#Andrea Willson
movie-titlecards · 4 months
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Wuff (2018)
My rating: 3/10
Naja, die Hunde sind ganz niedlich.
Well, the dogs are kind of cute.
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wornoutspines · 2 years
Love Again | Trailer
#LoveAgain trailer looks good, it seems to have a bit of weight to it while still being a fun romantic movie. #PriyankaChopraJonas #SamHeughan #CelineDion #RussellTovey
Writer: Sofie Cramer (Novel), Jim Strouse, Andrea Willson Director: Jim Strouse Stars: Sam Heughan, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Russell Tovey, Celine Dion, Omid Djalili, Sofia Barclay If you’re interested in the source material, help us by getting them from the links below:
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uncharismatic-fauna · 1 month
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Feeling Out the Florida Softshell Turtle
The Florida softshell turtle (Apalone ferox) is a species of softshell turtle that resides only in the southeastern tropics of the United States, especially along the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. Within this range, they can be found in a number of freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, swamps, marshes, and urban catchments; they may occasionally also occur in the mouths of slower moving rivers and streams. They generally prefer more muddy bottoms, in which they can bury themselvesand forage for food.
Florida softshell turtles have a highly varied diet, obtained through both active predation and scavenging. When hunting, they may bury themselves at the muddy lake bottom and wait for potential prey to come close enough for an ambush. They are largely carnivorous, feeding on fish, insects, crustaceans, frogs and mollusks, as well as the occasional aquatic plant. Adults are primary predated upon by alligators, while juveniles and eggs may fall prey to foxes, raccoons, birds, and large fish.
Although A. ferox is almost entirely aquatic, adults will readily move overland to find more suitable habitat. They are also frequently spotted basking on rocks or logs. Adults are highly aggressive, and will attack anything they percieve as a threat, including birds, fish, other turtles, and people. In addition to their ferocious bite, they also emit a foul-smelling musk to drive away potential predators.
Mating for the Florida softshell turtle occurs once a year, in the spring from March to July. After mating, females lay their eggs along river or lake banks in clutches of 9-24 eggs. Although they only mate once, females may lay anywhere from 2-7 clutches in a single year. Each clutch incubates for 56 to 80 days, and are immediately independent. Males reach maturity at only 2 years old, while females take 5-8 years; both sexes may live to be over 20 years old in the wild.
Although perhaps not the most attractive turtle, the A. ferox has a very striking appearance. They have a large, flattened body which is covered-- limbs and shell both-- in leathery, olive green or brown skin, with a lighter underside. The shell may also sport darker spots, which help the individual blend in to the muddy substrate. The head is specially distinctive, with a long neck and flattened skull, terminating in a pointed, tubular nose. Individuals may use their extended nostrils to breathe without exposing their body above water. Female Florida softshell turtles are much larger than males; 40.1 cm (15.8 in) in length and 6.65 kg (14.7 lb) compared to only 35 cm (14 in) and 2.68 kg (5.9 lb).
Conservation status: The Florida softshell turtle is considered Least Concern by the IUCN. However, they are threatened by harvesting for meat and the pet trade, as well as habitat loss.
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Andrea Westmoreland
Paul Cools
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vm4vm0 · 1 year
Lipstick Lover from Evaline Wu Huang on Vimeo.
Directed by Janelle Monae & Alan Ferguson Produced by: Alex P. Willson and Nandi George
Production Designer: Evaline Wu Huang DP: Allison Triplett
Production Supervisor: Manar Humidan Production Coordinator: Valerija Valentina Mizula Asst Coordinator: Christian McLain 1st AD: Kirsten Knisely 2nd AD: Mollie Lemm
1st AC: Sarah Ratay 2ns AC: Ariel Pomerantz Loader: Meriel O’Connell Loader: Paolo Arriola Vintage Camera Operator: Coan "Buddy" Nichols Vintage B Camera Operator: Mat Matthews Gaffer: Marlon Obrien Best Boy Electric: Alice Becerra Key Grip: Sergio Silva Best Boy Grip: Henry Martinez Additional Cinematography: Coan "Buddy" Nichols, Alan Ferguson, Tree Young-Stevens
Art Director: Andrew Caso Set Decorator: Chad Tatham Set Decorator: Natou Fall Prop Master: Leone Reeves Leadman: Vincent Quintana Set Dresser: Joanna Cabalquinto Art Assistant: Aaron Meritt
Wardrobe Stylist: Sakinah Bashir, Marquise Miller Make-up Artist: Myrna Powell, Starlynn Hair Stylist: Andrea Garcia, Nena Ross Davis HMU Swing: Patrice Harris, Tru'von Reed Body Painter: Julie Hassett Assist Body Painter: Meg Wilbur
Medic: Joe Sartee Fire Safety Officer: Gabriel Martinez Craft Service: Irene Chen Party Producer: Bridgid Jones
Janelle Monáe Stylist: Ali Mandelkorn Janelle Monáe Make-Up Artist: Keita Moore Janelle Monáe Hair Stylist: Larranisha Russell Editor: Jorge Sandoval Assistant Editor: Sky Kim Editorial Producer: Ellie Ware Editorial Managing Partner: Michelle Eskin Editorial Executive Producer: Amber Farls Editorial Head of Production: Brady Fiero Colorist: Asa Fox Head VFX: Andres Jaramillo
Choreographer: Jemel Williams Dancers: Fulani Buhati, Kacie Garland, Helen Gedlu, Tydryn Scott, Bianca Muscatelli, Asha B Franklin Male Talent: Raphael Thomas, Rameer Colon, David Dwane Washington, Onochie Akah Exotic Talent: Jasmin Jassy Davis, Quanice Jackson, Kailan "Rocco" Snowden, Regine Smith, Cynthia Zavala, Jess Barlow, Tia Williams, Francis Hernandez, Christine Enriquez Lipstick Lover: Ashleigh Baugh Model: Tyanna Stitts
Wondaland Friends: Kelli, Stephanie, Bueno, Nyesha, Nate, Chuck, Nana, Jemel Client: Wondaland Label: Atlantic Records Production Company: Wandering Cameras VFX: Straynge VFX Editorial: Cut+Run LA
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Hodgkin Lymphoma Prognosis, Biology Tracked With Circulating Tumor DNA - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/hodgkin-lymphoma-prognosis-biology-tracked-with-circulating-tumor-dna-technology-org/
Hodgkin Lymphoma Prognosis, Biology Tracked With Circulating Tumor DNA - Technology Org
Circulating tumor DNA predicts recurrence and splits disease into two subgroups in Stanford Medicine-led study of Hodgkin lymphoma. New drug targets or changes in treatments may reduce toxicity.
Performing blood test in a lab. Image credit: Louis Reed via Unsplash, free license
A Stanford Medicine-led, international study of hundreds of samples from patients with Hodgkin lymphoma has shown that levels of tumor DNA circulating in their blood can identify who is responding well to treatment and others who are likely to experience a disease recurrence — potentially letting some patients who are predicted to have favorable outcomes forgo lengthy treatment. 
Surprisingly, the study also revealed that Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes, can be divided into two groups, each with distinct genetic changes and slightly different prognoses. These changes hint at weaknesses in the cancer’s growth mechanisms that new, less toxic therapies could target.
The idea of establishing molecular profiles of tumors is not new. But unlike other cancers, Hodgkin lymphoma has resisted these types of analyses. That’s because Hodgkin lymphoma cells are relatively scarce — even within a large tumor.
“This approach offers our first significant look at the genetics of classical Hodgkin lymphoma,” said professor of medicine Ash Alizadeh, MD, PhD. “Compared with other cancers, finding Hodgkin lymphoma cancer cells or cancer DNA to study is like searching for a needle in a haystack. A patient can have a football-sized tumor in their chest, but only about 1% of the cells in the mass are cancer cells, with the remainder representing an inflammatory response to the tumor. This has made it very difficult to find the smoking guns that drive the disease.” 
Alizadeh, who is the Moghadam Family Professor, and Maximilian Diehn, MD, PhD, professor of radiation oncology and the Jack, Lulu, and Sam Willson Professor, are the senior authors of the research, which published in Nature. Former postdoctoral scholar Stefan Alig, MD; instructor of medicine Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani, PhD; and graduate student Andrea Garofalo are the lead authors, as is graduate student Michael Yu Li at British Columbia Cancer.
About 8,500 people are diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma each year in the United States. The disease primarily affects people between the ages of 15 and 35, and people older than 55.
Stanford Medicine’s role  
Just over 60 years ago, Stanford radiologist Henry Kaplan, MD, pioneered the use of targeted radiation to treat Hodgkin lymphoma. The new therapy, delivered by a high-energy linear accelerator Kaplan developed in the 1950s for medical use, was the first step in a Stanford-driven effort to turn the once fatal cancer of the lymph nodes into one that is now highly curable. Soon thereafter, Kaplan was joined by medical oncologist Saul Rosenberg, MD, and the two worked out ways to combine radiation therapy with chemotherapy regimens, including one known simply as the Stanford 5 (named because it was the fifth in a series of gradually less toxic treatments).
During the subsequent decades, however, the genetic changes that cause the cancer have remained mysterious. That’s because, unlike many other cancers, Hodgkin lymphoma tumors are made up primarily of immune cells that have infiltrated the cancer, making it difficult to isolate the diseased cells for study. Today, patients are treated with chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of both; about 89% of patients survive five years or more after their initial diagnosis.
Alizadeh, Diehn and their colleagues used an optimized DNA sequencing technique called PhasED-Seq, or phased variant enrichment and detection sequencing, they developed at Stanford Medicine in 2021 to home in on vanishingly rare bits of DNA in a patient’s bloodstream to identify genetic changes that drive the growth of Hodgkin lymphoma.
PhasED-Seq builds upon a technique called CAPP-Seq, or cancer personalized profiling by deep sequencing, developed in 2014 by Alizadeh and Diehn to assess lung cancer levels and response to treatment. But PhasED-Seq is much more sensitive. 
“CAPP-Seq could detect as few as one cancer DNA sequence in 10,000 non-cancer DNA sequences,” Diehn said. “But PhasED-Seq can detect less than one cancer DNA sequence in 1 million non-cancer DNA sequences.” 
Their goal was to learn more about what drives the cancer and how to make successful treatments even easier for patients.
“We typically can cure most patients with one line of therapy,” Alizadeh said. “But we are always trying to figure out less toxic chemotherapeutic agents that are gentler to the bone marrow, lungs and other organs, and ways to more precisely target radiation therapy. And a small minority of patients experience a recurrence that can be challenging to treat successfully.”
The researchers used CAPP-Seq and PhasED-Seq to analyze blood samples from 366 people treated for Hodgkin lymphoma at three medical centers including Stanford Medicine. The technique was remarkably sensitive. 
“Surprisingly, we detected more cancer DNA in the blood than in the cancer tissue itself,” Alizadeh said. “That seemed hard to believe until we had analyzed enough samples to show that it was reproducible.”
Two paths
The researchers used machine learning techniques to categorize the different types of genetic changes present in the cancer cells. They found that patients could be separated into two groups: one that predominantly has mutations in several cancer-associated genes implicated in cellular survival, growth and inflammation, and another with a type of genetic change called copy number alterations that affects larger swathes of the genome, subbing in or excising regions of DNA that influence cell growth and cancer.
“We adapted a method from natural language processing to find these two Hodgkin subtypes, and then used a variety of methods to identify key biological and clinical features and to confirm that the subtypes are also seen in other groups of patients,” Esfahani said. 
The first group, which makes up about one-half to two-thirds of patients, occurs primarily in younger patients and has a comparatively more favorable outcome. About 85-90% of these people survive for three years without disease recurrence. The second, which makes up about one-half to one-third of the total, occurs in both younger and older patients and has a lessfavorable, although still good outcome. About 75% of these people live for at least three years without recurrence. 
Critically, a subset of both groups contained a unique mutation in a gene for the receptor for cellular signaling proteins called interleukin 4 and interleukin 13. 
“We discovered a new class of mutations in the interleukin 4 receptor gene that enhance a key pathway characteristic to Hodgkin lymphoma,” Alig said. “These mutations may be indicative of unique vulnerabilities of the tumor that can be exploited therapeutically.”
The researchers also showed that patients who had no detectable circulating tumor DNA in their blood shortly after starting treatment were much less likely to have disease recurrence than those who had even small amounts of residual circulating cancer DNA at the same time point — a distinction researchers had hoped to see, but were unsure about being able to detect even with PhasED-Seq. 
“I was surprised that we could predict which patients would recur,” Diehn said. “Even with our ultrasensitive assay there was a significant chance that the signal from the cancer DNA could become undetectable after treatment, even in patients who eventually recurred. But this didn’t happen.”
The researchers seeking to understand more about the biology of Hodgkin lymphoma have one key goal: the improvement of care for patients.
“The number of people who experience recurrence is small, but, like Henry Kaplan and Saul Rosenberg, we want to save every one of them,” Diehn said. “They would have been amazed and gratified by these findings, which build upon their important work from decades ago. We look forward to an era in which we can cure every patient with no toxicity.” 
Source: Stanford University
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Premier (HU): 2023.05.25. | InterCom Dráma | Vígjáték | Romantikus RENDEZŐ: James C. Strouse ÍRÓ: Sofie Cramer, Andrea Willson FORGATÓKÖNYVÍRÓ: James C. Strouse ZENE: Keegan DeWitt SZEREPLŐK: Priyanka Chopra, Sam Heughan, Celia Imrie, Nick Jonas, Russell Tovey, Omid Djalili, Celine Dion, Lydia West
[FilmeK-Videa] Ráadásszerelem - Teljes Film Magyarul Online Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul online A film, magyarul mozgókép, képekből álló sorozat, amely a vásznon olyan gyorsan változik, hogy azt az illúziót kelti, mintha mozogna. A filmet egyszerre tekintjük művészetnek és iparágnak. Lehet készíteni úgy, hogy valódi jeleneteket filmezünk le egy kamerával, úgy, hogy rajzokat fotózunk le, így tradicionális rajzfilmeket készítve, úgy, hogy CGI-t, vagyis a számítógép által kreált animációt használunk, vagy úgy, hogy ezeket a technikákat egyaránt használjuk.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film online magyarul
Ráadásszerelem filmek online magyarul ~ Vincent egész életében közalkalmazott szeretett volna lenni, hogy a kényelmes élettel járó előnyöket maximálisan kihasználhassa. Ráadásul a munkajog értelmében kirúghatatlan, így igazi nyugdíjas állás az övé. Egy nap azonban az élete fenekestül fordul fel: amikor a kormány megszavaz egy hatalmas megtakarítási tervet, Vincent feje felett megjelenik a munkanélküliség réme. Mivel azonban önszántából nem hajlandó felmondani, kirúgni pedig nem lehet, főnöke a lehető leglehetetlenebb helyekre helyezi át, hogy megtörje a férfi ellenállását. Az Északi-sark, a börtön, a bűnözőktől hemzsegő külváros csak néhány, ahol Vincentnek az állása mellett az életéért is küzdenie kell. Ám a megpróbáltatásai során nemcsak a szépséges Evával és a szerelemmel ismerkedik meg, de egy szakszervezeti vezetőtől is tanácsokat kap, hogy miképp tartson ki a végsőkig.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul mozicsillag,A mozi, vagy filmszínház azt a helyet jelöli, amelyet abból a célból hoznak létre, hogy benne filmeket vetítsenek. Angol megfelelője, a „cinema” (ejtsd: szinema) azonban már az iparágat is, illetve a filmművészetet is jelenti. Modern definíciója szerint olyan művészeti ág, melynek lényege élmények szimulálása, történetek, ötletek, érzéseket vagy atmoszféra közvetítése mozgóképpel, illetve más stimulációkkal, például zenével.[1]
Ráadásszerelem 2023 Filmezek, Szokás a filmművészetre mint a hetedik művészeti ágra hivatkozni.[2] Radványi Géza filmrendező egy interjúban úgy fogalmazott, hogy az objektíven keresztül „objektíven kell nézni a világot, és felnagyítani az ember és ember, ember és világ közötti összefüggéseket – a láthatatlan összefüggéseket is”.[3]
Ráadásszerelem 2023 online letöltés,A közönségfilmek (tömegfilm, zsánerfilm, műfaji film) a populáris kultúra részét képezik, a tömegek számára készülnek. A készítők célja a profitszerzés, ebből kifolyólag a nézők szórakoztatására összpontosítanak. Szinte mindig besorolhatók egy-egy filmműfajba. Régi, jól bevált történeteket elevenítenek fel, a jó és a rossz örök harcát mutatják be, ahol szinte mindig a jó győzedelmeskedik, az ábrázolási módokban nem igazán kísérleteznek. (A leggyakoribb műfaji filmes irányzatok: burleszk, western, film noir, bűnügyi film, melodráma, romantikus film, vígjáték, művészfilm, akciófilm, horrorfilm, thriller, filmdráma, bábfilm, rajzfilm, animációs film stb.) Ebből a kategóriából a legjobban kitörni vágyó irányzat a film-noir, nem véletlenül erre az irányzatra építkeztek leginkább a francia új hullám (a szerzői film) megalapítói.
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Trailer and teaser Main article: Film trailer Trailers or previews are advertisements for films that will be shown in 1 to 3 months at a cinema. Back in the early days of cinema, with theaters that had only one or two screens, only certain trailers were shown for the films that were going to be shown there. Later, when theaters added more screens or new theaters were built with a lot of screens, all different trailers were shown even if they werent going to play that film in that theater. Film studios realized that the more trailers that were shown even if it wasnt going to be shown in that particular theater the more patrons would go to a different theater to see the film when it came out. The term trailer comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a film program. That practice did not last long because patrons tended to leave the theater after the films ended, but the name has stuck. Trailers are now shown before the film or the A film in a double feature program begins. Film trailers are also common on DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, as well as on the Internet and mobile devices. Trailers are created to be engaging and interesting for viewers. As a result, in the Internet era, viewers often seek out trailers to Watch them. Of the ten billion videos Watch ed online annually in 2008, film trailers ranked third, after news and user-created videos.12 Teasers are a much shorter preview or advertisement that lasts only 10 to 30 seconds. Teasers are used to get patrons excited about a film coming out in the next six to twelve months. Teasers may be produced even before the film production is completed.
Production Main article: Filmmaking At its core, the means to produce a film depend on the content the filmmaker wishes to show, and the apparatus for displaying it: the zoetrope merely requires a series of images on a strip of paper. Film production can, therefore, take as little as one person with a camera or even without a camera, as in Stan Brakhages 1963 film Mothlight, or thousands of actors, extras, and crew members for a live-action, feature-length epic. The necessary steps for almost any film can be boiled down to conception, planning, execution, revision, and distribution. The more involved the production, the more significant each of the steps becomes. In a typical production cycle of a Hollywood-style film, these main stages are defined as development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. This production cycle usually takes three years. The first year is taken up with development. The second year comprises preproduction and production. The third year, post-production and distribution. The bigger the production, the more resources it takes, and the more important financing becomes most feature films are artistic works from the creators perspective e.g., film director, cinematographer, screenwriter and for-profit business entities for the production companies.
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Videa-HD! Ráadásszerelem Teljes Film Magyarul Online Ráadásszerelem Teljes Film Online Indavideo, Ráadásszerelem 2023 magyar elozetes, Ráadásszerelem 2023 magyar premier, Ráadásszerelem 2023 online magyar, Ráadásszerelem 2023 online film, online filmnézés, és sorozat adatlapok, színész adatbázis magyarul regisztráció nélkül.
Ráadásszerelem Filmek magyarul
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Online Filmek HD : ▶️ Ráadásszerelem Online Film Magyarul 4K ULTRA-HD
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Premier (HU): 2023.05.25. | InterCom Dráma | Vígjáték | Romantikus RENDEZŐ: James C. Strouse ÍRÓ: Sofie Cramer, Andrea Willson FORGATÓKÖNYVÍRÓ: James C. Strouse ZENE: Keegan DeWitt SZEREPLŐK: Priyanka Chopra, Sam Heughan, Celia Imrie, Nick Jonas, Russell Tovey, Omid Djalili, Celine Dion, Lydia West
[FilmeK-Videa] Ráadásszerelem - Teljes Film Magyarul Online Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul online A film, magyarul mozgókép, képekből álló sorozat, amely a vásznon olyan gyorsan változik, hogy azt az illúziót kelti, mintha mozogna. A filmet egyszerre tekintjük művészetnek és iparágnak. Lehet készíteni úgy, hogy valódi jeleneteket filmezünk le egy kamerával, úgy, hogy rajzokat fotózunk le, így tradicionális rajzfilmeket készítve, úgy, hogy CGI-t, vagyis a számítógép által kreált animációt használunk, vagy úgy, hogy ezeket a technikákat egyaránt használjuk.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film online magyarul
Ráadásszerelem filmek online magyarul ~ Vincent egész életében közalkalmazott szeretett volna lenni, hogy a kényelmes élettel járó előnyöket maximálisan kihasználhassa. Ráadásul a munkajog értelmében kirúghatatlan, így igazi nyugdíjas állás az övé. Egy nap azonban az élete fenekestül fordul fel: amikor a kormány megszavaz egy hatalmas megtakarítási tervet, Vincent feje felett megjelenik a munkanélküliség réme. Mivel azonban önszántából nem hajlandó felmondani, kirúgni pedig nem lehet, főnöke a lehető leglehetetlenebb helyekre helyezi át, hogy megtörje a férfi ellenállását. Az Északi-sark, a börtön, a bűnözőktől hemzsegő külváros csak néhány, ahol Vincentnek az állása mellett az életéért is küzdenie kell. Ám a megpróbáltatásai során nemcsak a szépséges Evával és a szerelemmel ismerkedik meg, de egy szakszervezeti vezetőtől is tanácsokat kap, hogy miképp tartson ki a végsőkig.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul mozicsillag,A mozi, vagy filmszínház azt a helyet jelöli, amelyet abból a célból hoznak létre, hogy benne filmeket vetítsenek. Angol megfelelője, a „cinema” (ejtsd: szinema) azonban már az iparágat is, illetve a filmművészetet is jelenti. Modern definíciója szerint olyan művészeti ág, melynek lényege élmények szimulálása, történetek, ötletek, érzéseket vagy atmoszféra közvetítése mozgóképpel, illetve más stimulációkkal, például zenével.[1]
Ráadásszerelem 2023 Filmezek, Szokás a filmművészetre mint a hetedik művészeti ágra hivatkozni.[2] Radványi Géza filmrendező egy interjúban úgy fogalmazott, hogy az objektíven keresztül „objektíven kell nézni a világot, és felnagyítani az ember és ember, ember és világ közötti összefüggéseket – a láthatatlan összefüggéseket is”.[3]
Ráadásszerelem 2023 online letöltés,A közönségfilmek (tömegfilm, zsánerfilm, műfaji film) a populáris kultúra részét képezik, a tömegek számára készülnek. A készítők célja a profitszerzés, ebből kifolyólag a nézők szórakoztatására összpontosítanak. Szinte mindig besorolhatók egy-egy filmműfajba. Régi, jól bevált történeteket elevenítenek fel, a jó és a rossz örök harcát mutatják be, ahol szinte mindig a jó győzedelmeskedik, az ábrázolási módokban nem igazán kísérleteznek. (A leggyakoribb műfaji filmes irányzatok: burleszk, western, film noir, bűnügyi film, melodráma, romantikus film, vígjáték, művészfilm, akciófilm, horrorfilm, thriller, filmdráma, bábfilm, rajzfilm, animációs film stb.) Ebből a kategóriából a legjobban kitörni vágyó irányzat a film-noir, nem véletlenül erre az irányzatra építkeztek leginkább a francia új hullám (a szerzői film) megalapítói.
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Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul online,
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Ráadásszerelem teljes film magyarul indavideo,
Ráadásszerelem előzetes magyarul,
Ráadásszerelem ingyen letöltés,
Ráadásszerelem netmozi,
Ráadásszerelem magyar premier,
Ráadásszerelem film online,
Ráadásszerelem teljes film videa,
Ráadásszerelem teljes film magyarul indavideo,
Ráadásszerelem elozetes,
Ráadásszerelem premier,
Ráadásszerelem préda teljes film,
Ráadásszerelem mozicsillag ,
Ráadásszerelem megjelenés,
Ráadásszerelem magyar elozetes,
Ráadásszerelem online film
Trailer and teaser Main article: Film trailer Trailers or previews are advertisements for films that will be shown in 1 to 3 months at a cinema. Back in the early days of cinema, with theaters that had only one or two screens, only certain trailers were shown for the films that were going to be shown there. Later, when theaters added more screens or new theaters were built with a lot of screens, all different trailers were shown even if they werent going to play that film in that theater. Film studios realized that the more trailers that were shown even if it wasnt going to be shown in that particular theater the more patrons would go to a different theater to see the film when it came out. The term trailer comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a film program. That practice did not last long because patrons tended to leave the theater after the films ended, but the name has stuck. Trailers are now shown before the film or the A film in a double feature program begins. Film trailers are also common on DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, as well as on the Internet and mobile devices. Trailers are created to be engaging and interesting for viewers. As a result, in the Internet era, viewers often seek out trailers to Watch them. Of the ten billion videos Watch ed online annually in 2008, film trailers ranked third, after news and user-created videos.12 Teasers are a much shorter preview or advertisement that lasts only 10 to 30 seconds. Teasers are used to get patrons excited about a film coming out in the next six to twelve months. Teasers may be produced even before the film production is completed.
Production Main article: Filmmaking At its core, the means to produce a film depend on the content the filmmaker wishes to show, and the apparatus for displaying it: the zoetrope merely requires a series of images on a strip of paper. Film production can, therefore, take as little as one person with a camera or even without a camera, as in Stan Brakhages 1963 film Mothlight, or thousands of actors, extras, and crew members for a live-action, feature-length epic. The necessary steps for almost any film can be boiled down to conception, planning, execution, revision, and distribution. The more involved the production, the more significant each of the steps becomes. In a typical production cycle of a Hollywood-style film, these main stages are defined as development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. This production cycle usually takes three years. The first year is taken up with development. The second year comprises preproduction and production. The third year, post-production and distribution. The bigger the production, the more resources it takes, and the more important financing becomes most feature films are artistic works from the creators perspective e.g., film director, cinematographer, screenwriter and for-profit business entities for the production companies.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 Teljes film magyarul - Ráadásszerelem 2023 online filmek Videa - mozicsillag, indavideo, filmek, film adatlapok, online sorozatok, online film adatlapok, sorozat adatlapok
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FILM ▷ Ráadásszerelem Teljes Film Magyarul Online Felirattal 2023
Videa-HD! Ráadásszerelem Teljes Film Magyarul Online Ráadásszerelem Teljes Film Online Indavideo, Ráadásszerelem 2023 magyar elozetes, Ráadásszerelem 2023 magyar premier, Ráadásszerelem 2023 online magyar, Ráadásszerelem 2023 online film, online filmnézés, és sorozat adatlapok, színész adatbázis magyarul regisztráció nélkül.
Ráadásszerelem Filmek magyarul
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Premier (HU): 2023.05.25. | InterCom Dráma | Vígjáték | Romantikus RENDEZŐ: James C. Strouse ÍRÓ: Sofie Cramer, Andrea Willson FORGATÓKÖNYVÍRÓ: James C. Strouse ZENE: Keegan DeWitt SZEREPLŐK: Priyanka Chopra, Sam Heughan, Celia Imrie, Nick Jonas, Russell Tovey, Omid Djalili, Celine Dion, Lydia West
[FilmeK-Videa] Ráadásszerelem - Teljes Film Magyarul Online Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul online A film, magyarul mozgókép, képekből álló sorozat, amely a vásznon olyan gyorsan változik, hogy azt az illúziót kelti, mintha mozogna. A filmet egyszerre tekintjük művészetnek és iparágnak. Lehet készíteni úgy, hogy valódi jeleneteket filmezünk le egy kamerával, úgy, hogy rajzokat fotózunk le, így tradicionális rajzfilmeket készítve, úgy, hogy CGI-t, vagyis a számítógép által kreált animációt használunk, vagy úgy, hogy ezeket a technikákat egyaránt használjuk.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film online magyarul
Ráadásszerelem filmek online magyarul ~ Vincent egész életében közalkalmazott szeretett volna lenni, hogy a kényelmes élettel járó előnyöket maximálisan kihasználhassa. Ráadásul a munkajog értelmében kirúghatatlan, így igazi nyugdíjas állás az övé. Egy nap azonban az élete fenekestül fordul fel: amikor a kormány megszavaz egy hatalmas megtakarítási tervet, Vincent feje felett megjelenik a munkanélküliség réme. Mivel azonban önszántából nem hajlandó felmondani, kirúgni pedig nem lehet, főnöke a lehető leglehetetlenebb helyekre helyezi át, hogy megtörje a férfi ellenállását. Az Északi-sark, a börtön, a bűnözőktől hemzsegő külváros csak néhány, ahol Vincentnek az állása mellett az életéért is küzdenie kell. Ám a megpróbáltatásai során nemcsak a szépséges Evával és a szerelemmel ismerkedik meg, de egy szakszervezeti vezetőtől is tanácsokat kap, hogy miképp tartson ki a végsőkig.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul mozicsillag,A mozi, vagy filmszínház azt a helyet jelöli, amelyet abból a célból hoznak létre, hogy benne filmeket vetítsenek. Angol megfelelője, a „cinema” (ejtsd: szinema) azonban már az iparágat is, illetve a filmművészetet is jelenti. Modern definíciója szerint olyan művészeti ág, melynek lényege élmények szimulálása, történetek, ötletek, érzéseket vagy atmoszféra közvetítése mozgóképpel, illetve más stimulációkkal, például zenével.[1]
Ráadásszerelem 2023 Filmezek, Szokás a filmművészetre mint a hetedik művészeti ágra hivatkozni.[2] Radványi Géza filmrendező egy interjúban úgy fogalmazott, hogy az objektíven keresztül „objektíven kell nézni a világot, és felnagyítani az ember és ember, ember és világ közötti összefüggéseket – a láthatatlan összefüggéseket is”.[3]
Ráadásszerelem 2023 online letöltés,A közönségfilmek (tömegfilm, zsánerfilm, műfaji film) a populáris kultúra részét képezik, a tömegek számára készülnek. A készítők célja a profitszerzés, ebből kifolyólag a nézők szórakoztatására összpontosítanak. Szinte mindig besorolhatók egy-egy filmműfajba. Régi, jól bevált történeteket elevenítenek fel, a jó és a rossz örök harcát mutatják be, ahol szinte mindig a jó győzedelmeskedik, az ábrázolási módokban nem igazán kísérleteznek. (A leggyakoribb műfaji filmes irányzatok: burleszk, western, film noir, bűnügyi film, melodráma, romantikus film, vígjáték, művészfilm, akciófilm, horrorfilm, thriller, filmdráma, bábfilm, rajzfilm, animációs film stb.) Ebből a kategóriából a legjobban kitörni vágyó irányzat a film-noir, nem véletlenül erre az irányzatra építkeztek leginkább a francia új hullám (a szerzői film) megalapítói.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film indavideo,
Ráadásszerelem 2023 teljes film magyarul online,
Ráadásszerelem videa,
Ráadásszerelem teljes film magyarul indavideo,
Ráadásszerelem előzetes magyarul,
Ráadásszerelem ingyen letöltés,
Ráadásszerelem netmozi,
Ráadásszerelem magyar premier,
Ráadásszerelem film online,
Ráadásszerelem teljes film videa,
Ráadásszerelem teljes film magyarul indavideo,
Ráadásszerelem elozetes,
Ráadásszerelem premier,
Ráadásszerelem préda teljes film,
Ráadásszerelem mozicsillag ,
Ráadásszerelem megjelenés,
Ráadásszerelem magyar elozetes,
Ráadásszerelem online film
Trailer and teaser Main article: Film trailer Trailers or previews are advertisements for films that will be shown in 1 to 3 months at a cinema. Back in the early days of cinema, with theaters that had only one or two screens, only certain trailers were shown for the films that were going to be shown there. Later, when theaters added more screens or new theaters were built with a lot of screens, all different trailers were shown even if they werent going to play that film in that theater. Film studios realized that the more trailers that were shown even if it wasnt going to be shown in that particular theater the more patrons would go to a different theater to see the film when it came out. The term trailer comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a film program. That practice did not last long because patrons tended to leave the theater after the films ended, but the name has stuck. Trailers are now shown before the film or the A film in a double feature program begins. Film trailers are also common on DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, as well as on the Internet and mobile devices. Trailers are created to be engaging and interesting for viewers. As a result, in the Internet era, viewers often seek out trailers to Watch them. Of the ten billion videos Watch ed online annually in 2008, film trailers ranked third, after news and user-created videos.12 Teasers are a much shorter preview or advertisement that lasts only 10 to 30 seconds. Teasers are used to get patrons excited about a film coming out in the next six to twelve months. Teasers may be produced even before the film production is completed.
Production Main article: Filmmaking At its core, the means to produce a film depend on the content the filmmaker wishes to show, and the apparatus for displaying it: the zoetrope merely requires a series of images on a strip of paper. Film production can, therefore, take as little as one person with a camera or even without a camera, as in Stan Brakhages 1963 film Mothlight, or thousands of actors, extras, and crew members for a live-action, feature-length epic. The necessary steps for almost any film can be boiled down to conception, planning, execution, revision, and distribution. The more involved the production, the more significant each of the steps becomes. In a typical production cycle of a Hollywood-style film, these main stages are defined as development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. This production cycle usually takes three years. The first year is taken up with development. The second year comprises preproduction and production. The third year, post-production and distribution. The bigger the production, the more resources it takes, and the more important financing becomes most feature films are artistic works from the creators perspective e.g., film director, cinematographer, screenwriter and for-profit business entities for the production companies.
Ráadásszerelem 2023 Teljes film magyarul - Ráadásszerelem 2023 online filmek Videa - mozicsillag, indavideo, filmek, film adatlapok, online sorozatok, online film adatlapok, sorozat adatlapok
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film-book · 1 year
Film Review: LOVE AGAIN (2023): Celine Dion Lends Some Magic to an Otherwise Formulaic Romance https://film-book.com/film-review-love-again-2023-celine-dion-lends-some-magic-to-an-otherwise-formulaic-romance/?feed_id=69950&_unique_id=64581d0f61e77
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read-strelka · 5 years
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Jay FM feat. Andrea Willson – Moonlight (Dub Mix)
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nofatclips · 4 years
(Don't Let The Dragon) Draag On by King Krule from the album Man Alive! (samples Small Crimes by Nilüfer Yanya) - Written and directed by Archy Marshall
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6797968625078 · 3 years
The Tangleroot Palace - Marjorie Liu These Lifeless Things - Premee Mohamed A Dowry of Blood - S. T. Gibson Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao Ten Thousand Stitches - Olivia Atwater Tidepool - Nicole Willson Dark Rise - C. S. Pacat The Hands of the Emperor - Victoria Goddard Payback's a Witch - Lana Harper A Lesson in Vengeance - Victoria Lee A Spindle Splintered - Alix E. Harrow A Marvellous Light - Freya Marske The Bone Shard Daughter - Andrea Stewart I'm Waiting for You and Other Stories - Kim Bo-young A Skinful of Shadows - Frances Hardinge For the Love of April French - Penny Aimes
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
Eine wahrhaft verrückte Geschichte
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TksBW2
by QuieroLaAventura
Words: 13561, Chapters: 6/202, Language: Deutsch
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Alice Prewet, Vernon Dursley, Katie Davies, Max Willson, Blair Topaz, Severus Snape, Cataleya Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Georgia Black, Jack Mulciber, Leah Hammer, Bellatrix Black, Phoebe Lee, Kurt Finch, Freya Brown, Hank Avery, Lira Thomsen, Frank Longbottom, Petunia Evans, Remus Lupin, Maisie Stone, Dylan Roger, Thea O'Ryan, Mason Bonheur, Isabella Storm, Ben Karbonopsina, Jasmine Wraith, John Taylor, Caitlyn Russel, Ezra Spring, Cara Dawn, Holly Angel, Dennis Wraith, Liva Potter, Layla O'Kelly, Tim Garden, Gracie Color, Leo Clover, Andreas Davies, Charlie Roy, Aisha Finch, Kira Karbonopsina, Zara Minton, Scarlett O'Kelly, Regulus Black, Mary McDonald, Zoe Karbonopsina, Lexi White, Mark Scrow, Airi Potter, Luca Smith, Jessica Swarm
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Love, Romance, Dating, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, alternative universe, True Love, First Kiss, Time Travel, Developing Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TksBW2
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Eine wahrhaft verrückte Geschichte
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TksBW2
by QuieroLaAventura
Words: 315, Chapters: 1/202, Language: Deutsch
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Alice Prewet, Vernon Dursley, Katie Davies, Max Willson, Blair Topaz, Severus Snape, Cataleya Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Georgia Black, Jack Mulciber, Leah Hammer, Bellatrix Black, Phoebe Lee, Kurt Finch, Freya Brown, Hank Avery, Lira Thomsen, Frank Longbottom, Petunia Evans, Remus Lupin, Maisie Stone, Dylan Roger, Thea O'Ryan, Mason Bonheur, Isabella Storm, Ben Karbonopsina, Jasmine Wraith, John Taylor, Caitlyn Russel, Ezra Spring, Cara Dawn, Holly Angel, Dennis Wraith, Liva Potter, Layla O'Kelly, Tim Garden, Gracie Color, Leo Clover, Andreas Davies, Charlie Roy, Aisha Finch, Kira Karbonopsina, Zara Minton, Scarlett O'Kelly, Regulus Black, Mary McDonald, Zoe Karbonopsina, Lexi White, Mark Scrow, Airi Potter, Luca Smith, Jessica Swarm
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Love, Romance, Dating, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, alternative universe, True Love, First Kiss, Time Travel, Developing Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TksBW2
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GVL / Big Body Play
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Andrea Vail, Duck Pond, detail
Big Body Play June 7 - September 10 Fine Arts Center Sheffield Wood Gallery
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville (TSA GVL) and the Fine Arts Center (FAC) are excited to present their summer exhibition, BIG BODY PLAY, on exhibition from June 7th through September 10th at the FAC’s Sheffield Wood Gallery. Visits to the gallery are by appointment only - Monday - Thursday, 10am -4pm. Sign up for an appointment by using the following link. A closing reception will be held on Friday, September 10th from 6-8pm including artist presentations and performance from 6:30-7.
BIG BODY PLAY is an exhibition that uses humor and imagination to explore the banality of the everyday. This show uses playful colors and materials, on plush, oversized forms to celebrate boredom, experimentation, and absurdity. Addressing themes of the body, pop culture, nostalgia, and domesticity, this collection of soft sculptures highlights the fascination these artists have with their materials and their love of “playing” in the studio. These works push scale while using current material culture as inspiration - these objects tell personal narratives, make punny jokes, and address our need for recreation and distraction.
Featuring work by:
Amelia Briggs
Amelia Briggs is a visual artist currently based in Nashville, TN. Her work has been exhibited internationally and throughout the US including recent and upcoming exhibitions in Paris, France; London, UK; Florence, Italy; Denver, CO; New Orleans, LA; and New York, NY. Briggs has worked for David Lusk Gallery since 2012 and served as the Director for the past four years. In May 2021 she will be stepping down in order to pursue her work as an artist full time. In June Briggs will release a series of mirrors with Exhibition A and her work is included in the current issue of New American Paintings.
Andrea Vail
Andrea Vail investigates contemporary American society and its objects -- specifically home goods deemed stylistically obsolete, or unattractive by the standards of 21st century mainstream culture. Hinged on textile traditions and techniques, her practice materializes as tapestry, woven sculpture, and collaborative exchange. Vail’s nationally exhibited work has received awards from Arts and Science Council; North Carolina Arts Council; HappeningsCLT Visual Artist Grant; CultureWORKS; and residencies with Goodyear Arts, McColl Center for Art + Innovation, and Elsewhere Museum. She is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University (MFA) and UNC-Charlotte (BFA). Vail lives and works in Western North Carolina.
Vail’s collaborative projects include: Bridging (Central Piedmont, Charlotte, NC), a large-scale fabric installation patterned with student- and staff-sourced imagery, Signalling Hello (Elsewhere Museum, Greensboro, NC), a process-based greeting initiative, COLLECTING_PILE, an interactive art work which involves the community as both content and collaborator; Friendge, an ongoing global invitation to collaborate; Woven Community (Richmond, VA), a citywide weaving event ; and Gathering Clouds (Richmond, VA) at Anderson Gallery.
Born in Australia, Coorain studied at Georgia State University, earning an MFA in Photography, and Tufts University and the School of Museum of Fine Arts, receiving a BA in Philosophy and a BFA in Fine Arts respectively. Coorain currently resides and gardens in Atlanta, with plenty of chickens and carnivorous plants.
Jaime Bull
Jaime Bull builds a cast of sparkly clad forms that embody a strong, sexy, dangerous female presence. She is a collector and uses found, repurposed materials in her work to reference the body with a feminist perspective. Spending her time dumpster diving at the recycling center or scouring Goodwill to amass second-hand tube tops and sequined prom dresses, Bull’s sculptures have the rhinestone aesthetic of a bedazzled jean jacket or a Mardi Gras float. She examines and questions our relationship with the environment by highlighting a preoccupation with hoarding mass quantities of “stuff."
Bull received her MFA in Drawing and Painting from the University of Georgia, Athens in 2013. She is a recipient of the Willson Center for the Arts research grant for her thesis work Lady Beasts: An Investigation of Womanliness. She has exhibited in Atlanta with Whitespace, Camayuhs, Hathaway Gallery and at the Airport in Terminal E. Regionally, she has shown work at the Zuckerman Museum of Art, University of North Georgia, Auburn University, Albany Museum and the COOP Gallery in Nashville. Most recently, her sculptures were featured in a two woman show with artist Melissa Brown (Brooklyn, NY), entitled Fountain, at the Lamar Dodd School of Art. She is a Vermont Studio School Fellow, attended a two-month residency at the Bernheim Arboretum in Louisville, KY and was an Atlanta Contemporary Art Center Studio Artist in Residence from 2016-2019. She was featured in and on the cover of the 219th edition of Ambit Magazine, London. She currently lives in Athens, Ga and teaches at the University of Georgia.
Kat Sánchez Stanfield
Katrina Sánchez is an interdisciplinary Panamanian-American artist based in Charlotte, NC. Working with fibers and mixed materials Kat creates vibrant and tactile works that explore ideas of joy, play, community, healing and renewal. Katrina received a BFA in Fibers from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, is a recipient of the NC Arts and Science Council Artist Support Grant and is an alumni artist-in-residence of Goodyear Arts. She has exhibited work at Bedford Gallery (CA), Abigail Ogilvy Gallery (MA), Max I. Jackson Gallery at Queens University of Charlotte and Gallery C3 (NC).
Madison Creech
Madison Creech was the 2018-19 Fountainhead Fellow in the Department of Craft and Material Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. She holds an MFA in fibers from Arizona State University and a BFA and BS in textile, merchandising, and fashion design from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She has served as faculty associate at Arizona State University, instructing surface design and served as the 2016-18 Brown Visiting Teacher-Scholar at Stetson University teaching digital art and textile art courses. Creech has held residencies at Metro Community College Prototype Lab in Omaha, Nebraska, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft in Texas, and Techshop in Chandler, Arizona. Her work has been widely exhibited across the country, and she has been the recipient of a number of distinguished awards, including the Juror's Award from the Surface Design Association's Explorations exhibition, the Rudy Turk Award for History in American Craft from ASU, and the Mary Beason Bishop and Francis Sumner Merit Scholarship from the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. She is currently a co-director of Fresh As Fruit Gallery in DeLand.
Matthew Creech
Matthew Creech received his Associate of Arts Degree from Cape Fear Community College in 2006. Creech has been included in a range of various exhibitions including, “This Must Be the Place” at Robert Hillestad Textile Gallery in Lincoln, NE and “Now or Neverland Urban Uproar” at the Miami Urban Contemporary Experience in Miami, FL. Alongside this body of work, Creech will be releasing a book, working within the same genre of off the wall humor and topics dealing with death and behind closed door secrets.  Creech currently resides and works in Wilmington, NC.
Mindy Sue Wittock
Mindy Sue Wittock is an artist and mother who works out of her home studio in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. She makes soft sculpture that explores the intersection of childhood memory and experiences in motherhood. Wittock has an MFA from Arizona State University with a concentration in fibers. She has previously worked as an associate lecturer of art at the University of Wisconsin Fond du Lac and the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Wittock has an extensive exhibition record and has taught many textile-based workshops. She survives on coffee and enjoys watching vintage television shows, listening to 80’s music, and going on adventures with her husband, daughter, and pup. Mindy Sue Wittock is also a co-founder of The Wondermakers Collective with the incredible illustrator and coffee drinker Jenna Freimuth. They work together to build beautiful, layered embroideries, pen palling them back and forth from Wisconsin to Minnesota.
Natalie Baxter
Natalie Baxter (b. 1985, Lexington, Kentucky) explores concepts of place-identity, nostalgic americana, and gender stereotypes through sculptures that playfully push controversial issues. Natalie received her MFA from the University of Kentucky in 2012 and a BA in Fine Art from the University of the South in Sewanee, TN in 2007. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums internationally with recent shows at Intersect SOFA Chicago with Elijah Wheat Showroom (Newburgh, NY), Birmingham Museum of Art (Birmingham, AL), Spring/Break Art Show with Gloria’s (New York, NY), Material Art Fair with Beverly’s (Mexico City, MX), Institute 193 (Lexington, KY), Yale University (New Haven, CT), and Brandeis University (Waltham, MA). She has been an artist in residency at the Wassaic Project, a fellowship recipient at the Vermont Studio Center, and twice awarded the Queens Art Fund Grant. Press for Baxter’s work includes, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Hyperallergic, The Guardian, and Bomb Magazine. She is currently a resident at The Wassaic Project in Wassaic, NY.
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville is the newest part of the Tiger Strikes Asteroid network of artist-run spaces and joins locations Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. They are a platform for artists that is curated and organized by a group of artist-volunteers. Their mission is to create the physical, mental, and emotional space for artists to show their work, meet, and exchange ideas on their own terms. TSA GVL will specifically focus on connecting the art communities in Greenville and the greater Southeast to the global art world. TSA was founded in 2009 in Philadelphia and is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
The Fine Arts Center (FAC) of Greenville County School District was established in August of 1974 as the first pre-professional arts school in the state of South Carolina for gifted and talented high school students in the Fine, Visual, and Performing Arts.  Since its opening, thousands of students have chosen to become members of this unique community in which individual talent and expression are nourished in a supportive environment and stimulated by instructors who are themselves highly regarded professionals in their fields.  The Fine Arts Center offers the highest level of instruction in Architecture, Creative Writing, Dance (Ballet and Modern), Digital Filmmaking, Music (Chamber Strings, Jazz, Voice, Winds/Brass/Percussion), Theatre (Performance and Design/Production), and Visual Arts.  
For more information please contact TSA GVL at [email protected] and FAC at [email protected]
By Appointment Only
Gallery Hours: June 7th - September 10th Monday - Thursday 10am - 4pm
FINE ART CENTER Sheffield Wood Gallery 102 Pine Knoll Drive Greenville, SC 29609
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trashmenace · 7 years
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Dark Reunion by Stephen R. George, 1990
The small town’s secrets masked a legacy of evil
Andrea Willson hoped that moving to Marissa, Minnesota would keep her family together. Perhaps the peace and quiet would heal her marriage and mend the rift between her husband and son. But from the moment she set foot in the quaint town square, she sensed a danger in the air, a strangeness in the people. And somehow she knew that fate had brought her family to Marissa for a reason... For young, Peter Willson, coming to Marissa was like coming home to a place he'd never seen. The forest beckoned him to its secret places, the townspeople welcomed him with hidden smiles. But what Peter didn't know was that the ancient people of Marissa had very definite plans for him. For he would be the instrument of their awakening...and their terrible vengeance!
Paperback from Amazon
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