#lucille chapel
lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Gardio: At least my daughter isn't a feral cat-
Nick: You sure about that-? *pointing at Lucille who's about to jump off a 2-story building*
Gardio: *turns and looks* LUCILLE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Lucille: TAKING A SHORT CUT! *jumps and lands with a slightly pained grunt* See! I'm fine!
Gardio: Don't do that! You could have died!
Lucille: I do it all the time!
Gardio: Well, stop before you damage your knees! It's hard enough to find a decent doctor, already!
Lucille: I'll just get a Gen 2 synth leg-
Nick: I'm not giving you mine.
Lucille: I didn't say it had to be yours.
Gardio: *too distraught by how casual his daughter is with the possibility of losing a limb*
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This was Raphael’s preparatory drawing for a detail in the mosaic decoration at the Chigi Chapel in the church of S. Maria del Popolo, Rome, where God the Father in the centre of the ceiling is encircled by the sun, the stars and the six known planets, each with a commanding angel. This angel appears above Jupiter. This mosaic appears in the dome of the chapel known as the Heavens. Bathed in divine light, the angel in this red chalk drawing by Renaissance artist Raphael commands worship of God with his pointing left arm, guiding our attention upwards. He expresses tenderness towards humanity below with his more open right hand. The angel is strongly associated with the birth of Christ, due to the important role that they played as messengers in the traditional Christmas story. The word ‘angel’ comes from the Greek ‘angelos’ or messenger’. ⁠ Study for an angel, c.1515–16, Raphael (1483–1520). Red chalk on laid paper, 19.7 x 16.7 cm. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England. WA1846.208 :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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“she is always emptying and it is all / the same wound the same blood the same breaking.”
— Lucille Clifton, from “she understands me,” in The Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton
[alive on all channels]
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x1702x · 9 months
Im boutta do a small Voltaire rant since hes my NPC hunter oc (Unlike Phoebe or Eli, his ass aint going thru what the good hunter would, he's more like Eileen if you get me) I'll also have to put Lucille into the mix, shes his wife, afterall.
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His questline would be quite simple, you can befriend him but also make him aggressive.
Voltaire will be in two lamp locations throughout the game: Central Yharnam and Cathedral Ward
- By the beginning he will be located at Central Yharnam near the elevator that leads you to Oedon's Tomb. He will give you the gesture "Tip Hat".
- After Gascoigne, you will find him in the Cathedral ward at the bottom of the flight of stairs with the gigant by the first gate. He will be by the cliff. He will give you 3 throwing knives.
- After you kill The Shadows of Yharnam you can find him sitting by the Odeon Chapel's lower plaza. He will give you a gesture "Cross arms"
- After killing Rom, his corpse will be found by where you killed Lucille, in Central Yharnam if you don't fullfill his quest.
Lucille is an optional enemy, think of Henryk or Gilbert. You can interact with her twice or thrice in central Yharnam, once you return (After Vicar Amelia) She will be aggressive if you return and youre forced to kill her. She will drop a Bloody Wedding ring, you can crush it for a bloody gem and visit Voltaire after killing Rom and he will be just normal.
If you dont crush the Bloody Wedding ring you have the option to give it to him. Upon doing that, he will attack you. Once he's dead he will drop his badge, "Chained hunter badge". You can now get his garb and weapons.
His dialogues with him would go like this:
"Ah... You must be a new hunter. Hm, how sweet. A lad like you, out in a night like this?... (laughter) Careful with these heathens, I dont want to be the one cleaning your innards from the ground, youre a big boy now, chin up, make me proud." (Male Hunter)
"Ah... You must be a new hunter. Hm, how sweet. A lass like you, out in a night like this?... (laughter) Careful with these heathens, I dont want to be the one cleaning your innards from the ground, a lady like you should be able to make it through, safe travels." (Female Hunter)
"Oh, what is it? Scared of a few... Let's say... Grotesque and nightmare inducing creatures? Oh...Poor thing. Really, I pity you."
"Oh, didn't see you there. What's up, lad? Making good progress? You better. Now... Anything piques your interest so far?" (Male Hunter)
"Oh, didn't see you there. What's up, lass? Making good progress? You better. Now... Anything piques your interest so far?" (Female Hunter)
Here youre given 2 options:
"Ask about Lucille"
"Ask about the Cathedral Ward"
"Oh...Aren't you curious... Well, Lucille? My wife. Lovely smile, and lovelier eyes... I can guess you've talked to her. She's a treat, Isn't she? I can't wait to come home." (Ask about Lucille)
"This place harbors the Grand Cathedral and the Oedon Chapel. I'll be honest, I never liked it here, too tacky for me... But the view is amazing, I'll give it that." (Ask about the Cathedral Ward)
"This... Ring. Its familiar... Wait- No. No no no... Where is she?! What happened to her...?! Oh, I can just smell her blood on you. Sick bastard. You're no better than any of these beasts... Murderer."
"I hope hell finds you well."
"Know some manners, miss." (Female Hunter)
"Know some manners, gent." (Male Hunter)
"Oh ho ho? This easy? Throw me a bone."
NOW... Describing his equipment >:3c
Hat: "Hat worn by the old hunter Voltaire. The feather attached onto it is soft and white, contrasting with his dark robes. Its worn and has some dried blood stains. Voltaire was always a man who got messy without care, until he got wed."
Torso: "Attire worn by the old hunter Voltaire. The dark colors are his forte in his everyday garb.
The ripped cape may put fear in the hearts of those who see him walk by, but staring close enough to his shirt collar, one may find many lipstick marks from the kisses Lucille gives to him. They are slightly washed out but she will make sure to put them back on."
Pants/Shoes: "Attire worn by the old hunter Voltaire. The dark colors are his forte in his everyday garb."
Bear trap chains: "Old hunter Voltaire's favorite weapon, its said it was crafted by him.
It seeks to deal the most damage possible by snapping on the body while also pulling around with the chain to ensure butchering beasts into gory bits"
And that would be it! As an extra, if you kill him after interacting with Lucille for the first time he will drop a card, if you give it to her, you may find her corpse on the house's doorstep later on, she wont drop the wedding ring this time, she will give you 2 blood vials.
I rlly gotta draw him again i swear aghhhh... I forgor
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Power Armor Punch Part Forty Nine
Teshteal: Ah. We’re here. *hides behind Gardio*
Nick: *sour look at the smaller man*
Gardio: *sees Jas finally and smiles* Directly, what a sweet looking child!
Jasmine: (Snuggles closer to Nick in her sleep, still clutching him tightly with her fingers gripping his coat. She feels warm and safe right now, better than she does awake. Her commands can’t reach her, she’s momentarily free from the terrible trance she was put in)
Lucille: Dad… are you okay?
Gardio: I’m fine. Why?
Lucille: “Directly, what a sweet looking child” is not a normal sentence. Even for you.
Gardio: *thinks about the word salad he responded with just a second ago* Oh- that is pretty bad. Sorry- the radiation must have gotten to my head for a second there, sweetie. *sheepish grin*
Teshteal: *clinging to Gardio’s back, peaking around at Nick*
Nick: *at Teshteal* What’s he hiding from?
Gardio: You. Don’t know why but he’s scared you’ll kick him out of the group.
Jasmine: (Still sleeping like an innocent baby who didn’t just brutally kill three raiders with a dagger and pure strength)
Nick: After what he did? I’m tempted to.
Gardio: Oh? What did he do?
Nick: He suggested a command knowing fully it would make her relive gruesome memories.
Gardio: *pointedly* Was he trying to help?
Nick: I- *pauses* Could have been. I’m not sure. The place they were taken to tried to turn them both into heartless killers.
Teshteal: *slight whine at the mention of that place*
Gardio: *notices* You think that’s a good reason to turn him away? *eyes narrow in suspicion* Because he might be a “heartless killer”? How is she any different?
Nick: *pauses then recovers* That doesn’t excuse what he did.
Gardio: He suggested a command. Suggested. You didn’t have to use it. The way I see it, you’re just as at fault as he is.
Nick: *frowns but doesn’t say anything. He’s right. He should have thought twice about the Command*
Jasmine: (Sniffs in her sleep, whining while she tightens her fingers around Nicks coat and mumbles desperately for someone to leave her alone)
Gardio: So? What say you, Nick? Does he stay?
Nick: I guess so… but I’m keeping an eye on him.
Gardio: No need. Focus on your daughter. I’ll focus on Teshteal and Lucille.
Lucille: Dad, minus 200 years, I’m still in my late 20s. You don’t need to treat me like a child.
Gardio: True. You’re still my daughter, though.
Nick: *questioning why he suddenly feels like he lost custody of two of his kids*
Jasmine: (Whimpers quietly in her once peaceful slumber that’s turning into a nightmare, releasing Nick of her death grip to cover her face and chest with her hands)
Gardio: *has his arms out in front of him as a gesture to the group* Now if we’re ready to go-
Nick: *sets Jas suddenly in his arms* I think you need to get to know your new Daughter, Chapel. She’s a real firecracker.
Gardio: *already being very careful not to drop the teen*
Jasmine: (Whines again in her sleep when she feels that Nick is no longer holding her, kicking her legs like a little toddler while squirming)
Gardio: *keeping a firm but gentle hold on her regardless* I- *sighs in defeat and starts trying to comfort the girl with a soft lullaby*
Lucille: *would say something about dumping kids off on other people but she already does that with Shaun so she stays silent*
Jasmine: (Covers her face with a scared cry at the unfamiliar person holding her, but she’s too worn out and still under the mental effects of the reset command to actually try and claw out Gardio’s eyes. She just scrunches up as small as she can with frightened sobs, tumbling between nightmares and reality)
Gardio: *softly rocks her as they walk* It’s alright… I’m not going to hurt you.
Teshteal: *mumbling apologies to Jas guiltily despite her not being able to hear*
Jasmine: (Stays asleep but keeps softly whimpering and crying out occasionally. She can’t understand where Nick went or that he’s the one to hand her off. All she knows is that Nick’s not close to her anymore and she wants him back)
Gardio: *just keeps walking* I know I’ve seen you somewhere before… Is my memory that bad…? *trying his best*
Teshteal: *staying close to Gardio like a child following his dad*
Lucille: *still leading the way*
Jasmine: (Hiding her teary face with her hands, wishing for her dad right now as the anxiety builds up in her chest)
Gardio: *sings her another lullaby as sweetly as he can*
Lucille: *trying not to get drowsy as she walks. Even now her dad’s soft but deep singing voice puts her to sleep*
Nick: Hey, you slowing down for a reason?
Lucille: *jumps* Sorry. Dad still has that charm when it comes to lullabies.
Gardio: *small smile creeps in between lines of the song hearing that*
Teshteal: *also fighting sleep. He just has a very soothing voice. Kinda wants a piggyback ride, now*
Jasmine: (Her hands creep up her face to tug on the roots of her her while she shuffles in Gardio’s arms, messing up her neatly done braid in the name of soothing herself)
Nick: *reaches into her bag and pulls out her bear* Here. This might help.
Gardio: *raises an eyebrow wondering why he waited so long to give it to him. They’re literally about to leave Boston* Thank you. *lets Nick set it in Jas’s arms*
Jasmine: (Clutches Winnie to her face while she whimpers at the nightmares, nearly smothering herself with how tight she’s holding it. You’d think that the bear is her only friend with how closely she holds it, in her mind it is at the moment)
Teshteal: *quietly humming to himself*
Gardio: *slowly blinks at Jas. Taking a guess at who she is- the kid that he tried to safely escort home but outran him in the woods?*
Jasmine: (Cries out then twists harshly, waking herself from the nightmare to spare herself from more horrors. She blinks, realizing that Gardio is now holding her and she can’t sense Nick’s presence despite him saying he wasn’t going anywhere, the pent up anxiety and fear of being apart flooding out all at once. She immediately starts throwing a huge toddler tantrum, kicking, screaming, wailing, and hitting with no restraint to how strong or how loud as tears go down her face)
Gardio: *doesn’t even flinch. He scruffs her jacket like a mother cat picking up a kitten and holds her out in front of him to avoid injury* Nick.
Nick: *stops and turns, pausing at the display. He can’t help but smirk at the angry teen mirroring the image of a feisty kitten* Good to see you still have some fight in you, Rosie. You can set her down, now, Gardio.
Gardio: Alright. *softly but almost jokingly to Jas as he sets get * Try not to bite anyone…
Teshteal: *nervously at Jas, mostly still over the command* Please don’t actually bite Gardio.
Jasmine: (Went absolutely feral with her hissy fit when Gardio held her up, seconds away from grabbing her knife until she saw Nick. Once he sets her down, she gives the towering man a death glare that could alone kill someone then catapults over to her dad, jumping up and clinging tightly onto him like a baby koala again) (Quietly and brokenly) “You said you would not go!” (Buries herself in the crook of his neck while she cries from the overwhelming and confusing emotions she’s getting)
Lucille: Wh- Jasmine- he never left-
Nick: Luce, I’ve got this. *to Jasmine* Rosie, I was walking right alongside Gardio. I didn’t leave you at all. Just let Gardio hold you for a bit in case we ran into any trouble. That’s all.
Teshteal: That’s right. I know cause I was avoiding his line of sight the entire time.
Gardio: Does she hate me that much…?
Lucille: I would say something crass here but I’ve made a promise not to do that.
Gardio: Write it down and show me.
Lucille: Fine. *pulls out a paper and writes* “It’s not you. She only likes Nick and Teshteal. Everyone else is evil until proven otherwise.”
Gardio: Hm. A little assumptive don’t you think?
Lucille: So is you thinking she hates you.
Gardio: True. *nods quietly*
Jasmine: (Doesn’t say anything to Nick in response but she quiets down while she tries to sort herself out, starting with calming down so she can think rationally. She doesn’t give a shit on what they think about her reserved and sparse trust she has in people. Nobody protected the little girl that the world had rejected from day one, so why does she have to trust them after they kicked her to the curb over and over again?)
Nick: Look, Rosie. I know it’s hard for you to trust people but sometimes a little benefit of the doubt could be afforded to some. There will be times I won’t be around.
Lucille: And you’ll be stuck with someone you don’t like but you have to work with. Like me.
Jasmine: (Whispering to Nick, her voice barely audible) “I let myself believe that too, then I got broken again and four kids died in my care…” (Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, clutching her Dad tighter while she thinks of all the times her trust was played with in different ways even after she decided to keep herself reserved) “I am not doing that again, it just keeps repeating.” (If they want her trust, they better damn well earn it. Plus, she’s coding to never make real relationships, she’s suppose to fabricate them with fake smiles and laughs, willing to drop them at a wave of her hand)
Nick: I want you to try to trust someone. Even if you have to fake it at first. *looks out into the burned out woods they’re in* There’s a lot of bad in this world, but there’s also a lot of good in it, too. If you don’t trust anything at all, you’re only gonna short yourself of that goodness that’s out there.
Lucille: *nods but doesn’t say anything. Anything she does say won’t make a difference to Jas- or if it does it’ll be for the worse*
Jasmine: (Blinks. She’s nearly damn breaking herself just by trusting Nick as a father and Teshteal as a brother. It’s one of her biggest problems right now, it’s tearing her programming apart then stitching back together awkwardly. She pulls back to look at Nick, pointing at her face that filled with hurt, pain, and exhaustion) (Blankly) “I am tired of this shit about trusting people, they make everything fucking worse. Try me, they all rejected me first.”
Nick: *dad lecture tone* I’m not saying to trust everyone. In certain cases, you gotta have a bit of faith in people. Do your due diligence then trust if you gotta. *sternly* What are you gonna do if I or Teshteal suddenly kick the bucket, huh? Who the hell are you going to turn to, then, Rosalinda?
Lucille: *flinched hearing Nick drop into his more parental lecture voice*
Gardio: *staying out of this. If he was going to say anything, he certainly can’t now that he’s heard Nick’s tone shift like that. What he does know is that he’s gotta be on standby if she makes a sudden break for it*
Teshteal: *already on all fours*
Dogmeat: *sitting nearby, tilting his head in confusion*
Jasmine: (Flinches and looks besides her at the empty air, letting go of Nick and standing on her own, feeling challenged and defensive. She backs up a good few feet and throws up her arms at the group with her dagger in hand) “The fucking ghosts that have been keeping me alive all this time, Daddy, that is who! I am sure yours would haunt me a considerable amount too.” (Bites down on the tip of her thumb, remembering seeing her mother when she tried to end her life by jumping off a building. God, what if that becomes Nick too?)
Nick: Hate to break it to ya, toots. I don’t got a soul. You won’t be seeing me around. *shakes his head* You’re gonna live a much more lonely and miserable life if that’s your plan after the inevitable happens- *freezes suddenly, his system encountering an error before blinking and resuming* -and you’ll regret closing yourself off- *another glitch, this time twitching* -off-off-o- *shakes his head* You know what I mean.
Gardio: Are you okay?
Lucille: Yeah, Val. You’re acting a bit glitchy.
Nick: I’m fine. I’m sure it’s just a minor-minor-minor fix.
Jasmine: (Just kinda blinks, biting back a laugh of hysteria because of course something like this has to happen right now. God, she really is cursed, and now it’s passing on. She takes a few steps closer to Nick while lowering her knife, concern on her face)
Nick: I’m alright. Really- Just a-just a- just- *suddenly his eyes go dim and he collapses*
Lucille: Nick!! *runs over to check on him*
Jasmine: (Already diving forwards to catch her Dad before he hits the ground, never mind that he’s a synth as she gently sets him on the ground. Her entire face breaks while she stares down at his lifeless form, shaking her head in disbelief as her breathing starts to quicken and her heart shatters, remembering what she did to him at the hospital)
Lucille: *kneeling next to him, taking off his coat and shirt to open up his casing* Hold on, Val. You’re not going to the junkyard, yet.
Teshteal: *softly as he walks up beside Jas* Can I hold you…? *knows Nick’s probably going to be alright*
Gardio: What happened to him?
Lucille: Don’t know- I’m going to wager his air filter and fan is clogged. *poking around inside and manages to find the air filter… but in doing so her hand comes out pretty dirty* Gees. He’s overdue for some proper maintenance in there.
Gardio: What do you mean “overdue”? He doesn’t get maintained regularly?
Lucille: No… he’s always working a case or helping people. He hardly visits a proper mechanic. *looking at the air filter. It’s caked in tar and gunk from all his smoking* I bet there’s more of this… *pulls out a thing of water and an old toothbrush and starts scrubbing away*
Jasmine: (Is shaking while she hold her fathers hand, swallowing a lump in her throat when she remembers her mothers coffin, and her prewar adopted fathers grave. “He was right, this was a mistake.”)
Lucille: Okay. That’s as much as I can clean. We’ll have to get him to Faraday in Arcadia. He’s pretty good at this stuff. *clicks the airfilter back in place after giving the fan a light scrub*
Nick: *the fan starts whirring but it sounds a bit off. His eyes flicker a little bit. Then, as Lucille shuts his casing, stay on- solid this time. He stays silent but his mouth at least shuts*
Lucille: Nick…?
Nick: *face has defaulted to a neutral expression. Still nothing*
Lucille: *softly, desperately* Come on, Val.
Jasmine: (Trying not to burst into tears from the stress thats threatening to tip over all that she has pent up, squeezing Nicks hand gently while she silently prays that he’ll be alright)
Nick: *mouth doesn’t move but suddenly his voice comes through his speakers almost in a panic* Damn it- will something work- *hears his own voice* Well that’s a start. Huh. Seems like I’m stuck in some sort of safe mode. Can’t move a thing. *the only indication he’s talking is that his eyes flicker in brightness*
Lucille: *sighs in relief. The important parts are still functional at least* You had a lot of gunk on your fan and air filter*
Nick: Ah- that would do it. Must still be partially clogged. I don’t think my system will let me do any extraneous movement until that’s fixed- one of you are going to have to carry me.
Lucille: *looks up at her Dad*
Gardio: *looks back, then sighs* I’ll carry you, Nick.
Jasmine: (Doesn’t break face, just squeezes Nicks hand gently again with partial relief. She lowers her head and takes a deep breath, slowly standing up. “He should’ve told her to leave it alone, now look at us.”)
Nick: *his hand remains limp. Not even a twitch*
Gardio: I’ll carry you, Nick… Lucille, help me get him on my back.
Lucille: *nods and picks him up*
Gardio: *crouches so she can drape Nick over his back. He holds Nick’s legs around his waist so he won’t fall off*
Lucille: *manipulates the Detective’s fingers so if Gardio loses his grip or ends up leaning back far, Nick won’t go slipping off*
Gardio: *trying his best not to blush. He hasn’t been this close to someone in quite a while*
Nick: Well this isn’t awkward at all. Hope the radiation doesn’t make things worse.
Gardio: Too small to hurt electronics fortunately. *smirks*
Jasmine: (Slowly blinks and steps back, crossing her arms over her waist to give herself a hug. She’s ready to do just about anything to get Nick back in working order, that’s why she hasn’t broken down into tears yet)
Teshteal: *very lightly puts a hand on her shoulder. There’s a hint of caution despite his effort to comfort her- he’s still not sure if she’s mad at him*
Gardio: *to Jas* Don’t worry, kiddo. We’ll get Nicholas here some help. *mutters to Nick* This is why smoking is bad for you.
Nick: I’d roll my eyes but sadly you’ll just have to settle for indignant grumbling.
Lucille: *packing up Nick’s outfit* I think we can imagine it quite well, Nick.
Jasmine: (Doesn’t react to Teshteal or answer Gardio, she’s more focused on keeping it together and resisting the urge to cut or scratch herself)
Lucille: *Soon they’re crossing through a dangerous canyon and fighting a pack of mongrels*
Gardio: *firing from the hip with his pistol at the wild dogs*
Teshteal: *making short work of them*
Jasmine: (She’s boiling with pure fury, not even using her knife to kill the dogs. When they lung at her with snarling growls, she grabs them by the jaw and rips open apart their face, slamming their bodies on the ground as hard as she can. Violence is her first answer to all negative emotions, this is how she’s channeling it) (Muttering to herself) “She should have just forgotten about me, now this is the price she pays.” (As she tears open another dog and slams it down with a growl of both hurt and anger. She doesn’t mean for the other to hear any of this) “I am sorry, I should not have been born…”
Teshteal: *found a some rocks and is using his tail to bludgeon a lot of the dogs coming at them. Occasionally he bashes their skulls in with the one in his hands*
Nick: *did pick up what Jas is saying. Internally frowning despite his static expression*
Lucille: *tearing them apart with her ripper. They don’t really hurt her thanks to her power armor…*
Gardio: *sighs as they wrap up the fight* Anything else-?
Mirelurk Hunters: *pop up suddenly smelling the fresh blood*
Gardio: *tired look at the lobsters heading their way*
Teshteal: *already running to them and using his method with the rocks to dispatch them*
Jasmine: (Charges head on, this time with her favorite combat knife out. She uses it to declaw them before she rips out their face with her bare hands and the same amount of kitten fury) “You should have listened to them and left me there, you would still be alive if you did.” (Stops and stares at her bloodied hands) “I am sorry, I will never be worth the cost. I can try, but it will never be enough. I should have died in that trash can, but I guess I am stuck living like this forever.” (Resumes taking out whatever sea creature she can)
Lucille: *inspecting the area so there aren’t anymore surprises*
Teshteal: *sniffs the air then shrugs* I think that’s the last of them.
Gardio: We shouldn’t be far from where we’re going, right?
Nick: *laughs* We still have to cross the ocean and take the long walk to Acadia.
Teshteal: So how are we getting across when we get to the ocean?
Lucille: We have a boat a previous client let us use for a case. They don’t mind us borrowing it from time to time.
Nick: *referring to Teshteal and Gardio specifically* I’d stay close to each other in Far Harbor- not just because the locals are a bit uneasy around new folks. It’s the fog and the wildlife that’ll do you in.
Lucille: *vigorous nod*
Jasmine: (Standing close to the group and wiping herself clean with a rag, undoing her messed up braid to get rid of anything that may have gotten caught in her curls. That’s the consequence of forgetting to put back on her hood and mask)
Nick: It might he best to split up when we get to Far Harbor. Teshteal, Gardio, and I will go to Acadia. Rosie, you go with Lucille to the old lighthouse.
Lucille: Wait- why the lighthouse?
Nick: If Donny’s smart, he’d hole up in an easily defensible locale with a high enough viewpoint to pick off raiders. If he ain’t there, wait. Gardio and I will catch up in a few hours.
Teshteal: Why are we splitting up? You just said to stay together-
Nick: Yeah, but there’s also the essence of time. Plus it’ll give Jasmine something to do while I’m in the shop. Besides, I still expect us to stick to our groups. *directed at Jas and Lucille* That means no running off without notice.
Jasmine: (Sighs heavily and looks down at her feet, crossing her arms over herself. She doesn’t want to be apart from her Dad, even if it’s to give her something to do while he gets patched up. The very idea pounds dread in her heart, damn the separation anxiety. Also in the back of her mind, she knows Donny won’t have good news for her. It’s hard enough keeping it together right now, and if what she suspects is true…)
Nick: And when I say “notice” I mean “being upfront about why you’re running off and what you’re going to do about it.” *talking directly at Jas now*
Lucille: What if one of us does run off?
Nick: Then you better go after them.
Jasmine: (Keeps walking in the right direction without looking back or responding to Nick, taking in deep breaths to keep herself calm from the current thoughts. She has to have hope and faith, not assume the worst possibility in this scenario just this once)
Lucille: *resumes walking*
Gardio: *is being filled in about Jas’s case some more via Nick*
Jasmine: (Starts humming and vocalizing the start of a song she liked to help distract herself, continuing to ignore everyone when she starts the lyrics) “Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something….” (Her head is definitely not agreeing with this choice, it started screaming at her even more the moment she opened her mouth. But to hell with it, if she doesn’t do something she might go spiraling down)
Teshteal: *starts singing along* Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused…
Nick: *Kind of a dark song choice but if it helps he’ll go along with it. Starts humming the tune*
Jasmine: (Doesn’t acknowledge Teshteal or Nick as she keeps singing then harmonizes the notes just as the singer does, sounding like a siren calling out from sea. She had singing lessons from the vault and learned proper breath control. Why? Maybe to seem more alluring when she wanted to) “Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody’s looking for something….”
Gardio: *humming along with the others*
Lucille: *singing the “moving on” segments specifically*
Jasmine: (Echoing her voice in such a way that it sounds like there is multiple voices, a neat little trick she learned prewar) “Hold your head up, keep your head up, movin’ on. Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on. Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on. Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up…” (Whistles and hums in place of the music, still ignoring everyone who has joined in)
Lucille: *Kind of stops cause it’s hard to keep up with the tune sounding so disjointed- especially with Jas ignoring everyone else singing, too. If there was any harmony, it’s kind of crushed by that fact alone*
Teshteal: *just joyously singing the chorus. No thoughts just Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This*
Jasmine: (Repeats the lines, wondering how far off they are. She has to ignore them and tell herself that they can’t hear her singing, otherwise it’s a violation to her programming and that has proven to be a catastrophe) “Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused….” (Looks down at her bloodied hands) “Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody’s looking for something….”
Lucille: *climbs into the boat at the dock and helps everyone aboard wordlessly. Even extends a hand to Jas, not that she’d need it… or even want it*
Jasmine: (Helps herself onto the boat without even looking at Lucille and her kind offer, pausing to adjust to the sensation of the gentle swaying while she hums the rest of the song)
Lucille: *sighs. Trying to not let Jas’s aloofness get to her. She’s starting to come off as stuck up to the older woman, though*
Jasmine: (Not allowed to accept help by her programming, “Help yourself” was always her answer when she walked around battered and bruised. They tried to trick her sometimes too, used to stick out their hands to offer help, then make things painfully worse for her)
Lucille: *staying silent about it. Isn’t going to say anything- she made a promise after all. Unties the boat and starts it up. She pulls out of port and sets sail to Far Harbor*
Gardio: *sets Nick down and sits with a sigh, looking out at the water*
Teshteal: *sitting really close to Gardio, just a bit uneasy about the ocean*
Jasmine: (Sitting in the furtherst corner from them on the small boat with her head in her knees, fighting the voices in her mind. She can’t help but to keep speculating and putting the pieces together) (Quietly to herself) “It is all one big lie, but you are not even suppose to be here anyways…”
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puella-peanut · 1 year
So I have some questions regarding your silverusso Lead Us Not Into Temptation drabbles which live rent free in my head and which I am obsessed with. You say so much with saying so little, and I just ankdjsksns. 
So: How did Terry and Daniel meet? Terry was a priest-in-training right? What made him interested in religious life? Why is being an altar-server so important to Daniel? Is it because he likes it, or because he's with Terry? I get the impression that Church/parish life is a big deal to Daniel and also his Mom. Why though? Kreese is so sinister in this, really in a less is more way. He says that priests aren't what they used to be, but something with Johnny apparently happened a long time ago (??) “The Lawrence incident happened when you were Parish Priest,” Silver says sharply, but Kreese remains unfazed.WHAT INCIDENT??? WHAT HAPPENED?? He also just laughs when Terry tells him he won't hurt Daniel. Damn Kreese. So is sexual abuse happening/has happened in this parish? Rosary beads click nearby—less like prayer, more like pincers of a terrible insect, Silver thinks. He watches how the candlelight hones Kreese’s weathered face into something foul. Amazing lines and imagery. So dark and sinister in such little words. how come Kreese is still at the parish if he did sexually abuse Johnny? 
Why are Daniel and Terry so close? Why isn't Daniel's mom or anyone else concerned about the inappropriate relationship between Terry and Daniel? Why is Terry so into Daniel, and why not someone else? (not that i want that lol) Nothing has happened between them yet...right? What will happen? 
Wow, thanks a lot, Anon for the kind words! You have some really great questions here with regards to this drabble set of mine. Definitely made me think!
Here we go! (Long under the cut)
How did Daniel and Terry meet? 
After the death of Mr. LaRusso from liver cancer, eight year old Daniel and his Ma move from Reseda, California, to The Bronx, New York City for Lucille's new job.
The LaRusso's are very much on the lower end of the working-class, getting by on food stamps, social services—and later on, assistance from the Church. Their home in the Bronx isn't really the best place either to live or to raise a vulnerable little boy, and Lucille worries about this very much.
But there's not much she can do as a widowed woman with a simple factory job in the 1950s, later 1960s. So, staunch Roman Catholic that she was raised, she does what she always does, and moreso in times of trouble—she clings to the Lord. She clings to the Church.
Naturally, within two days of their arrival, she takes Daniel with her to do the rounds in their new neighborhood—and find a Church. They do fairly quickly; stumbling across a beautiful stone building with stained glass saints peering into the dirty street. Upon entering, Lucille kneels down to pray for the dearly departed soul of Mr. LaRusso, say a decade or two, and maybe go to Confession while she's there. She does not notice little Daniel slip away while the rosary beads slip through her fingers. He gets lost, and after wandering around a while, eventually finds a small, candlelit chapel. He's tired, he’s overwhelmed by everything—this new state, his new home, this new Church, and of course, the loss of his beloved father. He starts to cry and that's when young Terry—Seminarian Twig—stumbles upon him.
He hears the child first, and then sees, in the flickering candlelight, a tiny, miserable figure in patched overalls and old shoes. Twig takes a step towards the boy both in curiosity and in an attempt to comfort him, and then the child looks up—and Father in Heaven, those eyes. Tear filled; dark, long lashed and large. Reminding him of a fawn. He approaches him very slowly and the boy watches him, sniffling. Twig's shadow falls on the child even as he sits down beside him. He places a hand on his tiny shoulders. 
“What is it, little one?" he asks softly, reaching in his cassock's pocket for a handkerchief to wipe the boy's face. "Why are you crying?"
The boy looks up, lets his face be wiped—and tells him. 
A little while later, Lucille hears footsteps approaching, one pair evenly paced, the other half skipping, half walking. She turns around and sees her boy holding the hand of a very tall young man. A priest? A Seminarian? She begins to rise, but then Daniel runs up to her with a bright smile and a warm hug, and says, stumbling over his pronunciation and forgetting to keep his voice down, "Ma, Ma, this is Sin-narian Terry!" 
And before she can gently scold him for running off, Terry steps forward and oh-so-charmingly and kindly introduces himself. Lucille finds herself rather warming to this young man who has, apparently, been so good to her little boy. She can't help but smile. 
That’s the first mistake. 
Terry was a priest-in-training right?  What made him interested in religious life?
Yes, he was a young Seminarian when he met eight year old Daniel, and already in possession of a Bachelors in Theology. He was, at that time, earning a Masters, and working towards becoming a Diocesan Priest (which he is currently when the drabbles take place).
Terry, then Twig, was the child of dirt-poor Irish immigrants who were staunchly Catholic. Just like Daniel, he spent hours in Church growing up, soon enough considering it a second home. As a child, he served as an altar-server, and later on the Church pianist; still later on lending his time as a Sunday School teacher, and an after school caretaker—being good with schoolwork and kids. He himself went to the connected Jesuit school on a scholarship where he was an excellent student, and took an interest in religious life, helped also by his deeply pious parents who encouraged him to think of a vocation. 
I will say that Twig was more interested in the Theology, Doctrine, and history of the Church from a scholastic and intellectual viewpoint (being very brainy)—the religion part came rather second, though the idea of life after death and eternal-life was appealing. If he wasn’t raised so staunchly Roman Catholic, I feel he would be a deeply philosophical, and even spiritual, agnostic. 
(It also helped that Twig never had any interest in girls whatsoever, Anon, so marriage never interested him.) 
Why is being an altar-server so important to Daniel? Is it because he likes it, or because he's with Terry? 
Daniel doesn’t have much going for him, Anon. He’s from a very poor family, he goes to a rundown public school where he’s bullied, sometimes, when he can’t make himself invisible enough—and he’s often alone, what with his Ma working such long hours for such little pay. There’s nothing much to keep him entertained, no one who really pays him attention, and cuddles and pets this sweetheart like he so craves. He is his Ma's light and joy, but she's bone tired almost always, and has very little energy left for her son.
Daniel does like attention; he enjoys being in the spotlight for reasons that aren’t associated with bullying, or his poverty. But he also is genuinely a sweet child with a kind heart, and loves to reach out and help where he can. He likes that he can do things at Church to help out, may it be gluing endless paper stars for the background of the children's nativity, or arranging the flowers in the sanctuary, or helping the First Communicants prepare for their First Holy Communion. It makes him feel needed. Necessary. 
And Terry—excuse me, Father Silver—is someone who has always made room for Daniel from the start. Has never made Daniel feel like the outsider he is in most other places. One could say that Daniel feels most at home with Father Silver because he has made himself into this comforting—if powerful—presence. And well, Daniel simply loves being by his side, Anon. Loves being...wanted. It makes Daniel feel...well, good, knowing that the now Parish Priest still makes time in his busy schedule for seventeen year old boys who have nothing to offer him but themselves. 
I get the impression that Church/parish life is a big deal to Daniel and also his Mom. Why though? 
In difficult times, people often find something to cling to, to comfort them. For some, it is friends or family. Others, their work. Still others liquor, or drugs. For Daniel and his Ma, the Church and the Lord were there before them, and will remain long after. They are constant, a rock; unchanging, enduring, and eternal. After their lives changed so abruptly when the beloved Mr. LaRusso passed, Church and God still remained as immutable as ever. That's a comfort like nothing else. An anchor grounding them both. 
But the Church, especially in those times, was and is so much more than just a place of prayer and worship! It’s a school, a place of socialization, community events and gatherings, baptisms, weddings, funerals. Picnics, get-togethers, community reach-out, a confidante, a place of help in times of need and trouble, a food pantry, a place of social-aid, religious education and tutoring, a place of music and concerts, travel (pilgrimages), gossip...etc. 
Kreese is so sinister in this, really in a less is more way. He says that priests aren't what they used to be, but something with Johnny apparently happened a long time ago (??) “The Lawrence incident happened when you were Parish Priest,” Silver says sharply, but Kreese remains unfazed. WHAT INCIDENT??? WHAT HAPPENED?? 
I can't say for sure what the incident in question was, Anon. For all we know, it could have been a simple misunderstanding that escalated into something well-publicized between Father Kreese and Johnny Lawrence (who was a seventeen year old teenager at the time—the same age as Daniel is in the drabbles, oddly enough). It also, however, could have been something of the far more sinister variety—it might have been grooming, blatant sexual abuse. It might even have been that either Father Kreese or Johnny saw something the other was doing and took it the wrong way (or the right way!), and it ended up as quite the scandal when they told. 
...I will say this though, Anon. 
Johnny Lawrence is currently in jail. He will be for a long time. His life is over, pretty much. What did he do? I’m not sure. Is he innocent, wrongly accused? Is he the guilty party? Was he justified in what he did? Who can say? But something happened to make him turn out the way he is, and/or do what he did—I’m just not sure what that something is. 
He also just laughs when Terry tells him he won't hurt Daniel. Damn Kreese. 
Damn Kreese indeed, Anon. 
So is sexual abuse happening/has happened in this parish?
I left this ambiguous on purpose, Anon. It’s up to you to draw your own conclusions. 
Rosary beads click nearby—less like prayer, more like pincers of a terrible insect, Silver thinks. He watches how the candlelight hones Kreese’s weathered face into something foul. Amazing lines and imagery. So dark and sinister in such little words. 
Thank you! 
how come Kreese is still at the parish if he did sexually abuse Johnny?
But we don't know what Kreese did, Anon! Only he and Johnny know what really happened (though Terry knows a lot more than even Kreese suspects), and that was several decades ago, and now more of a lingering, hazy memory for their Parish. (And Johnny's in jail so he can't say anything, can he?) Father Kreese managed to find a way to stay on somehow. Though he was removed from his role of Parish Priest for "the incident", which ruined his ambitions of becoming Bishop, then Archbishop, leaving him a bitter man—though still smug that he still managed to stay at the Parish while Mr. Lawrence got the short end of the stick. Ha. 
For all intents and purposes, Father Kreese is an elderly man now, and has been retired for a while. The Parish has half forgotten him…
Why are Daniel and Terry so close? 
Perhaps it’s due to the fact that Daniel’s father passed away when he was so young that has had something to do with the way he’s latched onto Terry, Anon. Terry came into Daniel’s life when he was a child, vulnerable, sad—and lonely. It was easy to make such a lasting impression when the aforementioned things carved such deep holes into Daniel, and left those areas raw and exposed. Longing to be patched up and filled. At that time, Terry didn’t seek to do this deliberately and have the boy cling to him. It just...happened. Terry, and by extension, the Church, offered Daniel friendship, comfort. Attention. Affection. In the Church, Daniel found routine, stability. A home away from home, and somewhere that was warm and welcoming. In Terry, Daniel found a wonderful mixture of a father-figure, an older brother, a mentor, and also a friend. It would be odder if they weren’t close at this point, Anon. 
Why isn't Daniel's mom or anyone else concerned about the inappropriate relationship between Terry and Daniel? 
But...what exactly is inappropriate, Anon? That Father Silver—well-loved Parish Priest, charismatic, kind, brilliant, surely he can be a bishop, even a cardinal someday, and so handsome that some ladies think to themselves after Mass what a pity it is that he is celibate and cannot marry—has taken little Daniel under his wing? This poor boy with no father, and a mother who is more ill nowadays than not—yet who remains so adorable and precious. Little sunshine. What's happened except Father Silver being so kind and a comfort to the child; remaining a mentor and a friend? Teaching him, doting on him, advising him? A shining example of a man in this boy's life, especially during those turbulent teenage years when all boys need a father, a leader. A man. No, Lucille is so very grateful to have this excellent Priest take a shine to her sweet, fatherless boy. 
...Though certainly Anon, the elderly of their Parish still remember the scandal between the now retired Father Kreese and that angry, violent blond boy, what was his name? James, Jamie or something. They never did know what exactly happened, but it was much talked about and publicized, those awful Protestants and godless atheists having a field day with their beloved Parish!!—and certain sour naysayers still wag their tongues either which way. But even the elderly cannot deny Father Silver's spotless reputation and charming demeanor. No, no; all they think when they see Father Silver and little LaRusso side by side is that all growing boys need a man like that in their lives! 
(Father Kreese's opinion rather differs on the matter. Make of that what you will.)
Why is Terry so into Daniel, and why not someone else? (not that i want that lol)
Oh Twig, my Twiggy. He was never popular growing up; he was poor, plain (until he wasn't), socially awkward, and also a first generation Irish-American (a terrible combination for those times), and didn't have a friend to his name. A constant outsider. He therefore buried himself in his studies, in his music, in his Church life. He knew where he excelled, and being ambitious and proud, chose to develop his brain rather than his social life. He had acquaintances, not friends. He was close to no one, not even his parents, and who had both passed by the time he was nineteen. That was another reason he was drawn to the more solitary life of priesthood, as he was more or less used to being alone. That was also why he was drawn to Daniel LaRusso; another outsider, looked down on for being Italian, fatherless, poor, unambitious true—but dedicated, hardworking, and loyal. And so sweet it nearly hurt. 
(And well, Daniel has always been almost painfully cute, but as of late, has turned into such a pretty little thing. Oh dear.)
Nothing has happened between them yet...right? 
Unless you're counting Father Silver's lingering touches and Daniel's increasing confusion—then no. 
What will happen? 
Oh, Anon.
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carolemm · 10 months
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Dreux : Vernissage de l'exposition monographique de Patrick Crossoneau, artiste du département mis à l'honneur dans le cadre du dispositif "Un artiste à la Chapelle" porté par le Centre d'art contemporain l'ar[T]senal.
Quel plaisir de rencontrer les artistes et découvrir leur démarche et leur histoire. Merci à Patrick Crossoneau et Lucile Hitier 🥰
Chapelle de l’hôtel Dieu : Exposition jusqu'au 16 novembre 2023 du mercredi au dimanche (14h - 19h) - Entrée gratuite
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martinaalexandra · 2 years
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      𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 seriously considering bringing her bed and pillow to the Church, just because the rest of her family arrived her duties at the chapel just increase. What used to be curt, nowadays was long. This is the last time I'll be here for today... She says mentally, getting up with her knees aching from praying so much time, like the good Samaritan she is. Even her legs felt dormant and left the chapel. She rushed to the gardens, with a rosary wrapped in her hand, and her other hand rested on the tree to catch a breath, she hiked up her dress a bit, massaging her own knees that were reddish from kneeling in hours. Once she caught up her breath, she noticed Lucille that wasn't so far from her. ❛ Bonjour! ❜ She waved awkwardly, as her cheeks blushed even from both the heat of her own body and shyness. Try to look normal... A voice told in the back of her mind.
special delivery for @vipercille​
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lboogie1906 · 25 days
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Congressman Melvin Luther Watt (August 26, 1945) is a politician who was the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. He was appointed by President Barack Obama. He is a former Representative for North Carolina’s 12th congressional district. He is a member of the Democratic Party.
A lawyer from Charlotte, he served one term as a state Senator and served as campaign manager for Charlotte Mayor Harvey Gantt.
On May 1, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated him to lead the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which, among other agencies, administers or has oversight for the FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. The Senate confirmed Watt on December 10, 2013, and he resigned from the House on January 6, 2014.
He was born in Steele Creek, located in Mecklenburg County. He is the son of Evelyn Lucille and Graham Edward Watt.
He is a graduate of York Road High School in Charlotte. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill with a BS in Business Administration. He received a JD from Yale Law School and was a published member of the Yale Law Journal.
In 1992, he was elected to the House of Representatives from North Carolina’s newly created 12th Congressional District and became one of only two African American members elected to Congress from North Carolina in the 20th century.
He is married to Eula Watt and they have two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Settler: I'm waiting on the detective to get here and all I see is this weird man walking on all fours sniffing the ground-
Lucille: That's him. That's the detective.
Settler: That's some freak sniffing the dirt! You call that a detective?
Dogmeat: *sniffing the ground for clues, too*
Nick: *on Teshteal being some weird guy sniffing the ground* Well that's a very rude thing to say about Dogmeat.
Dogmeat: Bork!
The Settler as they turn: Oh finally, an actual detec- oh. You're just a robot.
Nick: *wrinkles his nose at that* I'm a robot, yeah. But I'm a detective, too.
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bigmacdaddio · 2 years
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New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Foundation:  
On this day lost, but not forgotten. Joseph Peter Colasurdo was born October 18, 1947.  His home of record is Edison, NJ.  He served in the US Army and attained the rank of Specialist 4 (SP4).  His tour of duty began on November 30, 1968.  On January 3, 1969, at the age of 22, Joseph Colasurdo was killed in action..From his sister Delia Landolfi:Joe was the only son of Louis and Lucille Colasurdo. As a child he was always in the woods hunting, fishing, and trapping. He Learned how to swim in the Raritan River. His dog was named Missy. Whenever he took her hunting he always had to carry her across the brook. Missy didn't like to get her paws wet.When he was twelve years old he delivered newspapers. He had many friends and everybody loved him.Joe was Catholic and went to church on Sundays and made his communion and confirmation. He also attended Bible School in the summer.He went to his senior prom and graduated from Edison High School. Joe worked two jobs to pay off his car, a white Chevy.There was an elderly woman who came to his wake. She remembered him because she was walking home from the store one day when the bag of groceries she was carrying broke. Joey stopped and picked up her groceries and carried them home for her. She said that she didn't know Joe but that she remembered how he had helped her.Joey wanted to be a member of the VFW 3117 in Edison, New Jersey.While in the the 79th Engineer Group he helped construct a chapel. He died shortly thereafter at Cu Chi, Vietnam, January 3, 1969. He was 21 years old.Source: NJVVMF, Delia Landolfi.
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
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@technicallyoneofakind / @lucilleandherrobots has been such a great person to talk to lately! Even on my bad days they're so sweet when we're discussing ocs!! Interactions we've come up with have made me so happy and brought lots of good days! Thank you so much!!!
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Kellogg: Ah if it isn't my old friend, the frozen TV dinner. Last time we met you were cozying up to the peas and apple cobbler.
Lucille: Is he... talking to his dinner? *confused*
Nick: *just as confused* Not sure. I think he's talking to you...
Kellogg: *looking at the screen from his part of the fort, then back at his recently warmed up TV dinner he's sitting back with and about to enjoy. Then back at the button for the microphone his foot is resting on by accident* *removes his foot. To a synth* Do you think that was a decent jeer at her? I wasn't gonna say anything until she actually got here. Maybe I should keep taunting her.
Synth: ...
Kellogg: *pushes the synth back by its face* Yeah, you're right. It's much more fun this way.
Synth: Error. Sensors blocked by user.
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Power Armor Punch Part Forty Eight
Teshteal: Oh- but I’m sorry. It looks as if our store does not carry that selection. *audible overdramatic sigh with a fake apologetic customer service voice* We only sell the finest of filthy dresses- what you’re looking for is too clean. Now excuse me. I have to restock our wares. *tosses the dress aside enthusiastically*
Lucille: What’s taking them so long?
Nick: Not sure. Hope they’re alright.
Gardio: *adjusts his own fedora* What are we to do if they aren’t but rescue them? After all, Linus only left a few minutes ago. Give them some time.
Jasmine: (Softly chuckles as she puts her dress back in her bag. She spots a mini safe under some rubble and picks it up, staring at it curiously. She takes out a bobby pin and a screwdriver, picking the lock easily and removes its contents that includes a ridiculous and overly done feathered ladies hat for some reason. Partly amused she holds it up to Teshteal, tilting her head to one side as the brightly colored feathers flap with the movement)
Teshteal: Oh! *claps* What a nice hat! We should keep it! *quietly to himself* I’d wear it but I have horns. *louder* I wonder how it would look on you? *bouncing excitedly on his feet*
Nick: So I hear you’ve been doing detective work-
Gardio: Free lance. I tend to roam about, rarely ever coming back to Hangman’s Alley.
Lucille: You lived in Hangman’s Alley this entire time?! And we never crossed paths until now?!
Gardio: I prefer not to stay in the Alley… *points at his face* I don’t want anyone getting sick because of my sheer existence.
Jasmine: (Shakes her head at that idea of her wearing it as she closely examines the hat. Might’ve been some sort of prewar fancy luxury brand that probably cost an arm and a leg to but which must’ve been why the owners decided to put it in a safe. Can’t understand why something like this was once so desirable, it’s completely useless now. She holds it out to Teshteal so he can take a look)
Teshteal: *takes it an examines for a moment* It hurts my eyes. *puts it on top of his fedora but doesn’t try to force it past his horns. He looks even sillier now* How do I look?
Gardio: Nick… *sighs regretfully* About what happened before the war- at Cainbridge, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t step in when the department-
Nick: Gardio, that was 200 years ago. You wouldn’t have been able to change much-
Gardio: I could have done something. The best I could do was try to look for Winter myself but then- *purses his cracked lips as he looks up at the sky* I didn’t see the point after the war. I ran. Helped people, yeah, but I couldn’t finish what you started.
Nick: *pauses for a moment as he realizes what he’s talking about* Don’t worry about it. *smirks* Lucille and I put that son of a bitch Winter six feet under. Where he belongs.
Gardio: *surprised look*
Nick: *reaches up and slaps his shoulder* That doesn’t mean I won’t thank you for trying to do right by the original Valentine. You’re a good man, Chapel. *nods* A good man.
Jasmine: (Smiling brightly on the inside but she can’t make herself react physically to Teshteal, and it weighs her down. She reaches into her bag and pulls out the bloodied book and flips to a page, taking out her pen that has cats printed on it) (Writing) “I am not suppose to react to anything at all, sorry. If I do I get mad at myself and feel like I am about to get punished.” (Points to the hat) “It looks ridiculous on its own, but you somehow can pull it off.” (Draws a smiling face by her writing)
Teshteal: *bounces forward and presses the book almost daintily down* We are not supposed to but wouldn’t you love to anyway? Who’s gonna stop you? Not me. Not the dead raiders. *looks over at a mannequin* What are you going to do, mannequin? Suddenly spring to life? Shout if she giggles? What? You will?! I’ll kill you. *smacks it into the wall then runs back to Jas* See? Anyone that says otherwise will get the “mannequin treatment” from yours truly. *jabs his thumb at himself*
Jasmine: (Slowly blinks at Teshteal, reaching down to her sleeve and pulls it up along with some bandages to show him her self harm cuts, then points to her head) (Writing) “They carved themselves in my head, you can’t fight me to stop me.” (Gestures at her side then at her legs that are also littered with cuts, cuts that bring a forbidden relief when inflicted) (Writing) “That was the next step for you I think, to get commands to self punish so they are always in control even when they aren’t there. It starts with breaking you down, then they can build you however they want and you can’t stop them because you’re nothing and worthless.”
Teshteal: I cannot- that’s a bit of problem. Hm. *taps his chin* Perhaps imagine I’m beating them up? *does not know how to help* Or both of us! *grins stupidly. He’s trying his best*
Jasmine: (Shrugs her shoulders, having no idea how to stop these thoughts either. Or the more violent thoughts that occur to “solve problems”, those are the most dangerous to herself and others. There is a way to pacify herself however, although she hates that it can happen. She stares down at her notebook and flips back a few pages, peeling two that are stuck together. The page is shown to be a list of those mentioned commands. On the very top is written “A-001”, her assigned number from the vault that is needed for some of these commands)
Teshteal: *immediately points to Reset, Dismissed, and the Custom Command* Those seem to be the safest ones. *scratches his head* I don’t think I’m a handler, but maybe we can make a custom command word? One not associated with fear? *snaps his fingers* Valentine-! His last name’s perfect for a command and he’s associated with a strong emotion- literally the one that rivals fear itself!
Jasmine: (Writing) “They used the custom command one mostly to get me to eat, although they found out they had to specify how much because I’d only eat one spoonful then stop.” (Freezes, her hands shaking when she remembers what else they made her do with this power. She was helpless against it) (Writing) “Also had me do other things, I hated the custom command.” (If used in the right way maybe these can helpful, especially to Nick if she gets out of control or lost in her head)
Teshteal: I know you hate it but it could be useful to help stop the voices. We can use their tactics against them. *smiles reassuringly at her* We have a way to stop them.
Jasmine: (Puts the tip of her thumb in her mouth while she stares down at the list. Hate is an understatement. It would send shocks of fear through her to hear these spoken directly at her and possibly flashbacks of being punished for not following orders, but in the end is it better than the alternative? She doesn’t know, she’ll have to leave it up to Nick in the end to make the call. Should she show this to him? Show him her assigned number so he can activate the command that render her completely useless and submissive if necessary? Her Dad won’t abuse this power, yet she doesn’t want to…)
Teshteal: We can show this to Detective Valentine and discuss what to do. He seems too kind to use the commands excessively.
Jasmine: (Immediately tears out the page when he says that, tucking the list in her jacket pocket so it’s safe with her and she the one with control over it. She tilts her head at Teshteal when two thoughts comes over her) (Writing) “What’s your assigned number? And where’s Nick if he’s not here?”
Teshteal: *heart beat roars in his ears suddenly and ge stiffens up at the thought of anyone knowing it. Regardless he keeps a chipper tone* I assume still over at Hangman’s Alley. I initially came here to bring you back to the group. *hesitates* Why do you want to know my number? *tail wraps around him and he starts to fidget with it nervously*
Jasmine: (Writing) “You know mine, I’d be lying to say that it doesn’t make me uncomfortable that you know it. I am the one who’s more susceptible to this.” (Looks up and blinks under her mask, realizing that her coding is yelling at her to get the edge on Teshteal and even things out. That’s why she wants to know it) “Fuck….” (Takes a few steps back in horror at herself while she drops the book, crashing into the wall as she starts breathing quickly and grabbing at her arms)
Teshteal: That’s true. *ringing his tail even more nervously* Mine was F-666. The useless ones. The… the cannon-fodder. *suddenly feels a wave of panic wash over him. He slowly backs away, his own coding and instincts telling him he’s so much more vulnerable now that someone now knows his assigned number*
Jasmine: (Horrified that she didn’t even realize her own true ambitions for doing things until it’s too late, until she was getting what she wanted. She presses herself up against the wall as the words “Monster” and “Pathetic” ring in her head over and over again, along with another one that’s getting louder. “Mistake”) (Quietly) “I am sorry…” (She has tears on her face now, not that Teshteal can tell as she slowly slinks to sit on the floor in a dark corner and picks at her arms)
Teshteal: *smells the saline and his eyes widen. Softly, fighting his panic* No, no, no. Don’t cry. *slowly approaches her and kneels. He takes her hands, gently crossing her arms over each other, and starts breathing slow, deep breaths. Softly still* You��re okay… We’re okay…
Jasmine: (When she heard him say not to cry she goes deathly silent and stiff because she’s not suppose to and would receive severe punishment for doing so. But when Teshteal starts comforting her in that sweet and gentle manner she relaxes a bit and lowers her head as the voices in her head attack her, the mask fogging up from her tears. She’s getting hit with berating and judging remarks for how she handled things, scolded for not performing better. On the other side is the same three words that are meant to keep her down and scared)
Teshteal: *keeps comforting her as he sits. He keeps taking deep breaths, hoping she’ll subconsciously start matching them while keeping his own thoughts at bay, too* You didn’t hurt me. That’s good. We’re okay… *puts his forehead against hers* I’m okay…
Jasmine: (Choking on her tears) “What if I hurt you?” (Shy’s away from him out of fear of doing so. She already hurt people who tried to help her. Nick- her own father, included along with Lucille)
Teahteal: So what if you do? *shrugs* I’m Safeguarding you, right now…
Jasmine: (Raises her head when she hears that command he’s doing for her, sniffing back her sobs and she tries to stop trembling so much. She’s suddenly very aware on how much time they are wasting just sitting here waiting for her to stop being such a baby) “You are not suppose to, no one is.” (Pulls back and tries to stand while bracing onto the wall)
Teshteal: *stands and extends a hand to help her* As your sibling and your friend, I’m absolutely supposed to. *determined* They may be in our heads but I’ll be damned if I let them stop me from helping people I care about.
Jasmine: (Stands on her own and just starts walking back to the rooftop without looking at him, hoping deep down that he doesn’t take it personally. She’s gone completely numb to keep herself at bay, to keep herself from crying. Soon she’s rushing up the ladder and jumping from the stores roof to another roof, looking back to see if Teshteal will follow)
Teshteal: *already pocketed the ridiculous hat and it’s following her easily and effortlessly*
Jasmine: (Starts efficiently leaping from rooftop to rooftop, railing to railing, gliding across nimbly like a cat save for the part of constantly walking on all fours, she only does that when it’s easier or needs to stay hidden. Soon she and Teshteal near where she last saw Nick and Lucille, quickly lowering herself so they can’t see her. Or rather so Gardio doesn’t see her)
Teshteal: *whispers* Why are we hiding?
Nick: Alright. I think I need to go find those two. It’s been a while.
Gardio: I probably should have gone with him. Don’t know why I didn’t. The man doesn’t have the best track record of keeping his head low or out of trouble.
Nick: Didn’t he crash his car through a precinct window once?
Gardio: Good lord, don’t remind me, Nick. *chuckles at the memory*
Jasmine: (Peers down, swallowing hard. She pulls back and takes off her mask, quickly wiping it from the inside so she can see better. Her eyes are red and puffy, there’s still fresh tears going down on her face as she puts it back on and tightens her hood. She slowly starts backing away in the direction they just came from)
Teshteal: *takes her hand* Hey. Gardio won’t hurt you. I promise… at least tell Nick what’s going on before you run off. *softly. Pleaful* Please?
Jasmine: (Gestures over the edge to where the trio is standing below and points to her head, shaking it while holding up her trembling hand. Then she points to her heart and shakes her head again to try and signify that she can’t feel anything and has gone numb. She thinks for a long moment before she uses her free hand to make several small slicing motions down her arm, remembering her promise to Nick. She looks over the edge, seriously considering jumping off and scampering to somewhere she deems safe)
Teshteal: *takes hold of her other hand after he sees the sign* Hey, look at me. Neither I nor Nick will let Gardio hurt you. I doubt he ever would seriously try, but neither of us will let it happen. Let’s talk to Nick. Please…? *his pupils are wide with concern as he begs her almost desperately*
Nick: *about to go when he suddenly looks up at the building* Nevermind. You two stay put. I’ve got this. *walks over and climbs up a fire escape on the side. He swings himself over the ledge of the roof* There you two are. *walks over* Talk to me about what…? And when did you start calling me by my first name?
Teshteal: *keeps her hands in his as he addresses Nick* It’s faster to say- sorry. *looks to Jas then Nick* Rosie’s scared of meeting Gardio. She might need a second to get her barings but I’m scared she’s going to run and… *pauses, fear crossing his face for a second* Do something…
Jasmine: (Starts pulling from Teshteals grip while grunting with frustration, twisting her wrists in a furious manner. If she really wanted to she could escape and run free, but she rather not hurt Teshteal while doing so. She’s dangerously close to the edge as she struggles, not that isn’t aware of it she’s actually trying to jump off)
Nick: Thanks for the warning-
Teshteal: Nick. *mouths* A-001 Reset.
Nick: What- That’s-
Teshteal: Just do it. It’ll help.
Nick: *with some hesitation and regret as soon as he says it* A-001 Reset.
Jasmine: (Eyes immediately go wide and get filled with terror as she goes completely limp. She falls to her knees still super close to the edge and puts her hands behind her head while she heaves heavy breaths. Her mind and vision go blinding white, heart thumping in her ears while she “resets”. Essentially, this command was to help them clear their heads if they get overloaded and out of control, helps them rethink their decisions and strategies. For her it was mostly used when she made a grave mistake in combat. So she’s getting slapped with internal corrections on her recent and past mistakes, fearing that she’ll be severely punished)
Nick: *terrified at seeing how frightened and powerless she suddenly becomes* What did you just have me do?
Teshteal: Quick- tell her she’s not in trouble. That’s a crucial step.
Nick: *glares angrily at Teshteal but kneels and gently and calmly starts reassuring her* You haven’t done anything wrong, Rosalinda. You’re okay. Dad’s right here… I didn’t know what it that would do to you or what the situation was. *heart breaks seeing the fear on her face. His voice cracks a little* I’m so sorry. *gently cups her cheek and strokes it with his thumb*
Teshteal: I-
Nick *looks back at him with a glare then quietly goes back to reassuring Jas that she’s safe*
Teshteal: *goes quiet again and wordlessly starts pulling out the trinkets he found around Jas’s house, setting them next to the pair* Please give these to Rosie. I found them at her house… *decides he’s gone too far this time* I’ll be somewhere. *scampers off suddenly*
Jasmine: (Staring off at nothing with her hands still behind her head in surrender, her red teary eyes unfocused. She doesn’t seem to register Nick as her mind continues to flash white for the reset, anticipating a blinding pain to come from either a slap or her jaw roughly grabbed to wake her up from it followed by berating remarks)
Nick: *holds her close, gently lowering her arms so he wrap his around her* Come back to me, doll…
Teshteal: *running like the wind, tears streaking past his ear. He doesn’t know where he’s going but he knows he can’t be there anymore. He messed up. Being alone is what he deserves*
Jasmine: (Can’t stay in reset mode forever and starts slipping back into reality and into the correction stage. She doesn’t move but blinks with slight recognition at her surroundings as her previous actions slowly play out in her head, the slightest mistakes coming into view. It throws her off that she’s not getting hit or forced to do things she doesn’t want to, instead her Dad is here and comforting her. She still feels like she did downtime terribly wrong…)
Nick: *gently petting her hair* It’s okay… I’m sorry.
Teshteal: Stupid. Moron. You don’t deserve anyone. You’re a burden. You’re just an inconvenience. *stops suddenly and just collapses into a ball* No one cares- *the memory of being held in one big strong hug by Gardio burns inside his mind. He wants to go back to that so bad but knows… he knows as soon as he finds out…* You just make things worse…
Jasmine: (Finishes her assessment of herself from the moment she first left to the store until now, biting down on her tongue. She’s currently in a “do whatever the hell you want with me, I don’t care anymore” stage by reflex in order to shield herself. It’ll be awhile until her mind registers that it’s safe to fully return, and that she doesn’t have to go numb anymore for these type of things)
Nick: *decides to carry her on his back back down the fire escape. He arrives at Lucille but notices Gardio’s missing* Where’s your father?
Lucille: Went off to find Teshteal.
Nick: *opens his mouth then shuts it*
Jasmine: (Completely motionless as Nick carries her, not making much of an effort to hold on. She’s like a limp Raggedy Ann doll, anticipating for something to happen to her, waiting for someone to puppet her)
Gardio: *looking everywhere for Teshteal, even asking a few feral ghouls*
Teshteal: *curled up in a hole, waiting to just… Die*
Gardio: *managed to find him* Linus…?
Teshteal: *a jolt of fear causes him to jump* Don’t call me by that name!
Gardio: Oh- sorry… *kneels in front of him and even then he towers over the poor rat of a man* What are you doing?
Teshteal: …Trying to die.
Gardio: By sitting in a hole in a wall? Friend, you’re going to be waiting for a while.
Teshteal: Why did you even bother finding me? I’m a monster. Literally. *smacks his tail against the ground*
Gardio: That makes two of us. *points at his face* That’s no reason to give in.
Teshteal: It is if you hurt someone close to you so easily.
Gardio: I see… but don’t you think that it would hurt them more if you ran away and never apologized for it?
Teshteal: *looks up in surprise. He hadn’t thought of that. He lowers his head, voicing another thought* What if I keep hurting them?
Gardio: If you make steps to improve on yourself, you won’t. Not in the same way, at least…
Teshteal: *sighs sadly* Detective Valentine won’t want me around anyway-
Gardio: You let me worry about Valentine. Worry about the person you hurt first.
Teshteal: *starts to cry again suddenly* I don’t deserve this kindness.
Gardio: You deserve friendship.
Teshteal: No-
Gardio: Don’t fight me on this, officer. That’s an order.
Teshteal: *well now he can’t argue. Orders are orders*
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, counting how long it took her to calm down earlier. Two minutes too long, pathetic)
Teshteal: This might be stupid to ask but can I have a hug?
Gardio: *Picks up the little rat of a man and gives him a big hug* Not a stupid question at all.
Teshteal: *feels a lot safer suddenly. He hugs back*
Jasmine: (Opens her eyes, lifting her head from Nicks shoulder and she looks around like a wide-eyed lost kitten. She’s so terrified, so confused. Her brain doesn’t know know to process anything, it’s stuck in this mode)
Lucille: *just standing near Nick, checking one of her guns for damage*
Jasmine: (There’s a slight haze to her vision and a ringing noise in her ears, almost like her mind is censoring what she sees and hears. Again it’s completely unnecessary now, maybe she can correct it later so the reset is just her clearing her mind and nothing more)
Nick: *worried about her specifically*
Teshteal: You always give the best hugs…
Gardio: *sets Teshteal down on his feet* Are you going to be alright?
Teshteal: *whipes his eyes* I think so.
Jasmine: (Puts her head back down, partly closing her eyes while she take heavy, but steady breaths. She still anticipating the regular abuse she’d normally suffer after a reset. Luckily for everyone, unlike when Lucille slapped her into a similar state she isn’t being drowned in horrific memories, although she still remembers them)
Lucille: *Kind of regrets that, too. Still thinks Jas hates her for all of that*
Gardio: Glad to hear. Now let’s get you back to the others. *adjusts his hat* What do you say, partner?
Teshteal: Yes sir. *salutes him dramatically*
Gardio: *starts walking back towards the group* At ease, we’re not on duty. *cracks a grin* Save the formalities until we’re in uniform.
Teshteal: You are. *referring to his coat as he starts to follow*
Gardio: Hey, you gotta look the part out here in the ruins! Dress for the job you want and all that.
Teshteal: *sticks his tongue out at the old ghoul*
Gardio: *glances back* Still just as immature as ever.
Jasmine: (Tenses suddenly, going completely relaxed while she trembled. She’s not sure why exactly as she’s not currently getting flashbacks, guess it’s just muscle memory)
Nick: *decides to cradle her like a toddler and quietly comfort her*
Lucille: *yawns*
Jasmine: (Raises her head and her little hands hesitantly grab onto his coat. Her eyes get teary again while she feels something jolt in her chest. She didn’t do anything wrong, did she?)
Nick: Ssh… it’s alright, doll. You didn’t do anything wrong. Not this time.
Teshteal: *leading the way this time*
Ferals: *start climbing out at the sound of the two’s footsteps*
Teshteal: *gets into a fighting stance*
Gardio: Let them be. They’re curious about the noise.
Teshteal: They’ll attack-
Gardio: No, I don’t think they will. *looking around at all of them* Go back to sleep you all…
Ferals: *stand and twitch in place, seemingly unsure of what to do*
Gardio: Just keep walking, Teshteal. Don’t make eye contact.
Teshteal: *hard swallow as he straightens up and walks normally down the road*
Gardio: *keeping an eye on the ghouls as they pass through* That’s right. Slow steps. *calmly* We’re friendly…
Jasmine: (Stares off for a bit while her bottom lip trembles, suddenly feeling very clingy to her father and fearful of being separated from him. Ditching all the voices telling her no, she grabs onto Nick as tightly as she can while she wails nonsense into his coat. Aaaaaand here’s that separation anxiety she’s been trying to avoid developing all this time)
Lucille: *jumps* What the-!?
Nick: Whoa-! It’s alright, I’m not going anywhere, kiddo! I’m right here.
Jasmine: (Not sure what the hell came over her that’s making her sob and hold onto her Dad like he’s the last person on earth. She had never been like this with her mother even when she was very small, or with any other adult she was close to after her mom died)
Nick: *sighs and keeps reassuring her he’s not going anywhere*
Teshteal: *Once they’re through and a safe enough distance* How’d you keep them from attacking?
Gardio: Glowing Ones tend to be a bit… odd as nonferal ghouls go. I can kind of tell what they’re thinking usually- don’t know how or why.
Jasmine: (Realizes that she’s not even crying tears all that much, she’s just blubbering incoherent sentences. She shuts her mouth but doesn’t loosen her death grip, closing her eyes to recount again with a clear head. She’s not in trouble, she was told to reset by Nick and not the trainer or the guards. There’s no need to shield herself anymore after a reset or have a panic attack, she can take a rest now…)
Nick: *softly* I’m sorry, Rosie…
Teshteal: *eyes widen* You have super powers!?
Gardio: You have super speed, horns, a tail, and cat eyes. Still out to lunch on how that last one’s even possible.
Teshteal: Touch-ay.
Gardio: You still don’t know how to say Touche…?
Teshteal: It’s a weird word!
Gardio: It is literally two syllables.
Teshteal: Listen, I can only hold so much grammar and pronunciation rules in my head.
Gardio: *rolls his eyes at his lame excuse*
Jasmine: (Ran out of batteries, she’s exhausted from the ordeal. She keeps her tight hold on her Dad while she buries her face in the crook of his neck, dropping into a power nap)
Gardio: Wait… how are you leading me back?
Teshteal: Take a wild fxcking guess.
Gardio: …Oh please don’t tell me you’re guessing.
Teshteal: What? No! Sense of smell. *taps his nose* It’s very accurate!
Gardio: I don’t know whether to be impressed or disgusted.
Teshteal: How did you find me anyway?
Gardio: The power of friendship and “Ghoul to Ghoul communication”.
Teshteal: … Please tell me you’re joking.
Gardio: I’m not. I wish I were.
Jasmine: (Napping quietly and peacefully, some tears still on her cheeks. She’s holding Nick on his promise that he’s not going anywhere, that’s the only reason she can sleep right now)
43 notes · View notes
dandlsidequest · 2 years
St. James Infirmary
Pt. 1:
1 note · View note
papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
February 18, 1940
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The Campbell Playhouse (1938–1940) was a live CBS radio drama series directed by and starring Orson Welles. Produced by Welles and John Houseman, it was a sponsored continuation of The Mercury Theatre on the Air. As a direct result of the front-page headlines Orson Welles generated with his 1938 Halloween production "The War of the Worlds", Campbell's Soup signed on as sponsor. The Mercury Theatre on the Air made its last broadcast December 4, 1938, and The Campbell Playhouse began December 9, 1938.
The series offered hour-long adaptations of classic plays and novels, as well as adaptations of popular motion pictures. When Campbell’s exerted more creative control over the selection of material, Welles left the show. 
Bernard Herrmann was the series’ composer and conductor. The opening theme was “Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor” by Tchaikovsky.
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DINNER AT EIGHT was originally written by George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber as a play which opened October 22, 1932, at Broadway’s Music Box Theatre, and closed May 6, 1933 after 232 performances.  
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In 1933, (the same year Lucille Ball arrived in Hollywood), the play was turned into an MGM film by George Cukor. The role of Kitty (played by Lucille Ball on radio) was played by Jean Harlowe. 
The play was also revived on Broadway several times and was made for television. 
Synopsis ~ The Jordan family are planning a society dinner. The story concerns what they, as well as various friends and acquaintances - all of whom have their own problems and ambitions - do as they prepare for the event.
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Lucille Ball (Kitty Packard)
Orson Welles (Host / Dan Packard / Larry Renault) was three months away from embarking on his masterwork, Citizen Kane, when this radio play was aired. Before Lucille Ball dated Ed Hall and Desi Arnaz, Welles was often seen on her arm at public events. Lucy and Desi later allowed him to reside in their guest house and starred him in an episode of “I Love Lucy”. 
Hedda Hopper (Millicent Jordan) was then broadcasting her own radio show “Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood” as well as writing a syndicated column.  She appeared on “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour.” As an actress, she did two with Lucille Ball: Bunker Bean (1936) and That’s Right – You’re Wrong (1939). Hopper was best known for her flamboyant hats.
Charles Trowbridge (Oliver Jordan) originated the role of Oliver Jordan in the Broadway production of Dinner at Eight although the role was played by Lionel Barrymore on screen. He did two films with Lucille Ball: Her Husband’s Affairs (1947) and A Woman of Distinction (1950). 
Marjorie Rambeau (Carlotta Vance) was only a month away from the premiere of her film Primrose Path, which would earn her an Oscar nomination in 1941. 
Benny Rubin (Max Kane) was heard on “My Favorite Husband” as well as doing an episode of “I Love Lucy” and several appearances on “The Lucy Show.” 
Clara Blandick (Hattie Loomis) had just created the role of Aunt Em in The Wizard of Oz, which is what she is best known for despite her many other credits. including four films with Lucille Ball, three of those in 1934 alone. 
Mary Taylor (Paula Jordan) had previously worked with Welles on Mercury Theatre of the Air. 
Edgar Barrier (Dr. Talbot) was previously directed by Welles in the 1938 film Too Much Johnson. 
Ernest Chappell (Announcer) served in the same capacity for TV’s “The Big Story” (1951-57)/  
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Orson Welles introduces the show, Kaufman and Ferber’s play Dinner at Eight.  He tells the audience that we never see (or hear) the actual dinner in Dinner at Eight. He talks about his three leading ladies: 
Hedda Hopper “who was a distinguished actress before she branched out into her present career of acting and ‘columning’.” 
Miss Lucille Ball “is the beautiful and talented young lady who’s position in Hollywood is becoming increasingly more important.” 
Marjorie Rambeau “one of the first talents of the theatre who is carving out a new career in motion pictures.”  
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Welles introduces Ernest Chappell, who does a pitch for Campbell’s Vegetable Soup. 
“Whether you’re having dinner at eight or supper at six.”
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As the story begins, Millicent Jordan (Hedda Hopper) is on the telephone inviting people to her dinner party. Her husband, Oliver (Charles Trowbridge), comes in. She tells him how the guest list is shaping up. He suggests she invite Dan and Millicent Packard, although she thinks she’s a horrible woman. Paula (Mary Taylor), her daughter, comes in. She’s engaged to be married to Ernest but is still maintaining an active social life. She’s been seen nightly at 21.
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MILLICENT: “Some day I’m going to find out what goes on at 20 -- and at 22, too!”    
Paula runs out. Hattie (Clara Blandick) comes in and she and Millicent gossip about that “Packard Woman”.  As Hattie leaves for her shopping trip, Millicent reluctantly phones Mrs. Packard to invite her to her dinner party. 
The scene cross fades to Mrs. Packard (Lucille Ball) hanging up with Mrs. Jordan.  She is in bed awaiting the doctor with her maid Tina. Mrs. Packard is eating chocolates, guessing what is inside each one. 
Meanwhile, Carlotta Vance (Marjorie Rambeau) barges in while Oliver Jordan is in his office on the telephone. She demands to know why the Customs Office says she cannot own six fur coats. They discuss Mr. Vance’s assets, including a theatre she is longing to sell - calling it a fleabag.  She is a stockholder in Mr. Jordan’s company.  He urges her not to sell.  They reminisce about their younger days, when they were courting.  He once proposed marriage. 
Dan Packard (Orson Welles) enters the office. He recognizes her from her days on the stage.  Before she departs, Jordan confirms that she is coming to dinner next Friday.  Jordan and Packard talk business. The Jordan Line Shipping is in financial straights and he wants a loan from Packard, who promises to consider it. 
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Back at the Packards, Dan arrives to find Kitty still in bed. He complains that Jordan cannot handle his business and he aims to buy them out. Dan says he won’t go to dinner there and Kitty is not happy about it. She tries wheedling him and she mentions the dinner is for Lord and Lady Ferncliff.  He says he is going to buy out Jordan using dummy stock holders.  
Doctor Talbot (Edgar Barrier) arrives to examine Kitty. We learn that they are having an affair. The music swells and the scene transitions to...
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Mrs. Jordan, still planning her dinner party, looking for one more man to balance her table. Hattie and Mrs. Jordan, suddenly get a brilliant idea for their final guest - movie star Larry Renault.
Meanwhile, Paula visits her paramour, Larry Renault (also Orson Welles). They are in love. She warns him not to drink so much. His agent Max Kane (Benny Rubin) has gotten him a part in a play. He tells her she should just marry Ernest. Renault has been married three times and is almost 40!  His second wife drove off a cliff and his third is now the biggest star in Hollywood.  Paula impulsively says she is going to tell everyone about their love - including her parents! 
Kane arrives and Paula leaves to find urges him to stop drinking and get in shape. Kane breaks the news that the play is off!  The new producer doesn’t want him. He’s been replaced by an English actor. Kane suggests he take a smaller role in the play. Kane suggest he humble himself to the new producer, but Renault is indignant. 
“I’m Larry Renault!  I don’t go to managers with my hat in my hand!” 
At the Jordan home, Carlotta and Millicent talk about the party, including the invitation of Lord Ferncliff, who everyone calls “Stinky”.  When Mr. Jordan comes home, she confides to Oliver that she has sold her Jordan stock.  It seems she isn’t the only one who has sold Jordan stock that day. 
A phone call informs Millicent that the Ferncliffs are going to Florida and can’t come to dinner after all!  Just then, Paula comes home to tell her mother urgent news about her engagement to Ernest. Oliver says he is feeling unwell, and wants to go to bed instead of having dinner. Millicent is at wits end with the party cancellations and her family’s drama!
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Ernest Chappell returns to urge mothers to get their child’s recommended serving of milk by adding it to Campbell’s Tomato, Celery, and Asparagus soups. 
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That night, Renault is drunk. Kane brings up Mr. Stingle, the new producer of the play. Renault bullies Mr. Stingle calling him a hack. Stingle abruptly leaves.  Renault blames Kane, who tells him he’s washed up in show business. 
KANE: “You’re a corpse and you don’t know it! Go get yourself buried.” 
Kane leaves and Renault pours himself another drink - the last one in the bottle. He’s visited by a hotel manager who tells him he’s being evicted from his suite.  He calls the operator and tells him not to put any calls through. Larry turns on the gas.  
At dinner, introductions are made. Seems as if Mrs. Packard already knows Dr. Talbot. Mrs. Jordan says that Lord Ferncliff’s absence is due to ill health. Carlotta brings her little dog, which she wants fed lobster.  She inadvertently announces that Lord and Lady Ferncliff are vacationing, not ill at all.  Everyone wonders where Larry Renault is.  Paula enters and Mrs. Jordan decides they shouldn’t wait for Renault.  
Paula is distracted.  She phones the hotel to speak with Renault and they refuse to connect her. They mention the police and then Paula goes silent.  The police would like to speak with her.  
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Ernest Chappell, having addressed the women at the intermission, addresses the men in the audience, touting the hearty comforts of Campbell’s Soups. 
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Orson Welles returns for an interview with the female guest stars.  Welles insists that her participation tonight will lead to something vile in her column tomorrow!  He points out that her character spent a lot of time on the telephone in the story. Welles attributes the modern gossip column to the invention of the telephone, who he jokingly credits to Don Ameche!  
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The Story of Alexander Graham Bell is a somewhat fictionalized 1939 biographical film of the famous inventor that starred Don Ameche as Bell and Loretta Young as his wife Mabel. Coincidentally, the film also featured Charles Trowbridge (Oliver Jordan in tonight’s radio play).
In scripted banter, Miss Rambeau recalls happier days when there were no columns, which gets Hopper hopping mad!  Welles begs Miss Ball to intervene.
LUCY: “On behalf of Kitty Packard, I think Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Vance ought to call it a day - both of them. Just because a girl likes to have a bit of fun and not sit around like a piece of furniture or something you’d think butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths---”. 
Welles interrupts the cat fight to bid everyone goodnight, but not without a reminder that next Sunday, Only Angels Have Wings, starring Joan Blondell. 
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This is one of four characters named Kitty that Lucille Ball has played.  Others were in Follow The Fleet (1936), Without Love (1945), and The Facts of Life (1960).
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In the 1933 film version, Elizabeth Patterson plays Miss Copeland, secretary to Oliver Jordan (Lionel Barrymore). Patterson went on to play Mrs. Trumbull on “I Love Lucy.” 
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A clip from the 1933 film was included in “Toast of the Town’s 30th Anniversary Tribute to MGM”, a program that also featured its star Lionel Barrymore (Oliver Jordan), Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.
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Paul Harvey, who played the New York Times Art Critic in “Lucy the Sculptress” (ILL S2;E15) had his greatest success on Broadway as Dan Packard in the original cast of Dinner at Eight. His role was taken in the film by Wallace Beery. 
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A 1955 CBS television version of Dinner at Eight featured “Lucy” cast members Eleanor Audley (as Carlotta Vance), Pierre Watkin, and Tristram Coffin.  She is seen above on “I Love Lucy” with Peter Bucco. 
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In the 1989 TV movie of Dinner at Eight, Kitty Packard (the character played by Lucille Ball on radio) was played by Ellen Greene, famous for playing Audrey on stage and screen in Little Shop of Horrors. In that musical she sings about “Lucy”!
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The 1966 Broadway revival of Dinner at Eight was at the Alvin Theatre (now the Neil Simon), the same theatre where Lucille Ball did Wildcat five years earlier. 
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Season 4 episodes of “Here’s Lucy” were sponsored by Campbell’s Soup. The DVD includes a commercial that features Dodie Goodman and Eddie Bracken. Coincidentally, Bracken is credited with introducing Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz when they were starring in the film version of Too Many Girls in 1940, the same year as this radio broadcast. 
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Campbell’s Soup was immortalized in paint by artist Andy Warhol in 1962. Twenty years later he used Lucille Ball as his muse. 
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The 2002 Broadway revival of Dinner at Eight at Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont Theatre starred Emily Skinner as Kitty (the role played by Lucille Ball on radio). Skinner played Lucille Ball on Broadway in The Cher Show which played at....yes...the Alvin Theatre!
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thefreakydeaky · 3 years
To be alone
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Part 1
Stalker!Negan x plus sized reader
⚠️Trigger Warning: Non-Con⚠️
⚠️Somnophilia & Religious Themes⚠️
He didn't mean for it to turn out this way.
You're pretty even in your current state; tears streaming down your face, gritting your teeth over the handkerchief he tied around your mouth to keep you quiet.
He hadn't meant to scare you. It was just that the first time he saw you, he was having one of the worst days of his life. Lucille had been gone for nearly a month and yet everyday he woke up devastated by the reality of his life without her. He was so desperate to escape the pain of losing his wife. So desperate that he'd stopped at the first house of worship he came across and prayed to God, to the Holy Mother, to the Saints, to any entity who could end his suffering. When he finally ran out of tears, he looked up and saw the shrine to Saint Anthony in the empty plaza. Then the chapel door was swinging open and there you were. You weren't what societal norms would consider perfect, but to Negan your imperfections were captivating.
He thanked Anthony, the Saint of lost things for guiding him to you.
As he watched you get into your car, he was over come. The need to know you, to see more of you drove him to follow you home.
Watching you at the end of everyday became his ritual. The sight of you in a state of undress stole the breath from his lungs. The privilege of guarding you while you were vulnerable was sacred to him. He was careful not to wake you. As luck would have it, you were a deep sleeper.
You didn't feel the mattress dip when he crawled into bed with you, didn't twitch or flinch at the sensation of his finger tips ghosting down your arm and along the exposed flesh of your soft belly.
Despite his catholic raising, Negan hadn't put much stock into any religion, but he knew better now. God existed. God brought you together. Heaven and Hell were real. Heaven was touching you. Purgatory was every second he spent away from you. Hell was his awareness that you would despise him for loving you so much.
He kept up appearances. Always on task, always on time, being present, being sociable. He could grin and bare it all for you. Though it pained him, he refrained from following you through out the day. He wasn't greedy. As long as he could worship you each night he could endure anything.
Your soft body was pliant under his palms. He was always gentle. He was always patient. Negan learned which caresses made you moan in your sleep. His favorite sound was the needy whimper he coaxed from your throat when the rough pad of his thumb toyed with your clitoris, but his need to be with you continued to grow.
One year later, on the anniversary of your coming into his life, He decided to end his misery. He knocked on your door. The bouquet of blue bonnets, baby's breath, and white peonies seemed frivolous, but he hadn't known what else to get you. What do you buy for the person who is your everything? He knocked again and cleared his throat. He hadn't practiced what to say. He figured it would come to him when he saw you. The metal sound of the locks turning had him holding his breath. You opened the door all the way. There was no hesitation in your movements, no fear for your own personal safety what so ever. That did not sit well with him.
Your eyes met his. You smiled brightly.
His eyes raked over your form taking in the long flowy pink dress you had on.
Negan stared at you, starstruck.
You looked down at your bare feet then back up at him.
"I'm almost ready. Come in. You can wait in the living room if you'd like?" You stepped back to let him in.
He would be an idiot to turn down the invitation. You closed the door behind him.
"Are those for me?" You asked looking at the flowers.
He nodded.
"Thank you! They're beautiful."
You reached for the bouquet, your fingers brushed his wrist.
He released a breath he didn't remember holding.
You winced.
"I'm being so rude. I'm Y/n." You said holding out your hand to him.
He swallowed nervously and took your smaller hand in his large one.
"I'm sorry, Andrea didn't mention your name." You prompted giving him an encouraging smile.
"I'm ...Negan."
"It's nice to meet you, Negan."
His eyes searched yours. He wished he could read your mind. He was dying to know what you were feeling.
Your eyes lowered to his chest. You bit your lower lip seeming flustered, almost shy.
"I'm gonna go put these in some water."
The corner of his mouth lifted in a poor imitation of a smile.
"I'm gonna need my hand back."
He hadn't realized he was still holding your hand. He slowly let go.
Your lashes fluttered prettily.
He felt too warm all of a sudden.
You went away to the kitchen.
He tried to pull himself together.
You thought he was someone else. Some friend of a friend. How was he going to explain his way out of this? He rubbed his hand over his face. Things weren't that bad. Maybe if he rushed you a bit, he could take you out. Pretend to be the date you were expecting. At the end of the night he'd pretend he had been set up on a blind date too, pretend to have gotten the wrong address. God, what a shit idea. He was going to have to put on a damn convincing act if he wanted to pull this off.
A clattering sound caught his attention. Concerned that you'd hurt yourself, he hurried to the kitchen.
Your eyes were wide with surprise. Other than this you seemed to be fine. Negan's eyes scanned the room for the source of the worrying sound. You had dropped your flowers onto the floor. He took a step toward you and felt something break under foot.
He glanced down to see he'd stepped on your iphone. There was an ongoing call on the cracked screen. Andrea. He picked the phone up.
"Y/n? Did you hear me? Shane got caught up at work. He isn't going to be able to make it."
Negan pressed the mute button and took a step toward you.
"Tell her you heard her then tell her good bye.." His tone was stern, warning you without needing to speak the threat out loud.
He took Andrea off of mute.
"I-I heard you." You swallowed.
"I'm sorry, Sweetie, but hey, maybe next week, huh?"
"Yeah. Next week." Your eyes stayed on Negan. "Listen, Andrea I gotta go. See you tomorrow?"
"Alrighty. Good Night."
"Night. Bye." You finished weakly.
He ended the call.
You stared at each other.
"Who...are you?"
Negan came to you. Terror rooted you to the spot. His arm went around your waist pulling you against him.
"You know me."
You looked up at him with wide eyes.
His hand cupped your jaw.
"It's our anniversary." He told you.
His mouth descended on yours. His kiss was harsh, bruising. He nipped at your upper lip.
You cried out in horror.
"Please don't!"
Gazing down at you, he frowned.
"I would never hurt you."
"L-look, if you leave now, we can pretend this didn't happen."
His brow furrowed.
"I won't call the cops I won't t-tell anyone Just please please leave!" The words came out in a rush.
He pushed you backwards trapping you between the counter and his body. He grabbed on to the skirt of your dress and yanked it up to your hip.
"N-no!" You cried and smacked him.
He went rigid.
"Don't you ever hit me." Negan's quietly dangerous voice moved you to scream.
He clamped his hand over your mouth effectively stifling it.
Your tears began to overflow rolling down your cheeks and onto his hand.
"Shh...It's gonna be alright, My Angel. Let me show you."
He fumbled with your dress until his hand made contact with your pussy.
He cupped your panty clad mound. You screamed into his palm.
His deft fingers hooked into the edge of your underwear. He slipped his fingers between your sex and the satin material.
You trembled.
Negan caressed your labia with his middle finger before he dipped between them and expertly found your clit.
"There now, you see?" He cooed.
His finger tip gently stroked back and forth over the sensitive bundle of nerves. You squirmed in his grasp. He alternated between stroking and circling your clit until your hips were involuntarily bucking into his hand. His manipulation of your cunt forcing pleasure through your body.
You screamed and cried. Tears poured down your face. You lost your voice and still you persisted. No matter how many orgasms he forced on you, he couldn't calm you. He ended up pressing onto your pressure points until you fell unconscious.
He couldn't understand why you hadn't recognized his touch. Not after a year's worth of nights spent worshipping your body. It would be okay. He told himself you needed time and the best way to give you time, would be to take you away somewhere the two of you could be alone.
That was how you ended up at Negan's cabin in the woods, gagged and bound. He didn't mean for it to turn out this way, but you needed this and he needed you.
He lifted the skirt of your dress, exposing your luscious wide ass and ran his palm over your cheek. He kneaded your flesh, relishing the whine escaping your throat.
"I love you, Y/n." He confessed.
Negan pressed a kiss to your lower back.
"We were made for each other. I will prove it to you no matter how long it takes."
Your mind reeling clung to denial. Someone was going to stop him. Surely someone would notice you were missing and go looking for you.
You dimly registered the sound of his jeans dropping to the floor.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt the head of his cock prod at your entrance. He thrust slowly into you. His rigid length stretching your walls to new limits. You cried out as he withdrew.
"Don't worry, Angel." He murmured in a reassuring tone. "No one's gonna find us out here."
Your eyes welled up with tears.
Negan sighed in relief finally, in perpetual heaven.
Part 2 >>
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