#And Leo drives me crazy on a good day so a single mention of him will have me making autism noises
Mentally ill about Valdangelo again.
What the fuck is wrong with them why are they like that they won’t leave my brain.
Anyway, I think my problems would go away if they just kissed. 
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tmntgirlie · 4 years
Saviors in a Half Shell 5
“Let me get this straight. You guys were the ones who really saved the city? Twice?”
The commotion had made national news headlines for weeks years ago. The most recent occurrence was five years ago, way before Y/N had made her way to the city.
It was the sort of thing that led to many online conspiracy theories, but none of them had any solid evidence. The media led people to believe it was a man named Vernon Fenwick, who had subsequently called himself ‘the Falcon’.
How obnoxious.
“We knew we wouldn’t be accepted by the general public, and he just so happened to be working with us- it made sense,” Leonardo shrugged.
“People are so gullible,” she snorted. She shook her head. “Even I had a feeling he couldn’t have taken that thing down without help. I mean, one man? Unless it was dumb luck. I’m still trying to understand why someone wants to take over a city. A single city. What, turn it into his kingdom? He knows there are bigger and better cities out there, right?”
“Bigger and better? Oh, man! We have been so busy saving this city, we haven’t been able to finish our hip-hop Christmas album!” Mikey couldn’t have sounded more pitiful.
Y/N laughed. “I’d love to hear you guys try to rap Silent Night. Ninjas and all.”
Right as Michelangelo opened his mouth to give her a proper demonstration, he was pushed over by his red-banded brother.
“Someone’s a party pooper.”
“I just spared your eardrums,” Raph said, looking quite pleased with himself.
“What a sweetheart,” Y/N said through a snort. These guys were definitely brothers, the way they treated each other.
“Speaking of sweethearts,” Mikey grinned. “What are you going to do now? Now that you know us and all. You gonna stay here for good?”
“Mikey-” Raph growled.
Y/N just shook her head. “I have an apartment in Brooklyn I should probably get back to at some point. And a job.”
“Do you think you’re ready to get back to all that?” Leonardo asked her quietly. He still wasn’t sure what pushed you so far towards the edge- depression, that was pretty clear. Was there a more specific reason?
She shrugged again. “Have to sooner or later. It comes and goes. Good days, bad days, you know?” She looked around the room with a small smile. “Plus, if I go back to… All that, and I feel like it’s all going down the drain again- well, you guys make a mean cup of tea.”
The brothers looked between each other. It was obvious they all felt some type of way to hear that she was leaving. They had known this woman for less than twenty-four hours, and yet the thought of her leaving them left them feeling empty. She was one more human that accepted them for who they were. She didn’t run, she didn’t scream, she just accepted it.
“I took the liberty of adding our numbers to your phone,” Donatello said finally. “In case you ever need us for any reason.”
“Need a cup of tea, an escape, a friend-”
“-Boyfriend-” Mikey cut in.
Raph wasted no time knocking him over completely this time.
“I don’t think I could handle you, Michelangelo,” Y/N gave him a small smile. “You remind me of me when I was younger.”
Mikey got to his feet, dusting off his thighs. “How old are you again?”
She grinned. “Twenty-one, legal drinking age.”
He shook his head in confusion. “We’re older than you.”
“I really can’t thank you guys enough for this,” Y/N said, ignoring Mikey’s statement. “Especially you two.” She looked between Raphael and Leonardo. “Especially you two. And the Thai food of course.”
It felt like it had been an eternity since she left. It was almost dusk, it had really only been hours. Donatello gave her an extremely detailed map of the sewers, including the streets they followed, in case she wanted to come down by herself. They all figured she’d just ask for an escort, but in case she didn’t feel like it.
“And as soon as she comes into our lives, she leaves,” Michelangelo said through a dramatic sigh. “Do you think she’ll be okay?”
“She’ll be alright,” Donatello said. “I added multiple suicide hotlines and therapists to her phone when I added us.”
“She can’t just stay here forever,” Raphael grunted. “She lives up top, she belongs up there. April and Casey don’t live their lives down here with us, do they? No, they live up top with the other humans.”
Leonardo stayed quiet. They were right- she belonged up there with the other humans. She had a job, an apartment, a life- they were just four turtles that lived in the shadows. They saved her from a mistake she couldn’t go back from. What she did now was up to her.
“Maybe we should check on her tonight!” Mikey said, disrupting Leonardo from his thoughts. “Don, you got her address, right?”
“You think I’d let her leave without knowing where to find her? Do you even know me?” Donatello let out a ‘pfft’. “I have her address, her workplace, her social media profiles.”
“Isn’t that going a little too far?” Leonardo said.
“It’s all for her safety!” Mikey argued, even though the question obviously wasn’t pointed towards him.
Leonardo sighed. “Fine. We can check on her tonight.”
He tried to convince himself it was for his brothers’ sake.
“Since you did all that research on her, might as well not put it to waste. Whadoya got, Donnie?” Raph asked as he plopped back down on the couch.
Donnie pushed up his goggles, more for effect than anything. They were quite literally strapped to his head. “According to all of her profiles, she was born in Iowa and moved here a year and a half ago. No listed family members. Says here that she works for herself, doesn’t say what, but I’m seeing a portfolio right here with a bunch of different headshots.”
Mikey made his way over to Donnie’s corner, squinting at the screens. “Maybe she’s a professional photographer. Do you think she could shoot the music video for our Christmas album?”
“I have a feeling it’s more of what’s in the picture that is her job,” Donnie said slowly. “My money’s on makeup or hair.”
“What do you know about that stuff?” Raph questioned.
“Hey, if it was a photography portfolio, you’d definitely see more variety than just heads,” Donnie replied, rolling his eyes.
“Too bad we don’t need a new hairdresser,” Raph snorted, running his hand over his bald head. “Alopecia right here.”
“We’re turtles, we don’t grow hair in the first place.”
“It was a joke, Don.”
“It wasn’t a very thought out joke.”
By that point, Leonardo was no longer paying attention to his brothers. He was no judge of skills with hair, but these pictures didn’t look half bad. Maybe he needed to pay attention to pop culture a bit more to understand. Was she dissatisfied with her work?
She hadn’t mentioned a roommate. He figured she lived alone. Leo recalled April saying how expensive it was to have your own apartment in any part of New York. She couldn’t have been that bad at her job to be able to live on her own.
His thoughts were disrupted when he felt his phone buzz.
Miss me yet? - Y/N
He frowned, looking down at the screen. It had only been hours.
You guys seriously messed up my sleep schedule, I’m wide awake and it’s almost nine at night. - Y/N
Oh yeah? Almost time for us to get to work - Leonardo
Ah, the night shift. Latest I’ve worked was probably until two. I didn’t want to even think about waking up the next morning. - Y/N
You work that late? - Leonardo
I had no idea this client was going to take me eight hours. We were almost sick of each other by the end of it. - Y/N
Maybe Donnie was right. He had no frame of reference for photography, but that seemed late. Did hair related things take that long?
I’ll let you get back to work. Maybe you’ll even save another damsel tonight. - Y/N
Let’s hope I don’t have to - Leonardo
He wasn’t sure his brothers could handle two humans in twenty-four hours. Mikey would go crazy.
“Leonardo? Earth to Leonardo?”
He bounced back into reality. “What did I miss?”
“Um, our entire conversation?” Mikey said, poking him on the shoulder. “It’s your head that’s in the clouds today.”
He sighed. “What, then?”
“April says she has a lead on the Purple Dragons,” Donnie said, turning towards them. “They’re hitting several spots tonight. We need to get going.”
“Alright, you know the drill,” Leonardo said loudly. “What are we waiting for?”
He didn’t have to ask twice.
Meanwhile, Y/N was settling back into her apartment. She regretted leaving it in such a mess the night before. It had taken her until now to finally get it straightened up enough to have company.
Not that she was expecting company.
She let out a small sigh as she placed a mug of tepid water in the microwave. She briefly recalled the events that ensued in the past twenty-four hours.
She did not wake up yesterday thinking she was going to get that close. It had taken all of her courage to even stand on that ledge. Heights were not her friend, ever since she was a child. Maybe it wasn’t the fear of heights so much as it was the fear of falling.
It didn’t make sense that it was her chosen method.
She shook her head quickly. No, those were not the kind of thoughts she needed. Not this soon.
Truth be told, it was hard to live in a city such as New York. It was so easy to get carried away with the hustle and bustle the city was known for. Even on her daily walk to the shop, she felt like a tiny speck in the big picture. Nobody gave her a smile, nobody even looked at her. It wasn’t what she was used to.
Hell, back in the Midwest, people smiled at strangers as they passed them on the road. They waved to people driving tractors, and were even pleasant if one was going ten miles per hour. But here?
If you so much as stopped on the sidewalk, you were given death glares and knew people wished you didn’t exist in that moment.
Maybe she wasn’t meant to stay here.
It was almost every hairstylist’s dream. If you could make it in New York, you really made it. It was a cherry on top if you ended up catering to hair shows, took on a sponsorship for various brands. If you made it in New York, you could even create your own line of color and hair products.
Two and a half years after gaining her license in hairdressing, it just wasn’t what she expected. The hair was great, that wasn’t the problem. The environment drained her. She wasn’t sure if it was worth the heartache.
But those four brothers…
“Maybe I should check in on them,” she told herself.
The microwave began to beep. She reached in to pull the hopefully hot water-filled mug and gasped when the ceramic burnt at her skin. No, she’d give that a minute to cool off, actually.
She glanced over at her phone, it was dangerously close to falling off the edge of the couch. Y/N made her way over and unlocked it with her fingerprint. As she did so, she quietly wondered how Donatello managed to get into it in the first place.
In fact, their four names were now listed as her emergency contact numbers. They were even color coded, not that she needed a reminder on who was who. She decided to text Leo.
Miss me yet? - Y/N
After thinking for another second, she sent another text. Hopefully they weren’t weird about double-texting.
You guys seriously messed up my sleep schedule, I’m wide awake and it’s almost nine at night. - Y/N
It wasn’t completely true, she didn’t typically go to bed until midnight or so. There was no harm in friendly banter, right?
She set her phone back down, on the counter this time, and went to check on her mug of hopefully no longer boiling hot water. Before her fingers even touched it, it dinged.
Oh yeah? Almost time for us to get to work - Leonardo
She looked at the message for a while, her mug of tea leaf-less water all but forgotten.
Ah, the night shift. Latest I’ve worked was probably until two. I didn’t want to even think about waking up the next morning. - Y/N
You work that late? - Leonardo
Did I ever tell them what I did for a living?
Not that it would really matter to them. They obviously didn’t need a beautician.
The hair thing, she was definitely referring to the hair thing. Turtles didn’t have hair. Not that she saw, anyway-
Y/N, I swear, they’re fuckin’ turtles. Of course they don’t have hair anywhere.
I had no idea this client was going to take me eight hours. We were almost sick of each other by the end of it. - Y/N
She remembered that night well. It was actually one of her first clients that she ever got since moving to the Big Apple. And boy, was this girl loyal. She bought product every time, tipped well, even consulted for possible wigs. Y/N wasn’t sure why she would want wigs, she had beautiful hair, but she wasn’t about to judge. That was money.
Plus, she worked for some TV station local to New York. This client was a dream client.
As soon as she sent the message, she groaned. He probably didn’t even care to hear about that kind of stuff. He was probably busy anyway. You know, saving the city.
I’ll let you get back to work. Maybe you’ll even save another damsel tonight. - Y/N
She had to admit, knowing she was the first person they’d saved in such a way made her feel special. Sure, it was the worst possible circumstance, but… In her mind, it was almost like fate. They were different, but they accepted her into their home so easily. They knew she needed help and didn’t hesitate to try their best. They gave her a safe space to sleep, away from her own world. It gave her time to clear her head. Maybe the meditating had something to do with it.
Let’s hope I don’t have to - Leonardo
For some reason, the last message didn’t hit quite right with her. It suddenly drew her back.
Just make some tea, Y/N. Light some candles. Deep breaths.
The last thing she wanted was to be a burden to these four new beings in her life she’d love to consider her first real friends in the city. She crossed her fingers that he didn’t mean his words the way she took them.
Candles lit, tea freshly brewed (and with a chunk of ice for good measure), Y/N settled down on the couch with an oversized blanket and decided to watch something on TV. That’d clear her mind.
“April’s hair does look so good,” she mumbled to herself with a smile, the first thing on TV was the nightly news. “Good job, me.”
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sansmooches · 5 years
ateez and crushes / ‘99 line + jongho
how they experience crushes 
‘98 line version here
the realization isn’t earth-shattering for him
like seonghwa, i believe yunho is pretty solid in his feelings and wouldn’t think about it too much
it’s simple, really - he just has so much fun with you
and he thinks you’re so cute and goofy but also thoughtful
he starts to notice how he always scans the room to see if you’re in there (and feels his heart droop a little when you’re not)
eavesdrops on conversations if he hears your name mentioned
remembers to grab your favorite if he’s buying snacks
(when yeosang points out how he always buys two drinks yunho hits him with the “oh i’m just ...really thirsty” and smiles a lil)
(and everyone just thinks “yeah you’re THIRSTY alright”)
looooves to tease you, randomly poke you, pull lightly at your hair, show you things online that made him laugh. you’re his best friend
he’s way too content with the way things are to confess, or put his feelings into words
why change, or risk, a good thing?
oh he wants you to be his, officially, for sure. but he’s in no rush. right now all he’s asking for is more time with you
yeosangie is an observer. his crush comes about exactly that way - through him just watching, silently getting to know you
you probably mostly hung out together in groups, and that’s where he thrives... bc he gets to lovingly roast you in front of an audience. (and honestly he’d be a little nervous if it were just the two of you)
but you never took it personally and that’s what made you grow fonder to him. 
one day you’re all hanging out and everything’s business-as-usual when suddenly he looks at you a little harder and thinks to himself...
“oh no. y/n looks really good today”
and that opens up the door for the potential in his mind of something more between the two of you
he’ll wanna learn everything there is to know about you
and if that doesn’t make his interest obvious to everyone, idk what will
but his tactic is deny, deny, deny!!!!! 
his crush is SO fkn obvious but he’s literally the king of playing coy and it’ll drive everyone crazy INCLUDING YOU bc why won’t he just admit it??!??
will flirt to his heart’s content but i think he’d be one of the least likely to confess... there’s no crackin this guy. sry :/
the development of san’s feelings requires give and take.
i can see him getting a crush on somebody who takes the time to appreciate him and everything he brings to the table
while simultaneously making him feel needed
so he probably became more attracted the more you gassed him up, praised him, looked ONLY at him.. if you’re both chatting with a group of people he’ll mostly be making eye contact w you the whole time
not that he’s vain!!!! do not misunderstand me! 
it’s just that san’s the type to be constantly making sure the people around him feel welcome and comfortable in his presence and he’d want someone to do the same for him. i think it’s all about balance for him
would probably beam internally if you singled him out to help with your dance practice :)
would alllllwaaaays be showing off for you. and would be so aware of your presence even if you weren’t paying attention to each other
i think he’d only confess if he was fairly certain that you felt the same way too. he’s a sensitive boy ok
ok this is gonna sound bad at first but hear me out: mingi’s a leo, and leos are visual creatures...
the first time he saw you it nearly made his heart leap out of his chest because you are SO his type
a smiley, giggley bumbling idiot around you....just cannot get over how pretty you are. so pretty it makes him dumb
will wanna look good for you always
isn’t usually the type to care about his appearance but like if he hears you’re coming over in 10 minutes and he’s not ready and bare-faced and his room’s a pig pen and he hasn’t brushed his hair he’ll FLIP 
screams at the other members “THERES NO TIME!!lkkkdk@ PICK +UP YOUR SHIT!!!!!! IS THERE ANYTHING STUCK IN MY TEETH???” big dramatic baby
would take the plunge even if he had no idea whether you felt the same or not, and confess in a really cheesy (but charming) way
(it may even be in public and you’ll wanna die from embarrassment but you’re also too happy to care)
would be REALLY sad and embarrassed if you said no... so don’t!!!!!
woo’s crush would manifest itself to the point where y’all become a couple but you don’t even realize it tbh
it’ll only come to the surface for him once you’ve reached a point in your friendship where you’re so comfortable w each other 
the type to flirt platonically until all of a sudden it’s like uh wait do we mean it?? 
the once innocent flirting seems a lot more loaded now... a lot more intentional, emotionally charged
may give you whiplash from how quickly things change, almost overnight.
i think he’d eventually put everything out on the table - how he feels about you, what he wants - it’d almost be like “take it or leave it”
i’m not trying to make him seem like a player cause i don’t think he is at all! but he is impatient, and he knows what he wants. and what he wants is you binch!!! (i love you, bitch, i aint ever gonna stop loving you.... bitch)
so yeah he’d confess randomly and you’d be like shocked pikachu face
jong is a tough one tbh.
he’s one of the more mature members and i think that’d translate into how he’d approach his feelings for someone
i also think he’d be overwhelmed by those feelings too.
so he’d probably hide how he really felt from you for awhile, so he had some time to reflect on it, and get used to it, because it’s a big deal to him. i don’t think he’d take crushes lightly
he’d still be his charming, sweet self - he’d constantly dote on you, would love hearing about the events of your day, make you feel special..
but he still wouldn’t be afraid to debate with you or challenge you
his feelings would grow the more you reciprocated and got to know him. he’d really feed on that energy
i believe he’d be more likely to confess than the majority of his members, and more confident in himself, because it’s something important to him
he’d be the most likely to want to do one-on-one things with you... they wouldn’t be outright DATES, but he wouldn’t pretend otherwise either. he’d make sure you knew what his intentions were
jongho is a whole ass man tbh
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kaitycole · 5 years
The Sighting
Summary: Drake runs into a familiar looking man at the store. Is this man who Drake thinks he is or just some doppelgänger? 
Word Count: 2160
Warnings: Stress, Anger, Mention of deaths, Grief
Part One of Witness Protection.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @burnsoslow @umccall71 @enmchoices @speedyoperarascalparty @zilch3 @lodberg @annekebbphotography @choicesteamdrake
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Drake is mumbling as he walks into the grocery store, not even attempting to hide the scowl that’s on his face. He loves his wife, he really does, but this pregnancy was taking its toll on him.
He shakes his head, still mumbling, “So sick of her using the pregnancy card.” He rolls his eyes, thinking back on how she constantly busted his chops for complaining of a cold yet her is shopping because she was complaining of this pregnancy.
He knows it’s completely different, a cold versus pregnancy but his anger isn’t allowing him to think clearly. His brows still knitted, his looks down at the ridiculous list he was given.
Tuna, pink frosting, pickles, brownies and apple juice. Who the fuck wants any of that at the same time? He takes a deep breath, looking down the aisles for each thing.
“Luke! Luke, watch out!” Drake looks up just in time to stop before a boy collides with his cart.
“I’m so sorry, mister!” The teenager says, but Drake isn’t paying attention. He’s staring at the man who called out to the boy. Something seems familiar about the older man looking at Drake and the younger boy.
No. There’s no way. Everyone has doppelgangers, right?
The older man stares at Drake for a moment before shaking his head, “Luke, we need to get going.” Luke smiles slightly at Drake before running off behind the older man. Drake just stands there, unable to do anything but watch the man and young boy check out and then leave the store.
Finally, after gaining his composure, he quickly picks up the items from his wife’s list and rushes to the cash register.
“Did you find everything you needed?” The young cashier gives Drake an odd expression as she scans his items.
“Pregnant wife.”
“Oh,” she says.
“That man and boy looked familiar, do you know their names?” Drake asks, worried that he sounded stalker-ish.
“Yes! That’s Jackson Walker and Luke, his son.”
He freezes, the names circle around his head, unable to grasps what she’s said, “Walker?”
“Yes. He owns a ranch up here.”
Drake feels himself getting dizzy and he isn’t sure how many more coincidences  he can handle, “Does he shop here often?”
The cashier gives him an odd look.
“I just moved here and I’m looking for work. I have experience as a ranch hand.”
“Oh! Crazy how life works out, like that!” She finishes bagging up Drake’s groceries, “He and Luke come in every Thursday.”
He takes the bags from her and thanks her before walking out of the store. The drive home is a blur, honestly, he’s surprised that he managed not to run any red lights and get a ticket.
  “Drake! Drake? Are you okay? What took so long?” Riley rushes out of the kitchen and towards her husband.
“Yeah. Yeah. Fine,” he walks passed her, placing the bags on the table.
“Drake, you are scaring me. What’s going on?” She follows him to the living room, sitting next to him.
“This is going to sound crazy. But I need you to hear me out,” he waits for her to nod before finishing, “I think I saw my dad and I might have a brother.”
Riley tries to control her facial expressions, not wanting her face to speak for her, “Do you think that this might just have to do with you getting ready to become a dad?”
He shakes his head before he begins pacing around the room. He explains to her the feeling he got when he saw him, the boy, the names the cashier told him and the ranch.
Riley isn’t sure what to say. She wants to believe that this is true. She wants him to have found his father, but why wouldn’t he come forward sooner? Why wouldn’t he have already reached out?
She sees tears begin to fill his eyes, he stops pacing before flopping down next to her, “If that really was my dad, why wasn’t I good enough for him to stay with me?”
“Hey,” she places her hand on his knee to try and give him comfort, “Let’s take this one step at a time.”
He nods, she rests her head on his shoulder as he rubs his hand across her belly. She’s only a few weeks along, hardly even showing, but she loves the tender moments when Drake rubs her stomach.
“Guess Jackson is out of the running for a boy’s name, huh?” Riley says, putting her hand over her mouth just now realizing what she’s said.
Drake answers her with a burst of laughter, “I’d say so.”
“How about we watch a movie to get your mind off things?” Riley gets up, putting in Definitely, Maybe.It’s one of her favorites, Drake usually hates watching it with her because she quotes every single line, but he doesn’t care tonight. Tonight, he zones out and let’s himself think back.
“There ya go. Focus on keeping your balance, I won’t let you fall.” Jackson says, standing next to the horse that Drake is on. It’s only been a few steps, but Jackson beams with pride.
Drake starts to lean too far to the left when he starts falling but Jackson scoops him up quickly. He buries his head into his father’s shoulder.
“I told ya buddy, I wouldn’t let you fall.” Jackson pats his son’s back and using his spare hand to grab the horse’s lead to head back to the barn.
Bianca jumps up as quickly as she can when she sees Jackson carrying a crying Drake, “Oh no! What happened!?”
“He’s fine, Bee.” He tries to calm his wife, “He’s just shaken up, not hurt.”
“Drake, baby, come to Momma.” She reaches out her arms, but he tightens his grip around Jackson’s neck.
“I want Daddy!”
“I promise never to leave you, buddy.”
“Drake? Are you even watching the movie?” Riley calls, dragging him out of his memories.
“Yes, of course!” He barely glances at the TV, the movie is the furthest thing from his mind, “I think I’m going to take a shower.”
She looks up, slightly disappointed, “Oh, okay. Want me to join you?”
He puts his hand up, “No no no. Watch your movie. I just need a few minutes to breathe.”
She watches her husband walk towards their shared bedroom. She knows he has a lot on his plate. Not just with the pregnancy but also with what he thinks he saw at the store.
He turns the shower on, the steam immediately spreads across the glass doors of the shower. Stepping in, he lets the hot water beat down on his shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he lets himself go back to one of the worst days of his life.
He wakes up early that morning, dashing out to the shed behind the cabin. Usually he wakes his dad up, he’s done this every morning for as long as he can remember, but this morning he doesn’t.
It is a summer day, just a few weeks before Drake’s birthday. He’s excited this year, Jackson had made a promise to take him on a weekend long fishing trip; just the two of them. He’s looking through his tacklebox, trying to find his lucky lure. After what feels like forever, he finally finds it and puts it in his backpack.
“Drake! Drake, get in here!” His mother calls, causing him to rush back into the cabin.
“Yeah, Mom?” He’s out of breath from running the long distance, Bianca smiles at how cute he looks with his reddened cheeks.
“Breakfast, mister.” She points to the table where he flops down in the seat.
He rolls his eyes, he doesn’t care about eating breakfast or anything other than the clock reading 3PM so he can have time alone with his dad. Don’t get him wrong, he loves Savannah, but he misses the days where he and his dad just hung out.
He runs over to the palace where he meets up with Liam. Since it’s still a weekday, Liam has classes, but his teacher always lets Drake join in. To her, a child is a child, regardless of rank. Then a guard comes to the door, saying everyone needs to return to their quarters.
The teacher nods, ushering Leo, Liam, and Olivia back to the royal suite of the palace, before long the maids take the children and usher them into the safe room. She then grabs Drake’s hand and runs to the other side of the palace, the place where the workers and help are sent. Drake looks around, scanning for his mother before finally finding her.
“Oh, thank god,” she wraps her arms tightly around both of her children, thanking the teacher for bringing her son to him.
“Where’s Papa?” His brown eyes searching the entire room.
Bianca looks at him sympathetically, “There are some bad people here at the palace, but Papa is going to make sure they don’t hurt anyone.”
Everyone sits in silence, some praying for their loved ones, others just waiting for the lockdown to be over.
After a few hours, a guard comes to the door, letting everyone know the threat is over. Bianca takes her children back to the cabin, waiting for her husband to come back home. Like he always does.
She turns the TV on, hoping the news will have something about the attack on. Drake sits next to the window that faces the pathway his dad will take on his way home.
“We come to you now with coverage at the palace right after what appears to be a terrorist attack. Officials say that the radical group “la Force de Perte” which translates to The Force of Loss broke in, hoping to terminate the monarchy.
“We will now head over to our palace correspondent, Timon, for the latest there. Timon?”
There’s a brief lag, before Timon starts speaking, “Yes, thanks Andre. Like you said, it appears that only “la Force de Perte” was active in the attack. It seems that King Constantine is about to make an announcement,” the camera zooms over to the podium where Constantine stands with his two sons.
“It is with a heavy heart that I must inform Cordonia that she has lost her Queen. Queen Eleanor was seized by the radicals before any of the guards could get to her.” Silence fills the air, a small Prince Liam clings to his brother’s side, sobbing as Crown Prince Leo soothes him while trying to remain stoic.
There’s a knock at the door, bringing Bianca’s attention away from the news. Drake quickly opens the door, “Papa! Papa!”
Bianca rushes up, only for her face to fall and hopes to fade when she sees Bastien and another high-ranking guard.
“Bastien? Where’s Jackson?” Her voice cracks.
“Mrs. Walker, may we come in?”
She nods, moving out of the way, letting the two guards in. They sit at the table, motioning for her to sit down. She pulls Drake into her lap.
“Mrs. Walk—” Bastien stops the other guard before taking over. He knows nothing makes bad news okay, but hearing it from a friendly voice, might help especially with Drake.
“Bee,” Bastien starts but she interrupts him.
“No. No, Bastien. I won’t accept that.” Tears are filling her eyes.
“Bianca. Jackson…he didn’t make it.”
The tears are following harder, she’s squeezing Drake tight.
“He was on his way to guard the royal suite when he heard Queen Eleanor screaming for help. He knew waiting for backup would take too long so he tried to rescue her on his own.” The other guard finishes the story, not that Bianca is paying much attention, “Reports say that he went quickly.”
Her head snaps up, she gently pushes Drake from her lap before she starts straightening up the cabin.
“Bee? Bee? What are you doing?” Bastien walks over, trying to make her stop.      
“It’s a mess. The cabin is a mess. I need to clean it,” the tears still falling, “People are going to start coming over to pay their condolences, the house can’t be a mess.”
“Excuse me, sir?” Drake says to the other guard.
“You can call me Michael, bud.”
“You got the story about my dad wrong,” his eyes fill with large tears, breaking Michael’s heart, “I killed my papa.”
“What do you mean?”
Drake sniffles, “I didn’t wake my papa up this morning. I always do. But I didn’t today, I went looking for a lure for our fishing trip. If I hadn’t gone to the shed and had woken him up, he would still be here.”
Michael picks up the little boy, pulling him close to his chest, “No buddy. This wasn’t your fault. Very bad men hurt your papa. I’m sure he understood you were super excited about your trip.”
“Did he get the bad guys?”
“Yeah, he did. Your dad is a hero, bud.”
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prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars event 4 translation
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Trouble! Go Wild! JOKER JOKER!
Since this is the fourth event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the previous ones if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story Road to SSS 2 Main Story Road to SSS 3 Main Story
Translator’s notes: SO. MUCH. HAPPENS. IN. THIS. EVENT. I forgot how huge it was. So first of all, this was Joji’s debut event at the time. (By that I mean, the first event he appeared in after he became playable on Prism Rush.) But not only that, this event gave The Shuffle real dialogue on Prism Rush for the first time and featured Ace in his first non behind the scenes role A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E (as far as I know). I also feel like this event was when Alexander first became... a good guy? By that I mean like... I think it was first time he was shown as having any other motivation besides blind revenge. But despite this being billed as a Joji/Alec event, pretty much everyone has character development in this event. It even furthers the Shin/Louis plot (See: Louis’ card story for more) and it even has a HUGE tangent about Hiro’s backstory. (This part I translated previously so if you feel like you may have already read it, you probably have. Again that’s why the images are slightly smaller for only that part.) But anyway. Let’s dive in. 
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Alexander: HuuuAAAAH....!! 
 (The street duo tournament.... There’s no way I can let myself lose at a tournament representing the street! I have to win no matter what! Kazuki Nishina, just keep sitting pretty! I’ll be coming for you soon!)
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Jin: Alexander Yamato... You sure seem fired up. 
Alexander: ...Hmph. You, huh. 
Jin: It’s good that you have the drive for competition. But aren’t you forgetting about the most important thing, your partner? 
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Alexander: ...............
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I.. I won’t lose, even if I have to enter alone--
Jin: Alexander. That was not what I was asking. Have you decided on your partner, or not? “I can’t win with Louis Kisaragi. We’re too different. I’ll find my own partner that will guarantee the win” .... Those were your own words. So don’t tell me you have forgotten. 
Alexander: Gah.....! 
Jin: Schwarz Rose is owed much compensation for representing such a low life like you... 
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Do you hear me!? 
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Alexander: ........ 
Jin: Hmph. You have gotten awfully quiet all of a sudden. Well listen up. You think you have already won when don’t even have the basic credentials to enter. At this rate you’ve already lost before the tournament has even began. I won’t be overlooking this insubordination. 
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You WILL find a partner within the next few days and you WILL bring back that title for Schwarz Rose! 
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This is an order. Surely even you are smart enough to understand that you have no choice?
Alexander: ......Grr.............
Jin: Heh heh. If you don’t like the heat then you can just get out of the kitchen.  But if that’s how you want to do things, then the security you have here is gone. 
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Alexander: .......... (I’ve got my motorcycle loan and parking fees... as much as I hate to admit it, I can’t afford to risk not playing his game.)
(Meanwhile, at Edel Rose.) 
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Shin: First Kouji-san paired with Minato-san, and now Yukinojo-san and Kakeru-san are a pair too. Everyone is slowly beginning to prepare for the duo tournament. (Louis asked me to be his partner too, but... We’re from different organizations, so I don’t even know if that’s possible.... !?)
Kakeru: Oh what’s this? Shin-chawan are you spacing out on us?
Shin: ...Aaah! I’m sorry! I was just thinking about the duo tournament...
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Yukinojo: You’re still in the midst of figuring out who to pair with, aren’t you Shin?
Shin: Uh... um... ummm...
Kakeru: Oh? It sounds like you already have someone in mind?
Shin: (What should I do... I guess it’s not a good idea to tell them about my conversation with Louis...? I have done a few jobs with Louis before, so I think the others have gotten to know him a little.) 
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(But if I just up and say I want to pair with someone from Schwarz Rose, how will they react.... I’m too scared to bring it up. So I haven’t been able to tell Leo-kun the truth either...) ....Oh... n-now that you mention it, what made the two of you decide to pair up so suddenly?
Kakeru: Oh? Us?
Shin: Yeah. From watching your shows, I got the impression that your styles are totally different... And I had no idea either of you were all that interested in the duo tournament either....? 
Kakeru: Ahh yeah, things started out that way.
Yukinojo: Indeed. I felt lost when it came to the street style. 
Shin: So, what happened...?
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Kakeru: Well you see... it was actually pretty crazy ♪
Yukinojo: Yes. It’s hard to narrow it down to one sentence, but thanks to Kakeru I was able to... open the door to a whole new world. 
Shin: A new... world...
(At Schwarz Rose)
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Alexander: (... Gah. Everywhere I look, nothing but wussies. There’s no one here worthy of being my partner... Huh? Someone’s still practicing at this hour?)
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Louis: ......
Alexander: That’s... Louis Kisaragi.... (He’s not exactly street, but I have to admit he does have a lot of potential. I guess at the rate things have been going, he may be my only option.) 
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Louis: Hey. What is it?
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Alexander: GAH! 
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(Wha… What just happened?! It was like everything turned all sparkly for a sec.)
Louis: Alec-kun? What’s wrong?
Alexander: … Umm nothing… just… Nice weather we’re having isn’t it?
Louis: Huh…?
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Louis: ....... 
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Ehehe. I see, you like thunder don’t you?
Alexander: N.. No I wasn’t expecting that. Actually I prefer it sunny. Riding to school in the rain is a pain in the ass.
Louis: I… see?
Alexander: Yeah…
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Louis: ………
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Alexander: .......... (This is so awkward.) Uh…. um so… how should I say this… do you have… someone…?
Louis: ….Someone? Like who?
Alexander: …GAH. I mean… In other words… do you have a… partner, you decided on.
Louis: …Oh. Yes, I do… From the bottom of my heart I know that I have…
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Alexander: (UGH I shouldn’t have bothered to ask. He’s already got a partner for the duo tour–)
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Louis: –Someone I love.
Louis: Ah! Are you okay? Did you slip on the ice? Here, let me give you a hand…
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Alexander: I don’t need any help! Ow that hurt. Ugh.... Nobody asked about your love life... I wasn’t talking about that. I meant... the duo tournament....
Louis: Ah, so that’s what you meant. Well, I... 
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....*sudden gasp of pain*
Alexander: !? H-Hey! What’s going on!?
Louis: .....Ah.... *catching his breath*
Alexander: Hey, are you OK!?
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Louis: ...Y... Yeah.... I’m fine.... Ahah. I guess I practiced a bit too hard. 
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Alexander: ....... You looked really pale.... (He doesn’t seem to be in very good physical condition... well he probably wasn’t ever very robust in the first place. I can’t have him dropping dead in the middle of the competition or something... Ugh. Guess I’l have to find someone else.)
Louis: I’m sorry, um... what were we just talking about? The duo tournament? 
Alexander: ....Never mind, forget I said anything. Get some rest and look after yourself, OK? I don’t have time to carry you to the infirmary if you overwork yourself. 
Louis: ........... Alec-kun, you are always very kind. .....Thank you. 
Alexander: Hmph. You don’t listen to a thing I say.
Louis: Eheh. 
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Alexander: ....Dammit. Now that Louis Kisaragi is out, I have to find some other--
???: Alexander Yamato? Have you already broken up with your partner before even starting practice...? 
Alexander: Ugh... You again. The whiny clown with too much time on his hands.
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Joji: Time on my hands? Me? HAH! I have plenty of w-o-r-k to do! You look like you’re the one who’s got nothing going on. Seems your precious spot in the duo tournament is slipping away♪ I think you’re in need of some help. What do you say? If you get on your knees and beg just a little, then maybe just maybe I’ll throw you a bone... 
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Alexander: .......
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Joji: Just kidding of course! I’m so super busy it would be just impossible times infinity!★
Alexander: YOU JERK......!!!
Joji: Ahaha so scawwy! See you! I’ll come back around when I feel like gracing you with my presence again! 
*exit footsteps*
Alexander: HAH! Like I’m the one who has to beg! Well don’t worry, I wouldn’t pair with you if you were the last guy on earth! 
Joji (Alexander’s flashback):  Impossible times infinity!★
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Alexander: SHUT UP!!!!!!! Ugh.... even when he’s not here he still manages to piss me off.... 
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(But if things keep going at this rate...)
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Joji: AaahhhaAA I’m so busy lately! TV shows, movies, commercials! It’s like I’m being pulled in a million directions at once! No matter how much they insist, there is only so much one person can take! 
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But that’s just the life of me, Joji Takanobaba, the backbone of our Schwarz Rose!
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Ace: ……..Hmph. You’re just cleaning up all the leftover jobs that Louis and Alec rejected.
Joji: Ooh? Did I just hear the whisper of a voice of some third rate nobody blowing in the wind?
Ace: If you’re the one relying on this third rate voice, what “rate” does that make you?
Joji: …You have a point.
Ace: Huh..?!
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Joji: To think all those guys chose to hire me, Joji Takadanobaba, over Louis and Alexander!
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Ace: ….*sigh* Your real talent is only hearing what you want to hear, isn’t it.  
Joji: It’s like I just keep on working, even in my sleep! I’m totally like a… work-a-something or other…?
Ace: Yeah, yeah.
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Tsurugi: That’s our Joji!
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Kokoro: Isn’t it great!
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Mondo: Be careful not to overwork yourself.
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Mitsuba: Take it easy….
Joji: No problem!★ Every challenge is a gift thanks to my amazing charm! I don’t have even a single second to prepare. Just the other day during a recording, I had to ad-lib and ended up hitting on my costar. But she was totally into it! Even if I cloned myself a million times there’d still not be enough Joji to go around!!
Ace: Uh-huh, yeah good for you. 
Joji: But this is all natural due to the appeal of the definite ace and leader of The Shuffle. But I’m so jealous of all you guys and your free time! 
Tsurugi: Yeah! You’re just so busy Joji!
Mitsuba: You always work so hard! I totally get it!
Mondo: But cheers to you, leader.
Kokoro: We all made it this far because you’re our leader, Joji!
Joji: Of course of course. No need to tell me what I already know!
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Ace: (….I really can’t stand that guy.)
(At the Schwarz Rose bath)
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Louis: ............
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Jin: Ahhh Louis.... You grow more beautiful every time I see you.....
Louis: .............
Jin: .....Louis? What’s wrong? You don’t seem well. 
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Louis: ....No. I’m fine. 
Jin: I see. Oh yes, about the duo tournament...
Louis: ......!
Jin: Alexander is saying he will find someone else... what are you thinking?
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Louis: I.... I.... (Shin.......)
Jin: ......... 
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....Well, you can do whatever you want. I already know full well of your talent. There is no need for you to enter in an unbefitting street tournament. 
Louis: ....Yeah. 
Jin: Heh heh.... Ahh, Louis... Your beauty is one of a kind. Instead of being thrown into a ring with a bunch of ruffians, you deserve to sit upon a pedestal of grace....
Louis: ...........
Jin: (But it’s hard to imagine that Alexander will actually find a partner... And in that case, the participants entering from Schwarz Rose will be zero.) 
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....No, THAT IS NOT AN OPTION! But.... 
Subordinate: Excuse me. Director Jin, these arrived for you... 
Jin: What’s this...? A letter... this is... a printout of a bunch of emails? And it’s really long. What in the world-- 
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.......... .................!! That imbecile....! Tarnishing the noble reputation of the black rose.... 
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(....Wait, hold on? Perhaps I can use this to my advantage....) ....Heh.
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Louis: ...........
Joji: ...And guess what, my co-star that time, she--
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Joji: EEK! 
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D.. Director! ♪ What brings you here!? Ah! Could it be you came to cheer us on before our recording session? No worries, we’ll be sure to do our very best!★
The Shuffle: ……
Jin: You can save your breath, Joji Takanababa! …All these complaint notices came for you today!!
*flumpf flumpf flumpf*
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Joji: Aah! (You don’t have to throw them at me…)
Jin: Why are you looking me like that? Is that look in your eyes... rebellion?
Joji: No no no no! Of course not! And what’s all this...? Could it be? A bunch of steamy letters from my female fans!?
Mondo: Let me see…
Kokoro: Ummm…
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Tsurugi: “We hereby deny any physical contact between Joji Takadanobana and the female actresses and performers from our talent agency"…?
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Mitsuba: “One ‘Joji Takadanobaba’ of your agency has caused our company trouble on numerous occasions due to actions outside of the realm of reasonable common sense.”
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Joji: Hey hey what’s with those faces! Why did everyone suddenly get so shy!
Ace: This guy’s positive attitude just can’t be beat…
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Joji: EEK! Sorry very sorry!! 
Jin: It looks like you have a lot of time on your hands. If you’ve got enough time to fool around like this, then I’ll just have to find more work for you to do. 
Joji: Wha... whaaaat.....
Jin: Do you have some kind of objection?
Joji: No way no how! I’d love more work! The more the better!
Ace: ....Heh heh. 
Jin: Good. So you’ll be entering the upcoming street duo competition then. 
Joji: Got it!! Loud and clear!! Of course I’l enter! It will be my pleaaaaasure! 
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Joji will do his best for you! Joy!★
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Joji: GRRRR! This is THE! WORST! Why do I have to perform a show with some street ruffian!! The street style is filled with nothing but more jerks like that muscle meathead for sure. 
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No way! NOOOO WAY! I can’t think of any worse torture than being totally surrounded by muscle meatheads! 
Ace: A street duo tournament….
Mitsuba: “Duo” means….
Tsurugi: …That it’s for pairs right?
Mondo: So in other words…
Kokoro: Joji is going to need a partner…
Joji: I mean seriously! I’m only being forced to enter this thing because Alec said he wouldn’t pair with Louis, right?! Did he even stop to think about what it’s going to be like when I’m surrounded by all those freaks! They have got muscles up to their eyelids! Besides, I’m busy! I don’t have time for some stupid Duo Tournament….
Everyone else: *whisper whisper whisper* Agreed? On three! 
Joji: Hm? Are you doing some kind of aerobics over there or something?
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Ace: The director’s word is absolute around here! Isn’t that right, “leader”?
Mitsuba: So, that means.... 
Tsurugi: You’re going to be in the duo tournament, aren’t you!?
Joji: But, I don’t wanna....
Ace: We!
Kokoro: Are always!
Mondo: Ready!
Mitsuba: For anything!
Tsurugi: We’ll do our best! Together! 
Joji: AAAAARGH get out of my face! You pests! Have you listened to a single thing I’ve said-- 
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.....Oh, I see♪ Hey you guys, how about one of you puts on a disguise and enters for me? Then two of you can be in the competition! 
Everyone else: Oh what a great idea! / Let’s get right on it! / Well then, I’ll be the one to play Joji.... 
Joji: Ahah, problem solved★ Nothing like having underlings to back you up! I was third place in the Prism King Cup! I’m the next generation academy champ for sure! AHAHA!!
(At a nearby university campus)
Hiro: Sorry to trouble you, but could I borrow your notes from class? 
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I couldn’t make it to class earlier because I had a job. This professor always explains the most important parts out loud, so... 
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Yay! Thank you so much! This is a big help! 
Well, as thanks, how about we have lunch together?
(In the cafeteria)
Girls: EEEE! It’s Hiro-sama! / Please sign this! / Please shake my hand! 
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Hiro: Of course I will! Thank you for your support, everyone! 
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Kazuki: ..........(Hiro never changes, does he...) 
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(He’s really got a bright smile on his face for someone who was up almost all night recording.... He really is a pro, isn’t he. But, oh yeah... it’s about time I got a clear answer out of him!) Hiro!
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Hiro: Oh.... 
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Hi there, Kazuki! Are you here for lunch? I’ve just sat down to lunch with everyone. Oh yeah! This girl here says she’s from Aomori! Just like Taiga, right? 
Kazuki: ..Huh? Oh, um… yeah…. 
Hiro: Hey Kazuki, how about you stop just standing there and come sit down and eat with us?
Kazuki: What?! Um.. I… I don’t really…. 
Hiro: Ehehe. But isn’t it fun to sit down to a lively lunch surrounded by girls every so often?
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Kazuki: …………. (I can’t handle this. I just can’t keep up with Hiro’s pace.)
Hiro: Okay, let’s eat! *chomp* Wow… it’s so good! ….HUH?! Wait a minute. The seasoning on this hamburger lunch set…. this is....! 
*gets up and starts walking around*
Kazuki: …Hiro? What’s wrong?
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Hiro: WHERE ARE YOU. I KNOW YOU’RE HERE SOMEWHERE…. Aha! I recognize that distinctive ponytail. There’s no mistaking! 
???: .........!
Hiro: Kouji! I knew you had to be here somewhere!
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Kouji: Hey. Ehehe how did you know?
Hiro: Don’t you realize how many times I’ve eaten your cooking?! I knew immediately. 
Hiro: That’s just like you, Hiro. I’m so happy. 
Kazuki: But woah, I wasn’t expecting you to just walk right out of the dining hall kitchen like that. Does this mean… 
Kouji: I asked the lunch ladies if I could make a special lunch just for today! Hand-ground hamburger steak with a double-cheese blanket and home-grown vegetable saute. What did you think? Was it good?
Hiro: Of course it was! You made it, after all! The creamy sauce perfectly complimented the strongly seasoned hamburger.  As soon as it entered my mouth, the cheese and the meaty flavor, both equally enjoyable, were bundled together...
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And it was almost like... it was like I was actually being rolled up in a warm blanket. What a heartwarming lunch! 
GIrl 1: ....Wow, that sounds good.... I think I’ll have what he’s having.... 
Girl 2: M-Me too! One special lunch please!! 
*rush for the lunch line*
Kouji: It’s alright everyone, no need to rush! There is plenty more where that came from. No worries! 
Kazuki: The line is suddenly around the room....
Hiro: Eheh! Everyone’s just so excited to try Kouji’s food. 
Kouji: Well, it’s really thanks to your glowing review. 
Hiro: With how delicious your food was, I just couldn’t help myself. I wouldn’t have said all that if I didn’t truly mean it.  Oh yeah, so Kazuki are you going to sit with us or what?
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Kazuki: U… Umm.. it looks kinda… full already…. Y… Y’know what, I think I need to get going anyway. See you later Hiro, Kouji!
Kazuki-admiring students: Ah, Kazuki-san wait up! / Are you going to get ready for class?! We’ll help you! / Kazuki-san! I’ll carry your bag today!
*students follow Kazuki*
Hiro: ….He left.
Kouji: From the looks of it... You haven’t given Kazuki your answer yet, have you Hiro?
Hiro: ...What answer?
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Kouji: …Never mind. With you always surrounded in girls and Kazuki always surrounded in boys, our group is really popular isn’t it.
(At Edel Rose)
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Shin: I’m home! ...Oh, Kakeru-san, Yukinojo-san, and Minato-san! You’re all back too?
Yukinojo: Yes. Welcome home, Shin. Currently the 2nd years are having meetings with their school advisers about planning future career paths. So students who don’t have a meeting scheduled for that day may leave earlier.
Shin: I see...  future career paths, huh.... 
Kakeru: Welcome back! And you brought Taiga-kyun with you. Was there any trouble today?
Shin: Ah no, no trouble! He didn’t suddenly disappear or have seven cats pop out of his shirt or anything!
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Taiga: …….What kind of person do you guys think I am….
Minato: Hey, welcome back you two. I have just finished baking tarte tatin. So wash up and come get some. The junior high crew should be arriving home soon as well, so why don’t we all have tea together. 
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Shin: All right! Hey, hey, Kakeru-san! 
Kakeru: Hm?
Shin: I was just thinking of that “crazy” thing you said happened to you earlier... could you tell me what it was?
Kakeru: Crazy thing.... Ohhh yeah I never finished that story did I? Okay, okay! Now’s time for a different kind of tea! 
Shin: Yay! Thank you! 
Leo: We’re home. 
Yu; We’re home. 
Taiga: ...Oh, Leo and Yu are home.
Minato: Eheh, perfect timing ♪
Shin: .... Whaaa! So you and Yukinojo-san performed a duo show in Kyoto!?
Kakeru: That’s riiight! A lot of crazy coincidences strung together and that was the result♪ It turns out there’s a place just like that Nest of Dragon Taiga’s always going to in Kyoto too!
Yukinojo: It’s called Shabadaba. We really only wanted to peak in out of curiosity, but one thing led to another. 
Kakeru: We really ended up making a name for ourselves for two guys who just stumbled in. Eh, “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: Heheh. That name just came out of nowhere, didn’t it “Juu-chan”.
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Leo: Yuki-sama and Kakeru-kun improvised a duo show.... really...
Kakeru: Oh yeah. We heard a rumor that there were some suuuper strong prism stars there. But all we ended up running into were some brutish street gang members and... who was it? Tuba-cheeks and Ham-cheese?
Yukinojo: Yubacchi and Hamocchi, I think?
Kakeru: Ahhh yeah that was it!
Yukinojo: But anyway, we ended up having a very fulfilling experience. I had never been to such a place before. 
Kakeru: Me neither! And we just ended up getting so wrapped up in it all that it was like... why don’t we just team up and go for it? Y’know?
Leo: I see....
Taiga: ......
Yu: So there’s a club like that in Kyoto too, huh. Seems kind of out of place. 
Kakeru: Not exactly! 
Shin: Hmm?
Minato: What do you mean, Kazuo?
Kakeru: I got interested so I did a little digging. And places like that have started popping up everywhere! It seems they exist all over the country! Street battle arena kinda places, I mean. 
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....And by the way, my name is Kakeru, Minatocchi. 
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Minato: Names are important. A Kazuo by any other name would not be Kazuo.
Yukinojo: Minato always has a comeback. 
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Kakeru: Grrr.... So mission “casually slip in name corrections” is a flop....
Yu: So are places like Nest of Dragon really everywhere?
Kakeru: Yes, yes indeed! Look here! It’s a list of all of them all around the country. 
Minato: Wow! There’s so many! I had no idea. 
Taiga: *gasp* 
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...Wow. All of this is for the street style... 
Shin: Yukinojo-san, Kakeru-san! I can’t wait to see your duo show! 
Yukinojo: Heheh. I thought the street style was quite a high hurdle for me to overcome...
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But as long as I’m with Kakeru, somehow I feel like I can do it. 
Kakeru: Wowee, chan-Yuki! What a gracious compliment! The truth is I wasn’t interested in the street style at all beforehand either.
Leo: You weren’t?
Kakeru: Not really. Well, at first I thought it wasn’t my style. But they always say you should try anything at least once! So before overthinking it, I decided to just jump right in.
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Shin: Wow...! The two of you look so radiant! 
Leo: (Yuki-sama looks like he’s having so much fun... The truth is, it’s making me feel a little lonely.... But.) 
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I will be cheering you on with all I’ve got!
Yu: I never thought I’d see you two participating in the street style... 
Kakeru: Well, what about you lil’ bro? Why don’t you find yourself a partner?
Yu: Nah. I’m not really all that interested in the first place. 
Kakeru: So that means it’s currently Shin-chawan, Taiga-kyun, and Leo-kyun who are seeking out partners, huh?
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Leo: Ah, Shin-kun said he has a memorial service. So he won’t be able to participate in the tournament at all. 
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Shin: OH!! Um yeah about that... 
Kakeru: Really!? That’s too bad. But I guess it can’t be helped then. 
Minato: Even if you can’t participate in this one, maybe you can participate when it comes around again. 
Yukinojo: Indeed. You may want to take this chance to train for a future opportunity. 
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Shin: Ah... Um... I see..... Ah... ahah.... (I missed my chance to tell the truth again.)
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Taiga:  ..........
(Taiga Flashback)
Kouji: Perhaps the true appeal of the duo tournament is the chance to try out a new method of performing.
Hiro: I’m really looking forward to seeing who you end up pairing with, Taiga!
Kazuki: I think it would be great if you could find a partner you are comfortable around, without needing to to overthink things. I have never had an official battle with you, Taiga. 
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But if we ever do, I’m really looking forward to seeing how it’d go!
(End Taiga flashback)
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Taiga: .....What should I do...
(At a certain recording studio)
TV Host: And now, finally it’s time for the “Let’s Try Delicacies of the World” special program! Today’s guests are the members of the current hot group, The Shuffle!
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Joji: Hello everyone! ♪
TV Host: Are you going to be OK? We bring out some pretty surprising delicacies on this show…
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Joji: No problem-o! No matter what I have to eat, I’m planning on enJOYing it with everyone! Let’s eat, and eat, and stuff ourselves silly!☆
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(Is this for REAL?! I took 3rd place in the Prism King Cup. What am I doing on some kind of joke program like this…. Well, I did warn the staff in advance that they better not give me anything weird ♪)
(Backstage, before the recording)
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Ace: Excuse me! Do you think you could swap Joji’s plate to this one?
Staff 1: Huh…? Um… And you are…?
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Ace: Ah! Um… I am….
Staff 2: Oh you’re from YMT right…
Ace: Ah, yes, yes I am. (Phew…!)
Staff 1: Even for a show about rare delicacies, this is a pretty high hurdle…
Ace: It’s fine! You see, the truth is, we can’t let it get publicized but Joji actually likes this kind of stuff.
Staff 2: Oh really! I had no idea… Well, we’ll do this one then!
Ace: Thank you! I just know Joji will eat it right up…
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(… Isn’t that right, Mr. Definite “Ace” of The Shuffle…)
(Flashback end)
TV Host: The next delicacy is... tada! “Prairie Oysters”!! 
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Joji: (The heck? Never heard of it.)
TV Host: In America they call these “Rocky Mountain Oysters”… Well, here you are Joji Takadanobaba! Have a taste!
Joji: Okay! What are these? They just look like regular fried food on the outside.
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  (Not being about to see what’s on the inside is making me kiiiiIIIIIInnndaaa uneasy…. but at least there is a skewer through them…) Well, here goes! ...Hm?!
TV Host: How does it taste?
Joji: These... These are... 
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These are really good!! Hope you don’t mind if I just keep on eating!★ (Jeez don’t scare me like that. I got really worked up for nothing over what a weird delicacy these things were made out to be!)
TV Host: Well then Joji-kun, do you have any idea what they could be made of…?
Joji: Huh?! I have no idea! They taste all… soft… Could it be foie gras? It tastes quite refined★
TV Host: I see, I see. Well, let’s reveal the correct answer… now! They are actually a bull’s… *cough* that area.
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Tsurugi: Oh no, Joji!
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Kokoro: It’s OK. We won’t let anyone see you like this. *blocks camera*
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Mondo: Here you are Joji, have some water.
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Mitsuba: And some chocolate to cleanse your palette!
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Joji: Yaay yay! I’m so full of JOY!★ The Shuffle is the BEST! 
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(FOR REAL?! How could this happen! I was very specific about not being fed weird things!)
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Ace: Ahaha! That was the best! Joji’s reaction was just as I expected. (This was really what I was supposed to eat. But since they stuffed me backstage, I couldn’t let it go to waste. Hahah!)
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Joji: (Ahhh... that was so awful....)
Kokoro: Joji, leave it to us!
Mondo: We’ll take care of eating…
Mitsuba: …the next food…
Tsurugi: ….for you!
Joji: Yeah, yeah sure whatever go ahead. I’m going to take a nap…. *flop*
Tsurugi: All right! 
Kokoro: Okay! It’s gonna be me!
Mitsuba: No, me!
Mondo: No, no! ME!
Joji: Hey hey, just make up your minds already. If you really can’t work it out, then I’ll just choose–
All Four: Ah! After you! No after you! No, you go ahead!
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Joji: Now you’re just trying to pin it it on each other!
(Around that time, at Edel Rose)
Shin: (To think Kakeru-san and Yukinojo-san performed a duo show in Kyoto...) 
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(That was really surprising! And super exciting to hear!) 
So they found a place to practice street shows... Oh yeah, Taiga goes to a place like that sometimes too, doesn’t he? 
(Speaking of Taiga-kun, I really thought he’d enter the tournament with Kazuki-san. I was surprised to hear neither of them have official partners yet... But never mind that!!)
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…..Aaahhh…. and I still haven’t told Leo-kun the truth….. And I feel like I haven’t seen Louis around lately either.... 
…..Louis… I wonder if we can really do a duo show together….
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(Come to think of it, I can’t even imagine what Louis doing a street-style show would even look like….)
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Even when it’s only been a short time since I’ve last seen him, it always feels like it’s been forever.
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I wonder when I’ll see him next? Surely I’ll see him again before long. 
(On the street)
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Taiga: ........ (For once nobody is here. ....Well, with the mood I’m in that’s a good thing.) To think that Tachibana-senpai paired with Kazuo. 
(I really thought Kazuki-san was the only partner for me... but then I wouldn’t be able to test my strength against him...) 
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He’s not my partner. He’s my opponent! 
(It’s not the same I guess, but before this pair stuff started happening I thought we had the battle experience of a lifetime together ... I even received a compliment bigger than myself. But like Kazuki-san said, we have never battled against each other officially before. Just chasing after him takes all my effort. Of course I don’t think I’m on equal footing with him.....) 
---The ultimate rival. 
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Taiga: No, um, I know better than anyone that I’m not ready for that yet!! 
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But, some day I want to be worthy of being called that by you, Kazuki-san.
???: ....Hmph, you again. 
Taiga: ...! Alexander.... Is there anywhere you don’t randomly appear? 
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Alexander: Huh?!? That’s my line. 
Taiga: This is my practice area. If you’re here I can’t focus.
Alexander: Hah! Just the addition of one person throws off your entire groove? Pfft.
Taiga: …WHAT.
Alexander: WHAT.
(Across the way)
Kazuki: ........ I just can’t get him to talk to me. ...I wonder if I should just give up? 
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(Of course I can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do... ) 
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...Dammit! But if I don’t do something nothing will change. (In order to change Hiro’s heart... In order to change the way things are, I should start with myself.) 
Okay! I’ll start by working up a good sweat to clear my head--
???: ....Well, anyway you’re in my space! I already told you! Find somewhere else! 
Kazuki: Huh? Those voices... Taiga and Alec?
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Alexander: Hmph! I don’t remember when you became the boss of me! If you don’t like it, then you get out!
Taiga: ....Gah. All you do is get in my way....! 
Alexander: Well what are you going to do about it? Make me? You? I don’t think so.
Taiga: SHUT UPPPP!!!! Well you know what, maybe I will! 
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Kazuki: Hey hey hey hey you guys! What’s the problem here?
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Taiga: Kazuki-san…!
Alexander: Kazuki Nishina ….!?
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Kazuki: ……..
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Hey. ....Shall we dance?
Alexander: You’ve got to be kidding. Of all the things to say...
Taiga: Wha...!?
Kazuki: Oh come on! I think we’re all in the mood to get out some energy. 
Taiga: Well... Well dancing with you is one thing, but THIS jerk...
Alexander: HAH! I have no reason to pal around with you two! 
Kazuki: ….I’m not saying we all need to get along. I think we should be able to dance in our own way, however we like. With freedom! We can use each other’s energy as fuel for our own dance. Besides, it’s more fun with a crowd, and before we know it all of our worries will all be danced away… right?
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Alexander: ..........
Taiga: (Kazuki-san.... His voice and expression is completely normal.... But it seems like there’s something on his mind?) 
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Kazuki-san, I’m in!
Kazuki: Glad to hear it! Thanks Taiga!
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Alexander: ….Hmph. Guess I have no choice. I’ll show you what real dancing looks like.
Kazuki: Well alright then, let’s get to it! Music… start!
♪~ ♪♪~
Kazuki: Huuuaaaah....!! 
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Taiga: (Woah... Kazuki-san is really going full force..!)
---The ultimate rival.
Taiga: *deep breath* 
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(Oh yeah. If all I do is sit back and admire him nothing will change. I have to copy the things that make me admire him... and make them my own!)
Kazuki: HUAH! Burning Splash! 
Taiga: Huaaaaaah! Soul Splash! 
Alexander: …Oh!
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(Heh… You know what, they’re pretty good.)
Jin (Alexander’s flashback): You WILL find a partner within the next few days and you WILL bring back that title for Schwarz Rose!
Alexander: (You know, those two might be worth considering… for the street-style tourna….) 
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(Ah! What am I thinking! Me partner with one of those losers? HAH! Not in a million years! UGH!) 
HUaaaaaaaaAAAA! Steel 6-Pack Core Wonder!! 
♪  ♪ ~   ♪ ~   ♪ ~
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Hiro: Huh? That’s... Kazuki and Taiga...  and Alec too.
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Kouji: Eheh. It looks like they’re having a great time. You can feel the passion radiating from their dancing even from all the way over here.
Hiro: ............. Street-style battles.... huh.... Haha, this place is nostalgic, isn’t it?
Kouji: Oh yeah. The first time you ever danced together with Kazuki was here wasn’t it? This place serves as a memento of your battle with him...
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Hiro: A memento, huh.... it’s not exactly of a good memory though.....
Kouji: But it’s because we’ve had that history that the three of us were able to come together in the first place.
Hiro: Kouji....
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Kouji: No matter who you were in the past, I believe in who you are now. Surely by now I have come to know at least a little about who you truly are, and how much prism shows mean to you...
Hiro: ............
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It’s more than just a little.
“No matter who I was in the past”... huh...
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You know.... just hearing you say that, Kouji, makes me like my past self just a little bit more.
Kouji ....Hey, Hiro.
Hiro: What?
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Kouji: When we were at lunch together, Kazuki looked like he wanted to talk to you about something.... are you avoiding him on purpose?
Hiro: ..........
Kouji: And I have one more question. Just now you felt something stir from deep inside your heart while you were just watching Kazuki, Taiga, and Alec dance. Am I wrong?
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Hiro: .....Darn. I can’t get anything past you, can I?
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Kouji: I had this nagging feeling that maybe you weren’t avoiding Kazuki per se, but actually trying to avert yourself from the street style altogether. Of course, I know you probably have your reasons but...
Hiro: Because I... am the definitive idol, Hiro Hayami! .......Well, that is one reason... but really..... That isn’t all.
Kouji: I figured.
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Hiro: .... Kouji, would you mind listening to a story from my past?
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Kouji: Of course I don’t mind.
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Hiro: Very soon after I was born, I was sent to Kumamoto prefecture... to a church in Amakusa. It was there that the Father and a Sister of the church raised me.
I was very happy there. They loved me very much and treated me as though I was their own child....
I was raised in a loving environment. I was just like everyone else... just like any kid who had a normal family.
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....But after a few years passed, the two of them both died in an unexpected accident....
I was moved to a children’s home in Kumamoto.
Child: Hah! If you don’t like it, come at me! You baby!
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Young Hiro: Shut your face! I’m not a baby! Take this!
(punching sound effect)
Child: HAHAH! What was that, a fly?! You’re going to have to try a lot harder than that!
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Young Hiro: Dammit.... I’m not finished yet!
---At the children’s home there were lots of other kids my age. They had already formed a close bond, and when I suddenly thrown into mix they weren’t very welcoming.
As I got older, I began to let myself get carried away more often. Even in my past I never liked losing, so I was getting into fights every day. It didn’t matter how much bigger or older my opponent was, I wouldn’t quit until I’d won.
I worked really hard to find any way to win. So I would not lose. And I just kept winning, and winning, and winning...
To me, fighting... “battling”.... was... it was just what I had to do in order to prove myself, in order to survive.
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...I know things are different now, and the duo tournament is just another show.
But, thinking about battling with other people just reminds me of that time.
Even though I never lost a fight, those weren’t exactly good memories for me.
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So, as a result, I guess I have kind of been avoiding Kazuki as well.
I do feel like I need to tell him the truth, like I’m telling you... but...
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Kouji: So ....There was a time in your past, when you were like that....
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Hiro: You’d never guess, right? To think that me... Hiro Hayami, actually isn’t a definitive idol at all--
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Kouji: Hiro Hayami is a member of Over the Rainbow, and everyone’s definitive idol!
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Hiro: ...Huh?
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Kouji: I think knowing that you have scars and that you’re not perfect only makes your appeal even stronger.
Hiro: .....
Kouji: I will never be like you, Hiro. There is only one “Hiro Hayami” in the entire world, right?
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Hiro: Kouji......
Kouji: And of course only I can be me.
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Hiro: ...Yeah. Kouji, um, thank you for standing by me all this way--no, thank you for everything always.  
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Kouji: ...You’re welcome.
Hiro: I’m sorry... The words won’t seem to come out right, but I really am thankful from the bottom of my heart.
Kouji: It’s okay. I know what you mean.
Hiro: I’m so glad. Really... I just... ahaha...
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You know, when I think about it, it is true that the past me is what made me into the me I am today. Back in that time, I did whatever it took just to get by.
Kouji: Yeah.
Hiro: ...But, if I bring out that will to fight that I locked up inside myself, I’m afraid something in me could change...
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How should I say it... I feel like I could maybe hurt someone again... hurt you...  I... I’m not actually that strong. You know that better than anyone, right?
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Kouji: Hiro.......
Kazuki: Aahaha here comes another one!
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Burning Spiral!
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Hiro: ............
Kouji: You have to be the one who makes the decision. After all, you’re the only one who can make that sort of decision for yourself.
Hiro: .....You’re right. Thanks. I’m really glad I could get to talk to you. I feel like a bit of weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Kouji: I’m glad you talked to me too. No matter what happens, don’t just hold it all in anymore. Promise you’ll talk to me, OK?
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Hiro: Okay... I promise.
Kouji: Eheh.
Hiro: Kouji, I...  I just want to treasure this time I have with everyone.
Kouji: (All I can do to help is just listen....)
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(But I think that by accepting his past self, a small flame was just lit deep within Hiro’s soul. I can feel it.)  
(A few days later, at Schwarz Rose)
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Alexander: Wha… What did you just say …!?
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Joji: D.. Director!❤ Surely this must be a joke!
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Jin: Do I look like I’m joking? You two will form a duo and enter in the tournament just like I said.
Alexander: B… But why him..!
Joji: T… That’s right! The two of us are just about as different as can be!
Jin: …. Was that…. resistance…?
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Joji: AaAAAH! N-n-n-n-o of course not!!  I would never! Your every wish is my command!★
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Alexander: ………..
Jin: Alexander Yamato. You haven’t found a partner yet, have you? Since I just decided Joji will be entering, it’s perfect. 
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The two of you will be representing Schwarz Rose. 
Joji: (I... kind of like the sound of that.) But... but but Alexander-kun doesn’t want to pair with me...
Alexander: DAMN RIGHT I DON’T.
Jin: Did I stutter? I do not repeat myself! This is not a suggestion! This is an order! 
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Joji: Uug....
Alexander: Dammit...
Jin: (Truth be told, if Alexander paired with Louis they would have the highest chance of winning... But I can’t put Louis through that. I’m unsure of the odds Alexander and Joji have, but...) Alright. I’ll be having you perform a duo show as exhibition for me. 
Joji: Say whaaa!? Right now!?
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Alexander. What!?
(And so, the two reluctantly prepared for the duo show ordered by Jin...)
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Joji: UuuuGH…. How did this happen. This is just the worst worst WORST thing ever. A street-style duo tournament just sounds like a barrel of pain. And if that wasn’t bad enough, why do I have to pair with this muscle meathead?!
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Alexander: Oh shut up. Quit crying. You think I want to pair with you, you barrel of cream puffs. What am I supposed to do with some pheromone squirting, flirting weirdo?! HUH?!
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Louis: …………
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Eheh. You guys sure get along well.
Alexander: WHAT.
Louis: I’m sure your duo show… will be a lot of fun. 
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Everything. Will be OK.
Alexander: Hey, where do you get off saying… Huh?!
Joji: It’s like he just suddenly appeared, said what he wanted to say, and then immediately disappeared again?! AAAHaaaHHRGH! What even was that!? Everyone I meet today is just specifically out to drive me bananas....! 
Alexander: ....Hey. Let’s just get this over with, playboy. 
Joji: ..... Hmph. I don’t need to hear that from you, muscle meathead. 
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Jin: .....Oh ho. 
Alexander: (I assumed this guy could only do namby-pamby kinda shows but…)
Joji: (…For real? I thought this guy was nothing but muscles up to his brain but…)
Alexander: (……Okay then.)
Joji: (……It’s time.) Well, let’s go it together shall we! 
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Straight Royal Flush Illusion!
Alexander: Hmph! Not half bad! 
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Guilty Aura 360!
Joji: (Alexander Yamato, huh… Well, I guess having someone like him as my accessory is the better option but…)
Alexander: (Joji Takadanobaba …. I guess he has more guts in him than the other guys around here but…)
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Both: (I won’t be letting him get the better of me!!)
Jin: (They are handling this well for their first time... I guess they are both consistent performers...) Heh heh. Not bad at all. Now you better get to work. You’ll have a lot to do to prepare for the tournament. 
Alexander&Joji: Gah.... / No problem!! Thank you so muuuch!
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Alexander: Hmph.... Looks like I have no choice. I guess I can admit you did OK.
Joji: That’s the power of Joji★ 
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HEY WAIT! Aren’t you supposed to say “I’m so grateful to be paired with you, the great Joji-sama!”
Both: .....Hmph.
More reading from Road to SSS 4: Louis Queen of Glass Joji the Joker
Continue to Road to SSS 5
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solara-bean · 5 years
My OC for B3
Name: Helena Celeste Lightsongale
Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Race: Mixed( Black and European)
Parents: Dawna and Amberose Lightsongale
Eye color: brown hazel
Skin tone: in between light and dark( but closer to a dark brown)
Hair: thick, poofy,curly, dark brown(almost black), comes to her shoulders(would appear longer without shrinkage), is normally in a low ponytail with a few strands loose by her forehead and ears
Attire: yellow v neck, lavender cardigan, matching lavender sneakers and light blue jeans
Love interest: Klaus ('cause why not Klaus;)
Origin summary(sort this will probably be long):
Helena lived a relatively peaceful life with her mother, father and dog Shadow( now deceased). She was a mild mannered girl and preferred to be on her own or at least with a small circle of friends. Her reason for keeping to herself was mostly due to her constant feeling of being different, feeling like something was wrong with her. The main sign being that she could feel things before they happened depending on the severity of them. This was usually for small things like knowing when to dodge an oncoming football or getting bad vibes from a stranger on the bus.
However, it got stronger overtime, the worst incident being when she vomited from a sudden nausea the night before the Great Collapse happened. Thankfully, her family lived in Chicago and she was currently at school in San Francisco to become a veterinarian like her father. But things only got worse from there.
She kept having random headaches that were followed by blurred memories she didn't recall. Her senses heightened, causing her to be on edge 24/7. She could hear every voice, see every detail and smell everyone's distinct scent. It was driving her crazy, so her roommate suggested that she stay home. She remained in her room, under the covers for days blocking out everything.
Then it stopped.
All of a sudden she felt normal again, better even. Deciding that she was long overdo for a shower, she went into the bathroom. Then she was stopped by her faded reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were gold with orange, cat-like pupils. Even worse....she had fangs.
After that, her mind flooded with repressed memories. The time she broke a kid's arm in kindergarten with a single push for bullying her. The time she fell out of a tree at nine, which should have given her multiple broken bones, and walked away with a few scrapes that healed in minutes. The time her mom screamed after finding her crawling on the ceiling. The time she woke up late at night and found her dad in the living room, lights off, crying, his eyes glowing a deep dark blue, and a pair of white fangs being shown everytime he sobbed.
And they all ended the same way. Her dad taking her aside and singing his lullaby to her, eyes glowing.
Thankfully, she managed to figure out how to keep her fangs retracted and her eyes normal. At this time she had already graduated and found a possible job back in Chicago. Her former plan was to stay with her parents for a week at least, tell them the good news, and get an apartment with the money she'd saved. Now she had to throw confronting them for years of lies and kept secrets into the mix.
This went about as good as you could imagine. Her father already knew that she knew the he'd opened the door. He could feel her new power and anger coming off in waves. Her mother noticed once Helena refused to hug her. After moments of silence, Helena bursted with questions and accusations.
While her mom tried to calm her down, her dad remained stoic with little signs of guilt. When he finally spoke, he explained to her that his voice could be used to hypnotize and erase memories of humans, which he apparently wasn't. She asked what he was, what they both were, but he continued saying that his plan was for her to live a normal and happy life as a human. However, overtime he began to feel her power grew, and he knew that one she'd break his spell.
Her mom said that they wanted to tell her but the time never seemed right. She said that they were just trying to protect her, but she didn't listen. She continued to ask questions only for them not to be answered. She said things that made her mom cry, but her dad remained motionless and unwavering. This only put her off more because he was normally a very expressive and open person. But now when she needed him most he was the exact opposite.
She left and flew back to San Francisco in the morning. She spent the next few months trying to get answers from books and the web. The closest creature she got to was a vampire, but that was absurd. Even working to be a vet, she was weary around blood let alone drink it. Not to mention that the sun gave her energy rather than try to burn her alive. This was all true for her dad as well from what she could gather.
At month six she decided to visit her parents again. The guilt had been eating at her ever since the night she'd spent in the airport. Of course she was still a little mad but she loved them. She knew that deep down they were trying to do their best. So she flew back.
But something felt more and more off the closer she got home. She later found out why when she went to the house, door unlocked and no one was home. She tried calling them but it went straight to voicemail. She asked the neighbors but they all couldn't recall the last time they saw them. The same was said by her parents' coworkers, friends and her mom's family. The police weren't any help either. With absolutely no evidence in the house or any witnesses, their hands were tied.
She stayed at the house and moped. She looked for anything that could help but came out flat. Then she found a blank business card with only a phone number on it in her old desk. On the back was ' call if anything happens to us ' in her father's handwriting.
She called and was answered by a man named Lucky. Apparently, he knew her father since before she was born and was just as baffled by her parents' sudden disappearance. He told her that he'd call a friend of his and text her their number. Although, she couldn't use his number again after that so his friend would be her only hope.
Exactly 24 hours went by when she got the number followed by ' good luck kiddo. everything will make sense soon. don't give up.' She then immediately called the number. They picked up after the third ring. She was met with a wonderfully deep voice, which only added to her nervousness.
" Who am I speaking with?" they, who she was certain was a man, asked in a calm yet authoritve tone.
" T-this is Helena Lightsongale. I was informed by your friend, Lucky, to call you." she responded as steadily as she could manage.
" Ah, yes he told me about your situation, Ms. Lightsongale. My team and I would be happy to help you, but there is one thing I'll have to ask of you."
" And that would be?"
" You'll have to move to where our headquarters is: Hellsalems Lot."
Oh shit. Anywhere but there.
He assured her that they'd help her find a place to stay and even a job. All she had to do was go to the assigned rendezvous where she'd be picked up. Which would have been easy enough if a kid hadn't been blown in front of her by an explosion.
Fast forward later, she was finally able to meet the man behind the voice. Klaus was not who she was expecting at all. Not that she was complaining. She just couldn't get her eyes off of those fangs or stop sensing his powerful aura.
Fast forward again to after the chaos had settled. She was holding her cardigan to Klaus' side after Leo and Zapp went after the threat. He thanked her. They eventually got to the subject of how she was able to dodge the attack so quickly to save her and Leo. She told him about her weird sixth sense, leaving out the part about how she was probably not human.
It may have seemed unnecessary, but she still wasn't sure about the details herself. That and her habit of keeping to herself hadn't left. But if the situation did call for her to open up, she would. Maybe they could help her find answers. He did have fangs too after all.
Klaus then mentioned how such an ability could aid them. He did, however, remind her that they would be able to find her a much safer job. She wouldn't have minded that, but today had been interesting and she wouldn't mind seeing what happened next. Before she knew it, she was apart of Libra.
The madness was only beginning, and so was her new found strength.
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riostm · 5 years
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            i  told  myself  i  wouldn’t  do  this  but  ...  ig  i  just  have  no  self - control  left  fkgjnfgkj  but  anyway  10  years  later  i’m  excited  to  introduce  u  all  to  sam    !    he’s  a  revamp  of  an  old  muse  of  mine    &    if  u  would  like  to  plot  w  him  just  press  that  heart  or  hit  me  up  on  my  discord  @𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖊𝖉𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖉#0369    !
❛ chicago’s very own samuel ríos has been spotted in new york city in a  bmw 330e saloon , welcome ! your resemblance to josh heuston is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re meticulous , but being debonair might help you . i guess being a leo explains that . three things that would paint a better picture of you would be sleepy morning voice, messy sheets & an unmade bed, poetry at midnight .   &   ( cismale & he/him )     +   ( lina, twenty-one, she/her, gmt. )
                  trigger  warnings  :  mentions  of  death  ,  a  house  fire  .
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋  𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄    :    samuel    (    name  of  god    )    adam    (    to  be  red    )    ríos    (    river    )    .
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒    :    sam  ,  sammie  .
𝐀𝐆𝐄    :    twenty - three  .
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘    :    july  25th  .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂    :    leo  .
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    american  .
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    portuguese  sri  lankan  .
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    bisexual  .
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍    :    swimmer  .
𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐒    :    the  jocular  ,  the  vagabond  ,  the  aquaphile  .
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒    :    portuguese  ,  spanish  ,  english  .
𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒    :    bare  feet  in  mornings  ,  neatly  folded  clothes  ,  an  organised  shoe  closet  ,  messy  sheets    &    an  unmade  bed  ,  missed  calls  at  2am  ,  highlighted  passages  in  a  book  ,  dogeared  pages  ,  unanswered  texts  ,  tucked  in  shirts  ,  unfinished  books  ,  warm  tea  ,  warm  jumpers  from  dryer  ,  odd  ceramic  mugs  ,  hidden  springs  of  water  ,  worn  out  military  boots  ,  fallen  leaves  during  autumn  ,  poetry  at  midnight  ,  sleepy  morning  voice  ,  unsent  letters  ,  an  ice  cold  water  bottle  .
*    𝒃𝒊𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒚    .
              𝐈𝐓    𝐖𝐀𝐒    𝐎𝐍    𝐀    warm  day  when  they  met  .  in  the  sunny  city  of  lisbon  ,  portugal  ,  danilo  ríos    &    kalani  perera  once  sat  down  on  a  faded  bench  in  the  middle  of  the  city  centre  ,  talking  about  the  weather  which  eventually  led  to  talking  about  a  date  .  needless  to  say  ,  the  pair  hit  it  off  rather  well  .  after  the  success  of  their  first  date  ,  they  soon  went  on  a  second    &    after  what  felt  like  no  time  at  all  ,  they  were  helplessly    &    in  this  case  ,  incredibly  in  love  .  it  was  only  a  short  few  months  later  that  they  were  engaged  ,    &    not  too  long  after  that  ,  they  were  married    &    happily  so  .  it  seemed  almost  too  perfect  .  they  had  a  house  ,  a  very  stable  income  due  to  danilo’s  hotel  resorts  he  had  dotted  about  everywhere  ,    &    after  a  test  was  taken  ,  kalani  was  said  to  be  pregnant  .
of  course  ,  things  were  almost  too  perfect  ,  there  was  bound  to  be  a  bump  in  the  road  somewhere  .  they  were  pregnant    ;    they’re  not  sure  how  anything  could  go  wrong  .  until  it  did  .  the  pregnancy  ,  although  one  of  the  best  thing  they  could  ever  imagine  to  happen  to  them  ,  turned  out  to  be  very  tumultuous  with  more  problems  than  a  little  .  kalani  was  admitted  to  the  hospital  more  times  than  a  little    &    doctor’s  worried  that  the  baby  would  be  born  before  full  term  .  expectantly  ,  their  fears  were  correct  .  two  months  into  the  last  trimester  ,  two  weeks  before  full  time  ,  kalani  went  into  premature  labour    &    gave  birth  to  a  bouncing  baby  boy  .
the  labour  was  bad  as  it  was    ;    the  baby  struggled  to  get  out    &    it  was  within  a  split  second  that  he  managed  to  get  out  breathing  .  kalani  ,  however  ,  wasn’t  so  successful  .  almost  immediately  after  her  son  was  born  ,  she  began  haemorrhaging    &    although  the  doctors  tried  their  hardest  to  stop  the  bleeding  ,  there  wasn’t  very  much  they  can  do  .  it  was  on  july  25th  1995  passed  away  ,  safe  in  the  knowledge  that  her  baby  boy  was  healthy    &    breathing  .  it  was  a  hard  few  first  months    ;    the  baby  boy  ,  who’s  father  had  yet  to  pick  an  name  for  him  spent  the  first  month  of  his  life  in  an  incubator  ,  then  after  that  danilo  grieved  the  passing  of  his  of  his  beloved  wife  .
despite  the  grievance  that  meant  danilo  was  unable  to  take  care  of  his  child  ,  who  still  had  no  name  for  the  first  couple  of  months  that  he  was  home  .  instead  ,  the  baby  boy  was  left  in  the  care  of  a  nanny  while  danilo  was  lost  in  his  grief  .  then  suddenly  ,  something  changed  .  danilo  became  less  robotic    &    more  like  a  person  again  ,    &    found  it  in  himself  to  take  care  of  his  child  ,  the  only  thing  he  had  left  of  his  wife  .  of  course  ,  it  still  hurt  to  think  of  her  but  he  had  other  things  to  think  about  .  things  like  the  beautiful  baby  with  bright  green  eyes  ,  who  he  had  decided  to  name  samuel  .
samuel  was  a  bouncing  baby  boy  ,  an  energetic  child  who  ,  when  growing  up  had  everything  handed  to  him  on  a  silver  platter  .  but  he  appreciated  it    ;    he  appreciated  everything  his  father  gave  him  ,  including  every  place  they  visited  for  his  father’s  business  .  as  sam  grew  up  ,  his  father’s  company  built  up  hundreds  of  resorts  across  the  world    &    became  more  profitable    &    respected  each  year  .  but  his  father  ,  being  a  dedicated  businessman  as  well  as  a  doting  father  wanted  to  mix  his  work  life  with  his  family  life  ,    &    so  sam  was  home  schooled  for  the  biggest  part  of  his  childhood  ,  jumping  from  hotel  to  hotel    &    from  country  to  country  every  few  months  .
since  there  wasn’t  a  lot  to  do  in  a  hotel  ,  if  he  wasn’t  studying  like  the  good  student  he  was  ,  samuel  was  near  to  the  pool  or  in  it  .  he  loved  swimming  with  a  burning  passion    ;    it  was  something  he  fell  in  love  with  from  a  young  age    &    demanded  swimming  lessons  be  a  part  of  his  home  schooling  .  as  it  happened  ,  he  was  pretty  good  at  it  .  swimming  became  a  hobby  that  he  was  addicted  to    &    he  found  himself  feeling  grateful  that  all  his  father’s  hotels  had  their  own  swimming  pools  .  for  a  while  ,  danilo    &    samuel  were  content  with  their  lives  .  in  fact  ,  the  feeling  of  loneliness  didn’t  seep  into  danilo  until  sam  had  reached  ten  years  old  .
they  were  happy  with  it  just  being  the  two  of  them  ,  but  as  sam  grew  older  he  noticed  that  his  father  didn’t  seem  quite  complete  .  at  first  he  didn’t  understand  why  ,  but  when  they  visiting  the  hotel  in  chicago  ,  danilo  met  isabella  devine  for  the  first  time  ,    &    it  suddenly  made  sense  .  sam  knew  that  his  father  had  no  intentions  of  remarrying  after  his  mother  ,  but  meeting  isabella  changed  his  whole  outlook  .  she  was  kind  ,  warm  ,    &    was  going  through  a  grievance  herself  after  losing  her  husband  in  a  tragic  house  fire  .  she  also  had  a  child  of  her  own  ,    &    her  maternal  instincts  were  transferred  to  sam  .  when  he  turned  twelve  ,  the  couple  were  married    &    the  family  was  whole  .
surprisingly  enough  ,  sam  got  along  with  his  step - mother    &    step - sister  pretty  well  .  isabella  became  the  equivalent  of  his  mother    &    his  step - sister  turned  into  the  sibling  he  never  had  .  he’d  play  pranks  on  her  ,  joke  around  with  her  but  at  the  same  time  be  protective    &    nurturing  ,  the  way  a  brother  should  be  .  in  fact  ,  the  now  wholesome  family  got  along  so  well  that  sam  decided  to  take  a  permanent  residence  in  chicago  where  isabella    &    her  daughter  lived  ,  opting  out  of  the  homeschooling  method    &    joining  a  private  school  .  he  made  friends  quickly  ,  took  part  in  the  school’s  swimming  team    &    was  undeniably  happy  .
he  was  by  far  the  best  swimmer  in  the  school  ,    &    after  he  was  thrown  into  competitions  he  was  the  best  in  the  state  ,  excelling  in  every  competition  he  took  part  of    &    winning  the  biggest  part  of  them  .  he  earned  quite  a  name  for  himself  ,    &    at  one  of  his  competitions  a  representative  for  the  olympic  swimming  team  came  to  see  him  swim    &    after  seeing  his  impressive  speed    &    strength  in  the  water  ,  offered  sam  an  opportunity  he  couldn’t  refuse  .  he  was  seventeen  years  old  ,    &    would  compete  in  the  2016  olympics  ,  which  gave  him  two  years  to  get  to  the  level  he  aimed  to  be  at  .
samuel  was  thrown  into  arduous  amounts  of  training  ,  hours    &    hours  spent  in  the  gym    &    in  the  pool  ,  but  sam  didn’t  mind  it  .  he  knew  what  he  had  to  do  to  be  the  best    &    he  knew  how  to  get  there  .  he  had  the  determination  ,  the  drive    &    the  love  for  swimming  to  do  it    &    eventually  ,  he  was  breaking  his  own  personal  records    &    getting  surpassing  everyone’s  expectations  .  in  what  felt  like  no  time  at all  ,  he  was  at  the  rio  olympic  games  2016    &    about  to  start  the  swim  that  could  change  his  life  .  he  was  unbelievably  focused  ,  forgetting  everything  but  the  pool  in  front  of  him  .  his  trainers  blamed  it  on  his  incredible  skill  ,  but  sam  just  said  it  was  pure  luck  that  he  beat  the  olympic  world  record    &    took  home  the  gold  medal  .
everyone  celebrated  .  his  entire  team  exploded  with  pride    &    his  friends    &    family  along  with  them  .  he  won  the  gold  medal  at  his  first  olympic  games  ,    &    they  had  to  celebrate  that  in  a  way  that  would  express  their  pride  for  sam  .  so  they  decided  to  go  on  a  skiing  trip  in  alaska  for  two  weeks  full  of  skiing  ,  drinking    &    fun  between  the  people  who  were  the  most  proud  of  him  .  it  was  the  perfect  celebration    ;    everyone  was  enjoying  themselves  .  until  sam  started  showing  off    &    landed  funny  after  doing  a  360º  rotation  in  the  air  .
it  was  the  worst  pain  he  ever  experienced  .  every  single  time  he  moved  it  was  like  splinters  were  crawling  up  his  back    &    creating  spasms  each  time  it  twitched  .  at  first  they  thought  it  was  a  trapped  nerve  ,  but  after  further  examinations  specialists  told  him  that  it  was  actually  a  disk  bulge  in  his  lumbar  pressing  against  his  nerve  root  that  was  causing  the  pain  .  he  was  left  with  two  options    :    deal  with  the  pain    &    not  being  able  to  swim  again  ,  or  have  a  discectomy  to  remove  the  disk  bulge  but  risk  not  being  able  to  swim  to  the  same  extent  again  .  being  determined    &    not  being  able  to  give  up  the  one  thing  he  loves  the  most  ,  sam  chose  the  latter  .
it  took  a  month  to  recover  from  the  operation  ,    &    after  that  he  threw  himself  into  physiotherapy  so  intense  that  a  lot  of  people  called  him  crazy  .  but  he  needed  to  get  to  the  level  he  was  once  at  ,  even  if  it  killed  him  .  it  took  nearly  over  a  year  of  physiotherapy  ,  days    &    sometimes  night  spent  in  the  swimming  pool  ,  pushing  himself  to  the  limit    &    more  often  than  not  succeeding  in  what  he  wanted  to  do  .  eventually  ,  he  got  better    &    better     &    could  qualify  for  the  olympics  again  .  but  ,  in  order  to  continue  his  training  ,  he  needed  to  move  to  new  york  ,    &    that’s  where  he’s  been  since  .
*    𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚    .
           sam  is  a  lover  of  adventure    &    experiencing  new  things  .  people  might  call  him  a  thrill  seeker  ,  but  he  just  believes  that  a  life  without  experiencing  everything  you  can  isn’t  a  life  worth  living  .  he  enjoys  learning  new  things    &   is  always  keen  on  hearing  different  opinions  to  benefit  his  own  ,  however  he  can  come  across  as  being  quite  opinionated  when  it  comes  to  his  own  thoughts    &   he’s  not  afraid  to  speak  his  mind  ,  which  sometimes  got  him  into  trouble  when  he  was  younger  but  has  earned  him  great  respect  as  he  grew  older  .
in  general  ,  sam  is  kind    &    thoughtful    &    is  a  firm  believer  that  you  should  treat  people  the  way  you  expect  to  be  treated  ,  but  he’s  not  afraid  to  stand  his  ground  when  he  needs  to  or  protect  those  that  he’s  closest  to  .  when  it  comes  to  his  family    &   his  close  friends  ,  sam  will  go  to  the  ends  of  the  earth  for  them  even  if  it  was  just  to  bring  them  a  pretzel  from  europe  .  he  values  them  a  lot   &    is  extremely  loyal  to  them  .
however  ,  sam  can  be  quite  flaky    &    fickle  .  when  it  comes  to  making  decisions  regarding  his  career  ,  he’s  very  clever  in  his  approach   &   makes  sure  it’s  the  best  decision  but  when  it  comes  to  his  personal  life  ,  he’s  not  very  good  at  all    &    often  has  to  seek  advice  from  other  people  just  to  make  the  correct  decision  .  he  dislikes  situations  that  are  too  messy  ,  preferring  when  things  are  easy  to  resolve  because  he’s  not  a  problem  solver    &    would  rather  avoid  situations  that  require  him  to  be  one  .
he  can  be  pretty  mischievous  ,  since  he  was  younger  he’d  often  play  pranks  on  his  dad’s  employees    &   his  step - sister  just  to  ,  as  he  used  to  say  ‘ pass  the  time ’  so  although  he’s  someone  you  can  trust  with  your  secrets  ,  he’s  not  someone  you  can  trust  not  to  scare  the  living  daylights  out  of  you  the  next  chance  he  gets  .  he  loves  to  have  fun    &   isn’t  opposed  to  a  good  night  out  whenever  the  time  calls  for  it  .
*    𝒇𝒖𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔    .
he  loves  to  swim    (    ofc    )    but  he  loves  to  swim  with  dolphins  even  more  than  that  ,    &    has  actually  adopted  a  dolphin  bc  he  loves  them  so  much
he’s  a  vegetarian  more  out  of  convenience  than  anything  ,  enjoying  the  veggie  lifestyle  more  than  the  carnivore  one
he  can’t  stay  in  one  set  place  for  more  than  a  month  .  it  literally  irritates  the  life  out  of  him    &    has  tons  of  holiday  homes  around  the  world  that  he  visits  often
although  he’s  never  met  his  biological  mother  ,  he  keeps  a  photo  of  her  on  his  bedside  table  to  remind  him  of  where  he  comes  from
he  does  have  a  slight  portuguese  accent  ,  but  it’s  faded  over  the  years    &    his  accent  is  more  american  now
he  has  an  irrelevant  fear  of  bugs    !!    like  literally  he  can’t  stay  in  the  same  room  as  one  of  them  for  too  long
has  a  bucket  list  that  he’s  slowly  crossing  off
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estelofimladris · 5 years
My Longest Day Ever in Fandom
This has been one of the hardest 48 hours for me as a fan. Really they’ve been pretty bad in the scope of me being a person, but in my fandom experience, this shit takes the cake.
** WARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS FOR The Magicians as well as some minor spoilers for Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Flash, and Supergirl. **
** ALSO: This shit gets super personal. Don’t read if it makes you uncomfortable. **
I get that I’m specifically interested in stories of struggle and triumph. I thrive with stories about how the things worth having aren’t easily obtained. And sometimes people fail and sometimes people lie. There are horrible obstacles and things to conquer.
A bit of my fandom-inflicted past:
Will Turner was my favorite Pirates character. We had tickets not only to the three-movie marathon on opening day, but then the midnight screening. I nearly didn’t go to the second screening.
Sirius Black is why I got into Harry Potter. I got into it at the weird middle place when the books were still coming out and the movies were being made. I had been forced to read the first book when it was first published and it had left a very bad taste for me so the fact that anything could draw me into the fandom was insane. I watched Prisoner of Azkaban entirely by chance while hanging with my cousins and had read all the books by the time Goblet of Fire was released. I lived in and loved a fandom where my favorite character was dead before I even got a chance to know him.
Grant Ward was one of my two my favorite Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters. I rushed a Ward cosplay for WonderCon, which happened to be scheduled about a week after the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and less than a week after the AoS episode “Turn, Turn, Turn” aired, revealing that Ward was a brainwashed and abused Hydra sleeper agent the whole time. I then nearly scrapped the entirely completed cosplay. Instead I wore it to WonderCon and had people whispering “Hail Hydra” to me all weekend.
I spent at least three years living with a TV curse. Every show that I watched before its renewal for a second season was cancelled. To this day, I struggle to watch new shows because I fear that I will fall in love with a show only for it to be cancelled.
In the past year, I have lost 5 of my favorite characters to sudden deaths/departures:
Bucky Barnes (Avengers: Infinity War)
Harry Wells (The Flash)
Leo Fitz (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Winn Schott (Supergirl)
And this is about the most recent one, Quentin Coldwater (The Magicians)
I also know that there are more to come:
Avengers: Endgame comes out next week.
Arrow is ending at the end of this year.
There are more stories of woe and uncomfortable spaces in which we want to see our favorites succeed and they fail or lose or die. But this, this is more than just someone failing or losing or dying.
I survived all that other shit. I was a little off for a few days following or weeks or months or even years. But we always come back to Fandom. Maybe not the same fandom, but the big idea of Fandom. Being a fan isn’t something you can really just stop.
I got into The Magicians because of serendipity. Two of my closest friends got into the show at some point last year and had mentioned that I’d liked it, but it was one in a malaise of fandoms that I’d been told that about and I only have so many hours in the day and space in my heart. One of the people I was rooming with at SDCC this last year had freshly gotten into the show and was going to the panel. Another of my friends was going to the panel as well who had freshly gotten into the show. When I asked about it afterwards, the lovely human said they’d met a lovely other new fan. My friends had met entirely by chance at the panel and I got to hear all about how lovely the fandom was and that it was a really great panel with a lot of promise for the new season.
I got home from SDCC and, one day while curious, watched the pilot of The Magicians.
I finished the show in less than three weeks. I watched it again. I’ve probably watched this show more than any other media since August.
A bit of background about me and why this show struck a very deep chord with me:
I met my entire close group of friends, my found family, because of Lord of the Rings. I learned Sindarin (elvish) in high school. Every screen name I have is related to my love and foundation of loving Lord of the Rings. I have a tattoo in elvish.
I grew up around a lot of mental illness. I myself have been diagnosed and treated for adolescent/adult ADD, but members of my family as well as every best friend I’ve ever had, has been depressed and most were suicidal. I had to confront my best friend over suicide attempts at 13. My brother was treated for extremely aggressive childhood depression when I was a kid.
I’m also queer. Still working to unstick myself from some definitions I’ve given myself, but I’m definitely genderqueer and androphilic and exploring my romantic identity in part because of this show.
I’ve delt with death my whole life. My first grandparent (maternal grandfather) died when I was 5 or 6. My last grandparent (paternal grandmother) died when I was 22. I had a dear friend die in a motorcycle accident in 2015. I’ve been there for people who have lost loved ones suddenly and held people’s hands through the deaths of parents, loved ones, and children.
I also am about to complete my third and final year of an insanely rigorous graduate costume design program.
This show felt like it was made for me to love it. It made it so easy.
The fandom was a loving community that welcomed me immediately and I have thrived there. I would come home from a crazy day at school, put on an episode of the show, and get lost in the lovely fandom that I’d found myself in. I mean that both ways. Yes, I tripped and fell and found myself among excellent people. But more importantly, I found myself in ways I didn’t expect through The Magicians.
Through a series of very unfortunate events, I stopped reading Fan Fiction about 7 or 8 years ago. I would occasionally write something, but nothing that I cared about what anyone thought about it. It was only writing that had to be written not writing for an audience in any way.
The Magicians got me reading Fan Fiction again. I drew fan art. I participated in discussions on the meta. I joined in when I don’t really have the free time, but it felt so good.
In Quentin in particular, I found a part of myself that was seldom voiced. This melancholy nerd who was Doing His Very Best™ all the time tapped into the kid who loved something so much it transformed their life. It spoke to the parts of me that I don’t talk about that feel like a fraud and a floundering fool. The Magicians told me that I’m not some pathetic thing. That I’m part of my world and that I belong. That it’s ok to re-think about sexuality and romance as an adult. It spoke to my struggles with school and creating something from absolutely fucking nothing.
Something that I’ve not told many people: I’ve struggled with feeling worthy of love. I’ve had some really big relationships that ended poorly and ever since coming out as genderqueer and living my truth, I’ve been single. Watching Quentin be so worthy of love and struggle with that himself, he really shifted my views on relationships.
So, Wednesday was, needless to say, rough.
The fun twist though, I have a mandatory class on Thursday mornings. I had a lot of anxiety about this finale already because I had a notion that something horrible was going to happen because its a Magicians finale. I really struggled to work on homework for the past week. (I texted a friend on Wednesday “How am I supposed to work under these conditions!?” partway through the day.)
This anxiety resulted in not all of my homework being done by the time I had set aside to cook a delicious dinner and settle in to watch the episode with friends. So at the end, after I had cried, drank, nearly threw up from being upset, and was all-in-all a complete wreck, I then proceeded to work on homework until I couldn’t, then I put myself to bed with an alarm set to wake up early and finish, but woke up with a nearly-vomiting anxiety attack (which I don’t get ever) an hour before my alarm.
I finished my homework on my 1.5 hours of sleep, went to class, tried to be eloquent and not burst into tears. I sorta succeeded at both, thankfully. My work was... sub-par, but present, which was the only real requirement. Despite some close calls, I didn’t cry until I was in my car driving home.
I got home, cried a lot, tried to eat and sleep (and failed at both) and ended up having a second wake with another friend and drinking, which finally made me fall asleep.
Throughout the day, I seriously considered deleting every Magicians post from my queue and even my Tumblr as a whole. I thought about dropping out of fandom entirely, including conventions, cosplay - all of it. I thought about selling or donating all of the considerable amount of Magicians merch and related items (cosplay, decor, fan-made merch) that I’ve accumulated in the past few months. I thought about shaving off the hair that I grew out specifically for Quentin that helped me re-shape my queer identity over the past few months.
I woke up in the middle of the night again with more panic attacks. It took sitting with my best friend to make me really fall asleep and stay asleep.
Today, I’m looking back at this whole experience up to this point and I’m so exhausted. I’m tired of crying over something that just brought me so much deep joy. I miss my fandom. We’re all in mourning and its chilling.
I decided somewhere in my insanity yesterday that I need to reclaim The Magicians that I loved. I posted about how it will take time, but they can’t kill the love that transformed my life.
I’m still not sure how to get out of this horrible raw place, but I know time will help. And actually eating a real meal.
I’m sharing all of this because I’m not the only one in this place. If you’re struggling, you are not alone.
I see you. I feel you.
Thank you for being a part of this fandom that has so heavily enriched my life. You are loved. We will find ourselves again.
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maximows · 5 years
Against the Odds - Chapter VIII
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Emilia Alexandra Dawson,
MASTERLIST (mobile) 
(previous chapter)
Warnings: FLUFF, mentions of sex, swearing, the usual stuff
Chris walked up to me angrily, holding a cigarette and breathing loudly. “Are you happy with what just happened? Cause I’m not. You just cost us weeks of work, because of your inexperience and incompetence. Honestly, why would they sent us some incompetent rookie, I have no idea.” He brought the cigarette to his mouth. I looked over to the window and the shattered glass around it.
“Fuck off, I did what had to be done and it’s not my fault the suspect got away. Maybe you should work on your surveillance techniques, Mr. I-know-it-all.” I snapped, grabbing a laptop of the desk and walking away.  
“Cut!” Sam shouted as I escaped the camera shot. “I loved that, guys. Let’s take 5 minutes off, alright?”
I took off the high heels my character supposed to wear for the scene. I leaned on the wall and closed my eyes. It was around 10 pm and we have been filming since 6 am. I was barely able to stand on my feet properly. As I sat down on the nearest chair, Chris was talking to Sam about the next scene we were supposed to film, which was a kissing scene.  
We have been staying in London for a month now and we have nearly finished filming. We were actually staying at my family home, which seemed like a dream come true for Chris and my Mum, because it seemed like they had become the best friends in the world. Also, my Mum fell in love with Dodger, so even if we were home, we didn’t get to walk him much.  
Chris brought me a cup of tea and sat beside me. “I can’t believe we’re nearly finished,” he sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. “Our third movie together.”
“Well, we still have the most fun scenes to do, though,” I said, referring to the kissing scenes and one sex scene we still had to do. "Why did the author had to add a romantic plot?”
“Are you saying you don’t want to kiss me and pretend to have sex with me?” Chris asked, pretending to be hurt.  
I sighed, pretending I was making up my mind. “I meaaan,” I started. “I think, I’d prefer to actually have sex with you, without the audience.”  
He furrowed his brows. “Aren’t you the reason there were photos of us almost fucking in the club two weeks ago?”
“Yeah, you looked so good in that shirt.” I remembered. “It’s actually your fault, if you really think about it.”
Words couldn’t describe how much I’ve missed spending time with Amy, Mary and Sophie and now we were getting to see each other a few times a week. Tonight, we all went out to one of my favourite clubs, which doesn’t play techno music, but a mix of 90’s, 00’s and modern hits. I was so, so excited to finally be back for a longer period of time than just a few days.  
We went out as four couples. I was happy that Chris got along with the girls’ boyfriends. But I shouldn’t be surprised – he gets along with everyone who’s not an idiot.  
I went to the dancefloor with the girls, while the guys got us drinks and sat at the table talking. I wanted Chris to come dancing with me, but the other guys didn’t want to dance yet so he stayed to talk to them and said he’d join me later.
I danced like a freak, singing along to every single fucking song, making sure my throat was sore tomorrow. We all went crazy, having not seen each other since April. At some point, Chris joined us, but he just wanted to say that we’ve been dancing for over an hour and our drinks have been at the table for some time.  
We moved and sat there. I sat on Chris’ lap, because the way he looked tonight was just incredible. I sipped my mojito, talking about everything that has happened. “You should visit us as soon as we go back to LA, we’re throwing a housewarming party.”
“Yeah, 6 months after buying it.” Chris laughed.  
“Shut up.” I said, covering his mouth. “We already had Chris’ friends from Boston over and the house needed a professional cleaning team after they left.”
“That’s because seven 30-years old Bostonians is too much even for such a big house.” he explained. Chris seemed to feel very comfortable around the guys, because they weren’t that much younger than him.
Chris and I went to the dancefloor. I grabbed his shirt and slipped my hands underneath it to rub his muscular stomach. “God, I wanna fuck so bad.” I whispered into his ear, before Chris spun me around.
“You’re gonna have to wait,” he grinned. “Because I wanna dance.”  
He was so fucking lucky, because Earth, Wind & Fire came up and we just went into a state of trance. I was thankful for a boyfriend who’s a very, very talented dancer who actually likes to dance, so we can have fun together. There’s honestly nothing he does wrong.
“I find romance when I start to dance in...” he sang into my ear.
“Boogie wonderlaaaand!” I screamed into his face.
Chris laughed loudly, leaning back. “Voice of an angel.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. “Don’t be rude.”
The next song was I Want it That Way and it was all I could ask for. “You are my fire,” I sang. “the one desire.”
We moved to the song's rhythm, just looking into each other's eyes and smiling. It was my favourite song on the planet and I was dancing to it with my favourite person on earth. It was all I could as for.
We came back to our table and the others left. I kept looking at Chris and admiring how fine he was looking in his outfit. I put my legs over his and let him rub my bare thighs. I leaned in to reach his neck and attached my lips to his skin right below his beard. I sucked on the spot, surely to leave a mark. I creeped my fingers up and down his torso. Chris put his hand on my cheek and turned his head to connect our lips. He first bit my upper lip, running his tongue over it, then slipped it inside to massage over mine. “Come ‘ere.” He mumbled and pulled me up to sit on his lap. I felt his hands travel from the small of my back to my butt.  
Even after a few drinks there was this thought in the back of my head that someone might be watching, so I twisted my head in the way that my hair covered up our faces. My hand reached down to gently rub my palm against his crotch. “Em, you’re playing a very dangerous game...” he mumbled against my lips.  
“Babe, if I remember correctly, you were equally involved in that make out session,” I pointed out. “Let's bring the same spirit to the scene in a few minutes.”
The scene was actually taking place in a car. Our characters are following a suspect in a case. We park the car near a building he enters and wait for his next move.  
My character is a newly recruited MI5 agent who’s working her first case, while Chris is a experienced FBI agent, who hates the fact that he got paired with a newbie. The characters are having a conversation in the cars as the suspect notices them.
“He’s looking at us,” Chris said. “He noticed the car.”  
I closed the laptop and shoved it under my seat. “Do you think he can see the inside of the car?”
“I can barely see the outside,” he mumbled and added after a moment. “He’s coming our way.”  
I acted like I was trying to come up with a solution and started undoing the few top buttons of my shirt. “What are you doing?” Chris asked, confused.
“We're just a couple, snogging in the car.” I stated, moving my legs to rest on both sides of his thighs.  
“Ok, cut!” Sam yelled. “Are you guys ready to do the scene today? We could wrap this part today.”
“Obviously,” I said. “No problem.”
Chris nodded. “Yeah, yeah.”
A part of the crew disappeared somewhere. Only a few people were allowed to be present during kissing and sex scenes, the essential crew members.  
Chris sucked in his breath as I placed my lips on his. I’ve done a few kiss scenes, but we always come up with ways to just make it look like a kiss. But now, we went crazy. We had been having fun on the set and kissing was the only thing even more exciting.  
We were supposed to start off like we were pretending to kiss and then really get into it.
He pushed my body against his as I tangled my fingers into his hair. “Can you see him?” I asked, not opening my eyes.
“Don’t care.” Chris breathed into my lips.
Somebody knocked on the window and we pulled away.  
Sam interrupted and ordered to move the camera. We were supposed to talk to the actor playing the suspect, pretending we were just making out on the parking lot. And then, keep kissing after he leaves.
After we wrapped for the day, Chris and I left the set. In a few days we had to finish the movie by filming some more indoor scenes. Including a sex scene.
“Hey, how about we fly somewhere for the weekend?” Chris suggested, checking something on the phone, while I was driving. “I’ve never been to Scotland, that sounds nice.”
“Oh, sure,” I agreed. “We could leave Dodger with my Mum, but only if we go hiking.”
We pulled up in front of my mum’s home and noticed my dad’s car. “Oh, God. My dad’s here with his  side chick and their offspring.”
“Harriet is my age.” Chris stated.
I raised my eyebrow. “So young,” I looked up at him. “There’s people in this world who are over 100 years old and you think you’re old.”
He took my hand and we went inside. All three of them were sitting in the living room with Leo on Harriet's lap. I really didn’t understand how they could get on so well, when the evidence of infidelity was sitting there with them. Harriet didn’t fancy my mum, but no one really cared. At least I didn’t.
“Mum, we are going to Scotland for the weekend.” I said, picking up Leo. He was almost two years old and incredibly cute. He was constantly smiling sweetly, especially when he saw me.  
“Oh, that’s nice,” she said. “Chris, have you ever been?”  
“No, no, that’s why I suggested,” he smiled as I sat on his lap with Leo playing with my phone. “We’ve been stuck in London for some time now, so I thought we could take advantage of the weekend off we got.”
My dad nodded. “That’s a very good choice.” They seemed to have had spoken more since we arrived here. I guess my dad just realized how cool Chris is.  
We took Leo for a walk to the park, bringing Dodger along with us. We put Leo into a swing for smaller children and Chris pushed him gently, making my little brother giggle. “I can't believe my father and I are dating people who are the same age.”
“Stop thinking about it,” Chris sighed. “The only reason you can’t let this go, is because it’s your father we're talking about. I have younger half-siblings too and my dad has a new wife. It was hard in the beginning, but you get used to it.”
I leaned on the post next to me and watched Chris play with Leo. “Why are you always right?” I asked.  
Chris laughed and lifted Leo up. “I'm not. I mostly talk bullshit.”
I sat down on the ground next to Leo, who chose to play with one of his toys now. I scratched Dodger behind his ear as Chris played with my brother. “You look good with kids,” I stated.
“We're on the same intellectual level.” He joked.  
I walked up to them and placed my hand on Chris’ head to run my fingers through his hair. “We should get going, it’s almost his bedtime.”
Chris leaned his head against my legs, his hand creeping up my calf. “Could it also be bedtime for us? I got kind of excited during our car make out session.”  
“My parents and Harriet will still be downstairs, Evans,” I noted. “But sounds interesting, we'll see what I can do.”
“Yess.” He cheered under his breath.
I carried Leo home and Chris pushed his stroller and held Dodger’s leash. When we arrived, my dad and Harriet were about to call us.
“We should go,” Harriet said, taking Leo from me. “He’s probably tired.”  
I helped my mum clean the room after our guests, while Chris booked our plane and hotel. Mum decided to go out with her friend, because she didn’t have to be early at work tomorrow. “I’ll give you guys some privacy.”
“No, Mum, that’s fine,” I assured her. “We're leaving tomorrow, we can spend the night together.”
“I need this, Emily,” she said. “I don’t like Harriet and I’m not as fine with all of this as I’m claiming I am.”  
“Oh, Mum... You should have told me.” I hugged her. “Go get drunk.”  
She smiled and soon went upstairs. I joined Chris on the sofa and sat next to him. He was closing up on the booking site. “So, where are we going?” I asked.
“Inverness,” Chris read. “It looked cool in the photos. Also, it’s close to the Loch Ness lake which is exciting.”
“Romantic.” I raised my eyebrow. “My mum will be leaving in a while, by the way.”
Chris turned to look at me, rapidly. “You’re kidding,” he whispered. “You didn’t throw her out, did you?”  
I rolled my eyes at him. “What kind of a daughter do you think I am, Christopher? Keep it up and we'll actually go to bed with no sexy times.”  
“Oh, come on,” he nudged my shoulder. “I want you to sit on my face tonight.” He whispered, putting away the laptop.
I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say. “You’ve been very vocal about the things you want to do with me lately,” I noted, setting my chin on his shoulder. “I can’t wait to see where this brings us.”  
“I hope it’s road head,” he said and I burst into laughter.
“You're a reckless driver without your dick in my mouth, so I wouldn’t count on it.”
“Oh, come on,” Chris whined. “I'm an excellent driver.”
“You got 3 speeding tickets over the course of a year.” I told him, before placing the palm of my hand dangerously close to his crotch.  
Chris hissed in response, looking down at my hand. “You’re playing a dangerous game, princess. I can either eat you out and then fuck you or just fuck you against the wall as soon as your mom leaves.”  
I shrugged, placing my lips on his neck and gently sucking on a spot right below his beard. “Win-win.” I murmured and reached for the laptop to put back on his lap. “In case my mum comes downstairs.” Chris smirked as I opened his fly and pushed my hand inside. I knew we would be alone in a few moments, so I wanted him to be a bit worked up. I moved my hand up and down his clothed shaft. Chris’ mouth opened slightly as I slipped my hand into his boxers. “You like it?” I asked quietly
“That’s a stupid question,” He murmured and reached to my chin to pull my head to face him. He captured my lips with his, biting on my upper lip. “I want you so bad.”
As if she heard us (I hope not), I heard my mum approach the stairs, so we readjusted ourselves on the sofa and watched her put her coat on. “You kids have fun and don’t stay up too late.” she said, opening the door and leaving.
“We'll leave the door open!” I shouted to her.
Chris wasted no time waiting and stood up immediately, lifting me up bridal style and running upstairs and shutting the door to my bedroom behind us.  
Next day, we had just got to the hotel from the airport and we were driving from Iverness to Drumnadrochit, where it’s apparently the best view of the lake. Also, there’s a medieval castle. Chris was really excited, because he barely ever gets to do some sightseeing.  
We stepped out of the car on the parking lot. Chris seemed surprised that there were so many people there. “It's the most popular Scottish landmark, what did you expect?” I said, grabbing his hand and walking to the castle.  
“Well, I thought it would be less crowded since we're off season.” He shrugged, putting on his sunglasses.  
“It’s not crowded, Chris,” I looked around, noticing only a few groups of people. “The only empty places now are the stops we passed on the way.”  
“Yeah, we should've stopped there,” he muttered.
I furrowed my brows, not understanding why would he want to be completely alone with me around the lake. “Do you want to dive into the lake and look for the monster or something?” I asked. He laughed and pulled me in the direction of the castle. Chris got really into the whole sightseeing thing and took a million photos, mostly of me (walking up the stairs in front of him) and some selfies in which I also was included. We asked one old German lady to take a picture of us with a view of the lake behind us. He then sent the photo to the OG6 group chat and captioned: “Found the Loch Ness monster.” I only found out about it, because my dear friend Robert saw it and texted me immediately, saying: “I’d dump him into the lake if I were you.”.
“I’m not talking to you, Evans,” I said, after I closed the boot of our car and proceeded to walk on a marked path around the lake. Obviously, we weren’t going to circle around it, but I did want to find some nice spots for some photos.  
Chris knew I was joking, but still tried to make up for what he wrote. “But you’re my monster, you know.” He wrapped his arm around my waist. “I love my pretty monster.”
I rolled my eyes at him and looked around the forest we had just entered. I knew Chris was already loving the country – he loved the woods, nature and the quietness it all provided, so I was glad he had suggested we come here. “You’re safe for now,” I murmured, looking up at him and giving him a wink. “But I’m gonna keep my eye on you, so watch yourself now mister, don’t try to surprise me.”  
He grinned at me. “Alright.”  
We were walking around, admiring the dense forest we couldn’t encounter in California or most of other US areas. Chris was wearing a plaid shirt under his jacket, so combined with his beard, he was an exact picture of a lumberjack and I loved it.  
“I want a photo of you here,” He pointed at the spot I was supposed to stand on. I didn’t say anything and did what he asked me to, because I saw how much fun he was having, just walking around and taking photos.
He took a few nice shots of me in different locations, acting like a professional photographer and saying that it would be his new lock screen every time.  
We found a small beach with a bench. I walked up to the spot where water touched the rocks. “Do you think there really is something here?” I asked Chris, who was walking around behind me.
“I have no idea,” he answered, his voice weirdly excited. “But if there is, I hope people never find it.”
“True.” I agreed, looking at the hills on the other side of the lake. “All animals are better off without us. I mean, if you think about Dodger – you gave him a good home, but the people who had him before you...”
“Em,” I heard Chris behind me, probably wanting another photo.
“Chris, I’m talking...” I sighed at him. “Anyway, my point is animals don’t need expensive food or accessories, they just need to be left alone...”
“Emilia.” He tried to get my attention again.
“Chris, why can’t you...” I said and turned around to see him a few feet away from me. On his knee. Holding an open black velvet box with a ring inside. Oh my God. “You...”
“Emilia Alexandra Dawson,” he started, trying to maintain a serious tone, but I could see he was struggling. “Words cannot describe how grateful I am to God, gods, fate or whatever brought us together, for bringing you into my life. You are the most important person in my life... You are smart, intelligent, like you really are so much smarter than me and I’d probably just get lost without you next to me. I can't believe that I got to be with someone as kind and generous as you.” He took a big breath. I kept looking into his eyes which were a bit glassy right now as were mine. “Emilia, I can’t promise that life with me will always be a fairy tale. After all, I’m a Gemini.” I smirked lightly. “But you know I’ll always respect you and love you. Last year, exactly last year, when we separated... My life fell apart and I never want to be away from you again.” he hesitated a bit and inhaled. “Which is why I’m asking you to be my wife. Will you do me this honour and spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me?”
It took me no time to start nodding furiously fast. “Of course, yes,” Chris stood up and took my left hand and placed the ring on my ring finger. I didn’t even take a glance at it before jumping on Chris and wrapping myself around him. “I can’t believe it.”
“Me neither,” He agreed, putting his head in the crook of my neck. “I’m so happy you said yes.”
“What else were you expecting, you stupid dork?” I asked, pulling away so I could see him face. His eyes were a little bit teary and a big grin was spread across his face. “I love you, I can’t wait to marry you.” I stroked his cheek. “But you could have found a better time to propose.”  
Chris raised his eyebrow. “What? Why?”
“My hands are dry and I haven’t done my manicure in months, so I can’t take a nice photo of the ring.” I said.
Chris rolled his eyes at me and whined “Come on,” and then kissed me. It was a playful kiss, we both couldn’t stop smiling. It was the happiest moment of my life. Chris bit my lower lip and then pulled away. “Let’s let everyone know, alright?”
I shook my head. “Let’s do this later, babe,” I asked. “I just wanna sit here and enjoy the moment.”
We sat down on the ground. Chris was behind me, I was sitting between his legs, leaning on his chest. The view was incredible. There were some dark clouds on one side, but they looked magical in contrast with the blue sky on the other side. I watched the small waves on the water, caused by light wind. “I love this place,” I whispered. “It’s so much better than California or New York, or even London.”  
“Yeah, I’m glad we came here to do this.” Chris agreed and planted a short kiss on my temple.
“We came to Scotland specifically so you could propose?” I leaned back to put my head on his shoulder and watch him answer.
Chris sighed. “Well, I bought the ring like a week before we came to London, with the help of your friends,” he pulled out his phone and started to scroll through it. “When we came here, I was mad, because we couldn’t get enough time off to travel somewhere and I didn’t want to just take you out to a restaurant and then casually go back to your mom’s house.” He handed me his phone and showed a full group chat he had with Amy, Sophie and Mary. He would send them photos of the rings he was looking at and ask for their opinions.  
“That’s incredible,” I said, scrolling through the messages. “You gave this so much thought.”
“Yeah, I mean... This is the most important day of my life now, until our wedding...” he sighed. “What do you want it to look like?”
I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. “I’m thinking... Well, I’d love it to happen in our garden, but it just wouldn’t work, will it? I have a draft of our guest list in my mind already and it’s so many people... I’d just want it to be a secluded area, with trees and grass around it... I just want it to be quiet, as small as possible...” I whispered. “I’d marry you anywhere, to be honest.”
Chris sighed and brought my left hand to his lips. “You’re making me cry,” he said planting a kiss on my hand. “Do you like the ring?”
“Of course,” I looked down at the thin band made of yellow gold, lined with small diamonds and a bigger, oval one in the middle. “It's perfect, baby.”
“Your friends said you’d prefer yellow gold, so I listened. I really should pay them back in a way, because I was hopeless without them.” He chuckled. “Anyway, how about September or October next year?”
“Um, is it the best timing for an outdoor wedding? I mean, if you don’t want it outdoor then we can negotiate, but...”  
“Baby, I just want you to be happy. I know that getting married is more of a goal for me than for you and...”
“Christopher,” I interrupted him. “Do you really think I only agreed to marry you because I know you want that? Babe, I want it. So bad. You have no idea how much I enjoy the idea of calling you my husband. This makes me want the interviewers to start asking about us more, so I can just say it out loud.” Chris chuckled. “You’re a bloody prince charming. I can’t wait for our wedding. I can’t wait to have that domestic bliss with you, you know?”
“You are  such a sappy romantic, just as I am.” He wrapped his arms around my neck. “Let's find the nearest date we can, alright?”
Chris took the phone from me. He switched the camera to portrait mode. We took a photo of us kissing, but with my left hand covering our connected lips and showing off the ring, which by the way, was quite heavy, and I was afraid to ask how much it cost him. “We can send this one to our friends,” He stated. “I’m so happy, I don’t think I’ll get over it soon.” He sent the photo to the chat with girls the OG6 one and to Mackie and Sebastian. We didn’t have to wait long for a response, but instead of getting a million texts, our phones blew up with calls. Scarlett called first, even though it was early in the morning in NY.
“EMILY, IS THIS REAL?” she squealed into the phone. I put her on speaker, so Chris (who was on the phone with Hemsworth) could hear her. She was so excited for us, she already wanted us to set the date for the wedding.  
“Man, I know your brother will probably be your best man, but I’m giving the best man's speech anyway. Scott and I will coordinate, alright?” Mackie literally screamed. “Chris, Em, alright!?”
“Of course, man!” Chris laughed.
“Can't wait for the bachelor party!”  
I immediately shot Chris a glare and raised my eyebrow. “Yeah, we'll talk about it,” Chris smiled, looking at me and kissing the top of my nose. “No strippers, though.”
When we finished talking to our friends and decided it was time to call our parents. We spent so much time talking about the engagement that we practically had half of our wedding planned.  
Chris dialled his mom’s number and put her on FaceTime. “Hi, Ma!” he waved as she picked up.
“Oh, hi! Are you at the lake already? Have you seen the monster?” She asked. “Where’s Emily?”  
I moved to fit into the camera and said, “Hi, Lisa,” I smiled. “We have something to tell you.”  
Chris grabbed my hand and moved it closer to the camera, so Lisa could see the ring. “We’re engaged!”
His mom was shocked, happy and excited. “Congratulations, guys! I’m so happy for you.” she cheered. “Have you told your siblings yet?”  
“No, we texted our friends and spent an hour on the phone with them,” Chris explained. “We didn’t think it would blow up like that.”
“Well then, make sure you call Emily's parents and then the rest,” she said. “I’m so happy for you guys and can’t wait to see you!”
We then called Chris’ dad and my parents. My mum was surprised and, as it turned out, Chris had asked my dad for his permission, so he knew about everything, apart from when exactly Chris was going to propose. My brother gave Chris their blessings and said that they were also looking forward to their speeches. We’re gonna have to hold a 24-hour reception to fit in all these speeches.  
“So, I guess we need to start planning a wedding.” Chris sighed. “That doesn’t sound as fun as just being your husband.”
“My husband,” I repeated. “I like the sound of it. We really have to get married as soon as possible.”  
“They’d never forgive us if we eloped, right?” Chris smirked, stroking my hand.
“Yeah, we’d be banned from all family occasions and parties.”
“But also, if we have a big wedding, we can play our favourite music at the reception.”  
My face lit up. “Our first dance could be to I Want It That Way!” I squealed. “Oh God, Chris! The possibilities..."
We decided to head back to the car, walking hand in hand. We kept receiving congratulations from our friends and explaining how and when it happened. I couldn’t describe how happy I was to call Chris my fiancé. I was do happy he did it. It as the end of our commitment issues discussion, once and for all. “I hope you realise that I’m going into a full bridezilla mode starting today.” I informed Chris, as we entered the car.  
“I should hope so,” he answered. “I don’t want you to win the Longest Engagement award a few years in a row.”  
My jaw dropped and I turned to him. “Was that a The Office reference?” I asked.
“I love you so much, Evans.”  
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Booksmart’s Stars on Teen Movies, Timothée Chalamet, And Why Olivia Wilde is a Queen
It’s a familiar premise: two high school nerds, on the cusp of graduation, are desperate to have one wild night out. There’s a big party to get into. There are crushes to be met. There are things to be done. Familiar as those broad strokes might be, the specifics are anything but. For one, Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever’s characters, Molly and Amy, aren’t the typical “nerd” types you see in movies in this genre. They’re smart, driven, well-adjusted, and couldn’t care less about what the “popular” kids think of them. But they’ve been so intent on doing everything right—from getting into their dream schools to figuring out their career paths—they realize they forgot to have fun along the way.
And so Booksmart follows the duo as they set about trying to cram four years’ worth of quintessential high school experiences into a single night. Needless to say, mistakes are made, boundaries are pushed and epiphanies are had. But the film never once strays into cliched territory nor does it rely on familiar tropes of high school cliques and tensions to drive its story. More importantly, the emotions and impulses of its female leads (one straight, one queer, another welcome deviation from the usual teen movie formula) are treated with enormous respect and understanding.
“It’s not a comedy that just takes jokes written for guys and [puts them] in the mouths of actresses,” first-time director Olivia Wilde tells The Frame. “Coz that happens a lot where it’s like ‘It’s a girl comedy! It’s so great they’re talking like guys!’ But that’s just not how women interact.”
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Spotted: the cast of #BooksmartMovie taking our breath away at last night’s NYC Screening. In theaters THIS FRIDAY. Link in bio for tix! 📸 by @emiliomk
A post shared by BOOKSMART (@booksmart) on May 22, 2019 at 5:00pm PDT
On the eve of the movie’s release, we caught up with its stars to chat about what makes Booksmart so special, their favourite onscreen BFFs, and more.
This movie is so different from other movies in its genre, where we typically see getting laid as being the big objective of the night, whereas for your characters it’s the experience of having a crazy night, and doing it together. In what ways did this movie feel different to you from other high school movies?
Kaitlyn Dever: I love that these girls aren’t trying to hook up… in any other movie it would have been like they were trying to get the guy at the end of the night.
Beanie Feldstein: They probably would have a fight over it.
KD: What’s so refreshing is these girls are so self-aware. They know how fun they are and how smart they are, and intelligent and so many other things. They just sort of want to prove that to everyone else, and also they’ve realized ‘wait a second, we could have done both and we haven’t and we should try to get on that tonight.’ I love that with my character—we don’t just mention that she’s queer and then don’t discuss it again. This is a girl who definitely has desires and wants an experience with someone and has just never had it and has no idea what that’s like. That’s very relatable, you know, to never have had an experience like that before.
I really like how matter-of-factly Amy’s queerness is depicted; her sexuality is given the same treatment as anyone else’s.
KD: Yeah, [typically] with a queer character, she would have been put in the movie to be the gay character, and we don’t really talk about it and we never explore her sexuality. Or there’s the other side of it where we would see the coming out story, and while that is a beautiful story and an important story to tell, we wanted to see what it was like after that. Olivia really didn’t want to put a spotlight on it because we don’t need to continue to do that anymore, that’s not what this generation is.
BF: Not only are these girls smart and dedicated and involved but they also have a deep and meaningful friendship. And I’d never seen, at the centre of a comedy, the story of two female best friends where one is straight and one is queer, and that never affects the relationship, it never comes into their friendship, they’re just like ‘i love you, go get ’em, go get that girl, go get that guy.’ And I also think, like… the only love scene in the film is a queer love scene which a) is so cool but also [the scene] is so deeply moving and funny and awkward and consent is involved in such a natural, easy way and that is a moment that anyone can relate to. But the fact that there’s universality to a queer moment is really, really radical. Bringing a straight audience and saying ‘you have to relate to us, we don’t have to relate to your story’ is really special, especially in this genre.
Speaking of this genre, did your brother [Jonah Hill] have any advice for you going into this movie?
BF: Well I take advice from him all the time, and he takes advice from me all the time. I think he was just really excited and proud, and the only thing he said was ‘hang out with Kaitlyn as much as possible.’ Because him and Michael [Cera] did that before they started shooting [Superbad], they spent every day together. We were talking about this at lunch, and were like ‘we have to spend every minute together’ and Olivia was like ‘well you could live together.’ So we ended up living together through all of rehearsals, even before the shooting, for like a month. So by the time we got to filming we were so genuinely connected that Molly and Amy just sort of sprung to life. It was amazing to layer them on top of our foundation.
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Rolling with the homies. All the way to the theater because #BooksmartMovie is out everywhere Friday.
A post shared by BOOKSMART (@booksmart) on May 18, 2019 at 2:59pm PDT
Had you guys met before you ended up on this project together?
BF: Not officially.
KD: Ships in the night.
Well one thing you had in common is that you’d both done movies with Timothée Chalamet [Feldstein in Lady Bird and Dever in Beautiful Boy]. What was working with him like?
KD: I think he is one of the most talented actors of our generation. I’ve known him since I was like 16, we did another movie together and I knew immediately, I was like this kid, this kid’s got it. I don’t know what it is but he’s got it. He’s sooo talented.
BF: He’s here to stay.
KD: He’s here to stay and I knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time before everyone saw his genius. I really admire him a lot and he’s a good friend of mine.
BF: He’s delicious.
KD: He’s like a Leo and a Daniel Day-Lewis all in one, but he’s like a new… he’s just Timothée Chalamet.
BF: Hell yeah.
One thing I love about your characters, and it reminded me a lot of the dynamic between Abbi and Ilana in Broad City, is the way they’re always hyping each other up, talking each other up. In terms of onscreen friendships, what are some of your favourites that you love or loved growing up?
BF: Abbi and Ilana was a big one.
KD: Bridesmaids.
BF: We grew up in the ’90s so Lizzie McGuire, Thelma & Louise.
KD: Raven and Chelsea. Weird Science. They were boys but I loved that movie.
BF: That’s fine, Cory and Shawn in Boy Meets World was like my dream friendship, I was like ‘I AM Cory Matthews!’
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Shout out to all the directors (female and otherwise) who know this feeling of deep, like WHOA, like, profoundly deep honor that an actor is trusting you with their vulnerability and imagination and body and heart. There are no words for the gratitude I feel. Love you @kaitlyndever and all my @booksmart fam. #filmmakerfriday
A post shared by Olivia Wilde (@oliviawilde) on May 10, 2019 at 9:26am PDT
What was it like working with Olivia Wilde?
BF: Like working with a queen. She’s so remarkable. She sparkles. She is so confident and had so much energy, we were like ‘you’re a superhero.’ She’s a mom, she’s a producer, she’s an actor, she’s a director, she’s an activist. When does she sleep? No one will ever know. And she’s just so giving in the way that she directs, it was so deeply collaborative. She raised every human being on this film up. She just wanted them to shine.
KD: I loved how she treated everyone so singularly. She didn’t treat everyone as one big group and say ‘okay this is how I’m directing and this is my way.’ She always wanted our ideas, she always valued our opinions and wanted to bring all of our specificities into our characters and in turn it made this film more full-bodied because these characters were so great on page but then they just became more rich through this amazing collaboration that Olivia had with each individual person. I think that really shines on screen [similar to] movies like Fast Times at Ridgemont High—all of those characters are so specific and so different but they all fit together so well and I think that those kinds of movies are so iconic because there’s a person for everybody in that movie and if everyone was speaking the same or directed like one big group, it’d be a very different movie.
Beanie, it’s interesting that you’ve worked with not one but two first-time female directors, who are also actors, on movies about the high school experience. [Feldstein played Saoirse Ronan’s best friend in Lady Bird, directed by Greta Gerwig.]
BF: I have a type.
What’s that been like for you, being a part of these milestone films?
BF: My female friendships are the most important to me in my life. I feel like there just can’t be too many stories about that because there are so few to begin with. The fact that I got to be part of two that are so deeply, deeply honest and so relatable and lived-in and full is one of the most emotional things that’s happened to me in the past five years. I can’t believe I was given that honour.
The post <em>Booksmart’</em>s Stars on Teen Movies, Timothée Chalamet, And Why Olivia Wilde is a Queen appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Booksmart’s Stars on Teen Movies, Timothée Chalamet, And Why Olivia Wilde is a Queen published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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avanneman · 7 years
Baby Driver: Jon Hamm doesn’t know Shakespeare
Actually, that should read “Edgar Wright, writer/director of Baby Driver, doesn’t know Shakespeare”, but Big Jon said it in the picture, and who knows Edgar Wright, amirite? But it’s all Edgar’s fault that poor Jon (aka "Buddy") is stuck with the line “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?” when it should be “Romeo! Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” And, therefore, entirely inappropriate for the scene, in which Hamm is seeking to find, and murder, “Romeo”, aka “Baby Driver”, in a parking garage.
It’s inappropriate because, of course, Juliet is not asking “Where are you, Romeo?” No, she’s asking “Why is your name Romeo?” though what she really means is “Why did you have to be a Montague, instead of the scion of some noble family that my family (the Capulets) is not feuding with? Then I could marry you! For what’s in a name?”
Okay, that does require a little unpacking, not to mention some actual knowledge of the play, which, clearly, exceeds Eddie’s grasp.1
So, if you hadn’t already guessed, I’m not a fan of Baby Driver, despite its 98% “Smash” (“Smash” as in “good”) rating from Rotten Tomatoes, which, I guess, is not infallible. Baby Driver is itself a mannered, misbegotten smash of Bonnie & Clyde, about which I’ve raved, Pulp Fiction, and Blue Velvet, neither of which I thought were worth a pixel.
I went to Baby Driver expecting/hoping for some shallow, bad-ass, R-rated summer entertainment, and the film started off well, with “Baby Driver” (Ansel Elgort) as this sweet, silent bad-ass “driver”, a pretty boy version of Michael J. Pollard’s semi-autistic yet good-natured and ever efficient C. W. Moss. A whole film dedicated to a modern-day C. W! Sounds like fun!2
And so it was for the first fifteen or twenty minutes, Baby rockin’ out on his iPod to some golden oldies while waiting for the grown-ups to finish with their bank-robbin’. Grown-ups, well, they don’t always do things right, so that sirens are wailing even before Baby can pop the clutch3, but that ain’t no matter. We’re in for some serious, serious rubber burnin', without the sense of moral and aesthetic shame that inevitably comes from watching a Vin Diesel movie.4
But after that great beginning, the film starts going sideways. Seems Baby only does his driving because he’s in hock to suavely evil crime lord Kevin Spacey, who may as well be sleep walking for all the nuance he brings to the part. Even worse, Baby takes his hard-earned cash home to his deaf black foster dad Joseph (CJ Jones), who, fortunately, is not Morgan Freeman, though he’s so nobly suffering he may as well be. Baby signs with Joe, and anybody who watches movies knows that anyone who can sign and speak is part angel.
Yeah, this is kitsch on top of kitsch—as a matter of fact, it’s superkitsch—but why stop now? Only sissies quit when they’re ahead. Baby’s creative too! He records what people say, adds some percussion and riffs and turns it all into a sort of “found art”, kind of like an aural Joseph Cornell!
Of course, this idyll has to be busted, though it’s hardly Baby’s fault. He meets this really sweet chick (Lily James as “Deborah”), a chick as sweet as he is, and if you guessed she’d be a waitress, well, you guessed right. Yeah, it’s young love, true love, like a fifties Chevrolet ad come to life, if you know what one of those was.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you, Baby still owes Kev “one more job.” Yes, one more job! You have to hit those clichés on the head, boy! Otherwise, they’ll get away from you!
The gang for the last job includes the seriously bad ass “Bats” (Jamie Foxx), an obviously slumming Jon Hamm,5 and his crazy bitch wife “Darling” (Eiza González), a hundred and seven pounds of implausible, gum-poppin’ malevolence. So what could go wrong?
Well, everything, of course. But the twists, the double crosses, and the blow outs just don’t have the bang of the first fifteen minutes. We’re deep in Quentin Tarantino land, with repetitive outbursts of unlikely, mannered violence—though, to be fair, Wright entirely lacks Tarantino’s compulsive sadism, and I mean that entirely as a compliment.
But the real killer for me is not Wright’s stylized violence (Elza blazing away with an Uzi in either hand, for example, which would pretty much guarantee that she couldn’t hit anything),6 but his pathetic sentimentality. Very much unlike Tarantino or David Lynch, Wright lacks the nerve to kill off a single sympathetic character. The Baby/Debbie lovey-dovey dialogue is so syrupy that you half wonder if Debbie is setting him up—if the film is setting you up. Is Debbie going to take Baby’s cash and blow his head off as a final twist? Nope. She waits five years for him to get sprung from the federal pen so they can ride off into the sunset together. What a letdown!
Afterwords Like Tarantino, Wright is seriously into retro cultural references—music, films, etc. That’s because a director’s “world” is limited to old movies. They can’t make contemporary cultural references because no one’s made a movie about that yet. The most egregious occurs when crime boss Spacey tells the gang to pick up some “Michael Myers Halloween masks” for the heist, leading to some confusion. Did he mean “masks of the character Michael Myers in the 1978 Jamie Lee Curtis classic Halloween” or “masks of Michael “Austin Powers” Myers for Halloween”? If you thought that was funny, you probably call Mom’s basement “home”.
It's "arguable", I guess, that it's supposed to be Buddy's error—that he's a Philistine as well as a murderer—but that strikes me as a stretch. The "correct" reading of Juliet's line was the subject of a Peanuts cartoon sometime near the close of the last millennium. ↩︎
Michael J. Pollard—“the homuncular, elfin, inexplicably popular” Michael J. Pollard, in Leonard Maltin’s bizarrely uncharitable characterization—worked that CW thang to the hilt, “playing virtually the same offbeat, imbecilic character” throughout his career, to Maltin’s further dismay. Jesus, Leo! Did you never get laid? ↩︎
Baby’s almost surely not working a stick, but idioms can’t always keep up with the technology. ↩︎
Still, one has to feel sorry for Vin, having to share “his” franchise with “the Rock”—because it was so successful! ↩︎
It seems very likely that Hamm will simply never get past Don Draper. When you hear that voice, you know the guy is suite smart, not street smart. You’re elegant, Jon, you’re elegant. Just accept it, and get on with your life. ↩︎
The mêlée gets so intense that one of the lenses of Baby's shades pops out, in ridiculous homage to the bit in Godard's über classic À bout de souffle, already too cutely reprised in Bonnie & Clyde. Once was too much! Twice is ridiculous! ↩︎
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