#And she has JUST started downloading! hashtag win
lemon-3ds · 1 year
Losing my shit trying to download videos on YouTube but the mobile app is absolute shit and refuses to work for my playlists for no reason. Anyways good morning guys
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roaringdandelions · 4 years
INTRODUCING || Laguna Vista
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because everything sounds better in Spanish, hee hee
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|| About Laguna Vista
Welcome to Laguna Vista! This multi-functional lot features several fun activities for your Sims to partake in as they enjoy their time in the Sulani sunshine. Scroll down to learn more!
|| First Floor
Seaside Serenity Yoga Studio SUNBURST Cap’n Carole’s Bakery & Cafe Shelley’s Paint Studio - feat. NEW! Paint Nite dates & paintings! Koko Krab Tiki Bar
|| Second Floor
Laguna Bay Apartments
Click below to see MANY screenshots and learn more about the lot’s many amenities! 
NOTE: This is a no-CC build located at the Lagoon Look location in Sulani, in the bottom-right corner of the map. I am still making additions to this build in the way of decorations and details but the basic structure will remain the same. If you are interested in downloading this, please let me know in the comments below! Please enjoy my lot descriptions and screenshots, I had a lot of fun working on them and I hope that they make you smile, or even laugh :D
|| Seaside Serenity Yoga Studio
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Are you feeling a little tense? Have you had your body weight in kava and it still isn’t doing the trick? Head to Seaside Serenity Yoga Studio, where yoga classes are held throughout each day. This tranquil studio is guaranteed to make you feel relaxed, re-invigorated, and definitely limber. On-site lockers and showers allow you to sweat like a pig right before a public roast and still walk out fresh as a bougainvillea blossom!
LOCAL TIP: Wilhelmina Torriance, the studio’s primary owner and leading instructor, is a true believer in the idea that fish should not be hunted for recreation. If you happen to catch one while out fishing and decide not to eat it, you can bring it by the yoga studio and Wilhelmina may add it to her sizable aquarium! Your contribution may earn you a discount, while your behavior may earn you a disapproving glare.
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If you’ve just realized that you woefully under-packed for your vacation, or have a burning desire to spend your Simoleons on some new fashion and souvenirs, then look no further than SUNBURST, the area’s premier oceanside shop designed to meet your every need!
PLEASE NOTE: This famous retail mega-chain is still stocking its shelves and will be open to the public in the coming weeks - stay tuned to @SUNBURST for more details and tag us in a selfie using the hashtag #SunburstSelfie to win fabulous merchandise vouchers!
|| Cap’n Carole’s Bakery & Cafe
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Carole Cunningham is a longtime member of the Sulani community and regarded as one of the sweetest, most personable ladies that you will meet during your stay in Sulani. A former captain in the Brindleton navy, she retired a few years ago and happily settled in to island living, where she harnessed her passion for baking and started her own bakery and cafe. Tourists and locals alike come to relax at her counter-top seating out of the hot, hot sun and enjoy delicious snacks and treats all made by the great captain herself. You haven’t truly experienced paradise until you’ve tried Cap’n Carole’s notorious “raspberry ridicules” - the exact recipe is a secret, but a recent write-up by a widely-acclaimed San Myshuno food critic’s blog has everybody rushing to get one for themselves!
LOCAL TIP: Looking for a discount? If Carole is behind the counter (and she usually is), say the phrase “oh Captain, my Captain!” at checkout for a ten percent discount off your total purchase - twenty percent if you can recite the poem to which that line refers!
|| Turtle Bay Paint Studio
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Have you ever wanted to try your hand at painting, but do not own an easel, paint, or an ounce of talent? Have you ever wanted to use someone else’s supplies to give it a shot anyway AND mix in delicious local Sulani nectars while you make a fool of yourself on the canvas? Well, look no further than Turtle Bay Paint Studio! Shelley Makaheli is a locally-famous artist that finds great joy and passion for art in general and loves sharing her gift with tourists and locals eager to try their hand at creative expression. Sign up today for one of her super-fun Paint Nites and paint along with a professional artist while sipping on gorgeous nectar blends made right in Sulani! Why spend money on souvenirs when you can get juiced and make them yourself?
LOCAL TIP: Use promo code WINEABOUTLIFE for twenty percent off two or more Paint Nite tickets - perfect for a date night or a night out with your girlfriends!
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|| Laguna Vista Marina & Watercraft Rentals
We get it: when you gotta go, you gotta go... out on the water, that is! Head to the back of Laguna Vista and rent one our high-caliber canoes and water scooters. Perfect for families of all ages looking for a little adventure in their day! Laguna Vista’s close proximity to nearby beaches and lagoon-side dining make rental use a breeze!
PLEASE NOTE: Locals and tourists with appropriate marina paperwork may also dock their personal watercraft at any available hitch post at one of our three docks.
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||Koko Krab Tiki Bar
Tiki Time is all of the time! Recently opened by Sulani native (and local heartthrob, me-yow), Makoa Kealoha, this fun outdoor tiki bar is perfect for a quick drink out with friends, a date with a traveling stranger, or even a place to drown your sorrows when a dolphin rejects your offer of friendship. Enjoy lagoon views and ice cold drinks in the hot sun and dance the night away on the back porch and the marina docks - just try not to fall in the lagoon!
LOCAL TIP: We realize that yes, Mister Kealoha is handsome. Criminally so, some may say. We also realize that the hashtags #HubbyGoals and #ManCrushMonday were most likely inspired by him, and that he should play every romantic lead ever put on stage or in cinema, ever. But we hate to break it to you, ladies (and gentlemen) - he’s happily married, and in a frustrating turn of events, she’s absolutely lovely and they’re blissfully happy and they have a sweetheart of a son and a freaking adorable dog and it’s just so darn infuRIATING--
Ahem. So please, try to avoid sexually harassing him during your visit to Koko Krab Tiki Bar. It’s beginning to get a little out of hand.
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|| Laguna Bay Apartments
Laguna Vista is proud to welcome you home to Laguna Bay Apartments, a beautiful new rental property now available to tourists looking for a downtown vacation home-away-from-home with immediate access to local flavors. Featuring two cozy apartment spaces, these unique rentals are perfect for a couple’s getaway and each come with a full kitchen, dining and relaxation spaces, bedrooms with lagoon views, and outdoor access to second-floor patios overlooking the shimmering waters of the lagoon. Traveling with your little pirate or mermaid? One apartment features a child’s bedroom with plenty of room for one child! Shared common areas and laundry service areas complete this lovely island escape. 
PLEASE NOTE: Book your stay now for the best deals! We can’t wait to welcome you home!
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almondbiscotti · 3 years
Top 10 Netflix Watches in 2020
A roundup of my favourites from what I’ve watched this year on Netflix.
 1.       Alice in Borderland
I only recently finished this (in like 2 days) and it is the best thing I watched this year. 10/10 will recommend, will pine for season 2, will attempt the webtoon even to keep my obsession at bay.
If you have not heard of AIB, you must be living under a rock. Or don’t have Netflix which is close to the same thing. The premise of AIB is that 3 friends suddenly find themselves in an alternate Tokyo where all the residents have mysteriously disappeared. They quickly realise they have to play pretty sadistic games to in order to survive and lives are dispensable. It has elements of Battle Royale (hey, also Japanese! The Japanese have some serious issues.) but I found AIB more engaging and suspenseful than Battle Royale because unlike Battle Royale which can be thought of as one long killing game, AIB is a series of many, extremely stressful but shorter games that aren’t just about killing each other.
What works so wonderful for AIB is the storytelling. It has AMAZING storytelling. How the characters progress from stage to stage and the mystery behind this “country” they’re in is kind of slowly revealed, how there are parallels with Alice in Wonderland, the playing cards, the excellently fleshed out characters. *Chef’s kiss* Chishiya is my favourite character. LONG LIVE CHISHIYA! I don’t care if everyone else dies but CHISHIYA MUST LIVE.
There are things I didn’t like about it, but it’s less to do with the show and more to do with Japanese acting/dramas in general. I find it very unnatural when the characters give very dramatic outbursts or attempt to act gangster-ish but I find this is very common in most Japanese shows. So I like to believe it’s a cultural thing. I also didn’t like the pointless skin showing and sex. I mean, we get an entire scene where a girl in a bikini fights a katana wielding mad man. But I think it might be more because it was adapted from a webtoon and it’s just adapting the anime style? And EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER has a depressing backstory, like every single one has some weird ass issue. (Tell me it doesn’t sound like Battle Royale.)
But overall, AIB’s winning combination of great world building, excellent storytelling and likeable characters, makes it my favourite in 2020.
 2.       Kim’s Convenience
I’ve talked about Kim’s Convenience before so I shall not go too much into it. It’s great, just watch it. If only for Appa. Just watch it for Appa. Appa is best. I love Appa.
 3.       Kingdom (S2)
I started on Kingdom quite a lot later than most people. Mostly because I’m a coward and horror is well, horrifying. So I watched Season 1 about 1-2 weeks before Season 2 was released. Must say I’m glad I did cos hello cliff hanger much?!?!
S2 was great too. Has all the elements I loved in S1. Excellent storytelling, the suspense, the build up, NO ROMANCE (makes it a frickin unicorn in Korealand), believable villains but the thing I enjoyed the most about Kingdom is the relationship between characters. SO PURE. SO REAL. SO AMAZING. MUST PROTECT.
The one thing I didn’t like was how the damn characters like to do this thing where they’d just freeze and AIIIISIH FFFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK and draw out the suspense when a literal tonne of zombies are coming for them. Like dude, RUN. But no. They will pose there like fucking idiots for like 2 minutes while the zombies come closer and closer till FINALLY, someone goes “RUN, YOU FOOLS” before they move a muscle. It’s nonsensical, it’s frustrating but it happens in every damn Korean show so… I’ll give it a pass. It’s not the show, it’s Korea.
No news if there will be a season 3 but there is a special episode being released next year, a side sequel of sorts. So… yay?
 4.       Queen’s Gambit
This baby made chess sexy. How it did it, I have no idea. But 10/10 will recommend. It made chess so alluring, I downloaded a damn app and played 2 games and remembered how much I sucked at chess and promptly deleted the app again.
Anya Taylor-Joy is beautiful. Will recommend just for her face alone. And the beautiful cinematography. Beautiful, the whole thing is just beautiful.
I didn’t like the guy that played Benny though. Seriously what a weird casting choice. Dude is supposed to play some devil may care gangster but he looks like he’d fall over if breeze came by.
I think what makes Queen’s Gambit so appealing is that you see Beth succeed and rise up, then falls dramatically down but she comes back and triumphs over her chess opponents and her own issues. It’s essentially a story of overcoming adversary, of triumph. Gives you hope. Gave me hope. Made me want to play chess. Made me watch entire Youtube videos explaining the chess games featured in it. I’ll say that’s a win.
 5.       Sweet Home
My (and apparently the rest of the world’s) latest obsession. Well, my obsession is actually less the show, more just one character/actor.
CHA HYUN SOO IS A PRECIOUS BEAN THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. So frickin precious, with his broomstick spear and mismatched socks. I. LOVE.
But honestly, it is a pretty good show, my obsession with Song Kang (the actor) aside. The world building in Sweet Home was pretty well done, characters were compelling though as with Kingdom, characters do the same thing where they just stand there and freeze when danger is about to descend on them. Seriously, I lost count of the times I yelled HELLO FOOL RUN!??! at the screen. If the Spanish have magical dicks, then Koreans have idiotic legs.
I think the director/writer made a deliberate decision not to explain how the infection (if it’s even an infection) occurs, how monsters can be defeated or if they can even be defeated, and how the monsters’ abilities/traits are determined. And I enjoyed the mystery of not knowing and could understand the characters’ despair better because they were just as bewildered as me. (Me being me of course went to read a bit and it is explained more in the webtoon the show is adapted from but, I like to think the two are different.)
I find myself comparing it to Alice In Borderland quite a bit. Might be because I watched them one after another but also, the main characters share such similar traits, they even look similar. And with that comparison, AIB won. AIB has better storytelling and pacing. But Sweet Home has more characters you feel for and more deaths you care about. I cried a FUCK TON watching Sweet Home.
It’s good. Would recommend. If only to stare at Song Kang’s perfect face. 😊 Oh oh oh and the Soundtrack is also 10/10.
 6.       Derry Girls
I did not expect to like Derry Girls as much as I did. This was supposed to be a mindless Circuit Breaker watch for me but it was SO FUNNY! I related so hard to the characters because I was from an all girls catholic school in my youth.
Each episode is a bit of a standalone so you don’t even have to watch the episodes in chronological order. But they are all SO DAMN FRICKIN FUNNY. That’s what I loved the most about Derry Girls. It’s just funny. Watch it if you want something to make yourself happier.
Also, Irish accents are LOVE. That alone is worth the A grade.  
 7.       Criminal United Kingdom S2
Depressing as fuck but so engrossing. It’s literally watching a mystery unfold. The acting is also 10/10. Though the episode with Kunal Nayyar (Raj from BBT) made me very uncomfortable because I couldn’t unsee Raj.
What makes Criminal even more amazing is that there is only one set, an interrogation room. So the show can only rely on the writing and acting to be good. And it is really really very good. Not light watching but feed your soul with the excellent artistry.
(S1 is just as good as S2. 100% will recommend the entire Criminal Series TBH. France, Germany and Spain all are good.)
 8.       Teenage Bounty Hunters
CRACK. 10/10 SOLID CRACK. The show is as ridiculous as the title suggests. But I enjoyed it because it was so engaging! Storytelling was great, characters were great and IT WAS SO FUNNY. Great light watching. 😊
 9.       Dirty Money
ALSO DEPRESSING AS FUUUUUUUUCK. But I learned so much from it. Will not recommend watching it all at one go but it was hella educational. I feel like it opened my eyes to many things.
 10.   Dr Jason Leong Hashtag Blessed
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takeoffphilippines · 3 years
Creating Kindness, One Comment at a Time
As part of TikTok's global safety campaign #CreateKindness, TikTok creators from across Southeast Asia unite to discuss the impact of comments and why it’s important to be kind online.
Manila, Philippines - November 10, 2021 - TikTok, the leading destination for short-form mobile video, through its recent #CreateKindness campaign, addressed important issues, including taking steps to end cyberbullying and negativity on the platform. One of the many initiatives under the campaign was a #CreateKindness hashtag challenge, which encouraged users to spread kindness within the community by sharing heartwarming videos, and leaving inspiring comments on each others' posts. TikTok users in the Philippines were quick to rise to the challenge, showing how, among Filipinos, kindness always wins!
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Since its launch, TikTok's #CreateKindness campaign has already generated over 400 billion views from almost 50 billion video creations that reflect kindness. Over 2 billion videos that make use of heart stickers, and creative effects that celebrate kindness have also been shared on the platform by users around the world.
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With almost 475 million videos in total, the Philippines is the second market with the most content created using heart stickers, next to the US.
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Hashtags centered around love and respect have also played a major role in boosting the #CreateKindness campaign, and spreading the word about it among creators worldwide. In the Philippines, the most popular kindness hashtag is #Puso, with almost 9 million posts.
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Apart from #Puso, which is a Tagalog word that means heart, other popular kindness hashtags used by Filipino creators are #Tulong, which means help, and #Pagmamahal, which translates to love.
 In the Philippines, one of the activities done as part of the #CreateKindness campaign was a #CreateKindness webinar in July, which aimed to combat cyberbullying through kindness and compassion. Guest speakers included TikTok creators Julienne Ipapo and Alec Cuenca, Josel Anne Miolata from the Philippine Mental Health Association, Inc., and Maribeth Santiago-Chua from the Child Protection Unit of the Department of Education.
 Creators advocate kindness and respect online
Additionally, TikTok recently teamed up with six popular creators from across Southeast Asia as well, on a video entitled, "From Meanies to Goodies", to encourage users to behave responsibly online.
In the video, each creator reacts to comments taken from their TikTok videos, ranking them from "mean" to "kind". They also share the impact each comment had on them - both good and bad. This highlights how, while comments may seem insignificant or harmless to some, they can leave a big impact on the receiver and even their family members.
Among the six was Filipino creator Ayn Bernos, who has been using TikTok as a platform to inspire others through her self-love journey, advocate for body positivity, and challenge colorism in the Philippines. When asked how her loved ones feel about the comments she receives, Ayn shared, "I've talked to my family about this. Most of them are really proud, especially with the nice comments. However, whenever we would see mean comments, hurtful comments, I think it also hurts them."
To view the creators' reactions and hear their stories, check out the full video below:
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"We're constantly making TikTok a safe and supportive environment where creativity can thrive. Through this video, we aim to start more conversations about the importance of creating kindness online through the content users share or comments they post. We truly appreciate our creators for talking about their experiences on the platform candidly, and we hope that it'll inspire others to think before they post," said Kristoffer Rada, TikTok Head for Public Policy.
Choose, celebrate, and create kindness on TikTok. Download the app on your iOS and Android devices to get started.
📧 If you wish to send an invite and feature your province/company brand/event; Just ask the author of this vlog, email us at [email protected]
Follow our Social Media Accounts:
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/TakeOffPHBlog
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Website: https://takeoffphilippines.com
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Faux Leather Frenzy
How the Vancouver-based brand Aritzia leads the conversation of mass-sustainability, with a little help from a fabric made in Japan. I know I couldn’t have been the only one that has fallen victim to mindlessly downloading TikTok at some point over the course of this pandemic. The excruciating and endless nights of boredom, figuring out how to fill your time that didn’t involve sending yourself into a spiralled depression, it was honest work. TikTok became a platform so heavily saturated because of this. It transcended into a plethora of new information and that was, and still continues to be, so easily accessed through the tip of my fingers. So, I’m laying in bed one night, halfway through my allocated TikTok scrolling time before shutting my eyes and I keep noticing a certain pair of faux-leather pants popping up on my feed. I did a little comment stalking, had a look at trending hashtags on the app, and find out shortly after they’re called the Melina Pant by Canadian brand Aritzia. I jumped out of my bed and bolted for my wallet, unhesitatingly purchasing a pair online within minutes. 
As of 5 minutes ago, the #MelinaPant hashtag on TikTok has amassed over 5.5 million views, predominantly of videos with the brand’s stylish target market including employees unboxing and leaving their reviews. The pants’ straight-leg silhouette imitates your favourite pair of vintage jeans, which has been equally as popular during these times. It was just recently that I had learned they’re not only faux-leather but vegan, all credited to a 100% polyurethane fabric that’s imported from Japan. At a price point of $148, the garment doesn’t come as affordable as people would like, although knowing that small piece of information lures me into wanting every 13 shades the style has blossomed into. Finding the Melina pant was almost certainly a win-win, because not only do I feel like I’m being transported back to a time of normalcy when I put them on, I rest reassured knowing no animals were harmed in the process of making them. My only hope is that this sets the precedence for other multi-million dollar companies to start taking the necessary steps to save our Mama Earth, she’s the only one we have. 
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source aritzia
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ministraight · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
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clarityclaim · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
ownfact · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
rolewatch · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
tailortatted · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
markride · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
scopehot · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
perkdistrict · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
daysdo · 4 years
Tumblr media
TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
0 notes
Madden NFL 21 Cheats
Madden NFL 21 Guides
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Madden NFL 21 manual was recently launched. There's nobody usual revel in for a recreation author. I really like to consciousness greater on character development. I also experience playing android video games. We use cookies to make sure that we come up with the high-quality experience on our internet site. If you preserve to apply this web page we are able to expect which you are glad with it. If you want management simulation video games then Madden NFL 21 mobile football mod for android and ios is the quality game for you. Your remaining purpose is to take your team to the superbowl. Make certain to visit the team menu frequently and hit the first-class lineup button on the upper proper to ensure you are up to date. The same old advice — keep away from careless passes, live cool within the 1/3 down, pick the ai's counseled plays whilst doubtful — could practice on offense, but in right here, you'll additionally be answerable for controlling the protection. Use the switch button often to toggle to the participant closest to the ball — regardless of how tremendously rated your other defensive players are, there may be always the possibility that the game's simplistic ai will lead them to as a substitute vain! The crew of orr and hilleman designed and led the improvement of what is these days nonetheless recognizable because the modern madden. Early variations of madden were created by using outside improvement studios inclusive of bethesda, visible ideas, and stormfront studios. John madden football '92 also featured the ambulance which could run over any gamers in its route. After visual ideas did not supply madden nfl 'ninety six for the brand new playstation in 1995, ea hired tiburon amusement for madden nfl '97[26] and later acquired the employer, centralizing development in-house. You need 30 for them to have any use and idk if there are another approaches to get them aside from buying them with madden Cash. So apart from lucky pulls, the 86 ovr masters seem not possible to get f2p unless im lacking something. On tuesday, ea revealed that the Madden NFL 21 cellular pre-orders have formally started out. As a way to allow enthusiasts of the popular standalone mobile app to ensure they have the app geared up to download as quickly as it arrives. While the denver broncos' brandon stokley in 2009 burned six seconds of the clock with an unusual run earlier than scoring the winning touchdown against the cincinnati bengals, madden designers—who have been looking the sport with madden—without delay recognized his action as "what takes place in the sport! "[8][3] soccer broadcasts on television use madden-like visible cues to more closely resemble it, and the nfl considers the series its "thirty third franchise" because every week at some stage in the season ea sports gets the equal searchable movie database of every play that each of the league's 32 groups do. In 1996, next technology listed the genesis installments of the collection together as wide variety 30 on their "pinnacle 100 games of all time", calling them "one of the fine -player games of all time, the sport that reinvented ea, and (in conjunction with sonic the hedgehog) the game that launched sega's sixteen-bit attack on nintendo. "[80] at some point of the mid-1990s, the collection got here beneath increasing criticism for its exploitable ai in single-player mode, as sure performs might always trounce ai-managed teams,[81] and got here to be seemed as often a multiplayer experience. In 2007, 2k sports activities launched all seasoned soccer 2k8, which used former nfl stars. In august 2006, ea sports activities debuted nfl head train, which applied the madden engine to create a football control simulation. The game was criticized as buggy and unrealistic. Ea tiburon rebuilt the game from the floor up, addressing flaws and growing a proprietary engine, over the path of three years. Nfl head coach 09 become released on august 12, 2008 bundled with the unique edition of madden nfl 09 and as a standalone game on september 2, 2008. your instagram account have to be public that allows you to be eligible. In case you do no longer have an instagram account, you may create a loose instagram account at www.instagram.com. Use of the instagram hashtag in reference to your instagram post constitutes your unconditional attractiveness of these respectable guidelines, and you acknowledge and agree that the sponsor has the proper to circulation your post via the instagram api or otherwise use your put up as set forth in its on line phrases and conditions at http://instagram.com/about/prison/privacy. In case you're logged in in your google+ account and get that message, click thru the create a brand new account prompts. This can carry you on your correct account. There is an age requirement to link your recreation to facebook. In case you by chance placed your age in wrong and it is underneath the minimal required age for a facebook account, you can not link it. In case you're beneath the minimal required age, you will must wait till you are old sufficient to link your account. You can uninstall and reinstall the sport to begin over, however you may lose the whole lot to your sport which includes your crew and stats. Please be aware that we aren't liable for the privacy practices of such different sites. We inspire our customers to be conscious once they leave our web site, and to examine the privacy statements of every and every website that collects for my part identifiable data. This privateness assertion applies totally to facts accrued via this internet site. We do not sell or rent your non-public information to 0.33 events. But, our partners, including advert companions, can also acquire statistics in relation to your website utilization as disclosed herein. You get to hook up with humans from all around the international and really develop new connections and form new alliances to curate the finest group within the global. Don't just sit and cheer in your crew rather go along with them and play. Allow your desire to take part and make your u . S . A . Proud come alive. Seize the madden's masters and supply the greatest schooling sessions on your associates. You can compete with different gamers on board thru the arena h2h or overdrive. The packs had been redesigned inside the equal fashion because the player card arts. The new season will see some new collectibles being introduced in the game, such as positional emblems and gridiron dust. The designers said that collectibles needed a redesign due to the new core loop, with the new trading mechanism being introduced. Ea revealed designs for the brand new collectibles. We can't complain about them!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gamingonphone_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',131,'0','0'])); there are some lineup boosters & reducers coming too, and their art will help the player easily understand how he/she can use it.
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hotfleck · 4 years
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TikTok for Business: Why it’s so important for marketers
TikTok for Business     
 So you’ve heard the buzz about this new platform TikTok, but you might be feeling a little bit skeptical. How am I going to leverage this platform for business growth? The app downloads of TikTok surpassed 1.5 billion in 2019 making it the second most downloaded app, Which I think is kind of mind-blowing.
 In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of  2020, TikTok will be the number one social media app, crazy right? We’re gonna dive into some of the demographics and unpack the behind the scenes of TikTok and where and when and why and how businesses can and should leverage this platform for growth.
 I know the fear that you may have is thinking there is no way your audience is on TikTok. Let’s talk a little bit about demographics and you can decide for yourself.
   Best Tiktok bot in 2020 to gain 10k+ followers on autopilot? 
       Tiktok demographics    Is this the right platform for you and your business? Now one of the things that really surprises most business owners to learn is that nearly 30% of TikTok users are over the age of 30. 30% of one billion is a lot.
 There are currently  150 different countries represented on TikTok, 65% of TikTok users are female. But when I spoke with TikTok Corporate recently they actually said that they’re working to get that balance as close to 50/50 as possible.
   Why use TikTok for business     
 So you may see a real surge of athletes in an attempt to win over the males that are still hanging out on Twitter. TikTok is actually learning your interest and until you’ve followed quite a few profiles and engage with people, it’s going to be difficult for TikTok to know what to serve you.
 However, if you keep engaging with content that you like, and skipping the content that you don’t, you will quickly discover that you have an entirely different experience.
 In recent years there’s been a surge of consumers begging for a real look at the authenticity behind the scenes of brands, celebrities, businesses. We found that consumers were falling in love with brands all over again instead of the perfect photo like Instagram.
 Suddenly you’re able to show the culture behind the scenes. Maybe you’re super fun, maybe you’re super snarky or skeptical, that can show on TikTok, it allows your consumers to say yep!, I always knew I liked that brand and now I understand why.
 Now, quite possibly one of the coolest reasons to use TikTok is that unlike any other platform right now there is unlimited untapped viral potential. In fact, stars are being made literally overnight and businesses are blowing up.
 For me, the first signs of potential virality were this time when I had about 60 followers on TikTok and I put up a video, overnight it reached 9000 views. It opened my eyes to the potential for virality for any business.
 I wanted to test it in my industry and see how it could work. So I created another video that was breaking down false beliefs in the marketing industry.
 What was so crazy is literally that video went viral in the course of a week reaching nearly a million views and generating more YouTube subscribers than we had ever had before, website traffic, and actual sales rivaling sales that we generate from our Facebook Ads campaign we pay for every month.
   How to use Tiktok as a marketer       Now if you’re feeling skeptical, head on over to the TikTok app right now and go type in the hashtag for your industry, #Home decor for instance or #entrepreneurs, check it out because if your hashtag is there, there’s viability for your business on TikTok.
 Now the beautiful thing with TikTok is because it is a closed ecosystem, you can link your profile to your YouTube, drive people to your website drive them to lead magnets.
 Another opportunity that is just emerging is TikTok Ads.  I’ve had a sneak peek behind the scenes and the CPMs are juicy, the reach is incredible and the targeting is improving every single day.
 Now a question we hear a lot about TikTok is,
   What is the point of being on TikTok?    There are four E’s that I look at every time that we’re diving into a TikTok strategy:  Education, Entertainment,   Engagement, and Emotion. 
 If you can tap into these four Es, you will have your loyal customers saying yes! and you will reach new markets from the audience reached on TikTok.
   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020 
       Education    The first step with education is that you’re able to actually educate your consumers on this platform. For example, I’ve seen these videos that say, here is what a properly laid floor looks like. And they show examples of a great floor versus the shoddy work from one of their competitors.
 It’s beautiful and businesses are able to educate their consumers on what they should be looking for. And in fact, that leaves consumers feeling, incredibly empowered, and trusting you as the right solution for whatever it is they need to buy.
   Entertainment    Number two is entertainment, we all love to be entertained, right? You go to movies, perhaps even Netflix binge each evening. Your customers are the same way.
 TikTok is no different in fact,  the average TikTok user is spending 61 minutes per day on the app sound up, and 75% that time is spent on the For You page searching for new content, new profiles to follow and that could be your businesses content that they’re binging in tonight.
    Engagement    Everybody loves to find people who are similar to them. So when people are scrolling on TikTok and they find content that makes them say ‘oh, I thought I was the only one’, they’re so excited to engage because suddenly you’ve given them permission to say, I feel the same way, or I’m excited to learn about this.
 You can create literal engagement bait on TikTok and TikTok audiences are eating it up.
   Emotion    The most powerful of the 4 E’s is Emotion. When you can start to tap into stories, maybe it’s the stories of some of your customers whose lives have been changed by your products, maybe it’s a before-and-after that leaves someone feeling incredibly inspired.
 Maybe it was that mission that your team took to another country to impact the world and you’re able to tell the story making people feel good, making them feel happy, making them feel hopeful.
 When you can touch on emotion on TikTok, you’ll be amazed to see how audiences spring to life. People love to cry, they love to laugh, they love to even, as crazy as it sounds, get angry especially when something goes against their values.
 And this is the perfect place to connect with them emotionally.
 Now there are certain types of businesses that are most prime for TikTok and those are anything, that is B2C, especially E-commerce, physical products,  anything you’re selling directly to a consumer is prime for TikTok, anything that has a beautiful aesthetic, Beauty, food blogging, luxury real estate that is ready for the TikTok market.
 And any business that naturally has a hero or a spokesperson for the brand, it makes a lot of sense for them to be on TikTok.  Now I’m going to blow your mind with several examples of big businesses and small businesses that are absolutely crushing it on TikTok.
 First up we have Chipotle who launched a campaign on TikTok, all about avocados. It Increased their gross sales for the following week after their campaign by over 63%, Next up, we have Calvin Klein. Years ago Calvin Klein launched a massive traditional media campaign featuring Justin Bieber in Calvin Klein underwear.
 When they launched their very first TikTok campaign within 24 hours, they surpassed the total number of engagements of that entire traditional media campaign with just their TikTok engagements alone.
 In fact, just the other day I spoke to an influencer who is a popular blogger, she had 160,000 followers on TikTok with millions of views. And I asked her what her going rate was for a sponsored post and she said $25 per sponsored post.
 So the ability to partner with influencers in a way, that’s more easily tracked, more cost-effective, and ultimately potentially able to even go viral is honestly unmatched by any other platform.
   Influencer sponsorship    Now I’m going to share with you guys a quick tip on how you can find and secure sponsorships with influencers even if you’re not on the TikTok platform yourself or as a business.
 Search for a hashtag that your ideal audience might use. Next, find the influencers that are putting out top content within that hashtag. Now here’s the beautiful thing, you can go straight to their profile, click through to their Instagram and send them a message on Instagram asking them for their rates.
 Now one of the best ways for you to decide if TikTok is a good investment for you and your business is to spend some time on the app, give it a go, test it out, shoot some videos and have fun.
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