feel better T^T
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★ treasure taglist. @yogurteume @tayhunwoo @h4chi @enhacolor @wonluvrbot @rutowonz @setakdongies @ncizen @byeongsung @kyufilms
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. sorry for being inactive, i've had bad writer's block and since it's getting hotter here, everyone wants to come into my store n shit like bruh 😭😭 give a mf some room to breath!!!! can't even eat my dayum sandwich suckaaaa!!!!
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professorrw · 2 years
Hey! I am wondering if I could request a headcanon of Eddie having like a softball player s/o or like one that plays a less popular sport at Hawkins High School. Thank you!!
thank you so much for requesting! i love the idea of eddie dating someone that plays a sport that doesn't get attention from the rest of the school
☆stranger things masterlist☆
Title: Playing a Less Popular Sport
Pairing: female reader x Eddie Munson
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Requests open, check my request rules and who I write for that’s linked on my navigation! My taglist is open and I would love it if you would like, comment, and reblog!
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eddie wasn’t the hugest fan of sports, particularly the people that played them
when you met him he was aware that you played softball and it didn’t really bother him. nobody made a big fuss about the Hawkins High softball team
he would definitely come to all your games (unless he has hellfire), and if you don’t have a game you go and watch him play DnD with his friends
he would cheer the loudest, getting a ton of stares but he didn’t care.
before the game when you’re doing your eye black he takes it and writes your number on his cheek
he would try to put it on his chest and raise his shirt up for everyone to see when you were up to bat. he was only able to do it once since he almost got kicked out of the ballpark for it
after games, if Hawkins won, he would take you out to get milkshakes or ice cream and sit in his van to eat them
if the team lost you would always be upset about it so you guys would go to his trailer or your house and watch movies and eat popcorn to feel better
win or lose, he would remind you how good you did. he would pinch your cheeks and smile at you until you smiled back and finally agreed with him
after a win all the hellfire guys would congratulate you (because eddie would brag about how good you played all day)
“i swear she’s the best on the team. she ran so fast, nobody on the other team could possibly touch her.”
all the guys kind of got tired of hearing a play-by-play of all the softball games but they all knew no matter what they said eddie would talk about it anyways
even though he wasn’t the one actually playing, he was cocky for you and how good you did
sometimes you guys would go to the ballpark or outside in a field and practice together
eddie found an old glove of his uncle’s so he would use that and toss the ball back and forth with you
when you first started playing together he always went easy on you because he didn’t want to hurt you but eventually you told him to give it his all
on game days you got to wear your jersey to school and he loved how pretty you looked in it, not to mention how you looked in your softball pants
he would learn how to braid just so he could braid your hair for games
he keeps a copy of your softball picture in his wallet to look at whenever he misses you (which is all the time)
whenever you were really tired and sore after practice he would give you a massage (he’s strangely good at it)
he was always aware of your schedule and knew when you had practice and games
all your friends on the team were skeptical of him at first because they had heard about his reputation, but he was nice to all the girls on the team and would help get everyone waters and things like that (he basically became the teams manager and personal cheerleader)
Taglist: @23victoria
Eddie Munson Taglist: @teenagegoateecollectorposts @linkpk88
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Pep Talk
Bokuto Koutaro Oneshot
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Summary: In which you give your boyfriend just the pep talk he needs, or in which Bokuto fucks his favorite cheerleader right before a big game
Pairings: Bokuto Koutarou x Cheerleader!Reader
Warnings: Smut, praise, Bokuto has a thing for cheer uniforms...? Unprotected sex
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There was just something about you on game day that always drove Bokuto wild. Maybe it was your smile, maybe it was the pretty way you styled your hair, or maybe it was-
Oh who was he kidding.
The best part about you on game day was the way you always cheered the loudest for him, and that uniform.
That damned uniform that drove Bokuto absolutely wild every time he saw it. He couldn’t help it- with that tiny little skirt and tight top, it was impossible not to be attracted to you.
It was 1 out of 37 of his weaknesses. Put you in his proximity and Bokuto would faulter due to the way his thoughts immediately turned dirty.
That fact alone was precisely why you were being dragged into a random bathroom by your boyfriend, giggles escaping your lips as you cautiously looked over your shoulder.
“Bokuto are you sure this is a good idea?” You questioned as your boyfriend immediately plopped you on the sink, a wild look in his eyes as your skirt rode up just the tiniest bit.
“Are you kidding me? Baby, if I don’t fuck you now then I’ll never be able to focus out there,” His pink lips formed into a pout, making him look irresistible as he looked at you with shiny eyes. “You want me to win, don’t you babygirl?”
“Of course Bo,” You immediately nodded, causing your boyfriend to smile.
“Good. Then let me take care of you.”
In your entire two years of dating, you had known that Bokuto had never been a patient being. That was exactly why you weren’t surprised when he planted his lips on yours, capturing you into a messy kiss, his fingers immediately going to work.
First, he started by trailing them up and down your thighs, just ghosting over your skirt before deciding to drop a little lower. You gasped as his fingers began to explore your most sensitive territory, just barely padding over your clothed entrance before applying the slightest bit of pressure.
“So wet for me, already,” There was a grin a on Bokuto’s face as he pulled away from the kiss and observed the way your mouth dropped slightly. He could feel your arousal slowly building and the thought absolutely excited him.
Quickly, he began to kiss you again, but not before teasing you by prancing his fingers alongside your hips. He toyed with the hem of your panties for a second, and to signal your impatience, you wrapped your legs around him and hummed against his lips.
Please, take them off You mentally screamed at him, and Bokuto seemed to get the message because he quickly looped his fingers around the waistband and yanked them down.
The feeling of the cool counter coming into contact with your core had you gasping again, your boyfriend moaning as the bulge in his shorts grew tighter.
“Fuck, you look so pretty,” Once again, he pulled his lips away and took in the look of your plump, swollen lips, and the way your chest was rising and falling, eyes glazed over with lust. Just the sight of you mentally begging him to touch you had Bokuto riled up. He could barely contain himself as he leaned you back on the sink, your back touching the mirror as he gently spread your legs.
“Such a pretty girl,” He praised, sinking to his knees in order to admire your pretty pussy. Your heart fluttered in your chest at the hungry look in his golden eyes, looking like he couldn’t wait to devour you. And what do you know, it only took a few seconds for Bokuto to snap out of his trance, smiling at you before leaning in to taste his favorite meal.
“Fuck,” You moaned as his tongue came into contact with your dripping core, hips bucking at the electricity that went through your body. Bokuto’s tongue had always been magical, knowing exactly how to please you.
His lips immediately found your sensitive nub, sucking on it as his thick digits came to tease your folds. You moaned again as he glanced up to watch your face, satisfaction filling him at the pleasure that appeared once he slowly sunk a finger into your cunt.
“B-Baby,” You whimpered as he began to move, pumping in and out of your pussy at a steady rhythm. While his tongue carried on the assault on your clit, and his right hand took to pleasuring you, Bokuto used his left hand to reach up and yank on your crooked cheer top.
Nothing would make him happier than seeing your pretty little tits. You knew what he wanted, and so you quickly disposed of the item, throwing it god knows where as Bokuto hummed in satisfaction.
The vibrations against your pussy caused you to arch your back. With his relentless pace, you could that you were close. Bokuto could tell, too, as your walls began to clench around his fingers, little moans and whimpers escaping your lips.
“That’s it, let it go pretty girl,” He cooed, pulling away from your clit to watch in awe as his words sent you over the edge. Slapping a hand over your mouth, Bokuto came back up to hold you as you reached your high, a loud moan leaving your lips. You did everything you could to hide your face, burying yourself into the crook of his neck and biting his shoulder as you gushed all over his fingers.
“K-Kou,” Your boyfriend thought it was the hottest thing ever to hear you moan his name in his ears, shivers raking down his spine. He could tell you were shaking as you came down from your high, your body spent but that was just the beginning, Bokuto silently reminded you.
The hard-on in his volleyball shorts was painfully prominent, throbbing as he pressed against your bare pussy. You whined as Bokuto began to grind against you, still weak from your orgasm but he was desperate.
The game would be starting soon and Bokuto needed you. If he was gonna have any shot at doing well on the court then he needed to be buried inside of your pussy, and he couldn’t wait another minute.
Leaning down, he started sucking on your sweet spot as he held your trembling body and attempted to push the material of his shorts down. Bokuto had never been more grateful that Fukurodani had easy uniforms, as it only took a few second to free his aching cock.
You could sense his need as he pulled away from giving you lovebites and rested his forehead against yours. His pupils were blown, golden eyes absolutely wide and filled with lust. He was silently asking for your permission to fuck you, and once you nodded, spreading your legs wider just for him, Bokuto immediately wasted no time.
He gripped his cock and began to line himself up at your entrance, not even bothering to tease you as he pushed himself him. A low groan escaped his lips at the same time you moaned, your grip on his jersey tightening as he pushed himself in.
“Baby,” His eyes looked ready to roll in the back of his head, hips stilling as he grunted at the stretch. “You’d think...you’d think we hardly ever fuck from how tight you always are...”
A breathless giggle left your throat at his comment, quickly turning into a moan when he snapped his hips, slamming his thick cock right into you.
The way he absolutely filled you up was delicious, Bokuto rapidly beginning to pick up his pace to a quick one. Usually, he liked to take his time with you but now he had no choice. He had less than twenty minutes to get back on the court before someone -probably Akaashi- came looking for him. That meant that that you immediately fell victim to his powerful thrusts, Bokuto having to steady you with his body.
“God...have I ever...have I ever told you how much I love this pussy?” He asked, throwing his head back. His eyes were screwed shut in pure pleasure, his moans sounding like music to your ears. The way he fucked you was causing your own vision to be skewed, white spots appearing as Bokuto slammed into your sweet spot over and over again.
“Fuck, just like that Kou,” You held on for dear life as you were pounded into you, your back hitting the mirror repeatedly. All that you could hear in the bathroom was the sound of skin on skin, and the sweet moans both of you released.
From the way it was going, neither of you would last long. You both were too needy, too eager to hit your highs. And even though Bokuto had already made you cum once, you could feel it building up once again. Like a dam ready to release, Bokuto slowly pounded your walls until it broke.
Letting out a sudden cry, your body tensed up and you could feel yourself beginning to cream all over Bokuto’s cock. The action was sudden, your hands darting out for some type of support from your boyfriend. You were lucky that Bokuto was muscular enough to support the both of you, crying out as he reached his own orgasm.
The feeling of you wrapped around him, cumming just for him was too much. His hips came to a still as he groaned, the ace spilling himself inside of your pussy.
“Y-Y/N,” He was saying your name like it was a prayer, the word falling from his pretty lips effortlessly. All you could do was wrap yourself around him tighter, both of you faltering from your orgasms even though Bokuto somehow still had the strength to hold himself up.
“K-Kou,” You were convinced you weren’t gonna be able to walk by the time you came down from your high, your legs numb as your body shaking. Your back ached from repeatedly being slammed in the mirror behind you, but you supposed it was all worth it in order to see the grin on Bokuto’s face, well beyond satisfied as he came down from his own high.
“That was...” Bokuto moved his body away from yours in order to admire you. Your pussy puffy and swollen from his powerful thrusts, your lips plump, your legs still shaking from the intense pleasure and your chest still heaving as you tried to catch your breath. “Amazing.”
Yeah, it was amazing alright.
“You’re telling me,” You grinned back, your smile a little hazy. You looked so cute, all fucked out. Bokuto almost felt bad for having to send you back so you wouldn’t miss your warm-ups, either.
“Come on,” He grabbed some napkins from the dispenser and wet them in order to clean you both up. Then, he adjusted your clothing and held out his arms for you. Quizzically, you rose an eyebrow, and that was when you suddenly realized where exactly you were.
“We have to get back before our teams get suspicious,” Bokuto reminded you, causing your eyes to go wide.
Your captain was totally gonna kill you! While you were in the bathroom quite literally fucking around, she was probably pissed and waiting for you on the court. All cheerleaders were supposed to be there an hour before to stretch. Now, you probably only had ten minutes at the max. “Yui is totally gonna kill me!”
“Well come on them,” Bokuto motioned to his arms again. “We can still get you back before she completely looses her shit,” He said.
You grimaced. “Yeah but...how am I supposed to cheer when I can barely feel my legs, Bo?”
It seemed that in his horny pursuit Bokuto didn’t really think of the consequences. His favorite little cheerleader had now been absolutely ruined, barely able to walk as he helped you to the ground.
“Maybe...maybe I can tell her you were sick. You could sit this game out,” Bokuto offered, trying not to smirk at the way you hobbled towards the door, you uniform ever-so slightly crooked.
“You’d do that for me?” You turned to him and smiled.
“Well...what choice do I have?” Bokuto snickered. “I kinda ruined her best cheerleader.”
“Oh shut up!” You rolled your eyes and lightly pushed his shoulder, even though you knew he was right. “It’s not that bad!”
“Then why are you still holding onto the counter to walk?” Bokuto challenged.
You stayed quiet.
“Exactly,” He smirked. “But don’t worry princess- I know I fucked you good but I’m still gonna take care of you. Come on, lemme carry you.”
“No, you’re mean,” You pouted and leaned into the counter, crossing your arms. “Making fun of me after I just let you fuck me.”
“Awe Princess,” Bokuto chuckled at your scrunched up face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease you.”
“Yes you did,” You stuck your tongue out at him. “...But I guess I have no choice.”
“Come on then,” Bokuto grinned as he scooped you up bridal style, effectively carrying you out of the bathroom in his arms. While exiting, a few passerby’s gave you guys weird looks for leaving the bathroom at the same time but Bokuto simply ignored them as you hid your face in his arms.
“Princess? You can look now- we’re on the court,” Bokuto chuckled at your embarrassed figure, stopping on the edge of the arena and placing you down. Immediately, he could see the heated stares of his teammates and your captain causing you both to wince.
“See you after the game, yeah? And good luck,” You grinned up at him as your captain began stomping over, profanities already forming on her lips. However, you ignored her and instead focused on Bokuto, who nodded and leaned down to give you a quick kiss.
“Thanks for the pep talk babe,” He beamed and winked down at you, pulling you into one last hug before stalking off. You could already hear Akaashi’s curious voice and the sound of Bokuto making up some excuse. Meanwhile, you had to deal with an angry Yui but you supposed it was all worth once you watched Bokuto play-
From on the sidelines, of course.
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ayamturd · 3 years
bisexual│mcyt hc
warnings: small mentions of hate, fluff
prompt: (requested 1 & 2) “Hello uh I saw one of your posts about the dream smp reacting to you coming out so I was wondering if you haven't already done it can you do dream smp reacting to you coming out as bisexual?” 
“Hello yamturd so I was wondering if maybe you could do tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo reacting to reader coming out as bisexual or lesbian if you haven't already done it :)” 
pairings: irl platonic! dream, ranboo, tommy and tubbo ; c!technoblade
a/n: if i offend or misinterpret anything in this hc, please feel free to message and correct me otherwise. i will always try to correct or delete this post if asked so <33
sending my love to all those who identify as bisexual <33
wc: (1.5k) - m.list
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dream - 
considering his prideful personality sometimes, you probably wanted to play with his ego and drop subtle hints
not anything too obvious, but enough to make him kick himself when he realizes
though it was admittedly difficult since he plays into the dnf ship so much that he thinks you’re also joking more than half the time 
imagine you two were in a voice call one evening and randomly discussing the recent fanon and what would be funny to turn into canon (to mess with the fandom)
you’ve been recently shipped with two other content creators, both of opposing female and male gender, separately and together
“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind hitting that.” “Which one?” “Both.”
He’d laugh, but you didn’t.
“Wait, you’re serious? You actually identify as…?” “Bisexual. Yeah, I’m pretty sure anyway.” “Y/n, that’s amazing.”
takes pride in the fact that you trust him, but would feign being upset that you messed with him for as long as you did
be jokingly offended if he found out someone knew before him
“Wait…” “Yes?” “You told Bad??” “Yeah, he was one of the first.” “W— Why??”
It was your turn to laugh while he gawked in disbelief.
“It’s Bad! Of course I told him.” “… Fair enough.”
hate is a given, and he’ll always be there to support and defend you
he’ll always ask your permission before taking any action, however, because he respects you too much and knows you can fight your own battles
dream is someone will show relentless support, whether that be through words or moral support, he’ll always be there for you 
c!technoblade - 
i honestly feel like you never officially came out to techno
as you began to recognize yourself as bisexual, you slowly expressed yourself around him more openly to the point where he unconsciously knew
it’d probably would have hit him in the most random moment after months of assuming he knew
imagine you’re in the midst of battle when techno paused entirely with wide eyes 
“Y/n!” “What!?” “Are you gay??”
you would tease him when discussing your love life in one-sided conversations with him; him basically choosing to ignore you when you talk to him
“Honestly, Techno, how could you not want to hit that?” “Please, just stop.”
(i’ve written this before but will stand by this that) he truly doesn’t care for your sexuality
you’re a friend, someone he trusts and relies on, he doesn’t need to consider who you’re attracted to since he sees you for your skills and friendship
the only, and only time he is mindful of your sexuality depends on others unnecessary comments about it
the smp is a known judgement free land, but there will always be someone with ignorant opinions that he is always quick to shut down (or kill)
nothing much can be said besides the fact that you’ll always be y/n to him: a loyal friend and someone he would fight the world for
ranboo - 
oh sweet ranboo, dear ranboo
considering how openly supportive and kind he naturally is, you didn’t question the idea of telling him
i’d like to imagine that unlike most where you planned or waited to tell, the moment you knew, he would know soon after
imagine you called him before he began his lore stream to hype him up
you both were talking about more mundane things to calm his nerves as people joined when you brought it up
“Oh actually, before you start, I wanted to tell you something.” “Sure, what is it?” “Well, I— I’m Bisexual.” “…You’re tELLING ME THIS WHEN I’M ABOUT TO START MY STREAM??” “Y/n! I’m so happy for you, that’s amazing!”
he’s incredibly patient concerning how you wanted others to know or when you were ready to be completely out
similar to c!techno with the same beliefs you’re still y/n, and nothing has changed besides you coming out as yourself
he’s your go to when days are rough, because he knows how to help you understand you’re still loved as the same y/n and nothing less
“Hey, hey, listen to me. I love you, y/n. We all do, and you’ll never be alone when things get rough, alright?” (love /p)
knows how to silently deal with hate in his chat unless it becomes evident enough to address it (doesn’t want to bring attention to meaningless words until it becomes serious)
ranboo’s your rock and makes show that he’ll never believe anything other than that you deserve love
tommyinnit - 
as someone who took pride in defending the LGBTQ+ community, you had no hesitation when coming out to tommy
if any, your reluctance would come from accepting yourself to the point to be open with other people
it’s not as if he didn’t accept you, he could never imagine doing so in the slightest, but he probably wouldn’t know what to say initially
imagine you both were in the midst of playing bedwars together in a recording for a video
he had been busy gathering emeralds while you remained at the base, and the comforting silence gave you the confidence to blindly address it
“Hey Tommy?” “What, y/n? I’m in the middle of something right now.” “Oh, um, I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual.” “…” “…Tommy?” “…” “T— Tommy?”
it’d be dead quiet for a few seconds before you heard the noise of him rustling in realization
“Wait wait wait, you’re serious? You’re bisexual?” “Haha yeah, yeah, I am.” “WHA—!”
he was happy for you, to say the least
tommy loves to joke, and one he loved to make would be your attraction to both genders
you like women? pog!
you like men? a shame, honestly
if you were publicly out, his favorite bit would be to include you in his obnoxious swooning
imagine he was streaming while talking about his love for women
“Boys, honestly, the ladies just can’t resist me.”
The ding of discord notified you entering the call, the sound of your laughter immediately coming through.
“I agree, Tommy, I definitely agree.” “Y/n! You are attracted to women, and I am also attracted to women. You can agree women are amazing, yes?” “I can, Tommy. Women are indeed amazing.” “Good lad!” “Tommy, you do realize I’m not only attracted to w—” “Shush, we don’t speak of that.”
he showed his support by normalizing your sexuality, his acceptance quick and easily integrated into your lives
(this is getting long but—) tommy was well aware he lacked some knowledge when being in the LGBTQ+ community, but openly voiced his ignorance as a sign of awareness itself
he was always quick to correct either himself or others, he refused to accept slander of any type in his streams
would probably try to keep it light heartedly, but scold nonetheless
tommy was your figurative cheerleader, always there to include and uplift you, whether that be through the smallest gestures or loudest cheers
tubbo - 
poor tubbo
since he wasn’t the most careful with secrets, you probably withheld telling him till you were ready for most to know
this isn’t to deter anything of not trusting him, he’s still supportive and loving tubbo that wouldn’t dare do anything purposeful against you
if anything, you might have forgotten that he didn’t know when you were casually taking about it within a group
imagine you and Ranboo were trying to get him to sleep one early morning but gave up
you started talking about personal stuff and the topic of your love life came up, specifically the attraction to someone of the same gender
“I don’t know, Ranboo, I mean, I think I like them but at the same time I’m not sure.” “That’s fai—” “Wait, y/n. You’re gay??” “Bisexual, actually.” “WaAA—”
his very sleep deprived state was extremely happy and emotional for you
he’s like the little duckling with a knife, like he loves you completely but will try to hurt anyone that offends you
like tommy, he has no personal knowledge when being in the LGBTQ+ community but will solely learn for your sake
whether you’re younger or not, tubbo never fails to remind you that he looks up to you
he gives his all and won’t hesitate to provide in any way he can if needed
“You matter,” he’ll always say, “you’re important and no one else’s opinion matter.”
is proud to be your friend and expresses his platonic love in full, for you’re you and are so brave to be yourself despite all
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choosing not to tag my usual taglist just cause its a headcanon with a specific request <33 (huge ty to @basilly​ and @inniterhq​ though for the advice/motivation to finish this)
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
out of the old [santana lopez]
santana lopez x reader
requested: hi! i love your work! could you possibly do a santana x fem!reader where santana is in love w/ britt but she's refusing to break up w artie – so santana crawls over to the reader and sucks up to her and in a way uses her as a rebound but the reader has feelings for santana and doesn't wanna be used and brushes santana away until she realizes she does have feelings for the reader?
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*not my gif*
“I love you too Santana, but I also love Artie. And I can’t do that to him.” Brittany’s words echoing in Santana’s ear. She was currently driving to your house, knowing all about your huge crush on her. Knowing that you’ll cave into her pouty lips and big brown eyes.
She knocks on your front door, impatiently waiting for you to open it, “Santana? What’s up?” 
“Shh...don’t talk.” she says, placing a finger to your lips. Your eyes widening in the process.
Santana put her hands on your waist, pulling you out your front door and onto your porch. Mouth open in shock at the head cheerleader’s actions. 
You’re about to say something else, but she places her mouth onto yours. You didn’t kiss back at first, thinking this was just some weird fantasy, but as she continued kissing your mind finally caught up with reality. Tasting the lips you craved so much was a dream come true. 
But you couldn’t help, but let your mind wander about how this has happened. You thought that for sure she was in love with Brittany. 
As time went on the kiss grew more and more passionate. Her hands roaming your entire body. Nails digging into your back, scratching down it slowly.
“Are your parents home?” she asks, breaking apart from the kiss.
You shake your head, “No. They’re out of town.” 
“Well, what are we waiting for?” she says, a mischievous look in her eyes. 
After a couple months, the two of you have spent more and more time with each other as time went on. Santana never explained why she all of a sudden thought that it would be good idea to pursue a relationship with you. Well it wasn’t really a relationship...it was more of a casual relationship. No one else knew and it would be secret dates at your place which ultimately led to hooking up. 
You walked side by side with Santana, gazing at the brightly-illuminated screens in New York’s famous Time Square, admiring how far you and the New Directions have gotten. All around you, people were bussing around trying to get to work or tourists laughing, in awe of the city. 
Santana tugged on your hand, pointing towards the hot dog cart. You smiled at her, before ordering a hot dog for the two of you to share, “This is a huge hot dog!” 
“Please,” she told you with a scoff, “I’ve seen bigger.” 
You couldn’t help, but laugh at her comment. Before staring at her in awe as she smiled back at you. Her springy ponytail swayed back and forth as she moved. 
“What?” she asks, catching you staring at her.
You shake your head, “Nothing. You’re just beautiful.” 
This causes a smile to pop up onto her face. Looking around the area you were in, when she finally looked back at you she kissed you softly. But you couldn’t shake a feeling that something was off. The way she looked around like that, like she wasn’t proud to be seen with you.
But you kept that to yourself until you were at the hotel with your best friend Rachel. 
“Hey Rachel?” you asked as she was thinking of song lyrics. 
She finished writing her lyric before looking up at you, “Yes?” 
“Do you know why Santana and Brittany stopped talking? I thought she was so in love with her, but now they barely talk.” You tried to avoid the topic of her suddenly being super into you. 
Rachel leaned in onto the bed next to you. “From what I heard from Finn, who heard from Puck, who heard from Quinn, who heard from Mercedes, who heard from-” She was about to go on and on about the relaying gossip between the whole group. 
“Rach...” you draw out as you tried to get her to explain faster.
“Sorry. Well apparently, Santana expressed that she was in love with Brittany, but she refused to break-up with Artie. And I guess it caused a divide between them. Rumor has it, Santana went to someone else as a rebound type thing. Poor girl or guy,” she rambled, “Why?” 
Your face fell at what your best friend said, but you immediately covered it with a smile, “I was just wondering. But yeah poor whoever it is...how long ago was this?” 
“A couple months, I think. I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it sooner.” Rachel said, going back to brainstorm lyrics.
“Yeah...me too.” 
Later that night, Finn went on a date with Rachel leaving you all alone in your hotel room. Alone with your inescapable thoughts that are telling you that you’re that poor girl. Who fell in love with Santana Lopez and she was just using you this entire time. 
There was a knock on your door, that snapped you out of your terrifying thoughts. You trudged your way towards the door to see the one person you did not want to see the most. A big smile plastered on her face, “I heard your room was empty so I thought we could...ya know. Have some fun lady kisses.” 
“I’ll pass.” you said, sharply. You tried to close the door, but she pushed her hand out stopping it. You walked over to the bed you were once curled up in, 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” she asked, following your every step. 
“Why were you all of a sudden into me? You were in love with Brittany for a really long time, so tell me San, why were you into me?” you shot at her and a look of shock washes over her features, “Wait...let me guess. Brittany didn’t want to break up with Artie, so you crawled to the one person who you knew was in love with you. What was your plan there? Break my heart too? Keep it going long enough until Brittany broke up with him?” 
She was speechless, the same stupid look of shock on her face. Anger and betrayal boiling through you, “I’m so in love with you and I thought for once in my life you might actually be in love with me too. But no! This was all some sick game to get back at the girl who didn’t love you back! So no Santana, I don’t want your lady kisses or your hook ups or anything from you. Please get out of my room!” 
Mr. Shue came bursting in through the slightly opened door. Loads of pizza boxes in his hands, “Is everything alright in here? I was heading towards the main room and heard screaming.” 
“Just peachy, Mr. Shue.” you said, walking past Santana and towards him, “Let me help you out with those.” 
But before you could Santana grabbed your arm, causing you to turn around, “Y/N-” 
“Just don’t. We’ll go on pretending like nothing ever happened. No one will find out. We’re fine. I’ll still be that wide-eyed girl who’s pinning after you and you’ll be that girl whose in love with someone else. Nothing changed.” you told her, your heart breaking at each word. 
You pulled away from her grasp. Grabbing the pizza boxes Mr. Shue was holding, he gave you a sympathetic look, but you just matched it with a smile. Not wanting to be pitied for something so stupid. 
“I’ll be in the room in a second, I’m just gonna use the bathroom.” Santana called out to Mr. Shue and he gave her a thumbs up before leaving. 
Santana closed the bathroom door. Her heart falling into her stomach. The thought of not being able to kiss you anymore screaming in her head. She ran her hand under the cool sink water before splashing it onto her face. 
But that wasn’t the thought that was screaming the loudest. It was the thought that she’s been in love with you this whole time and now you want nothing to do with her. 
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Maybe a scenario on how the poly relationship happen and the guys reaction to it or just a short fluff story with them comforting there MC together
I really loved this idea about exploring how each of the boys would react to a polyamorous relationship being suggested (and how it would come to work out). As I was writing this, it became more of a headcanon type thing than what I’d call a scenario because of how I think things would play out. I was also really inspired by the idea, and think I will be working on relationship and poly relationship headcanons for everyone else too (previously I’ve only done Mammon & Levi).
I thought about writing a disclaimer of sorts about what I had in mind when writing this, but then I realized that was pointless. I WANT people to be able to interpret things however they want. So if you see these things as demoncest-y, then well, I guess they are. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If that bothers you, then my blog isn’t the place for you. 🙃
Suggesting a Poly Relationship
All Brothers x gn!MC
Words - 976
Content warnings - mostly just fluff, maybe demoncest if you squint?
Prompt/Inspiration - How would the boys react to MC suggesting a poly relationship with their brother(s).
He could go one of two ways
Either he’s fine with you having all the relationships you want, so long as he’s your #1
Or he’ll only share your affections with Diavolo, if he shares with anyone at all (and that’s only because I headcanon that he’s already in a relationship with him lol)
If you want an equal relationship between multiple partners? I just don’t see Lucifer letting that happen.
He’d leave hickies or other marks on you when he knew you’d be spending time with another partner.
And he’d be quick to cover up marks made by others whenever you return.
You belong to him (and he definitely belongs to you).
When you suggest a poly relationship with him, his feelings are honestly hurt.
He worries enough as it is that he’s not good enough for you, and now you want to bring someone else into your relationship? That’s just proof of his worst fears.
He will come around eventually though. After a LOT of negotiations.
And a lot of cuddles and reassurance.
You’ll need to make sure to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him, telling him that your life wouldn’t feel complete without The Great Mammon in it.
Absolutely would not tolerate Lucifer as a partner.
I honestly only see him being comfortable with Levi or maybe Beel.
Lots of group dates and matching items. (Just make sure to get some things just for the two of you to share.)
Like Mammon, he’ll also be hurt at the suggestion if you are already in a relationship with him.
If you invite him into your relationship with someone else, he’ll handle it better.
But still, this boy is crazy jelly. It will take a lot of reassurance and negotiations to make sure he’s comfortable.
One-on-one time with you is a must.
It’ll take him awhile to adjust to being affectionate with you in front of any other partners.
He's not really a fan of group dates, unless they are aligned with his interests. Otherwise he’ll just feel out of place and super awkward.
Mammon makes a good match for him because they are both chaotic idiots with a lot of overlapping interests. (And I already have a whole headcanon explaining how that would work lol)
Beel would be another reasonable option since he’s also really accommodating. If there are snacks involved, Beel is good. So Levi wouldn’t have problems convincing Beel to engage in group activities that he’d enjoy.
Handles the suggestion of a poly relationship much better than many of his brothers.
Unless you try suggesting one with Lucifer.
The only way you might be able to convince him to be ok with that, would be if he wasn’t expected to ever do group activities with him.
He’d need alone time with you, even more so than Levi.
A relationship with Lucifer would also be highly volatile. I’d have my doubts honestly about how well it would work long term.
I’d see a lot of competing between the two at who can care for you better. It would be a fine line to walk to make sure they respect you and don’t get obsessed with outdoing one another.
He would work really well with Asmo though, or even Levi.
I could definitely see him and Levi finding a series that they share a mutual interest in (books, manga, tv show etc) and going full on Geek.
He’s totally open to the idea, and might even be the one to suggest it to you if he knew one or more of his brothers was interested
Could make it work with anyone. His ideal partner would probably be Satan though since they get along so well.
He’s the king about putting your feelings first and making sure your needs are met.
Whereas Lucifer x Satan could easily get caught up in one upping each other, Asmo is above all that.
He already knows he’s the best in the bedroom, he doesn’t need to prove it to anyone.
But he still will need a lot of reassurance that he makes you happy.
He loves spending one-on-one time together doing intimate, but nonsexual things like baths, massages etc.
Dote on him to remind him that you value your time together.
He’s very accepting and understanding when you make the suggestion.
Like Asmo, could easily make it work with anyone. He doesn’t have a strong preference either way, he just wants you happy and protected.
Has a particular soft spot for Lucifer (and of course Belphie).
He also loves it when he can watch you spend time with your other partner(s).
You making Lucifer smile? Beel seriously might tear up at the sight.
He really enjoys group dates.
And nothing would make him happier than seeing you and your partners at one of his sports events, cheering him on.
And if you play sports too, he’ll be the loudest cheerleader you’ve ever had.
Will only accept Beel as a partner. No ifs ands or buts about it.
If you don’t suggest Beel, he’ll suggest him.
Both of you will dote on Beel, making sure he gets all his favorite snacks, letting him choose the restaurant on group outings, never missing a sports game etc
You and Beel of course spoil Belphie rotten.
You thought he was bad before? You haven’t seen anything yet.
When it comes to taking care of you, you’ve never been safer than with the two of them.
Beel will go with you everywhere, and if for some reason he can’t, Belphie will be there instead.
He might love napping with you, but being awake isn’t so bad if he is spending time with you.
Expect to spend the rest of your life sandwiched between the two of them. That’s just where you live now. Accept it.
Most of your dates will be shared activities.
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Title: Running With Lions
Author: Julian Winters
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Sports | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: (Brief) Homophobia
Overall Rating: 6.3/10
Personal Opinion: Everyone expects Sebastian to be the next team captain. They expect him to lead the team to victory. When his childhood friend joins the team, that status is suddenly put into jeopardy because Sebastian just doesn’t know what to do with him. As they bond over drills and practice, old feelings and new ones form between Sebastian and Emir. A captivating tale of a dysfunctional found family playing sports and the love that can blossom on the field.
Couple Classification: Sebastian X Emir = Jock X Goth
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- Honestly, Sebastian and Emir are a much better couple than Wes and Nico. Their falling out made sense to me. They had a lot more chemistry. Sebastian’s desire to help came from this place of responsibility and also nostalgia and goodwill. Emir’s shyness reminded me of when I was taken to France and then brought back. I wasn’t gone as long (I think) but that can really impact a person emotionally. I think their banter was nice and the tension when Emir was grumpy was cute. Their movie date was adorable, their rain practice was romantic, their skinny dipping was captivating, I was honestly so into it. I do think they have their issues, in particular I hate that they really spent weeks after that dumb fight not really talking. It’s just bullshit honestly. Carl was in the wrong and yeah Emir can take care of himself but that is not an excuse to get so mad at Sebastian for wanting to help. Ugh, teenagers in love are so annoying with their decisions sometimes. But what else is new?
- Willie is a ray of sunshine. He had a crush on Sebastian but he never let his feelings get in the way of cheering them on. He supported Sebastian’s love for Emir and reminded me so much of Suga from Haikyuu!! He’s a senior, he got benched (because of an injury), but he was the loudest cheerleader and strictest coach working on the sidelines. I have so much respect for him because he’s not only totally in-touch with his feelings but he tries so hard to include everyone around him. A ray of sunshine.
- The scene where Grey took down Mason in a scrimmage is iconic. She showed him up in front of everyone. I had rolled my eyes at the idea of Mason agreeing to a date due to a bet but the fact that she declined, queen shit. She just trashed his reputation, united the team, and rejected him in front of all the boys. I think it was a humbling experience for Mason too and actually made him realize that the way he’s been treating women has been wrong. It gives real Sokka/Suki vibes and I do hope Mason will take this experience and truly grow from it. Be better, bitch.
- The dialogue cracks me up. Especially when Mason said he was thinking of asking out Patrick (Grey’s last name) and Sebastian said “Patrick from the track team?” and Will said “Coach Patrick?” Like I actually wheezed.
- The drive-in movie date was probably my favorite chapter. To begin with, it was adorable. Also, when Val’s friend was flirting with Emir, it was just so funny. Especially when she stomped over after Emir told her he was gay. And then he went and wrapped his arms around Sebastian and put his fingers through the belt loops like SIR! He was really rubbing it in. And Sebastian was eating it up too, it was so cute. 
- Distance is so hard to measure in several scenes. Like when the team was going into town and Sebastian was somehow talking to Emir who was sitting outside on the front steps of his cabin but Bastian was by the car and I just did not know where anyone was standing in proximity to others at any point. Or when Sebastian’s in the locker room. Where was he hiding when the St. Catherine bigots were talking shit to Emir and Hunter? They just straight up didn’t notice him. Or when they were eating ice cream. I pictured an actual shop, not just a window where they get ice cream. I don’t even know where the windows were positioned when Sebastian would sneak into Emir’s room. It was confusing and messed with my vision of events.
- Emir’s attitude makes sense to me but I think it was taken to the extremes at times. Like when he scowled at Hunter for sitting at his table. He also has such a supportive family and his dad’s not mad at him for his sexuality so why was he working so hard to impress him with soccer? To me, it doesn’t make sense. Raj is clearly a supportive, loving dad so what brought this on? Emir’s so shy and easily explosive that I can’t imagine him wanting to do soccer, a team sport, unless his dad was disappointed in him at some point. The entire team did not help in making Emir fit in, but Emir should’ve met them halfway. What’s worse is that after the big fight, Emir was suddenly getting along well with Zach and Hunter. I don’t get it. Like if it was that easy then the fight shouldn’t have been such a big deal. Someone should’ve apologized sooner.
- Sebastian not coming out also doesn’t make sense to me. His entire family is clearly supportive and loving, they don’t give a shit. I get it, the stigma exists. He’s in the machismo world of sports but he surrounded by queer folks and his coach would never reject any kid for their sexuality so what is up?
- Mason Riley can eat shit. I hate him. Look, if even his own friends root against him, I don’t think he is a good person. Mason is out here being so rude to a girl that had a crush on him. He clearly didn’t make an effort for Val either and he literally talked shit about Emir at every turn for no reason. For no reason! Carl too! Fuck Carl! What happened? What did Emir do to make them hate him like that? Just because he’s a bit standoffish? It made me so mad because they’re “not like other jocks” but they certainly fucking acted like it.
- The coaches are great in that they don’t care about sexuality or gender identity in sports but man do they put too much pressure on Sebastian. It’s no wonder he’s a wreck. Plus, if all of these kids are puking during their drills, I don’t think they’re doing it right. To me, it just sounds like child endangerment. They don’t even care for them if they fail, it’s just a lot of yelling. They also just break up fights instead of actually reprimanding the ones at fault? I mean, it’s bullshit. It just almost screams performative. 
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i was wondering of you would do a request for an s/o of some of the "benchwarmer" characters (like yamaguchi rip D:) where s/o always comes to their games and makes them feel insecure, but they discover that s/o does homework/doesn't pay attention unless they are called to play, and only cheer for them!
hello hello anon!!
im so so so glad that we’re showing some love to our “benchwarmer” characters
this was honestly such a cute idea and I appreciate you being so patient with me
I decided to throw in ennoshita and kyotani because they don't get a lot of time on the court either sooo I hope you don't mind :)
anywhooo I hope you enjoy!!
(btw this definitely isn't my best work sooo I apologize in advance lolz)
•Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, + Kyotani w/ a Supportive S/O•
warnings: none
genre: fluff
characters: yamaguchi, ennoshita, + kyotani
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yamaguchi always got very nervous whenever you mentioned you were attending one of his games
as a pinch server, he rarely got the opportunity to play and when he did, he never felt like his performance was good enough for you to see 
not to mention you always made it a point to wear his spare jersey to each one of his games which raised his nerves more then he would care to admit 
he really doubted himself on that court and felt like he wasn't good enough for you to be up in those stands representing him not to mention his spare jersey looked really really good on you
it meant the world to him that you supported him but he didn't want to disappoint you
this particular game, coach ukai had promised yamaguchi that he would definitely be put in  
which is why everyone couldn't understand why he seemed so down in the dumps
tanaka was the first one to point out his bad mood,
“Yo! Yamaguchi, what’s up with you dude? You look all pouty.”
hinata decided now would be a good time to add his two cents,
“Yeah! You get to be all swoosh, bam, boom today! You should be excited!”
yamaguchi couldn't lie, he was pretty happy about being guaranteed a few serves this game but he couldn't push away the negativity that clouded his mind.
“Oh, uh, I don't know. I guess its just Y/N is going to be here today and I already know that with all your guy’s amazing plays, my serves won't really matter and I just want them to be proud of me.”
the team stood in silence for a moment
was that really how yamaguchi felt about himself compared to everyone else?
sure, he didn't get to play often but without him they wouldn't have been able to get out of some tricky situations
surprisingly tsukishima was the one to break the silence this time,
“Wow, are you really that much of an idiot yamaguchi?”
a chorus of scolds came from his teammates
yams was about to apologize but tsukki continued his speech,
“Your precious s/o doesn't even pay attention to the rest of us. They only watch the game when they know you’re involved. So, you don't have to worry about us stealing your spotlight. Now, quit being stupid and stretch will you?”
was that really true? did you seriously come to support him and him only?
maybe tsukishima was just saying that to try and get him to forget about what was troubling him but he couldn't concentrate on that right now, he had to get his head in the game for the sake of his team and you ofc
however, curiosity got the best of him, so as his teammates played, he took a peek up at you to find you skimming through a textbook
all this time he felt insecure that you would think he was a bad player compared to the rest of his team mates but now he knew that you didn't even have the opportunity to compare them when you were only focused on his plays
he felt his heart swell with pride as he promised himself he would play with all his strength for you
and sure enough his serves had never been better
your cheers could be heard the loudest throughout the gym and he couldn't miss the large smile on your face as he looked to you in the stands
as soon as the game had concluded, you ran down to the court and threw your arms around him, congratulating him again and again on how well he did
he buried his face into your neck in attempts to hide the blush that was spreading across his cheeks like a wildfire
that day, he went home feeling accomplished, with his own personal cheerleader right by his side
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ennoshita didn't really get many opportunities to step on the court and show his skills
honestly, his lack of playing time made him pretty insecure in his ability to be on the same level as his teammates
he was never very confident and often found himself wondering if he deserved to be on a team with such skillful players
which was why he wasn't always excited when you attended his games
its not as if he didn't love seeing you in those stands, cheering him on, but he hated that there was always a possibility that he could disappoint you
especially since you were always so excited to come and support him
this was all he could think about as he sat stretching on the gym floor with the rest of the team
and his far off expression didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the boys
daichi decided to pull him aside and talk to him about what was on his mind before the game started
after all, he couldn't have such an important asset stuck with his head in the clouds
“Hey Ennoshita, everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s just Y/N is here and I honestly don’t know if I can play to her expectations.”
daichi understood what was going on with his underclassmen now
he had known that ennoshita was not the most confident when it came to his volleyball skill, but he didn't know that he was this blind to his own talent,
“You know, I don't think Y/N has every really showed any interest in anyone else’s plays other than yours.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Maybe you're too focused on what's going on on the court but they’re usually always scrolling through their phone or reading a book unless you get swapped in.”
now that daichi mentioned it, ennoshita never really heard your voice cheering from the stands unless he was on the court and you always seemed pretty oblivious when he talked to you about plays he wasn't involved in
he knew that you supported him with all he did but he was always a bit nervous that you would start to notice how well everyone else played and view his skills differently
discovering you came to his games for him and him only warmed his heart
lucky for you both, ennoshita had been subbed in for most of this game due to daichi getting a minor injury don't worry daichi is fine, don't start planning his funeral yet
you were over the moon that your boyfriend got to spend so much time on the court that day, you always loved watching him play
ennoshita could hear your cheers for him echo throughout the whole gym, causing his confidence to skyrocket
safe to say, you were definitely his lucky charm for that game
even with all the commotion after their win, all ennoshita could focus on was encasing you in a loving hug
after all, he couldn't have done it without you
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kyotani didn't get the opportunity to be on the court often
he was a very strong and skilled player but his attitude usually caused him to sit out for many of aoba johsai’s games
this never stopped you from coming to support him though
no matter how much time he spent in the game you would show up and cheer him on
kyotani didn't really understand your reasoning though, he was barely ever put in so what was the point of coming at all
although he was quiet about it, he really loved having you at his games
being able to catch a glimpse of your smile when ever his temper got the best of him on the court was a huge reason he wasn't already kicked off the team 
but he still felt as though he was wasting your time
he couldn't even begin to imagine how disappointed you were with every game you attended
he tried to get you to quit coming to his games but you simply refused, letting him know that if you weren't in attendance, you could miss the opportunity to see his talent shine
as much as it could be a pain in his ass, your enthusiasm was kind of nice
which was the only reason he agreed to let you continue to come to his games
this game in particular, kyotani seemed to be on his best behavior
maybe seeing you in his spare jersey had something to do with it but no one needed to know that kyo bby, everyone knows that, pls stop staring y/n down like an animal
he was determined to stay on the court as long as he possibly could and surprisingly, he got to play almost the whole game
when you had run down from the stands to go congratulate kyotani, the first person you came in contact with was oikawa tooru himself,
“Ah Y/N-chan! I’m so glad you could make it, did you make sure to cheer for me?”
your boyfriend could never stand the way oikawa would flirt with you just to get a rise out of him
“Oi idiot, get away from them.”
you couldn't help but laugh at kyotani’s antics before wrapping him in a hug,
“Hey Kyo, congrats on the win. You did great!”
Oikawa pouted at you for blatantly ignoring him,
“Hey, what about me?”
“No offense Oikawa, but I really only come to these games for Kyo. I mean unless he's playing I don't really pay attention so cheering for you is pretty much out of the question. Anyways, I'll wait for you outside babe.”
both oikawa and kyotani were pretty baffled at your statement 
kyotani was probably the most surprised out of the two, did you really come to his games just to support him
he was pulled out of his thoughts when kindaichi spoke up,
“Now that they mentioned it, I honestly haven't ever seen Y/N look up from their phone unless Mad Dog was on the court, and they only ever cheer for him.”
kyotani almost let a smile slip out at his teammate’s words
he couldn't believe how much you cared about him and supported him
he never knew how you managed to put up with him but he was beyond grateful for it
he loved you more then he would ever let on
on the walk home, you didn't know why kyotani was so much more affectionate then usual, but who were you to complain?
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putas-in-suffering · 4 years
I wish u would write a story about angel being in love with a stripper but being cool with it and always coming in to support his lady 😉
Okay, sucias....strap in because we took this idea and ran with it. Because guess what? Your putas have zero chill 🙃🙃. We had hella fun writing this and now that the universe has been created, who knows? Maybe we’ll explore it some more 😏
Anyway, take a read and let us know what you think! Besos 💋💖
*We added a Part 2! Check it out here.
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You threw your robe on, hastily tying it so that you could go meet your boyfriend. You’d seen him walk in at the start of your dance, eyes captivating you as you gyrated on stage and slid down the pole in the center. He was your biggest fan. Your loudest cheerleader. He was unlike any man you’d been with. Fully supportive of you and your chosen career path. And you were going to do everything in your power to make sure you kept him.
Your six-inch heels clicked on the sleek black floor as you maneuvered through the throngs of bodies in the crowded club. Men tried to garner your attention, hoping you’d stop and pay them a visit. Most knew not to reach out and touch, but some had to be reminded. If you couldn’t send the message, the security team surely would.
You headed towards the small section that the MC liked to hold up in, the area still visible from the main stage but secluded for private dealings. Your man always sat at the bar when you performed, his eyes focused on you and only you. And you danced for only him. Every night. Even if he wasn’t there. You thought of nothing but him as you touched yourself and got lost in the hypnotizing beat of the music, feeling the breeze of crisp bills being thrown at your nude form. It was a high like nothing else. One that Angel Reyes had only made better since he’d strolled into your life.
You walked through the thin curtains that sectioned off the area, smiling when your eyes met Angel’s. He was sitting on the end of a long, curved booth, unlit cigarette propped in his mouth. You walked over, butterflies in your stomach as he opened his tattooed arms to you. He spread his legs, letting you stand between them as he looked up at you.
“Hi,” You greeted, leaning down to hover over his lips.
He pulled the cigarette from his mouth, pocketing it inside of his leather.
“Hi,” He mirrored, a smirk hidden beneath his facial hair.
You met in a kiss, the action becoming increasingly inappropriate as his hands began to wander under the sheer pink fabric of your robe. His hand skimmed the back of your thighs, meeting the flesh of your ass. You’d changed into a rhinestone bra and panty set, a favorite of his.
Your fingers threaded through his beard, feeling his tongue persuading yours further and further into his own mouth. He tasted like beer and mint, his cologne permeating the air over the usual scent of sex and smoke in the club.
“Hey! If you wanna give a free show can you at least move so we can see better!” Creeper yelled across the booth, effectively ending the moment.
You both pulled away to the snickers and chuckles of the other men, neither of you the least bit embarrassed. Angel’s fingers worked under the thin waistband of your panties, snapping the material against your skin as he licked his lips.
He was positively sinful.
And he was perfect for you.
“Did you like it?” You asked, heavily made up eyes blinking down at him in anticipation.
“Fuck yeah, mama. Made me hard watching you up there.” He confessed, his words making you shiver. His hands continued to roam your body, touching any patch of bare skin he could, which was a lot considering what you were wearing.
You beamed down at him, pleased by his praise.
“Really?” You asked seductively, leaning down once again to let what was left of your lipgloss stick to his bearded lips. You let your arms encircle his neck, playing with the raven ends of his slicked back hair.
His face was level with your breasts, his gaze flicking from them to your face. You pushed them together, arching your back so that they practically touched his nose. He moved the opening of your robe out of the way so that he could have access to your cleavage. You pushed your chest out further, silently begging him to touch you there. He rubbed his face into the pillowy flesh, his beard burning as his lips planted gentle kisses.
You closed your eyes against the intoxicating sensations, your body falling into him more as he supported you. He was sturdy and strong against you; his hard lines complimenting your soft curves. It was as if you both had the other under some kind of spell. The power each of you had to get lost in the other was almost incomprehensible. The chemistry. The tension. It made for an explosive union between two wild souls.
A wadded up napkin hit Angel in the back of the head, interrupting his exploration of your body.
“Lover boy! Some of us don’t wanna pop boners right now.” Gilly teased, chin gesturing to the fact that Angel’s hands were dangerously close to revealing your bare breasts to the men.
While you were a dancer and the men had seen you dance before, you had given no one but Angel a lap dance. They could watch from afar but touching was obviously off limits. It was a boundary that not only felt natural, but was also laid in place out of respect.
You both straightened, though Angel’s hands were still connected to your body. You smiled and finally waved at the group of bikers, the brood now as much your family as they were Angel’s. The line got fuzzy when you factored in Angel’s actual brother being there and seeing you naked. But neither seemed to have an issue with it.
“I sent a round over for you guys. Did you get it?” You asked, gesturing to the lowered tabletop that sat a few feet in front of them. Beer bottles and ashtrays littered the surface, random stacks of cash adding to the mosaic of debauchery.
“Yeah, thanks for that sweetheart.” Bishop said with a kind smile and wink, holding his new beer in his hand.
“Perks of dating a dancer.” You teased as Angel turned to face the rest of the guys, taking you with him and settling you into his lap. You sat on his thigh, legs crossed as he held you in place.
“Among other things.” He added slyly, wiggling his eyebrows comically. The action forced EZ to shake his head and laugh, the man unwilling to hear about his brother’s sexual escapades.
You got comfortable as you started to catch up with the guys, laughing and joking over the hum of music. A few of the other dancers made their way back to work over some of the men as they perched in their laps. You’d already given the crew a heads up on which girl was worth their time and money and which wasn’t.
You noticed EZ eyeing a girl across the bar. She was newer to the club, but popular among the patrons. She went by Luna and she was a sight to behold. Long dark hair with eyes to match and skin that tanned a warm caramel shade. She had a killer figure and had easily become a top earner amongst the dancers.
An idea popped into your head and you decided to give it a shot.
“Ezekiel,” You called, gaining his attention and beckoning him closer to you and Angel.
“What’s up?” He asked as he settled next to his brother, taking a pull from the beer clutched in his hand.
“You like her?” You asked, gesturing to the woman he’d been checking out near the bar. She’d made her way closer now, perusing the private sections for customers.
“Like her?”
“Yeah, you think she’s attractive...” You explained, hoping he’d take the bait.
He nodded. “She’s pretty.”
Angel scoffed next to him, clearly seeing where you were going with this. You playfully shoved at his chest, daring him to do more. He didn’t.
“Her name’s Luna. I can call her over if you want.”
“I don’t need help pulling women.” EZ said, chuckling as he did.
“I know. But she’s good. One of the better ones. New to the club. I think you’d like her.” You explained, shifting when you felt Angel lift his hips into your thighs.
“Oh, so you’re trying to set me up.” EZ accused, his head already shaking in response.
“Come on, EZ...” You pleaded, reaching for his arm. “She’s a nice girl. I think you two would hit it off. And if not, you get a bomb ass lap dance.” You reasoned, pleased to see him mulling it over.
“Live a little, lil brother.” Angel goaded, bumping EZ’s leg with his own. “She’s hot. My girl’s got good taste.” He said with a boyish smirk, kissing your neck.
“Alright, alright...if you guys will stop.” EZ finally relented, sighing as if he couldn’t believe he was letting you do such a thing.
You clapped, excited to play matchmaker for someone as deserving as EZ.
“I’ll be right back.” You said as you stood, adjusting your robe.
You stepped out of the sheer fortress of curtains and made your way over to Luna. She spotted you immediately, smiling in relief. She’d had trouble making friends. She was new and most of the other dancers felt threatened by her presence. You’d been friendly with her, instantly getting a feel for her personality. She was chill and super sweet. A perfect match for EZ.
“Hey, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Okay...a customer?” She asked, taking your outstretched hand and following behind you.
“Yeah. He’s really cute...a gentleman.” You said vaguely, not wanting to scare her off by saying you wanted to set them up. You figured you’d let the moment run it’s course and see what happened.
You pulled her into the section with you, noticing the way Angel and EZ were leaning close to each other and whispering. Upon seeing you, they pulled apart and straightened. You stepped towards Angel and pulled Luna along, placing her in front of EZ.
“Luna, this is EZ. He’s Angel’s brother.” You introduced, noticing the way Angel was looking between your clutched hands and scantily clad bodies. You could practically see the wheels turning in his head, his eyes giving away everything he was thinking. All filthy. All explicit. You felt your entire body heat at the notion.
“Hi EZ,” Luna greeted softly, the raspy tone of her voice making the words sound more sexual than they should.
You let go of her hand as she moved towards the younger Reyes brother and settled into his lap. EZ welcomed her, his massive arms surrounding her as they spoke in low voices.
A tug on your hand made you look towards Angel, his eyes now black and hooded with desire. You let him pull you back into his lap, but this time you straddled him. His hands immediately attached to your ass, his pelvis pressing into yours, letting you feel his growing hardness.
“What’s got you all riled up, baby?” You whispered into his ear, feeling him shudder in response. You nibbled at his flesh, biting and sucking on his earlobe as your hips began to swivel in his lap.
He groaned when you began sucking harshly at his neck, his admission ratcheting up your arousal. You were wet and ready for him, desperate to have him inside you.
It wouldn’t be the first time you’d let Angel fuck you in the club, but you weren’t going to do it with all his brothers around. You’d have to wait. Sooner or later the MC would leave and Angel would hang back, ensuring you made it home safe. Under the guise of giving a dedicated lap dance, you’d fuck yourself on his cock in the empty section. You never got caught. But even if you did, nothing could be done. No one wanted to started trouble with the MC.
The perks of dating a Mayan.
The shifting of the couch pulled you from your spot nuzzled into Angel’s neck. His finger was lifting the edge of your panties to feel you when you stopped, his touch halting when he realized your focus was elsewhere.
Luna was pulling EZ behind her, his hand grasped in hers as she led him away. They were going to the private rooms.
You smiled, mentally patting yourself on the back.
“You’re proud of yourself, huh?” Angel asked with nod to his brother’s retreating form.
You settled into his lap again, your attention now back to the man in your life. You played with the buttons on his shirt and then traced your pink nails over the patches on his leather. His rings felt icy agaisnt your skin as his hands ran up and down your thighs and ass.
You were absolutely head over heels for this man.
“Yeah I am.” You stated with a smug smile, circling your hips to the slow, sensual beat playing through the speakers. “I’ve got good instincts.”
“You do?”
“I got you, didn’t I?” You challenged, raising a well-manicured brow at him.
“I thought I picked you up.” He said, running his mouth over your neck and chest.
“Not a chance, baby.”
He surprised you by slapping your ass...hard. The slap echoed as you gasped and then giggled, the sting sending waves of pleasure straight to your core. The sound caught the attention of the rest of the guys, but they quickly went back to their conversations when they realized what it was, some rolling their eyes as they did.
“Let’s go to the back. Dance for me, mama.” He softly demanded as he kissed your chin, hand lightly gripping your neck. 
You were unable to deny him. It was frowned upon to take your significant other to a private room for a lap dance. There was a risk of sexual activities taking place and that wasn’t allowed. Though that didn’t stop you and Angel. And usually there were cameras in the rooms for safety purposes, but you knew for a fact they were broken and hadn’t been in working order in quite some time.
“Okay, Daddy...”
You led him to the hallway of closed doors, music booming from behind each one. You found one that was unoccupied and stepped in, shutting the door. Angel immediately began kissing you, his hands grasping at your breasts through the thin layer of bedazzled lingerie.
You managed to break away and push him towards the black leather couch, shedding your robe as you did. He did as you wanted, already knowing the drill.
He sat there, thighs spread and dick hard. He looked dangerous and you knew if he asked you to kill for him, you probably would. He owned every part of you. And under the cover of darkness, you were going to let him have all of those parts...and then some.
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Meeting and Dating Lloyd Dobler
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(Not my gif)(Requested via message)
(I kept the first date because I thought it was cute. Hope you don’t mind!)
- You and Lloyd technically didn’t meet until after he asked you out.
- Remember when you first went to highschool and you had no idea that half the school “existed”; for lack of a better term. And every year you would somehow encounter someone that you didn’t know went to your school but now that you did know, you would just see them everywhere? That was you and Lloyd.
- It was after you entered your senior year of highschool that Lloyd had first seen you in the hallways. He had a thing for you the moment he saw you and spent the entire year arriving at one of his classes late because he just couldn’t take his eyes off you whenever you stood and waited for class to start.
- The only reason he didn’t ask you out during the year is because he just couldn’t work up the nerve, especially knowing that he’d have to see you the rest of the year if you rejected him.
- But soon enough, graduation came and he figured that he just had to ask you out or else he was very likely going to explode.
- So he went to “his office” and searched the phone book for your name, scanning through page after page until he found it and nervously dialed up the number.
- Well, I think you know how that phone call went. He spent the first minute or so rambling which gave you the time to skim through your yearbook and see exactly who was calling. And frankly... you were surprised to see that the voice on the other end of the phone was such a handsome boy.
“Lets go out. You wanna go out?”
- Let’s be honest here, Lloyd won’t relent until he gets; at least, one date with you. And why would you refuse? Like I said before: you saw him and saw that he was cute. And though you really didn’t know him, what was the worst that could happen when going out with someone that was so nervous while just talking on the phone with you.
- So you agreed ...which prompted him to ask you to repeat yourself a few times because he was in complete disbelief. Afterwards, he told you he’d pick you up at eight before saying goodbye and prancing to the living room to yell with his nephew in celebration.
- For your first date, he took you to the graduation party where you spent the night mingling with a lot of his surprisingly chill friends and periodically meeting back with him while he played keymaster.
- Your night; and morning, went pretty much the same after that. You were forced to drive around for three hours to give Mike a ride home, then you stopped at 7/11 and talked while you walked the rest of the way to your house; whereupon getting there he confessed that he wanted to see you as much as he could.
- The two of you share your first kiss a few dates later which only takes about three days since he asks you to hang out nearly every day. He’d just parked in front of your house, both of you saying a cheerful goodbye when he leant over and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, one you’d returned happily before saying a final goodbye and getting out of his car.
- Well, after that the two of you are inseparable and neither of you would have it any other way, especially not him.
- Constant Pda. Lloyd is sort of obsessed with you and wants to be touching, kissing, and holding you whenever he can, no matter where you are.
-  Hugs. He likes to bury his face in the crook of your neck when you do. 
- Having his arm around you most of the time. He likes having you pressed into his side. 
- Neck kisses. 
- Quick and chaste kisses or long and passionate ones; depends on the mood. 
- Don't mind him, he’s just absentmindedly playing with your hair. 
- Handholding. He takes your hand whenever he can, he likes having that little connection. 
- Bridal carrying and piggyback rides. 
- He’s not a big pet name person; mainly because he loves your name, but if he knows that you like them, he’ll gladly use them just to make you happy. 
- Lets be real here; Lloyd would gladly cuddle with you for hours on end. He loves having you as close to him as possible so never worry about trying to snuggle with him, he wants you to. 
- He’s a big spoon and he will refuse to let you go if you really don’t have to leave. He’ll tell you to go back to sleep or tighten his arms around you whenever you shift, not wanting you to move away from him even for a moment. 
- He’s the best at comforting and reassuring you and he genuinely never gets tired of it. He’ll sit with and talk to you for hours if he has to because the most important thing for him is seeing you happy. 
-  He’s your own, personal cheerleader. He’s always at all your events, clapping the loudest, and turning towards whoever's next to him, saying a “she’s great, isn’t she?”. He’s so proud. 
- He’s always gushing about you to people, even before the two of you started dating. Corey has to hear about you constantly though deep down she really doesn’t mind. 
- Speaking of his friends, you end up getting close to a lot of them, especially Corey. You let her rant to you whenever she needs to and she reminds you how important and special Lloyd is. 
- He sort of tells Corey and his other girlfriends everything so be prepared for her to know if you’ve “made it” or not or when you’ve had your first kiss. She tells you pretty much everything about her so it’s sort of a fair deal. 
- Getting close with his sister and nephew. You love watching him and the little boy play with each other and he loves the fact that you think it’s cute whenever he does. 
- His sister loves to tease him; and the two of you honestly. 
- He never gets annoyed while he waits for you to get ready. He likes having the excuse to watch you while you do your makeup or brush your hair, or just helping you choose an outfit and put it on. 
- Tons of compliments. He thinks you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread and you best believe you’re going to know that. 
- Lloyd is ...so respectful? His mother raised him right and there’s so many points in your relationship where you wonder how you somehow managed to hit the jackpot. 
- I’m just gonna say it: he’s a pushover. You have Lloyd wrapped around your little finger so be nice to him because you’re his world and he’d do anything for you. 
- If you ask him to carry you’re things, he’ll do it. Ask him to do something he normally hates, he’ll do it. Ask to do something most boys would say no to, he’ll do it. He just loves seeing you happy. 
- He sort of jumps to agree with a lot of what you say; especially in the beginning of your relationship, because he wants you to think that the two of you are really compatible and that he’s the perfect guy for you. 
- Having a bunch of pictures together. He certainly has a bunch of pictures of you. 
-  Watching him train, fight, workout, etc. He pushes himself as hard as he can to impress you, occasionally hurting himself because he’s distracted ...so maybe it isn't a good idea for you to be there with him. 
- This boy lives for your praise. Tell him he’s handsome or that he did a good job and he’s all smiles. 
- He sort of loves hearing you talk and learning more about you. He eats up all your stupid stories like they’re the greatest things in the world. 
-  Talking on the phone pretty much everyday. He usually calls to say good morning or goodnight, or to see if you want to hang out. 
- Occasionally deep conversations. Sometimes something one of you says will just spur a sort of existential explanation/speech that neither of you really anticipated.
- Sooo many dates. You have at least three every week. Like I said: you’re inseparable. 
- He’s pretty much willing to do anything with you. He just likes being in your company, he doesn’t really care what you’re doing together.
- Going to convenience stores. 
- Beach dates. 
- Taking walks around gardens and other pretty places. You admire the scenery, he admires you. 
- Driving around with him all night. You don’t even have to talk for most of it, you just enjoy exploring the town and listening to the radio with him. 
- Cuddling in the early hours of the morning because you’ve spent all night out with him. 
- Sitting together in his backseat, either making out or “making it”. 
- He’s always prepared wherever you go. He always has whatever you need and is so considerate that you just want to kiss him. Food, entertainment, extra coats; you name it and he’s got it. 
- He would absolutely be the type of boyfriend to go out and buy you pads. He’s got a sister that he lives with and a friend group that pretty much consists of all girls; I’m sure he’s done it before. 
- You think you’re gonna be free of him when you get sick? Oh ho ho honey; not a chance. He’s calling to check in on you every few hours and stopping by to take care of you himself. 
- He’s not an extremely jealous person, and he’s good at acting nonchalant when he is so you rarely know when he’s actually feeling that way. He’s respectful and he trusts you so he isn’t gonna make a big deal out of you being around other guys, especially since you’re both so obviously in love. 
- And he’s got eyes only for you; there’s no reason for you to ever feel jealous. 
- He’s protective of you in the cutest way possible. He’s always sweetly checking in on you, making sure you’re okay and looking out for you whenever you’re together. You’ll never have to worry about stepping on broken glass again. 
- The two of you rarely ever fight so when you do, it’s over something serious or because someone else has caused a rift between the two of you. He never yells at you, he never really insults you, he mainly just wants you to talk to him, but believe me, when it comes down to it, he’ll argue and argue until one of you can’t take it anymore; usually you. 
- It’s usually you that leaves to get some space and cool off or think things over. In that time, if you refuse to see or talk to him, he’ll continue to call you until you finally agree to make up. He’s the king of persistency; as we saw in the movie. 
- His apologies are usually very heartfelt. A boombox playing your song™, flowers, messages on your answering machine that makes you want to cry. Believe me, it’s hard to stay mad at him.
- At first, he was really nervous to tell you that he loved you. He thinks that telling a girl he loves them is a really meaningful thing so he wanted to know that he meant it before he said it. But after he said it for the first time, he just couldn’t stop, and he loves hearing you tell him that you love him back. 
- It doesn’t matter what the future holds for the two of you; he’d follow you to the ends of the Earth. He wants to be with you for the rest of his life; it’s the one thing he’s really sure of. 
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