#André Marques
soffij · 1 month
"Doctor, ¿a usted nunca lo ha besado un hombre en la boca?"
"Decir que a uno le satisface todo es tanto como decir que a uno no le interesa nada. Así se explica que en este rincón del mundo sea yo el hombre más feliz de a tierra."
This may sound ridiculous, but I ship them 🤭
even want to write a fanfic about them, but oh boy, they'll have to wait.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Brazil’s supreme court has blocked efforts to dramatically strip back Indigenous land rights in what activists called a historic victory for the South American country’s original inhabitants. Nine of the court’s 11 members voted against what rights groups had dubbed the “time limit trick” – an agribusiness-backed attempt to prevent Indigenous communities claiming land they did not physically occupy in 1988.[...]
Only two supreme court justices voted in favour of the “marco temporal” (time marker) thesis restricting Indigenous land claims: Kassio Nunes Marques and André Mendonça. Both men were appointed to the supreme court by the former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro, who activists accused of unleashing a historic assault on Indigenous territories by dismantling protection agencies and with his anti-Indigenous and anti-environmental rhetoric. Before joining the court, Mendonça was Bolsonaro’s justice minister.
21 Sep 23
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jasmineiros · 1 year
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"Trial scheduled for September 20th at the Supreme Federal Court may determine the future of Indigenous Lands in Brazilian territory and be crucial for the global climate. The indigenous movement is mobilizing across Brazil, and an indigenous delegation from Apib is in New York during Climate Week to strengthen the international mobilization campaign in defense of Indigenous Lands rights."
"We are on the land, and the land is within us. If the land dies, we as indigenous peoples die."
The Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil — APIB) is calling for nationwide mobilizations this week and participating in the New York Climate Week to alert the world to the risks of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) judgment scheduled for September 20th. The court will vote on the legitimacy of the legal concept known as the "Temporal Framework," advocated by the Brazilian agribusiness, which could reevaluate Indigenous Land demarcations and impact global climate crisis mitigation efforts.
The Temporal Framework suggests that only indigenous people who can prove they were living on the land in 1988, the same year the Federal Constitution was created, should have rights to the land. This disregards the forced displacements of hundreds of indigenous groups who could only reclaim their traditional lands after Brazil's redemocratization in the late 1980s.
This week, the 15th edition of Climate Week is taking place in New York from September 17th to 24th, alongside the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly from September 19th to 23rd, which will feature a speech by President Lula during its opening. A delegation of 10 indigenous leaders is in New York to participate in Climate Week's activities. The international mobilization's goal is to emphasize to the world that the Temporal Framework is a threat to the lives of Brazil's indigenous peoples and could exacerbate the climate crisis, as Indigenous Lands serve as a reservoir of life on the planet.
Apib and its regional organizations are reinforcing mobilizations in territories, cities, and Brasília against the Temporal Framework on September 20th. The goal is to monitor the trial and strengthen the next steps of the indigenous movement's fight. The organizations within Apib mobilized over 220 protests in 21 states, including the Federal District, between May and June.
Five Supreme Federal Court (STF) justices are yet to vote in the trial. The current tally stands at four votes against the Temporal Framework thesis and two in favor. Justices Edson Fachin, Alexandre de Moraes, Cristiano Zanin, and Luís Roberto Barroso have expressed opposition to the agribusiness-backed thesis, while the only favorable votes came from justices appointed by former President Jair Bolsonaro, André Mendonça, and Nunes Marques.
On the same day as the STF vote, the Brazilian Senate attempts to put the Temporal Framework into law. The ruralist caucus in Congress seeks to create tension with the Brazilian judiciary since there is a possibility that the STF may invalidate the Temporal Framework thesis.
In addition to the Temporal Framework, Bill 2903 proposes other setbacks to the rights of indigenous peoples, such as the construction of highways and hydroelectric plants in indigenous territories without free, prior, and informed consent from affected communities. The proposal also aims to allow farmers to enter production contracts with indigenous people, violating the rights of indigenous peoples to the exclusive use of demarcated territories.
While some falsely claim that "there is too much land for too few indigenous people in Brazil," Apib counters that there is too much land for too few farmers and that agribusiness promotes the illegal invasion of indigenous lands. The entity asserts,
"There is no solution to the climate crisis without guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples and the demarcation of their territories."
Currently, nearly half of Brazil's land is in the hands of rural producers. Of the total land in the country, 41% corresponds to rural properties, 13.7% to indigenous lands, and 45.2% to other purposes, according to data published in the Official Gazette of the Union. Indigenous Lands are a guarantee of life for indigenous peoples and for all of humanity, which depends on the climate's future.
"As worsening climate crisis unfolds, many will be marked in history as accomplices to the new colonialism threatening the survival of us, indigenous peoples who inhabit the vast territory known as Brazil, and the future of all humanity because there is no solution to the climate crisis without the involvement of indigenous peoples," emphasizes Dinamam Tuxá.
Key activities of Apib during the 15th edition of Climate Week from September 17th to 24th:
On September 17th, Apib participated in the Climate Week march through the streets of New York in support of the Fight Fossil Fuel Strike. The indigenous delegation from Apib denounced the threat posed by the Temporal Framework thesis, highlighted the indigenous emergency situation concerning extractive industries and agribusiness that lead to multiple instances of violence in our territories. Additionally, as part of the Climate Week agenda, it's worth noting that Apib's executive coordinators Kleber Karipuna, Dinamam Tuxá, and other members of the indigenous delegation will participate in a talk on September 19th titled "FCLP: Rights, Participation, and Benefits for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Forest Climate Financing," organized by the Forest and Climate Leaders Partnership. On September 22nd, a portion of the delegation will be present at a dialogue co-organized with H.E Razan Al Mubarak, the current president of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, to assess progress in the COP28 agenda with the aim of collectively identifying meaningful and respectful ways for Indigenous Peoples to engage in the COP.
About APIB
The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) is a nationally recognized entity within the indigenous movement in Brazil, created from the grassroots up. It brings together seven regional indigenous organizations (Apoinme, ArpinSudeste, ArpinSul, Aty Guasu, Conselho Terena, Coaib, and Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa) and was founded with the purpose of strengthening the unity of our peoples, fostering coordination among different regions and indigenous organizations across the country, as well as mobilizing indigenous peoples and organizations against threats and infringements on indigenous rights.
Support/donate to APIB
APIB Instagram page
APIB Website
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ellovett · 2 years
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André-Marie Bonhomme - twisted from Madame Adelaide Bonfamille from the AristoCats
More under the cut!
Name: André-Marie Bonefant
Age: 60
Height: 6'0
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Occupation: Opera musician [formerly], RSA Music professor and choir director [formerly], professional cat enthusiast.
"The now retired music professor and choir director of Royal Sword Academy. A joyful old man, has a fondness of cats, fashion, and theatre. Before that, André was a famous opera musician. He is also extremely rich, and while it's not something he boasts about, his outfits do show his wealth. He's vain, but not in the bad way."
Was often compared to Mozus from the rival school by former students, with André being described as the more softer and nicer counterpart to Mozus.
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- Uses faux fur, don't worry.
- Is not known to have any relatives, children, or siblings. He likes living his lavish life alone.
- Most students call him Monsieur André, this sentiment wasn't prompted by André himself, they just liked calling him that instead of the title 'professor.'
- Has a butler named Edain, though he's less of a butler and more of an old friend....the inheritance is still going to the cats though, sorry Edain.
- Speaking of his cats, he owns four, Duke and his kittens, Marque, Berenice and Therry.
- Despite the constant comparisons made, Mozus and André are great friends, mostly over their shared love of cats and general old people stuff. André jokes about Mozus stealing his hairstyle sometimes, he's half serious about it.
- Rudolph's favorite teacher, André mentored Rudolph in his student days and helped him become the musical powerhouse he is now.
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue September 1, 1950
Schiaparelli Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1950-51. Bettina Graziani wears a gray flannel suit. The jacket's oblique closure marks a clean fan edge on a peplum with a curved dead center. poached. Important: the square collar. Shoes with oblique kid straps by André Perugia.
Schiaparelli Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1950-51.Bettina Graziani porte une tailleur en flanelle grise. La fermeture oblique de la veste marque un bord en éventail net sur une basque avec un point mort incurvé. poche. Important : le col carré. Chaussures à brides obliques en chevreau par, André Perugia.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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notrebellefrance · 5 months
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Rochefort du Gard - Le Castelas
en hauteur, sur la roche, se dresse le Castelas ancienne chapelle romane du XIIème siècle. Première église paroissiale consacrée à St Bardulphe Elle fut restaurée au XVIIe siècle et achevée, avec le clocher, en 1698.
C’est la première église paroissiale consacrée à Saint-Bardulphe. Elle existait déjà en 1195 et figurait sur la liste des possessions de l’Abbaye Saint-André de Villeneuve.
De style roman, remaniée au XVIe siècle, son chœur voûté date de la première moitié du XIIe siècle. L’ensemble de peintures murales particulièrement remarquable remonte à 1608.
En l’an 1189, l’évêque Rostaing d’Avignon donne l’église Saint Bardulphe à l’abbaye bénédictine Saint-André de Villeneuve.
Entre 1595 et 1634, de petits travaux de restauration se succèdent et le clocher est construit dans sa forme actuelle. Malgré ces travaux et les multiples demandes des habitants à l'abbaye Saint-André, l’église se dégrade.
En 1729, la chapelle Saint-Joseph est construite à l’initiative de Pierre Palijay, notable rochefortais. On y célèbre le culte jusqu’à ce que la nouvelle église Saint-Bardulphe ou église basse (église actuelle) accueille les fidèles. Cette date marque la désaffection de l’église du Castelas. Louée à des agriculteurs, elle sert de grenier à foin et quand « l’eau de la ville » arrive à Rochefort (1963-1964) la municipalité la reconvertit en château d’eau.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'...Close Your Eyes led the nominations alongside Andrew Haigh’s All of Us Strangers with 10 apiece. Strangers ended up the biggest winner of the day with four: Lead Actor Andrew Scott as a gay man finally coming to terms with his painful repression; Supporting Actor Jamie Bell as the ghostly, apologetic dad who failed to save him from bullying; the film’s entire otherworldly Ensemble, including strong turns from Claire Foy and Paul Mescal; and writer-director Andrew Haigh for his lovingly crafted Adapted Screenplay based on a novel by Taichi Yamada...
1. Close Your Eyes 2. All of Us Strangers...
BEST DIRECTOR • Lila Avilés – Tótem • Victor Erice – Close Your Eyes – WINNER • Jonathan Glazer – The Zone of Interest • Andrew Haigh – All of Us Strangers • Radu Jude – Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World – Runner-up • Justine Triet – Anatomy of a Fall – Runner-up
LEAD ACTOR • Paul Giamatti – The Holdovers • Karim Leklou – Sons of Ramses • Josh O’Connor – La Chimera • Andrew Scott – All of Us Strangers – WINNER • Manolo Solo – Close Your Eyes – Runner-up • Koji Yakusho – Perfect Days
SUPPORTING ACTOR • Jamie Bell – All of Us Strangers – WINNER • José Coronado – Close Your Eyes – Runner-up • Mateo Garcia – Tótem • Milo Machado Graner – Anatomy of a Fall • Charles Melton – May December • Ben Whishaw – Passages
SUPPORTING ACTRESS • Claire Foy – All of Us Strangers • Julianne Moore – May December • Da’Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers • Catalina Saavedra – Rotting in the Sun • Ana Torrent – Close Your Eyes – Runner-up • Ana Torrent – Foremost by Night – WINNER
ENSEMBLE • All of Us Strangers – WINNER • Anatomy of a Fall • Asteroid City • Close Your Eyes • Society of the Snow • Tótem – Runner-up
ADAPTED SCREENPLAY • All of Us Strangers – Andrew Haigh – WINNER • The Beast in the Jungle – Patric Chiha, Jihane Chouaib, Axelle Ropert • Killers of the Flower Moon – Eric Roth, Martin Scorsese • Poor Things – Tony McNamara • Society of the Snow – J.A. Bayona, Jaime Marques, Bernat Vilaplana, Nicolás Casariego • The Zone of Interest – Jonathan Glazer – Runner-up
CINEMATOGRAPHY • All of Us Strangers – Jamie Ramsay • Close Your Eyes – Valentín Álvarez • Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell – Dinh Duy Hung – runner-up • La Chimera – Hélène Louvart • Samsara – Mauro Herce, Jessica Sarah Rinland – WINNER • The Zone of Interest – Lukasz Zal
EDITING • All of Us Strangers – Jonathan Alberts • Anatomy of a Fall – Laurent Sénéchal – WINNER • Close Your Eyes – Ascen Marchena • Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World – Catalin Cristutiu – Runner-up • Oppenheimer – Jennifer Lame • Society of the Snow – Andrés Gil, Jaume Martí
SOUND DESIGN • All of Us Strangers – Joakim Sundström • The Boy and the Heron – Koji Kasamatsu • Maestro – Richard King, Steve Morrow, Tom Ozanich, Jason Ruder, Dean Zupancic • Oppenheimer – Richard King, Kevin O’Connell, Gary A. Rizzo, Willie Burton • Samsara – Xabier Erkizia, Luca Rulio – WINNER • The Zone of Interest – Johnnie Burn, Tarn Willers – Runner-up...'
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Brazil's STF overturns “legitimate defense of honor” rationale
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Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) Friday reached a decisive majority against the “legitimate defense of honor” argument filed by numerous counselors in femicides, it was reported. This rationale was particularly frequent in cases tried by a jury.
In line with Justice Dias Toffoli's stance, the STF upheld the declaration of unconstitutionality of such reasoning, completely dismissing possible allegations in this sense, it was explained.
Joining Toffoli's vote were Justices André Mendonça, Alexandre De Moraes, Edson Fachin, Kassio Nunes Marques, and Luís Roberto Barroso.
In the rapporteur's view, the “legitimate defense of honor” thesis consists of a “hateful, inhuman and cruel argumentative/rhetorical resource used by the defenses of those accused of femicide or aggression against women to impute to the victims the cause of their deaths or injuries, contributing immensely to the naturalization and perpetuation of the culture of violence against women in Brazil.”
Continue reading.
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naoedicoes · 7 months
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Colecção Traditore, #17
Grato a todos os que estiveram ontem no lançamento do livro ALFABETO, de Inger Christensen, com tradução de Ricardo Marques, no Bar A Barraca - Teatro Cinearte.
Um agradecimento especial à Margarida Vale de Gato pela atenta leitura e reflexão (e pelo poema inédito lido durante a apresentação), ao Bar A Barraca (e ao André) pelo acolhimento e ao José Machado pelas fotografias. https://livrosnaoedicoes.tumblr.com/post/739804281203556352/colecção-traditore-17-alfabeto-autora-inger
/// O livro está disponível nos habituais pontos de venda da não (edições) e pode também ser pedido via [email protected]
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soffij · 28 days
My first published fic!
Rating: Not Rated
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Me ha besado un hombre (1944), Cine de Oro Mexicano
Relationship: Luisa/El doctor
Characters: Luisa/Luis, El doctor
Additional Tags: Age Difference, personaje travesti, Crossdressing, época de oro cine mexicano, Period-Typical Homophobia, no beta we die like the real Luis, no beteado aquí se muere como el auténtico Luis
Language: Español
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truthin32bit · 2 years
2011 Audi R18 TDI
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Photo Copyright Ferdi Kräling Motorsport-Bild GmbH It's only fitting that I kick off the blog with the car that basically embodies the spirit of the Le Mans 24.
A short-lived stint with the R15 led to the development of the first closed cockpit Audi prototype since the Audi R8C in 1999 (or technically the Bentley Speed 8 if you really consider it an Audi.) It featured 4 less cylinders than the previous engine with a 3.7L V6 single turbo situated at the rear, countering the Peugeot 908 HDi FAP's twin turbo setup.
Winner of the 2011 Le Mans 24 Hours in stunning fashion, it gave the German marque its 11th victory thanks to Marcel Fässler, André Lotterer and Benoît Tréluyer's stunning performance as the #2 machine held off a quartet of Peugeots, whilst the #1 and #3 cars retired both due to equally horrifying accidents.
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Allan McNish and several people trackside were luckily fine after this horrifying crash.
"Rocky" recounted the incident in a haunting manner, with confusion clouding his mind once the mangled car finally settled towards the dirt over the guardrail.
Leena Gade is also of note as she was the engineer behind the #2 team, leading them to victory against all odds. She became the first female engineer to capture the coveted crown.
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
Revelações Incríveis: Evento Exclusivo Desvenda as Sociedades Secretas e seu Impacto na História
Autores da Revista Enigmas conduzem uma análise sem filtros sobre o passado, presente e futuro das influentes sociedades secretas.
Preparando-se para romper com os véus do mistério e iluminar as mentes curiosas, o aguardado evento “Conspirações Reveladas: Reflexões sobre o Passado e as Possibilidades Futuras” promete uma imersão profunda nos segredos ocultos que moldaram a história da humanidade. Com um painel de especialistas notáveis e um enfoque audacioso, esse evento promete lançar luz sobre as conexões entre sociedades secretas, eventos mundiais e o nosso presente.
Marcado para o dia 19 de julho de 2023, às 19:00, o evento oferecerá aos participantes a oportunidade única de explorar os meandros das sociedades secretas e entender como suas influências têm impactado os rumos da história. Com a presença dos palestrantes André de Pierre e Cláudio Suenaga, conhecidos especialistas no estudo dessas organizações enigmáticas e da história proibida da humanidade, a noite promete revelações instigantes e análises sem censura.
O tema central abrange uma ampla gama de tópicos fascinantes. Desde os períodos mais remotos da história até os dias atuais, o evento lançará luz sobre como as sociedades secretas exerceram seu poder e influência, moldando eventos cruciais que afetaram a humanidade como um todo. O público terá a oportunidade de se aprofundar na análise desse impacto e compreender as ramificações no presente.
Inscrições: https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/webinarconspiracoesreveladas
Ao longo do evento, as palestras de André de Pierre e Cláudio Suenaga se destacarão pela expertise e conhecimento profundo que possuem. Esses renomados especialistas conduzirão uma reflexão crítica sobre as sociedades secretas e sua influência no desenvolvimento histórico, destacando seu papel em eventos de importância global. Além disso, eles também irão desafiar os participantes a considerar as possibilidades futuras, apresentando uma análise franca e sem filtros.
Vale ressaltar que os ingressos para esse evento exclusivo são limitados. Aqueles que buscam desvendar os segredos ocultos e expandir seus horizontes não podem perder essa oportunidade. As inscrições estão abertas e os interessados são incentivados a garantir seu lugar o mais rápido possível.
O evento será realizado online, proporcionando acesso global através da plataforma Google Meet. Independentemente da localização geográfica, entusiastas, pesquisadores e curiosos de todo o mundo terão a chance de participar e contribuir para essa exploração reveladora.
Portanto, marque essa data em sua agenda e prepare-se para embarcar em uma jornada pelo desconhecido. “Conspirações Reveladas: Reflexões sobre o Passado e as Possibilidades Futuras” promete ser um evento memorável, que ampliará sua compreensão sobre a história e o futuro da humanidade.
Ative sua curiosidade, desvende segredos ocultos e junte-se a nós nessa busca pelo conhecimento. Garanta seu ingresso!
Para mais informações e inscrições, acesse o website https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/webinarconspiracoesreveladas ou entre em contato com a equipe organizadora [email protected]
Assista a uma prévia: https://youtu.be/CR85sN_BPAA
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xikowisk · 2 years
Por Cleber SEM ANISTIA Lourenço @ocolunista_
Fonte: https://twitter.com/ocolunista_/status/1635822255732142081
O deputado federa Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança lançou coleta de assinatura assinaturas para criar uma PEC que visa extinguir órgão que fiscaliza trabalho ESCRAVO.
QUEM ASSINOU: Coronel Ulysses - União Delegado Fabio Costa - PP Silvia Waiãpi - PL Capitão Alberto Neto - PL Capitão Alden - PL Roberto Roma - PL André Fernandes - PL Mauro Benevides Filho - PDT Bia Kicis - PL Alberto Fraga - PL Gilvan da Federal - PL Evair Vieira de Melo - PP Gustavo Gayer - PL Magda Mofatto - PL Abilio Brunini - PL Amália Barros - PL José Medeiros - PL Dr. Luiz Ovando - PP Marcos Pollon - PL Rodolfo Nogueira - PL Domingos Sávio - PL Dr. Frederico - Patriotas Eros Biondini - PL Junio Amaral - PL Lafayette de Andrada - Republicanos Marcelo Álvaro Antonio - PL Maurício do Vôlei - PL Nikolas Ferreira - PL Delegado Caveira - PL Joaquim Passarinho - PL Cabo Gilebrto Silva - PL Diego Garcia - Republicanos Coronel Meira - PL Filipe Barros - PL General Girão - PL Sargento Gonçalves - PL Afonso Hamm - PP Bibo Nunes - PL Giovani Cherini - PL Marcel Van Hattem - Novo Mauricio Marcon - Podemos Pedro Westphalen - PP Sanderson - PL Zucco - Republicanos Carlos Jordy - PL Chris Tonietto - PL Delegado Ramagem - PL Luiz Lima - PL Thiago Flores - MDB Caroline de Toni - PL Daniel Freitas - PL Daniela Reinehr - PL Gilson Marques - Novo Jorge Goetten - PL Julia Zanatta - PL Rafael Pezenti - MDB Zé Trovão - PL Adilson Barroso - PL Adriana Ventura - Novo Carla Zambelli - PL Miguel Lombardi - PL Paulo Bilynskyj - PL Pr. Marco Feliciano - PL Ricardo Salles - PL Rosane Valle - PL
Esses são os deputados que buscam acabar com o Ministério Público do Trabalho e que tem como uma das suas funções, fiscalizar o trabalho escravo. Mais sobre o projeto do homem que acha que é príncipe: https://noticiapreta.com.br/principe-trabalho-escravo/
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ellovett · 1 year
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💝 "Marque, my little one, you're going to be as beautiful as your father..isn't he, Duke?"
Screenshot redraw! André won the last poll, and so André you shall receive <3 the og image is under the cut!!
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drzito · 2 years
Las 211 peliculas que he visto en 2022 (parte 2)
En negrita las que os recomiendo:
106. Azul oscuro casi negro (Daniel Sanchez Arevalo, 2006).
107. Destino Final 3 (James Wong, 2006)
108. El territorio de la bestia (Greg McLean, 2007)
109. Lake Mungo (Joel Anderson, 2008)
110. Las Ruinas (Carter Smith, 2008)
111. Los limoneros (Eran Riklis, 2008)
112. Superagente 86 de película (Peter Segal, 2008)
113. Petit Indi (Marc Recha, 2009)
114. Edificio España (Víctor Moreno, 2010)
115. El hombre sin pasado (Lee Jeong-beom, 2010)
116. Tron: Legacy (Joseph Kosinski, 2010)
117. Beyond the black rainbow (Panos Cosmatos, 2011)
118. La bicicleta verde (Haifaa al-Mansour, 2012)
119. The Bay (Barry Levinson, 2012)
120. Ahora me ves (Louis Leterrier, 2013)
121. El gran simulador (Nestor Frenkel, 2013)
122. The Borderlands (Elliot Goldner, 2013)
123. Frank (Lenny Abrahamson, 2014)
124. The Big Men (Rachel Boynton, 2014)
125. The Guest (Adam Wingard, 2014)
126. Caza al asesino (Pierre Morel, 2015)
127. El despertar de los dragones (Soi Cheang, 2015)
128. La juventud (Paolo Sorrentino, 2015)
129. Perdiendo el Norte (Nacho G Velilla, 2015).
130. Una pastelería en Tokio (Naomi Kawase, 2015)
131. Ahora me ves 2 (Jon M. Chu, 2016)
132. Cien años de perdón (Daniel Calparsoro, 2016)
133. Doña Clara (Aquarius) (Kleber Mendonça Filho, 2016)
134. El Caso Sloane (John Madden, 2016)
135. El Vacio (Jeremy Gillespie y Steven Kostanski, 2016)
136. La autopsia de Jane Doe (André Øvredal, 2016)
137. Paterson (Jim Jarmusch, 2016)
138. Reina de Katwe (Mira Nair, 2016)
139. The eyes of my mother (Nicolas Pesce, 2016)
140. Un italiano en Noruega (Gennaro Nunziante, 2016)
141. Ingrid Goes West (Matt Spicer, 2017)
142. Lady Bird (Greta Gerwig, 2017)
143. Tierra Firme (Carlos Marques-Marcet, 2017)
147. Verónica (Paco Plaza, 2017)
148. Default (Kook-Hee Choi, 2018)
149. El ombligo de Guie’dani (Xavi Sala, 2018)
150. Searching... (Aneesh Chaganty, 2018)
152. Silvio (y los otros) (Paolo Sorrentino, 2018).
153. Un pequeño favor (Paul Feig, 2018)
154. Upgrade (Leigh Whannell, 2018)
155. Así crecen los enanos (Raul Serrano, 2019)
156. Bliss (Joe Begos, 2019)
157. Brittany corre un maratón (Paul Downs Colaizzo, 2019)
158. Contagio en alta mar (Neasa Hardiman, 2019)
159. El bosque maldito (Lee Cronin, 2019)
160. First cow (Kelly Reichardt, 2019).
161. La cabaña siniestra (Veronika Franz y Severin Fiala, 2019)
162. La democracia en peligro (Petra Costa, 2019)
163. Los días que vendrán (Carlos Marques-Marcet, 2019)
164. Nación cautiva (Josh Wyatt, 2019)
165. Quien a hierro mata (Paco Plaza, 2019)
166. The Beach House (Jeffrey A Brown, 2019)
167. Vivarium (Lorcan Finnegan, 2019)
168. Aves de presa y la fantabulosa emancipación de Harley Quinn (Cathy Yan, 2020)
169. Casa Ajena (Remi Weekes, 2020)
170. Come true (Anthony Scott Burns, 2020)
171. El capital humano (Marc Meyers, 2020)
172. El hombre invisible (Leigh Whannell, 2020)
173. Hillbilly, una elegia rural (Ron Howard, 2020)
174. La boda de Rosa (Iciar Bollain, 2020)
175. Mandíbulas (Quentin Dupieux, 2020)
176. Mas allá de los dos minutos infinitos (Junta Yamaguchi, 2020)
177. Minari. Historia de mi familia (Lee Isaac Chung, 2020)
178. Murder Death Koreatown (anonimo, 2020)
179. Sputnik (Egor Abramenko, 2020)
180. Tenet (Christopher Nolan, 2020)
181. Underwater (William Eubank, 2020)
182. Un lugar tranquilo 2 (John Krasinski, 2020)
183. Black Widow (Cate Shortland, 2021)
184. Chavalas (Carol Rodríguez Colás, 2021)
185. El buen patrón (Fernando Leon de Aranoa, 2021)
186. Freaks Out (Gabrielle Mainetti, 2021)
187. Gaia (Jaco Bouwer, 2021)
188. Hombres lobo entre nosotros (Josh Ruben, 2021)
189. In the Earth (Ben Weathley, 2021)
190. Kate (Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, 2021)
191. La abuela (Paco Plaza, 2021).
192. La peor persona del mundo (Joachim Trier, 2021)
193. Los voyeurs (Michael Mohan, 2021)
194. No mires arriba (Adam McKay, 2021).
195. One Shot: Mision de Rescate (James Nunn, 2021)
196. Paris, distrito 13 (Jacques Audiard, 2021)
197. Petit Maman (Céline Sciamma, 2021)
198. Sin tiempo para morir (Cary Joji Fukunaga, 2021)
199. Spencer (Pablo Larrain, 2021).
200. Spiderman: No way home (Jon Watts, 2021)
201. Titane (Julia Ducornau, 2021).
202. Ultima noche en el Soho (Edgar Wright, 2021)
203. Un héroe (Asghar Farhadi, 2021)
204. Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched (Kier-La Janisse, 2021)
205. Alcarras (Carla Simón, 2022)
206. Bullet Train (David Leitch, 2022)
207. El agua (Elena López Riera, 2022)
208. Kimi (Steven Soderbergh, 2022)
209. Minions: El origen de Gru (Kyle Balda, 2022)
210. Thor: Love & Thunder (Taika Waititi, 2022)
211. Todo a la vez en todas partes (Dan Kwan y Daniel Scheinert, 2022)
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Leilão comemorativo dos 10 anos do Jornal Mapa, SMUP, Parede, 17 de Dezembro 2022
Participo com um desenho que ilustrou o artigo "Brasil, crónica de um desastre anunciado", de M. Ricardo de Sousa, no Mapa #22, de Janeiro/Março de 2019.
Cerca de 30 impressões catitas de ilustrações publicadas no Jornal MAPA, de diferentes números e diferentes autorxs, estarão a leilão, na grandiosa festa dos dez anos do Jornal MAPA!
São elxs: Alexandre Esgaio, Ana Farias, Ana Moura, André Lemos, Beatriz Fonseca, Bruno Borges, Bruno Caracol, Catarina Leal, Catarina Santos, Daniel Melim, Daniela Rodrigues, Dr. Urânio, Emma Andreetti, Gonçalo Duarte, Inês Xavier, Irene Loureiro, João Massano, José Smith Vargas, Laura Marques, M.C., Manuel Buíça, Maria Lis, Miguel Carneiro, Rita Neves, Tidi.
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