lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Settler: I'm waiting on the detective to get here and all I see is this weird man walking on all fours sniffing the ground-
Lucille: That's him. That's the detective.
Settler: That's some freak sniffing the dirt! You call that a detective?
Dogmeat: *sniffing the ground for clues, too*
Nick: *on Teshteal being some weird guy sniffing the ground* Well that's a very rude thing to say about Dogmeat.
Dogmeat: Bork!
The Settler as they turn: Oh finally, an actual detec- oh. You're just a robot.
Nick: *wrinkles his nose at that* I'm a robot, yeah. But I'm a detective, too.
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Power Armor Punch Part Fifty Seven
(I swear the Kiss the Girl song from The Little Mermaid has been in my head for three days because of this. The crab with the Caribbean accent won’t leave me alone send help)
Teshteal: What? I didn’t even realize I had feelings for you until now. *frowns, remembering her supposed age* I’m not sure about that age gap but with how the Institute programs gen 3 synths… What age did they program you to be?
Joyce: (Quickly adding in) “I mean I’m four as in how long I’ve been sentient! I’m around my mid twenties if we are talking about programming! I’m not an actual toddler or a kid, just have less normal life experience…”
Gardio: *comes in and heads to Lucille’s room. Doesn’t notice the two laying on the couch*
Donovan: (Went straight to patching up the wall around the farm with the scrap they have stored in the shed)
Teshteal: *lets out a small sigh of relief. He hasn’t changed mentally since he got thawed out other than handling his trauma better. That took up the better part of a century. Survival took up the rest* I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that- jumping to 3rd base I mean. *smiles at her* Right now I’m just happy to be held. *pauses to study her face and eyes*
Gardio: *climbs up* Lucille? Sweetheart, would you be willing to help build up defenses around the lighthou-
Lucille: *already bolting down the stairs with excitement* See you outside!
Gardio: *blinks and looks around the room, noting it’s much warmer than before* She’s been busy up here.
Joyce: (Has soft and delicate features that are untouched and unblemished by the Wasteland. As Donny would call her she’s a sun-kissed blessed angel who’s just as angelic and sweet as one, which is why he rather keep her away from violence until she can properly defend herself) “Sure, I’m fine with that even if it’s platonic.” (Leans in a little more, still having not moved her leg)
Teshteal: *taken aback by her angelic features* I… don’t want it to be. *blushes at the admission. He briefly thinks about pecking her on the lips just to see what would happen but decides against it*
Donovan: (Hauling out planks of steel and his tool kit, cursing when he remembers there is still work to do in the animal pen. Ma is probably taking over his chores in there right now, and she has other things to do herself)
Lucille: *already down there with all the scrap she picked up* What do you need? I can build turrets, walls? Robots?
Donovan: (Perks up at Lucille’s sudden entrance) “Oh, hello there. Haven’t seen you in awhile.” (Rubs his hands together) “Uh, anything right now really. I’m worried those Trappers or mirelurks surrounding us will try to move in…”
Joyce: (Also blushing an adorable pink color, her emerald green eyes looking Teshteals features over closely for the first time as well) “Me neither…” (Shyly shuffles even closer, strengthening her gentle embrace)
Teshteal: *blushing a bit more at the tighter hold. His nose is slightly crooked and his chin and jaw a little angular. He almost looks like a tired rogueish devil. Not one likely to be seen with the likes of the angelic Joyce. Leans in so his face is close to hers. Perhaps he will go in for a kiss*
Lucille: *already constructing a couple of turrets. She sets them down facing the woods when she’s through. She works pretty fast* Looks like I’ll have just enough scrap to build a robot workbench and an Assault Sentry bot with some decent armor and weapons. *to Donovan* You have any cow skulls?
Donovan: (Taken aback at how quickly she can work) “Uh… No we don’t. Our animals do not pass very often…”
Joyce: (Thinks he’s very handsome, both his outwards looks and his  true heart. In fact, she started to catch feelings he minute she realized that he slayed those mutants to keep the little girl safe along with her group. Then his kindness at the brunch table further fueled this followed by his help outside… Maybe she wasn’t kidding earlier when she said she’d kiss him)
Teshteal: *gently cups her cheek and very lightly kisses her, only pausing at the realization of how soft her lips are compared to his slightly damaged rough ones. Almost wants to apologize- it must feel like sand paper to her*
Joyce: (Makes a squeak of both surprise and joy, carefully putting a hand on the back of Teshteals head to bring him in while she closes her eyes. She feels her face flush more and her heart beat faster, butterflies fluttering in her stomach)
Lucille: Hm. *digs through her stash of stuff and finds half of a brahmin skull in her bag* This will do. *sets to work on the robot work station and the robot themselves*
Donovan: “We’ve got an old Mr Handy in the shed who’s been broken down for some time, a mirelurk got a hold on him and none of us could figure out how to repair him…”
Lucille: Oh? If his components are still good I might be able to use them. *managed to get the robot work station up in the corner of the yard. She rushes to the shed and drags the Mr. Handy out*
Donovan: (Watches her do so, then decides to run to check on Ma to fill her in on whats going on)
Teshteal: *eyes widen at her forwardness in keeping him from pulling away. He shuts his eyes and kisses her just a little less softly but still tenderly*
Joyce: (Pulls back after a few seconds into their shared kiss, smiling shyly as she presses her forehead against his then pulls back again to gaze into his eyes)
Teshteal: *a little awestruck. His pupils have turned to saucers* I haven’t kissed anyone like that before… *whispers to himself as he gets lost in her emerald eyes* It’s possible to be tenderly kissed…?
Gardio: *snuck outside. Wanted to leave the two alone* How- *sees Lucille’s already building the new robot* Oh. Please remember to take breaks.
Lucille: *absently* Yes, Dad.
Ma: (Just finished milking the cows and is filling the milk gallons to bring inside)
Donovan: (Opens the barn door and rushes over when he sees this) “Here Mama, allow me.”
Ma: (Chuckles tiredly and smiles at her son) “Oh, what a gentleman…”
Donovan: (Picks up the jugs) “I’ll take it from here, you can head on back inside.”
Joyce: (Giggles cutely at the gremlin, gazing back into his eyes) “It apparently is! Wow, that was lovely….” (Strawberry pink now with all the blushing)
Teshteal: *oblivious to both Ma and Donovan returning to the house. Too distracted by what happened.* Then you won’t mind if I… *cups her cheek again as he goes in for another kiss*
Lucille: *programming the station to build a the new bot out of the Mr. Handy and the scrap it required for it, still once she finishes, she starts building up the walls as the automoton is built*
Joyce: (Hums a sweet note as she runs her fingers through Teshteals hair with the hand she has on the back of his head, putting her other arm around his shoulder)
Donovan: (Came in through the kitchen side door with Ma so he can’t see the two sharing a moment, not that he would interrupt or say anything. He sets down all the milk on the table with a tired huff then leaves to finish the farm chores)
Ma: (Gets to work putting away the fresh milk and setting it so they can extract the cream from it later, planning to check on Jas and Nick when she is done as the blood pack should’ve been long off finished by now. Perhaps Nick had already switched the bags while she was away)
Nick: *managed to do so with much coaxing*
Jasmine: (Not happy about it but she didn’t physically fight her Dad, just complained to him a lot while tugging on his shirt)
Teshteal: *kissing her a little deeper this time with just a bit more passion. He keeps his hand on her cheek with other still wrapped around her but slipped down to her side. His tail lightly drapes over both of their legs, flicking like a cat’s out of excitement*
Joyce: (Closes her eyes again while she caresses Teshteal’s shoulder and neck, thinking that his tail flicking is adorable just like the rest of him. She feels like she’s living in a real life love song right now, it feels so unreal and magical)
Teshteal: *savoring the comfortable pace and the fact they can stop if they feel like it. It’s not like in the vault where he had no control over the situation. He pulls back when he feels like he’s about to go overboard with it. Gently smiles at the angel laying with him. Jokingly but kindly* Why can’t I get enough of you? Is this some kind of sorcery?
Lucille: *smiles at the walls and the couple of extra turrets surrounding the light house* Maybe I should go scrap hunting. Add some turrrets along the walls. Make it impossible for trappers and mirelurks to get in. *grins*
Gardio: Maybe you should take a break? You’ve been working pretty hard, kid.
Lucille: They’re depending on me to bolster their defenses. I can’t stop now.
Gardio: Lucille. You’ll work yourself into the ground you’ve barely rested a day-
Lucille: Resting is what gets people killed out here.
Gardio: Well I’m sure overworking is another. Please take a break. I’m begging you.
Jasmine: (Crying out of frustration like a small child would when they can’t get their way. She understands how immature and babyish she’s being, but she can’t help it. The other way to express herself is to physically fight, and she’s too tired for that so being teary it is)
Ma: (Finishes up with storing the milk and heads off to the med room, getting a glimpse at her daughter on the sofa whom she smiles to herself at. Young love is the sweetest thing, she’s happy for them. She quickly slips into the med room and approaches Nick) “And how are we doing in here?”
Nick: Got down at least 2 blood bags since you left. She’s not too pleased but I’ll take that over anything at the moment.
Ma: (Approaches and kneels down, examining the girl) “Hm, she’s looking much less pale already.” (Takes her wrist so she can examine the IV)
Jasmine: (Whines and tries to pull her arm away)
Ma: (Keeps a grip on the teens arm) “Everything seems to be fine here.” (Looks back up at Jas, wiping the tears off her cheeks) “She’s still crying, has she taken anymore water?”
Nick: Not yet. Might be best to get a refill. *nods at the empty baby bottle*
Ma: “Of course.” (Takes the baby bottle and leaves the room to refill it in the kitchen. She tiptoes her way past the lovebirds and fills the bottle with cool water before quickly returning) “Here you are.”
Jasmine: (Hides her face away in Nicks shirt when Ma returns, whimpering in protest at the baby bottle that keeps being given to her)
Joyce: (Softly giggles, her voice sweet as honey) “I’m not sure, it’s like that song I love, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Vallie.” (Runs her hands through his hair again) “I think we’re living in a fairytale, and to think we had no idea just yesterday…”
Teshteal: Up until you, my life has been a horror novel. *gives her a quick peck on the nose*
Joyce: (Eyes sparkle even more at the kiss as she twirls her fingers through his hair) “Aw. Though it’s sad to say that it’s not an exaggeration, huh?”
Teshteal: *sad chuckle* Not at all. Though, I will be honest, we’ve moved into this whole dating thing pretty fast. I’ve heard it takes a bit sometimes before things like this click. We barely know each other. *smiles despite this admission, stroking her cheek tenderly* Maybe my agility accounts for relationships too? *shrugs with a laugh*
Joyce: (Thinks about it for a moment) “Well, I am not going anywhere far anytime soon, so we have time to get to know each other even if you only visit from time to time.” (Closes her eyes and leans into his touch) “We can take it slow and steady, maybe take a step back if needed until we get to know each other better. Save the dating step for a later time.” (Smiles at him while she opens her eyes once more to gaze at him) “I don’t regret the kiss though….”
Teshteal: I can’t recall. Isn’t the purpose of dating to do that- get to know one another before things get serious? We don’t have to stop that part but we can slow down some if that’s better for us. *kind smile* Nice people are hard to come by these days and I don’t want to ruin this.
Gardio: *following Lucille around the yard as she reinforces the walls*
Lucille: Why are you following me, Dad?
Gardio: Because I’m concerned. Why are you really throwing yourself so heavily into this?
Lucille: It’s the best I can do to actually protect people. I build.
Gardio: And if it fails?
Lucille: I rebuild it but stronger.
Gardio: *sighs. He knows this isn’t why she really does it. She’s coping with something* Please take a break-
Lucille: I can’t! If I do, then people will die!
Gardio: These people can defend themselves- they’re not helpless.
Lucille: *tears up and whirls around to face her dad* Nate could defend himself but he had no one to help him when he needed it most-! *covers her mouth when she realizes what she just said*
Gardio: *softly* That’s what this is about… Come here… *pulls Lucille into a hug*
Lucille: *starts to cry* I couldn’t protect him or Shawn-!
Gardio: Ssh… *rubs her back*
Joyce: (She was trying to give him an easy way out if he wanted to bail without hurting her feelings) “You’re right, it’s hard to come by genuine people nowadays. People who actually have a well placed soul and heart.” (Gently strokes his cheek) “I feel like I already know where your true character is built upon, and that’s in a good place.” (Takes in a deep breath as she draws her hand back) “But… You’re aware that I’m a synth, right? I’m not human or formally human…” (Scoots back slightly) “I won’t be mad if you don’t want to continue for any reason, cross my heart….”
Teshteal: *blinks at her admission of being a Synth* Why would that matter to someone like me, a guy with a tail and horns who hasn’t aged a day? *traces her jaw lightly* You’re still very human to me. More so than I could possibly be. *tail swishes sadly at the thought. Then, he shakes his head and smiles at her as he closes a little bit of the gap she made to kiss her nose again reassuringly* I want to continue this. Do you, Joyce? *looking longingly into her eyes with golden cat like ones, his pupils dilated to show the affection he’s feeling for her*
Joyce: (Puts her hand on the back of his head again. Despite having pulled back she never removed her leg from being over his) “Yes. I do want to try this new relationship with you.” (Smiles as she gazes right back at the little gremlin man, rubbing his arm. She means it when she says that she sees the kindness in his heart)
Teshteal: *blushes at the tender physical gesture. He finds himself pressing his body just a little closer to hers as he leans in for another kiss. His heart races as one hand clasps her shoulder and the other her cheek*
Joyce: (Giggles again and goes in for the kiss too, carefully running her fingers through his messy hair while avoiding his horns as her soft pink lips meet his. She doesn’t mind that his lips are tougher than hers, it’s not noticeable when she feels this giddy and fluttery)
Ma: (Leaves the med room after giving Nick the baby bottle, heading to the laundry room to pick up the clothes she is currently mending. She passes by the two on the sofa again, striding right by without giving much of a glance. Although it does remind her that she needs to take Teshteals measurements so she can start working on a new detectives coat for him)
Donovan: (Enters the kitchen and places the newly collected basket of eggs onto the kitchen counter, heaving a heavy tired sigh as she rinses off his hands and gets himself some ice cold water)
Teshteal: *kisses very passionately this time. He tries to hold himself back from kissing her too hard. Keeps telling himself to not move too fast or get too intimate in the way he kisses her. The hand on her shoulder slips down to press just in the shoulder area above her chest*
Donovan: (Quickly leaves the house again as he needs to clean out the barn and coops while the animals are let out for the day)
Joyce: (Puts her other arm around his shoulder, ruffling his hair again. Never once did she ever feel this way about a guy, never did she feel so secure and content with their relationship. She feels like she’s known Teshteal for much longer than she actually has, there’s this strong and unique bond between them that’s hard to replicate. Maybe it’s because they both shared similar situations in the past, being under the hand of someone else)
Teshteal: *pulls back when he feels like he’s losing control* I feel like I’m going mad. *brief kiss* In a good way. In a good but terrifying way. *another brief kiss* I want to kiss you so hard it might actually hurt you. *and another* I care about you too much.
Gardio: *led Lucille in to the kitchen to get some water*
Nick: *managed to get Jas to take the bottle*
Jasmine: (Slowly drinking the bottle after a few mewls of protest, now fighting against the sleepiness that’s taking over. But she can’t sleep, she doesn’t want to)
Ma: (Working on mending everyone’s clothes, starting with the biggest rips and tears in the each of the different fabrics. She works diligently so the patches and mends are hard to see, making the garments like new again)
Joyce: (Chuckles softly after every kiss) “It’s very hard to care about someone too much, unless you cross the border of being controlling or obsessive.” (Nuzzles her forehead against Teshteal’s while pecking his lips and cheeks then rests her head under his chin on his shoulder, tracing slow patterns on his back with her palms) “I think you are doing just lovely.”
Teshteal: *wraps his arm around her back tightly with a loving but regretful sigh* That’s not what I meant… I care for you too much to hurt you that way. *burries his face in her hair, taking in the various scents trapped in it. He wants to lay here forever with her* The vault tried so hard to break our ability to bond with others. They’d have us kill each other if we had an inkling of trust… it only made me bond quicker and subtly to the others- so much so they never noticed.
Nick: Ssh… *rubs his daughter’s stomach and hums the lullaby. He watches the blood bag. About a third down already*
Jasmine: (Absolutely melts in her fathers arms at the gentle rubs and the familiar lullaby, losing to the fight against sleep. She still puts a good effort though, drinking more water from the bottle as she blinks rapidly)
Nick: *smiles down at his daughter as he hums the lullaby*
Jasmine: (Clings onto her Dad tighter, starting to nod off as she breathes in sync with the soothing motion of her stomach being rubbed)
Joyce: (Smells like a mixture of honey, vanilla, hazelnut, and coconut. Her eyes widen and she lets out a small gasp when she hears more of what what on in that vault) “Again, that’s horrible and inhumane… I can’t imagine going through that. Killing your own friends.” (Traces his jawline with one hand while peppering some kisses there) “You’re safe here with us. No one will make you hurt me if you show some affection. Though, I understand if you still hear voices in your head telling you otherwise.”
Teshteal: *tears up thinking of all the times he had to go through that* I tried to make it quick and painless. *nuzzles her hair* I quickly found out I couldn’t apologize. *sniffs* I can still see their faces…
Joyce: (Holds the poor tortured gremlin closer so there’s so space between them while he reminisces those horrible times, her leg slung around his pulling him in as well) “I’m so sorry, it sounds like you did what you could for them in their final moments.” (Gently massages his shoulders and collarbone to comfort him) “I don’t think you had much of a choice, but you still tried…”
Teshteal: *sniffs* I try not to kill people unless they truly deserve it… *nuzzles her hair again then chokes on a sob* I used to kill every time I got the chance- the voices- *remembers crying as he went on killing sprees. It was like something was controlling him* I didn’t mean it-! *crying into her hair, now*
Joyce: “Hey now, shh…” (Looks up at him and presses her forehead against his, wiping his tears away with her handkerchief that was in her breast pocket. Ma was right, it is a good idea to keep one of these handy at all times) “I believe you, you don’t have to explain yourself any further…” (Peppers a few kisses on his cheek and lips while she rubs his shoulder blades)
Teshteal: *quiets down when she kisses his lips again. He wonders why she’s so kind to such a monster. Even if she’s a synth, by comparison, he looks like terrifying creature that might eat your soul if you look at him the wrong way…*
Donovan: (Cleaned out the animal living spaces and has left the pasture, securing the gate behind him. He sighs and rubs his brow, exhausted but he still has some things to take care off)
Pirate: (Trots up to his side, barking enthusiastically)
Donovan: (Pats her head) “Hey girl, you being good for our guests?”
Pirate: (Barks again, spinning in circles while pawing at him)
Donovan: (Chuckles at his pooch as he heads off to the chopping block at the side of the house to start splitting some firewood so he can store it for later. He picks up an axe and gets to work right away, keeping an ear out for any intruders who may come poking back)
Dogmeat: *just been hanging around wherever. Sometimes playing with Pirate. Sometimes going a little overboard with it too. Maybe doing other things. Like sniffing everything in sight*
The robot work station: *finished the Mr. Handy. Lucille set it to automatically activate regardless of it having a name or not*
Lucille: *up in her room, laying down again cause she’ll never hear the end of it from her dad*
Jasmine: (Lost the battle against sleep and is now snuggled up cutely against her Dad, slumbering like a sweet innocent little baby who totally didn’t cuss out a grown man earlier or screamed at the top of her lungs over an IV getting placed into her arm. Nope, no feral kitten here, just a little girl who’s dreaming of white swirls while being lulled with one of her favorite lullabies and the gentle motion of her stomach being rubbed)
Nick: *keeps humming as he watches the blood bag get closer to the bottom* he’ll have to put on another*
Jasmine: (Sniffles and coos adorably while she dreams of floating and dancing shapes in soft hues)
Joyce: (Gazes up at Teshteal with angelic eyes, planting another kiss on his lips while she gently caresses his cheek with a soft, delicate hand when she sees that almost distant look of deep thought glaze in his eyes)
Teshteal: *glances down at her, his pupils only dilating ever so slightly. He wants to distract himself. He needs to distract himself. This is why he chatters so much- the voices. He cups her cheek. Softly, apologetically* Sorry for how madly I’m about to kiss you… *He suddenly presses his hand to the back of her head and kisses her almost ravenously just to shut up his thoughts*
Joyce: (Chuckles a little as he does this, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and closing her eyes while she leans into the kiss. For a brief moment the thought comes over her on how they’ll make this work with her living in Far Harbor and Teshteal presumably in the Commonwealth, but she puts a pin in that thought for later and just focuses on the moment)
Teshteal: *surprised she wasn’t startled by the sudden shift how intensely he kisses her. Some of the voices still scream from the back of his mind that this is wrong- that no one he’s met that isn’t from the vault or a person he cared about before the war should like him let alone be attracted to him. He tries to silence that thought by kissing her deeper and attempting to slip his pointed tongue, another mutation one wouldn’t notice beyond his shark like teeth, into her mouth*
Joyce: (A little surprised at his pointed tongue but she doesn’t react all that much as she parts her lips and mouth slightly. Shes not too startled at the intensity of the kiss as he did warn her, and he’s been staring at her like she’s the most ravishing and treasured thing on this Island. One of her hands goes back to carefully ruffling Teshteal’s hair with her fingers while being mindful of his horns)
The assaultron sentry bot: *patrolling the yard. Mr. Handy Voice* What’s all this, then…? *confused at his new body. It isn’t up to General Automics guidelines for his model but it works non the less. He goes back to the back where the animals are*
Pirate: (Whines curiously and trots on up to the bot, sniffing him over with small inquisitive barks)
Donovan: (Stops his work of splitting logs and turns around, setting down his axe and blinking in partial shock when he also sees the bot a few yards away by the animal pen)
Teshteal: *tongue is surprisingly long. The pointed tip splits into a fork as he explores her mouth, eventually swirling and rubbing around her own tongue. He’s not stopping for breath any time soon*
Joyce: (The last guy she French kissed she ended up pulling away from with tears on her face, and when he tried to pull her back Donny cocked him in the head so hard that he started bleeding. Back then she was tense, a little terrified due to past experiences, and so confused on her true feelings. She didn’t understand what was happening until it was taken too far and she was frozen in fear. But right now she’s comfortable and relaxed as she rubs Teshteals neck and shoulders, her heart skipping with joy and the butterflies in her stomach fluttering)
Teshteal: *being extremely careful where he puts his hands despite his very intimate and rough kissing. He keeps them gripping her shoulders, her sides and occasionally and wildly her hair. He does this for quite a few more long moments before finally pulling back- more for her sake*
The bot: *senses the dog and turns his torso* Hello there, pup! Have you seen the owners of this fine property? *turns his chasis around to fully face the dog, not taking an aggressive stance at all since she’s not aggressive herself*
Donovan: (Damn. He’s getting too old for this. He can only stand there and stare while Pirate spins and barks with curiosity)
Pirate: (So pumped and hyped at the new bot. She turns around and barks at Donny as if to say, “You seeing this too?!?” While wagging her tail like crazy)
The bot: *looks up in the direction the pup is* Oh, are you the master of the house?
Donovan: (Finally strolls up to the bot, dusting off his hands and shirt) “Uh, yeah. Half of it at least. My mother works just as hard to keep this place up too, and care for the people in it.”
Ma: (Selecting some fabric for Teshteal’s new coat up above the laundry room where she keeps spare cloth and all her spare clothes that have been washed and mended. She picks up a sturdy black roll that looks like it would hold and starts cutting up enough so she can take it up to her room and have it ready for when she takes his measurements)
Joyce: (Smiles up at Teshteal when he pulls back, flashing her perfectly aligned white teeth as she twirls her fingers through his hair then brings them down to his face) “Does this make you my boyfriend now?” (Gently strokes his cheek, her emerald green eyes staring up at him adoringly)
Teshteal: *absolutely floored at that look. He blushes and stammers like he didn’t just kiss her almost to the point of breathlessness* I- what-? Maybe- *takes a moment to collect himself but that stutter remains for a moment* Dates s-sometimes have these moments- I thought- *pauses* At least that’s what I’ve heard- *shakes his head* I know we’re moving kind of fast- *so flustered by her he doesn’t even know what to say. He doesn’t want Ma or Donny getting the wrong idea if they suddenly start going steady after less than a day. After a moment of thought and recovering from how love struck she made him just a second ago* Your caretakers might have something to say about us suddenly being partners.
The bot: I see! Well, I am pleased to meet you. Thank you for purchasi- *realizes that might not be the right statement considering his… modifications* Thank you for allowing me to assist you with your household needs. Only the finest service provided by the ingenius engineering of General Automics! *raises his saw arm to gesture slightly for emphasis*
Donovan: (Nods at the bot while giving him a slight wave, still taken aback by him. He silently wonders how Lucille managed to scrap him together in such a short amount of time)
Joyce: (Giggles because Teshteal is so cute when he’s flustered and redder than a can of tomato’s) “Sorry, that statement is apparently making your brain work overtime, hm?” (Fixes his wild hair so it’s more laid flat and not sticking up in different directions) “Don’t worry about Donny and Mama, they’re protective but they won’t intrude or give you the stink eye from across the room.” (Taps his lips with two of her fingers) “Besides, after a kiss like that what do you propose we are?”
Teshteal: I’m not opposed to it… but we met only less than a day- *pauses. He hasn’t noticed he isn’t wincing at it around her* Then again. There are the occasional times when people kind of just click immediately. *finally caves* I wouldn’t mind being your boyfriend, angel. *tenderly strokes her jaw lifting it gently with a rough but careful set of fingers* So long as you’re happy and okay with it. That goes for everything. I won’t ever do something with you if you don’t like it or want it, okay?
Joyce: (Glows brightly at the term of endearment, radiating sunlight itself) “Heh, Mama calls me her little angel too, and for several good reasons.” (Gestures to her soft angelic complexion to name one of them) “And don’t you worry, if I don’t want or like something you’re doing I have no problem with saying “no” or “stop” anymore.” (Leans in close again) “And we can still take this as slow as we want… Even if we are going kinda fast.” (Crinkles her nose at how little sense that makes)
Teshteal: *smiles at her cute crinkling nose* You’re so cute. Good thing I’m not a cannibal, I’d eat you right up. *playfully taps her nose. He starts kind of assessing their situation on the couch and blushes* Oh- I hadn’t realized we were laying like that- *shifts a little but finds that presses himself closer unwillingly. He turns a bright shade of red and resigns to pressing his eyes against her shoulder in shame* I’m sorry-
The bot: Is something the matter, Sir? You haven’t said a word for some time.
Donovan: (Shakes out his head) “Hm? Oh, apologies. I have a million things on my mind at the moment, a potential attack from Trappers being one of them.” (Rubs his hands together, looking the lawn over)
Ma: (Started ironing Nick’s and Gardio’s freshly washed and patched coats, trousers, and dress shirts. She plans on having everyone come up to the loft to pick out new clothes that they can wear as they seemed to not have brought many themselves. If she doesn’t have anything that fits them or their style, she can just whip them up something suitable later as what she’s doing for Teshteal)
Joyce: (Can’t help but laugh again at how bashful and flustered Teshteal is about their situation. She plants a kiss on the top of his head while rubbing the back of his neck) “Don’t be. I’m the one who brought us here and laid us down, remember? I’m the one who’s been holding you in place with my leg and arms this whole time while you calmed down, and I’ll do it all over again if I have to.” (Smiles assuredly down at him)
Teshteal: It does- it has- *stumbling over his words* It makes me think of things- It’s too early for that- *flustered mess at the implications*
The bot: Ah, I see. I can assist with defending the residence if you so desire, sir. After all… *lifts his arms as a gesture at his weapons* It seems that was what I was built for.
Donovan: “It seems if you have. That would be a big help, thank you.” (Gestures at the perimeter of the farm) “There are two gates that are the only entry and exit ways with guard posts stationed at each one that house turrets. As of now, our main concern are the mirelurks that have washed up nearby during the storm and the Trappers that are camped out at the nearby quarry. I already gave ‘em a warning that we’ll shoot on sight if they ever come snooping around here again.” (Points behind the lighthouse where the docks for the boats are) “We get guests that stop by from time to time for trade and stuff, make sure to welcome them. But if you see a big black ship pull up alert everyone please, especially Joyce, then Mama and I.”
The bot: Will do, sir! *Turns and starts patrolling the premises*
Donovan: (Watches the bot leave on patrol, then gets to work finishing splitting the logs and bundling them up for storage on the log racks by the shed)
Joyce: (Laughs harder, covering her mouth with one hand while she tries to stop as to not embarrass Teshteal any further, but it’s proving to be harder than expected. She watched this guy slaughter mutants by the droves with not much weaponry or backup and turn the bottling plant into a bloodbath, now he’s blushing like crazy and hiding away from her, a sweet young lady. The drastic contrast is cracking her up) “If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty physically affectionate so it’s not really a surprise to anyone that I’m all cuddly with ya…”
Teshteal: I- it’s more than cuddles my mind’s racing to- *quickly apologizes to her again* I’m sorry-
Joyce: (Gains control of her laughter, glancing down at her gremlin boyfriend) “Hey, you ain’t the first to jump to that with me, at least you’re fairly polite about it. Also extremely adorable.” (Pats and rubs his shoulders to further assure him, deciding to give him another escape rout) “We can get up now if it’s too much of a problem.” (Slowly starts to remove her leg from around his to rise from the sofa)
Teshteal: *So embarrassed. He starts trying to get up but in his flustered state his hand lands on the side of her chest instead of the couch. He immediately removes it and falls back on top of her. Panics and starts apologizing for touching a boob*
Joyce: (Raises an eyebrow with a smirk, immediately seeing that it was a complete accident judging by his reaction and not a horrible way to send a signal so she starts laughing again while trying to speak between breaths) “Pffft! Hey- don’t sweat it! It was an accident, I’m sure!” (Puts her arms around his waist and buries her face in his shoulder as she giggles like an immature high schooler at the situation, so glad that everyone else is off doing their own thing)
Teshteal: *blushes deeper at how close to each other again, if not even closer than before. He’s getting mixed signals on what her intentions are* Is… is this for comfort or… *swallows hard, afraid she’ll take this the wrong way* Is getting more… intimate something you want-? *not used to reading this kind of situation. In the vault, if a guard wanted to have their way with him, they’d simply do it regardless of how he felt. He’s glad that’s not the case with her but he needs direction on where this couch situation is going*
Gardio: *goes outside to help Donny after cleaning their bathroom* Need any help out here?
Donovan: (Looks up from his work) “We could use some help on cleaning any sea gunk that blew in from the storm. Getting it out of the animal pen was a priority but we still have some scattered about and the smell is horrid at times. Its not a pleasant job, so I understand if you rather split wood or help Ma inside while you leave it to me.”
Gardio: *rolls up his sleaves and smiles at Donovan* You got it. *starts gathering a bunch of the debris that blew in, especially the really large stuff*
Donovan: (Smiles back, grateful he’s getting help because he’s bone tired and there’s still other things to do later on)
Joyce: (Lifts her head and stares up at Teshteal, still smirking at him. She points to the med room nearby) “There is a child in there with her father, you know. And judging by the fact that she is no longer screaming or crying, she is most likely sleeping.” (Rubs his back as she takes a deep breath to calm herself after that fit of laughter) “I’ll be honest with myself, I’m probably the one here who is making us go fast with this whole thing. I think it would be wise to keep it slowish until we get a better understanding of each other as again, we just met yesterday evening, although its common for people to start with this step after briefly meeting for the first time. But what is it that you want, Teshteal…?” (Goes back to gazing at him with her emerald green eyes that have both sweetness and concern on how he’s taking things. Is she going too fast? He’s the one with trauma, she should adjust to his speed as she is willing to dive in right away. Perhaps she should consult her mother first before doing anything, she has made the mistake of mixing up her own feelings and wants in the past)
Teshteal: *hides his face in her neck as he mutters yet another apology for forgetting where they are. Decides to answer her question* I don’t know. I don’t actually know how most of this is supposed to work anymore. All I know is that I don’t want to ruin this. *trembles a little in fear* I’m scared I’ll mess this up.
Joyce: (Pets his hair with one hand while the other holds him tighter when she feels him trembling) “You’re not ruining anything at all… And I’m honestly not too sure how this goes either. I’m used to guys jumping at me with intent to go straight into the lovey stuff before even hearing my name.” (Sighs heavy when she remembers what happened to her after escaping the Institute) “I’m used to being pressured into giving in, luckily nothing horrible has happened to me…” (Kisses his head again, thinking it over) “We can just keep cuddling. There’s no rush.”
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Myrna: *storms into the Detective Agency like she owns the place* VALENTINE I NEED YOU TO FIGURE OUT WHO KEEPS LEAVING GEN 1 SYNTH PARTS ON MY DOOR STEP-!
Nick: *feet propped up on his desk, reading the paper* A lovely morning to you, too, Myrna. Oh and case solved. It's my older cat, Teshteal.
Myrna: When did you get a cat?!
Nick: Technically Jas was the first. But now we have two.
Myrna: ???
Teshteal: *Scampers in so fast he pops up in her face out of nowhere* Hi racist shop lady! *Has the dopiest, yet maniacal, feline smile*
Myrna: *Screams* AAAH! NICK GET YOUR CAT!
Nick: *huffs, not even bothering to look up from the paper* He doesn't bite.
Teshteal: *grins, showing his sharp pointy teeth*
Myrna: YES HE DO! *scrambling to leave*
Nick after the fact: She didn't even pay me for solving the case... *cheeky smirk*
Brief mention of @theflowerofthecommonwealth's OC, Jasmine here, but, in other worlds, we could imagine Nick has an actual cat named Jas.
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Nick: You're going to jail-
Teshteal: Who's going to penalize me? The AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM?!
Nick: We have a lawyer right here. *gestures at Lucille* And two detectives. So, perhaps it could.
Lucille: Unfortunately we've no judge and I'm not impartial to the case, sooooo...
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Nick: *pointing at Linus who's trying to not do all the paperwork he's accrued* HOw's it feel to be the WORST COP EVER?!
Teshteal: *turns around and skitters up to Nick on all fours like a monkey* Shut up! Your motha buys you Mega Blocks instead of LegOes!! *dying inside partly cause his mom also bought Mega Blocks instead. Also, Nick's right, sadly*
Nick: *darkly* You take that back right now.
Gardio: *Disappointed Dad Voice* You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds.
Teshteal: "Gets all sparkly eyed* We going to McDonalds if I don’t do my work?!?!
Gardio and Nick: No!!!
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Teshteal: It's not candy!
Hancock: *standing behind Teshteal, putting jet into the gremlin's back pocket* Yes, it is, if you try hard enough.
Teshteal: Wh- No it isn't!
Geneveve: *is meanwhile extracting the grape flavoring from mentats for her candy. The rest of the drug is considered waste. It's impossible to get high off her candy since she just uses the flavoring*
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Widmark: And Gardio- where's he-
Nick: *glances up at his superior and then at the man standing next to him* Have you tried looking up?
Widmark: *looks up and nearly jumps out of his skin* JESUS-!
Gardio: Oh- sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya. ^^;
Linus: *crawling on the floor literally like a gremlin... and he has a cheeseburger in his mouth*
Widmark: What in God's name- Officer Rammstein get off the floor! That's an order!
Linus: *embarrassed whine as he stands up and takes the cheeseburger out of his mouth* Okay... *looking down with the saddest, wettest look on his face*
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Character Lore
Detective "Teshteal" Rammstein
Gardio (Non Feral Glowing One Detective)
Andrew the Synth and Humble Tato Farmer
Geneveve (Gen 2 Synth and Third Rail Singer/Performer)
Deep Blue (SynthClaw made of Gen 2 Parts)
Alicia (Prototype Gen 2 Synth Turned Hacker and Assassin)
Astral (Gen 2.8 Merc/Rogue Courser)
The Twins: Hydra and Gemini
Ursine Corncockle Himbeer, Courier and BOS Scribe
Eldwyn(BOS Scribe and Ursine's Kid. Reblogged on someone else's post)
Clancy Stein (Mirelurk Humanoid Mutant, Adopted by Dr. Yren Stein)
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Teshteal: *being a little gremlin running around*
Nick: What is he up to THIS time??
Gardio: *tiredly sipping coffee* Sometimes I wonder if he's just a giant possum in a trench coat... Or worse- multiple possums in a trench coat.
Teshteal: *stops for just one moment* Correction- I am, in fact, multiple possums, raccoons, and cats in a trench coat! *takes off at a break neck speed again*
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Gardio: *sitting next to a person while having a crisis at the park. Feels like shit*
Linus: *Sloshing in the pond behind him* SLOSH SLOSH! SLOSH SLOSH!
Linus: *goes wide-eyed. Didn't even realize he was being that loud*
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Linus "Teshteal" Rammstein
Height: 4'8"
Race: Humanoid Mutant.
Mutations: Cat-like eyes, a strong sense of smell, a strong sense of taste, shark-like teeth, a forked tongue that can taste the air like a snake's, a long glowing devil-like tail, and glowing horns.
Abilities: Can lift objects many times his size. Fights with cat like reflexes and movement. Uses his tail to pick things up. Can adapt to not having a weapon in most environments, usually by making an object from said environment a weapon.
Linus "Teshteal" Rammstein is a former police officer that worked alongside Detective Gardio Chapel for the Cambridge police department. While an officer, he was prone to breaking protocol and committing crimes, usually small ones that didn't result in anyone getting hurt or impeding a case... but crimes nonetheless. Gardio often tried to keep him out of trouble, though that proved impossible at times.
Shortly before the bombs, Linus went missing. It's assumed by Gardio after reuniting with his long-lost coworker the man was abducted and experimented on by some sort of secret government program. The details of what the man now adamantly calling himself by the name "Teshteal" actually went through are unknown. What is known is that he certainly didn't have a tail or horns before nor was he afraid of his own name.
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Detective Linus "Teshteal" Rammstein
Name Origins
Commission by @astraldemise
Teshteal as a Kid
Before the War:
One Giant of a Man and a Silly Little Guy
Teshteal is having... A Time... An Understimulated Time...
Office Pranks
Appearences can be Decieving
After the War:
Sniffing the Ground, Cluing for Looks
Would You Still Love Him if He was a Worm???
You're my Dad!
Attacking the Water... By Biting it
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Decided to draw some Teshteal as a kid.
I should make a post about him at some point.
He was quite the little nerd when on Japanese history as a kid and used to pretend he was a samurai.
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Tom Foolery but Original Tom Foolery, Nonetheless...
Curie has had Enough
Caprisun: Bloodbag Punch!
Trench Coats, am I Right?
Your Geiger Counter's Doing Cartwheels, Too?
Nick's Full of Surprises
Molerats Do Not Like to Spoon
Serving the BOS
Hancock Sold his Identity to The Fae
Holding a Big Gun at Hip Level Might Send The Wrong Impression
A Toxic Trait
Novelty Mugs
Lucille Just Wanted to See Him Hack :(
Ada Followed Us
Goodneighbor Branch Can Be... Stressful...
Ride a Mirelurk Queen into Battle...? Sounds Fun
Fathers Day Fireworks
Goodneighbor, Where Your Best Friend's a Chair
Charmed Machine
If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Say Something Clever
Alergic to Death
Infinite Sawblade Noises
Diner Menu Mockery
Deacon Trying to Dress Like Nick
Ironsides Might Need a New Lookout
Lucille's the Only Lawyer in a Lawless Wasteland
Some People Like Your Face, Nick
Old Reliable
Tubby Custard: Suspiciously Nutritious!
Fashion Show
They Both Have Their Moments
Different Definitions of Treasue
Idiot Conspiracies
I Ate a 200 Year Old Sweet Roll and Lived
Smarter Than the Average Bear
Same Voice!
Hoarding Stims Like a Dragon
Valentine, Get Your Cat! (Teshteal Edition)
Valentine, Get Your Cat! (Alicia Edition)
Your Average Teshteal is a Group of Somethings in a Trench Coat
Brazilian Barbeque
Sack of Groceries
Like an Icecream Cone
Lucille is a Feral Cat
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Incorrect Quotes
Hold on I've Got to Tell Someone This
Wednesday Has Been Cancelled...
She Isn't Even Afraid of Spiders...
Windows XP Crashing Noise (Based on a Rad-Roche post!)
Rocks Make Great Computers
Suddenly it Reeks of Hypocrisy in Here...
The Only Working Traffic Light. And for What Traffic?
That One Meme With the Smoking Skeleton Getting Run Through
They Have Such a Tight Bond...
BSing her Way Through the Bar but she can Aim Pretty Good
This is What We Call a "Traumatic Event"
Mommy and Daddy are Arguing
Scary and Strange (Like the Dead Sound Short)
Aiming Practice (At Least She's Not Stuck With The Title "Police Girl")
Shots Fired From Fizztop Grill
Why DOES he Call Him Babygirl???
If Anyone Asks...
Wonder Seal! From the Wonder Seal Family of Products!
Good News is... He Can Cancel His Room Service
No Fire Escape?
Helluva Team
The Road is On Fire!
Fxck Around and Find Out
Tripping Through Bunker Hill (I do not remember the reference)
Post Game be Like
A Hot Bath Will Do That to You
Out the WINDOW!
Forboden Coolent
Do Your Work or You'll End up at MegaBlock Land
The American Justice System
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Seriously This is Lore
Coming Out
Police Badge
First Case
They aren't a Couple!
Grandma Lilly
So the Prydwen, Hmm?
Protective Dad Figure
Low Affinity Nightmare
Curious About the Smoking Habit
She Might Be Stupid With Directions
She's Just Hard to Kill
Meeting DiMA For the First Time
Nick, How Did You Do That?!
Regrets of Our Choices
Nick's Hammering Out Some Stress
Identity Crisis
Lucille- Ada NO! Get Down From There-! Lucille as the Shroud- ADA STOP STANDING ON THE TABLE!
Eyes Are The Windows to The Soul
Curious Kids at 81
That's HER Powerarmor
Goodbye, Gage
Dad Approved
Edgar, Allan, and Poe... The Three Robot Stooges
If You'll Have Me
Meeting Father
Working With X6
Deacon Decided to Strip During the Mission
Arguing About Morals
The Older Models
Even if She Blows Up the Institute, The Brotherhood is Still Her Enemy
Agent Friday Confusion
Still Too Soon
Green Sun Tan
Eyes Are the Windows to The Soul Pt. 2
Not so Mysterious, Silver Shroud
She's Been Through a Lot
Sleep is for the Weak
It Can Be Complicated
Take a Moment To Eat and Drink Some Water
Mr. Bones and the Electric Mayhem
Letting the Good Mayor of Goodneighbor Down Easy
Go Home, John. You're Drunk
Replacement Parts
Undercover Pt. 2
Sea Shanty
Would be Easier if Everyone Were a Robot Sometimes
Love ya, Nick!
Playing it Safe
They're Friends, Cait!
Trying to Give Cait a Chance
Nightmare at a Settlement
Reviving the Classics
It's NOT Candy!
Nick Can Look up Random Facts
Haunted by the Narrative or Literal Ghosts?
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