#And Lou's Afraid What Happened To Him Is Now Gonna Happen To His Daughter!
heartlessmonsterlover · 7 months
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heather did not expect to spend her maternity leave killing vampires but here we are
+ bonus sketch below. was my first drawing but i didn't like it as much so i restarted
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ms-rampage · 3 years
New Dawn: New Horizons Chapter 3 - With A Little Help From The Devil
Warnings: Language, and slight angst.
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: Lucifer confronts Gabriel seeking his help to find the other angels that were cast out of Heaven.
Guest OCs: The usuals
Guest Characters: Lucifer (Supernatural), John and Jacob Seed (mentioned), Wheaty (mentioned).
Written by @athenalillystar and myself. Hope ya'll enjoy!! 💗💗
Taglist: @wargames94 @rabbitsoldier @vicki-the-sinner @mrsladydiana
Note: This is a Far Cry New Dawn and Supernatural crossover with my OCs
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Lucifer has his hand over Cristina’s mouth to muffle her screams, stopping her from alerting the family. 
He clicks his tongue a few times, and says. “I thought we came to an understanding. I told you, you’ll see me again. Guess I should’ve been more specific”.
“What do you want?!” she asks, her voice muffled by his hand. 
“You promise not to scream?” he asks, his voice deepens, almost in a whisper.
She nods her head in response. He moves his hand away from her mouth. 
“What do I want?!” he asks, his index finger on his chin, walking towards her bedroom window. 
“Well first off, I would like to know what is so special about your cousin?!. The small one with the cotton candy hair”.
“Daenerys?” she asks, in slight confusion. 
“Yeah, for some reason she happens to be the most important thing in the world to Gabriel” he says, bitterness in his voice. 
“That’s his daughter, that's why she’s so important to him” she responds, in a somewhat sarcastic tone. 
He chuckles, “Ehh not quiet”.
She looks at him in confusion, furrowed her eyebrows at him. “What is that supposed to mean?!” she asks, getting slightly irritated. 
“Well you see. Gabriel is no-”.
He gets cut off when her bedroom door opens, and Gabriel appears in the doorway. 
“Uncle Gabe I-” she says before getting cut off, and going unconscious by Lucifer snapping his fingers. 
Gabriel steps into the room, closing the door behind him, “I told you to leave them alone” he tells him, his voice deep, and angry. 
Lucifer shrugs, “You know I never listen”.
“What do you want?!” he asks.
“You know what I want” Lucifer tells him, “I want you to come with me, and we can find all the others that fell.”
“But why do you care if the others fell?. No one did when you fell” Gabe asks.
Lucifer rolls his eyes, “Yeah, I know. That’s why I want to rub it in dad’s face when we confront him”.
“Do you even know where the others fell??!” he asks, crossing his arms.
“Samandriel, Uriel, Castiel, Michael, Gadreel, Raphael and you are the only ones that I know of that fell. I'm not sure where, but they're most likely scattered".
Gabriel goes silent for a moment, looking down at the floor.
“Okay. I’ll go with you” he says. 
A smile appears on Lucifer’s face, “Good, we should get-”. He gets cut off by his younger brother “But, it’ll have to wait until the morning”.
Lucifer rolls eyes, throwing his head back in annoyance, “Are you serious?!”. 
He nods his head, “Yes, I want to give them an explanation. I’ll tell Daenerys that I’m gonna go help out some survivors with the Highwaymen, or something like that”.
Lucifer shoves his hands into his jacket pockets, and says.
“So you’re gonna keep lying to your “daughter” huh?!”.
Gabriel sighs, “As much as I don’t want to. I have to. How long will this search be?”.
“A week, maybe 2. See you tomorrow little bro”. 
Lucifer disappears from the room, and Cristina is still unconscious.
With the very little powers he has, Gabriel wipes her memory from the last 2-5 minutes.
He goes back to his and Kate’s room, laying next to her in bed. 
The next morning at around 7:30am, Gabriel is packing some of his gear that he’ll most likely not need, but has to make it look like he’s going out on a week-long hunting trip, or at least a few days. 
“So how long are you gonna be gone?!” Daenerys asks, sitting at the kitchen table, looking up at him.
He sighs, “A week. Maybe 2. Depending on how long they're gonna need me”.
Kate leans against the doorway of the kitchen, who knows the real reason why he’s leaving.
“So who is that you’re gonna be searching for?!” she asks, playing along with this situation. 
He looks up at her, “It’s a group of hunters that were ambushed by the Highwaymen. Mickey and Lou wanted them captured, and they escaped. Fled into the nearby forests, not far from the radiation zone in the Henbane”. 
He finishes packing up, and he heads outside to his truck.
All of the adults Paige, Kenneth, Mandy, Barbara, Adrian, Mark, Nate, Cody, and Martin all know the real reason why Gabriel is leaving. Trying to keep the kids from knowing the real truth. To help out Lucifer and find the angels that were cast out of Heaven, and were now wandering the Earth, either human, or half human, with little to no powers, or angelic grace. 
The kids don’t know the real reason why he’s leaving. He hugs every single one of them, he holds Kate and Daenerys longer, placing a kiss on Daenerys head. 
“Please come back whole” she says, hugging him tighter. 
He laughs softly, “I will”. Placing another kiss on her head.
He kisses Kate goodbye, gets into a truck, and leaves the property. Meeting Lucifer at the meeting point. 
They all go inside, back to what they were doing, letting Gabe go to find these “hunters”. 
After a half an hour drive later, Gabriel arrives at the meeting point Lucifer had sent him via angel radio. Surprised he was able to get through, even with the very little powers he has. 
A few miles away from the radiation zone of what was once the Henbane River.
“Great. You showed up!” Lucifer says, enthusiastically. 
“Okay. So where are we going?!” Gabriel asks. 
“That way” Lucifer says, pointing into the direction of the radiated part of the Henbane. 
“Into the radiation zone?!?” he asks, eyes wide. Not sure if he’ll actually survive going into that death zone, even with the amount of powers he has. He’s pretty much a human at this point. 
“Yeah. So lets goooo” he says singfully. Walking towards the dead zone.
“I don't even know if I can go through there!” the half angel protests.
Lucifer stops walking, “You’ll be fine. I went through there, and I’m still alive”.
Gabe rolls his eyes, groaning “Yeah because you still have your powers. I don’t. I barely have my powers”.
Lucifer groans back, “Okay. You’ll be fine. Raphael, Uriel, Gadreel and all the others are there, and they most likely don’t have any of their powers. They’re basically human with very little angel powers. So let's go!!” he says singfully again, and walks towards the radiated part of Hope County. 
The youngest Archangel groans, and follows his older brother into the radiation zone. As much as he doesn’t want to, he still does. 
Back in Holland Valley, everyone is working, doing their own thing around the compound. 
Jeffrey and Thomas are helping the guys, and a few others put up guard towers around the wall. 
The whole thing is basically a second Prosperity. Open to those seeking shelter from the Highwaymen. 
Paige, Kate and their mother Mandy are supplying guns to some of the residents and all those living on the compound. The three teenage girls are putting up cameras, and motion sensor spotlights with the help of a few others from Prosperity. Even from 40 feet away, and with her back to her. Kate can detect that Daenerys is worried about her father. 
“I can tell she’s worried” Kate mutters to her mother and sister. 
“Wouldn’t you?” Paige responds. Kate looks over at her, and nods her head. 
Paige sighs softly, “I get that you never really got to know dad, but still. I still worried whenever he left. I was just a child. I was afraid of everything”.
Sighing, “Yeah, I know but this is different. I just don’t want her, or anyone to know that we have an Archangel living with us” Kate tells her. 
Mandy doesn’t speak up in this conversation, or put in her two cents, she just listens in on their conversation. 
“Or that you’re married to an Archangel” Paige adds, “What about John?!”. 
Kate scoffs in annoyance, “What about him? He's dead”. She never thought about John Seed in several years, she kept his name and the thought of his existence out of her mind. 
“Yeah, I know. You and Wheaty killed him, or maybe it was Nick Rye. I don't know, I was too busy killing Jacob Seed” Paige tells her. 
“Yeah” Kate whispers remembering all the great times she had with Wheaty, “I don’t want her to know about John. Bad enough she has his eyes. It's a constant reminder that she’s his kid”.
“She also has his small hands. Have you noticed that?!” Paige tells her, while doing jazz hands like movement with her hands. 
Kate laughs softly, and says “Yeah. I could’ve saved him”. Paige looks over at her, “Who?. John?”. 
She scoffs, and shakes her head, “No Wheaty. I could’ve saved him. I’d rather have him be Daenerys’ father than John. I can’t imagine how she would’ve turned out if John were to live. A sadistic little shit. Yelling out “Say yes!. The Power of Yes!. Confess your sins sinners!”.
Paige laughs at this, “I would’ve had Cristina, or Bianca beat her up”.
Kate takes a deep breath, trying to hold back her tears, “I could’ve saved him, I could've gone back, and got him. I still think about it every night” she tells her, voice trembling, "I miss that Native guy so much". Light tears start to run down her cheeks. 
Trying to reassure her younger sister, “You gotta stop beating yourself up about that. I understand you, and Wheaty had something special. I definitely prefer you and him, over you and John, but I’m sure he would’ve wanted you to move on. I know if I would've let you gone back, and get him. You would've died as well". 
Kate nods, agreeing with her “Yeah I know, I know. I thought I would’ve ended up being a single parent. I still remember the day after we killed John and Jacob. Wheaty said to me that he wouldn’t mind being a stepfather to our child, then hopefully had kids of our own".
She stops for a moment, and Paige continues to reassure her sister.
"We lost a lot of people that day. A lot of friends Eli, Tammy, Wheaty, Jess, Mary, Pratt, Hudson and Whitehorse. Do you know if Morgan, Ryan, Sarah and all the others made it? ". 
Kate nods, and continues, "Yeah, we did but then Gabriel came into the picture. Him, and I grew closer, he helped me raise Daenerys, he took care of me throughout my pregnancy. I know he’s not used to the human lifestyle, and it was all new to him. But he adjusted very well, and I’m glad he’s here. I don’t know if they made it, I haven’t seen, or heard from them, but I’m sure they’re all dead”.
Lucifer and Gabriel walk through the Henbane River, and to Gabriel’s surprise he’s not coughing up his lungs, and dropping dead. 
“Eessh this is depressing” Lucifer mumbles, clenching his teeth.
“How much further?!” Gabriel asks, getting tired of walking. Lucifer looks around the dry, dead and gray scenery “It’s not far”. He’s not even sure if they’re going the right way, it’s all a dead zone. 
"What are we even looking for?!. How are we even gonna find the others?!" he asks. 
"Static. From angel radio" he mumbles, still unsure where to go. 
They continue walking through the radiation zone. After a few minutes Lucifer senses something, he stops dead in his tracks as does Gabe.
“What is it?!” he asks. He shushes him, and listens closely. “This way!" he tells him. 
He follows him further into the dead region. 
“What is it?!?” Gabriel asks, annoyed that his brother isn't answering him. 
“It’s one of them” he answers. “Raphael?!?” he adds before walking towards the sound that only he can hear. Gabriel follows behind him. 
Back at the compound, Cristina, Bianca and Daenerys are setting the motion sensor lights.
The youngest of the Winchester kids, Daenerys can’t concentrate due her father not being around. 
“He’ll be back Dae” Cristina comforts her younger cousin.
“Yeah I know. I just worry whenever he’s not here” she tells them, “Especially with those douchebags running around and capturing people”.  
“He’ll be back. He said he will, and he’s gone to help others several times before” Bianca tells her. 
She tries to keep her mind away from her dad, reassuring herself that he’ll be home within a week or 2, or even a couple of days. Cristina’s mind keeps wandering as well, remembering what her mom, and aunt had said to her the night before. 
She wants to tell Daenerys and Bianca but promised her mom and aunt that she wouldn't. 
Lucifer keeps coming to mind, and that scares her. She had a dream that he appeared in her room, and he was about to say something about her uncle Gabriel and Daenerys but was woken up by her alarm. 
After a couple of hours they finished setting up the lights and cameras.
The guard towers are all complete, the Winchester-Smith compound is complete. 
They have all of their workshops setup. The training yard, infirmary, cartography, garage and the garden are all set. 
Their bunker had been made into an infirmary, storage facility and an armory. As an underground shooting range. 
Later that night at dinner. Everyone that is living at the compound is seated at the main dining room in the main house.
Mark, Nate, their wives and kids. Martin, his wife, and kids. Adrian, his wife and kids. Cody and his wife. Kenny, Kate, Daenerys, Bianca, Jeffrey, Thomas, Barbara, Cristina, Mandy and Paige.
Paige stands up, clears her throat and gives a speech. 
“Okay, everyone if I can have your attention. First off I just wanna say thank you to all of you for your help. I know it’s been a huge adjustment. With the Highwaymen running around Hope County, it’s not really easy. We just need to stick together, and fight against them. I know Gabriel will be back within a week or two with those missing hunters maybe sooner, and we can recruit them to fight against the Twins and their followers. We have everything we need. We just have to keep on our feet. Watch over, and protect our home. Don’t let our guard down because we don’t know when they’ll strike. But if we fight, and push back, they’ll get the message that we’re not to be fucked with. So with that being said. Thank you, and I know we can win this fight”. 
Everyone applauds Paige’s speech, and they all eat their dinner. 
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Trick or Treat! - V
Every night this week I’m doing randomly generated Halloween prompts for the mysme characters :) hope it gets you in the Halloween mood
Prompts: trick or treating with their kid (in the future), their daughter (shoutout to this sweat bean in the forgive ending), dressing as superheroes!
Summary: you and V take your adopted daughter out trick or treating. v chill family domestic fluff. V is lowkey OOC I think but also it’s set in the future ? So who knows. I actually super like him in this tho
“You excited for trick or treating this year, Lucy Lou?” You asked your daughter, picking her up to take her to her room to get ready. She had definitely gotten big since you and V had adopted her. It was hard to believe that was more than two years ago. She was the sweetest seven year-old on the planet; she had that kindness that you saw every time you looked at V, and just a genuine appreciation for nature and everything around her. She seemed wise beyond her years.
“Yes!!” She swung from side to side in your arms. You plopped her down on her bed once you got to her bedroom and made your way to her closet to get her costume. “Is Daddy going with us?”
“He sure is. He’s getting dressed up right now too!” You pulled out her costume, a little Wonder Woman dress. Lucy had been a princess last year, but this year she was super into superhero shows and wanted to be Wonder Woman. You and V had to get involved of course. What sort of parents wouldn’t want to dress up with their kid on Halloween?
You helped Lucy get her costume on, fluffing out the skirt so it sat nice and fastening the Velcro on the back. “You look pretty cool, you know that? It might be kinda cold though. Maybe we should bring a coat just in case...” you started going through the closet again to find something that would match her outfit.
“Mommy! Wonder Woman doesn’t wear a coat. I don’t need one either,” she poured.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, grabbing a jacket and throwing it in her trick-or-treat bag just in case.
“Knock knock,” you heard your husband at the door. “Can I come in and see your costume?”
“Yes!!” Lucy squealed excitedly. V swiftly made his way into the room, cape flying behind him, and swooped up Lucy.
“Wow! You look great!” He cheered, holding her back a little so he could take a good look at her costume.
“And you look exactly like Superman,” you complimented, reaching out to fix his cape so it felt nicely. “I would’ve thought you were him if it weren’t for the hair, y’know,” you teased. He did have his hair gelled into place just like the superhero, but the blue shade was sort of a dead giveaway. He looked very handsome though.
“Okay, okay. Your turn! Go get dressed up,” V urged you, pushing you out the door.
“Yeah Mommy! Don’t make us late.”
“Sounds like she’s turning into you,” V giggled, shooing you out the door. You stayed in the doorway for just a minute to watch the two together, V picking her up and helping her ‘fly’ around the room. You were both nervous to have your own child to take care of, but Lucy was perfect. You were happy you could give her the life she wanted and deserved.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts, and got to work getting ready as quickly as possible. You were (miraculously) able to find a batgirl costume that wasn’t extremely sexy and revealing, but actually had some character integrity! The batgirl costume was really a lot like the Batman costume, but people loved to make it into a short dress. Fortunately, you got the spandex suit version. Win. You made your way back to Lucy’s room to present yourself for judging.
“Mommy! You look so... cool!” Lucy exclaimed.
“She’s right,” V pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You look amazing.” He raised his voice to sound all authoritative and superhero-y. “Now it’s time to go. We’ve got a city to save.”
You chuckled, grabbing the candy bag and leading the way out the door. Lucy was super excited during the first few houses because she got to see all the neighbors. You were lucky to live in a neighborhood with a few kids her age. In fact, you decided to go with one of the neighbors and their son, who was close with Lucy. He was dressed up in one of those inflatable T-rex costumes and you were all constantly making sure he wouldn’t run into something.
After the trip around the block, the neighbors gave in and called it a night, but Lucy, all sugared up from a full-sized Hershey bar from the previous house, wanted to do more houses.
“You sure you’re not getting tired?” You asked. She shook her head excitedly.
“Come on, a superhero’s work is never done,” V defended her, looking over at you and smiling. He had taken over holding her candy bag. It had gotten quite heavy, and that seemed like a job for Superman. Plus, Lucy was holding your hand as you went around.
“Okay. Just a few more houses and then we’ll start heading home. It’s getting cold out, huh Lucy?” You asked, using your mom voice to be assertive.
“I’m okay! I’m not cold and I’m not tired. I could do this all day!” She bounced excitedly on her toes. “Plus, look how close we are to Uncle Yoosung’s house! We have to go.” She was so excited, in fact, that she skipped over a few houses just to greet her uncle, who was sitting on the porch with a bowl of candy in his arms.
“Uncle Yoosung, Uncle Yoosung!” She called, breaking free of your grip to run up the stairs to hug him. She tackled him in a hug, almost knocking him off his chair. You and V followed closely behind. “Do you like my costume?” She did a twirl to show it off.
He squinted for a minute, really holding it out for dramatic effect. “Wait! Is that you, Lucy? I thought you were actually Wonder Woman. How’d you get Batgirl and Superman to join you, huh? Do your Mommy and Daddy know you’re out with them?”
She giggled, swaying slightly. “This is Mommy and Daddy! We all dressed up like superheroes!”
“Hi Yoosung. How are you doing?” V asked, putting his hand on the boy’s shoulder.
Yoosung smiled; seeing the two patch their relationship, especially with Rika back and everything that went on with that, was nice. “I’m doing good.”
“How’s Rika?” You asked. It had been challenging for you and V to forgive her, but you were happy you did. She had a lot of issues that weren’t her fault and was trying to fix them and be a better person. You couldn’t blame her for that. Even V was quick to forgive her; you had to come to terms with the fact that he had loved her immensely. You were fortunate to have formed a decent relationship amongst all of you.
“She’s doing pretty well. Her book is getting a lot of positive feedback and she’s been doing a lot of talk shows,” Yoosung nodded along as he recounted her whereabouts.
“That’s great! Her book was really lovely,” you complimented. And it was. It was extremely motivational for Rika to be so open about her experiences and to show the reader how to overcome your past.
“You read it?” V asked curiously. He didn’t sound upset or anything, just genuinely surprised.
“Of course I did.” Your eyes trained on the ground. “I wanted to support her.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. He didn’t need to say anything; you knew he was thanking you silently.
“So do you have any candy for me or what?” Lucy asked, breaking up the conversation.
Yoosung’s eyes lit up. “Oh do I!? I’ve been hoping you’d show up.” He reached under his chair and pulled out a little goody bag. “Lots of different candy in there, all your favorites especially for you.”
“You’re the best, Uncle Yoosung. Will you thank Uncle Yoosung?” You asked, nudging her along. She was very polite but still needed to work on her manners when it came to people she knew well. She uttered a thank you and launched into his arms for another hug before bidding him goodbye.
You had hardly gotten down the stairs when Lucy started to complain. “I’m sleepy...” she was walking slower now, trudging along.
“Oh no. I was afraid this would happen,” V said, picking her up into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder.
“Cold too,” she muttered.
You giggled. “Good thing I brought you that jacket, huh?” You took the bag from V and shuffled the candy around so that you could grab the jacket. It really was a tag team effort for him to turn Lucy around and help you get the jacket on her very sleepy, unresponsive form.
The two of you began the walk back to your house, Lucy fast asleep already. “She really burnt herself out going to Yoosung’s, huh?” You joked. He chuckled, glancing down at her. She must have shivered or something, because he swung his cape around so that it was also covering her up. “You’re so good with her. It makes me happy to see.”
“You’re so good with her too. I’m happy we can give her a good life,” he smiled. “Thank you for reading Rika’s book. You’ve shown her a lot of kindness.”
“You’ve done so well forgiving her too, Honey. I know it couldn’t have been easy, but I think our support has really helped her.” You, once again, were fixated on the ground. It still felt kind of awkward to talk about. “I’m happy to see her successful and doing well mentally.”
“Me too.”
“You ever think she’s gonna meet Lucy?” You asked, breaking the simplicity of the conversation.
He stopped in his place, thinking. The second he realized he had stopped, though, he kept walking. “Not yet. I forgive her but... thinking about what happened with her and I. Imagining something like that with Lucy... I can’t risk that.”
“You’re so protective and sweet. I love you so so much V.” You stopped on your front porch, pulling out the key to unlock the door.
He grabbed your hand to stop your motion, pulling you in for a kiss on the lips. It’s not that you didn’t kiss on the lips often, but you did try to keep it to a minimum, as Lucy was at the phase where that was absolutely disgusting. The kiss was long and romantic, well, as romantic as it can be with a child in one arm and your significant other in the other.
“Ew,” Lucy piped in sleepily. “You guys are gross.”
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh, rushing inside as quickly as possible to give Lucy a taste of your medicine and shower her with kisses too.
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writingsweetroll · 3 years
A Fight - 5
TW: mentions of sexual assault {very small mention}
"Guys I'm gonna go..." I say as I get up and grab my bowl of soup. "You ok?" Carson asked, I reply "Yea, yea I'm fine." I left their table and grab another bowl. I make my way to the watch tower.
AJ sat there, sharpening his makeshift knife, he looked lost in deep thought.  "Hey AJ." He turned to me and replied with a "What are you doing here Willow?" I sat next to him and handed him a bowl. At first he declined, but then took it. I had always knew he loved Omar's food so it wasn't hard to convince him to eat. As we ate in comfortable silence, a growing question formed into my head. "AJ?" He looked to me with a curious glance. I bit my lip, but then said "Are you mad at us?" AJ widened his eyes and put his almost empty bowl of soup down. "What? Willow where did you get that idea?" AJ and I had always been very close, so sharing our feelings wasn't a problem but now it just feels different. Something was off. "I don't know its just, you have been avoiding us more lately, and you seem more defensive then usual." I sighed before what I was about to say, not knowing if it can go wrong or not. "Are jealous that I got more stuff then you when you were little?" AJ thankfully didn't take offense to what I had said, instead he leaned against the watch towers edge and looked into the nights sky with wonder. I leaned with him awaiting a response.
"Willow, you don't know the real world like I do. Last month, I had visited Richmond, trying to be a 'kid', I went to Richmond regularly to play baseball with Javier and Gabe." AJ then tapped his finger anxiously against the wall of the watchtower. "What's wrong AJ?" I asked with concern. "While I was there, I seen this women being harassed by a large group of men, Javier quickly broke up the situation. Apparently she was being told to strip down, for you know why." AJ then lifted his head up, trying to stop the tears from coming out. "As Javier had work to do, and Gabe being Gabe asked me to kick them out for him, I got so mad because, well. I thought what if that was you, or Clem or Maria or any girl here? What if no one had seen that women, what if that was one of you and no one had seen?" I tried to comfort AJ as best as I could as his voice broke down. He then started to cry. "I took those men outside, and killed them. Shot them down just like--just like Lilly-" At this point he was having a breakdown. I had to conceal my shock as best as I could, he killed, just like that, and so inhumanly. I slowly reached out to him, and tried to hug him. Although AJ was tough, and was certainly a big dude, (due to years of working out and just being tall), he was a big softy. He accepted my hug and cried into my arms. "I'm really sorry AJ." After a few minutes, he collected himself. "The world isn't getting better Willow, I really thought it was. Then this person murdered that innocent caravan group, I'm afraid Willow. I don't want another war...I don't want to become the old me." I nodded and agreed to him. Still hugging him I patted his back and rubbed circles around it. "Hey...what do we do when fear takes over?" AJ widened his eyes at me mimicking Clem's teachings, he smiled and got out of my arms. He wiped his eyes and said "We..give a big fuck you to fear.. or something like that." We both laugh in unison.
"Glad to see you two hanging out again." AJ and I, both startled look down to see Louis. "Oh uh sorry I'll open the gate dad." I then got out of the watch tower to open the gate. I run up to him and hug him, just like when I was little. Talking to AJ really made me mushy about family. "Someone's in a good mood." he chuckled as he hugged back. I know he's joking but, I could hear his heart racing when I hugged him. It made me smile knowing how fortunate I was to have a dad that loved me this much.  He looked over to the tables with curiosity, "Where's Clementine sweet pea?" -- "Oh she's working in the office. She's really stressed about the caravan group. She thinks it's Iris but I'm gonna prove it to her that's it's not, cause I know her dad, I really do...?" I respond, but the more I talked the angrier and confused my dad looked. "You good Lou?" AJ asked. Even AJ was concerned. "Yea...go finish dinner." And with that he left to the admin building. AJ and I looked at each other, both having the stupid idea of sneaking around.
Shortly after Louis entered the building, AJ and I followed behind. He entered the office and we pressed our ears against the door. The start of the conversation wasn't friendly.
"Clem what the fuck." AJ and I looked at each other with shock, no one had heard him with this tone before. "What?" she asked with a confused tone. "You told Willow?! After I specifically asked you not to?! And last I checked you fucking agreed!" It got quiet for a moment. We heard a shift of movement. "Look I'm sorry Lou-" Louis started to laugh angrily. "Sorry? Don't fucking tell me that. Tell our daughter who you most likely will have traumatized for the rest of your life when she finds out, the person she looks up to is a horrible person." Clementine scoffed, "How would even know that this is what's gonna traumatize-" Louis cut her off with a yell, "Because you did the same traumatizing shit to me damnit!" The room went silent again. Louis broke it speaking again. " Every day,  every damn day I remember the look on his face. The look on his face when AJ shot him." My eye's grew wide at AJ. He shot someone here? Who? When? AJ looked heartbroken at his words. My thoughts were cut off by Louis again. "He shot him because of what you taught him. He was murdered the same day I found out all that shit about him. You don't think finding out that my bestfriend, a brother to me, did all this shit wasn't gonna give me enough trauma? Yea well, lets just kill him off, with no warning. I didn't even get to ask him, why? I didn't have any closure. It happened way to fast Clem." Louis then took a deep breath. "That's the last trauma I want Willow to go through. She likes Iris, a lot. It's gonna kill her if she has to be-friend her, with the intention of proving her innocent to only find out she might have to be executed for murdering an entire caravan group.  I don't want her involved. Not now. You should have let us deal with it, so when we found out we could explain it to her and then wait a couple days or so for trial." The room was silent besides a few shuffles here and there until Clementine spoke. Her voice became raspy yet strong, "Sounds like that was something you needed to get off your chest huh? If that's how you really felt about Marlon's situation, you should have told me that before we even got together Louis." --"What does that mean?" Louis asked. "You told me that you didn't blame me for that situation, that you didn't blame AJ, yet here you are explaining to me that we fucked up your life." --"No, no that's not what I'm saying Clementine. I didn't mean it like that all." I then heard more shuffling, louder shuffling then before. "Don't touch me." Clementine spoke, her voice was stern and cold.  I then heard footsteps leading up to the door AJ and I were against. AJ then grabbed my arm and led me quickly downstairs before she opened the door.
What the hell just happened?
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toms-order · 5 years
Never Say Never
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Part Ten
Mob! Dad! Tom x Reader
Moodboard by @beautiful-holland
Warnings: angst, mentions death
Summary: What happens when a one night stand turns into something more? What happens when the most powerful mobster in London becomes a Dad?
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven part eight, part nine  part ten part eleven
If you were honest with yourself you thought you'd never come back. You thought you had finally left this place behind. The place where you grew up. Where you did all of your firsts. The place that once felt like home. Until your parents died and it all came crashing down on you. Soon enough the place you called home wasn't anymore.
You fled, without telling anyone where you were going. Truth was, you didn't know where you are going. You just had to leave the place full of sad memories. You swore you'd never go back, but when you found out about Tom, there wasn't a place you wanted to be more. You ran from your problems once again. But this time you had no choice. Tom didn't give you a choice. You couldn't stand to be with a man as cruel as he is. You couldn't have your daughter be around someone like him. Home seemed like a good place to start for her.
You landed in a nearby city almost an hour ago. Harrison had rented out a car. You guys have to drive the rest of the way. He was now stuffing our belongings in the trunk while you sat in the passenger seat. You could see how much stress he was under by looking at his face. He kept wiping the sweat from his forehead on his sleeve and checking his watch for the time.
“Why did we land here, instead of my home?” You asked as Harrison shut the trunk, getting in the car.
He looked at you, his eyes droopy from the lack of sleep. “You can’t trust anyone nowadays. I didn’t want the pilot to know where we were actually going.” He explained.
You just nodded. You didn’t understand the life Tom and Harrison live. He started the car, driving off to your destination.
You knew being with Harrison was dangerous. You hadn't forgot that he is also apart of Tom's mob. You had no idea what that meant, what his status was and why he's suddenly not with Tom anymore. The truth was you were afraid to ask. You trusted Harrison, surprisingly. He was the only one to tell you the truth.
"How long till we get there?" You asked, a hand placed on your belly.
Harrison sighed, wiping the sweat from his forehead once again. "Soon."
Tom felt numb. He felt like his whole world was spinning and he couldn't stop it. He felt like he would shatter if someone were to touch him. He was panicking, he knew that. He told his mom you were being protected somewhere else. He lied to his mom. He lied to the only woman who was always by his side because he couldn't stand the thought of her being disappointed in him. He was disappointed in himself. How could he let all that fear take over? He became the exact thing he tried so hard not to be, his father.
Tom ran his fingers over his messy hair. "Alliances?"
He sat at the head of the table. His family sat beside him, discussing how to do this properly.
"The American mob is flying over as we speak." His mother reassured him.
She can see how nervous he was as well as how much stress he's under. He looks like he's barley shut an eye. Truth was she was worried about her son, she knew that he was beating himself up over everything that has happened. But she thought it wasn't his fault, she thought he had no control over this.
"What's the plan with Barnes. We can't just barge in guns blazing, as cool as that sounds." Sam spoke up.
He had a point. It was gonna be way harder than Tom ever thought.
"I don't know about you but I don't feel like watching men die today." Harry said.
Tom wished this war wouldn't end in death. But he wasn't naive. He knew all wars end in death. There wasn't a way out of it.
"The only man I wanna watch die is Barnes himself." Tom spoke sharply. Saying his name left a bitter taste in his mouth. He hated him. He hated himself. Tom just wanted him dead. He wanted this whole thing behind him. It was the biggest mistake of his life and he wanted it over. He just wanted his family back.
"Then how are we gonna do it?" Sam spoke, looking straight into the tired eyes of his older brother.
"I have a plan." Tom smirked.
Through all the dark thoughts Tom has had, he did think about how to get his family back. He thought about how he would kill Barnes. He thought about what he would do to him. He knew exactly what to do.
"Care to share?" Harry tilted his head at Tom.
"We need Harrison." Once the words left Tom's mouth you could hear a pin drop in the room.
He had informed everyone of what he had done. Of what Tom had to do. No one took it well.
"No way in hell." Tom's mother cursed. Her eyes held anger. She couldn't believe it at first, but now all she left was hatred towards the boy she once called a son.
Tom shook his head at his mother. "I know you're angry mum. So am I, but we need him if this plan is going to work."
She clenched her jaw, looking away from her son. She didn't wanna admit it, but Harrison's betrayal hurt a lot more than it should've. It felt like her own son had betrayed her. She felt like she was getting played by someone who she trusted with her life.
"And how do you know he would even agree?" Harry asked.
Tom bit the inside of his cheek, looking back at his distressed family. "If he wants his sister back, he would."
Getting pregnant you knew that your body was gonna change a lot. You knew your tummy was gonna grow, you knew your boobs were gonna grow, you knew your back was gonna hurt, but one thing you least expected was how much your feet were gonna hurt. You knew about pregnant women having swollen feet, you were prepared to have your feet hurt more than usual, but you weren't prepared for how constantly they ache and how swollen they actually got. No medication in the world can stop the pain you were currently going through. You had stood up too much throughout the day despite the long plane ride. You were supposed to be in bed resting the whole day, but due to circumstances you had to be on your feet, moving.
You were reclined back, your bare feet up on the dashboard as Harrison drove through the dark streets. Your feet looks swollen as hell and was not a pretty sight to look at. You tried to get some sleep but failed, you were never one who could fall asleep in a car. You could tell Harrison was tired. His eyes were droopy and he looked lost.
"I could drive you know." You spoke up, gaining Harrisons attention.
Harrison immediately shook his head at you. "No. It's not like I'm gonna get some sleep anyways."
"Why?" You asked softly.
He glanced at you before looking back at the road. "Why what?"
"Why are you helping me right now? Why did you tell me the truth?" You asked the question that's been on your mind for awhile.
Harrison clenched his jaw. "There's a lot you don't know Y/N."
"Like what"
Harrison sighed, shaking his head. "If you knew all of it you wouldn't be in this car with me.
His words sent shivers down your spine. You felt scared, but most of all you just wanted to know the truth. You were tired of being lied to, you were tired of being looked at like you were gonna break at any moment.
"I'm sick of being lied to Harrison." You snapped. "I just wanna know the truth."
Harrison kept glancing over at you, a hesitant look in his eyes. He wanted to tell you everything, but he was scared of the outcome.
"If I tell you the truth." He paused. "You have to hear all of it. You can't stop listening because you don't like what your hearing. You have to hear it all.
You hesitated. Did you really wanna know it all? Could you handle knowing everything?
You thought about it for a moment. Until you finally thought: fuck it.
"I'll listen." You promised.
Harrison nodded, before gently stopping at the side of the road.
The room was dimly lit. The only light was coming from the moon shining through the windows in the room. The only sound was Barnes pouring himself a drink. He lit a cigar, placing it between his lips as he waited. A few minutes after, the phone rang.
He smirked taking his cigar from his lips, setting it in the ashtray before grabbing the phone beside him.
"Hello." He said, his voice rough.
"My pilot just dropped them off sir." A man's voice spoke from the other end.
"Excellent. Did they suspect anything?"
"Not that we know of. They just rented a car. I'm afraid we don't know where their going to next."
Barnes chuckled, taking a sip from his cup of alcohol. "Don't worry about that. I can take it from here. Thanks for the information."
"No problem, happy to help a friend." The man laughed.
Barnes smiled bitterly. "Take care now."
"Actually sir, I was wondering why the interest?"
"They owe me something." That was all he had to say about it.
"Ah. I see. Well it was a pleasure Barnes."
"Thanks again." And with that he hung up the phone.
He leaned back in the chair, a smirk on his face. He couldn't wait for what was about to come.
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frigidvm · 4 years
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✧・゚(   khione + kaylee bryant + cisfemale   ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   eleanora “ella” duponte  ) around ? (  she  ) has been in kaos for (   six months   ). the (   twenty two year old   ) is a/an (   unemployed   ) from (   ontario, canada   ). people say they can be (   fierce   ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   cunning   ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   the numbness in your fingertips when touching ice, frost patterns along a rose petal, & the warmth of hot chocolate on a winter morning   ).
hi usually i have a pretty intro graphic but ya girl is feeling ultra lazy today and photoshop is being a big bitch and so i just ... decided to use a little gif that truly encompasses ella as a person EIRUFLKND
BUT ANYWAYS hey it’s me again, lou, i also play julietta and i am soooo excited to be introducing this baby to you all !! i’m gonna be frank, she’s not the easiest to get along with ?? i kinda based her a little bit off of how khione was in the pjo books but Less Evil and Less Messy if that makes sense ?? she’s just really blunt and kinda sorta rude and very much the queen of RBF. below is a bio i wrote in second person -- it’s pretty long so u dont have to read it if u dont want to i promise it wont hurt my feelings ill be happy to give u a tldr if u want me to. 
i hope u enjoy my baby ,, pls dont be afraid to plot with her i promise she may seem like a meanie but she rlly does have the Capability to be nice ,,, she’s just forgotten how ,,
on december 25th, in the year 1997, you made your way into the world in the midst of the coldest night ontario had faced in months. your parents, evelyn and nathaniel duponte, had prayed and prayed for a baby girl for years. years and years and years of trying and trying and trying until eventually, they had given up. and it was only when they’d given up that you came to be.
as a child, you were nothing short of the brightest light in the house. your smile was enough to brighten even the darkest of hearts, your laughter sweeter than even the daintiest christmas bells. you were a dream child – that is, until they stole your light. and how did the do that, you ask ? well, this is truly where our story begins …
no one is entirely sure when the passion blossomed, but some rumor it to have started on your fourth birthday. your mother and father thought that a fun trip to an ice skating rink would make for a good present, and much to their surprise, you were a natural. it was as if you were born specifically for the ice. one step into the rink and off you went, able to hold yourself upright and balanced even at such a young age. a prodigy, they said. absolutely incredible, they praised. you left that evening with a new pair of skates and weekly lessons scheduled into your routine.
after two months of lessons, they went from weekly to three times a week. and then every day. before you really knew what was happening, you were spending every second of your life at the ice rink, honing in your skills. this talent that you possessed was going to get you far in life, your coach had said. what he didn’t seem to realize was the monster that it would awaken within your mother. it was gradual, at first. a slow trickle. one day she was more proud of you than any parent ever could, and then a week later she was subtly criticizing your technique. and then she was restricting you from going out with friends, saying that practice was far more important. and then she was pointing out every single flaw that you had, and harshly at that. pretty soon, the joy in your eyes winked out, the warmth in your chest icing over entirely. if a machine was what she wanted for a daughter, a machine was what she would get.
competitions came and went, gold medals were secured, and you were on a fast track to competing in the olympics. your once bright and bubbly personality had since faded into one of cold and cunning, of ice and harsh. you only ever smiled when you won. your mother was no longer the nurturing woman you remembered. your father allowed her to treat you like her own personal doll. you began to fold within yourself until you were nothing but a frozen front, a heart iced completely with no chance of thaw.
your first olympics were terrifying. but you persevered, and came home with the gold for your division. a landslide win, they’d called it. rookie sensation, they deemed you. the praise went right to your head, and the arrogance bloomed in your chest. you knew just how good you were, and didn’t let anyone tell you differently. four years later, you competed again, and yet another gold. a two time olympic champion, a national ranking – what more could you need ?
and then you saw the zillow ad for a nice house on a small island called kaos. for the first time in forever, something besides ice caught your attention. it was an impulse decision, and a quick move. she waited until both of her parents were out of the house to have all of her things collected, and just like that, she was gone. vanished. no word as to where she was going other than a note that read ‘see you whenever.’ it’s been six months since then, and she has no plans on leaving kaos anytime soon.
iii. details.
she is not very nice ,,,
she also comes from a fuckload of money. very high society.
is a world ranked figure skater
has won two olympic gold medals
her favorite color is champagne ( shes so boujee i hate her )
always has very manicured nails
honestly the best way i can describe her is like
blair waldorf except not whiny ??? very much a “i’m important and idc what you say about it” vibe
definitely lives in designer clothing
used to be very artistic and was actually fantastic at painting and drawing and sculpting but then her mom was like “its a distraction no more for u”
she really …. doesn’t know how to have fun anymore ??
MAAAAAJOR slytherin vibes. like major. very ambitious and cunning and will do anything to get to where she wants to be
like she doesn’t care who she has to go through
and she also doesn’t care who’s feelings she hurts
has a maine coon named fluffernutter ,,, because he is white and brown and reminded her of the sandwich. however she commonly refers to him as fluff and refuses 2 tell anyone his actual name
wears only one piece of jewelry and it is a silver necklace with a locked heart pendant ( this is absolutely symbolism thnx )
does not have a job because she does not need a job
really likes the luxurious lifestyle
definitely owns a rolex
really just … doesn’t care abt anything
someone thaw her out pls & thank u
iii. wanted plots !!! im also super duper open to brainstorming things of our own ! these are just ideas !!!
1. the former best friend - this is someone that she spent a good majority of her time with before her mother limited interactions with people. they did everything together, whether it be watching a movie or trying to see how long they can get away with hiding in a grocery store after they close. it’s been nearly four years since they’ve spoken, and this might be one of the only people to bring a genuine reaction out of her.
2. the almost, the maybe, the “there’s something there” - they met recently. or maybe they met awhile ago. could work either way. this person was almost successful in attempting to worm their way into her heart. almost, however, is the key word in that statement. having gone so long without genuine human interaction outside of her sport, she hadn’t realized just how much she had longed for a friend. and then, she suddenly liked them as more then a friend, and that was when ella cut off everything. she’ll never admit it, but the idea of building a connection with someone terrified her.
3. the rival - oh, these two do not like each other. the why is something that can be discussed, but just know that there was some sort of altercation that led to the level of dislike between the two of them. could it possibly change ?? maybe so. i’d actually like to see how that pans out. however, as of right now, the most they do is snipe at one another mercilessly
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 years
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8x3 Rewatch: 16 Ounces
A pound of flesh. William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Recompense. The Debt Collector. Because Liz is being held physically and emotionally hostage by Tom through her second memory wipe. 
“We finish our coffee...”
The opening feels like what I would expect of a final season because it hits the core of the show. Dialogues as far back as S2. "Previously on The Blacklist":
Red: As I feared would happen, elements from Katarina's past are circling Elizabeth like a pack of wolves in the night. Red: I need to control the danger to Elizabeth. I've bult a vast criminal network predicated on that very principle.
My Tom Domino theory sits in the two sections they cut from Red’s 4x17 dialogue. Having done it to place focus on current storyline with the woman’s death, but it’s my belief and my theory that those two sections they cut speak to what’s coming in future episodes.
Red: I put Tom Keen in her life to keep an eye on her, and he married her. Red: It's time to live up to my mission statement.
It’s all about why Red reentered Liz’s life at that specific time because Liz and Tom married two years prior, and Red had no intent on killing him then. So the very opening of the episode hits my Tom Domino theory.    
Woman: All those years searching for answers, and you were right in front of me the whole time.
What Red said to the woman from Paris within that voicemail fits Liz just as much as it fits her, so I think that voicemail is gonna hit home for Liz when all is said and done. Liz's mother has been in front of her since the pilot.
Red: But staying safe wasn’t enough. You needed answers. Well, now you have them. And now they’ve destroyed you.
This line ties in Liz's 5x22 dialogue.
Liz: I'm going to figure all that out and then I'm going to destroy him.
Because Red and Liz are one and the same, in destroying Red, Liz would essentially be destroying herself. Those answers are nearly destroying her now. 
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Snake skin boots. Only the second time I recall seeing them. Another hit to The Apothecary, which I posted about before. First shown after the woman abducted Dembe's imam and Red first collapsed on the floor. Shown again this episode.
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Red: Because of Elizabeth. Dembe: You've pushed her too far. Red: I wonder.
This hits back to Ressler and Dr. Krilov in 7x10, and pushes back to Liz's second memory wipe. That's why Liz is seeking revenge against Red.
Red: Revenge doesn’t suit you, Donald. Ressler: I’m taking him back to prison. Red: Are you? I wonder.
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Liz's passport pushes back to Agnes' passport and Tom's go-box in 7x13.
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Aram: I spoke to a woman named Merritt Marks. She took Agnes home with her daughter after school for a play date. Now, Liz called her a few hours ago, saying she had to leave town for a work emergency and asked her to take Agnes for a few days.
This episode shows the slow transition Red went through as Katarina. Liz losing that "relatively normal life" Red had. The motel room, Agnes' play date, those family and friends she left behind - people to care about. This is the Rassvet reverse I've been talking about - Liz running opposite just as her Ruin episode ran against Red's Cape May episode. 
This pushes back to Aram's dialogue in 8x1.
Cooper: That's right. Keen, Elizabeth. It's just my gut, but I don't think she left the city.
Aram: That’s right - Keen. K-E-E-N. First name’s Elizabeth.
It's all about that gut, S3
Cooper: You made a decision based on instinct. You should trust that. Ressler: My job isn’t to trust my gut. My job is to uphold the law. I intend to do that.
Ressler: You tell me to trust my instincts? My instincts are telling me to stay as far away from Tom Keen as possible. Cooper: You know what? You’re right. You should trust your gut, not mine. After all, look where my instincts got me. You’re a good agent, Donald. You made the right call.
This one is a hit back to Norman Devane's episode for Stark's storyline.
Liz: You're making excuses, looking the other way like we've always done.
Cooper: You’re asking if we should look the other way. Ressler: Yeah. Again.
Liz does the same thing - makes excuses based on DNA. She did this with Dr. Nik in S5 when she thought Red was her father and let him help The Endling. She didn't just look the other way, she helped him.
Cooper: You may be disgusted by my silence, Agent Keen, but you will benefit from it.
The Sound of Silence.
Liz: Everywhere I go, there's a man who insists on protecting me.
Liz: You, Cooper, Reddington, the whole crew can just sit around and talk about what's best for Liz Keen.
Two dialogues that tie in Red's from 5x8.
Red: I’ll say this for you - you’ve always believed that you were acting in her best interest. Selling me out to Berlin, faking her death - you always thought you were helping her.
And puts her in parallel with the woman, which I think was purposeful.
Woman: Tell Patrick I love him. Like a son. And I’m sorry - I did my best but I am done with men controlling my life!
Woman: All you can see is what I want to do to him. What I want you to see is what he did to me. In the West, you tell your young men to stand up for their country. In Russia, young women were told to lay down with the enemy. That’s how you showed loyalty. As the daughter of a domineering spy master, I never had a voice in my future. I was 15 the first time they ordered me to sleep with a young American soldier. Dom was the man who ordered me.
Because Tom is still controlling his marrionette with a memory wipe. The point of these dialogues - Red is Katarina. A woman. A mother.
Red: It's just a part of life. Watching the generation ahead of you - the people you care about - grow old. And at some point, you start to... do the mental work necessary to prepare yourself for the inevitable. And yet, I'm afraid I stand here, Marvin... woefully unprepared. Marvin: There's no way you could prepare for this, Raymond. Dom didn't die of old age. He was taken from you.
Liz: My mother prepared me for this moment.
Liz: You're sick, you're old. You're an easy target.
Red's conversation in front of Dom's house regarding his fate.
Clemons: Liz asked about your condition. I think it’s unhealthy to keep it secret from the people who care about you. Red: In my position, it’s not easy to know who cares and who wants to cut your throat.
Lou Lou: Who’s Elizabeth? After I got some of those pills in you, you came to. Well, sort of. Kept saying her name. Elizabeth. Someone who’d miss you if you died?
Marvin shows too much interest in who Red names as his beneficiary. I think he's the one poisoning Red, and is trying to get a cut of the business. I posted about this before. Link provided above.
Red: God knows if it were up to me, given my recent bouts with mortality, I find myself more and more in the liquidation phase. Marvin: You are not going anywhere. As your lawyer, I forbid it. But while we're on the subject... Red: You want to know if I still intend to leave most everything of mine to Elizabeth?
Wine vs shakes. Mortality vs immortality. 
Red: Fun fact - Li Qing Yuen ate wolfberries every day of his life and was said to have lived to the ripe old age of 256. From 1677 to 1933. Imagine! [ Laughs ] He could have had dinner with both Newton and Einstein. Separately, of course.
Red: To immortality.
Liz: Your tremors are gone. Red: They are. Liz: But not the underlying condition.
Marvin knows Liz is Red's beneficiary, and because of his scene with Liz, knows where she stands with Red.
Gerard: You’re giving a cop the keys to your kingdom.
Red: It’s about my will and my various trusts. Seeing as how she’s the primary beneficiary, I’d like you to set aside a time to review them with Elizabeth.
Marvin: You don't want me to change your will? Even after she took sides against you? Red: Okay. So, today, she opposes me. Maybe tomorrow. But not forever. Look at Dom and I. There were years when he hated me. Many more bad years than good. And yet, in the end, we... found our way to each other.
I think Marvin is poisoning Red. Without his medical file, he’s getting the formula wrong, and it's taking too long for Red to die. Because of this, I think he'll end up siding with Liz in exchange for a cut of the business. Liz's motel room scenes run parallel to Katarina's in Rassvet. The fake passports, the motel key, washing up in the bathroom. Unlike Katarina accessing wifi to reach Ilya, Liz tosses money on the bed.
Woman: Thank you, Mrs. Thomas. And how would you like to pay for the room this evening?
Allison Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas the Train.
Liz: She loves Cheerios, and Thomas the Train in the morning. And she gets so cranky if she's hot at night, so just a light blanket.
Opposite "You’re good, I’m better” of S7. 
Liz: This is who my mother is to me – an aura that surrounds me. For better or for worse, I don’t know.
Mark: Whoa. You don't see that every day. What do you got going on? Liz: Same as always. Causing trouble for the worst of the worst.
It also pushes back to The Apothecary.
Aram: You know, he has to be okay. Cooper: There’s no shame in hoping for the best, even for the worst of us.
There are visual dialogues everywhere because Red changed his face. 
Liz: You killed her. In the park. I saw it. Red: I know what you saw, and it wasn't everything you thought you saw.
It wasn’t EVERYTHING Liz thought she saw. Everything about Red is a lie. 
Red: You see, Marvin? It may feel at times like the end, but our story isn't over yet. There you go. Careful, now. Thanks. Wish us luck. You won't need it. I don't know who your target is, but if you use that the right way, he won't know what hit him.
Their story isn’t over yet because they still have more Tom-ground to cover. 
Red: Oh, that’s not the end of the story. I’m confident you’ll come to see that.
This one ties in Orion Relocation Services, along with much of S7 storyline.
Liz: Wish us luck. Mark: You won't need it. I don't know who your target is, but if you use that the right way, he won't know what hit him.
Stella: As we say at Orion, good luck - wherever fate takes you.
Ressler meets Liz as she plants the bomb in her car.
Ressler: Keen, what are you even doing here? I mean, you left your apartment, you parked Agnes with... Liz: That's temporary. Ressler: Until what?
Until she finds out Ressler is the father of Agnes, then finds out Red is her mother. Temporary vs permanent.
Liz: Well, I need to keep looking. Mrs. Williams is helping me out as a favor. I need someone who’s permanent.
Liz: With me you are enduring, permanent.
It also pushes back to S5.
Liz: I gave Agnes up until this is over. If I miss even one more day with her than is absolutely necessary because you’re not being completely honest with -
Liz: She’s with her grandmother until this ends. Fulton: Until what ends? Liz: Until I find closure.
This entire Keenler scene pushes back to Lord Baltimore.
Ressler: Is that why you’re living out of your trunk? Those motels? The aliases? You got to stop doing that, Keen. Tom’s dead.
Not until Sunday. Because Love wins every day and twice on Sundays. 
Ressler: I know you. We've been partners a long time, which is why I know that you have no intention of letting this rest.
Dom: She captured and nearly killed you. She put me in a coma. Anything else? Or on the seventh day did she rest?
Liz: How'd you know that? My alias? Ressler: You got drunk one night. Wing Yee. You told me. So that's how you found me. I'm gonna miss celebrating your birthday there.
Drunk from that "special" wine she made with Sam. The point of that "special" dialogue in Brothers. Keenler's scene at the end of Brothers was a throwback to their dinner in The Longevity Initiative. That's when they started seeing each other. She told both Cooper and Ressler she'd think about what they said, but she didn't. She doesn't think because Tom has control of her mind. That's what a memory wipe does. Not a single care to hear Red's explanation, she set the car to explode when he opens the door.
Red: There is an explanation. Liz: No. Only a confession. I watched you kill her. And before you try to "explain" how you didn't...
This is a throwback to Red's shooting in Vanessa Cruz. I believe they'll be flashing back to that when they reveal Liz's second memory wipe. It's the truth about Red Krilov removed from her memory. They never revealed The Director's inside man.
Liz: Is that all of it? (Katarina) Red: Some of it.  (Tom)
The woman's voicemail completes Red's "explanation" in Leonard Caul's episode, and pushes forward to Red's 4x17 dialogue at the open.
Liz: My mother prepared me for this moment.
Tom prepared her for this moment. To kill Red. To end up a criminal like he was. The marionette with a dead man pulling her strings, just like The Deer Hunter.
Marvin: Whatever happens... he loves you. You know that, right? You chose that woman over him, and he still wants to leave everything to you.
A push back to S7.
Red: I try to leave nothing to fate, but I'm perfectly comfortable with chaos. That's why I trust that whatever happens is probably meant to be.
The entire point of Liz bringing up Kate unearthing 86 bodies. Liz is seeking revenge just like Kate did. The difference in this arc - fate will be having its way. Anything anyone plans will end as it's supposed to because of fate, including Liz's plan in 8x4. When Red coughs blood on the window of the car, they repeat the soundtrack they used when Red killed the woman from Paris.
Liz: "That woman" was my mother. And he killed her. And I don't want anything from him.
Exactly what Marvin needed to hear. He now has every reason to side with Liz for the sake of taking over Red's empire. The entire hospital scene feels like Leonard Caul's episode and their need to move him to a more secure location. I think The Apothecary's snake venom is attacking the lung that collapsed when he was shot, and felt the same when Kate poisoned him. Marvin wasn't around for that. 
Jackson: Woman, are you out of your mind? Liz: Yes.
"Woman" specifically. This pushes back to what I said of the Archive.
Jackson: That archive, whatever it is, he’s obsessed with it. If Koslov has information that could save a woman’s life, my guess - it’s in that archive.
Jackson: And why exactly would I do that? Liz: Because you know he's gonna kill you anyway. That's why you're working with him. He threatened your life, forced you to turn on me.
Everything Liz said in this conversation sounds just like Tom Keen. Same with Jackson. “I can get to him. Reddington trusts me." He did it with Garvey, and I think that’s what happened with Red in Vanessa Cruz. Liz trusted Tom, and Red got shot after she left his warehouse. Jackson will likely die for the same reason Dr. Nik, Lena, and Pete did. Because Liz is playing the role of Tom Keen.
Liz: He'll kill you if he finds out. Jackson: Didn't you just say he was gonna kill me anyway? Liz: Yes. Jackson: I don't doubt it. His threats to me were very real, and I'd rather get this done than be dragged into the grave with him.
This is how Red passed off as the real Red for 30 years, but the point of this dialogue pushes back to Ressler in S6.
Liz: That's the beauty of it. We don't need a story. All you have to do is tell them the truth. Jackson: What exactly is the truth?
Because Liz fell for the woman from Paris just as she fell for Red being Ilya.
Ressler: But is it the truth? I mean, does it make sense that this is the answer he’d kill to keep quiet? That so many people have died trying to find out?
This is for Liz's memory wipe.
Jackson: It's okay. Go to sleep. It's just a dream.
Liz is still on Tom's boat. That's why she spilled coffee on Aram's desk.
Tom: Alright,  dream scenario. [[We finish our coffee]], we hop on my boat. We leave, okay. We never look back. Preferably, we take our clothes off at some point.
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They continue this through Keenler. A monsoon is coming. 
Liz: Goodbye, munchkin. Mama loves you very much. Jackson: "Munchkin" is right, because we are somewhere over some kind of rainbow.
Liz: Come on, munchkin! Hurry! The Saltmans are waiting! Again. The woman: Carpool drama?
Ressler: What’s the munchkin dancing in? Liz: Sleeping Beauty. She’s a lilac fairy.
Agnes: What’s that? Liz: Nothing, honey. Your daddy just always taught me to be ready for a rainy day.
Ressler: Like I said. Silver linings.
It also ties in Agnes' question to the woman in 7x10.
Liz: Goodbye, munchkin. Mama loves you very much.
Agnes: Why didn’t she say goodbye?
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Liz basically said goodbye to Agnes over the phone just as Katarina said goodbye to Young Masha in Rassvet. They're also covering her mouth the way they did to Katarina in Cape May. The Rassvet reverse. 
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This ties in with Dr. Stark.
Ressler: What's the prognosis, Doc? Doctor: Eh, some of the lacerations will require stitches, and I've ordered a CT scan to check for internal bleeding, but all things considered, I'd say you're in miraculously good shape.
Red: And a prognosis.  Ilya: Which was? Red: Stark's treatment was inefective. Ilya: I'm sorry. Red: Sometimes things happens for a reason. And sometimes I just don't know what that reason is.
Ressler is that reason. That's why he's in "miraculously" good shape.
Red: The idea that a whole world that I couldn’t see had suddenly revealed itself and been brought into focus - felt like a miracle. Cassandra: Because it was, given how often we miss what’s right in front of us.
Red isn’t still out there. Katarina is.
Liz: A few years ago, Reddington's cleaner unearthed the bodies of people he'd killed. Handed them over to the FBI. Evidence of murders. And [[he's]] still out there. I've seen how he does it. Stays one step ahead. I know how he does it. And we can do it, too.
Liz thinks she's gonna build an empire just like Red did. Forget inheriting one. This pushes to my Fowler frame theory which will tie in the murder of Tom Connolly and Victor Fokin. For anyone who hasn't seen it but wants to, my full Tom Domino theory can be found here. The only post it's lacking is the double of Alexander Kirk and Agnes.  
The end of 16 ounces is everything.
From Tom.  
"I’m married to a loser, Henry. Trust me, it’s a fate worse than death."
Tom prepared Liz for this, and Red doesn't need to kill Liz. This pushes Alter Ego, Marko Jankowics, and Lady Luck. Liz said it’s her life, but it’s not. It's Tom's dream scenario - for Liz to live as a fugitive, like he wanted in 2x22. Liz's fate. 
To Ressler.
“ ...nothing else mattered.”
Liz should be sorry, tying in Gaia's episode. Liz’s plan to bomb Red failing like Tom's plan to rescue Agnes. 
To Agnes.
She’ll be the one getting hit. 
Red: The truth is, after all these years, I'm not sure I... understand all of it myself.
This dialogue pushes to The Troll Farmer.
Red: There was a time in my life when I was quite sure I knew exactly what happened to Katarina Rostova.
It's all about Little Red, the ballerina. 
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Cooper: What you did to her, what you did to... Katarina - I don't think Elizabeth will ever forgive you for it. Red: She might. Some day. But before then... I fear she may... do something that... ...she can never recover from. And of all the tragedies that you and I have experienced together, that would be the most tragic. We have to do... ...do everything in our power to prevent that from happening.
Red: What you endured, most people never recover from. I doubt I would have. But you’ve turned it into a calling. Nikolai would be proud. Vasilia: I never blamed him for what happened. He blamed himself.
Insert the butterflies for rebirth.
Red: Will you be able to forgive yourself?
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Rederina (Grandmother) for S7, Agnes (Little Red) for S8. That's why everyone is struggling to locate Liz and Agnes. They’re not “finding” Liz the way they need to. Her memory was wiped. She sounds just like Kate, and for the same reason. Tom Keen. Liz planting a bomb in her car to kill Red looks a lot like the Orea bombing Katarakurt set up with the truck. The very same playout with Liz ending up at Ressler’s, which is where I place Agnes’ conception. 
Beginning -
Red: You think this was a mistake?
Dembe: No. It was not a mistake, but it was wrong.
No, it's Liz's mistake. End -
Red: Do you really want your child to pay the price for that mistake for the rest of his or her life?
Liz has been preying on everyone's emotions to get answers. Jennifer's, Red's, Ressler's, Cooper's, Aram's. But it's what Tom taught her to do. "I learned that from you, how to prey on the emotions of those that love you most." She's exactly who she is right now because of Tom Keen and his memory wipe. "I'm a fugitive again..." That's why she's the next name on the blacklist. Take note how they have Liz grabbing rest at Ressler's house, then cut to Red sleeping in his chair. "before I start running... I need a rest." She's not equipped for Red's "often exhausted" life, and he warned her about losing sleep in Ruin. "One of these nights, you will. It's just a matter of when." She will because of Agnes - my prediction for 8x4
Yeah, this episode was nothing BUT my Tom Domino theory.
0 notes
justjen523 · 7 years
The Gods Children Series
(Series Rating M)
Let us begin the journey of welcoming a brand new generation of gods. 
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     It was a cool and brisk evening late in the Fall when the moment they had all been fearing finally came to pass. Gathered on the mansion’s rooftop under the vast array of stars brought her the greatest comfort as it had always had. Twelve forlorn faces gazed down at her frail form held protectively and comfortably in place by Leon’s strong arms. There was no sadness in her eyes as she slowly looked upon each face that had contributed to a lifetime full of precious memories. 
     “Such sad faces tonight. Come now, where are the smiles I have come to cherish so deeply?” Her strained smile brought tears to the eyes of gods, not a feat so easily accomplished even by other divine beings. Yet this one tiny, frail little old woman had won the hearts of all of them. 
     “Foolish. Even now you still think only of us and not yourself.” She laughed as best as she could at the comment, her eyes wrinkling further at the corners as she stared at all of them with everlasting affection. 
     “We all knew this day had to come and now that it has I can tell all of you in perfect honesty that I have no regrets. Not one.” Leon’s big hand held hers tenderly and lightly closed around her frailness a little tighter upon hearing her confession. 
     “Well, maybe one. I wish I could have spared all of your hearts the pain of having to say goodbye to me.” Her form was visibly growing weaker before their eyes turning a dull ache into a bittersweet desperation. 
     “Typical goldfish.” Leon cradled her fading life force against his warm chest bringing her some comfort against the cool night air. 
     “It is time. Please never….never forget that I have and will always love each and every one of you. Forever.” Her voice sounded raspy and strained. She looked upon their faces one last time and smiled that same smile she always had. “My….friends from the stars. My Ikky. Teo. Dui. Aigo. Lou. Partheno. Krioff. Karno. Scorpio. Zyglavis. Hue. Leon.” The eleven other gods knelt around her and all layed a hand upon her so she could feel the warmth from every single one of them as she forever left this world. Her eyes slowly closed and a faint smile appeared on her lips.
     “L-Leon?” Her voice barely audible now called out softly.
     “I’m here goldfish.”
     “W-Will you g-g-grant m-me…one….last….”
     “Anything your heart desires.” Eyes still closed her smile widens.
     “M-Make s-something t-t-truly….wonderful….c-come…from…m-my….” 
     “Goldfish?” He already knew. He simply tightened his hold around her frail and lifeless body. All twelve gods were shedding tears for the one simple human life that forever left this world and them behind.
     “My Precious Children. It is a sad day indeed to lose our beloved former goddess. I cannot pretend not to know what comes next for her as though she was indeed born human her soul remains that of a goddess. Her precious soul however shall not return to the Heaven’s nor shall it be reborn.”
     “Why the hell not?! Don’t gimme any of yer entertainment crap either!”
     “Scorpio! Control yourself you are speaking to the King!”
     “You seriously okay with him pulln any of his typical shit when it comes to that stupid woman Zig?!” 
         “I cannot allow her to be reborn simply because that was her wish.”
     “Pffft, even you wouldn’t go that low just for a good laugh trickster.” Leon looked less than amused. Despite the King’s usual antics Leon knew better. The King would never play with a souls existence simply for entertainment.
     “You are correct. Her last wish to you was to make her death into something wonderful for all of you. A soul so pure and selfless made a wish so strong that it reached even me.”
     The gods were all stunned into silence. That had rarely ever happened and even then it had never been a wish made by a mere human.
     “For this reason I myself shall grant her last wish and give you all the gift she so greatly desired for each and every one of you deep within her heart. A truly “something wonderful” to honor the memory of a mere human that moved the hearts of gods. Rise and bear witness to a divine miracle my children.”
     The twelve gods rose to their feet, Leon still holding her in his arms. Her body began to glow a brilliant white light before disappearing only to reveal something that resembled a star shinning so brightly it was nearly blinding even to the gods. As they squinted, desperate to see what would come of her pure soul, they found themselves awestruck as the star shaped light began to split and multiply. When finished, thirteen smaller but equally bright and equally beautiful stars took it’s place. 
     “Behold, her final gift to all of you my sons. Nothing could ever be more precious.”
     A radiant light far brighter than any of them could withstand surrounded them and filled them with indescribable warmth. When the light finally faded away and the King and former goddess were gone, the twelve gods held in their arms the gifts she had given her soul for. 
     “Woah, is this for reeeeal?!”
     “Hey how come Dui has two?!” Thirteen babies were now nestled in their fathers arms leaving the new parents mostly speechless with the exception of the usual few. “
     “Her gifts were….babies?” Teorus still holding the squirming new little life peered down at a face that looked unmistakably like his. Glancing around it seemed the same held true for the others as well. 
     “Not just babies. It would seem her soul was divided and reshaped to create these new lives designed specifically for each of us.” Hue stared down at the content creature staring back at him with all too familiar eyes. 
     “Awww….nooooo fair! Seriously why does Dui get two?!” 
     “Geeze Ikky, quit it already this isn’t a pet or something! Plus look how stressed he looks! Cut him some slack already.” 
     “Hey, why does everyone have different colored blankets?” Krioff noticing the difference points it out suspiciously. Upon looking closer Zyglavis turns a bright shade of pink before answering matter-of-factly.
     “It would appear the color of the blanket indicates the sex of the child.” All of their eyes go wide immediately taking stock of their own situation.
     “Sweeeeeet! I have a son! Do you KNOW what this means Teo?! I sooooo have a partner in crime! We are gonna be UNSTOPPABLE!”
     “Ichthys you will do nothing of the sort. I forbid it. Do not underestimate me as I will confiscate said child should you fail to properly care for it.”
     “Geeeze Zig, relaaaaaax! You make it sound like I’m not going to be a good dad! Besides, what do yoooou have there?” Almost as if shielding her protectively his embrace swallows her from view. 
     “Pffft, what’s the matter ponytail? Afraid your problem child’s kid might shack up with yours at some point?” Leon snickered as the Minister of Punishments blushed profusely staring incredulously at Ichthys playing with his little one. 
     “As if I would ever allow such a thing! Besides, what about you Arrogant Lion? I wonder what everyone will think about the daughter of the Department of Wishes. If she’s anything like her Father the number of suitors lining up for her attention will be endless.” Leon’s face instantly turns sour at the thought. Meanwhile the others are all handling their new situations differently.
     “Heh! It seems this little fella inherited his father’s good looks.” Tauxolouve smiled slyly at the absurdly gorgeous baby in his arms. 
     “How bout you Aigo?” Aigonorous looks up sleepily.
     “She’s so soft and comfy.”
     “Pffft, she’s not a pillow Aigo.”
     “I know that, but look, even she knows how great sleep is.” 
     “Hey Partheno, you haven’t said much. Everything okay?” When the god of Virgo looks up his eyes are heavy with tears.
     “She saved me. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for her, and now she gifted me this tiny precious miracle. I….I’m not sure I’m even worthy of such a gift.”
     “Partheno. If there was ever someone worthy it’s you man.” Lou rested his free hand on Partheno’s shoulder, the two of them sharing a silence as they remembered their departed former goddess. 
     In their own little worlds Krioff and Karno soothed and rocked the girls that would become the most precious women in their lives making for a beautiful scene. After lulling his precious baby girl to sleep Zyglavis approached an unusually silent Scorpio looking bewildered and in shock as he stared at his son’s smiling cherubic face. 
     “Hey bud, everything okay?” A few moments passed before he finally answered.
     “It’s too soon for this shit.” His voice was harsh and riddled with anger but his expression showed nothing but loss and pain.
     “I ain’t got any business raising some brat.”
     “Scorpio.” Zyglavis’ voice wasn’t chastising or severe as his brow furrowed at the evident discomfort on his Vice Minister’s face. 
     “I mean it Zig. This kid….deserves a real father. Someone who knows ‘the fuck what to do. I ain’t cut out for this shit.”
     “That is not true in the slightest.”
     “I don’t need anyone else fuckn’ up my heart. It was hard enough watchn’ her…..Tch. I….I didn’t even like that stupid woman.” Upon hearing that Zyglavis couldn’t hide his smile and took the opportunity to sit down next to Scorpio. 
     “That’s the biggest load of horseshit I have ever heard come out of your mouth.” Not used to hearing such things from his boss Scorpio’s head snaps up to see the god of Libra smiling at him warmly. His cheeks turn slightly pink a moment as he scowls further trying to cover up his embarrassment.
     “Err…you know wat I mean.” Zyglavis leans in and speaks quietly enough so only the two can hear.
     “You loved her. Probably more so than anyone else here because she saw who you were truly meant to be. Something you don’t show to anyone except the few you trust wholeheartedly.”
     “Yeah? The fuck good it did me. We all lost her in the end anyway.”
     “Not true.” Scorpio’s head snaps back up staring at his boss incredulously.
     “Look at the perfect tiny little life in your hands. He is a piece of her and was her final wish for your happiness. He was a gift born from the love she carried in her heart for you. Do not diminish her memory with such self deprivation. You forget who it is that you are speaking to.” Though he sounds severe his face shows nothing but gentle kindness as he comforts his mourning friend.
     “I don’t know the first thing bout raisn’ some kid.”
     “Pffft, and you think that I do?” Caught off guard by his statement Scorpio stares at Zyglavis a moment before the two burst into laughter.
     “It does not matter what we do or do not know as we will learn like any parent when raising a child and we can do so leaning on each other. Okay?” 
     “Zig.” The two share a smile further strengthening their bond as friends.
     “S’up with Dui? Poor kid looks lost.”
     “I must admit I have never seen him in such a state. I am not sure what the King or former goddess were thinking when they gifted Dui twins.”
     “Yeah, and not just any twins either. Fuckn’ girls. You know how creepy that shit is? I heard the stories, they like read each others minds or whatever.”
     “Shh, don’t let him hear you say such nonsense.”
     “Nonsense? You DO realize these are Dui’s kids right?”
     “Pffft, seems you’re back to your old self already. I should probably speak with him, excuse me.” After excusing himself he approached an exasperated looking Dui holding two tiny baby girls, one in each arm.
     “Dui, are you alright? You have not spoken a word.” Finally seeming to snap out of it he looks up to find Zyglavis staring at him with concern.
     “I-I’m okay. I think. I AM happy about having these two beautiful little girls but, at the same time…”
     “You are not alone Dui. We all miss her terribly. As I also told Scorpio, view them as an extension of her. They were crafted for you from her very soul with the intention and desire to bring you eternal happiness.”
     “You’re right. I didn’t even think of it that way to be honest. I was so caught up in watching her life….end, everything else just kinda felt like it wasn’t real you know?”
     “I do. Fear not, we are all in the same boat for better or worse. Besides, it would appear it is time to introduce the Heaven’s to the new generation born of a miracle here tonight.” 
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h-styles-babes · 7 years
From your prompt list: "scoot over a little bit please" Aaand btw i love your fic😍😍
Thank you so much for the request and your kind words, lovely. Hope you like it :)
18. “Scoot over a little bit, please.”
Y/N and Harry were sat on the love seat in the Winston’s home in LA, watching a film with Ben, Meredith, Lou and Lux, having taken a break from promo for just the day. Harry was due back on set for The Late Late show in a few hours, so they had all taken to the Winston’s house for their down time. 
Y/N was cuddled up to Harry’s side, her legs curled up in his lap, nearly completely on top of him. She was glad to have been able to fly out with him for his week in America to promote the new album that he had worked tirelessly on for the better part of a year. She was incredibly proud of him, and although she knew the traveling back and forth and the time spent in Jamaica were necessary to get everything squared away, she had missed him terribly. She was afraid her work wasn’t going to let her have time off in order to come out with him, but they’d happily granted her the week off, so long as she came back, hitting the ground running when she was due back. 
They were on day three of their trip—day two of his week long stint at the night time show, and Y/N had greatly enjoyed watching Harry in his element the night before. She’d been his friend long enough to have seen several of his shows while he was touring with One Direction, and they’d been dating long enough for her to catch the tail end of his final tour—mostly the promo for their last album. She’d been with him through his much needed break at the beginning of the previous year, and she was there when he’d gotten the role for Dunkirk. She visited him a few times while he was on location for filming, and she’d made sure to see him as frequently as possible while they were set up in London. She had visited him for a week when he was recording and writing in Jamaica. She had attended the launch party for his magazine shoot, proudly stood by his side as they viewed all the amazing photos that had been taken of him back toward the first part of the year. 
The only part that she had really missed was his first few performances, which she hated, but she knew there was no way around them. She wasn’t able to jet off from her job any time she pleased, which weighed heavily on both Harry and her, but they made it work. She was there in studio when Harry went on Grimmy’s show to play Sign of the Times for the first time, and she beamed proudly when she first heard the notes play out through the room. She’d heard the track before, but that didn’t take away from her excitement at all. 
Unfortunately, she couldn’t go with him to New York when he did SNL, but she made sure she was up in time to catch it on a live stream. She called him as soon as she knew he was done and squealed and cried while she gushed to him about how amazing he did. And she watched just as dutifully when he played on the Today Show, cringing only slightly when she heard Carolina, but quickly brushing it off. She never wanted to be that girlfriend, and he’d already warned her that there would be a few songs from girls from his past on the album. Being his friend for so long, she knew exactly who he was crooning about, and she honestly couldn’t be that mad. She’d liked the girl well enough, though she hadn’t been more than a brief fixture in Harry’s life. She was probably the most genuine of his flings, and she could appreciate that. 
It had been about a month since then, and now promo for the album was in full swing. She’d been there when it debuted of The Breakfast Show, yet again. She enjoyed watching Harry and Nick rib each other back and forth. They’d been friends nearly as long as Y/N and Harry had been, and she considered herself close to the radio DJ as well, so the atmosphere was relaxed but buzzing with energy as they went through the album. 
Being there with Harry for a full week as he did his residency on James Corden’s show was pretty exciting, though. She didn’t know what his full participation in the show would be, because he had specifically kept it a secret from her—kind of like how he’d kept the entire album a secret from her until it’s release (except for the first single, because he was just too giddy to not have her listen before the rest of the world). She’d almost been expecting the first night’s run, though. Harry sitting and chatting on the couch to someone she had only ever seen on screen was something she was nearly used to (barre that time they were sat next to Ian McKellen on Graham Norton. That had been a trip), and she had enjoyed watching them play Flinch. She cringed as Harry cursed on live television, but she hadn’t really expected anything less of him. He played by his own rules a lot now that he had the freedom to. Jeff scolded him lightly during a break, and Ben and James took the piss out on him for not going more than a few minutes without having to be bleeped out, but it was fine. 
For that night, she knew Harry had something else planned for the show, because he’d disappear with Ben a few times throughout the day for nearly an hour at a time into Ben’s office, and they’d both emerge with cheeky grins and little chuckles being shared between them. When Y/N would raise her eyebrows in question, Harry would just shrug and say, “Yeh’ll find out tonight, love.” She remained curious, but she wasn’t about to ruin her boyfriend’s fun.
So, around five that evening, they all headed off to the studio where the show was recorded, all of them piling into Ben’s Range Rover so as not to have to take separate vehicles. They were all headed to the same place anyway. When they got there, James greeted Y/N with a kiss to the cheek before whisking Harry away with a shouted, half-arsed apology over his shoulder, not sounding at all apologetic or sincere. Y/N just rolled her eyes and headed back to Harry’s dressing room, since the men seemed to be heading in a different direction. 
Lou already had her things set up in the room from the day before, all of the products she used on Harry piled on the vanity. Y/N took up the bottle of cologne she had become familiar with over the years and took a little whiff, smiling at the potent scent that was a bit more diluted on Harry’s skin. The scent of the laundry detergent they used and the mint that was typically on his breath mingled a bit more with the cologne, but it was still the most prominent thing on his person. She’d jerk her head up any time she smelled the scent in public, anticipating seeing Harry, and be sorely disappointed when it was some businessman or something, standing in front of her in line at Starbuck’s. She wanted to be ridiculous and request that Tom Ford discontinue the scent for public consumption and only send it to Harry from now on, but she knew that was out of the question. She was in no position to be asking for things like that, and she really didn’t want her boyfriend to become more of a diva than he already was sometimes. 
After a bit, Y/N could hear the sounds of music playing out in the studio, though she couldn’t hear much more than the bass, so she couldn’t tell what song it was. She knew they’d run through the song a few times for their rehearsal, so she took to sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone and listening to Lux chatter about her visit with her dad last week. Y/N had known Lux very nearly since she was born, and they were as close as could be thanks to Y/N’s close relationship to Harry, who was basically Lux’s family at this point. Y/N saw Lux like a niece, and Lou was thankful for the loving people that surrounded her daughter.
Lux hopped up when the dressing room door opened. Harry stepped through in his jeans and a Harley Davidson t-shirt, his sunnies pushed into his hair, though he hadn’t been outside in nearly two hours. He smiled as Lux launched herself at his legs, swooping herself up in his arms to settle on his hip. She was nearly six, but she was still tiny compared to Harry, and seeing them together was one of the most precious things Y/N had ever seen. She had been teased many times over the years—mostly by Lou—about the stars she got in her eyes when she saw Harry with children. She brushed off comments like, “Just wait ‘til it’s him with your guys’s babies,” with a chuckle and a shake of her head, but the pinging in her heart at the longing she knew she harbored happened every time. She knew they were a long way from settling down like that and having kids—hell, they weren’t even close to being anything more than boyfriend and girlfriend—but she couldn’t help the way her ovaries ached. Damn biology and hormones.
“Yeh’ve got about an hour before I gotta start gettin’ yeh all pretty,” Lou announced, briefly looking up from her own phone. “Do yeh need a shower?” Harry shook his head as he placed Lux back on the floor. “Took one this mornin’.”
“Alright. Relax for a bit. Love on yeh girl,” Lou suggested. “I’m gonna go find James. Gotta have a chat with him.” 
The statement sounded a bit cryptic to Y/N, but she shrugged it off as Lou left the room, throwing out that she’d be back in about twenty and to keep an eye on Lux, as if Harry or Y/N would ever really let the child out of their sight. Harry plopped himself down on the sofa beside Y/N, immediately dropping his head onto her shoulder and slinging an arm across her lap. Y/N chuckled as he nuzzled his head into her neck. She reached up to run her fingers through her hair, enjoying the fluffiness of it having been washed earlier in the day, and a content little grin stretching across his face. He hummed as she scratched her nails lightly over his scalp.
“Missed yeh,” he murmured, turning his face in to press a kiss to her shoulder. 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at his little affections. “Yeh’ve only been gone about two hours.”
“That means I can’t miss yeh pretty face?” he questioned indignantly, peeking one eye open up at her. 
Y/N shook her head. “Not what I’m saying. Just mean we’ve been in the same building this entire time.”
He shrugged. “Still missed yeh.”
She dropped a kiss to his temple. “Missed yeh, too, babe. Can’t wait to see yeh perform tonight.”
Harry popped his head up and grinned cheekily at her, her favorite grin of his. It was a little cocky but also a little goofy, and his dimples pressed deep into his cheeks. She thought it brought out the youth in his face, like she was stepping back into 2011 when they met for the first time and she had been instantly taken with his charm and playfulness. 
“Think you’re gonna like it,” he said excitedly, the hand resting on her opposite hip squeezing slightly. “And I’ve got a few surprises, so yeh’ve gotta be in the audience tonight.”
She reared back a little, instantly suspicious of his demand. “What for?”
“Yeh’ll see. Just go with it.”
“Yeh know I hate hearing that phrase just as much as you do,” she reminded him, her eyes squinting at him.
“Promise it’s good,” he pleaded.
She was about to respond, but Lux came up to them, her iPad gripped in her hands, headphones already plugged into the jack. Both Y/N and Harry made the correct assumption that a Peppa Pig marathon was about to begin until show time. She stood between Harry and Y/N’s legs, looking back and forth of them expectantly, like she was waiting for them to do something without any type of verbal communication. When they both just looked at her in curious anticipation, she sighed.
“Scoot over a little bit, please,” she said, looking at Harry, since Y/N was the one pinned to the arm of the couch. 
“Yeh can sit on the other side of me, Lux,” Harry offered, patting the free space next to him. 
She cocked her hip out as she looked at him. “I wanna sit next t’ Aunt Y/N, Uncle Haz, not you.”
Harry’s mouth dropped open in faux offense—or what Y/N was assuming was faux, but Harry was slightly offended at the girl’s demand. Y/N couldn’t keep in her giggle at Harry being slighted by a girl that was essentially his niece, who was usually attached to his hip. He wasn’t used to playing second fiddle to anyone, not even her parents.
“Yeah, Uncle Haz, scoot over,” Y/N teased, pushing at his chest to get him to back up.
“See how much I’m loved ‘round here,” he mumbled as he shifted over on the couch, opening up a sliver of space for Lux to wedge into. 
She settled herself between them with a little wiggle and a satisfied smile before pushing the little buds into her ear and beginning her episode. Y/N couldn’t stop giggling as Lux leaned her head into her side and Harry pouted. 
“Put that lip away, Styles.”
“She just kicked me out of my spot!” he protested.
Y/N’s giggles turned into chuckles. “Yeh can tell her ‘no.’ Yeh know that, right?”  
“Her pout is more adorable than mine; I don’t stand a chance.”
Y/N reached over and flicked at his bottom lip that was still stuck out. “You’re gonna give her a complex. Gotta tell her ‘no’ every once in a while.”
“That’s what her parents are for,” he shrugged. “And have yeh seen her throw a tantrum? Never wanna experience that again.”
“Kids throw tantrums, H. Just a part of life.”
“Yeah, an annoyin’ one.”
If you want, you can make a request from this post :)
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celestial-amnesia · 6 years
Tiny New Member
(Continuation of the Baby News story)
It was a nice day in Idalar, home to Aria or Scarlet when translated. She was giving instructions as to where the dresser of the nursery should go. “Come on Ari! How much longer?” Her childhood friend ,Hirato, complained. Scarlet places her hands on her hips, “Could you just call me Scarlet? It’ll get confusing calling me two names at once. There will be fine.” Letting out a sigh he places it down then lays on the floor with a hefty sigh. “It’s not that bad.” Scarlet sits on the bed looking down at him to which he replies, “You try it!” Scarlet rolls her eyes scoffing, “I would but,” she places a hand on her baby bump, “Karno doesn’t want me doing anything strenuous to hurt me or the baby. It’s honestly thanks to the others, mainly Leon, Zyglavis, and Scorpio, to convince him that I would be fine.” Hirato sits up laughing, “Convincing?! What is he watching you like a hawk?” She shrugs, “I guess he’s just really concerned?” She stands and heads out, “But whatever the reason he’s happy for the most part and so am I. I should head back to him though. Thanks for the help.” Hirato smiles, “Who would have thought. Scarlet, having a kid.” Scarlet laughed, “Telling you now it certainly wouldn’t have been me!” She vanishes back to the heavens where her husband waits.
She appears in the living room and is surprised to see Teorus and Ichthys running up to her. They were asking many questions at once and it was making her dizzy. Scarlet wasn’t realizing that she was leaning backwards a bit. Luckily Leon and Scorpio saw, reeling the guys back and sitting her down. “Do you two want to die? If she actually fell Karno would be out for your blood.” Scorpio scolds. Leon kneels in front of Scarlet, “Do you feel alright?” She nods looking blankly, “But I kinda want cookies. And tea. And also a red velvet cake…where am I?” Leon and the others stare in shock so he repeated his question. Her expression is similar to Aigonorus’s normal one, “I’m…tired.” That being said she falls asleep sitting up. Tauxolouve walks in on the scene and upon seeing the sleeping goddess he asked what happened. “Poor little lady, you two didn’t even give her time to get settled in. Should I take her to the soft room? She looks pretty relaxed.” Leon nodded as Scarlet was picked up and carried out. The soft room was completely made for Scarlet during one of her moody episodes that the even the King himself was afraid of and didn’t want to deal with. The room was full of soft and fluffy pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and anything of the kind. Scarlet doesn’t like the heat that much so the temperature was cool enough where she could be comfortable. Lou lays her on the bed places one of the stuffed animals in her arms, covers her in a blanket, cracks the windows for a light breeze to come through then closes the door behind him.
Karno was done with his work and as he walked through the hall he was stopped by Leon who handed him a piece of paper. “What’s this?” Karno looks over it as Leo explains, “Scarlet came back and started talking about what she wanted before she fell asleep on the couch. Tauxolouve took her to the soft room.” Karno chuckles at the list with a nod saying his thanks heading that way. Opening the door to the room he gets a big smile on his face seeing the innocent expression on Scarlet’s face as she slept. Karno was grateful that she wasn’t hostile towards him. Her mother explained that it’s very likely for her to dislike everyone around her but becomes needier to him. With that in mind Karno wake Scarlet up by stroking her hair. She blinks a few times and rubs her eyes to fully wake up. “I’m sorry to wake you dear but Leon told me that before you fell asleep you were hungry?” He handed her the list and her eyes lit up. Nodding vigorously Karno snaps food in front of her as Scarlet clapped delightedly then hugged him tight, “Thank you!” While eating, Scarlet felt his gaze on her and blushed a bit covering her mouth, “It’s rude to stare ya know.” Smiling he looks away out the window. A breeze came through and Scarlet glance at her god. For some reason, his appearance struck her harder than normal as she looked from him to her stomach beginning to cry.
Karno heard her sniffling and rushed to her side, “What’s wrong?” He placed his hands on her cheeks to wipe tears away. “I-I’m sorry. I just…we’re gonna have a child soon! I’m still not used to the concept sometimes. I have a really hard time sleeping cause…” Karno sits next to her on the bed wrapping a comforting arm around her pulling her close to him, “You’re afraid of not being a good mother?” Scarlet clings to him nodding then looks up at him, “Then I looked at you and felt happy again because I’ll be with you and the others. I know I’ve been a lot in the months leading up to her birth ,but thanks for putting up with it.” Karno gives her a warm smile, “It’s not putting with it. It’s making sure that the both of you are happy and safe.” Right after he said this a light figure appears, who they both know, in front of them. “Hello dear.” The little figure giggles, flying around being happy go lucky as ever. She hops to them, “Can’t wait. See you. Bye.” With that she hops in front of the door and disappears as some of the others god walk in. Karno looks to Scarlet, “She really happy that’s good to see.” She stares at her stomach placing her hand on it, “Not to alarm anyone ,but what that meant was that she’s coming.” Karno’s eyes widen, “…What?” Smiling but fear in her eyes she repeats the important sentence, “Karno, the baby is coming.”
A unison “What?!” was yelled through out the room. Not wanting to put more panic into the atmosphere, Karno got everyone to calm down, opened a portal to Idalar and picked Scarlet up and everyone went through. Clarissa, Scarlet’s mother, was surprised by the opened portal and even more by the ones who walked through it. She looked from Karno to Scarlet immediately realizing what was going on, “Follow!” They all make there way to a large door and behind it was a pool of beautiful blue water with a large white lily, big enough for a person, in the center. As Scarlet was carried in the room started to glow. The helper fairies stopped the others from entering. Clarissa smiles, “I’m sorry, at this point only the three-“ Leon and Zyglavis nod already knew what she was gonna say, “We’ll wait outside. It’s fine.” The door closes leaving Scarlet, Karno and Clarissa. Karno looks around, “What is this?” Vines come down and remove Scarlet from his arms and she held on to him. The vines weren’t forcing it they just moved around waiting. Clarissa explains, “We don’t have children like a human or goddess would. They are place there and are turned into light, or in her case light and chaos, and to separate them. We explain this to children at a young age but she…” Karno sits on the ground with Scarlet in his lap. He takes her face in his hands to get her to look up, “Scarlet, listen carefully. I will be right here with you. Your mother will be. The guys are right outside. I know this is a scary moment but the outcome will be worth it all. Our daughter seemed so happy that she would get to meet us for real. Don’t keep her waiting.” Scarlet had tears fall but it wasn’t of sadness or fear. It was from those words that made her smile, “You know just what to say don’t you?” Karno chuckles as they softly kiss before she is moved to the flowerbed. The flower closes and the process begins.
Karno stays seated watching with wonder as the flower, that now holds those precious to him, as the it glows emitting light and chaos at the base. Clarissa sits next to Karno taking his hand. He could tell that despite her calm exterior she was nervous all throughout. “You know I don’t think I ever thanked you.” Clarissa stared straight ahead but he looked to her confused and she continued, “In the beginning, it seemed as though she would never love again and then she met all you. As a young child she would state over and over that she would never married. Yet she did. Above all else said she would never have a child but yet here my daughter is. I always hoped someone would show her a new light and a new meaning of love. Thank you.” Karno and Clarissa shared a hug as they watch the flower shine and flow with chaos and light. It’s white petals change to dusted pastel pink.
Less than an hour or so passed when the flower finally stopped glowing. The two stood and moved closer and the flower got closer to the edge. Karno moved his hand to the petal then stopped because he wasn’t sure if it was ok for him to do so. The vine moved his hand closer giving him the ok. Taking them down one by one revealing a sleeping Scarlet and in her arms a healthy sleeping baby girl. The vines help getting her out and Karno held them against him. Scarlet awakens looking at him with happy tears whispering, “She’s here and tiny!” He nods even he started tearing up, “Yeah she is. Have you thought of a name?” Scarlet looks from the child to the moonlight pouring into the room, “Kamaria. That’s her name.” Her mother moves closer, “Welcome to the world Kamaria. Your life will be filled with love.” She looks at the two then whispers, “I’m sure of it.” Standing and moving to the door Clarissa says, “Shall we show the rest their new member?” Karno picks Scarlet up with the child as the door open to the other awaiting gods and Kamaria‘s new life.
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labellerose-acheron · 7 years
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Name: Queen MK
Characters: Belle Rose Beauton, Onyango Simba Lyons, Copper Thomas Russell, Drizella Catherine Tremaine, Toulouse Henri Bonfamille, Bambino Daryl Basurto, Perdita Mariel Faye, Joshua “Strongbear” Sweet, Maui, Urania of Hesiod, Attina Morgan Triton, Hercules Odysseus Persaud
**i just want to note that i wrote the vast majority of this at the beginning of the month before we got all our lovely new members, so just shout to everyone for being lovely writers and lovely people and making this community special!
Pick a thread from the past six months that you’re proud of and talk about why. Ugh, fuck, okay. I’m gonna try to go character by character bc so many good ones??
Belle: “Letter of Recommendation” - Beautibbs. Man, this thread straight fucked me up. It was supposed to be just something really chill, because Belle was a huge Charms nerd and she totally would’ve been a teacher’s pet to Tibbs. In HP world, I took advantage of the fact that Belle’s father left more recently than in current canon, and wanted to explore that and, surprisingly, Beautibbs was where I got to actually feel it the most. Belle is normally so composed, and the fact that she broke down--well, it was so real. She’d been putting so much pressure on herself and to see her crack was kind of cathartic for me, and for her. The fact that it was totally unexpected was what made it feel even more natural.
Simba: “Stays in Vegas” - Simber. I loved “Stays in Vegas” because the whole marriage thing was something I’d wanted to explore for a while. There are a lot of things about Simba and Ber’s relationship that are not what Simba anticipated in a relationship, and as someone who has spent his whole life thinking about the person he’s going to be with and what that relationship is gonna be like--it’s interesting to break that down. And I like exploring Simba’s insecurities too. Not his whole “I Killed My Dad” thing, but the fact that he is really always afraid of people leaving him in relationships, or that he is “too much” or pushes for things too soon. So, yeah, idk, that was really fun.
Copper: “Pixie’s Stalker” - Coperi. This thread was so good for me, because it had so many layers. It was Copper at his purest. He wanted to help Peri and give her good advice. At the same time, he was trying to think of Tink too, who he has kind of a special bond with. Then, thinking about his own mother, which he never really does, so that was nice too, because he does have some unexplored abandonment issues.
Drizella: “The Perfect Dress” - Double Trouble. What I really love about RPing with Kiara is that she has this natural instinct about the way a thread should go, and it just makes threads with her so pleasant. The chemistry that Zella and Ana have is so good, too. This thread was great because both of them were dealing with things that they weren’t talking about, it was all underground, but they still knew that the other person was dealing with things. It just felt really natural and totally sisterly.
Toulouse: “Miscalculations” - Berlou feat Roscoe. Big shout out to Lauren for this one, because when I first brought her the idea I wanted a duel, I didn’t mention anything about unforgivable curses or anything, but then she brought it up and I was really excited (especially because we didn’t tell Lauryl, sry lauryl.) It was just so great, because I always say Lou would be entirely ruthless if anyone ever hurt his siblings and I mean it. I finally got to show that, and it was so thrilling to write. Getting to write a really dark side of Lou was so great, and the fallout was lovely too.
Bambino: “On the Edge” - Merfawn. FUCK. This thread was so great. Like, I loved it because we didn’t have a plan for it. We just wanted them to RP together and they both run around in the woods, so it would be a good spot for them to meet up. It was Reanna who took it in such a great direction by having Ariel bring up the Prince. It was just such a good instinct and since this was one of my first threads with Reanna, it really impressed me and I just had a lot of fun with it.
Perdita: “Isn’t There Any Hope?” - Fate. How could I not talk about this thread? It started in December, but I can’t help it. The first time Paul and Perdita see each other in 4 months and it was just so full of emotion. I loved that Lauryl and I had discussed kind of the entire timeline of their backstory because it made it really easy to draw from and their chemistry felt really natural. It’s always a worry with relationships that are pre-established, there is going to be no chemistry, but man, do Paul and Perdita have it and you could just feel the love they have (had) for each other and the struggle that they were going through.
Sweet: “A Code in Process” - Sweet Mouse. Ugh, this one was just so good. Mostly because I actually got to perform surgery!! And that was just so fucking fun, and Kiara made it a blast. It really kind of solidified Minnie and Sweet’s relationship during this high stress environment and I just thought that was super rewarding. (Shout out to the Mr. Crowley arc with Nala, Tibbs, and Minnie. It’s been so much fun and I’m excited for the conclusion.)
Maui: “Helping Hand” - Celaui. I think Katie listed this one as well, and well, yeah, totally makes sense because this is the thing that everyone wants out of a starter. The relationship that was built after this initial thread was so beautiful and nuanced and is continuing to grow, and I just love that.
Urania: “Follow Up Interview” - Star Destroyer. Fuck me, I love this thread so much. It was kind of a random idea that just steamrolled into what it is now, and it’s another one of those plots that just feels really natural to me. And I love the dynamic of both Urania and Dornan thinking that the other is below them. They’re totally underestimating each other and I’d love to play with that power dynamic more and dig deeper into it.
Identify a challenge you’ve faced in this rp. Reflect on why this is a challenge for you. Are there any strategies you can develop to overcome this challenge?
Like many people, I struggle with plotting. A lot of times I have an end goal in mind, but I struggle with how to get there. For me, I don’t have a problem approaching people, I love talking and I don’t mind bothering more shy people to talk to me, but I have a problem sharing my ideas, because I worry that people won’t like them.
I’ve just tried becoming more confident with my ideas. I get characters now with secrets, or an end goal that I can kind of use as a jumping off point for plots. It has really helped because I feel like I can almost always find a reason or a thing that my character is grappling with.
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you! ) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now?
Copper. Copperrrr. My lil honey. So, lots of people know that Copper is my hardest muse. I really don’t know what the problem is, but it’s just always been that way. Recently, though, he’s come so far, and I’ve kind of finally unstuck him from his shitty thought processes. I think that was the problem, now that I’m writing this lol. He was so resistant to change, but I just completely broke him down. Between Tod and Rajah and Shego, I managed to break him and now I’m building him back up, and that’s really satisfying to me.
He feels much more malleable, which is kind of where I wanted him to start with. So, that’s really nice. And making him a dad was really the right move because now he has this thing that reminds him to stay grounded and to be patient and understanding and more open, because his daughter is going to have magic and he loves her so much, so how could it be bad or wrong?
I am curious to see what he’ll be like as a single dad. Should be interesting.
Zella, also, has been so great. I really wanna push her more, but I’ve loved what has happened with her the past few months. She’s made a lot of mistakes and she’s trying to distance herself from them and start being serious about her future and she’s growing so much (even if no one but me can see it lmao) and I’m excited to see what happens.
Pick another character and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them for the rest of the year?
Well, like a good mother, I have plans for all my beebs.
Belle: she is growing so much and getting so strong. I want to continue that thread for her. I want her to go back to school (I’ve started planting the seeds for that already.)
Simba: ugh, my babe. He has some hard times coming up based on a plot that will come to fruition at the end of summer. Through that I really want to explore Simba’s plurality of independence and doing what is expected of him and how that will affect his relationships and, in turn, affect how he views his “duties” to his family name.
Copper: be a dad. That’s p much it. I think Copper has had a really hard life, and he deserves to just enjoy being a father and be as good of one to Isabel as he can be.
Drizella: I want her to have everything stripped from her (in the process of doing so.) I want her to become more of a champion for women and move away from her mother’s toxic thinking. I want her to grow closer to both her sisters and to embrace her own path.
Toulouse: ugh, i just want my baby to be happy. I don’t know what it will be that makes him happy, but I know it won’t involve painting, at least not as a career, and I want him to accept that and realize it doesn’t make him a bad son for wanting something different. Also, I do want him to find love again, because tbh I like him better in a relationship lmao.
Bambi: explore his sexuality more. Embrace himself. And definitely get closer with his dad. That’s super important and I want it really badly, because Prince is really the only one who can help Bambi heal from his mother’s death.
Perdita: Well, she knows about her post-partum now, which yay! So, now I want to work on her relationships. I want her to start mending the town’s image of her, because she’s really not as crazy as everyone thinks she is, lol. Like, she is a normal person, I promise. She won’t be having any more manic episodes or huge explosions. (Unless something goes real wrong, lmao.) I also want her to get a better job, that’s more in line with her long term goals for herself.
Sweet: MORE SURGERY. Also I want to explore his past more. I want him to open up to someone about his magic. I also need him to make friends outside of the hospital, pls and thanx.
Maui: I want him to fall. I want him to totally crash and burn. I want someone to steal his hook and leave him with nothing. (Before that, though, I want him to get risen up, and to help a few people so that when he crashes, they can come to his aid and make him realize that he’s good enough without his hook.)
Urania: She wants to take over the world. I want her to take over the world. Simple.
Attina: As one of my new babes, I have a lot of plans for her. I want to explore her relationship with each of her sisters. I want her to go on lots of dates and to get herself crushed and to have successful dates too. Also, long term, I want her to like re-examine her life and figure out that she really is not happy and wants so much more.
Hercules: UGH my lil babe, I have so many plans. I need him to learn to control his strength, though I want this to be a slow process. And I definitely, definitely want him to figure out where he is from. (I have a whole idea set up, but I just need him to get there. It’ll also be a slow process, probably.)
OPTIONAL (REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T DO THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE): In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Setting: I have a very visual memory. Like--I can remember where on a page something was, even if I don’t remember the exact wording, and I almost always remember what people were wearing during important events. So, I know details about where someone are can be really important and I love describing like the things around someone. All my characters’ homes (and their other spaces, like Chapter Three), I have the entire floor plan of.
Action: I was always taught that movement was really important in a story. And my teacher was big about character quirks, so I just naturally incorporated it into my own writing. Body language is super fascinating to me and I love including it into movement for my characters.
Character Detail: I’ve become obsessed with charting out my character’s lives. It might because I’ve gotten older characters recently, but, I find it really important to know like--everywhere my character has lived and their families (including uncles/aunts/cousins). So, I really feel like I know my characters as people. Which makes it easy for me to slip into their skin and know how they’d react to a situation. I know their little ticks and what their motivations are.
OPTIONAL (REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T DO THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE): In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
Rambling: Sometimes I feel like my posts have a point in the beginning and then the middle is a mess and then I’m like oh crap I gotta like do an action/dialogue/have a point to this lol. I think that kind of thing can work when you have a point, go on a tangent and weave the point through the tangent, but I don’t think ahead in my posts, so that always falls flat. It’s always a happy accident if I can find a way to draw it back.
Proofreading: I know it’s RP and we all write a lot so missing a word here or there or something isn’t a big deal. But, I feel like if I read back through my posts sometimes, I could incorporate later ideas in my post. That’s just something I wanna kind of work on, so I can be more thoughtful with my posts.
OPTIONAL (REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T DO THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE): Reflect on other writers you love– in the rp or out! How have they influenced you? What do you love about their writing that you want to bring to your own?
Man, I love all y’all. Shout out to some of our new babes: Silv does so great with backstory, I’m always so intrigued, and like I said above, I love planning that kind of shit out, so I always get hype when other people do it too. Also Reanna puts so much enthusiasm into everything she does, it makes me excited to RP, and I love that. Bee also cranks out some lines sometimes where I’m like umm?? Wtf?? That was so good?? Chloe too, just, ugh her writing sometimes. It’s so minimal but not in an obnoxious hemingway-way. Her one shots are so succinct. I love reading them.
I can’t wait to get to know our new-new babes tooo!
IF YOU DID THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE: Alright, now pick an item from the Wishlist you completed in January that you’ve started to pursue. How far are you from completing this goal? Talk about the steps you took to make it happen.
I’m getting ready to (and have started to) explore race/sexuality in an off dash kenya thread w simba and kiara and ber and that’ll be interesting bc they all relate to their race/sexuality differently. It’ll be interesting putting them in an entirely different worlds. Of course, Simba and Ber have been lots of places, but mostly pretty liberal. Kenya is a place where sexuality is not really talked about and there is a bit of hostility towards white people. It’s basically the reverse of everything they’ve known.
I think it’s really interesting to explore Simba’s relationship with his race and sexuality through this, since he loves his family so much and he doesn’t like to lie; but he knows a good bit of his family doesn’t approve. And then, with Kiara, who is half-black/half-white and gay herself, and Ber who is white and queer--it’s gonna be really interesting to see them all navigate that space and still try to find a sense of belonging within it.
Oh, as for making it happen, I have mostly Lauryl to thank, though, I mean I orchestrated some of it myself. Simba was cut off from his family (voluntarily). He reconnected with his mother in July but didn’t reconnect with everyone else until around December, when one of his cousins had a baby. Which led to Simba connecting with all of his cousins again. And then, after everything that Kiara has gone through, Simba wanted her to realize that she does have a place that she belongs, and a family who love and support her; hence why they made the trip to Kenya.
IF YOU DID THE LAST QUESTIONNAIRE: Pick another item on your wishlist that hasn’t happened yet. We’re gonna do a MOCK-PLOT!!!
Zella Follows her Dreams:
This might be cheating, since one thread has already started, but we’re gonna use it anyways.
Milla confronts her daughter about not having any plans for after school. Zella confesses she wants to be a stylist. Milla cuts her off financially.
Zella throws a fit about this and disowns herself from the family, bumming around places. (Marie’s, Jenny’s, etc.) They start asking questions Zella doesn’t want to answer sooo
Zella finally shacks up with Ella.
Ella encourages her to #followherdreams and in return Zella tells Ella to get a fucking backbone (but hopefully she’ll be nicer at this point.)
Zella applies to a few internship programs and gets one!! Then she goes to follow her dreams!!
(I would also like to include Ana in this plot but idk how Ana will react so that is something I’ve got to discuss w Kiara.)
Finally: write a NEW wish list for the upcoming half of the year. It’s fine if you use a lot from your previous wish list if you still haven’t completed them and you still want to!
Smut – well, i still haven’t bottomed as a male; but i’ve done some hetero from the female perspective so that’s fun. My new smut goal is: different positions!! Different places!! Missionary is fun and all but;; gets borin and i like body positions so it’d be interesting to try some new stuff (i am talking about this like it is my actual sex life lmao)
Slow Burn – who doesn’t love a slow burn romance? i think it makes a ship feel so much more real when characters are angsting and pining and things keep them apart, whether it be timing, one of them dating someone else, miscommunication, or just general fear of hurt–ugh just give it to me (but not for months). This hasn’t happened yet and that is #rude someone get @ me.
Murder – i want to kill someone. i want someone to kill one of my characters. either one. both. who knows. Okay seriously; Urania needs to kill someone. 
 Kidnapping – someone kidnap one of my characters. ← still relevant
Abortion – i mean, i just think it would be interesting to have a character go through/have to contemplate getting an abortion. from either male or female perspectives. i have several possibilities /eyes zella in particular or tbh lou /eyes lou too ← also still relevant
Surgery/Illness – i love me some good ol’fashion hurt/comfort. also, sweet loves surgery, so if anyone’s characters need surgery, you want them to get hurt or sick, sweet is your guy. but, i mean we all know i love fucking up my characters (gave simba appendicitis, had lou get impaled, copp got shot like forever ago who remembers that eh?) so if you wanna beat up/attack my characters get at me ← always down for this if u wanna injure ur babe
Travel – i’ve had a few characters (lou, zella, simba) take trips to other places; but i would love to get out of swynlake for some threads. why not? ← always down for travel too
Race/Sexuality – i have a couple of characters who i’d love to explore their racial identity in a negative situation. swynlake is pretty free of, like, blatant racists (excluding magick-ists), so i would be curious to see how simba/sweet/etc deals with that. same with sexuality, swynlake is pretty accepting but i’d love for them to confront some homophobia because both that and racism, is, unfortunately realistic and prevalent. ← this is always something interesting
Big Plots – i LOVE big plots and i want to do them with more than just lauryl sorry lauryl i love u. but i want big plotty plots with EVERYONE! stuff that’ll fuck up your characters or my characters or both or they’ll GROW by the end, just stuff that will be an uphill battle. who wants to fight with meee? ← still RELEVANT
In more specific terms:
I want Belle to go back to school.
I want Simba to also go back to school lol
I want Copper to learn how to be a dad, even if that journey eventually takes him out of Swynlake to somewhere he deems “safer.”
I want Zella to go to her internship or w/e and embrace her differences and unlearn the toxic behavior her mother encouraged.
I want Lou to figure out that painting is not what he wants to do w his life. I also want him to date bc I like him better in a relationship lol
I want Bambi to kind of shed his reservations about being who he is and embrace it (both as the Young Prince and his sexuality.)
I want Perdita to continue to recover from her post-partum and mend her relationship with Paul so that they can successfully coparent their kids (and fall in love)
I want Sweet to make friends outside of the hospital. I also want him to mess up and have his hubris catch up to him.
I want Urania to take over the world.
I want Maui to get bolstered up and then I want him to crash and burn and then I want to raise him up again.
I want Attina to find love, but more than that, I want her to accept that she’s not gonna be able to control her sisters and learn to do her own thing.
I want Herc to learn where he’s from, but even more importantly I want him to accept himself for who he is.
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swearronchanel · 7 years
Am I making this a thing too often? Oh well, I HAVE THOUGHTS IM SORRY
Series 6 is finally here & the first episode was pretty intense so I’m watching it again & I guess just posting my thoughts that no one actually asked for 
- COLOR! Or COLOUR, either way new intro 
- Ok I actually really like this, time are changing #LetsGetIt1962 
- Shelagh and Angela omg, Tim shaving! Cute Turner Morning but now that I’ve seen this once, this could’ve been a chance to show Shelagh having morning sickness 
 - Sister MJ dancing is the cutest thing
 - welp here comes Sister Ursula ready to ruin everything. If she wants to “gyrate” let her wtf 
- Patsy fixing Delia’s hair is cute but let’s be real Patsy’s needs the fixing - Ugh again Sister U, go away
 - welcome home fam, it’s about to get real
 - I miss my bby Trixie but I’m not going to dwell on it because I know she’ll be back - like the minimal food isn’t even the worst of it, just get ready. *** ALSO, Sister Ursula is lowkey petty with that line “don’t sit down yet please, the mother house will be calling soon” She’s knows what’s about to go down and is enjoying it. 
 - Sister Julienne’s voice cracking, she looks so sad. My heart. Why would she be demoted?! I still don’t get it. 
 - * Awkward clapping *
 - So did Patrick not notice Shelagh was constantly sick and carrying around those rennies? 
 - “Biscuits are for fainters”, which is funny because she tells Mickey later on to go with her and find the biscuit tin. 
 - No Patrick we’re not having a raffle lol 
- “We’re taking a gamble is you ask me” Shelagh’s accent sounds so cute in an serious tone haha 
- Sister MJ’s little angry moment with the duster, I feel. 
- Can we see sister MJ with Angela please? - Why does Mickey need a patch for astigmatism? My brother has it in one eye and always just wore regular glasses. I feel the glasses struggle though, I love my frames but I hate wearing them. Okay off track whoops - 
 - I knew the husband(Lester) wasn’t to be trusted from the get. - - WHERE DID SHE TAKE THE DAMN TV? 
- aw Tom. 
 - That’s all lol. I don’t know why this ring story isn’t that appealing to me? kinda boring 
 - Also all the cocktails, I love it. Barbara was some “practice” haha. Patsy’s toast was cute  
 - That random guy telling Phyllis “give us all a thrill” and she cringed. That’s me  
- Lol @ Barbara’s Zsa Zsa Gabor reference but she just died so RIP - - I wanna knock Lester tf out 
- This is period drama indeed but sadly, this is not an issue of the past. - 
 - Everyone feels bad for Sister J 
 - “No I can’t prescribe, because I’m only 15!” 😂😂 I’m dead. - I wish he would get more screentime haha. I’m almost hoping he’ll feel weird about the new baby so he can have some kind of interesting storyline 
- Sister W’s face telling Tim “comb your hair”, why does she make the funniest faces - “Cape Town Tummy” lol if that’s what you wanna call it 
 - Thank the climate appropriate bri-nylon for Baby Turner - Can Patrick please make a joke about it? Like Fred can squeeze his wife’s ass, let Patrick at least have a good line 
 - “Is it both ends?” wtf sister W😂 why would you ask?
 - Shelagh’s so polite “the smallest room haha" 
- Lol here’s freco Fred 
 - Why does it even matter if Barbara has a ring to show off Violet, we didn’t see yours lol - 
 - Oh no he’s taking Mickey right 
 - Shit yes he is, WHYY - this kid is so precious omg 
 - Why would he tell is son this 
 - Coño this man pisses me off 
 - Mickey 😪 
- Damn it Peter why do you always have bad news - 
 - "Television kills the conversation” no you kill the conversation 
 - what are Patsy and Delia doing? 
 - my heart hurts but I’m also furious 
- lol babs with pottery is symbolism of me handling university
 - Why was this relevant though, that could’ve been another Shelagh scene 
- Yes Trudy with the knife. So strong. I’m here for her 
- Trudy really walked her way over like that’s incredible, she just was hit so hard. 
 - I can’t wait till she storms out again bc that was empowering, forget that vow of obedience for a second 
 - I don’t even care the Sister U is nice to Mickey, it’s too late for redemption I know what you say later to Dr Turner and it cancels out  
 - Shelagh’s best at that  
 - Why was there no scene showing Mickey at the Turners !!? That would’ve been precious 
 - Phyllis 💔 I freaking love her. Especially her with Trudy at the end 
- “You contradicted my authority last night” YES TF SHE DID IM PROUD 
 - Yes Trudy. She played this so well 
- I wish I cared more about Barbara and Tom
 - They’re cute but idk I just don’t care enough. The ring part at the end is cute because who cares about convention I’m here for that.  
 - Oh no this is the part right 
-  shoot yea it is. Sister Mary Cynthia 😪 
- sister J not forcing her way in, I’m glad 
- Sister MJ 💔 my freaking heart is shattering 
 - Give Bryony an award for this 
 - Such a heartbreaking, accurate yet beautifully performed depiction of mental illness 
- THIS IS WHERE I LOST IT THE FIRST TIME, RIGHT AFTER “IM SO AFRAID” - I’m going to insert a picture because I’m serious I was sobbing 
 - Shelagh’s skirt is so pretty 
- I’m here for her outfit, lets get it 1962 
- Okay let me press play and cry again  
 - Give Laura an award for everything - HER FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, HER ACTING, SHE’S SO AMAZING 
 - Ah damn I’m crying again 
- Sister J “I never stopped praying” omg💔 
- I’m so glad she told her first. 
- Why is Trudy’s mom a bitch? Wtf care about your daughter and grand kids? 
 - what’s this bs. 
 - Patrick is so empathetic and understanding because he legit was on the other side 
- “That means you can be healed" 
- If Patsy is in the next episode they should’ve just brought her problem with her dad for the next episode? Since this episode does seem jammed packed but it’s all good
 - except I’m a poor university student so it’s no cocktail 
- Phyllis knows something’s up looking at Pats acting weird w/ Delia 
  - Patrick suggesting Northfield. That’s character growth 
- Patsy and Delia having a cute moment. I think everyone wants a significant other like Delia? Like Patsy always shuts her out when something happens but Delia doesn’t leave
 - Does Patsy’s dad have Lou Gehrig’s disease or what’s it really called - oh ALS? 
- Here come the rest of the feels. Phyllis is amazing, Trudy is amazing. I just love this freaking show. Phyllis never judges and truly helps and I just need her to give me a hug and tell me it’ll be alright - I do like this part. Good for you Babs. Defy convention, it’s 1962. 
 - So much more diversity in the community centre I love it 💕 
- Can we get a Latino/Hispanic family story on here please Heidi
- I’m so glad for Trudy 
 - "Patrick you gave me a note once..” *internally screaming* 
- I forgot Shelagh can draw 
- but honestly though Patrick should’ve been freaking out with more excitement like it’s a legit miracle 
 - Doesn’t matter that was perfect for me, I love parallels it’s so cool 
 - PHYLLIS WAVING BYE AWW And Vanessa Redgrave’s outro And the end. Wow what an episode, ready for next week 
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louismirage · 7 years
Dark In The Day~ Chapter 7
Love, you left me haunted. Love, I’m just a shadow now.
Sometimes the darkest of them deserve a second chance.
~Chapter 7
Things were going good for Louis. He had gone back to work where Zayn and Liam had welcomed him with open arms. His mother hadn’t been able to find a job, but she had started a small business, making alterations and mending clothes. So far she was making good profit and looked happier. Louis was the happiest he had ever been in a while.
It was already the end of his shift. The streets were dark, sometimes getting illuminated by the lightning and filled with thunders. It was going to rain and Harry was due to pick him up at any moment now. He had just finished putting the mop and bucket away when he heard the door opening, furrowing his brow when he could have swore he had closed it. He grabbed a baseball bat Zayn had left there that morning and made his way to the front, relaxing when he saw Harry leaning against the door frame.
“You scared me.” Louis lowered down the bat, wanting to laugh when Harry raised his brows and tilted his head to the right, looking confused.
“I– I’m sorry, the door was open and I thought it would be okay if I just came in.” Harry said as he started smiling, seeing Louis still wearing an apron. He looked adorable in his opinion.
“It’s fine, I just thought I had locked the door.” Louis set the bat down on a table then started taking his apron off.
“It was actually open.” Harry lied, when it had been him the one to open it.
“Must have forgotten to lock it.” Louis waved him off. “I’m just gonna put this away and then we can go.”
Harry watched him go, and when he was sure he was out of sight, he looked around to make sure nothing suspicious was going on. Lately, he had been spotting Lucifer around when according to him, he still wasn’t allowed home. Lucifer had gotten the habit of visiting him every night right when Harry was going to go to bed. He would always eat his oreos and drink a soda, so now Harry made sure to always have extra for his brother. Harry’s explicit dreams about Louis continued, but Harry chose to ignore them and more when he was around Louis. He didn’t want to embarrass himself and Louis every time his eyes lingered on Louis’ body. Louis was more than that.
Louis came back and after locking the door and making sure everything was locked, they made their way to the car. They made conversation on the way home, and when they got there, Harry got out as well when Jay had invited him to dinner that morning. The house was warm compared to the chilly outside and the food smelled heavenly. They found Jay getting the tacos ready while his sisters set the table.
“Harry! I’m glad you could make it, love.” Jay greeted him.
“Thank you for inviting me.” Harry gave her a sweet smile.
She smiled back then looked at Louis, her expression softening even more. “How was work, sweetheart?”
“It was good! I got better tips today and tomorrow I don’t have to close.” Louis told her, glad that he got to get off earlier than usual.
“That’s wonderful, love.” Jay said. “You boys must be starving. We were just waiting for you.”
Louis and Harry greeted the girls before they washed their hands and sat down to eat. The food was delicious like always, and Harry found himself holding back from eating too much. He wanted Louis’ family to have enough to eat, but made sure to eat enough so Jay didn’t think he didn’t like her food when he in fact loved it. He made a mental note to bring something if they ever invited him again.
“Lou, Harry,” Daisy spoke up. “Phoebe and me are going to have an art exhi– exhi.” Her brow furrowed when she couldn’t pronounce it yet.
“Exhibition?” Harry asked.
“Yeah.” Daisy nodded. “We’re going to have one at school.”
“Really!?” Louis said, looking more excited than her.
“Yes!” Phoebe giggled. “And we want you all to come see it.”
“I would love to go. Thank you for the invitation.” Harry told them, giving them a charming smile that made both girls giggle.
“It’s this saturday at noon.” Jay informed them as soon as her daughters went back to eating.
“I could come here and then we can leave together to the school.” Harry suggested, and before Louis could protest, Jay had already agreed.
Like always, Harry stayed to help them clean up, glad that Jay didn’t protest anymore when she knew he was going to help her anyway. Louis walked him to the door and waited by the door until Harry was in his car and pulling out of his driveway, then went back inside. He used the time he had left before going to bed to help his sisters with their homework while Jay worked on a few more clothes she had to return the next day.
Louis was explaining photosynthesis to the twins when the lights flickered off and on, making them look up at the ceiling. When nothing happened, they continued what they were doing, already used to the power going out during storms. It wasn’t safe to be outside and Louis hoped Harry had gotten home safe. A few minutes later, a loud thunder accompanied with lightning startled them, taking with it the power.
“Mom!” Phoebe screamed. She was afraid of the dark.
“It’s okay, love. Stay with your siblings while I go find the candles.” Jay slowly got up, grabbing a flashlight she always kept by her side whenever it would storm.
Jay made her way to the kitchen, stopping in front of the window right above the sink. She looked for the candles on the cabinet next to the window, having trouble when they were too high up. She could feel them with the tips of her fingers, getting on her tippy toes, and getting startled when she saw someone standing right outside her window.
She was quick to turn the flashlight off then look out the window from a distance, not wanting to get too close when she didn’t know who it could be out there. Her breathing was shallow, and there were goosebumps forming on the skin of her arms. She didn’t know what drove her to get closer when she saw a shadow passing by then returning to stand in front of the window.
She got closer to it, but when she saw the thick metal collar around their neck she stumbled back, her back hitting the table. She started shaking the longer she stared at it, until the figure disappeared and the power came back on. That and her children’s loud voices seemed to snap her out of her trance. She looked around then went back to the living room to continue working as if nothing had happened.
“Mom, are you okay?” Louis asked, making sure his sisters were reading their books.
“Y– Yeah, I just couldn't find the candles.” Jay lied. She didn’t want her son to know she was probably going crazy.
“I’ll go look for them in case the power goes out again.” Louis smiled and got up to get them, leaving Jay still thinking about what she had just seen.
In the end, she decided to ignore it and continue working. She went to bed that night, completely unaware of the archangel sitting on the rooftop, right above her window. Michael was soaking wet, ignoring the cold rain pelting against his skin and the way his lips were turning blue from the cold. His wings were out, standing tall and weighing him down as the raindrops slid off of the feathers. He couldn’t feel the cold, but that didn’t mean his body didn’t react the way a human’s body would.
He looked up at the sky and gently touched the metal collar around his neck. He shed a tear that mixed with the drops of rain, turning into another one of them. He looked down at his lap, wrapping his wings around himself. He took one look at them and closed his eyes, unable to look at them any longer. His wings were turning a brownish color and his feathers were slowly falling off. He looked into the distance wondering about all the ifs and what would have happened instead. If only he had been strong enough. If only he had made the right decisions.
It was a long week but they had made it. That saturday morning Louis stood in front of his closet looking for something to wear. It was the day of his sisters art exhibition and Harry was due to pick them up at any time now. When he heard the doorbell, he grabbed a pair of the best jeans he had and a red plaid shirt along his vans. He quickly changed then rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and his hair, groaning when he could hear his mother greeting Harry downstairs.
When he was finally ready, his sisters were already downstairs trying to each get Harry’s attention. But as soon as Louis entered the room, he blushed when Harry’s gaze settled on him, never taking his eyes off of him as he made his way closer to them.
“Good morning, Louis.” Harry greeted him.
“Good morning.” Louis responded, not knowing what to do with himself when Harry always managed to make his tummy feel funny.
“Is everyone ready?” Jay asked as soon as she walked into the room.
When Louis walked outside followed by his sisters and mother, he followed Harry to his car. He let his mother sit in the front seat even after she had protested that she would rather sit in the backseat with the girls. The drive there was spent with the twins talking about their art and what the many projects represented. Louis hadn’t seen them yet, but he already knew they were amazing. He was already proud of his sisters. All four of them.
When they got there, the twins led them inside the school and into the gym that was filled with many tables and people walking around looking at all the many pieces of art. They went straight to look at the girls art projects. The first ones was called paper jungle and it consisted of the picture of a jungle made out of only construction paper. Harry thought it was beautiful, definitely noticing how Phoebe had added more detail on her picture. Both were great to him, something they should be proud of.
Next they moved on to various paintings the girls had made. They were flower pots, animals and the last ones something that the twins had had a choice about what to paint. Phoebe’s was the empire state building at night, while Daisy’s was the shade of a small angel standing on the edge of a cliff, their wings extended and ready to take flight. The sun was shining down on it, and Harry could see two other shaped watching the angel.
“I’m going to see the empire state building one day.” Phoebe proudly told him, smiling when Harry smiled.
“Make sure you take lots of pictures.” He told her, then turned to look at Daisy.
He furrowed his brows when he found her staring at her painting while the rest of her family looked at all their projects again. Daisy finally looked up at him and gave him a smile before she looked back at her painting.
“What’s your painting about?” Harry finally asked her, making sure to be at eye level with her.
“He’s going home.” Daisy replied. That was that, Harry didn’t ask anymore questions and Daisy didn’t say anything after that.
When the school even was over, Harry decided to invite them to a restaurant for lunch, accepting no for an answer. They ended up in a small mexican restaurant where they spent their afternoon before Harry drove them back home. He had decided to leave after when he saw Lucifer leaning against a tree and waving him over before he disappeared. Harry knew he would be waiting for him in his temporary home, eating all his oreos and drinking a coke.
Thank you for today.” Louis told him, snapping Harry out of his Lucifer thoughts.
They were standing alone in Louis’ porch. Louis was leaning against the wall next to the door and Harry was standing in front of him with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. They knew Louis’ sisters were watching them through the window, but they chose to ignore them when it was a harmless thing.
“Don’t thank me. I feel honored that I was invited.” Harry smiled.
“Still.” Louis told him, and just like that, he took a step forward to kiss Harry on the cheek.
But what was supposed to be an innocent kiss on the cheek turned out to be a full kiss on the lips when Harry moved his head, not having noticed what Louis was going to do. Louis stared with wide eyes, just like Harry. But when Harry pushed him against the wall and kissed him again, tangling his fingers through his hair, Louis didn’t hesitate to kiss him back.
It was a messy kiss, and they were sure Louis’ sisters were still watching but they didn’t care. Louis wrapped a hand around the back of Harry’s neck and tangled his fingers through Harry’s hair with the other. He was left wanting more when Harry suddenly pulled back and stared at him with wide eyes, never rejecting Louis when the smaller of the two decided to continue the kiss.
Harry never once thought about how wrong it was. About how what he was doing was strictly prohibited. Angels should never give in to carnal pleasures with humans. But when Louis traced his lips with his tongue, and rolled his hips against his own, Harry forgot all about it. He forgot he would be punished when he was half hard, feeling exactly the way he felt in all those dreams.
They were abruptly interrupted her when the door opened and Jay walked out clearing her throat. Louis’ sisters were behind her trying to look at them, but Jay closed the door behind her.
Harry cleared his throat, “I was about to leave.” He said.
He ended up leaving without another word, only sharing a small smile with Louis who was blushing a deep red. Harry didn’t start freaking out until he got home where Lucifer was on his bed watching tv. He had brought it a few days ago, claiming that Harry lived a boring life and he needed something to do while Harry was gone. Lucifer looked at him, a cookie halfway to his mouth, furrowing his brows when he saw Harry leaning against the closed door about to hyperventilate.
“What’s wrong with you?” Lucifer asked. Harry could tell he was naked under his blankets.
“I kissed him.” Harry confessed, making his way to the bed where he got on his knees next to it.
“About time.” Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Back in my younger years, I was balls deep in Juniper before I even kissed him.” Lucifer lied, knowing he had kissed him before it had happened. He would never forget that.
“But I kissed him.” Harry repeated, then started playing with the edge of the blanket. “I wasn’t supposed to kiss him. Its prohibited.”
“Did you like it?” Lucifer asked him, smirking when Harry blushed and looked down at his hands.
“I did.” Harry confessed.
“Then I don’t see a problem.” Lucifer told him. “Why deny yourself something that you want, that you like? This is what I meant millennia ago. Humans have freedom to do whatever they please so why don’t we?”
When Harry stayed quiet, Lucifer continued.
“If you like that boy, and if you like to kiss him then why deny yourself something that makes you feel good?” Lucifer placed his hand on Harry’s left cheek to make him look at him.
“Juniper makes you happy.” Harry stated. “But why aren’t you with him?” He asked.
“I already told you. He gets angry when I leave home. Michael needed a few favors and I’m not done yet, plus June kicked me out when i tried to go back for the night.” Lucifer explained, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing when Harry blushed.
Harry got closer to Lucifer, wondering if it was okay to ask him about his life now that they were actually having a decent conversation. Harry felt it was time to apologize.
“That day,” Harry started. “When you woke up. I’m– I’m so sorry.” He teared up.
“I don’t forgive, Harry.” Lucifer pulled away from him.
“I need to apologize, I need you to know how sorry I am. You were happy and I ruined that for you.” Harry grabbed Lucifer’s hands in his, looking into his green eyes.
“I’m happy now.” The fallen angel held Harry’s hand.
“Lucy…” Harry trailed off, his eyes wide and hands shaking. “What happened to your child?”
Lucifer abruptly pushed Harry’s hands away and got up, ignoring the fact that he was completely naked. He set his wings free, ignoring when he knocked off a few things to the floor, some breaking when they made contact with the floor.
“That’s none of your business.” He snapped.
“Lucifer…” Harry started, but the sharp edge of Lucifer’s wing against his neck stopped him.
“What do you think?” Lucifer’s eyes were shining with unshed tears and anger. “No innocent soul ever makes it down there. We’re all damned back home. He was my child, but he was innocent. He paid for my mistakes, for his mother’s, for yours and the rest. Don’t ever bring him up again. Don’t hurt me again, Harry.”
And with that, Lucifer retreated his wing and got on the bed again while Harry stayed where he was. “It hurt.” Lucifer confessed.
“I’m sorry.” Harry was crying.
“Me too.” Lucifer looked away.
They ended up watching a movie together, when Lucifer acted as if nothing had happened. Harry ended up falling asleep, dreaming once again about Louis. About his body and the way it felt underneath his, the way it felt to be inside of him. When he woke up again, the room was pitch black and Lucifer was long gone. He groaned when he realized his pants were filthy. It had been happening a lot and it always left him with more laundry to do when he couldn’t control himself. He looked at the clock, feeling more confused when he saw it was only eight at night. He had thought it was before dawn, but he had been wrong.
He decided to take a shower, and after he was done, he extended his wings when they were starting to make his back hurt. He had to do it slowly when they were sore, never seeing the brown feather at the base of his right wing.
0 notes
shineyma · 6 years
1st, I am beyond excited and grateful that you took the time to write all this!! I asked for a rant, Amy, you delivered. 2nd, /I/ should apologize because my reply's probs gonna be long. (Half an ask already. Ugh, I'm hopeless, and you extremely polite.) I'd seen Fitz said Deke's the worst to be their grandson, but not that he persisted! GO, FITZ!! Didn't Iain use to say back in S1 that he didn't want FS to happen? I loved him for it, esp when Liz can't seem to do anything other than wax (1/9)
the rest go under the cut because it’s a lot of asks XD
poetic about FS. (Whyyy, Liz?? Seriously, does she talk about anything other than FS?) LBR though, Fitz is #relatable here. I’ve watched 3 S5 eps and seen many spoilers, and Deke’s 95% a dick, right?? I think TPTB might’ve been going for that particular FS brand of determined, unapologetic, do-what’s-necessary but their compassion and drive to protect were always evident even in their “harsher/colder” actions/attitudes/treatments. (I’m missing the right words but you know, right??) /But/ (2/9)
they missed the mark by 100 miles. Anyway. Frankly, Amy, Jemma fighting viciously Fitz’s pessimism and fatalism, esp by putting forth a positive twist on fatalism (for lack of a better word) has rubbed me so wrong for so long. It’s not necessarily ooc?? But it’s also not Jemma in a right mental and emotional state?? (You’re getting a terrible description of what I mean but I’m no good for anything else right now.) Like she’s broken, resigned, fighting for some thing that just happened, (3/9)
that she didn’t consciously choose, it was forced on her through guilt of her own and of others’ making, and through others pushing for it, and she’s sort of accepted it, it’s just part of her life now, vaguely, automatically placed under the “good stuff” category, and everything around her is in chaos, so she just fights for /it/? I don’t know. There’s a difference between “the universe says we’re gonna be together, look at the signs!!” and “we want to be together and we’ll work for it”. (4/9)
About the logic fail, Jemma probs grabbed onto that “my mom told me the ‘right direction’ thing which her mom had told her”, ergo she raised her some, and coupled with the need to make Fitz feel better and the talk with yet another always unhelpful team member (😒), she just went for that stupid line. Does that make it not ooc? Well, /no/. *makes a paper plane out of your last 3 bullet points and shoots it @ TPTB, yelling “TAKE NOTES!”* Amy, in the AOS house we don’t perform surgery to the (5/9)
tune of melodies that calm and steady and help us concentrate. In the AOS house, we perform surgery while conversing on things that test our ability to hold back tears and shouts and shaking and violence, because we’re hardcore. So, the dog thing. @ Hydra WTF??!!?! Yeah, I’m glad I missed that. And OK, can someone finally confirm if Ward shot Buddy??!! It’s getting ridiculous. I say probs nah, because John used to prod him too often for not being cruel enough, but… I don’t know. Also, (6/9)
I’m so glad Ward didn’t attend Hydra’s School for Young Octopi!! I mean, everything does point to that!! :D Teen!Ward busted out at 17 and dumped in the woods, switching to Brett!Ward still in the woods, John alluding to Ward shooting Buddy and finally leaving the woods as the end of his training and immediate beginning of his SHIELD career… If he attended any Academy, that was SHIELD Ops. It’s canon! New Ward backstory! I LOVE IT!! OK, because Hydra has that elitist vibe, I’m imagining (7/9)
more of a posh-secret-club-inside-the-academy kind of thing?? You know, like the actual Piggate scandal with the UK PM, and there’s many a movie too that show secret societies inside colleges etc, whose members are wealthy kids of old families, and their fathers were members before them, and their grandfathers, and they have weird, twisted rituals. You know the kind. Malick, his daughter and the council of people they had brought to meet Hive, they remind me of that. Anyway, I’m still not (8/9)
forgiving Ruby for what she did to Elena, but the dog thing and the Hydra-engineered super-baby thing are something…?? I’d have to watch S5 to pass judgement and LOL NO, I ain’t about to do that. I thiiink I’m done. Man, I hope that was some damn good strawberry shortcake. I’m gonna need all the favor I can get. 😇 ❤❤❤❤ Also, what’s a strawberry shortcake and why are people discriminating against its physique??? Ah, and why do you use that squiggly line (~) at the end of some words??? (9/9)
Okay! Here we go! XD
First off, I…..go back and forth on Liz’s support of fs. On the one hand, it’s silly to hold it against her; it’s not like attacking her own storyline would be a smart move, either with fans (who for some reason overwhelmingly support it) or with Jed&Mo (who, after all, have made clear that they based fs’ relationship off their own). Sure, Iain got away with it, but look at the way the show treats Fitz vs. Jemma……he’s clearly the favorite. *side eyes aos* Plus, fs being together gets her more scenes with more people (gotta have everyone reminding her how destined~ she and Fitz are after all!!), so it’s understandable she’d like it.
And we could talk about that all day so…moving on!
Deke started out as the harsh/cold/doing what’s necessary to survive in a terrible environment character (he SOLD DAISY TO KASIUS because he was afraid her search for Jemma would endanger the rest of them), but the show kind of….dropped that? And tried to switch him to the lovable moron instead? It’s weird.
As for Jemma’s optimism……I guess I can’t totally blame her. Like, she does love Fitz, that’s clear enough. I personally don’t think she’d have gotten there if she hadn’t been constantly pushed towards him, or if he hadn’t made a big deal of “I can’t be just friends,” therefore forcing her to choose between a romantic relationship with her best friend or NOTHING AT ALL of him, but. Whatever.
My point was, she loves him. And he is CONSTANTLY going on about how they’re cursed and they’re never gonna work out and how ‘doesn’t sound great for the girlfriend’ and ‘I don’t deserve you’ and blah blah negativity. And it is just super not fair to her that she has to forever fight this attitude of his and try to keep him positive about THEIR RELATIONSHIP, something he should be excited and positive about ON HIS OWN. Ugh.
So from that perspective, I guess I can see why she’d cling to this, as evidence~ they’re not doomed and they’re gonna be okay. Good point, nonnie!
And another good point: I’d forgotten about the daughter saying that her mom had said the steps in the right direction stuff! to her That makes Jemma’s logic fail a little less egregious, I feel better now.
Oh, right, silly me. Of course aos is way too hardcore to want to focus on the situation at hand when surgery is underway!
I think the show kinda confirmed that it was Grant who shot Buddy? In 2x21 when Bobbi was trying to talk Kara out of the whole….torture thing that was about to happen, she tried to convince her that Grant was grooming her and that he probably started small and probably was started small himself, and Kara was like “yeah, Garrett made him shoot his dog.” So that probably counts as confirmation.
(But I am all about #denial so I choose to ignore it. Alternate explanation: Garrett was the one who did it but Grant wanted to use the story to connect to Kara, so he was creative with the truth. See? It still works!)
And yep! Garrett said, when he finally got Grant from the woods, that he’d gotten him into the ops academy! Which admittedly was four whole seasons before this mess and probably they didn’t know yet they were gonna give Hydra its own Academy, but why would Garrett make Grant do the dog test in the woods if he was about to go to Hydra and have to do it all over again? Doesn’t make sense! So yes, definitely Grant went to SHIELD Academy.
As for the “posh” sense you get of Hydra, nonnie, you are SO NOT WRONG. Hydra’s Academy was seriously SO prep school vibes, I can’t even fully describe it. They had UNIFORMS, nonnie! Suit and tie uniforms with HYDRA LOGOS on the breast pocket!!!! It was…….ridiculous. Ri. di. cu. lous.
And right? TOTALLY NOT COOL that Ruby cut off Elena’s arms, but I have some sympathy for her now. Some.
And thank you for asking, the strawberry shortcake was DELICIOUS! And it’s not discrimination (XD; I literally lol’d, nonnie, thanks for that)—strawberry shortcake is a dessert with sliced, sugared strawberries, whipped cream, and a kind of cake that’s called “shortcake” because of its crumbly, sometimes crispy texture. It is THE BEST and I’m so sad it doesn’t exist in your life. I’m sorry, nonnie.
ETA: sometimes people use spongecake instead of shortcake when making strawberry shortcake. these people are wrong and should not be trusted.
As for the squiggly line, it’s hard to explain! 
Sometimes, I use it to add a note of sarcasm or mocking. Since tone is hard to convey online, it helps me get my meaning across (and feels necessarily mean, in such statements as “Jemma and Fitz are destined~”)!
Other times, it’s more…..hm…..like a gesture, maybe? Like in my rant I wrote “the glory of Hive~” and the sguiggly was meant to convey a kind of handwave, like “the glory of Hive and all that stuff the Hive-worshiping parts of Hydra would concern themselves with.” Does that make sense?
I don’t know, it’s kind of like the tumblr habit of randomly capitalizing words in the middle of a sentence, you know? Sometimes it’s for emphasis, sometimes it’s for sarcasm, sometimes it’s just because it feels right. I hope that makes at least a little sense. XD
Thanks very much for the conversation, nonnie! Sorry it was such a struggle getting your thoughts to me!
0 notes