#Andrew the Tato Farmer
lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Character Lore
Detective "Teshteal" Rammstein
Gardio (Non Feral Glowing One Detective)
Andrew the Synth and Humble Tato Farmer
Geneveve (Gen 2 Synth and Third Rail Singer/Performer)
Deep Blue (SynthClaw made of Gen 2 Parts)
Alicia (Prototype Gen 2 Synth Turned Hacker and Assassin)
Astral (Gen 2.8 Merc/Rogue Courser)
The Twins: Hydra and Gemini
Ursine Corncockle Himbeer, Courier and BOS Scribe
Eldwyn(BOS Scribe and Ursine's Kid. Reblogged on someone else's post)
Clancy Stein (Mirelurk Humanoid Mutant, Adopted by Dr. Yren Stein)
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Power Armor Punch Part Twenty Seven
Geneveve: *still procrastinating on talking to him* He seems busy... I shouldn't bother-
Lucille: For crissakes! *walks up to Andrew* Hey Andy, there's someone you should meet. They've been kind of nervous about taking to you because you're busy but if you can spare the time...
Andrew: *looks up from his work, dusting his hands* Oh? *looks over her shoulder and smiles when he sees a surprised Geneveve* I suppose my work can wait a moment to help my fellow synth. *walks over* Hello. name's Andrew.
Geneveve: Geneveve. *lowers her head shyly*
Andrew: *soft laugh* I don't bite!
Geneveve: *peers up at him from under the brim of her hat* I wouldn't know. We've only just met.
Andrew: When did you first attain sentience?
Geneveve: *crosses her arms* A few hours ago...
Andrew: Well then. You're still pretty new. Don't rush it- finding out what you want to be. It takes a bit of time.
Geneveve: How did you-?
Andrew: I've been where you are now. Didn't wake up saying "I want to be a tato farmer".
Geneveve: So where do I start?
Andrew: Find something you're good at. Something you want to expand on. For me, it's Tatoes and horticulture. For you, who knows! *pats her shoulder*
Jasmine: (Giggles a little bit when she beats the level, looking up at Nick with sparkling childlike eyes. She wishes that she could always feel like this, but she knows its just a small burst of peacefulness. With her luck, it will last an hour or so before her mind clouds back up, so she might as well enjoy it while she can)
Nick: *smiles* Proud of you...
Jasmine: (Tilts her head at him, her eyes still sparkling and her nose scrunches cutely) (Whispering, holding out the Pipboy) “Want to try? Its really fun.”
Nick: Of course... *adjusts a setting so it's more of a challenge for him. He takes the pipboy* Alright. Let's see how well I can hack it. *confident wink at his adopted daughter*
Geneveve: How long did it take you to figure it out?
Andrew: ... I'm not certain. A few months. Maybe a few years. I just knew I didn't want to kill people...
Geneveve: I see... *looks at her hands. She doesn't want to... anymore*
Jasmine: (Giggles sweetly again at her Dad, the soft smile still on her face. She shifts slightly so she can see the screen better, which ends up making her wince in pain)
Nick: *softly* I'm sorry, doll... *leans towards her so she can see better. He's trying his best to aim for as many missiles as he can*
Jasmine: (Hums softly, watching Nick play the game with lots of high interest in her childlike eyes. Back home, she was the good one at video games. In fact, she would have to purposely die so that Jie or her other siblings could get a turn. Its intresting to see someone play better than her, the only other person she could think of was her Mom, and she didn't get to play all that often)
Nick: *transfers himself to the bed so she can see better. He's missing one or two without the prediction software but he's giving it a good go*
Jasmine: (Scoots closer to Nick almost automatically, still watching him play the game with pure facination in her eyes. She starts humming along with the radio thats now playing “Anything Goes”, her voice being smooth and sweet)
Nick: *hums along with her as he clears another level. He's happy to hear her voice again*
Jasmine: (Has to smile even more through her humming, its just so sweet and comforting. She would hold Nicks hand, but he is using them to play the game so she clutches his trench coat instead, still watching the Pipboy)
Nick: Maybe I'm a little too good at this. *soft chuckle as he goes back to humming*
Lucille: Come to think of it. I need someone who knows how to make candy.
Geneveve: *raises an eyebrow* Not something I know how to do...
Lucille: Would you at least consider being a merchant?
Geneveve: ...Perhaps...
Jasmine: (Giggles cutely at that comment, going back to humming as well when she was done. Nick is very good at the game, and its really fun to watch. Its also somehow comforting, maybe because her Mom used to play…)
Nick: *purposely dies so she can have a turn* Oh- guess my luck ran out. *shrugs and smiles* Want another wack at it...?
Geneveve: *looks up what candy is in their built in dictionary* Hold on- where are you going to find a candy maker in THIS place?
Lucille: *shrugs* Might take a while, but I'll find them.
Geneveve: I'm going to try to learn how to make it. It requires sugar, yes?
Lucille: Uh-huh?
Geneveve: Get me a chemistry station, mutfruit, corn, and any sugary foods you can find. Especially cotton candy. *walks off to the candy shop* This synth is going to experiment.
Andrew: *shares a look between him and Lucille* Well that's one way to find something meaningful to do. *smirks as he shakes his head*
Lucille: You think she's found her purpose?
Andrew: Hard to tell. Could be something nice to do in the meantime until they figure themselves out. Could be what they do for the rest of their lives. *chuckles* Though if you ask me, that synth seems like they're suited for the stage.
Jasmine: (Gives him a suspicious look, taking the Pipboy in her hands and tilting her head) (Whispering) “Now you sound like me.” (Starts clicking at the game, switching back to an easier setting)
Nick: Hm. It was a very thinly veiled lie, if veiled at all... I just wanted to give you a chance at a turn. *smiles warmly at her*
Jasmine: (Chuckles softly, glancing up to smile back) (Whispering) “I did the same thing for them.” (Keeps playing the game, humming along with “Happy Times.” Some words being sung in a gentle whisper out loud)
Nick: *Goes back to assisting her with aiming for the missiles, smiling at her sweet voice*
Jasmine: (Snuggles herself closer to Nick as she clicks away. Her tongue slightly sticks out between her teeth in concentration when she is not singing, another habit she tries to break)
Nick: *thinks it's adorable. Really adds to how much of a kid she truly is*
Jasmine: (Lets out a delighted hum of joy when she passes another level, looking back up at Nick with sparkling glowing eyes. She knows that she probably looks very childish right now with her little giggles and wide eyes, but she cant help it. And its not like Nick is going to do anything to her, so she will let this side of her slip a bit)
Nick: *gentlest smile his old rubber face will allow* Did good.
Jasmine: (Smiles softly and looks back down at the Pipboy to continue to the next level. Her tongue starts sticking out a bit again as the its now even more difficult to keep up with the missiles. She makes adorable squeals of excitement whenever she manages to shoot one or more missiles)
Lucille: *brings what her daughter asked for*
Geneveve: Also I'm going to need a stove or fire... *arranging the food so she knows what's what*
Lucille: Coming right up!
Nick: *really starts helping her here. They're coming in fast before either of them have time to blink*
Jasmine: (Presses her lips together in hard concentration, barely managing to keep the missiles at bay. If it weren't for Nick helping her, she would have already lost long time ago. She purely laughs in delight when she finally clears the VERY hard level, looking up at Nick with joyful eyes and she holds out the Pipboy to offer him another turn)
Nick: Impressive...! *tousles her hair as he proudly takes the pipboy and adjusts it for a harder difficulty again*
Jasmine: (Snuggles sweetly into the blanket with a small yawn, blinking up at Nick and clutching his trench coat as she waits for the game to start. She loves this warm happy feeling in her… Makes everything in her feel normal, even if its only for a moment)
Nick: Sleepy? *already powering through the first level*
Jasmine: (Quickly shakes her head, blinking rapidly) (Mumbling with a childish tone) “No!” (Clutches Nicks coat a bit more as she watches him play the game. She has had enough of sleep for today! And she means it this time!)
Nick: *softly and playfully scoffs* Coulda fooled me...
Jasmine: (Weakly laughs back, holding in another yawn. Her eyes blink rapidly at the game as she starts humming again with the radio playing “Way Back Home” She bet she could fool him if she really wanted to, but that was in a life or death situation)
Nick: *again finds himself humming songs of the old world, missing it a bit as he plays the game. Before he knows it he's on the level Jas just beat*
Jasmine: (Makes a happy sound of excitment, tilting her head eagerly to watch Nick play this one. She scoots in closer to see better, still holding onto his coat. Some words of the song slip out of her mouth in a melodic whisper, she seemingly not realizing it)
Nick: *eyes move almost jerkily as he tries to follow the trajectory of each missile, making the most of his shots if he can. If he were human he'd barely have time to breathe*
Jasmine: (Watches on with full interest in her big enchanted eyes, only looking away when she ends up yawning again)
Nick: *ends up losing the level cause he looked at her when she yawned* You sure you're not sleepy? You're yawning quite a bit.
Jasmine: (Shakes her head while blinking rapidly up at him) (Muttering in a childish tone) “Im not tired.” (She is a little upset at herself for yawing so much, it distracted Nick from winning the game)
Nick: *notices* Hey. It's alright. It's just a game- I can try again. *smiles down at her, waving the pipboy. To him, this isn't about the game. It's about keeping her entertained and happy. And if she needs to sleep, she should sleep*
Jasmine: (Nods her head, giving him a soft smile. She is doing her best to mask her sleepiness, as sleeping is not something she wants to do again)
Nick: Want another go at it? *hands her the pip boy*
Jasmine: (Shakes her head) (Whispering) “I am good for now-…” (Suddenly frowns and her eyes dull when “Sixty Minute Man” comes blaring on the radio. She looks down over at the keycard, gripping her wrists tightly over her chest and shifting so her legs are crossed) (Mumbling) “Dammit Travis…”
Nick: *notices the change in mood and switches it to Freedom Radio* That better, doll?
Jasmine: (Faintly nods her head, her eyes still on the thrown keycard in the corner while she still holds herself protectively. She just needed to wait this sudden phase out… Her heart starts to thump faster)
Nick: *starts up the game again...*
Jasmine: (Still staring at the card, her heart now racing. Fuck… She feels it boiling in her. She cant let a simple SONG out of all things ruin her good mood…)
Jasmine: (She feels it thumping in her, the looming fear and dread of memories weighing down on her. The only way she knows how to cope with it is by scratching and cutting herself… And thats whats she wants to do) (Whispering frantically as tears start at her eyes) “Dad… help…” (Her hands are already automatically starting to shakily but firmly scratch at her chest through the dress)
Nick: *takes her hands*
Jasmine: (Lightly nods her head, closing her teary eyes as her heart continues to thunder) “Just breathe… They cant hurt you anymore… Breathe.” (Gently wiggles her wrists)
Nick: *squeezes just a little tighter*
Jasmine: (Keeps wiggling her hands lightly while whimpering softly, not really wanting to break free but she cant help it. With this sudden mental break wearing her down, she starts to really feel the tiredness she was ignoring, and its making her eyes heavy…)
Nick: *softly* I'm not gonna hurt you, Rosie...
Jasmine: (Her eyes flutter open to look at Nick and she stops trying to wiggle free, but her breathing is picking up. Her lips tremble as she blinks rapidly at him with red teary eyes, tilting her head) (Quietly and shakily) “Daddy….”
Nick: I'm here, Rosie... I'm here.
Jasmine: (Hums, nodding her teary head. She shuffles so she is straightened out, her eyes growing heavier but she REALLY doesn't want to sleep. She slowly takes in a few deep breaths, feeling herself start to calm down a bit…)
Nick: That's it, doll...
Geneveve: *experimenting with the food using the chemistry station. At some point she does end up making candy*
Jasmine: (Her legs jerk a bit to shuffle off the blanket off her body, but she quickly stops her kicking with another round of deep breaths) (To herself) “Breathe…” (Slow tears dance down her face as she gives in, relaxing into the bed and pillow, but she is still determined not to fall asleep)
Nick: I'm not going anywhere... just relax. You're safe.
Jasmine: (Glances over at Nick with a choked breath) (Softly) “No…..” (She sighs deeply as she closes her eyes, letting the much needed sleep start nip at her even though she doesn't want it to…)
Nick: Ssh... I'll be right here when you wake up. *smiles*
Jasmine: (Lets out a small cry, her still tearful eyes flickering open for a brief moment in a attempt to stay awake. She carefully pulls back her hands and holds them out to Nick, indicating that she wants to be held by him. Again, she scolds herself for it, but she just wants that safe feeling to be around her while she sleeps…)
Nick: Okay... if it helps you sleep... *lays down next to her and pulls her close*
Jasmine: (Rests her head near where Nicks heart would be if he where human, clutching onto him. She closes her eyes, her breathing getting slower as she listens to his inner machinery, letting herself fall asleep)
Nick: *decides after she's asleep to go into sleep mode. He needs the rest*
Jasmine: (Snaps her thoughts to the peaceful moment just before that awful song came on, smiling a little at the warmth from the moment still in her. She wants it to stay. She sniffs and snuggles into Nicks coat, falling into a deep sleep)
Nick: *already entering sleep mode. Some of his systems start to quiet down a little since he's mostly powered down. It helps reset some things*
Jasmine: (Sleeping, her dreams and thoughts completely blank. She is still somewhat aware of Nicks comforting presence)
[Time Jump]
Nick: *stays in sleep mode for a good 6 or so hours. Pretty good considering*
Jasmine: (Sniffs in her sleep, shifting a little bit so she is closer to Nick with her arms still holding onto him. Somehow by some blind miracle, she slept through it all peacefully without a single nightmare. The thought of pie and food still thumped at her, but not as strong)
Nick: *does pop out if sleep mode but decides to do a quick diagnostic*
Geneveve: *trying to get the flavors down. Making sure her candy is safe for human consumption*
Jasmine: (Still sleeping, looking quite adorable while she thinks. Pie… She wants to have some again. She bet she could make some, even if its out of the mutated fruits of the Wasteland. But she wont be able to eat it… At all… Maybe she can make something else? Not even for herself, but everyone else. She could also try and make some of her other deserts and meals she knows- probably most of those recipes have died out and she’ll be the one to revive them)
Nick: *sighs, diagnostics taking the wind out of him every time... even after sleep mode. He looks down at his sleeping daughter*
Jasmine: (Sleepily coos cutely like a small child, snuggling sweetly into Nicks coat as she slowly starts to wake up from her blessed restful sleep)
Nick: Hey, kiddo…
Jasmine: (Drowsily hums in response, followed by a yawn. She opens her eyes and slightly moves her head to look at Nick, still holding onto him. Well that was a good rest for once… How long did she sleep for?)
Nick: That's a record... a good six or seven hours for you. *smiles softly at that* You feeling any better, doll?
Jasmine: (Slowly nods her head, cuddling closer back to his chest. She can move a little more without hurting so much, and she isn't feeling like she is going to vomit which is a good sign. Also her hellish headache is gone, she just needed to keep it this way)
Nick: Good... *pats her head*
Jasmine: (Blinks in confusion at herself, realizing that she is still being such a child) (Mumbling, not looking up) “I think you broke me…”
Nick: Now that's a bit concerning to hear. Care to elaborate?
Jasmine: (Mumbling, still not looking up) “I am acting like a kid holding onto you… I am sorry.” (If she was sorry, why wasn't she stopping?)
Nick: May I remind you that you are still a kid? There's no shame in it. *pets her hair*
Jasmine: (Bluntly muttering into his coat) “I was pregnant.” (She really means to say that she already walked through the fiery hells of life and that what makes her not a kid. And doesn't Nick remember all that she told him? Almost everyone else doesn't see or did see her like a kid based off how they treat her. Being a kid is her weakness….)
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Andrew, you know, the tato farmer: I'm looking directly at the sun right now. It's so beautiful- so beautiful it hurts. *is doing exactly that while holding his straw hat to his head*
Lucille: *waiting to pay for the produce* Oh no- don't do that-
The sky: *gets a little overcast*
Andrew: Oh- There's a cloud. That's a relief... *turns around and takes the payment*
Lucille: *wondering if something's fried in Andrew's brain*
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Andrew the Synth and Humble Tato Farmer
The Humble Tato Farmer
Selling His Crops
Not a Fan of the BOS
Lending a helping hand
Sir, This is a Tato Stand
Stop Throwing Cans at Him! He's Just Asking a Question!
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
What if, and hear me out on this, there are generic Gen 1 and 2 Synths that gained sentience and a personality of their own? Not even prototypes, like Nick and DiMA, just regular ones they sent out on a mission or something. Their adaptive A.I. got "corrupted" based on the data they received. Maybe one out of 100 or more have a defect in their systems that makes them "go wrong" according to the the Institute.
I just think it would be really neat. Maybe there are old patrols living in seclusion that defected because something felt... off about their mission.
All this because I'm imagining a deep voiced generic gen 2 Synth wearing a straw farmers hat leaning on a rake explaining how he's not a prototype. He's the result of a broken component causing his A.I. to readjust and make him sentient. His name's Andrew. He admires Nick Valentine for making it out there in the Wasteland despite their very different origins. Doesn't know who DiMA is, though. Probably would admire him more due to how much more similar they are, history wise. Mostly, he's just a guy, chewing on the end of a piece of razorgrain, tending to his tatoes.
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
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Some cleaned up Aggie.io doodles from the call last night with @beefchiefs-adventure @sswitchblade03 and @deathisawelcomealternitive.
Geneveve and her partner and super intelligent Synth Deathclaw, Deep Blue!
The Red Fox Gang!
Gardio Chapel turned glowing one!
Tom Nook the Tanuki Mutant Raccoon Man Capitalist!
And the humble Tatoe and produce farmer, Andrew. (Be nice to him. He's just trying to sell his wares on this heck of an Earth.)
You can find the original doodle page here:
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
General masterlist of lore posts for the blog.
Gardio main timeline (to get to know his character)
Andrew the Synth and humble Tato Farmer
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