#Astral the Courser
lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
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In a world where Az, @sswitchblade03's courser OC, isn't present, Astral fills the older sibling/guardian role for Alicia.
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aethele · 5 years
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@huntershowl​  penned:
12, 31 !!
answered  here ! 
if he must call her a possession ----- his loyal steed,  duke’s pride xxxix !  she is an aegir courser, bred from the finest aegir astral knights’ stock.  aegir territory is primarily inhabited by horsemasters,  and house aegir provides the imperial army with most of their warhorses, especially esteemed generals and royalty.  aegir horses are in high demand because of their long history of battle prowess and discipline ----- and are very,  very expensive.
duke’s pride xxxix is 39th of her line,  as every aegir firstborn is gifted a duke’s pride by the current duke aegir when they come of age  ( in this case,  her sire was duke’s pride xxxviii, ferdinand’s father’s horse ).  it is a longstanding tradition and one of the very few memories of his father that ferdinand holds dear.  ferdinand begged for her early  weeks  before his birthday,  to no avail.  after receiving her,  he personally trained her and he trusts her with his life,  and she trusts him with hers.
ferdinand is eager to continue this tradition and will speak to his spouse  relentlessly  about how excited he is to one day gift their child / future child  ( if applicable )  with their very own duke’s pride !
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Character Lore
Detective "Teshteal" Rammstein
Gardio (Non Feral Glowing One Detective)
Andrew the Synth and Humble Tato Farmer
Geneveve (Gen 2 Synth and Third Rail Singer/Performer)
Deep Blue (SynthClaw made of Gen 2 Parts)
Alicia (Prototype Gen 2 Synth Turned Hacker and Assassin)
Astral (Gen 2.8 Merc/Rogue Courser)
The Twins: Hydra and Gemini
Ursine Corncockle Himbeer, Courier and BOS Scribe
Eldwyn(BOS Scribe and Ursine's Kid. Reblogged on someone else's post)
Clancy Stein (Mirelurk Humanoid Mutant, Adopted by Dr. Yren Stein)
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Astral: *suddenly in front of a fireplace, confused* How did I- Reeves: *soothingly* Sshhh... Just go with it... Relax...
Astral: But-
Anu: *like a zen master* Eat a pan dulce. It smells delicious. *Appears to be sitting on the ground with his legs crossed near them*
Astral: *picks up a pan dulce bun from the tray next to them* Ugh... Fine... *reluctantly takes a bite. Then they try to eat it quickly* I'm eating it... now what-
Anu: Ssh... Savor the pan dulce... Slow and steady bites... How does it taste?
Astral: *slows down* ...Good.
Anu: Good. *a soft bell chime can be heard in the distance, but only heard by Astral and Anu*
Astral: ...Thank you...
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
If Kellogg and Anu could interact... and the Reeses Puffs meme existed in Fallout.
Anu: *beating the shxt out of Kellogg* REESES PUFFS!! REESES PUFFS!! *pile drives cereal murder man*
Astral: *shouting and cheering at the violence* BEAT THEM UP!!! BEAT THEM UP!!!
Kellogg: *groaning in pain* I. AM. IN MISERRYYYYYY~!!!
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
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This is Astral, a former generation 2.8 prototype courser. their personality was constantly wiped of multiple different personalities, the latest being the one they currently present.
Originally, they were a Cyberpunk 2077 OC who disliked killing despite Mantis Blades being their preferred melee weapon of choice. Fallout 4 Astral, however, is... or was... a little bloodthirsty, gladly slashing and killing anyone they found annoying.
Luckily, the Institute wasn't as thorough with the previous memory wipe. There's a guy named "Anu" who looks suspiciously like Keanu Reeves acting as their conscience, hanging around their head and being a voice of reason and trying his best to keep an edgy teenager of an old man from killing people.
(Yes, we're really keeping the Johnny Silverhand concept from Cyberpunk. I think it works with Fallout 4 pretty well even if it isn't that original.)
You can find more of them being a silly merc here:
Cyberpunk Astral Hanging on and Around Excelsior
Cybperpunk Astral Going Through It. Having a Time
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Incorrect Quotes
Hold on I've Got to Tell Someone This
Wednesday Has Been Cancelled...
She Isn't Even Afraid of Spiders...
Windows XP Crashing Noise (Based on a Rad-Roche post!)
Rocks Make Great Computers
Suddenly it Reeks of Hypocrisy in Here...
The Only Working Traffic Light. And for What Traffic?
That One Meme With the Smoking Skeleton Getting Run Through
They Have Such a Tight Bond...
BSing her Way Through the Bar but she can Aim Pretty Good
This is What We Call a "Traumatic Event"
Mommy and Daddy are Arguing
Scary and Strange (Like the Dead Sound Short)
Aiming Practice (At Least She's Not Stuck With The Title "Police Girl")
Shots Fired From Fizztop Grill
Why DOES he Call Him Babygirl???
If Anyone Asks...
Wonder Seal! From the Wonder Seal Family of Products!
Good News is... He Can Cancel His Room Service
No Fire Escape?
Helluva Team
The Road is On Fire!
Fxck Around and Find Out
Tripping Through Bunker Hill (I do not remember the reference)
Post Game be Like
A Hot Bath Will Do That to You
Out the WINDOW!
Forboden Coolent
Do Your Work or You'll End up at MegaBlock Land
The American Justice System
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Astral: I'm going to go kill this guy-
Anu: You ever listen to rock and roll?
Astral: Yeah-?
Anu: You should try playing a guitar... or some sort of musical instrument. It's good for you
Astral: I don't have a guitar.
Anu: Play an air guitar then. *mimes playing a guitar with both hands over his torso. A totally radical and most excellent rift plays when he does it*
Anu: Well you'll be even worse if you continue to hurt people who don't deserve it. Which would you prefer???
Astral: ... *very reluctant air guitar. To both of them, it sounds kind of clumsy*
Anu: C'mon! Have some fun with it!
Astral: This is stupid... *does it again anyway. It sounds better*
Anu: See? You're a natural!
Astral: Shut up...
Anu: Hey look over there! A guitar! Go get it and I'll teach ya.
Astral: .... You're trying to distract me-
Anu: Yeah? So? Still more constructive than killing a random stranger.
Astral: ...True.
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Anu: *taking a sip of imaginary tea to soothe his imaginary nerves*
Astral: *Walking towards someone angrily, about to slice their head off their shoulders*
Someone: Oh no-
Anu: *Notices spit and takes his imaginary tea before dropping the mug to steer the spicy angy/angsty teen of an old man away from murder*
Astral: *goes stock still suddenly, face blank, arm blade retracting*
Someone: Wh-
Astral: *turns and goes to make a mud sand castle in the dirt, complete with a moat… like that one video of a baseball player having a good time while waiting for the game to continue*
Someone: What… did I just see????
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Anu: Hey can you try not to kill people-
Astral: *stabs a raider that's minding their own business*
Anu: ... SERIOUSLY???
Astral: What? They looked evil and stared at me funny.
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Astral: *picks up Teshteal* That demon that eats your socks but doesn't really like socks but does it to piss you off. *Throws him* OUT THE WINDOW!
Teshteal: WEEEE!
Anu: *pretending to eat a sandwich*
Alicia: OOOH! Throw me next!
Astral: *picks up Alicia* That annoying baby on the vertibird! *Throws her* OUT THE WINDOW!!
Anu: *freaks out and drops his pretend sandwich* NO-! *Makes Astral move to catch her before she hits the wall*
Anu through Astral: Okay so maybe not everything goes out the window...
Alicia: *giggling*
Astral, while clawing back control of their body: I was jOkIng!
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Astral: *during a mission about to kill at some settler*
Anu: *looks like Keanu Reeves. Sounds like him too... He pops up in the middle of their field of view, waving his hands frantically* Hey! Hey! Hey! Killing? Not good! Don't kill people!
Astral: Well, that's not normal. *still trying to kill the settler but... can't pull the trigger for some reason???*
Anu: *holding up the same hand that Astral is holding the gun* Stop that.
Astral: *Gives up temporarily* Okay I'm not sure what the FUCK is going on but I'm going back so I can get rid of YOU. *glaring at Anu as they try to teleport... which isn't working??? Either?!?*
Anu: Oh yeah. I fried the teleportation grenades and deleted your memory of where that awful place is while you were half asleep- sorry.
Astral: Why would you do THAT-?!
Anu: Cause that place will kill both of us and you know it.
Astral: Technically, that's my home you asshole!
Anu: Technically, they'll just wipe your personality again and you won't be you anymore.
Astral: ...SO?!
Anu: *realizing he has a lot of work cut out for himself*
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Astral in Cyberpunk seeing a random sphinx cat on the roof of a building: OMG CAT- *isn't listening at all anymore to whatever this old Japanese corporation guy is talking about. Mind only think of cat now*
Fo4!Astral: *sees a cat. Any cat* HOLY FXCK A CAT- *forgot about what they were going to do next or where they were going. Cat is all they care about*
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Astral (Gen 2.8 Merc/Rogue Courser)
Fallout 4 Astral
Name Origins
Astral and Alicia are Siblings
Astral Likes Cats
First Day Rogue
Killing People is Bad M'Kay?
We Make a Dirt Castle When we Think of Murder
Zen and Pan Dulce
Music Soothes the Savage... Astral
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