#Andreas Bye
After watching 40+ of his works, I've noticed the roles that he plays often fall into these five categories...
#1 - because he's German, obviously, a Nazi. The bottom two are a little niche as he plays 'unwanted Nazi admirer'.
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#2 - guy you can take home to meet your parents. He's played way too many of these—it's a given with that beautiful baby face—but these would be my top five. Bottom layer gets extra points for being a good friend to the elderly.
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#3 - opposite that is the guy your parents warned you about. It seems Daniel has a lot of fun playing these, especially the top layer, which leans on the love-to-hate category. I can't tell if it's just my distaste for The Face of an Angel, but I also considered adding Thomas Lang. Could be why Chris in Cargo made it here as well... because what even was that movie.
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#4 - now we have 'man in way above his head by the situation his political ideologies have gotten him into'. You almost always need a trigger warning for the films these characters are in as they will absolutely gut you. They're often based on real people and events. So you will learn something about history while Daniel gets tortured into a pulp.
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#5 - and finally, 'expert in his field, kind of an asshole, but hella breedable'. Most of my favorite characters are in this category... I don't know what that says about me.
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Is it cheating to place Zemo a second time? I don't care. He feels like an entirely different character.
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kingofthering · 5 months
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endless list of random motogp things - marc marquez + preening when under the attention of older men
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kindahoping4forever · 3 months
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Luke IG Story
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booksanxietyandsports · 5 months
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this is scaring me
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Okay, what I realised earlier and was mad about...
Mimic from the book series isn't the Mimic from the games, but is instead, representative of several people, but the main one? Glitchtrap. Book Mimic is the book version of Glitchtrap from the games. Hear me out...
SO going one thing at a time though this is a mess (and under a readmore for convenience):
Glitchtrap is the digital consciousness/created version of Afton the Child Killer that experiments for immortality, right? Right. He was stored on circuit boards and old junk, and sent over to the VR game development team in an attempt to cut some corners on the development process. He is a consequence, a result of what Afton has created to achieve his goals, still hurting people long after his creator is gone.
Mimic, is an AI created to mimic what it sees. It combines everything it witnesses into one big dataset of patterns and then repeats it in those same patterns. The Mimic from the epilogues is sent to the Pizzaplex along with shiny, new and modern animatronics. The Mimic program is still available for use on any project it may be beneficial to use it, hence how it was put into the Storyteller in order to cut corners on the Pizzaplex creative department. Mimic is a consequence, a result of what it has seen and the corners people cut to achieve their goals, still hurting people long after it was first deactivated.
Both are problems caused by Fazbear cutting corners. Both are created by people that are focused intently on their work. Both are sent with almost no explanation to unknowing people along with other, much more harmless things. Both are the consequences of their creators trying to achieve their goals, and the mistakes they've made in doing so.
What mistakes did Edwin and Afton both make? Negligence.
Whilst these two are very different people, Edwin's son died because he had been more focused on his work than his kid, while Afton's daughter died for much the same reason. Two kids left unattended by busy fathers, die in what can only be felt as an accident to those fathers. These deaths fuel Edwin and Afton to make more mistakes that hurt more people, neither of them ever knowing the true extent of what they've done, since it carries on long after they die.
Now, there's some similarities here between Mimic and Afton as well. First being, neither of them will fucking die. Afton is dead and gone but Glitchtrap remains. The original Mimic might be destroyed, but the program remains. Afton and Mimic kill whilst in mascot costumes, and both lure into isolated back rooms to do so. Since Glitchtrap is also luring people in costume with intent to harm? Yeah chalk that one up to another similarity, but my point with this part is that Mimic is representative of more than just one thing. Anyway.
Moving out of The Mimic story, lets move onto The Storyteller and the Tiger Rock stories. More focused on Tiger Rock though, to keep in line with the games' timeline, but these two are heavily intertwined.
Remember how I said earlier that Glitchtrap was scanned into the VR game in order to cut corners on development, and that the Mimic1 program was repurposed as the Storyteller to cut costs on the creative department? Yeah so, the Storyteller is intended to create new scripts and scenarios for the animatronics, but also for the VR and AR games available at the Plex. Mimic represents itself with Tiger Rock inside of these games, just as Glitchtrap represents itself as a mascot rabbit. More importantly though, both are intentionally inflicting harm on those within VR games.
They haunt Vanessa and Kai respectively within these games, both watching from the shadows, and gradually getting closer. Glitchtrap lures with glitchy tapes and giving his victim hope that they can forcibly remove it from the game and save themselves and others. Mimic by distractions, spooks, and the relief that it's all over when it isn't. Glitchtrap possesses and takes control of his victim, setting him free from the VR world and trapping them in his place, until someone else makes the same mistakes. Mimic does as Mimic has seen, and rips the arms off its victims, killing them, and moving onto the next one. Glitchtrap's victims are following the same formula as the previous victim they saw, while Mimic is following the same patterns as everyone it's seen before.
And now... The Storyteller story.
As I've said a few times, Glitchtrap and Mimic were both used in order to cut corners. We been knew. But this decision is what allowed them both to have full control of their version of the Pizzaplex. Glitchtrap was introduced to the Plex network by someone that couldn't have stopped it, and didn't know better than to follow him. Mimic was introduced to the Plex network by someone that didn't know any better, and couldn't have been stopped by the only person that did. They have full control over every aspect of their Pizzaplex, and alter the animatronics' behaviours to that of their own. Glitchtrap forces them to hunt and chase, while Mimic forces them to repeat the behaviours and patterns that it has learned. They're forcing them to do harm in their own ways. They're left unattended for too long, and people start to die. They're the puppetmasters now, Fazbear has no control over them.
The Storyteller gives us a new Edwin parallel as well. He's trying to stop the Storyteller from being installed, but is forced out by the company, a force beyond his control. He takes matters into his own hands the only way he knows how, and starts trying to communicate with Mimic to repair the damage that's being done, but is killed, by those same forces outside of his control. His efforts are futile. They never reach completion and if he'd been given more time, trust and control of the situation, the whole thing could have been dealt with properly before tragedy struck.
And then you have Vanessa. She's a developer on the VR game that Glitchtrap has infected. She's collecting those tapes and following instructions all to try and prevent this thing from escaping. She's trying to stop him, and is doing so in the only way she can think how, because no one takes her seriously about the problem. She is stopped by forces beyond her control from preventing her possession, and she's trapped indefinitely as a result. Had she been given the time to remove him from the game, had she been trusted, had she not been stopped by those out of control forces? It would have all been prevented. Unlike Edwin though, she was able to be saved. But not before the damage had been done.
Have I made my point yet? The Mimic, The Storyteller and Tiger Rock stories are intended to be parallels to the story of the games. The Mimic from these three? Is not the Mimic from Ruin. It's a representation of Glitchtrap. Edwin is a representation of a small part of Afton, and of Vanessa's struggle to stop what's happening. David (Edwin's son) is representative of Elizabeth dying to her father's negligence.
But then, what about Ruin Mimic? I hear you. This is where the epilogues are important.
There was a line of Mimic animatronics made, as they describe. The one remaining after years of them being discontinued like the springlock suits, is sent to be a display piece in the pizzeria under the Plex they intend to turn into a museum. What it saw before it's deactivation and what it's already done? We'll presumably see in the last epilogue. Perhaps it's a representation of how Glitchtrap was eventually stopped or of the animatronics under his influence being deactivated by children? Unsure.
It was sealed under the Plex concrete foundations, as it was sealed in the Pizzeria in the epilogues. A group of people found a way down there anyway and most, if not all of them never came back. The epilogues could be somewhat canon to the games, in that all but one of the construction crew is slaughter and all but one of the teens are picked off one by one. With two people surviving, it could have been a headline what had happened, or it could have been rumours and speculation what happened, hence the message log asking why the opened. If not, then perhaps the teens and construction crew are flipped in the games. Some kids found their way down to the Pizzeria, or accidentally activated it, and were killed, with the one that escaped being the reason it was sealed under the foundations. The Raceway staff that investigated the brownouts follow them, with the one that escaped (if any of them did) being the reason it was sealed in that one room instead of the pizzeria as a whole.
Maybe they made the MXES? Maybe Vanessa created the MXES to seal Glitchtrap but it was ultimately redirected to the Mimic? Unsure!
My point here is that, The Mimic, The Storyteller and Tiger Rock, are often very close parallels to the games. If we follow this logic, Cassie would be represented by the teens, maybe Lucia specifically if we find out Cassie survived. If Roxy as part of the MXES is represented at all, it'd probably be in the final epilogue, or perhaps as Wade, who dies trying to make it possible for Joel (I think?) to escape, only for Joel to die anyway. Haven't read more than the wiki summaries for the epilogues though so there's probably better fits, if any.
But yeah! That was my realisation! The characters in these three stories are sometimes extremely close to the characters in the games! I don't really know what's going on over at the Theory side of the community, but I think I got it here.
And I also just remembered that Mimic killing in costumes, and then later, killing via a digital representation of himself in VR is also very Afton and Glitchtrap.
Anyway, if you got this far, hi! How's it going? What are your thoughts on this? And please take this medal for suffering my unproofread nonsense this long! You made it buddy!
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sidonidoneeey · 7 months
new white boy of the month just dropped
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i love that the day i decided to check what's up in the silly men in cars world it's the day of silly season returning
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Pick Your Favorite Sad Boi, Daniel Brühl Edition:
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Nikolas Koll, Der Pakt - Wenn Kinder Töten (1996)
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Checo, Paradise Mall / Schlaraffenland (1999)
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Markus Baasweiler, Schule (2000)
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Marek, Honolulu (2001)
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Daniel, No Regrets / Nichts Bereuen (2001)
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Marko Stemper, Elephant Heart / Elefantenherz (2002)
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Arbo, Vaya Con Dios (2002)
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Alexander Kerner, Good Bye, Lenin! (2003)
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Paul Krantz, Love in Thoughts / Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken (2004)
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Jan, The Edukators / Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2004)
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Andrea Marowski, Ladies in Lavender (2004)
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Karl, A Friend of Mine (2006)
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Tonda, Krabat (2008)
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Dirk, All Together (2011)
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Dr. Georg Rosen, John Rabe (2009)
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Hans Krämer, The Coming Days / Die kommenden Tage (2010)
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Álex Garel, Eva (2011)
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Niki Lauda, Rush (2013)
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Daniel Domscheit-Berg, The Fifth Estate (2013)
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Thomas Lang, The Face of an Angel (2014)
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Daniel, Colonia (2015)
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Sebastian Zöllner, Me and Kaminski (2015)
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Tony Balerdi, Burnt (2015)
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Escherich, Alone in Berlin (2016)
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Helmut Zemo, Captain America: Civil War (2016)
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Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, The Alienist (2018 - 2020)
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Ernst Schmidt, The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
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Thomas Fischer, My Zoe (2019)
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Daniel Weltz, Next Door / Nebenan (2021)
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kingofthering · 2 months
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☼ every rosquez podium » qatar 2018 [30/34]
1. Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) 2. Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda) 3. Valentino Rossi (Yamaha Factory)
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also more briefly: i had enough overlap with relevant circles that i saw a post Here with various examples of the in-game works of art, then some more posts that established it as "whoah game in the style of illuminated manuscripts / medieval art / woodblock printing???" and dialogue-centric rpg / visual novel kind of situation, Then someone i followed on twitter just said they'd played it and loved it so i was like hmm for once this is one of those rare alignments of [this seems sooo relevant i will check it out] and On That Basis Alone i started watching a seventeen hr. playthrough lol
so i didn't even know that there was a murder mystery component / where the story was going, so like i don't think "gotta be unspoiled" actually makes or breaks An Experience of a Work, but it's not irrelevant, and like i easily would've looked up plenty of spoilers to ascertain interest and then checked it out if i hadn't already felt enough interest ascertained to commit to starting a watchthrough, wherein like imo knowing spoilers (a) can sure be further information that something's interesting & so provide the motivation to actually check it out (the relevance of this factor surely varies, e.g. it's actually pretty demanding for me to Actually Watch Something often even when i have already seen it & so know i like it / want to rewatch it; it's both really demanding for me to "just" check out some new to me [anything], and my interest-thus-motivation threshold is pretty high, where usually i also don't actually really want to lol. things gotta Align, be So strongly relevant to me interests, &/or probably i've Been marinating on checking it out / gradually building more interest)....and (b) there's a lot more Suspense to anything when you actually know some things that will be happening imo lol
but if you don't know, you can sure enjoy more Wondering, if you're particularly doing that, and be more Surprised by things, of course
all this to set up how i was like oh mein Gott this is such an Effect when i have no idea there's a murder mystery, let alone a murder, and andreas is trying to get home At Night and sees A Ghost in the Ruins and then proceeds to a scene where suddenly there's a Haunting Soundtrack playing while an unseen mystery figure through this tiny window is crying out about Pale Horse, Matins, Pale Horse On The Floor, Death
it was So enjoyably surprising and atmospheric and i'm like oh i love a clairvoyant promise that someone will die, But Who....wherein of course i love it Knowing that indeed that will manifest, and for whom, but i truly do cherish that first time around delight of Surprise and Wondering, and it's fun that pentiment was so like "oh i gotta check this out then" that i could just jump right in and be like yes i Will be watching all seventeen hours of this that requires reading this dialogue at high enough resolution / without burning off focus while looking at some other drawing/writing process too much. it's Such a cool and effective scene, holding back [soundtrack] so much to then use it to heighten effect so immediately. and like fuck yes there's an anchorite in this game
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✨manifesting✨ a vault song tonight for surprise song o clock tonight
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obliviouskara · 17 days
Have you seen a face SO handsome that it makes you just want to sit on it no? just me? okay
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lunaplena · 11 months
anyway i’m still depressed that i lost my desktop blog theme...i was so fond of it...it was so pretty...tumblr you will pay for this
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aequitaes · 11 months
plotted starter for, @sicsemper and one (1) husband, alhaitham
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𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔. How was he supposed to do that without knowing what it was? Kaveh's heart raced at the moment of reflection, and his cheeks met a faint dusting of pink, but one thing he was great at - was deflecting. In response to comments about how Alhaitham was brought up in every conversation, he never considered or shared that it might not be suitable to do that - even with a best friend.
To be constantly aware of them, to think of them, and to consider things that were second nature to their way of life and routines. A particular alignment of place mats or shoes, his favourite mug, coffee blend, and bringing home food to ensure he ate. Several elements of care went beyond what was agreed on when he took up residence here. If Kaveh were to be honest with himself... it was something he always knew but never entirely expressed.
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Was it just guilt from the past? A friendship they once had?
Was that a case of him not believing he was deserving of anything good? Based on the belief that he broke his family apart, he would self-sabotage himself - jeopardizing something unmoving, unchanging? They offered stability to each other regardless of what Alhaitham was to him. So, was it worth the risk? Could this have the potential to make matters worse?
Likewise, he might risk making things more difficult if he never expressed these feelings - annoyed by Alhaitham's lack of communication. Should he? Is he the one who should speak first? 
Maybe he should take the initiative for once; I'm often the one who initiates conversations... granted, they don't always proceed smoothly. 
However, he already knew what the answer was to his own statement. To proceed, this would have to be on his shoulders. His knowledge of Alhaitham had some flaws, but those flaws sometimes proved beneficial and vice versa for both of them.
Everything, good and bad, from the day they met to the near moments, the glances and brief exchanges in their youth which slowly built the foundation for their friendship. In addition to the more common bickering, there was also laughter, even if it was briefly exchanged. It warmed him to see him smile at times—"Alhaitham!" His determination was evident as he stepped into the house. "Alhaitham, I need to speak with you." Based on a quick survey, it would seem he wasn't in the shared space or at his desk. The bedroom. Approaching with confidence - for now and, in politeness, he knocks. But the door is ajar, but he rarely enters without permission and always announces his presence.
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venustrape · 1 year
@huntedvideo | ▲
↪ fin and andrea eating dinner together
this feels... off. it's not that she doesn't enjoy his company, let alone a good meal that she doesn't have to pay for, but the weird feeling isn't wearing off. this could've been a beer & a pizza on her couch type of hang. instead, they're in a sit down restaurant & she's prompted to look at a fancy menu. as he does the same, dark hues pin him, gaze narrowed as she leans forward on her elbows. " fin. " she may not have strong grounds for suspicion, but something tells her this is about more than just catching up with a friend. " this place is too nice. " brief observation, perfectly manicured brow arching. " what's going on ? did you get sued ? we don't need to have two forks each in front of us for you to ask me for legal advice. " she could dust off her law degree if need be. but then she pauses, a thought far more grim crossing her mind next. " i swear to god, if you brought me here to tell me some beast bit you on that hunt & now you're dying, i'm ordering the most expensive thing they can give me. "
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N Sync - Bye Bye Bye 2000
"Bye Bye Bye" is the lead single from N Sync's third studio album, No Strings Attached. The lyrics describe the end of a romantic relationship; it was reported to also reference the group's separation from their disastrous manager Lou Pearlman. "Bye Bye Bye" was a commercial success, peaking at number four on the US Billboard Hot 100 and within the top 10 in almost every country in which it charted. It was written and produced by Kristian Lundin and Jake Schulze, as part of Cheiron Productions, with additional writing by Andreas Carlsson. Cheiron is mostly known as the early hit-makers for Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys. The song won "Best Pop Video", "Best Choreography in a Video", and "Viewer's Choice" at the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards, the most awarded to a single video that year. It also won a Radio Music Radio award in 2000 for best song of the year. It was nominated for "Record of the Year" and "Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal" at the 2001 Grammy Awards. It received a total of 81,6% yes votes.
On a fun personal note, the maxi single was sent to me as promotion for N Sync when I got a bunch of Backstreet Boys stuff for free from their record label, lol. (Knowing someone who knew someone.) I was like, okay ig they snuck this new boyband in. 🤷‍♀️
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