#And less “theoritical”
queersouthasian · 7 months
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I think this post is enough to tell one that how much media literacy is lacking in fandom spaces. Charlie's reason was literally the same in the novel, LIKE EVERYTHING WAS SAME IN THE SHOW WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT? AND CHARLIE WASN'T DYING FROM GUILT???? DO YOU SEE THIS FACE:
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I also love that the liberals on tumblr are going like "no you CANT SAY YOURE NOT GONNA VOTE FOR BIDEN ON TUMBLR" as if
1. We're american and could theoritically vote for the monster and
2.tumblr had an actual stake in the election. Likr man there is less than 1% of the entire voter base in all members here and a good portion of us aren't american. Someones personal resolve to not vote and advertising it on tumblr is gonna do like. Jack shit. We have to remember this website is extremely insular and absolutely famous posts get 60k likes max. You know instagram and twitter gets shit in like millions right
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nanjokei · 1 year
do you have any 'meta' on mutei. or just thoughts really
not off the top of my head. i haven't gotten myself to get to hermit room yet either, too intimidated by whatever insane theoritical mumbo jumbo that's over there (starting to feel a little brave tho, i might go for it soon). im not ignorant of its contents but i just haven't sat down and gone through it, so if any statements are off that's why
if overall thoughts i think hes impossibly cunty. not the biggest fan of the weirdo literature boy trope (less emphasis on boy but yknow the character type) but i feel like there was the appropriate amount of edwardian era drama, flare and camp a character like this NEEDS to work. a character like this can only exist in the confines of the 20th century, you can't just go around stabbing people on a whim anymore. he's a terrible fucking person, threw all his friends under the bus, went around stabbing people for no reason, and then the family curse... there's no doubt THAT'S real but at the same time if you look at it it really is a genealogy caused by generational trauma— my databook hasn't arrived (used a friend as a proxy to buy it and its been a string of bad luck but i should finally get it soon) so i'm hoping it elaborates on things but his overbearing presence (even though he had physically disappeared later) driving his son to suicide, fucking up HIS son, to the point where he can't show affection to HIS son without fear of something bad happening to the family he never had and is clinging to (probably with the thought of "ill be strong where my father couldn't bear to be") and then now him and atou trying to live on with their lives with all that package, it's all so fascinating. whether or not sanemitsu "escaped" the curse is up for debate, but looking at it from a less literal angle (i.e. the curse being literal, which it is, not debating that) and alternatively as a framing device, its such a well constructed chain of generational trauma conga. and for what. literally senseless theory and posturing. unfortunately i'm rooting for the shithead father and not the guy he tried to do surgery on he's just that cunty
like, he's moody and temperamental and probably called his grandson ugly in the delivery room. probably fucked around with langiri and azuma instead of caring for his family, but given writing was his livelihood and he never really ran off until he was already retirement age, it's hard to call him a deadbeat. never looked his own son in the eye once. but he also tries to act cute in the hermit room for you. the act is incredibly thinly veiled. character of all time cannot wait for him to come back and to go So? when theodore tries to get back at him
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THE DISCOVERY OF MOISSANITE - Moissanite, a naturally occurring silicon carbide, was first discovered in 1893 by French chemist Henri Moissan in Arizona's Meteor Crater. Initially mistaken for diamonds, this gemstone eventually earned its name to honor its pioneering discoverer. However, natural moissanite is incredibly rare, making it impractical for jewelry purposes. Instead, scientists developed methods to create lab-grown moissanite, allowing its mesmerizing beauty to become accessible to jewelry enthusiasts around the world.
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chessinventor · 2 years
I was planning on work to refine the diagram I drew to add a battery and the motor to make self running system, but I haven't use libreoffice to draw for long time plus my drawing skills are extremely poor. I can only draw conceptual diagram and can't really do much else other than that. My CNS prediosed me in certain way which I can't change such as faster than usual aging in my skin.
I really have not been working on that for a while:
The only expenditures of energy is friction in the gears and rotator, electricity is generate due to the change of magnetic polarities in two ends due to the rotation of the rotors attached with the magnet thus the former can't be treated as the input energy that being transferred to the output which is what the breakthrough or when the innovation took take in this invention approved by Japanese patent authority (and the genius of what all my Overunity generators/motors.) Thereby without my addition of one more pair rotor attached with magnets at the top that already is an Overunity device when the output of the generating coil is anyway between 10 to 100 to thousands compare to the lost of kinectic energy due to the frictions in the rotors attached with permanent magnets, and my innovation further multiple somewhere between 3 to 4 times of the energy output.
Japan has obvious reasons not to depend on oil and fossil fuels when it has no oil deposit in the land.
That ratio for certain when Alex my second brother had done experiment on that until we ran out of resources and had to sell everything.
So I can envision in refinement before mass production  when the friction could be minized and the generating coil is using the best quality with lowest electrical resistance (gold wire has no electrical resistance at all) then the output ratio could be maximize to close to 4000 of the input, definitely enough to drive a motor to drive is rotors or became self substainable. And theoritical that can drive another 3999 instance of itself to give 16 millions of its input. There is no need of oil and natural gas anymore in Ukrarine or otherwise, but it has to be done under the radar of US which is an oil producing country.
Verbal Explanation of the working mechanism of this Overunity electrical generator:
The top rotate clockwisely  while the below rotate anti-clockwisely to be in sync with each other, there would be a belt or flywheel connected by gears that is lead by a motor. (And the motor is driven the battery with electricity generated from the generating coil stored.)  Initially it could started by hand to rotate them two in sync of each other so the same magnetic polarity always face the same end, N with N and S with S while the other end of the rotors that has exactly opposite magnetic polarities. So the above and below magnetic flux flow through the same generating coil, as the rotors rotate together the magnetic polarities of left and right sidr changed in sync with each other: From N to S and from S to N. The change of direction of magnetic flux cause the generating coil to generate electricity in order to counter the change.
First Last Kkk, [11/10/22, 11:26 AM]
As of the motor it could use Adam‘s motor which the inductances from each E.M. coil cancel each out out, or applying my various OU design such as those "fan" designs with movable E.M. Coils that both move and had gain in electrical energy but they are more difficult to build.
If both motor and this generator designs are Overunity, with good choice of materials the output ratio could be well over 4k to maybe 10/20k, there would be no concern for Russian boming Electrical Plant anymore. As Ukraine is not an oil production country it should share no worry of how much Russian oil exports are  consumpted locally. The less oil it depend upon Russia the better. I can't imagine any advance civilization depending its economic on the process of oxidization or burning of fuel. Taking energies from various force field of the universe is our future.
I am yet to draw that with my quite poor drawing capabilities so I drop down basic idea first:
1. Four set of electromagnets facing both ends of generatinh coils which are not movable at all, it is changing between the states of magnetization or not;
2. It would switch between an empty air coils and electromagnet when a ferromagnetic metallic core is attracted into the air coils, thus utilizing parametric power conversion or iron is attracted by charged and begin to magnetize air coil thus drawing energy from the ether or from the fabric of  space-time continum or zero point energy whatever you term it;
3. Thus a mechanism is needed to draw the ferromagnetic cores out from the demagnetized E.M. coil once the magnetic flux is produced by aforementioned processes, and ideally such draw out processes is done by another set of parametric power conversion air coils so no input of physical energy is necessary and all done by E.M forces. (Thus the rotor above and below is rotate by itself but the air coils are stationary, the rotation is to cause the change of state between ferromagnetic metal strengthening and mege the magnetic flux produced by two just became E.M. Coils with ferromagnetic metallic coil then the state when the air coils are decharged and demagnetized.)
4. Once magnetized the two pair of E.M. coils (above and below) would attract ferromagnetic rod to rotate to it, thus amplifying the magnetic flux by the square of their sum (20+20)^2=160k. That also happened below.
5. The similar process of merge and amplification  happened in the generating coil as the pathway for the above and below sets of just became E.M. coils, so theortically (160k+160k)^2= well above 10 millions or close to billion output of electricity, and given the physical limitations of the material for the purpose of generaring elecrtricity I assume the upper limit is 10M;
6. We could store the electricity or electrical energy from the generating coils to the battery, then the electrical energy is (partially) feeding into the process 1 so processes 2,3,4 would start by itself (with the rest to supply the needs of whole city), and of course some input of electrical energy is necessary to kick start the whole thing.
Suggestion is that they can build tens of thousands of small ones from my original designs to supply the needs of family before they design and build something I just suggested for whole city. (And if they paid me US100k per month I permitted them to sell those to South Korea and Japan to make profit with the agreement that they are not going to copy and sell those outside their country  without paying me cause I am really bad due to the Overunity research.)
And in my mind, Overunity technology is very close to be deployable, so the fighting for or because of oil and fossiel fuels are simply stupid and pointless: Stupidity, ignorance and drilling the cow’s cone killing millions and may soon killing billions. When I got all those talents just to be wasted and oscarized daily, the world is rightly deserving the consequence, and ironically I can't pay the full bill of electricity last two months.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
First of all thanks for all the hard work and all the writing you've done, they make me happy to read (even the 'angsty' ones). Secondly, All this Submas twins has me vibin (✪ ω ✪)
Reading your works has me thinking-
Outing myself here, I am not good with directions and rely on repeated journeys and landmarks. But like if there were the Submas twins around, I would feel a lot less anxiety riding public transports. So theoritically, how would it go with the twins (either which or both of them) repeatedly helping a passenger who keeps getting lost on the Subways?
(And maybe the passenger finally decides to battle on the battle trains to familiar themselves with trains before straight up trying to work at the stations to get over the fear?) Please and thank you!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Leon is that you?
Ah! That makes me so happy to hear! Hopefully I can continue in that.
- despite how many times you show up, lost and confused.
- He is still as polite the first day he helped you.
- While he is confused on how you could get lost so many times. He doesn’t judge or ask questions.
- Well aside from “where is your next destination?”
- The second he sees you’ve entered the subway he makes his way over, asks that same question, and leads you to it.
- If you ever tell him that, since subways are always bare and the same, you only ever remember landmarks and that since the subway doesn’t really have any you get confused.
- He puts up things that fit but stick out.
- Like brightly colored papers and posters that could be used as identifiers.
- And when you make it to his train cart and express that you thought battling and walking through it would be a good way.
- He is more than happy to help.
- And even more so if you win. He is very proud of you.
- He still feels the need to help though and make sure you’re safe.
- and when he sees you’re trying out for a depot agent spot he feels so happy. You’re trying to work on your nervousness and that brings him joy.
- he is happy to welcome you to the station.
- Ingo helps you out since he cares for you, and knkw you the best out of everyone in the station, and with the patience of a saint you’ll do just fine.
- “how do you keep getting lost, you’re here everyday and I’m sure live in the city????”
- He is so much more confused.
- Becomes your unofficial brother of the station.
- With how often you’re here and need help he might as well be.
- He does joke to keep the mood light.
- He doesn’t find you annoying or bothersome at all.
- He just finds this both confusing and amusing.
- You two probably become friends because of this.
- Emmet asks his brother how to make the subway easier to navigate for more forgettable passengers.
- Which leads to subway themed Pokémon stickers being placed in obvious places and as like a little guide.
- If you battle his line he will not go easy on you.
- But he’s extremely happy you made it this far!
- Even more more so if you win!
- He wants to battle again and again and again! Even if he wins. Please keep coming back!
- and when he finds out you applied for a depot agent spot? Over the moon!
- he is the first to greet you on for first day and walks you through everything. He may not have Ingo’s patience, but he cares very much.
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alrightsnaps · 2 years
Whether Alicent is justified will come down to me on how Daemon is portrayed in the coming episodes. We’ve already seen him try to trap Rhaenyra into marriage- if Daemon does murder Rhea Royce and Laenor to remove obstacles to power, and then Rhaenyra chooses to marry him anyway, then I think Alicent is 100% correct in fearing her children will suffer tragic accidents if Rhaenyra and Daemon ascend. If he doesn’t commit those murders, then Alicent is more likely to be acting in self-interest.
tbh I don't think Daemon will have any involvement in Rhea's death in the show (I had previously mentioned reading a spoiler that mentioned something of the sort on twitter but I looked it up again afterwards for another ask and I think it can be discarded) but I'm curious to see what his role will be in Laenor's death.
But still, I don't think that Daemon's involvement will become known to anyone other than the viewers (otherwise I can't see how Rhaenyra could marry him, much less how Corlys and Rhaenys could fight by his side rather than murder him in retaliation). The more likely scenario is Alicent being swayed by Otto based on a more theoritical threat of a civil war and/or Daemon's influence. After all he's been planting the seeds since episode 3 in every scene he shares with Alicent, he'd push for a coup after Viserys' death whether Rhaenyra married Daemon or not.
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chameshida · 3 years
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A little late but here’s my take on Male light fury. I heard people say that the male light fury would be sharper, less curvy with ridge wing and such and honestly I don’t really like that idea. Even though I know that all the curve and heart tail and stuff are make with feminity in mind, like they make light fury as girl toothless first and sub species second, when apply to the lore i do want to believe that all those quality are species quality and not gender quality. Like Light fury as a whole is the smoother, beluga polar bear version of Night fury. (and like the reason why i prefer drawing light fury than night fury because of how smooth and fun the flow is, I’m not gonna make male light fury destroy all those quality just because people think sharp ridge=masculinity) That being said i can’t deny that the finale design is so feminine that it’s hard to picture every light fury just look like that.
So I make the male light fury that keep the quality that make light fury unique, all the smooth and curve and ridgeless stays. I think the only think that need changing is the face. The eye and nose porpotion like those so call Disney face. So i just....photoshop toothless face in and even make the Dreamwork smirk. Now he looks like the daring young boy (kinda like spyro) but still retain the over all body type.
so like my ideal take on toothless mate redesign would be just similary to this theoritical male light fury lol I think I’d be happy with her if they just get rid of that disney face, the rest of the body and heart tail can stay, it’s cute.
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Could you draw Aziraphale with a cane or some other mobility device?
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Aziraphale wanted a croissant. He got one. He couldn’t be happier.
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Or… maybe he could. Btw he has little handles with pins on his chair to prevent “nice” people from grabbing it and “help” him move without his consent :))))) ( also, I noticed I gave him a coat that is probably not wheelchair friendly at all, he can probably only button up the highest buttons… I’m sorry Aziraphale… but… maybe he can use this as an opportunity to ask his demon to miracle him a better coat instead…)
OK so I was very happy I received this drawing prompt for several reasons:
2) we absolutely need more representation of disabled people and Aziraphale is an excellent character to help reach that goal
3) this is going to allow me to explain one of my headcanons about the corporations Hell and Heaven give to their agents (more of that below the cut!)
4) I am not a disabled person myself but I do try to educate myself on those topics, and though I still have a looong way to go I’m going to take this ask as an opportunity to promote the Youtuber that has made me understand quite a few things about ableism and how to stop being an ableist little shit myself:
Please consider giving a look at Vivre Avec’s videos. I linked one that has english subtitles and explains the disability they have (Ehler Danlos Syndrom - also, I’m saying they because they just came out as nonbinary today, so most of their videos don’t reflect that entirely. They/them in english and il in french). They are very interesting and their Twitter is full of pictures of their bunnies ^^
OK so now for the headcanon about corporations.
Basically, neither Hell nor Heaven see human bodies or their specificities as good or bad. When they are inhabited by a demon or an angel, most of the time they’ll be using their magic mojo inside to make it do what is more practical / comfortable for them (like preventing sweat and other annoying body fluids from forming), which will most likely lead the host to ignore any disability the body may have.
But it doesn’t mean that the body itself isn’t disabled. 
My headcanon is as follow: Heaven and Hell’s stock of bodies are representative of the diversity of bodies that can be found on Earth in the same proportions ( it goes from eye color to intersexuation to any size shape and age - with a bemol on children’s bodies because they are way less useful than adults’ ones - and it very much includes disabilities ).
Angels and demons alike have shapeshifting powers that can come in handy for when you, for instance, need to impersonate a gardener for a few years, or if you need to blend in and therefore have to change your skin color or other features… But, if the host decides to let their body look like and behave the exact way it was made -so by removing any magic influence they have on it-, then any feature originally implanted will manifest. Once again, this includes disabilities.
To accompany the drawings above, I don’t have a particular disability to propose for Aziraphale’s corporation ( I’m afraid I don’t know enough about it, don’t hesitate to headcanon anything you like ) but it seems to be something that varies in intensity. Some days he can walk, some days he can’t, and therefore he might need his wheelchair even if he could theoritically stand without using his powers to magically force it. 
Aziraphale’s main struggle when he is in his wheelchair is to prevent Crowley from establishing permanent residence on his lap, because that is a real temptation if that demon has ever seen one.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 4 years
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@ordinaryfruitpunch before I dive into this I want you to know i did that happy hand-flapping stim so aggressively I thought I would start flying.
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@naiadbookworm , @dragomer , and @basilgarden also asked, so I'll mention them too.
So let's lay out some things we know about Jet.
He's driven. If he believes in his mission, such as getting himself and his friends safely out of a war zone, he will do what it takes to accomplish it.
Some time after his eponymous episode he and at least two (might have started out with more, but ended up with just two) of his followers left for Ba Sing Se, which according to the wiki seems quite a ways away on foot. They wanted to start over, and Jet specifically wanted to make ammends for a past of hurting and manipulating innocent people.
He's probably used to stealing food, or forging for it in a dense forest he's familiar with.
He mentions to Zuko that as outcasts they have to watch each other's backs "because no one else will," which suggests he wasn't able to rely on the generosity of strangers as Zuko had with Song and her mother or Lee's family.
Now we consider the fact that he has little in the way of funds or marketable skills. Stealth and combat might have gotten him a smuggling job, but it won't help in a refugee camp, where there's safety in numbers. Stealing from people who barely have anything themselves is a good way to get run out of the group or worse, not to mention it very much goes against his wish to turn over a new leaf. Theoritically he, Longshot, and Smellerbee could sell their armor and weapons, but they're still armed when we see them in "The Serpent's Pass," so that couldn't have been the case. We don't even know if Jet can read. (The missing Appa flyers didn't have a whole lot of writing so someone else could have read it to him, assuming it wasn't in the directive the Dai Li gave him and he wasn't just going by the formatting and picture.) All he really has is charm and acting skills, and I doubt he knows any monologues or ballads he can recite for spare change.
"But mostly-mundane," you might be thinking, "he can only supply if there is demand! Why would any other refugee barely better off than him pay for somthing as blatantly unnecessary as sex?" Well, there are a few reasons but it mainly boils down to this: sexual intimacy makes for an effective distraction. When times are dark and uncertain, it might give someone a sense of control over their life or make them feel less alone. It's a very human need to hold and be held, to touch and be touched; it's the first form of comfort we are ever given and when one is running for their life with a bunch of people they don't know, that can be hard to come by. And before this gets taken out of context, this isn't me saying sex workers are here to solve all your problems, nor am I advocating for sex as a psycological cure-all. People will take warmth and comfort and fleeting enjoyment where they can find it, even if they have to pay for it and risk getting diseases or infections.
So we've answered why he would and how he'd even be able to find custom, but who would they be? I don't think he'd target anyone in particular, aside from maybe the richest he could find. He'd probably steer clear of drunks for his own safety, but I don't think he'd put more thought into it than he absolutely had to. It's a job, and not a particularly pleasant one under his circumstances. Most of the time, he probably wouldn't be working for money, but for food and supplies, though he would have needed both eventually to buy three ferry tickets and forged documentation. Then again, that might be a private arrangement he had with the captain. We've seen soldiers leeching off of the civilians they were supposed to protect and conscript a child as punishment for resistance, so this doesn't seem at all unlikely to me.
I think he'd also be insistent, to the point of violence, that he was the only one of the group taking on those kinds of jobs. He's shown to have a very strict idea of what it means to be a leader, and while that does involve calling the shots and expecting near absolute loyalty, I'd bet it also means he'd take it upon himself to be the main provider and protector. He bears the brunt of the responsibilities because he led them into the situation. Smellerbee might have seen the toll it was taking on Jet and suggest that she go sell favors with him, since they might pay more for a girl, which he would turn down and say that he would never ask that of her. She might have tried to say it's alright, that she really wouldn't mind but he'd cut her off, asserting that he wouldn't be the reason for either her or Longshot getting passed from bed to bed and pretending to like it for table scraps and small coins. He got them into that mess, he'd tell them, so he'd be the one to worry about getting them out.
I don't know what Jet was planning to do once they got to Ba Sing Se. He said something about a new group of Freedom Fighters, suggesting he'd be involved in vigilante justice or at least being an informant to the authorities, but that doesn't always pay the bills. After being brainwashed by the Dai Li, he says he has a job over by a warehouse Appa was being kept in and that he's been living peacefully in the city, but that doesn't give us much (a factory worker, maybe? A minder in a textile mill?). I'd like to think Smellerbee and Longshot decided they'd help him find something reliable and decently paying. They'd seen him tired from being up all night and they probably saw bruises when he washed or noticed him trying to walk normal to hide how sore he was and they definitely noticed how much more agitated he was by touch. They wouldn't have wanted him to have to do it all again.
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antriebsloosigkeit · 4 years
"Afropessimism, then, is less of a theory and more of a metatheory : a critical project that, by deploying Blackness as a lens of interpretation, interrogates the unspoken, assumptive logic of Marxism, postcolonialism, psychoanalysis and feminism through rigorous theoritical consideration of their properties and assumptive logic, such as their foundations, methods, form and utility; and it does so, again, on a higher level of abstraction than the discourse and methods of the theories it interrogates.
Again, Afropessimism is, in the main, more of a metatheory than a theory. It is pessimistic about the claims theories of liberation make when these theories try to explain Black suffering or when they analogize Black suffering with the suffering of other oppressed beings. It does this by unearthing and exposing the meta-aporias, strewn like land mines in what these theories of so-called universal liberation hold to be true"
Frank B. Wilderson III, "Afropessism"
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deliciousscaloppine · 4 years
For the Author Ask meme: 6, 15, 25, 30
6. Where do your titles come from 
For me, it’s the impression I want to leave the reader with. Like say in a story there are a lot of scenes, a lot of images, a lot of dialogue, so I will choose to reference in the title the thing I want the reader to focus on.
15. How do you write a really good metaphor?
I am more of a simile girl myself, because I love randomly interjecting images (for that cinematic feeeeeel). But for me metaphors, are basically the spirituality of the text. It’s very easy to get lost in descriptions of actions (external or internal) when you write a long work. So metaphors are always a poetry moment condensing things like memory, feeling and action into one. A good metaphor for me is always very abstract, it’s not an equation but a whole theoritic proposal that neither you nor the reader can prove and that’s for the best.
For instance:
I have this moment that I wrote for Hidden Fragrance where Jin Guangyao is holding his just born son, and he is struggling with the fact that he cannot feel anything for this baby, because it’s basically proof of a crime he didn’t want to commit. Something that he too finds morally repugnant. So in an effort to distance himself from this crime, he loses the empathy he should have for his child. So he is of course reminded of the behavior of his father. That just as he cast him out, because he should have never had him, he is doing exactly the same thing to his child. So now not loving his child puts him in the same place as his father - which is the last place he wants to be.
So in this moment I chose to have him remember his mother. The aspirations that she had for him and his life at Carp Tower that are now collapsing, but because he can’t shift the blame on her - for giving him a directive in life that has now proved wrong - I paint those aspirations as a wish that flees to a constellation where all futile wishes go: because a) wishing upon stars is pretty common among cultures, and something we can all make a connection too, and b) constellations where used in seafaring, so we can also make the connection that a star just like a wish can offer some direction in our lives.
THIS could be the end of the metaphor, but I chose to prolong it by painting one more picture that makes the whole connection of wishes and stars way less sappy: Since that wish has fled and is now part of a constellation, and constellations are very very distant stars, which sometimes are not even visible to us, Guangyao feels like there is nothing and he and this baby are alone in the dark. SO ULTIMATELY the metaphor is there to serve the impossibility of emotion, the utter betrayal that has broken the continuity of a human family.    
(Answered 25- it’s right below this post)
30. How do you edit your stories?
With tears in my eyes. Lol, it depends on the groundwork I’ve done to create the story already. If I know what I want to write very well, I am going to be very disciplined from beginning to end, and write in a structured way making my intents clear to the reader. This is a bit like doing calligraphy as an author. It’s difficult and it doesn’t happen often, unless you’ve had a story within you for a long time. So usually this story is edited, by fixing certain expressions, by deleting things that might make the reader take detours to get back at the central meaning of the story, basically anything that is superfluous, or not very well worded.
FOR stories that you yourself don’t know where they are going, the editing process is very well ingrained in the creation process. You always go back fixing things, changing characters, redelegating purposes and sharpening the tone of the work and the voice of the character. It’s the most difficult type of editing, but it is worth it, there are so many elements that make these types of works very textured. For the final edit you have to make sure everything is readable though- so you have to check things like chronological order not just for plot points, but also for character development. 
In other cases where you do a scene by a scene work, you go back to introduce emotional cohesiveness, and shape more clearly the intent of the characters. So it’s always several drafts of very small things changing, and basically adding mortar to your blocking.
(I hope this was helpful)
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modern-oedipus · 5 years
Would anyone volunteer to respond a few questions about antidepressants?
I want to write a more or less accurate representation for Ray’s (lack of) antidepressant usage in Conflict. I know the scientific basics of the antidepressants & how they function & what their side affects may be & how you need a psychiatrist’s approval and constant follow-up to use antidepressants, and sometimes an antidepressants does not fit your metabolism and you need to switch, etc. But all of these are theoritcal information to me. I’ve never used any antidepressants and I never lived closely to someone who actively uses antidepressants, at least not as much as I know. As an author, I do take great consideration in what I observe, but what I observe about antidepressant usage is quite limited.
If anyone’s comfortable having some private discussion about this, I’d love to listen to them in a non-judging way.
One of the things I wonder the most is whether antidepressants cause memory loss (temporary or not) and do they slow down your pace of thinking? I can get some theoritical answers for this as well but I really want to listen to it from a real person’s perspective rather than science articles.
Another question is, do you fear that your own self is “forced to shut up” when you use antidepressants? Because it has been my main assumption while writing Ray who uses a bunch of antidepressants to function, I feel as if he’d feel like it’d slow him down from thinking & make him feel drugged, rather than treated. I get the feeling that he hates it. And that’s gonna... be a thing Ray has to work on throughout the plot.
Disclaimer: I’m not a therapist, do not take anything I said as a medical fact or a medical advice. Make sure to follow your doctor’s advices and do not misinterpret fiction for real life! You got this! 💯
Anyway, you can also reply back to my inbox about this— or you can send a message, anon or non-anon. Take care and thank you in advance.
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purvitatiya · 5 years
July: 4th Week
This week was again more theoritical. We discussed the nuances of writing a good story and more in depth study about independent film production houses.
British Film Institute (BFI)
The British Film Institute is a film and charitable organisation which promotes and preserves filmmaking and television in the United Kingdom. The BFI utilises lottery funds to encourage film production, distribution, and education. It is sponsored by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
As we discussed earlier about the sourcing of finance for independent film producers, BFI is one of the major finance sources for them.
A few films which earned a lot of fame and were funded by BFI are,
Breathe (2017)
You were never really here (2017)
The boy who harnessed the wind (2019)
Under the skin (2013)
The last tree (2019)
Brooklyn (2015)
Cold war (2018)
Seven psychopaths (2012)
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Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective.
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Independent Movies - Case Study
As explained in my previous blogs, independent movies are those movies which are produced by independent film production houses which are free of the hold of conglomerate companies. They have minutes budget and deal in realistic genres, are mostly funded by BFI. British film producers are considered to be independent film producers and US film producing companies are considered to be conglomerates.
Due to all the problems and issues faced by independent film producers, as discussed in my previous blogs, the guarantee/probability of earning profit for independent films is very less.
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The film Breathe (2017), for instance, had a budget of $ 15 million and a box office of only $ 4.9 million.
The film was produced as a joint venture project by Participant Media, Silver Reel, BBC Films, Embankment Films, Imaginarium Productions and was also funded by BFI. It was only released in the US and UK. In US it was distributed by Bleeker Street and in UK it was distributed by STX International. The film had its world premiere at the 42nd Toronto International Film Festival September 11, 2017. It was also screened at the Opening Night Gala at the BFI London Film Festival.
That's all for this week!! See you next week🙂.
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Because I feel you have a very good understanding of the characters in this series, I wondered if you agree with the Cursed Child’s seeming platonic portrayal of Albus and Scorpious or whether you thought the descriptions and feelings described (what little is included in the script) were more romantic. I think you have seen the play? How about how the actors protested their feelings.
Their feelings were platonic. 
Albus and Scorpius are portrayed as friends. Not as being in love with each-other. Theoritically, one could interpret them freely. They are two young boys who love each-other so much, who ‘belong together’ and are miserable without each-other, who are afraid of other people changing their dynamic but all that is presented as part of their friendship. Sure, the actors do an amazing job with the hugs, the character’s expressions etc. but that doesn’t make them romantic.
It’s actually interesting that having two boys who are soft and express their feelings makes them gay, apparently, but when it came to Harry and Ron who were not so touchy with each-other there were far less people trying to claim that they are romantic despite Harry thinking about him too much when they fought while when it came to Hermione she was out of sight-out of mind and despite Ron being the person that Harry would sorely miss. Couldn’t these things be interpreted as romantic? They could. My point is, that the way someone interprets something is a choice, which is sometimes not supported by the story but is still allowed by it.
Specifically: Albus seems to have an interest in Delphi and Scorpius is 100% infatuated with Rose. This is Cursed Child’s canon. Now, we all know that people can be bi or pan and that sexuality is fluid, not to mention that one may have also repressed his feelings towards the same genre, but there is not the slightest indication that that’s the case with either character. If any fan chooses to see them this way, he’s doing just that: choosing; choosing to project what he wants to see. And that’s fine. Personally I ship Scorbus both platonically and romantically. If they became canon they would have had an amazing relationship and the play ends early enough that it allows me to imagine that they might have realized eventually, as they discover themselves and their bodies, that they like each-other romantically and sexually too. 
That said, talking about how they ARE portrayed is a matter of the writers’ intentionality. When they state that Scorbus was just a friendship and they have written both of them to be attracted to women, blaming them for queer-baiting when they never implied that either character was queer, just because there is not a *THEY ARE NOT GAY* direction to completely shut that window, is ridiculous. 
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ordinarystuffs · 2 years
Just  a welcome memo
Hi, Tumblr, been a long time, isnt it?
I recently take interest on reading psychological books to boost confidence and nurture a compassion. However, each pages bore me, were it less theoritical, I would gladly stay tuned.
And the book, “Why A students work for C students” wins me. I am still tumbling on each pages. Will tell you soon, had I have a time :)
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