#Andrej Danko
slavicbee · 4 months
The Assassination Attempt On Robert Fico, The Slovak Prime Minister
There is a lot of information going around in the media, since the situation is unfolding. I will attempt to cover the most important details for those who are interested.
Firstly, here is an English article (from BBC) so that you can read more about what unfolded. According to this article, at least three shots could be heard. Robert Fico, the PM, was wounded in the chest area, grabbed by his three security guards and escorted into his car. He was transported to the hospital via a helicopter.
The Attempt happened after a congress meeting in the city of Handlová roughly around 4PM local time. You may read more about the congress here: (Aktuality.sk)
Zuzana Čaputová, Peter Pellegrini, Petr Pavel, Andrej Danko, Juraj Blanár, Michal Šimečka, Igor Matovič, and some other factions, have already given their statement condemning the attack. (Aktuality.sk) Also, here is Petr Fiala and here is Olav Scholz, and here are the Polish political leaders.
Also, Andrej Danko, the vice minister of the Slovak Parliament, is currently blaming the Slovak liberal opposition. (Aktuality.sk) Additionally, the coalition as a whole blames the media and polarised population as a potential reason why this took place.
He is currently in a potentially life-threatening condition.
This article (Aktuality.sk) provides some pictures from around the time of the attempt. This article (Aktuality.sk) provides some video footage. View at your own discretion.
The police suspects a 71-year old man from the city of Levice, who was in legal possession of a firearm. (Aktuality.sk)
I will try to update when I get my hands on some more English sources.
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mosviqu · 1 year
andrej danko a jeho "chvalabohu ze inde nevedia po slovensky" ma pravdu bo by aj v zahranici potom vedeli co to je za kokota a nie len my
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mychlapci · 8 months
ako andrej danko najebal cez noc do stĺpu, tak ja chcem cez noc najebať tomu robotovi do maternice. Amen.
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Andrej Danko rozpráva ako keby mu dialóg písala Tara Gilesbe
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mariacallous · 1 year
Elsewhere, Poland continues to talk tough over preventing Ukrainian grain from flooding its market; radicalised Czech pensioners rise up, again; Slovak paediatricians to no longer take on shifts in children’s emergency rooms from next week.
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban did not make the international headlines with this year’s speech in Baile Tusnad in Romania, but he still managed to annoy neighbouring countries. This time Orban held back from using controversial expressions like the “illiberal state” (2014) or “mixed races” (2022), preferring to mainly speculate on the rise of China and how the rivalry between the US and China could affect the world and, in particular, Hungary. But away from the meat of the speech and in remarks afterwards, he managed to raise some eyebrows in countries which he might need in the future as potential allies.
Orban revealed that in advance he had received a “demarche” – a written note from the Romanian Foreign Ministry – requesting that he avoid certain topics in his speech, like national symbols, collective minority rights and “non-existent administrative areas” in Romania. “I have thought hard about what they could mean by that. I think they mean Transylvania and Szeklerland, but we have never claimed that these are Romanian administrative areas,” Orban said at the beginning of his speech. The Hungarian ambassador in Bucharest was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Monday where it was explained this is not exactly the direction in which bilateral relations should be heading.
The country’s ambassador in Bratislava was also summoned. Acting Slovak PM Ludovit Odor, an ethnic Hungarian himself, called Orban’s remarks about Slovakia being a separated land of Hungary unacceptable, criticising his use of the terms “breakaway regions” and referring to Slovakia as “Felvidék”, which used to be the northern part of the Kingdom of Hungary and is home to some 450,000 ethnic Hungarians. “Czechoslovakia and later Slovakia or Hungary are equally successor states of Austria-Hungary. Nothing could have been broken away from the present-day Hungary,” the Slovak Foreign Ministry wrote, warning that casting doubt on the territorial integrity of the country would not be tolerated. In remarks after his speech, Orban also slammed the Hungarian minority in Slovakia for its failure to win seats in the Slovak parliament and help the Hungarian nation. Odor said such statements harm bilateral relations. Many other Slovak politicians also denounced Orban’s comments, including even Smer leader Robert Fico and Slovak National Party leader Andrej Danko, who have in the past expressed admiration for Orban’s way of doing politics. Conversely, Krisztian Forro, leader of Aliancia, a Hungarian minority party, promised Orban his party would win seats in the upcoming September election. This seems unlikely if opinion polls are to be believed. Although Slovak-Hungarian relations are significantly better than before 2010, this is not the first time in recent memory that Hungary has upset Slovakia.
Orban also had a pop at the Czechs, accusing the government there of having abandoned the V4 to join the ranks of EU “federalists”. Czech PM Petr Fiala retorted by underscoring that Czechia remains sovereign and that his government defends its national interests: “We decide for ourselves what we promote, support or want to change in the EU.” Interior Minister Vit Rakusan chimed in to claim that Czechia’s EU approach has “evolved”, adding the barb that Prague does not simply seek subsidies while avoiding scrutiny.
In news nearer to home, Hungary’s opposition parties garnered enough signatures to request the parliamentary speaker convene an extraordinary session for Monday, July 31. One of the six topics to be discussed would be ratification of Sweden’s NATO accession, which the governing Fidesz party has been delaying for a year. The speaker, arch-conservative Laszlo Kover, is obliged to convene the session, but most commentators predict Fidesz will simply boycott it; this would be the 17th time the opposition has convened a special session, but none were attended by Fidesz MPs. The chairman of the parliament’s foreign affairs committee, Zsolt Nemeth, said earlier there is no urgency for ratification, despite Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s volte-face to support Sweden’s at the NATO Summit in Vilnius two weeks ago, as the Turkish parliament will only start debating the issue in the autumn. Hungary will hold its first regular parliamentary session in September.
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thoughtlessarse · 15 days
Members of the ruling Slovak National Party (SNS) have bypassed Education Minister Tomáš Drucker (Hlas-SD/NI) to introduce an anti-LGBTI+ bill aimed at schools, despite the European Commission currently taking Hungary to court over similar legislation. Four SNS MPs, led by party leader Andrej Danko, submitted the proposed amendment to the Education Act to parliament that seeks to establish a clear definition of what they call ‘non-traditional sexual orientation’, ban its ‘promotion’ and the dissemination of related ideas in schools. Schools found to be in breach of the law could be fined up to €30,000. “Slovak society is founded on traditional values that define marriage as the exclusive union between a man and a woman, which is also explicitly stated in Article 41(1) of the Slovak Constitution,” the explanatory memorandum says. “In the context of these values, the bill seeks to protect children and young people from influences that might conflict with constitutional principles,” it concludes. But the pro-LGBT NGO Initiative Inakosť refutes this claim. “Our constitutional court has already stated in the past that sexual orientation cannot be grounds for unequal treatment, and I believe it would do so again, even before European courts weigh in,” the Slovak NGO’s director, Martin Macko, told Euractiv Slovakia.
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head-post · 8 months
Slovak SNS party leader to run for president
Andrej Danko, leader of Slovakia’s SNS party, declared during a political debate that he would run for president in the upcoming campaign.
“I am going to tell you something exclusive: you’ve convinced me to go into a presidential fight. I will go against dirty and dangerous people like you [opposition leader Michal Simecka of the liberal Progressive Slovakia].”
Danko added that if he does not get enough votes, he will team up with another candidate, former judge Stefan Harabin, who has also declared his intention to run.
If I see that I don’t have a strong nationalist voice, I will support another nationalist voice.
The SNS party leader has been under pressure after it emerged that on January 11, he was involved in a car accident damaging a traffic light in Bratislava’s Dubravka neighbourhood and left the scene without reporting it.
Simecka claimed that PS would initiate a parliamentary session to oust Danko from his position as deputy parliamentary speaker.
Read more HERE
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llitchilitchi · 8 months
Sorry ak toto je nahodne ale hrozne som sa na tom smiala a musim sa s niekym o tom podelit. Vies ako andrej danko najebal do semaforu? Tak niekto na ten semafor dal zaramovany napis ze narodna kulturna pamiatka 💀 a pre istotu to dal aj na google mapy
najlepšie správy celého týždňa lmao
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smartencyclopedia · 11 months
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Podívejte se na video „Live: Klinická smrť Andreaj Danka. Portál GINN posilňuje vysielanie #md15x126“ na YouTube
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korkep-blog · 6 years
Az SNS megint betett a Ficonak: nem támogatják a nyugdíjkorhatárról szóló smeres javaslatot
Legalábbis jelenlegi formájában
 A Szlovák Nemzeti Párt közleménye szerint az SNS „nem tudja támogatni a nyugdíjkorhatár felső határának alkotmánytörvénnyel történő korlátozását abban a formában, ahogy azt a Smer beterjesztette”. A 65 éves felső határ szerintük „nem elég ambiciózus”.
  „Az SNS a szakszervezetekkel egyetértve már a kezdetektől azt javasolja, hogy férfiak nyugdíjkorhatárának felső határa 34, a nőké 63 év legyen”
  fogalmazott a párt. Egyúttal kijelentették, hogy reményeik szerint a koalíciós partnerek is elfogadják az ő verziójukat, illetve az ellenzék soraiból kapnak támogató szavazatokat. Azt közölték, hogy amennyiben a javaslat nem megy át alkotmánytörvény formájában, akkor egyszerű törvény formájában próbálják meg átvinni a parlamenten. Az alkotmánytörvény elfogadásához legalább 90 igenlő szavazatra van szükség a parlamentben. A kormányt jelenleg (papíron) 83 parlamenti képviselő támogatja – bár ez elég képlékeny dolog, a függetlenek lehetnek a mérleg nyelve.
Nyitókép:  topky.sk
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stalosa · 4 years
Mimoparlamentná SNS chce predčasné voľby. Začali zbierať podpisy
Mimoparlamentná SNS chce predčasné voľby. Začali zbierať podpisy
Mimoparlamentná Slovenská národná strana (SNS) dnes na Facebooku oznámila, že začala zbierať podpisy pod petíciu na vyhlásenie referenda o predčasných voľbách.
SNS chce referendom docieliť vyhlásenie predčasných volieb, strana to však nebude mať jednoduché. Ak by navyše vyzbierala dostatok podpisov a referendum by sa skutočne konalo boli by to zrejme ďalšie premrhané milióny eur.
Aby bolo…
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picuscapital · 5 years
Andrej Danko šokuje o prudkom konci. Čo sa stalo? Je Denník N prepojený na prezidentský palác?
Andrej Danko šokuje o prudkom konci. Čo sa stalo? Je Denník N prepojený na prezidentský palác?
Andrej Danko šokuje o prudkom konci. Čo sa stalo? Je Denník N prepojený na prezidentský palác? Líder strany SNS sa zúčastnil predvolebnej diskusie v Novom Čase, kde rozprával o nových zmenách, ale aj o tom, čo sa mu v jeho rzertoch podarilo za štyri roky.
Opozícia kritizuje rozhodnutie vlády dať ľuďom trinásty dôchodok v skrátenom legislatívnom konaní a taktiež cesná daň a iné návrhy koalície. An…
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stocknewspaper-blog · 7 years
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"New Slovak education minister appointed after coalition crisis" has been added to my site. Please visit for details. http://www.stocknewspaper.com/new-slovak-education-minister-appointed-after-coalition-crisis/
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effemerideitalia · 8 years
Slovacchia sicura, l'idea di “Europa a più velocità” sfalderà la UE
Slovacchia sicura, l’idea di “Europa a più velocità” sfalderà la UE
L’idea di un’Europa a più velocità può spaccare l’Unione Europea oppure i Paesi membri, anziché ambire verso l’unità, inizieranno a differenziarsi e frammentarsi, ha dichiarato il presidente del Parlamento slovacco Andrej Danko
“Già le stesse proposte per un’Europa a più velocità suscitano la preoccupazione tra gli Stati che sanno in anticipo che non potranno sostenere un ritmo elevato. La…
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VÝŠINY | Pokušenia a premeny
VÝŠINY | Pokušenia a premeny
Duchovná príprava na Národné stretnutie mládeže T22 v Trenčíne s názvom VÝŠINY nás pozýva na Horu pokušenia a vrch Tábor, aby sme sa od Ježiša učili obstáť v skúškach aj stáť v nemom úžase pred Bohom. Moderuje Pali Danko. hostia: Mário Brezňan – kaplán v Spišskej Novej Vsi Jozef Wallenfels – Chválonožky Andrej Gejdoš – eRko Kliknite a prihláste sa na odber videí z TV LUX ►…
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