llamawrites · 7 months
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I made myself a gif of the Anderbad eyes, enjoy.
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hebuiltfive · 1 month
Hokay! For the prompt generator game, TOS Virgil and Penelope, romantic.
Thanks for doing this!
Hey! Thank you for the request, @tikatu! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to it! I fought with a few ideas before landing on something relatively simple. Hope you like it!
The prompt was: Forehead touching, forehead kissing. Hopefully I'll get it up on AO3 later, for those that prefer to read on the archive instead!
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Time Waits For No-One
The soft scent of peonies awoke him from his slumber. Stirring slowly, Virgil pulled the lithe body closer to him. He was met with a sleepy grumble and he let out a gruff chuckle in response.
Penelope stretched, releasing a jaw-clicking yawn as she did so. She did not move, however, opting to instead bury her head further into the crook of Virgil’s neck. It was obvious she did not want him to move just yet. That was absolutely fine with him; he had no desire to leave the comfort of her bed yet either.
Though they both had important items on their respective agendas today, neither of them wished to rush and break the spell. Birdsong rang through from the open window and the morning sun cast warm rays through Penelope’s coral curtains. Reality could wait a little while longer.
It had been three months since the Anderbad tunnel. Three months since Virgil had nearly had to bare witness to losing the woman he held close to his chest this morning. The thought alone, even with her curled up safe beside him, was enough to turn his stomach. If one good thing had come out of that situation it was that it had woken him up to his feelings.
Virgil glanced down at Penelope. She still had her eyes closed. Her breathing was the only thing that indicated that she was very much awake. He lifted a hand to sweep a strand of golden hair from her face.
One of her eyes peeked open to sleepy blue.
Virgil simply grinned. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
Penelope lazily rolled her eyes. “Are we going to be stuck in this cycle again this morning?”
“You missed out the ‘good’ part of ‘morning’.” Virgil frowned, executing his puppy-dog eyes that worked so well on his brothers.
Penelope’s chuckled was infectious and, for one blissful moment, there was nothing but the entangled sound of their laughter mingling.
The knock on her door, followed by Parker’s intentional coughing from the other side, led Penelope to sigh. The magic was broken and, reservedly, she began to peel back her side of the covers.
Virgil immediately pulled them back up.
“The sun has risen.” She claimed, fighting off the smile that threatened to break through.
“The sun can wait.”
“Virgil, darling, time waits for no-one.”
“I know that.” He nodded with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
Before Penelope could say another word, however, Virgil yanked the covers further up and over the both of them in a flash.
“It means we have to make the most of every second.”
“Virgil!” Penelope half-heartedly whined. “This is not what I meant, you know it!”
Despite her protests, Penelope did not fight to get out from under the covers again so quickly. They lay there, gazing at each other for a while.
Then, as though she snapped back to reality, Penelope went to move again.
“Wait!” Virgil wrapped his arms around her and held her fast. He then unleashed a flurry of kisses, pressing his lips across her forehead, down her cheeks, before landing one on her lips. Satisfied, he grinned. “Okay, now you may go, but only if you really must.” He deployed that same little pout one last time, to no avail.
“I really must.” Penelope insisted, returning one of his kisses to his own forehead. “As do you. You have that call with your father later, remember? I wouldn’t want you to miss it.”
Virgil grumbled and watched as Penelope gracefully rolled herself out of bed. How he was going to tell his father about his new relationship with her, Virgil did not yet know. He’d think of something, but he’d have to think of something fast. Time, as Penelope had stated, waited for no-one and the seconds were ticking down, whether Virgil wanted them to or not.
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cg29 · 3 years
Fanfiction 21 Q&A Tag Game.
Answer the 21 questions then tag anyone who’s fics you’d like to know more about.
1. What fandoms have you written for?
Apart from 1 fic all of mine are Thunderbirds.
2. How many works do you have on AO3 &/or FFNet?
I’ve 21 on A03 & 22 on FFNet. The extra fic that’s not currently on A03 is a short I wrote many years ago set in the OZ universe. Plus - 47+ mini fics in my Pic & Mix collection.
3. What are your top 3 fics by kudos on A03 &/or Favs on FFNet?
A03 Kudos:
93 - Virgil Drabbles.
79 - Pick & Mix.
70 - Gone.
FFNet Favs:
50 - Gone.
22 - Virgil Drabbles.
21 - Pick & Mix.
4. Which 3 fics have the least kudos & Favs?
6 Kudos - Birthday Wish.
7 Kudos- Moving on. Episode TAG Flame Out.
8 Kudos- Scayo. Episode TAG HyperSpeed / Bring on the Fluff
FFNet: only including TAG fics.
1 Fav - Bring on the Fluff.
2 Fav- The Games.
3 Fav - The retribution of Scott Tracy.
5. Which Fic has the most comments and which has the least?
A03 Comment Threads:
Gone, 72.
Scayo Episode TAG for Hyperspeed, 0 comments.
FFNet: Only inc TAG.
Gone, 347.
Scayo Episode TAG for Hyperspeed, 2.
6. Which complete fic do you wish had gotten more attention?
Moving on, episode TAG Flame Out. A fic explanation for Grandma Tracy’s 8 episode absence until her hysterical return in Flame Out.
7. Have you written any crossovers?
I’ve started 1 (only put 1 chapter up so far) a cross between Thunderbirds and Hunger Games.
8. What is the craziest fic you’ve written?
The retribution of Scott Tracy. I wrote the short crack fic while high on pain meds, and it shows! 😂
9. What’s the fic you’ve written with the saddest ending?
Definitely White Light: I was actually in a fairly good mood when it popped in to my head, but it was one of those that demanded I write it down. Finished it in one day, and personally (even though I cry whenever I read it) I think it’s one of the better shorts I’ve written.
10. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Considering how much angst it contains probably Gone.
11. What is your smuttiest fic?
The night of Anderbad, it’s set after the original series episode of the perils of Penelope and features some Virgil/Penny hotness.
12. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, all were anonymously sent and are usually deleted and forgotten about. The two that have stuck in my mind were for The Tracy Family - apparently saying that I accepted prompts for future chapters meant I was stealing other peoples ideas and I was a rubbish writer who couldn’t come up with my own content. The other was for Bad Day, and they sent a homophobic rant because I wrote Virgil and Brains in a relationship.
13. What is the nicest comment you’ve received?
I love all my comments. I did receive a private message once on FFNet (which I kept until FFNet decided to delete it) saying that I was their favourite writer and they had read Gone multiple times. ☺️ I can’t remember who it was but the message helped me through so many ‘I’m crap at this’ moments and inspired me to write many more TAG fics.
14. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware.
15. How many fics do you have marked as incomplete?
I have 8 in total, also around 10 WIPS that I’ve only shared bits of on here. 😅
16. Which of the WIPS will most likely be finished first?
It will most likely be Reflections as I have the final 2 chapters planned out and a some in 1st draft stage.
17. Which WIP are you looking forward to finishing?
Avalanche. I’ve really enjoyed the challenge for this fic and personally think it’s one of my better multi-chapter stories. No idea when it will be complete. I was a little bit stumped with the next few chapters. I do know how it ends though.
18. Is there a WIP that you’re considering abandoning?
All the posted WIPS that I’ve put up should hopefully get completed at some point. I’m currently expecting The Games and Virgil Drabbles to be the last ones to be marked complete. However, there are a couple of fics I’ve only shared early chapters/snippets for on Tumblr which may unfortunately go no further - if I decide to leave them, then I might post as they are in my Pick & Mix collection or on their own.
19. Which complete fic would you consider rewriting?
I won’t rewrite it but I had considered Tracy Family. There are some bits I’ve cringed at when reading again, foreshadowing ideas I had after posting . I also had an idea for a part 2 but it would only work if I rewrote parts of it.
20. Which complete fic is your favourite?
Bad Day. This was a self-indulgent fic which included one of my favourite tropes, (repeating days) contained a heap of Virgil suffering lows and highs and although I’m no longer into the OBannon/John pairing some of my other favourite pairings are included.
21. What’s your total published word count?
According to A03 it’s 246722 😮
Tagging: @burningcowboyhoagietaco @gumnut-logic @janetm74 @psychoseal @womble1 and anyone else who’d like to join in.
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dreamycloud · 4 years
Okay, so I’ve finally got the first chapter of my TOS Penelope and Virgil fanfic up on AO3 - and just in time for Christmas!!!!!
I’m still a tumblr newb so I’m not sure how to get the formatting right for this post... so here’s the summary of my story:
“Virgil Tracy wants to prove to himself and his family that he has real artistic talent. But he never expected his abstract painting of Alan to sell that quickly—and to a mysterious buyer interested in purchasing more of his work.
When Penelope Creighton-Ward recognizes Virgil’s painting hanging in a gallery, she has to bring it home with her. Keeping her identity a secret from him is a must: she can’t risk disappointing him if he knew a family friend was buying them. More than that, he can’t know she wants them because she cares for him more than she should.
Neither can forget the moment they shared in the Anderbad tunnel. Their roles as artist and patron will slowly bring them together.”
I was 100% inspired by this scene:
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But also by Virgil’s delightful painting of Alan that happened to make a cameo in “The Duchess Assignment.” So I had to find out why his painting was sitting in the gallery - and if Penny noticed!
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Bolt from the Blue - Re-Review #42
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“Isn’t that something else?”
Yes, because when has a giant, blue laser in the sky transmitting solar energy down to Earth ever been a good idea in the world of Thunderbirds Are Go? Oh no, nobody panic, this is a completely innocent piece of machinery.
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Look at Parker getting all technical.
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“Mr Kinnear!”
This poor man just can’t catch a break can he? He finally came to his senses and left behind the waste of space that is Fischler - honestly I wouldn’t have stayed working for that man as long as this guy did - only to end up with what seems like his sister?
And after all this, he ends up saying;
“This still beats working at Fischler Industries!”
That, can only tell us what an absolutely terrible employer Fischler was. Considering we don’t see him again I’m wondering if the GDF finally did something about him...
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. We have some... safety overrides to make sure nothing could possibly go wrong.”
And you were saying? Honestly, this show has jinxes everywhere.
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Did Miss Edmunds remind anyone else of another familiar face that makes your skin crawl? I’ll leave you a hint.
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So, I love this episode. It might partially be because there’s a panda in it - and yes, I work with pandas - but there are other reasons too and I’m sure we’ll get to them.
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Firstly let us address the plane struck by ‘lightning’.
“The plane’s gilding but losing altitude. There are four in need of evacuation. Two pilots, one child.”
“That’s only three. Who’s the fourth?”
“Brains, you want to tell them?”
“It’s transporting a rare giant panda in the cargo bay.”
“Ok, four to save, one’s a panda.”
Scott - honestly the way he says that line gets me every time!
“Gordon can go with Virgil and help with the evacuation.”
“Yes! I’ve always wanted to see a giant panda up close!”
“That’s not likely to happen.”
“You’re crushing my dreams, Brains!”
“But it’s in a sealed, environmentally controlled container-”
“La la la la la - I can’t hear you!”
Honestly, weren’t Gordon and EOS made for each other? They could encourage each other to be like children forever.
And so now we’ve got to another of those reasons I mentioned - it’s Gordon’s facial expressions (throughout the whole episode). So, this is officially the world’s most disappointed face.
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“They appear to be highly charged plasma bolts.”
Hoorah for that... Just what we need. Well, we’ve never had a rescue like it, that’s for sure.
“Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a pre-sentation?”
“Perhaps you should see what he wants.”
“Oh I’m sure it can wait. The safety commission will shut us down without your approval. So I want to make sure you approve.”
Yeah... definitely a relation to Fischler.
Brains, John already got what they were without you.
"A solar collector.”
Shall we send Thunderbird Three to investigate?”
“We may not have to. Lady Penelope’s already on board.”
“John, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Not sure it’s a pleasure to nearly be torn apart by plasma bolts, but hey.
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“Hang on Captain, we’ll get you out of there.”
I think this is a speak too soon moment.
“We’re about to go critical.”
“Does that mean ka-bloom then?”
“ka-bloom”, I love that, it’s very Parker.
“Surely you have a way to reset something like this?”
“I’m a sales director, not an engineer! Did I mention we have three delightful colours to chose from?”
No you didn’t until now, and please don’t mention it again. I think the colour of the episode is set at blue anyway.
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This episode really does get off to a dramatic run.
“Thunderbird One’s been hit!”
“Same here! We’re all going down!”
“No one panic! That bolt must have overloaded our circuit breakers. We’ll try rebooting.”
I love how Scott is completely in control here. I mean, it’s believable considering that TOS always made him out to be a honoured pilot. We saw him save Anderbad City with some pretty good flying to in ‘Fight or Flight’. Also, as the eldest we would expect him to have more experience and considering he’s taking over as leader from their dad, you would have expected him to have a pretty level head. This is a complete change however to his reactions in ‘Up from the Depths’ and a little in ‘Heavy Metal’ where he was reliant on others to help him fix his own ship and flight pattern. Either we’re meant to see that he learnt from these events, or that these are anomalies in the writing process.
“Gordon, flip the switch.”
“No problem, just like when your hairdryer blows a fuse at Tracy Island.”
“What? What do you mean my hairdryer!”
Another nice little TOS reference here - in ‘Operation Crash Dive’, Gordon saves Fireflash by treating it like fixing a fuse before he later fixes the TV on Tracy Island, claiming the same.
“Gordon has flight control. Try to keep us in the air!”
“Relax, if more plasma bolts hit, I’ll use your hairdryer trick again.”
“One time. One time that happened!”
Admittance is still admittance, Virgil. I love how Gordon can get things out of people by just being persistently annoying.
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Just taking some air, ey, Virgil? Big brother to the rescue. I sense Scott likes doing that.
“Scott... little help!”
“I’m jetting down now. Try not to move.”
“Ready, step!”
“Got it! Thanks for the boost.”
“Any time.”
In fairness, I think this scene is a little piece of genius and it’s another scene that contributes towards my love of this episode. So, here come the reasons;
1. I think it would take an awful lot for Virgil to ask for help, even from his brothers. Even in ‘Skyhook’ and ‘Earthbreaker’ when Thunderbird Two was going down, he didn’t ask for help. He accepted it yes, but he didn’t actually ask for anyone to come and save him.
2. So, accidentally, Virgil ended up in danger of either falling into the ocean, or worse, being hit my a plasma beam. As a result of that, Scott’s comes to his rescue. Now this, puts Scott in danger too, because if either of them took a direct hit there would be bad things. But this isn’t even thought about or discussed, which totally fits in character (especially for these two). The level of reaction here is what matters, and the danger they throw themselves into for each other will be thought about later.
3. The worry and relief. You can tell they have shared worries about this and the dialogue projects this so, so well. In those five lines is everything we need to know about their emotional states.
4. It’s not often these boys have to rescue each other, but when they do (like with Alan&John in ‘EOS’, the instant response seems to be to cover up the fear; “Thanks Alan, I was really sweating there at the end.” “I noticed.” And this dialogue is doing the same thing. The clock is ticking, the situation is precarious and yet what we get is the use of simple words as part of a conversation meaning something completely different. The power of words is transformative, and whenever they can be used with double meanings, they carry so much more strength. People in real life often never say things as they mean. It’s like with death - we don’t often use the word in conversation, we’ll refer to it as something else, and this is exactly what the Tracy boys do - they face danger head on, and they skirt around the less nice possibilities, whilst knowing what they are potentially confronting the whole time, just without saying it. Because we all know once things are said, they are hard to take back.
5. Childlike brotherhood. The nature of this scenes very much takes me back to imagining a younger Scott and Virgil helping each other out with the simplest of things like learning to ride a bike. There’s a very clear, well-built, brotherly relationship shown in this scene, and that comes across so well, in the dialogue that could refer to nearly any other situation, than hanging for your life from a doomed plane only miles above the ocean with plasma bolts trying to hit you.
So, who was the mastermind behind this excellent scene? Elly Brewer is mainly known for writing episodes for the Tracy Beaker series’, which is a completely different kettle of fish to something like Thunderbirds Are Go. She wrote ‘Lost Kingdom’ which was another fantastic episode, and this is (unfortunately) the only other script she wrote for this series. I think this is an absolute shame as her handle on the brother’s was perfect, and her use of dialogue was perfectly balanced out to disguise/contain other feelings whilst commenting on the action. A someone who also has ambitions to be a writer, she is a real example of how to write character interaction. I believed every inch of this script - not only for this scene, but for every scene and every character - and okay, the acting brought it to life, but a good script often allows for good acting, so they come as a pair most of the time.
I’ve already mentioned above my feelings regarding Scott in this episode (who is portrayed again, as a really strong pilot, just like how Dan Berlinka wrote him in ‘Fight or Flight’.) I’m not trying to slate or show anyone up here, but I feel like compared to Ben Townsend, Brewer and Berlinka had a much better handle on the character of Scott Tracy. Don’t mistake me here, Townsend has written some amazing scripts for Thunderbirds Are Go - ‘Heavy Metal’, ‘Up from the Depths’, ‘Brains Vs. Brawn’ (and more I won’t list them all) - but interestingly two of the above I’ve mentioned, are also the two episodes where I felt the discrepancies with Scott’s skills as a pilot creeping in. I love both episodes for their content and some perfect moments, but it definitely feels like Townsend is uncomfortable or at conflict writing for Scott (in places, because he did give us some amazing moments like Scott&Ned, but I think there are definitely points where I question his decisions, especially against strong episodes like this and ‘Fight or Flight’ which put Scott very much in the driving seat). ‘Inferno’ -which I think is one of the best scripts written for this series, with it’s realism and excellent interactions - is also one of Townsend’s works for this series and (apart from maybe ‘Up from the Depths’) is what I consider to be his best work. It is interesting that Scott does not appear here though.
Remember that this is all only my opinion, and as always, I’m more than happy for you to disagree with me. That’s the whole point of discussions, and please feel free to discuss it (I will reply, although it might be at some point later in the week). Dropping it to my ask box may be easier than in the comments if you do with to have a full length discussion.
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“Virgil, we’re almost at the water!”
“Release the plane and pull out. Repeat, pull out!”
Some of that quick thinking made towards an awesome rescue. I mean, the plane went down, but really who cares about that? There was nothing in it, and a plane can be rebuilt.
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“Sorry Brains.”
“For what?”
“It’s time for you to go.”
Lady Penelope has way better aim than I do!
“Careful Parker, the walls are burning up!”
“You don’t ‘ave to tell me twice. hOh boy, hit’s ‘ot hin ‘ere. Blast! Missed.”
“Go on, Parker! I’ve got you!”
“Much hobliged, M’Lady.”
Parker is just a grade one badass. Look at him go! And Parker and Lady Penelope are an absolute perfect duo. Their teamwork is always spot on and their relationship is brilliantly explored in scenes like this. Lady Penelope has always been a considerate character, but high society (in the past at least) have always been assumed to have had a lack of care for those below them (I’m sure there were those who did, but history just records the majority). Lady Penelope has such care for Parker - probably as much as he has for her - and scenes like this are perfect for showing exactly what makes their partnership work. It’s very give and take, even when it seemed like Parker is just driving her around. She’s always got his back and it was lovely to have another scene showing that off.
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Still think it’s “a perfect take your daughter to work day”? They definitely picked a day!
“Woah, I’m in Thunderbird Two!”
“The panda’s doing just fine. I heard him munching on bamboo.”
Look at that thinking face of love and affection.
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“Thank you for saving him.”
“You’re welcome. We love having satisfied customers.”
“Yeah, furry or otherwise.”
“Thank you.”
“Can I go see Mr Panda now?”
“I think he’ll like you.”
And this is the world’s happiest face! Gordon has achieved his dream. Having seen pandas myself, I can completely understand why it was a dream of his. Also, the Gordon and Virgil interaction (in this whole episode, but especially here where words aren’t even needed) is just absolute perfection!
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And now to tie up some loose ends;
“I may lose my job over this, but I am not gonna lose my life!”
I think you might have lost that anyway. I mean, I think the GDF are gonna be putting her on trial for this.
“Oh now, isn’t that sweet! I didn’t expect a welcome back committee!”
“She realises that we’re arresting her, doesn’t she?”
“I don’t know.”
Don’t worry mate, I don’t think any of us would really know how to deal with her. She’s positively crazy.
See what I did there? Her annoying talking has rubbed off on me!
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kleeboy · 5 years
Literally everything about Lady Penelope - high-class upbringing, trained in espionage, ex-crim chauffeur - SCREAMS murder mystery. I want to see her solve an impossible crime every other Sunday. I want to sit down for an hour and watch her get a call from the duchess about some terrible murder that's gone down in whatever quaint British town and isn't it so exciting, Penelope dear and at one point someone is going to be reading the newspaper over a cup of tea and they'll mention something that's come up in an article and say "Now isn't that interesting?" and Penny will look off into the middle distance for a moment and say "Yes... Quite interesting indeed." and she'll rush off and the other person will be left sitting there, bewildered. 
It’ll be like a ten-part series and the final episode will have several characters from the previous episodes reappear and it turns out the whole thing is one big mystery and when you look back through it all there are LOADS of clues that flew right under the radar. The finale will be in the Creighton-Ward Mansion and for some reason or another everyone’s trapped inside so they’ve got to figure out who the murderer is before someone else gets killed.
IR doesn’t appear. Each episode there’s a very small reference to them like the end of a phone call or a newscast in the background, but there’s one full episode in which one of the brothers replaces Parker as deuteragonist. Probably John. Even then, IR isn’t mentioned directly and none of the others are called by name.
Idk man, I just want to see a poster of Penny on some railroad tracks having just found a clue and Parker is a few steps behind her facing the other way like “uh maybe we should leave” and just a huge graphic beam of light from an approaching train and written in block letters in the beam of light is “THE LAST TRAIN OUT OF ANDERBAD” or some dramatic shit like that.
I love murder mysteries.
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hon5-tba · 8 years
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スコット兄さんがフツーに活躍できた回!爽快でした。これまでのスコ兄さんは心労甚だしいと感じていたので、 何かよかったよね! とにかくスコットの熟練技がたっぷり拝める12話「Fight or flight」だったかと思います!
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バージル:「空で会おう!(see you in the sky!)」(みたいな)
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スコット:「向こうでな!(see you when you get there!)」
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ジョン:「アタボ~イ♥」(That's a boy=発音はattaboy。ようやった!みたいな意)ここもたぶん日本語になったら「いいぞ!」くらいの訳なんでしょうが、なんか英語のニュアンスは良いです♥MAXを褒めております。
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と聞き返してくるスコットwwwリフレッシュした兄貴は冗談も冴えてます!! (tight=状況がギリギリとかキツイとかの意と、服とかがキツイとかピッタリとかいう意味) 
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街の上空をギリで通過する飛行船。この子って4話に出てきたあの子だろうか? お父さん似のビミョーに残念な顔の女の子。
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ブレインズ:「もうじゅうぶんだよ!」(みたいな I think it should be enough)
ジョン:「そう思う?そうだよね?」(みたいな you think or you know?)
ブレインズ:「そうだよ!!」(みたいな I think I know)
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その間にスコットはケーヨを脱出させ、看板を飛ばします。この演出もいいですよね! 1号もちゃんと併走している。助かるとはわかっているものの、緊迫するシーン!!
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ジョンに抱きつくブレインズ!!キャ♥ んもぅ~兄弟でもこんなハグは見せてくれないのにぃ~!フライングしちゃダメだぞぅ~ブレインズ~~(≧∀≦)
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尺があまったのか、今回は最後に買い物から戻ってきたゴードンとアランのおまけ付き! クレーンゲーム機を持ってきて遊ぼうですって!!!
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S1の11話でジョンは「クレーンゲーム得意」みたいなこと言ってたけど!わざわざアンティークショップに寄って買ってきたらしいこの錆びだらけのクレーンゲーム機!!兄達が懐かしむと思って買ってきたのかい可愛い弟よ!?(*´∀`*) そう思うと涙が出たわたくしでございます! 何これしんど~い!!
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状況が飲み込めてないゴードン。しかも中身(景品)が入ってなーいwww 「あ゛~!景品も買っておかないとだよね~」というゴードンに「そりゃ誰もやりたくないわな~」というアラン。
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mjk-world · 8 years
Thunderbirds Are Go | Fight or Flight Review #Thunderbirds #ThunderbirdsAreGo #AfterTheStorm After The Storm Season 2 Mission 11
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cg29 · 3 years
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
The Night of Anderbad Because I really, really want to know!!
Ooh, I had so much fun writing this fic 😊
The pairing of Penelope & Virgil in this is inspired by the episode (Perils of Penelope) the fic is a sequel too.
Every time I’ve watched the episode and that moment Virgil saved Penelope. He held her down when the train above passed by and a hot look transpired between them 😍
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I was convinced that these two could be a possible pairing and when I began fic writing I knew I had to write them together.
Thank you for the question @the-original-sineater 💜
If anyone wants to read the fic it’s over on Ao3 & FFNet: CreativeGirl29
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cg29 · 4 years
To start off Virgil Tracy week I thought I’d share some of my Virgil centric fics. Starting with a link to a Original Series one I wrote a few years back. {Unfortunately can’t post the actual story because it’s too naughty for Tumblr 🙊}
The Night Of Anderbad:
Set after the OS episode Perils of Penelope. Virgil/Penelope pairing.
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Fight or Flight - Re-Review #38
The perfect scenery for an episode which is taking it’s title from an old saying relating to the natural instincts of animals and humans - the fight or fight instinct; whether you stay and hold your ground (a little like Kayo), or whether you try and run in fear of your life (I can imagine Gordon having to do this quite often when he is caught pranking his brothers). Oh, but did we mention, it’s actually in the air? Yeah, it took two minutes to get to that point!
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So, because this episode darts around all over the place, I’m doing this review (again) in sections according to character and storyline, because I like everything to be all neat and tidy, okay? I’m thinking of all of you here by giving you ease of access to a complicated and jam packed episode - you should be thanking me.
Also, I will apologise in advance now for the fact that this review is mostly picture based - literally I think this section here is the wordiest of all.
So, moving away from the ominous cargo hold, which is no doubt bound to be full of idiots - because let’s face it, that is just the way that things work in TAG - let’s start with the fact that we are opening in space again! Yay, John’s domain. And the scenery is pretty damn right on this one. I love how if you look really carefully you can make out the different shapes of the continents below.
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And here we have a space spider - someone call Gordon and Alan, it’s an alien! Oh wait, no, hang up, it’s only Brains. A rather nervous Brains - obviously the ‘flight’ part behind the title of this episode. It’s nice to see him up in (or on) Thunderbird Five again. It happened in TOS in ‘The Cham-Cham’.
“I’m just having a little trouble adjusting to being weightless.”
“It was the same for me when I started. You get used to it.”
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But of course, they can’t even manage to do repairs and maintenance without something coming there way!
“Your databases are offline because I started a systems check. It’s ok, I backed everything up onto MAX.”
“Atta boy, MAX.”
Thank goodness for MAX, ey?
And here’s the situation;
“A cargo carrier experienced a missives systems failure. The ship is on a crash course for Anderbad City.”
Anderbad City first appeared in the TOS episode ‘Perils of Penelope’, with Anderbad being a play on Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s surname. It was given notable features such as the Anderbad Tunnel and the Anderbad Express, but it was never shown in full. TAG have added a Flight Control Tower, so we can assume that Anderbad is a big city with travel at the centre.
So, here we go, I thought I’d go back to the cargo hold first which is a little backwards I know, but I’m doing it because... just because okay? Reviewers choice.
Run for your lives! The machinery is striking back!
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Scott nearly getting hit and then running back for the flight deck is absolutely hilarious. 
“We have a new problem.”
And I won’t deal with that part, I’ll choose to fly the zeppelin, is probably what Scott was thinking. Because, yes, that option seems so much better!
“Looks like we’ll need that back up, Kayo.”
It was probably a good thing that she was ready and waiting in this instance, because Scott couldn’t have done that much multitasking, great though he is.
“How are you guys doing in there?”
“Oh you know, just playing hide and seek with a giant bone crushing claw. You know, no big deal.”
Yeah, you’re right, the bigger deal is that you might die anyway, so playing hide and seek is probably the least of your worries right about now. In fact, that might be preferable depending on your viewpoint. At least that might be marginally more entertaining than sitting and waiting for death to come.
“How does a giant, mechanical loading claw take it’s tea?”
“I don’t know.”
“With a pinch of sugar.”
“That’s the worst joke I’ve ever heard.”
I have to admit, I’m with her on that one. Who even thought that joke up! And who heard that joke and then thought ‘hey, that’s a good one to go in the script!’ I didn’t even laugh, I will be perfectly honest.
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“Don’t worry. I’ll get them out.”
“Why would I worry?”
Hmm, maybe because it’s a life threatening situation? Just hazarding a guess here.
Kayo should be happy anyway - she got to show off her bad-guy chasing gymnastic skills, even if it was only against machinery.
“International Rescue. Time to go. Follow me!”
“You’re kidding right?”
“No, I’m pretty serious.”
“We can’t jump and flip around like you just did!”
No, I don’t imagine you can.
“I’ll distract the claw so you can make a run for it.”
Literally the point of this episode,  isn’t it? Running for it?
I have a theme song for it - look up ‘Run for It’ by (you won’t regret it).
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“Where does that lead?”
“Emergency exit.”
“This definitely qualifies as an emergency.”
Hell yes, I would think it does!
“Kayo, you need to get out.”
“Great idea, Scott, thanks for the suggestion!”
No need to be sarcastic - he’s just looking out for you, remember?
As a side note, look at the robot! I want one... I bet its more environmentally friendly than my car.
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“The ship’s loosing altitude faster than my projections. But why?”
“It looks like the liquid hydrogen fuel cells have cracked open.”
“And I’m guessing that’s bad?”
Yes, Scott, that’s bad.
“The tanks keep the fuel isolated. but if an electrical fire starts on impact, you’ll get what we scientists call a big ka-boom. Which is also what my insides feel like.”
“What’s the time frame?”
“John says I’ll feel better once I get used to zero gravity.”
“I think he means before the zeppelin crashes.”
“Oh right. Factoring in altitude, wind speed, ship weight, adjusting for cargo, and letting x equal the rate of fuel loss, we get... oh my!”
“Scott, you’re gonna’ need to move. Fast.”
“FAB. And Brains, that means feel better soon.”
Yeah... that conversation gets me every time. They never said how fast Scott needed to move, but hey, it’s okay, because he listened. Considering the zeppelin appeared seconds later.
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“Thunderbird two could nudge the ship and change course that way.”
Of course that is the first suggestion that Scott comes up with. Just shove it out the way and be done with it. Good plan.
“I would strongly caution against that. Those leaking fuel cells could easily rupture.”
Or not.
“Ka-boom, got it. Ok, I’m gonna’ need to get on board. Maybe I can regain some control of this thing.”
Yay, we get to see Scott pilot a zeppelin! That’s a change.
“Hey, Virgil, just taking a little air!”
“I’ve got Thunderbird One slaved to my controls.”
Yeah... because a line like that always means good things are coming. I love how Virgil at least knew what it meant - take Thunderbird One.
“All systems critical. We’re on auxiliary power with almost no altitude control or steering. I can’t risk landing with that fuel leak. I’m gonna’ point her down and bail out. She’ll crash safely into the lake before reaching the city.”
You can’t say something like that without expecting trouble.
“Crash course set, ready to bail out.”
“Hello? Anyone there? We’re stuck! We can’t get out! Trapped!”
“Hello? Can you hear me? John, did you get that? I thought everyone was off this ship?”
“Me too. Hang on. The numbers don’t match. They messed up their count.”
Great! And so we revert to the cargo hold, which I’ve already covered.
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“Do we have time to get the crew out before we reach the city?”
“Negative. You’re gonna’ have to fly over the city, and bring it down in the open countryside on the other side.”
“We’ll never make it. We’re still losing height.”
“If you offload 90% of the fuel, there’s a chance you’ll be light enough to make it over the city.”
A chance? I suppose we have to take it because there’s no other option really.
“Ok, I’ll keep flying. Virgil, you start pumping out that fuel.”
Yeah, because that will buy us lots of non-existent time! At least it’s better than nothing.
“Oh, it’s going to be tight.”
“Tight, but we should make it tight? Or John’s space suit tight?”
“I don’t know if I know how to answer that question in a way that’s reassuring.”
“Space suit tight.”
Scott’s doing a really good job of flying under pressure here, I would just like to say.
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“I think it should be enough.”
“You think or you know?”
“I think I know.”
Very reassuring Brains. I feel very non-reassured.
“That should do it, Scott.”
“Got to be sure.”
“Now, Scott, get out!”
Listen to John, for goodness sake, Scott.
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Fly for your lives! There’s an explosion!
You know, Wolfie definitely understands the reason for this episode title now. They were being really clever - well done Dan Berlinka.
In my opinion, this is one of the closest calls that they’ve showed us, and I really appreciated that. TOS did it a few times in ‘City of Fire’ and ‘Danger at Ocean Deep’ (I’m talking proper close calls here, because I know there are many near misses), and TAG have done it quite often with Gordon, but this one was a really nice show of skill and panic, and absolute expertise at the end of it all.
“Yes! He made it!”
Hooray! We’ve succeeded! Let’s all go home!
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After a hug... but maybe remember to not hug John... he looks like he’s feeling a little awkward there, Brains.
“Nice work everyone. We limited the damage at Anderbad city to one billboard.”
That poor billboard. But yes, successful.
And look what’s waiting at home!
I was wondering where Gordon and Alan had got to... “on a supply run”... yeah right, who’s great idea was that. They only have themselves to blame for what the boys bring back. Interestingly, they never said where Scott and Alan were at the end of the last episode (and I was waiting for that), so it was nice to actually see the pair pop up right at the end.
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“Hey guys!”
“How was the supply run?”
“Routine. But wait till you see what me and Alan picked up at an antiques store on the way back.”
“It’s the same game John used to play all the time.”
A nice little reference back to ‘Skyhook’ here. Continuity at it’s best.
“You grab prizes with the claw!”
Yes, we do have eyes, thank you, Alan.
“Who wants to go first?”
Cue mass exodus of the lounge... And a tumbleweed to roll through in the wake of it all. (Actually, could some one get me a tumbleweed please? I feel like my cat would appreciate it. Shes called Munchies, by the way.)
“What did I say?”
“We should have brought some prizes.”
This is funny, because Alan probably said that, and Gordon probably ‘ignored’ him.
“Oh, claw machine needs prizes!”
“No wonder they didn’t want to play!”
I don’t think that was quite it, but hey, let’s not disappoint them anymore. Look at Gordon’s face.
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P.S. This ended up more wordy and longer than I had expected! I’ve outdone myself for midnight pieces of work (and a very dodgy internet connection).
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cg29 · 5 years
Continuing with the old fic share, and we’re now onto Virgil - Really wanted to share The Night Of Anderbad which is an episode TAG for the original series episode The Perils Of Penelope, but it’s too naughty for this site 😉 and more of a combined one with Penny. So provided the link to A03 and re-sharing another favourite here...
Previous Posts:
Grandma .. Scott .. John .. Gordon .. Alan .. Scott Feat Virg ..
At Night.
His brothers had always teased him for being a late riser, but the truth was that when rescues were not occurring then he was also managing a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep, just like them. Difference was they would head to bed anywhere between 9pm and 1am while he would retire around 2am, sometimes later.
He had been this way since he was young. His mother had nicknamed him a child of the night, after numerous family gatherings would see his brothers falling asleep in various places while he continued to stay awake.
He had never seen the beauty in an early morning, not when an evening could be so magical, and that beauty had only increased since their move to their island home.
Standing on the balcony, listening to the sound of the sea hitting the shore and the various other nocturnal creatures scuttling about. Imprinting the myriad of colours from the setting sun in his mind so he could paint them at a later date. Then after the final colours had died, staring out at the radiant moon.
A night could also gift many other things that a busy Tracy family morning couldn’t...
John, the one who would retire between midnight and one. When he was on the island, they would stand quietly together, his brother gazing at the stars he loved so much while he soaked up his brother’s presence. When away, they would call each other, neither would say much, just being silent together was enough.
It had allowed him to catch his youngest brother in the midst of a nightmare, and when helping him to resettle Alan had admitted that he’d had them frequently since their father’s disappearance. A long talk ensued, and eventually he’d promised to not tell the others as long as Alan opened up to him when needed. Luckily, since then the dreams had lessened, but it was good to know that he was awake if needed.
A slow stroll to his quarters before finally heading for bed had, on many occasions, found him discovering the eldest asleep in a pile of paper work at his father’s desk. Thankfully he was light-footed and strong enough to carry his brother to bed. Scott would never say anything the next day, but his soft smile displayed his gratitude.
His night-time ritual had also led to his discovery that Gordon was a sleep talker. Conversations with himself usually involved several weird stories, and plenty of black mail material for him to use against the aquanaut. Except for the onetime Gordon was obviously dreaming about Lady Penelope being a Mermaid. That one he’d definitely like to forget.
The beginning of this night had been no different…
Sipping on cold water, a slow breath in and out, followed by the cool breeze ruffling his hair. A stunning sunset, followed by a soundless heart-to-heart with John while staring at the moon illuminating the dark sky.
An hour after his brother had gone to sleep, he decided it was time for him to head to his own room. A quick check in his dad’s office found it thankfully empty which hopefully meant that his brother was in bed, and a glimpse into Alan’s room found the youngest sweetly dreaming on the floor.
A pause at Gordon’s room when he heard his brother’s latest ramblings: Him acting out the film Finding Nemo. Blackmail stored for another day, he continued into his own bedroom, quickly undressed, and got into bed. A glance at his clock showed the time to have just hit 2am. He stretched out, taking in the smell from freshly changed sheets...
Then, a sound of a door opening stirred him. Climbing out of bed, he peaked into the hallway. Scott was slipping slowly out of Kayo’s room and heading into his own opposite.
He closed his door and fell back into bed, a grin lighting his face as he allowed his eyes to close and the memories from the day to play out in his mind, and yet another thing he probably would never have discovered if it wasn’t for his nocturnal habit.
Available with other shorts in my Pick & Mix collection - A03 & FF.Net: CreativeGirl29.
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cg29 · 5 years
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers.
Thank you to @soniabigcheese @gumnut-logic @onereyofstarlight and Anon for the ASKS you sent my way. Since I wanted to answer in detail, I’ve had more than 1 question, and I’ve not had a lot of spare time today I thought I’d answer all in this one post…
So first up @soniabigcheese sent me: ‘How about ... 9 ... 15 and 19? Please.’
9: Which fic has been the hardest to write?
All have been challenging in their own individual ways. Yet, really thinking about it I’d have to say GONE. For various reasons – It was my first Thunderbirds Fanfic, the longest story I had ever written, at this point the one I’ve had to do the most planning and research, and finally because of the emotions that needed portraying. However, the elation at finally finishing the story was amazing and has certainly inspired me to continue.
15: If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oh my God, that would be amazing! I would definitely have to go for Bad Day (Virgil’s day keeps repeating. What will it take for it to end and a new one to begin?) I had so much fun writing this, it’s one that I’ve reread a few times since competing, and it still makes me giggle. I’m sure I’d be in stitches if I got to watch it on the big screen. Although due to some of the contents towards the final chapters it would definitely need a UK PG or 12A rating.
19:  Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
For Thunderbirds fanfiction my muse is definitely Virgil, The-Virg, It’s definitely his creativity and those eyes, plus that mouth, also those eyebrows, and his muscles… Sorry getting distracted – Actually, thinking about it, Virgil’s more of a distraction than a muse. Especially with my new mobile screensaver which I keep staring at.
Okay, back to the question. I don’t think I’ve got a muse – just a little voice in my head that won’t shut up when I have a story idea until I’ve written it down.
Next we have @gumnut-logic who asked: ‘Writer meme question thingy - 1 & 12.’
1: Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
I always seem to revert to the family dynamics rather than a full-on rescue story (which is probably why I’m struggling with two of my fics which need to  have rescue bits written in) Basically, I love to go deeper into the descriptions of the physical/emotional whump, and how the family deal with the situation (hidden feelings, tempers, how they bond) during and afterwards.
12: Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Yes, for both TOS and TAG.
The original series: There’s a few – Terror In New York City (Yep, the beginning in particular) The Perils of Penelope, Sun Probe, The Uninvited, Edge Of Impact. After thinking long and hard to narrow it down I’d have to say that while Terror In New York’s my favourite. The Perils of Penelope inspired my naughty fic The Night of Anderbad (Penelope & Virgil pairing) plus the idea of Virgil having a secret crush on her in later chapters of The Tracy Family and a few other one of fics.
TAG: There are a few earlier ones which have inspired fics – Grandma Tourismo, Flame Out, Hyperspeed, SOS pt. 2, Signals pt. 1, Upside Down. There are probably others and these last few episodes have been really inspiring. However, I think I would definitely have to go for the more recent SOS Pt 1 & 2 and Signals Pt 1 & 2. (I’m sure the finale of Season 3 may change this answer)
Third we have @onereyofstarlight who asked: ‘2 and 37 for the ask meme.’
2: Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Yes, I would like to have a go at Were Virgil at some point. Also, would like to try doing the boys ages differently to see how the dynamics changed – Alan as the eldest, next in line is Gordon, then Scott in the middle with John then Virgil as the youngest.
37: Talk about your current wips.
Lol, I have a few so this could take a while :D
I will start with ones that I’ve posted on FF.Net & A03 (Probably also shared them here at some point.
1. Avalanche: TAG.
This story began as a prompt that suggested a story that begins and ends with the same line but the meaning/feeling of the line changes. I started it with the intention of writing just 1 chapter …hahaha… of course I ended the story on a cliff-hanger and couldn’t leave it there, so it’s been continued and I’m so glad I did because I personally feel it is nearing the top of my best written list. The story itself is set when the boys are just children and focuses on the tragedy of the Avalanche and the emotional repercussions. I’ve just reached chapter 14, and probably have another 2-4 chapters left.
2. Lucille: TAG
Synopsis - A story about the unseen woman who watches over International Rescue."I am a wife, I am a mother, and I am the one who watches over International Rescue, making sure I am there to catch them whenever they fall. My name is Lucille Tracy and this, well this is my story!"
A story told through the eyes of the boy’s mother. This is one that I keep stopping and starting, most likely because I hadn’t planned it out. It’s currently on-hold until I finish some others, but I will complete it.
3. The Games: AU - Thunderbirds Are Go mixed with the concept of the Hunger Games. (Although, only Thunderbirds characters will make an appearance)
Here’s my synopsis - Climate change, famine, war. In the end another major war lead to the richest creating the Global Defence Force and 'order' was restored. To celebrate and keep control the Hunger Games were created. This was the 100th games.
The fic started from the Whumptober Prompts and I decided to continue it, wrote half of the 2nd chapter then promptly forgot about it. I’ve recently been looking at this again and have started to reread The Hunger Games for inspiration. However, like Lucille this fic is currently on hold.
4. Virgil Drabbles: TAG.
Started out as a challenge to see how much I could get across in just 100 words. All chapters are based around the lovely Virgil - TAG (but with him being the middle child – started before the Grandma Tourismo episode and apart from a few fics where I write it the other way around I prefer it this way)
The story starts from Virgil’s birth and I’ve now got him attending Denver. I still have a fair few chapters to write but the rest is now all planned out.
5. Reflections: TOS.
Set after Virgil's crash during the Season 1 episode 4 of 'Terror in New York City.' Short reflections from each of the family on nearly losing a brother and son. (Previously Titled, Fallen Brother)
I had always wanted to write something based on my favourite TOS episode. Then Shane Rimmer passed away and this was inspired. Slow updates on this one but I’ve finished telling myself the story just need to edit/rewrite that into something coherent.
And now we’re onto the ones that I may have posted snippets for or just 1 section for on here, but nothing officially posted as yet.
1. Two Untitled Prompts: TAG.
Both prompts were given to me at the end of November and I actually wrote out both (Plotting, thoughts, and telling myself bits of the story) Then December knocked me sideways and my writing suffered. Back to working on these 2 again now and really enjoying them. Without giving to much away, the one features a heart-broken Alan and the other (which with Avalanche is at the top of my pile) features Virgil having a day from hell with added whump.
2. Two Whumptober Fics: TAG.
Posted 1 or 2 chapters for each of these back in October and decided that they could possibly be extended/completed before posting. (All short fics)
The first one is titled Coffee Shot: Virgil gets shot in a café and emotions will run high. Fully planned out but decided to finish some others before I continue working on this.
The second is currently titled Ransom and is set when the guys are children. Scott and Virgil get kidnapped – Only done some basic plotting for this and it’s currently towards the bottom of my WIP pile.
The third is untitled and at the moment my word file is saved under the imaginative title of ‘Virgil Whump’ (Posted 1 snippet that I wrote in 15 mins at the beginning of October then left it because of other projects) In this one the guys are all extremely busy with call-outs and Virgil needs to go to a rescue on his own that involves Fischler. Unfortunately he ends up getting trapped, injured, and because its Fischler left on his own. Fully planned out.
3. Working Title – Shattered Hope. TAG
A story idea that came to me over a year ago, written some short bits, planned out most of the story but because of one small element I need to wait until TAG Season 3 finishes.
Here’s a bit from it that did get shared to Tumblr…
‘How had it come to this?’
Just a short time ago they’d been happy, enjoying some rare downtime in the sun, five brothers together. It shouldn’t be like this… With him cradling one brother who was bleeding from a bullet wound after saving the youngest from certain death. The other two close-by. One with a dislocated shoulder, the other with a broken leg, he himself had a stab wound to his arm... All of them with numerous other injuries… Beaten, bloodied, bruised… And praying that someone would rescue them!
Fourth we have anonymous who asked for ’35, 38 and 39.’
35: Would you ever kill off a canon character?
I’ve killed poor Scott off a few times HERE ... HERE and another time as an old man where Virgil also got killed off. (The fic scarred me – But, at the same time I think it’s the best short I’ve written - It’s called White Light if you want to give it a read)
I’ve not killed any of the others yet, and I keep telling myself that I won’t do it again, but it will probably happen again at some point…
39: Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? 
I’ve had a couple, but they are usually anonymous ones. I normally just delete them and move on because people like that have nothing better to do and are not worth any upset. But if it does affect my confidence then I’ll reread a couple of nicer comments, then when I’m ready I’ll continue writing. I think there was only one that really knocked me for six and that was an anonymous rant on my Bad Day fic because I’d dared to pair up Virgil and Brains. (I’m sure you can imagine the content)
38: Talk about a review that made your day.
Even though 38 comes before 39 I wanted to save this one for last.
Every single comment I’ve ever got. No matter how short or detailed has brought a smile to my face and helped inspire me to continue writing – If I had to single out one then it would actually be a private message that was sent to my Fanfiction.Net inbox. It was over 2 years ago and unfortunately I can’t find the message now but whoever sent it to me said that they’d loved my Fics, in particular Gone which they had read several times and that I was their favourite writer. I was beaming for weeks afterwards.
So, whoever you were thank you - and to all who comment, re-blog, like or kudos my stories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart… Seriously you all make this fandom such a lovely place to be!
All my current posted fics and their status can be found via my: Thunderbirds Fanfiction Masterlist 
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cg29 · 5 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Updated: 14/10/19
Current status.
World it takes place in, EG: Thunderbirds Are Go, Original Series, AU.
A brief synopsis.
Links (click on title) to access the fic on A03.
All work also available on FanFiction.Net. Alternative pseudonym: CreativeGirl29)
*** *** ***  ***
My Thunderbirds Fanfiction Masterlist
Series Collections:
A. The Tracy's
World: AU - Mainly Original Series with some elements of TAG creeping in.
1. The Tracy Family. Part 1: COMPLETE. 
New loves, heartbreak and brand-new life - A lot can happen in 17 months.
A collection of one-off stories and mini chapters which are all linked together and in chronological order. Beginning New Year’s Eve 2065/New Year’s Day 2066: A year after the launch of International Rescue.
*** *** 
1. Avalanche: Chapter 8 - Updated 10/10/19
World: Any
A writing challenge: Each chapter starts and ends with the same line, except the meaning/feeling changes.
A happy holiday turns to tragedy.
2. Bad Day: COMPLETE.
World: TAG
Virgil's day keeps repeating, what will it take for it to end and a new one to begin?
3. Gone: COMPLETE.
World: Original Series.
A routine call out ends in disaster - A brother is presumed dead - And an arch nemesis seeks his ultimate revenge. WARNINGS: Contains occasional bad language, violence and torture.
4. Lucille: Chapter 4 - Updated 14/06/19
World: Any.
A story about the unseen woman who watches over International Rescue: "I am a wife, I am a mother, and I am the one who watches over International Rescue, making sure I am there to catch them whenever they fall. My name is Lucille Tracy and this, well this is my story!"
5. The Games: Chapter 1 - Updated 14/10/19
World: AU - Thunderbirds Are Go mixed with the concept of the Hunger Games.
Climate change, famine, war. In the end another major war lead to the richest creating the Global Defence Force and 'order' was restored. To celebrate and keep control the Hunger Games were created. This was the 100th games.
*** *** 
Mixed Collections:
1. Pick & Mix: Chapter 34 - Updated 08/10/19
World: Mixed
A collection of Thunderbirds mini fiction, improvisation writing, and prompts that don't fit anywhere else. Featuring fluff, little Tracy's, hurt and comfort, humour, tragedy and general brotherly shenanigans. Warnings given if necessary for each mini story.
2. Virgil Drabbles: Chapter 50 - Updated 06/08/19
World: TAG
A writing challenge: All chapters will be 100 words no more, no less.
Drabbles based around the beautiful Virgil Tracy.
*** ***
TAG Collection: Stories that are linked to Thunderbirds Are Go episodes.
1. Big Brother. Grandma Tourismo. S2, E18: COMPLETE.
Prequel for Grandma Tourismo: John needs a break, but he refuses to stop.
2. Scayo, Hyperspeed. S2, E25: COMPLETE.
TAG-ON to Hyperspeed: Short Scayo smut.
3. Moving On. Flame Out. S3, E9: COMPLETE.
A prequel to Flame Out: My explanation for Grandma's 8-episode absence in season 3, until her hysterical return in episode 9.
4. EOS. SOS part 2 & Signals part 1. S3, E13 & E14: COMPLETE.
Two short TAG-ON's both from the perspective of EOS for Season 3 episodes 13 and 14, SOS pt. 2 & Signals pt. 1
*** ***
OS Collection: Stories that are linked to episodes in the original series.
1. The Night of Anderbad. S1, E3. THE PERILS OF PENELOPE: COMPLETE.
Set after the episode Perils of Penelope: Some Penny/Virgil loving.
2. Reflections. S1, E4. Terror in New York City: Chapter 2 - Updated 17/09/19
Set After Virgil's crash during the Season 1 episode 4 of 'Terror in New York City’: Short reflections from each of the family on nearly losing a brother and son. (Previously Titled; Fallen Brother)
*** ***
Stand-Alone Stories:
1. Birthday Wish: COMPLETE.
World: TAG
A poem: Virgil starts making the same birthday wish every year, will it ever come true?
2. Runaway: COMPLETE.
World: Little Tracy’s
A story set when the boys are children: Virgil had made his decision, he was ready, the clock had just struck Midnight… It was time to run away!
3. The Choice: COMPLETE.
World: Original Series
A Gordon centric one-shot: A grey mist. No idea where he was or how he had got there. Plus, a person in the distance waiting, and a choice to make.
4. The Retribution of Scott Tracy: COMPLETE.
World: TAG
'To say Scott Tracy was angry would be an understatement. No, the man was outraged, irate, furious, gloriously boiling with rage.'
5. White Light: COMPLETE.
World: Any
A poem: Our boys as old men.
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